Service Merchandise Co., Inc.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsSep 27, 1990299 N.L.R.B. 1125 (N.L.R.B. 1990) Copy Citation SERVICE MERCHANDISE CO. 1125 Service Merchandise Company, Inc. and Priscilla Jones. Case 26-CA-12422 September 27, 1990 DECISION AND ORDER BY CHAIRMAN STEPHENS AND MEMBERS CRACRAFT AND DEVANEY On June 1, 1988, Administrative Law Judge Lawrence W. Cullen issued the attached decision. The Respondent filed exceptions and a supporting brief. The National Labor Relations Board has delegat- ed its authority in this proceeding to a three- member panel. The Board has considered the decision and the record in light of the exceptions and brief and has decided to affirm the judge's rulings, findings, and conclusions only to the extent consistent with this Decision and Order. The judge found that since approximately May 30, 1987, the Respondent distributed to its employ- ees nationwide a rule in its employee handbook forbidding all wage discussion. 1 The judge found the rule violated Section 8(a)(1) of the National Labor Relations Act. The judge also found that the Respondent had violated Section 8(a)(1) by issuing a verbal reprimand to Charging Party Priscilla Jones for allegedly violating the rule by discussing wages and by discharging Jones for the same reason. The judge refused to grant Respondent's Motion for Summary Judgment seeking dismissal of the complaint. The Respondent's motion was based on a settlement agreement executed by Jones in con- sideration of the Respondent's payment of $3000 to her. In refusing to dismiss the complaint, the judge found that the Respondent's distributing, maintain- ing, and enforcing the rule forbidding wage discus- sion had "the inevitable effect of chilling all wage discussions among the Respondent's employees na- tionwide." The judge found that these violations were not remedied by the settlement agreement. Further, the judge found that an announcement posted by Respondent rescinding the rule was inad- equate to remedy the Respondent's violations. 2 He The rule read as follows. As an SMC associate, you may be exposed to confidential informa- tion such as sales figures, cost of merchandise, wages, numbers of personnel, etc. This Information is not to be discussed with anyone who is not associated with the Company, nor with anyone within the Company who does not need the information in the course of job performance. In addition, your earnings are a private matter be- tween you and SMC and are not to be revealed to or discussed with others. 2 The announcement read as follows: found that while the announcement stated that the discussion of wages would no- result in discipline, it made clear Respondent's continuing disapproval of such discussions. For the reasons stated below we conclude, con- trary to the judge, that we should give effect to the settlement agreement and dismiss the complaint al- legations to the extent that they are related to the reprimand and discharge of Jones. We find, how- ever, that deferring to the parties' private settle- ment agreement does not require or warrant the dismissal of complaint allegations that the Respond- ent distributed, maintained, and enforced a rule for- bidding its employees to discuss wages in violation of Section 8(a)(1) of the Act. In Independent Stave Co., 287 NLRB 740, 743 (1987), the Board outlined factors to be considered in evaluating non-Board settlements. The factors were as follows: all the surrounding circumstances including, but not limited to, (1) whether the charging party(ies), the respondent(s) and any of the in- dividual discriminatee(s) have agreed to be bound, and the position taken by the General Counsel regarding the settlement; (2) whether the settlement is reasonable in light of the nature of the violations alleged, the risks inher- ent in litigation, and the stage of the litigation; (3) whether there has been any fraud, coer- cion, or duress by any of the parties in reach- ing the settlement; and (4) whether the Re- spondent has engaged in a history of violations of the Act or has breached previous settlement agreements resolving unfair labor practice dis- putes. The judge correctly considered whether the pro- posed settlement agreement sufficiently assured adequate protection of the policies of the Act. The Supreme Court has stated that the Board does not adjudicate private rights, but "give[s] effect to the Service Merchandise Associate Notice Periodically the Company reviews its policies and publications to ensure that they properly express current management philosophy and the Company's desired relation with its associates, and that its policies conform with applicable legislative and administrative deci- sions. Accordingly, all associates should be aware that the Company will continue, as it has in the past, to hold the wages paid to you in confidence. Your particular wages are a business matter between you and the Company. However, if you voluntarily choose to discuss your wages with another party, the Company will no longer consid- er such a discussion to be a breach of confidence and a cause for disciplinary action. The Company does expect that you will respect the right of other associates not to divulge their wages, if they so choose. This change has been or shortly will be incorporated in a revised Getting Acquainted With SMC employee handbook. 299 NLRB No. 160 1126 DECISIONS OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD declared public policy of the Act." 3 The Court has also stated that private contracts that conflict with the Board's functions must yield. 4 However, while there is a "public interest in the vindication of stat- utory rights" there is an "equally important public interest in encouraging the parties' achievement of a mutually agreeable settlement without litiga- tion." 6 Here, the settlement agreement included a provi- sion that Jones would not seek reemployment with the Respondent. The General Counsel indicated at the hearing that this provision was one reason that the settlement agreement was unacceptable. In looking at the particular circumstances of this case, however, we note that at the time the settlement agreement was reached there were only alleged violations of the Act and the parties faced the risks that are inherent in any litigation. The Respondent and the Charging Party chose, therefore, to enter into an agreement satisfactory to both to avoid those risks. Further, the agreement is reasonable and there was no evidence of coercion. 7 Accord- ingly, we will give effect to the settlement agree- ment and dismiss the complaint allegations to the extent that they relate to the reprimand and dis- charge of Jones. However, the Respondent's December 21, 1987 notice posting revising its rule concerning discus- sion of wages and its February 1988 withdrawal of employee handbooks containing its unrevised rule 3 National Licorice Co. v. NLRB, 309 U.S. 350, 362 (1940). 4 .1. I. Case Co. v. NLRB, 321 U.S. 332 (1944), cited in Texaco, Inc., 273 NLRB 1335 (1985). 5 See Independent Stave Co., 287 NLRB 740, 742 (1987), citing Clear Haven Nursing Home, 236 NLRB 853, 854 (1978). 6 Independent Stave Co., above at 742. 7 Judge Cullen found that the Respondent has a history of violating the Act. He based this finding in part on the then pending complaint in Cases 2-CA-22586 and 2-CA-22680, and findings of violations in Service Mer- chandise Co., 278 NLRB 185 (1986), also involving this Respondent. However, the Board this date has issued a decision in Cases 2-CA- 22586 and 2-CA-22680 adopting Judge Lawrence's decision in those cases, granting the Respondent's Motion for Summary Judgment based on a private settlement agreement. See Service Merchandise Co., 299 NLRB No. 161, issued today. Informal settlement agreements do not pro- vide a basis for finding a proclivity to violate the Act. Longshoremen ILA Local 1180, 263 NLRB 954 fn. 2 (1982). Further, the violations found in Service Merchandise Co., 278 NLRB 185 (1986), were based on events that occurred in 1979. In this case, misconduct committed approximately 8 years before the alleged misconduct here is too remote to establish a suf- ficient proclivity to violate the Act that in itself would warrant refusing to uphold a private settlement agreement. See Wolverine World Wide, 243 NLRB 425 (1979); Operating Engineers Local 12 (Hensel Phelps), 284 NLRB 246 (1987). Cf. Teamsters Local 115 (Gross Metal), 275 NLRB 1547 (1985), in which the Board rejected a proposed settlement in a picket line violence case, relying on four prior cases, the first decided in 1966, in which the respondent was found to have engaged in picket line violence. We take official notice that the Board, on the General Counsel's rec- ommendation, approved a settlement agreement terminating appellate liti- gation regarding the Board's Order in 278 NLRB 185, above, by provid- ing for entry in the court of appeals of a consent judgment after backpay proceedings were held and certain specified modifications were made to the remedial order. were not part of the Respondent's settlement with Jones. Thus, not only did the notice posting occur 3 months before the settlement, but the notice made no mention of the Respondent's enforcement of the rule against Jones. Moreover, as Jones de- clined reinstatement at the time she entered into the settlement agreement, she had no interest in the content of the Respondent's notice revising its rule against the discussion of wages. Accordingly, de- ferring to the parties' private settlement does not require dismissal of the complaint allegations that the Respondent's distribution, maintenance, and en- forcement of its rule against discussion of wages violated Section 8(a)(1). The judge found that the Respondent distributed nationwide, through its employee handbook, a rule forbidding all wage discussion. A request in an em- ployee handbook that employees not discuss their wages is a "clear restraint on the employees' Sec- tion 7 right to engage in concerted activities for mutual aid and protection concerning an undeni- ably significant term of employment." We reject the Respondent's bare assertion that the rule was justified because of competition for employees and a need to protect employees' privacy. We note that there was no showing that the Respondent's em- ployees possessed any special skills. We also find that the rule was broader than necessary to achieve its stated objectives and that it had the effect of sti- fling all concerted activity. 3 For these reasons we find that the distribution, maintenance, and enforce- ment of the rule forbidding all wage discussion vio- lated Section 8(a)(1) of the Act. The Respondent argues, however, that it has re- scinded the rule forbidding discussion of wages and has posted an announcement in all its stores nation- wide indicating that discussion of wages is allowed. The Respondent's announcement, which indi- cates that the employees may discuss wages, is in- sufficient. In Passavant Memorial Area Hospital, 237 NLRB 138 (1978), the Board stated that a repudi- ation of coercive conduct should give assurances to employees that the employer will not interfere with the exercise of their Section 7 rights in the future. Further, to be effective "the repudiation must be limely,"unambiguous,"specific in nature to the coercive conduct,' and 'free from other proscribed illegal conduct." Here, repudiation was insufficient because it was untimely (coming almost 2 years after the rule's inception and almost 2 months after the rule had been enforced against Jones) 10 and be- 8 Heck% Inc., 293 NLRB 1111, 1119 (1989). 9 See generally Universal Fuels, 298 NLRB 254, 255 (1990). i ° See EPE, Inc., 284 NLRB 191 fn. 2 (1987), enfd. in relevant part 845 F.2d 483 (4th Cir. 1988) (finding that a posted notice "was insufficient to Continued SERVICE MERCHANDISE CO. 1127 cause it did not assure employees that the Respond- ent would not interfere with their Section 7 rights. Therefore, having found that the Respondent has not effectively repudiated its unlawful conduct, we find that the Respondent's distribution, mainte- nance, and enforcement of the rule forbidding the employees to discuss their wages violated Section 8(a)(1) of the Act. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1. The Respondent is an employer within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. 2. Giving effect to the settlement agreement en- tered into by Charging Party Priscilla Jones and the Respondent does not require the dismissal of complaint allegations that the Respondent distribut- ed, maintained, and enforced its rule against discus- sion of wages and that such conduct violated Sec- tion 8(a)(1) of the Act. 3. The Respondent violated Section 8(a)(1) of the Act by the distribution, maintenance, and enforce- ment of its rule forbidding its employees to discuss their wages. 4. The above unfair labor practices are unfair labor practices affecting commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. THE REMEDY Having found that the Respondent has violated the Act by distributing to its employees nationwide and maintaining and enforcing a rule forbidding all wage discussions, it shall be ordered to cease and desist and to take certain affirmative actions (in- cluding the posting of an appropriate notice, at each of its facilities nationwide, designed to effectu- ate the purposes of the Act) to remedy those viola- tions, including the formal rescission of its rule found unlawful. ORDER The National Labor Relations Board orders that the Respondent, Service Merchandise Company, Inc., Memphis, Tennessee, its officers, agents, suc- cessors, and assigns, shall 1. Cease and desist from negate" an unlawful no-solicitation rule, and relying on, inter alia, the fact that the notice was posted about a month after the rule had been enforced and "did not specifically refer to the incident"). Although we are dismissing the complaint allegation regarding Jones in deference to the settlement, we may properly take account of the Re- spondent's enforcement of its rule against Jones in assessing the adequacy of its purported repudiation of the violation committed through its pro- mulgation of the rule. It is undisputed that Jones was discharged for vio- lating the "Confidential Information" policy; in contesting the various complaint allegations, the Respondent had argued simply that the rule was lawful and that, therefore, Jones' discharge was lawful. (a) Distributing, maintaining, and enforcing its unlawful rule prohibiting employees from discuss- ing their wages with others. (b) In any like or related manner interfering with, restraining, or coercing employees in the ex- ercise of their rights guaranteed them by Section 7 of the Act. 2. Take the following affirmative action neces- sary to effectuate the policies of the Act. (a) Immediately rescind the rule against employ- ees discussing their wages with others. (b) Post at each of its facilities nationwide copies of the attached notice marked "Appendix." Copies of the notice, on forms provided by the Re- gional Director for Region 26 after being signed by the Respondent's authorized representative, shall be posted by the Respondent immediately upon re- ceipt and maintained for 60 consecutive days in conspicuous places including all places where no- tices to employees are customarily posted. Reason- able steps shall be taken by the Respondent to ensure that the notice is not altered, defaced, or covered by any other material. (c) Notify the Regional Director in writing within 20 days from the date of this Order what steps the Respondent has taken to comply. " If this Order is enforced by a judgment of a United States court of appeals, the words in the notice reading "Posted by Order of the Nation- al Labor Relations Board" shall read "Posted Pursuant to a Judgment of the United States Court of Appeals Enforcing an Order of the National Labor Relations Board." APPENDIX NOTICE To EMPLOYEES POSTED BY ORDER OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD An Agency of the United States Government The National Labor Relations Board has found that we violated the National Labor Relations Act and has ordered us to post and abide by this notice. Section 7 of the Act gives employees these rights. To organize To form, join, or assist any union To bargain collectively through representa- tives of their own choice To act together for other mutual aid or pro- tection To choose not to engage in any of these protected concerted activities. WE WILL NOT distribute, maintain, or enforce rules prohibiting you from discussing your wages or other terms or conditions of employment with others. 1128 DECISIONS OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD WE WILL NOT in any like or related manner interfere with, restrain, or coerce you in the exer- cise of rights guaranteed you by Section 7 of the Act. WE WILL rescind our rule prohibiting employees from discussing wages with others. SERVICE MERCHANDISE COMPANY, INC. William D. Levy, Esq., for the General Counsel. Ralph J. Zatzkis, Esq. (McGlinchey, Stafford, Mintz, Celli & Lang, P. C), of New Orleans, Louisiana, for the Respondent. DECISION STATEMENT OF THE CASE LAWRENCE W. CULLEN, Administrative Law Judge. This case was heard before me on 29 March 1988 in Memphis, Tennessee. The complaint in this case was issued by the Regional Director of Region 26 of the Na- tional Labor Relations Board (the Board), on 9 Decem- ber 1987, and is based on a charge filed by Priscilla Jones, an individual (Charging Party) on 30 November 1987. The complaint alleges that Service Merchandise Company, Inc. (Respondent) violated Section 8(a)(1) of the National Labor Relations Act (the Act), since on or about 30 May 1987, through its employee handbook dis- tributing to its employees nationwide and maintaining the following rule for its employees: As an SMC associate, you may be exposed to confi- dential information such as sales figures, cost of mer- chandise, wages, number of personnel, etc. This in- formation is not to be discussed with anyone who is not associated with the Company, nor with anyone within the company, need the information in the course of job performance. In addition, Your earnings are a private matter between you and SMC and are not to be re- vealed to or discussed with other. [Emphasis added.] The complaint further alleges that Respondent violat- ed Section 8(a)(1) of the Act by issuing a verbal repri- mand to Priscilla Jones on or about October 1987 and by discharging Priscilla Jones on 30 October 1987. Respond- ent denies the commission of any unfair labor practices and has asserted that the complaint should be dismissed as a result of a settlement agreement reached independ- ently between Respondent and Jones and executed by Jones and that the notice has been rescinded and re- placed by another notice allowing wage discussions by employees. Based on the evidence presented at the hearing, my observation of the demeanor of the witnesses, and my review of the transcript, closing arguments of counsels, and the briefs submitted by the parties, I make the fol- lowing FINDINGS OF FACT A. The Business of Respondent The complaint alleges, Respondent admits, and I find, that Respondent Service Merchandise Company, Inc., is a corporation with its principle office and place of busi- ness in Nashville, Tennessee, and places of business lo- cated in several states, including a place of business lo- cated on Austin Peay Highway in Memphis, Tennessee (Respondent's facility), wherein it has been engaged in the business of general merchandise sales; that during the 12 months preceding the filing of the complaint, Re- spondent, in the course and conduct of its business oper- ations described above, derived gross revenues in excess of $500,000 and purchased and received at Respondent's facility products, goods, and materials valued in excess of $50,000 directly from points located outside the State of Tennessee, and that Respondent is now, and has been at all times material, an employer engaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(2), (6), and (7) of the Act. B. The Alleged Unfair Labor Practices The facts in this case are largely undisputed. Respond- ent admits that it has distributed and maintained the aforesaid rule nationwide at all of its stores since at least 1985 up to the time of the events leading up to the filing of the complaint in December 1987. The handbook was revised and redistributed in November 1987 with the rule intact. According to the testimony of Willard Lilly, Re- spondent's unit manager, an admitted supervisor, he was informed by Assistant Manager Cynthia James that the Charging Party, Priscilla Jones, had discussed wages with other employees in violation of the above-men- tioned rule prohibiting such discussions and had been warned verbally by Assistant Manager James (also an ad- mitted supervisor) concerning this violation of the rule. Lilly testified that James informed him that Jones had persisted in discussing wages with other employees and that he caused her to be called to his office on 30 Octo- ber 1987 whereupon he discharged Jones solely for vio- lating the rule by discussing wages with others. Jones for her part denied at the hearing that she had discussed wages with others. Respondent called a witness, Debo- rah James, a coemployee of Jones who testified that Jones had asked her whether she (Deborah James) was aware that new employees hired in the jewelry depart- ment were being paid more than the wages at which Jones and Deborah James were hired and that she (Deborah James) reported this to Assistant Manager Cynthia James. It is thus undisputed that Respondent dis- tributed and maintained the aforesaid rule in effect and that it reprimanded and discharged Jones for alleged vio- lations of that rule. The General Counsel contends that Respondent thereby violated the Act. The Respondent contends, however, that its rule against employees discussing wages is a valid one neces- sitated by business considerations and has been adhered to by Respondent and that the employees, including Jones, are routinely apprised of this at the time of their entry into Respondent's employment at which time they SERVICE MERCHANDISE CO. 1129 are given an employee handbook containing the rule and sign an acknowledgement thereof as did Jones in this case. James Tucker, Respondent's operating vice presi- dent of human resources, testified that the purpose of the rule is to prevent other retail stores from knowing what it pays its retail employees in each market area (i.e., Memphis) in order to quell spiraling increases in pay of its employees by other retailers who are competing for retail employees and to ensure the privacy of the em- ployees concerning their pay. Respondent contends that the rule has been adhered to by Respondent and that it has maintained secrecy regarding the pay of its employ- ees as borne out by Tucker's testimony concerning steps taken to ensure secrecy of pay. Respondent further con- tends that the Charging Party was not engaged in con- certed activity such as to bring her under the protection of the Act, regardless of the validity of the rule as this was only an inquiry issued to another employee and there is no showing that she had protested her pay to management or that there was any concern among other employees concerning pay. Respondent further contends that the complaint should be dismissed as a result of a settlement agreement it en- tered into independently of the Board on 25 March 1988 with Charging Party Jones wherein Jones agreed to waive all claims of any kind against Respondent and agreed to and did file a request for withdrawal of the charge with the Regional Director stating that she had been offered reinstatement and has waived it, including future reinstatement in return for $3000 (which was a sum in excess of twice her current backpay amount at the time of the hearing) and in return for a neutral refer- ence. Respondent further contended at the hearing that it had withdrawn its employee handbooks as of February 1988 containing the rule and had posted a notice' at all of its facilities concerning this. The withdrawal request was rejected by the Regional Director. The General Counsel contends, however, that an informal settlement is inappropriate in this case as a result of Respondent's propensity to violate the Act in view of a Board decision in Service Merchandise Co., 278 NLRB 185 (1986), find- ing that Respondent violated the Act by shutting down its operation and interrogating, threatening, and dis- charging its employees to stem a union campaign and in view of a complaint issued against Respondent in Case 1 The new notice reads as follows: SERVICE MERCHANDISE ASSOCIATE NOTICE Periodically the Company reviews its policies and publications to ensure that they properly express current management philosophy and the Company's desired relation with its associates, and that its policies conform with applicable legislative and administrative decisions. Ac- cordingly, all associates should be aware that the Company will con- tinue, as it has in the past, to hold the wages paid to you in confidence. Your Particular wages are a business matter between you and the Com- pany. However, if You voluntarily choose to discuss your wages with an- other party, the Company will no longer consider such a discussion to be a breach of confidence and a cause for disciplinary action. The Compa- ny does expect that you will respect the right of other associates not to divulge their wages. if they so choose. [Emphasis added.] This change has been or shortly will be incorporated in a revised Getting Acquainted With SMC employee handbook. 2-CA-22586 and a charge pending in another case, all of which General Counsel contends are part and parcel of Respondent's attempts to unlawfully squelch any organi- zational campaigns engaged in at its facilities. The Re- spondent for its part contends that it is not a consistent violator as the decision in Service Merchandise Co., supra, concerned incidents which occurred a number of years ago and is currently on appeal before the Circuit Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit and that the complaint and charge are unrelated to the instant case as the instant case does not involve an organizational campaign. More- over, Respondent contends that the complaint and charge contain unproven allegations which cannot give rise to a finding that it is a consistent violator of the Act. C. Analysis 1. The distribution and maintenance of the rule I find that Respondent violated Section 8(a)(1) of the Act by the distribution and maintenance of its rule pro- hibiting its employees from discussing wages. This rule is inherently violative of the employees' rights under Sec- tion 7 of the Act to engage in concerted activities con- cerning their wages, terms, and conditions of employ- ment. It is obvious that the employees' rights to engage in these activities would be rendered meaningless if em- ployees were not even permitted to discuss their wages for there could be no concerted activity under such cir- cumstances. Of necessity, concerted activity of employ- ees invariably start with discussion prior to actions. A.L.S.A.C., 277 NLRB 1532 (1986); Blue Cross-Blue Shield of Alabama, 225 NLRB 1217 (1976); Jennette Corp., 217 NLRB 653 (1975), enfd. 532 F.2d 916 (3d Cir. 1977). I further find that Respondent has failed to dem- onstrate any business justification for the maintenance of such a rule. Respondent's vice president in charge of op- erations contended that wage secrecy was necessary to compete in the Memphis market for employees with other retailers. However, he acknowledged that Re- spondent routinely hires new employees at minimum wage and pays up to $5.50 an hour for employees it sub- jectively determines are experienced. There was no showing of any special skills required of these employ- ees. I also reject Respondent's alleged concern for its employee's privacy as valid justification for the rule. In the event that Respondent has demonstrated a business justification sufficient to require a balancing of interests in this case, I find that the public policy in favor of per- mitting employees to exercise their protected rights under Section 7 far outweighs the business interest of Respondent in keeping its wages secret from other retail employers who compete for employees or of Respond- ent's professed interest in protecting the privacy of its employees as to their compensation. A.L.S.A.C., supra; International Business Machines Corp., 265 NLRB 638 (1982); Altoona Hospital, 270 NLRB 1179, 1180 (1984). I further find that in any event the rule is overly broad to accomplish Respondent's stated business objective and has the effect of stifling all concerted activity under the Act. W. R. Grace Co., 240 NLRB 813, 816 (1979). 1130 DECISIONS OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD 2. The reprimand and discharge of Jones As I have found that the maintenance of the rule vio- lates Section 8(a)(1) of the Act by interfering with the Section 7 rights of its employees, I find the undisputed evidence that Jones was reprimanded and discharged for allegedly violating the rule supports a finding that the reprimand and discharge of Jones by Respondent was also violative of Section 8(a)(1) of the Act. I credit the testimony of Deborah James that Jones did discuss wages with her. I find that the General Counsel has made a prima facie case of the aforesaid violation of the Act by Respondent and that the Respondent has failed to rebut the prima facie case by a preponderance of the evi- dence. In the event the concerted activity of Jones is deemed to be crucial to a determination of a violation of the Act, I find that the preliminary discussions of Jones or inquir- ies by her concerning the wages of her fellow employees constituted an essential ingredient to the taking of con- certed action and fall within the realm of concerted ac- tivity protected under Section 7 of the Act. A.L.S.A.C., supra; L. G. Williams Oil Co., 285 NLRB 418 (1987); El Gran Combo, 284 NLRB 1115, 1117 (1987). 3. The settlement agreement I find that the settlement agreement as entered into by Respondent and the Charging Party is inadequate to fully remedy the violations of the Act, and that a formal Board Order is necessary to effectuate the policies of the Act. Initially, I find, as the General Counsel contends, that the issues encompassed in the complaint are broader than the case of Jones standing alone. This is necessarily so as the rule found to have been unlawfully distributed, maintained, and enforced was distributed and maintained nationwide at all of Respondent's facilities and has the inevitable effect of chilling all wage discussions among Respondent's employees nationwide. These violations were not remedied by the private settlement entered into by Jones and the Respondent. It is well settled that the General Counsel is charged with the protection of public rights under the law. I find the notice posted by Respondent is inadequate to remedy the violations of the Act as it merely states that the discussion of wages will no longer subject em- ployees to disciplinary action. However, the notice makes manifestly clear that Respondent continues to look with disfavor on the discussion of wages among its em- ployees. I conclude that a clear and unequivocal notice that the employees have the right to discuss wages under Section 7 of the Act, and that Respondent clearly dis- avows its unlawful conduct in distributing, maintaining, and enforcing the prohibition against employees discuss- ing their wages is essential to fully remedy the unfair practices. I also find evidence in the past conduct of Respondent in its shutdown of its operations and discharge of 41 of its employees to squelch a union organizing campaign as found by the Board in Service Merchandise Co., supra, and the pending complaint in Case 2-CA-22586 alleging numerous unfair labor practices to stem protected con- certed activities under the Act by resorting to unlawful means supports the General Counsel's position that a formal settlement is necessary to fully remedy the viola- tions in this case. Contrary to the Respondent, I find that its actions in distributing, maintaining, and enforcing the rule against discussion among employees of wages and salaries in this case has a substantial link to its actions in the other cases cited above as the distribution, mainte- nance, and enforcement of the rule prohibiting wage dis- cussions has the inevitable effect of seeming even the commencement of discussion of pay of employees which is one of the most basic rights protected by Section 7 of the Act, and which discussion is essential to engagement in concerted activities. In Independent Stave Co., 287 NLRB 740 (1987), cited by both parties, the Board set out the factors it will con- sider in evaluating the adequacy of non-Board settle- ments of unfair labor practices and stated that it "will ex- amine all the surrounding circumstances including, but not limited to, (1) whether the Charging Party(ies), the Respondent(s) and any of the individual discriminates(s) have agreed to be bound, and the position taken by the General Counsel regarding the settlement; (2) whether the settlement is reasonable in light of the nature of the violations alleged, the risks inherent in litigation, and the stage of the litigation; (3) whether there has been any fraud, coercion, or duress by any of the parties in reach- ing the settlement; and (4) whether the Respondent has engaged in a history of violations of the Act or has breached previous settlement agreements resolving unfair labor practice disputes." In the instant case, the General Counsel opposed the settlement, and there is evidence that Respondent has a history of violations of the Act utilized to stem union campaigns and I find that the dis- tribution, maintenance, and enforcement of the rule pro- hibiting its employees from discussing salaries is consist- ent with its earlier efforts to stem union activities through unlawful means. See also Teamsters Local 115 (Gross Metal), 275 NLRB 1547 (1985), wherein the Board considered pending proceedings alleging similar misconduct as well as prior similar violations found by the Board in affirming the rejection by an administrative law judge of an offer of settlement by the Respondent to which the General Counsel had agreed. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1. Respondent is an employer within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. 2. Respondent violated Section 8(a)(1) of the Act by the distribution, maintenance, and enforcement of its rule against its employees discussing their wages with others. 3. Respondent violated Section 8(a)(1) of the Act by its reprimand and subsequent discharge of its employee Priscilla Jones for her alleged violation of the unlawful rule against employees discussing wages with others. 4. The settlement agreement entered into by Priscilla Jones and Respondent is inadequate to fully remedy the violations of the Act. 5. The above unfair labor practices have the effect of burdening commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. SERVICE MERCHANDISE CO. 1131 THE REMEDY Having found that Respondent has violated the Act, it shall be ordered to cease and desist therefrom, and to take certain affirmative actions (including the posting of an appropriate notice, designed to effectuate the pur- poses of the Act) by remedying those violations includ- ing the formal rescission of its rule found unlawful and an offer of reinstatement to Priscilla Jones to her former position, or, to a substantially equivalent one if her former position no longer exists with all seniority and other rights previously enjoyed and with full backpay and benefits with interest as computed in New Horizons for the Retarded, 283 NLRB 1173 (1987). 2 Any issue of 2 Under New Horizons, interest is computed at the "short-term Federal rate" for the underpayment of taxes as set out in the 1986 amendment to 26 U.S.C. § 6621. setoff amounts paid to Jones under the terms of the set- tlement shall be resolved at the compliance stage of the proceedings. Respondent shall also remove from its records any ref- erence to the unlawful reprimand and discharge of Pris- cilla Jones. As the rule was distributed to its employees nationwide, Respondent shall post the appropriate no- tices at its establishments nationwide. It is recommended that "Appendix A" be posted nationwide and that "Ap- pendix B" be posted at its Memphis facility. In the ab- sence of a showing of special circumstances, I do not recommend the inclusion of a visitatorial order as re- quested by the General Counsel, Cherokee Marine Termi- nal, 287 NLRB 1080 (1988). [Recommended Order omitted from publication.] Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation