Shoe Corp. of AmericaDownload PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsApr 16, 1957117 N.L.R.B. 1208 (N.L.R.B. 1957) Copy Citation 1208 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD where a certification remains effective, the Board refuses to entertain a petition by another union for a reasonable period after the certifica- tion-usually a year-in order that the employer and the certified employee representative may have that period of undisturbed collec- tive bargaining.' This policy is inapplicable to cases like the present one where no certificate is outstanding. The Board will, therefore, in such cases, accept petitions filed shortly before the end of the 12- month period, although the elections will not be held until the 12 months have elapsed.lo The petition in the present case, however, was filed nearly 5 months before the end of the 12-month period, and should therefore have been dismissed as premature.ll On the other hand, the petition has been processed, a hearing has been held, and the 12 months have now elapsed. To dismiss the petition at this time would subject the Board to an immediate repetition of the proceedings as a new petition could be timely filed as soon as,a decision in this case issues. Under all the circumstances, therefore, we shall direct an immediate election in the present case as such election will, in any event, not be held within the period prohibited by Section 9 (c) (3) of the Act. Accordingly, we find that a question affecting commerce exists con- cerning the representation of employees of the Employer within the meaning of Section 9 (c) (1) and Section 2 (6) and (7) of the Act. 4. The following employees of the Employer, as stipulated by the parties, constitute a unit appropriate for the purposes of collective bargaining within the meaning of the Act : All retail salesmen at the Employer's Cambridge, Massachusetts, plant, excluding office clerical employees, guards, professional em- ployees, and all supervisors as defined in the Act. [Text of Direction of Election omitted from publication.] 9 Ray Brooks, et al . v N. L R. B., 348 U. S . 96; Kolcast Industries, 117 NLRB 418; Remington Rand , Inc, 112 NLRB 1381. io The Steckless Corporation, 115 NLRB 979 ; Koleast Industries , supra. 11 Entertaining a petition filed only about 7 months afttr an earlier valid election was inconsistent not only with Board decisions but also with instructions which the Board had sent to its Regional Offices regarding the timeliness of petitions in cases like the uresent one. Shoe Corporation of America and Local No . 413, International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs , Warehousemen and Helpers of America, AFL-CIO, Petitioner. Case No. 9-RC-2840. April 16,1957 DECISION AND DIRECTION OF ELECTION Upon a petition duly filed under Section 9 (c) of the Act, a hearing was held before Richard C. Curry, hearing officer. The hearing 117 NLRB No. 158. SHOE CORPORATION OF AMERICA • 1209 officer's rulings made at the hearing are free from prejudicial error and are hereby affirmed. Upon the entire record in this case the Board finds: 1. The Employer is engaged in commerce within the meaning of the Act. 2. The labor organization involved claims to represent certain em- ployees of the Employer. The Employer's contention that alleged lack of compliance deprives the Petitioner of the status of a labor organization is dealt with in the following paragraph. 3. The Employer would have the Board dismiss the petition, con- tending that certain officials of the Petitioner are identified in its constitution as "officers" but have not filed non-Communist affidavits in compliance with Section 9 (h) of the Act and within the meaning of the Board's Rules and Regulations, Section 102.13 (b) (3). The offi- cials in dispute are : business representatives, delegates to central labor bodies, delegates to conventions, and wardens. The Employer ap- pears to have dropped a similar contention as to a position in the constitution identified as "conductor." The record indicates that the petitioning local has no bylaws of its own but operates pursuant to the International constitution. The hearing officer permitted the taking of testimony concerning the provisions of the Petitioner's International constitution which refer to the officials in question, and concerning the names of individuals who have occupied such positions during the last year. He terminated this phase of the testimony when the Employer sought to question the Petitioner's witness concerning the duties of business representatives. On the ground that the Board could take judicial notice of its own records, the hearing officer rejected an exhibit offered by the Employer. This is a letter to its attorney, dated September 4, 1956, written by the Board's Regional Director for the Ninth Region, which states that Local No. 413 of the Teamsters "is in complete compliance with Sec- tion 9 (f), (g), and (h)" of the Act, lists the local officers as president, vice president, secretary-treasurer, recording secretary, and three trustees, and names the incumbents, stating that all had filed non- Communist affidavits. The inference emphasized by the Employer is that some individuals shown to have held the disputed positions of business representatives, delegates, and wardens have not filed non- -Communist affidavits. Granting that this is true, the question whether all officers have in fact complied is not one which can be raised in this proceeding, and hence not one in which testimony directed to this question is admissible. The Petitioner's constitution specifically designates 7 officers for its local organizations, that is: president, vice president, secretary- 'treasurer, recording secretary, and 3 trustees, and only those. Admin- istratively the Board has determined that these seven officers of the 1210 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD petitioning Local are the only officers and that they were in compliance at the time this petition was filed. The Employer bases its argument that the disputed positions are also officers on alleged ambiguities in other sections of the constitution. Thus the question which the Employer would litigate in this proceeding is not one of statutory interpretation of Section 9 (h), but one of interpretation of alleged ambiguities in the Petitioner's constitution. The question as to who are constitutional officers under a union constitution for compliance purposes can only be raised in an administrative proceeding directed solely to inquiring into the compliance status of a union. Such ques- tions are not litigable in representation and complaint proceedings.' A question affecting commerce exists concerning the representation of certain employees of the Employer within the meaning of Section 9 (c) (1) and Section 2 (6) and (7) of the Act. 4. The Employer distributes and sells footwear and allied products in some 450 stores in 36 States. It has subsidiary corporations not involved in this proceeding which manufacture footwear, but it ap- parently buys from many other manufacturers as well. The main offices of the Employer are at Columbus, Ohio, where a merchandise distribution unit is also located. The merchandise is almost totally housed in a large , one-story warehouse on Innis Road, although return goods and some portion of the houseslipper and findings sections are housed in the five-story main office building on North Fourth Street. The Petitioner seeks a unit of all employees in the Innis Road ware- house, including the one truckdriver who shuttles between Innis Road and Fourth Street. The Employer contends that the unit should be all Columbus employees engaged in its merchandise distribution op- erations, which apparently would include approximately 167 em- ployees at Fourth Street doing essentially office clerical work. The Petitioner would confine the unit to the 133 employees at the ware- house, whose work is the handling of stock. However, it stated at the hearing that it would wish to represent any unit that the Board might find appropriate. 1 See De.saulnsers and Company , 115 NLRB 1025 , Mohawk Bustiness Machines Corpw a- tion, 116 NLRB 248, footnote 3 ; Lkco Products Company, 117 NLRB 137; Kohler Co , 117 NLRB 321. The Employer has filed under the title and number of this case what it terms an "Auxiliary Motion " alleging certain evidentiary matter concerning the compliance issue raised by it at the hearing, and requesting the Board either to dismiss this proceeding or hold a collateral hearing to consider compliance In our recent decision in Standard Cigar Company, 117 NLRB 852, the Board said that that case was the "last" instance in which it would make a separate administrative determination on a compliance issue based upon evidence erroneously adduced in a representation or complaint case and a request for such a determination made in the representation or complaint case "In all future cases," the Board stated, "we shall apply our policy stuctly, and require the parties to present such compliance issues for administrative determination completely separate and apart from the repiesentation or complaint proceedings " [ Emphasis supplied I Accordingly, as the Employer 's request for a collateral determination of compliance has been im- properly filed in this proceeding , it is therefore denied , without prejudice to the filing of a proper motion for an administrative determination completely separate and apart from this representation proceeding. SHOE CORPORATION OF AMERICA 1211 Columbus is the buying center of the Employer. Most of the goods 'bought are delivered to the Innis Road warehouse, either by rail or by motor freight, with samples being sent over to Fourth Street from each shipment received. The goods are stored at Innis Road in eight sections, according to the type of stock. The order preparation section and the shipping.and receiving section are the additional sections at the warehouse. Each section has a chief of section or section head who is in charge of the employees working in the section, except that one section head handles both the findings section and the handbags and hosiery section. These section heads are responsible for attend- ance records, assign work within the section, and grant time off to the employees. They are ultimately responsible to the director of mer- chandise distribution, who has an office in the main office building on Fourth Street. The merchandise director's assistant and the as- sistant to his assistant have a desk at Innis Road. The Employer testi- fied that there is no warehouse superintendent as such. In addition to the Innis Road employees, the two assistants to the director of merchandise distribution also have under their jurisdiction those stock sections which are at Fourth Street, that is, houseslippers, return goods, and findings. The Employer testified that stock handling em- ployees from the warehouse are assigned to work at Fourth Street on outlines, which appear to be catalogues for the retail stores, as well as to handle houseslippers in the pre-Christmas season and to assist in the year-end rush in the return goods section. Apparently the number of these employees so assigned may vary from 5 to as high as 15, and they may work only a day or two, or they may work all week. The record indicates that on a yearly basis this would involve no more than 15 percent of the time of the workers so assigned. All of the Innis Road employees are male. The main office building on Fourth Street, in addition to housing the merchandise requisition section for the distribution unit, contains offices for the Employer's executives and supervisors of retail stores, as well as the real estate, advertising, insurance, tax, budget, auditing, and payroll departments, plus a print shop, and sample rooms. Six maintenance employees look after this building and two are employed at Innis Road. The merchandise requisition section has 28 in-stock order writers who are male and who go to the warehouse from time to time in con- nection with their work. It also has the following female employees : 14 back-stock order writers, who write up orders which come in before the merchandise is received by the Employer, and do not go to the warehouse at any time ; 9 secretary-typists, 11 checkers and pullers, 7 filing employees, 7 merchandise control employees, and 3 traffic em- ployees. Unless one of the quarterly inventories is dispensed with, the in-stock order writers go to the warehouse 4 times a year to take inven- 1212 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD tory for a period of 3 to 5 days. They also go for the purpose of check- ing shoes because of complaints or inaccurate records, and sometimes to assist in filling orders. The employees in this in-stock order writer group are broken down into smaller groups corresponding to the stock sections of the warehouse, and they write orders for the type of stock in which they specialize. On an average they are paid 15 percent more than the stock handlers at the warehouse. During a year, 10 to 20 percent of their time will be spent at the warehouse. There have been promotions from stock handling employees to in-stock order writers. In the houseslipper section at Fourth Street no employees are per- manently assigned. The findings section at this location handles mainly office supplies for the Fourth Street building, ^ with an em- ployee complement of four. The return goods department, which is entirely located at Fourth Street, has 6 or 7 male employees. An adjacent shipping section has 2 or 3 male employees and prepares the merchandise being returned to manufacturers. Apparently the Employer also classifies as return goods employees a large group of female employees at Fourth Street who are engaged in billing, invoice verification, invoice payment, final check of invoice and records, duplicate record filing, invoice preparation for stores, and completed mail order filing. The Employer contends that its merchandise distribution unit con- sti,tutes a line of production which necessarily includes all those em- ployed in the filling and preparation of orders and the return of unsatisfactory merchandise to manufacturers. It urges that the desired unit of warehouse employees or even of all stock handling employees is an attempt to "scoop out" only part of the production line. In support of its unit contention it introduced much testimony to the effect that the employees at both Columbus locations have the same employee benefits and have numerous opportunities for social contacts. It also testified that eventually it plans to house all merchandise distribution employees at Innis Road and has purchased additional acreage for that purpose. On the record here presented we believe that a unit of warehouse employees, including the maintenance employees and those few em- ployees at Fourth Street who handle stock in the return goods, findings, and houseslipper sections, and who are under the same supervision as the Innis Road warehouse employees, constitute a unit appro- priate for the purpose of bargaining. The Petitioner's showing of interest in this unit is sufficient. Obviously the many female em- ployees who do only office clerical work at Fourth Street have no real community of interest in bargaining with the employees performing warehousing functions. Nor do we think that the Fourth Street in- .stock, order writers have such community of interest merely because NATIONAL VAN LINES 1213 of that minor portion of their working time which is spent at the warehouse. Their principal function is office clerical work, just as the principal function of the stock handlers at the warehouse is a warehousing function despite the fact that some of them receive tem- porary assignments to assist in catalogue work and seasonal rushes at Fourth Street. We reject the Employer's contention that its mer- chandise distribution unit at Columbus is so integrated that only a bargaining unit coextensive with it can be appropriate. Accordingly, inasmuch as the Petitioner objects to their inclusion, we shall exclude the office clerical employees from the unit. See Interstate Supply Company, 117 NLRB 1062. The Employer's motion to dismiss on grounds other than compliance is herewith denied. We find that the following employees of the Employer constitute a unit appropriate for the purposes of collective bargaining within the meaning of Section 9 (b) of the Act: All employees of the Employer at its Innis Road warehouse in Columbus, Ohio, including the truck- driver and the maintenance employees, plus stock handling employees in return goods, houseslippers, and findings at the Fourth Street loca- tion of the Employer in Columbus, Ohio, as well as maintenance em- ployees at that location, excluding the merchandise requisition employees (office clerical employees) and all other employees at the Fourth Street location, section heads at Innis Road, guards, watchmen, and supervisors as defined in the Act. [Text of Direction of Election omitted from publication.] National Van Lines and Van & Storage Drivers Local Union No. 389, I . B. T. C. W. & H. of A., AFL-CIO, Petitioner. Case No. 21-I?C-4426. April 16,1957 DECISION AND DIRECTION OF ELECTION Upon a petition duly filed under Section 9 (c) of the National Labor Relations Act, a hearing was held before John W. Kelly and Irving Helbling, hearing officers. The hearing officers' rulings made at the hearing are free from prejudicial error and are hereby affirmed. That portion of the Employer's offer of proof which was not the subject of stipulation, and on which ruling was reserved for the Board, is hereby accepted. Upon the entire record in this case, the Board finds : 1. The Employer is engaged in commerce within the meaning of the Act. 2. The labor organization involved claims to represent certain em- ployees of the Employer. 117 NLRB No. 159. Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation