South Jersey Gas Co.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Administrative Judge OpinionsSep 9, 200904-CB-010259 (N.L.R.B. Sep. 9, 2009) Copy Citation JD-43-09 Folsum, NJ UNITED STATES OF AMERICA BEFORE THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD DIVISION OF JUDGES INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF MACHINISTS AND AEROSPACE WORKERS OF AMERICA, LOCAL LODGE S–76, AFL–CIO, and Case 4–CB–10259 SOUTH JERSEY GAS COMPANY. Margaret McGovern, Esq. (Region 4, NLRB), of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, for the General Counsel Richard Poulson, Esq. (Willig, Williams and Davidson), of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, for the Respondent John Hegarty, Esq. (Jasinski and Williams, PC), of Atlantic City, New Jersey, for the Charging Party DECISION Introduction DAVID I. GOLDMAN, ADMINISTRATIVE LAW JUDGE. In this case the Government alleges that a union has unlawfully refused an employer’s demand to negotiate a successor labor agreement to replace the parties’ last agreement. The predecessor agreement, not atypically, was governed by a provision that required 60-days written notice to amend or terminate to avoid renewal of the agreement for one year. The issue in this case is whether the employer provided the union with such notice. If it did not, then, by its terms, the agreement renewed and—pursuant to Section 8(d) of the National Labor Relations Act (the Act)1—the union was not under a statutory duty to bargain for a new agreement to take effect before the extended renewal date of January 14, 2010. On the other hand, if the employer did provide sufficient notice to the union, the agreement, by its terms, terminated January 14, 2009, and the union’s refusal to bargain a successor collective-bargaining agreement was, and is, as alleged, a violation of the duty to bargain, pursuant to Section 8(b)(3) of the Act.2 1Sec. 8(d) states, in relevant part, that the duty to bargain: shall not be construed as requiring either party to discuss or agree to any modification of the terms and conditions contained in a contract for a fixed period, if such modification is to become effective before such terms and conditions can be reopened under the provisions of the contract. 2Sec. 8(b)(3) of the Act states that is an unfair labor practice for a labor organization: to refuse to bargain collectively with an employer, provided it is the representative of his employees . . . . JD-43-09 2 Statement of the Case On December 19, 2008, South Jersey Gas Company (SJG or the Employer) filed an unfair labor practice charge, docketed by Region 4 of the National Labor Relations Board (the Board) as Case 4–CB–10259, alleging that the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers of America, Local Lodge S–76 (Local 76 or the Union) was violating the National Labor Relations Act. On March 20, 2009, the Board’s General Counsel issued a complaint against Local 76, alleging the Union was failing and refusing to collectively bargain with SJG in violation of Section 8(b)(3) of the Act. The case was tried in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on June 24, 2009. Counsel for the General Counsel and the Union filed briefs in support of their positions on August 12, 2009.3 On the entire record, I make the following findings of fact, conclusions of law, and recommendations. JURISDICTION The complaint alleges, the Respondent admits, and I find that the Respondent Union is a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. The complaint alleges, the Respondent admits, and I find, that the Charging Party SJG is a New Jersey corporation with headquarters in Folsom, New Jersey, and that it operates as a natural gas utility in southern New Jersey. The complaint alleges, Respondent admits, and I find that during the past year, SJG, in conducting its business operations, received gross revenues in excess of $250,000, and purchased and received goods valued in excess of $50,0000 directly from points outside the State of New Jersey. The complaint alleges, the Respondent admits, and I find, that at all material times SJG has been an employer engaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(2), (6), and (7) of the Act. Based on the foregoing, I find that this dispute affects commerce and that the Board has proper jurisdiction of this case, pursuant to Section 10(a) of the Act. Findings of Fact Background The most recent collective-bargaining agreement between Local 76 and SJG (the 2005 Agreement) was effective January 15, 2005. The earliest termination date provided for in the agreement was January 14, 2009. This contract governed two separate bargaining units of SJG gas workers, gas utility workers, and construction workers, estimated at 230 total employees.4 Local 76 also represented one—or two, the testimony is in conflict, but the dispute is immaterial—other bargaining unit(s) of employees employed by South Jersey Energy Services Plus (SJESP), Like SJG, SJESP was another company affiliated with 3On August 26, 2009, Counsel for the General Counsel filed a motion for leave to file a reply brief. As discussed, infra, that motion is denied. 4The two units cover essentially the same job classifications, but one unit was previously represented by a different IAM Local, Local Lodge S–95. During the term of the 2005 Agreement, Local Lodge S–95 effectively ceased to exist. Thereafter, all parties treated the 2005 Agreement as controlling for both groups of employees. JD-43-09 3 South Jersey Industries, the parent company of the group. Still another subsidiary, South Jersey Industries Services (SJIS) performed, among other things, the labor relations and collective bargaining negotiations for the South Jersey Industries affiliated companies, including SJG. Art. XIX of the 2005 Agreement is titled “Term of Agreement” and states the following: This agreement shall remain in force and effective from January 15 2005 through January 14, 2009, and shall be considered renewed from term to term for the periods of one year each, provided, however, that a written notice to amend or to terminate it may be given by either party to the other at least sixty (60) days prior to January 14, 2009, or the expiration of any extended term, and provided further, that changes may be made at any time by mutual consent. [original emphasis]. Negotiations for an early agreement During the term of the 2005 Agreement, in September 2007, the parties began early negotiations. Initially this was an effort to settle a manning grievance headed for arbitration. The discussions broadened into an effort to obtain an early successor agreement to the 2005 Agreement. Over the course of the next year the parties met 20 or more times. A significant amount of information was exchanged between the parties, and as late as November 3, 2008, the Union’s benefits counsel and an employer representative were discussing retiree health care information. The parties first attempted to reach a new agreement before the end of 2007. That failed, and when Local 76 changed leadership, the parties continued their efforts in 2008. The apparent culmination of these discussions was an Employer proposal of May 20, 2008, that proposed a new agreement commencing July 15, 2008, and that reflected the parties’ negotiations on health care, job security, job classifications, and other issues of mutual concern. However, this proposal was not accepted. In mid-October 2008, Sharon Pennington, the chief operating officer of SJIS, who was SJG’s chief negotiator, told Union Chief Negotiator Dan Chmelko, in a phone call, that “anything that they offered to the Union [in the early negotiations] was done. The stock market has changed everything.” Pennington told Chmelko that as a result of the economic downturn, the company’s pension plan was underfunded by as much as $5 million. Chmelko told Pennington at the time, “somebody is going to have to send a 60- day notice.” In an October 16, 2008 e-mail to Chmelko, Pennington told Chmelko that “market conditions have dramatically changed the context within which we are bargaining and the company’s position has been altered significantly.” By letter dated, October 16, Chmelko reported to the Local 76 membership, following up on his “detailed report” at the September membership meeting, about the early negotiations, which he had made a point of not publicizing while they had been ongoing. Chmelko told the membership about the talks and explained: JD-43-09 4 There were many items that were discussed by the parties in a process that encompassed over a year of talks and nearly twenty face to face meetings and too many phone conversations to count. Unfortunately, the parties got bogged down on the issue of Health Care for retirees and whether or not retire[e]s, not covered by an [early retirement program], would have to start paying toward their Health Care premiums. . . . We pursued many alternatives but in the end were not able to broker a deal with the Company, in fairness, SJG did have several attractive items on the table, that they have since communicated they cannot follow through on because of the current economic downturn. Although it was probably true earlier in the fall or summer, it was very much the case that by mid-October, when Pennington announced that the SJG proposals were no longer on the table, the effort to reach an early successor agreement had failed. The Employer’s efforts to renew negotiations At this point, SJS began pursuing Local 76 in an effort to set dates for negotiations for a new collective-bargaining agreement to replace the one “soon to expire.” In an October 27, 2008 e-mail to Chmelko, titled “Agreement between South Jersey Gas Co. and Local S76,” SJS Chief Negotiator Pennington wrote: As we discussed, the company is available to meet to discuss the soon to expire collective-bargaining agreement between it and local 76. The company is available November 10, 12, 13, and 14th for that purpose. Once we have dates agreed upon, we will obtain a location at which to meet and firm up times. We look forward to hearing from you. On November 3, Anthony Pezzulo, director of human resources for SJIS, whose work included labor relations duties on behalf of SJG, caused his labor relations manager, Janet Snyder, to send a notice to the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service (FMCS) that “written notice of proposed termination or modification of the existing collective bargaining contract was served upon the other party to this contract and that no agreement has been reached.” This notice listed the employer as South Jersey Industries and the union as “IAM&AW” Local Lodge 76, and listed 287 employees as being covered by the contract. According to Pezzulo, this notice to the FMCS was intended to cover all of the labor agreements between South Jersey Industries-affiliated companies, which would be the two SJG contracts with Local 76—at issue in this case— as well as the contracts between SJESP and Local 76. The next day Snyder sent a letter, on South Jersey Industries’ letterhead, to the State of New Jersey Board of Mediation regarding “Expiration of Collective-Bargaining Agreements.” The letter stated: To Whom It May Concern: This letter is being sent in accordance with Section 8(d)(3) of the Labor– Management Relations Act, 1947 to provide notice that South Jersey Industries’ five collective-bargaining agreements expire on January 14, 2009 at 11:59 p.m. JD-43-09 5 We are currently bargaining with the IAM&AW and the IBEW, their contact information is as follows. IAM&AW IBEW Local S–76 Local 1293 3697 Black Horse Pike, Unit B2 2684 Rte.9 Rear Williamstown, NJ 08094 Oceanview, NJ 08230 877-680-3399 609-412-6725 * * * * * * * * * * A copy of this letter was mailed to Local 76, at the above, address, which was the address on the Local’s stationary at this time. On November 4, a letter was faxed to Snyder from the FMCS, acknowledging receipt of “notice that you have started or will soon begin negotiations for a new collective-bargaining agreement” and assigning an FMCS mediator to assist in negotiations. This letter was “cc’ed” to Local 76. On November 5, Pennington sent another e-mail to Chmelko, this one titled “Schedule.” The e-mail, written the morning after the United States presidential election, stated: Good morning! I hope that you are recovering from what is undoubtedly a celebration of the election outcome. I wanted to be one of the first in the cue to try and get some dates from you for continuing negotiation of the SJG agreements and beginning to work on the Energy Service Plus agreements. I previously sent you some dates for both. I would appreciate your reviewing and letting me know which, if any, work for you. Thanks. The employer representatives received no response from the Union to these e- mails or from the Union in response to the mediation agency notices.5 However, on November 13, Chmelko sent notices to terminate the contract(s) covering the Local 76-represented SJEP employees. These contracts included language similar to article XIX in the SJG–Local 76 contract, and also provided for a January 14, 2009 expiration date upon provision of timely notice to amend or terminate.6 Chmelko did not send a notice to amend or terminate the SJG contracts at this time. The failure was not inadvertent, but purposeful. In light of the Employer’s statements to the Union that the declining economy had led it to take its proposals from 5Chmelko testified that he recalled receiving e-mail communication from Pennington asking for dates to meet. Given this, and given the apparently authentic, and unchallenged nature of the e-mails, I conclude that Chmelko received the e-mails from Pennington requesting negotiating dates, for the “soon to expire collective bargaining agreement.” 6The Union’s notices to the Employer were not offered in evidence, and there is no description of their wording. JD-43-09 6 May off the table, the Union hoped that neither side would send appropriate notice and the SJG contracts would renew for another year. The Union had heard reports that SJG representatives, including Ed Graham and Pennington, had been visiting facilities and warning that employees should not, in Chmelko’s words “expect any additives in the agreement.” Chmelko explained that [t]he decision was not to send [a notice to amend or terminate], based on the communication that Graham had with the membership, that it would be in the best interest of the membership, and that’s my responsibility, not to send the 60 day notice, to let the contract renew under the evergreen clause, so that we could hopefully look towards a more favorable situation come a year from then. On November 17, probably after Pezzulo saw the notices from the Union regarding the Energy Plus agreements, Pezzulo caused Snyder to send a rework of the letter previously sent, November 3, to the New Jersey Board of Mediation, directly to Local 76 President Askins. The letter, with a “Re” line of “Expiration of Collective- Bargaining Agreements,” stated: To Whom It May Concern: This letter is being sent in accordance with Section 8(d)(3) of the Labor– Management Relations Act, 1947 to provide notice that South Jersey Industries’ 3 collective-bargaining agreements expire on January 14, 2009 at 11:59 p.m. The contracts cover seven locations located in New Jersey. As you are aware, we have been negotiating for many months and plan to continue to do so. We are currently awaiting your next available dates.7 After receiving no response from the Union to her e-mails, or to Snyder’s letter, on December 5, 2008, Pennington wrote a letter to Chmelko. The letter stated: Since September of 2007, the parties have met and conferred in an attempt to negotiate new collective-bargaining agreements for employees in each respective bargaining unit. These negotiations have been productive in that the parties have explored and proposed changes to the expiring collective-bargaining agreements that balance the interests of all parties. Unfortunately, these discussions have not resulted in any agreement for new contracts. There is a considerable amount of work ahead of us to reach new contracts. In that light most recently we have provided you with a series of notices requesting dates to continue negotiations. Unfortunately for whatever reason, you have refused to respond and not proposed dates to continue 7Pezzulo asserted at trial that the fact that the November 17 notice was too late to give 60-days notice of contract termination proves that was not its purpose. That is not compelling. By the same token, the fact that the Employer feared that adequate notice to terminate the SJG contracts had not been previously provided does not show that its prior notifications to the Union were insufficient. JD-43-09 7 negotiations in an effort to reach an amicable settlement prior to the January 14, 2009 contract expiration. Needless to say, we are disappointed by your silence. One needs to look no further than recent news reports to confirm that the economic conditions in our country have presented all of us with the harshness of reality. Specifically, there is not doubt that the economy has changed the landscape and forced everyone to revisit the terms and conditions and economics in the expiring contracts. Our company must face the fact that the current realities in our economy will require tough decisions by all of us to reach contracts that provide flexibility and economics that are consistent with the state of the economy that we are all facing for the foreseeable future. There, this is yet another notice requesting dates for us to meet and exchange contract proposal. Please respond to us with dates. Chmelko responded to Pennington’s correspondence by letter dated December 15, 2008. He wrote: I am in receipt of your December 5, 2009 letter. I have also reviewed the November 17, 2009 letter that Ms. Snyder faxed to Local Lodge S–76 President Brian Askins which was not sent to my office. Allow me to clarify the status of the current CBA between South jersey Gas and Local Lodge S–76. The current CBA will not expire until January 14, 2010. The Agreement was automatically renewed for one year in accordance with Article 19 and Article 20 in the respective location’s Agreements because neither party provided written notice to amend/terminate the agreement at least sixty days prior to January 14, 2009. Notwithstanding that fact, the parties in Local S–76 will make themselves available to meet with the Company should you wish to discuss matters of importance to your Company and our bargaining unit members. Please offer suggested meeting dates, and I will communicate with you which dates are available in my schedule. Also you may provide dates for the South Jersey Energy Services Plus contracts where sixty day notices were provided under that respective CBA. As you should know, I have a very busy schedule in my capacity as Director of District 1 IAM&AW and currently have several sets of negotiations that are ongoing with employers in my area of responsibility. I will do my best to accommodate your provided dates. Analysis The Union does not dispute that it refused to bargain for a successor agreement to commence January 14, 2009. Its defense is that it was not required to, as the 2005 Agreement renewed due to a lack of the notification required to forestall renewal.8 8I note that the Union’s December 15 offer to “make themselves available to meet with the Company should you wish to discuss matters of importance to your Company JD-43-09 8 It is commonplace for labor agreements to contain a clause renewing in the absence of timely notice to amend or terminate the agreement. With regard to the timing of the notice to amend or terminate, the Board long ago took the position that the time limits for renewal are to be "strictly construed," as long as the timelines are plainly set forth in the contract.9 This “strict construction” makes sense, when the time limits are expressly and specifically set forth in the notice provision, and this is often the case. However, this strict construction as to time limits is not relevant with regard to the form or content of the required notice, where, as here, the contract’s provisions do not specify the form or content of the required notice. Where no format or content for the notice is prescribed by the parties’ agreement, the Board accepts “reasonable” and “substantial” compliance as adequate. All that is necessary is that one party—in writing, if the contract requires that10—convey to the other its desire to amend or terminate the agreement. No “magic words” are required and if the party’s notice reasonably conveys to the other party its desire to enter into negotiations for a new collective-bargaining agreement, this is satisfactory to show a desire to amend or terminate and thus avoid contract renewal. Obviously, parties are free to contractually require more exacting notification provisions. And sometimes they do. But in the face of generalized notice requirements, the Board’s well-settled and uniform approach is to accept as adequate a range of efforts that reasonably convey the party’s desire to amend or terminate the contract. For instance, in Champaign County Contractors Association, 210 NLRB 467, 470 (1974), a case that is not materially distinguishable from that at hand, the union mailed to the employer of copy of the FMCS form F–7 the union had sent to the FMCS to comply with the notice provisions of Section 8(d) of the Act. The Board held that this “was reasonable notice where, as here, the contract provisions governing notice of termination are general in nature and no specific format for notice is stated.” The term- of-agreement provision in Champaign County Contractors was very similar to the one at and our bargaining unit members” is not an offer to engage in statutorily-required bargaining. As confirmed by Chmelko’s testimony at the hearing, and by the entire point of the Respondent’s position, this offer to “sit down and talk” was, in the Union’s view, like the Union’s willingness to hear the Employer out on early negotiations in 2007, a wholly voluntary exercise, terminable at will, in which, as set forth in Sec. 8(d) of the Act, the Union was not required to discuss anything it did not want to, no impasse could be reached, and no changes implemented without the consent of the Union. It is negotiations, in the broadest sense, between an employer and a union, but it is not the statutory duty to bargain required by the Act if the agreement was expiring January 14, 2009. 9Koenig Brothers Inc., 108 NLRB 304 (1954). It is also true that the Board will consider and accept mitigating circumstances in determining the timeliness of a notice if the notice is delayed by conditions beyond the control of the sender. 10If not, oral notice may be sufficient. Jet Line Products, 229 NLRB 322, 323 (1977). In the instant case, the agreement provides for written notice. See art. XIX and more generally, art. XVII, sec. 2 of the 2005 Agreement. JD-43-09 9 issue here, requiring timely written notice “to amend, modify, or terminate” the agreement in order to forestall its renewal.11 Notably, in Champaign County Contractors, the method used by [the union] departed from past practice in that no letter containing the substantive information of intent to terminate accompanied the copy of form F–7, nor was the form sent by registered or certified mail. But this past practice has not been incorporated into the contract so as to limit the broad language of section 19 [of the parties’ contract]. In Champaign Contractors, supra, the arrival in the employer’s office of the copy of the union’s FMCS form “did not trigger any attention on the part of Respondent because copies of such forms have not been used in the past as notice of termination agreements.” 210 NLRB at 468. Still, the Board, adopting the reasoning of the ALJ, was “not prepared to find that [the union’s] effort, although not up to the standards of past practice, was without legal effect. . . . So long as the essential message was conveyed, it is not reasonable for Respondent to hold them to the standards of a Philadelphia lawyer.” The respondent in Champaign County Contractors (in that case, the employer), argued that the “essential message”—i.e., the notice to terminate or amend required by the contract—was not conveyed by the mailing of a copy of the FMCS form. The Board adopted the ALJ’s rejection of this claim: It is pointed out that the function of form F–7 is to satisfy the requirements of Section 8(d) of the Act. I agree. But nowhere is it written that that is 11Sec. 19, the term-of-agreement provision in Champaign County Contractors, read in full: This Agreement shall be effective on July 24, 1971, and shall remain in full force and effect until midnight July 23, 1973, and shall continue in force from year to year therefore, except that by written notice given by either party at least sixty (60) days, but not more than ninety (90) days, prior to July 24th of any year thereafter, either party may notify the other of its desire to amend, modify, or terminate this agreement. For convenience of comparison, I reprint art. XIX of the 2005 Agreement here: This agreement shall remain in force and effective from January 15 2005 through January 14, 2009, and shall be considered renewed from term to term for the periods of one year each, provided, however, that a written notice to amend or to terminate it may be given by either party to the other at least sixty (60) days prior to January 14, 2009, or the expiration of any extended term, and provided further, that changes may be made at any time by mutual consent. [original emphasis]. JD-43-09 10 the only purpose the form may serve. Its delivery to the employer here was an indication of the Union’s desire to negotiate a new contract. Apparently a clerical in [the employer’s] office did not take it as such, but I think Respondent must bear the responsibility for that misjudgment. All of the subsequent conduct of the union . . . was consistent with the belief that proper notice had been given. None of the evidence indicates that Respondent was misled. In the circumstances of this particular case I find that notice, legally adequate under section 19 of the existing agreement, was given to Respondent on May 2. Other Board precedent reinforces the view set forth in Champaign County Contractors. In Oakland Press Co., 229 NLRB 476 (1977), enfd. in relevant part 606 F.2d 689 (6th Cir. 1979), the contract’s termination clause stated: This Agreement shall be in full force and effect from June 1, 1973, to and including May 31, 1976, and shall continue in full force and effect from year to the year thereafter, unless written notice of desire to cancel or to terminate the Agreement . . . served by either party upon the other at least sixty (60) days prior to the date of expiration. The union in Oakland Press Co. wrote to the employer, approximately on March 15, stating that the union desires to continue its current collective-bargaining agreement with your firm, but also to negotiate certain changes or revisions in its provisions, including those set forth in memorandum agreements and other supplements thereto to take affect during the contract period commencing June 1, 1976. Local 372 offers to meet and confer with your representatives for the purpose of negotiating said changes or revisions at a mutually convenient date, time and place. The changes or revisions to be negotiated will be sent to you at a later date. Thus, in Oakland Press, the termination clause, unlike art. XIX in our case, which requires notice “to amend or to terminate,” required “notice of desire to cancel or to terminate the Agreement.” In Oakland Press, the Union’s notice did not mention the words “cancel or terminate”—indeed, it stated that the union “desires to continue its collective-bargaining agreement with your firm,” and added only that it also wanted to “negotiate certain changes or revisions in its provisions.” The employer in Oakland Press took the position that the union’s notice did not satisfy the requirements of the contractual cancellation/termination clause and therefore that the contracts at issue renewed for a period of one year. The ALJ, in reasoning affirmed by the Board, rejected the employer’s argument, suggesting that it had “a medieval tone”: [The Employer contends that s]ince [the union] did not use the appropriate magic words in the March 15 letter, it could not have terminated the contract. This, however, does not take into consideration the past history of bargaining between these parties or other extrinsic JD-43-09 11 evidence which clearly slows the Union's position and which reasonably put the Respondent on notice concerning it. Having carefully considered [the employer counsel’s] testimony, I am persuaded that, following receipt of the Union's March 15 letter, he undertook to posture the Respondent in such a way that by using a technicality, which [the employer counsel] admits, the Respondent would not be required to bargain with the Union over the subjects covered in the two contracts until 1977. I conclude that this was a deliberate attempt to avoid the Respondent's obligation to bargain with the Union on the full range of mandatory subjects. If the March 15 letter was inartfully drafted, at best the defect was technical. A mere technical deficiency in complying with the termination of clause of a contract is not a sufficient reason to excuse one's obligation to bargain in good faith. . . . . I find that the essential message was in fact conveyed, even if not in the precise, technical terms of the contract. It is clear from the letter that the Union considered the contract would expire on May 31 and it wished to negotiate changes to take effect "during the contract period commencing June 1, 1976." A collective–bargaining agreement is a total document. Changes in one or more of its terms necessarily implies termination of the agreement and emergence of a new one. The Union's March 15 letter necessarily implied termination. . . . See also, Local No. 6–0682, Paper Workers Union (Checker Motors Corp.), 339 NLRB 291, 299 (2003) (“Absolute perfection is not required to give notice to terminate an agreement”). Finally, of relevance is the Board’s decision in Bridgestone/Firestone, Inc., 331 NLRB 205 (2000). There, the Board found that the union’s notice was adequate to terminate the contract, and its reasoning is instructive. Bridgestone/Firestone involved a more elaborate term-of-agreement provision than the one here. The term-of-agreement provision in Bridgestone/ Firestone was in two sections. Section 1 set forth a procedure for notice of termination of the agreement, and section 2 set forth notice for a party “desir[ing] to continue said Agreement, but also desir[ing] to negotiate changes or revisions in th[e] Agreement.” Although the Board agreed that “[c]learly, it was section 2 that the union invoked,” the Board still found that the Union’s request to negotiated changes in the . . . contract had the effect of terminating the agreement, at least as to those provision for which bargaining was sought. Although parties may contractually specifically provide otherwise, i.e., that the reopened contract automatically renews, they must do so expressly” [emphasis added]. Id. at 208. The consistent Board precedent renders the outcome in this case clear. The term-of-agreement clause in the instant case is similar—materially identical—to the JD-43-09 12 clause in Champaign County Contractors, supra. Unlike the clause in Bridgestone/ Firestone, the clause in the 2005 Agreement does not distinguish between the notices to amend and notices to terminate. They are both part of the proviso—i.e., the exceptions to the rule of automatic renewal that occurs in the absence of a notice to amend or terminate. Under the 2005 Agreement, a timely notice to amend or notice to terminate is equally effective to avoid renewal of the agreement.12 In this case, the Employer’s chief negotiator, Pennington, sent two e-mails to the Union’s chief negotiator, Chmelko —one on October 27 and one November 5— requesting meeting dates to negotiate the new contract. The first e-mail, on October 27, explicitly offered to meet to discuss the “soon to expire collective-bargaining agreement between [the Employer] and Local 76.” The second, on November 5, was another attempt “to try and get some dates from you for continuing negotiation of the SJG agreements.” In addition, on November 4, the Employer sent to the Union a copy of the letter it sent to the New Jersey State Board of Mediation, notifying the state board, in accordance with Section 8(d)(3) of the Act, that “South Jerseys’ five collective-bargaining agreements expire on January 14, 2009 at 11:59 p.m.” By the foregoing written notices, given by the Employer to the Union, in timely fashion, the Union was notified that the Employer wanted to amend or to terminate the 2005 Agreement as of January 14, 2009. The copy of the notice to the New Jersey State Board of Mediation written by the Employer and provided to the Union expressly provided notice of the January 14, 2009 “expir[ation]” of the contracts between Local 76 and the South Jersey Industries affiliated companies, which indisputably includes the SJG–Local 76 agreements.13 The e-mail notices from the Employer’s chief bargainer to the Union’s chief bargainer clearly conveyed—and the Union cannot and does not dispute it—that the Employer was seeking to commence collective bargaining for an agreement to amend the “soon to expire collective-bargaining agreement between [the Employer] and Local 76.” As the Union well understood, amending and replacing the expiring agreement was the reason that Employer sought negotiations. The function of a notice of termination sent to the state mediation office and copied to the Union, like the FMCS form F–7, was, as noted in Champaign County Contractors, “to satisfy the requirements of Section 8(d) of the Act, . . [b]ut nowhere is it written that this is the only purpose the form may serve. Its delivery to the [union] was an indication of the [employer’s] desire to negotiate a new contract.” These notices are 12I think this point follows from the plain language of art. XIX. But I also note that it is conceded by the Union, which acknowledges (R. Br. at 6) that “Articles 17 and 19 of the CBA require a party seeking to avoid automatic renewal to mail written notice to the other party of their intention to terminate or amend the agreement at least 60 days before the last day of the agreement.” (Emphasis added). 13It is clear from the record, and I find, that the Union consistently dealt with SJIS and South Jersey Industries officials, who acted on behalf of SJG throughout the negotiating process. Notice from SJIS or South Jersey Industries was notice from SJG when the notice clearly concerned the SJG contracts. Indeed, when the Union informed the Employer of its refusal to bargain, and its position that the SJG–Local 76 contract had renewed, it wrote to Pennington at SJIS. The Union does not maintain that it did not know to which agreements between it and South Jersey Industries affiliated companies that the state mediation notice was referring. JD-43-09 13 enough, because Board precedent is clear that [s]o long as the essential message was conveyed, it is not reasonable for Respondent to hold them to the standards of a Philadelphia lawyer.” I agree that here, as in Oakland Press, supra, “the essential message was in fact conveyed, even if not in the precise technical terms of the contract. It is clear from the letter that the [employer] considered the contract would expire on [January 14, 2009] and it wished to negotiate changes.” Oakland Press, supra. Notably, in the 2005 Agreement, as in Champaign County Contractors Association, “the contract provisions governing notice of termination are general in nature and no specific format for notice is stated.” The record reveals no evidence of past practice that would render the notification provided by the Employer ineffective.14 Indeed, under the general language provided for in the 2005 Agreement, even notification that the Employer wants to make changes to the contract, i.e., “amend” the contract, is sufficient to avoid automatic renewal. As the Board explained in Bridgestone/Firestone, where the union’s notice expressly eschewed notice to terminate but “clearly” sought only to amend or reopen the contract: “Although parties may contractually specifically provide otherwise, i.e., that the reopened contract automatically renews, they must do so expressly.” 331 NLRB at 208. In this case, the 2005 Agreement does not expressly provide that, notwithstanding a notice to reopen or amend, the contract automatically renews. The notice to amend, like the notice to terminate, is a constituent part of the provision—i.e., an exception—to the automatic renewal language in art, XIX. Under art. XIX, a notice to amend is as effective as a notice to terminate to forestall renewal. It is for this reason that the Union’s reliance on KCW Furniture, 247 NLRB 541, enfd. 634 F.2d 436 (9th Cir. 1980), is entirely misplaced. In that case, the Board found an automatic renewal of a contract notwithstanding a union’s provision of notice to reopen the contract, which led to extensive (but unsuccessful) bargaining between the parties to amend the agreement. The Board in KCW Furniture found that because there had been only a notice to reopen, and not a notice to terminate, the agreement renewed. However, the very point of the Board’s decision in KCW Furniture Co., was that, unlike most contracts and unlike the contract at issue between SJG and Local 76, the contract in KCW Furniture “expressly provides, without qualification, that such notice [to reopen] does not terminate the contract or forestall its automatic renewal.” 247 NLRB at 541. The contract “explicitly states that a notice of opening cannot be construed as terminating or as forestalling the automatic renewal of the agreement.” Id. Thus, KCW represents the case, described by the Board in Bridgestone/Firestone, where the parties expressly provide that, notwithstanding the reopening and bargaining for amendments to a contract, the contract automatically renews. That is not the case here.15 14The record evidence suggests that in the past the Union provided the notices, but surely, and the Union does not argue this, this does not mean that the Employer is precluded from providing notice. There is no evidence regarding the form of the notice provided by the Union, although even if there were a pattern in that regard, it would not establish that the Employer was required to provide notice in the same manner. 15The Union’s bald assertion that the clause in KCW Furniture and the one in the 2005 Agreement are “nearly identical” (R. Br. at 9) is not true. JD-43-09 14 In staking out its position, the Union does not contend that it did not know that the Employer sought to amend or terminate the 2005 Agreement. That would not be a credible position for it to take. Rather, the Union contends that the Employer failed to use the appropriate words or method to convey its desire, and that without those words or methods the messages from the Employer failed to achieve the goal of forestalling renewal of the 2005 Agreement. This self–styled “tactical” approach to the issue, was consistent with the Union’s interests in this set of negotiations. But as discussed, it is at odds with Board precedent. And it is at odds with Board precedent, in the first place, because it finds no support in the language of Article XIX. There are no “magic words” required. There is no format or particular wording prescribed by the parties’ contract or to which the Employer is bound by past practice. There is no doubt that the parties could have negotiated a termination clause that required certain “magic words” or a certain specified format, but they did not. Article XIX requires that the notice be in writing. It requires that one party provide it to the other. The Employer’s efforts achieved this, and leave no doubt that its actions were successful in avoiding renewal.16 Although the Board precedent renders the outcome clear, I believe, and this, perhaps, encouraged the Union’s argument, that the Board decisions have lacked a clear policy and analytical explanation for the outcome. They read, instead, as simply an unwillingness to entertain technical arguments of contract interpretation. But contract interpretation often is a technical undertaking, and parties have been held to harsh results on the strength of technical arguments. However, the Board’s precedents have more to recommend to them than just unwillingness to entertain circumscribed interpretation. The Board’s precedents might profitably be recast as involving an issue of the waiver of a party’s statutory right to collectively bargain. Indeed, to assert as a defense to a failure to bargain allegation that the contract automatically renewed through insufficient notification asserts, in essence, that through inaction a party has waived its right to bargain for a new agreement. It is fitting that such bargaining is not easily, lightly, or inadvertently waived. It would make sense that for policies that go to the Act’s core—that is, the duty to collectively bargain a successor collective-bargaining agreement—the Board would be unwilling to see that duty suspended longer than the initial term of the contract absent an absolutely clear manifestation of waiver. This concept, of course, is well-established in Board precedent. As a general matter, the waiver of statutory rights requires evidence of a “clear and unmistakable” waiver. Metropolitan Edison Co. v. NLRB, 460 U.S. 693, 708 (1983). "To meet the 'clear and unmistakable' standard, the contract language must be specific, or it must be shown that the matter claimed to have been waived was fully discussed by the parties and that the party alleged to have waived its rights consciously yielded its interest in the matter." Allison Corp., 330 NLRB 1363, 1365 (2000). "[T]he Board looks to the precise 16The Union also appears to contend that the 2005 Agreement required that notices be mailed to each other, presumably excluding the provision of notice by e-mail or fax. However, the 2005 Agreement nowhere states that, and there is no evidence of a binding practice requiring that. In support of the contention, the Union cites to art. 17, Sec. 2. However, that provision only requires that notice be in writing. It also states that “[t]he parties shall advise each other of the names and mailing addresses for such notices.” That is not a requirement, much less a requirement to the exclusion of all other means of delivery that notices be “mailed.” JD-43-09 15 wording of the relevant contract provisions in determining whether there has been a clear and unmistakable waiver." Id. Under the “clear and unmistakable” waiver rule, a plausible or arguable contractual right in favor of the employer is inadequate to establish a waiver of bargaining by the Union. Thus, the Board protects statutory rights from inadvertent or disputed claims of contractual waiver. The same rule, for the same reasons, would be appropriate here. It is inimical to the purpose of the Act to permit a labor agreement to automatically renew, with its attendant waiver of collective bargaining, due to a failure to follow form when the contractual language specifies no form. In this case, in order to avoid an automatic renewal and the waiver of bargaining for another year, the contract clearly and unmistakably requires that one party notify the other, in writing, of its desire to terminate or amend. It clearly and unmistakably requires that the notice be given at least 60 days in advance. Nothing else is clearly and unmistakably required. And there is no evidence that anything further was discussed or “consciously yielded” by the parties In this case. The waiver of bargaining for a new agreement should only occur when it has clearly and unmistakably occurred. In the case of broad “written notice to amend or terminate” language, waiver will be found when there is not conveyance to the other party, in writing, and in a timely fashion, that the moving party seeks negotiations for a new agreement to replace the current one. Alternatively, the parties could broaden the waiver by negotiating for explicit contractual language (or by relying on other unequivocal evidence) that clearly and unmistakably demonstrated the parties intent to automatically renew the agreement and waive bargaining in the absence of specified forms and terms of notification. See, e.g., KCW Furniture, supra (contract “explicitly states that a notice of opening cannot be construed as terminating or as forestalling the automatic renewal of the agreement”). But in the absence of such clarity, current Board precedent, whether or not recast as an example of the Board’s clear and unmistakable waiver doctrine, dictates that broad contractual notice requirements to forestall automatic renewal are satisfied when the “essential message” of an intent to amend or terminate has been conveyed. That is what happened here. The Employer conveyed, and the Union knew, based on written notification received more than 60 days prior to January 14, 2009, that the Employer intended to amend and terminate the collective-bargaining agreement. The 2005 Agreement expired at the conclusion of January 14, 2009. The Union’s refusal, at all times as of and after October 27, 2008, to bargain for a successor agreement violated the Act as alleged.17 17Although I have suggested the appropriateness of utilizing the Board’s clear and unmistakable waiver standard in cases like these, I note that it is not necessary to do so in order to find for the General Counsel. Whether or not analyzed as a case of waiver, under existing Board precedents the language in the 2005 Agreement supports the Employer’s claim that it gave timely written notice to the Union of intent to amend or terminate the agreement. JD-43-09 16 The Union’s Posthearing Request for Deferral to Arbitration In its brief, the Union argues that this dispute “must be deferred to arbitration.” (R. Br. at 9). It contends (R. Br. at 7) that “[i]n mid-December 2010 [sic] the Company filed a grievance against the Union for refusing to bargain a successor agreement, related to the dispute over the sufficiency of the art. 19 notice. That grievance is still active; it has not been withdrawn by the Company.” The Union contends (R. Br. at 8) that in response to the Employer’s filing of an unfair labor practice charge in this matter, “[t]he Union argued that the charge should be deferred to arbitration.” This is all news to me. Deferral is an affirmative defense. This affirmative defense was not raised in the Union’s answer. No motion to defer was ever made. The issue was not litigated at trial. There is no record support for the Union’s claim, on brief, that the Employer had filed a grievance over this matter—it may be true, but it was not touched on at trial, and is absent from the record. There is no record evidence about the parties’ willingness to arbitrate. There is no evidence—and it is far from plain from the text of the parties’ grievance procedure in the 2005 Agreement—that the Employer had the ability to invoke the grievance procedure to resolve this or other contractual disputes. Indeed, the incidental record evidence on the subject suggests that the Union’s position has been that the Employer may not file grievances under the 2005 Agreement. See, GCX 14 (Chmelko writing to Pennington on December 29, 2008, and stating, in part: “since there is no provision in the CBA for the Company to file a grievance, we will not be meeting to discuss such”). The General Counsel’s brief does not mention deferral. Presumably, he was unaware that it was going to be an issue. Under these circumstances, the Union has failed to put the parties on timely notice that it intended to raise this affirmative defense, and it is waived. See Master Mechanical Insulation, 320 NLRB 1134 (1996); MacDonald Engineering, 202 NLRB 748 (1973). Moreover, the necessary elements for a successful deferral defense have not been proven.18 On August 26, 2009, after the submission of the parties’ posthearing briefs, the General Counsel filed a motion for leave to file a reply brief. The motion sought leave to file a brief opposing the deferral defense raised by the Respondent in its posthearing brief. I deny the General Counsel’s motion. A reply brief from the General Counsel is unnecessary to my resolution of the issue. 18The Union’s attorney made a passing reference—really, an aside—to deferral in his opening statement. (Tr. 11). The fleeting reference seemed to suggest that the Union once took the position that the dispute should be deferred to arbitration, but ultimately decided to have the Board decide the issue. The issue of deferral was never mentioned again. Counsel’s comment was obscure, but clearly indicates that the failure to squarely raise a deferral defense was not an oversight. JD-43-09 17 Conclusions of Law 1. The Charging Party South Jersey Gas Company is an employer engaged 2. The Respondent International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers of America, Local Lodge S–76, AFL–CIO, is a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. 3. Since at least January 15, 2005, based on Section 9(a) of the Act, the Respondent has been the exclusive representative for purposes of collective bargaining of the following unit of employees employed by South Jersey Gas: Employees of the Glassboro (including the Waterford satellite officer) and Cumberland Divisions, Operating, Meter Reading and Collections Departments; Gas Control; Pipeline Department; Facilities Management, Messengers, Data Processing, Construction, Customer Care Center and Materials Management departments in the General Office of South Jersey Gas Company, more specifically described in the salary schedules attached as exhibits to the collective-bargaining agreement. 4. At all times material herein, beginning sometime after January 15, 2005, the Respondent has been the exclusive representative for purposes of collective bargaining for a unit of employees employed by South Jersey Gas, formerly represented by Local Lodge S–95 of the IAM, employed in essentially the same job classifications as those represented by the Respondent and referred to in the preceding paragraph. 5. Since October 27, 2008, the Respondent, in violation of Section 8(b)(3) of the Act, has refused to meet and bargain in good faith with South Jersey Gas Company with regard to a collective-bargaining agreement covering the employees in the above- described bargaining units, to succeed the agreement that expired January 14, 2009. 6. The above-described unfair labor practice is an unfair labor practice affecting commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. Remedy Having found that the Respondent has engaged in certain unfair labor practices, I find that it must be ordered to cease and desist and to take certain affirmative action designed to effectuate the policies of the Act. The Respondent shall upon request, meet and bargain with South Jersey Gas Company, with respect to wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment, for the bargaining units described above, and, if an understanding is reached, embody the understanding in a signed agreement. The Respondent shall post an appropriate informational notice, as described in the Appendix, attached. This notice shall be posted in the Respondent’s offices or wherever the notices to members are regularly posted for 60 days without anything covering it up or defacing its contents. When the notice is issued to the Respondent, it shall sign it or otherwise notify Region 4 of the Board what action it will take with respect to this decision. JD-43-09 18 On these findings of fact and conclusions of law and on the entire record, I issue the following recommended19 ORDER The Respondent, International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers of America, Local Lodge S–76, AFL–CIO, Williamstown, New Jersey, its officers, agents, and representatives, shall 1. Cease and desist from (a) Refusing to meet and bargain with South Jersey Gas Company, as the exclusive bargaining representative of the employees in the following appropriate units,20 as described in the parties most recent collective-bargaining agreement, which expired January 14, 2009: Employees of the Glassboro (including the Waterford satellite officer) and Cumberland Divisions, Operating, Meter Reading and Collections Departments; Gas Control; Pipeline Department; Facilities Management, Messengers, Data Processing, Construction, Customer Care Center and Materials Management departments in the General Office of South Jersey Gas Company, more specifically described in the Salary Schedules attached as exhibits to the collective-bargaining agreement. (b) In any like or related manner restraining or coercing employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed to them by Section 7 of the Act. 2. Take the following affirmative action necessary to effectuate the policies of the Act. (a) On request, meet and bargain with South Jersey Gas Company with respect to wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment and, if an understanding is reached, embody the understanding in a signed agreement. (b) Within 14 days after service by the Region, post at its union hall in Williamsport, New Jersey, copies of the attached notice marked 19If no exceptions are filed as provided by Sec. 102.46 of the Board’s Rules and Regulations, the findings, conclusions, and recommended Order shall, as provided in Sec. 102.48 of the Rules, be adopted by the Board and all objections to them shall be deemed waived for all purposes. 20This order, and the bargaining units to which it apply, shall include, in addition to the unit described in the order, the second bargaining unit described in the stipulation offered by the parties in the hearing, consisting of employees of South Jersey Gas previously represented by Local Lodge 95, currently represented by the Respondent, and covering essentially the same job classifications as those addressed in the unit described above, who were treated by the parties as covered by the most recent collective-bargaining agreement between the Respondent and South Jersey Gas. JD-43-09 19 "Appendix."21 Copies of the notice, on forms provided by the Regional Director for Region 4, after being signed by the Respondent's authorized representative, shall be posted by the Respondent and maintained for 60 consecutive days in conspicuous places including all places where notices to members are customarily posted. Reasonable steps shall be taken by the Respondent to ensure that the notices are not altered, defaced, or covered by any other material. (c) Sign and return to the Regional Director sufficient copies of the notice for posting by South Jersey Gas Company, if willing, at all places where notices to employees are customarily posted. (d) Within 21 days after service by the Region, file with the Regional Director a sworn certification of a responsible agent or representative on a form provided by the Region attesting to the steps that the Respondent has taken to comply. Dated, Washington, D.C. September 9, 2009. ____________________ David I. Goldman U.S. Administrative Law Judge 21If this Order is enforced by a judgment of a United States court of appeals, the words in the notice reading "Posted by Order of the National Labor Relations Board" shall read "Posted Pursuant to a Judgment of the United States Court of Appeals Enforcing an Order of the National Labor Relations Board." JD-43-09 20 APPENDIX NOTICE TO MEMBERS AND EMPLOYEES Posted by Order of the National Labor Relations Board An Agency of the United States Government The National Labor Relations Board has found that we violated Federal labor law and has ordered us to post and obey this notice. FEDERAL LAW GIVES YOU THE RIGHT TO Form, join, or assist a union. Choose representatives to bargain on your behalf with your employer. Act together with other employees for your benefit and protection. Choose not to engage in any of these protected activities. WE WILL NOT refuse to meet and collectively bargain with your employer South Jersey Gas Company, with regard to a collective-bargaining agreement to replace the one that expired January 14, 2009. WE WILL NOT in any like or related manner restrain or coerce employees in the exercise of rights guaranteed them by Section 7 of the Act. WE WILL, upon request, meet and bargain with South Jersey Gas Company with respect to wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment and, if an understanding is reached, embody the understanding in a signed agreement. International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers of America, Local Lodge S–76, AFL–CIO (Labor Organization) Dated By (Representative) (Title) The National Labor Relations Board is an independent Federal agency created in 1935 to enforce the National Labor Relations Act. It conducts secret–ballot elections to determine whether employees want union representation and it investigates and remedies unfair labor practices by employers and unions. To find out more about your rights under the Act and how to file a charge or election petition, you may speak confidentially to any agent with the Board’s Regional Office set forth below. You may also obtain information from the Board’s website: 615 Chestnut Street, One Independence Mall, 7th Floor Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19106–4404 Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. JD-43-09 21 215–597–7601. THIS IS AN OFFICIAL NOTICE AND MUST NOT BE DEFACED BY ANYONE THIS NOTICE MUST REMAIN POSTED FOR 60 CONSECUTIVE DAYS FROM THE DATE OF POSTING AND MUST NOT BE ALTERED, DEFACED, OR COVERED BY ANY OTHER MATERIAL. ANY QUESTIONS CONCERNING THISNOTICE OR COMPLIANCE WITH ITS PROVISIONS MAY BE DIRECTED TO THE ABOVE REGIONAL OFFICE’S COMPLIANCE OFFICER, 215–597–7643. Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation