Sabine Towing & Transportation Co., Inc.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsJun 16, 1976224 N.L.R.B. 941 (N.L.R.B. 1976) Copy Citation SABINE TOWING & TRANSPORTATION CO Sabine Towing & Transportation Co , Inc and Russell D Haynes and William T Mayo Sabine Towing & Transportation Co , Inc and Seafar- ers International Union of North America , Atlantic, Gulf, Lakes and Inland Waters District , AFL-CIO, Petitioner Cases 23-CA-4996, 23-CA-5403, and 23-RC-3606 June 16, 1976 DECISION, ORDER, AND DIRECTION OF THIRD ELECTION By CHAIRMAN MURPHY AND MEMBERS JENKINS AND PENELLO On July 17, 1975, Administrative Law Judge Ivar H Peterson issued the attached Decision in this pro- ceeding On August 18, 1975, he issued an erratum thereto Thereafter, Respondent, General Counsel, and the Charging Parties and Petitioner (herein SIU) filed exceptions and supporting briefs The Charging Parties and Petitioner also filed a reply brief I Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the Na- tional Labor Relations Board has delegated its au- thority in this proceeding to a three-member panel The Board has considered the record and the at- tached Decision in light of the exceptions and briefs and has decided to affirm the rulings, findings 2 and conclusions of the Administrative Law Judge, only to the extent consistent herewith 1 We agree that Respondent's discharge of Rus- sell D Haynes on January 26, 1974, violated Section 8(a)(1) and (3) We do not, however, agree with the Administrative Law Judge's reliance upon Kansas Meat Packers 3 as a basis for denying Respondent's motion to defer to the settlement agreement relating to the discharge which was executed pursuant to the contractual grievance-arbitration procedure Kansas Meat Packers involved a prearbitration re- quest to defer to a contractual grievance procedure i The National Maritime Union of America AFL-CIO was permitted to intervene on the basis of its showing of interest and participation in the election but did not participate in the hearing herein Sabine Independent Seamen s Association (herein SISA) was also permitted to intervene 2 In the portion of his Decision entitled The Termination of Haynes the Administrative Law Judge inadvertently erred in stating that Haynes was messman aboard the Trinity until February 26 1974 Haynes was termi nated on January 26 1974 and the Administrative Law Judge s Decision is hereby amended accordingly The Administrative Law Judge inadvertently erred in quoting Captain Rollins request for tranfer of Mayo The word already in the first sen tence of the 11th paragraph of sec II D The Termination of Mayo should be always and the Decision is amended accordingly 3 Kansas Meat Packers A Division of Aristo Foods Inc 198 NLRB 543 (1972) 941 under the Board's Collyer doctrine 4 Respondent's motion here, on the other hand, is actually a request to defer to an existing arbitration award under our Spaelberg 5 doctrine Accordingly, Kansas Meat Pack- ers is inapposite to these facts We do feel, however, that deferral to the settle- ment agreement would be inappropriate The "Settle- ment of Grievance" executed by the Respondent and SISA, and agreed to and accepted by Haynes, was an informal settlement pursuant to the grievance proce- dure contained in the collective-bargaining contract between Respondent and SISA This agreement was entered into by the parties thereto without the Board's participation or approval and contains no determination of the legality of Haynes' discharge As far as the record shows, the issue of whether Haynes' discharge violated Section 8(a)(3) of the Act was never raised, much less resolved during the set- tlement negotiations In this situation, we find that deferral under Spielberg would be inappropriate and the legitimacy of Haynes' discharge is properly be- fore us As noted above, we agree with the Adminis- trative Law Judge that Haynes' discharge constituted both an unfair labor practice and objectionable con- duct 6 2 We also agree with the Administrative Law Judge's findings that by placing William T Mayo on forced vacation Respondent violated Section 8(a)(1) of the Act, and by thereafter refusing to reassign him to the Pecos, Respondent constructively discharged him in violation of Section 8(a)(1), (3), and (4) The Administrative Law Judge inadvertently failed to rule on Respondent's motion to defer Mayo's discharge to the grievance procedure in the SISA collective-bargaining agreement We find this an inappropriate situation for deferral I since Mayo, an SIU supporter, and both parties to the collective- bargaining agreement (Respondent and SISA) have an apparent antagonism of interest which warrants the utilization of Board processes to insure the full protection of Mayo's rights under the Act 8 3 We find merit in the General Counsel and SIU's exception to the Administrative Law Judge's failure to find that Captain Salfen's posting of a warning notice threatening employees with discharge for engaging in protected activities violated Section 8(a)(1) In discussing Mayo's termination, the Ad- 4 Collyer Insulated Wire A Gulf and Western Systems Co 192 NLRB 837 (1971) 5 Spielberg Manufacturing Company 112 NLRB 1080 (1955) 6 Member Jenkins agrees with his colleagues both in the result and in the reason they express He would also note however that in accordance with his dissents in Collyer Insulated Wire Inc supra and succeeding cases he would not in any event defer to a settlement of this type 7 Member Jenkins would not in any event defer to arbitration in this case See In 6 8 Kansas Meat Packers supra 224 NLRB No 135 942 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD ministrative Law Judge found that Captain Salfen was prompted to post the warning notice threatening dismissal of employees by the letter Mayo wrote on behalf of Omar in response to a warning notice Omar had received from Chief Mate Granger This letter denied the charges within the warning notice, ex- plained a recent incident , and complained about a prejudicial remark Boatswain Lester had made a few days before Shortly after the receipt of the Mayo- Omar letter , Captain Salfen posted the notice which threatened employees with dismissal for, inter alia, personal conflicts among themselves and for protest- ing disciplinary warning notices The captain admit- ted that the notice resulted from the Mayo-Omar let- ter and was designed to discourage and prohibit such concerted activity in the future Accordingly, we find the notice violated Section 8(a)(1) 4 The Administrative Law Judge treated several of the election objections as if they were 8(a)(1) un- fair labor practices No charge was ever filed with respect to such conduct , no complaint was issued thereon, and it is evident that the testimony relating thereto was elicited on those days of the hearing which the parties understood to be set aside for the representation case Accordingly, we shall examine these incidents only in the context of the representa- tion case 9 5 In our earlier Decision , Order, and Direction of Second Election,1° we ordered Respondent to pro- vide Petitioner's organizers with reasonable access during off-duty hours, to its vessels and employees for organizational purposes We agree with the Ad- ministrative Law Judge that the appearance at, and frequent interruptions of, SIU shipboard organiza- tional meetings by Respondent's licensed personnel deprived Petitioner of the reasonable access to the employees which we ordered We do not, however, adopt his finding that Chief Mate Foster' s appear- ance and remarks made at the Tally Ho Bar were objectionable Having chosen to continue its organiz- ing at a public bar often frequented by the crewmem- bers, Petitioner removed itself from the protection of the rules established for organizing aboard the ship Instead, this encounter must be viewed in the context of rules applicable to organizing in a public gathering place 11 Since Foster 's remarks were not of a threat- ening , coercive, or intimidating nature , but instead were merely a statement of his own personal opinion concerning benefits of the SIU, they fall within the scope of Section 8 (c) and are not objectionable 6 We do not agree with the Administrative Law Judge that the arrangements for the voting of the Pecos crewmembers demonstrated Respondent's fa- voritism for the SISA At the preelection conference with representatives of all parties present, it was agreed that all vessels except the Pecos would be vot- ed on their first arrival at a U S A continental port after February 4, 1974 In order to facilitate voting, the Pecos was to be voted on its first arrival at Wil- mington California, after February 4, 1974 At the time of the conference , Respondents stated that the Pecos was expected to arrive at Wilmington on or shortly after February 4 The Pecos is chartered to the Shell Oil Company and its schedule and route of travel is controlled by Shell On January 30, 1974, Respondent was in- formed by Shell that the Pecos' arrival in Wilmington would be delayed Respondent immediately in- formed the Board of the change and this information was passed on to the Petitioner Petitioner then sought to change the voting of the Pecos to a differ- ent port of arrival, shortly after February 4 Respon- dent did not agree to the suggested change in voting procedure Following a meeting of the parties on February 4, 1974, Regional Director Baldovin stated that Petitioner's proposed alternate voting plan would not allow Board agents sufficient time to ar- range for the election and in any event he could not alter the voting procedure from that set forth in the consent agreement Subsequently, the Pecos was vot- ed on February 13, 1974 Petitioner asserts that Respondent gave misleading information about the Pecos' itinerary at the preelec- tion conference and in so doing sought to favor the SISA by the delay in voting that ship However, the record does not support this contention Respondent itself had no control over the movement of the vessel There is no evidence that Respondent withheld infor- mation relative to the Pecos ' location or its schedule from the parties , and as soon as it learned of the delay, Respondent notified the other parties More- over, the decision not to alter the agreed-upon elec- tion procedure was made by the Regional Director and was properly within his discretion 12 Respondent was clearly within its rights not to consent to the voting modification , and its insistence upon adhering to the agreed-upon procedure does not establish either an effort to mislead or favoritism towards the SISA, in the absence of evidence that employees were denied the right to vote 13 Accordingly, we over- rule this objection 7 We do not adopt the Administrative Law 12 Milham Products Co Inc 114 NLRB 1544 1546 ( 1955) Augusta Car ' See Florida Steel Corporation 214 NLRB 264 (1974) Locust Industries tae Company 120 NLRB 73 (1958) Inc 218 NLRB 717 (1975) 3 See Yerges Van Liners Inc 162 NLRB 1259 ( 1967) Compare Miami Id Sabine Towing & Transportation Co Inc 205 NLRB 423 (1973) Paper Board Mills Inc 115 NLRB 1431 (1956 ) Versail Manufacturing Inc 11 Cf Atlanta Gas Light Company 162 NLRB 436 ( 1966) Subsidiary of Philips Industries Inc 212 NLRB 592 (1974) SABINE TOWING & TRANSPORTATION CO 943 Judge's finding that Respondent sought to favor the SISA by alerting off-duty seamen to appear to vote aboard the Trinity rather than at the Federal Office Building in Port Arthur, Texas, where they were scheduled to vote Petitioner contends that Respon- dent arranged for the off-duty seamen to vote at the Trinity in order to overwhelm the 19 Trinity crew- members by creating the impression that a majority of the voters favored SISA Many of the off-duty employees who voted on the Trinity lived nearby Respondent's employment offi- cer testified that several employees had called the of- fice on the days before the voting to inquire about the Trinity arrival date, but flatly denied contacting the off-duty employees to arrange for them to vote at the Trinity Petitioner further alleges that by refusing to permit certain employees to board the Trinity to vote be- cause their names were not on a previously agreed- upon eligibility list, Respondent was able to unilater- ally determine voter eligibility and thus favor the SISA Twenty-six off-duty seamen and nineteen assigned crewmen voted aboard the Trinity A list of all eligi- ble voters, prepared by Respondent at Petitioner's request, was used to determine who was permitted on the ship to vote At least two employees who sought to vote were not permitted aboard ship as their names did not appear on the eligibility list In our judgment, the evidence is insufficient to es- tablish that the voting of off duty seamen at the Trin ity was objectionable, or that it established Re- spondent's favoritism for the SISA over the SIU There is no evidence that the Respondent contacted the employees to arrange for them to vote at the Trinity nor is there any evidence that Respondent knew or anticipated that the off-duty employees would be present to vote at that vessel Further, dur- ing the first election, off-duty employees voted on the ships In light of this history, and since the off-duty employees did not have ready access to a copy of the Notice of Election to determine where to vote, it is not unreasonable to expect that a number of employ- ees would show up to vote at the Trinity near their homes The contention that Respondent was unilaterally able to determine voter eligibility by allowing only persons listed on the prearranged eligibility list aboard ship is likewise without merit The two voters denied access to the Trinity still had the opportunity to vote at the Port Arthur polling site and there is evidence that at least one voter did so 8 We do not adopt the finding that Respondent gave financial and moral support to the SISA by per- mitting Pee Wee Clark and Early Barnett, the two principal SISA officers, to conduct union business and organizational efforts on company time Barnett and Clark are Respondent's two shore employees whose job duties require them to visit ships in port in order to deliver mail, transport crewmembers, deliver payroll, and transfer supplies Normally, their duties at a particular ship require only an hour or so to complete Upon completion of their duties these em- ployees normally return home, but they are free to spend their off-duty hours as they wish, so long as the company can contact them if needed Both are on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and receive a monthly salary Clark admitted making trips to the west coast, Bal- timore, and Massachusetts for SISA campaign pur- poses, but indicated that he paid for these trips out of his own pocket Further, after completing company business aboard the ships, Clark frequently stayed over and organized for the SISA during the hour al- located to the SISA under the established rules He denied boarding ships to campaign at any other times 14 There is no evidence to indicate that Respondent gave financial support to either Barnett or Clark Further, it is clear that Clark and Barnett's campaign efforts were limited to off-duty hours Upon these facts, we cannot find any objectionable assistance to the SISA Indeed, efforts by the Respondent to re- strict Clark or Barnett's off-duty activities, or to reg- ulate their spending of personal funds would itself have been objectionable Accordingly, we find no ba- sis for concluding that Respondent gave financial or moral support to the SISA 9 We likewise disagree with the Administrative Law Judge's findings that Respondent showed favor- itism for the SISA by permitting Representative Jabo Y Young to board the Brazos and Representative Otis B Barnes to board the Trinity following preelec- tion conferences at those vessels, while denying this privilege to SIU representatives The record discloses that Respondent's representatives boarded the ships in order to carry out company business There is no evidence that they engaged in any electioneering while on board or in any other way interfered with the election In both cases the Board agent conduct- ing the election was aware of-and had approved- their presence aboard ship In our judgment, this does not constitute objectionable conduct 10 We do not adopt the findings that Barnett's transportation of a crewmember, Eddie Mosley, from Cartaret, New Jersey, to New Haven, Connecti- cut, to meet the Trinity constitutes objectionable con- duct SIU representative Ghdewell asked Mosley if 14 Barnett did not testify at the hearing 944 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD he wanted to travel to the new ship with him Mosley declined, stating that he was supposed to go with Barnett Barnett's transporting of Mosley to the ship was within Barnett's job duties Mosley apparently could have traveled to New Haven with Glidewell had he so desired, but instead chose to go with Bar- nett In the absence of any evidence that Mosley was forced to travel with Barnett for partisan purposes, we conclude that the mere transportation of Mosley to a new vessel is not objectionable conduct 11 Similarly, we do not agree with the Adminis- trative Law Judge's finding that Clark improperly transported employees from the Tampa airport to the polling place at the Guadalupe of February 5, 1974 Clark testified that he was on the same flight to Tam- pa as several crewmembers, but denies that he escort- ed them to the ship Loyice Ebanks, one of the sea- men aboard the plant, corroborated Clark's testimony by stating he saw Clark at the dock, but at no other time in Tampa In the absence of evidence to support this finding, we do not adopt it 12 Finally, we do not adopt the Administrative Law Judge's conclusion that Respondent gave pref- erence to SISA and nonunion seamen in its hiring practices This contention is essentially an 8(a)(3) un- fair labor practice charge In order to sustain the ob- jection, an 8(a)(3) determination would have to be made It has long been held that where conduct al- leged to have interfered with an election can only be found to be such interference upon an initial deter- mination that an unfair labor practice had been com- mitted, the Board will not examine such conduct as objections in a representation case 15 CONCLUSIONS OF LAW I Sabine Towing & Transportation Co, Inc, is an employer engaged in commerce within the mean- ing of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act Seafarers Inter- national Union of North America, Atlantic, Gulf, Lakes and Inland Waters District, AFL-CIO, and Sabine Independent Seamen's Association are labor organizations within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act 2 By discharging Russell D Haynes on January 26, 1974, because he supported the Seafarers Interna- tional Union and engaged in organizational activities on its behalf, Respondent violated Section 8(a)(3) and (1) of the Act 3 By placing William T Mayo on forced vacation Respondent violated Section 8(a)(1) of the Act, and by thereafter constructively discharging him on Jan- 15 Texas Meat Packers Inc Texas Meat and Provision Co 130 NLRB 279 (1961) Unlike the Haynes discharge this conduct was not alleged as an unfair labor practice uary 31, 1975, for engaging in protected activities, Respondent violated Section 8(a)(4), (3), and (1) of the Act 4 By posting a warning notice on the Pecos on October 26, 1974, threatening employees with dis- missal for questioning disciplinary warnings, Re- spondent violated Section 8(a)(1) of the Act 5 The aforesaid unfair labor practices affect com- merce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act 6 The following employees constitute an appro- priate unit for the purpose of collective bargaining within the meaning of Section 9(c) of the Act All unlicensed employees on all seagoing ships of the Company, including boatswain, quarter- masters, able seamen, ordinary seamen, pump- men, oilers, wipers, firemen-watertenders, cooks, and messboys, excluding stewards, radio opera- tors, guards, watchmen, and supervisors as de- fined in the Act ORDER Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Re- lations Board orders that the Respondent, Sabine Towing & Transportation Co, Inc, Port Arthur, Texas, its officers, agents, successors, and assigns, shall 1 Cease and desist from (a) Threatening employees with discharge or other reprisals if they engage in protected concerted activi- ties for the purpose of mutual aid or protection (b) Discharging employees to discourage member- ship in the Seafarers International Union or any other labor organization (c) Discharging employees for giving testimony under the Act (d) In any other manner interfering with, restrain- ing, or coercing employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed to them in Section 7 of the Act 2 Take the following affirmative action to effectu- ate the policies of the Act (a) Offer to Russell D Haynes and William T Mayo immediate and full reinstatement to their for- mer jobs or, if their jobs no longer exist, to substan- tially equivalent jobs without prejudice to their se- niority or other rights and privileges, and make them whole in the manner set forth in the Section of the Administrative Law Judge's Decision entitled "The Remedy " (b) Preserve and, upon request, make available to the Board or its agents, for examination and copying, all payroll records, social security payment records, timecards, personnel records and reports, and all SABINE TOWING & TRANSPORTATION CO 945 other records necessary to analyze the amount of backpay due and to analyze reinstatement rights un- der the terms of this Order (c) Post at its premises in Port Arthur, Texas, and on each of its vessels copies of the attached notice marked "Appendix " 16 Copies of said notice, on forms provided by the Regional Director for Region 23, after being duly signed by Respondent's repre- sentative, shall be posted by Respondent immedi- ately upon receipt thereof, and be maintained by it for 60 consecutive days thereafter, in conspicuous places, including all places where notices to employ- ees are customarily posted Reasonable steps shall be taken by Respondent to insure that said notices are not altered, defaced, or covered by any other materi- al (d) Mail to each of its employees, at their home and ship addresses, a signed copy of the foregoing notice (e) Notify the Regional Director for Region 23, in writing, within 20 days from the date of this Order, what steps the Respondent has taken to comply here- with IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the election held in February 1974, in Case 23-RC-3606 be, and hereby is, set aside, and that said case is hereby remanded to the Regional Director for Region 23 for purposes of conducting a new election [Direction of Third Election and Excelsior foot- note omitted from publication ] WE WILL NOT do anything to interfere with these rights WE WILL NOT threaten our employees with dis- charge or other reprisals if they engage in pro- tected concerted activities for the purpose of mutual aid or protection WE WILL NOT discharge our employees be- cause they support Seafarers International Union of North America, Atlantic, Gulf, Lakes and Inland Waters District, AFL-CIO, or any other labor organization WE WILL NOT discharge our employees be- cause they have given testimony under the Act WE WILL NOT in any other manner interfere with, restrain, or coerce our employees in the exercise of their rights under the Act WE WILL offer immediate and full reinstate- ment to Russell D Haynes and William T Mayo to their former fobs or, if their fobs no longer exist, to substantially equivalent posi- tions, without prejudice to their seniority or other rights and privileges, and WE WILL make each of them whole for any loss of earnings they may have suffered by reason of their discrimina- tory discharges WE WILL mail a signed copy of this notice to all our employees SABINE TOWING & TRANSPORTATION, CO, INC 16 In the event that this Order is enforced by a Judgment of a United States Court of Appeals the words in the notice reading Posted by Order of the National Labor Relations Board shall read Posted Pursuant to a Judgment of the United States Court of Appeals Enforcing an Order of the National Labor Relations Board APPENDIX NOTICE To EMPLOYEES POSTED BY ORDER OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD An Agency of the United States Government After a hearing in which all sides had the opportunity to present their evidence, the National Labor Rela- tions Board has found that we violated the law and has ordered us to post and mail this notice Section 7 of the National Labor Relations Act gives all employees rights To organize themselves To form, join, or support unions To bargain as a group through representa- tives of their choice To act together for collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection To refrain from any or all such activities DECISION STATEMENT OF THE CASE IVAR H PETERSON, Administrative Law Judge This con- solidated proceeding was heard before me in Houston, Texas, on 16 hearing days commencing September 16, 1974, and concluding on March 7, based on objections to an election filed by Seafarers International Union of North America, Atlantic, Gulf, Lakes and Inland Waters District AFL-CIO, et al, herein called the Union or SIU, and charges filed by Russell D Haynes in Case 23-CA-4996 on February 14, 1974, and, in Case 23-CA-5403, filed by William T Mayo, an individual, on December 30, 1974 In his report on objections and challenges, issued April 9, 1974, the Regional Director recommended that certain objections be overruled, he found that three of the chal- lenged voters were ineligible and recommended that these challenges be sustained, and that the remaining eight chal- lenged ballots were insufficient in number to affect the re- sults of the election He found that certain objections were lacking in merit and recommended that they be overruled As to other objections, he found that they were the subject of unfair labor practice charges and, accordingly, recom- mended that they be consolidated with either or both un 946 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD fair labor practice cases for hearing before an Administra- tive Law Judge in the event complaint issued in either or both of the unfair labor practice cases, i e, Case 23-CA- 4996 and Case 23-CA-5002 The complaint in Case 23-CA-4996 was issued by the Regional Director for Region 23 on May 1, 1974, and al- leged that the Respondent, on January 26, 1974, dis- charged Russell D Haynes because he hadjoined or assist- ed the Union or engaged in other protected concerted activities, all in violation of Sections 2(6) and (7) and 8(a)(3) and (1) of the Act The complaint in Case 23-CA- 5403, alleging violations of Section 8(a)(1), (3), and (4) of the Act concerning the termination of Mayo, was issued on February 3, 1975 In its duly filed answers, the Respondent admitted cer tarn allegations of the complaints but denied that it had engaged in any conduct constituting unfair labor practices In Case 23-CA-4996, the Respondent affirmatively alleged that Haynes filed a grievance which was processed for him by the Sabine Independent Seamen's Association, herein called the SISA, the labor organization which represents the Respondent's employees for the purpose of collective bargaining This grievance was, according to the Respon- dent, considered and discussed between Haynes, the SISA and the Respondent, and in consequence Haynes was rein- stated and made whole for all wages, travel allowances, and interest thereon in accordance with the Board's usual practice Accordingly, the Respondent alleged that the principles announced by the Board in Collyer Insulated Wire, A Gulf and Western Systems Co, 192 NLRB 837 (1971), were applicable `for the reason that no good could be served by conducting a hearing and the Respondent believes that the matter should be deferred [to arbitration] in accordance with" that decision In its answer in the complaint case involving Mayo, Case 23-CA-5403, dated February 12, the Respondent denied the commission of any unfair labor practices and, by way of special defense, alleged that Mayo was not entitled to backpay in that he voluntarily requested vacation leave which was extended from November 1 to December 9, 1974 Thereafter he was granted additional leave for medi- cal reasons and, on December 23, was informed that he would be reassigned to one of the Respondent's other ves- sels However, according to the Respondent, Mayo did not maintain communications with the Respondent concerning his availability for reassignment as required by the Respondent's procedures and, in consequence, the Respon- dent was forced to contact him on January 31 and instruct him to report for duty aboard the SS Guadalupe The Re spondent further alleged that Mayo refused to report for duty and informed it that he would work only aboard the SS Pecos In view of these considerations, the Respondent requested that the complaint be dismissed in its entirety During the course of the hearing on January 15, in re sponse to a motion made by the SIU to strike the testimo- ny of a witness, one Jesse Davis, I in substance granted the motion by ruling that while I would not order that his testi- mony be physically stricken, I would disregard it I 1 In making this ruling I stated that I felt the testimony should be physi tally preserved so that if an appeal were taken from my ruling the reviewing Upon the basis of the entire record in the case, and from my observation of the witnesses as they testified and care- ful consideration of the briefs filed with me on May 2 by counsel for all parties, I make the following FINDINGS OF FACT I JURISDICTION The Respondent is engaged in operating some seven ves- sels between Puerto Rico and the mainland and along the eastern seaboard from the New York area to Portland, Or- egon It has been involved in prior proceedings with the Board Thus, the first Board-conducted election of the un- licensed personnel employed was set aside after lengthy hearings in 1971 and 1972 and the Board, in addition, found certain unfair labor practices The Board directed a new election and ordered that the Respondent permit union organizers access to its vessels and to cease surveil lance, illegal threats, and illegal hiring practices There is no dispute that the Respondent is engaged in commerce within the Act, neither is there any controversy concerning the status of the SIU and the SISA as labor organizations within the meaning of the Act II THE ALLEGED UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES A Preliminary Statement Counsel for the SIU points out that after some 4 years of litigation, this case is still unresolved In his words, the case ,is to the litigants a startling example of deja vu, albeit that Sabine has acted with a little, but not much more, sophisti- cation in attempting to protect its own company dominat- ed union," the SISA, and "to defeat' the SIU He contin- ues by stating that the "second election in 1974 which resulted in the SIU s loss by only 9 votes far closer than in 1971 when its rights protected by the Act were literally thrown into the sea, was permeated with the same type of conduct that was condemned by the Board in its earlier decision ' In view of the length of the record and the substantial lapse of time involved in the processing of these proceed ings, I have come to the conclusion that I should take steps to expedite the issuance of my decision In this regard, it should be observed that the SIU filed voluminous objec tions to the election, some 40 in number, many of which had various subheadings Two terminations are involved those of Haynes and Mayo, as well as a substantial number of alleged infractions of Section 8(a)(1) of the Act All authority would have before it the actual testimony and grounds for my ruling Thereupon the SISA appealed my ruling and under date of January 20 the Board granted the appeal and reversed my ruling Under date of January 23 the SIU applied to the Board for reconsideration of its action this application was denied On February 28 upon motion of counsel for the General Counsel I issued a telegraphic order that all cases be console dated On March 4 1 issued a further telegraphic order stating in substance that having that day received the opposition of the Respondent to the mo tion of counsel for the General Counsel to consolidate and having consid ered the same the order of February 28 setting the resumption of the hear mg for March 5 was affirmed in all respects SABINE TOWING & TRANSPORTATION CO these have been very capably briefed by counsel and I have examined their briefs with care I have come to the conclu sion that, in addition to dealing with the terminations of Haynes and Mayo, I will select what I regard as the most serious alleged violations of Section 8(a)(1) of the Act, which are also incorporated in the objections to the elec tion, and state my findings and conclusions on these By proceeding in this fashion it seems to me that the matter will be expedited, without sacrificing the ends of justice In so doing, I do not wish it to be understood that I have ignored arguments made concerning allegations not treat ed in this decision I have considered them B The Termination of Haynes Haynes was employed as a messman in the officers mess on the SS Trinity from December 18, 1973 to February 26, 1974 When he joined the vessel, Captain McCluskey was in charge, he was replaced by Captain Walter E Smith on January 8 During December, Walter Casmire was the steward, he was replaced in January by one Steve Vaughan Haynes had been a member of the SIU, on a somewhat intermittent basis, since 1969 About January 10, Haynes received his SIU book and for 2 days thereafter wore his SIU pin This action on his part, somewhere be- tween January 12 and 15, included meal hours when he was serving the ship's licensed officers So far as appears, no other member of the crew indicated his support of the SIU in this manner Several office*s noticed that he was wearing an SIU pin and commented upon it Haynes re- plied to their comments by stating that he was a member of the SIU and that he believed in what the SIU had to offer and, in fact, had previously sailed on a SIU ship Haynes also undertook to speak to the other members of the crew and to urge them to vote for the SIU in the election that was to occur in February He spoke to his fellow crewmen in the crew's mess, which is located between the passage- way and the aft section, conversations in that area could be overheard by those who were passing through There is evidence that the first assistant engineer, whose name he did not recall, overheard such conversations and that on another occasion Steward Casmire overheard the conversa- tion Haynes had with Chief Pumpman White 2 On the first day that Haynes wore his SIU pin, he was criticized for the manner in which he served white bread Prior to that time, Steward Casmire had instructed him that if bread was not listed on the menu, he should just put two or three packages of bread on the table and allow the officers to take it from the wrapper and, if they wanted the bread served to them on a plate, to send them to him In accordance with these directions, Haynes had served white bread and had, so far as appears, never been criticized 2 Haynes was acquainted with Thomas Glidewell a patrolman for the SIU to the extent that he had met and talked with him a few times Haynes first wore his SIU button several days after the vessel left port Captain Smith made no comment to him concerning the button although Haynes testified he was very sure that the captain had observed it He testified that he wore it as he served meals in the officers mess and that on several occasions officers commented about it Haynes also testified that he did not observe any other member of the crew on board the Trinity wearing an SIU button 947 However, it appears that on the first day that he wore his SIU pin, Captain Smith asked for bread and Haynes, in accordance with his understanding of the instructions he had received from Steward Casmire, placed the container of bread near Captain Smith The latter then asked why Haynes did not bring it to them on a plate to which Haynes responded that the steward told me to serve it this way You want it on a plate, I'll go get one " Thereupon Captain Smith called for Steward Casmire and asked him whether Haynes had in fact been ordered to serve bread in that fashion 3 During this meal, and some 5 or 10 minutes after the so-called "bread" incident, the chief engineer entered the saloon mess, sat down and ordered some biscuits This oc- curred some 10 minutes after the meal hour had ended, Haynes left the saloon mess and told Steward Casmire that the chief engineer desired some biscuits and asked him whether he (Casmire) wished to serve him To this, so the testimony goes Casmire replied `that s okay I'll bring it down to him Haynes thereupon went back to the mess hall to clear the opposite side of the table, the chief engi- neer then asked him for the biscuits and Haynes replied that the steward was bringing them At or about that time, the chief engineer began accusing Haynes of being a "smart ass" and then Casmire came out with the biscuits and the captain and the chief engineer finally left the area, advising Haynes that any time that he was expected to work after meal hours he would be paid overtime and that he should not "give nobody any crap about it " Some 15 minutes later Haynes told Casmire that he did not like being called a liar, following this, Haynes called Casmire a liar and the two of them engaged in mutu- al accusations About 30 minutes after the noon meal, Svendson was cleaning up the radio operator's room As he was going out to empty the garbage Captain Smith came in and asked the radio operator for the name of the mess man in the officers lounge The radio operator said that he did not know and then Captain Smith asked Svendson, who re- plied that the individual involved was Haynes and the mess man for the crew was Joe Sturrock Thereupon, Captain Smith consulted the clipboard hanging near the radio and went down the names of the members of the crew listed on the board and stopped at the name of Haynes He then stated that Haynes was "the man I want to get" Smith denied that he made this statement and testified that by that time he most certainly would have known the names of all members of the crew However, on that date, he had been assigned to the vessel for only 6 or 7 days and the record shows, that his recollection of the names of other members of the crew was not entirely accurate On the record, it seems not unlikely that Smith did not know Haynes name During the supper meal that day the third mate who There is evidence from Rudolph Svendson a member of the crew that after Haynes had explained that his instructions from the steward nad been that bread was not to be put on a plate unless it had been listed on the menu the captain told him to put the bread on the plate Thereupon Haynes Svendson testified said I find that funny because on an SIU ship they always serve bread on a plate Thereupon so he testified Captain Smith replied Well you re not on an SIU ship at the present time You re on my vessel and you re to follow my orders 948 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD listened to Haynes complain about what had occurred at the dinner meal, made the statement , "I can't figure it out why he would act that way9 But upon looking up, he saw the pin Haynes was wearing and, laughing, said, "I think I know why now " Haynes was discharged on January 26 The circum- stances leading up to this event may be described as fol- lows Haynes wished to mail a letter as soon as the Trinity docked in Revere, Massachusetts Promptly after break- fast, Haynes, and the other mess man (Sturrock), and the wiper went on shore Apparently there were no stores or shops around and no mailbox Thereupon, Haynes decided that he had to go into the city of Boston in order to mail the letter In this connection, it may be noted that earlier he had given a letter to another crewman but it was mailed without having a stamp affixed and, in consequence, he wished to mail this letter himself Haynes and his compan ions walked until they were approximately a mile from the ship At that point, Haynes gave Sturrock $5 and asked him to "pull,' or serve the next meal, a task assigned Haynes Sturrock agreed and went back to the ship, while Haynes went into the city of Boston 4 Haynes came back to the Trinity about 3 30 in the af- ternoon, in view of the fact that the ship was scheduled to sail about 5 30 or 6 p in and because it was necessary that he be back in order to set up for the evening meal When he arrived on the ship and climbed to the top of the gang plank, an able bodied seaman, Danny Davis, came to him and said, "I hear you're fired " To this, Haynes retorted, "Well, they don't have no reason to fire me " At about that time, Haynes heard Captain Smith, in a rather loud voice, call from the second level of the forward house, telling Haynes to go pack his gear and then sign off At that point, Captain Smith had Haynes' pay and termination notice prepared, after saying that Haynes had failed to show for the noon meal Immediately after the meal Captain Smith told the steward and the radio operator that Haynes was fired Haynes was acquainted with Thomas Glidewell, a pa- trolman for the SIU, to the extent that he had met and talked with him a few times Haynes also wore an SIU button which he had either obtained from Glidewell or had received with his union book He wore the button on board the Trinity for 2 days, and first wore it several days after the vessel left port Captain Smith made no comment to him concerning the button, although Haynes testified he was "very sure" that the captain had observed it He testi- fied that he wore it as he served meals in the officers' mess and that on several occasions officers commented about it Haynes also testified that he did not observe any other 4 Haynes had swapped duty with Sturrock on several occasions How ever Haynes stated that he had not gone ashore until the vessel arrived in the vicinity of Boston and in consequence Sturrock had never pulled for him Haynes testified that on several occasions he went ashore for short periods when the vessel was in port but that before arriving in the vicinity of Boston he had never been absent from the ship at meal time He related that the normal practice regarding his exchange of duties with Sturrock was that prior permission from the supervisor was not obtained According to Haynes the substance of the conversation he and Sturrock had with Cas mire was that as long as you pull the duties it was substantially immaterial whether prior permission had been obtained member of the crew on board the Trinity wearing an SIU button C Alleged Independent Violations of Section 8(a)(1) In June 1971, the Board conducted the first election in this proceeding and, on August 10, 1973, remanded the representation proceeding to the Regional Director for the purpose of conducting a new election In this proceeding, the Board sustained the decision of Administrative Law Judge Ladwig who had found, among other things, that the Respondent had unlawfully discharged three employees in violation of Section 8(a)(3) of the Act and had also en- gaged in various forms of interference with the rights of employees guaranteed in Section 7 of the Act 5 In directing that a new election be held, the Board con sidered, among other things, objections that the Respon dent had unlawfully denied access to the Respondent's deep sea oil tankers to nonemployee organizers of the SIU during the preelection period extending from April to June 1971 The SIU had asked that it be given access to the Respondent's tankers and had offered to discuss plans and conditions pertaining to this matter that would be fair to both sides The Respondent had also refused to supply the SIU with an advance schedule of stops for the vessels on which the employees in the appropriate unit were assigned In its decision, the Board held that the Respondent should grant access to representatives of the SIU subject to rea- sonable regulations In this connection, the Board noted that while under other circumstances it might be sufficient to require that the Respondent provide information, such as port and vacation schedules, which would provide the SIU with a better opportunity to contact employees with- out going on board the tankers, the Board felt that it was inappropriate to require the SIU to attempt a second time to contact employees on shore inasmuch as the Respon- dent had refused to give this information when it had origi- nally been requested In a letter dated August 13, 1973, shortly after the Board's decision, the Region's compliance officer advised that the Respondent was willing to comply with the Board's order and forwarded to counsel for the Respon- dent a supply of notices to employees Under date of Au- gust 28, counsel for the Union wrote to the Respondent calling upon it "to immediately comply with the Board's order and, specifically, to permit representatives of the Union access to said vessels during their free time for the purpose of soliciting the support of employees on said ves- sels and to consult, advise, assist, or otherwise communi- cate with them during their free time with regard to their rights to self-organization " In addition, counsel for the Union requested a meeting with representatives of the Re- spondent in order to work out and agree upon reasonable regulations with regard to visits to the Respondent's vessels by representatives of the Union, and also requested that the Respondent furnish a complete itinerary of the Respondent's vessels in order that representatives of the Union may have ample notice of the places and dates of 5205 NLRB 423 (1973) By odd coincidence both counsel for the Re spondent and counsel for the SISA in their briefs cite the earlier case as 202 NLRB 423 (1973) The Regional Director in his Report on Objections made the same error SABINE TOWING & TRANSPORTATION CO 949 arrival of said vessels " On the same date, counsel for the Respondent, by letter, informed union counsel that a set of reasonable rules under the terms of which representatives of the SIU would be permitted to board the Respondent's vessels had been submitted by him to the Respondent and that, within 2 days thereafter, he would submit the com- plete rules to counsel for the SIU for the latter's consider- ation Following this, there was correspondence between attorneys for the parties with respect to the rules and regu- lations for boarding vessels of the Respondent One of the rules that counsel for the Respondent submitted provided as follows "The union organizer will be free to meet with crewmen of the ships inside the midship lounge only No officer will be present at such meetings ' The Union ob- jected to this rule, as well as certain others Counsel for the Union, under date of August 31, wrote to counsel for the Respondent and stated, concerning this rule `We object to the provision that the meetings will be held in the mid- ship lounge The midship lounge is the officer's lounge and the meeting should be held in the crew lounge " In addi- tion, counsel requested that the following additional provi- sion be included 'No company representative, supervisor or officer will be present at such meetings " Following this exchange, two meetings were held between representatives of the parties At the first, the Respondent modified the foregoing proposed rule and agreed that no representative, supervisor, or officer of the Company would be present at meetings held on the Respondent's vessels However, questions as to where meetings of the Union would be held continued to be a source of irritation to the parties In a letter dated October 8, 1973, counsel for the Respondent wrote to counsel for the Union proposing dif ferent rooms for meetings of the Union with crewmembers of the Respondent's vessels The SIU objected to this pro- posal because, in part, the Board's order provided that the Union "shall not be denied access to its employees on its vessels for the purpose of soliciting their support during their free time' In this regard, the Union took the position that the proposals of the Respondent would limit crew- member meetings "to small cubbyholes without proper sit- ting facilities rather than to the crew's mess where the crew is accustomed to congregate during their `free time, ' that these proposals would require the Union to entice mem- bers of the crew "to come to somebody's foc sle designat- ed by [Sabine], where they have never been before and which is so small as to be objectionable on its face, and, thirdly it would "require the crew members to come to the SIU rather than give the SIU access to the crew members' In summary, the SIU stated that, considering `the back- ground of unfair labor practices found by the Board to have been perpetrated in this case, to hamstring the Union representatives in this communication with the crew within the narrow confines suggested by the Company will cer- tainly not create an atmosphere that will comply with the Board's order and give SIU representatives fair access to the crew during their free time ' ' The Union went on to state that it was not interested in a new election under any circumstances until the effects of the unfair labor practic- es found by the Board have been completely erased and an opportunity allowed the Union representatives to fairly present their side to the crew Under date of October 29, counsel for the Respondent submitted new proposals for rules and regulations concern mg the visits of union representatives to the Respondent's vessels In this submission, he included a revised rule pro- viding that all officers and supervisors "will be instructed to remain away from the visitation areas during visits un- less required to be present in the performance of their du ties " Counsel for the Union, on November 2, accepted the revised proposal of the Respondent s attorney with one mi- nor exception The compliance officer of the regional of- fice accepted the rules and regulations established by the Respondent providing for access by the three unions in- volved, stating that they appeared "to be reasonable under all the circumstances and especially in view of the substan- tial accord thereon by the parties ' Counsel for the Union contends, in his brief, that in spite of the foregoing arrangements, the record shows that "on numerous occasions Sabine purposefully interfered with the organizing drive which SIU was conducting by having its officers and supervisors spy on meetings, disrupt meet- ings, and remove from the preelection campaign the full freedom to organize which the Board was attempting to protect " In this regard, counsel calls attention to a meeting on the morning of December 10, on board the Pecos in which Emmett Peak, the radio officer, came to the meeting at approximately 10 15 and stated that he wished to see what was going on and, as counsel for the SIU puts it, ascertain `what kind of propaganda the SIU was putting out " The representative of the Union, one James Willard, told Peak the latter had no business at the meeting inasmuch as licensed personnel were not supposed to be present when the SIU was conducting a meeting Peak backed into the passageway and remained in the doorway for some 20 minutes In consequence, a number of members of the crew left and Willard could not com- plete his talk concerning SIU benefits On November 29, on board the Colorado Willard and Glidewell attended an SIU meeting in the morning Some moments later Engineer Hartman, a licensed member of the crew, came into the meeting and, shortly thereafter, Chief Mate Weaver came in Weaver, according to the tes- timony, appeared embarrassed when he saw Willard and left in a few moments However Hartman, who was not called to testify, remained in the meeting until close to I I a in By that time, the topic of discussion among the crew members had shifted from SIU benefits to a somewhat ex- traneous conversation regarding farming operations Chief Engineer Barr came into a morning meeting of the Union on January 27 aboard the Neches, to get a cup of coffee He sat down beside Willard at the table and drank his coffee and smoked some cigarettes In a short time, Captain Warren also came in to get his coffee and he stood at the end of the table for a few minutes, and then left Barr remained a few more moments and, by the time both War ren and Barr had departed, most of the crew members had also left Uncontradicted testimony, which I credit, discloses that on January 11, the third mate of the Trinity, one Hender- son, came into the morning meeting of the crew He stayed some 15 or 20 minutes and, when he left Chief Mate Rob- erts passed through the pantry after obtaining some coffee 950 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD during the time that Willard was talking to William White, the chief pump man, who remarked that "they have always thought I was SIU on here and now they will know" In addition, Casmire appeared at the meeting and asked Wil- lard if the latter was going to report him for attending, Willard responded that Casmire knew that that would oc- cur 6 On January 10, another SIU meeting on board the Trim ty was interrupted by the third assistant engineer who be- gan a debate with Glidewell concerning the relative merits of the Sabine and SIU vacation plans This was an issue that was under discussion by the SIU and the SISA during the election campaign On January 15, Third Assistant Engineer Shaw, accord- ing to SIU witnesses, came into the morning meeting of the SIU on board the Guadalupe When he appeared, the unli- censed crewmembers left Shaw denied that he attended the meeting, although testifying that he might have been in the mess hall at that time, and that, if a union meeting was in progress, he did not know it Uncontradicted testimony establishes that on December 12, Glidewell and SIU organizer Carl Peth attended a morning meeting on board the Neches in Lake Charles, Louisiana Second Mate Williams was present in the meet- ing for an hour, and, in consequence, no union meeting was possible and the discussion concerned fishing It is also uncontradicted that on December 27, when Glidewell attended an SIU meeting on the Brazos, Third Assistant Engineer Storms stayed in the meeting for ap proximately 10 minutes The following morning, Chief En gineer France entered an SIU meeting during the morning and stayed some 15 minutes Here again, as in the earler meeting, Glidewell was forced to change the topic of con- versation from a discussion of SIU benefits 7 There is undenied testimony that on January 26, the Company guard who, according to the rules established for the election, was not to be present during SIU meetings, accompanied Willard and another SIU representative, Tony Aronica, to a morning meeting of the crew on the Brazos, and that they came into the mess hall and sat down Willard inquired why the guard was there, to which the guard replied that he was told by Captain Banks to remain with SIU representatives and observe what they did Willard told the guard that his duty was confined to escorting Willard from the gangway to the mess hall and that he should remain away from the meeting until the SIU's time was up The guard then left but stated that he would report Willard to Captain Banks and remained be- side the mess hall by the porthole where he was able to observe what was going on Thereupon Willard and Arom- ca moved to another table in the mess hall where they could not be seen by the guard The guard was not called as a witness, however, Captain Banks denied that he ar- ranged for the guard to observe SIU representatives 6 Casmire although a witness was not questioned about this incident 7 Chief Engineer France denied that he had entered a meeting in Jackson ville on January 26 whereas no such testimony had been elicited Later he denied interfering with a meeting being conducted by Willard Here again the SIU had not elicited any such testimony Finally France testified that he had not seen Glidewell come into any meeting During an SIU meeting aboard the Trinity on January 8, which Glidewell attended along with about eight unli- censed crew members, the third mate came into the meet- ing and remained some 15 minutes This resulted in the topic of conversation being changed from a comparison of relative benefits of the SIU and the SISA to matters of general interest 8 On January 26, following an SIU meeting on the Brazos Willard and Aronica invited several crewmembers to go ashore and drink with them Shortly after they arrived at the bar, Chief Mate Foster came in and volunteered that he did not "see how any person, unlicensed person, could vote for the SIU ' When Foster arrived, Willard and Aro noica had been discussing SIU benefits, after his appear- ance, the unlicensed seamen left A specific voting procedure had been established by the parties, with the approval of the regional office, to conduct the balloting on the various vessels ` for voters on board," with the exception of the Pecos at their first port of arrival in the continental United States following February 4, and that the Pecos would be voted at Wilmington, Califor- nia In addition, a voting location was established at the Federal Office Building in Port Arthur, Texas, for the ben- efit of seamen who were on vacation or who were not as- signed to one of the Respondent's vessels during the voting period It was intended that the Federal Office Building in Port Arthur would be the only location to be used by crew- members who were "off duty However, the Respondent arranged with the off duty crewmembers to vote them on board the Trinity rather than in Port Arthur In conse- quence, only 19 men who voted on that day were employed aboard the Trinity, whereas the remaining 26, who in some fashion had been informed where the Trinity would be on that day, were all off-duty men and came on board the vessel to vote from the dock area 9 Counsel suggests that the "obvious effect of this mass of people was to over- whelm the 19 Trinity crewmembers by giving the false im pression that the great majority of the employees were vot ing for the SISA since they were brought to the Trinity by Sabine " Counsel argues that there can be no doubt "that all those brought to the vessel were friendly to Sabine and SISA, for enemies were purposely excluded " He points to the fact that the Respondent prepared a list of eligible em- ployees which it had determined should be given the privi lege to vote and that this list was given to an able-bodied seaman, Frank Chapa, who checked off names at the gang- way of the Trinity The persons who were on the list were B There is testimony by a member of the crew Jessie Floyd Davis to the effect that third mate Henderson merely came into the meeting and called Davis out of it to attend to his lines This testimony is suspect in view of the fact that Davis had been on an extended binge for several days previously and during his examination had difficulty remembering matters I do not credit him e The Respondent adduced evidence that all of the 26 seamen some of whom were 600 miles away telephoned the Respondent to find out where the Trinity was to be voted Counsel for the Union suggests that this expla nation is not legitimate pointing out that the Respondents first knowl edge of where the Trinity was to land was on February 1 and he suggests that the Respondent must have been instrumental in getting its people to vote on the ship on February 9 rather than in Port Arthur on February 13 4 days later He further points out that the Respondent did not inform us why the crewmembers were not advised to vote at the Federal Office Building as the notice of election requires SABINE TOWING & TRANSPORTATION CO permitted to go aboard and cast their ballot, whereas indi- viduals who were not on the list were not permitted to board the vessel In this fashion, counsel argues that the Respondent "deliberately avoided a vote, by this mechanism, an employee from going on board the Trinity and casting a ballot which could then be challenged," thus determining "for itself as the final arbiter who was eligible to vote " By this means, Haynes and another seamen Er- nest Watson, were not permitted to board the Trinity to vote either a regular ballot or a challenged ballot On February 5 Willard attended a preelection confer- ence on the dock prior to the voting of the Brazos in Savan- nah, Georgia Willard asked to be allowed to go aboard the vessel but such permission was denied by Jabo Young, the representative of the Respondent However, Young himself boarded the vessel, a similar incident occurred on the Trin ity on February 9, at Port Neches, when Otis Barnes was allowed to board the vessel but the SIU representatives were not During a preelection conference at the regional office on January 16, held to discuss and determine upon the me- chanics of holding the election, attended by representatives of all the parties, the Respondent took the position that all vessels, except the Pecos should be voted on or after Feb- ruary 4, at the first port of arrival in the continental Unit- ed States, with respect to the Pecos, the Respondent took the position that the election be held in the Port of Wil- mington, California, after February 4 The Respondent s position was that Wilmington was the most convenient port, inasmuch as the Pecos plied between ports on the California coast and that Wilmington was the port where the Pecos customarily docked The Respondent repre sented that the Pecos would arrive in Wilmington either on February 4 or shortly thereafter The SIU accepted the Respondent's proposal However, on January 30, Attorney Combs for the SIU received a telephone call from the Board representative who had attended the January 16 conference, advising that the Pecos would arrive later than anticipated in Wilmington This was confirmed by a letter from the Regional Director to the Respondent, notifying it as well as all other parties that because of the later than anticipated arrival of the Pecos at Wilmington the ballots in the above-captioned case will be mingled and counted on February 21, 1974, at 10 am at the National Labor Relations Board office rather than on February 13, 1974 in Port Arthur, Texas ' Following receipt of this letter, Attorney Combs arranged a conference with the Re- gional Director In his letter of February 1, he noted that the Pecos was scheduled to arrive in Portland on February 5 and leave there on February 6, that it would arrive in Martinez (San Francisco) the evening of either February 7 or 8, and that it was then scheduled to go back to Portland on February 10 or 11, and reach Wilmington on February 13 On behalf of the SIU, Combs stated that he saw no reason why the election should be delayed until the Pecos reached Wilmington and that in his view the only reason for the change of schedule of the vessel was in order to give SISA representatives time to get to the West coast at the time of the election Combs noted that representatives of the SIU had not been accommodated in that fashion in that they had to go from port to port on short notice, he 951 also informed the Regional Director that the apparent rea- son for providing Wilmington as the polling place was be- cause the Respondent claimed that Wilmington was easier to get to 10 The parties met at the regional office on February 4, in order to discuss the possibility of voting the Pecos in Port- land The Regional Director stated that his office could not in 1 day arrange to provide the necessary staff in Portland to conduct an election on February 5 Combs proposed that inasmuch as the Pecos was due to go from Portland to Martinez the election be held in Martinez However the Regional Director stated that his office had no authority to change the consent election agreement Combs informed Deakins that the SIU had considerable difficulty arranging to get its representatives to the Guadalupe when that ship's arrival on the East coast had been changed He again as- serted that the SIU had been misled by the Respondent at the preelection conference inasmuch as the SIU had ex- pected the Pecos to arrive in Wilmington shortly after Feb- ruary 4 11 Other incidents are related in the record and considered in the briefs, which are substantially of the same nature as those related above However, it seems unnecessary to ex- amine them in detail With respect to all of the instances of alleged interference with union meetings, counsel for the SIU submits that they demonstrate "beyond a doubt that Sabine supervisory personnel and officers interrupted Union meetings in one way or the other on all but one of the Sabine vessels and these interruptions put a damper on the SIU's efforts to organize Sabine employees " In sum, counsel submits that the "totality of the proof indicates that the SIU witnesses are not misstating the facts' and points out that in "various instances supervisory per- sonnel admitted that they were in the meeting rooms dur- ing hours when they were prohibited from those areas " Counsel for the Union states, in his brief, that the Respondent's favoritism to the SISA "pervades the rec- ord," and points to a number of incidents which, in his view, demonstrate this Thus, he calls attention to the fact that when Thomas Police applied for a job Personnel Manager Lewis asked if he had Merchant Marine papers to which Police replied in the affirmative Lewis then in quired if Police had ever been to sea, and Police stated that he had not Lewis then gave Police an application blank 10 The apparent basis for Combs assertion concerning the scheduling of the Pecos was a telephone conversation he had had with Attorney Deakins who was asked if the Respondent would agree to hold the election when the Pecos arrived in Portland To this Deakins replied in the negative stating that with reference to SISA organizers they don t have as much money as you fellows have got and they just got to get time to get out there n Counsel for the SIU in his brief states that the position that the SIU had been misled was clearly supported by William T Mayo who was assigned all of this period to the Pecos and who testified that during the latter part of 1973 the Pecos was converted in dry dock in Portland Oregon so that it could haul asphalt which is transported at temperatures of ap proximately 350 degrees Thus he asserts that whereas the run of the Pecos prior to this conversion was up and down the West coast touching at all ports the run after the conversion took the Pecos most frequently to Marti nez which had the only facilities to handle the loading of hot asphalt Our mg the summer of 1973 the Pecos stopped in Wilmington approximately once a week after the conversion it stopped at Wilmington on the average of once a month 952 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD but said that at that time there were no openings After filling out the application, Police asked Lewis if he could help him in any way and stated that unions had employ ment "tied up at that time to where if you were just starting out, you couldn't catch a ship I ve just had it with these unions " Thereupon, Lewis apparently changed his attitude concerning the availability of a job He had Police fill out papers for Blue Cross-Blue Shield, sent Police to take his physical, and told him to call the following Monday morn- ing When Police called on Monday, Lewis told him to fly to Newport News, Virginia, to join a ship 12 Danny Davis and Thomas Arnold testified that they jointly applied for employment with the Respondent on December 3 They filled out application forms and then spoke to Lewis about getting a job Davis stated that he would take any job, while Arnold stated that he wanted a job as ordinary seaman Lewis then asked if they had prior sailing experience and both of them stated that they had sailed with the SIU Lewis then stated that at the time he did not have any job openings About a week later, both returned and had another talk with Lewis who again said that no jobs were available but took their home phone numbers On December 4, Davis met one Saunders who informed him that the Respondent had given him a job as messman and that he was about to catch a flight for Phila- delphia to join the ship Arnold then called Lewis, who again informed him that the Respondent had no openings When Arnold called a second time, he told Lewis that he knew Saunders had been hired and inquired of Lewis whether the latter had anything against him and Davis be cause they were SIU members Lewis replied in the nega- tive and Arnold then said, so he testified, Well, Mr Lewis, you are hiring people and we are qualified Looks like that I am going to have to talk to the National Labor Relations Board " Some 2 or 3 days thereafter, Lewis telephone Ar- nold and asked him how soon he and Davis could be in Port Arthur, inasmuch as the Respondent needed two men immediately Counsel for the SIU asserts, in his brief, that the Re- spondent `gave financial and moral support to SISA by encouraging Peewee Clark and Early Barnett, the two prin- cipal SISA officers, to go about their business on Sabine time and on the Sabine payroll " In this connection, he points out that Personnel Manager Barnes testified that two shore employees are on the payroll as "loading quar- termasters," with duties to meet ships and carry mail and supplies to the ships Customarily, they meet ships only in the local area, i e , Port Arthur, Pascagoula, and Corpus Christi For travel expenses these persons are reimbursed by being paid in cash the allowance that the crew member would have obtained had he gone to the ship by himself Their compensation is computed on the basis of plane fare from Port Arthur to the airport closest to the vessel, cab fare from the airport to the vessel and flight insurance If the shore personnel transports more than one crew mem- 12 Svendson testified that Lewis asked him why he had left his prior ship and that he told Lewis that the union was trying to organize it to which Lewis replied that the Respondent was a nonunion company Svendson also testified that Lewis asked him if he would like to join the SISA and have the initial fees for a month deducted to which he agreed ber from the Port Arthur office to the vessel he receives the travel allowance of all of the crew members whom he transports The evidence discloses that shore personnel, when they visit a vessel would return the same day, and that the duties and functions involved took very little time Customarily, so Clark testified, it took him approximately an hour or an hour and a half to perform his functions for the Respondent and that thereafter he was supposed to report back for work the following day in the Port Arthur home office where he would be on call to work wherever needed It appears that Clark, aside from performing his assigned duties, was free to come and go as he pleased and was in no way criticized by the Respondent for any of his pro SISA activities during the preelection campaign Dur- ing the course of the preelection campaign Clark, instead of remaining on the vessels for an hour or an hour and a half, remained at the vessel conducting union business, as did Barnett Also Barnett was allowed to carry a crew member from Cartaret, New Jersey, to New Haven, Con necticut, on October 12, and Clark was allowed to accom- pany crew members to the polling place Both were al- lowed to visit numerous ships on the Respondent's time Thus, both Clark and Barnett visited the Guadalupe in Deer Park, Texas, on December 5, and attended an SISA meeting that evening as well as one the following morning On December 7, Clark visited the Brazos in Pascagoula, Mississippi, and attended two meetings On December 11, he again attended a meeting on the Brazos Clark also tray eled to Lake Charles, Louisiana, and attended a meeting on board the Neches taking care of union business while on the Respondents payroll Other similar incidents are referred to in the record and the Union s brief Counsel for the Union stated, in his brief, that the incidents to which he refers are ` merely demonstrative of the fact that for a peri- od of three months, Sabine supported both Clark and Bar- nett in their SISA business to attend meetings of the Sabine vessels in the Gulf area It is assistance of the most blatent nature The free rein given to the SISA officers is clearly conduct which affected the results of the 1974 Board con- ducted election " There was considerable testimony and documentary evi- dence concerning the income and expense of the SISA Counsel for the SIU argues that a ruling I made in regard to the production, examination and introduction into evi- dence of various books and records of the SISA hampered his presentation of evidence to establish the SIU objection relative to support of the SISA Although hindsight may indicate that I was wrong, I am not persuaded that the error, if so it be, was prejudicial In any event, I believe it unnecessary to go into a de tailed examination of the matter, except to note the follow- ing (1) the SISA has some 125 members, whose dues are $4 per month, and the initiation fee is $10 Its yearly in- come in 1973 and 1974 was approximately $6400 (2) Doc- uments filed with the Department of Labor disclose that for the period of July 1, 1973, through June 30, 1974, the SISA disbursed about $2700 to Clark, $1500 to Barnett and $1600 to one Faul for union expenses (3) There is testimony that Clark drew on personal savings to defray air travel expenses (4) Attorney Moore, for his services in the earlier proceeding and additional work and expense incur- SABINE TOWING & TRANSPORTATION CO 953 red, was actually paid $1500, although it appears he had rendered a bill for a larger amount While I agree with SIU counsel that by allowing Barnett and Clark to conduct SISA business, including travel, while on Respondent's payroll, `constitutes financial support," I do not infer that the SISA organizational campaign was necessarily fi- nanced "by advances from Sabine " D The Termination of Mayo Mayo began his employment with the Respondent on June 21, 1973, and was assigned to work as a messman on board the SS Pecos He was reassigned as an ordinary sea- man 3 days later and worked on the 12 to 4 watch 13 The Pecos went into dry dock on September 27, and Mayo was paid off by Captain Levi Rollins Darrell Hicks, the Respondent's coordinator, told Mayo to go home for a week or so and that he would be advised by the Respon- dent concerning his reassignment About a week later, Hicks called Mayo and told him that he was being reas- signed to the SS Guadalupe He reported to the Guadalupe on October 8 and remained on that vessel until November 30, when he was paid off at Norco, Louisiana, and was told by the captain that he was to go home and wait for a few days before being reassigned to the Pecos On December 3 or 4, Mayo was reassigned to the Pecos, which was then undergoing repairs in dry dock in Portland, Oregon About December 31 or January 1, the Pecos was ready to sail and Mayo was assigned to the 8 to 12 watch Late in February, Mayo, being the senior ordinary seaman on board, and following the Respondents practice that the most senior man aboard in a particular job classification had the first choice of the watch he wished to stand, was reassigned to the 4 to 8 watch, choosing that since it afforded him an opportunity to earn more overtime Mayo remained aboard the Pecos until April 3, when he qualified for and went on vacation, returning to the vessel on June 20 He again stood the 4 to 8 watch and continued on that watch until. October 30 On October 25, Chief Mate Granger issued a warning notice to David Omar, another seaman, which stated that "the quality and quantity" of Omar's work "is unsatisfac- tory" and that he would not "execute working orders given by immediate supervisor, Boatswain " Omar brought the warning notice to Mayo, who had told him the previous evening that he had seen the notice in Granger's office while there to obtain some flashlight batteries When Omar presented the warning notice to Mayo, Mayo asked him if he had failed to execute working orders Omar denied the charges and asked that Mayo assist him Mayo agreed and told Omar that "the best thing to do would be to write a letter to the captain and deny these charges " Thereupon Mayo assisted Omar in wasting a letter to Captain Salfen and Omar gave it to the captain on October 26 In the letter, Omar stated that "due to the extreme vagueness of the charges, I would like to know from my accuser the 13 There are three watches on a vessel from 12 to 4 4 to 8 and 8 to 12 both a m and p m specific instances in which I refused to execute any work- ing orders given to me I categorically deny that I have ever refused to carry out any orders given to me by any of the superiors " Concerning the charges that the quality and quantity of his work was unsatisfactory, Omar inquired why, if that were so, Boatswain Lester "continually request that I work overtime in assisting him in maintenance of the ships ' Omar continued, in the letter, by stating that the charges he was making against Lester were two-fold The first charge was ascribable to "an incident that took place dust the other day, Oct 23, 1974, in which Mr Lester re- quested that I join him in signing a complaint against the Steward's dept Since I did not agree with Mr Lester's peti- tion I declined as did a number of other members of the crew " Omar related that the second complaint he wished to bring to the captain's attention "stems from a remark that Mr Lester recently made to me Mr Lester said to my face that, `All Niggers and Arabs should be sent back to where they belong' Since I am of Arabian origin, I understood Mr Lester s remark to be directly aimed at me' Finally, Omar stated that he was `not alone in my dissatisfaction with Mr Lester," referring to the fact that seven members of the crew "joined in supporting my con- tentions and have at one time or another worked with both myself and Mr Lester " Appended to the letter were the signatures of the seven crew members About midafternoon on October 26, Mayo saw a warn- ing notice posted in the recreation room and asked Captain Jeffrey Salfen for a copy The captain refused his request Mayo then went to the recreation room and prepared a handwritten copy of the warning notice The notice, in sub- stance, warned all members of the crew "to perform all duties according to the articles of agreement in the capaci- ty of his position" and that orders issued by a department head or an officer on watch "shall be carried out immedi- ately " It continued by stating that personal conflicts `will not be tolerated and may mean dismissal of both con- cerned individuals " According to Salfen, he issued the warning notice "because there were factions developing on the ship" and he wished to prevent any "problems" from arising Salfen testified that the letter, which Mayo had told him he (Mayo) had written, prompted the warning notice About 8 p in , Mayo went to see Captain Salfen, having become aware that the captain had been question- ing members of the crew who had signed the letter Mayo testified that he wished "to clarify the issue and make sure that Captain Salfen knew what had taken place" and that he told Captain Salfen "that I had written this letter for David, and that my intention was to help David," inas much as he felt Omar was "getting an unfair shake with this warning notice " Mayo further told the captain that he hoped that the incident would not affect his own chances of employment, to which the captain replied that he felt the incident would have no such effect On October 27, Omar was calling the watch and the bal- ance of the crew were assigned to tie up the ship Mayo went to Captain Salfen and, so he testified, "had a discus- sion with him about the fact that David Omar was not called to work when he was on watch and there was work being done on deck ' Captain Salfen responded by stating, so Mayo testified, Look, if you want to cause a bunch of 954 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD , you know, go write you a letter " Mayo responded by stating that it was not his purpose to cause trouble but that he merely wanted the captain to know what was going on Mayo testified that he believed the captain said, "Look, I am getting tired of all of you " 14 On the evening of October 27, Captain Salfen tele phoned Otis Barnes at the Respondent's Port Arthur office and, as Captain Salfen testified, told Barnes that "there might be a possibility that we would have to take Mr Mayo off, put him on vacation," and that Barnes replied that he would see what could be done when Lewis returned to the office On October 30, Captain Salfen told Mayo that the Respondent was requesting that he go on vacation immediately 15 After being told by Captain Salfen that he was to go on vacation, Mayo went to see the radio operator who had a filled out vacation application for Mayo with the date left blank as to the time that Mayo wanted his vacation Mayo filled in the blank by writing "November 15 " Mayo was removed from the Pecos on October 30 and paid off by Captain Salfen Mayo was mailed a check on November 5 representing 39 days of vacation pay for the period October 31 to December 9 The collective bargaining agreement between the Re spondent and SISA provides that employees who are ready to return from vacation are to give the Respondent 5 days' notice by telegram, letter, or oral communication Mayo gave the required notice on December 4, stating that he would be ready to report for work on Monday, December 9 On December 6, Mayo telephoned Lewis and asked if the latter had received the December 4 telegram, and was informed that Lewis had received it Mayo then informed Lewis that he had received his able-bodied seaman ticket and had been studying for his tankerman's endorsement and that he needed a letter from the Respondent to give the Coast Guard, stating he had handled certain cargoes In response , Lewis stated that he would see what he could do about issuing such a letter On or about Saturday, December 7, Mayo was informed by counsel for the SIU that he would be required to testify in the objection case in this proceeding Thereupon, on December 8, Mayo sent a telegram requesting a 5 day emergency leave of absence and therein indicated that he would be able to report for work on December 15 Mayo did in fact testify in the representation case on December 10 During the course of his cross-examination in that pro- ceeding Mayo related that he was an SIU supporter, that 14 As soon as the conversation ended Mayo went to his room and wrote down his recollection of it His notes which are in evidence do not mater ally differ from the account he gave as a witness s While there is some conflict in the testimony as to whether Mayo had requested a vacation at that particular time I conclude on the basis of Mayo s more credible testimony and the fact that Captain Salfen spoke with Barnes on October 27 and that the Respondent was unable to produce the vacation application that Mayo was placed on vacation by the Respon dent on October 30 1 further note that Lester testified that after he had delivered the Omar letter to Captain Salfen on October 26 Salfen told Lester to send Juan Coalla Omar and Mayo to his cabin and in addition told Lester that these three were going on vacation because they were causing too much problems As a matter of fact it appears that vacation leave had already been requested by Captain Salfen for these three crew members and Barnes told Lee on October 27 that the Respondent was going to see what could be done about remosing Mayo from the ship he was currently on vacation, and that he had requested emergency leave of absence in order to fly to Houston to testify While the Respondent, in its answer, contended that Mayo did not keep in contact with it as required under the contract with the SISA and in accordance with the compa ny practice, the record here shows that Mayo telephoned the Respondent on December 9, 10, 12, 16, and 23, in pur- suance of his effort to advise the Respondent as to the days he would be available for reemployment on the Pecos In addition, counsel for the Union, on December 10 advised Hicks at the Board hearing on that day that Mayo was required to testify for the SIU in support of its objections and that he would be returning to the West Coast as soon as his testimony was concluded and would then be avail- able to report on board the Pecos Prior to December 23, no one on behalf of the Respon- dent informed Mayo that he was not going to be reinstated on board the Pecos or that the Respondent was dissatisfied with his work performance So far as it appears, there was no communication between Mayo and the Respondent from December 23 until January 31, 1975 On the latter date, Lewis telephoned Mayo and offered him a job as an ordinary seaman on board the Guadalupe and told him to report at the Port Arthur office on February 5, and that transportation would be provided for him from the home office to the ship This was confirmed by a telegram of the same date sent by the Respondent On February 3, counsel for the Union advised the Respondent that Mayo would not report to the Guadalupe and further stated, "If you make an unconditional offer of reinstatement to his posi tion as ordinary seaman on the SS Pecos we will advise him to accept such offer We also demand such immediate reinstatement on the Pecos together will full backpay " Ac- cording to Mayo's testimony, which was not contradicted, the following disadvantages would have been suffered by him if he were transferred to the Guadalupe (a) it would be necessary for him to pay his own transportation from his home in Santa Barbara to Port Arthur each time he joined or left the ship, (b) he would lose the benefits of transpor tation pay from his home to the Pecos inasmuch as it was the Respondents practice to pay the costs of transporta tion from the home office to the vessel and in view of the fact that the personal expenses sustained by Mayo for such transportation were less than the Respondent normally al lotted, (c) he would lose the seniority and the favorable watch he had attained on board the Pecos, and would be assigned to a less favorable watch on board the Guadalupe and, in addition, would lose substantial overtime pay, (d) inasmuch as he was one of the leading SIU adherents on board the Pecos he would be to a hostile atmosphere on board the Guadalupe (e) his living conditions were better on board the Pecos than they would be on the Guadalupe, and finally (f) he would not be able easily to get home to visit friends and relatives in view of the fact that the Pecos customarily sailed on the West Coast where Mayo resides, whereas the Guadalupe normally sails in the Gulf Coast trade and in consequence, each time Mayo desired to go home his transportation costs would be considerably more It is the position of the Respondent, as stated in counsel's brief that the reason it reassigned Mayo was that SABINE TOWING & TRANSPORTATION CO his employment history with the Respondent "was marked by acrimonious confrontations with fellow crewmen and officers which eventually reached the point that his own shipmates refused to work with him and demanded that he be removed or they would walk off the ship " Pointing to the fact that life on board a ship "is very vastly different from the ordinary employment situation," counsel points out that a ship operator's obligation "under both common sense and Coast Guard s rules and regulations" is to re- move the source of any conflict Continuing, counsel points out that Mayo occupied the position of ordinary seaman, the lowest rating on a deck crew, and that an ordi- nary seaman must carry out orders given by his superiors In this regard, counsel states that Mayo, "who had a col lege education, obviously resented having to take orders from his superiors, who were for the most part far less educated than he," and that his `reluctance to perform orders and his sarcastic, abusive responses to orders were well known aboard the ship," leading several crewmen to ask Captain Salfen not to put Mayo on their watch On the other hand, Captain Rollins testified without contradiction that Mayo's work record was satisfactory and that "as far as I know he has already did his work well or at least did in my presence " It is also uncontradicted that when Mayo told Captain Salfen in September that he would soon obtain his able-bodied seaman's ticket and in- quired whether he could remain on board the Pecos as an able-bodied seaman, Captain Salfen responded by saying that Mayo had a good chance in that respect In light of these favorable comments concerning his work perfor- mance, counsel for the Union states that ` it is thus surpris- ing that Sabine should attack with such vehemence Mayo s performance," and submits that "the so-called tale of hor rors is solely a concoction brewed up by Sabine in a belat- ed attempt to justify the discharge of Mayo " Counsel then proceeds to discuss the testimony of witnesses for the Respondent concerning Mayo's work performance Al- though Captain Salfen testified that "on many occasions" Mayo had been "rather reluctant" to carry out any orders issued to him, the only incidents he could point to were a relatively few minor ones which were either denied or ex- plained by Mayo No written warning notices were ever issued to Mayo although, in case of any type of serious rule infraction, such notices were customarily issued In this re- gard, Bosun Lester testified that he "had very little trouble with Mayo doing his work on the ship As previously ob- served, Lester was Mayo's immediate supervisor Howard Littlefield, who was called as a witness by the Respondent and came from Seattle to Houston in order to testify, stated that he was told to make the trip to Houston on March 5, by the Chief Mate When examined on voir dire, by counsel for the General Counsel, Littlefield stated that he had not been told by any representative of the Respondent about anything that Mayo had testified to during the trial However, on further examination by coun- sel for the General Counsel, he stated that he spoke with counsel for the Respondent about my testimony that I was to give today, I mean, just things that have occurred that have happened while I was on watch with Mr Mayo " Later, however, on examination by counsel for the Union, 955 Littlefield stated that he "had not spoken to anybody about the unfair labor charge that was filed here " 16 E Concluding Findings We have set forth above, in considerable detail, a sub- stantial number of incidents concerning alleged interfer- ence with union meetings and statements made to crew- men by officers aboard the Sabine It seeems unnecessary to repeat these in any detail, except to note that the testi- mony concerning some of the incidents is uncontradicted However, they will be summarized briefly Despite the posted rules and regulations agreed to by the parties gov- erning conduct of union organizers and licensed personnel concerning the Union's organizational activities, the record plainly shows that on many occasions officers and supervi- sors of the Respondent came into SIU meetings with the result that these were disrupted The Respondent's guard, who according to the rules established for the election, was not to be present during SIU meetings, on January 26, accompanied two SIU representatives to a meeting of the crew and, when asked why he was there, replied that he had been told by Captain Banks to remain with representa- tives of the SIU and observe what they did On the same day, following an SIU meeting aboard the Brazos, SIU rep- resentatives invited several crew members to go to a bar with them, and, shortly after they arrived, Chief Mate Fos- ter came in and volunteered the comment that he did not "see how any person, unlicensed person, could vote for the SIU' Here again, a discussion concerning SIU benefits which was in progress when he arrived, was disrupted Moreover, the evidence is clear that the Respondent under took to favor the SISA with respect to the specific voting procedure that had been established by the parties, with the approval of the regional office, and to alert seamen who were substantial distances away to appear to vote on the Trinity rather than at the Federal Office Building as agreed to with regard to seamen who were off duty Illus- trative of the Respondent's favoritism to the SISA was the arrangements concerning the voting of the crew of the Pe cos While the SIU desired that the crew of Pecos be voted when the vessel arrived in Portland, counsel for the Re- spondent did not agree with this, stating that Wilmington was the proper place to vote the crew of that vessel, rather than Portland, inasmuch as organizers for the SISA `don t have as much money as you fellows have got and they just got to get time to get out there " We have also noted above that the Respondents personnel manager, after telling sev- eral applicants for employment, who were SIU adherents, that the Respondent had no openings for employment, promptly changed his attitude upon learning that one of the applicants indicated that he would have to "talk to the National Labor Relations Board " We have also detailed above the substantial assistance and support given the offi- 16 Several other witnesses called by the Respondent testified to incidents relating to Mayo and his work performance-Throw Riggs William Gray and Daniel Lee Upon consideration their testimony adds little to the Respondents case Riggs quite obviously was hostile to Mayo he testified that months before Mayo was transferred from the Pecos he wanted that to occur and that as early as February 1974 his friendship with Mayo had begun to go to pot primarily over their differing views regarding repre sentation Their testimony does not alter my slew of Mayo ^ credibility 956 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD cials of the SISA by the Respondent during the organiza tional campaign 17 Concerning the termination of Haynes and Mayo, we have found above that the action the Respondent took with respect to them violated Section 8(a)(3) and (1) of the Act and, with respect to Mayo, also violated Section 8(a)(4) of the Act With respect to Haynes, the reason given by the Respondent for his termination appears to me to be pre- textuous He had, in accordance with customary practice, arranged with another member of the crew to perform his assigned mealtime duties which, so far as appears, resulted in no inconveniences to the Respondent However, Cap- tain Smith determined to discharge Haynes without dis- cussing with him any alleged dereliction on his part having gone to the extent of preparing the termination notice and Haynes' pay in advance This occurred very shortly after Haynes wore an SIU button which Haynes felt sure the captain had observed, inasmuch as Haynes wore it as he served meals in the officers' mess and received comments about the button on several occasions from officers With respect to Mayo, counsel for the Respondent, as noted above, asserts that his history of employment with the Respondent was marked "by acrimonious confronta- tions" with other members of the crew as well as officers, and argues that inasmuch as Mayo had a college educa tion, he "obviously resented" taking orders from his superi ors, who, for the most part, were not as well educated as he, and that he engaged in "sarcastic abusive responses to orders given him In his brief, counsel for the Respondent contends that Mayo's "credibility and demeanor on the witness stand shows that he is completely untrustwor- thy and is the type of person who would create such violent personality conflicts,' and that his testimony "was marked by many inconsistencies, if not outright falsehoods " It is, of course, true that Mayo, on his second appearance as a witness, altered or modified his prior testimony in certain respects Counsel for the General Counsel, in his brief, states that, despite the efforts of the Respondent to "cast Mayo in the role of a violent activist and troublemaker," Mayo's "appearance, his actions, indeed his apologies con- tradict his acting in any such role " Mayo has a college education and is an articulate person While appearances may, on occasion, be deceiving, Mayo impressed me as an intelligent, mild-mannered and rather quiet young man It is difficult for me, having closely observed him as he twice appeared in the hearing as a witness, to believe that he acted and spoke in the manner depicted by a number of witnesses produced by the Respondent I am persuaded that the Respondent refused to return Mayo to the Pecos and, instead, told him that he would be assigned to another ship which in fact occurred when he was assigned to the Guadalupe on January 31 As previously detailed, this 17 In his brief counsel for the SISA states that no evidence was intro duced showing that the employer paid SISA campaign expenses or paid expenses for the account of the SISA and that the salary and travel allowance paid by Sabine to Clark and Barnett amounted to some form of domination -a view which counsel states is without merit since shore duty is lower paid Thus in his view shore duty would be the antithesis of employer financial domination He does not however controvert the evi dence that SISA officials did in fact conduct SISA business while being paid by the Respondent change in assignment would have resulted in considerable inconvenience and personal cost to Mayo who was a West Coast resident and in view of the fact that the Pecos was in large part manned by residents of the West Coast Accord ingly, I infer and find that the action of the Respondent was prompted by the fact that Mayo had engaged in pro- tected concerted activities aboard the Pecos was a known adherent of the SIU, and voluntarily appeared as a witness for the SIU at the December 10 hearing on SIU objections to the election To conclude, I find that the Respondent placed Mayo on forced vacation in violation of Section 8(a)(1) of the Act and, by refusing to reassign him to the Pecos but instead, assigning him to another ship, construc tively discharged him in violation of Section 8(a)(1), (3), and (4) of the Act 18 III THE REPRESENTATION PROCEEDING As stated at the outset of this decision, the incidents alleged in the complaint to constitute unfair labor practices are, with minor exceptions, also the basis of the SIU s ob- jections to the election That being so, and in view of the findings previously made, they need not be repeated here Suffice it to say that I conclude that the election should be set aside because of the Respondent's interference with SIU meetings and activities during the period before the election and while it was being conducted, as found above Moreover, the assistance and support found to have been given the SISA by the Respondent over an extended period plainly weighted the scales in favor of that organization, to the detriment of the SIU, thus creating an atmosphere wholly incompatible with the laboratory conditions that Board principles require for a fair election Accordingly, it will be recommended that the election be set aside and a new election held at an appropriate future time, as de- termined by the Regional Director IV THE MOTION TO DEFER Before the commencement of the hearing in this matter, the Respondent moved to dismiss the complaint relating to Haynes on the ground that he had filed with the SISA a grievance which had been processed through the SISA grievance procedure at his request and, as a result thereof he was reinstated and made whole for all wages travel allowances, and interest thereon As stated by counsel in his brief, "the only remedy not provided by the settlement agreement which could possibly have been accomplished by processing successfully the unfair labor practice case was the posting of notices This motion was renewed at is On the last day of the hearing Captain Salfen was called as a witness by the Respondent Thereupon counsel for the General Counsel moved to disallow him as a witness on the ground that at the request of counsel for the Respondent I had previously granted his motion to segregate witnesses and that Captain Salfen had been told by counsel for the Respondent about Mayo s testimony Captain Salfen was present in the courtroom dui mg the latter part of Mayo s testimony I declined to disallow Captain Sal fen stating that if I were found to be in error in receiving his testimony the Board upon review could disregard Captain Salfen 6 testimony on the other hand I stated that if I were to disallow him and be held in error we would have to resume the case for session number six I then allowed Captain Salfen to testify SABINE TOWING & TRANSPORTATION CO the hearing, the motion was dismissed by order dated July 9, 1974, by Administrative Law Judge Leff, on the ground that, inasmuch as it appeared that an objection in the rep- resentation proceeding in which a hearing had been or- dered involved the same issue as was involved in the com- plaint proceeding the motion was denied At the opening of the hearing before me, the motion was renewed counsel for the Respondent stating that the Respondent had no intention of posting notice' unless it elected to respond to an appropriate order so requiring Counsel for the General Counsel, pointed out that under existing Board policy, where the agency determined that objections to an election warranted hearing, and such objections were in the nature of unfair labor practices, it was necessary to proceed by way of a consolidated proceeding concerning both objec- tions and the alleged unfair labor practices, citing, in sup- port thereof, the Board's decision in Texas Meat Packers, Inc Texas Meat and Provision Co, Spiritar & Sloan Inc and Partion Control Meat Co, 130 NLRB 279 (1961) 19 In his opposition to the Respondents motion to dismiss, counsel for the General Counsel stated that, even assuming the parties to the collective-bargaining agreement had re solved the Haynes dispute and that he had concurred in that adjustment, "the circumstances of this proceeding, particularly with relation to the representation case to move it from consideration under the Collyer policy of de- ferral, even should it be shown that the dispute may have been resolved in a manner consistent with the standards of Spielberg " (112 NLRB 1080 (1955) He there pointed out that aside from all other considerations, Haynes had not elected to withdraw the charge he had filed and his termi- nation, and the attendant circumstances, "raise a material and relevant issue, inter aka, as to whether or not Respon- dent has engaged in objectionable conduct warranting set ting aside the election in the representation case Further, he contended that the alleged discriminatory discharge of Haynes "is conduct that can only be considered in an un fair labor practice proceeding [citing Texas Meat Packers, Inc, 130 NLRB 279 (1961)] and that to grant Respondent's motion to dismiss herein would deprive the SIU [of] the opportunity of showing such discharge as grounds for set- ting aside the election " In the earlier proceeding conduct- ed by Judge Ladwig, he stated as follows (205 NLRB at 439) As held in Kansas Meat Packers, 198 NLRB 543 (1972), the Board does not defer to arbitration where the facts and circumstances establish an apparent an- tagonism between the interests of the alleged discrimi- nates on the one hand and both parties to the collec tive bargaining agreement on the other The Board, in its decision, adopted Judge Ladwig's state- ment In my view, the same considerations are applicable here and, accordingly, the motion of the Respondent to 19 In that case the Board stated (at 280) that where the conduct which is alleged to have interfered with the election could only be held to be such interference upon an initial finding that an unfair labor practice was com meted it is Board policy as indicated above not to inquire into such mat ters in the guise of considering objections to an election In such cases the election process may be protected by the timely filing of charges with re spect to the conduct in question 957 defer the unfair labor practice complaint with respect to Haynes is denied V THE EFFECT OF THE UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES UPON COMMERCE The activities of the Respondent set forth above, have a close, intimate, and substantial relationship to trade, traf- fic, and commerce among the several states, and tend to lead to labor disputes burdening and obstructing com- merce and the free flow of commerce Upon the basis of the foregoing findings of fact and upon the entire record in the case, I make the following CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1 Sabine Towing & Transportation Co, Inc, is an em- ployer engaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act and the Union is a labor organiza- tion within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act 2 By discharging Russell D Haynes on January 26, 1974, the Respondent violated Section 8(a)(3) and (1) of the Act 3 By placing William T Mayo on forced vacation the Respondent violated Section 8(a)(1) of the Act and by con structively discharging him on January 31, 1975, the Re- spondent violated Section 8(a)(4), (3), and (1) of the Act 4 The aforesaid unfair labor practices are unfair labor practices affecting commerce within the meaning of Sec- tion 2(6) and (7) of the Act Vi THE REMEDY Having found that the Respondent has engaged in unfair labor practices, it will be recommended that it cease and desist therefrom and take certain affirmative action de- signed to effectuate the policies of the Act It having been found that the Respondent engaged in unfair labor practices in violation of Section 8(a)(1) (3) and (4) of the Act, it will be recommended that the Re- spondent cease and desist therefrom and take certain affir- mative action designed to effectuate the policies of the Act It will be recommended that the Respondent offer Russell D Haynes and William T Mayo immediate and full rein- statement to his former position, and, if not available, to an equivalent position, without prejudice to his seniority and other rights and privileges, and make them whole for any loss of earnings they may have suffered by reason of the discrimination against them, by payment to them of a sum of money equal to that which they would have earned from the date of their discharge to the date of the offer of rein- statement, consistent with Board policy set forth in F W Woolworth Company, 90 NLRB 289 (1950), with interest or backpay to be computed in the manner set forth in Isis Plumbing & Heating Co, 138 NLRB 716 (1962) Counsel for the Union, in his brief, not only suggests that 'a broad and sweeping order be issued' against the Respondent but, considering the circumstances, the notice ` should not only be posted on each of the seven Sabine vessels and at the home office of Sabine, but also should be mailed to each and every one of Sabine's employees at their home and ship addresses " Further, he requests that 958 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD the notice "be clear, perhaps in seaman s language, so that Sabine's employees will be fully aware that Sabine cannot discipline in any way a seaman who engages in protected activities or who is a member of the SIU " Finally, the SIU requests that, "in light of Sabine s flagrant violations of the Act," the order issued should require the Respondent to pay the SIU "the cost and expenses incurred by the SIU in processing" both the prior and present proceeding, 'in- cluding but not limited to attorneys' fees, costs of tran- scripts, and travel, hotel and meal expenses incurred by the parties, their witnesses and attorneys " The foregoing proposal is not wholly without merit, however, it seems clear that the detailed objections filed by the Union, on which the evidence was required to be taken, served to prolong the hearing The nature of the Respondents operation and the availability of witnesses also necessitated postponements and recesses Considering the Board's decisions in this area, I am unable to conclude that the Respondent engaged in frivolous litigation" in contesting the allegations set forth by the Government Ac- cordingly, I deny the Union s proposal 20 [Recommended Order omitted from publication ] 20 See Tudee Products Inc 194 NLRB 1234 (1972) Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation