Stokely Foods, Inc.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsMar 1, 194981 N.L.R.B. 1103 (N.L.R.B. 1949) Copy Citation In the Matter of STOKELY FOODS, INC., EMPLOYER and GENERAL DRIVERS AND HELPERS UNION, LOCAL #662, A. F. L., PETITIONER Case No. 18-RC-169.Decided March 1, 1919 DECISION AND DIRECTION OF ELECTIONS Upon a petition duly filed, a hearing was held before a hearing officer of the National Labor Relations Board. The hearing officer's rulings made at the hearing are free from prejudicial error and are hereby affirmed.' Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3 (b) of the National Labor Relations Act, the Board has delegated its powers in connection with this case to a three-man panel consisting of the undersigned Board Members.* Upon the entire record in the case, the Board finds : 1. The Employer is engaged in commerce within the meaning of the Act. 2. The labor organization named below claims to represent em- ployees of the Employer. I The Employer moves to dismiss the petition, alleging the following grounds : (a) the record made at the hearing fails to show that the Petitioner has been designated by a sub- stantial number of employees as their collective bargaining representative; (b) the unit proposed by the Petitioner is not appropriate for bargaining purposes; (c) the Petitioner is ineligible for certification because supervisory employees have been active in the organi- zation of non-supervisory employees in the plant; and (d) there was no showing at the time of the amended petition that the Employer had declined to recognize the Petitioner as its collective bargaining representative. As to (a), the Employer excepted to the hear- ing officer's ruling revoking a subpoena duces tecum issued by the Board, by means of which the Employer sought to introduce into evidence the authorization cards of the Petitioner. We have repeatedly held that the question of whether a petitioning labor organization has made a prima facie showing is an administrative matter, not subject to direct or collateral attack, and we therefore sustain the hearing officer's ruling Matter of Stokely Foods, Inc., 78 N. L R. B. 842; Matter of Henderson Lumber Company, 80 N. L. R. B , No 217. As to (b), we find the Employer's contention to be without merit, for reasons set forth in para- graph 4, below. As to (c), no unfair labor practice charges have been filed and the issue properly was not litigated in this proceeding. As to (d), we find the contention to be without merit in view of the fact that a question concerning representation was shown to exist at the hearing. Matter of Advance Pattern Company, 80 N. L. R. B. 29. We there- fore deny the Employer's motion. *Chairman Herzog and Members Houston and Gray. 81 N. L. R. B., No. 168. 1103 1104 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD 3. A question affecting commerce exists concerning the representa- tion of employees of the Employer, within the meaning of Sections 9 (c) (1) and 2 (6) and (7) of the Act. 4. The Petitioner seeks a unit of production, maintenance, and ware- house employees at the Employer's Cumberland, Wisconsin, food- processing plant.z The Employer and the Petitioner agree to the in- clusion in the appropriate unit of regular year-round production, maintenance, and warehouse employees and to the exclusion from the unit of divisional office employees; office and clerical employees, sales employees, laboratory employees, agronomists, pack seasonal employees, the plant manager, the plant superintendent, foremen, and other supervisors. The parties are in disagreement over the unit placement of the following employees, whom the Petitioner would include and the Employer would exclude : make-ready and clean-up employees, harvest helpers, viner foremen, hourly paid field men, over-the-road truck drivers, and the labeling machine operator. Should the Board find that over-the-road truck drivers may not appropriately be included in the proposed unit, the Petitioner requests that they be included in a separate unit. The production, maintenance, and warehouse employees who the parties agree should be in the appropriate unit are all year-round employees, as distinguished from seasonal pack employees, whose employment fluctuates with the processing of the seasonal crops.4 Make-ready and clean-up employees are employed for a 6i/2-month period which starts on or about June 1, or a month before the com- mencement of the packing season. During the first month of their employment, they are engaged in readying the plant for the packing season; during the packing season, they perform general labor around the plant; and during the final month, they are engaged in cleaning and laying away the machinery and in readying the plant for the winter. There are approximately 10 to 15 of these employees, most of whom have worked for the Employer for many years. We are of the opinion that make-ready and clean-up employees have substan- tial interests in common with regular year-round employees, are clearly distinguishable from the seasonal pack employees, and should be included in the unit. 2In the same building the Employer houses and maintains its divisional offices with five to six employees Employees of the Employer 's divisional offices are not deemed employees of the local processing plant , and are not included in the proposed unit 3 At the hearing the Employer took the position that the appropriate unit should be limited to "hourly paid" employees in these categories As it appears that all in these categories are currently paid by the hour, and the Employer has advanced no reason for its position in proposing such limitation upon the unit description , we shall consider the appropriateness of the proposed unit without reference to this qualification. "See Matter of The St. Mary 's Packing Company, 72 N. L R B . 596, and cases cited therein. STOKELY FOODS, INC. 1105 Harvest helpers are hired by the Employer during the harvesting season to assist farmers in expediting the harvesting of their crops for processing in the Employer's plant. They drive tractors and other farm equipment. They are essentially field and seasonal workers. Their rates of pay and turn-over do not distinguish them from other seasonal employees. Viner foremen oversee crews of 12 to 14 seasonal employees who operate viner machines, separating peas from pods. Viner foremen are clearly seasonal workers. We shall exclude har- vest helpers, and viner foremen from the proposed unit on the ground that they are seasonal workers.5 Hourly paid Meld men perform essentially the same duties as salaried field men, whom the Petitioner does not seek to include in its unit. The reason for the different bases of pay among these employees is an historical one. There is apparently no other difference in their employment. Field men negotiate the Employer's contracts with farmers for the purchase of farm products, supervise the farmers' growing and harvesting operations, and sell them silage. They are year-round employees. They spend nearly all of their time in the field, and their conditions of employment are entirely different from those of the plant employees, who comprise the unit. We shall, there- fore, exclude field men from the appropriate unit. Over-the-road truck drivers 6 deliver raw materials to the Employ- er's Cumberland plant and transport canned goods between this plant and other plants of the Employer and to customers. Approximately 95 percent of their time is spent away from the plant; the remainder is spent in production and maintenance work around the plant. They are under the direct supervision of the plant manager and the divi- sional office manager. It is our customary practice not to include over- the-road truck drivers in a unit of production and maintenance employees where the parties disagree as to such unit placement.' Over-the-road truck drivers constitute a homogenous and functionally coherent group which may be represented as a separate unit for the pur- poses of collective bargaining, and we have so held on numerous occa- sions.' We shall, therefore, exclude these employees from the pro- posed plant unit. However, as the Petitioner, in the alternative, seeks a separate unit of drivers, we shall place the Employer's over-the-road 6 No contention has been raised that harvest helpers are agricultural laborers . Inasmuch as we exclude harvest helpers and the viner foremen from the unit as seasonal workers, we are not passing upon their status as employees of the Employer at this time. 6 At the time of the hearing there were two employees in this category A third driver was employed to transport produce to the plant from neighboring farms . This last employee is a seasonal employee, and we, therefore, exclude him from the proposed unit. ' Matter of Stokely Foods, Inc., 73 N. L R. B 1503 8 Matter of Colonial Stores, Inc, 78 N L R B 1254, and cases cited therein. 1106 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD truck drivers in a separate unit for the purposes of collective bar- gaining.' The labeling machine operator works in the warehouse and directs the work of a crew of 8 to 10 employees in the operation of a can- labeling machine located about 300 feet from the foreman' s office. Cans of produce are generally stored without labels, and labels are affixed when orders for shipment of goods are received. The labeling machine operator plans the labeling work under these shipping orders. The labeling machine operates 10 to 12 months each year, and, at times when it is not in operation, the operator is assigned to other work. The labeling machine operator is under the general supervision of the warehouse foreman. In the absence of the foreman from the ware- house for periods of 10 minutes to 3 hours a day, or for a longer period due to illness, the labeling machine operator is in charge of the warehouse. The labeling machine operator does not hire or discharge employ- ees on his crew. He may recommend the discharge, discipline, or transfer of members of his crew to the warehouse foreman who may act directly or may make an independent investigation of the matter. The labeling machine operator organizes his crew and allocates them for work on the labeling machine. The crew consists of warehouse and packing employees, and is variously experienced in labeling machine work. The record does not disclose the wages paid to the labeling machine crew or to the operator or to personnel whom the parties agree are supervisors. In an earlier proceeding,1° wherein the status of a labeling machine operator at another plant of the Employer was in dispute, we found that, whereas the usual differential between the wages of the labeling machine operator and the wages of his crew was 21/2 cents per hour, the operators in dispute received a differential of 15 cents per hour, a rate comparable to that paid to admittedly super- visory personnel at that plant and which the Employer urged was indicative of similar supervisory status. Wages were thus made the determining factor in finding the label- ing operator to be a supervisor in this earlier case. The record in the instant case is silent on the matter of the relative wages of the employees concerned. Under these circumstances, we will make no decision respecting the status of the labeling machine foreman at the Cumberland plant at this time. He may vote under challenge at the election. If his vote is necessary to determine the results of the election, we shall resolve the issue of his status at a later time. 9 Cf Matter of Stokely Foods, Inc., 78 N. L R. B 842, supra. 10 Matter of Stokely Foods, Inc. 66 N L. R. B. 749; 69 N. L. R. B. 801, 802-803. STOKELY FOODS, INC. 1107 We find that the following units of employees at the Employer's Cumberland, Wisconsin, plant are appropriate for the purposes of collective bargaining within the meaning of Section 9 (b) of the Act : (a) All year-round production, maintenance, and warehouse em- ployees, including make-ready and clean-up employees, but exclud- ing divisional office employees, office and clerical employees, sales employees, laboratory employees, agronomists, pack seasonal em- ployees, harvest helpers, field men, viner foremen, over-the-road truck drivers, the plant manager, the plant superintendent, foremen, and supervisors. (b) All over-the-road truck drivers, excluding the seasonal truck driver, other employees, and supervisors. DIRECTION OF ELECTIONS As part of the investigation to ascertain representatives for the purposes of collective bargaining with the Employer, separate elec- tions by secret ballot shall be conducted as early as possible , but not later than 30 days from the date of this Direction , under the direction and supervision of the Regional Director for the Region in which this case was heard, and subject to Sections 203.61 and 203.62 of National Labor Relations Board Rules and Regulations-Series 5, as amended, among the employees in the separate units found appropriate in paragraph numbered 4 , above , who were employed during the pay- roll period immediately preceding the date of this Direction of Elec- tions, including employees who did not work during said pay-roll period because they were ill or on vacation or temporarily laid off, but excluding those employees who have since quit or been discharged for cause and have not been rehired or reinstated prior to the date of the elections, and also excluding employees on strike who are not entitled to reinstatement , to determine whether or not they desire to be represented , for purposes of collective bargaining , by General Drivers and Helpers Union, Local #662, A. F. L. 829595-50-vol 81-71 Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation