St. Louis Comprehensive Neighborhood Health Center, Inc.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsSep 4, 1979244 N.L.R.B. 784 (N.L.R.B. 1979) Copy Citation DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD St. Louis Comprehensive Neighborhood Health Cen- ter, Inc. and Service and Hospital Employees Union, Local Union No. 50, affiliated with Service Employees International Union, AFL-CIO. Case 14-CA- 10996 September 4, 1979 DECISION AND ORDER BY CHAIRMAN FANNING AND MEMBERS JENKINS AND MURPIIY On May 11, 1979, Administrative Law Judge Ivar H. Peterson issued the attached Decision in this pro- ceeding. Thereafter, Respondent filed exceptions and a supporting brief. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the Na- tional Labor Relations Board has delegated its au- thority in this proceeding to a three-member panel. The Board has considered the record and the at- tached Decision in light of the exceptions and brief and has decided to affirm the rulings, findings,' and conclusions of the Administrative Law Judge and to adopt his recommended Order,2 as modified herein.3 ORDER Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Rela- I As recognized by the Administrative Law Judge, on May 18, 1977, the Regional Director for Region 14 issued a decision and direction ofelection in Case 14 RC-8401 which concluded, inter alia, that Respondent met the Board's jurisdictional standards. On June 13, 1977, the Board denied Re- spondent's requet for review. In finding here that Respondent is engaged in commerce within the meaning of the Act and comes within the Board juris- dictional standards, the Administrative Law Judge cited Rule 102.67(f) of the National Labor Relations Board Rules and Regulations, Series 8. as amended, which provides that the Board's denial of a request for review of a regional director's action precludes the party requesting review from reliti- gating "in any related subsequent unfair labor practice proceeding" any issue "which was, or could have been, raised in the representation proceed- ing." At the time of the representation proceeding, however. Respondent was funded indirectly by the Department of Health, Education. and Welfare (HEW), through the Human Development Corporation (HDC), a nonprofit corporation engaged in the operation of antipoverty programs in the St. Louis metropolitan area. Since then Respondent has become a direct grantee of HEW, and. as stated by the Administrative Law Judge, "HDC is no longer in the picture." During the hearing in this proceeding the Administrative Law Judge al- lowed Respondent to proffer evidence regarding the change in circumstances as a result of its direct funding by HEW, as well as the grant conditions imposed upon Respondent by HEW. Based upon all of the evidence ad- duced at the hearing we find that Respondent is an employer within the meaning of the Act, and that it will effectuate the purposes of the Act to assert jurisdiction here. 2 Respondent's request for oral argument is hereby denied because the record, the exceptions, and the brief adequately present the issues and the positions of the parties. 3The Administrative Law Judge inadvertently omitted from the cease- and-desist provisions of his recommended Order the narrow injunctive lan- guage customarily provided by the Board in cases such as this. Accordingly, we shall modify the recommended Order and notice. tions Board adopts as its Order the recommended Or- der of the Administrative Law Judge. as modified be- low, and hereby orders that the Respondent, St. Louis Comprehensive Neighborhood Health Center, Inc., St. Louis, Missouri, its officers, agents, successors, and assigns, shall take the action set forth in the said rec- ommended Order, as so modified: 1. Insert the following paragraph (e): "(e) In any like or related manner interfering with, restraining, or coercing employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed them by Section 7 of the Act." 2. Substitute the attached notice for that of the Administrative Law Judge. APPENDIX NOTICE TO EMPLOYEES POSTED BY ORDER OF THE NAIIONAL. LABOR RELATIONS BOARD An Agency of the United States Government The National Labor Relations Act, as amended, gives all employees the right: To engage in self-organization To form, join, or assist any union To bargain collectively through representa- tives of' their own choosing To engage in activities together for the pur- pose of collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection To refrain from the exercise of any or all such activities. WE WILL NOl refuse to bargain collectively with Service and Hospital Employees Union, Lo- cal Union No. 50, affiliated with Service Em- ployees. International Union, AFL CIO, or any other labor organization, as the exclusive bar- gaining representative of all employees in the bargaining unit heretofore found appropriate by the National Labor Relations Board. WE WILL NOT fail or refuse to meet with the above-named union, or any other labor organi- zation, upon request, to discuss the discharge of employee William Franklin, or any other em- ployee. WE WILL NOT fail or refuse to supply the Union, or any other labor organization, with in- formation requested by it that is necessary for the purposes of collective bargaining. WE WIL NOT fail or refuse to meet with the Union, or any other labor organization, and en- gage in collective bargaining. WE WILL NOT fail or refuse to authorize any agent or representative to bargain with the Union, or any labor organization so requesting. 244 NLRB No. 115 784 S'I. I.OUIS (COMNPREIHtENSIVF NE(iGBORtIOOI) HEAI.TH CFNTER 1: wiII.I. NOt in any like or related manner interfere with, restrain, or coerce employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed them by Section 7 of the Act. WE Wii.l., upon request, meet with the Union. or any other labor organization. to discuss the discharge of employee William Franklin, or any other employee. WE WIIt., upon request. supply the Union, or any other Labor organization. any information necessary for the purposes of collective bargain- ing. Wi wlltl. meet with the Union, or any other Labor organization, and engage in collective bar- gaining. WE WVILL, upon request, authorize an agent or representative to bargain with the Union or any other labor organization. All employees are free to become and remain mem- bers of Service and Hospital Employees Union, Local Union No. 50, affiliated with Service Employees In- ternational Union. AFL-CIO. or any other labor or- ganization. ST. Louis COMPREHENSIVE NEIGHBORHOOD HEALTH CENTER, INC. DECISION STATEMENT OF tHE CASE IVAR H. PETERSON, Administrative Law Judge: This case was heard before me in St. Louis, Missouri, on February 27 and 28, 1978, based on the complaint issued by the Acting Regional Director for Region 14 on January 19. 1978. which was based on the charge filed on December 15. 1977, by Service and Hospital Employees Union, Local Union No. 50, affiliated with Service Employees International Union, AFL-CIO, herein called the Union. Briefly stated. the complaint alleged that since on or about July 27. 1977. Respondent has failed and refused to bargain collectively with the Union as the exclusive representative of all the employees in a unit consisting of full-time employees and regular part-time employees including office clerical em- ployees employed by Respondent at its St. Louis. Missouri, facility, excluding technical employees, confidential em- ployees, professional employees, guards, and supervisors as defined in the Act for which the Union, in a secret-ballot election conducted by the Regional Director for Region 14. on or about June 17, 1977, had been designated as the ex- clusive representative within the meaning of the Act. In addition, the complaint alleged that since on or about July 13, 1977. the Union has been requesting Respondent to meet and discuss the discharge of employee William Frank- lin. a member of the bargaining unit, without success. Fi- nally, the complaint alleged that since on or about August 22 the Union had requested Respondent to furnish it with certain information, namely. a list of wage rates and senior- it dates for all employees in the bargaining unit, the cur- rent issue of Respondent's personnel manual. an, health insurance policies and the cost of the plans presentl in effect. pension or annuitN summary plans description. and HEW guidelines regarding personnel policies at health cen- ters. The complaint further alleged that all technical employ- ees at the St. Louis facility, excluding office clerical and professional employees, guards, and supervisors as defined in the Act, and all other employees, constituted an appro- priate bargaining unit within the meaning of Section 9(b) of the Act. and that the Union had been selected, in a secret- ballot election held on or about July 13. 1977. as their ex- clusive bargaining representative. The complaint further al- leged that the Union, at all times since July 21. has been the exclusive representative of the technical unit. and that since on or about August 5 Respondent "has been and is refusing to give its negotiators the authority to conduct meaningful and good faith negotiations" with the Union with respect to both bargaining units and, since August 22. "has failed and refused" to supply the Union with the relevant bargaining information requested as alleged in the complaint and set forth above. The foregoing conduct. it is alleged, violated Section 8(a)( ) and (5) of the Act. In its answer dated January 25, 1977. Respondent admits that it is a not-for-profit Missouri corporation, engaged at its facilitN in St. Louis. Missouri, in providing health ser- vices for residents of neighborhoods within the city and county of St. Louis. Missouri, but Respondent denies that it is the only health facility involved. Respondent denies that during the year ending December 31. 1977. a representative period, it derived gross revenues in excess of $250.000 and purchased and caused to be transported and delivered at its St. Louis place of business goods. supplies, and materials valued in excess of $20.000. of which in excess of the same amount were transported and delivered to the St. Louis fa- cility directly from suppliers located outside the State of Missouri. It further denies that it is a health care institution within the meaning of Section 2(14) of the Act and an em- ployer engaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(2). (6). and (7) of the Act. However. Respondent admits that the Union is a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act, and that at one time or another L. David Outlaw was president of the board of directors. Morris Henderson was a project director. and Clarice Mur- phy was a member and former president of the board of directors. It denies the appropriateness of the bargaining unit but admits that the Union was. as alleged in the com- plaint, selected by the employees as the exclusive represent- ative thereof. It denies that the Union is the statutory repre- sentative of the employees in the unit. It denies that the Union has been requesting Respondent. since July 13. to meet and discuss the discharge of Franklin and to bargain collectively. as well as the commission of any conduct viola- tive of the Act. Upon the basis of the entire record in the case. my obser- vation of the witnesses as they testified, and consideration of the briefs filed with me on April 4. 1978. by counsel for each of the parties. I make the following: 785 DE-CISIONS Ol: NATIONAL I.ABOR RELATIONS BOARD FINI)I(;S o) FA( I I. JRISD)Il( IlN While Respondent admits that it is a not-for-profit Mis- souri corporation engaged at its facility in St. ouis in pro- viding health services for residents of the neighborhoods within the City of St. Louis, it denies that it comes within the Board's jurisdictional standards. that it is a health care institution within the meaning of Section 2(14) of the Act. and that it is an employer engaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(2). (6). and (7) of the Act. However. on May 18. 1977. the Regional Director issued his Decision and Direction of Election upon the Union's petition, and on June 13. 1977. the Board denied Respondent's request for review. Thereafter an election was conducted. and on June 27 the Union was certified as the exclusive representative in the unit found appropriate. Rule 102.67(f) of the Board's Rules and Regulations provides that denial of a request for review by the Board of the action taken by the Regional Director precludes that party "from relitigating in any re- lated subsequent unfair labor practice proceeding. any issue which was, or could have been, raised in the representation proceeding." Accordingly. I find that Respondent is en- gaged in commerce within the meaning of the Act and comes within the Board's jurisdictional standards. Respon- dent admits that the Union is a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. I. il A ItliD UNFAIR ABOR P'RA('11-(S Although Respondent denies that it failed and refused to bargain collectively with the Union it is well settled, as the Board stated in Automatic Plastic Molding Companv, 234 NLRB 681. 683 (1978), "A certified union enjoys an irre- butable presumption of majority status during the certifica- tion year, and . . . an employer is obligated to bargain in good faith for at least that year .... " As pointed out by counsel for the General Counsel in his brief, on seven occa- sions between August 5, 1977, and January 30, 1978, the Union requested meetings to discuss contract proposals and accompanied many of these requests with a threat of filing unfair labor practice charges. Respondent did agree to at- tend one meeting. Outlaw testified that he told the represen- tatives of the Union that Respondent was willing to negoti- ate in good faith but that, "because of our grant conditions and my judgment we just couldn't really negotiate anything until we got an answer" from HEW concerning "our policy statement and what position they were going to take." Out- law further testified that the union representative "wanted a date that we would sit down and talk about the proposal" of the Union, but he told the representative he "didn't think we could give her a date at that time, reiterating the point that we would have to get with counsel and take a look at what she had and then hopefully we would get a reply from HEW to our policy statement." Pearson, a business repre- sentative of the Union, wrote to Project Director Hender- son on July 13, 1977. requesting "a meeting for the purpose of discussing the termination of Bill Franklin." Potterton. who had worked as a field representative for the Union, testified that he asked Henderson about information that the Union needed for negotiations. Outlaw testified that the board of directors authorized its labor committee to meet with the Union but did not authorize it to enter into an agreement. On August 5. 1977. Potterton sent a letter to Henderson on behalf of the Union requesting a meeting "to negotiate a labor agreement covering the wages, hours and working conditions with the employees we represent." Henderson replied under date of August 18. agreeing to a meeting but with the condition that "We don't have the authority to make agreements in these areas, however, if you will pre- sent your proposals in writing we will forward them to ap- propriate authorities for their consideration." In prepara- tion for this meeting on August 22 Potterton sent a letter to Henderson requesting certain information including a list of employee wage rates and seniority dates, a current issue of Respondent's personnel manual, current health insurance policies and their costs, descriptions of any pensions or an- nuities, and guidelines of the Department of Health. Educa- tion, and Welfare. After receiving the August 18 letter from Henderson. Potterton called Henderson five or six times at Respondent's place of business but was unable to get through to him. Henderson never returned Potterton's mes- sages. Being unable to reach Henderson by telephone Potterton went to the center on or about September . After having the receptionist announce his visit to Henderson. Potterton waited in the reception area for about 5 minutes until he saw Henderson coming out of another part of the building and leaving the center. Potterton stated to Henderson that he wanted a meeting date for contract negotiations, that the Union needed the information which had been requested in the letter of August 22. and that he had been trying to reach Henderson by telephone. Potterton took out his date hook and told Henderson that "any date is free next week, I'm free." and asked for a date. Henderson replied that contract negotiations were in the hands of Respondent's board of directors, and that he would get back to Potterton. Hender- son did not agree to a date for a negotiating meeting. After being advised by Henderson that contract negotia- tions were in the hands of Respondent's board on Septem- ber 8 Potterton attended the board's regularly scheduled meeting. Before the beginning of the meeting Potterton ap- proached the board chairman, Clarice Murphy, and stated that he wished to introduce himself to the board and ex- plain the position of the Union, and that Henderson had told him that the board was handling contract negotiations with the Union. Murphy told Potterton to sit down, and about 15 minutes after the meeting started Murphy told the board that a union representative was at the meeting. The board voted to go into executive session, and Murphy told Potterton that he would have to leave because only board members could attend an executive session. Potterton left the board meeting and waited outside the meeting room where he was met by another business agent of the Union, Ed Wilson. At some point during the meeting an unknown woman board member came out out of the meeting and told Potterton that he could not "force your- self on this board. This board's got the power, you can't tell us what we should be doing, what we shouldn't be doing" and, "You have got to respect this board." This board member returned to the meeting and later Henderson came 786 ST. LOUIS COMPREHENSIVE NEIGHBORHOOD HEALTH CENTER out of the meeting room and told Potterton, "You've really screwed this up, Potterton, and I told you that I would take care of it." In a letter dated September 9. 1977, Murphy wrote to Pottertor that Respondent had recently become directly funded by HEW. that Respondent's board had voted to "formulate an official policy for dealing with your organization," and that in 2 weeks the policy would be drafted and sent to the Union. The letter concluded that Upon the Union's review of the policy. "We will meet with you concerning it." In a letter dated September 30 Hender- son sent to Dr. Holman Wherritt of HEW a copy of the policy statement and stated that Henderson wanted an HEW reaction to this statement before Respondent sub- mitted it to the Union. There is no record evidence that the policy statement was ever submitted to the Union. On October 17 William Stodghill started as trustee of the Union. After reviewing the status of contracts with various employers Stodghill sent a letter to Henderson on October 25 requesting a meeting "at any convenient time or place," "for the purpose of discussing wages, hours, and the posi- tion of employment for the employees covered under this certification." Stodghill threatened that unfair labor prac- tice charges would be filed against Respondent unless a re- sponse was received by October 31. In a letter dated Octo- ber 28 Henderson responded to Stodghill that Respondent had forwarded to HEW its policy statement concerning its "position with respect to any meetings regarding collective bargaining and the quality of such bargaining," and that since its direct grant from HEW "we are clearing all mat- ters of consequence through them before acting." Stodghill's response to Henderson's October 28 letter was to request by letter the names and addresses of Respon- dent's board members. In a letter dated November 7 Hen- derson supplied to Stodghill the names of Respondent's board members and the address of the current board chair- man, David Outlaw. Ann Spears, a business agent of the Union, then called Outlaw, and in response to that tele- phone conversation Stodghill drafted a November 8, 1977, letter to Henderson with a carbon copy to Outlaw. This letter again requested a meeting "for the purpose of discuss- ing wages, hours and other conditions of employment," stated that the Union had requested such a meeting on sev- eral occasions, and threatened unfair labor practice charges unless Respondent replied by November I I. In a letter dated November 10 Henderson responded, stating that the board would meet "rather than go through the time consuming and costly investigative process em- ployed" by the board, that Respondent would not "discuss substantive issue" with the Union "until we hear from HEW," and that the meeting could be held on November 25. Because of problems that Respondent had in getting its board members of attend this meeting the meeting was postponed until December 7. The December 7 meeting was attended b business agent Spears, Henderson, Outlaw, and other members of Respon- dent's board. The meeting began with Spears passing out copies of the Union's contract proposals and requesting some point-by-point discussions. Outlaw replied that the board needed time to study the proposals, and that further discussions would have to await the answer of HEW to Respondent's policy statement. Spears requested that a firm date be set for the next negotiating meeting, but Outlaw refused: the meeting ended with Spears threatening to file unfair labor practice charges. In a letter dated December 13 Dr. Wherritt from HEW responded to Respondent's policy statement, stating that "we have had very limited experience in the area of collec- tive bargaining relative to project personnel." that only "rarely do supplemental funds become available." and that in consequence if "in the event of a further agreement that would require an increase in the funding level, you may find it necessary to develop an additional source of funds." So far as it appears this is the only statement in the record of HEW's position on Respondent's collective-bargaining obligations. During the first 3 weeks of January 1978 Mary Bolden, a busines agent of the Union, attempted to contact Hender- son by telephone, but Henderson did not return any of her calls. On January 30, 1978, trustee Stodghill sent a mail- gram to Henderson requesting a "meeting as soon as possi- ble" for the purpose of discussing employee contract de- mands. Bolden credibly testified that she was not able to reach Henderson until February 10, that he did not tell her that he had been out of the city during the first part of January, but that on each occasion some receptionist stated that Henderson was in a meeting but did not state where the meeting was being held. Ilt. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS Counsel for the General Counsel correctly points out in his brief that certification creates an irrebuttable presump- tion of majority status. As the Board stated in Automatic Plastic Molding Company, supra, it "is established law that a certified union enjoys an irrebutable presumption of major- ity status during the certification year, and that an em- ployer is obligated to bargain in good faith for at least that year." It is clear and I find that an effect of the Regional Director's certification was to entitle the Union to this pre- sumption in the period at issue in this case. I further find that rule 102.67(f) of the Board's Rules and Regulations precludes Respondent from relitigating in this unfair labor practice proceeding any issue which was or could have been raised in the prior representation proceed- ings. While Respondent may introduce evidence in this pro- ceeding of new, material, changed facts relative to the issues raised in the representation proceeding, Respondent is re- quired first to meet its burden of proving that this new evidence could not have been uncovered in the exercise of due diligence at the time of the representation proceedings. Contrary to the assertions made by Respondent, this rule is neither unfair nor is it an attempt by the Board to conceal its prior mistakes. Rather, it is an attempt to provide for the parties due process rights while avoiding needless and inter- minable delays caused by relitigation which would frustrate the Section 7 rights of employees. I agree with the conten- tion of counsel for the General Counsel that because the Board denied Respondent's request for review of the Re- gional Director's first Decision and Direction of Election and because Respondnet failed to request review by the Board of the Regional Director's second Decision and Di- rection of Election Respondent may not relitigate the issues 787 I)EFCISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD of the Board's jurisdiction, the appropriateness of the units, or the status of Respondent as an employer under the Act. The Region:ll Director found in his Decision and Direc- tion of Election th t Respondent satisfied the jurisdictional standards of the Board for a health care institution, and that two units of Respondent's employees were appropriate for purposes of collective bargaining. I agree that the Board adopted two of these findings when it denied Respondent's request for review of the Regional Director's first Decision and Direction of Election. Although Respondent denied these allegations of the complaint in its answer, it offered no evidence to show that the facts had changed since the Board's and Regional Director's determinations regarding jurisdiction and the appropriateness of the units. Both counsel for the General Counsel and Respondent offered evidence that Respondent's revenues are substantially equivalent to the levels existing at the time of the represen- tation proceeding. I therefore conclude that counsel for the General Counsel has met the burden of proving the Board's jurisdiction and the appropriateness of the units. At the hearing Respondent sought to relitigate the issue of its status of' an employer under the Act because of its relationship with HEW. Counsel for the General Counsel objected on the grounds that the Board and the Regional Director had specifically held in two prior representation proceedings that Respondent maintained control of its la- bor relations and, therefore, could not share in the exempt status of HEW. I permitted Respondent to introduce evi- dence that HEW requires it to submit its budget and con- tracts to HEW for approval, that HEW exercised some con- trol over the use of other revenues generated by the operations of Respondent, and that the composition of Re- spondent's board of directors is governed by HEW regula- tions. Respondent argued that these were new facts not in existence at the time of the prior representation proceedings on the grounds that these were the grant conditions im- posed by HEW upon Respondent when it became directly funded by HEW which occurred, admittedly, after the rep- resentation proceedings. However, it should be pointed out that these are the same grant restrictions on Respondent's operations which existed at the time of the representation proceedings when Respondent was indirectly funded by HEW through the Human Development Corporation, herein referred to as HDC. It should be pointed out that the Regional Director specifically found in his Decision and Direction of Election that the format of Respondent's bud- getary submission to HEW has not materially changed since becoming directly funded. Therefore, Respondent may not relitigate the effect this fact has on its status as an employer. Moreover, the Board has held that budgetary and fiscal oversight by a government agency over an em- ployer which it is funding does not permit the employer to share in the agency's exempt status. See The Workshop. In- corporated, 233 NLRB 237 (1977). At the time of the representation proceeding when Re- spondent was funded indirectly by HEW through HDC a condition of Respondent's grant was that all contracts had to be submitted to HDC which in turn submitted them to HEW. Accordingly, I agree with counsel for the General Counsel that Respondent may not raise the effects of this grant condition in this proceeding because all that has changed since Respondent has become a direct grantee of HEW is that HDC is no longer in the picture. However, the argument of Respondent is that it alone has interpreted this grant condition to require a collective-bargaining agree- ment to be submitted to HEW for approval. Henderson testified that Respondent has no prior experience with ei- ther individual employment contracts or collective-bargain- ing agreements. In the one communication from HEW that is in the record regarding labor agreements HEW states only that if Respondent enters into a collective-bargaining agreement it may have to find supplemental sources of funding in addition to the HEW grant. HEW has always exercised the same limited control over Respondent's use of income or revenues generated by the operation of the center. Accordingly. I agree with counsel for the General Counsel that Respondent may not relitigate the effect that this control has on its status as an employer. However, counsel for the General Counsel points out that HEW only requires Respondent to use other revenues gen- erated by the center for any purpose which furthers the objectives of Respondent's operation as a neighborhood health center. This grant condition does not impair Respon- dent's control of its labor relations. Finally, the Regional Director specifically found in his Decision and Direction of Election that the "composition of the Employer's 25 member Board of Directors is also gov- erned by federal regulations...." Therefore, Respondent may not relitigate the effect this fact has on its status as an employer. However, the Board has held that the fact that government regulations control the composition of an em- ployer's board is not controlling in determining its status as an employer, but that the test is rather whether a majority of the board members are responsible to the general elector- ate. See Southwest Texas Public Broadcasting Council, 227 NLRB 1560 (1977). There is no record evidence that any of Respondent's board members are accountable to the gen- eral electorate. Accordingly, I agree with counsel for the General Counsel that Respondent may not raise these mat- ters in this proceeding because of rule 102.67(f). Later in the hearing Respondent argued that it was not attempting to relitigate its status as an employer but rather was intro- ducing the evidence of its grant conditions to show that its agents acted in good faith, relying upon the grant condi- tions when they refused to bargain with the Union. I agree with counsel for the General Counsel that when the Board found that Respondent could engage in meaningful collec- tive bargaining and was, therefore, an employer under the Act, these grant conditions could no longer be used as grounds for avoiding the obligation to bargain. In determining whether an employer is an employer un- der the Act or it if shares the exempt status of a government entity the Board has stated its test as whether the employer retains control of its labor relations or whether the em- ployer can engage in meaningful collective bargaining. Since the representation hearings Respondent has become a direct grantee of HEW; at the time of the earlier hearings, Respondent received HEW grant funds through HDC. Upon becoming a direct grantee of HEW Respondent be- came subject to an HEW regulations which provided that Respondent's governing board "shall have specific responsi- 7R88 ST. LOUIS COMPREHENSIVE NEIGHBORHOOD HEALTH CENtER bility for: ... (ii) Establishing personnel policies and proce- dures, including selection and dismissal procedures, salary and benefit scales, employees grievance procedures, and equal opportunity practices." Therefore. Respondent ad- mits that the explicit effect of this HEW regulation is to recognize that Respondent's board has authority over Re- spondent's labor relations. To conclude, I find that by failing to meet with the Union to discuss the discharge of employee Franklin. by failing to supply the Union with information necessary for the pur- poses of collective bargaining, by failing to meet with the Union and bargain, and by failing to authorize an agent to bargain with the Union Respondent has engaged in con- duct violative of Section 8(a)(1) and (5) of the Act. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1. St. Louis Comprehensive Neighborhood Health Cen- ter. Inc.. is an employer engaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act, and Service and Hospital Employees Union, Local No. 50, affiliated with Service Employees International Union, AFL CIO, is a la- bor organization within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. 2. By failing to meet with the Union to discuss the dis- charge of employee William Franklin. by failing to supply the Union with information necessary for the purposes of collective bargaining, by failing to meet with the Union and engage in collective bargaining, and by failing to authorize any agent or representative to bargain with the Union Re- spondent violated Section 8(a)( ) and (5) of the Act. 3. The aforesaid unfair labor practices are unfair labor practices affecting commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. IV. THE EFFECT OF THE UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES UPO)N COMMERCE The activities of Respondent set forth above have a close. intimate, and substantial relationship to trade. traffic, and commerce among the several States and tend to lead to labor disputes burdening and obstructing commerce and the free flow of commerce. THE REMEDY It having been found that Respondent has engaged in unfair labor practices, it will be recommended that it cease and desist therefrom and take certain affirmative action de- signed to effectuate the policies of the Act. Upon the foregoing findings of fact, conclusions of law, and the entire record and pursuant to Section 10(c) of the Act, I issue the following recommended: ORDER' The Respondent. St. Louis Comprehensive Neighbor- hood Health Center. Inc.. St. Louis, Missouri. its officers. agents. successors, and assigns, shall: 1. Cease and desist from: (a) Failing to meet with the Union or any other labor organization. upon request. to discuss the discharge of em- ployee William Franklin or any other employee. (b) Failing to supply the Union or any other labor or- ganization with any information requested b it necessar% for the purposes of collective bargaining. (c) Failing to meet with the U nion or any other labor organization so desiring and engage in collective bargain- ing. (d) Failing to authorize any agent or representative to bargain with the Union or any labor organization so re- questing. 2. Take the following affirmative action which is deemed necessary to effectuate the policies of the Act: (a) Upon request. meet with the Union or an3 other la- bor organization to discuss the discharge of emploee Wil- liam Franklin or an) other employee. (b) Supply the Union or any other labor organization. upon request. with any information necessary for the pur- poses of collective bargaining. (c) Meet with the Union or any other labor organization so desiring and engage in collective bargaining. (d) Authorize an agent or representatie to bargain with the Union or any labor organization so requesting. (e) Post at its premises in St. Louis. Missouri. copies of the attached notice marked "Appendix."' Copies of said notice, to be furnished hb the Regional Director for Region 14, after being duly signed bh a representative of Respon- dent. shall he posted by Respondent immediately upon re- ceipt thereof. and be maintained bh it for 60 consecutive days thereafter, in conspicuous places. including all places where notices to employees are customiarily% posted. Reason- able steps shall be taken b Respondent to insure that said notices are not altered. defaced. or covered bh any other material. (f) Notify the Regional Director for Region 14. in writ- ing. within 20 days from the date of' this Order, what steps Respondent has taken to comply herewith. In the event no exceptions are filed as provided h) Sec 102 46 of the Rules and Regulations of the National Labor Relations Board. the findings. conclusions. and recommended Order herein shall. as provided In Sec. 10248 of the Rules and Regulations. be adopted b the Board and become its findings, conclusions, and Order. and all objections thereto shall he deemed waived for all purposes I In the event that this Order is enfored b) a Judgment of a nted States Court of Appeals, the words in the notice reading Posted b order of the National Labor Relations Board" shall read "Posted Pursuant to a Judgment of the United States (ourt of Appeals Enforcing an order of he National Labor Relations Board." Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation