Santa Fe Drilling Co.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsMay 2, 1968171 N.L.R.B. 161 (N.L.R.B. 1968) Copy Citation SANTA FE DRILLING COMPANY 161 Santa Fe Drilling Company and Alaska Petroleum Crafts Council and International Union of Petroleum Workers, AFL-CIO. Cases 19-CA-3324-1, 19-CA-3328, 19-CA-3470, 19-RC-3851, and 19-RM-598 May 2, 1968 DECISION, ORDER , AND DIRECTION OF SECOND ELECTION BY MEMBERS BROWN, JENKINS, AND ZAGORIA On October 18, 1967, Trial Examiner Irving Rogosin issued his Decision in the above-entitled proceeding, finding that the Respondent had en- gaged in and was engaging in certain unfair labor practices, and recommending that it cease and de- sist therefrom and take certain affirmative action, as set forth in the Trial Examiner's Decision at- tached hereto. He also found that the Respondent had not engaged in other unfair labor practices al- leged in the complaint. Thereafter, the Respondent filed exceptions to the Trial Examiner's Decision and a supporting brief, the General Counsel filed cross-exceptions, and a brief in support of the cross-exceptions, and the Respondent thereafter filed an answering brief. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the Na- tional Labor Relations Board has delegated its powers in connection with this case to a three- member panel. The Board has reviewed the rulings of the Trial Examiner made at the hearing and finds that no prejudicial error was committed. The rulings are hereby affirmed. The Board has considered the Trial Examiner's Decision, the exceptions, cross-ex- ceptions, and the briefs of the parties, and the en- tire record in the case, and hereby adopts the findings, conclusions, and recommendations of the Trial Examiner with the following modifications herein noted.' For the reasons expressed by the Trial Examiner, we agree that Sherwood was discriminatorily laid off on March 20, 1966, and that Gardner was similarly discriminatorily discharged on May 8, 1966. However, we do not agree with the Trial Ex- aminer that Sherwood and Gardner should be de- nied reinstatement and backpay. In our view Sherwood's strong expression of dis- pleasure to Crew Supervisor Blair upon being in- formed that he was being replaced by an employee with more seniority who had been laid off from another rig, and that he was being laid off rather than being permitted to bump to the lower skilled job of roustabout does not warrant the withholding of the customary remedy. Sherwood was hired as a roustabout on December 7, 1965, and was promoted to the higher skilled job of derrickman on January 21, 1966, under driller Huckaby. Although Blair testified that Sherwood had been promoted while Blair was away on a trip and that he (Blair) would not have recommended Sherwood for this promotion, there is no showing that he had ever criticized Sherwood directly or had asked any other supervisor to discuss with Sherwood any of Sherwood's alleged shortcomings. Nor does the record show that Sherwood had ever been warned or disciplined for his alleged shortcomings as a der- rickman by other supervisors. To the contrary, around the middle of February, Respondent's Manager Lage asked Sherwood how he liked work- ing for the Respondent, and, according to Sher- wood's uncontradicted testimony, informed him that more job opportunities would be available if he remained with the Respondent and that there probably would be chances for advancement. Thus, it appears that Sherwood's sense of indignation upon being told thereafter by Blair that he was being let go because of his poor work had con- siderable justification. As for the actual remarks themselves, contrary to the Trial Examiner, we fail to interpret them as ex- pressing an animal exuberance, indicating physical threat or harm which would make any future em- ployer-employee relationship untenable. According to Blair, after Sherwood was told that he was not to be retained, Sherwood told him that "he (Sher- wood) thought I was a pretty good man when he came out there and said he had told all the hands or some of the hands around there that if I bumped him, why he was going to whip my [obscenity], but he was not going to do it because that would make him a bigger [obscenity] than I was." Sherwood continued to use obscenity in regard to Blair. How- ever, he did not threaten him with physical harm or .bodily violence. Blair apparently maintained his composure throughout. While we do not condone these remarks, we do not believe them sufficiently serious, in all the cir- cumstances, to warrant a denial of reinstatement and backpay. Indeed, the record supports the Trial Examiner's findings that Blair, himself, and driller i The Respondent excepts to the Trial Examiner 's finding that certain re- marks of toolpusher Prim Roady violated Section 8(a)(1) of the Act. It was agreed at the hearing that evidence of these remarks was being introduced by the General Counsel only for background purposes, and that the General Counsel was not thereby seeking an additional 8(a)(1) violation In view of the parties' stipulation at the hearing concerning this matter, we do not adopt the Trial Examiner's finding that the remarks in question con- stituted a violation of the Act. 171 NLRB No. 27 162 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Troy White frequently used obscene remarks in conversations with employees. Moreover, the Trial Examiner discounted the seriousness of the use of obscenity because of "the rough-and-tumble at- mosphere in which the crews worked, the restricted quarters in which they lived, and the exigencies of the enterprise." The Trial Examiner characterized such language as "privy graffiti."2 We are of the opinion that such characterization of Sherwood's remarks is applicable here. In view of the provocation which prompted the remarks and the nature of the remarks themselves, we are unable to find that they indicated such ag- gravated and gross misconduct as to render Sher- wood unfit for further employment.' Accordingly, contrary to the Trial Examiner, we shall direct that Respondent reinstate Sherwood and make him whole for any loss of pay he may have suffered. As for Gardner, while finding that he was dis- criminatorily discharged, the Trial Examiner further found that the Respondent did not dis- criminate against him by failing to reinstate him to his former or substantially equivalent employment because Gardner had indicated that he intended to quit his job in any event, and that he had obtained or was about to obtain another job at which he was working at the time of the hearing. This, in effect, while finding a violation the Trial Examiner pro- vided no specific remedy in regard to Gardner. We do not agree. In our opinion, the basis for Gardner's decision to seek employment elsewhere and any action he may have taken as to other employment were directly related to the Respondent's unfair labor practices, particularly the numerous instances of in- terference, restraint, and coercion found by the Trial Examiner to be violative of Section 8(a)(1) of the Act, and which recommendations we have herein adopted. Such illegal conduct by the Respondent, we are convinced, would reasonably cause an employee to be insecure and to think in terms of other employment. For example, after the February 20, 1966, election at which Gardner had been an observer, Blair announced to the em- ployees that he was going to be extra strict in his work standards, no longer permit Gardner time off to "go fishing" in the summer, that he had "run off some men ... he was going to run off more." As ' Trial Examiner 's Decision fn. 12. See, e .g., N.L.R.B. v. M & B Headwear Co, Inc., 349 F.2d 170, 174 (C.A. 4), N L R B. v Efco Manufacturing, Inc, 227 F.2d 675, 676 (C.A. 1), cert . denied 350 U S. 1007; N.L.R.B. v. Kohler Co., 300 F.2d 699, 702-704 (C.A.D.C ), cert . denied 370 U.S. 911, J P Stevens & Co, Inc., 157 NLRB 869, fn 8 , enfg 380 F.2d 292 (C A 2), cert denied 88 U.S. at 564; J. P. Stevens Company, Inc., 163 NLRB 217, fn. 11. We find that Lau noted above , Gardner was in fact eventually dis- criminatorily discharged. We find, in the circumstances , that Gardner's decision to terminate his employment the day after he was unlawfully discharged even though he had formed his intention to do so before his discharge was not an unequivocal resolve not to accept rein- statement , but was made in the heat of dissatisfac- tion with his treatment by Respondent and could hardly be characterized as a rational , uncoerced decision. We therefore do not consider Gardner's action to be a waiver of his right of reinstatement. To consider this a waiver of such right would mean permitting the Respondent to accomplish indirectly what we have found the Respondent could not do directly: to remove Gardner discriminatorily from its work force. Both in order to preserve the public interest in Respondent 's meaningful compliance and in order to safeguard a discriminatee 's rights, we find that it would effectuate the policies of the Act not to give weight to Gardner 's statements and conduct regard- ing his decision to discontinue his employment rela- tionship with Respondent prior to a good-faith offer of reinstatement made at a time when the effects of the unfair labor practices found herein have been dissipated .' Accordingly, we find that Respondent's failure to reinstate Gardner and to make him a bona fide offer of reinstatement is a continued expression of its unlawful motivation and conduct leading to his layoff. Contrary to the Trial Examiner , we shall direct that Respondent reinstate Gardner and make him whole for any loss of pay he may have suffered. ORDER Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Relations Board adopts as its Order the Recom- mended Order of the Trial Examiner as modified below and hereby orders that the Respondent, Santa Fe Drilling Company, Anchorage, Alaska, its officers, agents, successors , and assigns, shall take the action set forth in the Trial Examiner's Recom- mended Order, as herein modified: 1. Paragraph 2(a) is amended to read as follows: (a) Offer Lloyd W. Collins, Sidney R. Sherwood, David L. Gardner, Arthur W. Gordon, and Ernest Blower Company, 146 NLRB 1226, 1234 , relied upon by the Trial Ex- aminer , is inapposite , and distinguishable upon its facts in that it involved, unlike here , a discharge because of threatening language and a dispute with a supervisor and not an expression of indignation in response to a dis- criminatory discharge a See Heinrich Motors, Inc., 166 NLRB 783, cf. W. C. Nabors, Co., 89 NLRB 538, 550 , 571, fn 50. SANTA FE DRILLING COMPANY 163 N. Barefield immediate and full reinstatement to their former or substantially equivalent positions, without prejudice to their seniority and other rights and privileges, and make them whole in the manner set forth in the section entitled "The Remedy." 2. Paragraph 2(b) is deleted and the remaining paragraphs are relettered accordingly. 3. The fourth and fifth indented paragraphs in the Appendix attached to the Trial Examiner's Decision are deleted and the following paragraph substituted: WE WILL offer Sidney R. Sherwood, David L. Gardner, Lloyd W. Collins, Arthur W. Gor- don, and Ernest N. Barefield immediate and full reinstatement to their former or substan- tially equivalent positions, without prejudice to their seniority and other rights and privileges, and make them whole for any loss of pay they may have suffered by reason of the discrimina- tion against them. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the election con- ducted in Cases 19-RC-3851 and 19-RM-598 on February 20, 1966, among certain employees of Santa Fe Drilling Company be, and it hereby is, set aside. DECISION OF TRIAL EXAMINER STATEMENT OF THE CASE IRVING ROGOSIN, Trial Examiner: This matter is before the Board upon its order directing hearing on objections of Alaska Petroleum Crafts-Council , the APCC herein, Petitioner in Cases 19-RC-3851 and 19-RM-598, dated November 14, 1966, and order of the Regional Director, dated December 6, 1966, consolidating for hearing the consolidated complaint , issued July 22, 1966, in Cases 19-CA-3324-1 and 19-CA-3328, and the com- plaint , issued December 6, 1966, in Case 19-CA-3470, with the objections to the election, as provided in the Board's order directing hearing.' The consolidated complaint in Cases 19-CA-3324-1 and 19-CA-3328 alleges that on or about specified dates in January and February 1966 Respondent (1) interfered with, restrained, and coerced its employees in violation of Section 8(a)(1) of the Act by threatening them with discharge or loss of employment, more arduous work, loss of benefits under a profit-sharing plan, loss of privileges and accomodations, and restricted lavatory and rest periods because they had engaged in union or other concerted activities; (2) dis- criminated in regard to the hire and tenure of em- ployment of employees in violation of Section 8(a)(3) of the Act by discharging Lloyd Collins on or about February 22, Arthur Gordon on or about February 24, and laying off Sidney R. Sherwood on or about March 20, 1966, and thereafter refusing to reinstate them. The complaint in Case 19-CA-3470 alleges that Respondent discriminated in regard to the hire and tenure of employment of employees in violation of Section 8(a)(3) by discharging Dave Gardner on or about May 7 and E. N. Barefield on or about June 2, 1966, and thereafter refusing to reinstate them. Respondent's answer to the consolidated com- plaint in Cases 19-CA-3324-1 and 19-CA-3328 admits the procedural allegations of the complaint, including the allegations concerning commerce, but denies generally and specifically the substantive al- legations.' In its answer in Case 19-CA-3470, Respondent asserts substantially the same defenses set forth in the previous consolidated complaint; denies that it discharged Dave Gardner, asserting that that deci- sion was made by Shell Oil Company personnel; and, while admitting that it discharged E. N. Barefield, denies that the discharge of either of these employees was in violation of Section 8(a)(1) and (3) of the Act. Hearing was held from February 13 to 17, inclu- sive, at Anchorage, Alaska. The General Counsel, Respondent, and the IUPW were represented by counsel and were afforded full opportunity to be heard , to examine and cross -examine witnesses, to introduce evidence relevant and material to the is- sues, to argue orally, and to file briefs and proposed findings of fact and conclusions of law. All parties declined to argue orally but reserved the right to file briefs . Pursuant to successive extensions duly i The original charge in Case 19-CA-3324-1 was filed by the APCC on February 23, 1966, and served the same day , the original charge in Case 19-CA-3328 was filed by the IUPW, on February 28 and served the same day, the amended charge on March 7, 1966, the second amended charge on March 28, the original charge in Case 19-CA-3470 was filed by the IUPW on August 5 and served the same day, the amended charge on Sep- tember 12, 1966 All dates, unless otherwise shown , are in 1966 Designa- tions are as follows the General Counsel, unless otherwise stated, his representative at the hearing , Santa Fe Drilling Company, Respondent, the Company, or Employer, Alaska Petroleum Crafts Council, the APCC, In- ternational Union of Petroleum Products , the IUPW , the National Labor Relations Act, as amended (61 Stat 136, 73 Stat 519, 29 U S C Sec 151, et seq ), the Act, the National Labor Relations Board, the Board R Despite its categorical admissions of the commerce allegations, Respondent separately alleged " 10 Respondent specifically denied that its acts have led or tend to lead to labor disputes burdening or obstructing commerce or the free flow of commerce or that any of its activities con- stitute unfair labor practices affecting commerce within the meaning of Section 8 ( a)(I) and ( 3) and Sections 2(6) and (7) of the Act "Further an- swering, Respondent alleged, in substance , that it was prejudiced in regard to the issuance of the consolidated complaint in that an attorney in the Re- gional Office failed to maintain an attitude of neutrality in the investiga- tion, and that the Regional Director, although requested to do so, denied Respondent an opportunity to produce , for questioning by him, supervisory employees who could furnish information in the matter of the alleged dis- criminatory discharges before issuing the complaint Apart from the fact that these allegations are irrelevant to any of the issues in the case and would not, in any event , constitute a defense to the complaint , Respondent made no offer to prove the allegations , and has failed to mention this in its brief It is, therefore, assumed that Respondent has abandoned this issue in its defense 353-177 0 - 72 - 12 164 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD granted (six, to be exact), briefs were filed by the General Counsel and Respondent on April 24, 1967. No proposed findings of fact or conclusions of law have been filed by any of the parties. Motion of the General Counsel to correct the transcript, duly filed and served on April 24, 1967, in the absence of objections, is hereby allowed and made part of the record. Upon the entire record in the case, my observa- tion of the attitude and demeanor of the witnesses, and the briefs of the parties, I hereby make the fol- lowing: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. THE BUSINESS OF RESPONDENT The consolidated complaints allege, Respon- dent's answer admits,3 and it is hereby found that Santa Fe Drilling Company, Respondent herein, a California corporation with its principal office and place of business at Santa Fe Springs, California, is engaged, among other things, in offshore drilling operations in the United States, including Cook In- let, Alaska. During its last fiscal or calendar year, Respon- dent furnished goods and services valued in excess of $50,000 to the Shell Oil Company in the State of Alaska. During the same period, the Shell Oil Com- pany purchased goods and procured services for use in its operations in Alaska valued in excess of $50,000 from points outside the State of Alaska. It is, therefore, found that at all times material herein Respondent has been an employer within the meaning of Section 2(2), and has engaged in and is engaging in commerce within the meaning of Sec- tion 2(6) and (7) of the Act. H. THE LABOR ORGANIZATIONS INVOLVED Alaska Petroleum Crafts Council, herein called the APCC, is, and at all times material herein has been , a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2 (5) of the Act. International Union of Petroleum Workers, AFL-CIO, herein called the IUPW, is, and at all times material herein has been , a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. III. THE UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES A. The Issues 1. Whether, prior to the , election on February 20, 1966, Respondent, through its supervisors, in- terfered with, restrained, and coerced its employees in violation of Section 8(a)(1) by various coercive 9 See, however, fn 2, supra The record amply establishes that Respon- dent is engaged in commerce within the meaning of the Act Moreover, in the Stipulation for Certification Upon Consent Election, Cases statements and threats , including threats of discharge , increased work , loss of privileges, and benefits under a profit-sharing plan. 2. Whether , after the election, Respondent, through its supervisors , interfered with , restrained, and coerced its employees in violation of Section 8(a)(1) by statements to its employees that, because many of them had voted for a union, they would be obliged to work harder , that they would be deprived of coffeebreaks , and would have their lavatory privileges curtailed. 3. Whether , after the election , Respondent dis- criminated in regard to the hire and tenure of em- ployment of employees in violation of Section 8(a)(1) and ( 3) by discharging Lloyd Collins on or about February 22; Arthur Gordon on or about February 24; and by laying off Sidney R. Sherwood on or about March 20 , and thereafter failing and refusing to reinstate said employees. 4. Whether Respondent discriminated in regard to the hire and tenure of em ployment of employees in violation of Section 8(a)(1) and ( 3) by discharg- ing Dave Gardner on or about May 7 and E. N. Barefield on or about June 2 , 1966, and thereafter refusing to reinstate them. 5. Whether Respondent , by the foregoing con- duct which occurred before the election, affected the results of the election to which timely objec- tions were filed by the APCC. B. Background As has already been noted, Respondent is en- gaged in the business of oil well drilling. This proceeding involves an offshore drilling operation at Middle Ground Shoal, Cook Inlet, Alaska, designated as Shell Platform "A." The platform is owned by the Shell Oil Company but the drilling operations are performed by Respondent under a labor contract between these Companies, the details of which are not disclosed by the record and with which we need not be concerned. Drilling operations are conducted on a 24-hour basis by three drilling crews, each working a 12- hour tour of duty, 10 days on and 5 days off duty. Each crew consists of a driller, derrickman, pit watcher, motorman, and three rotary helpers or roughnecks under the immediate supervision of the driller. The crews are, in turn, supervised by the pushers or foremen, two of whom are employed by Respondent, and two, by the Shell Oil Company, who share responsibilities for the operation of the entire platform operation. There are usually two pushers on the platform, one each for Respondent and Shell, who work alternate 12-hour shifts. The pusher on duty is usually in charge of the platform, although the Shell pusher is regarded as having authority over Respondent's pusher even when the 19-RC-3851 and 19-RM-598, Respondent acknowledged that it was en- gaged in commerce within the meaning of the Act SANTA FE DRILLING COMPANY 165 latter is not on duty. During the period with which we are concerned, Vernon Blair4 and Coleman "Prim" Roady were Respondent's pushers. Although Respondent has apparently been en- gaged in oil drilling operations in Alaska since 1962,5 the present installation was inaugurated in the latter part of 1964, when the drilling platform, constructed by Kaiser Steel Corporation, was turned over to the Shell Oil Company for operation at Middle Ground Shoal, Cook Inlet. Operation of the platform was initiated by Don Quinn, chief foreman for Shell, who had also been involved in the construction of the platform. Late in 1965, Ver- non "Bud" Furry succeeded Quinn as drilling foreman. Furry was charged with responsibility for the overall operation; Blair or Roady for the drilling operation. In addition to the drilling crews, Respondent em- ploys crane operators (or roustabout pushers) and roustabouts. Although not regarded as a supervisor in the conventional sense, the crane operator works with and directs the work of two roustabouts. Since May 1966 the three crane crews have work 12-hour shifts or tours (from 6 to 6 o'clock), 12 hours on, 12 hours off, duty, 10 days on and 5 days off. The drilling crews' tours are from 12 to 12 o'clock. The crane operators and roustabouts are under the su- pervision of the platform maintenance foremen, who are Shell employees. Additionally, Respondent employs or hires intermittently on a contract basis mechanics, electricians, and welders. The drilling operations, as has been noted, are furnished to Shell by Respondent, which furnishes manpower and certain equipment. Under the contractual ar- rangement between Respondent and Shell, although all drilling and roustabout crews are em- ployed by Respondent, Shell personnel often exer- cise direct supervision over Respondent's em- ployees. Thus, the crane operators and their crews receive directions from the platform maintenance foreman, a Shell employee. Also, since Respon- dent's pusher and Shell's pusher alternate 12-hour shifts, the drilling crews are under the supervision of a Shell pusher about 50 percent of the time. The rigging of the platform occupied the first phase of the operation, consuming a period of 40 days. Drilling operations did not begin until March 1965. Some drilling and production equipment, however, still remained to be rigged. Drilling and rigging continued until about September 1965. Thereafter, through the winter months, drilling of wells proceeded concurrently with maintenance of equipment. Transportation between the mainland and the platform is provided by an independent helicopter service; supplies and equipment are delivered by vessel. C. The Election Proceedings On January 25, 1966, the APCC, filed a petition for representation and election among Respon- dent's employees (Case 19-RC-3851). Two days later, on January 27, Respondent filed its petition (Case 19-RM-598). The IUPW intervened in those proceedings and, thereafter, the three parties en- tered into a Stipulation for Certification Upon Con- sent Election, approved by the Regional Director on February 11, 1966. On February 20 (Sunday), an election was held at the platform in the bargain- ing unit defined in the stipulation.' The tally of bal- lots revealed that of 36 eligible voters, 15 ballots were cast for the IUPW, 2 for the APCC, 14 for neither, and 5 were challenged. Timely objections to the conduct of the election were filed by the APCC, and the challenged ballots, sufficient to af- fect the results of the election, have not been. resolved. On September 8, following an investigation, the Regional Director issued and served on the parties his revised report on objections to election (sup- planting his original report on objections, issued July 22), recommending that objections I and 2 be overruled, and that objection 3, which "encom- passes all of the illegal conduct of the Employer" alleged in the outstanding consolidated complaint in Cases 19-CA-3324-1 and 19-CA-3328, be con- solidated for hearing before the Trial Examiner as- signed to hear the allegations of said consolidated complaint. Timely exceptions were filed by the Em- ployer to the Regional Director's Report. On November 14 the Board issued its Order directing a hearing on objection 3 of the APCC's objections, as recommended by the Regional Director. D. Sequence of Events 1. Events preceding the election On February 12 Respondent's president, Ed L. Shannon, Jr., sent a circular letter on company sta- tionery to each of the employees at the Platform "A" operation. The letter notified them of the forthcoming election on February 21, advised them of the choices on the ballot, and assured them that the Company would respect their choice and bar- gain in good faith if the majority of the employees selected either of the Unions. Pointing out that the employees were already receiving the highest wages and enjoying the best working conditions of any ' Until November 1966 Blair was " head " pusher for Respondent , at that time, Blair was promoted to the job of drilling superintendent , and Ray Olds replaced him as pusher. According to the circular letter of Respondent's president , Ed L. Shan- non, Jr , dated February 12, 1966, later discussed. 6 All employees employed by the Employer in its drilling operations on the Shell platform (SRS Platform A, Middle Ground Shoals) in Cook Inlet, State of Alaska, excluding office clerical employees, professional em- ployees, guards, drillers, and other supervisors as defined by the Act 166 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD drilling employees in the area , and reminding them of the benefits , including a profit-sharing and retire- ment plan which they were receiving , the letter stated , " A labor union in Alaska will almost cer- tainly destroy some of this flexibility [of operation] and as a result , and to this extent , the work of our employees in Alaska may also be reduced." The letter urged a "NEITHER" vote , but closed with the assurance that the Company would " respect whatever choice " the employees made. The letter was followed by a similar letter on February 16, calling attention to the impending election ( moved back a day to February 20), urging the employees to vote , asserting that the IUPW had signed no contracts with oil well drilling contractors in Alaska , and that neither of the contracts signed by APCC in Alaska provided wages, benefits, or working conditions comparable to those enjoyed by the company employees . Again , the letter closed with the statement , " Whatever the election on Sun- day decides , Santa Fe will continue to play the game [with all the cards on the table and for the best interests of all concerned ] knowing the best in- terests of the employees and of the company are just the same. "' Several days before the election , Donald H. Lage , Respondent's manager of Alaska drilling,' visited the platform and spoke to the men in a se- ries of group meetings, as well as individually. LeJeune Wilson , manager of domestic operations for Respondent , and Lage 's superior , was also present during some of these meetings.9 According to Lage 's testimony , he talked with the crewmembers about the impending election, in- formed them that the Unions had requested recog- nition , and that their choice as to whether they wished to be represented by a union would be respected . Lage also testified that Wilson told Blair, in his presence , that the hiring or retention of men should not be affected by the way they voted in the election and , although Lage did not know whether Blair relayed this to the crew , testified that he, him- self, advised them to this effect . In a discussion dur- ing the same period , at which Blair and Lage were also present , Wilson made similar remarks to Roady , Respondent 's other toolpusher. Sometime between February 16 and 18 Lage ad- dressed driller Ray Olds ' crew in the recreation room . According to Lloyd Collins , a derrickman and one of the alleged discriminatees, Lage ' Since it is neither alleged , nor contended , that the letters or their dis- semination among the employees violated Section 8(a)(1), the General Counsel conceding that Respondent 's "pre-election campaign [letters and) speeches , ( presently discussed ), were admittedly within legal bounds and perhaps artfully drawn and performed ," neither the contents of the letters nor of the speeches are detailed or relied on , except to the extent that they furnish background for the events which followed A recent wage increase, effective February 8, mentioned in Respondent's letter of February 12, re- lied on by APCC as one of the grounds for its objections to the election, together with the alleged discriminatory discharge of three -named em- ployees before the election , and one, in an amended charge by the IUPW after the election, was found to afford no basis for objections and, for reasons stated in his revised report on objections to election, the Regional discussed the approaching election and , after stat- ing that Respondent and Shell were satisfied with their work on the platform and informing them that the recent wage increase was in recognition of their work performance , invited questions from the men. Collins thereupon asked Lage why, if the men were as good as he said they were, they were not being paid the same wage rate as men working "on the beach ," referring to crews working ashore. When Lage pointed out that the men on the plat- form were receiving free room and board , Collins countered that they were working on the platform for the convenience of Shell and Santa Fe and not for their own . Collins added that if the Company would pay the men the same wage rate it was pay- ing the crews on shore , he would be glad to com- mute to the platform by helicopter since it made trips to the platform daily , and commented that he would much prefer living ashore while working on the platform for the same wages as the crews on land were receiving. In January 1966 while Arthur Gordon, a roughneck on Olds' crew , was on the catwalk on the top deck of the platform , Blair called him from the catwalk and told him that he wanted to talk to him about " this union deal ." Blair told Gordon that he had the names of a number of persons who had engaged in union activities and that his name was among them. Gordon said that if Blair had asked him he would have told him that he had been in- volved in such activities before . Gordon acknowledged that Blair said that he had no objec- tion to persons engaging in union activities just so they did their work well. Gordon observed that he had been "buggered up" in union activities before and that he had no intention of letting it happen again . Blair mentioned to Gordon the Company's profit-sharing and insurance plan and the high wages it paid , and urged Gordon to be sure to vote in the election when it was held. Gordon assured him that he would and the conversation ended. Ac- cording to Gordon , Blair's attitude toward him became friendlier after Gordon mentioned his earli- er unsatisfactory union experience. Gordon testified that his previous union involve- ment had occurred while he was an employee of Reading & Bates, another drilling contractor in the area from which he had been discharged following a strike. Although Gordon had been on the picket line during the strike , he denied that any violence Director recommended that those objections , designated as I and 2, be overruled As has already been noted , the Regional Director's findings and recommendations were adopted by the Board in its Order dated November 14, 1966 8 According to Lage, his responsibilities were primarily administrative, including bidding and billing and the negotiation of the labor contract on the Shell platform He was Blair's supervisor , and moved to Anchorage on a permanent basis in August 1966, having previously made periodic trips to the platform 8 The subject matter of some of these meetings, insofar as they relate to Lloyd Collins, one of the alleged discrimmatees, is discussed in the section dealing with his discharge SANTA FE DRILLING COMPANY had occurred or that he had ever been accused of engaging in such conduct . He testified that neither he nor Blair made any mention of Reading & Bates during this conversation , and that no mention of violence was made by either of them. Blair , however , testified that it had been reported to him by a representative of Reading & Bates that Blair had two men in his employ, Arthur Gordon and David Sistrunk , who had participated in the strike , and that " there had been violence out there ," and that the secretary of another company had told him that she "thought " Bob Tally, who had participated in the strike, had also been in- volved in violence . Blair testified that he had the names of some men who had reportedly been in- volved in the Reading & Bates strike, and that he was concerned about violence in the event of a strike at the platform . According to Blair, he was at the foot of the stairs to the catwalk and called Gor- don down , questioned him about whether he had been involved in that strike, and whether he had engaged in any violence there . Gordon denied that he had engaged in any violence and said that as far as he was concerned he hoped he never became in- volved in a similar situation . Blair expressed satisfaction and indicated to Gordon that he in- tended to talk to the other man, presumably refer- ring to Sistrunk , although he probably did not men- tion him by name. Although Blair testified that his primary purpose in talking to Gordon was his concern over the pos- sibility of a similar occurrence and his determina- tion to avoid it in regard to Respondent 's venture, it is evident that Blair was utilizing this opportunity as a means of ascertaining the extent of Gordon's in- terest in the organizational activities at Respon- dent 's operations . 10 Thus , it is undisputed that Blair pointedly called Gordon down from the catwalk while he was on shift to discuss union activities, though ostensibly at another company , lending cre- dence to Gordon 's testimony that Blair said he wanted to discuss "this union deal ." Blair's admis- sion that he told Gordon that he had the names of men, including Gordon 's, who had reportedly en- gaged in picketline violence, justifies the conclusion that Blair had already undertaken to identify union adherents among his crews . The fact that Gordon readily acknowledged his former union allegiance, remarking that if Blair had asked him he would 10 The General Counsel 's argument that since neither Union had as yet achieved exclusive representative status, and no demands had been made upon Respondent which might lead to a strike with attendant picketing and possible violence , Blair had no reason to anticipate any violence. The record does not establish the exact date in January the conversation took place . The APCC representation petition was filed on January 25 and ex- perience demonstrates that the filing of a petition is usually preceded or ac- companied by some form of organizational activity It is reasonable to as- sume that this was so here , and that Blair was aware of the union activity in the platform operation . Assuming, however , that Blair's concern about possible violence stemming from organizational activity , based upon re- ports which had reached him about the strike at Reading & Bates, was genuine , this does not gainsay the likelihood that Blair was actually more concerned with probing Gordon 's union sympathies 167 have admitted it, makes it evident that Blair made his purpose to ascertain Gordon 's union sentiments at that time abundantly clear . That Gordon volun- teered his regret at his previous union involvement and avowed that it would not happen again affords no justification for Blair 's oblique inquiries into Gordon 's union activities . On the contrary , it mere- ly serves to demonstrate that Gordon reacted to Blair's inquiries , as Blair intended he should, by as- suring him of his lack of interest in unionization, persuasive evidence that Gordon obviously con- cluded that any other course might jeopardize his tenure . Coupled with Blair 's reference to the benefits which the Company provided its em- ployees and the admonition to make certain to vote in the election , which had not even yet been scheduled ," his remarks warrant the inference that Blair 's statements to Gordon and his none too sub- tle interrogation were reasonably calculated by Blair and interpreted by Gordon as an attempt to ascertain the latter 's union sentiments, and to instill in him apprehension of the consequences of any renewed union activity . In these circumstances, Blair's statement , as attributed to him by Gordon, that Blair "didn 't mind people that were in union activities , just as long as they did their work well," was insufficient to neutralize the effect of his other remarks, especially since Blair did not assure Gor- don that he was free to engage in union or con- certed activities without fear of reprisal. Judged by the foregoing , and on the basis of Blair's attitude and demeanor on the witness stand and admitted statements to employees evincing bla- tant hostility toward them and their organizational activities, it is found that , by Blair 's statements to Gordon in January 1966, related above, Respon- dent has interfered with , restrained, and coerced its employees in the exercise of rights guaranteed in Section 7 , thereby violating Section 8(a)(1) of the Act.12 During this period , Blair also talked to other crewmembers on the Shell platform regarding the forthcoming election . According to crane operator John Dale Carter , some 3 weeks before the election Blair summoned him to his office and, after produc- ing a copy of a labor contract between Coastal Drilling Company and the APCC, told Carter that there was a likelihood that the men would not gain anything or benefit from having a union . Carter 11 The stipulation for consent election was executed on February 8 (by APCC ) at the earliest , and not approved by the Regional Director until February I 1 The date of the election , originally set for Monday , February 21, on the Shell platform , was advanced I day, to Sunday, February 20, with the consent of all the parties. 11 To obviate the necessity for repeated references to testimony imputing to Blair and driller William Troy White, familiarly called Troy White, frequent obscene remarks in conversations with employees , it will merely be stated here that making due allowance for the type of offshore operation involved , the rough-and-tumble atmosphere in which the crews worked, the restricted quarters in which they lived, and the exigencies of the enter- prise, the language to which these supervisors resorted is perhaps best described as privy graffiti or hard core pornography 168 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD also testified that Blair said that the men would probably lose their ice cream , pop, and movies, which Shell was not obliged to provide if the Union were elected . Blair also remarked , according to Carter, that if the Union were successful and the Company was required to raise wages they would have to "drive the men harder ," that those who could not " keep up " would be fired , and that "there would probably be a lot of men discharged." At the end of the interview , in an apparent effort to divert Blair from the subject of unions, Carter re- marked , " Vernon , you have me brainwashed." According to Sidney R. Sherwood , a derrickman, about 2 weeks before the election , while he and three or four of the men were in the washroom Blair told Sherwood that he wanted to talk to him about " this union business " and asked him to go to his office . When Sherwood reached the office he found a mechanic there, whom he identified by name, and a Shell supervisor whose name he could not recall . Sherwood testified that Blair began by stating that the men had signed cards in an effort to obtain an election and that he did not feel that a union would help them in anyway. Blair reminded Sherwood that he had told him when he was hired that the Company was nonunion and intended to keep it that way. Sherwood countered that he be- lieved in unions and would probably support a union " if [it] was the right union." The two men discussed the pros and cons of unions and Blair finally brought out a specimen drilling company labor contract on which the names of the parties had been deleted showing the wage scales and pointed out that if the men were represented by a union they would be "taking a wage cut ." Sher- wood maintained that the contract was out of date, and after some heated argument Sherwood said that his driller would be wondering where he was and that he had to return to work because he was on duty. During the discussion , Blair told Sherwood that the profit -sharing plan (for which he was not yet eligible because he had not been with the Com- pany long enough ) would be eliminated and that would affect some of the older hands , that some medical benefits would be withdrawn , and that the ice cream and soda pop, which they had always en- joyed in abundance , and the movies would "more than likely " be eliminated . Although , according to Sherwood , Blair did not actually state why these benefits would be withdrawn , Sherwood testified that he understood him to mean that if the men designated the Union it would increase the Com- pany's labor costs to such an extent that it would not be able to afford the fringe benefits. Sherwood testified that Blair told him that he knew who was " ushing this union deal ," although he did not identifpy him by name, and that he would have "run him off a long time ago but Shell Oil Company wouldn 't let him." David LeRoy Gardner , originally hired as a roustabout , later a roughneck , testified that about 3 days before the election Blair called at his home one evening while Gardner was on his 5 days off to notify him of the change in the date of the election. Blair told Gardner to return for the election on Sunday, and that he could continue his 10-day tour of duty. Observing that he had never talked to him about the Union, Blair told him that he wished to do so and urged him to consider carefully before he voted in favor of the Union, and that if he voted for the Union his family would be "threatened" and his wife would be "chased," a remark not explained. According to Gardner, Blair said that if the men voted in favor of a union they would lose their soda pop, milk, and ice cream, and that movies would be reduce to two a week, all the Company was required to provide. With regard to his conversation with Carter, Blair testified that although he was not certain of it, he was under the impression that Carter had come to his office to discuss some work with a Shell foreman. He recounted to Carter the Company's benefits, comparing, as he had with Sherwood, the Company's life insurance and medical plans with those at Coastal Oil Company under its contract with the APCC, and told Carter that he would like him to vote "with the company," but that there was no way in which it would know how he voted. Denying that he stated that "many employees would be fired," and that "everyone would have to work harder every minute," he testified that if he said that no one would gain anything by "going union," he did so only in the sense of comparing the Coastal contract with the APCC with condi- tions at the Company, and by telling him that he and Millard E. "Pete" Woodson (Shell drilling su- perintendent of Alaska operations) would work for the men "wagewise and benefitwise," and that he felt the Company could do as good a job in that respect as anyone else. Although uncertain whether he mentioned the profit-sharing plan in that discus- sion, he testified that in comparing the Coastal labor contract with benefits at the Company he could have pointed out that the Company had such a plan whereas Coastal did not. As to his conversation in Gardner's home, Blair's testimony differed primarily in emphasis. Accord- ing to Blair , he went to his house, among the homes of other employees, the night before the election to notify them of the change in the date of the elec- tion. He pointed out that he and Woodson had ex- tended themselves for the men, had arranged for them to have at least four movies a week instead of the customary two, had provided free soft drinks, milk, and juices, which no other company in the area had furnished its employees, and had exerted every effort to procure the best possible wages for the men. He concluded by telling Gardner that if he would come out and vote, he could work the rest of the day and would be paid for a full day. As he left, Blair said, "Dave, we want you to come out and vote, there is no way in the world we will ever know SANTA FE DRILLING COMPANY 169 how you vote, but we would sure appreciate your vote for the company." Blair denied that he threatened during that conversation to withdraw the movie or other privileges or benefits, and testified that if he mentioned the subject at all in his conversation with Carter it would have only been in the same vein as he had in his discussion with Gardner. The importance attributed both by the Company and the employees to these benefits is self-evident. The need for recreational facilities for workers who spend 24 hours a day, 12 on their tours, at 10-day intervals, in closely confined quarters, was obvi- ously recognized by the Employer and, while re- garded by it as a boon or privilege, was in practical terms an indispensable element of their conditions of employment. This is further manifested by the emphasis on the subject in Blair 's remarks to the employees. Blair denied, however, that he threatened any of these employees with withdrawal of these benefits if they voted for either Union or designated it as their bargaining agent and, in this respect, a number of employees, including three of those alleged to have been discriminatorily discharged, acknowledged that neither Blair nor any other supervisor explicitly threatened the employees with loss of these benefits in the event a union became the bargaining. agent of the employees. Carter's testimony, affirming a pretrial statement to Respondent's counsel, that neither Blair nor any other supervisor had threatened him before the election, and never threatened reprisals or loss of benefits if the Union were successful, does not preclude the possibility of an implied or tacit threat. Respondent appears to contend that the notion that the Company might reduce or discontinue benefits previously extended to employees in retaliation for their attempted unionization originated not with the Company, but with rank- and-file employees as a matter of speculation or, as in the case of Gordon, an assumption that organiza- tional activity was bound to evoke reprisals. Obvi- ously, Respondent cannot be charged with the ap- prehensions of its employees unless , of course, it was responsible for generating such apprehensions. Nor does the fact that an employee may testify that he did not regard himself threatened or feel that he was being coerced absolve the employer from the consequences of his unlawful conduct, since it has long been established that the effectiveness of such conduct need not be shown to constitute an unfair labor practice. Whether Blair, in an effort to enlist the support of the employees on the side of the Company in the forthcoming election, by contrasting the benefits enjoyed by the employees with those under the union contract at Coastal, or as Carter, Sherwood, and Gardner testified, expressly threatened reprisals or loss of benefits, or whether, as Blair and other supervisors as well as some rank-and-file em- ployees testified, no overt threat was made, Blair admitted that he brought up the fact that the Com- pany had been furnishing employees at the platform with milk, soft drinks, and ice cream, and providing them with movies at least four times a week, although according to him the Company was not required to do so more than twice a week.14 He also testified that he discussed the Company's profit- sharing plan, albeit in contrasting company benefits with those afforded under a union contract. Con- ceivably, Blair may not have made statements to each of the employees in precisely the same lan- guage, and his mode of expression may have varied with the particular employee to whom he was ad- dressing himself. It is common experience that dif- ferent individuals may react differently to the same remarks. What may have been implicit to some may very well have been explicit to others. The issue, however, assuming there was no overt threat, is whether his remarks were reasonably intended to convey the impression that the privileges and benefits might be withdrawn and whether the em- ployees reasonably construed Blair's remarks that way.15 Obviously, Blair's remarks cannot be considered in a vacuum. They must be viewed against the background-of the antecedent events. Respondent was aware that at least one oil drilling company in the area had already been organized and had en- tered into a labor contract with one of the Unions contending for representation of Respondent's em- ployees. While the organizational drive was under way at Respondent's platform, Blair, who already had in possession names of employees who had been active in the attempted organization of another oil drilling company, Reading & Bates, and had participated in a strike there, questioned Gor- don, whom he suspected of being an active unionist, under the pretext of concern with possible violence at Respondent's operations, in a scarcely concealed effort to ascertain his union sentiments. Gordon's ready admission that he had participated in the union activities at Reading & Bates and his recanting of any further interest in unionization speak more eloquently for the impact of Blair's in- is By interlineation in the typewritten statement Carter declared, in con- nection with his exculpation of Blair as to threats of reprisals and loss of the profit-sharing plan , "He did say that by voting for the union there was a good chance that we would not better ourselves by it and he showed me a copy of Coastal's union contract ;" as to the alleged threat of withdrawal of movie privileges , free milk , ice cream , or soda pop, Carter added to his statement , "but he did say that if Shell was going to have to pay more money they might have to discontinue these privileges." 11 As Respondent 's counsel points out in his brief, there was no explana- tion as to why Blair assumed the Company was under any obligation to furnish movies at all Blair, however , may have assumed that this was com- pany policy or practice in the industry in offshore drilling operations " In this connection , it may not be amiss to recall the language of the Supreme Court. "Slight suggestions as to the employer 's [desires] may have a telling effect among men who know the consequences of incurring that employer's strong displeasure ," International Association of Machin- ists, Tool and Die Makers Lodge No 35 [Serrick Corp ] v. N L R.B, 311 U S 72, 78 170 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD terrogation than any protestation by an employee that he was not intimidated or coerced by Blair's remarks . Blair 's statement to Gordon after he had, in effect, indicated his disenchantment with the Union that he had no objection to employees en- gaging in union activities, providing they did their work , was cant assurance that employees could en- gage in such activities without fear of retaliation. It is obvious from the preelection letters to the em- ployees that Respondent was opposed to the unionization of its employees , and it is equally ap- parent that this policy prevailed when Blair was ut- tering these statements to employees. To maintain in the face of these considerations that Blair's sole purpose in reminding the employees of the benefits they were already enjoying, and contrasting these benefits with those available under a union con- tract, while importuning them to vote against the Unions, were merely an appeal to their reasoned judgment is to fly in the face of reality. Moreover, as will later appear, Blair 's statements were not made in isolation but were part of the congeries of what must be viewed as a calculated campaign to interfere with the self-organizational efforts of Respondent 's employees by means of intimidation, coercion, and discriminatory discharges . It is, of course , immaterial that Respondent may not ac- tually have intended to deprive its employees of the benefits and privileges they enjoyed in the event one of the contending Unions achieved status as bargaining agent. Nor is the fact that these benefits and privileges were not, in fact, withdrawn after the election. The election itself proved inconclusive, and the threat to withdraw the benefits was itself sufficient to constitute interference.16 On the basis of the foregoing, it is found that by his statements to, and interrogation of, Gordon, and his remarks to Carter, Sherwood, and Gardner, re- lated previously, Blair either explicitly or tacitly conveyed or intended to convey the impression, and the employees reasonably believed, that if they selected either of the Unions as their bargaining agent in the forthcoming election, they would be '" In considering the effectiveness of the statements of Blair and other su- pervisory employees , while the results of the election may be of no proba- tive value , it is noteworthy that of a total of 36 ballots , 15 were cast for the IUPW, and 14 for neither Union , without taking into account the chal- lenged ballots " According to Respondent 's witnesses, discussion about curtailment of movies originated as a "practical joke" by "Corky" Fuller, and Shell Main- tenance Foreman Reamer and Shell Drilling Foreman Furry About 3 weeks before the election , Reamer admittedly told the crews that Furry had said there would be no more movies He claimed , however, that he and the hands joked about this In his brief, Respondent 's counsel asserts that this "joke undoubtedly spread to include soda pop or anything else which might be temporarily in short supply ," and was discussed only among rank- and-file employees There was no showing , however, that any threatened loss of refreshments was because they were in short supply In any case, even if the loss or withdrawal of these privileges was discussed in a jocular fashion among the employees, it is evident that Blair was perfectly serious in his remarks on the subject to the employees to whom he made the state- ments. The evidence of the bantering discussion among other crewmem- bers, therefore , does not mitigate the effects of Blair 's remarks '" White , in effect , conceded that he had a conversation with Bloodworth deprived of benefits and privileges then enjoyed by them; that some privileges would either be withdrawn or curtailed; that the employees would be compelled to work harder if their bargaining agent procured a wage increase ; and that discharges would take place following the selection of a union. By the foregoing conduct, Respondent has inter- fered with, restrained, and coerced employees in the exercise of rights guaranteed in Section 7 in violation of Section 8(a)(1) of the Act.17 About a week before the election, Blair engaged Harold G. Bloodworth, a derrickman, in a conver- sation while he was on duty in the pumproom. Ac- cording to Bloodworth, Blair asked him whether he thought the Company would win the election. Bloodworth replied that he did not know, that they would "just have to wait and see," adding that he hoped no one would "get hurt ... over this ." Blair apparently made no response. During this period, when Lage and Wilson spoke to driller Troy White's crew in the dayroom, Blood- worth, addressing Lage familiarly as Don, protested that when the yard workers and riggers worked on the platform they were "taking home" from $770 to $1,000 a week, something the Company should have realized the drilling crews would resent. Bloodworth then said that he thought the men probably believed they could obtain higher wages and improved benefits if they were represented by a union. Later that day, after the completion of his tour, Bloodworth had a conversation with Troy White in a bunkroom which they shared. White told Blood- worth, "Harold, you sure gave your hole card away today." Bloodworth demurred but White persisted. Bloodworth argued that he had given no indication of how he intended to vote. White advised, "Well, you go tell Prim Roady right now that you are for the company," adding "because every hand that votes for the union will be run off within six weeks. "16 on this occasion , admitting that he told him that he was not much of a poker player because he had shown his hand White denied, however, telling Bloodworth, in effect , to correct the impression he had left by noti- fying his foreman that he was in favor of the Company. White further de- nied the statement as to what would happen to men voting for the Union Instead , White sought to explain his statement by relating it to a different conversation after the election in which Bloodworth questioned him about the Company's reaction to unionization According to White, he told Bloodworth that he did not know how the Company would react but that in his past experience he had seen men lose their jobs and seniority when unions attempted to organize in the oilfields. Since there appears to be no logical explanation as to why Bloodworth should ask White such a question after the election , it is more probable that this discussion , if it took place at all, occurred before the election and in the context described by Blood- worth. White's evident concern at Bloodworth's outburst at the meeting with Lage and Wilson makes it more reasonable to believe that White made the statement substantially as testified to be Bloodworth, including the reference to the Company 's retaliation against those voting for a union Moreover , White 's attitude and demeanor on the witness stand failed to in- spire credence It is found that White made the statements in this en- counter substantially as attributed to him by Bloodworth. SANTA FE DRILLING COMPANY 171 On the day of the election, soon after the Board agent conducting the election left by helicopter, some of the men, including Collins, Gardner, and Carter, were in the recreation room. Toolpusher Roady told the men, according to Carter, "All right, you sons of bitches, you voted for this union. From now on one man will go after coffee and there won't be no other breaks. You will work from 6:00 to 6:00," and "you will have lunch with one glove off." Collins and Gardner testified to substan- tially similar remarks by Roady. Roady testified that he did not learn the "results" of the election, although he had, in effect, learned what the tally of ballots disclosed. As to his remarks to the employees, he referred to a conversation in the washroom in which he told them "they had killed enough time and the election was over, now let's get back to work." He admitted, however, that immediately after the balloting was completed, he was on the deck, but denied any such conversation in the recreation room, testifying that he was not even there. He further denied any threats of reprisal because the Union had won the election. He denied using the phrase "assess and elbows," testifying that it was not in his vocabulary.19 2. The events following the election The Saturday following the election Gardner, who had been as IUPW observer, sent for Blair to check trouble in the valves in the washroom basin. Ernest "Bud" Barefield, a roughneck or it watcher, was also there. After completing the repairs Blair turned to the men and said, "I [might] just as well tell you two guys right now," and proceeded to deliver himself of a barrage of ob- scenity, the gist of which was that if the men thought they could take advantage of him (using a vulgar and obscene expression), he could assure them that better men than they had tried to do so without success. He told them that he had been with the Company for 17 years, that the Company and all his drillers were behind him, and that the two men would not accomplish what others had tried and failed. Remarking that 17 of the men, whom he referred to by an obscene epithet, had voted for "that union," he said, "I am going to run every [god] damned one of you off," adding, "And you two are going to be first." Gardner rejoined that he did not believe anyone was trying to take advantage of him, repeating the obscene expression Blair had used. According to Gardner, Blair con- tinued, "You don't, huh? Lloyd Collins made the statement he was going to." Then continuing, Blair said, "You guys think I am going to stand like an old cow while you climb on a stool behind me and ... me, and I am not going to stand still for it," add- ing, "I don't want to see nothing but your asses from now on." Gardner replied, "Vernon, I don't think you have seen anything but our asses for quite some time ." Blair replied, "I saw you standing on a pipe rack when you could have been rolling up slings ," then, shaking his finger at Gardner, said, "Another thing, Mister, you won't be getting time off to go fishing this summer, either."" Blair did not deny this encounter. Moreover, he conceded, in effect, that he spoke to Sherwood in a similar vein and that he tried to convey the message-that he was not about to let the crews im- pose on him-to all platform employees. In justifi- cation of his remarks, he testified that his wife, who had heard it from another woman , had told him that some of his men had been discussing him, say- ing that he was pretty cocky but that as soon as the election was over they would ". . . him good." Blair construed this to mean that his men would drag their feet in their work, thereby placing him in a bad light so as to jeopardize his job. Determined to prevent this, as soon as the election was over, he made a point of notifying as many of the hands as possible that he would not permit this to happen. Blair denied, however, that he made any mention about "run[ning] off" 15 employees who had voted for the Union. Respondent contends that the true import of Blair's remarks was that with the election over he expected the men to settle down to work, that he did not intend to be imposed on by the crews, and that if they did not perform their jobs they would not be working there very long. Gardner's and Barefield's version, according to this view, was merely their interpretation of Blair's innocuous statements to suit their own purpose. Apart from the mutual corroboration by Gardner and Barefield, Carter and Bloodworth testified to similar statements by Blair. Respondent's counsel challenges the reliability of the testimony of Gardner and Barefield because of alleged discrepancies in their respective versions. Far from impairing the weight to be accorded their testimony, such discrepancies tend to support their credibility. Indeed, if they had testified identically it would undoubtedly be argued that their testimony was suspect. Thus, it is noted that Gardner quoted Blair to the effect that he had worked for the Com- pany for 17 years, while Barefield said that Blair had merely said he had been with the Company a long time. Blair had, in fact, been in Respondent's employ only 3 years at the time of the hearing, the last 6 months as drilling superintendent. He had, how- ever, been employed in the oil drilling industry for over 21 years. It is not likely, therefore, that Blair referred to his long experience in the industry rather than with the Company in his remarks, and that this was how Gardner understood it. According "The phrase was actually attributed to Blair and White but Respon- I" An obvious allusion to Gardner's commercial fishing venture, dent 's counsel may have mistakenly assumed that it had also been imputed discussed later in connection with his discharge to Roady 172 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD to Barefield, Blair said that he had "run off some men and ... was going to run off some more." The facts, as argued by Respondent's counsel, that it was not until prompted that Barefield testified that Blair said, "All you guys that voted for this union has had it," and that he was not positive whether Blair mentioned the number 15 do not detract from his credibility. Barefield also testified that Blair said that the men were oing to "stay hooked up" or "get run off," an oilfield expression connoting that men were to be kept busy without rest periods regardless of whether necessary. Respondent's counsel further contends that Gardner did not mention this in his testimony and that other witnesses, who cor- roborated Gardner's testimony in other respects, did not corroborate his testimony that Blair had said that the 17 (the combined number of ballots cast for both Unions), who had voted for the Union would be discharged, until prompted, and that Bloodworth made no mention of it at all. This, counsel argues, renders the testimony of these wit- nesses worthless. The position is not well taken. In view of all the circumstances, including an ap- praisal of the attitude and demeanor of all the wit- nesses involved, and Blair's violently intemperate remarks, Gardner's version, substantially cor- roborated by Barefield, is credited. In doing so, the possible bias and interest of Gardner and Barefield as dischargees has been carefully considered. The day after the election, according to Blood- worth, as the crew was finishing breakfast, driller Troy White told them that because they had voted for the Union there would be no more cof- feebreaks, that movies were to be curtailed, and in less than elegant terms that if they went to the toilet, they had better be sure to bring back proof that the trip had actually been necessary. He also told the men that thenceforward there would be "nothing but ... holes and elbows out here," and that the men "were going back to the old Rocky Mountain style of drilling," an expression not further explained. White denied making all but the remarks about lavatory restrictions, but acknowledged that he made the remarks in the coarse and vulgar lan- guage attributed to him. If, as Respondent implies, use of lavatories were restricted after the election because of loitering, which White attributed to electioneering, it is reasonable to assume that there was probably at least as much loitering because of this before the election as afterward. Yet, there is no evidence that Respondent made any effort to restrict these privileges before the election.21 1 1 Respondent may, of course , now argue that it refrained from doing so lest it be charged with interference with the election No such contention was made, however , at the hearing 11 White's denials on this score are not credited Bloodworth 's testimony imputing to White the phrase , "old Rocky Mountain style of drilling," and This suggests that loitering in the lavatories either had never posed a problem or that Respondent was willing to overlook any possible abuse of the lavato- ry privileges until the results of the election became known. Moreover, the length to which White was willing to go by telling them what evidence he would require as proof of the necessity for the lava- tory trip is a measure of White's resentment toward the employees for their union support in the elec- tion. White's version of this episode was that with the election over "the rig had to be cleaned up, the work had to be done, that we would have to get busy and forget about the election, and if they had to gang up in the bathroom ... if they went ... they would have to bring back [evidence] to prove [that they had needed to go]." According to Robert Mulholland, a witness for Respondent, White told the men on this occasion, "Now that the election is over we are going to have to hit it harder, and if you go to the bathroom you have to bring back [evidence] to prove where you had been," and that this was greeted with laughter by Dthe men. espite the fact that some of the crew may have reacted to White's remarks with laughter (which, incidentally, could have been a nervous reaction), it is clear that White did not make these remarks in a jocular vein. That he may never have actually in- tended to enforce the restrictions, or ultimately may not have done so, is immaterial to a finding as to whether he made the remarks attributed to him, and whether they had a coercive effect. The fact is that they were an integral part of other threats of loss of privileges and warnings that the men would be held to stricter account for their work.22 It is, therefore , found that by Blair 's statements to Gardner and Barefield on the Saturday after the election , and similar statements to Sherwood and Carter; by Roady's statements to crewmembers im- mediately after the election; and by White's state- ments to Bloodworth and other members of White's crew the day after the election, detailed above, Respondent has interfered with, restrained, and coerced its employees in the exercise of rights guaranteed in Section 7, thereby violating Section 8(a)(1) of the Act. E. Discrimination in Regard to Hire and Tenure of Employment 1. Lloyd W. Collins Collins was hired by Blair on September 4, 1965, initially as a floor hand or roughneck on Shell plat- his graphic description of how he expected the men to perform their work is too graphic to have been fabricated by Bloodworth . Moreover , the ex- pressions seem perfectly consistent with White's appearance and demeanor , his manner of speech , and his qualified admissions SANTA FE DRILLING COMPANY 173 form "A." About a month later he was promoted to the job of derrickman for driller Olds, a job which he held until he was terminated on February 22, 1966, 2 days after the election , under circum- stances presently discussed . He was present during the meeting of the drilling crew addressed by Drilling Manager Lage, and his remarks in response to Lage's invitation in the question period have been recounted earlier. ( See supra.) Respondent 's reason for discharging Collins are threefold , although apparently not of equal im- portance . The first relates to an alleged theft of diesel fuel on a previous job; the second alleged neglect resulting in loss of drilling mud; and, the third , his generally unsatisfactory attitude and behavior as an employee. Dealing with grounds for discharge in that order, the evidence discloses that prior to his employment at platform "A," Collins had worked for Respon- dent on a mainland operation , designated as Rig 35, where Respondent had a labor contract with the Union Oil Company . Blair testified that in November 1965, some 2 months after Collins was hired at platform "A," he learned from the Union Oil Company supervisor that Collins had quit fol- lowing an incident in which he allegedly removed diesel oil from a storage tank for use in his private automobile.23 The second and perhaps most serious incident in- volved Collins ' neglect in allowing the escape of drilling mud on the morning of the day he was discharged . Between 8 and 9 a .m., on a trip to the pumproom , Blair discovered drilling mud running out on the floor which then covered an area of about 35 feet by 40 feet and about 2 inches deep. As derrickman , Collins was responsible for the pumproom area on his shift , and this obviously en- tailed seeing that the valves were turned off. Blair testified that he immediately shut off the valves, decided to terminate Collins , and instructed Olds, Collins ' driller , to notify him to pick up his check at the end of his shift. In mitigation of his obvious dereliction , Collins testified that , although his responsibilities as der- rickman included duties in the pumproom, taking care of the mud pumps , and of the mud "as it was programmed," on occasions he would remain in the derrick above the rig floor for nearly his entire tour, except for his lunch period. When he was able to anticipate this, he arranged with the pit watcher to have him check the pumproom periodically. On the day in question, Collins testified he had spent all but the last 2 or 4 hours of his shift, which ended at noon, in the derrick. Apart from the mess caused by the mud loss, Respondent contends that it sustained an estimated monetary loss of nearly $1,000, the value of the mud lost by Collins' negligence.24 Collins and other witnesses for the General Counsel, however, testified that loss of drilling mud was not uncom- mon, Collins testifying that on at least one occa- sion , involving Bloodworth, mud had escaped in much larger quantities, at least 3 times as much as in Collins' case, and that neither Bloodworth nor any of the other men were discharged or disciplined for that dereliction. In fact, according to Collins, he had helped clean up the mess on one occasion when he was reporting on his tour. Blair himself conceded that he had never discharged or disciplined any other employee for similar neglect. Bloodworth testified that while he was working at the platform there were mud spillages on an average of at least once a month. Gordon testified that there were two such occurrences in the 3 months he was employed on the platform; Gardner, that spillages occurred frequently and that roustabouts were assigned to help clean up the pumproom floor; Barefield, that during his stay on the platform there were spillages once or twice a month, sometimes in greater amounts than in Col- lins' case; and derrickman Joseph Dewey, that in June or July 1966 it was necessary to dump 160 barrels of drilling mud overboard because of a mistake which he claimed he and a Shell supervisor had made in putting some Barold chemical in the salt mixture so that the mud was unusable. Yet, Dewey was not discharged or otherwise disciplined, although Dewey conceded that he was "chewed out" by the Shell supervisor.25 The third ground for Collins' discharge, his al- leged generally unsatisfactory attitude and deport- ment as an employee, is based on several separate 23 According to Blair 's information , Collins had been discovered in the act of filling his automobile tank with diesel oil from the storage tank. The supervisor instructed Collins' immediate supervisor to discipline him and when he undertook to do so Collins lost his temper, threatened to whip the supervisor who had orded him disciplined , and quit in a pique at what he regarded the Company 's pettiness Although the amount of diesel oil Col- lins had pilfered was not known to the supervisor , Collins admitted at the hearing that he had taken a gallon of oil in a can and poured it into the tank of his car because he was concerned that he might not have enough fuel to travel the 8 or 9 miles to town He denied threatening to whip the super- visor but admitted that he quit following the incident According to Collins, hundreds of gallons of diesel oil were wasted in cleaning the drilling rig, and he was outraged at the supervisor 's attitude in attempting to discipline him for such a petty offense . Apparently Blair made no further investigation and said nothing about the incident to Collins after he learned of it It is un- necessary to resolve the conflict as to the amount of fuel taken or the cir- cumstances involved. 21 Respondent arrived at this estimate on the basis of Blair's testimony that when he reached the pumproom the mud covered an area 35 feet by 40 feet to a depth of 2 inches Based on the number of cubic inches to a gal- lon, and the 42-gallon barrels used on the platform at a cost of $12 per bar- rel, plus the same amount for transportation, totaling $24 , the mud Idss of approximately 41 5 barrels amounted to $990 . It is assumed in favor of Respondent that the arithmetic is correct . Although witnesses for the General Counsel, including Barefield, the pit watcher who notified Collins of the escaping mud as he was on his way down to the pumproom from the rig floor, minimized the extent of the mud loss, Collins placing the loss at 10 barrels at most, some of it had undoubtedly escaped through the floor drain, and it is probable that the loss was as large as Respondent con- tended 21 Although Dewey was later disciplined in October 1966 for being late, and downgrated to the job of roustabout, and subsequently discharged for reporting to work I day late, he was rehired on December 5, and at the time of the hearing was working for Respondent on the Mobil platform. 174 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD incidents. One was that, contrary to company rules or policy, he grew a beard and refused to remove it until after Blair had requested him to do so two or three times and threatened with discharge. He ac- ceded to Blair's demand and shaved his beard.28 Without engaging in any legalistic or philosophi- cal vagaries about the right of an employee to wear a beard, one is puzzled as to the possible objection an employer could have to the wearing of a beard on a drilling platform where working and living conditions in many respects resembled life at sea on a merchant essel. Manifestly, Respondent did not expect the crews to maintain the same tonsorial ap- pearance on the platform as the men might on the mainland . Respondent , however , maintains that the rule was required in the interest of discipline and sanitation, especially in view of the relatively close quarters the men occupied. One need not cavil at Respondent's rule or policy in this regard. The fact is that Collins finally acceded to Blair's demand al- beit under threat of discharge, and there is nothing to suggest that Blair gave any further thought to the matter until Collins' discharge. Another incident involved Collins' alleged failure to wear a protective or hardhat on the platform as required by company rule. Considering the nature and hazards of the operation, such a requirement is certainly not unreasonable . According to Blair, Collins preferred to wear a navy watch cap, a preference which Collins explained was dictated by the difficulty of wearing a hardhat while working on the derrick in winds of 35 to 40 miles an hour gale force. Sometimes, Collins testified, after descending from the derrick he would forget to put on his hard- hat. The remaining incidents, advanced by Blair as contributing factors in his decision to discharge Collins, arose out the Company's avowed intention of searching the luggage of the crews because of suspicion that liquor was being brought onto the platform, and because company tools were disap- pearing. According to Blair, Collins reacted by threatening to "whip " anyone attempting to search his luggage. Toolpusher Roady quoted Collins to the effect that anyone making such an attempt would have to "whip" Collins first. Although Col- lins testified that he could not recall his remarks in this connection, his general attitude and demeanor as a witness, not altogether devoid of belligerency, suggest that he probably reacted with considerable s« Another employee, who had grown a beard while on the platform, was permitted to keep it until he had had an opportunity to have a photograph taken with the beard to show his wife 27 Blair , who was present , went to the mailbox in the recreation room, produced Collins' check, which had arrived on an earlier helicopter flight, and handed it to him The Shell supervisor, obviously embrassed , did not complain to Blair then or at any other time about Collins' outburst , though Blair testified that this was because Shell and Respondent maintained a pol- icy of avoiding intercompany conflict Collins testified that , although he re- called the incident and regarded the loss of the mail " disgusting ," he could not remember what he said at the time On the basis of the incident itself, vehemence to the suggestion of any search of his luggage. No evidence was offered to support the need for the search, and there is no evidence that Respondent actually carried out its intention. In any event, we are not concerned with whether Respondent was justified in its announced inten- tion, which could scarcely have failed to evoke resentment in the crew, but whether Respondent relied on this incident as a factor in its decision to discharge Collins. Finally, Blair cited two further examples of Col- lins' "poor attitude and temper." The first relates to a remark Collins made when a Shell supervisor, who had brought the mail in by helicopter, lost some of the mail due to a gust from the propeller which swept the mail overboard so that it could not be retrieved. When the supervisor later came in to the recreation room to apologize, Collins blamed him for having lost his paycheck, and remarked that "any stupid son of a bitch that would lose mail like that" should "have his head knocked off. "2? The other complaint of misconduct mentioned by Blair involved Collins' alleged propensity for throw- ing wrenches. According to Blair, it had been re- ported to him that if Collins found that the wrench did not fit, while working on a pump, he would toss it away without looking to see where it might land, and that it had been reported to him that once, Sis- trunk, a crane operator, had to jump to avoid being struck.28 Collins admitted that he probably threw a wrench at sometime but could not fix the time, or furnish any information regarding the incident. Blair asserted that the instances cited demon- strated Collins' lack of control of his temper and his intractability in observing rules, which he summed up as his "poor attitude," rendering him unsuited for employment on the platform. Blair vacillated, however, between whether Collins' overall attitude or his neglect in shutting off the valves in the pumproom with resultant loss of drilling mud was the actual reason for his discharge. Thus, when Col- lins went to Blair 's office for his paycheck following his discharge, and asked Blair whether he could conscientiously say that he was not doing his work, Blair agreed that he was "a good worker," and said that he had discharged him "strictly" because of his "attitude."29 Yet, in the data regarding termination of employees between March 1965 and January 1967, listing reasons for terminations, Respondent gives as the reason for Collins' discharge "Lost and judging by his temperament as manifested on the witness stand, it is found that Collins made the remarks substantially as Blair testified 21 There was no showing that Sistrunk had registered any complaint re- garding this incident Blair admitted, moreover , that he did not learn of this incident until after Collins was discharged 2Y In fact, in his testimony Blair volunteered that Collins was "practically keeping the pump room clean ," that he would actually " be down there washing tanks and stuff when Harold Bloodworth and those guys, why it was like pulling teeth to get any of them to do it," reiterating that it was "just his attitude" which caused his discharge SANTA FE DRILLING COMPANY drilling mud to inlet. Was belligerent with pusher. "3° With regard to Collins' alleged negligence result- ing in the loss of drilling mud, the record suffi- ciently establishes that such occurrences were not infrequent , and Blair admitted that he never discharged or disciplined any employees responsi- ble for those derelictions.31 In fact, it appears that, confronted with evidence of other instances of mud loss, Blair shifted his position from maintaining that the mud loss incident was, in effect, the precipitat- ing cause for the discharge to reliance on poor at- titude and temper as the reason . Respondent 's ulti- mate position at the hearing that Collins was ter- minated for his overall unsatisfactory attitude and temper rather than for the mud loss (the reason as- signed in the Company's payroll change) leads to the conclusion that the mud loss incident was not a determining factor in Blair 's decision to discharge Collins. As to the other incidents on which Respondent relies, the alleged theft of diesel oil at Rig 35 must be discounted as having no part in Blair 's decision. Without regard to the merits of the charge, it is clear that, although Blair had known of the incident for some 3 months before Collins' discharge, he made no mention of it to him or , so far as this record reveals , to any management representative and took no action to dismiss him. This incident ap- pears to have all the earmarks of having been dragged in as an afterthought in an effort to bolster Respondent 's justification for the discharge. As to the incident involving the contemplated luggage search, the fact that neither Blair nor any other management representative saw fit to discipline or reprimand Collins for this belligerent outburst is some measure of the lack of significance Respondent attached to it. The same may be said of the episode involving the loss of mail by the Shell supervisor. Granted that Collins made the remarks attributed to him, his ungoverned rage at the loss of mail which he be- lieved contained the mens' paychecks, while un- doubtedly intemperate, not to say tactless, was not considered so shocking or outrageous as to prompt as much as a reproach from Blair, who was present. Nor did the Shell supervisor himself rebuke Collins for his outburst or protest to Blair or any of his su- periors. 10 In the payroll change notice , perpared the day of Collins' discharge and signed by Blair , the reason for the discharge is given as "This man has stated he doesn ' t like the oilfield. Through negligence he let the mud get away causing waste of expensive mud into the Inlet " Above this appears the notation encircled "Not for Rehire." Blair testified that Collins had ex- pressed himself on various occasions , including once in the messhall, when Respondent 's Supervisors Lage and Wilson , and a number of the crew were present , as "hat [ing] the oil field," and "the quicker he could get out of it .. for good the better he would like it," Blair volunteering that he assumed Collins was bitter because of his father 's death in an automobile accident (Blair testified , incidentally , that he had known Collins' father, and that in deference to his memory he did not discharge Collins sooner ) Asked on cross-examination , however, whether he "like[d] platform life," Collins testified, " It was the best oil field job that I had ever had " 175 With regard to Collins' violation of the rule about wearing a protective hat, without gainsaying the im- portance of this safety precaution or condoning that failure to heed such a rule, apart from Collins' testimony that it was not practical to wear such a hat while working on the derrick in winds of gale proportions, Blair conceded that Collins was not the only problem in that regard, though he testified that others were more cooperative. In any case, since it is apparent that Blair did not undertake to discipline Collins for his dereliction in this regard, it is reasonable to conclude either that Blair did not consider Collins' recalcitrance on this subject seri- ous enough to wrrrant disciplinary action, or that he was willing to overlook his obduracy just so long as it suited his purpose to do so. Collins reluctance to shave his beard and his ultimate capitulation deserve no comment beyond what has already been said. The matter of Collins' alleged proclivity for hurling wrenches, while attended by the possibility of serious consequences, not to be minimized, ap- pears to have been based on a single isolated in- stance, apparently provoked by a momentary sense of frustration, and not, as Respondent contends, chronic outbursts of temper. In any event, there was no showing that Collins was ever reprimanded or otherwise disciplined for engaging in such con- duct. In its brief, Respondent contends that Collins was terminated because "his poor attitude and temper were incompatible with life on the platform and because his carelessness resulted in the loss of al- most a thousand dollars worth of drilling mud." Stated differently, Respondent maintains , in effect, that it need not rely on each of the various grounds for the discharge separately, but that all the ele- ments combined provided good cause for its ac- tion-on the theory that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. In so doing, however, Respon- dent assumes the risk that the constant shifting of position during the hearing, as to the grounds for discharge, diminishes the validity of each of the reasons separately advanced. One might wonder, moreover, why Respondent tolerated an employee who, by his attitude and temperament, was so ill suited to working and living on an oil drilling plat- form. Blair 's explanation that he hesititated to discharge Collins sooner because of the pendency of the Board proceedings, presumably the election, 31 Shell Drilling Foreman Furry testified that , although it is well known by oilfield workers in the industry that mud loss should be avoided, he warned the men at occasional safety meetings , as well as individually, of the importance of preventing mud loss and the possibility of disciplinary action for carelessness Although Furry mentioned one man, a pit watcher, whom he had warned , it developed that the warning took place in or about July 1966 some 5 months after Collins' discharge This evidence is insufficient to overcome the more positive evidence that mud losses did occur prior to Collins' discharge which went unpunished Blair 's testimony that mud losses had occurred when the drilling rig was first started and was operating with inexperienced derrickmen , in contrast to Collins, whom he regarded as experienced , does not meet the undisputed testimony of witnesses who testified to other instances of mud loss, described earlier 176 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD and his friendship for Collins' deceased father is not persuasive. Despite what has been said as to whether the conduct in which Collins engaged afforded reasona- ble cause for discharge, in the final analysis, cause or lack of cause, reasonableness or lack of it for the action taken, is material only insofar as it tends to establish motivation. For, it is too well established under the Act to require argument or citation authority that an employer may discharge an em- ployee with or without cause, providing only that he is not motivated by reasons proscribed by the Act; namely, to encourage or discourage member- ship in a labor organization. By the same token, it is equally well established that the burden is on the General Counsel to prove the allegations of dis- criminatory discharge rather than on Respondent to disprove those allegations and establish the lawful- ness of his conduct-that is to say, that he discharged the employee for good cause. Of course, once the General Counsel has established a prima facie case of discrimination, the burden then shifts to Respondent to establish that the discharge was nondiscriminatory. With these principles in mind, it may be assumed that the conduct of which Respondent complained may well have warranted discharge. The crucial question is whether the reasons advanced by Respondent, or any of them, were, in fact, the ac- tual reasons for Collins' discharge or whether Respondent utilized them as a pretext for eliminat- ing an employee because of his union sympathies and activities which Respondent opposed. In short, once more we must come to grips with the ever perplexing enigma of motivation. It is, of course, indispensable to the General Counsel's case to establish that at the time of the discharge Respondent knew, or, at least, suspected that Collins was a union adherent. It need not, how- ever, be established, contrary to Respondent's con- tention , that the person who actually discharged the employee had personal knowledge or suspicion of the discharged employee's union predilection if the knowledge, actual or constructive, was commu- nicated to Respondent, although here there is suffi- cient evidence to support a finding that Blair him- self knew, or, at least, suspected Collins' union ad- herence. It will be recalled that at the meeting in the latter part of February, prior to the election, when Lage addressed Olds' crew, Collins was the only crewmember who responded to Lage's invitation to ask questions. During his remarks Collins criticized the Company's wage rates, and argued the issue of comparative wage rates of platform crews with that of those "on the beach." Whether Lage and Olds inferred from this that Collins was a union ad- vocate, it must be obvious that they realized that he was dissatisfied with the disparity in wage rates between the offshore and mainland crews, and that he was speaking not only for himself but on behalf of his fellow crewmembers, thereby engaging in concerted, if not union, activities. Furthermore, Olds, Collins' driller in charge of the crew, ad- mitted that Collins told him of his union sym- pathies, although Olds testified that he did not re- port this to anyone else. Moreover, according to Carter, in a conversation with Blair 3 or 4 days after the election, in which the latter complained to Carter that Collins was trying "to [obscenity] him," and that he had no intention of "stand[ing] there like a cow," Blair also told Carter that Collins had voted for the Union.32 Obviously, if Carter's testimony is credited, any doubt that Blair was aware of Collins' union sym- pathies is dispelled. Respondent, however, impugns Carter's credibility because he did not mention Blair 's more incriminating remarks until after his memory had been refreshed by a pretrial statement to a Board agent, and did not explain what Blair had meant by the statement , "now Lloyd has done this to me," until after a recess in the midst of his testimony. Carter, who testified as a witness for the General Counsel, appeared to be a reluctant witness, visibly hesitant, nervous, and embarrassed at being obliged to furnish testimony damaging to Blair and the Company. He was ill at ease and his discomfort readily apparent, though this is only partially reflected in the record. Often resorting to such an- swers as "I don't really recall," "I couldn't really say," when pressed for details, and before having his recollection refreshed, later, at one point, visibly upset, he murmured, "I am sorry, I can't think." At this point, a recess was called to permit the witness to compose himself. Thereafter, Carter was able to resume his testimony on direct and cross-ex- amination without apparent difficulty. It may be in- ferred that he further refreshed his recollection from his signed statement during the recess. Respondent's counsel sought to further impeach the witness' testimony by statements given counsel in October 1966 and on February 9, 1967, 4 days before their hearing, in neither of which Collins was mentioned, and in which Carter stated that neither Blair nor any other supervisor had threatened him or said that if the Union prevailed men would be " In this conversation, Blair told Carter to "keep the men working and not let up on them", that Blair had heard in town that Collins was "out to [obscenity] him" and that others had tried it before without success, that there were 16 or 17 "sons of bitches" who had voted for the Union and that they had "better stay busy or he was going to get rid of them " Carter as- sured Blair that he was not one of those who had voted for the Union and that if he "run me off he would probably be running off one of the men that voted for him " His recollection refreshed by a pretrial statement, Carter recalled that Blair had said that he had been "good enough to put [Collins] to work," and "now Lloyd has done this to me," adding that "everywhere Lloyd went he had always made trouble " Carter asked Blair, "Did what to you, Vernon9" Blair replied, "Well, he voted for the union, for one thing " Carter observed that he thought Collins was a "very good hand," to which Blair retorted, "that's beside the point " SANTA FE DRILLING COMPANY 177 discharged, everybody would have to work harder, and would lose benefits . Although the record does ,not establish the exact date of the pretrial state- ment taken by the Board agent , it is evident from Carter's testimony that it was long before the earli- est one obtained by Respondent 's counsel, and it may be assumed that Carter's recollection of the events was more reliable then than at the later dates. Ultimately, he testified that his testimony was based primarily on his recollection as refreshed by his pretrial statement to the Board rather than on his independent recollection. Carter, who, though not regarded by Respondent as a supervisor, actually directed his crew, was still employed by Respondent at the date of the hearing, and appears to have had no motive for furnishing damaging evidence against Blair , Respondent's highest supervisor on the platform , unless it were true. His adbivalent feelings were clearly mani- fested at the hearing. Whether he deliberately withheld the salient facts from Respondent 's coun- sel in a misguided effort to avoid implicating Blair or because he lacked the courage to repeat them or whether he merely forgot or overlooked Blair's statements , it is found that Carter's testimony was not successfully impeached by his pretrial state- ments to Respondent's counsel. After carefully weighing all the factors involved, it is found that Blair made the statements to Carter as described in this report, and that Blair was aware of Collins' sympathies at the time of his discharge. It will also be recalled that Blair told Bloodworth about a week after the election, and after Collins had been discharged, that Collins had been trying to "[obscenity] him," as were the rest of "you men," and on another occasion during that period that he did not see how the men could "hitch your wagon to that little union and Roy Dennis" (the IUPW area organizer). Again, on Saturday (February 26), following the election, Blair told Barefield that he had already "run off some men and ... was going to run off some more." Since Collins was discharged on February 22, 2 days after the election, and, as will be seen, Arthur Gordon was discharged on Febru- ary 24, it is reasonable to infer that Blair was speak- ing of these men. In view of this evidence, there can be no doubt that Blair was aware of Collins' union sympathies at the time of his discharge. It is, of course, recognized that membership in or activity on behalf of a union does not insulate an employee against discharge for legitimate reasons. Conversely, it is equally well established that valid grounds for discharge will not preclude a finding of discrimination if the employer was actually motivated by a purpose to discourage union activi- ties, and the grounds of discharge are merely a pre- text for eliminating the union adherent. Moreover, if the discharge is, in part , because of the em- ployee's union allegiance and, in part, for valid cause, the discharge is, nonetheless, violative of the Act. The evidence regarding the reasons advanced by Respondent for Collins' discharge, while not to be minimized , leads to the conclusion that the derelic- tions were ( a) not serious enough to have war- ranted disciplinary action; (b) engaged in by other employees who were not subjected to discipline; (c) tolerated by Respondent until the advent of the two contesting Unions; and (d) seized on as a pre- text for discharge when the results of the election became known. That the results were inconclusive, neither of the Unions having received a majority of the ballots cast, does not detract from this conclu- sion . The fact is that one of the Unions, the IUPW, received a sufficient number of votes, 15, which, depending on the disposition of the challenged bal- lots, could have resulted in the certification of that Union as bargaining agent. That Respondent was opposed to union represen- tation of its employees is abundantly clear, not- withstanding the fact that Respondent' s managerial hierarchy may not have instigated or authorized the unfair labor practices committed by ranking super- visors at the platform. Nor, does the fact that in its campaign letters to the employees, in the state- ments of its upper echelon officials, and instruc- tions to subordinant supervisors, Respondent as- serted and urged on its supervisors an attitude of neutrality in the election and purportedly advised employees that, irrespective of the results of the election , it would abide by their decision, relieve Respondent of the consequences of the conduct of its supervisors. Moreover, in view of purported in- structions to its supervisors, particularly toolpusher (now drilling superintendent ) Blair, it can only be concluded that he flagrantly disregarded his in- structions, and, in view of his position in the hierachy of the Company, even if he acted in viola- tion of company policy, his conduct is, nonetheless, attributable to Respondent. The fact that Blair's statements and action became intensified after the election leads to the inference that Respondent condoned, if it did not actually approve, his con- duct. On the basis of the foregoing and upon the entire record, including the evidence of Respondent's op- position and hostility to the unionization of its em- ployees; the intimidatory and coercive statements of Supervisors Blair , Roady, and White, both before and after the election; the admittedly satisfactory work performance of Collins; the shifting and con- flicting reasons advanced by Blair for Collins' discharge; and the disparate treatment accorded him in comparison to other employees who had committed similar derelictions , it is hereby found that Respondent discharged and thereafter failed and refused to reinstate Collins, not, as Respondent contends , because of his poor attitude and tempera- ment or his quarrelsome , belligerent, or abrasive behavior, but because of his union adherence, and 178 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Respondent 's determination to eliminate a militant union advocate, utilizing the purported grounds as a pretext for its action.3 It is, therefore, found that by discharging Collins on February 22, 1966, and thereafter failing and refusing to reinstate him because of his union ad- vocacy, thereby discriminating in regard to his hire and tenure of employment to discourage member- ship in a labor organization , Respondent has en- gaged in unfair labor practices within the meaning of Section 8(a)(3), thereby interfering with, restraining , and coercing employees in the exercise of rights guaranteed in Section 7, in violation of Section 8(a)(1) of the Act. 2. Arthur W. Gordon Gordon was hired as a floor hand34 in November 1965, assigned to driller Olds ' crew, and worked at that job until February 24 when he was discharged by Bair allegedly for being asleep on the job. It will be recalled that it was Gordon with whom Blair had the conversation in January when he called him down from the catwalk , questioned him about "this union deal ," and told him that he had a list of names of previous union adherents , including Gordon 's, and insinuated that he had been involved in violence at Reading & Bates . After readily ad- mitting that he had been engaged in union activities before, Gordon expressed his disaffection with unions and Blair urged him to be sure to vote in the election . It is reasonable to infer , therefore, that Blair probably concluded that he had won Gordon's allegiance . Gordon , however , acted as observer for the APCC in the February 20 election. He was discharged 4 days later , 2 days after Collins was ter- minated. According to Gordon , he went from the rig floor to relieve Barefield , the pit watcher, for breakfast at or about 5:30 on the morning in question. Fol- lowing his custom , he checked the mud shakers to see if they needed cleaning , checked the mud levels in the tanks, and then went to the mud shack in the same area , through a door , a step or two down from the pit watching area, and examined the mud re- port. Satisfied that all was in order, he sat down on a chair next to the door in the mud checking shack. The distance from the door to the nearest corner of the mud checking shack is about 10 or 12 feet. In the position he was seated, Gordon faced a wall containing a window 3 or 3-1/2 feet from the floor, about 2-1/2 feet wide, and occupying somewhat less than the entire wall. The door was on his left. According to Gordon, he was wearing a yellow plastic hardhat or cap, sitting erect facing the general direction of the door looking at the floor. The peak or "visor" of his hat extended 3-1/2 or 4 inches from the hat. As he was seated, the mud shakers were 18 to 20 feet away. Gordon testified that he remained in this position for about 2 minutes when someone tried to open the door. He got up, opened the door, which he was unable to open more than 6 inches, to find Blair standing there. Then, according to Gordon, Blair said, "I will have your check ready." Gordon replied, "Oh, it's O.K., get it ready right now," add- ing that he would like a "chopper" (helicopter) as soon as possible. Gordon started to leave to obtain his termination slip, but changed his mind, went up to the rig floor, and sought out Olds, who was at the controls, drilling. Gordon told him that he was "one floor- man short." When Olds asked him what he meant, Gordon said that he had "just got run off." Olds asked him the reason . Gordon replied, "I got caught sitting down in the mudchecking shack." Gordon then went to the driller's shack on the same level and was followed by Ben White and John Gnagy. He told them he had been fired and, when they asked him the reason , repeated what he had told Olds. Gordon then went to Blair 's office where Ray DeVille, a welder, and one of the Shell pushers were also present. Gordon asked Blair for a ter- mination slip and Blair said that the Company did not issue such slips any longer . Gordon told Blair that he would like him to have a "chopper" sent out as soon as possible . Blair said that Gordon would have to wait until daylight because there would be no "choppers" out before then, but told him he could finish his shift if he wished. Gordon testified that no mention had as yet been made that he had been sleeping. Returning to the rig floor, Gordon helped the men make one connection and then walked into the driller's shack where he met DeVille signing the '.' Respondent maintains that Collins' attitude was due, in part , to his in- difference about his job resulting from his distaste for the oilfields and his "economic independence " of that work because he was "regularly engaged in commercial fishing for a livelihood " Since there is no contention that Collins voluntarily terminated his employment , this is immaterial to a determination of whether his discharge was discriminatory To the extent that it may furnish any support for the contention that Collins manifested a poor attitude , the evidence is of scant probative value, especially since Col- lins testified that he considered his job on the platform the best he had ever had in the oilfields, and that his commercial fishing business was of a more or less seasonal nature Respondent further argues that after his termina- tion Collins never sought employment in the offshore drilling industry despite increased platform operations by other oil companies in Cook Inlet, and that he quit his last mainland job in the oilfields to take care of his fish- ing enterprise , which Collins denied This , in Respondent 's view, suggests that Collins realized that his attitude and temper were incompatible with working on a platform operation . Such a conclusion is not warranted by the evidence As to Respondent 's contention that , " because the next manifes- tation of Collins' 'could care less' attitude might result in serious injury to someone or in more serious interference with the operations on the plat- form ," the Board ought not to "second guess" Blair, the fact remains that Blair himself did not consider that any of Collins' derelictions or short- comings were serious enough to warrant discipline , to say nothing of discharge , during the 5 months of his employment , until after the election Respondent's contentions are found to be without meat "The term is used interchangeably with the job classification of rotary helper and roughneck , whose work is done on the oil rig floor below the drilling derrick , in contrast to the job of roustabout, which involves general labor and platform cleanup and helpers to crane operators SANTA FE DRILLING COMPANY 179 timebook. DeVille told Gordon that Blair had told him that he had been sleeping . Gordon denied this and told DeVille that Blair had merely caught him sitting down , adding , according to Gordon, "For that matter , my word is as good as his ." This, Gor- don testified, was the first time since the incident had occurred that any mention had been made that Gordon had been sleeping in the shack. Gordon went to his room and started changing his clothes and packing his gear . He later went to Blair and asked for his check because he heard the helicopter arriving . Blair handed him his check and Gordon left. According to Gordon, Blair made no mention at this time of Gordon 's sleeping. The following Wednesday, March 2, Gordon and his wife were at a bar in Kenai with Olds and his wife and Gnagy. According to Gordon, Olds told him that Blair had come to his room after Gordon's discharge and said , " I hated like heck to do it, but he lied to me," referring to Gordon.35 Gordon asked Olds for a reference and received a favorable recommendation. The importance of being alert in the discharge of the duties of pit watching may readily be assumed, and obviously the person relieving the pit watcher must be expected to exert the same degree of watchfulness . It is not altogether clear whether there was an official rule against sleeping while on the job, and it appears that prior to 1952 this was tolerated by many of the drilling contractors. Since then there has been a policy, if not a rule at Respondent 's rig, that sleeping on the job is not permitted. Indeed, Gordon himself testified that although there was no rule, oral or written, posted or otherwise, and he was never notified, that sleep- ing on the job was ground for discharge , he took it for granted that this would be the consequence of such infraction . Regardless of whether such a rule or policy existed , common experience would dic- tate the advisability of prohibiting such conduct. The question, however, is twofold; first, whether Gordon was actually asleep at the time; and second, whether that was the actual reason for his discharge. The applicable principles have already been stated with respect to Collins' case. As to the first issue, the testimony is in direct conflict. Blair testified that while making his rounds on the platform he observed Gordon through the partially glassed wall of the mud shack seated on a chair, mouth open, and head tilted back. He did not immediately approach him but instead proceeded to wash the mud shakers which sifted the cuttings from the drilling operations . This consumed about 15 minutes, during which Blair went about per- forming tasks Gordon should presumably have been doing, leaving him asleep undisturbed . When Blair opened the door he was satisfied that Gordon was asleep. Gordon admittedly did not see Blair through the window as he came to the mud shack and did not hear him approaching. It was not until Gordon heard the door being rattled that he realized someone was there. Blair, however, did not accuse Gordon on the spot of having been asleep, nor did Gordon protest his discharge. Moreover, Gordon's statement to DeVille that his, Gordon's, word was as good as Blair's as to whether he was or was not asleep seems a curious way of denying that he was asleep at the time. And, despite the efforts of the General Counsel to diagram in minute detail, by resort to distances and physical conditions, the position in which Gordon was sitting, and to establish that the visor on the hardhat Gordon was wearing would have prevented Blair from telling whether Gordon was actually asleep, the preponde- rance of the evidence establishes that Gordon was probably asleep or at least dozing when he was discovered by Blair. Nevertheless, no explanation was offered by Respondent as to why Blair did not immediately rouse Gordon from his lethargy, and remonstrate with him for being asleep on the job and neglecting his chores, instead of leaving him undisturbed while Blair himself, the highest management supervisor on the platform, went about performing Gordon's chores. This gives rise to the inference that, far from being concerned about finding Gordon asleep on the job, Blair was more insterested in catching Gordon in flagrante delicto than in remedying the possible hazard occa- sioned by Gordon's somnolence. Blair conceded that Gordon was at least a "pretty fair hand," and, considering the fact that there was an evident shortage of qualified and competent drilling crew personnel, with the advent of addi- tional offshore drilling operations in the area, one may wonder why Blair peremptorily discharged Gordon without as much as giving him a reason for discharge or chance to explain. Respondent ap- pears to contend, however, that this was so self- evident to Gordon that it would have been idle to point out the obvious. On the other hand, asked why he did not protest to Blair at once if he felt he had been unfairly discharged, Gordon testified, "I knew from the day of the election my days were numbered. It would be any day that I would probably get run off and I have been through this before. I had seen it done.36 There was no need for an explanation." Despite Gordon's adequate work performance and the apparent shortage of competent personnel Respondent contends that the policy prohibiting 75 The General Counsel contends that Blair's statement that Gordon had lied to him referred to the conversation between the two men at the cat- walk in January , when Gordon indicated his disaffection with unions and, in the General Counsel 's view , tacitly assured Blair of his loyalty to the Company . Since Gordon acted as the APCC observer , it is argued, Blair concluded , that he had reneged on his tacit promise , and hence , had lied to him Since there had been no discussion between Blair and Gordon relative to his having been asleep, there would have been no occasion for Gordon to deny it It is, therefore, unlikely that Blair could have been referring to this when he told Olds that Gordon had lied to him a" An obvious reference to his previous experience at Reading & Bates 353-177 0 - 72 - 13 180 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD sleeping was of such importance as to require rigid enforcement. The General Counsel, however, con- tends that far from being strictly enforced the pol- icy was discriminatorily applied as to Gordon. Thus, the evidence establishes that after Day discharged employee Baker because he believed he had been asleep on the job Roady rehired him when Baker denied he had been asleep. There was no showing what means Roady took to satisfy him- self that Baker had not been asleep beyond the Tat- ter's naked assertion.37 By contrast, Blair did not question Gordon about the incident, attempt to ascertain whether there were any extenuating cir- cumstances, or ask him whether he had anything to say in mitigation of his dereliction. Granted that Blair may have been satisfied that Gordon had ac- tually been asleep, Blair's eagerness to take care of the mud shakers and desanders, chores oridinarily performed by the pit watcher or his relief man, in this case Gordon, before waking him, and the alacrity with which he notified him of his discharge border on the verge of entrapment, and suggest that Blair was lying in wait for an opportunity to discharge him. Asked on cross-examination whether the sleeping incident was the only one on which he based his decision to discharge Gordon, Blair testified that one such incident was sufficient. Later in his testimony, however, Blair advanced additional shortcomings, relating to pipe slings and thread protectors, which obviously had not been a factor in his decision to discharge Gordon but imported into the case as an afterthought. In view of the foregoing, including the evidence of the encounter between Blair and Gordon at the catwalk in January, which clearly established Cor- don's previous union affinity and his purported dis- affection with unionization; the disparity of treat- ment accorded Gordon compared with that shown other employees; Blair's precipitate action in discharging Gordon; his knowledge that Gordon had acted as the APCC observer, a fact which con- vinced him that Gordon was still a union adherent, after having led him to believe that he had become disenchanted with unions and would give his allegi- ance to the Company, lead to the conclusion that Blair obviously regarded Gordon's demonstrated union support as an act of betrayal. Viewed against Blair's obvious opposition and hostility to unions, as manifested by his statements and conduct toward his employees both before and after the election, it becomes clear that Blair discharged Gordon in retaliation for his union sympathies and adherence, and seized upon the sleeping incident as a pretext for eliminating a union protagonist in a fit of pique and because of his chagrin at having been lulled into a false sense of security regarding Gordon's loyalties. It is, therefore, found on the basis of the forego- ing and upon the entire record that Blair discharged Gordon on February 24, 1966, and thereafter failed and refused to reinstate him, not because he found him asleep on the job, but because of his union af- filiation and activity, seizing on the sleeping in- cident as a pretext, thereby discriminating in regard to his hire and tenure of employment to discourage membership in a labor organization, in violation of Section 8(a)(3), and interfering with, restraining, and coercing employees in the exercise of rights guaranteed in Section 7, in violation of Section 8(a)(1) of the Act. 3. Sidney R. Sherwood Sherwood was hired as a roustabout on December 7, 1965, and was promoted on January 21, 1966, to the job of derrickman under driller Olin "Blackie" Huckaby. According to Blair, Sher- wood had been promoted while he was away on a trip, and was surprised to find on his return of Sher- wood's promotion because he and Roady had discussed what a poor hand Sherwood had been as a roustabout. Sherwood was discharged or laid off on March 20, 1966. Blair testified that the reason for Sherwood's ter- mination was that the Company had ceased its operation of a drilling rig at Lake Louise, designated as Rig 35, and that, under company pol- icy, if a rig is shut down , it retains its keymen such as drillers and experienced derrickmen. Con- sequently, when a driller named Kothe who had been working on Rig 35 was laid off, Blair decided to retain him, "bumping" the man in the next lower classification. In choosing among Bloodworth, Dewey, and Sherwood, he decided to release Sher- wood because he had the least seniority and was the least satisfactory of these employees. Blair sent for Sherwood to notify him of his deci- sion. According to Blair, Roady and Furry were in the adjoining office with the door open. Blair told Sherwood that Kothe was going to take his place, that he was letting him go because of his poor work, and that he did not feel it would be ad- vantageous to him to let him replace another man because he had better roustabouts than Sherwood. Obviously chagrined, Sherwood told Blair that when he first came to work there he had had a high regard for him. Since then, however, he said he had told the hands that if Blair bumped him he was going to "whip" him, but now that it had happened "he wouldn't lower himself" by doing so because "that would make him a bigger [obscenity] than [Blair] was." " Another example of alleged disparity in treatment regarding enforce- ment of the penalty of discharge for sleeping on the job related to Collins, one of the dischargees Collins, who had laid down near the pumps, though it was not shown that he was asleep, was not discharged , allegedly because he was ill at the time Respondent contends that the fact that Collins was ill distinguishes the case from Gordon's and, moreover, that Collins was still trying to do his job This suggests that the policy was not inflexible but that Respondent considered extenuating circumstances In Gordon's case, no effort was made to discover whether such circumstances existed, Blair act- ing peremptorily SANTA FE DRILLING COMPANY 181 Blair admitted that he knew that Sherwood was a union supporter because, in Blair's words, Sher- wood had "made a point of telling him" so in or about mid-January, after Blair had learned of the filing of the election petition . 38 Blair admitted that at the time Kothe bumped Sherwood there were probably roughnecks and roustabouts with less ser- vice than Sherwood , but that although Sherwood probably could perform satisfactorily on the derrick his work as a roustabout was worse than any of the others whom he retained . Blair also admitted, how- ever , that while Sherwood was working as a roustabout under Carter or Sistrunk neither they nor any other crane operator or pusher complained to Blair that Sherwood was a poor worker. Blair testified , however , that he was able to observe the men, while they were working , from a large window in the office as well as when he was on the plat- form . According to Blair , he and Roady both men- tioned that Sherwood was a poor roustabout even before Blair had left for Lake Louise. Blair conceded that he never criticized Sherwood directly or asked Roady or any other supervisor to remonstrate with him about his work , explaining that in view of Sherwood 's experience " it wasn't necessary ." Blair also testified that he did not con- sult with any of the crane operators or roustabout pushers as to whether they might prefer Sherwood to the others on their crews, testifying , " I didn't want him back on as a roustabout . Sherwood wouldn 't make any effort to clean up , he would just work the derrick and wouldn ' t make any effort to clean up his pump area ." Blair maintained that whenever he asked Sherwood to do anything he would reply with a stock answer, "I am doing all I can do,' an answer frequently heard by driller Huckaby, according to Blair. It should be noted that the General Counsel does not contend that Blair's action in permitting Kothe to "bump " Sherwood was discriminatory . He does contend , however , that Blair 's refusal to permit Sherwood to "bump " a floor hand or roustabout with less seniority was discriminatory . Respondent's seniority roster and payroll data establish that there were at least three floor hands or roustabouts at the time of Sherwood 's termination with less seniority than he .39 It is not clearly established that Respon- dent normally followed strict seniority in regard to "bumping ." In any event , it is conceded that in Sherwood 's instance it relied entirely on work per- formance as the criterion. Sherwood testified that in a conversation with Lage in the pumproom after he had addressed the crew Lage asked him how he liked working for the Company. Sherwood indicated that he was satisfied with working conditions and the fringe benefits. According to Sherwood, Lage then said that more platforms would be starting up at Cook Inlet, which would mean more job opportunities, and that if he remained with the Company there would probably be a chance for advancement. Respondent maintains that the fact that Sher- wood was promoted to the job of derrickman after a month and a half as roustabout, and that Lage may have indicated to Sherwood that there was possibility of further advancement with the Com- pany is irrelevant.40 As to the first position, Respon- dent argues that a man might perform satisfactorily as a derrickman yet perform poorly as a roustabout. This position seems illogical because it is predicated on the premise that an employer who is dissatisfied with the work of an employee would promote him to a more highly skilled job at a higher wage scale as a means of retaining an un- satisfactory employee. Respondent does not con- tend that it promoted Sherwood to derrickman because of any labor shortage. As to the second point, that Lage had held out some promise to Sherwood of further promotion, this, Respondent, contends, was merely in keeping with its policy of promoting from within, and since there was no showing that Lage's remarks were prompted by any personal knowledge of his work performance, they may be dismissed as an effort to retain the good will of its employees without actually making any definite commitment. Sistrunk, Sherwood's pusher, testified that he was obliged to speak to Sherwood because he spent too much time sitting down or talking; that Sherwood resented instruction and would give Sistrunk "back- talk," giving rise, according to Sherwood's own ad- mission , to the impression that because he gave Sis- trunk "a lot of razzing and stuff," and criticized him for the way he operated the crane, "trying to get him to do things to my way of thinking," whereas Sistrunk persisted in doing it his way, that Sherwood and Sistrunk "didn't get along." It is conceivable that an employee who has not proven satisfactory in one type of job might very well perform more acceptably in another. Indeed, this is substantially Respondent's position with re- gard to Sherwood. What does not seem convincing is the likelihood that the employer would be suffi- ciently concerned about the welfare of an employee whose general attitude toward his roustabout pusher, with whom he was required to work in daily contact, was so abrasive as to create an impression that he and the pusher were "at each other's ax This occurred , Blair testified , in the restroom on the messhall deck, while several of the men were discussing unionization According to Blair, Sherwood spoke up , " Well, I am a union man and always will be," and that he wanted Blair to know it. " Phil Newman , a floorman, hired January 24, 1966, William Kitchens, a roustabout , hired March 2, 1966 ( less than 3 weeks before the bumping), and R W Honeysett, a roustabout, hired January 19, 1966 40 Without engaging in semantics , "insignificant" may perhaps better apply 182 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD throats. "91 Furthermore, despite the fact that Blair, Roady, and Reamer were critical of Sherwood's work and Roady testified that long before the elec- tion, while Sherwood was still a roustabout, he was obliged to tell him that if he wanted to continue working for the Company he would have to stop killing time, there was no showing that Sherwood had ever been disciplined or warned of the con- sequences of his shortcomings or derelictions beyond the mild reprimand administered by Roady. Instead, Sherwood was merely shifted to a higher rated, better paying, and more desirable job. This action is inconsistent with Respondent's position that he laid Sherwood off instead of permitting him to bump a junior roustabout because his work had been unsatisfactory. A month after the election, however, having threatened to "run off" every crewman who had voted for the Union, and obvi- ously convinced that Sherwood, because of his in- dependent attitude as an employee, had voted for one of the Unions, Respondent seized upon the first opportunity which presented itself to eliminate Sherwood. The General Counsel has established a prima facie case of discrimination in regard to Respon- dent's failure to permit Sherwood to bump a junior roustabout which has not been overcome by Respondent. With regard to its failure to recall and reinstate Sherwood, however, the situation is dif- ferent. Sherwood practically conceded that he had threatened to `whip" Blair if he ever bumped him. Although Sherwood could not recall anything else he said on the occasion of his layoff, Blair testified that Sherwood referred to him in an obscenely derogatory manner, and said he had changed his mind about whipping him because that would put him in the same class as Blair, repeating the ob- scene word. Blair, Roady, and Reamer confirmed that Sherwood had called Blair a (obscenity) on several occasions. Reamer, who was present on one occasion, testified that he anticipated that there would be a fight between the two men.42 Respondent contends that because of Sherwood's threatening and abusive attitude toward his super- visor it should not be required to recall Sherwood or offer him reinstatement either as a derrickman or roustabout. Moreover, Respondent argues, the abusive language used by Sherwood provided clear cause for discharge.43 The difficulty with this argu- ment is that Respondent at no time contended that it discharged Sherwood for any reason-only that he was bumped by another employee, and that Respondent refused to permit him to bump downward. Its contention, however, that, even if Sherwood had been discriminatorily denied the right to bump, Respondent should not be required to reinstate him because of his threatening, abusive, and obscene remarks has merit.94 It is, therefore, found that by his threatening, abusive, and obscene language to Blair, and by his remarks to employees about such threats, Sher- wood had forfeited his right to reinstatement and backpay, and neither of these remedies will be recommended with respect to this employee. 4. David LeRoy Gardner Gardner was hired initially on March 25, 1965, working the first 3 days as a motorman, then as a roustabout for crane operator Carter. In October and December 1965 he "roughnecked" on driller Olds' crew. According to Gardner, his union sym- pathies and activities were well known among the crew and Olds was aware of it, although Gardner tried to conceal it from driller Troy White, who, Gardner testified, was intensely disliked by his crew. Gardner had received a quantity of union authorization cards from Orville Swain, a fellow employee in December 1965, gave a portion of them to John Copeland, and distributed others him- self. He secured signed authorization cards from a number of employees whom he named. Gardner acted as IUPW observer in the election. Next morning, while he was entering his time in the timebook in the "dog house" (drilling shack), he discovered that he had been "docked" for 6 hours for time spent on the election. When Gardner protested this to Blair , he was told that since he had been working for the Union the day before they should pay him for his time, commenting that Gardner was a union organizer anyway. Gardner wrote the Company, however, and was later reim- bursed for the 6 hours at regular pay. Although he claimed he should have been paid at the overtime rate, he agreed to accept the amoung tendered him. It will be recalled that Blair called on Gardner at his home before the election to notify him of the change in the date of the election from Monday, the 21st, to Sunday, the 20th. According to " Respondent 's argument that slight significance can be attached to Sherwood's promotion to derrickman because it had been "engineered," without Blair's knowledge, by some of the men on one of the crews who had previously worked with Sherwood, believing he would perform better as a derrickman , is unconvincing This appears to ignore the fact that Blair was the highest supervisory employee on the platform who had unchal- lenged authority to hire and fire 'p Sherwood testified that he could recall only his remark that he would "whip his " but conceded that he probably did not stop there Citing, as example , The Lau B/over Company, 146 NLRB 1226, 1234 as N L R B v Bin-Dicator Company, 356 F 2d 210 (C A 6), N L R B v R C Can Company, 340 F 2d 433 (C A 5) "[1]t is difficult for us to judi- cally enforce a renen al of a relationship that bids ill for all concerned," quot- ing N L R B v National Furniture Mfg Co , 315 F 2d 280 (C A 7), 1963 The purposes of the Act are not served by " requiring an employer to keep in its plant anyone with the propensities for the kind of animal exhuberance displayed" by the dischargee Id Respondent also argues that Sherwood, according to the testimony of Blair, Roady, and Reamer , stated that he would not work for Respondent again , thereby waiving his right to rein- statement, and that the Board will not order reinstatement or backpay While this may be the case where an employee , who has been discrimina- torily discharged or laid off, waives reinstatement , such waiver must be clear and unequivocal , a situation not shown here SANTA FE DRILLING COMPANY Gardner, he would have missed the election if Blair had not come to his home to notify him of the change. The discussion that took place between the two men on this occasion, in which Blair asked Gardner, who was not scheduled to begin his next tour until Monday, to return a day early so he could vote and continue his tour thereafter, and the other matters discussed, including Blair's statements of threatening loss of privileges and withdrawal of benefits if the employees voted for a union, cul- minating in his request that he made certain to vote in the election have alreay been detailed. Gardner was also among the employees in the washroom when Blair came in to repair the valves the Saturday after the election, and delivered him- self of the tirade described elsewhere'45 which con- cluded with his threat to "run off" everyone of the 17 employees who voted for the Union, beginning with Gardner and Barefield, to whom he was ad- dressing his remarks. Gardner last worked on the platform on May 1, 1966, and was terminated on May 7 or 8, 1966, al- legedly for reporting late after his 5-day off period, on recommendation of Shell Drilling Foreman Fur- ry. to May 1, the crane operator and his roustabouts worked a 12-hour tour from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m., working nights only in cases of emergency. During the week of May 1, while Gardner's crew was on its 5 days off, because of increased con- struction and expanded diving operations, Shell de- cided to maintain a crane operator and crew of roustabouts on duty 24 hours a day. Furry notified Blair of his decision and he, in turn, informed Carter that a crane operator would be required to be on duty around the clock, and in- structed Carter to advise his crew to report for work at 6 p.m. Friday, instead of 6 a.m. Saturday.46 Carter notified Gardner of the change in schedule and confirmed this by telephoning the platform. Neither Carter nor Gardner reported for work as required. Carter, however, went to the heliport that day and notified the platform by radio-telephone that he was too ill to report and that he would try to do so the following day. Gardner arrived at the heliport the day he was to report and learned from the helicopter pilot or mechanic that Carter would not be going to the platform until the next day. Gardner, however, did not communicate with the platform by radio to ascertain whether he was ex- pected to report in any event, concluding that since Carter would not be going out that day there was no need for him to do so. He returned home and the next day went to the platform with Carter to re- port to work. When Furry learned that Carter would not be re- porting for work as scheduled, he awoke Blair, who '' Referring here to Blair's remarks , which Respondent's counsel whimsi- cally refers to as Blair 's "imagery about a cow." '° It is not altogether clear whether this necessitated the men to report 12 183 was off duty and asleep at the time, and told him that Carter had called in to say that he was ill, and that unless Gardner had a good excuse for failing to notify the platform he would be terminated. According to Respondent, company rules require an employee who fails to report for his tour without notifying the platform in advance or without having a good excuse to be dismissed. The necessity for this rule is justified, Respondent contends, because no helicopter service is available at night, and since the crews work 12-hour shifts, if a crewmember fails to notify the platform, it may not be possible to have a substitute brought from the mainland, with the result that the crew may be required to work with one less man or a member of the crew being relieved may be required to work overtime beyond his regular tour. The rule, according to Blair, has been explained to the crew and is well known to all employees. The General Counsel concedes that unexplained absences ought not to be condoned. He contends, however, contrary to Respondent, that the rule has not been strictly enforced. According to Respon- dent, the rule has been enforced to the extent that second time offenders, and sometimes first, have been dismissed. Blair's testimony establishes, however, that he sometimes gave employees violating the rule a second chance, and that as a matter of fact he did so in Gardner's case, under circumstances presently described. On the other hand, maintaining that the rule was, nevertheless, uniformly enforced, Blair testified to some 13 instances in which he claimed that the rule had been invoked. Yet, as to four em- ployees, mentioned by name, Blair testified that each of them was late at least once without being discharged. It is not shown, howe- er, whether any of these men had notified the platform in advance that they would be tardy. Blair's admission that he sometimes overlooked the first or even second or third unreported absence was undoubtedly prompted by the evidence of Robert "Bob" Honeysett, a roustabout on Carter's crew, that in May or June 1966 he did not return to the platform after one of his 5-day off periods but instead looked for a drilling job. He notified his pusher, "Cap" Day, that he would be a day or two late. He did not, however, report at the end of that period. After a lapse of a week, without further notifying his pusher, Honeysett telephoned to the platform to find out whether he could have his paycheck and gear sent out. In a conversation with Blair, Honeysett told him that he did not care for nightwork, and mentioned that Blair was trying to "run us off." Blair told him it was "all in [his] head," and asked him to return to work. Honeysett started working nights the fol- hours earlier than usual or 12 hours later but it is unnecessary to resolve this doubt 184 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD lowing Sunday. With the two other crewmembers he reported late. He testified, however, that he be- lieved he called in, phrasing his answer, "I must have because it was a rule.... Yes, I believe I did. Joseph "Ronald" Dewey, a roughneck on driller Troy White's crew ( later a derrickman on driller Olds' crew), testified that in 1965 he failed to return to work on time after his 5 days off due to illness, that it was a day or two before he notified the p' latform, and that he was not disciplined. Later, while a member of White's crew, he was a day late because of personal business (an appointment with his lawyer), without notifying the platform. When he finally reported, he told Blair he had had trouble with his car and could not get to a phone. Blair reprimanded him but Dewey was not otherwise disciplined . When he was absent without notifying the platform a third time, he was demoted from derrickman to roustabout. He was, however, later promoted to the job of derrickman. Finally, in Oc- tober, when he was several days late without notifi- cation , he was terminated. He was later rehired, however, on December 5, 1966, and was still work- ing for Respondent on its Mobil platform at the time of the hearing." With regard to Gardner, Blair testified that his failure to notify him that he would not report when scheduled was, in fact, the second time this oc- curred. The first time, according to Blair, was in the summer of 1965 when Gardner allegedly overstayed his leave of absence without notifying Blair in advance. According to Gardner, however, shortly before June 29, 1965, he asked Blair to extend his 5-day off period to 8 days. Blair agreed . Gardner did not return at the end of that interval and remained away from the platform for the rest of the summer, but returned in September to replace an employee returning to college. Gardner's version of this absence differed from Blair 's. According to Gardner, on or about June 10, 1965, he notified Blair that he would like some extra time off to spend with visiting relatives. Blair suggested that Gardner work beyond his regular 10- day tour until his relatives arrived, and then take 8 days off instead of his normal 5 days to make up for the extra time worked. Gardner agreed. After his 10-day tour as roustabout, Gardner was assigned to the job of pit watcher on driller Dennis ' crew, and worked at that job 2 or 3 days. According to Gardner, he worked on Dennis' crew 4 days after his return from his 8 days off. While still working on Dennis' crew, Gardner's wife sent a message to the platform that she would have to leave home to attend her father who had taken ill, and that Gardner would be required to " According to Gardner 's undenied testimony , two other employees, Bush and MacElway , who were late reporting , were not discharged, although Gardner did not know whether they had called in 4H Blair also testified that he had observed Gardner working at his nets. It return to the mainland to take care of the commer- cial fishing business they operated. In the early morning hours , while Blair was asleep, Gardner went to his room and roused him. Explaining the circumstances, Gardner told Blair that he would need a 30-day leave of absence (though it does not appear that he referred to it in those terms ). Blair consented and told him to take as much time as he needed and to return when his personal problem was resolved. In July Gardner encountered Blair at an automo- bile dealer's place of business in Anchorage. Gardner told Blair that he was still engaged in fish- ing and that he would be through in September. According to Blair , Gardner said he was doing so poorly in his fishing, business that he wanted to return to his old job. On September 8, Gardner made application for reemployment to Shell Production Foreman John Ball. Toolpusher Roady called on Gardner at his home and told him to be at the heliport at 6 p.m. if he wanted to go to work. He was rehired and went back to work as a roustabout. When Carter and Gardner reported to the plat- form on May 8, 1966, the night after they had originally been scheduled to report, Shell Drilling Foreman Furry called them to his office and de- manded to know why Gardner had not notified the Company that he would not report that night. Although Gardner admitted, as Carter had told Furry, that Carter had notified him of the newly scheduled night tour, Gardner, according to Furry, said that he had not been properly notified and that he felt the Company should have telephoned him. Gardner himself testified, "I told Mr. Furry that I thought it was pretty cheap that they could not have given me a phone call.' Furry quoted Gardner as saying that he did not think Santa Fe or Shell was "man enough to call him." Gardner protested that he was being fired because of his union activi- ties. Furry denied it. Gardner told Furry that he had gone to the heliport the night before and been told by the pilot or mechanic that Carter was not going out to the platform until the following night. Furry testified that he believed Gardner and did not feel it neces- sary to verify his statement. He also testified that Gardner said that he had expected to be discharged and alreay had another job lined up "on the beach" (mainland). Furry testified that he would not have terminated Gardner if he had given him a satisfactory excuse, but that he did not consider his excuse sufficient because he "had been on the platform long enough to know how we operated, and if it hadn't been defiance, he would have called us on the radio and will be recalled that in the washroom discussion on the Saturday after the election, Blair warned Gardner, "You won' t be getting time off to go fish. ing, either ," confirmation of Gardner 's testimony regarding the leave of absence SANTA FE DRILLING COMPANY asked us [himself] if he was supposed to come to work. He wouldn't have asked the helicopter pilot, [who] can't usually tell you anything about our operations. They just fly back and forth. "49 Respondent contends, moreover, that both Carter and Gardner were disgruntled at being required to work the night tour, and intimate that this was a factor in their failure to report the first night as scheduled, and that as to Gardner, he had deliberately and defiantly failed to call in. To sup- port its contention that Gardner admittedly in- tended to work only one night tour from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. and then quit, Respondent points to the evidence that when Gardner went out to the plat- form he had already accepted a job with Northern Oil Operations (where he was, in fact, working at the time of the hearing), and had only gone to the platform to collect his clothes and obtain a night's work. In fact, according to Respondent, Gardner "goaded Furry [ and Blair] into firing him." -i0 On this basis, Respondent contends that it may not, in any event, be required to reinstate Gardner or reimburse him for more than 12 hours of backpay since Gardner told some of his fellow crewmen as he was packing to leave on the helicopter that he was going to work for Northern Oil Co., that he had taken all he could from the Company, and that if he had not been fired he would have quit next morning . Relying on Tomahawk Boat Manufacturing Corporation, 144 NLRB 1344, 1345, footnote 2, Respondent main- tains that a discharged employee is not entitled to backpay beyond the date he would have worked if he had not been discriminatorily discharged. Moreover, it is not alleged or contended that Gardner was constructively discharged. Finally, Respondent contends that since it was Furry, a Shell supervisor, rather than Blair, who would make the decision to discharge Gardner, and there is no evidence of union animus on the part of Shell, there can be no finding that Respondent is responsible for the discharge which, in any event, was for cause . What this overlooks is the fact that, although because of the unusual arrangement between Shell and Respondent, Furry may have de- cided on the discharge, instructing Blair that if Gardner did not have good reason for not notifying the platform he was to be discharged, and told Blair to make out Gardner's discharge papers, Blair con- firmed and ratified, if he did not, in fact, participate in this decision, and actually accomplished the ter- mination . In effect, although Furry made the recommendation , it was actually Blair who carried it out as an act of the Company. a" As examples of adequate excuses, Furry cited car breakdown, snowstorm , or "just not being able to make it," and testified that Gardner's statements that the Company should have called him directly , that it was not "man enough " to call him , and his reliance on the helicopter pilot's in- formation as a basis for not calling in "simply too feeble" an excuse Gardner testified that Furry said he knew that he had a telephone at home but that he did not regard it as the Company 's job to notify him 185 Moreover, under Respondent's contractual ar- rangement with Shell, while drilling and roustabout crews are employed by Respondent, Shell person- nel frequently exercise direct supervision over Respondent's employees, and since the pushers for the respective Companies alternate shifts, drilling crews are under the supervision of a Shell super- visor 50 percent of the time. It is, therefore, im- material that Furry may have instigated Gardner's discharge and that there may have been no evidence of union animus on the part of Shell. It is clear that, in instigating Gardner's discharge, Furry was acting for or in the interest of Respondent, in effect, as an employer, and that his action was ratified or adopted by Respondent through Blair, its highest supervisor on the platform. Respondent's attempt to shift from Blair, its principal activist in the commission of unfair labor practices, to Shell Supervisor Furry, the onus for the termination, may be viewed as a transparent effort to relieve him of the responsibility for Gardner's discharge. Respon- dent's contention is rejected. Furry and Blair gave conflicting versions of their discussions leading to the decision to discharge Gardner. According to Furry, his discussion with Blair took place the day after Gardner's failure to report, when Furry told Blair that, if Gardner did not have a satisfactory excuse for not calling in, he was to be discharged. Blair, however, testified that the discussion occurred the night Gardner failed to report, as confirmed by his pretrial affidavit, and no mention is made that Gardner would be discharged unless he had a good excuse. In his affidavit Blair asserts that mention was made in the discussion that Gardner'had no excuse for not notifying the platform since he had a telephone, whereas Carter had communicated with the platform even though he had none. According to Furry, there was no mention of this in their discussion. It may also be observed that in Blair's affidavit he states that, because of Gardner's dereliction in noti- fying the platform, Respondent was required to have another crane operator and some roustabouts work overtime. Since Carter had actually notified the platform that he would not be able to report, the need for having the crane operator work over- time could hardly have been attributable to Gard- ner's failure to call in. Moreover, Furry testified that he himself operated the crane on the night Carter failed to report, without the need for roustabouts, and that he operated the crane only about an hour and a half. Furthermore, according to Furry, Honeysett, another member of Carter's crew, failed to report 5' Respondent's contention that Blair could never have intended the 30-day leave of absence to last 70 days, despite Gardner's testimony that Blair had told him to take what time he needed, is inconsistent with Blair's reliance on Gardner's reemployment as evidence that he had ac- tually given Gardner a second chance after his alleged failure to notify the Company that he was not returning to work after his 30-day leave of absence 186 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD until 16 or 24 hours after he had been scheduled to report, and, so far as is shown, did not notify the platform that he would be late or offer any excuse for his tardiness. Despite this, Furry did not take this up with Blair, testifying, "I gave up on Honeysett." Nevertheless, Honeysett was not discharged or otherwise disciplined. When these facts are viewed against the background of Blair's coercive interrogation of and statements to employees, including threats of withdrawal of benefits and privileges, and specifi- cally his remarks to Gardner and Barefield during the washroom incident, and his threats to eliminate all employees who voted for the Union, especially Gardner and Barefield, and the disparate treatment accorded Gardner, and the other factors previously detailed, the conclusion is irresistible that Respon- dent discharged Gardner on May 8, 1966, not because of his failure to notify the platform that he would not report on schedule but in retaliation for his union sympathies and activities. It is, therefore, found that by discharging Gardner, on or about May 8, 1966, Respondent dis- criminated in regard to the hire and tenure of em- ployees to discourage membership in a labor or- ganization, thereby engaging in unfair labor prac- tices within the meaning of Section 8(a)(3), and in- terfering with, restraining, and coercing employees in the exercise of rights guaranteed in Section 7, in violation of Section 8(a)(1) of the Acts' 5. Ernest Newell Barefield Barefield was hired in December 1965 as a roughneck or pit watcher, working on driller Olds' crew until his discharge on June 9, 1966. It is undisputed that at the time of his discharge he was discovered reading a magazine in the mud loggers shack during his tour of duty. The conflict in the testimony relates primarily to the length of time he was in the shack and the circumstances which preceded it. When Barefield reported on his tour at midnight, the drilling equipment was being removed from the hole and preparations were under way to shut down the power to permit replacement of a generator. According to Barefield, he was making prepara- tions for the power shutdown, filling the hole with mud. After receiving a call from the motor room and reporting that everything was "O.K." in his area, Barefield went out to the breezeway where smoking was allowed, and the whole crew, includ- ing driller Olds, had gathered. Barefield does not smoke but the others "lit up." After the break, Barefield returned to the pit watching area where he remained for a minute, 11 Since Gardner testified that he had intended to quit his job the morn- ing after he was discharged without regard to the discrimination against him, and had obtained or was about to obtain another job at which , in fact, he was still working at the time of the hearing, it is found that Respondent did not discriminate against Gardner by failing to reinstate him to his and, finding that there was nothing that needed to be done, went back to the breezeway and then to the rig floor. The floor hands were there doing nothing in particular, preparations for the shutdown having been completed. Barefield then went to the shack to make out his time. The entire crew, except the motorman, went out on the catwalk for a smoke. At or about 8 a.m., several hours after the power had been shut down, Barefield headed back for the pit watching area. Passing the mud logger shack and hearing the sound of an adding machine, he en- tered the shack where he found a Shell pumper using the machine. After a brief conversation about loss of production caused by the shutdown, the pumper left but Barefield stayed on. He sat down, picked up a magazine and began reading idly. Several minutes later Roady and Olds came in. Roady told Barefield to change his clothes and "catch the chopper," telling him that he was fired. Barefield merely said, "O.K.," and went to his room to pick up his things. Roady came to the door and told him to get his time. Roady made it out, placed it in a sealed envelope, and told Barefield to give it to Blair when he reached the mainland and get his money. Barefield asked for a termination slip for purposes of unemployment compensation but was told that the Company was not issuing them anymore. Barefield asked Roady the reason for discharge. Roady told him that he had been sitting down reading a magazine when he could have been doing cleanup work. Barefield said that there had been no power, pointing out that other men had been standing around smoking, testifying that the whole crew had been "goofing off" for about 3 hours. According to Barefield, other crewmen had used the logger's shack which was located about 10 feet from the pit area, and Olds himself had smoked there; there was a coffeepot in the shack and he had "bummed" coffee there himself. Moreover, Barefield testified, there was a telephone in the shack and no one had tried to reach him. As for the reason he said "O.K." without protest- ing when told that he was discharged, Barefield testified that he was shocked-he could not un- derstand why he was being discharged-and that Roady walked out before he could ask.52 Roady testified that when he went to the pit area during one of his routine inspections he had ex- pected to find Barefield, the pit watcher , cleaning the sand trap, but instead found the area deserted. He assumed that the pit watcher was working with the crew on the lower deck. When he found no sign of him, he questioned Olds about it. Olds said that he thought Barefield was in the pit. Roady told him former or substantially equivalent employment. " Although Roady testified that when he told Barefield to get his clothes, Barefield said nothing , Roady acknowledged that in a pretrial affidavit, he said that when he told him he was fired, Barefield asked, "Do you mean it?" SANTA FE DRILLING COMPANY that he was not and the two men started looking for Barefield . Each of the two supervisors made a separate tour53 of the platform but could not find Barefield. Roady and Olds met when they had completed their independent searches , and it oc- curred to them that they had not looked for Barefield in the logging shack , which , according to them, had not been used by Santa Fe personnel since the well loggers had left the platform. Respondent contends that despite the power shutdown there was other work to do which the rest of the crew was doing . Barefield conceded that, when the shutdown became necessary , Olds told the crew to keep busy. Olds testified that he told his crew to do as much cleaning and painting as they could and that when he asked Barefield to help he was told that he had work to do in the pit area . The rest of the crew did occupy itself scraping and painting the catwalk and other areas. As to the length of time he was in the shack, Barefield maintains that it was a matter of minutes. According to Roady, he had been looking for Barefield for 1-1/2 or 2 hours. Olds testified that, from the time Roady first questioned him about the whereabouts of the pit watcher until Barefield was located , an hour had elapsed. Respondent appears to contend that the length of time Barefield was in the shack is not relevant.54 What Respondent really objected to was that Barefield had "hid out avoiding work when he was supposed to be, and the rest of the men were, work- ing. ' Olds testified that he himself would have discharged Barefield if Roady had not decided to do so. Both men, however, testified that although Barefield 's discharge was due to the single incident described, he had for some time been somewhat "lackadaisical" about his work and had been wast- in too much time. It may be conceded that Barefield's conduct could have furnished ample cause for discharge. However, as has been pointed out elsewhere, the fact that cause for the discharge may have existed does not preclude a finding of discrimination if the other circumstances warrant such a finding.55 Applying this rationale to the facts regarding Barefield 's case, a finding is warranted that his discharge was discriminatory. In addition to what 53 Not to be confused with tour of duty (pronounced to rhyme with "tower" in the industry). 5' Respondent contends in its brief , however , that if the time element is relevant the supervisors estimate of the length of time Barefield was in the shack is more generous to him than is warranted by his own testimony Thus, since Barefield indicates that he was discovered in the shack at 8 a.m. (or even 7 or 7:30 a m.), and the rig had been shut down about 3 a.m , al- lowing a half-hour to an hour for Barefield to complete his chores after the shutdown , he must have spent nearly 4 hours in the shack . This seems highly improbable and, in any event , does not take into account the time spent during the breaks with the other crewmembers and the time con- sumed in his trips between the deck and the pit 5.5 The case cited in the General Counsel 's brief is apposite "We do not agree with the proposition which respondent apparently tries to urge upon this court, to the effect that if we find that cause existed for the 187 has been shown with regard to Respondent's con- duct constituting interference, restraint, and coer- cion, it will be recalled that Barefield, together with Gardner, was specifically singled out for reprisal by Blair in the washroom encounter. About 2 weeks before the election, in a conversation with Barefield in the pit area, Blair discussed the approaching election, told him that he saw no need for a union, and that the Union had never accomplished anything for the men in the oilfields. Roady had made similar remarks to Barefield. It is uncon- tradicted that Barefield told Blair that if he was in- terested Barefield had a union card in his hip pocket, although he did not know how he would vote. A few days after the election, Blair delivered himself of his scurrilous tirade, referring to men who had already been run off and others who would follow. Barefield had worked in the oilfields for 20 years, 7 in Alaska for four drilling contrac- tors. Considering the increase in offshore oil opera- tions in Cook Inlet, and the apparent dearth of qualified oilfield personnel; Barefield's apparently satisfactory work performance; the absence of any evidence that he had been disciplined at any time prior to the occasion under discussion; the precipitate action in discharging him, without prior warning, investigation or opportunity to offer any explanation in mitigation of his misconduct; and the other factors previously discussed, it is evident that Respondent discharged Barefield on June 9, 1966, and thereafter failed and refused to reinstate him because of his union adherence and activities and not because he had loitered in the logger's shack to escape doing maintenance work on the platform during the power shutdown, seizing this as the earli- est opportunity for fulfilling Blair's threat to rid the Company of all union adherents. It is, therefore, found that by discharging Barefield on June 9, 1966, and thereafter failing and refusing to reinstate him because of his union adherence and affiliation to discourage membership in a labor organization, Respondent has dis- criminated in regard to his hire and tenure of em- ployment within the meaning of Section 8(a)(3), thereby interfering with, restraining, and coercing employees in the exercise of rights guaranteed in Section 7, in violation of Section 8(a)(1) of the Act. discharge of any of these men, then we will have to conclude that they were discharged for cause and that 'motive ' for discharging the men is not controlling . This court has previously answered this idea adversely to respondent, in Wells Inc v N.L R.B., 9 Cir , 1947, 162 F.2d 457, 459- 460, where we stated "Nor, under the special facts of the case, is motive for the discharge irrelevant , as Wells alternatively asserts The prohibi- tion of § 8 ( 3), by its plain terms, extends to any discriminatory discharge the purpose and manifest effect of which is to discourage employee membership in a labor organization The ex- istence of some justifiable ground for discharge is no defense if it was not the moving cause " Cites authority .] [Emphasis sup- plied ] N L R B v Texas Independent Oil Company, Inc , 232 F 2d 447 (C.A 9) 188 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD In arriving at the conclusions as to the dis- criminatory discharges, the data prepared by Respondent showing a comparison of terminations and hires in the calendar year 1966 with those for 1965, which reflects less turnover in 1966 after the election than the comparable period for the preced- ing year when there had been no union activity, has been fully considered. Respondent argues that this demonstrates the fallacy of the General Counsel's contention that Blair was determined to pick off the men who voted for the Union one at a time At most, the evidence adduced by Respondent establishes that it did not eliminate all union ad- herents, and it has long been held that an em- ployer's failure to discharge all union sympathizers is not probative of the facts that the discharges made were not discriminatorily motivated.56 6. The charge that the men were required to work harder after the election Although not specifically alleged as a violation of Section 8(a)(1), evidence was introduced to show that following the election Respondent made the men work harder in retaliation for the showing made in the election. Since the issue was fully litigated and has been dealt with at some length in Respondent's brief, this evidence has been con- sidered as though formally alleged in the con- solidated complaints. Various employees testified that Respondent did, in fact, work the men harder, and maintained closer scrutiny over their work and conduct than before the election. Others testified that they were required to do no more than what amounted to es- sential maintenance. Respondent maintains that during the preelection period the men frequently congregated in groups in the washroom and elsewhere on the platform to discuss the approaching election. Although, accord- ing to Respondent, there was a rule against such conduct while the men were on duty, this rule was relaxed , according to Blair , to permit the men free discussion . With the election over , Blair was deter- mined that the men should get back to work lest se "An employer's failure to discharge all the union adherents does not necessarily indicate an absence of discriminatory intent as to those he did discharge " W C Nahors Company, 89 NLRB 538, enfd 196 F 2d 272 (C A 5), Daro Test Corporation, 81 NLRB 976, Steuart Warner Corpora- tion, 55 NLRB 593 It is not necessary nor is it ordinarily feasible to discharge or fail to recall every union member or adherent in order to discourage union activities This may be accomplished by making "an ex- ample " of some of the union adherents N L R B v Link-Belt Co 311 U S 584, 602, N L R B v National Garment Co, 166 F 2d 233, 238 (C A 8), cert denied 334 U S 845, Montgomery Ward & Co v N L R B , 107 F 2d 555, 559 (CA 7), F W Woohiortli Co v NLRB, 121 F 2d 648, 661-662 (C A 2), Shedd-Broun Mfg Co , 102 NLRB 742 (Supplemental Decision and Order, 103 NLRB 905), enfd 213 F 2d 163, 174 (C A 7), Broil and Marine , Inc , 112 NLRB 1442, fn I " Shell Drilling Superintendent Woodson , who had visited the platform, and Furry testified that the inspections had resulted in a "bad report" for lack of cleanliness , inattention to safety requirements , fire hazard , and the like, and that work began almost immediately to remedy these conditions they fall into the habit of "bunching up" as they had been doing, as well as to perform necessary maintenance work on the rig, which had been neglected. Furthermore, Blair testified, there had been some clarification of his authority. Until then, according to him, Shell supervisory personnel had been inclined to exercise supervision over Respon- dent 's pushers and drillers , sometimes to the extent of countermanding Blair's assignment of crewmem- bers to maintenance work so that they could be utilized in production. Moreover , according to Blair , Shell Area Manager John Spear , as well as both Shell, Santa Fe, and State of Alaska inspectors, who had visited the platform during the early stages of the opera- tion, had been critical of conditions on the plat- form, and Blair was eager to remedy these condi- tions.57 He testified that the reason he did not do so before the election was that he was apprehensive that "someone would take the cleaning and extra work we might have to do, some offense against people there for the way they might vote." Con- sequently, after the election, Blair embarked on a determined effort to have the platform cleaned up. Outside help was recruited when necessary. There is little doubt, however, that Shell's chief concern was to obtain production. Thus, when Drilling Foreman Troy White protested to Blair that he could not clean up his area and "make hole" (drilling ) at the same time, Blair told him to shut the rig down and apply himself to cleanup work.58 It is evident that the men preferred to work at drilling rather than on maintenance , but Respon- dent asserts that maintenance work is not only necessary but customary in the oil drilling indus- try.59 The necessity for maintaining safety on an offshore drilling platform should be obvious, and there is no need to belabor the point. The record clearly establishes that after the election Respon- dent embarked on an intensive cleanup campaign. Undoubtedly this aspect of the operation had been badly neglected due to the overriding objective of "making hole" in the endeavor to strike oil. The is- sue, however, is whether the cleanup campaign, which may very well have been necessary, was util- When Shell Manager Lage later visited the platform conditions had im- proved 51 According to Respondent , during this cleanup operation , equipment which had been lying on the platform and creating a hazard to the men filled three large carrying baskets 5H Respondent points to Bloodworth's testimony as an excellent synthesis of the problem He testified I have been on a few rigs myself and a lot of times , I don't know what causes it, but they get in too big a hurry, in trying to make a hole again [sic] Maybe the company had, which in this case would be Shell, would come out and say , "You have got to get this thing cleaned up " Men fall over something and get killed , fall through a hole This hap- pened before It happens all the time when they start drilling right away before they have everything hooked up I say maybe once a year it will happen on a rig They will shut down and say, "You get this thing cleaned up, so we can start working again before somebody gets killed or hurt bad " SANTA FE DRILLING COMPANY ized by Respondent, in the persons of Blair and Troy White, as a means of retaliation against the crews for their support of unionization, as demon- strated by the results of the election. In making this determination, one must, of course, avoid the pitfall of the post hoc ergo propter hoc rationale. As has been seen, opinion even among the em- ployees was divided as to whether the men were being pushed harder after the election. Carter, for example, a crane operator, who incidentally testified that Blair had charged him with making the men work harder, testified in response to that question, "I believe so. It is pretty hard to say ... we kept pretty busy, but I believe there was a lot more tense feeling . . . ." Gardner testified more positively that Blair was watching "all the time," and, "we was all being pushed extra hard, punish- ment for voting for the union ." Gardner, however, conceded that he was treated no differently than Carter or Honeysett, though this, of course, while perhaps indicating nondiscriminatory treatment, does not establish that the men were not worked harder. Moreover, Respondent's contention that since Gardner received his orders from Carter, who, in turn, received his orders from Landers or Reamer, both Shell employees, Shell rather than Respondent was responsible for any increase in the nature or extent of the cleanup work by the crew. For reasons previously stated in regard to a similar contention regarding Gardner's discharge, the argu- ment is notpersuasive. In evaluating Respondent's motivation in this re- gard, it must be remembered that Blair told Carter that if the Union won the election they would have to drive the men harder, although this was based on the premier that the Union should obtain a wage in- crease . Blair 's remarks to the crew after the elec- tion that he wanted to see nothing but "... from now on," and Troy White's similar remarks that "there won't be anything but ... holes" thence- forth, and that the Company was "going back to the old Rocky Mountain style of drilling," certainly presaged the kind of retaliation which, it is claimed, Respondent later imposed. Nevertheless, in view of the conflicting subjective reactions of the witnesses for the General Counsel, the evident need for intensified cleanup and main- tenance work on the platform, the obvious bias and interest of Gardner in testifying that the men were being punished for voting for the Union, the evidence, while gravely suspicious, is too inconclu- sive to establish that the admittedly intensified cleanup campaign was in retaliation for the at- tempted unionization of the employees. It is, therefore, found that the allegation that Respondent imposed harder working conditions upon the employees after the election has not been sustained by the preponderance of the evidence, and it will be recommended that the complaint in this respect be dismissed. With regard to the objections to the election, it 189 has been found that Respondent engaged in unfair labor practices within the meaning of Section 8(a)(1), previously fully detailed, before the elec- tion. It has been held that such a finding is a fortiori grounds for setting aside the results of the election, and it is clear, moreover, from the events occurring before the election that it was not conducted under the laboratory conditions which the Act requires. Respondent's disposition to interfere with the elec- tion is further borne out by the subsequent unfair labor practices in which Respondent engaged. It will, therefore, be recommended that the results of the election held February 20, 1966, be set aside. IV. THE EFFECT OF THE UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES UPON COMMERCE The activities of Respondent, set forth in section III, above, occurring in connection with the opera- tions described in section I, above, have a close, in- timate, and substantial relationship to trade, traffic, and commerce among the several States and tend to lead to labor disputes burdening and obstructing commerce and the free flow of commerce. V. THE REMEDY It has been found that Respondent has engaged in unfair labor practices within the meaning of Sec- tion 8(a)(1) and (3) of the Act by the conduct previously detailed. It will be recommend that Respondent be ordered to cease and desist therefrom, and take certain affirmative action designed to effectuate the policies of the Act. It has been found that Respondent has discriminated in regard to the hire and tenure of employment of em- ployees by discharging, and thereafter failing and refusing to reinstate, Lloyd W. Collins on February 22, 1966, Arthur W. Gordon on February 24, 1966, and Ernest N. Barefield on June 6, 1966; by discharging David L. Gardner on May 8, 1966, and by denying Sidney R. Sherwood the right to dis- place an employee with less seniority, after laying him off on March 20, 1966. It will therefore be recommended that Respondent offer Lloyd Collins, Arthur Gordon, and Ernest Barefield immediate and full reinststament, without loss of seniority or other rights and privileges, to their former or sub- stantially equivalent employment, and make them whole for any loss of pay they may have sustained by payment to them of a sum of money equal to that which they would have earned from the date of the discrimination against them to the date of offer of reinstatement, less their net earnings during such period. Backpay shall be computed in accordance with the formula prescribed in F. W. Woolworth Company, 90 NLRB 289. Interest on said backpay shall be computed at the rate of 6 percent per annum as provided in Isis Plumbing & Heating Co., 138 NLRB 716. Since the record establishes that 190 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD David Gardner intended to terminate his employ- ment voluntarily the day after he was discrimina- torily discharged, irrespective of the discrimination against him, it will not be recommended that he be offered reinstatement for reasons stated in connec- tion with the discussion of his discharge. It will, however, be recommended that he be made whole for any loss of pay sustained by him as a result of Respondent's discrimination against him in the same manner as the employees above mentioned. Although it has been found that Respondent also discriminated in regard to the hire and tenure of employment of Sidney R. Sherwood, for reasons discussed in relation to his discharge, it will not be recommended that he be offered reinstatement or backpay in consequence of Respondent's dis- crimination against him.60 Upon the basis of the foregoing findings of fact and upon the entire record, I make the following: CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1. Santa Fe Drilling Company , Respondent herein , is, and at all times material herein has been, an employer engaged in commerce and in a busi- ness affecting commerce within the meaning of Section 2 ( 2), (6), and (7) of the Act. 2. Alaska Petroleum Crafts Council, the APCC, herein , is, and at all times material herein has been, a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. 3. International Union of Petroleum Workers, AFL-CIO, the IUPW herein , is, and at all times material herein has been, a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2 (5) of the Act. 4. By the coercive interrogation and statements of Blair , Roady , and White concerning their union adherence and activities ; by the threats of discharge , increased work , or withdrawal of benefits and privileges previously detailed; and by the discrimination in regard to the hire and tenure of employees , as above described , Respondent has interfered with , restrained , and coerced employees in the exercise of rights guaranteed in Section 7, thereby engaging in unfair labor practices within the meaning of Section 8(a)(1) of the Act. 5. By discharging Lloyd Collins on February 22, 1966, Arthur Gordon on February 24, 1966, David Gardner on May 8 , 1966, and Ernest N. Barefield on June 6 , 1966, and by failing and refusing to rein- state said Collins , Gordon , and Barefield; and by denying Sidney R. Sherwood the right to displace an employee with less seniority , after laying him off on March 20 , 1966, because of their union ad- herence or affiliation to discourage membership in a labor organization , Respondent has engaged in 80 In view of the nature and extent of the unfair labor practices in which Respondent has been found to have engaged, including discrimination in regard to hire and tenure of employment, it is found that there is likelihood of the continuance of such unfair labor practices in the future It is, there- fore, recommended that Respondent be restrained from interfering with, and is engaging in unfair labor practices in violation of Section 8(a)(3), thereby interfering with, restraining, and coercing employees in the exercise of rights guaranteed in Section 7, and violating Sec- tion 8(a)(1) of the Act. 6. Except as found above, Respondent has not engaged in unfair labor practices alleged in the con- solidated complaints. 7. The aforesaid unfair labor practices, found above, are unfair labor practices affecting com- merce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. RECOMMENDED ORDER Upon the basis of the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law and the entire record in this case, it is hereby recommended that Santa Fe Drilling Company, of Santa Fe Springs, California, its officers, agents, successors, and assigns, shall: 1. Cease and desist from: (a) Discharging, laying off, or otherwise dis- criminating in regard to the hire and tenure of em- ployment, or any term or condition of employment of his employees, to discourage membership in a labor organization, because they have engaged in union or other protected concerted activities for the purpose of collective bargaining or other mu- tual aid or protection. (b) Interrogating employees or making state- ments to them concerning their union membership and activities; threatening them with discharge, in- creased work, withdrawal of privileges and benefits, because they have engaged in union or other pro- tected concerted activities. (c) In any other manner interfering with, restraining, or coercing its employees in the exer- cise of the rights guaranteed in Section 7 of the Act, except to the extent that such rights may be af- fected by an agreement requiring membership in a labor organization as a condition of employment, as authorized in Section 8(a)(3) of the Act, as amended. 2. Take the following affirmative action which it is found will effectuate the policies of the Act: (a) Offer Lloyd W. Collins, Arthur W. Gordon, and Ernest N. Barefield immediate and full rein- statement to their former or substantially equivalent positions, without prejudice to their seniority and other rights and privileges, and make them whole in the manner set forth in the section entitled "The Remedy." (b) Make David L. Gardner whole for any loss of earnings sustained by him as a result of Respon- dent's discrimination against him, in the manner set forth in the section entitled "The Remedy." restraining , and coercing employees in any other manner N L R B v Entwistle Manufacturing Co, 120 F 2d 532 (C A 4), May Department Stores v NLRB , 326 U S 376, Bethlehem Steel Co v NLRB , 120 F 2d 641 (CADC) SANTA FE DRILLING COMPANY 191 (c) Notify the above-named employees if presently serving in the Armed Forces of the United States of their right to full reinstatement upon application in accordance with the Selective Service Act and the Universal Military Training and Service Act, as amended , after discharge from the Armed Forces. (d) Preserve until compliance with any order for reinstatement or backpay made by the Board, and, upon request, make available to said Board or its agents, for examination and copying , all payroll records, social security payment records , timecards, personnel records and reports, and all other records required to analyze and determine the amount of backpay due. (e) Post at Shell platform "A", Middle Shoals, Cook Inlet, Alaska, and at all other places where notices to employees are usually posted by Respon- dent , and mail , postage prepaid , to each of the em- ployees found herein to have been discriminated against by Respondent , at their last known ad- dress,61 copies of the attached notice marked "Ap- pendix. "82 Copies of said notice, on forms provided by the Regional Director for Region 19, after being duly signed by the Respondent's duly authorized representative, shall be posted by it immediately upon receipt thereof, and be maintained by it for 60 consecutive days thereafter , in conspicuous places, including all places where notices to em- ployees are customarily posted. Reasonable steps shall be taken by Respondent to insure that said notices are not altered, defaced, or covered by any other material. (f) Notify said Regional Director , in writing, within 20 days from the receipt of this Decision, what steps have been taken to comply herewith.63 IT IS FURTHER RECOMMENDED that the con- solidated complaints be dismissed insofar as they al- lege violations which have not been found. Having found that, during the period between the filing of the petition for representation and the date of the election, Respondent engaged in unfair labor practices within the meaning of Section 8(a)(1) of the Act, it is recommended that the election, held on February 20, 1966, in Cases 19-RC-3851 and Si In view of the nature of Respondent 's offshore platform oil drilling operation , and the unlikelihood of access to the platform by any of the dis- cnmmatees , to effectuate the policies of the Act, it is recommended that Respondent be required to furnish copies of the notice to the dis- criminatees by mail , in addition to the usual posting requirements a' In the event that this Recommended Order is adopted by the Board, the words "a Decision and Order" shall be substituted for the words "the Recommended Order of a Trial Examiner " in the notice . In the further event that the Board 's Order is enforced by a decree of a United States Court of Appeals , the words " a Decree of the United States Court of Ap- peals Enforcing an Order " shall be substituted for the words "a Decision and Order " a' In the event that this Recommended Order be adopted by the Board, paragraph 2(f) thereof shall be modified to read "Notify said Regional Director , in writing , within 10 days from the date of this Order, what steps the Respondent has taken to comply therewith " 19-RM-598 , be set aside , and that the Regional Director directs that a new election be held when he is satisfied that the effects of Respondent's un- fair labor practices have been dissipated. IT IS FURTHER RECOMMENDED that , unless on or before 20 days from the date of receipt of this Decision , Respondent notifies said Regional Director that it will comply with the foregoing recommendations , the Board issue an order requir- ing Respondent to take the action aforesaid. APPENDIX NOTICE TO ALL EMPLOYEES Pursuant to the Recommended Order of a Trial Examiner of the National Labor Relations Board and in order to effectuate the policies of the Na- tional Labor Relations Act, as amended, we hereby notify our employees that: WE WILL NOT discourage membership of our employees in Alaska Petroleum Crafts Council, or International Union of Petroleum Workers, AFL-CIO, or in any other labor organization by discriminating in any manner in regard to the hire and tenure of employment or any term or condition of employment of our employees, except as authorized in Section 8(a)(3) of the Act. WE WILL NOT interrogate or make coercive statements to our employees concerning their union adherence and activities; threaten them with discharge, increased work, or withdrawal of benefits; or discharge, lay off, or refuse to reinstate employees as a means of interfering with, restraining , or coercing them in the exer- cise of the rights guaranteed in Section 7 of the Act. WE WILL NOT in any other manner interfere with, restrain, or coerce our employees in the right to self-organization, to form, join, or assist the above-named Unions or any other labor organization , to bargain collectively through representatives of their own choosing, to engage in concerted activities for the pur- pose of mutual aid or protection, or to refrain from any or all such activities, except to the extent that such right may be affected by an agreement requiring membership in a labor or- ganization as a condition of employment, in conformity with Section 8(a)(3) of the Act. WE WILL offer Lloyd W. Collins, Arthur W. Gordon, and Ernest N. Barefield immediate and full reinstatement to their former or sub- stantially equivalent positions, without preju- dice to their seniority and other rights and privileges, and make them whole for any loss of pay they may have suffered by reason of the discrimination against them. 192 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD WE WILL make David L. Gardner whole for any loss of pay he may have suffered by reason of the discrimination against him. All our employees are free to become, remain, or refrain from becoming or remaining , members of the above-named labor organizations or any other labor organizations. SANTA FE DRILLING COMPANY (Employer) Dated By (Representative ) (Title) Note : We will notify the above-named employees if presently serving in the Armed Forces of the United States of their right to full reinstatement upon application in accordance with the Selective Service Act and the Universal Military Training and Service Act, as amended , after discharge from the Armed Forces. This notice must remain posted for 60 consecu- tive days from the date of posting and must not be altered , defaced , or covered by any other material. If employees have any question concerning this notice or compliance with its provisions, they may communicate directly with the Board's Regional Office, 327 Logan Building , 500 Union Street, Seattle, Washington 98101, Telephone 583-7473. Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation