Shell Oil Co.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsJan 13, 1972194 N.L.R.B. 988 (N.L.R.B. 1972) Copy Citation 988 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Shell Oil Company and its divisions Shell Chemical Company and Shell Development Company and OR, Chemical & Atomic Workers International Union, AFL-CIO, and its Locals Nos. 1-2, 1-5, 1-19, 1-120, 1-128, 1-210, 1-547, 1-589, 2-477, 4-367, 4-750, 7 389, 7-390, 8-800. Case 2-CA-11628 January 13, 1972 DECISION AND ORDER BY CHAIRMAN MILLER AND MEMBERS FANNING AND KENNEDY On August 6, 1971, Trial Examiner Arthur Leff issued the attached Decision in this proceeding. Thereafter, the General Counsel and the Charging Party filed exceptions and supporting briefs, and Respondent filed cross-exceptions and a supporting brief.' Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Relations Board has delegated its authority in this proceeding to a three-member panel. The Board has considered the record and the Trial Examiner's Decision in light of the exceptions, cross- exceptions, and briefs and has decided to affirm the Trial Examiner's rulings, findings, and conclusions and to adopt his recommended Order.2 ORDER Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Relations Board adopts as its Order the recommend- ed Order of the Trial Examiner and hereby orders that the complaint herein be, and it hereby is, dismissed in its entirety. TRIAL EXAMINER'S DECISION STATEMENT OF THE CASE ARTHUR LEFF, Tnal Examiner : This case is based on a charge filed on August 22, 1968, by the Unions above named (herein collectively called either the Union or OCAW) against the Companies above named (herein collectively called either the Respondent or Shell) and a complaint issued on September 23, 1970 , alleging that the Respondent engaged in unfair labor practices within the meaning of Section 8(a)(5) and (1) of the National Labor Relations Act in respects to be stated below. The Respondent in its ' answer denied the commission of the alleged unfair labor practices . A hearing on the issues of this case was held at New York City on March 15-17, 1971. Briefs were filed by all parties on May 21, 1971, and a reply brief was filed by the Respondent on June 15, 1971. Upon the entire record , including my observation of the demeanor of the witnesses , and after due consideration of the briefs filed by the parties, I make the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. THE BUSINESS OF THE RESPONDENT Shell Oil Company, a Delaware corporation , which has its principal office and place of business in New York City and operates plants and other places of business in the States of California, Louisiana, Indiana, Michigan, New Jersey, Colorado, Texas, and Washington, is engaged in purchasing, producing, refining, distributing, and market- ing petroleum, chemical, and related products. The Respondent annually ships products valued in excess of $50,000 in interstate commerce from its various places of business where they are produced to States in the United States other than their source of origin, as well as in foreign commerce to foreign countries . The Respondent, as it admits, is engaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(2),(6), and (7) of the Act. II. THE LABOR ORGANIZATION INVOLVED The International Union and its various locals named in the caption of the complaint are labor organizations within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. ' The Charging Party's request for oral argument is hereby denied, as the record, the, exceptions, the cross -exceptions and briefs adequately present the issues and the positions of the parties. 2 We hereby correct the following inadvertent errors in the Trial Examiner's Decision which in no way affected his decision nor our adoption thereof The last sentence of the 15th paragraph of sec. III, B should read , "in every instance the basic modification as proposed by Shell has either been accepted by the Union or implemented by Shell after impasse " In the first sentence of the ninth paragraph of sec. III, C, the dates should be changed to January 15, 1970, and November 26, 1969, respectively . In fn . 15, "Respondent" should read "Charging Party and General Counsel ." Finally, in Appendix A the table should be changed to reflect that the OCAW International was certified as the representative of the specified unit at the Shell Oil Refinery in Anacortes , Washington, on 12-23-55 and that the unit contains 214 employees ; that the OCAW International and Local 7-389 were certified as the representative of the specific unit at the Shell Oil Marketing Plant in Detroit , Michigan, on 3-10-39, and that the Shell Development Co. is located at Emeryville, California III. THE ALLEGED UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES A. The Central Issue Broadly stated, the issue presented for determination is this: In light of the limited subject matter involved and the character of the parties past dealings with regard to that subject matter, did the Respondent unlawfully refuse to bargain in good faith with the Union in July 1968, and thereafter, by rejecting the Union's request that it meet and bargain at a single time and place with the OCAW representatives of some 19 separate bargaining units of its employees concerning revisions in certain company-wide fringe benefit plans, although the plans themselves , as well as the changes therein which Shell had proposed , and which the Union on behalf of all OCAW-represented bargaining 194 NLRB No. 166 SHELL OIL COMPANY 989 units had counterproposed, were uniform for all such bargaining units? B. Background Shell employs at its numerous locations in the United States a total of about 36,000 employees. About 10,000 of them are represented by various unions in about 80 separate bargaining units. OCAW is by far the largest single bargaining representative. Its International and/or various affiliated locals are the certified representatives of nearly 6,000 Shell employees who, at the time of the events in issue, were grouped in 19 separate bargaining units. The units vary in size from less than 100 employees (eight units) to morethan 1,000 employees (two units) and are located in various States, including, California, Colorado, Indiana, Louisiana, Michigan, New Jersey, and Washington.' Attached hereto as Appendix A is a table, drawn from a stipulated exhibit in the record, showing with respect to each of the 19 OCAW- represented bargaining units of Shell employees, as of about the time of the alleged refusal to bargain, the location of the unit, the date of certification, the identification (International, Local, or both) of the certified representative, a general description of the unit composition, and the number of employees in the unit.2, Historically, all collective-bargaining agreements to which Shell has been a party, including those covering the bargaining units here involved, have been negotiated between local management and local bargaining unit representatives, and separate contracts have been executed covering the employees in each unit separately. No negotiations have ever been conducted on a multiunit or companywide basis. The employees in each of the OCAW- represented units are covered by a number of uniform companywide fringe benefit plans or programs which are applicable as well to all other Shell personnel, including nonunion employees, employees represented by other unions, and supervisory and management personnel. Specifically involved in this proceeding are the following: (1) The Shell Pension Plan, which provides a retirement income for Shell employees computed in accordance with the formula set out in the plan. The plan is funded by Shell without employee contributions and is administered by Shell-appointed trustees. Pension benefits for Shell employ- ees have existed in some form since 1938. (2) The Shell Provident Fund, which has existed in one form or another since 1939. This is a savings program, which is administered by Shell-appointed trustees, to which employees may contribute up to a stipulated maximum percentage of their earnings, with their contributions matched by Shell, for investment at their option either in a thrift fund (bonds, debentures, and the like), an equity fund 1 Of the more than 60 bargaining units represented by unions other than OCAW, only 6 contain more than 100 employees , the largest has 690 employees. 2 Two of the 19 listed units , the production and maintenance unit at Torrence , California , and the unit of testers and gaugers in the State of California , are no longer represented by OCAW. 3 Not directly involved in this proceeding is another company benefit plan, the Health , Surgical and Medical Plan (HSM ), which covers some OCAW-represented employees and some employees in units represented by other unions , as well as all nonrepresented Shell employees . It appears that (similar to a stock mutual fund), or in Shell stock. The Provident Fund is designed primarily to provide savings for employees' use after their termination or retirement, but employees also have limited withdrawal rights during their employment. (3) The Shell Survivor Benefit Plan , first established in 1952, which provides life insurance under a group policy for employees up to a specified proportion of their annual earnings, with premiums paid by Shell. (4) A Group Life Insurance Program, dating from 1944, which permits employees to purchase additional life insurance coverage at group rates, but at their own expense. (5) A Disability Plan in existence since 1938, which provides income in stipulated amounts and for stipulated' periods to employees unable to work because of accident or illness.3 The provisions of the companywide fringe benefit plans are not written into the negotiated collective-bargaining agreements which cover terms and conditions of employ- ment generally, and, unlike such agreements, which are for fixed terms, allow for modification at any time. Particularly with respect to the Pension Plan and the Provident Fund, Shell' has always resisted union efforts to have their benefit provisions guaranteed for fixed periods. The Pension Plan and Provident Fund, as written, reserve to the Shell- appointed trustees the right to amend, modify, or terminate Shell's participation in them at any time. When, as has occurred in a few instances, collective-bargaining contracts have made reference to benefits provided by the company- wide plans, the contracts have always included a caveat that "these plans will be subject to any change, revision, or revocation which is made generally effective throughout the Company," or language of similar import. Shell has never disputed that changes in the benefit plans at issue are subject to the Act's bargaining requirements, even where, as in the case of the Pension Plan and the Provident Fund, the underlying trust agreements, reserve to the trustees broad authority to add to, modify, or even revoke employee benefits that have been announced to employees. At various times during the many years the plans have been in existence Shell has effected changes in the plans. As will more fully appear below, whenever such changes were made, Shell has always abided by the formalities of bargaining before making such changes operative for represented employees, by first proposing the change to the representative of each bargaining unit, and by according that representative an opportunity both to voice its objections, if any, and to meet with local management to discuss the changes. Similarly, whenever OCAW unit representatives have made proposals of their own for benefit plan changes, Shell has agreed to discuss such proposals on the individual unit level. It is the contention of the General Counsel and the most OCAW-represented units, as well as some units represented by other unions, refused to join in the HSM plan when it was first proposed in 1953, preferring to remain under the Blue Cross or other plans by which they were already covered. In those instances Shell agreed to supplementary or substitute plans Shell subsidizes the substitute plans to the same extent that it does its own HSM plan . There have been times when Shell in negotiations with a union for a particular unit has conceded an increase in the amount of its subsidy. It then similarly increased the amount of its subsidy under its own HSM plan, and also extended the same increase to all other units covered by substitute plans 990 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Charging party, however, a contention disputed by the Respondent, that the "bargaining" which has occurred at the individual unit level has amounted to no more than sterile discussions; that any meaningful bargaining at the local level has realistically been precluded by the central- ized and uniform manner in which Shell has historically administered and effected changes in its benefit plan. That contention provides one of the pillars on which the General Counsel rests his argument that it was unlawful for Shell in 1968 to reject the OCAW demand for simultaneous bargaining on behalf of all OCAW units concerning benefit plan changes. It is important, therefore, before turning to the events which immediately gave rise to this proceeding, to examine the manner in which Shell has decided upon and implemented changes in the benefit plans at issue, the extent to which Shell has followed a policy of uniformity with respect thereto, and the nature of the bargaining that has taken place at the local level with respect to changes in the fringe benefit plans that have been proposed by the Company or counterproposed by the Union. The facts relating to the manner in which Shell has historically decided upon changes to be made in the benefit plans at issue and has proceeded to implement its decisions are not essentially in dispute. Shell maintains at its corporate headquarters (located at the time this case arose in New York City) a policy and benefits division. That division conducts a continuous review and analysis of Shell's fringe benefit plans, taking into account the fringe benefit programs of other companies, changes in relevant legislation such as in the Social Security Act, reports and recommendations from plant and field employee relations managers, feedbacks from the field concerning proposals and requests made by the unions with which Shell bargains, and all other information which the division deems pertinent. Based on the studies it makes, the information it receives, and its own evaluation of what is appropriate, the policy and benefits division from time to time recommends changes in the benefit plans. These recommendations are then considered, along with the cost factors involved, by the appropriate corporate officers who make the final decision. The timing of the decision and its announcement are not geared to coincide with the expiration date of any OCAW unit contract. This was true, not only when the OCAW contracts had different expiration dates, but also during recent-,pears when most of the OCAW units' contracts have had common expiration dates. For example, when the changes which are specifically involved in this case were announced by Shell in May 1968, the OCAW units had contracts expiring December 31, 1968, or shortly thereafter. Once a decision has been made at Shell's corporate headquarters to revise a fringe benefit plan, a letter is drafted addressed to "all employees" announcing and describing the change. Shortly before this letter is scheduled to be mailed to employees generally (10 days in the case of the May 1968 changes), it is sent to each of the unit bargaining representatives with which Shell deals, along with a standard covering letter drafted at Shell's headquar- ters, but signed by local management. The covering letter states the effective date of the revisions that have been decided upon, the date on which the announcement of the change will be released to Shell's employees generally, and Shell's intention to make the announced revisions applica- ble to the unit's employees unless their union objects by a stated date. The letter concludes with an expression of local management's willingness to meet with the union to discuss the matter, if so requested. On frequent occasions, one or more unions , following receipt of Shell's proposal, have requested meetings, raised objections, or presented counterproposals. On such occa- sions, Shell has proceeded to make the changes effective as of the originally announced date for all unrepresented employees, as well as for employees represented by unions which have not objected, but has deferred doing so for employees represented by an objecting union pending that union's agreement to the changes.4 Whenever objections or counterproposals have been presented by a unit representa- tive, local Shell management has always met and discussed them with the objecting unit representative. However, except for one instance involving a relatively insignificant concession which affected the benefits of only one employee,5 Shell in the end has invariably refused to modify either the formulation or substance of its own proposal in any respect. As was stipulated by all parties at the hearing, "in every instance the basic modification as proposed by Shell has either been accepted by Shell or implemented by Shell after impasse."" More often than not, the benefit revisions fashioned by Shell have been announced at times when OCAW collective-bargaining contracts were not open for negotia- tions, and the OCAW unions were contractually precluded from striking.6 OCAW unit representatives, however, have frequently presented proposals of their own while contracts were open for negotiations, and also on occasions have deferred until that time the consideration of their objections or counterproposals to changes which Shell had earlier initiated or proposed. The union proposals made at the individual unit level always contemplated changes within the framework of the existing companywide benefit plans, and never sought a completely separate or substitute plan applicable only to the unit involved in the negotia- tions. Local management at the individual unit level has at no time refused to discuss with the unit representatives the union proposals that were submitted. However, aside from the instance mentioned above when Shell predated for the Houston unit the effective date of a survivor benefit change to take care of the widow of one deceased employee, the record discloses only a single respect in which Shell has ever yielded a concession in local negotiations in response to a union proposal or counterproposal. That concession involved a provision in the Shell disability plan which, as last revised, requires a 1-day waiting period for nonoccupa- tional disability before an employee is entitled to benefits. During the 1954 negotiations in the Sewaren unit, which was then represented by a predecessor union of the OCAW, 4 In most but not all situations, however, when the objecting union did September 25 rather than on October 1, as originally proposed, in order to finally agree to the proposed changes, Shell would agree to apply them benefit the widow of an employee who had died in the interim. The retroactively to the originally announced effective date. deceased employee had been a mayor in the community. 5 At the Houston refinery in 1957, Shell agreed to make an 6 The no-strike articles in the contracts made no exception for midterm improvement in its survivor benefit plan effective for that unit on • disputes relating to the benefit plans. SHELL OIL COMPANY local Shell management agreed by letter to "consider waiving on an individual case basis the waiting period .. . subject to such administrative safeguards as may be determined necessary by the Company." The record discloses that somewhat similar waivers with respect to the 1-day waiting requirement now also exist at two other of the smaller OCAW units where that requirement would otherwise have been applicable. Although there is no direct evidence showing how these waivers came about, it is reasonable to infer that they also were the product of local negotiations. With the two relatively minor exceptions just noted, Shell has never responded in contract negotiations to union proposals for benefit changes by agreeing to accept any union proposal, in whole or in part. Nor, has Shell during contract negotiations ever made any specific counterpropo- sal to union requests for changes in an effort to meet or compromise proposals made by OCAW unit representatives.7 In discussing union proposals for change, the Company's local negotiators at times would indicate in'a general way that their headquarters office had under consideration benefit improvements of the kind in which the Union was then interested, but, when they did so, they always carefully refrained from any specific commitment that such changes would actually be forthcoming. At other times, the company negotiators rejected such union proposals without giving any indication of what might be in prospect, even where a change of similar kind was almost ready for announcement on a companywide basis. The last is vividly illustrated by the following: In the 1954 contract negotia- tions in the California "statewide" unit which were conducted in January and February of that year, the Union proposed the elimination or reduction of the waiting penod in the disability plan, which was then 3 days. During discussions of the Union's proposal, the Company made no counterproposal and indicated no willingness to modify the waiting period in any respect. The Union ultimately dropped its demand in the final contract wrap-up in order to achieve a contract. Two days later, Shell advised the Union at all locations that it was revising its disability benefits plan to reduce the waiting penod from three days to one day. The Union in its brief points to the foregoing incident as providing "the best single illustration of the futility of local bargaining with respect to these fringe benefit plans." In the end, the Union always had to withdraw its 7 The Respondent in its brief refers to the 1971 negotiations in the Norco unit when, it says, the Company "offered a substitute plan in response to union demands for increased pensions, by saying they were willing to consider a, trade for a reduced provident fund contribution." A careful reading of the underlying evidence makes reasonably clear, however, that the statement alluded to was neither intended by the company negotiators, nor considered by the union negotiators, as the proffer of a specific counterproposal aimed at bringing the parties closer to agreement The Union had asked for an increase in the pension multiplier to raise it to a level equal to that provided for in pension plans of certain other employers. The Company's position was that its pension plan should not be considered in isolation but in tandem with its Provident Fund which served to implement employee retirement benefits The expressed willingness to "consider" a trade for a reduced provident fund contribution appears to have been mentioned in passing simply to point up Shell's argument that, with the Provident Fund taken into account, its total benefit package was clearly superior to those of the other companies to 991 proposals for benefit plan changes made during contract negotiations in order to close out a contract. This was normally done at the final wrap-up stage of the negotia- tions, after negotiations had reached the point where each side felt it had extracted from the other all concessions it was likely to get on its affirmative demands. It was the usual practice of the negotiating parties at that time mutually to agree to drop all other items remaining in issue so as to clear the way for the final consummation of a contract. The Union's benefit demands would be with- drawn as part of that "package" arrangement. Under this wrap-up arrangement the Union actually gained nothing of economic value in specific exchange for the withdrawal of its proposals for benefit changes. According to the General Counsel' s witnesses , the give and take of bargaining that existed with respect to other matters has been wholly lacking when it came to the benefit plans. This is disputed by the Respondent. The Respondent however was able to show but one, and at most two, instances in more than 20 years of bargaining in some 19 separate units where a specific trade involving a benefit plan matter was effected. During the 1958 negotiations in the California "statewide" unit, the Union objected to proposals Shell had submitted for revisions in its Pension Plan and Provident Fund programs, and presented certain counterproposals of its own. A deal was finally concluded under which the Union consented to having the Company's benefit plan changes made applicable to the "statewide" unit and the Company agreed in exchange to pay a subsidy toward HSM coverage for present and future retirees .8 The second and more questionable instance occurred in the 1971 Houston unit negotiations, which were held after the complaint in this proceeding had issued. Near the end of the negotiations, the Company presented the Union a package settlement proposal which turned out to be its last proposal short of settlement. It then proposed a contract wrap-up under which each side would drop all of its remaining outstanding items not already satisfied by the package proposal. The Union then had four such remaining items, including one for benefit improvement and one for the liberalization of vacation computation. In making its wrap-up proposal the Company specifically mentioned the Union's benefits improvement proposal as one of the items to be dropped. The Union rejected the wrap-up proposal, saying something had to be added in exchange for the items it was being asked to drop. Subsequently, the Company, as an addition to its earlier package proposal, offered to which the Union had made reference. Had the company negotiators seriously intended to make a specific proposal of the sort claimed, they would have been required under company policy to obtain the prior clearance of company headquarters. It was admitted that the Norco negotiators had not checked with company headquarters for that purpose. 8 This finding is based on the testimony , credited in this respect, of Verle G Whittington, Shell's manager of industrial relations. Whittington's testimony was partially disputed by Virgil Coragliotta, an OCAW International representative. On the point of their disagreement, the minutes of the negotiating meeting involved appear more consistent with Whittington's testimony than with Corgliotta's. The record does not specifically show whether the HSM subsidy for retirees which was agreed to in these negotiations was subsequently extended to retirees on a companywide basis, but , from other evidence in the record relating to Shell's policy in matters of this kind , it is reasonable to infer that it was. 992 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD concede substantially on the Union's request for liberaliza- tion of the vacation computation if the Union would agree to give the Company more flexibility in the use of a job classification, called permanent vacation breaker. The Union accepted that proposal and simultaneously agreed to a wrap-up arrangement as to all remaining outstanding items. So far as appears, OCAW has never made its failure to achieve results in local bargaining on benefits issues a subject for strike action. Verle Whittington, Shell's manager of industrial relations, testified that the Company never appraised OCAW proposals in this area as potential "stumbling blocks" to the settlement of contracts until perhaps the most recent negotiations in late 1970 and early 1971. Whittington attributed this "lack of pressure" from OCAW to the fact that Shell's benefits programs, on balance taken as a package, were among the best offered by the major companies in the oil industry, an industry which itself was in the top bracket of all American industry with respect to such programs. The Respondent denied in its answer the complaint's allegations that it centrally determines all revisions, modifications, and changes in the benefit plans at issue and that it follows a policy of uniformity in their implementa- tion. The facts set out above concerning the mechanics involved in making and announcing changes in the benefit plans can leave no doubt, however, that such changes are centrally determined. The allegation that Shell follows a policy of uniformity in the implementation of such changes, even where it goes through the formalities of separate unit bargaining at local levels, appears to be equally supported by the evidence as a whole. Except for the variations specifically mentioned above-the predating in the Houston unit of the survivor benefit change, the effect of which was to benefit the widow of one employee, and the modification of the 1-day disability benefit waiting period in three of the smaller -units-the only local deviation from uniformity to which Shell has been able to point relates to a special bonus package described in the marginal note and known as the "golden handshake," which Shell itself conceived, and which, with union acquiescence, it has offered at various times to employees at facilities faced with a large reduction of force .9 However, considering its nature and purpose, as well as the manner in which it has been applied, the "golden handshake" cannot, analytically, be classified as a local variation from uniformity, and certainly not one negotiated at the behest of the Union. The General Counsel in his brief characterizes it as in effect "a separate supplement to [the pension] plan uniformly made available at Shell's discre- tion to meet a layoff situation at any of its locations." This appears to be a fair characterization. 9 The "golden handshake" was designed to encourage in large layoff situations the early voluntary retirement of older employees (over 50 years of age with at least 20 years of service) and thereby allow for the retention of younger employees with less seniority who otherwise would be forced to go It offers such older employees, if they elect early retirement within a limited period of time, a waiver of the Pension Plan's retirement eligibility requirements and an upward revision of pension credits, as well as a substantial cash bonus in the form of extra severance pay The "golden handshake" has never been incorporated in the pension plan itself or made part of any collective-bargaining agreement It was first offered by Shell in 1961 at one of its facilities in the California "statewide unit" at the time of Considering the breadth of the benefit plans at issue and the multitude of terms, rules , and regulatory provisions contained in them, the fact that no more variations from complete uniformity have occurred than those shown above, in over 20 years of local bargaining covering some 19 separate units, strongly suggests that Shell 's local managers are expected as a,matter of company policy to conform in local bargaining to decisions centrally arrived with respect to Shell 's companywide fringe benefit plans. Other and more specific evidence serves to confirm a finding to that effect . Thus, it was stipulated at the hearing that Shell requires its local managers to obtain head office approval for any change in its benefit plans. Extracts of minutes of local bargaining sessions that are in evidence reveal a number of instances where local negotiators for Shell attributed to Shell's policy to maintain uniformity in its Pension Plan and the Provident - Fund, their own inability to agree to local deviations . On one occasion, when union negotiators accused local management of inability to bargain about changes in the benefit plans, the company negotiator , denying the charge, asserted that local management was fulfilling its bargaining obligation by obtaining the Union 's recommendations . He -then went on to explain that the local union could not expect local management to bargain otherwise on a companywide plan. Shell 's centralized control of local bargaining on benefit plans is perhaps best reflected by what occurred in the 1970 negotiations when the OCAW bargaining representatives made separate but identical pension proposals to Shell at each of the bargaining units.10 The OCAW proposals were submitted by Shell's local managers to Shell's policy and benefits division , and, after study and analysis by that division , were discussed at a meeting of local management officials held at central headquarters . There a collective judgment was arrived at to reject OCAW's demands, as was subsequently uniformly done in all units . The only matter that was left to the discretion of the local managers was the form of the presentation and choice of arguments to be used at the local level to support the collective judgment -that had been reached. C. The Specific Events Giving Rise to the Complaint On May 10, 1968, Shell sent a written notice to the certified representatives of each of the OCAW-represented units, advising that "revisions will be made in the Shell Pension Plan, Shell Provident Fund, Survivor Benefit, and Group Life Insurance Programs for Shell employees generally." The notice in each instance was signed by local Shell management in the unit to which the notice was directed. Attached to each notice was a separate letter a large layoff, and subsequently on the occasions of two further layoffs at plants in that unit in about 1965 and in 1969, it was also utilized at the Houston unit in 1962 and 1964, once in the Denver unit, and in the Norco unit in 1963. On each occasion it was proposed by Shell and in each instance was identical in its terms , except that when it was last applied, at California in 1969, it was modified at the Union 's request to extend the privilege of early retirement to employees who had 20 years of service but were not yet 50 years of age. is This was after Shell had rejected the OCAW request for bargaining at a single time and place, to be discussed infra SHELL OIL COMPANY addressed to all employees, summarizing in detail the proposed benefit plan changes. In all but five of the units, the notice to the union representatives stated that the revisions would be made applicable "to the employees whom you represent unless you object, in which event we should appreciate hearing from you by June 10, 1968." At the remaining five units the current collective-bargaining contracts contained provisions which Shell construed as permitting it to effect the proposed revisions unilaterally. The notices involving these units differed from the others in that they stated that the changes would become effective on the dates specified in the attached employee announcement letter." At the time the foregoing notices were sent, none of the collective-bargaining contracts in the OCAW-repre- sented units was open for negotiation; 15 of the contracts were due to expire on December 31, 1968, 2 on January 31, 1969, 1 on March 31, 1969, and 1 on May 1, 1969. Following the receipt of the May 10, 1968, notice of benefit changes, the OCAW held a special meeting of its Shell Council, which is composed of local union representa- tives from all Shell units, to discuss Shell's proposed benefit plan revisions. It was decided at that meeting to present Shell with a uniform set of counterproposals on behalf of all OCAW locals. The Council adopted a resolution, subse- quently ratified by all Shell locals, recommending that these counterproposals be presented to the Company with anoint letter on behalf of all OCAW-represented units requesting "common bargaining on these subject matters." On July 17, 1968, A. F. Grospiron, OCAW's Internation- al president, wrote a letter to John C. Quilty, Shell's vice president in charge of personnel and industrial relations, in which he submitted the Union's uniform counterproposals to Shell's proposals of May 10, 1968, and proposed that representatives of Shell meet with representatives of OCAW and its locals "at some reasonable time and single location for the purpose of collective bargaining in regard to the . . . plans." In his letter, Grospiron explained that "since the Company's proposed revisions are identical regardless of location, and the Union's counterproposals are identical, regardless of location, it seems unreasonable to the Union for the parties to have to bargain at various different times and locations for revisions in these Plans." On July 26, 1968, Shell, through Quilty, responded to Grospiron's letter. In its letter, Shell pointed out that OCAW and certain of its locals were the certified collective-bargaining representatives for Shell employees in 19 separate bargaining units which historically had negotiated separate bargaining contracts for each unit, and then added: We are convinced that all collective bargaining matters should be handled on a bargaining unit basis rather than through any type of multiple-unit arrangement. Accordingly, we are not prepared to accept your proposal that meetings be held on a multiple-unit arrangement. As in prior years, Shell's management at each bargaining unit location will be quite prepared to meet with the collective bargaining representative of their employees at an appropriate time to negotiate with 11 The five units referred to were located at Detroit and Grand Haven, Michigan, Sewaren, New Jersey, Denver, Colorado, and East Chicago, 993 respect to these plans or any other proper subject matter. On August 16, 1968, the Union filed its unfair labor practice charge giving rise to this case . The charge alleged that Shell had violated Section 8(a)(1) and (5) by "failing and refusing to meet and confer in good faith at a reasonable time and place with respect to pension plans, provident fund and death benefit plan... .11 The exchange of letters which preceded the filing of the charge had dealt only with the Shell Pension Plan, Provident Fund, and Survivor Benefit Plan . However, on October 17, 1968, Grospiron wrote Shell a further letter, in which, after adverting to the unfair labor practice charge filed by the Union, he proposed that Shell and OCAW "meet on the same basis as requested in my letter of July 17, 1968, and bargain collectively in good faith regarding the Shell group life insurance plan and the Shell disability plan." Shell in its reply, dated October 21, 1968, reiterated that it was "convinced that all collective bargaining matters should be handled on a bargaining unit basis rather than through any type of multiple unit arrangement" and that, accordingly, it was "not prepared to accept [the Union's] proposal that meetings be held on a multiple-unit arrangement." Under date of November 26, 1969, Shell wrote a further letter to the Union in which it repeated its earlier objection to bargaining about the benefit plans on a multiple-unit basis, but stated that it recognized "an obligation to meet with the bargaining representative of our employees and discuss the time and place of any bargaining session." The letter went on to state that, while it was Shell's "initial position" that the convenience of all parties was best served by continuing the past practice of meeting "with the bargaining representative of a particular unit at the physical location reasonably located in the vicinity of the installa- tion covered by the bargaining unit," it would be "willing to meet with the representative[s] of any of the bargaining units to consider any proposal by such bargaining unit to meet at a different physical location than in the past." The Union did not immediately reply to this letter. Most of the collective-bargaining contracts between Shell and the OCAW expired on December 31, 1968. Prior to the expiration dates of such contracts, the parties began local bargaining for new contracts. There was, however, no bargaining in any of the OCAW units on the five benefit plans at issue, since the Union adhered to its position that these matters should be handled separately and centrally while the Company continued to maintain its stand that multiple-unit bargaining concerning the benefit plans was not appropriate and could not be required. For a considerable time , because of the resultant impasse, the Company's May 10 proposals were not placed into effect for any of the OCAW units, except for the five, referred to above, as to which the Company had construed the applicable contracts as allowing it to act unilaterally. On January 2, 1969, however, the Company separately advised the appropriate union representatives of each of the remaining 14 units that it was making its proposed May 10, 1968, revisions effective for the employees in those units Indiana 994 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD notwithstanding the Union's views with respect thereto. In the same letter the Company advised each of the unit representatives of its willingness to bargain on a separate unit basis with respect to the revisions that had been made or any counterproposal the unit representative might wish to submit. On January 15, 1971, OCAW President Grospiron responded to the Company's letter of 'November 26, 1970. Taking issue with the Company's interpretation of the Union's position "as a demand for the merger of individual and separately certified units into one companywide unit," Grospiron stated: If there is anything in my prior letters which in any way implied a desire on our part to alter or combine existing bargaining units, I want to assure you that this is not our intention at all . Indeed, if the Company were to agree to the form of bargaining which we have requested, we would be perfectly willing to agree in writing that we will not at any time use the new method of bargaining to support any claim or contention that there has been a change in the nature , scope, or status of the existing separately certified bargaining units. Grospiron in his letter went on to "make very clear what we are trying to accomplish ," stating in pertinent part: We realize that such uniformity [in the Company's benefit plans ] is no accident, but is the result of conscious Company policy. We also realize that, as a practical matter, no individual bargaining committee, representing the employees of dust one bargaining unit, can ever hope to have an effective voice in determining the terms and conditions of those benefit programs, since the Company cannot accept any proposal at any individual unit without departing from the principle of uniformity . On the other hand , if all the bargaining units involved make the same demands, we would hope that the Company might accept at least some of them. Accordingly, our International Union and the Local Unions involved have decided to make identical proposals . . . and to designate a single committee to bargain on behalf of all of the units with respect to such proposals. we have asked you . . . to appoint a similar committee ... to bargain both about our proposals and about any proposals you might wish to present. Any agreement reached in such negotiations would be applicable to and binding upon each of the separate bargaining units represented. If you should so desire, we could incorporate the terms of any such agreement into separate contracts for each of the separate units involved, so that there could be no question that the separate status of those units has been preserved. * * * * * Inherent in our proposal . . . is the concept of simultaneous bargaining for all of the affected bargain- ing units, with representatives of both sides of the bargaining table, who have authority to speak for all of them. We see no purpose in meeting on a plant-by- plant, unit-by-unit basis, when we are dealing with uniform proposals concerning uniform, company-wide benefit plans. No progress could ever be made if we had to re-hash the same issues and the same arguments separately for each separate unit. On March 16,1970, Shell responded to Grospiron' s letter last referred to. It again rejected the OCAW proposal for simultaneous bargaining on the benefits plan. It construed the OCAW proposal, elaborated upon in Grospiron's last letter, as one which "demanded bargaining with all units as one, or with none" and which called for agreement "with all or none," and this, it declared, "would result, in form and effect, [in] a merger of all separately certified units into one company-wide unit, at least for the purpose of bargaining and reaching an agreement on the benefit programs." Shell adhered to its earlier expressed position that: bargaining, on an individual unit basis with the representatives of separately certified units is the only form of bargaining compelled under the law, that it is the form of bargaining historically followed the the past, and that this form of bargaining on an individual unit basis best serves the purposes of the National Labor Relations Act and the interest of both parties. At the request of the Union, a meeting of Shell and OCAW representatives was held on May 21, 1970, in an effort to resolve the controversy. At that meeting, Shell indicated a willingness to meet for purposes of bargaining about the benefit plans and programs at central locations in geographical areas where several bargaining units are located, but insisted that such bargaining must be conducted on a unit-by-unit basis. The Union repeated its willingness to give Shell written assurances that it would not rely on the form of bargaining it was requesting as a basis for merging or consolidating the established units. There was, however, no change in the basic position of either of the parties , and the meeting came to nought. D. Analysis and Conclusions The gravamen of the complaint is that Shell violated Section 8(a)(5) of the "Act by rejecting the requests of OCAW, made on July 17 and October 17, 1968, to meet at a single time and place with the designated representatives of all 19 OCAW units for the purpose of common bargaining with respect to Shell's uniform benefit plans, and by insisting, instead, that it would only bargain individually with the representatives of each separate bargaining unit. Broadly stated, it is the position of the General Counsel and the Union that, in the circumstances of this case, Shell's rejection of the OCAW request for simultaneous bargaining was unreasonable, and served only to frustrate meaningful bargaining, since the employees in all 19 units were covered by precisely the same benefit plans; Shell had historically followed a policy of centralized determination and uniform implementation with respect to benefit plan revisions; Shell's proposals and the OCAW counterproposals pending at the time of the refusals were identical for all OCAW units; and-so the proponents of the complaint assert Shell had no good reason for refusing to engage in simultaneous bargaining other than a desire to perpetuate the "ineffective bargaining" that had occurred in the past when conducted on a unit-by-unit basis. The General Counsel and the Union urge the Board to apply to this case SHELL OIL COMPANY the principle which the Board has declared and applied in other cases, although admittedly in different contexts and heretofore only in single unit situations, that an employer violates Section 8(a)(5) by insisting that negotiations occur at a time and place which the Board finds under all the circumstances to be unreasonable and inhibitive of meaningful bargaining.12 Shell disputes that the reasonableness of its refusal to engage in simultaneous bargaining is a relevant criterion in determining its obligation' to bargain in the manner requested by the Union. it also contests some of the subsidiary contentions urged by the General Counsel, among them, that meaningful and effective bargaining cannot be conducted with regard to the benefit plans on an individual unit basis, and that it had no good reason for refusing to engage in simultaneous bargaining. Basically, however, Shell defends its refusal on the ground that under the Act it was not obligated to bargain on a basis broader than the established individual units that had separately been found by-the Board to be appropriate for the purposes of collective bargaining. More specifically, it contends that the OCAW requests for simultaneous bargaining contained in its letters of July 17 and October 17, 1968, would, if acceded to, have resulted in a merger of the separately established units into a single companywide bargaining unit, at least for the purpose of bargaining on the benefit plans, and that it was, therefore, lawfully justified in viewing and rejecting the requests as an attempt by the OCAW to breach the integrity of the certified separate bargaining units. On equitable considerations, and without regard to existing law, the Union's position is not without consider- able appeal. It does seem sensible, reasonable, and just that Shell, which formulates its pension plan revisions on the basis of a collective judgment, centrally arrived at, and presents them to all OCAW units on a common basis, should be required to meet and bargain with all OCAW units on the same basis. Such a centralized form of dealing would not only avoid the rehashing of issues and arguments 19 different times; it would be more apt to provide the conditions for, though it would not necessarily assure, more meaningful bargaining than can take place at the individual unit level. This is so both because the bargaining would be more broadly based in terms of the number of affected employees whose interests are represented, and because those selected by the Company for bargaining at the corporate level are likely to be persons closer to the decision-making process than those who now represent it at the local management level. In a situation where the employees in all 19 units are covered by precisely the same fringe benefit plans, where both parties intend to keep them uniform, and where to that end the Company and the Union have each submitted identical proposals for all units, 12 See, e.g, Westinghouse Pacific Coast Brake Co., 89 NLRB 145, 168-175, MidAmenca Transportation Co., 141 NLRB 326, enfd. 225 F.2d 87 (C.A. 7), Wavetromcs Industries, Inc., 147 NLRB 238 The Union also contends that an express statutory affirmation of that principle is to be read in the language in Sec. 8(d) of the Act, which imposes a duty on negotiating parties "to meet at reasonable times " There is nothing, however, in the legislative history to indicate that the quoted language was directed to more than delaying tactics in collective bargaining 13 See AFL-CIO Joint Negotiating Committee (Phelps Dodge Corp.), 184 NLRB, No 106, and cases cited in fn 6 thereof. 995 it appears, at least on the surface, to make little practical sense for Shell to insist on unit-by-unit negotiations. Equitable considerations aside, however, the applicable principles of law, as they have heretofore been declared by the Board with court approval, appear to support Shell's position in this case. It is well settled that the parties to a collective-bargaining relationship may voluntarily agree-subject to any later determination of appropriate- ness under Section 9(b) of the Act-to the enlargement or alteration of an existing unit, or to the merger of separate units, theretofore recognized by the parties or found by the Board to be appropriate for the purposes of collective bargaining. But, in the absence of an agreement, neither party may attempt to force upon the other an enlargement, alteration or merger of an established unit or units. -Stated differently, an employer (or a union) may lawfully insist on confining bargaining within established unit borders, and-what is but the opposite side of the same coin-a union's (or employer's) attempt by coercive means, or by insistence in bargaining to the point of impasse, to require the crossing of such borders will be regarded as a unilateral attack on the integrity of the established bargaining unit, violative of the Act.13 The stated principle rests on the rationale that, once an appropriate unit has been estab- lished, and particularly where this has been done by a finding of the Board, the statutory interest in maintaining stability and certainty in bargaining obligations requires adherence to that unit in bargaining.14 For reasons to be explicated below, I hold that this principle controls determination of this case.15 It is reasonably clear from the facts of this case that the Union's requests for common bargaining on the benefit plan were neither meant by it, nor understood by Shell, as simply calling for concurrent discussions at which, though an agreement common to all units might be sought, the separate unit identity of each unit was to be retained, and both sides were to be left free to negotiate, to trade if need be, and to conclude divergent settlements on an individual unit basis.16 The Union's requests appear, rather, to have contemplated that for purposes of such common benefit plan bargaining, and any settlement that might be reached; all units were to be treated as a single combined group. Whatever ambiguity there might have been about this in the requests themselves was clarified by the Union in its letter of January 5, 1970, wherein it stated: Inherent in our proposal, ' of course, is the concept of simultaneous bargaining for all of the affected bargain- ing units, with representatives of both sides of the bargaining table who have authority to speak for all of them. Any agreement reached in such negotiations would be applicable to 'and binding upon each of the separate bargaining units represented. 14 See Douds v, ILA, 241 F 2d 278 (C.,a 2). 15 It is true, as the Respondent stresses in its brief, that the cases in which that principle has heretofore been declared and applied have involved factual situations that are distinguishable for a variety of reasons from the situation in` the case at hand Rut, considering the underlying reasoning for the principle, I am unable to agree that it has no place in the consideration of this case. 16 My overall view of this case might have been different if that were so, though this is a matter on which I need not, and do not, now pass. 996 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Shell, in its letter in reply, interpreted the OCAW requests for simultaneous bargaining as being a demand for "bargaining with all units as one, or with none, and that agreement must be with all or none." The Union never denied to Shell that its intent was as Shell interpreted it. And the Union's brief to me appears implicitly to confirm through some of the arguments it makes that this form of joint bargaining was indeed what the Union was demand- ing. In these circumstances, I think that Shell was correct in characterizing the Union's proposed method of bargaining as requiring "in form and effect a merger of the separately certified units-at least for the purpose of reaching an agreement on the benefit plans." Although the Union disclaimed a merger purpose, the fact is that the Union was requesting a method of bargaining, the actual effect of which would have been to remove benefit plan bargaining from the separate individual units, to have such bargaining conducted on a pooled basis for all units, and to condition agreement on a joint settlement made with all units as a group rather than with each unit individually. To that extent, the Union's proposed method of bargaining, if acceded to by Shell, would, I find, have represented a departure both from the previously recognized form of bargaining and from the appropriate unit lines as they had been drawn by the Board.17 Under the principle adverted to above, Shell was thus at liberty to refuse to agree to that method of bargaining. The General Counsel and the Union in effect urge, however, that the particular circumstances of this case warrant an exception from the normal rule permitting an employer to limit bargaining strictly to the unit the Board has found appropriate. They argue that it is unreasonable to require unit-by-unit bargaining in this case because (1) Shell's decision with respect to the benefit plans are not made separately for each unit, but are centrally formulated and applied; therefore in this area separate unit distinctions are meaningless ; (2) the employees in all the OCAW units have a special community of interest justifying common lrgaining because of the identity of the plans, the proposals, and the counterproposals relating to all of them; and (3) separate unit bargaining has been demonstrated (so they assert) to be "sterile" and "ineffective." I am not persuaded, however, that these considerations are suffi- cient, in the light of other related Board policies, to support an exception from the normal rule-and this for the reasons to be indicated below. Though uniform for all units, the terms and conditions of employment covered by the benefit plans do not stand in isolation , but are interrelated with all other terms and conditions of employment which, it is not disputed, vary significantly from unit to unit. And, as cost items, their consideration -at the bargaining table inevitably would bring into play the consideration of cost items in other areas , wages and other fringe benefits for example. Shell argues that, under the Union's proposal for multiunit bargaining on benefit plan subjects and individual unit 17 It is of no consequence to the issue in this case that the Board in a representation proceeding would not regard the limited multiple-unit bargaining proposed by the Umon as evidencing, without more, a merger of a kind sufficient to obliterate the separate unit fines, as they had bargaining in all other subjects, it would be prevented in the benefit plan negotiations from trading off, on, a- selective individual unit basis, concessions in other areas that it might be willing to yield to one or more, but not all, the separate units in exchange for acceptance of its benefit plan proposals. Shell's objection in that regard cannot be rejected as wholly unreasonable. Though it might still be possible to arrange for such trading, difficulties would be encountered in joint bargaining that are not now present. Nor may Shell's stated objection lightly be brushed aside as "spurious" (the Union's word) because the record shows that such trading has hardly ever occurred in the past. It is not conclusively to be presumed that because such trading has been de minimis in the past, no occasion for it will arise in the future. Shell's interest in retaining its present bargaining advantages, is no less legitimate than the Union's desire to strengthen its own bargaining position. And is not for the Board to "act at large in equalizing disparities in bargaining power." N.L.R.B. v. Insurance Agents, 361 U.S. 477, 490. There is no doubt that the Shell employees in all 19 OCAW units have a community of interest in the sense that they are all covered by the same benefit plans. But in that sense they are distinguishable from all other Shell employees only in that they happen to be represented by the same labor organization. The Union in its brief substantially concedes that the 19 OCAW units could not be combined into a single unit that would be generally appropriate for the purposes of bargaining, because, as it states, they "are widely separated from each other geographically; they vary greatly in the type of product they produce or service they perform; there are significant differences between them with respect to wages, hours, and working conditions; and to a large degree their labor relations are handled on a local basis." Recent decisions reflect no present disposition on the part of the Board, even where such differences do not exist, to look with favor on a union's request, opposed by an employer, to merge into one combined unit several units that theretofore have been bargained for separately. 18 Since , under existing Board policy, Shell could not be required,to bargain with the Union on a merged unit basis with respect to all bargainable subjects, it would seem to follow that, under that same policy, it should not be required to do so with respect to only one bargainable subject-the benefit plans. There can be little doubt that this record does show that, from the Union's point of view, individual unit bargaining on the benefit plans has been ineffective. This would seem to be attributable to a combination of reasons, among them the following: (1) OCAW's preference to participate in the companywide plans, rather than to negotiate for separate plans of its own-probably because the broadly based Company plans offer greater economic advantages than it could realistically expect to attain otherwise; (2) Shell's understandable, and not in itself impermissable, policy to seek uniformity in plans that are companywide in their scope; (3) the inherent practical difficulties in bargaining previously been defined 18 PPG Industries, Inc, 180 NLRB No. 58; Libbey Owens Ford Co, 189 NLRB No 138 and No. 139. SHELL OIL COMPANY on the normal give-and-take basis with respect to uniform plans, where there are numerous bargaining units, different contract expiration dates, and no one unit contains more than a very small percentage of the total number of covered employees; and (4) OCAW's failure to generate any pressure in support of its bargaining demands, possibly because, .as Shell asserts, the benefits offered ranked in the, top bracket of American industry and never gave rise to employee discontent.19 It is noted that OCAW never filed an unfair labor practice charge claiming that the "ineffective" bargaining was attributable to Shell's failure to bargain in good faith. If the Union believes, as some of the arguments made on its behalf suggest, that Shell's local managers do not have adequate authority to bargain about the benefit plans, or that Shell's bargaining with respect to that subject on the individual unit level does not measure up to its statutory obligations, it has an available remedy for this. There is no need in this proceeding to impose an obligation on Shell that the Act, as it has been interpreted, does not require. For the reasons stated above, I conclude and find that the unfair labor practice allegations of the complaint have not been sustained, and, accordingly, shall recommend dismiss- al of the complaint. APPENDIX A OCAW Bargaining Units 997 CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1. The Respondent is engaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. 2. The Charging Parties are labor organizations within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. 3. The Respondent has not, as alleged in the complaint, engaged in unfair labor practices within the meaning of Section 8(a)(5) and (1) of the Act. RECOMMENDED ORDER It is recommended that the complaint herein be dismissed in its entirety. 19 Bargaining by OCAW for all its units on a combined basis might, for reasons earlier stated, improve the conditions for more meaningful bargaining , but it would not eradicate the impediments to "effective" bargaining outlined above, for the OCAW would still be dealing with Shell as a representative of only 14 percent of the employees covered by the benefit plans To a substantial degree, the advantages of a united front offered by centralized bargaining can now be achieved by coordination through the OCAW Shell Council of similar bargaining demands for all OCAW units-and this without deviating from the Board's applicable rules relating to separate unit bargaining . Cf. N. L. KB. v. Standard Oil Co., 322 F.2d 40 (C.A. 6). And see also General Electric Co. v. N.LR B, 412 F.2d 512 (C.A 2). A B C REPRESENTATIVE UNIT LOCATION CERTIFIED & DATE REPRESENTED (1) Shell Chemical Plant, Wilmington, California OCAW Int. Union; 12-31-37 All production and maintenance employees Shell Chemical Plant, Ventura , California Shell Chemical Plant, Torrance , California Shell Development Co. Emerysville , California Shell Development Co. Emerysville , California Shell Oil Pipe Line Gaugers, State of California Shell Chemical Plant, Denver , Colorado OCAW Int. Union; 1-22-54 OCAW Int . Union; 1-31-68 OCAW Int. Union; 7-9-48 OCAW Int. Union, Local 589; 12-22-50 OCAW Int. Union 10-20-42 OCAW Int . Union; 11-20-52 All production and maintenance employees All production and maintenance employees Certain specified nonprofessional classifications All Cafeteria employees All gaugers and oil testers Certain production and maintenance employees Shell Oil Co. , OCAW Int. Union All operating and East Chicago Plant, Local 7-210; maintenance employees in Hammond , Indiana 4-21-49; Original specified classifications recognition Circa 1939 D NO. UNION REPRESENTED (2) OCAW 104 OCAW 105 OCAW 496 OCAW 510 OCAW 10 OCAW 23 OCAW 206 OCAW 32 998 A LOCATION Shell Oil Refinery, Norco , Louisiana Shell Oil Refinery and Shell Chemical Plant, Houston, Texas Shell Oil Houston Central Plant, Sheridan, Texas Shell Oil Refinery, Anacortes , Washington Shell Chemical Plant, Martinez, California Shell Chemical Plant, Pittsburg, California Shell Oil Co., State of Calif. Exploration and Production and Pipe Line facilities, and Martinez and Wilmington, California, Refineries Shell Oil Refinery, Martinez, California Shell Oil Marketing Plant Detroit, Michigan Shell Oil Marketing Plant Grand Haven , Michigan DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD fl REPRESENTATIVE' CERTIFIED & DATE C UNIT REPRESENTED 1 OCAW Int. Union and its Local 4-750; 10-13-64 (4) OCAW Int. Union, Local 4-367; 2-21-39 OCAW Int. Union, Local 4-367; 5-2-66 OCAW Int. Union; 12-31-55 , OCAW Int. Union; 12-31-37 OCAW Int. Union and its Local 1- 5; 12-31-:37 OCAW Int. Union; 11-16-38 OCAW Int. Union; 7-2-48 OCAW Int. Union, Local 7-389; 3-10-69 OCAW Int. Union, 3-10-51 All hourly paid operating, maintenance , warehouse, and laboratory employees All hourly paid employees, excluding btickmasons. Cargo Inspectors (monthly paid) also represented. All operating and maintenance employees in specified classifications All operating and maintenance employees Certain operating and maintenance employees Certain operating and maintenance employees Certain production and gas, operating and maintenance and Pipe Line Employees Laboratory Inspectors All employees except professional employees, watchmen, guards, and supervisors All yardmen and driver salesmen 0 NO. UNION REPRESENTED (2) OCAW 449 OCAW 1,655 OCAW 13 OCAW 24 OCAW 89 OCAW 57 OCAW 1,471 OCAW 67 OCAW 86 OCAW 306'Shell Oil Plant OCAW Int. Union ; All production, mainte- Sewaren , N. J. 4-7-67 nance, clerical and laboratory employees Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation