S & R Sundries, Inc.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsNov 30, 1984272 N.L.R.B. 1352 (N.L.R.B. 1984) Copy Citation 1352 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD S & R Sundries, Inc and Margaret E Coleman Case 21-CA-21328 30 November 1984 DECISION AND ORDER BY MEMBERS ZIMMERMAN, HUNTER AND DENNIS On 17 March 1983 Administrative Law Judge Earldean V S Robbins issued the attached deci sion The Respondent filed exceptions and a sup porting brief The National Labor Relations Board has delegat ed its authority in this proceeding to a three member panel The Board has considered the decision and the record in light of the exceptions and brief and has decided to affirm the judge s rulings findings ' and conclusions 2 and to adopt the recommended Order 1 The Respondent has excepted to some of the judge s credibility find ings The Board s established policy is not to overrule an administrative law judge s credibility resolutions unless the clear preponderance of all the relevant evidence convinces us that they are Incorrect Standard Dry Wall Products 91 NLRB 544 (1950) enfd 188 F 2d 362 (3d Cir 1951) We have carefully examined the record and find no basis for reversing the findings We correct two Inadvertent errors of the judge In sec B 1 of the deci sion the judge incorrectly stated that the date of a conversation between Battieste and McManamon was 17 December 1981 rather than 17 No vember 1982 and that the date of a conversation between McManamon and R Rodriguez was 18 December 1981 rather than 18 November 1982 These inadvertent errors do not affect the conclusions reached here 2 Contrary to our dissenting colleague we agree with the judge that the Respondent violated Sec 8(a)(1) of the Act by coercively threatening and interrogating employee Kathleen McManamon As found by the judge the evidence establishes that the Respondent s General Manager James Battieste a high level management representative informed McManamon on two occasions that the Respondent might terminate her in retaliation for testifying at the scheduled hearing in this proceeding Although our dissenting colleague notes that Battleste also expressed the view that he too might be terminated for testifying we reject the view that Battieste s remarks about his own job security removed the coercive elements from his statements directed at McManamon s job status In our view an employee facing discharge in retaliation for testifying at a Board hearing is likely to find little solace in the fact that his employer is also contemplating the discharge of a management representative for testify ing at the same hearing Further in evaluating the coercive nature of General Manager Battieste s remarks we find it significant that McMana mon s testimony at the upcoming hearing concerned an allegedly unlaw ful discharge by the Respondent—the identical subject matter of Bat tieste s threatening remarks—and that Battleste himself was a principal actor in that discharge according to McManamon s credible testimony Accordingly McManamon had ample reason to believe that General Manager Battieste spoke for management when he remarked about her anticipated retaliatory loss of employment We find therefore that Bat tieste s statements were coercive and violative of Sec 8(a)(I) We also agree with the judge that the Respondent violated Sec 8(a)(1) when Executive Vice President Robert Rodriguez asked McManamon before the opening of the hearing whether she previously had talked to the General Counsel In this regard we note that on the date of the hear ing McManamon was employed by the Respondent and appeared at the hearing as a witness for the General Counsel By asking McManamon whether she had spoken to the General Counsel before the hearing date the Respondent was effectively ascertaining whether McManamon was voluntarily cooperating in the General Counsel s preparation of the case or Instead was testifying under compulsion of a subpoena Accordingly Rodriguez inquiry placed McManamon in the position of having to ORDER The National Labor Relations Board adopts the recommended Order of the administrative law judge and orders that the Respondent S & R Sun dries, Inc City of Industry California its officers agents, successors and assigns, shall take the action set forth in the Order MEMBER HUNTER, dissenting in part Contrary to the majority, I would reverse the judge's findings that the Respondent violated Sec tion 8(a)(1) of the Act by allegedly interrogating and threatening employee Kathleen McManamon Otherwise I join with my colleagues in adopting the judge s findings and conclusions The alleged interrogation occurred just before the opening of the hearing in this proceeding The record reveals that the Respondent s executive vice president Robert Rodriguez approached bookkeep er MaManamon in the hearing room and discussed with her certain records she had prepared for the Respondent in response to the General Counsel s subpoena duces tecum McManamon testified that Rodriguez was concerned whether the Respondent was required to provide sales figures for the year 1982 McManamon informed Rodriguez that, al though 1982 sales figures were not requested, she had nonetheless prepared those figures, but the documents were still at the Respondent s office Rodriguez then asked McManamon if she previous ly had talked to the General Counsel McManamon replied in the affirmative and Rodriguez then con cluded the conversation and left the area The majority finds that, by asking whether she had previously spoken to the General Counsel the Respondent coercively interrogated McManamon in violation of Section 8(a)(1) I disagree In my view it is evident from the context in which the inquiry was made that Rodriguez question to bookkeeper McManamon pertained solely to corn phance with the General Counsel s subpoena duces tecum and that by asking whether McManamon had previously spoken to the General Counsel Ro driguez was seeking only to determine if the Gen eral Counsel was seeking 1982 sales figures Inas much as the Respondent had the responsibility to reveal her loyalties to the Respondent and was coercive much like a coercive inquiry into an employee s previously unknown participation in union or protected concerted activities We also note that Rodriguez in quiry was made only 1 day after General Manager Battieste s most recent coercive statement that the Respondent might terminate McManamon in retaliation for testifying at the hearing Finally had the Respondent been concerned only with its obligation to provide subpoenaed documents as contended by our dissenting colleague it could easily have made an in quiry concerning the scope of the documents sought directly to the Gen eral Counsel rather than interrogating bookkeeper McManamon about her discussions with the General Counsel 272 NLRB No 208 S & R SUNDRIES INC 1353 comply adequately with the subpoena, and as it is clear that this is precisely the limited scope of Ro driguez inquiry, I discern no basis to conclude that this innocuous reference to the General Counsel had a tendency to coerce McManamon in the exer cise of Section 7 rights Further, it is readily appar ent that Rodriguez inquiry to McManamon re ferred to her role in preparing subpoenaed docu ments for the Respondent and contrary to the ma jority not to her role as a witness for the General Counsel Thus, it is evident that the Respondent did not seek to ascertain the extent of McMana mon s participation in assisting the General Coun sel's pretrial preparation Accordingly, I would find Rodriguez inquiry was not coercive and did not violate the Act The alleged threat occurred on 16 and 17 No vember 1982 during two brief informal conversa tions between bookkeeper McManamon and the Respondent s general manager James Battieste Ac cording to McManamon, the first conversation oc curred while she and Battieste were chit chatting near a photocopy machine at the Respondent's premises On this occasion, Battieste said Who knows after Thursday [the scheduled hearing date], maybe neither one of us will be at S & R Sundries anymore," and McManamon replied Well, you never know' McManamon then joked that they would have to meet at the unemployment office' [b]ut I guess first, we 11 have to stop at the labor board According to McManamon, Battieste re plied, Amen to that," and laughed Battieste then finished making his photocopies and left the area The second conversation occurred on 17 Novem ber 1982 at McManamon's desk when McManamon started a conversation with Battieste by informing him that she and Battieste would likely be the only witnesses at the Board hearing currently employed by the Respondent Battieste replied, Oh boy,' and repeated his statement of the previous day Well, I guess by the time we get through Thurs day neither one of us will be employed here Bat tieste also remarked that, if he was asked at the hearing about his job duties he would testify he did not have authority to discharge employees and that I will not lie for anyone According to McManamon she stated, Well, who knows what s going to happen She again remarked to Battieste, Ill meet you at the unemployment office after we stop at the labor board,' and Battieste in reply kind of snickered, and he said, Well, amen, amen 1 The principal issue at the upcoming Board hearing concerned the al leged unlawful discipline of employee Margaret E Coleman because of her Involvement in an unemployment compensation matter I find that Battieste s remarks about the possible loss of employment were not coercive and did not violate Section 8(a)(1) A fair reading of McMana mon s testimony reveals that it was Battieste who was concerned about losing his employment and that his reference to McManamon was made in a passing offhanded manner having no coercive ten dencies This is amply demonstrated by McMana mon's jocular reaction to Battieste's comments in which she sought to assure Battieste that, notwith standing his concerns about job security, [W]ho knows what s going to happen Indeed, McMana mon concluded by joking that they could meet to gether at government offices afterward, presum ably to file claims and charges jointly against the Respondent This is hardly the reaction of an em ployee who has just been coercively threatened In short, the record reveals that Battieste jokingly shared with McManamon his concerns about his own job security, and that McManamon on her own intiative joined with Battieste in joking about those concerns by discussing joint action against the Respondent In this context, Battieste did not coercively threaten McManamon with the retalia tory loss of employment for testifying at the Board hearing I also note that Battieste's remarks were in the posture of a guess" as to their future employ ment In these circumstances, my colleagues distort the record in concluding that Battieste thereby in formed McManamon that the Respondent might terminate her in retaliation for her testimony at the Board hearing I would therefore dismiss the amended complaint insofar as it alleges that the Respondent violated Section 8(a)(1) by the comments to bookkeeper McManamon DECISION STATEMENT OF THE CASE EARLDEAN V S ROBBINS Administrative Law Judge This matter was heard before me in Los Angeles Cali forma on November 18 19 and 22 1982 The charge was filed by Margaret E Coleman an individual (Cole man) on June 10 1982 and was served on S & R Sun dries Inc 1 -; (Respondent) on June 11 1982 The corn plaint which issued on July 23 1982 alleges that Re spondent violated Section 8(a)(1) of the National Labor Relations Act (the Act) The basic issue herein is wheth er Coleman engaged in protected concerted activity and whether she was discharged therefor On the entire record including my observation of the demeanor of the witnesses and after due consideration of the briefs filed by the parties I make the following ' The complaint and all the formal papers herein were amended at the hearing to reflect the correct name of Respondent 1354 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD FINDINGS OF FACT I JURISDICTION At all times material herein Respondent a California corporation with its principal office and place of business located in the City of Industry California has been en gaged in the wholesale distribution of health and beauty aid products Respondent in the course and conduct of said business operation annually purchases and receives products valued in excess of $50 000 directly from sup pliers located outside the State of California The complaint alleges Respondent admits and I find that Respondent is now and at all times material herein has been an employer engaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act II THE ALLEGED UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES Respondent is wholly owned by Santiago Rodriguez (S Rodriguez) and his son Robert Rodriguez (R Rodri guez) They are both active in the management of Re spondent S Rodriguez is Respondent s president and R Rodriguez is Respondent s executive vice president On October 15 1981 2 employee Laura Alcala a computer operator was separated from her employment with Re spondent According to her testimony as to the circum stances surrounding her separation she was discharged by R Rodriguez under circumstances which could rea sonably be construed as sexual harassment R Rodriguez denies all allegations of sexual harassment and contends that Alcala voluntarily quit her Job in order to return to school Alcala contends that at the time of her separation when she asked R Rodriguez what she should tell the State Unemployment Office he instructed her to tell them she was laid off Around November 8 Alcala did apply for unemployment benefits stating that she was laid due to lack of work About 2 weeks later she re ceived her first unemployment check In mid November according to Kathleen McManamon a bookkeeper in Respondent s employ she asked S Rodriguez what she could do with regard to a notification from the State Un employment Office that Alcala had filed a claim for un employment benefits stating that she was laid off due to lack of work whereas her personnel file showed that she had quit to return to school S Rodriguez said that Alcala was not laid off she quit and the response to the State Unemployment Office should make that clear On November 18 McManamon returned the form to the State Unemployment Office after indicating thereon that Alcala quit to return to school Thereafter Alcala was notified by the State Unemployment Office that the reason given by her for leaving her employment did not correspond to the reason given by the Employer Alcala testified that on receiving this notification she asked her cousin Margaret E Coleman who was employed by Re spondent as a salesperson if she would ask R Rodriguez why Respondent was contesting her claim Coleman said she would try 2 All dates hereinafter will be in 1981 unless otherwise indicated Coleman s undemed testimony is that a week or two after Alcala left Respondent s employ she asked R Ro dnguez what had happened He replied that he was Just tired of Alcala s bullshit and he did not have to put up with it Sometime in November according to Coleman Alcala telephoned her and said that R Rodriguez had cut off her unemployment benefits that she did not know what was going on that she would like for Cole man to find out why he was doing this The next day Coleman met R Rodriguez in the hallway He handed her a memo and said Here give this to your cousin Laura tell her there was nothing I could do about it that McManamon had intercepted her paper from unem ployment stating something different than what he had already said R Rodriguez asked Coleman to tell Alcala he was sorry but there was nothing he could do about It Coleman then told Alcala what Rodriguez had said Alcala inquired if Coleman had asked him to at least try to get her unemployment benefits for her Coleman re plied that R Rodriguez was upset that you could not argue with him On December 11 Alcala returned to the State Unem ployment Office and complained that she was discharged and she felt the real reason was sexual harassment In Al cala s presence Jean Umoh from the unemployment office spoke to Robert and Santiago Rodriguez on the telephone According to Alcala Umoh stated that Alcala was there and that she stated she had been terminated because she refused social engagements with R Rodn guez and that Alcala said she had witnesses to support this claim Alcala further testified that on either that day or the following day she called Coleman and asked her if she would testify on Alcala s behalf Coleman replied that she would help the best she could 3 Coleman testified that she is unsure when Alcala spoke to her but she thinks it was during the first 2 weeks of December when she was on sick leave Following her sick leave Coleman returned to work on December 14 On December 15 Battieste gave her an evaluation of her work performance According to Cole man Battieste pointed out certain areas where he felt she needed improvement but stated that he felt that she had good potential and could handle it He then told her that R Rodriguez was planning to terminate her and that if she cared anything about her job she should do some thing about it Later that afternoon Coleman returned to Respondent s facility and asked R Rodriguez if she could have a few minutes of his time He said no he was too busy She then asked S Rodriguez if she could speak with him He said yes whereupon Coleman S Rodri guez and Battieste went to S Rodriguez office According to Coleman she said she was aware that R Rodriguez was planning to terminate her S Rodriguez said he did not know what she was talking about Cole man said Sure you do I was informed She then re quested that if she was going to be terminated she be given at least 2 weeks notice and be told exactly what 3 Coleman did testify at the hearing on Alcala s appeal from the De cember 18 denial of unemployment benefits However this was subse quent 10 Coleman s discharge S & R SUNDRIES INC 1355 she was doing wrong that she did not feel it was fair or right to just be let go She also asked him to put her on probation S Rodriguez said No no I m tired of this I ought to just let the whole sales force go and hire nothing but professionals Coleman said it was Christ mastime and she was Just returning from sick leave and asked him please to not let her go Battieste said Now look Margie you really think about it Do you really think you should stay ? Coleman said Yes I ve been with the Company for quite a while and I think I m doing a pretty good job She then said to S Rodriguez Are you really that upset with me that you just want to let me go Just like that ? S Rodriguez did not answer Coleman said Look I know why you re really letting me go All this other stuff you re telling me has nothing to do with it It all has to do with Laura and Bob S Rodriguez said I don t know what you re talking about Coleman said Sure you do Santiago Robert is your son and you re going to stick by him 100 percent no matter what You know I don t blame you At this point according to Coleman Battieste asked her to leave the room which she did When she returned about 5 minutes later S Rodriguez and Battieste told her that if she would resign they would give her a week s vacation and a week s pay She was not entitled to the vacation At first Coleman said no and asked Battieste if she could talk to him Battieste said yes so they went to his office Coleman said Look I can t accept something like that That s the same kind of offer that was made to my cousin Laura Like she was told she would get her unemployment benefits and she s not getting them and I know they wouldn t give them to me either Battieste said Look Margie I 11 make sure you get your bene fits Battieste then proceeded to telephone someone that he said was a friend of his at the unemployment office and asked this person if Coleman was to volunteer to quit would she still be able to collect unemployment ben efits After Battieste concluded his telephone conversa tion he assured Coleman that she would get unemploy ment benefits 4 According to Coleman she was still hesi tant but she knew that she was going to be terminated so she said Okay Ill volunteer to quit Coleman further said that when she applied for unemployment benefits she was going to state that she was asked to volunteer to quit because her sales had decreased Battieste said Fine Margie yes you do that Battieste then wrote out a letter of resignation which Coleman signed S Rodriguez testified that Coleman and Battieste came into his office and told him about the problem Coleman was having with declining sales and that Battieste had told her that she had to improve or she would be termi nated S Rodriguez showed her her sales figures and made some remarks regarding the number of times she took off on personal affairs and accused her of trying to condense the route into 3 days They also discussed her failure to open new accounts According to S Rodn guez they talked 10 to 20 minutes Coleman said that on several occasions she had met a sales manager for an other company in the same type of business that she knew the company route and the product and she would have no problems finding another company where she would not have to open new accounts 5 Coleman said if she had to leave Respondent she would like to resign in stead of being discharged because she wanted to have a clean record S Rodriguez agreed Coleman said she would like to stay for one or more weeks because of the Christmas season S Rodriguez said he did not think this was a good idea since their previous experience had been that when a salesman was leaving he would over load the customer in order to make additional commis sion However he told her that even though she was not entitled to any vacation at this time he wanted to help her and he would pay her for the remainder of the week plus an additional week Coleman then went to Bat tieste s office and signed a resignation Battieste testified that on the morning of December 15 R Rodriguez told him that he was quite dissatisfied with Coleman s sales Battieste said he was aware of a number of problems with Coleman in terms of her follow through and he thought it was time to talk to her regard ing her work performance R Rodriguez told him to page Coleman in the field meet with her and let her know that he was dissatisfied with her performance He denies that he was instructed to tell Coleman she was terminated He did meet with Coleman later that day He went over various areas of the evaluation form with her and indicated how her performance rated in each area Coleman admitted that her performance was deficient She specifically mentioned opening new accounts stating that this was an area that she found very difficult and she did not think she had the makeup for making presen tations to prospective accounts He admits that Coleman asked if Respondent had any plans to terminate her however he did not testify as to what his response was At the conclusion of their conversation Battieste re turned immediately to the office arriving about 3 30 p m Between 3 40 and 4 p m according to Battieste Cole man telephoned him said she was concerned about the evaluation and wanted to talk to S Rodriguez regarding her position with the Company and what she felt was a way to perhaps resolve some of the differences and to establish how she was going to look at it in terms of her performance for the remainder of the time she was with the Comp-any Battieste told her to return to the office which she did within 10 or 15 minutes Coleman asked Battieste if she could see R Rodriguez He checked and then told her that R Rodriguez was busy She then asked if she could speak to S Rodriguez Battieste checked and S Rodriguez said he would meet with her Battieste and Coleman then went to S Rodriguez office where they discussed Coleman s performance until almost 6 p m Battieste testified that on several occasions he left the office for short periods of time He further testified that Coleman began the conversation by saying I understand that S & R is very dissatisifed with my performance at the present time S Rodriguez said Yes we are He then proceeded to mention that there were many days when Coleman was rot in the field to 5 Coleman denies stating that she wanted to look for other employ 4 Subsequently Coleman did receive unemployment benefits ment 1356 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD cover her territory that the volume for her territory had been declining significantly that he was quite concerned and felt he could no longer tolerate the way her territory was being covered and how she approached her job They talked quite awhile regarding the Company s dis satisfaction with her work She said she understood she was not performing as expected and that it would not be tolerated She then asked if her employment would be continued At this point Battieste said Well Margie I think it s a good time right now to make a decision relative to your continued employ ment with the Company You understand that we cannot continue to see things go the way they have So I think this is the time for you to make a deci sion relative to how you are going to approach it Are you going to remain with the Company and try to improve in these areas or what9 At this point Battieste had to leave the office again so he did not know what her response was other than as he was leaving she stated to S Rordriguez that she had been there for a certain number of years Battieste further testified that when he returned to the office S Rodriguez said Well I m in agreement with Mr Battieste in terms of you making a decision at this time if you re going to continue with the Company and perform as we expect Coleman said Well I don t have too much choice I feel as though if I don t per form I eventually will be fired Battieste said Margie you re right because we cannot continue to tolerate the same sort of performance So you know if we can come to agreement now in terms of what you want to do we can go on from here Coleman said Well I don t think I have too much choice Battieste said Well as it stands now you have two decisions to make One is to continue or else resign He further said Margie this is the time to make a decision because if your performance continues you re going to be fired You could either be fired down the road or you can resign now Coleman said Well what options do I have9 How will it be looked at? Battieste said Well in terms of your resigning I am quite sure that San [S Rodriguez] would make arrangements you know to pay you for your vacation time and whatever time up until the time you resign or up above when you resign And we will also give you a recommendation Down the road if you re fired I don t know what your option will be in terms of how the Company will look at helping you out in any way But it s a decision that you have to make According to Battieste Coleman asked him to explain again what he said regarding discharge versus resigning Battieste asked S Rodriguez what the normal procedure was as to vacation pay and any additional money due when there was a resignation S Rodriguez explained Coleman was told she would be given the vacation to which she was entitled and paid her salary through the remainder of that day or the following day and all sales commision to which she was entitled He recalls nothing being said regarding additional severance pay or vaca tion pay There was also some discussion as to whether or not she would be eligible for unemployment Battieste admits that he typed the letter of resignation and that he told Coleman that he would give her a recommendation Battieste further testified that nothing occurred on De cember 15 that leads him to believe that Coleman was dischared however according to him there was discus sion regarding the potential of her being discharged and whether it would be better for her to voluntarily quit or to face a future discharge Battieste denied that he told Coleman that anyone was planning to terminate her He admits that he told Coleman during her evaluation that she had the ability to improve Battieste testified that on several occasions prior to December 15 R Rodriguez told him he was not satisfied with Coleman s performance because they had lost a sig nificant amount of business in the area she was covering and that he was dissatisfied that she was not spending the necessary time in her territory Battieste admits that at one point during the meeting in S Rodriguez office he asked Coleman to leave the room While she was gone he and S Rodriguez discussed the pay to which she was entitled if she resigned that day and how it was to be handled He left the meeting two or three times Each time he was out of the office no more than 3 to 5 min utes McManamon testified that on December 15 around 1 p m S Rodriguez called her into his office and asked her to prepare a check for Margie that she would be paid for 2 days 6 McManamon asked if he meant Margie Coleman and he said yes McManamon asked what hap pened S Rodriguez replied Well Bob [R Rodriguez] feels that we are going to have a problem with Laura [Alcala] so we might as well get rid of Margie now McManamon said okay and started to leave S Rodri guez then said You know that Margie and Laura are cousins? McManamon said yes S Rodriguez said Well that s why McManamon said All right and as she was leaving further said that 11 teach you to hire relatives Conclusions The General Counsel argues that Coleman was term! nated because Respondent suspected that she was a pos sible witness for Alcala or that she would otherwise aid Alcala in the pursuit of her claim for unemployment ben efits Respondent argues that when given the option of improving her work performance or resigning Coleman opted to resign and thus her separation must be consid ered as a voluntary quit Further Respondent argues even assuming arguendo that the circumstances of Cole man s separation from Respondent s employ is consid ered as constituting a discharge she was discharged for legitimate business reasons—her poor sales performance I credit Coleman that she signed the resignation only because she was told to either resign or quit I do not credit Respondent s witnesses that she was essentially 6 According to McMananom when S Rodriguez asked her to prepare a check she only did the computation and he actually prepared the check This was done when people were paid in the middle of the work week Normally paychecks are computer prepared S & R SUNDRIES INC 1357 given the option of remaining in Respondent s employ with the understanding that if she did not improve she would be discharged at some later date Battieste had earlier Informed her that her performance would have to improve and she had agreed to try to improve Santiago admits that she asked to stay on for a couple of weeks because it was the Christmas season If she had indeed been given the option of remaining in Respondent s employ there would have been no need to make such a request Further as more fully set forth below Battieste told Coleman earlier that Respondent Intended to termi nate her and S Rodriguez had previously told McMana mon that he intended to terminate Coleman In these cir cumstances I find that Coleman did not resign voluntan ly but rather that she was constructively discharged Laz Z Boy Tennessee 233 NLRB 1255 1265-1266 (1977) It is undisputed that not only had Coleman failed to meet her sales quota almost every week in 1981 her volume of sales had declined from that of 1980 Further although it is unclear from the record to what extent this decline resulted from the state of the economy and a general decline in Respondent s business it is undisputed that Coleman had difficulty acquiring new accounts which might have served to offset any decline in sales to old accounts Also while the record indicates that the sales of at least one other salesperson declined the evi dence is insufficient to support an inference of unlawful disparate treatment Thus the record establishes what could be a legitimate substantial business reason to dis charge Coleman The critical question is whether the as serted reason is pretextual and she was in fact dis charged for an unlawful reason or if there was a dual motivation whether she would have been discharged absent any protected concerted activity Respondent argues that even if it is found that Cole man was discharged its conduct was not unlawful since she engaged in no protected concerted activity or if she did it had no knowledge thereof This argument is not persuasive An employee s action in aid of a fellow em ployee s attempt to obtain unemployment compensation benefits is concerted activity for the purpose of their mutual aid and protection within the meaning of Section 7 of the Act Supreme Optical Co 235 NLRB 1432 (1978) Further in the circumstances herein I agree with the General Counsel that it is irrelevant whether Cole man actually engaged in such activity or whether Re spondent had knowledge thereof The pertinent inquiry here is whether Respondent discharged Coleman in the belief that she would testify or otherwise assist Alcala in her attempts to secure unemployment compensation ben efits Riverfront Dinner Theatre 235 NLRB 319 320 (1978) I credit Coleman that Battieste told her that R Rodn guez was planning to terminate her There would be no other reason for her to rush to the office to see R Rodn guez regarding her employment status Battieste admits that he tried to keep his evaluation on a positive note stating that he was confident that she could improve her work performance and R Rodriguez admits that he had previously discussed with Coleman in similar terms the need to Improve her work performance Nothing else in the conversation with Battieste would seem to be such as would generate such alarm or urgency Moreover Bat tteste does not specifically deny making this statement I also credit McManamon that earlier in the day prior to the S Rodriguez Battieste Coleman conversation S Rodriguez asked her to prepare the computations for Coleman s check and when she inquired as to what hap pened S Rodriguez responded Well Bob [Rodriguez] feels that we Just might have a problem with Laura [Alcala] so we might as well get rid of [Margie Cole man] now I found McManamon to be an honest reli able witness who impressed me as endeavoring to tell the truth Also there is no evidence to indicate any reason for her to be untruthful in this regard and she is still in Respondent s employ a circumstance which the Board has found to enhance the reliability of testimony adverse to the witness employer Georgia Rug Mill 131 NLRB 1304 (1961) Avon Mirror & Distributing Co 247 NLRB 225 (1980) Further S Rodriguez did not specifically deny making this statement In all the circumstances particularly the timing within a few days after Umoh Informed Respondent that Alcala was disputing Respondent s claim that she voluntarily left her employment and the statement by S Rodriguez to McManamon which indicated that he intended to dis charge Coleman that day I find that Coleman was dis charged because Respondent believed that she would tes tify for or otherwise assist Alcala in obtaining unem ployment benefits I further find even assuming ar guendo that Respondent was partly motivated by Cole man s work performance that the General Counsel has made a prima facie showing that protected concerted ac tivity was a motivating factor and that Respondent has failed to demonstrate that Coleman would have been dis charged absent its belief that she had engaged or would engage in protected concerted activity Accordingly I find that Respondent by discharging Coleman violated Section 8(a)(1) of the Act III ALLEGED THREATS AND INTERROGATION A Facts McManamon testified that on Tuesday November 16 she had a discussion with Battieste regarding the hearing herein According to her they were Just chit chatting when Battieste said Who knows after Thursday maybe neither one of us will be at S & R Sundries any more Right" McManamon replied Well you never know Battieste said Well by the time we all get through what do we do if we are not employed here9 McManamon said Well I guess Battieste Ill have to meet you at the unemployment office Battieste laughed and McManamon said But I guess first we 11 have to stop at the labor board Battieste said Amen to that Juanita Sanchez and Erica Caballero were present during this conversation but did not testify McManamon further testified that on November 17 she had another conversation with Battieste which she initiated by saying Ed Cochran is not going to be at the hearing tomorrow Battieste said Oh he s not9 McManamon said No Battieste asked if Eddy or Bea were going to be there McManamon replied No I 1358 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD guess not It s just you and me Battieste said Oh boy And then he said Well I guess by the time we get through Thursday neither one of us will be em ployed here McManamon said Well if that s the way its going to be that s the way it s going to be I really don t care Battieste then said Well I hope that the young attorney asks me directly if I ever had the author ity to fire anyone because I will tell them I never had the authority to fire anyone that that decision ultimately rests with Santiago and Bob McMananom said Oh that s good Battieste said The last time I had that conversation about the authority to fire people I was with Bob and Santiago and Frank Revere And they tried to tell me that I had the authority and I told them I never had the authority Battieste then said that Frank Revere said Well you did have the authority You ve always had the authority you just never realized it Battieste further said Well if they ask me directly I will tell them I never had the authority to fire anyone and also I will not he for anyone McManamon said Well who knows what s going to happen Battieste said That s right McManamon said Well like I told you yesterday Battieste I 11 meet you at the unemploy ment office after we stop at the labor board Battieste snickered said Well amen amen and walked away Battieste admits that he spoke to McManamon on No vember 16 regarding his testifying in this matter Ac cording to him McManamon told him she was going to be a witness He denies threatening her in any way during that conversation He further denies that he told her if she gave testimony she might lose her job or that he told her anything that represented company policy with regard to what might happen if she testified He admits that McManamon asked What do you think is going to happen when we testify on this matter Ac cording to him he replied Well you shouldn t be too concerned you know we live and die by the truth Be sides the way things are going anyway who knows where we will be We re subject to be in the bread line by Thursday And besides it really doesen t matter I m going to tell the truth regardless According to Bat tieste when he mentioned being in the bread line he was referring to the general state of the economy and that within the preceding 30 days the Company had lost a significant amount of business He denies that he was re fernng to her being in the bread line because of her testi mony herein Battieste did not testify with regard to a conversation with McManamon on December 17 McManamon testified that on December 18 the first day of the hearing herein R Rodriguez approached her in the hearing room shortly before the hearing corn menced He told her that she had not given him all of the sales figures he needed that she did not give him the figures from 1982 She told him he did not need 1982 He then opened a folder he had in his hand and showed her a subpoena and stated that the subpoena requested records from 1979 through 1982 McMananom explained that those dates were for the employee records not for the sales figures and insisted that he would need those figures for 1982 McManamon told him if he needed 1982 she had prepared them but they were at the office He then asked Have you talked to her attorney 9 McMan amon said No I just arrived here ahead of you guys R Rodriguez said I don t mean today I mean have you talked to her attorney before today 9 McManamon said Yes At this point counsel for the general Coun sel entered the hearing room and R Rodriguez walked away R Rodriguez admits that he spoke to McManamon in the hearing room on the first day of the hearing regard ing the subpoenaed information He admits that he asked McMananom whether she had spoken to the attorneys representing Coleman but testified that upon McMana mon answering in the affirmative he said nothing further to her B Conclusions As indicated above I found McManamon to be an honest, reliable witness I credit her as to her conversa bons with Battieste and R Rodriguez I find that Bat neste s statements to McManamon constituted a threat that Respondent might discharge McMananom if she tes tified on Coleman s behalf Accordingly I find that Re spondent thereby violated Section 8(a)(1) of the Act I further find that Respondent violated Section 8(a)(1) of the Act by R Rodriguez interrogation of McManamon as to whether she had given testimony to an agent of the National Labor Relations Board CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1 Respondent is an employer engaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(2) (6) and (7) of the Act 2 By unlawfully discharging Margaret E Coleman in the belief that she had or would testify for or otherwise assist Laura Alcala in obtaining unemployment benefits Respondent has committed unfair labor practices in vio lation of Section 8(a)(1) of the Act 3 By interrogating an employee concerning whether she had given testimony to an agent of the National Labor Relations Board and by threatening an employee with discharge if she testified adverse to Respondent at the hearing herein Respondent has committed unfair labor practices in violation of Section 8(a)(1) of the Act 4 The above described unfair labor practices are unfair labor practices affecting commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act THE REMEDY Having found that Respondent has engaged in certain unfair labor practices I shall recommend that Respond ent cease and desist therefrom and take certain affirma tive action in order to effectuate the purposes of the Act Having found that Respondent unlawfully discharged Margaret E Coleman in violation of Section 8(a)(1) of the Act I shall recommend that Respondent be ordered to offer Coleman immediate and full reinstatement to her former job or if that job no longer exists to a substan tially equivalent position without prejudice to her se nionty or any other rights or privileges previously en joyed and make her whole for any loss of earnings she may have suffered by reason of the discrimination against her plus interest in the manner prescribed in F S & R SUNDRIES INC 1359 W Woolworth Co 90 NLRB 289 (1950) and Florida Steel Corp 231 NLRB 651 (1977) 7 On these findings of fact and conclusions of law and on the entire record I issue the following recommend ed8 t ORDER Respondent S & R Sundries Inc City of Industry California its officers agents successors and assigns shall 1 Cease and desist from (a) Discharging or otherwise discriminating against employees because of their protected concerted activi ties (c) Threatening employees with discharge or other re prisals if they testify in proceedings before the National Labor Relations Board (b) Interrogating employees as to whether they gave testimony to an agent of the National Labor Relations Board (d) In any like or related manner interfering with re straining or coercing employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed them by Section 7 of the Act 2 Take the following affirmative action necessary to effectuate the policies of the Act (a) Offer to employee Margaret E Coleman immediate and full reinstatement to her former job or if that job no longer exists to a substantially equivalent position with out prejudice to her seniority or any other rights or privileges previously enjoyed and make her whole for any loss of earnings and other benefits suffered as a result of the discrimination against her in the manner set forth in the remedy section of the decision (b) Expunge from its files any reference to the dis charge of Margaret E Coleman on December 15 1981 and notify her in writing that this has been done and that evidence of this unlawful discharge will not be used as basis for future personnel actions against her (c) Preserve and on request make available to the Board or its agents for examination and copying all pay roll records social security payment records timecards personnel records and reports and all other records nec essary to analyze the amount of backpay due under the terms of this Order (d) Post at its facility in the City of Industry Ca'dor nia copies of the attached notice marked Appendix 9 7 See generally Isis Plumbing Co 138 NLRB 716 (1962) 8 If no exceptions are filed as provided by Sec 102 46 of the Board s Rules and Regulations the findings conclusions and recommended Order shall as provided in Sec 102 48 of the Rules be adopted by the Board and all objections to them shall be deemed waived for all pur poses 9 If this Order is enforced by a Judgment of a United States Court of Appeals the words in the notice reading Posted by Order of the Na tional Labor Relations Board shall read Posted Pursuant to a Judgment of the United States Court of Appeals Enforcing an Order of the Nation al Labor Relations Board Copies of the notice on forms provided by the Regional Director for Region 29 after being signed by the Re spondent s authorized representative shall be posted by the Respondent immediately upon receipt and maintained for 60consecutive days in conspicuous places including all places where notices to employees are customarily posted Reasonable steps shall be taken by the Respond ent to ensure that the notices are not altered defaced or covered by any other material (e) Notify the Regional Director in writing within 20 days from the date of this Order what steps the Re spondent has taken to comply APPENDIX NOTICE To EMPLOYEES POSTED BY ORDER OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD An Agency of the United States Government The National Labor Relations Board has found that we violated the National Labor Relations Act and has or dered us to post and abide by this notice Section 7 of the Act gives employees these rights To organize To form join or assist any union To bargain collectively through representatives of their own choice To act together for other mutual aid or protec lion To choose not to engage in any of these protect ed concerted activities WE WILL NOT Interrogate our employees as to wheth er they have given testimony to an agent of the National Labor Relations Board WE WILL NOT threaten to terminate our employees if they testify against us at a National Labor Relations Board hearing WE WILL NOT discharge and thereafter refuse to rein state employees because they engage in protected con certed activities WE WILL NOT in any like or related manner interfere with restrain or coerce you in the exercise of the rights guaranteed you by Section 7 of the Act WE WILL offer to Margaret E Coleman immediate and full reinstatement to her former job or if that job no longer exists to a substantially equivalent position with out prejudice to her seniority or any other rights or privileges previously enjoyed and WE WILL make her whole for any loss of earnings and other benefits result ing from her discharge less any net interim earnings plus interest S & R SUNDRIES INC Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation