Scott Paper Co.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsMay 28, 1968171 N.L.R.B. 821 (N.L.R.B. 1968) Copy Citation SCOTT PAPER COMPANY Scott Paper Company and Truck Drivers, Warehousemen and Helpers Union , Local No. 340, a/w International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of Amer- ica, Petitioner . Case 1-RC-9696 May 28, 1968 DECISION AND DIRECTION OF ELECTION By MEMBERS BROWN , JENKINS , AND ZAGORIA Upon a petition duly filed under Section 9(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, a hearing was held before Hearing Officer Reginald J. Gagnon on August 22, 29, and 30 and October 30, 1967. Subsequent to the hearing, the Petitioner and the Employer filed briefs with the National Labor Relations Board. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the Na- tional Labor Relations Board has delegated its powers in connection with this case to a three- member panel. The Board has reviewed the Hearing Officer's rulings made at the hearing and finds that they are free from prejudicial error. They are hereby of firmed. Upon the entire record in this case, the Boar( finds: 1. The Employer is engaged in commerce within the meaning of the Act and it will effectuate the purposes of the Act to assert jurisdiction herein. 2. The Petitioner is a labor organization claiming to represent certain employees of the Employer) 3. A question affecting commerce exists con- cerning the representation of the employees of the Employer within the meaning of Sections 9(c)(1) and 2(6) and (7) of the Act. 4. The parties stipulated, and we find, that the following employees constitute a unit appropriate for the purpose of collective bargaining within the meaning of Section 9(b) of the Act: All employees of the Woodland Department of the Employer's Northeast Division em- ployed at the lumber camps on the Company's timberlands in the State of Maine known as Farrar Mountain Camp, Mayfield Camp, Big Squaw Camp, Moose River Camp, Carrying Place Camp, and Somerset Camp, and any other existing woodland camps currently ' The Employer recognizes the Petitioner as a labor organization but refused to so stipulate because of the alleged organization activities on be- half of Petitioner of tractor -owner-operators it claimed were supervisory employees ( discussed , infra), and the activities of a Canadian Association, known as the Professional Woodcutters Association of Beauce, Frontenac, 821 operated by the company on its Maine timber- lands, together with vehicle maintenance mechanics at its Bingham, Maine, garage, and employees of its Moosehead Lake Towing and driving operations; excluding contracted gravel truck drivers, contracted loaders and haulers, scalers, clerical personnel, professional em- ployees, guards, and supervisors as defined in the Act. 5. The Employer questions whether certain trac- tor-owner-operators and nonowner-operators of tractors are supervisors within the meaning of the Act; whether unit employees are agricultural laborers within the meaning of Section 2(3) of the Act; and whether the provisions under which bonded employees from Canada are permitted to enter the United States to work preclude meaning- ful collective bargaining in their behalf and makes appropriate the dismissal of the petition. The forestry operations conducted by the Em- ployer in the Maine woodland camps here involved are conducted in two ways. No question is raised with respect to the hourly paid workers engaged in the so-called mechanized operation where trees are felled and hauled to pallet in full length to be bucked and slashed to proper length by automatic equipment. However, besides this method of opera- tion the Employer also utilizes a number of trac- tors, privately owned, to perform timbering opera- tions and it is the status of the owners and opera- tors of these privately owned tractors which is the subject of dispute. The three-men tractor crews, with which we are concerned, operate in the following manner. The camp foreman or the assistant foreman assigns the crew an area of trees, called a "chance," to be cut. A tractor road is prepared in the chance and trees are felled, limbed, and bucked by the cutters and then ricked or assembled near the tractor's path. The tractor operator loads the wood on the trailer and hauls it to a pallet for pickup. The foremen periodically visit the site to observe how the work is progressing. The tractor crews including the cutters and operators are paid equal amounts on the basis of a piecework formula, based on cordage cut. An essentially similar amount, worked out according to the formula, is paid the tractor-owner for use of the tractor. The tractor-owner may be either the opera- tor of the tractor or a cutter and thus receives two payments, or he may be absent and only receives the payment for use of the tractor, but in either and Dorchester allegedly dominated by the owner-operators However, as the record testimony shows the Petitioner is a labor organization whose purpose is to represent employees in collective bargaining over wages, hours, and working conditions, we conclude it is a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act 171 NLRB No. 117 822 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD event he, as are all crewmembers, is dependent to some extent on the efficiency of the crew for max- imizing income. There are approximately 62 of these three-man tractor crews consisting of a tractor driver and two cutters. Some 42 of the tractors are run by owner- operators; about 13 are owned by nonoperators and nonemployees who may stay in the camps to take care of the tractor maintenance; and some 6 trac- tors are owned by nonoperators who do not stay in camp and are not employees. One tractor is jointly owned by two absentees. Although it appears that most owner-operators act as drivers rather than cutters, owners do work as cutters and in the course of a day's work there may be shifting of jobs between men on a crew. No specific or formal delegation of authority over the work of a crew on a chance has been made to any- one except foremen or assistant foremen, and neither tractor owner-operators nor operators have been expressly given any administrative or super- visory duties regarding work on a chance. How a chance will be worked depends on group ex- perience or perhaps the suggestions of the most ex- perienced member of the crew. On the other hand, it is established that foremen do have, and have ex- ercised, supervisory authority over the crewmem- bers, including discharge. The owners and crewmembers of the three-man tractor crews are composed almost entirely of bonded Canadian workers. In addition there are a few visaed Canadian immigrants. The tractor- owners are hired by the camp foreman. Tractor- owners participate in the recruitment of cutters and operators. In some instances the foreman will ascer- tain the names of the crew from the tractor-owner and after approval by the foreman of suggested names arrangements are made for individual bonds to be issued the men in Canada where they reside. There are instances where recruitment will be by cutters rather than by an owner-operator. In other instances, the tractor-owner may go to Canada to do the recruiting and the men so recruited go to the St. George, Quebec, employment office where presigned bonds are available providing authoriza- tion to cross the border. Crewmembers so hired check in at the camp where it is company policy to have the employee present himself to the clerk and/or the foreman. The clerk fills out the neces- sary hiring forms and the foreman instructs the em- ployee in such matters as safety regulations While it appears some employees may proceed to work at a chance before all the employment papers have been completed, or before the foreman has seen the employee, the foreman has authority to put the man to work or not. The foreman or clerk may check with the personnel files which are maintained in Winslow to determine whether the man is eligi- ble for employment. If, for some reason, there is a past unfavorable employment history, the foreman may reject the recruit. Replacement of crewmembers is handled in a similar fashion. While it appears customary, at the inception of a camp, to clear the names of a crew before the men are brought to camp, changes in the composition of a crew at work, which usually occur over weekends (mainly, it seems, from incompati- bility with other crewmembers or from a desire to return home to Canada), may involve prior clearance with the foreman, or initial work with clearance later in the day as previously described. The record clearly indicates that a primary reason for the involvement of the tractor-owners, or in other instances other crewmembers, in the recruiting process, is the desirability, if not necessi- ty, of establishing a harmonious working relation- ship among each crew. As the earnings of each crewmember is determined by the amount of timber cut by the whole crew, the Company and the crews have a mutual interest in establishing compatible crews. Thus, it is evident that whoever serves as a recruiting agent-the tractor-owner in most instances-seeks persons compatible in ability and habits not only with himself if he is the driver as well as the owner, but with the other cutter on the crew. Indeed, in some instances owner-drivers rely on the other cutter to find replacements. Under all the circumstances, we find none of the tractor-owners or crewmembers to be supervisory employees. Those tractor-owners who do not work with crews, but stay in camp to maintain their equipment or who are absent from the camp, are not employees and are not included in the unit for that reason. Those employees who perform services as drivers on tractors owned by others are not su- pervisors, as they have no well-defined responsibili- ties over hiring, firing, disciplining, directing, or otherwise supervising the work of crews. The suc- cess of any crew is dependent on the mutual effort of all, and guidance may well come from an ex- perienced cutter, rather than a novice driver. Thus, at most, the operator functions as a leadman, and in many cases a member of the crew other than the operator may serve this function. As for employees, whether they be owner-drivers or cutters who par- ticipate in the recruitment process, their role in this process does not elevate them to supervisory status. The prime objective in selecting a crew is getting men who will work together in a harmonious rela- tionship. This is necessary to ensure maximum production, a goal desired by the crew and the Company. To achieve this a driver-owner who SCOTT PAPER COMPANY recruits will consider not only working skills but the acceptability of the cutters to each other as well as to himself. A cutter who does the recruiting will also be cognizant of this. Therefore, regardless of who contacts the potential new crewmen, all mem- bers of the crew may share in the recruitment process. Moreover, one of the reasons the owner- operators or cutters play a major role in recruit- ment of employees is their proximity to and knowledge of available Canadian labor. Thus, to say one member of the crew is effectively involved in the hiring process, but the other is not is to disre- gard the obvious and it must be concluded that either all or none of the crewmembers are super- visors, if this determination is based on their role in the recruitment process. Moreover, actual hiring is done by the Company and is dependent on com- pany approval of past performance, if previously employed. Under these circumstances, it is our con- clusion that none of the owner-drivers are super- visory employees. We also find no merit in the Employer's position that these crewmembers are agricultural laborers exempted by Section 2(3) from coverage under the Act. The Board's annual appropriation acts since 1947, including our present appropriation,' have contained a rider requiring the Board to follow the definition of the term "agricultural" contained in Section 3(f) of the Fair Labor Standards Act.' Under Section 3(f) forestry or lumbering opera- tions are considered as agricultural in nature only if performed "by a farmer or on a farm as an incident to or in conjunction with such farming operation." Clearly, commercial forestry operations as are en- gaged in by the Employer do not come within the ambit of the agricultural definition in Section 3(f) ' 81 Stat 408 (1967) 29 U.S C 203 In our consideration of this issue we have given appropriate weight to interpretation by the Department of Labor of this section of the Fair Laboi Standards Act and note that in Title 29 Part 780 160 CFR the Department concludes that "employees of an employer engaged exclusively in forestry or lumbering operations are not within the agricultural exemption - An election eligibility list, containing the names and addresses of all the 823 of the Fair Labor Standards Act.' The crewmem- bers therefore are not exempt by virtue of their work from coverage under the National Labor Relations Act. We also reject the Employer's contention that the nature of the regulations governing bonded em- ployees from Canada precludes meaningful collec- tive bargaining, and therefore compels the dismissal of the current petition. Before an employer is per- mitted to bring in under bond these Canadian em- ployees it must agree to meet certain minimal stan- dards in wages, housing, transportation, etc. These minimum standards, however, are floors, as in such legislation as the Fair Labor Standards Act, and the Walsh-Healey Public Contracts Act, and are designed to protect domestic labor from the erosion of its standards by competition from imported labor which might be willing to work at lower standards. Nothing in these standards prohibits collective-bar- gaining to raise the minimal standards or to encom- pass other terms and conditions of employment which are not covered in the regulations concern- ing the importation of labor. Moreover, no govern- mental approval is necessary for changes in the terms and conditions of employment above the minimum standard. Accordingly, this case is not controlled by our decision in Stokely Van-Camp, Inc., 107 NLRB 1137, in which individual work contracts for Mexican nationals and contracts for British West Indies nationals were subject to governmental approval before they could be al- tered. Therefore, we perceive no reason for refus- ing to entertain the petition in this case. [Direction of Election 5 omitted from publica- tion. ] eligible voters, must be filed by the Employer with the Regional Director for Region I within 7 days after the date of this Decision and Direction of Election The Regional Director shall make the list available to all parties to the election No extension of time to file this list shall he granted by the Regional Director except in extraordinary circumstances Failure to comply with this requirement shall be grounds for setting aside the election whenever proper objections are tiled Excelsior Under,, ear Inc , 156 NLRB 1236 Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation