Stroh Brewery Co.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsAug 31, 1988290 N.L.R.B. 1025 (N.L.R.B. 1988) Copy Citation STROH BREWERY CO Stroh Brewery Company and Helen L . Cannady. Case 11-CA-12412 August 31, 1988 DECISION AND ORDER BY CHAIRMAN STEPHENS AND MEMBERS JOHANSEN AND CRACRAFT On March 15, 1988, Administrative Law Judge William N Cates issued the attached decision The General Counsel filed exceptions and a supporting brief, and the Respondent filed cross-exceptions and a supporting brief The General Counsel and the Respondent also filed answering briefs The National Labor Relations Board has consid- ered the decision and the record in light of the ex- ceptions and briefs and has decided to affirm the judge 's rulings, findings,' and conclusions and to adopt the recommended Order ORDER The National Labor Relations Board adopts the recommended Order of the administrative law judge and orders that the Respondent, Stroh Brew- ery Company, Winston- Salem, North Carolina, its officers, agents, successors , and assigns, shall take the action set forth in the Order ' The Respondent has excepted to some of the judge 's credibility find- ings The Board 's established policy is not to overrule an administrative law Judge's credibility resolutions unless the clear preponderance of all the relevant evidence convinces us that they are incorrect Standard Dry Wail Products, 91 NLRB 544 (1950), enfd 188 F 2d 362 (3d Cir 1951) We have carefully examined the record and find no basis for reversing the findings George Carson, II, Esq, for the General Counsel Guy F Driver Jr, Esq and C Daniel Barrett (Womble, Carlyle, Sandridge & Rice), of Winston-Salem, North Carolina, for the Company DECISION STATEMENT OF THE CASE WILLIAM N CATES, Administrative Law Judge This case was tried before me in Winston -Salem, North Caro- lina, on 17 December 19871 pursuant to the 6 August complaint issued by the General Counsel of the National Labor Relations Board through the Regional Director for Region 11 of the Board The complaint is based on a charge filed on 22 June by Helen L Cannady, an indi- vidual (Cannady or Charging Party), against Stroh Brewery Company (Company or Stroh) In the complaint the General Counsel alleges the Com- pany violated Section 8(a)(1) of the Act on 12 March when Donald L Steele , the manager of industrial rela- tions at its Winston-Salem, North Carolina plant, in- 1 All dates are in 1987 unless otherwise indicated 1025 structed employees to cease cooperating with the investi- gation by Teamsters Local 391 (Union) of a grievance unless Steele was present The General Counsel alleges the Company violated Section 8(a)(3) and (1) of the Act by discharging Helen L Cannady and Tammy T Ware on 1 April because Cannady assisted the Union and be- cause the Company suspected Ware had also assisted the Union By its answer the Company admits certain factual mat- ters but denies violating the Act On the entire record , including my observation of the demeanor of the witnesses , and after consideration of the briefs filed by the General Counsel and the Company, I make the following FINDINGS OF FACT I JURISDICTION The Company is an Arizona corporation with a brew- ery located in Winston -Salem, North Carolina, where it brews beer commercially During the past 12 months the Company received at its Winston-Salem plant goods and raw materials valued in excess of $50,000 direct from points located outside North Carolina The Company admits, and I find, it is an employer within the meaning of Section 2(2), (6), and (7) of the Act II LABOR ORGANIZATION INVOLVED The Company admits, and I find , that Chauffeurs, Teamsters and Helpers Local Union No 391, a/w the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America, AFL-CIO is a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act On 1 November, the Teamsters International Union was readmitted to the AFL-CIO Keystone Bakery, 287 NLRB 17 (1987) III THE ALLEGED UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES A Setting Teamsters Local 391 represents the production and maintenance employees at the Company's Winston-Salem brewery For some 20 years Local 391 has been a party to collective-bargaining agreements (CBA) covering the bargaining unit Initially the CBAs were with Schlitz Brewing Company , the Company 's predecessor and, in the last several years , the CBAs have been with the Company herein Helen L Cannady and Tammy T Ware were regular part-time employees who worked for Stroh as tour guides at the Winston -Salem brewery The duties of tour guides include conducting visitors on tours of Stroh's brewery, entertaining guests in the Company's hospitality room (the Strohaus), and working in the Company's gift shop Tour guides work under the supervision of Hospi- tality Manager Kay J Purcell Purcell reports to Donald L Steele, manager of industrial relations at Winston- Salem The tour guides are not included in the bargain- ing unit represented by Teamsters 391, and they are not represented by any union As of the hearing , the Compa- ny employed nine tour guides That appears to be one 290 NLRB No 124 1026 DECISIONS OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD more than the number named on the mid-March shift schedule for the tour guides (G.C. Exh. 7). During the time relevant here, the Company contract- ed with Globe Security to provide security guards to control the ingress and egress at the brewery from a guardhouse at the plant entrance. Tourists or other visi- tors seeking a tour of the brewery are admitted to the facility through a gate controlled by the security guards. Before November 1986, the Company conducted tours beginning at 9 a.m. and concluding with the 4 p.m. tour. Starting in November 1986, and during the relevant time in 1987, hours for the tours, which were 30 minutes each, began at 11 a.m. and concluded with the tour de- parting at 4:30 p.m: At the conclusion of a tour, the tour guides escort the visitors to the Strohaus and serve them a maximum of three beers each. The tourists also may visit the gift shop at that time. Stroh publicizes the tours and the tour hours. Its ef- forts in this respect range from a prominent display on a large billboard by major highways in the area, to tourist brochures, to a posting of the hours on the door of the Strohaus. The Company spends a substantial amount of money in this respect, with the cost of the billboards alone being some $1200 a month. The Company's pur- pose in having the tours, and in publicizing the hours of the tours, is to foster goodwill and promote its product. B. Contentions The General Counsel contends the Company fired Cannady because she was cooperating with the Union as a potential witness concerning a grievance over the dis- charge of Aubrey Martin, a member of the production and maintenance bargaining unit. Cannady was terminat- ed, the General Counsel argues, because the Company "would not tolerate involvement by non-unit employees in its bargaining relationship." Ware was terminated be- cause she was linked to Cannady in the facts the Compa- ny supposedly relied on, and for the additional reason that the Company, by Industrial Relations Manager Steele, observed Ware conversing with union representa- tives in a hallway at the plant. The union representatives, Business Agent Douglas D. Norris Jr. and chief steward Mike Jones, along with Aubrey Martin, were holding a caucus outside a conference room where the Company and the Union had been discussing the grievance regard- ing Martin's discharge. Steele emerged from the confer- ence room on his way to another office and, according to Ware, observed her talking to the union group. As ex- pressed in the complaint, the General Counsel alleges that the Company discharged Ware because it suspected Ware had assisted the Union. There is no direct evidence of such a suspicion, and Steele, who testified he does not recall seeing Ware in the hallway, denies giving any weight to her alleged presence in his recommendation that she be discharged. For its part, the Company con- tends it discharged Cannady and Ware because they, in an apparent effort to assure they would not have to work beyond 4:30 p.m., told security guards to cancel the 4:30 p.m. tour. Purcell gathered the facts and report- ed them to Steele who recommended to his superior at the corporate office in Detroit that the two be dis- charged. Steele's recommendation was approved, and on Monday, 30 March, Steele gave Cannady and Ware until Wednesday, 1 April, to resign or be terminated. When neither resigned, the Company discharged both. C. Material Facts 1. The allegation of interference, restraint, and coercion Complaint paragraph 8, in conjunction with the con- clusionary paragraphs, alleges that the Company violated Section 8(a)(1) of the Act on 12 March when Industrial Relations Manager Steele "Instructed its employees to cease cooperating in the Union's investigation of a griev- ance unless a representative of the Company were present during said investigation." The General Coun- sel's supporting evidence is based on the testimony of Helen Cannady. The Company's policy is to give eligible employees who desire it a free case of beer each week. Eligible em- ployees obtain the free beer at the Strohaus. As part of their duties, the tour guides, after determining from the eligibility list that the employee is certified to receive the free beer, dispense the free beer to the eligible employ- ees. On 12 March Aubrey Martin entered the Strohaus, told Cannady his clock number, and asked whether he was eligible to receive his free case of beer. Cannady checked the eligibility list, saw that Martin was listed as eligible, and tendered a free case of beer to him. The Company apparently had recently terminated Martin. Not long after Martin left the Strohaus with the free case of beer Cannady had given to him, Supervisor Don Johnson entered and spoke with Cannady about Martin not being eligible to receive a free case of beer. Cannady advised Johnson she already had given Martin the beer because his name had not been deleted from the eligibility list. Johnson left. The Company terminated Martin a second time over the beer incident and a griev- ance was filed over this termination. (Presumably a grievance also had been filed over the first termination.) A grievance meeting (the initial one, apparently) was held about 19 March concerning Martin's free beer dis- charge.2 Martin described Cannady's procedure in giving him the free beer. Following the meeting, Business Agent Norris called Cannady and asked whether she was willing to give a statement concerning her dispensing the free beer to Martin. Cannady said yes. Moments later, Manager of Industrial Relations Steele telephoned Can- nady and instructed her not to speak with anyone con- cerning Martin's case unless Steele was present. Cannady explained she already had spoken to someone about the case. Steele said that was fine but in the future not to do so unless he was present. Cannady said okay. A week later, on 26 March, Norris and Chief Steward Mike Jones came and spoke to Cannady while she was dispensing free beer to employees. Cannady told Norris and Jones of Steele's instructions. Norris said he would z It was on this occasion that the union group stepped into the hallway for a caucus. As Ware was walking by, one of those in the group stopped her for a conversation. While Ware was standing with the union group, Steele emerged from the conference room and walked to the main office. I credit Ware that as Steele emerged he saw her and smiled. STROH BREWERY CO 1027 arrange this with Steele Norris then contacted Steele who offered to stipulate to Cannady 's testimony at Aubrey Martin 's grievance meeting Norris testified that at the grievance meeting Steele did so stipulate More- over, Steele conceded at the meeting that Cannady had done nothing improper in dispensing the free beer to Martin Cannady agreed to assist the Union regarding its proc- essing of the free beer discharge of Aubrey Martin As- sistance offered by nonunit employees to unit employees on a grievance matter is protected activity Heritage Manor Center, 269 NLRB 408 fn 2, 414 ( 1984) Steele's unrestricted instruction to Cannady necessarily imposed a limitation on her statutory right to confer with and assist Martin and the Union independent of the presence of a management representative By Steele's instruction to Cannady, the Company violated Section 8(a)(1) of the Act, as alleged Heritage Manor Center, supra 2 The discharge of Cannady and Ware a Contentions and background evidence Stroh contends Cannady and Ware began telling the security guards to turn away tourists arriving after 4 p in The record is not clear on the point , but the evi- dence suggests the practice began possibly as early as February before Michael E McSwain , in early March, left his security guard position with Globe Security and joined the Winston-Salem Police Department Although there is no direct evidence establishing the purpose behind the purported conduct of Cannady and Ware, the Company argues they initiated the practice so they could leave work at 4 30 p in rather than having to work until 5 p in or later Generally there were about three tour guides on duty in the afternoons , with more present if there were special group tours or parties Cannady testified that when there was no tour at 4 30 p m the tour guides left at 4 30 p in When she escorted a 4 30 p in tour she generally would sign out between 5 p in and 5 15 p in The Company's records reflect that as late as 16 March Cannady escort- ed a 4 30 p in tour (G C Exh 4) The guides rotated their tours Because tours would not be taken at the normal times if no tourist was there to escort , the tour guides would not know until around 4 p in who would take any 4 30 p in tour When the tour guides worked to 5 p in or later , they were paid for whatever time they worked So far as the record reflects, the Company 's first knowledge that security guards were turning away tour- ists after 4 p in , and that Cannady and Ware were re- sponsible for the practice, came on 20 March based on a conversation with security guard Shan L Taylor Stroh investigated and terminated Cannady and Ware Stroh contends that Cannady 's proper performance of her job in dispensing the free case of beer to Aubrey Martin on 12 Match, and Ware 's purported presence with the union representatives in the hallway on 19 March , had nothing to do with their subsequent termination As mentioned earlier, the General Counsel contends Stroh seized on security guard Taylor's report as a pre- text to demonstrate to its nonunion employees they were not to cooperate with the Union or become involved in the bargaining relationship between Stroh and the Union Chronologically, the first background event is de- scribed by Margaret W Wiggins, one of the tour guides Wiggins could not specify the date , but testified it was after January 1987 , and during cold weather Because the incident occurred while Ware was employed , it appar- ently took place in either February or March Wiggins testified that on this occasion she and Ware were in the Strohaus gift shop Ware answered a telephone call and Wiggins heard her tell the caller "Eleven to four " When Ware hung up, Wiggins told her , "Tammy, it's 4 30 You know better than that " In a kidding fashion, Wiggins added, "Are you trying to get into trouble or some- thing" Ware's response, if any, is not reported Ware testified she does not recall the incident , but she does not affirmatively deny it There is no evidence Wiggins re- ported the incident to Stroh 's management or, specifical- ly, to her immediate superior , Hospitality Manager Pur- cell Wiggins also testified she began to suspect the security guards were canceling some 4 30 p in tours when "earli- er this year" (again , apparently in either February or March) some tourists informed her that the week before a security guard had informed them , at 4 p in, that there would be no more tours that day Again, there is no evi- dence Wiggins reported this information to Purcell or to anyone else in management One guard testified he did turn away tours during this timeframe Security Sergeant Danny R Holt testified he turned away tourists between 4 p in and 4 30 p in on more than three occasions According to Holt , he began turning away all such tourists after he returned to work following a 1-day illness and security guard Michael E McSwain told him they were to stop the tours at 4 p in 8 Holt worked Monday through Friday from 3 p in to 11 p in Holt generally testified he treated McSwain's in- struction as a standing order which he thereafter fol- lowed Nevertheless , Holt could not recall when McSwain told him this , he admits that as a sergeant he outranked McSwain , a guard , and he could not explain how the Company's tour records reflected the 4 30 p in tour was conducted on 16 and 17 March and earlier on 19 and 26 February Asked whether he took McSwain's instruction as applying only to a single day , Holt initially testified he did not remember , but additionally testified he carried out the instruction more than three times and until Steele came to the guardhouse (presumably after the discharge of Cannady and Ware) and told the securi- ty guards the 4 30 p in tour remained in effect as adver- tised Holt also testified that on an unspecified number of occasions, after McSwain told him, in essence, there were to be no more 4 30 p in tours, female voices he could not identify called him and told him to turn away tours after 4 p in Called by the General Counsel as a rebuttal witness, McSwain (who had resigned from the police department a Notwithstanding Holt's reference to "at" 4 p in , the balance of the evidence indicates that the question here revolves around tourists arriv- ing too late to take the 4 p in tour but in time for the last tour at 4 30 p in Holt was called as a witness by Stroh 1028 DECISIONS OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD at some point before the hearing) testified he could not recall telling Holt anything about a tour being discontin- ued, or discontinued even for 1 day. McSwain's hours were 4 p.m. to midnight. b. The material events Tour guide Wiggins testified that on Friday, 20 March, she received a call from a male security guard at 3:56 p.m. asking whether Stroh would have a 4 p.m. tour Wiggins replied not only a 4 o'clock tour but also a 4:30 tour. She additionally informed him, "We always have them Monday through Friday from 11 o'clock and the last one is 4:30." "Okay," the guard said, and hung up. In the Strohaus after the tour, Wiggins reported the matter to Hospitality Manager Purcell. Wiggins also re- ported that tourists were being turned away from tours. Purcell asked Wiggins to call the guardhouse and ascer- tain whether there was a new security guard on duty. Purr-ell's version, essentially the same, is that she over- heard a tourist complaining to Wiggins that tourists behind them were turned away by the guard and told there was no 4:30 p.m. tour. Wiggins then came and re- peated the remarks to Purcell. Assuming there must be a new security guard, Purcell instructed Wiggins to call the guardhouse and make sure the guards were aware that the tour hours were 11 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Wiggins called and spoke with guard Shari Taylor who said there was no new security guard. Wiggins ex- plained that tourists were complaining of being turned away, and asked if Taylor knew anything about the matter. Taylor said someone had told the security guards not to admit any tourists after 4 p.m. Wiggins asked who, and Taylor replied she had rather not say because she did not want to get anyone into trouble. Wiggins said, "Shari, you are in trouble. I am in trouble. We all will be if you don't tell me who it is." "Helen and Tammy," answered Taylor. Wiggins immediately report- ed this information to Purcell. By this time of the day the office was closed, so it was early Monday morning, 23 March, before Purcell was able to inform Industrial Relations Manager Steele. He directed Purcell to question Cannady and Ware about the matter. Purcell did so the following day, 24 March, and each denied the charge. Purcell reported the denials to Steele. On Thursday, 26 March, Steele interviewed security guards Taylor and Holt who confirmed that Cannady and Ware had told them to turn away tourists after 4 p.m. Although Holt could not identify the tour guides by name, Taylor could do so, Steele testified, and Taylor told him she recognized their voices. Steele asked the guards to write statements in their own hand, and each did. The statements are in evidence. Taylor's reads: On 2 to 3 occasions I was told to cut tours off at 4:00 p.m. by Helen Kennedy [Cannady] or Tammy. (I don't know her last name.) This message I feel was only given to me because another guard, Mi- chael McSwam, had not arrived at work yet other- wise the[y] would [have] told him to cut off the tours. Each time they called they would always ask for him Michael has since quit this job. I did not know that we were not supposed to cut the tours at 4:00 p.m. I assumed as did everyone else this came from Kay Purcell although I was never actually told by Kay. The statement Holt submitted to Steele reads: I was out one day, and when I came back to work I was told that visiting tours would stop at 4 o'clock p.m. I ask[ed] Mike about it and he said it took 30 mins to make a tour. And that if they took a tour at 4:30 it would be after 5 o'clock before the employ- ees could leave the Brown Bottle Room [Strohaus]. Mike told me that the women in the Brown Bottle Room told him. Then around 2 or 3 times they called at guard house and said not to seen [send] any more tours up after 4 o'clock p.m. I have also called up there to fine [find] out and they said no more after 4 o'clock. Steele testified that during his interview of Taylor and Holt it was mentioned that tourists had been turned away, although no estimate of the number of such tour- ists was given. According to Steele, Holt said he had continued to turn away tourists after he was first told. Steele concedes he specifically asked about Friday, 20 March.4 Holt testified he did not think Steele asked if he had turned anyone away. And, according to Holt, he did not tell Steele he had turned away tourists on more than three occasions. As mentioned, Steele testified Holt said he kept turning away tourists after 4 p.m. In contrast, Steele understood that Taylor did not view the calls as a standing order to cut all tours after 4 p.m., and Taylor confirms in her testimony that such was her understand- ing. Taylor testified she told Steele essentially what is in her statement before she wrote it. At the hearing, Taylor testified she recognized the voices of Cannady and Ware from previous business conversations with them, al- though she only knew Ware by her given name, and that Cannady called once and Ware once telling her to send no more tours after 4 p.m. When Cannady called, Taylor testified, she identified herself as "Helen," but Ware did not identify herself. The tour guide roster for the week of 16 March reveals only one Helen and one Tammy among the eight names (first names only) listed. Taylor testified she never turned a tourist away. On receiving the two calls from Cannady and Ware, and perhaps others relayed to her by Holt, Taylor would report the instruction to the guard who relieved her. Taylor nor- mally worked until 4 p.m. and generally was relieved by McSwain who worked the 4 p.m. to midnight shift. McSwain (who left in early March) testified he could not recall any such instruction from Taylor or anyone else. Nevertheless, McSwain admits Taylor once informed him either Cannady or Ware had called for him but left no message . McSwain also concedes he knew Cannady and Ware socially, that he "grew up" with Cannady, and * As Respondent's records reflect for the week of 16 March, Ware did not work at all on 20 March and Cannady left ql at 10 45 a in STROH BREWERY CO 1029 that he had dated one of them The record does not re- flect whether it was Cannady or Ware whom he dated As I described earlier, on Thursday, 26 March, Can- nady was dispensing beer to employees in the Strohaus when Union Representative Norris and Chief Steward Jones came by That is when Cannady informed Norris she could not discuss the Aubrey Martin grievance with the Union unless Steele was present Norris said that would be no problem and that he would contact Steele The following day, 27 March , Steele came to the Stro- haus and asked Cannady , "Who did you talk with yester- day" Thinking Steele meant had she talked with some- one about the facts relating to the Aubrey Martin griev- ance, Cannady answered , "No one " "You didn't talk with anyone yesterday" Steele asked "No," replied Cannady "Okay," Steele said, "have a very good week- end," and he left Steele had no further conversation with Cannady until Monday , 30 March At some point following his interview of the two secu- rity guards , Steele contacted his superior at Respondent's Detroit headquarters, reported the details of the investi- gation, and recommended discharge Steele's recommen- dation was approved , apparently by Joseph Franzem, vice president, corporate services On 30 March Cannady and Ware were summoned to Steele's office Present were Steele, Purcell, Cannady, and Ware Steele said he had information the two had turned tourists away , and he specifically mentioned Friday, 20 March Cannady and Ware not only denied the allegation , but Ware observed she had not worked at all on 20 March and Cannady pointed out that she had left before noon that Friday Steele admits their protest was his first awareness that Cannady and Ware were not at work at the relevant time the afternoon of Friday, 20 March When Cannady and Ware called their absence to his attention , Steele, Cannady testified , said, "That's beside the point You still called the guards and you told them to cut off the tours from coming in " At the hear- mg, Steele reinforced this position by describing the ab- sence of Cannady and Ware on 20 March as "immaten- al" because , in his view , they, by the practice they had set in motion, were responsible for the action of the se- curity guard in turning away visitors the afternoon of Friday, 20 March At the interview on 30 March, as Steele testified, Can- nady and Ware denied they had ever called the guard- house to turn away tourists At the hearing , Cannady and Ware each testified she had never directed the guards to turn away tourists from taking the 4 30 p in tour Continuing at the 30 March meeting, Steele told Can- nady and Ware he had no reason to disbelieve the securi- ty guards because they had nothing to gain In contrast, Cannady and Ware did have something to gain in that they would be leaving work earlier Based on these facts, Steele said , and to avoid any stigma of discharge, Can- nady and Ware could have to 1 April to resign or be dis- charged About an hour after the meeting , Cannady called Purcell and said she would take neither option Ware reported for work on 1 April, but Purcell told her she had been terminated Ware was given a written ter- mination notice and escorted off the premises A termina- tion notice was mailed to Cannady The notices state that each was "Terminated for cause" on 1 April 1987 Steele testified Cannady and Ware were discharged solely "for instructing the guards to turn tours away and the guards honored those instructions," and that he fired them for this based on the statements of the two security guards plus the earlier report Purcell had made to him Steele concedes that Wiggins and other tour guides were not interviewed until after the discharge of Cannady and Ware In short, as he testified , Steele chose to believe the security guards, Taylor and Holt, over Cannady and Ware c Discussion As I have summarized , Industrial Relations Manager Steele testified the relationship of Cannady and Ware to the Aubrey Martin grievance had nothing to do with their discharge , and that the sole reason Cannady and Ware were discharged was "for instructing the guards to turn tours away and the guards honored those mstruc- tions " Steele testified with an unfavorable demeanor and I do not credit him I find that Steele learned Cannady had spoken to Union Representative Norris and Chief Steward Jones on 26 March Concerned that Cannady discussed the facts of the Aubrey Martin grievance with them, Steele confronted Cannady the following day with a question almost accusatory in nature When Cannady replied she had talked with no one , Steele, I find, con- cluded she was lying and that her lying was for the pur- pose of avoiding having to disclose that she had dis- cussed the facts of the Aubrey Martin grievance with Norris and Jones At that point, I find, Steele made the decision to recommend Cannady be discharged As argued by the General Counsel , moreover, I find Steele was determined to prevent the nonunion employees from becoming involved in the bargaining relationship with unit employees, especially if the involvement appeared to be as supporters for the Union 's position I find that a motivating reason for Cannady's dis- charge was her protected activities I further find that Steele discharged Ware because he suspected, from ob- serving her conferring in the hallway with the union rep- resentatives and Aubrey Martin, that she also was sup- porting the Union I further find that a motivating reason for Ware's discharge was Steele's suspicion that Ware was engaging in protected conduct Thus, the General Counsel has established prima facie that the discharge of Cannady and Ware was unlawful Once the General Counsel has established a prima facie violation of the Act in motivation cases, the burden shifts to the Respondent to demonstrate it would have imposed the discipline even absent the disciplined em- ployee's protected conduct Did Stroh carry that burden here? The Company points to the information furnished by the security guards and the importance of the promo- tional and goodwill purpose of the tours The General Counsel's counterargument is rather ambiguous The General Counsel argues that security guard Taylor placed responsibility on Cannady and Ware in "an attempt to divert responsibility from herself and other guards " Thus, the argument runs, Taylor accused 1030 DECISIONS OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Cannady and Ware because, as Wiggins told her, some- one was going to be "in trouble." The General Counsel contends there is a discrepancy between the versions of Wiggins and Purcell concerning whether someone was in fact turned away on 20 March, and counsel for the Gen- eral Counsel points to the ambiguous nature of Taylor's written statement of receiving two to three calls from Cannady "or" Ware as opposed to her version at the hearing that each called her once. The General Counsel also argues that as Taylor disclaimed any standing order to turn away tourists after 4 p.m., her credibility suffers in light of the fact neither Cannady nor Ware was at work the afternoon of 20 March to give a current in- struction. However, it was a male security guard (Holt, possibly) who spoke with Wiggins shortly before 4 p.m. on 20 March. Steele locked on the important point early. There is no evidence the security guards had any motive to turn away tourists. The hours of the guards would be unaf- fected by a tour from 4:30 to 5 p.m. Whatever additional work would be involved in granting access to the tour- ists is not shown to be anything more than negligible. The General Counsel stops short of arguing that the guards, on their own, initiated the practice of turning away tourists after 4 p.m. There just is no plausible reason in the record to explain why the guards would be interested in doing that. By contrast, and as Steele noted, Cannady and Ware did have a possible incentive-leaving work at 4:30 p.m. rather than 5 p.m. or later. The tour guides were paid for any time they worked after 4:30 p.m., and there is no clearcut evidence Cannady and Ware preferred to leave at 4:30 p.m. even though they would lose an extra 30 minutes or so of pay. On the other hand, Cannady and Ware did not testify they needed the extra money and preferred to work until 5 p.m. or later if possible. On the state of the record, it must be said that, considering the possible incentives of the tour guides as compared to that of the security guards, Steele's choice of accepting the guard's version is a reasonable one. It seems clear that someone told the guards to stop at least some of the 4:30 p.m. tours, and the evidence Steele had pointed to Can- nady and Ware. As they initiated the practice, it is imma- terial that they made no call on Friday, 20 March. Indeed, whether any tourists were in fact turned away on 20 March is immaterial. The important point to con- sider is the Company learned about the practice on 20 March: As I find, Steele reasonably believed the guards. Even so, would the Company still have fired Cannady and Ware absent their protected conduct? There is no evi- dence of past examples of discipline of nonunit employ- ees on this conduct or any other misconduct. The evi- dence establishes the Company spends a sizable amount of money advertising the tours as part of its effort to create goodwill and promote the sales of its product. And conducting visitor tours is the reason Stroh hires tour guides. These facts support a finding that Stroh would have fired Cannady and Ware over their unau- thorized instructions to the guards regardless of their protected conduct. On the other hand, Ware testified without contradic- tion that Steele told them had they admitted their mis- conduct the discipline would have been less severe than discharge. Does that statement of Steele indicate he would not have fired them had they not engaged in pro- tected activities? No. If anything, the statement detracts from an unlawful motivation finding. Under all these cir- cumstances, I find the Company carried its burden of demonstrating it would have fired Cannady and Ware even absent their protected conduct. I therefore shall dis- miss the complaint as to Helen L. Cannady and Tammy T. Ware. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1. Stroh Brewery Company is an employer within the meaning of Section 2(2), (6), and (7) of the Act. 2. Teamsters Local Union No. 391 is a labor organiza- tion within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. 3. The Company violated Section 8(a)(1) of the Act on 12 March 1987 when Industrial Relations Manager Donald L. Steele directed tour guide Helen L. Cannady, an unrepresented employee, not to cooperate in the Union's investigation of a grievance of bargaining unit employee Aubrey Martin unless Steele was present. 4. The Company did not violate Section 8(a)(1) and (3) of the Act by discharging Helen L. Cannady and Tammy T. Ware effective 1 April 1987. 5. The unfair labor practices found affect commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. THE REMEDY Having found the Company has engaged in certain unfair labor practices, I find it necessary to order it to cease and desist and to take certain affirmative action de- signed to effectuate the policies of the Act. On these findings of fact and conclusions of law and on the entire record, I issue the following recommend- ed-5 ORDER The Respondent, Stroh Brewery Company, Winston- Salem, North Carolina, its officers, agents, successors, and assigns, shall 1. Cease and desist from (a) Directing its unrepresented employees not to coop- erate in the Union's investigation of a grievance of bar- gaining unit personnel unless a representative of manage- ment is present. (b) In any other manner interfering with, restraining, or coercing employees in the exercise of the rights guar- anteed them by Section 7 of the Act. 2. Take the following affirmative action necessary to effectuate the policies of the Act. 5If no exceptions are filed as provided by Sec. 102.46 of the Board's Rules and Regulations , the findings, conclusions, and recommended Order shall, as provided in Sec. 102.48 of the Rules, be adopted by the Board and all objections to them shall be deemed waived for all pur- poses. STROH BREWERY CO (a) Post at its Winston -Salem, North Carolina brewery copies of the attached notice marked "Appendix "e Copies of the notice, on forms provided by the Regional Director for Region 11, after being signed by the Re- spondent's authorized representative , shall be posted by the Respondent immediately upon receipt and maintained for 60 consecutive days in conspicuous places including all places where notices to employees are customarily posted Reasonable steps shall be taken by the Respond- ent to ensure that the notices are not altered , defaced, or covered by any other material (b) Notify the Regional Director in writing within 20 days from the date of this Order what steps the Compa- ny has taken to comply IT IS FURTHER RECOMMENDED that the complaint is dismissed insofar as it alleges violations of the Act not specifically found 6If this Order is enforced by a judgment of a United States court of appeals, the words in the notice reading "Posted by Order of the Nation- al Labor Relations Board" shall read "Posted Pursuant to a Judgment of the United States Court of Appeals Enforcing an Order of the National Labor Relations Board " APPENDIX NOTICE To EMPLOYEES POSTED BY ORDER OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD An Agency of the United States Government 1031 The National Labor Relations Board has found that we violated the National Labor Relations Act and has or- dered us to post and abide by this notice Section 7 of the Act gives employees these rights To organize To form, join, or assist any union To bargain collectively through representatives of their own choice To act together for other mutual aid or protec- tion To choose not to engage in any of these protect- ed concerted activities WE WILL NOT instruct our unrepresented employees not to cooperate with Teamsters Local Union No 391 by discussing the Union's investigation of a grievance of a bargaining unit employee unless a representative of management is present during the discussion between the Union and the unrepresented employees WE WILL NOT in any like or related manner interfere with, restrain , or coerce you in the exercise of the rights guaranteed you by Section 7 of the Act STROH BREWERY COMPANY Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation