St. Anne's HospitalDownload PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsSep 28, 1979245 N.L.R.B. 1009 (N.L.R.B. 1979) Copy Citation ST. ANNE'S HOSPITAL St. Anne's Hospital and Madeleine M. Souza, Leslie J. Rocha, Rose Mary Almeida, and Patricia Danis. Cases -CA-14319. 1-CA-14320, 1-CA-14450, 1- CA- 14938, and I -CA- 14465 September 28, 1979 DECISION AND ORDER BY MEMBERS PENELLO, MURPHY, AND TRUESDALE On February 27, 1979, Administrative Law Judge Herbert Silberman issued the attached Decision in this proceeding. Thereafter, Respondent filed excep- tions and a supporting brief, and the General Counsel filed cross-exceptions and a supporting brief. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the Na- tional Labor Relations Board has delegated its au- thority in this proceeding to a three-member panel. The Board has considered the record and the at- tached Decision in light of the exceptions and briefs and has decided to affirm the rulings, findings.' and conclusions of the Administrative Law Judge, as modified herein, and to adopt his recommended Or- der, as modified herein. The Administrative Law Judge found, and the rec- ord reveals, that, for a number of years prior to March-April 1978, employees Madeleine Souza and Rose Mary Almeida would normally substitute for Head Nurse Hilda Paruch, an admitted supervisor, when Paruch was absent from work.2 As more fully discussed in his Decision, the Administrative Law Judge also found that between March 17, 1978, and April 16, 1978, Respondent refused to allow either Souza or Almeida to substitute for Paruch when she was absent from work. The Administrative Law I In adopting the Administrative Law Judge's recommended dismissal of the allegation of the complaint concerning Respondent's promulgation of a rule restricting operating room conversations, we find it unnecessary to rely on Textile Workers Union of Amenca v. Darlington Manufacturing Co., et aL, 31{0 U.S. 263, 268 (1967), cited by the Administrative Law Judge. Rather we are satisfied that the result is fully consistent with the teachings of the Su- preme Court in Beth Israel Hospital v. N.LR.B., 437 U.S. 483 (1978): N.LR.B.. v. Baptist Hospital, Inc., 99 S. Ct. 2598, 86 LC 111,351 (1979), and similar cases that deal with the application of no-solicitation and no- distribution rules in the hospital context. We agree with the Administrative Law Judge's findings that Respondent violated Sec. 8(aXI) of the Act by discharging employees Souza and Rocha for engaging in Sec. 7 activity. In so doing, we note that Souza and Rocha were openly active in the nurses' protected activity. We also emphasize that Respondent itself recently had established the procedure by which nurses who felt unqualified to participate in assigned surgery could notify their supervisor and be relieved of their assignment. Souza and Rocha dutifully followed this procedure. Hence, Respondent's decision to discharge Sousa and Rocha for doing no more than following instructions and exercising their prerogative to be relieved of their assignments in such sensitive surgery as an aortic aneurysm and an exploratory laparotomy reveals that Respon- dent's real motive for the discharges was an unlawful one. 2 At such times, the two employees would be referred to as acting charge nurses. Judge found that the reason for Respondent's refusal of this work to Souza and Almeida was their partici- pation in protected concerted activity during the pe- riod from January through March 1978. We agree with this conclusion. However, the Administrative Law Judge also found that, notwithstanding the rea- son for Respondent's refusal of this work, Respon- dent had not thereby violated Section 8(a)(1) because "the process of hiring supervisors." temporary or oth- elwise, is not subject to the protection of the Act. For the following reasons, we disagree with the Adminis- trative Law Judge and find a violation in Respon- dent's refusal to utilize Souza and Almeida as substi- tutes for Paruch. In support of his conclusion that Respondent had not violated the Act, the Adminis,:ative Law Judge relied on a portion of the Board's decision in Pacific American Shipowners Association. et al.3 There, a Board majority found that eight individuals who were applying for supervisory positions through a hiring hall were not entitled to the protection of Section 8(a)(3) of the Act. The Administrative Law Judge noted that in dismissing the 8(a)(3) allegation there the majority in Pacific American had stated that "when Congress amended the Act to exclude supervi- sors from the definition of the term 'employee,' it thereby denied to those seeking and to those holding supervisory jobs the protection of Section 8(a)(3)."4 However, in that portion of Pacific American on which the Administrative Law Judge relied, the Board majority was speaking of those applicants for supervisor who were not already employed by the hir- ing employer. Thus, the majority in Pacific American made it clear that its decision was not intended to deprive of the Act's protection present nonsupervi- sory employees who were seeking promotion to a su- pervisory position. Specifically, the majority stated that: Further, we cannot agree that our decision herein affects adversely the rights of nonsupervi- sory employees in the particular respect which concerns our dissenting colleague: viz, where a rank and file employee of a particular employer. who applies to his employer for promotion to a supervisory vacancy, is told that he will not re- ceive consideration for the promotion because he has been an active union member. A refusal to accord an actual employee the normal consider- ation for promotion to a higher position, albeit that of supervisor, based on protected concerted activity during such employment, would clearly 198 NLRB 582 (1952). 498 NLRB at 596. 245 NLRB No. 130 1009 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD be a violation of the rights of nonsupervisory em- ployees.5 Clearly, it is just such a situation that we have before us except that here consideration and selection were inextricably intertwined. Almeida and Souza were employees of Respondent who were denied promo- tions and consideration for promotion, albeit tempo- rary, to a supervisory position because of their in- volvement in protected concerted activity, i.e., the attempt of the operating room nurses to effect changes in their working conditions. Accordingly, based on that portion of Pacific American which the Administrative Law Judge failed to discuss, we find that Respondent's refusal to offer the temporary su- pervisory work to Souza and Almeida, which was available during the relevant time period, was a viola- tion of Section 8(a)(l) of the Act. We also reject the Administrative Law Judge's sub- sidiary finding that Respondent's actions were justi- fied because Respondent was entitled to the undivid- ed loyalty of its supervisors, temporary or full-time, and Almeida and Souza, by virtue of their activities on behalf of the nurses, had rendered their loyalty subject to question. In a recent decision,6 the Board, in adopting the decision of the Administrative Law Judge, rejected the same argument. The Administra- tive Law Judge in Little Lake found that until an employee who is being considered for a supervisory position actually becomes a supervisor, he may con- tinue his actions as a rank-and-file employee and may not be held to the code of a supervisor before becom- ing one. Therefore, here, Respondent's refusal to uti- lize employees Souza and Almeida in temporary su- pervisory positions because of their failure to honor a duty of loyalty that they were not bound to honor constituted a violation of the Act.7 AMENDED REMEDY Having found, contrary to the Administrative Law Judge, that Respondent engaged in certain additional unfair labor practices in violation of Section 8(a)( ) of the Act by refusing to place employees Madeleine Souza and Rose Mary Almeida in the position of act- ing charge nurse in the operating room because they engaged in protected concerted activities, we find it necessary, to effectuate the purposes of the Act, that Respondent be ordered to cease and desist from en- gaging in such unlawful conduct and that it be or- dered to make the affected employees whole for any I Id. at 597. 6Little Lake Industries, Inc., 233 NLRB 1049 (1977). 7See also Richboro Community Mental Health Council. Inc., 242 NLRB 1267 (1979), to the same effect. loss of pay they may have suffered as the result of such activity. Backpay shall be computed in accord- ance with F. W. Woolworth Company. 90 NLRB 289 (1950), and Florida Steel Corporation, 231 NLRB 651 (1977).8 ORDER Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Rela- tions Board adopts as its Order the recommended Or- der of the Administrative Law Judge, as modified be- low, and hereby orders that the Respondent, St. Anne's Hospital, Fall River, Massachusetts, its offi- cers, agents, successors, and assigns, shall take the ac- tion set forth in this recommended Order, as so modi- fied: 1. Insert the following as paragraphs (d) and (e) and reletter the remaining paragraph accordingly: "(d) Refusing to place employees Madeleine Souza and Rose Mary Almeida in the position of acting charge nurse in the operating room ,because of their protected concerted activities." "(e) In any like or related manner, interfering with, restraining, or coercing its employees in the exercise of their rights guaranteed in Section 7 of the Act." 2. Insert the following as paragraph 2(c) and re- letter the following paragraphs accordingly: "(c) Make whole Madeleine Souza and Rose Mary Almeida for any loss of earnings they may have suf- fered by reason of Respondent's unlawful conduct in refusing to place them in the position of acting charge nurse because of their protected concerted activities in the manner set forth in the Remedy section of the Board's Decision." 3. Substitute the attached notice for that of the Administrative Law Judge. See, generally. Isis Plumbing d Healing Co., 138 NLRB 716 (1962). How- ever, consistent with our recent Decision in Hickmort Foods, Inc.. 242 NLRB 1357 (1979). we shall enter a narrow cease-and-desist Order in this proceed- ing. APPENDIX NOTICE TO EMPLOYEES POSTED BY ORDER OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD An Agency of the United States Government WE WILL NOT prohibit employees from engag- ing in concerted activities on the Hospital's premises for the purposes of obtaining improve- ments in their working conditions or other mu- tual aid or protection, provided such activities are not conducted in patient areas. 1010 ST. ANNE'S HOSPITAL WF WIL. NOT directly or by implication threaten employees with reprisals for (1) engag- ing in concerted activities for the purpose of ob- taining improvements in their working condi- tions or other mutual aid or protection; or (2) associating with employees who engage in such activities. WE WILL NOT discharge, suspend, transfer, or take other reprisals against employees because they engage in concerted activities for the pur- pose of obtaining improvements in their working conditions or other mutual aid or protection. WE WILL. NOT refuse to place employees Ma- deleine M. Souza and Rose Mary Almeida in the position of acting head nurse because of their protected concerted activities. WE WILL NOT in any like or related manner interfere with, restrain, or coerce our employees in the exercise of the rights to self-organization, to form, join, or assist labor organizations, to bargain collectively through representatives of their own choosing, and to engage in other con- certed activities for the purpose of collective bar- gaining or other mutual aid or protection or to refrain from any or all such activities. WE WILL offer Madeleine M. Souza and Leslie Rocha immediate and full reinstatement to their former jobs or, if those jobs no longer exist, to substantially equivalent positions, without preju- dice to their seniority or any other rights and privileges previously enjoyed, and WE WILL make them whole for any loss of earnings they may have suffered by reason of their unlawful dis- charges, plus interest. WE WILL make whole Rose Mary Almeida for the loss of earnings she suffered by reason of our unlawful conduct in suspending her from her employment from March 17 to March 27, 1978, and for causing her to lose 1 month's work by reason of our unlawful refusal to remove her name from the on-call roster during the eighth month of her pregnancy, with interest. WE WILL offer Rose Mary Almeida a position on the operating room staff substantially equiv- alent to the position she held before April 16, 1978, without prejudice to her seniority or other rights and privileges. WE WILL expunge from our personnel records the warning notice given to Leslie Rocha on March 17, 1978, and the suspension notice given to Rose Mary Almeida on March 17, 1978. WE WILL make Rose Mary Almeida and Ma- deleine M. Souza whole for any loss of earnings they may have suffered by reason of our unlaw- ful refusal to place them in the position of acting charge nurse because of their protected con- certed activity, with interest. Si. ANNE'S HOSPIIAL DECISION SIAFMENI ()OF IH ( CAS Herbert Silberman. Administrative Judge: The charges of unfair labor practices in the above cases were filed on various days between April 5 and September 11. 1978. Based thereon orders consolidating the cases were is- sued on May 26 and October 2. 1978. A complaint in said cases was issued on May 26. 1978. which was superseded by an amended complaint issued on October 2. 1978. In sub- stance, the amended complaint alleges that in violation of Section 8(a)( 1) between January 26 and September II. 1978, the Respondent. St. Anne's Hospital. herein some- times referred to as the Hospital, coerced, restrained, and interfered with its employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed in Section 7 of the Act by conduct set forth therein. including the discharges of its employees Ma- deleine M. Souza and Leslie J. Rocha and the suspension of its employee, Rose Mary Almeida. because the! had en- gaged in concerted activities protected by Section 7. Re- spondent duly filed answers to the complaint and to the amended complaint denying that it had committed the al- leged unfair labor practices. A hearing in this proceeding was held in Boston. Massachusetts, on November 6 9, 1978. Thereafter. pursuant to permission granted the par- ties at the hearing, briefs were filed with the Administrative Law Judge on behalf of the General Counsel. Respondent, and the Charging Parties. Upon the entire record in these cases, and from my ob- servation of the witnesses and their demeanor, I make the following: FINDIN(;S oF FACT 1. JRISDICTION St. Anne's Hospital, a Massachusetts corporation, is a health care institution which operates a hospital in Fall River. Massachusetts. Respondent's gross annual income from its operations is in excess of $250,000 and annuall it purchases and receives from suppliers located outside the Commonwealth of Massachusetts goods and materials val- ued at in excess of $50,000 and shipped through channels of interstate commerce to the Hospital. Respondent admits. and I find, that the Hospital is an employer within the meaning of Section 2(2) and (14) and is engaged in com- merce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. 11, TIF A.LE(;FD UNFAIR I.ABOR PRA('ICES These proceedings arise from the collective efforts of the Hospital's operating room personnel to obtain an increase in the rate of pay for "on-call" duty and a greater voice in the development of hospital policN as it affects their em- ployment and the Hospital's reaction to their concerted 1011 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD pressure. The theory of the complaint is that although the Hospital met with the operating room employees, discussed their grievances, and made some amelioratory changes, hospital management resented the pressure sought to be exercised upon it by this group of employees and retaliated against them in ways which violated the Act. During the time material hereto, the Hospital employed approximately 17 full-time and regular part-time persons to staff its operating rooms composed of registered nurses, li- censed practical nurses, and operating room technicians. These employees collectively will be referred to as the nurses. In addition, the Hospital employed five nurses on a casual or per diem basis. The per diem nurses were not materially involved in the events with which these proceed- ings are concerned. The operating room (sometimes herein referred to as the OR) supervisors in order of authority are: James Lyons, administrator; Sister Angela Francis, assist- ant administrator in charge of nursing service; Margaret Goslin, director of nursing service; Theresa Nientimp, assistant director of nursing service; and Hilda Paruch, op- erating room supervisory nurse. In addition, also represent- ing hospital management was its director of personnel, Robert Seeley. What prompted the OR nurses to band together was a rumor that reached them in the afternoon of January 25, 1978,' that delivery room nurses were being paid $3 per hour for "on-call" duty whereas the OR nurses were being paid only $1 per hour. The nurses' regular workweek is 40 hours and work performed in excess of 8 hours during a workday or in excess of 40 hours during a workweek is compensated at 1-1/2 times the employee's regular wage rate. In addition, nurses are scheduled for "on-call" duty which means that, although away from the Hospital, they are available to report for duty quickly in the event a need for their services arises. On January 26, Hilda Paruch, in response to inquiries from the OR nurses, informed them that what they had heard was correct and that the delivery room nurses, in fact, were being paid $3 per hour for on-call duty. Upon learning this, they asked Paruch to arrange a meeting between them and the hospital administration. A meeting was scheduled for 3 p.m. that day with Hospital Administrator James Lyons and Personnel Director Robert Seeley. Seeley explained to the OR nurses that because the obstetrical department was being phased out, the Hospital was having difficulty staffing its delivery room, and there- fore the delivery room nurses were being paid a premium for on-call duty. The OR nurses called the administrator's attention to the fact that the operating room also was seri- ously understaffed and as a result, the OR nurses were being scheduled excessive amounts of on-call duty. The nurses also complained that, because the Hospital did not have a page system, when they were on call they had to be near a telephone so that they were restricted in their activi- ties. Lyons responded that he was not aware of these prob- lems; had he known of them perhaps something might have been done to relieve the situation. The meeting then was adjourned. ' All dates refer to the calendar year 1978. That night, the OR nurses met at the home of Madeleine Souza. They discussed the afternoon meeting and decided to present their views with regard to on-call policy to the Hospital's administration. Accordingly, the following letter was prepared, was signed by the 17 OR nurses, and copies were delivered the next day to James Lyons, Robert Seeley, Sister Angela, and Dr. Bounakes, chief of surgery: A meeting was held on Thursday, January 26, 1978 with Mr. Lyons and Mr. Sealy [sic] at which time the initial problems of the Operating Room were dis- cussed. Following this meeting, the undersigned further dis- cussed these problems and have come to this conclu- sion: Short Term Goals 1. The OR. Department is to be declared a tem- porary emergency non-restricted call situation. 2. The O.R. Call personnel is to receive emer- gency non-restricted call pay. If the short term goals are not met by 2 p.m. Thurs- day, February 2, 1978, the undersigned will not report to work on Friday, February 3, 1978 and thereafter until the goals are met. Long Term Goals 1. Five additional full time O.R. employees who will share the responsibilities of call and begin their work day at seven a.m. 2. Radio page system available for all call person- nel. Following receipt of the above letter, Personnel Director Seeley met with the OR nurses on January 30. He informed them that the temporary emergency policy pursuant to which delivery room nurses were being paid $3 an hour for on-call duty had been rescinded and that he believed it was an administrative mistake to have created the policy in the first place. At this meeting, OR nurses Joy Cawley, Rose Mary Almeida, and others expressed the view that they were being assigned an excessive amount of on-call duty, that something should be done about it, and that they wished to discuss and negotiate the short-term and the long-term goals expressed in their January 26 letter. How- ever, the meeting was adjourned without any decisions being reached. On January 31, there was another meeting between the OR nurses, Seeley, and Theresa Nientimp. Seeley presented a complicated on-call wage scale under which the nurses would receive $1 per hour for a given number of on-call hours, then for additional on-call hours during the same week the rate would be increased on a sliding scale begin- ning with $2 per hour to a maximum which would vary with each nurse, depending upon her base pay. Cawley in- dicated that she did not view the proposal favorably be- cause she and others were scheduled for 85 to 90 hours of on-call duty per week. Nientimp responded that Cawley should not complain because under the proposed plan Caw- ley would reach the maximum pay level. But Cawley an- swered that regardless of income she did not wish to work so many hours. The meeting adjourned with Seeley request- ing the OR nurses to give consideration to his proposal. 1012 ST. ANNE'S HOSPITAL Because it was conscious of the nurses' strike threat, the hospital was seeking an early solution to the on-call prob- lem. That night, the OR nurses met among themselves and discussed alternatives to the Hospital's plan. A counterpro- posal was drafted and was submitted to Seeley. Seeley, to- gether with Sister Angela, Goslin, Nientimp, and Paruch, met with the OR nurses in the afternoon of February 1. Seeley presented another compensation plan for on-call duty which, after a caucus, the OR nurses accepted. The nurses also informed the administrators that they wanted "input into making policies affecting other aspects of call" and expected that flexibility (the opportunity to exchange on-call duty) would not be eliminated. Sister Angela inter- rupted with the remark that "this was a big hospital and she couldn't spend all of her time with us." The meeting ad- journed after "Mrs. Goslin said that Mr. Seeley had tried to assure [the nurses] not to worry, that [they] would have some input into the policy formation." Because of bad weather, the next meeting of the OR nurses was delayed until February 23. At this meeting, Ma- deleine Souza was elected spokesperson for the group, and Joy Cawley was elected secretary-treasurer. The nurses dis- cussed a rumor that the Hospital was planning to equalize on-call duty between the circulating nurses and the scrub nurses. A scrub nurse is trained to work within the sterile area of the operating room and to assist the surgeon. She prepares the instruments which are used during the opera- tion, passes the instruments and other supplies to the sur- geon, and sometimes more directly assists the surgeon by doing such things as holding clamps and sponging the pa- tient. There may be as many as three scrub nurses assigned to a single operation involving major surgery. One is the immediate assistant to the surgeon, the second passes the instruments, and the third goes back and forth bringing special supplies and instruments as they are needed. The scrub nurse may be a registered nurse, licensed practical nurse, or operating room technician. A circulating nurse is a registered nurse who functions outside the sterile field of the operation. She receives the patient at the door, reviews the charts, attends to preoperative chores such as insuring that the laboratory reports are present, assists the anesthesi- ologist in preparing the patient, and escorts the patient to the recovery room following the operation. Prior to the date of this meeting, the hospital practice had been not to ex- change scrub and circulating nurses. Therefore, among the OR nurses, there were several circulating nurses who had not for many years scrubbed for major surgery. The next day, February 24, Madeleine Souza, in a con- versation with Hilda Paruch, told her for a second time that the OR nurses had retained legal counsel. Paruch re- sponded that when Souza first had told her that the OR nurses had retained counsel, she "had not passed on the information . . . because . . . she was trying to protect us; that by telling Administration that we had retained counsel was almost like making a threat." In the morning of Febru- ary 27, Paruch called the OR nurses, who were then at work, into the lounge. She told them that "up until that time she had been sympathetic with the group, but that since we had gone for outside help she was now cutting us off from herself." During the afternoon of February 27, there was a meet- ing among the OR nurses, Seeley, and Nientimp. The new compensation policy for on-call duty was reviewed. Souza raised for discussion some of the matters that the OR nurses had considered at their meeting on February 23, including the nurses' wish that flexibility should be maintained with respect to on-call scheduling; i.e., that the nurses will be permitted to exchange on-call duty among themselves. There was a problem with this proposal in that the new compensation plan provided for a sliding wage scale and exchanges of duty might result in different wages for the exchanged hours, which called for adjustments that Seeley and Nientimp feared the computer was not able to handle. At this meeting, there also was discussion about equalizing on-call duty between the scrub nurses and the circulating nurses. As of this date, circulating nurses normally were on call I night per week, while scrub nurses were on call 2 or 3 nights per week; thus, equalization of on-call duty would require scheduling circulating nurses for on-call duty as scrub nurses. Almeida, Rocha, and Cawley, who were cir- culating nurses, protested the equalization proposal because they did not feel qualified without further training to func- tion as scrub nurses. In response to a remark by Cawley, Nientimp said that if Cawley did not feel comfortable about assisting at an operation she should not do it. Nien- timp explained that if a circulating nurse was called upon to act as a scrub nurse in an emergency it was permissible under the law. However, Rocha, and Almeida voiced the objection that where a circulating nurse is scheduled for on- call duty as a scrub nurse there would not be a true emer- gency if she is called to scrub for an operation. Nientimp cut off discussion by telling the nurses that they were split- ting hairs. The nurses were upset and dissatisfied by the proposed equalization of on-call duty. The OR nurses met together on February 28. Because they felt that the hospital's on-call policy still was unaccept- able, the following letter was drafted and was delivered to Hospital Administrator James Lyons the next day: This letter is to advise you that the present On Call Policy continues to be unacceptable to Seventeen members of the Operating Room Staff at St. Anne's Hospital. We would like a representative of Adminis- tration to meet with our spokesperson and our Counsel concerning this matter within a week from this date. Unlike the January 26 letter, this letter is not signed; but typed below the body is written, "Seventeen Members of the O.R. Staff." The OR nurses met again at Madeleine Souza's home on March I. They were much concerned about scheduling cir- culating nurses for scrub call. A decision was reached to express their concern to the hospital administration and the following letter, which was signed by 16 OR nurses (Janet D. Kelly did not sign the letter), was prepared and deliv- ered to Hospital Administrator James Lyons the next day: This is to advise you that the undersigned members of the Operating Room Staff of St. Anne's Hospital have expressed a grave concern for the welfare of the pa- tients regarding that aspects of the Call Policy which would require Nurses inexperienced in the art of 1013 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Scrubbing to assume the responsibilities of Scrub Per- sonnel. Therefore, the undersigned request that a delay in instituting this policy be made until a reasonable train- ing period be given these individuals. It is the recommendation of the undersigned that a reasonable training period would extend to a four month period. On March 3, there was a meeting between the OR nurses, Goslin, and Nientimp. Goslin read to the group a docu- ment which set forth operating room policies. This covered various subjects, such as deportment in the operating rooms, assignments, call time, call-in pay, and absences. Among the policies read to the OR nurses was: "Talking is to be kept at a minimum when in surgery." This provision is alleged to be a violation of the Act. Among other things that Goslin said at the meeting was that "she would see any of [the nurses] as individuals, but she would not speak to [the nurses] as a group." On March 7, there was another meeting between the OR nurses, Goslin, and Nientimp during which the subject of assigning inexperienced circulating nurses to scrub duty was discussed. In response to questions asked of her, Goslin informed the OR nurses that if any nurse does not feel qualified to accept a particular scrub assignment that she should so inform her supervisor. Goslin also said that no nurse would be required to act as an assistant if she felt uncomfortable doing so.' Also, at the meeting, Patricia Danis, an OR technician, inquired as to who would act as assistant to the surgeon if she did not feel qualified when she and a circulating nurse are assigned to an operation. Goslin replied that in such instances, the circulating nurse, who is a registered nurse, would be the assistant. The last meeting between the OR nurses and the Hospi- tal's administration took place on March 15. Seeley read to the group a grievance policy and a policy regarding em- ployee conduct. In discussing the conduct policy, Seeley stated that some of the OR nurses had a poor attitude, that he had received complaints about their poor attitude, and he wanted the nurses to be aware that the Hospital could suspend or fire employees who were uncooperative. The foregoing, in summary, describes the setting within which the acts that are alleged to constitute unfair labor practices occurred. Hospital management did not relish dealing with the OR nurses as a group. Thus, on February 1, Sister Angela told the nurses that "she couldn't spend all her time with them;" on March 3, Goslin told the OR nurses that "she would see any of [the nurses] as individ- uals, but she would not speak to [the nurses] as a group;" on another occasion, when Souza identified herself to Nien- timp as the spokesperson for the OR nurses, Nientimp re- sponded that she did not recognize such a position and Souza could speak only for herself. The Hospital's distaste for dealing with the OR nurses developed into a restrained hostility. Perhaps the hospital resented the fact that the OR nurses initiated the discussions with a strike threat. Reflect- 2 The foregoing is based on the testimony of Theresa Nientimp. Witnesses for the General Counsel, including Leslie Rocha and Patricia Danis, testified to the same effect. ing the Hospital's hardening attitude towards the OR nurses is the statement by Paruch that the administration probably would consider that by retaining counsel the OR nurses were issuing a threat and that since they had ob- tained "outside help" she was cutting herself off from the group. Furthermore, in the same vein, Paruch told nurse Leslie Rocha, who is Paruch's niece, that "[s]he was strictly management from now on." Absent other explanation, which was not forthcoming, Seeley's statement on March 15, that the Hospital's newly adopted conduct policy was aimed at the "poor attitude" of some individuals, was a pointed reference to the group activity of the OR nurses. This is confirmed by the uncontradicted testimony of Joy Cawley who, in a discussion with Seeley about a warning given to her because of her alleged poor attitude, was told that "it was more in the interest of the hospital to rehabili- tate the people who still remained in the OR rather than try to replace everyone." This is further confirmed by the fact that on March 17, only 2 days after the Hospital discontin- ued discussions with the OR nurses and promulgated its new conduct policy with the warning that the Hospital could discipline employees who are uncooperative or have a poor attitude, one OR nurse was given a formal warning notice, and another OR nurse was suspended.' The alleged unfair labor practices are set forth in 15 sub- paragraphs to paragraph 7 of the complaint labeled (a) through (o). The discussion below of these allegations gen- erally will follow the order in which they are listed. (a) Since on or about January 26, 1978, Hilda Pa- ruch has engaged in surveillance of employees at the Hospital In support of this allegation the General Counsel refers only to the testimony of nurses Joy Cawley who averred that after January 25 "[i]n whatever room I was assigned to on that particular day, Mrs. Paruch would come in several times, not say anything, just stand at the door looking and then leave. When I transported a patient to the recovery room Mrs. Paruch would be in the recovery room when I arrived, and she would review my charts, my nurses notes and then when I was back in the operating room she would stop by my room for a few moments while we were getting ready for another operation. She never explained to me why or counselled me on the increased frequency of her observation of me." Charging Parties refer to testimony of Rose Mary Almei- da as supporting this allegation of the complaint. According to Almeida, on March 28, after she had completed her du- ties in connection with an operation and had given a report to the surgical IC unit, she observed Paruch standing in the area. The testimony of neither witness suggests that Paruch had been spying upon their group activities. Also, absent any greater specificity, I find that the testimony of these witnesses does not prove that Paruch was harassing the OR nurses by observing them more closely than had been her custom prior to January 25 when they began to act together to seek improvements in the Hospital's on-call policy. Ac- 3 No evidence was adduced by Respondent that any warning or suspen- sion notice had been given to any OR nurse prior thereto. 1014 ST. ANNE'S HOSPITAL cordingly, I shall recommend that this allegation of the complaint be dismissed. (b) In or about March 1978, Hilda Paruch told em- ployees that they could not talk about anything per- taining to problems at work on hospital premises There is no contention that the Hospital promulgated an unlawful no-solicitation rule. This allegation and the evi- dence adduced in support.thereof relate to admonishments of OR nurses by Paruch. Thus, Joy Cawley testified that on February 23, after work for the day had been completed, she and nurse Helen Loos went into a supply room in order to have a private conversation. When they had been there a short time, Hilda Paruch came into the room and told Caw- ley and Loos that they were not to have anymore meetings of such nature "on hospital time." According to Cawley. after she returned to the OR nurses lounge area, Paruch "made a joke" of the incident. 4 Madeleine Souza testified that in March, on a day when she was having lunch with Helen Loos in a hospital kitchen near the operating rooms, Paruch entered and informed them that they were not to have any meetings or discussions on hospital property. Souza protested that it was lunchtime, but Paruch said that it did not make any difference.5 There was no specific denial of Cawley's or Souza's testimony. Paruch merely answered, "Absolutely not," to the following question put to her by Respondent's counsel: "Mrs. Paruch, did you ever tell any of the nurses that they couldn't talk on the hospital prop- erty?" As both Souza and Cawley impressed me as being truthful and reliable witnesses, I credit their testimony. The described instances when Hilda Paruch sought to break up private conversations between OR nurses while they were not on duty and Paruch's instructions to them that they were not to hold meetings on hospital premises served to restrain and interfere with the OR nurses in the pursuit of their concerted efforts to improve their conditions of em- ployment. Absent justification which does not exist here, such conduct violates Section 8(a)(I).6 (c) In or about March 1978, Hilda Paruch told Les- lie Rocha not to associate with Madeleine Souza Leslie Rocha testified without contradiction that on a day in February when she was observed arriving at work in the company of Madeleine Souza, who was the spokes- person for the OR nurses in their dealings with the Hospi- tal, she was approached by Hilda Paruch, her aunt, who told her that she should not be seen arriving at work with 4 Cawley also testified that since March 3, whenever she was having a conversation with one or more of the OR nurses, Paruch would tell her not to have meetings like that at work. This testimony is too vague to have any probative value. 5 Nurse Luz Quicha testified that in February or March, about lunchtime. Hilda Paruch informed the OR nurses who were then in the lounge that they cannot talk about their personal business in the operating room during work- ing hours. The General Counsel does not advert to this testimony in support of the complaint, and I do not view such instruction to be unlawful. ' The seriousness of Paruch's unlawful conduct in forbidding employees from engaging in private conversations concerning matters of mutual em- ployment concern when not actually engaged in hospital duties is not mini- mized because it happened only twice since "any expressions of company attitudes, even to small groups of individuals, were likely to be rapidly dis- seminated around a plant during the struggle of organization." Bausch & Lomb Optical Company v. N LR B.. 217 F.2d 575. 576 (2d Cir 1954) Madeleine. The implication of this warning was that Rocha might be subject to reprisals by openly associating with the leader of the employees who were concertedly engaged in promoting improvements in their conditions of employment and which therefore constitutes an unlawful intrusion upon employees' statutory rights in violation of Section 8(a)( 1). (d) In or about February 1978, Hilda Paruch changed operating room personnel assignments for the purpose of preventing protected. concerted activities In his brief the General Counsel does not discuss this subject. At the hearing, the General Counsel asserted that "people from the operating room were changed from circu- lation to scrub and, also, that per diems began to be hired and per diems got put on the operating room while the regular people were not working." I find no evidence to support this contention. The Charging Parties, however. as- sert that testimony of Joy Cawley proves the allegation. Cawley testified that on one occasion, when Luz Quicho was helping her wrap instruments, Paruch assigned Quicho another task, although Quicho protested that she was busy helping Cawley. On another occasion, according to Cawley, when she was helping nurse Jo Ann Rybka. Paruch came into the room and instructed Cawley to find something else to do. The import of this testimony is uncertain. Without additional evidence describing more fully the circumstances that prompted Paruch's actions, I find that Cawley's testi- mony does not establish by a preponderance of the evi- dence that Paruch's instructions were prompted by a desire to prevent the nurses from engaging in concerted activities in furtherance of their mutual employment concerns. I shall recommend that this allegation of the complaint be dis- missed. (e) On or about April 3, 1978, Hilda Paruch threat- ened an employee with extension of her probationary period and/or dismissal unless her attitude improved The employee referred to is Patricia Danis, also known as Patricia DeCosta. Danis, who previously had worked at the Hospital, was reemployed in January 1978 as an OR techni- cian. After the OR nurses began meeting with the hospital administration at the end of January or in early February, Paruch warned Danis that, as a new employee, she should "stay low-key." On another occasion in late March or early April, when Danis was having a discussion with Paruch about the denial of her request for a leave of absence. Pa- ruch again warned Danis "to stay low-key" and adverted to the fact that Danis had been "vocal at a lot of the meetings in front of Administration." Lastly, Danis testified that on April 3, Paruch spoke with her about an evaluation report that Paruch was preparing for Danis and in that connection told Danis that she (Paruch) could approve completion of Danis' probationary period, extend Danis' probationary pe- riod, or recommend Danis' dismissal. Paruch pointed out to Danis that a section of the report requires an evaluation of attitude and that "she had spoken to [DanisI about this, and she told [Danis] that this is a group effort up in the operat- ing room. We were a team and that we could not walk around not talking to every member of the team. that we 7National Hotel Companm Operating the Jung Hoel, 169 NlRB 236, 238 1968) 101 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD could not stick to groups." Danis testified that she under- stood that Paruch was complaining that Danis in her free time avoided associating with the per diem nurses who were not cooperating with the other OR nurses in their dealings with the Hospital. Although I question that the April 3 conversation constitutes proof of an unlawful threat, I find that the two earlier warnings by Paruch to Danis that Danis should stay "low-key" were subtle threats that, as a proba- tionary employee, Danis was subject to dismissal or other reprisals if she should become active in the OR nurses' con- certed effort to improve their conditions of employment. Such a threat, even though unspecific, veiled, and subtle, is an unlawful intrusion upon employees' right to engage in activities protected by Section 7 and constitutes a violation of Section 8(a)(1).8 (g) On or about March 10, 1978, Hilda Paruch insti- tuted a new rule banning talking in the operating room No evidence specifically supporting this allegation was adduced. However, on March 3, the Hospital promulgated a rule stating that "Talking is to be kept at a minimum when in surgery." The ostensible purpose of this rule is to promote efficiency. Even if the stimulus for the rule was the nurses' concerted activities, the Hospital was not unreason- able in anticipating that talking among the nurses might increase to the detriment of the surgery. The evidence does not support an inference that the rule was adopted to pro- mote an unlawful purpose; i.e., to stifle the nurses' con- certed activities.' Furthermore, "certain business decisions will, to some degree, interfere with concerted activities by employees, but it is only when the interference with Section 7 rights outweighs the business justification for the employ- er's action that Section 8(a)(1) is violated .... Whatever may be the limits of Section 8(a)(1), some employer deci- sions are so peculiarly matters of management prerogative that they would never constitute violations of Section 8(a)(1)."' ° A rule, such as the one involved here, applied to an operating room when surgery is in progess would be a decision "so peculiarly [a matter] of management preroga- tive that [it] would never constitute [a violation] of Section 8(a)(1)." Accordingly, I shall recommend dismissal of this allegation of the complaint. (h) Respondent, during the week of March II through March 18, 1978, failed to place Madeleine M. Souza in the position of acting charge nurse in the op- erating room because of her protected, concerted ac- tivities (i) Respondent, during the week of March II through March 18, 1978, failed to place Rose Mary Almeida in the position of acting charge nurse in the operating room because of her protected, concerted ac- tivities. The differences in this and other instances between the evidence which I find establish unfair labor practices and the specific allegations of the com- plaint do not prejudice Respondent, because at the hearing, Respondent had full opportunity to contradict or explain such evidence. ' See Colonial Lincoln Mercury Sales, Inc., 197 NLRB 54, 57 (1972), enfd. 485 F.2d 455 (5th Cir. 1973). Jo Textile Workers Union of America v. Darlington Manufacturing Co., et al., 380 U.S. 263, 268 (1965). (j) Respondent, from on or about March 17 until about April 16, 1978, failed to place Rose Mary Almei- da in the position of acting charge nurse in the operat- ing room on Saturdays because of her protected, con- certed activities It is conceded by all parties that Hilda Paruch holds a supervisory position within the meaning of the Act. For several years prior to March 1978, Madeleine Souza or Rose Mary Almeida normally substituted for Paruch when- ever the latter was absent from work, which included Satur- days and periods when Paruch was on leave for vacations, illnesses, or other reasons. The term "charge nurse" is used at the hospital to describe the position held by Paruch's substitute. The charge nurse is paid a premium of 25 cents per hour. With regard to her duties as charge nurse, Souza testified: Q. When you acted as a charge nurse or acting head nurse, were you fulfilling all of the functions of Mrs. Paruch or only a certain portion of them? A. No. I was fulfilling all the functions. Q. Did you have the right to impose discipline? A. I never really thought about it. I don't think it occurred. No. Q. Would you have felt you had the right to disci- pline someone if an infraction occurred while you were acting head nurse? A. When you mention descipline, -as far as I know, Mrs. Paruch had never imposed discipline. Not without going to someone higher than herself. Q. Did you feel you had the right to call people in from outside the hospital if you needed more help? A. Oh, yes. I did. Q. And you did on occasion? A. I'd call for extra help. Yes, I did." As alleged in the complaint, during Paruch's absence from March 11-18 and on the Saturdays between March 17 and April 16,2 contrary to prior practice, neither Souza nor Almeida was assigned as charge nurse. The only explana- tion offered by Respondent for this deviation from its well established practice is the following testimony by Nien- timp: A. I no longer found interest in Rose Mary Almeida in taking charge, which I must say the monetary part of that is $2 a day. "The testimony of Rose Mary Almeida is not to the contrary. Almeida's normal duties were somewhat different than those of the other OR nurses. She did not get specific assignments but "would float." She reported for work one-half hour before Paruch, checked the operating room schedules, made changes in the schedules as required by absences or for other reasons, in- structed the OR nurses, and gave assistance as needed. In addition, Almeida helped Paruch prepare the weekly schedules. These functions were per- formed by Almeida on the days when Paruch also was on duty. Almeida did not describe what her authority was on the days that she acted as charge nurse in Paruch's absence other than that she testified: I also made out assignments. Say that Ms. Paruch which was true when she was on vacation in August, most of the time she took a vacation in August, I would make out the assignments for the next day for the whole week because I was completely in charge then. [Emphasis sup- plied.] 2 Almeida normally substituted for Paruch on Saturdays. On Apnl 16, Almeida began maternity leave and remained away from work until Septem- ber II11. 1016 ST. ANNE'S I Q. What do you mean you didn't find interest? Did you speak to Rose Mary Almeida about it? A. I had been speaking with all of the OR for a couple of months. Q. Did you ask if Rose Mary Almeida wanted to take charge for that period of time? A. No, I didn't. Q. It is true though that for a number of years that Rose Mary Almeida and Madeleine Souza had taken charge in Mrs. Paruch's absence? A. That is correct. Against this lame excuse is the following uncontradicted testimony of Almeida: [A]bout three weeks before [she went on leave, Paruch] had asked me if I would still be willing to take charge in the absence in her LOA. And I said of course, I would, Hilda, I would take charge. Then the week of her mother's death, the beginning of that week, she again asked me would you mind taking charge, and again I said to her, of course not, Hilda. There'd be no problem in taking charge. She went down to a meeting in nursing service and she came back and she asked to speak to me .. [S]he said that she had some bad news, that I could not take charge; they did not want me to. ... because of my involvement. Because the Hospital offered no plausible reason for changing its practice of appointing Souza or Almeida as charge nurse to substitute for Paruch, in the circumstances, I draw the inference which Charging Parties urge upon me, i.e., that "the hospital no longer consider[ed] them suitable to fill the job of charge nurse . . . for participating in pro- tected, concerted activities." However, this conclusion does not necessarily mean that there has been a violation of the Act. Supervisors are expressly excluded from the protection of the Act.' The object was to insure undivided loyalty of supervisors to their employers.'4 In enacting Section 2(3) and (II), Congress' preeminent purpose "was to give the employer a free hand to discharge foremen as a means of insuring their individed loyalty, in spite of any union obli- gations."' Thus, it is not unlawful to discharge a supervisor for engaging in union or other activities described in Sec- tion 7.?6 The issue here is somewhat out of the ordinary and pres- ents two questions. First, may an employer exact the same undivided loyalty from persons who are appointed to act in the place of supervisors during the temporary absences of the supervisors as it may from its regularly appointed su- pervisors? The argument that an employee who only occa- sionally or intermittently substitutes for a supervisor is not A" Sec. 2(3) of the Act: N.LR.B. v. Bell Aerospace Company Div. of Tex- tron, Inc., 416 U.S. 267 (1974). "S. Rept 80-105, 80th Cong. Ist sess. 5 (1947): GAF Corporation v. N.LR.B., 524 F.2d 492 (5th Cir. 1975). "1 Carpenters District Council of Milwaukee County and Vicinity [Del Mar Cabinet Company] v. N.LR.B, 274 F.2d 564, 566 (D.C. Cir. 1959). 16 N.LR.B. v. Big Three Welding Equipment Companv, 359 F.2d 77 (5th Cir. 1966); Oil City Brass Works v. N.LR.B., 357 F.2d 466 (5th Cir. 1966): Hock Drugs, Inc., 191 NLRB 189 (1971); Royal Fork of Washington, Inc. 179 NLRB 185 (1969). 1017 deemed to be a supervisor for purposes of inclusion in or exclusion from an appropriate collectisve-bargaining unit misses the point. The sense of the Act, as I understand it. is that an employer has the right to know that his supervisors are not making common cause with, or joining the rank- and-file employees in, activities which he might consider antithetical to his best interests and that he can insist upon their loyalty to him. This right to not limited to any specific category of superviors, but extends to all supervisors whether they rank high or low in management's hierarch3 or whether they are employed full-time or part-time. There is no logical reason why this statutory right does not also extend to persons who act as supervisors temporarily.' ? The second question is whether an employer has the right, when hiring or appointing supervisors, to discriminate against persons because as rank-and-file employees theN had en- gaged in activities which fall within the protection of Sec- tion 7. Pacific American Shipowners Association, el al., 98 NLRB 582, 596-597 (1952), points to an affirmative an- swer. In that particular case, although the employer re- cruited its personnel through a hiring hall whose operations were unlawful, the Board nevertheless held that persons who applied for and were denied employment as supervi- sors through the hiring hall were not entitled to the protec- tion of the Act. In reaching its decision, the Board stated: We are of the opinion that, when Congress amended the Act to exclude supervisors from the definition of the term "employee," it thereby denied to those seek- ing and to those holding supervisory jobs the protec- tion of Section 8(aX3). To hold that the protection of this section extends to the former but not to the latter would be to undo at the very threshold of the relation- ship the exempt status accorded to supervisors by Con- gress. For it would result in the congressional regula- tion of the very act of recruitment of such supervisory personnel. [Footnote omitted.] ls Thus, Pacific American stands for the proposition that the process of hiring supervisors is not subject to the protection of the Act. I believe that the appointment of temporary supervisors is similarly outside the protection of the Act because an employer is as much entitled to exact loyalty from a temporary supervisor as he is from a part-time or full-time supervisor. Accordingly, I find that the evidence adduced in support of paragraphs (h). (i), and ) does not establish any violations of the Act. (k) Respondent did, on or about March 27, 1978, discharge Madeleine M. Souza because she engaged in protected, concerted activities Madeleine Souza, a registered nurse, worked for the Hos- pital for approximately 16 years from May 16. 1962. until 7 I believe a fair interpretation of Sec. 2(3) would be that such persons are not employees while they are temporarily serving as supervisors. ' More recently, it has been observed that "research fails to reveal that Pacific American Ship Owners, supra, has been modified and, indeed, recent Board precedent appears premised on the general conception that applicants under a hinng hall who seek supervisory positions are not entitled to the protection of Section 8(a)3)." Local L:niun .Vo 725 ofthe Untted .4 vs-ilalltn of Journev men and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipefirr nmg IndusiO of the United Sates and Canada. AFL CIO (Powers Regulator (ompaniv, 225 NLRB 138. 145 (1976). affd. 572 F2d 550 (5th Cir 1978) DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD she was discharged on March 27, 1978. She was a supervi- sor employee. Her evaluation report as of September 3, 1977, shows that on a scale of I to 5 (5 being the highest rating), Souza was rated 5 for job knowledge, job responsi- bility, quality of work performance, quantity of work per- formance, initiative and interests, cooperation with others, attitude toward hospital and department, and rate of pro- gress vs. education and training; 4 for performance under stress; and 3 for supervisory skill, teaching skill, and plan- ning and organization skills. Her supervisors' comments were: "Will do whatever she can to meet the needs of the O.R. Very reliable and competent. Participated in revising the O.R. policies, procedures and surgical sheet." At the hearing, Personnel Director Seeley admitted that Souza was an "above-average" employee. Also, reflecting the Hospi- tal's confidence in, and reliance on, Souza is the fact that during the 2 years preceding her discharge, customarily she was called on to act as head nurse during Hilda Paruch's absences. However, Madeleine Souza was the elected spokesperson for the OR nurses in their dealings with the Hospital concerning improvements in the on-call policy. The event which led to Souza's termination occurred on Friday, March 24. Souza was a circulating nurse. During the year preceding her termination, she was assigned to the recovery room and spent more than 90 percent of her work- ing time there. Souza testified without contradiction that her experience as a scrub nurse was limited, that she had scrubbed for minor surgery in the past, but had scrubbed very little for major surgery, and that she had not acted as a scrub nurse at all during the 2 years preceding her dis- charge. Also, in a conversation with Paruch and Nientimp on March 6 or 7 about the on-call schedules, Souza in- formed them that she required 4 months training before she would feel qualified to act as a scrub nurse, although she did not object to scrubbing for minor surgery during day- time hours when other help was available. On March 24, Souza worked a normal shift in the recov- ery room from 7:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. and was scheduled to continue working immediately afterward on an over-time basis. About 1 p.m., Souza was informed that she would be assigned as the circulating nurse on an exploratory laparot- omy, which is serious major surgery, scheduled for 3 p.m. to be done by Dr. Reimer and for another operation sched- uled to be done by Dr. Rigero at 4 p.m. The 3 o'clock operation was delayed. About 3:20 p.m., Paruch informed Souza that Souza and Jeanniene Labreche would be the scrub nurses for Dr. Reimer's operation and that Paruch would act as the circulating nurse. Souza was distressed by this assignment because she had never acted as a scrub nurse for surgery of such nature. Both Souza and Labreche began to prepare for the op- eration. Labreche showed Souza the special instruments that would be required.'9 Because the schedule did not indi- cate that another physician would assist Dr. Reimer, Souza assumed that Labreche would act as the assistant to the surgeon and that she would act as the first scrub. About 3:45 p.m., Paruch, together with the patient who was being 19 Hilda Paruch testified that a scrub nurse is a technical job that requires special knowledge of the instruments which will be used in particular opera- tions. wheeled in a bed, came into the operating room. When Souza saw Paruch, she said, "I am sorry. Hilda. I can't do it." Paruch told Souza that she then should act as the circu- lating nurse. Souza. who was much disturbed at finding herself in a situation where she had to be relieved of her assignment, left the operating room because she had begun to cry and went to the restroom to wash her face. When she had composed herself, she returned to the operating room. She was gone between 5 and 10 minutes. 0 The operation had not yet begun when she returned, although the patient had been moved from the bed into the operating room ta- ble. In the meantime, additional personnel had arrived in the operating room: Dr. Pedreira to assist the surgeon and two additional scrub nurses, Caroline Vale and Marilyn Le- fervre. Souza acted as the circulating nurse. Paruch left the operating room upon Souza's return. The operation was completed about 5:30 p.m. According to Dr. Robert Rei- mer, the operation went well, but, because he sensed ten- sion in the operating room, he decided to wait for the ar- rival of Dr. Pedreira before beginning the operation, although he had intended to start without him. Souza left the hospital about 6 p.m. on March 24. She returned to work on March 27. About 9:30 a.m. she was called to the personnel office where she was informed that she was discharged and was given a letter dated that day and signed by Robert E. Seeley, personnel director. It reads: This is to advise you that as of this date your ser- vices with St. Anne's Hospital have been terminated. On Friday, March 24, 1978, while acting as scrub nurse on an emergency assignment and in the presence of a patient, you walked out of the operating room refusing to follow through with your job assignment. Action of this nature is considered extremely serious and detrimental to the patient's care. Respondent's position with regard to Souza's discharge, as expressed in its brief, is: It is clear from all the testimony that Mrs. Souza re- fused an assignment and walked out of the operating room as the patient was being wheeled in. She did this in the presence of the patient. Her walking out on the assignment forced the hospital to re-assign people for the operation. The operation was delayed because the operating surgeon would not start the operation with- out the assistant surgeon present in the room. Clearly an operating room requires team work. Also, the hos- pital has a right to assign personnel for the operation. The testimony is uncontradicted that Mrs. Souza re- fused her assignment and walked out of the operating room while the patient was there. This amounts to a very serious breach of professional conduct and the hospital had every right to discharge her for this breach. Respondent offers an inaccurate analysis of the evidence. Initially, Souza made preparations to act as a scrub nurse 20 Souza testified that she was out of the operating room no more than 5 minutes while Nientimp testified that Souza was away from the operating room more than 5 minutes, and l.abreche testified that Souza was out of the operating rooxm at least 10 minutes. 1018 ST. ANNE'S HOSPITAL for the operation. However, when Paruch came into the operating room, Souza stated that she was unable to scrub, whereupon Paruch changed her assignment to circulating nurse. No act of insubordination or refusal to perform work was involved. No possible occasion for discipline would have developed had Souza not become distraught at having to ask for relief from an assignment and had Souza not left the operating room in order to compose herself. She was gone only 5 to 10 minutes. When she returned the operation had not begun and she acted as circulating nurse with her customary efficiency. Thus, first, Souza did not refuse an assignment. Second, if her actions delayed the operation it was for no more than a few minutes, which caused no harm. Third, contrary to the gratuitous assertion of Re- spondent, there is no evidence that Souza's conduct was a serious breach of professional conduct. The reasons given by Respondent for Souza's discharge are unpersuasive. I do not believe that the Hospital dis- charged a registered nurse with 16 years of unblemished, exemplary service for her first alleged dereliction in the per- formance of her duties-particularly as the alleged derelic- tion was of 5 to 10 minutes duration and had no adverse consequences. On the evidence, I find that the true reason for terminating Souza was that the Hospital was seeking to curb the operating room nurses in their concerted efforts concerted efforts to obtain improvements in their conditions of employment and that the hospital grasped the first op- portunity that presented itself to discharge Souza-the spokesperson for the group-hoping thereby that it would inhibit the nurses in the pursuit of their concerted purpose.2' In some measure my conclusion regarding the reason for Souza's discharge is confirmed by the notice of termination prepared by the Hospital, dated March 31, 1978, which states, with regard to Souza's attitude, "Usually coopera- tive, most recently bitter and agitative for past 2 months." No evidence was adduced indicating that Souza's attitude was either bitter or agitative during the 2 months preceding her discharge, which suggests that these terms refer to Sou- za's leading role in the concerted effort by the OR nurses to secure improvements in their conditions of work. The discharge of Souza stands as a threat to the other nurses that they will be subject to the Hospital's reprisals if they continue in their concerted effort to improve their con- ditions of employment. Such overhanging threat tends to coerce, restrain, and interfere with the right of employees to engage in activities guaranteed by Section 7. Accordingly, I find that by discharging Souza, the Hospital violated Sec- tion 8(a)(1). (f) Respondent did on or about March 17, 1978, give Leslie J. Rocha a written warning because she engaged in protected concerted activities (1) Respondent did on or about March 28, 1978, dis- charge Leslie J. Rocha because she engaged in pro- tected, concerted activities 21 The evidence discussed above establishes that the hospital administra- uon resented the OR nurses' concerted activities. More specifically, objection to Souza's leadership role is reflected by the testimony of Theresa Nientimp that "Souzal tried to identify herself as the spokesperson for the group] during one of the meetings .... I did not recognize that. I told her that she could speak as an individual for herself as could anyone else." Towards the end of the day on March 17, Rocha was called to Theresa Nientimp's office and was given the fol- lowing warning notice: Problem: Employee behaved in an unprofessional and unacceptable manner relative to the needs of the Operating Room. Remarks: Phone call was received by Dr. Shulman that Dr. Shea's 7:30 case was at the O.R. door. Mrs. Rocha was sitting in the break room and was notified. She remained seated and responded that the circulat- ing nurse for that room had not arrived as yet. Dr. Shulman became upset and offered to circulate for Dr. Shea, after which Mrs. Rocha proceeded to receive the patient while stating that she was doing so 'out of her sense of duty.' (It is routine procedure in the O.R. for whomever is available to receive patients as they arrive and take them to the assigned room.) Action taken: Employee is therefore given this writ- ten warning that this behavior is in violation of Hospi- tal Policy. Any further misconduct will result in severe disciplinary action. Nientimp did not speak with Rocha before preparing and issuing the warning and had not sought to obtain Rocha's version of the incident. Nientimp's tesimony concerning the incident is that ap- proximately 7:30 that morning, Rocha telephoned to in- form her that because of the snow storm, some nurses had not reported for duty, that the OR was short staffed, and that there was no one in charge. Nientimp replied that she would take care of the problem. When Nientimp later went down to the operating room, she was approached by Dr. Shulman, an anesthesiologist, who told Nientimp that there was an incident that she should document. Dr. Shulman did not suggest to Nientimp that Rocha or anyone else should be disciplined. According to Nientimp, Dr. Shulman's de- scription to her of what had occurred was that at 7:30 a.m. he answered the telephone and was informed that Dr. Shea's case was at the door. He then said to the nurses in the OR lounge that Dr. Joseph Shea's case is at the door. (Presumably several nurses were in the lounge.) Rocha, who was in the lounge, after a few moments telephoned Nien- timp and then went to the door remarking, "I am doing this out of a sense of duty." Rocha then received Dr. Shea's case. Shulman heard Dr. Shea ask who was going to circu- late on the case, and he responded that he will circulate even though he has to give the anesthetic. However, Rocha acted as a circulating nurse on the case, although she was not scheduled to do it. When the operation was completed, Shulman heard Rocha say to Dr. Shea, "I did it out of a sense of duty." Nientimp further testified that "What [Dr. Shulman] brought up to me was the fact that he felt were problems in the OR and that he had become extremely upset by [Rocha's] action and that Dr. Shea was upset be- fore he was going to operate." Nientimp's explanation for having issued the warning to Rocha is that Rocha had upset Dr. Shulman and Dr. Shea "[bly joking around about the case being at the door and the circulating nurse was not present." She further testified that this was the first time she had received a complaint from a doctor concerning an OR nurse. 1019 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Dr. Shulman's version of the incident differs somewhat from what Nientimp testified he had told her and is as fol- lows: At 7:30 a.m. I answered the phone. Dr. Shea's pa- tient was at the door. I told Mrs. Rocha that the pa- tient was at the door. The answer was in jest that the circulator wasn't in. She got up to call nursing service that there was nobody in charge. She then got the pa- tient. I was in the anesthesia office when I heard Dr. Shea say that he'd circulate himself. I assumed that the jest was continuing with Dr. Shea. This upset me. I called to Dr. Shea that I would circulate while giving anes- thesia although Mrs. Rocha was circulating. Mrs. Rocha ran for something showing me that she was still taking care of the situation as she passed me she said, "I am doing this only because of my sense of duty" laughingly. I began to calm down and did the case. However, at the end, Dr. Shea made a remark which rekindled my being upset. He said "Thanks for the help" while laughing. This seemed very sarcastic to me. I then saw Mrs. Neintimp [sic] and told her about it and said that she should record this somewhere be- cause things aren't going well in the O.R. The warning notice issued to Rocha was based entirely on what Dr. Shulman had told Nientimp. What Dr. Shul- man told Nientimp was not that Rocha had engaged in misconduct, but that things were not going well in the oper- ating room and as an illustration he referred to what he understood were jesting remarks by Rocha that she was acting as circulating nurse for Dr. Shea's operation out of a sense of duty. The warning notice states that "Employee behaved in an unprofessional and unacceptable manner relative to the needs of the operating room." This certainly is not intended to refer to the fact that Rocha volunteered to act as circulating nurse on a case to which she was not assigned. Her alleged offending remark, "I am doing this out of a sense of duty," is difficult in my view to character- ize as unprofessional, although the remark may have been unacceptable to Dr. Shulman, who stated that he was upset by it. However, he was as much upset by Dr. Shea because, according to him, "Dr. Shea made a remark which rekin- dled my being upset." The warning notice further states that Rocha's "behavior is in violation of hospital policy." Nowhere has Respondent explained what Rocha did in the morning of March 17 that was in violation of hospital pol- icy. Dr. Shulman did not suggest to Nientimp that Rocha should be disciplined in any manner. Rocha did nothing other than undertake to help out in the absence of another nurse. It does not seem that any discipline or warning was needed. I agree with the Charging Parties that to issue this warning to Rocha without any investigation as to what had occurred would indicate that the Hospital was seeking to seize upon any complaint, "however flimsy, to make an ex- ample of one of the active members of the operating room group." Leslie Rocha was abruptly terminated on March 28, after more than 10 years of satisfactory performance on the job.2 Except for the incident that occurred on March 17 her rec- ord at the Hospital was unblemished. Her evaluation report as of September 1, 1977, shows that on a scale of from I to 5 (5 being the highest or best rating) Rocha was rated 4 for job knowledge, job responsibility, quality of work perform- ance, quantity of work performance, initiative and interest, cooperation with others, attitude towards Hospital and de- partment, and rate of progress vs. education and training; and was rated 3 for performance under stress, supervisory skill, teaching skill, and planning and organization skills. Her supervisor's comments state: "Will do whatever she can to meet the needs of the O.R. schedule." Rocha was among the more active persons promoting the OR nurses' demands upon the Hospital of which the Hospital's admin- istration was aware because of Rocha's vocal participation in the discussions with management and her open and ap- parently close association with Madeleine Souza, the spokesperson for the OR nurses. Rocha functioned as a circulating nurse. During the 2 years preceding her discharge, she acted as scrub nurse only three or four times and then for minor surgical cases. She was able to recall only two occasions in her career at the Hospital when she acted as scrub nurse for major surgery, and those cases involved a bowel resection and a gall blad- der operation. Rocha was one of the nurses who at the March 7 meeting with the Hospital's administration ex- pressed her concern about what would happen if a circulat- ing nurse was assigned to act as scrub nurse and the nurse did not feel qualified to scrub for the particular operation. The nurses were told by Goslin that in such event they should explain the situation to their immediate supervisor, they would be given help, and there would be no reprisals. The event that precipitated Rocha's discharge occurred on March 28. When she arrived at the Hospital about 7 a.m., she noticed that she was assigned to act as a scrub nurse for an aortic aneurysm operation and that the only other assignments listed were that of the surgeon, Dr. Bead- reau, and a certified operating room technician, Lorraine Charves. Rocha assumed that she would be required to act as the assistant to the surgeon or as the first scrub nurse on the case. Rocha thereupon informed the charge nurse that she did not feel that she was qualified to scrub or assist in an aortic aneurysm operation. The charge nurse advised Rocha to raise the problem with Hilda Parch when she arrived. Rocha returned to the operating room and began to prepare for the operation by obtaining the sterile instru- ments, the sterile gloves, sutures, setting up the table for the anesthetic, and getting the operating room ready to receive the patient. When Paruch arrived about 7:25 a.m., Rocha told Paruch that she did not feel qualified to act as the first scrub nurse or the assistant on an aortic aneurysm opera- tion. Paruch responded that Rocha should not worry, but return to the operating room and scrub." Rocha repeated 22 Rocha was hired as a registered nurse on September 4. 1967. 21 Rocha's testimony as to what Goslin told the OR nurses at the March 7 meeting was substantially corroborated by the testimony of Theresa Nien- limp. 24 Paruch may have known that another physician was going to assist the surgeon on the operation, and therefore it would not be necessary for Rocha to act either as the assistant or the first scrub nurse. However, when Paruch 1020 ST. ANNE'S HOSPITAL that she did not feel qualified to be first scrub or assistant at the operation. According to the uncontradicted testimony of Rocha, Paruch retorted, "[I]f she told me to assist or she told me to first scrub I would." Rocha answered that she would scrub for the case, but wanted Paruch to know that she did not feel qualified to be the first scrub nurse or the assistant. The conversation had taken place in a corridor. Paruch then went into the nurses' locker room and Rocha followed. Paruch ordered Rocha to go to the operating room. Rocha left the locker room, and because she was upset, she sat down to calm herself. When Paruch left the locker room, she observed Rocha and ordered Rocha to go to the nursing service office. There Rocha met with Theresa Nientimp. According to Nientimp, she was informed by Rocha that, "In good conscience and for the welfare of the patient, I could not accept my assignment to first scrub and assist on an aortic aneurysm." Nientimp testified that she responded, "You are only assuming that you would be first scrub, or assisting." Rocha interjected, "I will backtable or hold the retractor," which Nientimp testified she inter- preted to mean that Rocha was volunteering to act as the second scrub nurse on the operation. Nientimp then in- formed Rocha, "Leslie, being as though you already have had a warning, this is serious, it will result in at least a suspension; but I must discuss this with Mrs. Paruch to see what she has to say about it." Nowhere is there any expla- nation as to why Rocha's protest that she was not qualified to act as assistant or first scrub nurse on an aortic aneurysm operation was an offense, much more a serious offense, par- ticularly as Rocha stated her willingness to act as second scrub nurse (and without question would have acted as cir- culating nurse), when no earlier than March 7 the OR nurses were informed that if anyone believes herself un- qualified to discharge a particular assignment she should advise her supervisors. Nientimp instructed Rocha to go to the personnel office. She then sought out Paruch who still was in her street cloth- ing, not having had time to change into her uniform. Ac- cording to Nientimp: [Paruch] said that when she came in that morning, she had not had the time to get into her green gown for the day, when Leslie [Rocha] had approached her at her desk and had said almost the exact words that she said to me; "I cannot accept my assignment to first scrub or assist on an aortic aneurysm." And, this conversation continued between the two. Leslie continued to repeat these words to Mrs. Paruch. Mrs. Paruch offered her the opportunity to discuss this in private-meaning ei- ther the nurses' lounge or the locker room. Leslie con- tinued to make her statements, and they went into the locker room and Mrs. Paruch said, "Then go in and do told Rocha not to worry, Paruch did not inform Rocha of such circumstance. One may speculate as to the reason for Paruch's seemingly peremptory and arbitrary action and one may infer that as of March 15, the Hospital's ad- ministration had discontinued meeting with the OR nurses and had decided a take a hard attitude towards the OR nurses, as is reflected by the discharge of Madeleine Souza on March 27, the day before, and that Paruch was "throwing down the gauntlet" and was demonstrating that she intended to exercise unquestioning discipline in her direction of the operating room staff. the best that you can, second scrub." And, Leslie said, "Who is going to teach me?"2 With regard to providing the necessary personnel for the aortic aneurysm operation, according to Nientimp, as of the time she spoke with Paruch "[t]hat had been taken care of already. In the meantime, a doctor had arrived to assist the surgeon on the case and there was another nurse who was sent into the room." The time required to make these ar- rangements must have been very brief because it occurred between the time Paruch sent Rocha to see Nientimp and Nientimp's discussion with Paruch. With the arrival of a physician to assist the surgeon it was not necessary for Ro- cha to act as the first scrub nurse. She could have been informed that she would act as the second scrub nurse, which would have eliminated all problems. Why this was not done is not explained. Is it that the Hospital's adminis- tration had decided that they wanted unquestioning, prompt obedience from the OR nurses to all their instruc- tions? Was it that they were seeking an ostensible cause, no matter how flimsy, to discharge the more aggressive OR nurses? Nientimp and Paruch then went to Seeley's office to dis- cuss Rocha. Because Paruch is Rocha's aunt, Paruch was excused, and the decision with regard to Rocha was made by Nientimp and Seeley. Nientimp and Seeley decided that Rocha should be discharged because of "[u]nprofessional conduct towards a supervisor in . . . refusing an assign- ment." Rocha was kept waiting outside Seeley's office from 7:45 a.m. until 9:45 a.m., when she was called in and handed the following letter: This is to advise you that as of this date your ser- vices with St. Anne's Hospital have been terminated. On Tuesday, March 28, 1978, when assigned as a scrub nurse on an assignment in the Operating Room, and in the presence of your supervisor and other nurses, you refused to follow through with your assign- ment. Action of this nature is considered extremely serious and detrimental to the patient's care and is also insub- ordinate conduct. The notice of termination prepared for Leslie Rocha, which is dated March 31, 1978, states that the reason for her ter- mination was insubordination, and with regard to attitude, it states that Rocha was "Usually cooperative, most re- cently bitter and agitative." The assigned reason for Rocha's discharge is contrived. The letter of discharge states first that: (I) Rocha refused an assignment in the presence of her supervisor "and other nurses;" (2) such action is "considered extremely serious "' Elsewhere in her testimony Nientimp gave a slightly different version of what she was told by Paruch. In that version, after Rocha had complained to Paruch that she could not accept her assignment to act as first scrub or assist on an aortic aneurysm, Paruch finally told Rocha to do what she could. And Rocha's words to Paruch were, "And who is going to teach me?" That is when Paruch said to Rocha, "Go to nursing service." In this version, Paruch did not say that she told Rocha to act as second scrub. In view of the fact that Nientimp testified that Rocha had stated to her that Rocha was willing to act as second scrub, I believe that Nientimp's recollection is faulty when she quotes Paruch as having told Rocha to act as second scrub nurse on that operation. 1021 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD and deterimental to the patient's care:" and (3) it is "insub- ordinate." There is no support in the record for any of these reasons. First, there is no evidence that Rocha's discussions were in the presence of, or were overheard by, any nurse other than her supervisors. Second, Rocha's objection was that she was not qualified to act as assistant to the surgeon or first scrub nurse on an aortic aneurysm operation. No explanation is offered how such an objection is detrimental to the patient's care. The contrary would seem to be the fact, i.e., that it would have been detrimental to the pa- tient's care if Rocha had acted in a capacity for which she had not had sufficient training and for which she then was not qualified. Finally, there is no evidence that Rocha was insubordinate. She merely requested that she should be re- lieved of an assignment for which she felt unqualified, but was willing to act in any capacity for which she was quali- fied. Against the insubstantial reasons given by the Hospital for Rocha's discharge are facts which point to a different and an incriminatory reason. First, Rocha was outspoken in connection with the OR nurses' dealings with the Hospi- tal's administration and was viewed by them with disfavor, as is reflected by the remark Hilda Paruch made to Rocha on March 20: "[H]ow did I [Rochal think she [Paruch] felt when my [Rocha's] name was bandied about in front of management about being vocal at meetings." Furthermore, on March 28, after Rocha had been discharged, Paruch told Rose Mary Almeida what had happened. According to Al- meida, she asked, "How could management fire two good OR nurses and suspend me, and Ms. Paruch said that she had told us to keep out mouths shut. She was very upset and I was also concerning the dismissal of Ms. Rocha .... She said that we should have-she told us to keep our mouths shut and that we should have stuck to the monetary value of our problem with the group." Second, Rocha and Souza were discharged on successive days. In their respec- tive notices of termination, their attitudes are similarly de- scribed as having been "bitter and agitative" for the past 2 months or recently. No evidence was adduced as to such characteristics on the part of either. Furthermore, in mid- February, Hilda Paruch warned Rocha that she should not be seen arriving at work with Madeleine Souza. The import of this warning, in the circumstances, can only be that the Hospital's administration resented the position that Souza had, as spokesperson, the OR nurses in their concerted ef- forts to improve their conditions of employment and that if Rocha was thought to be closely associated with Souza in these activities the Hospital's administration also would look upon her with disfavor. The fact that the Hospital's administration resented the group activity of the OR nurses, that it knew that Rocha was among the more active of the OR nurses in pressing their concerted grievances, that her discharge was hastily decided on despite her more than 10 years of satisfactory service, and that her alleged offense did not appear to have affected hospital operations adversely, or the partcular op- eration to which she was assigned, lead to the conclusion that Rocha was discharged, not for the reasons given by the hospital, but because of her participation with the other OR nurses in their concerted effort to obtain changes and im- provements in their conditions of employment. I find that for the same reason she was issued the warning notice on March 17, and by these actions the Hospital has violated Section 8(a)(1). (m) Respondent did from on or about March 20, 1978, until March 27, 1978, suspend Rose Mary Al- meida because she engaged in protected, concerted ac- tivities (n) Respondent did on or about April 16, 1978, as- sign more onerous working conditions to Rose Mary Almeida by requiring her to remain on on-call duty during her seventh month of pregnancy because of her protected, concerted activities (o) Respondent did on or about September 11, 1978, fail to assign Rose Mary Almeida, upon her return from maternity leave, to her former position of em- ployment for the reason that she engaged in protected, concerted activities As of the times involved herein, Rose Mary Almeida had been employed by the Hospital for 10 years. She was very well thought of by the Hospital and for a period of 5 years prior to March 1979 was regularly appointed acting head nurse during Paruch's absences. She was suspended from work from March 17 to March 27. On March 17, Almeida was scheduled to work at the Hospital from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and to be an on call thereafter. Because a storm had developed during the night, which prevented her from drivng to work, she telephoned the hospital and left a message that she would be absent because of road conditions. This not only excused her from reporting for work during her scheduled shift, but auto- matically removed her from her scheduled on-call duty. About II a.m., Nientimp telephoned Almeida and asked whether Almeida was willing to accept on-call duty. Almei- da inquired whether, if she was summoned to work, she would be paid at a time-and-a-half rate. Nientimp said no. Almeida did not accept on-call duty. A short while later, Almeida telephoned Nientimp and inquired whether, if she reported for work between noon and I p.m., Nientimp would sign Almeida in for the entire day, thus qualifying Almeida for time-and-a-half rates if she were called upon to work during her later on-call period. Nientimp replied that she had no authority to approve such arrangement. A little later, Nientimp telephoned Almeida and informed Almeida that she was suspended and if Almeida had any questions she should contact Seeley. Almeida made an appointment to meet with Seeley that afternoon. During their meeting, Almeida asked what the reasons were for her suspension and Seeley informed her they were: extortion, bribery, the fact that Almeida's attitude was bad for the past few weeks, and that Almeida was not cooperating with the Hospital. Seeley referred to the telephone conversation between Al- meida and Nientimp as the grounds for his accusation that she sought to extort money from the Hospital and to bribe Nientimp. 6 At the hearing, Respondent argued that Almeida's of- fense was the violation of "Falsification of employment or 16 Presumably the bribery attempt was the claim that by offenng to accept an on-call assignment when she was not required to do so, Almeida was making Nientimp's job easier. 1022 ST. ANNE'S HOSPITAL other hospital records," rule set forth in the hospital's em- ployee handbook. However, the suspension notice that was given to Almeida lists as the offense the "Refusal to accept an on-call assignment unless hospital policy relative to time and a half was violated." No evidence was adduced at the hearing that Almeida's conduct in any way violated the hospital's policy relative to time-and-a-half.2 7 Almeida re- quested credit for time not worked on March 17 in order that if she were called to duty after 4:30 p.m., she would be paid at the rate of time-and one-half. Nientimp denied that request. The request by Almeida and Nientimp's denial did not involve any falsification of an employment or hospital record. With respect to the reason set forth in the suspen- sion notice, it is noted that as Almeida had called in absent at 6 o'clock that morning she was automatically excused from on-call for the rest of the day. She had the privilege of not accepting any on-call duty. There was no refusal by Almeida to accept an on-call assignment in the sense that she was under an obligation to work and refused her assign- ment. Almeida merely volunteered to work when she was under no obligation to work, provided the hospital was will- ing to pay her at a premium rate. The fact that she would not volunteer for work unless she was given a premium rate cannot be equated with a refusal to accept an assignment while at work or when under an obligation to report for work. In any event, that the ascribed reasons were not the true reasons for Almeida's suspension is also reflected by her uncontradicted testimony that Seeley accused her of extortion and bribery, which is a preposterous accusation in these circumstances. More importantly, Seeley also referred to her bad attitude and her lack of cooperation as reasons for her suspension. Absent other explanation, this would seem to be a thinly veiled reference to her support of the OR nurses. In agreement with the General Counsel, I find that the shifting reasons given by Respondent for Almeida's suspension are patently contrived and, in all the circum- stances, the logical inference, and the inference which I make, is that Almeida was suspended from March 17 until March 27, not for any misconduct on her part, but in retali- ation by the Hospital for her active role in support of the OR nurses concerted effort to secure improvements in their conditions of employment; thus, her suspension violated Section 8(a)(I). In March, Almeida, who was pregnant, informed Hilda Paruch that she wished to work through her eighth month, but did not wish to be on the on-call roster during that month. Paruch said that she would check and subsequently informed Almeida that, contrary to past practice, if Almei- da wished to work during her eighth month of pregnancy she would have to remain on the on-call roster. Subse- quently, Almeida broached the same question with Theresa Nientimp. Neintimp answered that, with the new women's lib and equal rights, if Almeida wanted to work during her eighth month, she would have to be on the on-call roster. 27 Although the Hospital's policy was to pay time-and-a-half for hours actually worked in excess of 8 hours dunng a single day, no evidence was adduced that there was a policy forbidding the payment of premium rates to employees who volunteer to work hours for which they have not been sched- uled even though they have not completed 8 hours at regular rates during that workday. Because Almeida felt that accepting on-call duty in addi- tion to her 40-hour workweek would be too burdensome, she took her maternity leave I month earlier than she had planned. Theresa Nientimp testified that prior to Almeida's re- quest to be relieved of on-call duty during her eighth month of pregnancy, it was the practice of the Hospital to grant such requests. The other OR nurses then would take addi- tional call duty, but they usually did not object. However, with regard to Almeida's situation, Nientimp testified, "Mrs. Paruch, myself, and Mrs. Goslin had a discussion about the fact that [Almeida] was approaching her seventh month and that in the past it had been a practice not to take call. Realizing that the complaint was too much call and the fact that when I had asked for volunteers to take call I had problems. We did not feel that we could not take her off call at that time." But as a result of the denial of Almeida's request, she stopped working altogether a month earlier than she otherwise would have so that the hospital was not only denied her services for on-call duty, but also was denied her services for her regular 40-hour workweek. Nientimp's testimony is as follows: Q. Didn't that leave you with not only call time, but with full time in the operating room to cover? A. That is true. Q. And you were already short staffed in the operat- ing room, isn't that true? A. I was. Q. You were trying to hire additional people to cov- er that time? A. I was. Q. But this left you with not only no call coverage, but with no full time day coverage as well. Isn't that true? A. That is true. With no plausible explanation having been offered by Respondent for its sudden change of policy when Almeida requested to be relieved of on-call duty during her eighth month of pregnancy, I find that the reason for the Hospi- tal's action was twofold. First, it was a reprisal against Al- meida for her activities in support of the OR nurses' de- mands upon the Hospital and, second, it removed someone the Hospital considered a disruptive influence. This change of policy by the Hospital with regard to Almeida's request would tend to impress upon employees that they are subject to reprisals for pursuing in concert efforts to improve their conditions of work. I find that the Hospital's refusal to grant Almeida's request to be relieved of on-call duty dur- ing her eighth month of pregnancy constituted restraint upon, and interference with, the exercise of her and other employees' rights guaranteed by Section 7 of the Act and thereby violated Section 8(a)(1). Rose Mary Almeida returned from maternity leave on September I 1. Although she requested to be returned to the operating room where she had worked for 10 years and where she performed more responsible work than most other OR nurses in that she had substituted for head nurse Paruch in the latter's absences, had acted as a floater to instruct nurses, had pitched in whenever there was a crisis. and had assisted Paruch in preparing schedules, the request 1023 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD was denied. Nientimp informed her that the OR hours were filled, and Almeida was assigned duties as a staff nurse. Inspection of the Hospital's records shows that during the past 6 years, every full-time OR nurse who returned from maternity leave was permitted to return to the operating room. I agree with the General Counsel that the Hospital's refusal to permit Almeida to return to the operating room was "just a continuing effort by the Hospital to stop the group's protected, concerted activity." Accordingly, I find that Respondent's conduct in this regard constituted a fur- ther violation of Section 8(a)(1). Ill. THE EFFECT OF THE UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES UPON COMMERCE The activities of Respondent set forth in section II, above, occurring in connection with its operations de- scribed in section I, above, have a close, intimate, and sub- stantial relationship to trade, traffic, and commerce among the several States and tend to lead to labor disputes burden- ing and obstructing commerce and the free flow of com- merce. IV. THE REMEDY Having found that Respondent has engaged in certain unfair labor practices, I shall recommend that it cease and desist therefrom and that it take certain affirmative action designed to effectuate the policies of the Act. Having found that Respondent unlawfully discharged Madeleine Souza on March 27, 1978, and Leslie Rocha on March 28, 1978, I shall recommend that Respondent offer each of them reinstatement to her former position or, if that position is no longer available, to a substantially equivalent position, without prejudice to her seniority or to her other rights and privileges and to make each of them whole for any loss of earnings that she may have suffered by reason of her unlawful discharge by payment to her of a sum of money equal to that which she normally would have earned from the date of her discharge to the date Respondent of- fers her reinstatement, less any amounts she may have earned during such period. Having found that Respondent unlawfully suspended Rose Mary Almeida from her employment from March 17 27, 1978, and unlawfully prevented Rose Mary Almeida from working at the hospital during her eighth month of pregnancy beginning about April 16, 1978, I shall recom- mend that Respondent make Rose Mary Almeida whole for her loss of earnings during these periods of time by pay- ment to her of a sum of money equal to what she normally would have earned from March 17-27, 1978, and from April 16, 1978, through her eighth month of pregnancy. Backpay and interest on the amounts of money to be paid to Souza, Rocha, and Almeida shall be computed in the manner prescribed in F. W. Woolworth Company, 90 NLRB 289 (1950), with interest as prescribed in Florida Steel Corporation, 231 NLRB 651 (1977).2 Respondent's unlawful activities, particularly the dis- charges of Madeleine Souza and Leslie Rocha, indicate a See, generally, Isis Plumbing Heating Co., 138 NLRB 716 (1962). purpose to frustrate its employees' right to engage in con- certed activities for the purpose of mutual aid or protection. These unfair labor practices are potentially related to other unfair labor practices proscribed by the Act, and the danger of their commission in the future is to be anticipated from Respondent's conduct in the past. Accordingly, in order to make effective the interdependent guarantees of Section 7 and to effectuate the policies of the Act, an Order requiring Respondent to cease and desist from in any other manner infringing upon the rights of employees quaranteed in the Act is deemed necessary. Upon the basis of the foregoing findings of fact, and upon the entire record in these cases, I make the following: CONCLUSIONS OF LAW I. St. Anne's Hospital is an employer engaged in com- merce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. 2. By interfering with, restraining, and coercing its em- ployees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed in Section 7 of the Act, Respondent has engaged in and is engaging in unfair labor practices within the meaning of Section 8(a)(l) of the Act. 3. The aforesaid unfair labor practices are unfair labor practices affecting commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. Upon the basis of the foregoing findings of fact, conclu- sions of law, and the entire record in these proceedings, and puusuant to Section 10(c) of the Act, I hereby issue the following: ORDER 9 The Respondent, St. Anne's Hospital, Fall River, Massa- chusetts, its officers, agents, successors, and assigns, shall: I. Cease and desist from: (a) Prohibiting employees from engaging in concerted activities on the Hospital's premises for the purpose of ob- taining improvements in their working conditions or other mutual aid or protection, provided such activities are not conducted in patient areas. (b) Directly or by implication threatening employees with reprisals: (I) for engaging in concerted activities for the purpose of obtaining improvements in their working conditions or other mutual aid or protection; or (2) for as- sociating with employees who engage in such activities. (c) Discharging, suspending, transferring, or taking other reprisals against employees because they engage in con- certed activities for the purpose of obtaining improvements in their working conditions or other mutual aid or protec- tion. (d) In any other manner, interfering with, restraining, or coercing employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed in Section 7 of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended. :s In the event no exceptions are filed, as provided by Sec. 102.46 of the Rules and Regulations of the National Labor Relations Board, the findings. conclusions. and recommended Order herein shall, as provided in Sec. 102.48 of the Rules and Regulations, be adopted by the Board and become its findings, conclusions, and Order, and all objections thereto shall be deemed waived for all purposes. 1024 ST. ANNE'S HOSPITAL 2. Take the following affirmative action which is deemed necessary to effectuate the policies of the Act: (a) Offer Madeleine Souza and Leslie Rocha immediate and full reinstatement to their former jobs or, if those jobs no longer exist, to substantially equivalent positions, with- out prejudice to their seniority or other rights and privi- leges, and make them whole for any loss of earnings they may have suffered by reason of their unlawful discharges in the manner set forth in the section of this Decision entitled "The Remedy." (b) Make whole Rose Mary Almeida for the loss of earn- ings she suffered by reason of Respondent's unlawful con- duct in suspending her from employment from March 17- 27, 1978, and for causing her to lose I month's work by reason of its refusal to remove her name from the on-call roster during the eighth month of her pregnancy in the manner set forth in the section of this Decision entitled "The Remedy." (c) Offer Rose Mary Almeida a position on the operating room staff substantially equivalent to the position she held before April 16, 1978, without prejudice to her seniority or other rights and privileges. (d) Remove from its personnel records the suspension notice given to Rose Mary Almeida on March 17, 1978, and the warning notice given to Leslie Rocha on March 17, 1978. (e) Preserve and, upon request, make available to the Board or its agents, for examination and copying, all pay- roll records, social security payment records, timecards, personnel records and reports, and all other records neces- sary to analyze the amounts of backpay due under the terms of this recommended Order. (f) Post, at its Hospital in Fall River, Massachusetts, copies of the attached notice marked "Appendix."O° Copies of said notice, on forms provided by the Regional Director for Region 1., after being duly signed by Respondent's rep- resentative, shall be posted by it immediately upon receipt thereof and be maintained by it for 60 consecutive days thereafter, in conspicuous places, including all places where notice to employees are customarily posted. Reasonable steps shall be taken by Respondent to insure that said no- tices are not altered, defaced, or covered by any other mate- rial. (g) Notify the Regional Director for Region 1., in writing, within 20 days from the date of this Order, what steps the Respondent has taken to comply herewith. IT IS FURTHER RECOMMENDED that subparagraphs (a), (d). (g), (h). (i), and (j) of paragraph 7 of the complaint be dis- missed. `0 In the event that this Order is enforced by a Judgment of a United States Court of Appeals, the words in the notice reading "Posted by Order of the National Labor Relations Board" shall read "Posted Pursuant to a Judg- ment of the United States Court of Appeals Enforcing an Order of the Na- tional Labor Relations Board." 1025 Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation