San Diego Web Pressmens'Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsApr 18, 1972196 N.L.R.B. 412 (N.L.R.B. 1972) Copy Citation 412 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD San Diego Newspaper Web Pressmen's Union No . 48 TRIAL EXAMINER'S DECISION and San Diego Typographical Union No. 221 (Pub- lishers' Offset, Inc.) and Jones, Jones and Jones San Diego Stereotypers' Union No. 82 (Publishers' Offset, Inc.) and Jones, Jones and Jones San Diego Newspaper Web Pressman 's Union No. 48 and San Diego Typographical Union No. 221; and San Diego Stereotypers' Union No. 82 (Publishers' Offset, Inc.) and International Union of Dectrict 50, Allied & Technical Workers of the U.S. & Canada. Cases 21-CC-1316, 21-CP-257, 21-CC-1318, 21- CP-260, and 21-CC-1319 April 18, 1972 DECISION AND ORDER BY CHAIRMAN MILLER AND MEMBERS FANNING AND PENELLO On December 14, 1971, Trial Examiner Stanley Gilbert issued the attached Decision in this proceed- ing. Thereafter, Respondents filed exceptions and a supporting brief, and Intervenor Publishers' Offset, Inc., filed an answering brief. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the Na- tional Labor Relations Board has delegated its au- thority in this proceeding to a three-member panel. The Board has considered the record and the Trial Examiner's Decision in light of the exceptions and briefs and has decided to affirm the Trial Examiner's rulings, findings,' and conclusions 2 and to adopt his recommended Order. ORDER Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Rela- tions Board adopts as its Order the recommended Order of the Trial Examiner and hereby orders that Respondents, San Diego Newspaper Web Pressmen's Union No. 48; San Diego Typographical Union No. 221; and San Diego Stereotypers' Union No. 82, their officers, agents, and representatives, shall take the ac- tion set forth in the Trial Examiner's recommended Order. ' In finding that Respondent violated Section g(bx4)(B) by picketing Pub- lishers' Offset, we rely on the fact that said picketing was, at least in part, conducted in furtherance of Respondents ' primary dispute with North Shores Publishing Corporation. 2 In agreeing with the Trial Examiner that General Extrusion Company, Inc., 121 NLRB 1165, applies to a question of contract bar and is not applicable to the instant case , we also note that in any event the holding of that case would not render invalid any election or resulting certification STATEMENT OF THE CASE STANLEY GILBERT . Trial Examiner : Based on charges filed by Jones, Jones and Jones, in Cases 21-CC-1316 and 21- CP-257, on June 9 , 1971, charges filed by Jones, Jones and Jones in Cases 21-CC-1318 and 21-CP-260 on June 15, 1971, and the charge in Case 21-CC-1319 filed on June 15, 1971, by International Union of District 50, Allied & Tech- nical Workers of the U.S. & Canada , hereafter referred to as District 50, the consolidated complaint herein was issued on June 29, 1971 . The complaint alleges that Respondents, herein referred to as Pressmen , Typographers, and Stereo- typers, violated Section 8(b)(4)(i) and (iiXB) of the Act and Section 8(b)(4Xi) and (ii)(C) of the Act as well as Section 8(bX7)(B) of the Act. Respondents by their answer deny that they committed the unfair labor practices alleged in said complaint and set forth two affirmative defenses. Pursuant to notice, a hearing was held in San Diego, California, on July 20-23 and 229, 1971, before this Trial Examiner. On October 13, 1971, briefs were received from the General Counsel , the Intervenor and Respondents which have been carefully considered.i Upon the entire record 2 in this proceeding and from my observation of the witnesses as they testified , I make the following: FINDINGS OF FACT I THE BUSINESSES OF THE EMPLOYERS INVOLVED HEREIN Publishers' Offset, Inc., hereinafter referred to as Pub- lishers' Offset, is a California corporation with its principal office and plant in San Diego, California, where it has, since on or about May 1, 1971, been engaged in the printing of newspapers, catalogues, circulars, fliers, and other mate- rials. During the calendar year commencing on or about May 1, 1971, Publishers' Offset in the course and conduct of its business operations has purchased and received, and will purchase and receive, paper and paper products valued in excess of $50,000 from suppliers located outside the State of California. Publishers' Offset is, and at all times material herein has been, an employer engaged in commerce and in an industry affecting commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act, a person within the meaning of Section 8(b)(4Xi) and (ii) of the Act, and an employer within the meaning of Section 8(b)(4Xi) and (ii)(B) of the Act. Three other entities were involved in this proceeding in litigating the unfair labor practices and the affirmative de- fenses , North Shores Sentinel, North Shores Publishing Corporation, and NTS Development Corporation. With re- spect to North Shores Sentinel and North -Shores Publishing Corporation, the complaint alleges and it is found as for lows: i By letter dated November 9, 1971, Respondents , in effect, filed a supple- mental brief . Thereafter, General Counsel filed a motion to quash Respon- dents' aforesaid letter (pointing out that it was untimely filed) to which Respondents filed their opposition . While it appears that General Counsel's motion is well-founded , it is noted that the Trial Examiner has long been aware of the case cited by Respondents in said letter , and, if he believed it to be applicable to the issues herein , he would have relied on it, even if it had not been cited to him. 2 Resp. Exh. 44 is unproperly included in the record . Although it was received in evidence, the ruling receiving it was subsequently reversed. 196 NLRB No. 57 SAN DIEGO WEB PRESSMENS' 413 At all times material herein, Clinton D. McKinnon, D. L. Smerdon and Triple Mac Corporation, d/b/a North Shores Sentinel, -herein called Sentinel, have been engaged in the publication of a newspaper in the San Diego area . Sentinel annually derives gross reve- nues in excess of $1 million and subscribes to various interstate news service. Prior to on or about May 30, 1971, the Sentinel news- paper was printed by North Shores Publishing Corpo- ration, herein called North Shores, a related enterprise. Sentinel and North Shores are now, and each of them is, and at all times material herein have been, a person engaged in commerce or in an industry affecting com- merce within the meaning of Section 8(b)(4)i) and (ii)(B) of the Act. With respect to the above allegations, Respondents, by their answer, admit only that "the Sentinel gross volume of business meets legal and administrative jurisdictional re- quirements ." In their first affirmative defense, the Respon- dents allege that the Sentinel, North Shores Publishing Corporation, Publishers' Offset, Inc., and NTS Develop- ment Corporation, hereinafter referred to as NTS, "consti- tute one employer or joint employers" within the meaning of the Act 3 It appears from the record that NTS is a corpo- ration and that for the period from approximately Septem- ber 1970 to May 1, 1971, it operated the offset printing plant which Publishers' Offset is operating and has been operat- ing since May 1, 1971.4 II. THE LABOR ORGANIZATIONS INVOLVED HEREIN As is admitted by the Respondents , each of them is, and has been at all times material herein, a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. District 50 is a labor organization within the meaning of Sections 2(5) and 8(b)(4)(C) of the Act .5 III. THE UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES A. Chronology of Events and Background Information For a number of years Sentinel has published a newspa- per called the North Shores Sentinel which, up to May 27, 971, was printed by North Shores . As above indicated, Sentinel is a partnership composed of the following part- ners : Clinton McKinnon , Denton Smerdon, and Triple Mac Corporation .6 North Shores was a letterpress printing company with a plant on Garnet Avenue in San Diego which ceased operations near the end of May 1971. Prior thereto , it carried out all of the mechanical work required in the printing of Sentinel's newspaper . McKinnon was president of North Shores and owned- p1,800 shares thereof and Smerdon was secretary and owned the remaining 500 shares . Sentinel's offices have been and are located in the same building which was occupied by North Shores. For a good number of years, Respondents represented bar gaining units of various classifications of the employees of North Shores engaged in the printing operations . (There is nothing 3 This allegation is considered hereinbelow. 4 The transfer of the printing plant is set forth in more detail hereinbelow. Although Respondents denied the allegation in the complaint that Dis- trict 50 is a labor organization within the meaning of Sec. 8(b)(4)(C) of the Act, it appears that there is no merit to this denial in view of its certification by the Board as the bargaining representative of employees of NTS and subsequently of Publishers ' Offset , as set forth hereinbelow. 6 A California corporation which is owned by McKinnon, his wife, and three of his children. in the record with respect to the editorial operations of Sentinel). Respondents contend that Sentinel, North Shores, NTS, and Publishers' Offset are joint employers or a single em- ployer within the meaning of the Act. Of the abovemen- tioned four entities, only Publishers' Offset is a party to this proceeding (by reason of its intervention herein). While it is noted that the record would support a finding that Senti- nel and North Shores could appropriately be considered joint employers or a single emp oyer,7 such a finding would be of little significance as a matter of Respondents' defense since , as stated hereinbelow, the record will not support a finding that they, together with NTS and Publishers Offset, or either of them, are joint employers or a single employer. In the latter part of 1969, Norman T. Seltzer, president of NTS (which is a San Diego based investment corporation owned by Seltzer and his family), became interested in set- ting up an offset printing business . In mid-October 1969, NTS retained McKinnon as a "consultant" to establish such a business, as set forth in a letter agreement dated October 15, 1969, from NTS and addressed to McKinnon.8 Thereafter, on behalf of NTS, McKinnon found a plant- site on Convoy Street in San Diego (herein referred to as the Convoy Street plant), apparently arranged for a corporation (Broadmoor) owned by his sons to purchase the site and erect a building to house the plant, purchased the necessary offset printing equipment, and hired the key managerial eo le for NTS. NTS leased the building from Broadmoor andin the latter part of September 1970 it commenced printing operations at said plant under the fictitious name of "Publishers' Offset "9 It appears that about the same time District 50 organized the employees at the Convoy Street plant. District 50 filed a petition seeking to represent a unit consisting of all of the production and maintenance em- ployees of NTS at said plant. In September 1970 an election was conducted by the Board in said bargaining unit, and, on October 16, 1970, District 50 was certified by the Region- al Director as the exclusive bargaining representative for the aforesaid unit. In September or October 1970, Seltzer asked McKinnon to recommend a labor consultant and McKinnon recom- mended Norman E. Jones. Seltzer employed Jones to repre- sent NTS apparently to negotiate a labor agreement with District 50 and instructed him to "touch base" with Mc- Kinnon, so that he (Seltzer) "could be assured that the 7 For example, the operations of the two entities were interrelated , they had common management and the letterhead used by North Shores apparently was also the letterhead of Sentinel (it contained both the name of the printing company and that of the newspaper) and thus they represented themselves to be joint enterprises or a single enterprise. Said agreement reads as follows: N.T.S. Development Corporation will purchase certain equipment to set up an offset printing plant operation . You have agreed to aid and assist us as a consultant in the setting up of this matter, and in return for this when this plant is established, we agree that such plant will perform services for any newspaper entity in which you have an interest at our exact cost of production plus 10% in the event such work is moved into our new plant within two years after we open. Furthermore , we agree that should we give a more favorable right to any comparable other person , you will be given the benefit of such reduced rate, or in other words, that no one will receive more favored treatment. Our obligation to maintain these rates will cease five (5) years follow- ing the date in each case each newspaper entity is moved into our plant, and should there be any discontinuance of our services for any entity after we have first done work for them for any reason whatsoever not our fault, then our obligation to maintain these rates for such entity shall thereupon cease. 9 It should be noted that the name Publishers' Offset as used hereinafter is intended to refer only to the corporation which , as aforementioned, took over the operation of the Convoy Street plant on May 1, 1971. 414 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD contract as submitted was a practical agreement." On or about February 1, 1971, NTS and District 50 entered into a collective-bargaining agreement for the aforementioned certified unit. In addition to the above-outlined activities which Mc- Kinnon engaged in on behalf of NTS, McKinnon also as- sisted NTS in obtaining printing business and arranged the transfer of the printing of the La Jolla Light -Journal to the NTS plant. Said newspaper is published by a corporation in which McKinnon owns 75 percent of the stock. In the early part of 1971 , pursuant to discussions of vari- ous interested individuals , including McKinnon and Selt- zer, a corporation was formed , named Publishers ' Offset, Inc., and on May 1, 1971, said corporation took over the operation of the Convoy Street printing plant which had been previously o rated by NTS under the name of "Pub- lishers Offset .' 10 On or about May 1, 1971, NTS assigned its lease on the Convoy Street premises to Publishers ' Offset and leased its printing equipment to Publishers ' Offset. On May 27, 1971, pursuant to a petition to amend the certifica- tion of District 50, a decision and amendment of certifica- tion was issued by the Regional Director amending the certification by changing the name of the employer from NTS to Publishers' Offset. In October 1970, the board of directors of North Shores decided to dissolve the company which decision was appar- ently reaffirmed by it in January 1971. McKinnon credibly testified to the reasons for the decision as follows: A. We were faced with a press that had broken down several times during the past 12 months and delayed the delivery of our newspaper . Repairing the press is very expensive . We had obsolete equipment in the composinroom , and in the stereotype department. We were faced with the unpleasant fact that either we would have to build a brand new plant at a cost per- happs of a half million dollars or more, or find some other means of taking care of the printing work for the Sentinel. After a lot of consideration, and my age of 65 and Mr. Smerdon 's age of 63, we did not feel justified in going into debt to replace the plant. Furthermore , it was indicated that our customers, our advertisers , were demanding or requesting very strong- ly more modem equipment in the way of offset print- ing, which would relieve them of engraving-the cost of engravings, and also provide for them a better prod- uct. These factors considered, we simply felt-Mr. Smer- don and I-that as stockholders it would be wiser for us to wind up our affairs in North Shores Publishing Company and go out of business and let the Sentinel find another place to print. (At the time of the hearing North Shores Publishing Com- pany had been dissolved, its press had been sold for salvage and the composing room and stereotype equipment was advertised for sale) On January 4, 1971, North Shores , by letter, notified each of the Respondents of the decision to dissolve the company and cease its printing operations . It was indicated that Sentinel's newspaper would have to be printed at some oth- er plant and that it was not known when the decision would be put into effect . On February 2, 1971, Ray Butler, presi- dent of Typographers, wrote a letter to R. R. Richardson, secretary-treasurer of the San Diego Imperial Counties Cen- tral Labor Council , in which he stated that he had been informed that there would be "changes" in the "North Shores Sentinel operation" and that there is "a chance that the work will be moved to a plant on Convoy Street ... under contract with United Mine Workers Dist . 50." He also stated as follows: We ask that the Central Labor Council support the position of San Diego Typographical Union Na. 221 in our effort to maintain work controlled by Mr. McKinnon in composing rooms under contract with the Typographi- cal Union, and so inform McKinnon of your action by letter. [Emphasis supplied.] Starting on February 23, 1971, there were meetings various- ly attended by (on the one hand) Richardson and represent- atives of one or all of the Respondents and (on the other hand) either McKinnon or Seltzer or both of them. The parties introduced a considerable amount of testimony and evidence in the record with respect to these meetings and also with respect to correspondence between them over a period of 5 or 6 months . The meetings and the correspon- dence, to a great extent , were concerned with the closin down of North Shores and the transfer of the printing of Sentinel's newspaper. (Certain details thereof and conclu- sions with respect thereto are set forth hereinbelow.) On May 27, 1971, the three Respondents agreed that they would work together "as a team on the common problem' of the closing down of North Shores' plant and transfer of the printin of Sentinel 's newspaper to the Convoy Street plant (of Publishers ' Offset). On the morning of June 2, 1971, Respondents conducted picketing at the premises of Publishers' Offset with signs containing various legends: One legend was as follows: PUBLISHERS ' OFFSET UNFAIR WEB PRESSMEN 'S UNION NO. 48; STEREOTYPERS' UNION NO. 82 10 The officers and stockholders of Publishers' Offset are as follows: Clinton McKinnon 200 shares Norman T . Seltzer 350 shares David Garfield 250 shares Bill Pelcher (Pres ., until 6/12/71) 150 shares William Evans 50 shares J.B. David (pres. from 6/12/71) none Charles Hawkins (VP) none Leah K. Dondero (sec .-treas.) none In addition, $100,000 in cash was loaned to Publishers ' Offset, as part of its initial capitalization , by the following individuals- Norman T . Seltzer $15,000 David Garfield 15,000 William Evans 10,000 Clinton McKinnon 10,000 Denton Smerdon 20,000 Bill Pelcher 10,000 La Jolla Publishing, Inc. 20,000 A second legend was as follows: SAN DIEGO TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION NO. 221 A third legend was as follows: PUBLISHERS ' OFFSET DOES NOT PAY THE PREVAILING WAGES OF THE INDUSTRY The above-described signs were withdrawn toward the end of the morning , and thereafter , until July 7, the picketing at Publishers ' Offset was conducted with signs reading: SAN DIEGO WEB PRESSMENS' 415 NORTH SHORES SENTINEL UNFAIR SANCTIONED BY THE CENTRAL LABOR COUNCIL It was stipulated by the parties that by reason of the picket- ing certain deliveries were not made to Publishers' Offset by normal suppliers of that Company. The picketing ceased on July 7 when the United States District Court enjoined said action. THE ISSUES It is alleged in the complaint that Respondents engaged in conduct violative of Section 8(b)(4)(i) and (ii)(B) and (C) of the Act." The General Counsel contends that the record will sus- tain findings that Publishers' Offset is a neutral employer in Respondents' labor disputes with the primary employer (Sentinel and/of North Shores); that the Respondents' picketing of Publishers' Offset "induced or encouraged" its employees within the meaning of Section 8(b)(4)(i) of the Act; that said picketing "threatened, coerced and re- strained" Publishers' Offset within the meaning of Section 8(b)(4)(ii) of the Act; that objects of the picketing were to force or require Publishers' objects to cease doing business with Sentinel and Publishers' Offset's suppliers to cease doing business with it, within the meaning of Section 8(b)4)(B) of the Act; and that a further object of the picket- ing was to force or require Publishers' Offset to recognize or bargain with the Respondents as representatives of its employees despite the fact that District 50 had been certi- fied as a representative of said employees within the meaning of Section 8(b)(4)(C) of the Act. On the other hand, Respondents contend that Publishers' Offset is not a neutral employer. In support of said conten- tion, they argue that the record will support a finding that Publishers' Offset, Sentinel , North Shores, and NTS are a single employer or joint employers, and, alternatively, that Publishers' Offset is an "ally" of Sentinel and North Shores (a single or joint employer) by reason of the fact that in printing Sentinel newspaper it was doing "struck work." Respondents further contend, in effect, that their sole purpose in picketing was to publicize the unfair labor prac- tices of North Shores and Sentinel (as a single or joint The pertinent parts of said section of the Act are as follows: 8(b) It shall be an unfair labor practice for a labor organization or its agents ... 4(i) to engage in, or to induce or encourage any individual employed by any person engaged in commerce or in an industry affecting com- merce to engage in, a strike or a refusal in the course of his employ- ment to use , manufacture , process, transport, or otherwise handle or work on any goods , articles , materials, or commodities or to perform any services; (ii) to threaten, coerce , or restrain any person engaged in commerce or in an industry affecting commerce, where in either case an object thereof is: (B) forcing or requiring any person to cease using , selling, handling, transporting , or otherwise dealing in the products of any other pro- ducer, processor, or manufacturer, or to cease doing business with any other person , or forcing or requiring any other employer to recognize or bargain with a labor organization as the representative of his em- ployees unless such labor organization has been certified as the repre- sentative of such employees under the provisions of Section 9 ... (C) forcing or requiring any employer to recognize or bargain with a particular labor organization as the representative of his employees if another labor organization has been certified as the representative of such employees under the provisions of Section 9 .... employer) and that they did not have as an object of their picketing to force or require Publishers' Offset to recognize or bargain with them as representatives of its empployees. Further, the Respondents attempted to contend that Dis- trict 50 had not been validly certified as the representative of Publishers' Offset. However, the Respondents were not permitted to litigate this contention in this Se size except to introduce evidence with respect to the size of the bargaining unit at the time of the election (September 1970) and at the time of the picketing (June and July 1971). As to the issue of whether Publishers' Offset is a neutral employer, the Respondents contend that by reason of Mc- Kinnon's activities on behalf of NTS, his direct and indirect financial interest in Publishers' Offset and the authority he exercised with respect to their labor policies, Publishers' Offset, together with NTS, Sentinel and North Shores, should be considered as a single employer or that the four should be considered as joint employers. As stated hereinabove, NTS, which operated the Convoy Street plant under the name of Publishers' Offset, transfer- red the operations of said plant, on May 1, 1971, to a newly formed corporation named Publishers Offset, Inc., by as- signing to said corporation its lease of the premises and by leasing its equipment to said corporation. It appears that NTS is, and was, intended to be solely an investment com- pany (rather than an operator of any enterprise) and that it had other interests besides its interest in the Convoy Street plant. Therefore, in order to rid itself of the operating func- tions and to enable McKinnon and others to invest in the operation of the Convoy Street plant, the new corporation was formed. There was no material change in the operating personnel, and it is apparent that Publishers' Offset was not an "arms length purchaser" as successor to NTS with re- spect to the operation of the Convoy Street plant. However, it does not appear appropriate to conclude that Sentinel and North Shores are a single employer or joint employers with Publishers' Offset (as successor to NTS). While McKinnon did play a key role, as a "consultant," in obtaining the Convoy Street plant premises, the equip- ment, and the key managerial employees of NTS, it appears that his actions were sub^ e•ct to approval by Seltzer as presi- dent of NTS. While McKinnon was consulted from time to time by Jones, who, as labor consultant for NTS, negotiated its labor contract with District 50, it does not appear appro- priate to conclude that McKinnon dictated the labor rela- tions policies of NTS. It is further found that McKinnon did not, either directly or indirectly, have any financial interest 12 It appears that the basis for this contention is the substance of an 8(a)(2) charge filed by the Respondents in Case 21-CA-1091 on June 21, 1971. It also appears that said charge was dismissed by the Regional Director and said dismissal was appealed to the General Counsel. It further appears that the General Counsel deferred action upon the appeal pending the disposition of this proceeding . Aside from the question of whether or not it is appropriate to litigate the validity of a certification in a collateral proceeding such as this and from the question of the appropriateness of raising matters by way of defense which were the subject of a charge that has not been found meritori- ous, it appears that the 8(a)(2) charge , even if it were meritorious, cannot constitute a defense in this proceeding, since said charge was filed more than 6 months after the certification and the conduct engaged in by Publishers' Offset or NTS subsequent to the certification (within the 10(b) period) could not have affected the validity of the certification and would , therefore, not constitute a defense in this proceeding. Lawrence Typographical Union No. 570, 158 NLRB 1332,1340. In comparable cases arising under Sec. 8 (b)(7XA) of the Act, the Board has refused to permit unions charged with picketing violations to invoke as a defense the invalidity of an incumbent union's initial recognition in circumstances where Sec . 10(b) would have precluded a direct challenge to the legality of such recognition . Roman Stone Co., 153 NLRB 659; Blue Diamond Coal Co., 166 NLRB 271, enf . sub nom. N.L.R.B. v. District 30, Mine Workers of America, 422 F.2d 115 (C.A. 6), cert. denied 398 U.S. 959. 416 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD in NTS, and that he had no control over its operations except in an advisory capacity. Also, it is noted that there was no business relationship between Sentinel and North Shores, on the one hand, and NTS on the other. It is further noted that North Shores' operations consisted principally of printing Sentinel's newspaper, whereas it appears that Pub- lishers' Offset had a considerable amount of other printing after May 29, 1971. (It was not until May 29 or 30, 1971, that Publishers' Offset commenced printing Sentinel 's newspa- per.) While McKinnon did acquire an interest in Publishers' Offset it was a minority interest and he had no voice in its management except as a member of its board of directors. It does not appear, in the circumstances, that it can be said that Sentinel and North Shores are single or joint em- ployers with NTS and lubsequently Publishers' Ofset, since it does not appear that their operations were sufficiently integrated and commonly owned and controlled to warrant such a finding. Los Angeles Newspaper Guild (Hearst Corpo- ration), 185 NLRB No. 25, enfd. 443 F.2d 1173 (C.A. 9); Miami Newspaper Printing Pressman Local No. 46 (Knight Newspapers, Inc.), 138 NLRB 1346, enfd. 322 F.2d 405 (CA. D.C.) An additional argument advanced by the Respondents in opposing a finding that Publishers' Offset is a ' neutral em- ployer" is that Publishers' Offset is an "ally" of North Shores and Sentinel because it was doing "struck work" in printing Sentinel 's newspaper. It cannot be said that by printing Sentinel 's newspaper, Publishers' Offset was doin work which would have been performed by employees of North Shores but for a strike against that Company. The printing of said newspaper by Publishers' Offset did not commence until after the decision to close down the opera- tions of North Shores and dissolve the company was put into effect at the end of Ma'. Said printing work was not contracted out to Publishers Offset in order to overcome the effect of a strike of North Shores' employees . The print- ing of Sentinel 's newspaper cannot, in the circumstances, be equated with "struck work" and it would be inappropriate to conclude that Publishers' Offset became an 'ally" of North Shores and Sentinel by reason of its acceptance of the work of printing Sentinel 's newspaper . Warehouse Union Local 6 (Hershey Chocolate Corporation), 153 NLRB 1051. It is concluded that Publishers ' Offset is a "neutral em- ployer" in Respondents' labor dispute with Sentinel and North Shores. It is well established that picketing for a proscribed object constitutes "inducement or encouragement" of individuals within the meaning of Section 8(b)(4Xi) and "coercing or restraining" of persons within the meaning of Section 8(bx4Xii). In addition , the record clearly demonstrates that the Respondents were , by their picketing, attempting to induce or encourage employees of Publishers ' Offset to withhold their services from their employer. Shortly prior to the picketing , Respondent Union (Typographers) sent a let- ter to employees of Publishers' Offset urging them to quit their jobs (and join the Typographers Union). Similar letters were sent by the other two Respondent Unions during the course of the picketing . The record also clearly demon- strates that thepicketing coerced and restrained Publishers' Offset, not only by the aforementioned inducement and encouragement of its employees , but also caused some of the suppliers of Publishers ' Offset to cease their normal deliveries to that Company. In the course of the hearing , Respondents asserted that North Shores and Sentinel had committed various unfair labor practices which were made the subject matter of charges filed by said Unions in Cases 21-CA-10037 and 21-CA-10041 (1-2).13 As aforementioned , Respondents in- troduced a considerable amount of testimony and evidence into the record of the meetings and correspondence over a period of 5 or 6 months after the decision to eventually close down North Shores was communicated to the Respondents. It was ruled that such testimony and evidence would be received, not for the purpose of determining whether there were unfair labor practices committed by North Shores and Sentinel as alleged in the aforementioned charges , but mere- ly for the purpose of demonstrating whether or not the sole object of the picketin was to ublicize said alleged unfair labor practices. The General Counsel also introduced such testimony and evidence in the record to support the allega- tions in the complaint as to the objects of the picketing (to force or require Publishers' Offset to cease doing business with Sentinel and to obtain recognition by Publishers' Off- set as bargaining representatives of its employees). The record discloses that after Respondents became aware of the decision to close down North Shores' opera- tions they, through their representatives and through Rich- ardson,l attempted to accomplish one of several alternatives, including: (1) abandonment of the decision to close down North Shores and to obtain the continuation by North Shores of its printing of Sentinel's newspaper; (2) a transfer of the printing of the newspaper to a shop in which the employees were represented by the Respondent Unions; and (3) the hiring by Publishers' Offset of the employees of North Shores (whom they represented and who had lost their jobs by the closing down of North Shores' plant). In addition, they attempted to destroy District 50's "foothold" as a labor organization in the San Diego area by its repre- sentation of Publishers' Offset employees, as evidenced by the credited testimony of McKinnon and Seltzer to state- ments made to them with respect to continuing recognition of District 50. It is concluded the Respondents had as objects of their picketing forcing or requiring Publishers ' Offset to cease doing business with Sentinel , and forcing or requiring Pub- lishers' Offset's suppliers to cease doing business with it. It is further concluded that said picketing violated Section 8(bX4)(i) and (ii)(B) of the Act. As to the question of whether said picketing also violated Section 8(b)(4)(i) and (ii)(C) of the Act the following issues must be resolved : whether or not Respondents ' picketing had as an object that of obtaining their recognition by Pub- lishers' Offset as the bargaining representatives of said Company's employees, and whether District 50 had been certified as the bargaining representative of said employees. With respect to the latter issue , there is no dispute that the Regional Director did certify District 50 after an election held by the Board for the bargaining unit of the employees of Publishers' Offset.15 As above stated, the Respondents 13 The charges in said cases were dismissed by the Regional Director and his action in dismissing said charges was appealed to the General Counsel. Action on the said appeal was deferred pending disposition of this proceed- ing. Respondents argue that they are not bound by any statements made by Richardson , that he was only acting in his capacity of Secretary of the Central Labor Council . Richardson was called in by Respondents to inter- cede with McKinnon and Seltzer with respect to the closing down of North Shores and the transfer of the punting of Sentinel 's newspaper to NTS. Furthermore , representatives of Respondent were silent and did not disavow his statements which were made in their presence . In the circumstances, it appears appropriate to find that he was speaking on their behalf and that they tacitly approved this statements . Yuba, Sutter & Colusa Counties Building & Construction Trades Council, AFL-CIO, et at., 189 NLRB No. 70, TXD. Consequently, Richardson 's statements as well as the conduct of Respon- dents were considered in determining whether any of Respondents ' objects in picketing were proscribed by the Act (Sec. 8(bx4XB), and (C), and (7XB)). As noted hereinabove , the certification of District 50 as representative SAN DIEGO WEB PRFSSMFNS' 417 were not permitted to litigate the validity of said certifica- tion in this proceeding, and, furthermore, as noted hereina- bove, any unfair labor practices of NTS , Publishers' Offset's predecessor , which might have affected the validity of the election upon which the certification was based would have occurred beyond the 10(b) period and, therefore , cannot be raised as a defense in this proceeding.16 Respondent also attempted to attack the validity of the election and the resulting certification on the ground that the size of the unit at the time of the aforementioned elec- tion (September 1970) was approximately 14 or 15 and that at the time of the picketing it was approximately 56 (in June of 1971 ). Based on the size of the bargaining unit at the time of the election as compared to its size at the time of the picketing (at the time of the election less than 30 percent of the bar aining unit complement at the time of the picket- ing), Respondents argue t hat the election was not valid and rely in support of this contention on the General Extrusion Rule, 121 NLRB 1165 . As Respondents point out in their briefs, said rule applies to the issue of whether an existing contract will bar an election . 17 The above rule relied upon by the Respondents is patently not applicable to this case and the Trial Examiner is of the opinion that there is no basis for extending such a rule to a situation where the complement of the bargaining unit at the time of election (upon which the certification is based) is less than 30 per- cent of the complement of the bargaining unit at the time picketing occurs. It is, therefore , concluded that there is no basis for finding that either the election of District 50 or its resulting certifi- cation as the bargaining representative of the employees of NTS (and subsequently Publishers ' Offset) was mvalld. There remains the issue of whether or not the Respondents had as an object of their picketing obtaining recognition from Publishers'Offset as thebargainmg representatives of various classifications of its employees . Based on the undisputed testi- mony and evidence in the record and the credited testimony of Seltzer and McKinnon it is found that Respondents were seeking, among other things , to have Sentinel 's newspaper published at a printing shop whose employees were repre- sented by them or, if it were printed at the Convoy Street lant of Publishers' Offset, to have its employees members ofptheir respective union . Prior to the picketing, Respondents (either directly or through Richardson) expressed their deep concern that District 50 continued as the bargaining r epresentative of said employees, and indicated that they would-have no oif ec- tions to Sentinel's newspaper being panted at said plant the employees were represented by them.18 of the employees of NTS was amended to change the name of the employer to Publishers ' Offset. 16 Fn. 12, supra. 17 The rule, to quote Respondents ' brief, is that "a contract will bar an election only if at least 30 percent of the complement at the time of the hearing had been employed at the time the contract was executed, and 50 percent of the job classifications in existence at the time of the hearing were in existence at the time the contract was executed." is The following two excerpts of credited testimony of Seltzer and Mc- Kinnon are some of the portions of the record which support these findings. Seltzer testified (with respect to a meeting in March 1971 at which he, McKinnon, and representatives of Respondents were present) as follows: A. It was stated to me by Mr. Richardson , and again by the other representative of labor present , that they were very upset and unhappy that the printing plant at 5060 Convoy Street had been organized by District 50. They stated that as far as they were concerned Distract 50 was not a legitimate Union , and that we were not duly and properly organized by Furthermore, as found hereinabove,just prior to the pick- eting and during the course of the picketing, Respondent wrote letters to employees of Publishers' Offset which, in effect, stated that their bargaining representative District 50 had obtained unsatisfactory terms and conditions of employ- ment for them and urged them to quit their jobs and become members of the respective-Respondent Unions. In view of the above findings and based on the circum- stances in this case it is inferred that Respondents had, as an object of their picketing, recognition by Publishers' Off- set as the bargaining representatives of its employees if Sentinel's newspaper were to be continued to be printed at Publishers' Offset plant. Cons uently, it is concluded that Respondent violated Section 8(4)(i) and (ii)(C) of the Act by pl cketing Publishers' Offset from June 2, 1971, to July 7, It is further alleged in the complaint that picketing en- gaged in by Respondent was violative of Section 8(b)(7)(B) of the Act. 9 As found hereinabove, Respondent did picket Publishers' Offset between June 2 and July 7,1971; Respon- dent did have as an object of said picketing forcing or requiring Publishers' Offset to recognize them as represent- atives of its employees; and there is no basis for finding that the election (in September 1970 which was less than 12 months prior to the picketing) of District 50 as the bargain- ing representative of the employees of NTS (who subse- quent[y became employees of Publishers' Offset) was invalid. It is undisputed that none of the Respondents was, them ; that is to say, District 50. They advised us to walk away from our contract. It was then stated to me in the presence of Mr. McKinnon and in the presence of Mr. Butler and in the presence of Mr. Richardson that we would be in all kinds of trouble if we did not get rid of District 50. Taw. EXAMINER Who said this? THE WnNass Mr. Richardson said this. McKinnon testified (with respect to a subsequent meeting in April at which he and Seltzer were present as well as representatives of the Respondents) as follows: A. Mr. Richardson again reiterated his deep concern about District 50 being in San Diego-that he felt that it was a renegade union, that it certainly was not a member of the Central Labor Council, that it had a reputation for being a raider union , and that they simply were not going to have it in San Diego County or the City of San Diego ; and that they would stop at no end to get it out of San Diego : and that if NTS did not cooperate in that endeavor that NTS would be placed upon the unfair list, with unpleasant results. After that he excused himself and went over to another table, where he had another engagement he said. Thereafter, Mr. Seltzer and Mr. Butler and some of the others in attendance discussed the consequences of District 50, and the fact that the ITU and the Stereotypers and the Pressmen all felt that they should be the representatives at the NTS plant, and were very unhappy that they weren't, and that there could be no peace as far as NTS went if some steps weren't taken to correct the situation. 19 Sec. 8(bx7)(B) provides, inter alga, as follows. 8(b) It shall be an unfair labor practice for a labor organization or its agents ... s (7) to picket or cause to be picketed , or threaten to picket or cause to be picketed , any employer where an object thereof is forcing or requir- ing an employer to recognize or bargain with a labor organization as the representative of his employees , or forcing or requiring the em- ployees of an employer to accept or select such labor organization as their collective bargaining representative, unless such labor organiza- tion is currently certified as the representative of such employees: a (B) where within the preceding twelve months a valid election under Section 9(c) of this Act has been conducted .... 418 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD at the time of the picketing, currently certified as a bargain- mg representative of Publishers' Offset employees. Conse- quently, it is concluded that by picketing Publishers' Offset, as above stated, Respondents violated ection 8(b)(7)(B) of the Act. IV THE EFFECT OF THE UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES UPON COMMERCE The unfair labor practices of Respondents set forth in section III, above, occurring in connection with the opera- tions of the Employer (Publishers' Offset, Inc.) described in section 1, above, have a close, intimate, and substantial relation to trade, traffic, and commerce among the several States, and tend to lead to labor disputes burdening and obstructing commerce and the free flow thereof. V THE REMEDY It having been found that the Respondents have engaged in certain unfair labor practices, it will be recommended that Respondents be ordered to cease and desist therefrom and take certain affirmative action deemed necessary to effectuate the policies of the Act. Upon the basis of the foregoing findings of fact, and upon the entire record in the case, I make the following: CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1. Respondents violated Section 8(b)(4)(i) and (ii)(B) of the Act by their picketing of Publishers ' Offset, Inc., from June 2 to July 7 , 1971, with an object of forcing and requir- ing Publishers' Offset, Inc., to cease doing business with North Shores Sentinel and to force the suppliers of Pub- lishers' Offset, Inc., to cease doing business with said Com- p Respondents violated Section 8(bX4Xi) and (ii)(C) of the Act by their picketing of Publishers ' Offset, Inc., be- tween June 2 and July 7 , 1971, with an object of forcing or requiring Publishers ' Offset , Inc., to recognize or bargain with them as representatives of its employees despite the fact that International Union of District 50, Allied & Tech- nical Workers of the U.S. and Canada , had been certified as the representative of said employees. 3. Respondents violated Section 8(b)(7)(B ) of the Act by picketing Publishers ' Offset, Inc., from June 2 to July 7, 1971, with an object of forcing or requiring Publishers' Off- set, Inc ., to recognize or bargain with them as representa- tives of its employees despite the fact that a valid election among said employees had been held within the preceedmg 12 months in which election District 50 had established its ma Urity representation. pon the foregoing findings of fact , conclusions of law, and the entire record in this case , and pursuant to Section 10(c) of the Act , I hereby issue the following recom- mended:20 with it. (b) Picketing , causing to be picketed , or threatening to picket Publishers ' Offset, Inc., where an object thereof is to force or require Publishers ' Offset, Inc., to recognize or bargain with them , or any of them, as the representatives or representative of its employees , when International Union of District 50, Allied Technical Workers of the U.S. and Canada , or another labor organization , has been certified as the representative of said employees. (c) Picketing, causing to be picketed , or threatening to picket Publishers' Offset , Inc., where an object thereof is to force or require said Company to recognize or bargain with them , or any of them, as the representatives or representa- tive of its employees when within the preceding 12 months a valid election under Section 9(c) of the Act has been conducted which Respondents did not win. 2. Take the following affirmative action which is deemed necessary to effectuate the policies of the Act: (a) Post in their respective business offices and meeting halls copies of the attached notice marked "Appendix." Copies of said notice , on forms provided by the Regional Director for Region 21, shall , after being duly signed by official representatives of the Respondents , be posted by the Respondents immediately upon receipt thereof, and be maintained by them for 60 consecutive days thereafter, in conspicious places , including all places where notices to their members are customarily posted . Reasonable steps shall be taken by the Respondents to insure that said notices are not altered , defaced , or covered by any other material. (b) Mail to the Regional Director for Region 21 signed copies of the aforementioned notice for posting by Pub- lishers' Offset , Inc., if it be willing , in places where notices to its employees are customarily posted . Copies of said no- tice, to be furnished by the Regional Director for Region 21, shall, after being signed by Respondents, as indicated, be forthwith returned to the Regional Director for disposition by him. (c) Notify the Regional Director , Region 21 , in writing, within 20 days from the receipt of this Decision, what steps they have taken to comply herewith 22 20 In the event no exceptions are filed as provided by Sec. 102.46 of the Rules and Regulations of the National Labor Relations Board, the findings, conclusions , and recommended Order herein shall , as provided in Sec. 102.48 of the Rules and Regulations be adopted by the Board and become its findings, conclusions , and Order, and all objections thereto shall be deemed waived for all purposes. 21 In the event that the Board's Order is enforced by a Judgment of a United States Court of Appeals, the words in the notice reading "Posted by Order of the National Labor Relations Board " shall be changed to read "Posted Pursuant to a Judgment of the United States Court of Appeals Enforcing an Order of the National Labor Relations Board." 22 In the event that this Recommended Order is adopted by the Board after exceptions have been filed, this provision shall be modified to read : "Notify the Regional Director for Region 21 , in writing, within 20 days from the date of this Order, what steps the Respondents have taken to comply herewith." ORDER Respondents, San Diego Newspaper Web Pressmen's Union No. 48, San Diego Typographical Union No. 221, and San Diego Stereotypers' Umon No. 82, their officers, agents, and representatives, shall: 1. Cease and desist from: (a) Picketing, causing to be picketed, or threatening to picket Publishers' Offset, Inc., where an object thereof is to Force or, require Publishers' Offset, Inc., to cease doing busi- ness with North Shores Sentinel or to force or require sup- pliers of Publishers' Offset, Inc., to cease doing business APPENDIX NOTICE TO MEMBERS POSTED BY ORDER OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD An Agency of the United States Government WE WILL NOT picket, cause to be picketed, or threaten to picket Publishers' Offset, Inc., where an object there- of is to force or require Publishers' Offset, Inc., to cease SAN DIEGO WEB PRESSMENS' doing business with North Shores Sentinel or to force or require suppliers of Publishers' Offset, Inc., to cease doing business with it. WE WILL NOT picket, cause to be p'cketed, or threaten to picket Publishers' Offset, Inc., where an object there- of is to force or require Publishers' Offset, Inc., to recognize or bargain with us, or any of us, as the repre- sentatives or representative of its employees, when In- ternational Union of District 50, Allied & Technical Workers of the U.S. and Canada, or another labor organization , has been certified as the representative of said employees. WE WILL NOT picket, cause to be picketed, or threaten to picket Publishers' Offset, Inc., where an object there- of is to force or require said Company to recognize or bargain with us, or any of us, as the representatives or representative of its employees where within the pre- ceding 12 months a valid election under Section 9(c) of the Act has been conducted which we did not win. SAN DIEGO NEWSPAPER WEB PRESSMEN 'S UNION No 48 (Labor Organization) Dated By (Representative) (Title) Dated By Dated By 419 SAN DIEGO TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION No 221 (Labor Organization) (Representative) (Title) SAN DIEGO STEREOTYPERS' UNION No 82 (Labor Organization) (Representative) (Title) This is an official notice and must not be defaced by anyone. This notice must remain posted for 60 consecutive days from the date of posting and must not be altered, defaced, or covered by any other material. Any questions concerning this notice or compliance with its provisions may be direct- ed to the Board's Office, Eastern Columbia Building, 849 South Broadway, Los Angeles, California 90014, Telephone 213-688-5229. Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation