Sparkle Mills, Inc.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsNov 15, 1979246 N.L.R.B. 473 (N.L.R.B. 1979) Copy Citation Sparkle Mills, Inc. and District 65, Distributive Work- ers of America. Case 2-CA 14203 November 15, 1979 SUPPLEMENTAL DECISION AND ORDER BY CHAIRMAN FANNING AND MEMBERS JENKINS AND MURPHY On August 21, 1979, Administrative Law Judge Walter H. Maloney, Jr., issued the attached Supple- mental Decision' in this proceeding. Thereafter, Re- spondent filed exceptions and a supporting brief, and the General Counsel filed a brief in opposition to Re- spondent's exceptions. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the Na- tional Labor Relations Board has delegated its au- thority in this proceeding to a three-member panel. The Board has considered the record and the at- tached Supplemental Decision in light of the excep- tions and briefs and has decided to affirm the rulings, findings, and conclusions of the Administrative Law Judge and to adopt his recommended Order. ORDER Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Rela- tions Board adopts as its Order the recommended Or- der of the Administrative Law Judge and hereby or- ders that the Respondent, Sparkle Mills, Inc., New York, New York, its officers, agents, successors, and assigns, shall pay the employees listed below the sums opposite their names, with interest thereon as com- puted in the Administrative Law Judge's Supplemen- tal Decision, with appropriate deductions for taxes required to be withheld by Respondent under Federal and state laws: Francis Velez $9,828 Elias Solorzano 9,828 The original Decision in this proceeding is reported at 227 NI.RB 1981 (1977). SUPPLEMENTAL DECISION A. Statement of the Supplemental Proceedings WALTER H. MALONEY, JR., Administrative Law Judge: On January 31, 1977, the Board issued a Decision and Or- der in which it found that Respondent Sparkle Mills, Inc., violated Section 8(a)(1), (3), and (5) of the National Labor Relations Act, herein called the Act (227 NLRB 1981). Among its findings was a determination that, on April 6, 1976, Respondent discriminatorily discharged Francis Ve- SPARKLE MILLS. INC. lez and Elias Solorzano. The Board, inter alia, ordered Re- spondent to reinstate Velez and Solorzano and to compen- sate them for loss of earnings suffered by reason of the discriminations found, with interest at 6 percent.' On May 9, 1977. the Board sought enforcement of its order in the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit (Case 77-4101). On July 18. 1977. while the case was pend- ing before the court of appeals, the parties filed a formal stipulation with the court pursuant to which the Board agreed to dismiss its petition for enforcement and to pro- ceed to a determination of the amount of backpay due and owing to Velez and Solorzano, with permission granted to Respondent to litigate in a backpay proceeding "all the usual defenses in mitigation.... including that Solorzano and/or Velez. had they not been unlawfully discharged on April 6, 1975, would have been laid off for economic rea- sons sometime after that date." Respondent further agreed that, should it thereafter appeal the Board's backpay deter- mination, it would waive any challenge to the correctness of the original decision relating to the discriminations. On January 27. 1978, the Regional Director for Region 2 issued a backpay specification in this case, alleging that both discriminatees were entitled to identical sums, namely $9,548, plus 2 weeks' vacation at $140 per week and interest on the aggregate amount. Respondent filed two answers, the net effect of which was to admit that the backpay pe- riod ran from April 6. 1976. until August I, 1977.J and to admit the appropriateness of the General Counsel's formula and her mathematical computations. Respondent urged as an affirmative defense that, regardless of these ftactors, both discriminatees would have been laid off on April 6. 1976. irrespective of discriminatory motivation, because its eco- nomic posture was poor, so no backpay is actually due to either person. In light of these answers, the General Coun- sel filed with the Board a Motion for Summary Judgment. claiming that in the backpay proceeding Respondent was attempting to relitigate the merits of the discrimination cases which had been determined adversely to it on the Board's earlier decision. The Board denied the Motion for Summary Judgment. In an Order, dated September 20, 1978, the Board remanded the case for a hearing "limiting such proceeding to a determination of the economic condi- tion of Respondent on and after April 6, 1975."' It was for such a hearing and initial determination of that issue that the case came on before me in New York, New York, on March 15, 1979. The Decision in this case was issued before the Board revised the manner of computing interest on backpay in Florida Seel Corporation, 231 NRB 651 (1977). 2 Pursuant to the Board's order. Respondent recognized the Charging Union and entered into an agreement under which it reinstated Velez. the senior discriminatee. and was permitted to la) off Solorzano permanently Velez was still employed by Respondent at the time of the hackpay hearing on March 15, 1979. 'The discriminatees were th discharged on April 6, 1976, not April 6. 1975. Both the stipulation before the Second Circuit and the Board's Sep- tember 20 order recite 1975. I take the recitation of 1975 in both documents to be inadvertent errors and I will confine m inquir) to the econmic con- ditions of Respondent after the discharges of Velez and Solorzano, although some reference to pre-Apnl 6. 1976 conditions may become necessary tbr background purposes 246 NLRB No. 78 473 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD B. The Respondent's Defense4 Respondent is a jobber of knitwear, principally of men's shirts. For the past 10 years, it has maintained a warehouse and office in midtown Manhattan. When it receives an or- der from a customer for a given number of shirts, it subcon- tracts to others the actual manufacturing of the shirts, re- ceives the finished product at its warehouse, packs the shirts for shipping, and sends them out. Local deliveries are often made by its own employees. Most deliveries are made by three carriers or delivery services, United Parcel Service (UPS). Mestler, and Katz. Respondent is owned by four stockholders, each of whom hold 25 percent of the stock. They are Henry Schein,' Bert Beick, Emanuel Letterman, and his son. Sam- uel Letterman. Respondent's 1977 Federal income tax re- turn, which is in evidence, indicates that each of these indi- viduals received during the year ending September 30, 1978, compensation for services rendered to Respondent corporation in amounts ranging from $18,200 to $33,800 per annum. Velez and Solorzano were Respondent's only other employees. According to Emanuel Letterman, busi- ness was so bad they could not even afford a bookkeeper, although Respondent could afford a certified public ac- countant who appeared at the hearing to authenticate the unaudited profit and loss statements his firm prepared for Respondent's fiscal years ending in September 1975, through September 1978. These statements show net sales for the four fiscal years ending September 30 as follows: 1975 1976 1977 1978 $1,243,837 890,546 870,751 889,328 August September October November December 155,312 52,026 96,904 128,548 52,206 A self-described partner and outside man, Emanuel Letter- man, testified that Respondent always experienced a sea- sonal business and had two peak seasons, a spring season, which ran from February until late April or early May, and a fall season, which ran from the end of July until Decem- ber. In support of its position that the discriminatees would have been discharged irrespective of the union effort be- cause of the poor economic position in which it found itself, Respondent invited attention to the portions of its profit and loss statements relative to net profit. The net profit or (loss) after Federal taxes entries are as follows: 1975 1976 1977 1978 $5,973 (21,694) (81,809) 2,064 When asked if Respondent was still in business, Letterman acknowledged that "we're still in business. We shouldn't be, but we are." One reason that Respondent has been able to stay in business despite the above-recited profit and loss figures is that those figures were only derived after deduct- ing from Respondent's annual gross profit the following amounts, which represent compensation to officers who are also the operating principals of the firm: 1975 1976 1977 1978 $149,175 149,500 152,375 112.700 Respondent placed in evidence figures on its net sales which were broken down on a monthly basis and appear as fol- lows: January 1976 February March April May June July August September October November December January 1977 February March April May June $56.494 57,333 104,795 39,271 30.372 30,291 165.819 54,369 49,340 8.516 48,508 25,984 36.154 18.706 124,870 136,801 109,956 52,922 July 27,996 4 Respondent originally claimed as offsets amounts which the discrimi- natees received as unemployment compensation. It later abandoned this de- fense. Both discriminatees testified that they had no interim earnings during the backpay period, and Respondent was unable to adduce any evidence to refute these assertions. Henry Schein died a week before the hearing in this case. Both discriminatees were employed as packers and earned $140 per week at the time of their discharges. The General Counsel insists that a critical fact to be used in determining whether there was work available for the dis- criminatees during the backpay period is the number of packages shipped by Respondent during that time by UPS, its principal delivery agent. In support of that position, she placed into evidence a monthly compilation of packages shipped by UPS during 1976 and 1977. The figures do not include additional shipments handled from time to time by Mestler. Katz, or employees and principals of the Com- pany: 1976 Packages 1977 Packages Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 89 151 51 86 201 194 85 91 47 67 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. 71 97 419 541 350 138 89 280 117 165 474 SPARKLE MILLS. INC. C. A4 nalvsis and Conclusions The proper standard to be applied in determining whether Respondent incurred backpay liability in the 16 months following the discharges which occurred on April 6. 1976, is whether the two backpay claimants would have been terminated on that date or thereafter as a result of Respondent's normal nondiscriminatory business practices. Standard Printing Company of Canton. 151 NLRB 963 (1965). It is well settled that the burden of proving this affirmative defense rests upon Respondent. N.L.R.B. v. Mastro Plastics Corporation and French American Reeds Manufacturing Company, 354 F.2d 170 (2d Cir. 1965). cert. denied 384 U.S. 972 (1966); Atlantic .Marine, Inc.. 211 NLRB 230 (1974). If there is any uncertainty as to whether the defense has been established, the uncertainty must be resolved in favor of the discriminatee and against the wrongdoer whose conduct made certainty impossible. Fi- breboard Paper Products Corporation, 180 NLRB 142 (1969); J. H. Rutter-Rex Manufacturing Company, Inc., 194 NLRB 19 (1971). Both Solorzano and Velez worked for Respondent as packers since 1970. Respondent admits that at no time dur- ing their employment were they ever laid off for lack of work or for any other reason. Respondent also placed in the record testimony that its business during those years was seasonal and that there were periods when there was noth- ing for them to do. Despite these lulls in packing activity, both men were kept on the payroll and were permitted to occupy their time playing cards or otherwise amusing them- selves. Even when business was reportedly bad during the winter prior to their discharge, they were kept on the pay- roll. Letterman explained that he suggested to the late Mr. Schein that the men be sent home because they had nothing to do, but Schein refused, "Mr. Schein said to me, should he rest in peace, he died, let's keep them and see how the show is going to be .... Now, our show was a disaster, which was in March and April of 1976." Thereafter, the Union ap- peared on the scene and Velez and Solorzano were termi- nated. When asked to contrast the policy of keeping Velez and Solorzano on the payroll during slack periods through- out 1970-76 and the claim that they were not needed dur- ing the backpay period because of poor business conditions. Letterman replied, "We didn't lay them off because we felt that they were with us and we did business and felt sorry a little bit-." While Respondent's sales were off during 1976 and 1977 by about 25 percent below its 1975 volume. Respondent was very much in business during that time and continues to be very much in business. The number of packages shipped and which presumably had to be packed before shipment was substantial and varied widely. depending upon whether Respondent was in a traditionally slow or traditionally busy season of the year. There was work at the warehouse which the discriminatees previously performed and. during the backpa period, it was performed bh the principals of the firm in addition to their other duties. The economy measure instituted b Respondent at the expense of Velez and Solorzano in the 16 months following April 6. 1976, was not the result of Respondent's normal nondiscriminatory business practice. Its normal nondis- criminatory business practice the one it followed for sev- eral years before the advent of the Union was to retain its two packers on the payroll during busy seasons and slow seasons as well, to occupy them with work when work was available, and to permit them to occupy themselves when business was slow. Respondent failed to follow this practice during the time here in issue and it is therefore precluded from relying upon its new and discriminatorily motivated practice in defending against the provisions of the backpay specification. In light of the foregoing findings and conclusions and upon the entire record herein considered as a whole, I make the following recommended: ORDER 6 The Respondent. Sparkle Mills, Inc., New York. New York. its officers, agents. successors, and assigns. shall pay backpay to the individuals hereinafter named, in the amounts set forth respectively after their names, with inter- est thereon accured to the date of payment at the rate of 6 percent per annum, less FICA. state, local. and Federal income taxes which are required to be deducted: Francis Velez Elias Solorzano $9.828 9.828: I In the event no exceptions are filed as provided hb Sec 10246 of he Rules and Regulations of the National Labor Relations Board, the findings. conclusions. and recommended Order herein shall. as prov ided n Sec. 102.48 of the Rules and Regulations, be adopted by the Board and become its findings, conclusions. and Order, and all ohjections thereto shall be deemed waived for all purposes. ? In each instance this figure includes $9,548 in regular salar) and 2 weeks' vacation at $140 per week. 475 Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation