Simpon Electric Co.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsJun 30, 1980250 N.L.R.B. 309 (N.L.R.B. 1980) Copy Citation SIMPSON EL.ECTRIC COMPANY Simpson Electric Company, a Division of American Gage & Machine Company, Inc. and Interna- tional Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 117, AFL-CIO and Herman McGrath.' Cases 13-CA-17727, 13-CA-17728, 13-CA-17750, 13-CA-17766, and 13-CA-17751 June 30, 1980 DECISION AND ORDER BY CHAIRMAN FANNING AND MEMBERS PENELL O AND TRUESDALE On November 19, 1979, Administrative Law Judge Bruce C. Nasdor issued the attached Deci- sion in this proceeding. Thereafter, the General Counsel filed exceptions and a supporting brief, and Respondent filed cross-exceptions and a sup- porting brief. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the Na- tional Labor Relations Board has delegated its au- thority in this proceeding to a three-member panel. The Board has considered the record and the at- tached Decision in light of the exceptions and briefs and has decided to affirm the rulings, find- ings,2 and conclusions3 of the Administrative Law Judge and to adopt his recommended Order, as modified herein. 1. The General Counsel has excepted, inter alia, to the Administrative Law Judge's failure to find that Naomi Laue was a supervisor within the meaning of the Act, and that certain statements made by her violated Section 8(a)(l) of the Act. We find merit to this exception. The record establishes that Laue, as a group leader, was responsible for evaluating probationary employees after they worked 30 days for Respond- ent. In this capacity, Laue reviewed the report she prepared with the affected employee, and a super- visor merely signed the evaluation and followed Laue's recommendation. In addition to evaluating employees, Laue, like other group leaders, was re- sponsible for assigning work to employees within her department. Inasmuch as Laue assigned work I On November 24. 1978. McGrath requested to withdraw the charges previously filed by him, On November 29, the Regional Director for Region 13 granted McGrath's request and partially dismissed the consoli- dated complaint 2 The General Counsel and Respondent have excepted to certain credi- bility findings made by the Administrative Law Judge. It is the Board's established policy not to overrule an administrative law judge's resolu- tions with respect to credibility unless the clear preponderance of all of the relevant evidence convinces us that the resolutions are incorrect Standard Dry Wall Products. Inc.. 91 NLRB 544 (1950), enfd, 118 F2d 3162 (3d Cir. 1951) We have carefully examined the record and find no basis for reversing his findings. ' The Administrative Law Judge in his Conclusion of Law h itadvert- ently stated that Respondent's threats of plant removal or closure as a penalty for unionization violalted Sec X(aH5) rather thian, as we find. Sec 8(a)(I) of the Act. to employees, prepared evaluations of employees' job performances, and effectively recommended ac- tions to be taken on the basis of these evaluations, we find that Laue was a supervisor within the meaning of Section 2(11) of the Act. Having so found, we further find, on the basis of employee Cindy Foster's uncontradicted testimony, that Laue's statement to Foster that the plant would close and employees would lose their jobs if the Union won the election violated Section 8(a)(1) of the Act. The General Counsel has also excepted to the Administrative Law Judge's failure to find that a statement by Supervisor Lorraine Ermel to fellow Supervisor Herman McGrath was unlawful. The Administrative Law Judge found that, in a discus- sion of the results of a Board-conducted election in which the Union received a majority of the votes cast, Ermel said to McGrath that "if he thougnt she was hard to get along with before, just wait and see." The Administrative Law Judge found that this statement was not unlawful because it was made by one supervisor to another. However, in making this finding, the Administrative Law Judge apparently ignored McGrath's uncontradicted testi- mony that employees were present when Ermel made her remark. Accordingly, as Ermel's state- ment had a tendency to coerce employees in the exercise of their rights under Section 7 of the Act, we find that it violated Section 8(a)(1) of the Act. 2. The complaint alleged that Respondent discri- minatorily enforced an existing no-smoking rule to deter employees' union activity. The Administra- tive Law Judge discussed and made factual find- ings on the circumstances surrounding the alleged change in enforcement of the rule, but failed to make any specific findings as to the merits of this complaint allegation. As found by the Administrative Law Judge, Su- pervisor Glenn Olofson testified without contradic- tion that a rule to the effect that only one employ- ee from a line could use the washroom to smoke at any one time had been promulgated in 1973 or 1974 and had been periodically enforced when smoking in the washrooms got "out of hand." Olofson also testified without contradiction that he enforced the rule at least once a month. Other wit- nesses testified to incidents of enforcement of the rule, including Olofson's enforcement of the rule on June 9, 1979. On the basis of the evidence ad- duced regarding the rule, we find that the General Counsel has not established by a preponderance of the evidence that the rule was discriminatorily en- forced, and we shall therefore dismiss this allega- tion of the complaint. 250 NLRB No. 35 309 DECISIONS OF NA-IONAL LABOR RELATIONS 1O(ARD ORDER Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Re- lations Board adopts as its Order the recommended Order of the Administrative Law Judge, as modi- fied below, and hereby orders that the Respondent, Simpson Electric Company, a Division of Ameri- can Gage & Machine Company, Inc., Elgin, Illi- nois, its officers, agents, successors, and assigns, shall take the action set forth in the said recom- mended Order, as so modified below: 1. Insert the following as paragraph 1(c), and re- letter the subsequent paragraphs accordingly: "(c) Threatening employees with reprisals for supporting the Union or engaging in union activi- ties." 2. Substitute the following for paragraph 2(a): "(a) Post at its plant in Elgin, Illinois, copies of the attached notice marked 'Appendix.' 12 Copies of said notice, on forms provided by the Regional Di- rector for Region 13, after being duly signed by Respondent's authorized representative, shall be posted by Respondent immediately upon receipt thereof, and be maintained by it for 60 consecutive days thereafter, in conspicuous places, including all places where notices to employees are customarily posted. Reasonable steps shall be taken by Re- spondent to insure that said notices are not altered, defaced, or covered by any other material." 3. Substitute the attached notice for that of the Administrative Law Judge. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the complaint be, and it hereby is, dismissed insofar as it alleges vio- lations of the Act not specifically found herein. APPENDIX NOTICE To EMPLOYEES POSTED BY ORDER OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD An Agency of the United States Government WE WILL NOT coercively interrogate our employees concerning their union membership or activities. WE WILL NOT threaten our employees with plant removal or closure or other reprisals for supporting the Union or engaging in union ac- tivities or for engaging in protected concerted activities. WE WILL NOT create among our employees the impression that we are engaging in surveil- lance of their union activities. WE WILL NOT promise wage increases or additional benefits if our employees refrain from engaging in union activity or if the Union is unsuccessful in organizing our em- ployees. WE WILl. NOT in any like or related manner interfere with, restrain, or coerce our employ- ees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed them by Section 7 of the National Labor Rela- tions Act, as amended. SIMPSON ELECTRIC COMPANY, A DI- VISION OF AMERICAN GAGE & MA- CHINE COMPANY, INC. DECISION STATEMENT OF THE CASE BRUCE C. NASDOR, Administrative Law Judge: This case was heard at Chicago, Illinois, on December 4, 5, 6, and 7, 1978. The order consolidating complaint and notice of hearing' alleging violations of Section 8(a)(I) and (3) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amend- ed, by Simpson Electric Company, a Division of Ameri- can Gage & Machine Company, Inc., Respondent herein, issued on August 16, 1978.2 An amendment to the com- plaint issued on November 17. At the hearing counsel for the General Counsel made a motion to further amend the complaint by including two additional allegations. Said motion was granted. The two paragraphs allege that Re- spondent's supervisor, Naomi Laue, threatened employ- ees with plant closure, and that Respondent's supervisor, Lorraine Ermel, threatened to impose more onerous working conditions on employees for engaging in union activities. Counsel for the General Counsel's additional motion to strike the allegation of supervisory status per- taining to Walter Kungman (sometimes referred to as Kunzman) was granted. The issues to be resolved are: 1. Whether International Brotherhood of Electric Workers, Local 117, AFL-CIO, the Union herein, is a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. 2. Whether Eugene Long was discharged in violation of the Act, or was he a supervisor within the meaning of the Act and thus not afforded the protection of Section 8(a)(3) of the Act. 3. Whether Ruby Poe was discharged in violation of Section 8(a)(3) of the Act. 4. Whether Bonnie Texley (Hawks) 3 was discharged in violation of Section 8(a)(3) of the Act. 5. Whether the change in lunch hours constituted a violation of the Act. 6. Whether Respondent unlawfully promulgated or discriminatorily enforced a no-smoking rule in an effort to discourage union activity. On November 24, 1978, Herman McGralh requested to withdraw the charges previously filed by him On November 29. the Regional Director for Region 13 issued ail "Order Severing Cases. Granting Request To Withdraw Charge, and Partially Dismissing Colnsolidated Complaint" All dates are in 1978 unless otherwise indicated. Hawks' name wa, changed il Tcxley when she was married on August 4 310 SIMPSON ELECTRIC COMP'ANY 7. Whether Respondent changed the parts ordering procedure in order to isolate union organizers from other employees. 8. Whether Respondent promulgated a discriminatory no-solicitation rule in violation of the Act. 9. Whether supervisors interrogated, threatened, or promised benefits to employees in violation of Section 8 (a)(1) of the Act. Upon the entire record, including my observation and demeanor of the witnesses, and after due consideration of briefs I make the following: FINDINGS OF FACT I. JURISDICTION Respondent is engaged at its Elgin, Illinois, plant (herein called the facility) in the manufacture, design, and sale of electrical meters and testing equipment. During the past calendar year, a representative period, Respondent in the course and conduct of its business op- erations purchased and received at the facility goods valued in excess of $50,000, which goods were shipped to this facility directly from points outside the State of Illinois. Respondent is an employer engaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(2), (6), and (7) of the Act. I1. THE I ABOR ORGANIZATION Donald L. Mahoney, International representative for the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, tes- tified without contradiction that his organization's re- sponsibility is to organize workers so that they can bar- gain collectively with employers and reach agreement on wages, hours, and conditions of employment and also obtain the right to grieve problems. With respect to Local 117, Mahoney testified that it is I of the 1,600, local unions affiliated with the IBEW. Its jurisdiction in- cludes McHenry County and most of Kane County in the State of Illinois. Within this jurisdiction, the Local represents approximately 750 workers employed by util- ity, electrical, manufacturing, and contracting businesses. Based on the foregoing I find that International Broth- erhood of Electrical Workers, Local 117, AFL-CIO, is a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. 111. THE ALLEGED UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES A. The Discharge of Eugene Long It is undisputed that Respondent had knowledge that Long was one of the leading union adherents who was discharged after being warned by management that as a supervisor he must cease engaging in union organization- al activities. The General Counsel contends that Long was not, and had never been, a supervisor within the meaning of the Act. The General Counsel argues alterna- tively that even if Long is found to be a supervisor his discharge still violated Section 8(a)(l) of the Act because "it was intended by the Respondent to have a chilling effect on the union activities of other employees." The parties stipulated that Long was not discharged because he refused to engage in acti\ity which itself would have been an unfair labor practice. Long was hired on July 6, 1976, as a senior electronics technician. As such, his duties consisted of repairing digi- tal test equipment and special equipment in repair depart- ment 212. The organizational drive among Respondent's employees commenced during the early part of June 1978. Long was promoted to the position of principal service technician in late April or early May. He wxas in this position when he was discharged on June 20. Long's predecessor, a principal service technician. was L.arry Threewit. Respondent's factory service manager, Glenn Olofson. testified with respect to the table of organization. Long's counterpart was Lorraine Ermel. supervisor of tester analog meter repairs; and principal service technician of digital and special products, a position held by Herman McGrath until November. Olofson testified as to the duties and responsibilities of Long at the time of his termination. These responsibil- ities and duties included daily supervision of employees. assigning work, interviewing job applicants, training em- ployees, hiring, firing, setting priorities in the sequence of emergency work, and totaling and compiling daily labor and attendance cards and weekly production re- ports. According to Olofson, parallel duties and responsi- bilities were possessed by McGrath, Ermel, and Threewit, Long's predecessor. Kevin Foster testified inter alia, that McGrath, Ermel, and Threewit possessed the supervisory authority in de- partment 212. Furthermore, Foster, who had been a senior electronics technician, testified that Threewit as- signed him jobs, moved him from place to place in the department as needed. had the ability to excuse absences or tardiness, and interviewed him for employment. He stated that he had been employed for over a week before he had even met Olofson. Between the time that Threewit left department 212 and Long was appointed to the position, Olofson performed the duties of the job. Sometime during the first part of April, Threewit de- cided he would accept a transfer into Respondent's clngi- neering department. He recommended to Olofsoii that Long, a lead service technician, be promoted o: Threewit's job. Thereafter, around the middle of April, Olofson talked to Long and told him that he would like him to become principal technician and take over Threewit's job, performing the same duties that Threewit had been performing, which consisted of daily supervi- sion of the digital and special products area. Olofson also advised Long that he would not receive a pay increase until he passed his probationary period. On May 19, Olofson called a meeting in the break- room of all supervisors. Those in attendance at the meet- ing were Long, Narutis, Smith, Ermel, and McGrath. He read to them bulletins announcing Long's promotion to the principal technician, and that Long would be their immediate supervisor. He also referred to the promotions of Hajzl and Munson to lead technicians. Olofson tild each of the five individuals that they were the supervi- sors in charge of their areas and that he, Olofson,. would undertake the position of acting foreman. Long and I I DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Munson testified that Olofson stated that he (Olofson) would continue to handle all administrative and supervi- sory responsibilities in the repair area. According to Ermel's testimony Olofson detailed the responsibilities of the supervisors: they were to be in charge of work coming into the area and work going out, take care of backlog sheets for the particular area, the training of new employees, the hiring of new em- ployees, and recommendations for discharge. She testi- fied further that in the last week of May she heard Long remark that he was going to run a "tight ship" with re- spect to breaks, smoking, and drinking coffee. Further- more, she observed Long giving verbal warnings to em- ployees. Olofson testified that during the latter part of April or the first part of May, 4 he had Long come into his office to get Long's comments and recommendations on hiring an individual who was handicapped. Long interviewed the individual and he and Olofson agreed that the appli- cant should not be hired because he could not perform the job. On a second occasion in the latter part of May or early June, Olofson and Long interviewed an applicant after he had finished an advanced written test. Long told Olofson that it was apparent the applicant scored low on his advanced test and accordingly did not qualify for a senior technician job. The applicant was not hired. Long refused to sign the back of the application where it states "interviewed by." Olofson advised Long that this was something that was part of his duties as the principal technician. Long said he had never done it before. Olof- son stated to Long that this was part of interviewing and that when things would come up like that (things he had not done before), he, Olofson, would be showing Long how to perform the function so that when he felt com- fortable he could perform said functions by himself, without Olofson's aid. Long stated to Olofson that Threewit and McGrath did not perform that function. Olofson replied that Threewit interviewed and filled out the application form and McGrath had done the same thing several times during any given week. Long stated that the Company was trying to set him up, and Olofson stated that was not the case, he had no way of knowing that an applicant would be there that day, and he was attempting to show Long how to fill out the application form because it was part of his job. Long admits to the two interviews and that he refused to sign the back of the application. Olofson testified that Long had a disagreement with employee Linda Rice regarding a work assignment. Long was of the opinion that Rice had gone behind his back to Olofson and Long questioned Olofson regarding his authority to direct the job assignment of Rice. Olof- son did not overrule Long but he advised him that he would learn to handle people as he got experience on the job, that he would have to work around personalities of individuals and be tactful with difficult people. 4 Union Dclivity commenced in early June. B. The Discharge of Ruby Poe Poe did not appear to testify during the General Coun- sel's case-in-chief, but she did appear to testify after Re- spondent put in its defense. Poe testified that on June 8, the day she signed a union card, Eva Lord, a supervisor, asked her if she signed a card, to which she responded affirmatively. The next day, on June 9, according to Poe, Lord called her over for a minute and stated, "I hear you signed a union card." Poe responded, yes, that she had, and inquired of Lord who had told her. According to the testimony Lord responded, "You know you are in trouble." Lord allegedly stated she did not want the Union in her department looking down her back or her employees' backs. Poe stated that she knew she was in trouble for signing it but she had signed. Poe testified further that on that same day, right after lunch, she and a girl went downstairs to take parts to inspection and the girl wanted to sign a card. They both went downstairs to an individual, got a card from him, and the girl filled it out and gave it back to the man. According to Poe when she and the girl started back upstairs they met Lord who asked the girl how did she get the card, to which the girl allegedly replied that Poe had gotten it for her. Poe testi- fied on cross-examination that the girl "gave it back to the guy." Therefore Poe admitted that when she and the girl were going upstairs the girl did not have the signed card in her hand. Lord testified that no such conversations ever took place with Poe nor did she interrogate or discuss the Union with any employees. Lord, Joan Faircloth, quality control inspector, and Naomi Laue, group leader, testified prior to when Poe took the stand to testify. The parties stipulated as to what the additional testimony of these Respondent wit- nesses would have been had they been called back to the stand. Faircloth, who is in the unit, and who readily admitted having signed a union card, testified that for the last month prior to her discharge Poe's work had been "going down, down." She testified further that she had to reject 100 percent of Poe's work, sending it back to her. Poe admitted that she was forced to rework all of her rejects on June 9, and they were still turned back to her rejected in full later that day. Both Faircloth and Laue testified that they spoke to Poe and to her supervi- sor, Lord, on a number of occasions between March and June about Poe's poor quality of work. Poe testified that she was fired by Lord after being asked to sign a piece of paper which revealed that all of her work products were rejects. According to Poe she read the paper and signed it. In Poe's testimony she denied that there were ever complaints about her work from the time she first started working in Lord's department in March to the time of her discharge on June 9. C. The Discharge of Bonnie Texley Texley was hired in February and terminated on June 20. She worked in department Ill under the supervision of Eva Lord. 312 SIMPSON ELECTRIC COMPANY Texley and counsel for the General Counsel attribute the following conversation as the reason for her dis- charge. At approximately 2 p.m., breaktime, on June 20, Texley testified that she was at her work station. Also present were Raymond Wood, Walter Kunzman, Alice Thurnau, a group leader, and inspector Joan Faircloth. Texley testified, "As we were leaving for break Ray- mond Wood said to me very loudly, he says, the only way we are ever going to get decent money here, is if we get a union in. Right, Bonnie? . . . "And I respond- ed, 'Right.' and I said it very loudly." Counsel for the General Counsel inquired of Texley what if anything happened when she made the remark. She testified, "Well, both Alice and Joan looked surprised, especially Joan. Her eyes widened, and she looked very shocked, at what 1 said." In the affidavit that Texley furnished to the National Labor Relations Board agent, she stated that Millie Beh- rens was the individual who overheard the conversation. She did not recall either Kunzman, Thurnau, or Fair- cloth being present during this conversation. On cross- examination she testified that naming Millie Behrens was an error; she did not remember Joan Faircloth's name and Kunzman's presence slipped her mind. Thurnau denied that she ever heard Texley express an opinion about the Union or that she ever discussed the union activities of any employees with Lord. Texley tes- tified that at 3:15 p.m. as she was filling out her timecard Eva Lord told her to come with Lord to Lord's desk. Lord handed her a reprimand sheet, told her to read it and sign it, return her badge the next day and receive her final check. The reprimand sheet reflects that Tex- ley's attendance ability and attitude were below average. There is an attachment reflecting Texley's attendance record and the reprimand report contains, inter alia, the comment that her attitude had not improved with time. Laue, a group leader, testified that Texley had a "very bad" attitude. She testified that "when you would tell her to do something and stand there and watch her she would perform the function, but when you walked away she would do it the way she wanted and you would get a 'snippy' answer from her or she would shrug her shoulders." According to Laue's testimony Texley spent an inordinate amount of time combing and teasing her hair. Then she would spend time going over to get hot water for her bouillon cubes or iced tea. She made var- ious trips to the restroom and Laue testified on one occa- sion she found Texley jogging in place in the restroom. She had a favorite chair and, according to Laue, threw a tantrum if the chair was not where she left it the night before. Furthermore, she had to be aided in finding the chair or she would not work. This witness testified that "half of the time you did not know whether Texley was awake or sleeping." She would stare out of the window 5 or 10 minutes at a time. By then she would return to the restroom either "for duties or jogging." She would return from the restroom, need her lipstick, powder, and comb, and comb her hair again. Laue testified further that she would send Texley downstairs and tell her to do 10 bundles of wires, bring them back, and solder them. She would do one bundle and then would return upstairs with the one bundle and her chair which she also carried up and down the stairs. Laue testified that she complained about Texley to Texley's foreman, Kunzman. Thurnau testified similarly to Laue and in addition that Texley refused to perform her work in the proper manner. She gave examples that Texley had not completely inspected and trimmed her work and did not work on the molding machine pursu- ant to instructions. Thurnau testified further that some days Texley would take off early because of illness or something else and that five or six times she quit a half hour before quitting time to do whatever she pleased. "Whatever she pleased" meant that she spent time in the lavatory or would sit there and do nothing. Thurnau tes- tified to a conversation she had with Eva Lord the latter part of May, with respect to Texley's work habits. She testified that she had warned Texley on several occasions that she had to work a full 8 hours and spend less time looking out of the window. According to her testimony Texley's response was to shrug her shoulders. Thurnau testified that on June 20 she told Texley to stay on the job until it was completed in the room where she was supposed to do it. Texley had gone downstairs with a thousand leads to complete. Thurnau testified that she did a hundred, brought them upstairs with her chair and her belongings, and was going to finish the next op- eration on them, but was told to go back down and com- plete the thousand and then come up. Thurnau recalled that Texley returned upstairs on two occasions. On the second occasion Thurnau told Texley to stay downstairs with the job until it was completed. Later that morning Thurnau went to Lord and told her that she, Thurnau, did not feel it was worthwhile to try to do anything more with Texley because she would not carry out orders. Lord responded that Texley was wasting time by carrying the leads and her chair back and forth. Thurnau told Lord that she felt she had done everything she could, and recommended that Texley be terminated. Lord responded that she would "write up" the papers. Faircloth also complained to Eva Lord about Texley's work. Faircloth testified that Texley refused to cut off excess plastic when she was running the molding ma- chine, and Texley stated that if she, Faircloth, wanted to do it she would have to get another person there to do it. Faircloth complained to Lord about this. This incident according to her testimony occurred sometime near the end of May. Faircloth testified further regarding Tex- ley's reluctance to run the molding machine and her angry reactions at this assignment. Lord testified that she talked to Texley a few times in May, toward the latter part of May, regarding Texley's attendance. According to Lord, Texley had problems with a sick child and Lord advised her that she was hired to be a full-time employee, that the Company had to get production out, and that she, Texley, should be there every day to work. Texley testified she was excused for all of her absences and that she received incentive bonuses. The record re- flects that during her employment with Respondent she did in fact earn incentive bonuses for 3 weeks, 2 of those I1I DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD weeks being for the period ending April 23 and 30, the other week for the period ending May 28. Employee Cindy Foster testified that they were not penalized for excessive absenteeism. On cross-examina- tion Foster admitted she was disciplined for tardiness and that she was terminated by Eva Lord for failure to call in. Texley's attendance record reflects that she was absent on June 13, 14, 15, 16, and 19. Apparently June 17 and 18 was a weekend. Lord claimed that Texley had re- quested an absence of several days, not an entire week, to obtain a divorce. Thurnau, Laue, and Faircloth cor- roborated Lord concerning Texley's attitude and attend- ance. Texley testified that she advised Lord on three oc- casions and Thurnau on two occasions that she needed to take a 5-day period off for her divorce. Lord denied this, testifying that Texley on one occasion asked for only 2 days off. Thurnau testified that Texley told her that she (Texley) had told Eva Lord she was requesting 2 days off. D. The Change in Lunch Hours The evidence reflects that 700 people are employed at Respondent's premises and, of these, there are 600 Simp- son employees and 100 employees of other employers af- filiated with Katy Industries, an affiliated parent corpora- tion. There is a cafeteria on the premises with a number of vending machines, range ovens, 18 tables, and 72 chairs. Prior to June 9, the majority of Respondent's and its affiliate's employees shared a 30-minute lunch, from 12 noon to 12:30 p.m. Charles Coon, Respondent's director of employee relations, testified that employees had been complaining to supervisory personnel about the time they had to spend waiting in lines at the cafeteria vend- ing machines during their lunch period. He testified that he received approximately 25 complaints through super- visors or directly from employees before making the change in the lunch period. Coon did not document the complaints nor did he remember specifically which su- pervisors complained. According to the testimony em- ployees had to wait as long as 15 minutes in lines before they could even sit down and begin their lunch. Hazel Denner, a supervisor, testified that she too had received a number of complaints from employees in her area and that she communicated these complaints to Coon. She testified that she told Coon that lunch was half over before the employees got the chance to eat, that they were losing half their time waiting in line. Benner testified that complaints had been brought to her attention since the beginning of 1978. According to her testimony there would be days when the cafeteria would not be as crowded as on other days. Coon testified that he decided to work on the change in lunch hours in May 1978, at which time he prepared a comparative study of the total plant population for June 1977, and May 1978, on a department-by-department basis. During this period Respondent was making its reg- ular change in summer working hours, setting the work schedule for most production employees from the regu- lar 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. shift to the summer schedule of 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., effective May 15. The change in work- ing hours resulted in employees working on staggered shifts, with some reporting at 7 a.m. and others reporting at 8 a.m. Therefore Respondent takes the position this was the propitious time to stagger the lunch hours. Coon's study of the population of the plant reveals nu- merous calculations wherein, according to the testimony, management could determine how best to divide the var- ious departments into scheduled lunch hours. Coon testified that on May 29 he showed his study to Jerry Goldberger, Respondent's president. After approv- ing the study Goldberger instructed Coon to prepare a notice announcing a change in the lunch period. Coon commenced to prepare this notice immediately thereaf- ter. On June 5, Coon and Goldberger met again and Goldberger reviewed and approved the notice prepared by Coon. Coon testified that before he had an opportuni- ty to post this notice the union activities began in the cafeteria on June 6. Later that day, Coon and Gold- berger decided to postpone posting the notice until they could meet with Warren Furst on June 8. Furst is the secretary and general counsel of Katy Industries. Ac- cording to Coon, he, Goldberger,and Furst discussed the posting of the notice in the context of the union activi- ties. Furst allegedly made the comment that there could be problems, but in view of the fact that this was some- thing that they had in the workings, there was no reason they should not go forward with it on a business-as-usual basis. Accordingly, on June 9, Coon posted the notice. Coon stated that he did not get back to Goldberger with the proposed notice until June 5 because he was engaged in other business matters. Coon testified that on the morning of June 6 after the notice had been xeroxed, but before it had been distributed, he removed one of the xe- roxed copies for his own files and noted on the bottom of that sheet "posted 6/6/78, All Boards." This quote is noted on the exhibit captioned "Notice to all Simpson Employees." According to Coon, before posting the notice, he had walked into the cafeteria at noon, on June 6, for his milk and had seen the union activity in prog- ress. E. The No-Smoking Rule Employee Kevin Foster testified that, on June 9, Olof- son told him and Butch Underwood that only one em- ployee could smoke in the breakroom at a time. Long testified that the rule was flexible although if one wanted to smoke it had to be done in the breakroom. Long testified further that a number of women were al- lowed to smoke in the breakroom at the same time. Karen Long testified that she had seen four women smoking in the breakroom at the same time and that no one had ever been previously warned about the smoking. Olofson testified that a smoking rule was instituted either in 1973 or 1974, and it had been periodically en- forced when smoking in the washroom would get out of hand. According to Olofson he enforced the rule at least once a month. The rule was that only one employee from a line could use the washroom at one time to smoke. There are approximately six lines in the depart- ment. 314 SIMPSON ELECTRIC COMPANY Long testified that the number of employees standing in the washroom smoking would get out of hand from time to time. Ermel also testified that Long spoke to her about tightening down on breaks and smoking in the area.5 Olofson admitted that he had advised Foster and Un- derwood of the smoking rule in early June and stated that he reminded them that the rule is that there should be only one person from an area in the washroom smok- ing at a time. Olofson also testified that he mentioned the rule to three women who were in the smoking room at the same time, but, when reminded that two of the indi- viduals had been moved from their original work areas as a result of training and thus were not from the same line, he apologized and told them he was sorry that he had forgotten they were from different lines. F. Change in the Parts Ordering Procedure Long, who worked in the repair department, testified that prior to June 9 when he needed parts from the stockroom he would get a requisition slip from the parts sales office, Olofson would sign it, and then Long would go down to the parts control stockroom or to the main stockroom to pick up the part. Munson testified that as a lead technician who also worked in the repair depart- ment, if he required a part immediately he would get the number, go to the parts sales area of the repair depart- ment, check the catalogs, and if the part was available, he would obtain a requisition and have it signed. If the part was in the parts control stockroom, one of the indi- viduals who works in the area would take the requisition down and put it in the window where it would be filled within a day or two. Munson testified that if the part was in the parts sales stockroom he would usually take the requisition downstairs to that stockroom and have it filled immediately. Olofson testified regarding a supervisors' meeting held the first or second week in June, preparatory to the in- ventory to be taken on July 1. According to Olofson, at the meeting he and the supervisors discussed complaints from the stockrooms and tightening up procedures on se- curing inventory. Respondent was having difficulty with part shortages and it was decided that Etta Ranson would get the parts on a rush basis with special requests at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. everyday. Technicians who needed parts were required to document their needs on a form hanging on the side of the filing cabinets where Ranson would pick up their requests. Long testified that prior to June, and the beginning of any union activity, when he discussed becoming a princi- pal technician with Olofson, Olofson mentioned that the job would entail his running for parts for the other tech- nicians, because there were too many people off the floor at any given time. Long further testified that the reason Olofson gave him for not being able to go into the parts sales office was because there were too many technicians going there interrupting work. Munson testified that the reason for the change was to eliminate confusion and streamline the operation. Long also testified that from s Apparently the rule also w'as that employees could not smoke at their benches in the work area time to time, in the prior 2 years of his employment, he had heard members of management discussing the fact that there was too much time spent running to get parts, and the time should be cut down. G. The No-Solicitation Rule Employee Paul Neylon testified that he told Supervi- sor Benner after the commencement of union activities, that he was going to be a union representative in the de- partment. Benner admits this and testified further that she told Neylon he was only supposed to be engaging in union activities at breaktime and at noon. Neylon also testified that on two occasions near the end of June, and again in the middle of July, Benner told him that people were complaining because he was walk- ing around talking too much and that he was going to have to stop or she was going to do something about it. She said that he would have to cut out the amount of talking and walking around because he was not turning out enough work in a day. According to Neylon, lat-er that same day she came back and said that he was going to have to limit the amount (of talking) he did because although he was making the required amount of work in a day, he just should not sit any one place for too long a time to attract someone's attention. Benner testified that she did not consider it unaccepta- bWe behavior for employees to pass the time of day and greet each other as they were walking past, but that she warned Neylon because of the length of time he was talking to employees and disturbing them. Benner testi- fied further that prior to the commencement of any union activities she had occasion to tell Neylon to get back to his machine, that he was talking too much and wandering around too much. According to Benner, Neylon responded that, as long as he was making his 8 hours' work, she should not bother with it. Neylon also admitted the existence of a company rule and that Benner advised him there was such a rule. There is no time reference in regard to this inquiry. Neylon testified that in the past he observed solicita- tions during working hours for employees who were ill, or for deaths in a family. No specifics were testified to. Dorothy Rutkowski, an employee, testified that at the time she was hired she was told that there was a rule against excessive talking in the plant. Rutkowski, a wit- ness called by the General Counsel, also testified that there were rules on the bulletin board which made refer- ence to unnecessary and unauthorized waste of time such as loitering in toilets, taking too frequent breaks, and horseplay. She also testified that, on or about July 24, her supervisor, Ermel, found her in the bathroom and said that she and another individual who was present had to stop going to the bathroom so much. Rutkowski stated that Ermel said Glen (Olofson), her supervisor, was going to be on her back if they kept going down there so much. Ermel allegedly stated that they were spending too much time in the bathroom and not getting their work done. 315 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD H. Alleged Threats, Interrogation, and Promises of Benefits 1. Hazel Benner Neylon, on direct examination, testified that, around June 7, Benner asked him and several of his co-workers if they had signed union cards. He testified that earlier in the day an employee had asked Benner if she had signed a card and that Benner's questioning occurred sometime later that day. When confronted with his affidavit on cross-examination, Neylon remembered that there was one occasion when he and several employees were stand- ing together and employee Helen Cos asked Benner if she signed a card and Benner responded negatively. Ac- cording to Neylon, Benner turned to him and three women-Helen, Jenny, and Linda-and asked them if they had signed cards. Benner denied ever asking any employee whether or not he or she had signed a card. She did not recall whether any employee asked her if she had signed a card. Neylon testified about another conversation with Benner on July 24. According to Neylon, Benner, in the presence of employees Dietzler and Linda Morgan, told Neylon that she had been to the Company's lawyer the day before, and he stated that the employees did not want the raises. Benner allegedly told employees that she did not know why they had gone and told "on her for giving us raises." Neylon later in his testimony stated that this occurred in the beginning of August. Mary Fries testified that on June 12, while at her ma- chine, Benner approached her and stated that when the Union got in she would not be late, she would be there on time or be terminated. This allegedly occurred on a morning when Fries had arrived late for work. Fries also testified that on June 24 or 25, in the pres- ence of Linda and Jenny, Benner told her she would not be able to eat rolls when the Union got in. Fries testified that Benner told the employees that the reason the lunch hours were changed was because man- agement did not want the people to talk about the Union. This statement allegedly was made according to Fries, around the last of August or first of September to everyone in the entire department. Fries testified that she told the Board agent who inves- tigated the case that she had not gotten wage increases in 2 or 3 years. At the hearing she testified that she had gotten raises in January and August. She then changed her mind and denied the August wage increase. Benner denied telling any employees that if the Union came in they would no longer be allowed to eat or drink at their work area, and she further denied that she told employees if a union came in hours would be cut. She further denied any statement that employees would no longer be able to use the washroom except during break periods, if the Union came in, and that employees could no longer come in late, if the Union came into the plant. Benner stated specifically that she told employees the lunch hour was going to be changed because they, the employees, had asked for more time and that by stagger- ing the lunch hours they would be able to get into the lunchroom more quickly. The complaint alleges that Benner told employees there would be a reduction in jobs and hours and the re- location of the plant to Japan as a result of union activi- ties. There was no testimony to this effect. Neylon testified that on July 26 he had a conversation with Benner in the presence of Jenny Dietzler and Linda Morgan. According to his testimony Benner stated that Respondent was going to change the bonus system into a group system; everyone would make over their hours and it would be put into a pool and at the end of the month all the money would be shared among the people in the group. He further testified that Benner stated it was being changed because the Union was going to change it when it came in. On cross-examination Neylon testified that he overheard this conversation while stand- ing outside the door of the ladies' room. Neylon also tes- tified that he did not hear the entire conversation be- tween Benner and the other women. Benner testified regarding a conversation with employ- ees who raised the bonus question. According to Benrer the Union was not mentioned during the discussion about the bonus or incentive system. 2. Lorraine Ermel Rutkowski testified that while she was wearing a union button Ermel came to her and asked what she thought the Union could do for her. She said she thought she could get better benefits, for example, hospi- talization and dental, and that her pay would be more. Ermel asked her what made her think so, what proof did she have? Rutkowski responded that she did not know. Rutkowski testified that during the same conversation Ermel made reference to dues paying the salaries of IBEW representatives. Ermel denied ever raising the question of the Union with employees but testified that she often responded to their inquiries. According to Ermel employees chose to share their opinions with her. Ermel testified that she said to employees, "Do you really think you want to belong to a union? Do you really think you are going to be happy being a union member?" According to Ermel she responded that in her opinion and strictly her opin- ion she felt that if the Union did not come in things would be better, perhaps employees would get more money but she just punched the clock like they did. She testified that she had told employees she preferred not to be a member of the Union, she preferred to be an indi- vidual. Louise Fulton testified that Ermel told her if the Union did not get in the Company would take that into consideration and probably pay better and give better benefits. Ermel also allegedly made reference to the eventuality of a strike and, who was going to pay for rent and food? Furthermore, according to Fulton, Ermel commented that the union dues would be enormous and they would go to pay people like Fred, for his Cadillac and vacation. Ermel denied ever promising benefits to employees. 316 SIMPSON ELECTRIC COMPANY Fulton testified that on August 20 Ermel came up to her and asked her if she had been at the hearings 6 that were in progress around that time, because she had been absent I day from work. McGrath, a supervisor, testified with reference to the amendment adding paragraph V(ee) to the complaint. Said allegation was added in the initial stages of the hearing. According to McGrath, he and Ermel were dis- cussing the results of the first election. ' According to his testimony Ermel said something to the effect that if he thought she was hard to get along with before, "just wait and see." No other witnesses were called to testify to this conversation although McGrath stated that em- ployees were present in the area. 3. Peter Narutis Rutkowski testified that during the last week of June she had a conversation with Narutis. Narutis and an indi- vidual whose first name was Arlene were discussing money and how much they were going to get from the Union. According to Rutkowski, Narutis started figuring out something on a piece of paper, came up with the sum, and made the statement, "You know we are going to have to work a lot harder for that union. We are going to have kind of like rates you know to keep up to make that money. We aren't capable of bringing that much money for us to be paid that." Rutkowski was asked on direct examination if she re- called what Narutis and she discussed, Her response was "I can't, you know, give the words. It was about the Union and we were like arguing back and forth. He was saying that, you know, it was going to be too hard for us to work underneath the Union. I mean-I don't know. It was mostly about the Union. just arguing back and forth about the things. You know, about the pay and all that." Rutkowski was then asked if he stated what he meant by being too "hard." Her response was "to keep up with the work, to bring in the money to pay us that money, you know. We would have to do so much more like meters, to get out so many more meters for us to get that 5-1/4. He was talking about that, working harder." On cross-examination she was asked why she went to the Labor Board complaining about Narutis' statement. She answered that they were talking about the Union which they should not be doing. She testified that "they" apparently meaning management were telling people negative things about the Union which she did not think was right because management had its faults. 4, Robert Dinello Ronald Fehrman testified that on July 24, he went to Dinello and requested a raise. Dinello allegedly respond- ed that the Company was not giving any raises because of the union organizing activities but that the Company might come up with some money if the Union were de- feated. " Apparently, the representation hearing was being conducted during this timeframe. I The Union received a majority of the votes cast Approximately a month later Fehrman received a 6- cent-an-hour raise, which he understood to be a merit in- crease. On August 24, Fehrman attended a union meeting. At the meeting he made statements that certain employees of Respondent had not received a wage increase in 2 years. Fehrman testified that on the next day, August 25, Dinello asked him about the union meeting that occurred the night before and Fehrman told Dinello that he had attended. Dinello told him that that was all right and then stated he heard that Fehrman had made a statement that he had not had a raise in 4 years. Fehrman told Din- ello that was a lie that he had never made such a state- ment. What he had said was that he had gone as long as 2 years without a raise and other people had been in the same circumstances. Fehrman testified that when the Union was first trying to organize the plant he asked Dinello his opinion of what might happen. Dinello responded that he did not know for sure but that Wallace8 could possibly move the Company to Japan and have production done the.'e. Fehrman told Dinello it would cost several million dol- lars to do something like that, to which Dinello allegedly responded, "What's a few million dollars to Wallace Carrol?" According to Fehrman this conversation could have occurred on August 28. Dinello also commented that Wallace Carrol would not buckle under to the Union. Dinello did not testify. 5. Naomi Laue Cindy Foster testified that Laue stated to her in the presence of other employees that "the Union will cause the plant to close down," to this effect, that somebody will lose, you know, people will be losing their jobs. Laue did not testify regarding the alleged statement at- tributed to her. She testified only regarding the discharge of Texley. I. Conclusion and Analysis I. The discharge of Eugene Long Long occupied the position of principal service techni- cian for less than 2 months. Therefore he did not have occasion to perform each and evey job duty or exercise responsibility and authority in all areas. Olofson testified, giving specific examples, of how he was still attempting to teach Long how to perform certain functions. The evidence reflects that, although Long's tenure in the position was of short duration, he had occasion to assign work to employees, direct their work, hire indi- viduals, interview individuals, recommend against hiring individuals, give warnings, and review probationary em- ployees. Although Long punched a clock and was paid over- time like rank-and-file employees, the record reflects that all supervisors were required to do the same and re- ceived overtime. Long's rate of pay, after he passed his probationary period, was $40 a week more than the salary of a senior technician. Olofson testified that Long x Wallace Carrml, president of Kalts Indutries 317 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD as a principal technician earned $30 to $35 a week more than a lead technician. Olofson testified further that a principal technician enjoys no fringe benefits different from rank-and-file technicians. The evidence relating to supervisory indicia convinces me that Long was a supervisor within the meaning of the Act. Moreover, he perceived himself as a supervisors and the employees regarded him as such. There is no evidence constituting a violation of Sec- tion 8(a)(l), and there is no showing that Respondent's conduct in discharging Long chilled unionism among rank-and-file employees for their union activity. The posted notice, in my opinion, would tend to allay their fears. (See G.C. Exh 5.) Furthermore, there is no evi- dence that Long was discharged because he refused to commit unfair labor practices at Respondent's behest. In my opinion the record supports the finding that Long was a supervisor within the meaning of the Act and was terminated by Respondent after being warned to cease his union activities. Farm Stores, Inc., F. S. No. 2. Inc., and F. S. No. 4, Inc., 131 NLRB 1068 (1961); Na- tional Industrial Constructors, Inc., 225 NLRB 672 (1976). Accordingly, I will recommend that the 8(a)(l) and (3) allegations relating to Eugene Long be dismissed. 2. The discharge of Ruby Poe Poe testified that her supervisor, Lord, asked her about signing the union card on June 8. Poe allegedly re- sponded affirmatively and inquired of Lord who had told her. Poe testified further that early the next morning Lord told her she had "heard" that Poe had signed a union card. Poe allegedly responded affirmatively and inquired of Lord who had told her. Lord allegedly responded, "You know you are in trouble." Poe's testimony does not even make any sense, and I do not believe it. Lord testified that no such conversations ever took place. I credit Lord's testimony in this regard. Faircloth, a prounion employee, testified that she had to reject 100 percent of Poe's work on June 9, and Poe admitted that she was forced to rework all of her rejects. Even after being reworked, the product was again reject- ed in full later that day. Faircloth and Laue both testified they spoke to Poe and to her supervisor, Lord, on a number of occasions between March and June with re- spect to Poe's poor quality of work. Poe denied that there were complaints about her work. Based on my personal observations I conclude that Faircloth and Laue had a sincere regard for the truth and made an honest effort to be factually accurate. I therefore credit them in all respects. I conclude that Poe, who was a reluctant witness, was unreliable and attempt- ed to gear her testimony to making a case. I therefore discredit Poe and find that she was discharged for the reasons advanced by Respondent. Accordingly, I will recommend dismissal of these 8(a)(1) and (3) allegations. D There was a tendency on his part at Ihe hearing to minimize his au- thority. 3. The discharge of Bonnie Texley The Respondent called Lord, Thurnau, Laue, and Faircloth to testify specifically with respect to Texley's poor ability, attendance, and attitude. Earlier I discussed the credibility of Faircloth and Laue, and as I am just as convinced as to their veracity vis-a-vis Texley, I also completely credit Thurnau. Counsel for the General Counsel theorizes that Texley was terminated immediately after engaging in a conver- sation with employees in which she voiced prounion sen- timents. Thurnau, whom I credit, denies that she heard Texley express any opinion about the Union to other em- ployees. In view of the fact that I credit Thurnau, I never reach the issue as to whether or not she is a super- visor within the meaning of the Act. Assuming, ar- guendo, that Thurnau is a supervisor, I would reach the same conclusion; i.e., that Respondent had ample reasons for discharging Texley, a short-term employee, said rea- sons not being pretextual. With respect to this June 20 conversation, assuming, arguendo, it occurred, Raymond Wood is the individual who expressed prounion senti- ments and that a union would be the only way to get decent wages, whereas Texley merely answered in agree- ment. The record reflects that Wood is still in Respond- ent's employ. I find that the record supports Texley's poor attitude, attendance, and ability, and that she was terminated on June 20 after being given warnings, when she failed to follow instructions given to her on that date. According- ly I will recommend dismissal of these 8(a)(l) and (3) al- legations. 4. Change in lunch hours The evidence reveals that Respondent's intention to change the lunch hours was in the hopper, prior to any union activity. It is equally clear in my opinion that Re- spondent was not motivated to change the lunch hours in an effort to frustrate union activities or isolate custom- er service technicians from other employees. The weight of the evidence convinces me that there were problems with crowded conditions at the machines in the lunchroom. Although Long and Foster testified that the lunchroom was not crowded, Foster testified that he, Long, and most of the technicians did not even eat in the lunchroom. I believe, further, that what preci- pitated the change in lunch hours was not the union ac- tivity but rather the change in hours and shifts which co- incided with the change in the lunch hour. Counsel for the General Counsel adduced testimony from two individuals in an attempt to show that excep- tions to the lunch hours were granted to certain employ- ees. I credit Respondent's witnesses who explained cer- tain omissions which were an oversight and a mistake, and I am cognizant of the fact that there were some 600 employees involved. I therefore conclude that the plan to change the lunch hour was in progress prior to any union activity and thus not a violation of the Act. Accordingly, I will recom- mend dismissal of this allegation. 318 SIMPSON ELECTRIC COMPANY 5. Change in the parts ordering procedure The testimony, including the testimony of the General Counsel's witnesses, convinces me that the motivation for changing the procedure for ordering parts was not to discourage union activity. Rather, I conclude that there was a history of periodically enforcing the rule regarding ordering parts, there were too many people off the floor procuring parts, work was being interrupted by the pro- curement of parts on an individual basis, and there was a pattern of complaints on the part of management and stockroom employees when parts procurement would get out of hand. Moreover, there were difficulties with part shortages, and the meeting regarding some sem- blance of organization in ordering parts was held pre- paratory to the semiannual inventory. Accordingly, I will recommend dismissal of this alle- gation. 6. The no-solicitation rule Neylon, a witness for the General Counsel, admitted being reprimanded on several occasions, prior to union activity, for excessive talking and loitering during work- ing hours. Benner, whom I consider an honest and reli- able witness, credibly testified that she had on occasion told Neylon to get back to his machine, that he was talk- ing and wandering around too much. There is no disputing the fact that a company rule had been in existence prior to any union organizational ef- forts, and as a matter of fact Rutkowski testified that she was made aware of such a rule at the time she was hired, on May 8. There is also credible evidence in the record that en- forcement of the rule against spending too much time fraternizing or loitering, would become lax. From time to time supervisors would find individuals either alone or together in the restroom, and admonish them and send them back to their machines. In conclusion it is my opinion that the General Coun- sel has not met his burden of proof in establishing that enforcement of what has been characterized in the com- plaint as a no-solicitation rule was motivated by any union considerations. Accordingly, I will recommend dismissal of this alle- gation. 7. Alleged threats, interrogation, and promises of benefits a. Hazel Benner Benner, an admitted supervisor, was foreman of the magnet line and machine shop. She impressed me as being a frank and forthright witness entitled to full cre- dence. Benner testified with detailed specificity with no significant variance in her testimony on cross-examina- tion. She was articulate but not glib. Two witnesses, Mary Fries and Paul Neylon, ascribed certain conduct and statements to Benner which has been detailed supra. Benner denied certain statements alleged as 8(a)(1) viola- tions and in some cases explained the context in which conversations occurred. I credit Benner in every respect. Fries and Neylon impressed me as unreliable witnesses with little regard for the truth. I found Neylon's recol- lection to be atrocious, and Fries herself stated that her memory was "no good." I am persuaded that they fabri- cated their testimony and I discredit them completely. Accordingly, I will recommend dismissal of all 8(a)(1) allegations relating to Benner. b. Lorraine Ermel Ermel is a supervisor of meter repair and training of meter persons. Rutkowski, who left Respondent's employ approxi- mately I month prior to the hearing in this case ascribed instances of interrogation to Ermel. I credit Rutkowski and reject Respondent's defense that Ermel's questions were merely rhetorical devices. I therefore conclude that Ermel engaged in interrogation which is violative of Section 8(a)(1) of the Act. I also find that Ermel's statements to Rutkowski were promises of benefit if the Union were rejected, in viola- tion of Section 8(a)(l) of the Act. Louise Fulton testified that she was interrogated con- cerning her attendance at the Board's representation hearing. I credit Fulton as to this incident. I find this to be violative of Section 8(a)(1) of the Act, because Ermel was not merely asking why an employee had been absent but specifically asked if Fulton had been to the hearing. Counsel for the General Counsel alleges that Ermel, in her conversation with Supervisor McGrath, threatened to impose more onerous working conditions on employ- ees for engaging in union activities. This was a conversa- tion between two supervisors, Ermel and McGrath and as such is not violative of Section 8(a)(l) of the Act. I do consider this comment relevant, however, as illu- minating Ermel's antiunion disposition. I conclude that Ermel's warnings to employees about not talking too much or going to the bathroom so often were not linked to any union activity. c. Peter Narutis Rutkowski testified imputing certain statements to Narutis. In context, I am of the opinion that statements by Narutis did not constitute unlawful threats. Rutkows- ki's testimony in this regard was extremely confusing. I am not certain as to what Narutis is alleged to have said. In my opinion Narutis who was making calculations on a piece of paper when he spoke to Rutkowski, was engag- ing in free speech protected by Section 8(c) of the Act. Furthermore, Rutkowski's recollection of this conversa- tion was very poor. I will recommend dismissal of the allegations relating to Narutis. d. Robert Dinello Ronald Fehrman testified as to three instances of un- lawful conduct by Dinello. Fehrman is ciedited in all re- spects in view of the fact that Respondent failed to call Dinello as a witness. Accordingly, I find and conclude that Dinello threat- ened employees with plant closure in the event of union- ization, created the impression of surveillance. and prom- ised wage increases if union activities were unsuccessful. 319 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD e. Naomi Laue The weight of the credible evidence convinces me that Laue is not a supervisor within the meaning of the Act; rather, she is a group leader acting as a conduit. Lord is Cindy Foster's supervisor. Foster testified as to Laue's statement that the Union would cause the plant to close down. The record is clear that Lord gives instructions and orders to Laue. It is also equally clear that when Laue had problems with Texley she went to her foreman Kunzman, to complain about Texley's performance. The record indicates that one of Laue's primary functions is to check out the work of other employees to see if it is done properly. Although the record is not fully devel- oped in this regard, the evidence reveals that Laue does not have the authority to fire employees or effectively recommend firing, and there is nothing in the record to indicate that she had the power to hire employees. Accordingly, I will recommend dismissal of this alle- gation. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW I. Respondent is an employer engaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. 2. The Union is a labor organization within the mean- ing of Section 2(5) of the Act. 3. By coercive interrogation of employees, Respondent has committed unfair labor practices in violation of Sec- tion 8(a)(1) of the Act. 4. By promising an increase in wages and additional benefits if the Union were unsuccessful in organizing Re- spondent's employees, Respondent has committed unfair labor practices in violation of Section 8(a)(1) of the Act. 5. By creating the impression of surveillance, Respond- ent has committed unfair labor practices in violation of Section 8(a)(l) of the Act. 6. By threatening plant removal or closure as a penalty for unionization, Respondent has committed unfair labor practices in violation of Section 8(a)(5) of the Act. 7. The aforesaid unfair labor practices affect commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. 8. Respondent did not discharge Ruby Poe, Bonnie Texley, or Eugene Long in violation of Section 8(a)(1) and (3) of the Act. 9. Respondent did not engage in any other violations of the Act not specifically found. THE REMEDY Having found that Respondent engaged in unfair labor practices, I shall recommend that it be required to cease and desist therefrom and take certain affirmative action designed and found necessary to effectuate the policies of the Act. Upon the foregoing findings of fact, conclusions of law, and the entire record in this case, and pursuant to Section IO(c) of the Act, I hereby issue the following recommended: ORDER ' The Respondent, Simpson Electric Company, a Divi- sion of American Gage and Machine Company, Inc., Elgin, Illinois, it officers, agents, successors, and assigns, shall: I. Cease and desist from: (a) Coercively interrogating employees concerning their union membership and/or activities. (b) Threatening employees with plant closure or re- moval for engaging in union and/or concerted activities. (c) Creating the impression that it is engaging in sur- veillance of its employees' union activities. (d) Promising an increase in wages and additional benefits if the Union was unsuccessful in organizing Re- spondent's employees. (e) In any like or related manner interfering with, re- straining, or coercing employees in the exercise of rights guaranteed in Section 7 of the Act. ' 2. Take the following affirmative action which will ef- fectuate the policies of the Act: (a) Post at its plant at Elgin, Illinois, copies of the at- tached notice marked "Appendix." 12 Copies of said notice, on forms provided by the Regional Director for Region 13, after being signed by an authorized repre- sentative, shall be posted by it immediately upon receipt thereof, in conspicuous places, including all places where notices to employees are customarily posted. Reasonable steps shall be taken to ensure that said notices are not al- tered, defaced, or covered by any other material. (b) Notify the Regional Director for Region 13, in writing, within 20 days from the date of this Order, what steps it has taken to comply herewith. IT IS ALSO ORDERED that the complaint be dismissed insofar as it alleges violations of the Act not specifically found. l0 In the event no exceptions are filed as provided by Sec. 102.46 of the Rules and Regulations of the National Labor Relations Board, the findings, conclusions, and recommended Order herein shall, as provided in Sec 102.48 of the Rules and Regulations. be adopted by the Board and become its findings, conclusions, and Order. and all objections thereto shall be deemed waived for all purposes I In view of the size of the unit and the somewhat limited nature of the violations, I find that the broad injunctive order is not warranted in this case. '2 In the event that this order is enforced by a Judgment of a United Stales Court of Appeals, the woards in the notice reading "Posted by Order of the National Labor Relations Board" shall read "Posted Pursu- ant to a Judgment of the United Slates Court of Appeals Enforcing an Order of the National Labor Relations Board" 320 Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation