Shenandoah-Dives Mining Co.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsOct 3, 194135 N.L.R.B. 1153 (N.L.R.B. 1941) Copy Citation In the Matter Of SHENANDOAH-DIVES MINING COMPANY and INTER- NATIONAL UNION OF MINE, MILL & SMELTER WORKERS, LOCAL No. 26 and SAN JUAN FEDERATION OF MINE, MILL AND SMELTER WORKERS, PARTY TO CONTRACT Case No. C-1615.-Decided October 3, 1941 Jurisdiction : metalliferous ore mining and milling industry. Unfair Labor Practices . In General: employer held responsible for activities of its supervisory employees regardless of whether it sanctioned or proscribed such acts where the effect of such coercive acts on the employees is telling. Company-Dominated Union: employer through its supervisory employees pro- pelled formation of, by allying itself with an insurgent group of employees who-voted to withdraw from the outside union, call off strike, and form the inside union-contributed support thereto : by according recognition and entering into contract with, although it had not been designated as such representative by an uncoerced majority of employees in an appropriate unit; by delegating it authority to determine who should be recalled to work: and by refusing a union employee who engaged in the strike a recommendation to aid him in securing work elsewhere. Discrimination: refusal of employer to reinstate striking employees upon appli- cation where strike was prolonged by its unfair labor practices. Collective Bargainu+g- charges of, di iiIs^ed Remedial Orders : disestablishtnent of dominated organization ordered; contract with dominated organization abrogated, unfair labor practice strikers ordered reinstated and awarded back pay from date of refusal of application to offer of reinstatement; notices ordered posted in mine and mill as well as in the establishment of an individual where employer customarily posts notices of interests to its employees. Messrs. Marion A. Prowell and Paul S. Kuelthau, for the Board. McCloskey cC Beise, by Messrs. Reese McCloskey and Charles J. Beise, both of Durango, Colo., for the respondent Adams, Heckman ct Raso, by Messrs. E. B. Adams, Scott TV. Heck- man, and Amos Raso, all of Grand Junction, Colo., for the Federation. Mr. Richard Johnston, of counsel to the Board 35 N L. R. 13, No. 210 1153 1154 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD DECISION AND ORDER STATEMENT OF THE CASE Upon charges and amended charges duly filed by Silverton Miners -Union No. 26, herein called the Union, affiliated with International Union of Mine, Mill & Smelter Workers, herein called the Inter- national , the National Labor Relations Board, herein called the Board, by the Regional Director for the Twenty-second Region (Denver, Colorado ), issued its complaint dated October 10, 1939, and an amendment to its complaint dated October 11 , 1939, against Shenandoah -Dives Mining Company , Silverton, Colorado , herein called the respondent , alleging that the respondent had engaged in and was engaging in unfair labor practices affecting commerce, within the meaning of Section 8 (1), (2), and (5) and -Section 2 ( 6) and (7) of the National Labor Relations Act, 49 Stat . 449, herein called the Act. Copies of the complaint , accompanied by notice of hearing, and copies of the Amendment to the Complaint , were duly served upon the respondent , the Union , and San Juan Federation of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers, herein called the Federation. The complaint , as amended , alleged in substance ( 1) that the respondent vilified and publicly criticized the leaders and-officers of the Union , incited its employees and private citizens of Silverton, Colorado, to riot and mob violence against representatives of the International and against members of the Union , actively participated in such riot and mob violence , condoned acts of violence against members of the Union , and persuaded' and prevailed upon local officials of Silverton , Colorado, to deny civil rights to representatives of the International and to members of the Union ; (2) that in March 1939 and at all times thereafter the respondent refused and continues to refuse to bargain collectively in good faith with the International and with the Union, the exclusive representatives of the employees in an appropriate unit; ( 3) that on July 16, 1939 , because of the respondent 's above-stated refusal to bargain collectively in good faith , the members of the Union went on strike and have re- mained on strike from that date to the date of issuance of the amend- ment to the complaint , and that the strike was prolonged by the respondent 's other unfair labor practices alleged in the complaint; (4) that in August 1939 and at all times since the respondent domi- nated and interfered with the formation and administration of the Federation , contributed financial support thereto, and required mem- bership in the Federation as a condition of employment; and (5) SHENANDOAH-DIVES MINING COMPANY 1155 that in September 1939 the respondent entered into an illegal exclusive bargaining contract with the Federation. On October 17, 1939, the respondent filed a motion to make the complaint as amended more definite and certain , and on October 19, 1939 , filed its answer denying that the Board has jurisdiction over the subject matter of this proceeding or over the respondent , admitting ,that the respondent entered into a contract with the Federation, but denying the unfair labor practices alleged. On October 20, 1939, the Federation filed an answer denying that the Board has jurisdiction over the subject matter of this proceeding or over the Federation, admitting that the respondent entered into a contract with the Federation , but denying the unfair labor practices alleged. Pursuant to notice , a hearing was held at Silverton , Colorado, from October 23 to October 27, 1939, inclusive , before George O. Pratt, the Trial Examiner duly designated by the Board. On November 24, 1939, counsel for the Board, the respondent, the Union , and the Federation entered into a stipulation to the effect that certain corrections should be made in the official report of the proceedings. On November 29, 1939, the Trial Examiner ordered that the record be corrected in accordance with the provisions of said stipulation. On January 31, 1940, the International duly filed further amended charges. , On April 17, 1940, counsel for the Board lodged with the Trial Examiner a motion to amend the complaint and to reopen the hearing in order to take additional evidence . The respondent and the Federation filed objections to the motion with the Trial Examiner. The Trial Examiner permitted the complaint to be amended and the Chief Trial Examiner thereafter ordered that the hearing be re- opened. The complaint , as amended , alleged, in addition to the, above-mentioned unfair labor practices , that on and after November 25, 1939, the respondent engaged in unfair labor practices affecting commerce within the meaning of Section 8 (1) and ( 3) and Section 2 (6) and ( 7) of the Act in that ( 1) on November 25, 1939, the Union notified the respondent that the strike was terminated ; and (2 ) there- after 85 named employees were refused reinstatement by the respond- ent because of their membership in the Union and participation in the strike . On May 3, the respondent filed its answer to the amended complaint, denying that it had engaged in or was engaging in the alleged unfair labor practices , and alleging affirmatively ( 1) that the. strike was terminated on August 28, 1939; ( 2) that on November 25, 1939, all positions of employment with the respondent were filled; and (3 ) that persons who applied for employment after November 25, 1939, were hired in the order of their application. Pursuant to notice , a hearing on the amended complaint was held in Silverton , Colorado, on May 27, 1940, before Earl S. Bellman, 451270-42-vol. 35-74 1156 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD the Trial Examiner duly designated by the Board. At this sup- plemental hearing the Trial Examiner reserved ruling on the admissibility into evidence of certain exhibits offered by the respondent and, marked Respondent Exhibits Nos. 22, 23, and 24 for identification. Those exhibits are hereby admitted into evidence. The respondent thereafter filed two briefs. On June 2, 1940, counsel for the Board, the respondent, the Union, and the Federation entered into a stipulation to the effect that cer- tain additional corrections should be made in the official report of the proceedings in the case. Thereafter the Trial Examiner ordered that the record be corrected in accordance with the provisions of said stipulation. On June 14, 1940, the Board, acting pursuant to Article II; Sec- tion 37, of National Labor Relations Board Rules and Regulations- Series 2, as amended, ordered that the proceedings in the case be transferred to and continued before the Board for action pursuant to Article II, Section 37, of said Rules and Regulations, that no Intermediate Report be issued, and that Proposed Findings of Fact, Proposed Conclusions of Law, and Proposed Order be issued. On October 2, 1940, the Board issued and served upon all the parties its Proposed Findings of Fact, Proposed Conclusions of Law, and Proposed Order. Thereafter, the respondent and the Federa- tion filed exceptions to the proposed findings and the respondent filed a brief. , Pursuant to notice, a hearing for the purpose of oral argument was held before the Board in Washington, D. C., on November 14, 1940. ,The respondent was represented by counsel and participated in the argument. On November 14, 1940, the respondent moved to reopen the record to receive further evidence on the proposed findings to the effect that Carl Bleich, a supervisory employee of the respondent, threw a rock through a window of the union hall on the evening of August 28, 1939. On November 22, 1940, the Board ordered that the record be reopened (1) to receive such further evidence, and (2) to receive further evidence on the circulation of Board Exhibit 75. Board Ex- hibit 75 is a copy of a doggerel entitled "A Striking Mucker's Last Refrain." A further hearing was thereafter held at Silverton, Col- orado, on January 9, 10, and 11, 1941, before Earl S. Bellman, the Trial Examiner duly designated by the Chief Trial Examiner, on these two issues. On January 10, 1941, counsel for the Board applied to the Board to extend its order reopening the record to receive newly discovered evidence to the effect that one of the respondent's foremen had conceived, ordered, and paid for the Federation's original member- SHENANDOAH-DIVES .MINING COMPANY 1157 ship cards. The application was granted and a further hearing on this issue was held at Salt Lake City, Utah, on February 7, 1941, before Earl S. Bellman, the Trial Examiner duly designated by the Chief Trial Examiner. The Board, the respondent, the Federation, and the Union were represented by counsel and participated in the hearings. Full oppor- tunity to be heard, to examine and cross-examine witnesses, and to introduce evidence bearing upon the issues was afforded all parties. The Board has reviewed the rulings of the Trial Examiners on mo- tions and on objections to the admission of evidence and finds that no prejudicial errors were committed. The rulings are hereby affirmed. By stipulation of counsel for the Board, the respondent, the Union, and the Federation, dated April 26, 1941, and approved by the Trial Examiner, provision was made for certain additional corrections in the official report of the proceedings. Thereafter, by order of the Board, this stipulation was made a part of the record in the case. On May 12, 1941, the Board issued and served upon all the parties its Amendment and Supplement to Proposed Findings of Fact, Proposed Conclusions of Law, and Proposed Order. Thereafter, the respondent and the Federatioi filed further exceptions and the respondent a further brief. The Board has considered the exceptions and briefs and, save as the exceptions are consistent with the findings,' conclusions, and order set forth below; finds them to be without merit. Upon the entire record in the case, the Board makes the following : FINDINGS OF FACT 1. THE BUSI=NESS OF THE RESPONDENT Shenandoah-Dives Mining Company is a Colorado corporation en- gaged at its mine at Silverton, Colorado, in the business of mining, transporting, and milling metalliferous ore, and selling as concen- trates the gold, silver, lead, copper, and zinc contained therein. Dur- ing 1938 the respondent milled 211,293 tons of ore, from which 7,121 tons of concentrate of a gross value of $1,121,731 resulted. That year the respondent purchased various materials and supplies cost- ing approximately $329,000, all of which were completely consumed in the production of ore. Of the materials and supplies purchased, 5.8 per cent were purchased outside of Colorado and shipped by the respondent to its mine at Silverton, and approximately 4.6 per cent, purchased by the respondent from dealers or jobbers in Colorado, originated outside of Colorado. 1158 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD The respondent sells all the concentrates which it produces to the American Smelting and Refining Company. It ordinarily ships all concentrates except those containing zinc or copper to smelters of the latter company at Durango, Colorado. Because of a temporary suspension of operations at the Durango plant, such concentrates were at the time of the hearing being shipped to smelters of the American Smelting and Refining Company at Leadville; Colorado. Concentrates containing zinc and copper, constituting together 8.77 per cent in value of all concentrate produced by the respondent, are shipped by it to the smelters of the American Smelting and Refining Company at El Paso and Amarillo, Texas. Concentrates shipped to Durango and Leadville are there further processed to produce lead bullion and copper matte, containing gold and silver. Thereafter the American Smelting and Refining Company ships the lead bullion to Omaha, Nebraska, and the copper matte to Gar- field, Utah, for further refining. At the time of the hearing the respondent employed approximately 200 persons. II. IHE ORGANIZATIONS INVOLVED Silverton Miners Union No. 26 is a labor organization affiliated with International Union of Mine, Mill & Smelter Workers, a labor organization which in turn is affiliated with the Congress of Indus- trial Organizations. The Union admits to membership employees of the respondent. San Juan Federation of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers is an unaffiliated labor organization admitting to membership employees of the respondent. III. THE UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES A. The alleged refusal to bargain 1. The appropriate unit The complaint alleges that the mine and null employees of the respondent engaged at or near Silverton, Colorado, but excluding i Although we hereinafter find that the respondent did not refuse to bargain collectively with the Union, we nevertheless make findings, as to the appropriate unit and the repre- sentation by the Union of a majority of the employees in the appropriate unit, in order to determine whether the Federation later became the statutory representative of em- ployees of the respondent . Ordinarily we make no such findings in a complaint case when we dismiss allegations of a refusal to bargain collectively Matter of Joseph Levy, Jack Levy, and Isaac Levy, doing business under the name and style of Leybro Manufac- turing Company and Leybro Manufacturing Co. of New Jersey, Inc and Children's Dress, Infants Wear, Housedress and Bathrobe Workers Union , Local #91 , International Ladies Garment Workers Union, 24 N. L R B 786; Matter of the Triplex Screw Company and Amalgamated Association of Iron, Steel and Tin Workers of North America, Local No. 1583, 25 N. L. R B . 1126; Matter of Westchester Newspapers, Inc. Westchester County, Publishers, Inc. and Westchester Newspaper Guild, chartered by American News- paper Guild , C. I. 0, 26 N. L. R B. 630. SHENANDOAH-DIVES MINING COMPANY 1159 office employees, foremen, shift bosses; and other supervisory em- ployees, constitute a unit appropriate for the purposes of collective bargaining. The answer of the respondent denies this allegation solely on the ground that the respondent is without knowledge as to its truth. The answer of the Federation does not deny the allegation. Upon the entire record we find that the mine and mill employees of the respondent engaged at or near, Silverton, Colorado, but excluding office employees, foremen, shift bosses, and other supervisory em- ployees, at all times material herein constituted and now constitute a unit appropriate for the purposes of collective bargaining with respect to rates of pay, wages, hours of employment, and other con- ditions of employment, and that said unit insures to employees of the respondent the full benefit of their right to self-organization and collective bargaining, and otherwise effectuates the policies of the Act. 2. Representation by the Union of a majority in the appropriate unit The complaint alleges that prior to June 1939" and at all times since, the Union represented a majority of the employees of the respondent in the appropriate unit. The answer of the respondent denies this allegation solely on the ground that the respondent is without knowledge as to the truth thereof. The answer of the Federation admits that prior to June 1939 the Union represented a majority of the employees in the appropriate unit, but denies that this was true at all times since June 1939. During April 1939, there were 243 employees in the appropriate unit. Pursuant to its agree- ment with the Union, the respondent during that month checked off to the Union the dues of 203 employees whose assignments of such dues the respondent held. From July 1 to July 15, 1939, the re- spondent's last operating period before the strike, there were 242 employees in the appropriate unit, at least 194 of whom were mem- bers of the Union. At no time prior to July 15, 1939, did the re- spondent question that the Union represented a majority of the employees in the appropriate unit. As will hereinafter appear, a considerable number of employees on and after August 28, 1939, terminated their membership in the Union. However, it is plain, and we find, from the facts set forth below and the record, that such resignations did not result from a free choice upon the part of the employees, uninfluenced by the re- spondent's interference, restraint, and coercion within the meaning of 2 The Union admits shift bosses to membership and has bargained for them with the respondent However, since the Union desires their exclusion from the unit , and since the respondent has not opposed their exclusion , we shall exclude shift bosses from the unit. The status as bargaining representative of neither the Union nor the Federation would be affected by the inclusion in the unit of shift bosses 1160 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD the Act. They were therefore ineffective to deprive the Union of its status as collective bargaining representative.3 We find that on April 1, 1939, and at all times thereafter, the Union was and now is the duly designated representative of a majority of the respondent's employees in a unit appropriate for the purposes of collective bargaining and pursuant to Section 9 (a) of the Act was and now is the exclusive representative of all employees in such unit for the purposes of collective bargaining with respect to rates of pay, wages, hours of employment, and other conditions of employment. 3. The alleged refusal to bargain On June 1, 1938, the respondent entered into a written contract- with the Union, recognizing it as the exclusive bargaining representa- tive of all the respondent's employees eligible to membership in the Union and governing the wages, hours, and other working conditions of those employees. This agreement was for a term of 1 year, auto- matically renewable from year to year thereafter unless one of the parties thereto should give notice 30 days prior to the expiration of a yearly term of a desire to modify the agreement. On April 27, 1939, the Union submitted to the respondent a proposed new agree- ment with a request that the respondent meet and negotiate with the Union. The Union thus gave notice to the respondent of its desire to modify the existing agreement. On the following day the respondent notified the Union of its refusal to consider any contract negotiations pending determination of the price to be paid for silver mined after June 30, 1939. In a letter written on May 9, 1939, the 'respondent reiterated its refusal to participate in contract negotiations pending determination of the price of silver, but declared-its willingness to negotiate with representatives of the Union after the price of silver should have been determined. The respondent proposed that the existing agreement be amended meanwhile to continue in effect from month to month after June 1, 1939. The Union refused this offer and renewed its prior request that the respondent negotiate at once. On May 29, •1939, Charles Chase, the respondent's general manager, notified the Union that he would meet with representatives of the Union on May 30 or 31. A number of conferences between the Union and the respondent were thereafter held between May 31 and July 28, 1939. Representatives of both the International and the Union participated in these conferences. The respondent was represented by several of its officials., 3 N L R B v B? a lford Dyeinq Ass'n, 310 U. S 318: Continental Oil Co v. N L. R. B , 113 F (2d) 473 (C. C A 10) ; remanded on another issue , 313 U 8 212 SHENANDOAH-DIVES MINING COMPANY 1161 At the first conference held on May 31, Chase submitted to the union committee a letter dated May 30, replying, item by item, to the Union's proposals of April 27. The Union's demands were then discussed. The respondent rejected the Union's proposals regarding seniority, a union shop, and a union hiring hall, and. proposed to require new assignments from employees before continuing the check- off. The Union rejected this proposal. The respondent refused to discuss wages until after the determination of the price of silver. The respondent agreed to the renewal of certain provisions of the existing contract, but the parties were unable to agree on certain other of the Union's proposals. The price of silver was set on July 5, 1939, at 71.71 cents per ounce; the former price had been 64.64 cents per ounce.4 The union com- mittee met again with the respondent's representatives on,July 8 and July 12. On July 8 substantial agreement was reached regarding a hiring hall, and regarding several other proposals on which the parties had previously disagreed. They reached no agreement, how- ever, on the proposed seniority and union shop provisions or on the respondent's check-off proposal. The respondent refused to increase wages as requested by the Union, maintaining that its financial posi- tion would permit of no increase in expenses.' It proposed instead to continue the existing wage scale for old employees, computing wages on a somewhat different basis from that previously used, in order to achieve compliance with the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 without increasing expenses.- The respondent proposed further a wage differential of approximately 50 cents per day between old and new employees. The Union opposed these proposals, and no agreement was reached on wages. No further progress toward an agreement was made at the conference of July 12. In support of its contention that it could afford no increase in wages the respondent offered to submit its complete financial records to a certified public accountant acceptable to both the Union and the respondent, and to pay for his examination and report if he should find the respondent's representations to be false. The Union did not accept this offer. On the afternoon and evening of July 12, at the Union's invitation, Chase spoke in defense of the respondent's position at two mass meetings held by the Union. • The existing wage scale had been set when silver was valued at 77 cents per ounce a The respondent suffered a net loss of $29,446.46 in 1938 and a net loss of $96,115.54 In 1939. e The respondent proposed to pay the same total wages as formerly for an 8-hour work shift, computing wages at a lower hourly rate for the first 6 hours and at one and one-half times that rate for the last 2 hours. 1162 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD On July 13 the Union, by referendum vote, authorized a strike. Representatives of the respondent and the Union met again the fol- lowing day, but made no further progress toward an agreement. On July 15 the respondent refused a request from the Union to reopen negotiations. with a prior understanding that both parties would compromise regarding wages and hours. On July 15 the Union called a strike, to commence the following day. The respondent was forced to suspend operations almost completely at its mine and mill beginning July 16. Between July 24 and July 28 the respondent and the Union held six conferences with a conciliator from the United States Department of Labor. On July 26, at one of these conferences, the respondent agreed in substance to a new seniority clause drafted by the Union, but on the following day it withdrew its agreement. The record does not disclose the respondent's reason for this withdrawal. The conference of July 28 closed without any understanding having been reached. Chase affirmed the respondent's willingness to meet again with the Union upon its.request. No further conferences were held, and the strike continued. Although the record, especially concerning the respondent's sub- sequent relations with the Federation, leaves us with some doubts, we are nevertheless not convinced of the respondent's bad faith in bargaining with the Union. The respondent met with representa- tives of the Union at a number of conferences, engaged in extended discussions of'the Union's proposals, accepted some of those proposals, offered reasons for rejecting others, and made counterproposals. Upon the basis of this record we conclude that the respondent sought to reach an understanding with the Union and that the respondent did not refuse to embody any understandings reached in a signed agreement. Accordingly, we find that the respondent did not refuse to bargain collectively with the Union. We find further that the strike was not in its inception caused by unfair labor practices of the respondent. B. Interference, restraint, and coercion; the Federation 1. Sequence of events. Following the final conference with the conciliator on July 28, 1939, no further meetings were held between the Union and the respondent. The strike continued, and the respondent ceased to operate the pumps which it had kept in operation since July 16 to prevent the mine from flooding. About August 15, Chase, the gen- eral manager of the respondent, authorized the printing on the re- SHENANDOAH-DIVES MINING COMPANY 1163 spondent's hectograph machine of a doggerel entitled, "A Striking Mucker's Last Refrain." This verse written in ironic vein, laments the hardships which befell the striking miners of Silverton who mis- placed their trust in union leaders. Chase denied at the hearing that he knew who had written the verse, but admitted that he had authorized its running on the respondent's hectograph, because he "thought it was ]lalf-way fun and certainly pertinent." Also during the strike and prior to the formation of the Federa- tion, Foreman Hughes ordered and paid for 200 membership cards subsequently used by the Federation. Since the town of Silverton is largely dependent on the opera- tion of the respondent's mine and mill for its prosperity, the strike and the consequent paralysis of all business activity in the town soon became the dominant topic of conversation. A regular meeting of the Union was scheduled to be held at the union hall on the evening of Monday, August 28, and during the day its was rumored about town that an insurgent group within the Union would attempt at the meeting to call off the strike. There can be no doubt that the respondent was aware of these rumors and that it was favorable to such an attempt. Chase testi- fied that he drove through Silverton at about 10 p. in. on August 28, "without seeing anything to offer any encouragement, or to be- lieve that anything was happening." When he was asked at the hearing to explain this statement, he further testified, "I have been fourteen years in this and we have built up this enterprise. It was dead unless these men who sought to restore it succeeded. As I say, knowing that there was to be a meeting and having heard that fur- ther insurrection would be attempted, and seeing the street quiet, I saw no sign of encouragement." The Union held its scheduled meeting at 8 p. in. that evening at the union hall. By the time the meeting ended, shortly after 10 o'clock, a considerable crowd 7 had gathered across the street from the hall. Among those present in the mob were Albert Edwards, William Hughes, and Carl Bleich. Edwards was a junior shift boss in the employ, of the respondent. The respondent contents that he had been discharged early in August and was not at that time an employee of the respondent. However, Edwards' "discharge" was caused by lack of work and was effective only while the mine was completely shut down. He was recalled to work as a shift boss upon 7 Although Fred Patterson, sheriff of San Juan County, testified that there were at no time more than 15 or 20 persons in the group, and that there were even less than that number present when the union meeting adjourned, Charles wing testified that there were 30 or 40 people present and Carl Bleich, the respondent's mechanical foreman, testified that "there seemed to be a considerable crowd in front of the union hall " 1164 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD the resumption of operations.8 We find therefore that Edwards was simply laid off and that he retained his status as supervisory employee. Although he was a dues-paying member of the Union, Edwards was not permitted to attend meetings because of his super- visory status. William Hughes was a foreman in charge of hiring for the respondent. Carl Bleich was mechanical foreman at the respondent's mine. Neither Edwards nor Hughes was called as a witness at the hearing to explain his presence in the mob. Bleich testified that he was returning from an automobile drive with his wife when he observed the disturbance and stopped to learn what was happening. The union meeting ended at about 10 o'clock, and as those leaving the meeting crossed the street, several of them were attacked by the mob which had assembled there. Frank Scheer, who was subse- quently employed by the respondent as a miner, initiated hostilities by kicking A. S. Embree, a member of the Union, on the shins. Eight or ten others then closed in on Embree. When John Han- cock, also a member of the Union, attempted to come to Embree's assistance, he was in turn set upon. Frank Scheer caught Hancock as he was running toward the union hall and threw him into the gutter. Hancock finally got back to the hall. Meanwhile Bert Ady, another union member, was beaten by Claude Deering, proprietor of it local garage, and Aaron Harper, also a union member, was beaten. All of those attacked managed eventually to regain the shelter of, the union hall. June Thomas, the wife of a member of the Union, testified that while Frank Scheer and others were beating Hancock, she was stand- ing within 3 feet of Foreman Hughes and directly in front of him, and that she heard Hughes remark to Charles Wing, "Boy, I sure picked a good one when I picked Corky Scheer.9 Look at him go. He is worth his weight in gold." Wing, an employee of Western Colorado Power Company and a resident of Silverton, testified that he was standing 2 to 4 feet from Hughes at the time in ques- tion and that Hughes said nothing to him. Hughes, however, was not called as a witness at the hearing. We think that Thomas' af- firmative testimony is entitled to greater weight than the testimony of Wing, who could at most testify as to whether he had heard Hughes make the alleged statement. Only Hughes himself could have testified positively that he did not make the statement at- tributed to him, and the respondent's failure to call him as a wit- 8 Chase was asked at the hearing whether the respondent had an undeistandmg \%rth Edwards to the effect that the latter would be reemployed when the mine opened. Chase replied, "It would be almost obvious that he would be an available candidate for reemployment." Frank Scheer is known also as Corky Scheer. t SHENANDOAH-DIVES MINING COMPANY 1165 ness is unexplained. Upon the entire record, we find that Hughes made the statement attributed to him by Thomas.10 After a number of the union members had taken refuge in the union hall, the mob remained outside, demanding that Embree and Chester Yates, secretary of the Union, leave town. At the request of Sheriff Patterson, who acted as intermediary for the mob, the two men left Silverton that night. Hancock and Ady also left town that--night to escape further violence at the hands of the mob, which later searched the building in an unsuccessful attempt to find them. After the fighting was over, a group composed mainly of mem- bers of the Union entered the union hall. There they purported to hold a special meeting of the Union at 1 minute past midnight on the morning of August 29. Albert Edwards attended this meeting, although his honorary membership in the Union did not carry with it that privilege. Lloyd Jones, editor of the Silverton Standard, who was allowed to attend the meeting as "press representative," testified that he counted 113 persons present. Those present con- sidered and passed motions to withdraw from the C. I. 0., to call off the strike, to "abandon" the Union and form a new union, and to transfer all of the Union's property to the new organization. They also adopted a constitution for the new organization. Charles Scheer testified that he and two other employees had prepared this constitution about August 1, 1939. The meeting ended at about 1:25 a. in. A few minutes after the adjournment of this meeting, a second meeting was held for the purpose of organizing the new union. Everyone interested was invited to attend, and many persons who were not employees of the respondent were in fact present. Those present elected officers, adopted as a name "San Juan Federation of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers," and voted to open their mem- bership to everyone in the county who was "concerned." 11 Charles to In our Proposed Findings issued October 2, 1940 , w e tentatively found that Bleich "threw a rock through a window of the union hall on the evening of August 28 " Subse- quently additional evidence was taken upon the respondent 's offer to show that Bleich was physically incapable of tLrowing such a rock and that other persons had in fact thrown the two rocks involved Upon the further evidence thus received , we are not convinced that Bleich was unable to throw a rock through the window of the union ball On the other hand , each of two witnesses testified that each threw one of the two rocks thrown Under the conditions of excitement and poor visibility which prevailed, we believe that the testimony of those two witnesses is more reliable than that of any of the several witnesses who testified that they saw rocks thrown Accordingly we do not now find that Bleich threw a rock 11 Leonard Talbot , a member of the union grievance committee , testified that in October 1938 , during a conversation between himself and Cash Cook , the superintendent, Cook suggested that the respondent ' s employees should have a "company union " ; that "he had been in the management of a couple of mines that had company unions and they worked a lot smoother and more satisfactory to the company " Cook denied having sug- gested that the respondent 's employees should have a "company union " He testified that 1166 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Scheer, brother of Frank Scheer and a member of the Union, was elected president of the Federation. Fenrick Sutherland an em- ployee, was elected secretary.12 The group decided also to open negotiations with the respondent and to notify the Board that the Federation was now -the collective bargaining representative of em- ployees of the respondent. This meeting lasted until about 3 a. m. On the following day, August 30, the Federation requested Chase to meet with a negotiating committee. He consented. After sev- eral meetings between Chase and the Federation committee, an agreement was reached on September 5 and a contract was signed September 6. By the terms of the contract the respondent recog- nized the Federation as exclusive collective bargaining representative of all employees eligible to membership in the Federation. Chase testified that the Federation committee submitted to him a member- ship list sometime between September 1 and September 4 and that, one of the respondent's clerks checked that list against the respond- ent's pay roll either for July 1 to 16 or for May 1939. He did not testify as to whether the check revealed that a majority of the em- ployees in an appropriate unit were listed as members of the Federa- tion. Charles Scheer, president of the Federation, first, testified that Chase never requested nor did the Federation ever submit to him a list of its members. He later contradicted this testimony, stating that such a list was presented to Chase. In any event, a comparison of the respondent's pay roll for July 1 to 15, 1939, the last period of operations before the strike, with a list of members of the Federation from August 29 to September 6, 1939, reveals that there were 242 employees in the appropriate unit, only 117 of whom were claimed as members by the Federation. It likewise appears from the record that less than half the employees in the unit estab- lished by the contract were claimed as members by the Federation. It is thus clear, and we find, that on September 6, 1939, when the respondent signed a contract recognizing the Federation as the ex- clusive bargaining agency of its employees, the Federation did not represent a majority of the employees in an appropriate unit. More- he told Talbot this was his first experience working in a mine where there was a union, that the nearest we had to anything that could be called a union with any of the large companies with which I had worked was usually a community league which had no requirements for membership whatsoever except that they were employees of the company." Cook admitted telling Talbot that "we would get along without any trouble ' that way," but he testified that he told Talbot that he thought such a community league would prob- ably be illegal under the Wagner Act. Whether or not Cook explicitly suggested the establishment of an independent union , clearly he expressed a preference for an inde- pendent "community league" type of union over a union affiliated with one of the large national labor oiganizations " Sutherland later resigned because of his position in the respondent 's office. He was employed by the respondent as a clerk, and it fell within the scope of his employment to sign time statements which were submitted by the respondent to employees SHENANDOAH-DIVES MINING .- COMPANY 1167, over, it is clear that those employees who did join the Federation did not do so uncoerced by the respondent's unfair labor practices set forth above. The contract itself is an adaptation of, the former agreement be- tween the Union and the respondent. It covers wages, hours, and other working conditions. It incorporates, in general , the provisions as to wages and hours which the respondent proposed while nego- tiating with the Union. It does not provide for a closed shop. Its other terms are, in general, those agreed upon by the respondent and the Union during their negotiations. The contract provides that the respondent shall honor assignments of federation membership dues, and deduct such dues from the wages of those employees who submit such assignments, upon the receipt by the respondent of such assignments from 75 percent of the employees eligible to member- ship in the Federation. Although the record does not show whether the respondent received the required assignments, it appears that the respondent began at an unascertained date to check off and has been checking off Federation dues. Upon the advice of their attorney, a committee representing the Union, and comprising in part the men who had been forced to leave town, returned to Silverton on September 6, 1939, to demand the return of the union property of which the Federation had taken possession13 The party drove to the courthouse where, after some discussion , they persuaded the sheriff and the marshal to accompany them to the union hall. At the union hall Reid Robinson, a member of the committee, demanded the return of the property to the Union's possession . Charles Scheer, who stated that he was in charge, re- fused the demand. The committee then left. While the committee was at the courthouse, Cash Cook, superin- tendent, William Hughes, foreman, and Max Sarles, master mechanic, of the respondent, drove slowly past in their automobiles, observing the union group intently. When the party moved on to the union hall, where a considerable crowd had gathered, Hughes was again present, C. L. Hamblin and John Hancock, both members of the com- mittee, testified that Hughes appeared to be taking notes with pencil and paper. The respondent did not put Hughes on the stand at the hearing to-explain his presence on these occasions. Cook testified that he and Hughes had remained, in town that, day in order to speak to men who might be interested in working the following day, when the mine was to reopen. He stated that he was attracted by the crowd at the union hall, drove past the hall in his auto, and then circled the block, returning to where he could see what transpired. 3 The Federation had taken possession of the union hall and of the miners' Union Hospital 1168 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Following the Federation's refusal to surrender possession of the union hall , the officers of the Union commenced injunction proceedings against the Federation on behalf of the Union and all of the other members thereof.14 Some 78 persons, whose names were among those submitted to the court as members of the Union, thereafter filed with the court printed statements disclaiming any interest in the action and requesting that their names be stricken from the record as parties plaintiff in the case. Edward Talbot, an employee of the respondent, testified that he was instructed by his foreman, Walter Gray, to sign such a disclaimer . Talbot testified, He told me that I had better sign it and get it over with." Gray denied having made such a state- ment. ' He testified that Talbot asked his advice on signing a dis- claimer, and that he replied he "didn't see any harm" in signing it, and, "I wouldn't be afraid to sign it myself. You use your own judg- ment." In view of the fact that Gray admitted having discussed the strike with other employees, the respondent's admitted partiality toward the Federation, and the other circumstances of the case, we find that Gray in substance told Talbot to sign a disclaimer. Meanwhile, on September 6, 1939, the respondent resumed opera- tions at the mine. On that date the respondent posted a list of 21 men who were instructed to report back to work that night. Similar lists were posted on succeeding days, calling additional Wien back to work. Cook, .the respondent's superintendent, testified that, in re- sponse to a request by him, the Federation furnished the respondent with a list of men to start work, and that the first men recalled to work were selected from that list. Although Chase denied that such a list was submitted by the Federation, he admitted that he placed upon the Federation's negotiating committee the responsibility of determining who should be recalled to work; that the committee asked him, "Do you think everybody should go back?" and he replied, "The responsibility is yours"; and that he asked the committee how they felt about Knut Svedenborg and Roy Sutherland, two employees who had been active in the Union and who had refused to join the Federa- tion. Of the 21 men recalled to work on September 6. the first day of operations, 19 are persons whose names appear on the Federation's membership list for August 29 to September 6. Of the first 102 men recalled to work by the respondent, 70 were claimed as members by the Federation. Upon the testimony of Superintendent Cook, the admissions of Manager Chase, and the other circumstances in the record, we find that the respondent delegated to the Federation author- 24 On October 7, 1939, District Court No. 1773 of the State of Colorado issued a temporary restraining order against the defendant therein but on March 20, 1940, dis- missed the cause of action because of the plaintiffs ' refusal to comply with an order of the court requiring them to amend their complaint to make it more definite and certain SHENANDOAH-DIVES MINING COMPANY 1169 ity to select the persons to be reinstated, upon the respondent's re- sumption of operations. On or about October 15, 1939, Knut Svedenborg asked Chase for a written recommendation to help him in securing another job. Svedenborg testified, "Mr. Chase explained to me that he didn't think anyone who would question the fairness of the company regard- ing wages, considering the low price of metals, was entitled to a recommendation." Chase admitted refusing to give Svedenborg a recommendation, and testified that he told him, "... when you had occasion day after day and "year after year to see the deplorable grade of ore coming into the mill, and then joined in demands of that nature, . . . I think you lost a claim to our recommendation for intelligence. Svedenborg had been a member of the union nego- tiating committee and had participated in the strike. We think it clear from the evidence above set forth, and we find, that Chase refused to give Svedenborg a recommendation-because of his activity as a, member of the union negotiating committee and his participation in the strike. On November 24, 1939, the Union officially terminated the strike. The respondent's refusal to reinstate the strikers is dealt with below. On December 7, 1939, Edmund Bronson wrote to Chase, asking for a recommendation to aid him in obtaining 'work elsewhere. Bronson was a member of the Union who had worked for the respondent up to July 15, 1939, and who had thereafter participated in the strike. Chase's written reply was, in part, as follows : Always I have understood that your work was competently done, and willingly and honestly done . . . So, as far as your work is concerned, it is easy to recommend you. On the other side, you seem to have maintained loyal devotion to Silverton Miners' Union through a strike based on demands that could mean only the destruction of this company and the community. No word has reached me that you were especially active in urging the strike, but it seems you did go along. Your political opinions are your own and I have no reight (sic) to question them, but when they take such practical form as to work toward destruction of mines employing you no place seems left for you in the scheme of things on which this coun- try is based. I may not reasonably recommend you to a new employer for your good work when I know that your thought may be that your new employer ought not to be allowed to continue in business. We think it clear from Chase's letter, and we find, that Chase refused to give Bronson a recommendation because of his member- ship in the Union and his participation in the strike. 1170 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD 2. Concluding findings The acts and statements of Charles Chase, general manager, and of Cash Cook, superintendent, hereinabove set forth, are, of course, attributable to the respondent. It is clear also that Albert Edwards, William Hughes, Max Sarles, and Walter Gray were supervisory employees at the times they engaged in the statements and acts hereinabove set forth, that they represented management, and that these statements and acts also were attributable to the respondent. Chase testified that Hughes, Sarles, and Gray were among those clas- sified as supervisory employees, having authority to hire or discharge, give orders, see that orders were carried out, or bind the respondent by contract or action. Chase testified that Edwards also was a super- visory employee prior to August 1939. We have found .above that he continued to be a supervisory employee thereafter. Upon the entire record, and in the light of the respondent's policy and the conduct of its other supervisory employees, we find that Edwards in acting as above described represented management. Cook testified that he had instructed the respondent's department heads that they must. "absolutely avoid anything resembling union activity." Several supervisory employees testified that they received such instructions, However, whether or not such instructions were given, the respondent on this record remains responsible for the acts of its supervisory employees. The effect on employees of coercive acts by supervisory employees is telling, regardless of whether such acts are sanctioned or proscribed by the employer. By authorizing the printing on its hectograph machine of "A Striking Mucker's Last Refrain," the respondent participated in an attempt to foster dissatisfaction and ultimate insurrection among the striking members of the Union. The circulation of this verse was calculated to discredit the union leaders in the eyes of the strikers and to discourage the continuation of the strike. We have found that the respondent was aware of rumors that an insurgent group within the Union would attempt to call off the strike at the union meeting on August 28, and that the respondent was favor- able to such an attempt. On the evening of August 28 a mob hostile to the Union formed across the street from the union hall. Among those present were Edwards and Hughes, supervisory employees of the respondent, who were never called as witnesses to explain their presence on this occasion. Hughes, who had purchased membership cards used by the Federation, praised the chief assailant during the assault, thereby expressing his approval of the unlawful assault. Ed- wards, in, addition to lending his support to the anti-union mob by his presence therein, participated in the formation of the Federation SHENANDOAH-DIVES MINING COMPANY 1171 in that he attended the meeting, occurring immediately after the violence, which purported to abolish the Union to clear the way for the Federation, The respondent did not by notice or other means dis- associate itself from the unlawful conduct of the mob which in fact it had anticipated and desired. The dominating interest which the strike and all attendant activities of the Union had for the community could not operate to relieve the respondent of its duty to remain aloof from any movement to effect a change of leadership within the Union. On the contrary, we think that the circumstances imposed on the re- spondent an increased duty to refrain from interfering in any way with the conduct of union affairs. Under the circumstances disclosed by this record, we find that the respondent allied itself with, and must therefore be held responsible for, the rioting and violence of August 2811 The respondent thereby demoralized strikers, disrupted the Union, and propelled employees into forming the Federation. On September 6, 1939, the respondent signed a contract recognizing the Federation -as exclusive collective bargaining representative of its employees, although, as we have found, the Federation had not at that time been designated as such representative by an uncoerced ma- jority of the employees in an appropriate unit. Moreover, as we have found, the Union continued to be the statutory representative of the respondent's employees during this period. Consequently, the re- spondent could not lawfully extend the Federation recognition as such representative.16 We find that by signing the contract with the Fed- eration, the respondent unlawfully contributed substantial support to it.17 When the respondent resumed operations on September 6, it dele- gated to the Federation authority to determine who should be recalled to work. By its action the respondent placed in the hands of the Federation a powerful weapon to be wielded in securing additional members among the respondent's employees. We find that by giving the Federation and authority to determine who should be recalled to work the respondent contributed support to the Federation.- Considered in the light of the respondent's activities during the strike and its dealings with the Federation, Hughes' unexplained presence, both at the courthouse and at the union hall, when the union committee returned to Silverton on September 6, together with the conduct of Cook and Sarles on that occasion, constituted an additional manifestation of hostility to the Union and of partiality toward the 15 Cf. N. L. R. B. v. Elkland Leather Co ., 114 F. ( 2d) 221 (C. C. A. 3), cert . denied, 311 U. S. 705. ie See N. L. R . B. v. Jones & Laughlin Steel Corp . 301 U. S 1. a Cf. N. L. R. B v . Pennsylvania Greyhound Lines , Inc., 303 U S 261. u+ The respondent 's delegation of such authority to the Federation was not made pursuant to any contract covered by the proviso to Section 8 (3). 4 51270-42-N of 35-75 1172 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Federation. Such behavior by these supervisory employees demon- strated that the respondent was carefully observing the activities of union members, and necessarily acted as a further restraint upon the exercise by union members of their right under the Act to engage in concerted activities. Chase's refusal to give recommendations to Svedenborg and Bron- son was clearly motivated by their membership in the Union and participation in the strike. We are of the opinion that the expectancy of receiving such a recommendation upon request, for work well done, is one of the ordinary incidents of employment. The refusal of such a recommendation because of an employee's union activity, when it becomes known to other employees, necessarily operates as a deterrent to subsequent participation in similar activities by those employees. We find that by refusing to give recommendations to Svedenborg and Bronson the respondent interfered with and restrained its employees in the exercise of rights guaranteed in the Act. We find that by authorizing the printing on its hectograph machine of "A Striking Mucker's Last Refrain"; Foreman Hughes' ordering and paying for membership cards subsequently used by the Federa- tion; the presence of Albert Edwards and William Hughes in the mob outside the union hall on August 28, 1939; the statement of Wil- liam Hughes to Charles Wing on that occasion; the presence of Albert Edwards at the first meeting of the Federation on August 29, 1939; the signing of an exclusive representation contract with the Federa- tion on September 6, 1939; the delegation to the Federation of author- ity to determine who should be recalled to work; the conduct of Wil- liam Hughes , Cash Cook, and Max Sarles , on September 6, 1939, when the union committee returned to Silverton; Walter Gray's telling Ed- ward Talbot to sign a disclaimer ; Charles Chase's refusal to give accom- mendations to Knut Svedenborg and Edmund Bronson; the respond- ent's discrimination in regard to hire and tenure of employment dis- cussed below ; and the threats and discrimination involved in these statements and acts of the respondent, the respondent dominated and interfered with the formation and administration of the Federation and contributed support to it, and otherwise interfered with, re- strained, and coerced its employees in the exercise of the rights to self- organization, to bargain collectively through representatives of their own choosing, and to engage in concerted activities for the purposes of collective bargaining, as guaranteed in Section 7 of the Act. C. Effect of the unfair labor practices upon th e, strike The strikers remained employees within Section 2 (3), of the Act on and after July 16, 1939, the day the strike began. Such was their SHENANDOAH-DIVES MINING COMPANY 1173 status on or about August 15 and on August 28, when unfair labor practices, as hereinabove set forth, took place. Thereafter some employees succumbed to such coercion and abandoned. the strike. Others, however, remained loyal to the Union which did not termi- nate the strike until November 24. They did not acquiesce in the abandonment of the strike.19 They evidenced their continuance of the strike between August 28 and November 24 by refraining from applying for, or accepting, reinstatement prior to November 25, and by applying thereafter. Although a number of them received bene- fits under a State unemployment compensation statute which ap- parently purports to deny unemployment compensation to strikers, this fact alone cannot on this record alter our finding, and we ac- cordingly find, that such persons before and after obtaining benefit payments and the other loyal union members remained away from work prior to November 25 in connection with their dispute with the respondent. Moreover, we find that the unfair labor practices on and prior to August 28 prolonged the strike and that unfair labor practices thereafter prolonged it further. D. The discriminatory refusal, to reinstate The complaint, as amended, alleges that on November 25, 1939, and thereafter; the respondent refused to reinstate to their former positions of employment 85 employees who participated in the strike of July 15, 1939, for the reason that they remained members of the Union and participated in the strike. It is further alleged that, by such refusal to reinstate, the respondent discriminated and is dis- criminating in regard to the hire and tenure of employment of the 85 individuals, thereby discouraging membership in the Union, in violation of Section 8 (3) of the Act. The respondent denies these allegations. As stated above,-after signing a contract with the Federation, the respondent resumed operations at its mine on September 6, 1939. From day to day thereafter it posted lists of persons who were instructed to return to work at specified times. By November 1939, the respondent had on its pay roll 224,mine and mill employees ex- clusive of office and supervisory employees. One hundred sixty- eight of these employees were persons who had worked, for the respondent at some time prior to the strike; fifty-six were new employees. On.November 24, 1939, the Union officially terminated 19 The employees who voted to end the strike on August 29 could not and did not thereby foreclose other employees from engaging in a strike or other concerted activity Cf Matter of Washougal Woolen Mills and Local 127, Textile Workers Union of America, 23 N L R B 1 - 1174 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD the strike. On November 25 the Union notified the respondent of this action, and acting in behalf of the strikers, requested their re- instatement. On December 7, 1939, the Union made written applica- tion to the respondent for the reinstatement of 84 named indi- viduals.20 A considerable number of these 84 persons also made individual applications for reinstatement either by letter or in person. Charles Setterquist, named in Appendix A, is the only person named in the complaint who is not among the 84 persons in whose behalf the Union applied for reinstatement. Nor does it appear that he personally applied for reinstatement. His name is not on the respondent's pay roll for July 1 to 15, 1939, the last operating period before the strike, and there is no evidence that he partici pated in the strike. We find that the respondent did not discrimi- nate against Setterquist in regard to the hire and tenure or terms and conditions of his employment. With respect also to six other persons named in Appendix A, who were also among the 84 persons for whose reinstatement the Union applied, the record fails to sup- port the allegations of discrimination. Chester Yates, one of the six, quit his job with the respondent in June 1937 to accept a full- time position as secretary of the Union. This position he held con- tinuously until the time of the strike, in which he participated. At the time of the hearing he had not been reinstated. There is no reason to believe that Yates intended, when he quit, to return to his job, or that he would have been reemployed by the respondent had the strike not occurred. The remaining five persons named in Ap- pendix A worked for the respondent at one time, but they left the respondent's employ prior to the commencement of, the strike on July 15, 1939.21 There is no evidence that any of these individuals participated in the strike in any way, that they intended to return to their jobs, or that any of them would have been reemployed by the respondent had the strike not occurred. We find that the respondent did not discriminate against the per- sons named in Appendix A in regard to the hire and tenure or terms and conditions of their employment. The remaining 78. persons of the 84 named in the Union's request for reinstatement are listed in Appendix B. Special mention need be made of only 5 of these persons. Joe Kinterknecht and Claude Robinson have been recalled to work by the respondent'22 but the 2° The respondent 's argument , that the applications of November 25 and December 7 are insufficient because filed by the Union is without merit because , among other reasons, the respondent's refusal to reinstate the strikers was not based on this ground. 21 Lovingood last worked for the respondent on June 27 , 1939; Maynes on March 23, 1939 ; Miskinis on May 30, 1939 ; Raskovich on May 9, 1939 ; and Smith on April 7, 1939. Miskinis was subsequently reemployed by the respondent on.May 19, 1940. 22 Kinterknecht was recalled to work on February 10, 1940, and Robinson on May 18, 1940. SHENANDOAH-DIVES MINING COMPANY 1175 record does not show whether they have been reinstated to their former or substantially equivalent positions with full seniority and other rights and privileges. Elmer Dosher and Aaron Harper are union members who temporarily left their jobs prior to the strike, after requesting and receiving from the respondent permission to do so and assurances that their jobs would be held open for them.23 Dosher returned to Silverton during the strike, on July 28, 1939. Harper returned to the mine a few days before the strike and asked for his job back. Cook, the superintendent, refused to give him work, giving as a reason the imminence of the strike, but said he would put Harper "on the list" for work after the strike was over. Both of these men participated in the strike as pickets. Neither had been reinstated at the time of the hearing. Andy Sutyak is also a member of the Union. He had worked for the respondent about 5 years when he was injured on the respondent's tram on October 30, 1937. Because of his injury, he was unable to work thereafter until early in the summer of 1939. He then accepted light work with an: other employer. A few days before the strike commenced, Sutyak met Cook and Hughes in a Silverton hardware store. He told them what he was doing, and they assured him that he could return to the mine at any time he was ready and that the respondent would give him light work to do. Sutyak participated in the strike as a picket. The Union applied for his reinstatement on November 25, 1939. Thereafter, on December 13, he applied personally to Chase for rein- statement. He testified -that Chase refused him, saying, "No, Andy, there is no job for you. You were too much of a destroy to the com- pany. You stick with the wrong people ; you go down there and make a bunch of lies and come up here and want your job back with the company and ask for sympathy." When Sutyak protested that he had done nothing to destroy the respondent, Chase replied, "No, Andy, you didn't, but you sure tried your damndest." Chase heard Sutyak's testimony and testified that it was substantially correct. We find that Chase made a statement to Sutyak substanially as alleged. Suyak had not been reinstated at the time of the hearing. Since the strike was called as a consequence of and in connection with a current labor dispute, and since, as we have found, it was pro- longed by the respondent's unfair labor practices, the strikers named 23 Dosber stopped working on June 7, 1939 , because of illness, and left Silverton several days later on his doctor ' s orders Before leaving he told Verne Hamish, his shift boss, of his reason for going, and stated that he might be away for "a couple of months." Hamish replied , "Go right ahead , Elmer. Take your time because you will always have a job when you come back ." Dosher's brother, Charles, also spoke to Hamish and received similar assurances that Elmer Dosher's job would be waiting for him upon his return. Harper, on April 18, 1939, asked and received from the respondent permission to leave his job temporarily to take other work, with the understanding that if he should decide to return his job would be held open for him. 1176 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD in Appendix B remained employees of the respondent within the meaning of Section 2 (3) of the Act.24 Because the strike was pro- longed by the respondent's unfair labor practices, these-striking em- ployees were entitled to reinstatement to their forlner or substantially equivalent positions upon application therefor. The failure of the respondent thus to reinstate the persons named in Appendix B by displacing, if necessary, persons hired after August 28, 1939,25 who were not employees of the respondent on that date, constituted dis- crimination against such employees in regard to the hire and tenure and terms and conditions of their employment, 'thereby discouraging membership in the Union and encouraging membership in the Fed- eration.26 , Moreover, the record reveals the respondent's intention to discrimi- nate against the striking employees because of their membership in the Union and participation in the strike. The delegation to the Fed- eration of authority to determine who should be recalled to work indicated such an intention. Chase's refusal to give recommendations to Bronson and Svedenborg because of their union activities, and his refusal of employment to Sutyak for the same reason, further demon- strated the respondent's intention to discriminate against the strikers. Chase testified-,at the hearing that he considered that those employees who continued as members of the Union and participated in the strike after the formation of the Federation were working toward the de- struction of the respondent and of the community. Finally, so far as the record shows, only 12 of the 32 persons hired by the respondent between November 25, 1939, and April 30, 1940, had previously worked for the respondent; 20 were new employees. We find that by the foregoing refusal to reinstate the striking em- ployees listed in Appendix B the respondent discriminated with re- 24 Dosher , Harper, and Sutyak did not permanently quit their jobs, nor were they discharged by the respondent . The mere fact that they were not physically working for the respondent when the strike began does not affect their status as employees under the Act. Matter of Western Felt Works , a corporation and Textile Workers Organizing Committee, Western Felt Local, 10 N. L. R. B. 407; Matter of Suehne Manufacturing Company and Local No. 1791, United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America, 7 N L R B 304. 2 The unlawful assault took place on August 28. Despite a prior unfair labor practice in connection with the doggerel , we have selected August 28 as determinative because the precise date of the first unfair labor practice is unknown , and no new employees were hired between its occurrence and August 28. z" Black Diamond Steamship Corp. v. N. L. R. B.,' 94 F. (2d) 875 (C. C A 2 ), cert. denied, 304 U. S 579, enf 'g Matter of Black Diamond Steamship Corporation and Marine Engineers ' Beneficial Association , Local No. 33 , 3 N. L. R B . 84; N. L. R. B. v. American Manufacturing Company, 106 F. (2d) 61 (C. C. A 2), 60 S. Ct. 616 , enf'g as mod. Matter of American Manufacturing Company; Company Union of the American Manu- facturing Company; the Collective Bargaining Committee of the Brooklyn Plant of the American Manufacturing Company and Textile Workers ' Organizing Committee , C. 1. 0., 5 N L R B. 443; Matter of Western Felt Works, a _ corporation and Textile Workers Organizing Committee, Western Felt Local, 10 N. L . R. B. 407; Matter of McKaig -Hatch, Inc and Amalgamated Association of Iron, Steel , and Tin Workers of North America, Local No 1139 , 10 N. L. R. B. 33. SHENANDOAH-DIVES MINING COMPANY 1177 gard to the hire and tenure and terms and conditions of employment of those employees, thereby discouraging membership in the Union and encouraging membership in the Federation, and that the respond- ent thereby interfered with, restrained, and coerced its employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed in Section 7 of the Act. IV. THE EFFECT OF THE UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES UPON COMMERCE We find that the activities of the respondent set forth in Section III above, occurring in connection with the operations of the re- spondent described in Section I above, have a close, intimate, and substantial relation to trade, traffic, and commerce among the several States, and tend to lead to labor disputes burdening and obstructing commerce and the free flow of commerce. V. THE REMEDY Having found that the respondent has engaged in unfair labor practices, we shall order it to cease and desist therefrom and to take certain affirmative action designed to effectuate the policies of the Act and to restore as nearly as possible the conditions which existed prior to the commission of the unfair labor practices. We have found that the respondent dominated and interfered with the formation and administration of and contributed support to the Federation. We shall order the respondent to cease and desist there- from. In order to free the employees from the effects of the respond- ent's domination and interference with and contribution of support to the Federation, to restore to them the rights guaranteed in Sec- tion 7 of the Act, and otherwise to effectuate the policies of the Act, we shall also order the respondent to disestablish the Federation and to withdraw all recognition from that organization as the represent- ative of any of its employees for the purposes of, collective bargaining. Since the agreement between the respondent and the Federation, constitutes an unfair labor practice, the fruit of unfair labor prac- tices, and a means by which to perpetuate them, we shall order the respondent to cease giving effect to this contract, or to any extension, renewal, modification, or supplement thereof or any superseding con- tract with the Federation.27 Nothing in the order, however, shall be taken to require the respondent to vary those wages, hours, and other such substantive features of its relations with the employees themselves, which the respondent may have established in perform- ance of its contract with the Federation. 27N. L. R. B. v. Stackpole Carbon Company, 105 F. (2d) 167 (C. C. A. 3 ) ; Hamilton- Brown Shoo Company, a corporation v. N. L. R. B., 104 F. (2d) 49 (C. C. A. S). 1178 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD We have found that the employees listed in Appendix B ceased work as a consequence of and in connection with a current labor dis- pute, that unfair labor practices occurred which had the effect of prolonging the strike, and that the respondent discriminated against them in- regard to the hire and tenure and terms and conditions of their employment by refusing to reinstate them upon application therefor made in their behalf. Although Joe Kinterknecht and Claude Robinson had been recalled to work at the time of the hear- ing, it does not appear whether or not they had been reinstated to the positions to which they were entitled. We shall, therefore, order the respondent to offer reinstatement to their former or substantially equivalent positions to all employees listed in Appendix B and to give them back pay. The offer of reinstatement shall be without prejudice to their seniority and other rights and privileges. Such reinstatement shall be effected in the following manner : The number of persons hired after August 28, 1939, who were not employees of the respondent on that date, whose dismissal may be required to provide immediate reinstatement, shall be dismissed. If, despite such discharges, there is not, by reason of a reduction in the force of employees needed, suf- ficient employment immediately available for the remaining em- ployees, including the employees named in Appendix B, all available positions shall be distributed among such remaining employees in accordance with the respondent's usual method of reducing its force, without discrimination against any employee because of his union affiliation or activities, following a system of seniority to such extent as has heretofore been applied in the conduct of the respondent's business. Those employees remaining after such distribution, for whom no employment is immediately available, shall be placed upon a preferential list prepared in accordance with the principles set forth in the previous sentence and shall, thereafter, in accordance with such list, be offered employment as it becomes available and before other persons are hired for such work. The respondent will also be required to pay each of the employees named in Appendix B an amount equal to that which he would have earned from November 25, 1939, to the date of the offer of reinstate- ment, less his net earnings 28 during that period, had the respondent 21 By "net earnings " is meant earnings less expenses , such as for transportation, room, and board, incurred by an employee in connection with obtaining work and working else- where than for the respondent , which would not have been incurred but for his unlawful discharge and the consequent necessity of his seeking employment elsewhere . See Matter of Crossett Lumber Company and Unsted Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America, Lumber and Sawmill Workers ' Union, Local 2590, 8 N L. R. B. 440. Monies received for work performed upon Federal, State, county , municipal , or other work -relief projects shall be considered as earnings . Republic Steel Corp. v. N. L. R . B., 311 U. S. 7. SHENANDOAH-DIVES MINING COMPANY 1179 not discriminated in regard to his hire and tenure of employment. Even if we were to 'assume that the respondent's denial of re- instatement to the employees listed in Appendix B when the Union made application on their behalf did not constitute an unfair labor practice, we should, nevertheless, under the circumstances, award re- instatement and back pay to these employees in the manner set forth herein. The strike having been prolonged by unfair labor practices, any refusal by the respondent of a request for reinstatement made by the employees was at all times subject to such order as the Board in executing the purposes and policies of the Act might make, directing the respondent to reinstate said employees, to dismiss per- sons hired since August 28, 1939, who were not employees of the respondent on that date, for the purpose of making positions avail- able for such reinstatement, and to compensate such employees for any loss of wages sustained by virtue of a refusal.29 Our order will include a provision for the posting of certain no- tices. Since the respondent has an agreement with Lloyd Jones for the use of a part of his printing establishment in Silverton as a hiring hall, and customarily posts there the names of men whom it desires to report for work, we shall order the respondent to post a notice in a conspicuous place in the printing establishment of Jones as well as in its mine and mill. Upon the basis of the foregoing findings of fact and upon the entire record in the case, the Board makes the following : CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1. Silverton Miners Union No. 26 of the International Union of Mine, Mill & Smelter Workers and San Juan Federation of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers are labor organizations within the meaning of Section 2 (5) of the Act. 2. The mine and mill employees of the respondent engaged at or near Silverton, Colorado, but excluding office employees, foremen, shift bosses, and other supervisory employees, at all times material herein, constituted and now constitute a unit appropriate for the purpose of collective bargaining with respect to rates of pay, wages, hours of employment, and other conditions of employment within the meaning of Section 9 (b) of the Act. 3. Silverton Miners Union No. 26 of the International Union of Mine, Mill & Smelter Workers was on April 1, 1939, and at all times °Black Diamond Steamship Coip . v. N. L. R B, 94 F. ( 2d) 875, cert . den. 304 U. S. 579, enf'g Matter of Black Diamond Steamship Corporation and Marine Engineers' Beneficial Association , Local No. 33, 3 N L. R. B . 84; Matter of McKaig-Hatch, Inc. and Amalgamated Association of Iron, Steel, and Tin Workers of North America, Local No 1139, 10 N. L. R. B. 33 ; Matter of Western Felt Works, a corporation and Textile Workers Organizing Committee , Western Felt Local, 10 N. L. R. B. 407. 1180 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD thereafter has been, the exclusive representative of all such employees for the purposes of collective bargaining, within the meaning of Sec- tion 9 (a) of the Act. 4. By dominating and interfering with the formation and admin- istration of San Juan Federation of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers and by contributing support to said organization, the respondent has engaged in and is engaging in unfair labor practices, within the meaning of Section 8 (2) of the Act. 5. By, discriminating in regard to the hire and tenure and terms and conditions of employment of the employees listed in Appendix B, thereby discouraging membership in Silverton Miners Union No. 26 of the international Union of Mine, Mill & Smelter Workers and encouraging membership in San Juan Federation of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers, the respondent has engaged in and is engaging in -unfair labor practices, within the meaning of Section 8 (3)of the Act. 6. By interfering with, restraining, and coercing its employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed in Section 7 of the Act, the respondent has engaged in and is engaging in unfair labor practices, within the meaning of Section 8 (1) of the Act. 7. The aforesaid unfair labor practices are unfair labor practices affecting commerce, within the meaning of Section 2 (6) and (7) of the Act. 8. The respondent has not engaged in unfair labor practices within the meaning of Section 8 (5) of the Act, or within the meaning of Section 8 (3) of the Act with regard to Charles Setterquist, Chester Yates, Victor Lovingood, Sam Maynes, Pete Miskinis, Nick Rasko- vich, or Michael Smith. ORDER Upon the basis of the above findings of fact and conclusions of law, and pursuant to Section 10 (c) of the National Labor Relations Act, the National Labor Relations Board hereby orders that the respond- ent, Shenandoah-Dives Mining Company, and its officers, agents, successors, and assigns shall: 1. Cease and desist from : (a) Dominating or interfering with the administration of San Juan Federation of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers, or with the formation or administration of any other labor organization of its employees, or contributing support to San Juan Federation of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers, or to any other labor organization of its employees; (b) Recognizing San Juan Federation of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers as the representative of any of its employees for the purpose of dealing with the respondent concerning grievances, labor disputes, SHENANDOAH-DIVES MINING COMPANY 1181 rates of pay, wages, hours of employment, or other conditions of employment ; (c) Giving effect to or performing its contract with San Juan Federation of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers relating to rates of pay, wages, hours of employment, and other conditions of employ- ment, or any extension, renewal, modification,. or supplement thereof or any superseding contract with such Federation; (d) Discouraging membership in Silverton Miners Union No. 26 of the International Union of Mine, Mill & Smelter Workers, or any other labor organization of its employees, or encouraging membership in San Juan Federation of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers, or any other labor organization of its employees, by refusing to reinstate any of its employees, or in any other manner discriminating in regard to hire or tenure of employment or any term or condition of employ- ment ; (e) In any other manner interfering with, restraining, or coercing its employees in the exercise of the right to self-organization, to form, join, or assist labor organizations, to bargain collectively through representatives of their own choosing, and to engage in concerted activities for the purposes of collective bargaining or other mutual aid and protection, as guaranteed in Section 7 of the National Labor Relations Act. 2. Take the following affirmative action which the Board finds will effectuate the policies of the Act : (a) Withdraw all recognition from San Juan Federation of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers as the representative of any of its em- ployees for the purpose of dealing with the respondent concerning grievances, labor disputes, wages, rates of pay, hours of employment, or other conditions of employment, and completely disestablish San Juan Federation of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers as such repre- sentative ; (b) Offer to the employees listed in Appendix B immediate and full reinstatement to their former or substantially equivalent posi- tions, without prejudice to their seniority and other rights and priv- ileges, such offer to be effected in the manner set forth in the section entitled "The remedy," placing those employees for whom employ- ment is not immediately available upon a preferential list in the manner set forth in said section, and thereafter, in said manner, offer them employment as it becomes available; (c) Make whole the employees named in Appendix B for any losses of pay they may have suffered by reason of the respondent's discrim- ination in regard to their hire and tenure and conditions of employ- ment, by payment to each of them, respectively, of a sum of money equal to that which each would normally have earned as wages during 1182 DECISIONS ,OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD the period from November 25, 1939, to the date of the offer of rein- statement, less his net earnings, if any, during said period, had the respondent not discriminated in regard to his hire and tenure and terms and conditions of employment; (d) Post immediately in conspicuous places throughout its mine and mill and in the printing establishment of Lloyd Jones, in Silver- ton, and maintain for a period of at least sixty (60) consecutive days from the date of posting, notices to its employees stating : (1) that the respondent will not engage in the conduct from which it is ordered to cease and desist in paragraphs 1 (a), (b), (c), (d), and (e) of this Order; (2) that the respondent will take the affirmative action set forth in paragraphs 2 .(a), (b), and (c) of this Order; (3) that the respondent's employees are free to become or remain members of Sil- verton Miners Union No. 26 of the International Union of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers and the respondent will not discriminate against any employee because of membership or activity in that organization; (e) Notify the Regional Director of the Twenty-second Region in writing within ten (10) days from the date of this Order what steps the respondent has taken to comply herewith. AND IT IS FURTHER ORDERED ' that the complaint, in so far as it alleges that the respondent has engaged in unfair labor practices within the meaning of Section 8 (5) of the National Labor Relations Act, and in so far as it alleges that the respondent has engaged in unfair labor practices within the meaning of Section 8 (3) of the said Act with regard to the employees named in Appendix A, be, and it hereby is, dismissed. APPENDIX A Victor Lovingood Sam Maynes Pete Miskinis Nick Raskovich Charles Setterquist Michael Smith Chester Yates APPENDIX B Joe Aschenbrenner John Aschenbrenner James Bell W. R. Bodine Louis Bodo, Jr. Henry Boglino Mike Borcich Edmund Bronson C. N. Campton Victor Cassagranda Frank Cerniwey Gene Clay Manuel Cordova P. G. Cuddigan Joe Dalpra Charles Dosher Elmer Dosher Wilfred Downtain John Drganc Emory Earle SHENANDOAH-DIVES MINING COMPANY 1183 Marion Everett Arthur Freeland Ernest Gallagher George Gallagher, Sr. Joe Giecek Anton Girodo Allen Godfrey Delmer Godfrey Joe Grande C. L. Hamblin Aaron Harper Joe Herrera Cecil Higman Orley Imes Tom Jackson Amos Jaramillo Levi Jaramillo Levi Jeantet Jack Kennedy Joe Kinterknecht William Loftus Donovan Long Curtis Lyons D. L. McCluer, Sr. Tim McCluer Otis Mays Emil Millich William Morgan Oscar Nelson Jack Parnell Tony Perez Roy Peters Dave Purdy, Steve Purdy Claude Robinson Joe Romero Charles Roney C. S. Rosenstock Ed Ross Alfonza Roy Tappo Salmine M. J. Stefan Wilmer Stoddard Victor Strsky Roy Sutherland Andy Sutyak Knut Svedenborg Leonard Talbot Charles Thomas Joseph Todeschi Harry Turner John Turner Joseph Velardi Gus Von Fintel William Walker John Weiss Norman Wells George Yates Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation