Technitrol, Inc.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsJan 5, 1973201 N.L.R.B. 74 (N.L.R.B. 1973) Copy Citation 74 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Technitrol, Inc. and International Union of Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers , AFL-CIO-CLC. Case 11-CA-4655 January 5, 1973 DECISION AND ORDER BY MEMBERS FANNING , JENKINS, AND PENELLO On April 26, 1972, Administrative Law Judge' Nancy M. Sherman issued the attached Decision in this proceeding. Thereafter, Respondent filed excep- tions. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Relations Board has delegated its authority in this proceeding to a three-member panel. The Board has considered the record and the attached Decision in light of the exceptions and has decided to affirm the rulings, findings, and conclu- sions2 of the Administrative Law Judge, as modified herein, and to adopt her recommended Order.3 ORDER Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Relations Board adopts as its Order the recommend- ed Order of the Administrative Law Judge and hereby orders that Respondent, Technitrol, Inc., Durham, North Carolina, its officers, agents, succes- sors, and assigns, shall take the action set forth in the said recommended Order. i The title of "Trial Examiner" was changed to "Administrative Law Judge" effective August 19, 1972 8 We agree with the Administrative Law Judge that Respondent's payment to nonstrikers of a day's pay for a day not worked violated Section 8(a)(3) and ( 1) because Respondent's sole motivation therefor was to reward the nonstrikers for not joining the strike , and that this case , therefore, is subject to the same considerations as those on which we rested our 8(ax1) violation findings in Aero-Motive Manufacturing Company, 195 NLRB No.133. 3 In adopting the Administrative Law Judge 's recommended remedy, we construe the backpay requirement therein as applying to only those strikers who would have been eligible for reemployment on July 16, 1971 TRIAL EXAMINER'S DECISION STATEMENT OF THE CASE NANCY M. SHERMAN, Trial Examiner: This proceeding, heard at Durham, North Carolina, on February 22, 1972, pursuant to a charge filed on August 10, 1971, and a complaint issued on January 21, 1972, presents the question of whether Respondent violated Section 8(axl) I The General Counsel's unopposed motion to correct the transcript in certain respects is hereby granted and (3) of the National Labor Relations Act (herein called the Act) by paying nonparticipants in a strike , but not participants , for a day (immediately following the end of a strike) during which Respondent had elected not to operate its plant. Upon the entire record ,' including my observation of the witnesses , and after due consideration of the briefs filed by the General Counsel, the Charging Party , and Respondent, I make the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. THE RESPONDENT'S BUSINESS AND THE LABOR ORGANIZATION INVOLVED Respondent is a Pennsylvania corporation which manu- factures computer components at its Durham, North Carolina, plant, the only plant involved in this proceeding. It purchases and sells material directly across State lines valued at more than $50,000 annually. Upon these facts I find that, as Respondent admits, it is engaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act, and that assertion of jurisdiction over such operations will effectuate the policies of the Act. International Union of Electrical , Radio and Machine Workers, AFL-CIO-CLC, the Charging Party , is a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. II. THE ALLEGED UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES A. Background and Sequence of Events The Union has represented Respondent 's production and maintenance employees since its certification in January 1968. Upon the expiration of an ensuing collec- tive-bargaining agreement, about 120 unit employees began an economic strike on June 23, 1971,2 the first strike at this plant in at least 5 years , in order to support the Union's demands as to the terms of a new contract . Except for the first 2 days, the plant operated throughout the strike , with a complement of about 18 unit employees. A tentative agreement reached between the Respondent's and the Union 's representatives late Thursday afternoon, July 15, was ratified by the membership that evening. After the tentative agreement was reached , the Union told Respondent that if the contract was ratified that evening, the strikers would be able to return the next morning. However, the Union reluctantly acceded to Respondent's request that the strikers not return to work until Monday , August 2, at the conclusion of a scheduled 2-week vacation shutdown , and the strikers did not return until that day. The complaint makes no allegation that Respondent engaged in unlawful discrimination with respect to the reinstatement of strikers. About 4:15 p.m. on July 15, Plant Manager Petzak instructed nonstriking employees who had worked in the plant that day not to report to work on the following day. 2 All dates hereafter are 1971 unless otherwise stated. 201 NLRB No. 17 TECHNITROL, INC. After the plant had resumed operations following the vacation shutdown, the employees who had worked in the plant on July 15 were paid for July 16. The employees who had been on strike on July 15 were not paid for July 16. The General Counsel and the Charging Party contend that this disparity of treatment as to pay for July 16 was unlawfully motivated, in violation of Section 8(a)(1) and (3) of the Act, and in any event violated these statutory proscriptions regardless of motivation. B. The Material Conversations Bearing on Respondent's Motivation 1. Introduction In attempted support of the contention that the disparity in payments was unlawfully motivated, the General Counsel and the Union rely largely on certain conversa- tions between Respondent's and the Union's representa- tives on July 14, 15, and 16. The union representatives who attended these conversations were International Repre- sentative Daniels, who was present during all of them, and various union officers who were present during some of them-namely, Union President Dampier, Recording Secretary Bordeaux , Chief Steward Burnette , Attorney Eubanks, and IUE Staff Representative Williams. Of these, Daniels, Dampier, and Bordeaux testified on behalf of the General Counsel. Respondent's representatives who partici- pated in these conversations were Industrial Relations Manager Funkhouser, Personnel Manager Rozier, and Plant Manager Petzak. None of these management representatives was present at all of the critical conversa- tions. Only one witness, Petzak, testified for Respondent. Funkhouser tried the case on Respondent's behalf, but did not testify. Rozier did not testify, nor was his absence explained. The testimony regarding the sequence of events, and regarding the contents of some of these conversations, is substantially undenied and provides assistance in resolving the testimonial conflicts which do exist. Accordingly, I shall first summarize the undenied testimony, and shall then discuss the material testimony which is in conflict. 2. Undisputed evidence regarding the material events The testimony as to material events on July 14 (both before and during negotiations) is in sharp conflict, and will be discussed later. Early in the morning of July 15, Personnel Manager Rozier happened to meet International Representative Daniels on the picket line and said that he understood that the Union wanted to meet again that afternoon and arrangements for such a meeting had been made. Daniels replied that the Union would meet "on one condition, that there would be no demand made for 3 My findings as to the incidents in the foregoing paragraph are based on Daniels' undenied and credited testimony. 4 My findings as to this incident are based on Daniels ' undemed and credited testimony. S This finding is based on Caldwell's credited testimony . I do not believe that her inability to remember the supervisor 's name required such an unreasonably burdensome search by Respondent as to warrant me in failing to give the usual weight to the fact that Caldwell's testimony stands undenied 8 Lankford's title and duties are not disclosed by the record. At the 75 preferential treatment or super-seniority for the non- striking employees." Rozier then returned to the plant. Some 15 minutes later, Industrial Relations Manager Funkhouser came to the gate and said, "I got your message . We will meet with you around 11:00." Daniels replied, "On one condition; we don't intend to meet if you demand preferential treatment for the non-strikers." Funkhouser replied that this would not be discussed.3 The parties met in two sessions on July 15, one beginning about 2 or 3 p.m. and the other about 5 p.m. The testimony as to the first session is in sharp conflict and will be discussed later. During the second session , the Respon- dent's sole representatives were Rozier and Funkhouser, both of whom had also attended the session earlier that day; Plant Manager Petzak, Respondent's remaining representative at the earlier sessions , was not present. Daniels remarked that Respondent had a new chief negotiator, to which Funkhouser replied yes, that he thought the persons present could resolve the dispute. Daniels asked, "Is your demand still that you want preferential treatment and super-seniority for the non- strikers?" Funkhouser replied that there would be "no preferential treatment for the non-strikers, that there would be no super-seniority for the non-strikers, and that there would be no monetary payments for the non-strikers for work not performed; but that they would be treated just like all other employees." 4 Prompted by a rumor among the employees, which began around lunch time on July 15, about 2 p.m. on that day nonstriking employee Elizabeth Caldwell asked one of the supervisors whether they would have to work on July 16. The supervisor replied that they did not .5 An hour or so later, Petzak and John Lankford6 called about eight employees together and told them that after the settlement of the strike, they would be on layoff status owing to the new contract's seniority provisions. Petzak told them that he was "pretty certain" the strike settlement and the return would be "tonight or tomorrow." Petzak also privately discussed with Lankford whether to tell the employees who were working in the plant not to come back on July 16. They agreed that this should be done if the strikers returned to work that day. About 4:15 p.m., shortly after the normal quitting time, Petzak told the employees who had worked in the plant not to report to work the next day; "that the striking employees may return, and consequently we didn't want to take a chance on any sort of confrontation, any disciplinary action, any physical dam- age to the employees or the property." 7 About 6 p.m. that evening, the parties tentatively agreed to a new contract. At this point, Rozier said that he would like to discuss "the orderly return of the strikers." 8 Daniels and Dampier replied that if the contract was ratified that night, the strikers would be able to return the next hearing , he made an appearance on Respondent's behalf , but did not testify. 7 This finding is based on Petzak's undenied and credited testimony. a The hours which the witnesses attached to various events on July 15 may suggest that the reporting date discussion took place during the first bargaining session on that day. However, the brevity and abrupt termination of the first session under all versions of the events (see infra), the sequence of events to which Daniels testified , Petzak 's credible testimony that after 4 p.m. that day Funkhouser and Romer advised him by telephone that a settlement had not yet been reached (see American Rubber Products Corp v. N.LR B, 214 F.2d 47, 52 (C A. 7)), and the probabilities (Continued) 76 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD morning, July 16. Rozier or Funkhouser stated that the July 16 reporting date was not acceptable because only one day remained before the vacation shutdown; business was slack, 8 of the 18 employees working on July 15 having already been laid off; and a return to work on July 16 would present various practical problems .9 The parties agreed that the strikers would not return until Monday, August 2. All issues having thus been settled, Funkhouser invited the Union negotiating committee to join him and Rozier in the motel dining room for a drink. Over the drinks, Funkhouser remarked "that his heart really wasn't in what he was attempting to get done, preferential treatment for the non-strikers, and he was rather proud of the fact that the committee 'had stuck to their guns' and wouldn't yield to it." 10 The following morning, July 16, company and union representatives met to sign the contract. The testimony as to the conversation on that occasion is in part disputed, and will be discussed later. After the plant reopened, union representatives met with company representatives in an effort to resolve the dispute over the payment to nonstrikers and the nonpayment to the strikers. Personnel Manager Rozier asked the Union to "pretend like it was an overpayment to the non-strikers; or an oversight on their part." When Daniels replied that the Union could not take this attitude, Rozier said that "he was following orders from Philadelphia, that payment would be made in Philadelphia, and that they would be getting paid." ii Respondent thereafter paid the employees who had been working in the plant on July 15 8 hours' pay, at their usual rate, for July 16, when Respondent had shut down the plant. The employees who were on strike on July 15 were not paid for July 16. The employees who were paid for July 16 did not find out that they would be paid until they actually received such payment. During at least the 5 preceding years, Respondent had never before paid employees for a full day not worked, other than vacations and holidays. 3. The disputed evidence regarding the material events a. The July 14 lunch conversation between Daniels, Petzak, and Rozier On July 14, while the Union's and Respondent's negotiators were lunching in the same restaurant at of the situation persuade me that the "orderly return" issue was discussed during the second bargaining session on July 15, and after rather than before the contract was agreed to. 9 A synthesis of the credited testimony discloses that the parties took the following position The Union wanted the identity of the employees who were to work on July 16 to be determined on the basis of seniority. Respondent did not want production to be interrupted by senior stokers' "bumping" junior nonstrikers who had escaped layoff only because of the strike , did not want to be obligated for "call-in" pay to anyone on July 16; and wanted to avoid tension by postponing personal confrontation between strikers and nonstrikers Daniels testified that Respondent also tendered , as a reason for objecting to the July 16 return date, that Respondent was closing the plant on that day Dampier did not hear such a statement For the reasons set forth infra at fn 18, and in accordance with Respondent's contention at the hearing, I separate tables, Plant Manager Petzak asked Union Representative Daniels to join him and Personnel Manager Rozier at their own table. The testimony as to the ensuing conversation is sharply disputed. According to Daniels, Petzak remarked that "a new problem . . . had cropped up," that Respondent "wanted super-seniority preferential treatment for the non-strikers; that [Respondent] felt that [it] owed them something for being so loyal to cross the picket line and wanted to do something for them; that he just couldn't throw them out the door.' " Still according to Daniels, Petzak asked him not to say anything to the negotiating committee about it, to which Daniels replied, "I won't and if you are smart, you won't either." Petzak testified that he told Daniels that "due to production problems . . . we must maintain some of the people in the plant;" and that Daniels suggested that Petzak not bring it up, but that if he did, Daniels would not discuss it. Still according to Petzak, Daniels stated that "they all went out together and that they all should come in together," and that "none of those scabs" should stay in the plant. Rozier did not testify. b. The July 14 and the first July 15 bargaining sessions As previously noted, the testimony is in sharp conflict as to the bargaining session on July 14 and the first bargaining session on July 15. These meetings were attended by Daniels, Dampier, Bordeaux , and Burnette, for the Union; 12 and by Funkhouser, Rozier, and Petzak, for the Respondent. Petzak, who was Respondent's only witness, testified that during the July 14 bargaining session, he told the union representatives that "in order to maintain some semblance of production, we must call back out of seniority." 13 Still according to Petzak, Daniels said in a "loud" tone that he "didn't want to hear anything, he had heard enough as far as he was concerned," and he and Dampier "stormed out" of the room "rather abruptly." Although present at the first July 15 session, Petzak was not specifically asked about the events during the session . However, he denied that he ever mentioned the terms "super-seniority," "preferential treat- ment," or "bonuses." The General Counsel called Daniels, Dampier, and Bordeaux as witnesses . All of them testified that during the July 14 session a representative of Respondent said that Respondent felt it "owed" the nonstrikers something, and it wanted "super-seniority" for nonstrikers.14 In agreement do not credit Daniels in this respect. 19 This finding is based on Daniels' undenied and credited testimony. 11 My findings as to this incident are based on Daniels ' testimony, which is undenied and which I credit. However, Daniels plainly erred in testifying that this incident occurred on August 16. It is clear from the content of the conversation that it occurred before the payments had been made. The nonstrikers received these payments about August 6, and the charge attacking them was dated August 9 and filed August 10. 12 The Union was also represented by Eubanks at the July 14 session and by Williams at the first July 15 session. 13 Petzak testified that he had meant he wanted to follow this policy for about a month, but was foreclosed from tendering the explanation by the union representatives' action in thereupon walking out of the meeting. 14 Daniels attributed these statements to Funkhouser , and Dampier and Bordeaux attributed them to Petzak. TECHNITROL, INC. 77 with Petzak, Daniels and Dampier testified that they thereupon left the room abruptly and angrily. Daniels was the only witness who gave specific testimony about the first session on July 15. According to Daniels, the following events occurred: Funkhouser and Petzak began that meeting by stating that they still wanted preferential treatment for the nonstrikers. Daniels replied, "I thought we had an understanding that this would not be discussed, and we don't want to hear nothing about it. We are not here for that purpose." After "several words were exchanged," the Union representatives left the room. c. The conversation during the execution of the bargaining agreement Only Daniels and Petzak testified about the conversation which accompanied the formal execution of the bargaining agreement on July 16.15 Daniels testified that on this occasion he remarked to Petzak that "no one is at your plant this morning," to which Petzak replied, ". . . that's right, we decided to give the non-strikers a day off with pay." Still according to Daniels, he replied, "... the strikers is also entitled to a day's pay; they are willing and able to return to work, and they are also available." Daniels further testified that Petzak answered, ". . . like I told you, we owe them something and this is what we are giving them, and if you don't like it, you can file charges with the Labor Board," to which Daniels replied that such charges would be filed. Petzak denied that on this occasion he discussed with Daniels the fact that the plant was not operating, and that he told Daniels that if he did not like it "he could take his problem to the NLRB." Petzak was not asked about the other remarks which Daniels attributed to him in this conversation. 4. Resolution of the disputed evidence In part 3, above, I have set forth testimony by the General Counsel's witnesses which was denied by Respon- dent's sole witness, Petzak. The General Counsel's contra- dicted testimony is, briefly, to the following effect: At lunch on July 14, Petzak told Daniels that Respondent "wanted super-seniority preferential treatment for the non- strikers"; that Respondent "owed them something" for their loyalty in crossing the picket line. During the bargaining session that afternoon a representative of Respondent likewise said that it "owed" the nonstrikers something and wanted "super-seniority" for nonstrikers; and on the following morning Funkhouser and Petzak stated that they still wanted preferential treatment for the nonstrikers. This contradicted testimony that Respondent's repre- sentatives in fact made such statements gains strong support from the uncontradicted testimony about the conversations which punctuated the discussions at issue. Thus, it is undenied that at the end of the negotiations, Company representative Funkhouser conceded that Res- pondent had unsuccessfully attempted to obtain "preferen- tial treatment for the non-strikers." Similarly, it is undenied that during the second July 15 session, Daniels asked whether Respondent "still" wanted "preferential treatment and super-seniority for the non-strikers," to which Funkhouser replied that there would be "no preferential treatment" or "super-seniority for the non- strikers"-a reply which Funkhouser would hardly have made if (as Petzak testified) Respondent had not in fact previously advanced such demands. Likewise, it is unde- nied that between the July 14 and July 15 sessions, Funkhouser and Rozier acceded to Daniels' request for a further negotiating session on condition that Respondent would not demand "preferential treatment or super-senior- ity" for non-strikers-a remark which these company representatives would not likely have left unchallenged (as they did) if (as Petzak testified) Respondent had not previously advanced such a demand. Additionally, although Petzak attributed to Daniels, during their July 14 lunch-table conversation, the state- ment that "none of those scabs" should stay in the plant, on cross-examination he conceded, inconsistently, that Daniels wanted the employees to come back according to seniority, under which many nonstrikers would be re- tained. Petzak's and Daniels' mutually corroborative testimony about Daniels' display of anger at Respondent's July 14 proposal lends some further support to the union representatives' version thereof, and casts some doubt on Petzak's version. Their testimony shows that upon hearing Respondent's proposal, Daniels said he "had heard enough" and "stormed out" of the room , hitting a table hard enough to give him a swollen hand, and shoving a chair and a rickety card table out of his way with such force that the chair fell over and the table legs folded up. The union representatives' version of the company propos- al which precipitated this display seems more likely to account for its conceded vehemence than does Petzak's version.16 Accordingly, I credit Daniels' version of his July 14 restaurant conversation with Petzak and Rozier and of the first July 15 bargaining session. I also credit the union representatives' version (rather than Petzak's version) of the July 14 session . While this credited testimony varied as to certain details, these variations were not of such a nature as to suggest that these witnesses' testimony was inaccurate in substance, particularly in view of the noise and displays of temper which accompanied the conversation. On the basis of a synthesis of the more probable portions of their testimony, I find that on July 14 the following exchange occurred: Petzak stated that Respondent felt it "owed" the nonstrikers something.17 Daniels thereupon asked if he 15 Dampier , Burnette , Bordeaux, and Williams were also present. 16 Upon hearing Petzak 's proposal, Union President Dampier (a rank- and-file employee, who is a rather heavy woman ) likewise displayed anger, slamming her briefcase shut and pushing her card table chair back from the table in such a manner that the chair legs caught on the rug However, Daniels had previously advised her that at the meeting Petzak would be bringing up superseniority for the nonstrikers Because Dampier had no personal knowledge of the lunch table exchange with Petzak on which Daniels based this message , in determining what Respondent really said during the July 14 negotiations I am unwilling to rely on her immediate emotional reaction to company remarks which she might have then interpreted in light of what Daniels had just told her. 17 While the identity of the company representative who made this remark makes no real difference , I believe Dampier's and Bordeaux' (Continued) 78 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD meant preferential treatment, whereupon Petzak said he was speaking more in terms of superseniority. Daniels asked whether Respondent wanted "to lay off employees who are more senior and keep employees of less seniority only because they crossed the picket line?" Funkhouser replied, "That is correct. It was a corporation decision and not his decision to make . . . he knew that it was wrong to make such a demand on the Negotiating Committee but he was instructed to do so and he was doing his job." Funkhouser added that if the Union did not accept this decision, "it would be a long, hot strike." The tenor of the foregoing conversations also provides some corroboration for Daniels' version of his July 16 conversation with Petzak, which version I credit in its entirety. Indeed, Petzak did not deny making the critical remarks which Daniels attributed to him-namely, that Respondent was giving the nonstrikers a day off with pay because "like I told you, we owe them something and this is what we are giving them." is C. Conclusions Regarding Respondent's Motive for the Disparate Payment Section 8(a)(1) of the Act prohibits Respondent from interfering with, restraining, or coercing employees in the exercise of their right to engage in activities like the June-July 1971 bargaining strike, which constituted con- certed activity protected by Section 7 of the Act. Aero- Motive Manufacturing Co., 195 NLRB No. 133; N.LR.B. v. Washington Aluminum Co., 370 U.S. 9; N.LR.B. v. Erie Resistor Corp., 373 U.S. 221, 233. Such prohibitions extend to granting employee benefits for the purpose of inducing employees to refrain from such activity in the future. N.LR.B. v. Exchange Parts Co., 375 U.S. 405, 409-410; Aero-Motive, supra. Moreover, because the strike herein was called and conducted by the Union in support of the Union's bargaining position, participation therein consti- tuted union "membership" under Section 8(a)(3), which forbids employers to discriminate with respect to "any term or condition of employment" for a purpose of encouraging or discouraging such membership. N.LR.B. v. Great Dane Trailers, Inc., 388 U.S. 26, 32; Radio Officers' Union v. N.LR.B., 347 U.S. 17, 43-44. The credited evidence herein persuasively shows that Respondent paid the nonstrikers for July 16 with a purpose of rewarding employees for working during the strike-em- ployee conduct which, as shown, constituted abstention testimony that it was Petzak who made this statement rather than Daniels' testimony attributing it to Funkhouser The testimony of both Daniels and Petzak suggests that Funkhouser was anxious to shift the onus of taking such a position. Is Daniels' contradicted and credited testimony that Petzak said , "if you don't like it, you can file charges with the Labor Board" gains some support from the credited testimony that Funkhouser recognized Respondent's supersemonty proposal to be wrong Daniels ' contradicted and credited testimony that he began this conversation by referring to the absence of employees at the plant that morning provides a credible prelude to the ensuing exchange as established by Daniels ' uncontradicted testimony. Partly because of this latter remark , I do not accept Daniels' testimony (contrary to Dampier 's) that on July 15, Respondent objected to a July 16 return date for the strikers partly on the ground that Respondent was closing the plant . If Daniels had known on July 15 about the closure I doubt that he would have pointedly referred thereto on July 16 Moreover, if Respondent has in fact objected to a July 15 return date for this reason, I from protected concerted activities and from union membership-and of thereby discouraging such strike activity in the future. Thus, it is uncontradicted that on July 16, Petzak specifically advised Daniels that Respon- dent was going to pay nonstrikers for that day because "we owe them something and this is what we are giving them." Petzak's statement plainly constitutes "specific evidence of a subjective intent" to discourage strike participation (Erie Resistor, supra, 373 U.S. at 227).19 That Petzak was accurately describing the motives for Respondent's deci- sion to pay the nonstrikers for July 16 is substantiated by Respondent's prior unsuccessful efforts to obtain more lasting benefits for nonstrikers in order to reward them for working during the strike. Thus, during the July 14 luncheon conversation, Plant Manager Petzak stated, in Personal Manager Rozier's presence, that Respondent "wanted super-seniority preferential treatment for the non- strikers" ; that Respondent "felt that it owed them something for being so loyal to cross the picket line and wanted to do something for them." During negotiations later that same day, Petzak again stated that Respondent felt it "owed" the nonstrikers something, and Funkhouser admitted that Respondent wanted to retain junior over senior employees "only because [the former] crossed the picket line"-a demand which Funkhouser concededly "knew" was "wrong." 20 Moreover, particularly in view of Respondent's open (albeit unsuccessful) attempts to afford nonstrikers the more valuable benefit of superseniori- ty-which "stands as an ever-present reminder of the dangers connected with striking and with union activities in general" (Erie Resistor, supra, 373 U.S. at 231), Respondent's action in paying nonstrikers but not strikers for July 16 "clearly demonstrated for the future the special rewards which lie in store for employees who choose to refrain from protected strike activity" (A ero-Motive, supra) 21 and "was capable of [having] a discouraging effect on ... future concerted activity" (Great Dane Trailers, supra, 388 U.S. at 32).22 The inference of unlawful purpose called for by Respondent's statements to the Union is, if anything, buttressed by Respondent's tendered defense. Plant Man- ager Petzak, who was Respondent's only witness, testified that Respondent decided io pay the nonstrikers for July 16 because "it was the just thing to do." However, Respon- dent's brief virtually concedes that Respondent's basis for concluding that justice called for such payments was the recipients' nonparticipation in the strike. Thus, Respon- doubt that it would have advanced others too, as it did (supra, fn 9) 19 See also, Olin Mathieson Chemical Corp. v N L.R.B. 352 U S. 1020, affirming per curiam 232 F.2d 158, 161 (C.A. 4), N.LR.B. v Globe Products Corp, 322 F.2d 694, 696 (C.A 4). 20 N L R B v. Erie Resistor Corp., 373 U.S. 221 21 See also N LR. B v. Exchange Parts Co., 375 U.S. 405, 409-410 The danger inherent in well-timed increases in benefits is the suggestion of a fist inside the velvet glove . Employees are not likely to miss the inference that the source of benefits now conferred is also the source from which future benefits must now and which may dry up if it is not obliged . The danger may be diminished if, as in this case, the benefits are conferred permanently and unconditionally . But the absence of conditions or threats pertaining to the particular benefits conferred would be of controlling significance only if it could be presumed that no question of existing benefits would apse in the future; and, of course , no such presumption is tenable. 22 Accord: Olin Mathieson, supra TECHNITROL, INC. dent's brief states , "merely the fact that the `nonstrikers' had been consistently working during the strike and were regularly scheduled to work on July 16, 1971 by the Respondent , was the sole basis for payment for time not worked for July 16, 1971 to the ` nonstrikers.' " Moreover , the remaining consideration of "justice" cited by Respondent were mostly as applicable to the strikers, who were not paid, as to nonstrikers who were. Thus, Respondent 's reliance on the shortness of notice to the nonstrikers that work would be unavailable on July 16 disregards the fact that among the nonstrikers who were paid for July 16 were 8 nonstrikers whom Respondent had advised at 3 p.m. on July 15 that they would be on layoff status after the settlement of the strike (which was reached about 3 hours later, and after all the nonstrikers had been told not to report to work on July 16).23 Accordingly, these 8 nonstrikers had longer notice of the unavailability of work on July 16 than did the strikers, who until after 6 p.m. on July 15 had not the slightest reason to suspect that those for whom work was available could not return to work as soon as a contract was agreed to.24 Indeed , it is at least arguable that all the nonstrikers had longer notice than the strikers that work would be unavailable on July 16, since rumors to that effect began reaching the nonstrikers at noon on July 15 and were confirmed by a supervisor at 2 p.m. Furthermore, while the unavailability of work on July 16 was partly due to Respondent's desire to avoid possible tensions between strikers and nonstrikers arising from reports of alleged strike-related incidents of misconduct,25 Petzak conceded that he was not more apprehensive of poststrike provocative or aggressive conduct from strikers than from nonstrikers . 26 Finally , the strikers had no more "control" (language used in Respondent's brief) than did the nonstrikers over Respondent's decision to shut down the plant. Respondent makes no claim (nor is there record evidence which would support such a claim) that it consulted with the Union about whether to shut down the plant; indeed, the credited evidence fails to show that the Union even knew about the shutdown in advance. Moreover, Respondent 's motives remain suspect even assuming that Respondent really equated the Union's reluctant agreement to the August 2 reinstatement date with agreement to the July 16 shutdown, and in addition had forgotten that the Union was the statutory representa- tive of nonstrikers as well as strikers . In the absence of a strike in which some employees participated and some did not, I think it unlikely that Respondent would have regarded employees who had unsuccessfully protested a shutdown as less deserving of protection against its adverse 23 1 reject the claim in Respondent 's brief that it believed the equities of these eight were improved by the Union' s agreement that strikers would not return on July 16. This agreement was not reached until after the nonstrikers had been told not to report for work on July 16, and did not cause Respondent to effect a temporary change in the instructions to these eight. 24 Most of the strikers for whom work was available under the contractual seniority clause would have been entitled to reinstatement even under Respondent 's "supersentority" proposal , which would have effected the immediate layoff of only about eight such strikers 25 There is testimony that there had been "mass picketing" at the beginning of the strike , but none of the stokers was arrested on the picket line. Certain nonstrikers were charged with trying to run down pickets with 79 results than employees who had never been consulted about it at all. In any event , assuming that the reasons which Respon- dent advances for its disparate payments were innocent reasons and partly motivated Respondent 's actions , unlaw- ful motives likewise played a substantial role therein. Accordingly, such disparate payments nonetheless violated the Act ; "it is enough that a discriminatory motive was a factor in the employer 's decision" ( Winchester Spinning Corp. v. N.LR.B., 402 F.2d 299, 304 (C.A. 4)).27 Nor can I accept Respondent's apparent contention that the Union effectively waived the strikers' statutory right to nondiscriminatory treatment with respect to pay for July 16. Assuming that the Union could effectively waive such a right,28 the record fails to contain the "clear and unmistak- able" evidence required to establish such a waiver.29 The record merely shows that on July 15 the Union agreed that the strikers would not return to work on July 16. Far from showing that the Union then knew that Respondent planned to pay nonstrikers for time not worked on July 16, the testimony shows without contradiction that during the second negotiating session on July 15, when the parties agreed to a contract and to reinstatement arrangements for the strikers , Funkhouser assured the Union "that there would be no monetary payments for the non-strikers for work not performed; but that they would be treated just like all other employees." Moreover, the credited evidence fails to show that on July 15 the Union even knew that the plant was to be shut down on July 16; and it is undenied that during negotiations Respondent never offered the Union members a day off with pay on July 16. In view of my finding that the payments herein were specifically motivated by an unlawful purpose, I find it unnecessary to reach the alternative contention that such disparate treatment was unlawful regardless of motivation. Cf. Aero-Motive, supra; Hyster Co., 195 NLRB No. 7. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1. Respondent is engaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. 2. International Union of Electrical, Radio and Ma- chine Workers, AFL-CIO-CLC, is a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. 3. By paying employees who did not participate in the June-July 1971 strike for a poststrike day (July 16, 1971) on which Respondent elected not to operate its plant, while not paying for that day the employees who did participate in that strike, Respondent has interfered with, restrained, and coerced employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed in Section 7 of the Act, in violation of Section their automobiles, but these charges were "thrown out" by the magistrate's court There is no other evidence that any employees (all but one of them women) in fact engaged in misconduct during the strike. 26 This is not to say , of course, that a contrary view would necessarily have justified action which disadvantaged strikers not shown to have engaged in misconduct International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union v N L.R.B., 237 F 2d 545, 549-552 (C.A.D.C.). 27 Accord: Permian Corp, 189 NLRB No. 131 enfd . 457 F.2d 512 (C.A 5); Hugh H. Wilson Corp v N L.R B, 414 F.2d 1345, 1353, fn. 17 (C.A 3), cert . denied , 397 U .S. 935. 28 Cf. United Aircraft Corp , 192 NLRB No. 62 29 General Electric Co, 173 NLRB 164, enfd . 414 F.2d 918, 923-924 (C A 4). 80 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD 8(a)(1); and has discriminated in regard to a term or condition of employment to discourage membership in a labor organization, in violation of Section 8(a)(3). THE REMEDY Having found that Respondent has engaged in certain acts violative of Section 8(a)(1) and (3) of the Act, I shall issue a Recommended Order directing the Respondent to cease and desist therefrom. In addition, my recommended Order will direct Respondent to refrain from in any other manner infringing on its, employees' statutory rights. The unfair labor practice which Respondent committed was the end-product of Respcndent's strenuous efforts (supported by an avowed willingness to accept a "long, hot strike" over the issue) to obtain superseniority for nonstrikers in order to reward them for their "loyalty." The policy which underlay Respondent's unlawful course of conduct ema- nated from Respondent's Philadelphia main office, which persisted therein even though at least one of its own representatives on the scene well knew that the superse- niority demand was unlawful. Respondent conceived of the disparate payments here as a lesser substitute for a policy whose "destructive impact upon the strike and union activity cannot be doubted" (Erie Resistor, supra, 373 U.S. at 231, decided more than 8 years before Respondent decided on its unlawful conduct here). Moreover, when Respondent's initial "destructive" proposal foundered on union res;stance, Respondent fell back on coercive and discriminatory conduct which had a direct impact on the pocket of every unit employee. In short, a "broad" order is called for here because "danger of [other violations] in the future is to be anticipated from the course of [Respon- dent's] conduct in the past." N. L. R. B. v. Express Publishing Co., 312 U.S. 426, 437; see also, N.L.R.B. v. Southern Transport, Inc., 343 F.2d 558, 560-561 (C.A. 8). I shall also require Respondent to pay each of the employees who failed to receive pay for July 16, 1971, because of their strike activity, I day's pay on the same basis as the payments to the employees who were paid for that day, with interest at 6 percent per annum computed in the manner prescribed in Isis Plumbing & Heating Co., 138 NLRB 716, from the date on which the nonstrikers were paid for that day. Aero-Motive, supra. Such payments shall be made to each employee listed in Appendix A, infra; to J. Bowen, Clock No. 1334, if she is a different individual from J. W. Bowen, Clock No. 1344; 30 and to R. Williams (Clock No. 1187) and M. Herring (Clock No. 792) if it 30 Joint Exhs 2 and 3 list a "J. W Bowen ," Clock No. "1344," as an individual who worked during the strike and was paid for July 16 Joint Exh I lists a "J Bowen ," Clock No . "1334," as an active employee just before the strike 31 At the beginning of the strike , R Williams was on maternity leave, and M . Herring was on personal leave of absence , scheduled to return on June 25, 1971, 2 days after the stoke began. 32 In the event no exceptions are filed to this recommended Order as provided by Section 102.46 of the Rules and Regulations of the National Labor Relations Board , the findings , conclusions , and recommended Order herein shall, as provided in Section 10(c) of the Act and in Section 102.48 of the Rules and Regulations , be adopted by the Board and become its appears in compliance proceedings that their failure to work on July 15 was due to strike participation.31 I shall also recommend that Respondent post an appropriate notice. Upon the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law and upon the entire record, and pursuant to Section 10(c) of the Act, I hereby issue the following recommend- ed: ORDER32 The Respondent, Technitrol, Inc., Durham, North Carolina, its officers, agents, successors, and assigns, shall: 1. Cease and desist from: (a) Granting days off with pay to employees because they refrained from lawful strike activity. (b) Discouraging membership in International Union of Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers, AFL-CIO-CLC, or any other labor organization, by in any other manner discriminating in regard to hire or tenure of employment or any term or condition of employment. (c) In any other manner interfering with, restraining, or coercing its employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed in Section 7 of the Act. 2. Take the following affirmative action which is necessary to effectuate the policies of the Act: (a) Make the employees referred to in the section of this Decision entitled "The Remedy" whole for loss of pay in the manner set forth in such section. (b) Preserve and, upon request, make available to the Board or its agents, for examination and copying, all payroll records, social security payment records, timecards, personnel records and reports, as well as all other records necessary to analyze and compute the amount of backpay due under the terms of this recommended Order. (c) Post at its plant in Durham, North Carolina, copies of the attached notice marked "Appendix B." 33 Copies of said notice, on forms provided by the Regional Director for Region 11, after being duly signed by the Respondent's representative, shall be posted by the Respondent immedi- ately upon receipt thereof and be maintained by it for 60 consecutive days thereafter in conspicuous places, includ- ing all places where notices to employees are customarily posted. Reasonable steps shall be taken by the Respondent to insure that said notices are not altered, defaced, or covered by any other material. (d) Notify the Regional Director for Region 11, in writing, within 20 days from the receipt of this Decision, what steps have been taken to comply herewith.34 findings , conclusions , and Order, and all objections thereto shall be deemed waived for all purposes 33 In the event that the Board 's Order is enforced by a Judgment of a United States Court of Appeals , the words in the notice reading . "Posted by Order of the National Labor Relations Board " shall be changed to read, "Posted Pursuant to a Judgment of the United States Court of Appeals Enforcing an Order of the National Labor Relations Board." 34 In the event that this recommended Order is adopted by the Board after exceptions have been filed, this provision shall be modified to read "Notify the Regional Director for Region 11, in writing , within 20 days from the date of this Order, what steps the Respondent has taken to comply herewith " TECHNITROL, INC. APPENDIX A 81 Clock Name Clock Name 972 L. Crawford 834 S. Murrey 1230 G. Thomasson 830 I. Mincy 1002 A. M. Carroll 274 F. Kinsey 1645 H. Mathis 873 T. James 1663 G. Wright 764 E. Dees 781 B. Gregory 1078 S. Greenhill 833 D. Murray 734 D. Bass 735 D. Blake 756 P. Cox 277 G. Burnett 775 0. Fox 878 H. Watkins 747 H. Cheek 1399 M. Sherron 1234 H. Dampier 761 E. Darnell 1286 J. Robinson 1808 L. Chandler 1328 H. Whilfield 269 J. Carwille 1382 N. Arrington 887 M. Winters 905 L. Mitchell 852 W. Ross 953 P. Williams 1220 M. High 958 B. Green 1366 W. Wuler 998 L. Gentry 1367 J. Williams 1044 B. Nunn 658 M. Ashby 1045 D. Lee 978 L. Garner 1331 H. Averitt 352 S. Clegg 40 N. Brinkley 828 B. Morcinows 124 L. Wilson 874 D. Vaughn 153 R. Bardeaux 777 A. Garth 405 P. Jones 178 C. Frye 522 L. Nunn 728 J. Ashford 950 M. Jones 737 A. Bostic 956 C. Ross 828 E. McDonald 1167 1. Parrish 95 V. Holt 1255 M. Thomas 770 J. Edwards 1542 R. Jones 175 M. Scoggins 1595 G. McGee 796 C. Hill 729 0. Atkinson 870 L. Tillman 857 K. Smith 1279 G. Green 790 J. Herndon 199 C. Barber 739 L. Browning 888 S. Pope 845 E. Pollard 808 K. Johnson 784 E. Harrington 1437 M. Johnson 855 L. Sherian 237 I. Kithcart 1253 D. Mendenhall 457 J. Wiggins 1289 N. Russell 263 M. Mills 1297 P. McMillow 3 96 M. Dunnigan 1350 F. Jones 1138 E. Pettiford 1383 B. Brown 1541 H. Belton 1472 P. Paschall 1641 M. Eubanks 1188 E. Sandling 1833 D. Cameron 1189 B. Turrentine 82 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD APPENDIX A Clock Name Click Name 22 P. McDougald 1316 E. Mathis 183 E. Jones 1452 C. Pearson 236 P. Gilliam 347 L. Clark 1215 J. Cox 1640 G. King 846 R. Rago 78 P. Carroll 850 V. Rochelle 413 G. Maynard 1633 B. Morton 426 J. Hamilton 971 E. Clevenger 640 R. Smith 790 S. Greenhill 740 R. Mizell 1229 C. Cherry 611 B. Mosser 1266 L. Collier 738 V. Brooks 1471 V. Hargis 861 R. Sorrell 233 G. Rowland 112 R. De Long APPENDIX B NOTICE TO EMPLOYEES POSTED BY ORDER OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD An Agency of the United States Government After a trial in which all parties had the opportunity to present their evidence , it has been decided that we violated the law and we have been ordered to post this notice. We intend to carry out the order of the Board and abide by the following: WE WILL NOT grant days off with pay to employees because they refrained from lawful strike activity. WE WILL NOT discourage membership in Interna- tional Union of Electrical , Radio and Machine Work- ers, AFL-CIO-CLC, or any other labor organization, by in any other manner discriminating in regard to hire or tenure of employment or any term or condition of employment. WE WILL NOT in any other manner interfere with, restrain , or coerce employees in the exercise of rights guaranteed in Section 7 of the National Labor Relations Act. WE WILL pay one day's pay for July 16, 1971, with 6 percent interest , to those employees who failed to receive such pay because they engaged in the strike which ended on July 15, 1971. All our employees are free to engage in lawful strike activity, and to join or assist any union they want. TECHNITROL, INC. (Employer) Dated By (Representative) (Title) This is an official notice and must not be defaced by anyone. This notice must remain posted for 60 consecutive days from the date of posting and must not be altered , defaced, or covered by any other material . Any questions concern- ing this notice or compliance with its provisions may be directed to the Board 's Office, 1624 Wachovia Building, 301 North Main Street, Winston-Salem , North Carolina 27101, Telephone 919-723-2300. Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation