Shell Oil Co.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsJul 17, 1956116 N.L.R.B. 203 (N.L.R.B. 1956) Copy Citation SHELL OIL COMPANY 203 to authorized personnel. Because of the confidential nature of the blueprints, the attendants are subject to special security investigation. They are supervised by the chief design engineer, who has an office in the main office building. They are on the salaried payroll and have the same fringe benefits as other salaried employees. The Petitioner contends the blueprint crib attendants are plant clerical employees and should be added to the production and main- tenance unit if it wins the election. The Employer urges that they are office clericals, and may not become a part of the production and main- tenance unit. We find on the basis of the record that these attendants are plant clericals. Although we find no merit in the Employer's contention that the crib attendants are security personnel and that these and the cost recorders may not be represented by Petitioner because of any con- flict of interest with production workers or because the same union would represent both groups,' the record shows that there are some 50 other unrepresented plant clerical employees who work in the plant with foremen and engineers, and whom the Petitioner does not seek to represent. We find therefore that the Petitioner is seeking only a seg- ment of the plant clerical employees, and for this reason the requested unit is inappropriate. Nor may a segment of the plant clerical group be granted a self-determination election with respect to representation in a production and maintenance unit. Inasmuch as the groups requested by the Petitioner neither sepa- rately nor in combination constitute appropriate units, we shall dis- miss the petition. [The Board dismissed the petition.] CHAIRMAN LEEDOM and MEMBER MURDocK took no part in the con- sideration of the above Decision and Order. 5 See footnote 1, supra. Shell Oil Company and Local No. 553, affiliated with United Asso- ciation of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipefitting Industry of the United States and Canada, AFL- CIO, et al ., Petitioners.' Cases Nos. 14-RC-2947, 14-RC-2955, 14-RC-2958, 14-RC-2959, 14-RC-2960, 14-RC-2966, 14-RC-2969, and 14-RC-2973. July 17,1956 DECISION AND DIRECTION OF ELECTIONS Upon consolidated petitions duly filed under Section 9 (c) of the National Labor Relations Act, a consolidated hearing was held before 1 The other Petitioners are : Carpenters District Council of Madison County & Vicinity, Illinois, United Brotherhood of Carpenters & Joiners of America, AIL-CIO ; Local 56 116 NLRB No. 24. 204 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Joseph H. So]ien, hearing officer. The hearing officer 's rulings made at the hearing are free from prejudicial error and are hereby affirmed. Upon the entire record in this case, the Board finds : 1. The Employer is engaged in commerce within the meaning of the Act. 2. The labor organizations involved claim to represent employees of the Employer.2 3. A question affecting commerce exists concerning representation of employees of the Employer within the meaning of Section 9 (c) (1) and Section 2 (6) and (7) of the Act. 4. The 8 craft Petitioners herein seek certification of 8 separate craft or "craft-like" units. The Employer opposes the separate units primarily on the ground that the bargaining history for all the em- ployees involved has been on a single- or industrial-unit basis. Therefore, the Employer contends that this is a case of severance and that under the American Potash 3 doctrine the Petitioners have not sufficiently shown the true craft characteristics of the respective units they here seek. Although the Petitioner's International Unions have, along with other unions not here involved, for several years jointly negotiated and signed single contracts covering the employees in question, they contend that this case does not involve severance within the meaning of that term as used in American Potash, but in- volves only the certification of units which have historically been recognized and bargained for as individual craft units. In the light of these contentions, we turn to the bargaining history. At different times during 1933, 14 local craft unions each met with the Employer and attempted negotiations for contract units covering their respective crafts at the refinery involved ; only 6 contracts were concluded that year. Thereafter, in 1934, in order to simplify negotia- tions, the American Federation of Labor proposed to the Employer that a "one-unit agreement" be negotiated and signed jointly by the International Unions, rather than the locals which had bargained for their respective craft groups. This proposal was accepted and the first such joint bargaining agreement became effective May 1, 1935. In 1938, because of interunion problems, the Metal Trades Department of the AFL became coordinator for the International Unions and has International Association of Heat & Frost Insulators and Asbestos Workers ; Local Union No. 917, International Brotherhood of Painters , Decorators and Paperhangers Union of America, AFL-CIO ; International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local Union 649, AFL-CIO ; Local Union No. 525, affiliated with the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America , AFL-CIO ; Local 483, International Brotherhood of Boilermakers, Iron Shipbuilders , Blacksmith , Forgers & Helpers , AFL-CIO ; Local 268, Sheet Metal Workers' International Association , AFL-CIO. 2 International Hod Carriers and Common Laborers Union of America , AFL-CIO, which currently represents certain employees of the Employer who are not directly involved herein, intervened , however , for the sole purpose of protecting its interests from any possible effect the proceeding might have thereon. 3 American Potash f Chemical Corpoation, 107 NLRB 1418. SHELL OIL COMPANY 205 since, along with the International Unions, signed contracts with the Employer covering the refinery employees here involved' We note that, during the period from 1949 through 1951, some of the International Unions signatories to the joint agreement advised the Employer that they desired to have separate Board certifications, in the name of their locals, for the respective classifications of em- ployees that they represented under the joint agreement. The Em- ployer countered with the proposition that it would not oppose cer- tification of the individual units provided the Internationals would refrain from insisting that the certification be in the name of the locals and that the Internationals would continue to negotiate jointly and sign joint agreements as they had done in the past. The Interna- tionals agreed and were later certified by the Board for their indi- vidual units. Under these certifications there have been a preserva- tion of craft lines. However, the Internationals have continued up to the present time to sign joint agreements. The locals are here petitioning for certification as the representative of the same units now represented by their internationals. We have the current joint agreement before us. Viewing this agree- ment in the light of the above facts, we believe that the bargaining has been, on an individual craft group basis rather than on an indus- trial basis. Although the agreement does not set out a specific unit or units as most agreements do, it states in the preamble that the agreement is between the Employer and the Metal Trades Depart- ment and the enumerated International Unions, as representatives of a majority of the employees employed "on work coming within the established jurisdiction of the Internationals." I Section 1 of the agree- ment is entitled "General Craft Provision or Rules." This entire section refers to "crafts" and "craftsmen." 6 There is separate senior- ity for each of the groups for whom the Petitioning unions seek cer- tification. Furthermore, the Employer, as noted above, agreed to the certification of the Internationals for the employees within their respective craft jurisdiction. In view of the foregoing, we find that the Internationals' practice of negotiating and signing joint contracts with the Employer, simply 4 Sometime after 1940 , the International Union of Operating Engineers and the Inter- national Association of Machinists withdrew from the joint , agreement and have since negotiated separate contracts, at the local union level , for their respective crafts employed at the refinery involved. 5 Also, the modification clause of the contract emphasizes the individual recognition of each International craft union for its respective group. The modification clause provides that "each party shall have the right to two reopenings on the subject of basic wages . . . We think the term "each party" refers to, among others, each of the International Unions who are signatory parties to the contract. 9 For instance , article 5 , par. 4 deals with transfers of employees "within his own craft" ; article 16, par. 1 refers to "craftsmen 's helpers" not being assigned "craftsmen work" ; article 17 establishes separate craft committees to handle complaints ; article 19 provides for handling of jurisdictional disputes among the local craft unions involved. 206 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD because they believe, at the time, it was more convenient to bargain in one instrument concerning the various craft groups, does not in view of this record support a contention that collective bargaining under the contract was conducted on an industrial basis' Rather it appears and we find that collective bargaining has proceeded on the basis of continued recognition and separate preservation of in- dividual craft groups. As the record establishes that the long history of collective bar- gaining among the employees involved has been on a separate craft unit basis, it follows that this case is not a case of severance, but merely involves a request by the present petitioning locals for certification of the separate historical units.' In view of the bargaining history, we find that the following employees of the Employer employed at its Wood River, Illinois, refinery, constitute appropriate separate his- torical units for the purpose of collective bargaining within the mean- ing of the Act: Unit 1: All employees classified as pipefitter leadman, pipefitter welder layer out, pipefitter 1st, pipefitter 2nd, pipefitter helper 1st, pipefitter helper 2nd, leadburner 1st, and leadburner 2nd, excluding office clerical and plant clerical employees, guards, watchmen, profes- sional employees, and supervisors as defined in Section 2 (11) of the Act, as amended, and all other employees of the Employer. Unit 2: All employees classified as carpenter leadman and carpenter 1st, excluding office clerical and plant clerical employees, guards, watchmen, professional employees, and supervisors as defined in Sec- tion 2 (11) of the Act, as amended, and all other employees of the Employer. Unit 3: All employees classified as boilermaker layer out (inspector and leadman), boilermaker, boilermaker helpers, blacksmith working leader, blacksmith 1st, blacksmith 2nd, blacksmith helper, excluding office clerical and plant clerical employees, guards, watchmen, profes- sional employees, and supervisors as defined in Section 2 (11) of the Act, as amended, and all other employees of the Employer. Unit 4: All employees classified as insulator 1st, excluding office clerical and plant clerical employees, guards, watchmen, professional employees, and supervisors as defined in Section 2 (11) of the Act, as amended, and all other employees of the Employer. Unit 5: All employees classified as tinner, excluding office clerical and plant clerical employees, guards, watchmen, professional em- 7 See Phelps Dodge Corporation , 98 NLRB 726, 729, 730; see also American Can Company. 109 NLRB 1284. 8In the absence of any craft severance problem, we find it unnecessary to determine whether the requested units are sufficiently craft in nature to warrant their severance under the American Potash doctrine. We also, reject as without merit the Employer's contention that the petitioning locals are not the traditional bargaining representatives as such argument is applicable only to craft severance situations . See Campbell Soup Company, 109 NLRB 518 , at 521. SHELL OIL COMPANY 207 ployees, and supervisors as defined in Section 2 (11) of the Act, as amended, and all other employees of the Employer. Unit 6: All employees classified as paint inspector, painter leadman, and painter, excluding office clerical and plant clerical employees, guards, watchmen, professional employees, and supervisors as defined in Section 2 (11) of the Act, as amended, and all other employees of the Employer. Unit 7: All employees classified as electrician leadman, electrician 1st, electrician helper 1st, apprentice electrician 1st year, apprentice electrician 2nd year, apprentice electrician 3rd year, apprentice elec- trician 4th year, instrument leadman, instrumentman 1st, instrument- man helper 1st, apprentice instrumentman 1st year, apprentice instru- mentman 2nd year, apprentice instrumentman 3rd year, apprentice instrumentman 4th year, excluding office clerical and plant clerical employees, guards, watchmen, professional employees, and supervisors as defined in Section 2 (11) of the Act, as amended, and all other employees of the Employer. Unit 8: All employees classified as counterman leadman, counter- man 1st, counterman 2nd, truckdriver, truckdriver helper, tractor operator, and bus driver 1st, excluding office clerical and plant clerical employees, guards, watchmen, professional employees, and supervisors as defined in Section 2 (11) of the Act, as amended, and all other employees of the Employer. [Text of Direction of Elections omitted from publication.] MEMBERS PETERSON and DODGERS, dissenting : We dissent from the majority's holding that the bargaining in this case for the employees involved has been on a separate craft unit basis rather than on an overall basis. In our opinion, such a conclu- sion is not supported either by the character of the bargaining that has taken place or by the resulting contracts. As for past bargaining, the record shows that in 1933 certain local unions which had succeeded in organizing the Employer's mainte- nance employees entered into separate bargaining negotiations with the Employer concerning the employees represented by them. This type of bargaining proved to be unworkable and was abandoned in favor of a procedure calling for the Employer and the parent organi- zations of the local unions to bargain together for a "unit agreement" to be signed by all. The first such joint bargaining agreement be- came effective in May 1935. In 1938, to secure more unanimity among the International Unions, the Metal Trades Department of the A. F. of L.9 entered the picture and became a party to the joint contract executed with the Employer. Since 1938, that organization, together 9 Hereinafter referred to as the Metal Trades Department. 208 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD with the International Unions, including the parent organizations of the eight Petitioners, has been a party to every bargaining contract negotiated with the Employer. When asked at the hearing whether the negotiations for the contracts executed since 1935 had been "jointly conducted by the representatives of the unions signatory or have they been separately conducted by the separate international unions," the Employer's representative in the bargaining negotiations testified that they had been "jointly conducted." And when asked if "the final settlement in each of the negotiations was the result of the joint nego tiations," the same witness answered in the aflirmative.'0 Of the contract resulting fiom the joint negotiations described above, only the most recent one, effective by its terms from May 1, 1954, to May 1, 1956, was made an exhibit in the case." That agree- ment is between the Employer and the Metal Trades Department and the International Unions. The preamble recognizes the International Unions and the Metal Trades Department "as representatives of a majority of the employees of the Employer . . . employed on work coming within the established jurisdiction of those International Unions on all matters concerning wages and working conditions." Most of the provisions which follow are applicable to all the em- ployees covered by the contract, according uniform treatment in senior- ity matters and with respect to such other matters as working hours, pay for work away from the home shop, overtime, night shift bonuses, lunch hour allowances, vacations, pay periods, and holiday pay. The contract also provides for the creation of a Metal Trades Committee consisting of seven employees, each of whom must be from a different "craft union," and it assigns to this committee a leading role in the grievance procedure covering all the employees. Under the contract, a grievance is not referred to any International Union until the fourth step of the grievance procedure has been reached, after the Metal Trades Committee has met with the Employer on the grievance. Also, the allegedly unjustified discharge of any employee is a matter which the Metal Trades Committee must attempt to adjust before an In- ternational Union may intercede. The Metal Trades Committee is also the representative of all applicants for employment in the physi- cal examination procedure set forth in the contract. The maintenance- of-membership requirement in the contract is linked to the effective date of the agreement and it appears that the contract would not have become effective at all without its acceptance by all the parties thereto. In this connection, the contract contained a provision for an "escape period" which permits withdrawal from union membership la This testimony stands uncontradicted in the record. 11 No contention is made, however , that this contract , to the extent pertinent herein, is not substantially representative of prior contracts. SHELL OIL COMPANY 209 only "after this agreement is sib ied by all of the parties thereto." And with respect to the giving of any notice for canceling, chang- ing, or reopening the contract, the "Unions," as the International Unions and the Metal Trades Department are referred to in the pre- amble, are considered as a single party and their action must be on a joint basis. All the foregoing, including the joint bargaining negotiations in- itiated to replace unsuccessful separate bargaining sessions, the rec- ognition of the "Unions" as representatives of all the employees covered by the last contract,12 the provisions in that contract applica- ble to all the employees, the authority vested in the Metal Trades Com- mittee by the 1954 contract to act as the representative of all the em- ployees, and the contract's treatment of the "Unions" as a single party, points unmistakably to a substantial past history of bargaining con- ducted on a joint basis for an overall unit of the maintenance employees involved in this proceeding.13 In reaching the opposite conclusion noted above, our colleagues have attached considerable weight to the references in the contract to "crafts" and "craftsmen." But the use of these words in a contract covering maintenance employees can have little, if any, significance. Our colleagues seem to be reading them as though the words "craft units" had been used in their stead. This, however, is obviously not the case. Nor do we find support for the majority's conclusion in the fact that the Employer agreed to Board certification in 1950 of two of the International Unions for the employees within their respective craft jurisdiction. As the majority itself points out, the Employer's agreement in these cases was con- ditioned upon the International Unions continuing "to negotiate jointly and sign joint agreements as they had done in the past," and this is precisely the procedure which has been followed since the certifications. 14 In view of all the circumstances disclosed by the record, we believe that this is a severance case and that the Board must inquire into whether, in view of the substantial bargaining history on an overall basis, severance of the units requested by the Petitioners is appropriate under American Potash. We are not satisfied that the showing for severance required by American Potash has been made in any of the cases and we would therefore dismiss the petitions. 12 It would appear that my colleagues believe that the preamble accords recognition to each of the International Unions as the bargaining representative of the employees falling within its jurisdiction . If this is their view, what employees would they say are repre- sented by the Metal Trades Department" 13 See The Langenau Manufacturing Company, 115 NLRB 1505; United States Time Corporation , 108 NLRB 1435 ; General Metaicraft , Inc., Olympia Division , 106 NLRB 1131. 1; Cf United States Time Corporation, supra. 40544 8--5 7-v of 116-15 Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation