Ski Craft Corp.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsJul 25, 1978237 N.L.R.B. 122 (N.L.R.B. 1978) Copy Citation DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Ski Craft Sales Corp., the alter ego of or successor to Horowitz Bros. Mfg. Corp. and Sol Horowitz and Snow Suits, Skiwear, Leggings, Infants and Novelty Sportswear Union, Local 105, International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union. Case 2 CA 14552 July 25, 1978 DECISION AND ORDER BY CHAIRMAN FANNING xNI) MtIMBIRS PItNII.O ANI) TRUt: SI)AI t On March 31, 1978, Administrative Law Judge Al- mira Abbot Stevenson issued the attached Decision in this proceeding. Thereafter, the General Counsel filed limited exceptions and a supporting brief. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the Na- tional Labor Relations Board has delegated its au- thority in this proceeding to a three-member panel. The Board has considered the record and the at- tached Decision in light of the exceptions and brief and has decided to affirm the rulings, findings, and conclusions of the Administrative Law Judge I and to adopt her recommended Order, as modified herein. The Administrative Law Judge, citing H. S. Brooks Electric, Inc., K &c F Electric Co., Inc.. and Waldemar Nikolai, their (agent, 233 NL.RB 889 (1977), recommended that Sol Horowitz not be held individ- ually liable for any monetary remedy. We find merit in the General Counsel's exception thereto. In H. S. Brooks the individual was named in the complaint as an agent of the corporations involved and not as a separate respondent. Here, however, Sol Horowitz was named individually as a Respondent. At the rele- vant time Sol Horowitz solely owned, managed, and controlled the corporations involved: he made the decision to deactivate Horowitz Bros. Mfg. Corp. and to start manufacturing by Ski Craft Sales Corp.: and he personally refused to bargain with the Union. In these circumstances, we find that it is appropriate to hold Sol Horowitz individually responsible, to- gether with the corporation, to comply with all the provisions of our Order remedying the unfair labor practices found herein. See Ogle Protection Service. Inc., and James L. Ogle, 149 NLRB 545, fn. 1 (1964), enfd. in relevant part 375 F.2d 497 (C.A. 6, 1967): and the supplemental backpay decision, 183 NLRB 682 (1970), enfd. 444 F.2d 502 (C'.A. 6, 1971). We shall, accordingly, modify the recommended Order of the Administrative Law Judge. ORDER Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Re- lations Board adopts as its Order the recommended Order of the Administrative Law Judge, as modified herein, and hereby orders that the Respondents, Ski Craft Sales Corp.. New York, New York, its officers, agents, successors, and assigns, and Sol Horowitz, shall take the action set forth in the said recom- mended Order, except that the attached notice is sub- stituted for that of the Administrative Law Judge. W'hile ue Igrce .ith ilhe ldmninistrative Law Judge's statement that Ski (irafl Sales ( erp is hound hb the Ma', 28. 1976, Association local 105 agreillelcit if it is Ihe aiter eg of litror) itz Bros. Mfg (Corp. we disagree with her Iiatement that Ski ( raft uould he hound bh that agreement if it ,ere the s\iiyC of I Tor1ull1 APPENDIX Nol il i To EMPI.OYit-iS Pos I tD BY ORI)ER 0: TItf N IIONxI LABOR Ri.iI.AI IONS BOARD An Agency of the United States Government Wt xwil N[oi refuse to recognize and bargain with Snow Suits, Skiwear, Leggings, Infants and Novelty Sportswear Union, Local 105, Interna- tional Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, as the exclusive collective-bargaining representative of our employees in the following appropriate unit: All full-time and regular part-time operators, machine pressors, under pressors, finishers, cutters, markers, graders, floor workers and shipping clerks, excluding office clerical em- ployees, guards, and supervisors as defined in Section 2(11) of the Act. Wt wii.i Noi refuse or fail to honor and apply the terms and conditions of the 1976 79 collec- tive-bargaining agreement between the aforesaid Union and Infants, Children's and Sportswear Association, Inc. WtF WILIt NOT in any like or related manner interfere with, restrain, or coerce our employees in the exercise of their rights under Section 7 of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended. Wii wi.l, immediately recognize and, upon re- quest, bargain collectively in good faith with Snow Suits. Skiwear, Leggings, Infants and Novelty Sportswear Union, Local 105, Interna- tional Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, as the exclusive collective-bargaining representative of all our employees in the above-described appro- priate unit. Wli wl.l. honor and apply all the terms and 237 NLRB No. 15 122 SKI CRAFT SALES CORP. conditions of the 1976-79 collective-bargaining agreement between Infants. Children's and Sportswear Association. Inc.. and the aforesaid Union, retroactive to June 1, 1976. Wte wll.L pay to the Union any and all amounts due in health and welfare. pension, an- nuity, and vacation fund. and all other fund payments required by the aforesaid collective- bargaining agreement for all unit emplos ees em- ployed since June I, 1976, with interest. WFe Wt.i. pay to all employees working the ap- propriate unit since June 1, 1976, and who re- ceived less pay than provided by the aforesaid collective-bargaining agreement. the difference in pay each such employee actuallh received and that which each would have been paid if we had complied with the provisions of said collective- bargaining agreement, with interest. SKI CRAFI SAItS CO()I' DECISION STATEMENT OF iHi C ASt AtMIRA ABHOR STEVF-NSsOi. Administrative Law JudCe: This case was heard in New York, New York. on October 26 and 27. 1977. The charge was filed October 14, and served on the Respondent October 15. 1976: the complaint was issued June 29, 1977. The Respondent dulN filed an answer to the complaint. The complaint and the answer were amended at the hearing. The issues are whether or not Ski Craft Sales Corp. is the alter ego, or, in the alternative, the successor, of Horowitz Bros. Mfg. Corp.; and whether or not Ski Craft Sales Corp. violated Section 8(a)(5) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, by refusing, since October 1. 1976, to recognize the Union as the exclusive representative of its employees in an appropriate unit, and by refusing to be bound by a collective-bargaining agreement entered into May 28. 1976. by the Union and Infants, Children's and Sportswear Association, Inc., of which Horowitz Bros. Mfg. Corp. was a member. Upon the entire record, including my observation of the demeanor of the witnesses, and after due consideration of the oral arguments presented by all the parties and the briefs filed by the Respondent and the General Counsel. I make the following: FINDINGS F0 FACt 4)ND C()N('I SIONS OF L 4 I J RISDIC L ION Ski Craft Sales Corp. and Horowitz Bros. Mfg. Corp. are separate New York corporations engaged. at 152 West 25th Street, New York City, in the manufacture, sale, and distri- bution of children's apparel and related products. During the past year, Ski Craft Sales Corp. and Horowitz Bros. Mfg. Corp. sold products valued in excess of $50,(000 which were shipped directly to States other than New York. The answer admits. and I find, that Ski ('raft Sales Corp. and Hotrowitz Bros. Mfg. Corp.. and each of them, are em- plocirs cnfgaged in commerce within the meaning of Sec- tion 2(2). (6), and (7) of the Act. II i HRK ()OR(iANIZAI ION TIhe Union is a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. I1I I Ni IR L.B()R O 'Ra P tli( S A. Seq'uene of ELvents Horowitz Bros. Mfg. C'orp. was incorporated in New York State in 1956. Two brothers. Sol and Bernard 1loro- witz, were the sole stockholders, each owning 50 percent of the stock. Ilhey were also the sole officers and directors of the corporation. In 1965. Ski C'raft Sales Corp. was orga- nized b\ the two brothers and they shared equally the stock, offices, and directorships. Both corporations are still in existence. Horowitz Bros. was located in three adjacent connected lofts at 138X. 146. and 152 West 25th Street, New York CitN, where it manufactured popular-priced children's pants and skirts under the trade name Ski Craft Mfg. CompanN (a copartnership consisting of Sol and Bernard Hlorowitz); Bernard Horowitz was in charge of that operation. Ski (Craft Sales ('orp. occupied a showroom at 112 West 34th Street, where it engaged in selling the garments manufac- tured bN Horowitz Bros.; Sol Horowitz was in charge of the sales operation. 'he two corporations used the same accountant. lawer, and bank. Ski ('raft Sales Corp. re- ceived the revenues from all sales, and Horowitz Bros. paid for all production labor and materials. At the peak of their operations, 135 to 145 einploxees were engaged in produc- ing 30 to 40 different st5les of garments, and gross sales amounted to approximately $4 million from department stores and kiddie and specialty shops. Although Ski Craft Sales Corp. has never been a member of Infants. Children's and Sportswear Association, Inc.. and its showroom employees were never covered by a col- lective-bargaining agreement. Horowitz Bros. has been a member of the Association since before its incorporation in 1956. The Association represented Horowitz Bros. in bar- gaining with the Charging Party Union for its production emploNees.' The complaint alleges, and the answer admits, that on September 19. 1973. the Association, on behalf of its members, entered into a collective-bargaining agree- ment with Local 105. effective from June 1, 1973, until May 31, 1976, and that Horowitz Bros.' production em- plovees were covered by that agreement.' Horowitz Bros. and Local 1(5 had a stable bargaining history of more than I c mp c nlii .ailc eI t,2 ; cr dm itIes fnd [ finda tha Ih, e filliv.l ing hsil .n,] Cl Il l.lcl unit s .ppr.prllle A11 full- imn .ind regular parl-tlime pcr.ltr. (ll.a c lill ulldcl pre scll . finishers. cutters. mlarker. .radet,. [l,-,,l ~wkep., aind hippmn clerks . ekludiny olfice clericall emploc cc>. lird., andi uIcris-r. i, defined in Sc, 211 1l of the Acl ' Allhougqh AAnwl. l la[ lcl2dL aes (Jdrtlclll Cu'ters' t nlo>n. Local 10. I (, \\ t , ,.,. t, ha..c hccn ., parts to that aircemerne.l IL O 10 C,.rifymie.] 123 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD 20 years, during which only one grievance went as far as arbitration, and all fringe-benefit contribution arrears were paid in time to avoid penalties. In February 1974, Bernard Horowitz died and his wife succeeded to his interest in the corporations. Sol Horowitz was unsuccessful in his attempts to acquire a competent director of manufacturing to replace his brother, and he had to direct both sales and production. As Sol Horowitz was inexperienced and ineffective in the latter role, and as performing both jobs put too great a burden on him, busi- ness began to decline, particularly with the department stores, because he was unable to spend the necessary amount of time in the showroom. By September 1975 the complement dropped to 44-48 employees. Sol Horowitz credibly testified that he decided, in December 1975, to give up the business because he was not able physically and mentally to stand the strain. Unable to find a buyer for the operation as a going concern, he reluctantly began to manufacture garments for the spring season from piece goods and cut material on hand. On December 30. 1975. Local 105 notified the Associa- tion that the collective-bargaining agreement was due to expire May 31, 1976, and requested negotiation of a new agreement. Shortly thereafter, Local 105 informed the As- sociation that its demands "would be based on what the dress union was requesting, that we would watch the nego- tiations of the dress union to see what their demands were, so that our demands could be on the same basis." The new Dress Joint Board agreement went into effect in February 1976. On March 10, 1976, there was on the Ski Craft Sales Corp. payroll (in addition to Sol Horowitz and his wife, Selma, and Bernard Horowitz' widow, Ruth), one employ- ee, a bookkeeper, Anna Gultz. The showroom was then closed down. As of March 31, 1976, there were a total of 28 employees on the Horowitz Bros. payroll, including the three Horowitzes. Horowitz Bros. terminated manufactur- ing operations, and thereafter engaged chiefly in selling off its inventory of finished products and piece goods. Al- though notified by the Association of membership meet- ings to discuss forthcoming negotiations with the Union, Sol Horowitz did not attend. Around this same time, Local 105 Business Agent Israel Schoenwald visited Sol Horowitz and discussed the upcoming negotiations with him, and Sol Horowitz testified that he was well aware that substantial increases would be demanded, and that w ages and benefits would be higher in the new contract. Local 105's first proposals were formally presented to the Association in writing on April 5. 1976.3 The same day, April 5, the Association addressed a letter to Local 105, which received it a day or two later, informing the Union that Horowitz Bros. was out of business. On April 8. 1976, Sol Horowitz dispatched a written message to Local 105, with a copy to the Association, from Horowitz Bros. Mfg. Corp. stating: is not referred to in the complaint and took no part i this proceedilil No issue is presented with respect to that UInion I find it was these proposals to which l.,oca.l 11)5's nmanaiger. lien Ors Prl- stein, referred when he testified that the t nion's first formall demiands . re made in March 1976. We are closing down our operations and ceasing to function. Most of our employees were laid off March 19. 1976. There are a few who are still with us to wind up the operation and they will be finished Friday April 9. 1976. Thank you. In April. Sol Horowitz purchased Ruth Horowitz' share of the business. On April 21, 1976. there were seven employees on the Horowitz Bros. payroll: cutter John Adamo: floorworker C(arlos Gutierrez; former Ski Craft Sales Corp. employees Andria Evans and Anna Gultz: all-around handyman St. Julian Hardy: salesman Morris Dworkin, apparently also a former Ski Craft Sales Corp. employee; and Selma Horo- witz. There were five employees, cutter John Adamo, one James DeRosa, floorworker Gutierrez, bookkeeper Anna Gultz. and Selma Horowitz. on the May 5, 12, 15, and 26 Horowitz Bros. payrolls. On Mav 7. 1976. Sol Horowitz addressed a written mes- sage to the Association from Horowitz Bros. Mfg. Corp., as follows: We hope that you have considered us as a member who has resigned as per our letter to you of April 8, 1976. We have stopped operating as of about March 19. 1976. Copies of this letter were sent to Local 105, ILIGWIU and the association on April 8, 1976. The April 8 letter referred to apparently was the one of that date addressed to Local 105 with a copy of the Assocation, set forth above. On May 28. 1976. the Union and the Association en- tered into a new collective-bargaining agreement effective from June 1. 1976. until May 31, 1979. On June 1, 1976. Madewell Sportswear Contractors, Inc. took over Horowitz Bros.' leases of 138 and 146 West 25th Street, and purchased over 90 pieces of its machinery and also other equipment. Sol Horowitz renewed the lease on 152 West 25th Street for 2-1/2 years in the name of Ski Craft Sales Corp., in the hope that Madewell would even- tually take that space also. and with the intent of going out of business completely. On June 1, Ski Craft Sales Corp. took over 152 West 25th Street, and moved all the remain- ing Horowitz Bros. inventory into that location. About this time, cutter John Adamo went into business for himself as a contractor, and Ski Craft Sales Corp. paid him to sew some of its fabric into garments which Ski Craft added to its inventory and eventually sold. On June 2. there were three people listed as employed by Horowitz Bros.: Anna Gultz. Carlos Gutierrez, and Selma Horowitz. From June 9 until the end of August, there were two employees, Gutierrez and Selma Horowitz, who were engaged in liquidating inventory. Horowitz Bros. Mfg. Corp. has not transacted any business since August 31, 1976. although. as stated, it is still in existence. Meanwhile, Madewell Sportswear Contractors, Inc., was never able to get into production, and during late July it closed down. Toward the end of August or the beginning of Septem- ber, Sol Horowitz "activated" Ski Craft Sales Corp. and began producing one single type of garment at the 152 West 25th location, just to be occupied and have some- 124 SKI ('RAFT SALES CORP thing to do. He bought back approximaltel nine sew xing machines. a spreading machine. a cutting table. work- bench, and miscellaneous hampers and workbaskets from Madewell, and he placed orders for additional sewing ma- chines, cutting machines, and strip cutters with other sources, all of which were comparable to the machines for- merly used by Horowitz Bros. Mfg. C'orp. lie also pur- chased more fabric to add to that remaining from the Ilor- owitz Bros. inventory. By September 8, 1976. Ski ('raft Sales Corp. had nine employees. consisting of cutters, sew- ing-machine operators, and floorworkers. all of whorm had worked for Horowitz Bros. Mfg. Corp. On October I. 1976, Local 105 Business Agent Israel Schoenwald and two other business agents sisited Sol Ito- rowitz at 152 West 25th Street, and Shoenwald demanded recognition: Horowitz replied that his brother had died and Schoenwald should make believe Sol Horowitz had died also. Schoenwald told Horowitz. "as lone as you're in the apparel industry. you belong to a union.'' or words to that effect.4 By June 22. 1977. Ski Craft Sales Corp. had 10 employees. and by September 21. 1977, there vere II cem- ployees. including Selma Horowitz. All had previoustl been employed by Horowitz Bros. Mfg. ('orp.. but under Ski Craft they do not receive the wages and benefits pro- vided in the current Local 105 Association Contract. Ski Craft Sales Corp. produces 10 or 11 different sitles of children's pants, which are sold to kiddie and specialth shops, some of which were customers of Horowitz Bros. No department store accounts have been recovered. Its gross annual sales are approximately $250,000. Both lIor- owitz Bros. Mfg. Corp. and Ski Craft Sales Corp. are cur- rently listed in the telephone hboks, with the same tele- phone number. B. Cornclusioins The facts show, and I find, that negotiations between the Association and Local 105 for a new agreement began April 5. 1976. when Local 105 presented its first proposals in writing to the Association. It is settled law that }lorowitz Bros. Mfg. Corp. was bound by the agreement subsequent- ly reached, on May 28, 1976, unless before the beginning of negotiations, withdrawal was effected b) an unequivocal written notice expressing a sincere intent to abandon the multiemployer unit and to pursue negotiations on an indi- vidual-employer basis.5 That the rule was applicable to Horowitz Bros. is clear. It had been a member of the Association for over 20 \:ears during which time the Association was its authorized bar- gaining representative in the multiemployer unit, and its production employees were included in that unit and cov- ered by all collective-bargaining agreements entered into by the Association and Local 105. including their most re- cent agreement which expired May 31, 1976. At the time 4 Ski <(raft Sales (orp filed a petillon for a Board cletlon I.inl g it employees in Case 2-RM 1779; 1n ha, noil been processed hccatLC if the pendency of this proceeding. (Ci/} RRotfing Co . 222 NL RB 786 11976). enfd 5 sh 1 2d 13711 119771: Beck Engraving Co. Inc.. 213 NL RB 53 (I1974, enfd. '22 i 2d 47' 1( \ 3 1975)1 Sheridan (Crtrisn. Inc. 148 N.RB 151 )3 ( 1954). cnfd 357 1 2dt 245 ((.A. A 2, 1965): Retoil A4sn...latei, I,. 121 NI.RB 388 ( 1958) negotiations besgan for the new agreement, April 5, 1976, Sol Horowitz had increased. or ,als on the point of increas- ing, his ownership interest in Horowitz Bros. from 50 to 100 percent and had become the sole owner, officer. and director. Although he had ceased manufacturing opera- tions and \was engaged chieflI: in selling off his inventory, and had reduced his complement from up to 145 employ- ees to between 7 and 28 employees. those employees were still covered bh the Association and agreement. and the Union's mnajormt! status among them is presumed.' Fhat the notice given was untimely and inadequate is equall, clear. I he Association letter of April 5, 1976. and the Horowitz Bros. message of April 8 to the LUnion, to the effect that Horowitz Bros. was going out of business and that all employees would be off the payroll by April 9, 1976. were untimelx received after negotiations had begun. Moreover. tlorosuitl Bros. was not out of business on ans of those dates, as it continued to have at least two emplos- ees (cutter and floorworker) covered by the contract until May 26, and at least one until August 31. 1976. Horowitz Bros.' Ma', 7 message to the Association, which purported to construe its April 8 letter as a resignation from the Asso- ciation. w\as also untimel, and it is not clear that a cops was served on the tnion. None of these messages indi- cated that Hlorovuitz Bros. was prepared to bargain on an individual-emploser basis which. in view of its continued emplos ment of employees covered by the contract, it was required under the rule to do. I find, therefore. that Horowitz Bros. Mfg. Corp. was bound b\ the agreement entered into by the Association and l.ocal 105 on NMax 28. 1976. It is also settled law that Ski ('raft Sales Corp. is hound bh the MaN 28. 1976. Association Local 105 agreement if it is the slctr cgo or successor of Horowitz Bros. Mfg. Corp.* In (',raI: srcl Door Sales ('omrpalen, Inc., supra, the Board affirmed that alter 'ego status is found where "the two en- terprises have 'substantially identical' management, busi- ness purpose. operation. equipment. customers, and super- vision. as well as ownership.- In m\ opinion. Ski ('raft Sales Corp. meets this test. Thus. it is owned. managed. and ultimately supervised " by Sol tlorowitz. who had been the sole manager and ultimate supervisor of Horowitz Bros. for 2 years and the sole owner since April 1976. It is true that most of Ski Craft's machin- errn and equipment was not Horowitz Bros.' machinery and equipment. that it operates on a reduced scale, and that it does not service some of Horowitz Bros.' biggest custom- ers. However. those factors do not signify in view of the fact that it is engaged in substantially the same business. the manufacture of children's pants. under the same trade name. Ski ('raft: that it occupies one of the same locations; and that its machinery and equipment is substantially iden- tical in kind. " ' In addition. there was a hiatus of little more I m' Bt'tgh> It: t,i,i Si r Lr, In, . i]S NI RB 462 11971). enfd 471) 1 2d (i9 9 s( \ 9. 1?72) BI, A litg ,isn ( 5 . In , prra r/n (C r l t i( t .ins inl n . upra ( /,i,, Id -,, SI, d c/ (,,/ln i. In, 226 Nl RB 1144 ( 1761): lhe BeIt ,. ,,p . 1,, .I'I , .1 1, ., ts i ,tIiimtIl P i,i s. 22i N l RB 474 (1C976t: ,. A I here I, no e sdence s ai o thie idenlit of 4I0,er-r.anking superisors,, if ili.s ceithe r IIilsoro' tlars [r Ski ( rall T,1,.wip, Pt'ltn'li ( ,; ,,t,,,:.' 213 Nt RB 194 I19741 125 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD than 5 months between the end of Horowitz Bros.' manu- facturing operations and the beginning of Ski C(raft Sales' manufacturing operations, and less than 2 weeks between Horowitz Bros.' last and Ski Craft's first production pay- rolls; and all of Ski Craft's production employees had been employed by Horowitz Bros. and included in the unit cov- ered by the Association Local 105 contracts. I agree with the Respondent that the credible evidence fails to support the General Counsel's contention that Sol Horowitz was motivated to any significant extent by desire to escape from dealing with the Union in phasing Horowitz Bros. out and phasing Ski Craft in,'I but motivation is not a criterion of alter ego status. Nor does it seem relevant that Sol Hor- owitz originally intended to go out of business completely. It is plain that he changed his mind sometime in late Au- gust or early September, and that he, in fact, was never completely out of business. Summarizing, in April 1976 when Sol Horowitz pur- chased his deceased brother's 50-percent interest in the two corporations, at the latest, Horowitz Bros. and Ski Craft Sales became a completely integrated enterprise, with a single owner and operating manager in complete charge. operating in a single location, and with a single payroll. From June I on, Ski Craft Sales Corp. was the dominant organization, as the lessee of the mutual premises, the con- tractor, with John Adamo for production, and the seller of products and inventory. Thereafter, coincidental in time with the last payroll in Horowitz Bros.' name, Ski Craft Sales Corp. emerged as the sole entity, performing the pro- duction and sales functions originally performed by Hor- owitz Bros. and Ski Craft Sales Corp. separately: buying back some of the original production machinery and equipment and purchasing other similar machinery and equipment from outside sources; producing and selling similar type garments under the same trade name; at the same location, with employees who had been employed by Horowitz Bros. under the preceding Union contract. The revived operation has continued to flourish and expand, adding more styles and recalling more previously em- ployed production employees. In all the circumstances, I find that Ski Craft Sales is the disguised continuance and alter ego of Horowitz Bros. Mfg. Corp. As the historical appropriate unit has not changed, and as Ski Craft's employees have been and are included in that unit which is still represented by the Union, the con- tinuing majority-status of Local 105 is presumed.' 2 I con- clude that Ski Craft Sales Corp. is bound, as Horowitz Bros. Mfg. Corp. was, by the June 1, 1976, agreement cov- ering that unit, and that Ski Craft Sales Corp. violated Sec- tion 8(a)(5) of the Act by refusing to be so bound, and by refusing to recognize Local 105 as the exclusive bargaining representative of its employees in the appropriate unit, as alleged in the complaint. I Although Sol Horowitz conceded he could have told Local 105 Busi- ness Agent Israel Shoensald, in mid-April, that he would not be able Ito afford any wage increases, in view of Horowitz Bros. past histori of peace- ful relations with the Union and successful operations under union con- tracts, and the obvious sincerity of Sol Horoitz' testimony, I credit Hioro- witz that physical and mental exhaustionl were the motivaling factors in his closedown of Horowitz Bros m' Marqui, Printing (orporation. *upra IV. THE REMEDY Having found that Ski Craft Sales Corp. engaged in cer- tain unfair labor practices, I recommend that it cease and desist therefrom and from in any like or related manner interfering with its employees' Section 7 rights. Having found that the Respondent engaged in unfair labor practices within the meaning of Section 8(a)(5) of the Act, I shall recommend that it be ordered to cease and desist therefrom and to recognize and, upon request, to bargain with the Union as the exclusive collective-bargain- ing representative of its employees in the appropriate unit, and honor the commitments covering the terms and condi- tions of their employment set forth in the 1976-79 Associa- tion-Local 105 contract, effective June 1., 1976, retroac- tively. The appropriate unit is: All full time and regular part-time operators, machine pressors, under pressors, finishers, cutters, markers, graders, floor workers and shipping clerks, excluding office clerical employees, guards, and supervisors as defined in Section 2(1 1) of the Act. I shall also recommend that the Respondent make whole all its unit employees for any losses they may have sus- tained by reason of the Respondent's failure to honor and apply the terms of the aforesaid collective-bargaining agreement: and make contribution on behalf of those em- ployees for all fringe benefits, such as health and welfare, pension, annuity and vacation fund, and other benefits as may be required under the terms of the aforesaid labor agreement, with interest. 3 Upon the foregoing findings of fact, conclusions of law, and the entire record in this proceeding, and pursuant to the provisions of Section 10(c) of the Act, I hereby issue the following recommended: ORDER 14 The Respondent. Ski Craft Sales Corp., New York, New York, its officers, agents, successors, and assigns, shall: I. Cease and desist from: (a) Refusing to recognize and bargain with Snow Suits, Skiwear, Leggings, Infants and Novelty Sportswear Union, Local 105, International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, as the exclusive collective-bargaining representative of its employees in the appropriate unit described in The Rem- edy section above. (b) Refusing and failing to honor and apply the terms and conditions of the 1976-79 collective-bargaining agree- ment between the aforesaid Union and Infants, Children's and Sportswear Association, Inc. (c) In any like or related manner interfering with, re- J See H .S Brooks Electric, Inc. et al. 233 NLRB 889 (1977); Florida Steel ( orporation, 231 NL RB 651 (1977), Isis Plumbing & Heating Co. 138 NI.RB 716 (1962). I recommend that Sol Horowitz not he held personally liable for ans monetary remedies. H S. Brooks Electric, Inc.. supra. 4 In the event no exceptions are filed as provided by Sec 102.46 of the Rules and Regulaiions of the National Labor Relations Board, the findings. conclusions. and recommended Order herein shall, as provided in Sec. 102.48 of the Rules anid Regulations. be adopted by the Board and become its findings, cotnclusions. and Order. and all objections thereto shall be deemed waijed for all purposes. 126 SKI CRAFT SALES CORP. straining, or coercing employees in the exercise of their rights under Section 7 of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended. 2. Take the following affirmative action which is neces- sary to effectuate the policies of the Act: (a) Immediately recognize and, upon request, bargain collectively in good faith with Snow Suits. Skiwear, Leg- gings, Infants and Novelty Sportswear Union, Local 105, International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union as the ex- clusive collective bargaining representative of all its em- ployees in the appropriate unit. (b) Honor and apply all the terms and conditions of the 1976-79 collective-bargaining agreement between Infants. Children's and Sportswear Association. Inc. and the afore- said Union, retroactive to June 1, 1976. (c) Pay to the Union any and all amounts due in health and welfare, pension, annuity and vacation fund, and all other fund payments required by the aforesaid collective- bargaining agreement for all unit employees employed since June 1, 1976, with interest. (d) Pay to all its employees in the appropriate unit work- ing since June 1, 1976, who have received less pay than provided by the aforesaid collective-bargaining agreement, the difference between the pay each such employee actual- Iv received and that which each would have been paid if the Respondent had complied with the provisions of said collective-bargaining agreement, with interest. (e) Post at its New York. New York, location, copies of the attached notice marked "Appendix." "1 Copies of the notice to be provided by the Regional Director of Region 2. after being signed by a duly designated representative of the Respondent. shall be posted by the Respondent imme- diatelN upon receipt thereof and shall be maintained by it for 60 consecutive days thereafter, in conspicuous places, including all places where notices to employees custom- arily are posted. Reasonable steps shall be taken by the Respondent to insure that such notices are not altered, de- faced. or covered by any other material. (f) Notify the Regional Director, in writing, within 20 days from the date of this Order, what steps the Respon- dent has taken to comply herewith. i In the evenit hai thil Order is enforced hs a judgment of the L nited States ( ourt of Appeal, the sords in the rnotrle reading "Posted bI oirder .of the Nation al I .hor Rel.atinr Board" shall read "Posted Pursuant to a Judgment if the l nrtted States ( ourt .of ppeals Enforcing an Order of the Naional I abor Relatiorns Board 127 Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation