Roxboro Cotton MillsDownload PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsJan 30, 195297 N.L.R.B. 1359 (N.L.R.B. 1952) Copy Citation ROXBORO COTTON MILLS 1359 3. By interfering with, restraining , and coercing its employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed by Section 7 of the Act, Respondent has engaged in and is .engaging in unfair labor practices within the meaning of Section 8 ( a) (1) of the Act. 4. The aforesaid labor practices are unfair labor practices affecting commerce within the meaning of Section 2 ( 6) and (7) of the Act. 5. Respondent has not refused to bargain within the meaning of Section 8 (a) r(5) of the Act. [Recommended Order omitted from publication in this volume.] ROXBORO COTTON MILLS and TEXTILE WORKERS UNION OF AMERICA, CIO. Case No. 34-CA-017. January 30, 1950 Decision and Order On July 18, 1951, Trial Examiner Lee J. Best issued his Interme- diate Report in the above-entitled proceeding finding that the Re- spondent had engaged in and was engaging in certain unfair labor practices in violation of Section 8 (a) (1) and (3) of the Labor Man- agement Relations Act, as amended, and recommending that the Re- spondent cease and desist therefrom and take certain affirmative ac- tion, as set forth in the copy of the Intermediate Report attached hereto. The Trial Examiner also found that the Respondent had not engaged in certain unfair labor practices in violation of Section 8 (a) (3) of the Act and consequently recommended dismissal of the allegation of the complaint alleging the discriminatory discharge of J. Arthur Yarboro. To this recommendation and certain other por- tions of the Intermediate Report the General Counsel filed exceptions and a supporting brief. The Respondent filed its statement of objec- tions and exceptions to the Intermediate Report. The Board has considered the Intermediate Report, the exceptions and brief, and the entire record in the case, and hereby adopts the findings, conclusions, and recommendations of the Trial Examiner to the extent, and with the additions and modifications, indicated below. 1. We agree with the Trial Examiner that the Respondent violated Section 8 (a) (1) of the Act by interrogating its employees concern- ing the Union. Specifically we rely upon the following instances, re- cited by the Trial Examiner, none of which was denied : Assistant Superintendent Morrell's prolonged questioning of Newton Yarboro, plus his questioning of Charlie Snow, Nat Paul, and Ralph Harris; Overseer Reuben Yarboro's questioning of George Anderson ; and Foreman Beacham O'Bryant's questioning of Marion Ogle.' We also 1 The Trial Examiner referred to three occasions when O'Bryant questioned Ogle. Actually there were two occasions-O'Bryant's inquiry of Ogle about who went to Durham for the Union followed immediately employee Wilbur's remarks. 97 NLRB No. 201. 1360 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD note uncontradicted testimony of John Dunn that his foreman, Rufus Snead, asked him after he told Snead he had gone to a union meeting, what he thought about the Union, and of Clifton Truelove that Night Superintendent Gilliam, in May 1950, asked him if anyone had brought him "a [union organizing] book"-instances not recited by the Trial Examiner. We also agree with the Trial Examiner that the Respondent violated Section 8 (a) (1) of the Act by engaging in surveillance of union ac- tivities; in addition we find that the Respondent fostered the impres- sion that it was engaging in surveillance 2 In making these findings we rely upon Newton Yarboro's credited testimony that Assistant Su- perintendent Lester Morrell told him in their prolonged interview on May 22, 1950, that he had observed the employees leaving the union meeting in Durham 2 days before; as well as the corroborative cir- cumstances-related by-Newton Yarboro and undenied-that Morrell and Supervisor Gilliam passed him and some of the others in a car going in the same direction on the return trip from Durham the day of the meeting; as well as the uncontradicted testimony of J. Arthur Yarboro (also referred to herein simply as Arthur Yarboro) that Supervisors Baxter Dunn and George Gilliam were present when employees congregated near the mill the morning of the meeting and that Dunn persistently questioned him as to his destination. In addi- tion we note the uncontradicted testimony of James Paul that "around the middle of the year" his foreman, Beacham O'Bryant,s said that a union might make it harder on the employees and volunteered infor- mation that there was going to be a union meeting at Marion Ogle's house.4 Also in agreement with the Trial Examiner we find that the Re- spondent interfered with, restrained, and coerced its employees in violation of Section 8 (a) (1) of the Act by threats to discharge its employees for union activity, to shut down the plant if it became unionized, to assign more difficult work if union' activities were pur- 2 See Ozark Hardwood Company, 91 NLRB No. 234; Tennessee Egg Company , 93 NLRB No. 141, Harold W. Baker Company, 71 NLRB 44, 53 8 On that portion of O'Bryant's comments to James Paul to the effect that "the union would not do any good," we base no 8 (a) (1) finding. 4 Because of Morrell's denial that he said he had observed the employees leaving the Durham meeting , the Respondent excepts to the finding of a violation based upon a combination of this alleged statement and circumstantial evidence . However, we find no reason to reject the Trial Examiner 's conclusion that Newton Yarboro was a truthful witness , and that Lester Morrell-in those portions of his testimony concerning the May B2 interview wherein he differed from Newton Yarboro' s version-was to a significant degree a confused and unreliable witness. Not only did Morrell show marked confusion in his testimony concerning the company house Yarboro occupied, but, concerning the alleged list of names of union adherents , he changed his previous emphatic denial : "No, sir, I had nothing in my hands when I was talking with him," to "No sir , I didn't have any kind of papers in my hand, I don' t think." With the Morell -Yarboro credibility issue resolved , we think the circumstantial evidence indicating actual surveillance cannot be overlooked. ROXBORO COTTON MIILI6 1361 sued, and conversely, by promising to refrain from assigning such work if union activities were abandoned. In this connection we note the Trial Examiner's resume-section 3a of the Intermediate Re- port-of Assistant Superintendent Morrell's unprecedented and lengthy interview of Newton Yarboro on May, 22, 1950, which ad- mittedly had to do with the current union organizing campaign and was still in progress as the shift changed and employees passed Mor- rell's office window. Concerning the text of Morrell's remarks on this occasion, we note, in addition to the Trial Examiner's summary, Yarboro's specific testimony that Morrell told him there were jobs at the mill that he and Annie Yarboro, his wife (also employed at the mill), couldn't-handle, but if he would "go out of" the Union, he wouldn't have to do any of those "hard jobs"; as well as Morrell's warning that the Union couldn't help Yarboro if he should fail, for example, to grease a bearing, which Morrell could use "as an excuse to fire" him and "there would not be anything anybody could do .about it." We also note Arthur Yarboro's uncontradicted testimony- briefly referred to in the Intermediate Report-that Lester Morrell spoke to him at his work, while the machines stood idle "about half an hour," telling him they didn't need a union in the mill and com- menting : "Look at Danville; people up there are perishing on account of the union; if we get one down here we will be doing the same thing, you will be doing the same thing and I will be doing the same thing, and all of the rest of them will go hungry around here." Not men- tioned by the Trial Examiner was an instance which occurred shortly after the May 20 union meeting in Durham, and the first instance when, according to Arthur Yarboro, Overseer Paylor spoke to him about the Union. Yarboro testified that Paylor came to him in the mill and said they didn't need a union. Asked why, Paylor said : "If we had a union here there would be a man standing out here with a stop-watch, and if you didn't do all I told you, all I would have to do would be to shop steward and he would, and I would [sic] fire you." 8 c Asked about this instance , Payler denied that he ever discussed the Union with Arthur Yarboro at all, testimony which he later changed. We credit Yarboro. Another instance , which. we do not make the basis of a finding of violation , was not mentioned by the Trial Examiner . However, it also indicates Paylor's unreliability as a witness. Arthur Yarboro testified that Overseer Paylor brought a political election peti- tion on behalf of the Respondent 's president into the picker room. Yarboro asked over- hauler James whether the petition had anything to do with the Union , was cautioned to be more quiet so Paylor wouldn ' t hear, and said it wouldn 't "make much difference, he know'd it anyway." Whereupon Paylor came around one of the picker machines and asked Yarboro to sign, and "right after" that threatened to fire Yarboro if he kept talking union in the mill . Paylor at first denied recollection of this occasion and denied that he asked Arthur Yarboro to sign the petition, but finally admitted approaching every em- ployee in the room to sign He denied that he ever told Yarboro not to talk "union" in the mill ; it is not clear , however, whether he meant this to apply only to working time. James recglled the petition, Yarboro's connection wish, the incident , and Paylor 's presence close by. 1362 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD 2. We agree with the Trial Examiner that the Respondent violated= Section 8 (a) (3) of the Act and thereby Section 8 (a) (1) when,, on June 8, 1950, it discharged William Raynor on the flimsy pretext that he violated a no-smoking rule. However, we do not subscribe to the Trial Examiner's finding that permission to leave the building- outside of which smoking was admittedly unobjectionable-may be implied in the circlunstances. Rather we find, as more fully detailed herein, that Raynor's precipitate discharge was so unreasonable as to make inescapable the conclusion that it was motivated by his known union activities. Longhurst is a small community comprised largely of the company village of 90 to 100 houses. Raynor operates a small store about 200 feet from the mill gate and apparently the only other store is the company store. As stated in the Intermediate Report, Raynor had worked for the Respondent "all his life" and at the Longhurst mill for the 8 or 9 years before his discharge. He testified that his store is open for business after he leaves work at 3 p. m.; that em- ployees congregate there; that during the month before he was dis- charged, he got 8 or 10 employees to join the Union when they came into the store; 6 that the union organizers would stop at the store "about every time they would come up there" ; that during the month before his discharge he kept the union leaflets they left on the counter in his store; 7 that he discussed the Union with his foreman, Jim Grover, while he was still at work ; and that a day or two after he joined the Union he was discharged. Regarding the discharge incident, Raynor testified that he had decided to discard his leaking grease bucket and replace it with a paint bucket from the trash pile near the mill gate; and, as he got outside, he started to light a cigarette, whereupon Lester Morrell called him and asked him if he "didn't know it was against the rules to be out." Although Raynor explained why he was out, Morrell told him to go and report the incident to Reuben Yarboro, the overseer on that shift. This Raynor did." Yarboro asked him what he was To indicate that Raynor could not have been active in the Union the Respondent in its exceptions refers to Rayner's inability to recall the names of any of those he secured as union members. We attach no significance to this as it is notable on this record that other employee witnesses exhibited a marked reluctance in their testimony to name any but known leaders in the Union. ° The Respondent introduced the testimony of employee Paul Williams , who sometimes stayed at the store for Raynor in the latter 's absence , that be saw no leaflets in the store and did not know of Raynor ' s connection with the Union until after Raynor was discharged. When asked whether he knew four specific union organizers , however, he admitted that he did not and that he wouldn't have known whether some of the people he saw in Raynor's store were organizers or not. Williams also testified that he hadn ' t joined the Union and did not know who had 6 Raynor testified that although he went immediately to Reuben Yarboro's office, Lester Morrell preceded him there ; that Overseer Paylor was talking with Yarboro at the time ; that Morrell went in ; and that he , Raynor , had to wait outside until both Paylor and Morrell left. Morrell and Yarboro denied that Morrell came immediately to see Yarboro ; ROXBORO COTTON MILLS 1363 doing, but when told, his only answer was : "I am going to have to let you go." Whereupon he gave Raynor "his time" and indicated the reason was "for smoking." According to Raynor, he had always asked permission to leave the hill on previous occasions and it had been granted, but as to this occasion he testified, without modification, on cross-examination : "I don't know whether I mentioned it, asked Jim [Grover] before I went, or told him when I come back, I don't know which it was, I wouldn't, say." We note that Morrell testified : "I believe he [Raynor] said something about getting permission from Jim Grover that day, but I can't say, I believe he said `I spoke to Jim Grover something about it.'" Yarboro testified that Raynor did not claim he had permission. As Grover did not testify, the point was not clarified. However, we think the significant fact is that Yarboro made no effort to find out whether Raynor had been given permission to leave the mill before he discharged him.a There is no question on this record that smoking outside was un- objectionable if it did not interfere with the employee's work or if the employee had permission to go outside. The Respondent admitted that Raynor was a satisfactory employee of some years' standing, and introduced no convincing evidence to show that he had ever violated rules before. In these circumstances his precipitate discharge, with- out inquiry, for violation of an alleged no-smoking rule is totally unconvincing. That the Respondent had knowledge of Raynor's "union connection or activity" is vigorously denied-this despite Raynor's uncontra- dicted testimony that he had discussed the Union with his foreman, Grover, and despite the Respondent's manifold opportunities to ob- Paylor was not asked about it Yarboro didn't "remember" that Paylor was in his office but finally said . "If he [Morrell] was in there he didn ' t say anything about the smoking, but I don't recall him being in there " we believe Raynor It was Morrell ' s version that he later came in to see what Yarboro had done about the matter, and would have been just as well satisfied if Yarboro had merely reprimanded Raynor. 9 Reuben Yarboro ' s testimony that he saw no necessity for making an inquiry and that Raynor did not claim to him that he had a legitimate excuse impresses us as equivocal-the more so in view of Morrell ' s preceding Raynor to Reuben Yarboro ' s office Nor do we find convincing Reuben Yarboro ' s testimony that he had warned Raynor "once " about "going out smoking . . . the two together ," without being able to identify the occasion . Raynor testified that he had been told not to leave the mill without permission once-the first day he went to work at the plant over 9 years before. The Trial Examiner requested that any relevant rules posted in the plant at the time of the discharge be brought to the hearing, but the record contains no further reference to the matter We note also that Reuben Yarboro asked whether he had ever fired anyone else for smoking outside , named two employees and said he always fired anyone for that, but then said that he would give a warning "depending on the excuses they have " On this question of warnings we further note that Overseer Paylor , who was talking with Yarboro just before Raynor 's discharge , gave this example when asked about the purpose of making memoranda concerning employee misconduct : "well , if I caught a man on the outside smoking , I would give him warning and make a memorandum of it . . If he had done this thing say three times, we would discharge him if it consistently went on." 1364 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD .serve the union activities at the only other store in the village. In addition it is clear from the testimony of Morrell that the union cam- paign was discussed at overseers' meetings shortly after it started, and specific reference made to union leaflets, some of which Raynor said he kept in his store.10 We find that the Respondent's actual reason for discharging Raynor upon the pretext of unauthorized smoking was his own interest in and his sponsorship of union activities by .others at his store where mill employees were accustomed to con- gregate 11 By the discharge of Raynor on June 8, 1950, the Respond- ent discriminated in regard to the hire and tenure of his employment in violation of Section 8 (a) (3) of the Act, thereby violating Section ,'8- (a) (1) of the Act. 3. We agree with the Trial Examiner that the termination of Newton Yarboro's employment on August 4, 1950, because of his in- ability and refusal to perform work for which he was not physically .suited constituted a constuctive discharge in violation of Section 8 (a) (3) and 8 (a) (1) of the Act. Specifically, we find that his assign- ment to "roving" and his resultant discharge constituted discrimina- tion in regard to the terms and conditions of his employment within the meaning of Section 8 (a) (3). As found by the Trial Examiner, Newton Yarboro had worked for the Respondent over a 20-year period and the Respondent had previ- ously supplied him with suitable work.12 Yet, on June 23, 195013-1 month after Morrell's lengthy and coercive talk with Newton-the lat- ter was assigned to "roving," a job calculated to aggravate his physical weakness from a previous hernia operation.14 Despite the contrary contention in Respondent's exceptions, we find unconvincing Overseer 10 We do not discredit , on the testimony of Williams alone ( see footnote 7, above ), Raynor's testimony that he did have union leaflets on the counter in his store. 11 Whether the Respondent actually knew of Raynor's joining the Union just before his discharge is unimportant as "the law is clear that the discharge of a nonunion member is none the less discriminatory when it is motivated by a belief , or even a suspicion , of union membership , activity , or sympathy " Boreva Sportswear, Inc., 73 NLRB 1048, 1065 , citing N. L. R. B. v Vincennes Steel Corp ., 117 F. 2d 169 (C. A. 7). 11 Uncontradicted was Newton Yarboro's testimony that when he returned from his hernia operation several years before and told the Respondent he couldn ' t do the work he had been doing, Reuben Yarboro sent for him after a few weeks and gave him work he could do ; also his testimony that Reuben Yarboro did not make him take some pulleys up the steps earlier in 1950 when Newton told him his side was sore. Testimony by Reuben Yarboro that Newton had done the roving job without complaint after his operation was not a convincing refutation as Reuben could not recall when this occurred or for how long a period. 13 Apparently due to a typographical error , the Intermediate Report places this transfer to roving as occurring June 13 - 14 The Trial Examiner found that the roving job involved placing bobbins on high, moving frames; the Respondent excepts on the ground that the bobbins are put on stationary shelves. The record does not clearly show which is correct , but it is not denied that the job involves the repeated lifting of objects over the employee ' s head, as well as bending down to get now bobbins from the bottom of boxes approximately a yard and a half high. Testimony for the Respondent that another employee with a hernia had no difficulty with the roving job is not persuasive in the circumstances We note that this employee .testified that he felt no strain from his hernia and,had never been to a doctor about it. ROXBORO COTTON MILLS 1365 Reuben Yarboro's bare statements that, although he did not doubt his nephew's sincerity in complaining that the job caused his side to hurt, there was "nothing he could do about" the assignment because he needed Newton on roving and could not shift other employees.15 Unquestionably the Respondent had moved quickly in attempting to stop the union campaign, immediately warning Newton Yarboro of harder jobs he and his wife might be assigned if they continued their union activity. The discriminatory discharges of Raynor and Arthur Yarboro 16 followed on June 6 and June 14, and then, on June 23, New- ton's assignment to roving. Finally, when Newton's discharge oc- curred some weeks later, the same hardship theme Morrell had stressed to Newton in May was repeated by Overseer Yarboro. Asked whether Newton's wife would be retained as an employee, the overseer, accord- ing to Newton's credited testimony, said : "I am going to put her to work just like I did you." In these circumstances we find that New- ton Yarboro's known union activity and affiliation were the reason for the discrimination against him, and that this discrimination in violation of Section 8 (a) (3) and 8 (a) (1) of the Act, actually oc- curred when he was assigned to the job of roving, from which assign- ment his ultimate refusal to do the work and his dismissal followed as a foreseeable and premeditated result. 4. The complaint alleges that J. Arthur Yarboro was discrimina- torily discharged on June 14, 1950. The Respondent denied this in its answer, alleging at the hearing that Yarboro's discharge was for cause-specifically, as testified by Respondent's president, "for con- tinuous and flagrant disregard of instructions with respect to the lap scale in the picker room." The Trial Examiner found no dis- crimination within the meaning of Section 8 (a) (3) of the Act, with which conclusion we do not agree. Yarboro testified that he joined the Union at Durham in May 1950; that he signed up 15 or 16 employees as members, either at his home where he held several meetings, or on the street; that he passed out leaflets in the village; and that he accompanied union organizers on their rounds in the village and assisted them. Overseer Paylor, who discharged him, admitted knowledge of his union membership.17 Arthur was a brother of Newton Yarboro whom the Respondent had promptly attempted to dissuade from union activities, and it was he, 15 We note uncontradicted testimony that he, Newton Yarboro, furnished Overseer Reuben Yarboro with a doctor's certificate to the effect that he was "not able to do that kind of work." 15 See paragraph numbered 4 of this decision, below 17 Paylor' s testimony concerning knowledge of union activities in general was exceed- ingly vague , but asked whether the first time he learned about the Union was when Arthur Yarboro "reported " that he belonged , Paylor said : "I don't recall whether I had heard it before that time or not." We credit Arthur Yarboro 's testimony that Paylor told him no union was needed right after the May 20 meeting . See footnote 5 above 986209-52-vol 07--87 1366 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Arthur, whom Baxter Dunn so persistently questioned on the morn- ing of May 20. Yarboro had performed a variety of jobs for the Respondent over a period of 25 years."' For the last 10 months of his employment he had worked as a picker tender on the first shift. His duties involved "doffing" the mill's five picker machines every 6 or 7 minutes as each lap of cotton came through-that is, removing the "filled laps" from the machine-weighing and marking each lap, and resetting the machines with the lap pin for another cycle. Cotton absorbs moisture and the record indicates that setting the lap scales to reflect the moisture con- tent accurately is important to the smooth operation of the Respond- ent's production process: Yarboro testified that he checked the setting of the lap scales each time he weighed a lap, and that he had been com- plimented on his work in keeping the scales set properly by Paylor "9 According to Yarboro, Paylor customarily visited the picker room once or twice a. day-although occasionally he let a day go by-and checked whether the_lap scales were set with the regain indicator; 20 that about the last week in May, Paylor began checking three or four times a day; and that on June 14, Paylor checked five times within an hour and then called in Yarboro and discharged him. Yarboro further testified that during the first two of these five accelerated checks he was out of the room getting a drink of water 21 and upon his return found Paylor with his hand on the scales; that the scales, which had been right when he left, were off anywhere from one-fourth to one-half pound when he returned, and that Paylor appeared startled at Yarboro's reappearance. He described the last three of these accel- erated checks* as consisting simply of Paylor's coming into the room, looking at the scales, and walking out. After the fifth occasion, Paylor had Yarboro summoned to his office. According to Yarboro, Paylor started writing out his "time" and said : "Do you remember 'e Yarboro admitted that during this long period he had quit three or four times, been laid off twice for staying off, but discharged only once for not doing a job right. Ad- mittedly the Respondent has no policy against hiring people who have been "fired" by it_ After his June 14 discharge , the subject of this charge , Superintendent W. W. Morrell, who testified that he was not consulted about Yarboro 's discharge , got Yarboro a job with a contractor in the area. 19 Yarboro 's testimony that Paylor likewise commented on Yarboro's good work to Tuck, the fixer , was stricken by the Trial Examiner on his own motion . Tuck testified later but was not asked about the incident. 20 Paylor testified : "The regain indicator is the instrument that indicates the moisture content of the cotton ; and normally cotton contains 7% moisture and the correct weight of the lap is set at normal regain. For instance , you are running fifty pounds, you would set the regain at 7% and anything under that would be abnormal and unless adjustment is made of it , you would have that variation in the finished product. If you are making a fifty-pound lap and the regain is normally 7%, it would weigh fifty pounds." n Yarboro testified that he took one of these drinks before and one after eating his lunch. Superintendent W. W. Morrell testified that a picker tender has no regular lunch hour but is supposed to eat in the picker room-as Yarboro did-because the machines, due to fire hazard , should be left unattended for only brief periods. Short absences to get a drink or go to the rest room are anticipated. ROXBORO COTTON MILLS 1367 last week when your scales were off a 1/4 pound ?" to which Yarboro answered, "No, and you don't either," and Paylor then said : "Well, that is what I am going to discharge you for." Then ensued Yarboro's remark quoted by the Trial Examiner : "I told him if he wanted to work for a crooked company just work for a s. o. b. like him and he would be working for one." Whereupon Yarboro picked up his dis- charge slip and left. The reason for discharge specified was : "Did not keep lap scales adjusted to regain." Paylor's version of Yarboro's discharge includes testimony that Yarboro was an "average" employee and a denial that he had ever complimented him upon his work. Paylor also testified that four or five checks a day of the lap scales was customary with him at all times, but that he checked even more frequently during the 2- to 3-week period before Yarboro's discharge because, as it happened, the pickers were then being overhauled. In fact, he testified that he couldn't have come into the picker room "any less" than four times on June 14, but denied that he came in five times within an hour. In explanation of Yarboro's testimony about touching the scales, Paylor testified that he always reset them when he found them wrong, and that he found them wrong about six times during said period. He also testified that he found them wrong the last time he checked on the day of the dis- charge, which was the second time that day, but that instead of adjust- ing them then, he called in Yarboro and discharged him for that in- stance of neglect as well as previous instances. Testimony offered for the Respondent as to the required frequency of checking the lap scales shows the absence of any set rule. The Trial Examiner found the standard of performance to be an exact adjustment at all times. The record does not support such a finding and we do not adopt it. Paylor testified at one point that a check every 15 minutes "would take care of most any change that could come about." On redirect he spoke of checks frequent enough to set the scales "exactly" with the indicator "at all times," but this was at vari- ance with his testimony about 15-minute intervals, as well as with earlier testimony of his that the discrepancy would have to exceed- one-fourth pound to make any difference. Superintendent W. W. Morrell, who has charge of the Roxboro as well as the Longhurst Mill, testified that a check every 15 minutes would be sufficient and that he didn't think the indicator would move in 5 or 10 minutes "if you turned the river into the picker room." Asked what a check only "once a day" would mean, he replied "serious trouble ... because it does fluctuate some in a day." The checks which Yarboro said he made each time he weighed laps were at 6- or 7-minute intervals. Time of weighing was concededly the essential time for adjustment. 1368 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD In crediting Paylor's rather than Yarboro's version of these in- cidents, the Trial Examiner made no reference to the demeanor of either witness-as to which it is our policy to attach great weight 22 Actually he did not discredit Yarboro as a witness; and we note that he had credited him in connection with the 8 (a) (1) violation. But he concluded that the contention that "fraud" was practiced upon Yarboro by Paylor was not sustained by a preponderance of the evidence; hence the discharge was not discriminatory. Whether the Respondent's conduct toward Yarboro constituted fraud, we do not attempt to say, but we cannot, after a careful examination of this record, adopt the Trial Examiner's conclusion as to discrimination. We find, on the contrary, that the prima facie case of discrimination made out by the General Counsel showing that the Respondent took deliberate steps to find fault with Yarboro because of his known union activities and to discharge him on a mere pretext, has not been over- come by the Respondent's evidence tending to show that the discharge was for cause. Not only was Paylor's testimony unsatisfactory as to the standard of performance required of Yarboro, but also as to the extent Yarboro's performance deviated in the 2- to 3-week period prior to his discharge. He stated that he found the scales off about six times during that period, Yet he was specific as to the extent of the discrepancy in only two instances: The last time when he claimed it was one-half to three-fourths of a pound, and some earlier time when it was "a little over a pound" off. His previous testimony indicated that a variation of one-fourth pound or less would make no difference and that really only a pound variation would be "substantial." z3 We think it signifi- cant that Paylor had no recollection of the discrepancy in four of the six instances complained of, and that in only one of the six was the discrepancy "substantial" by his own standards. The direct result of weighing laps improperly is that farther down the production process a spinning frame stoppage may occur. This would not happen until "several" days after the actual weighing, but we note that Paylor admitted that he made no attempt to see whether such stoppage occurred during the several weeks of intensive checking of Yarboro's work preceding his discharge. Still dealing with Paylor's testimony, we note that it was also un- satisfactory with respect to the warning given Yarboro. Yarboro 22 Standard Dry Wall Products , Inc., 91 NLRB 544, 545, and cases there cited. 23 Later in his testimony he was more conservative and said that one-half a pound varia- tion would make subsequent "work run bad ." A 7- to 8-pound variation of the scales from the indicator was the greatest Paylor could recall ever having occurred at the mill in a 12-hour period . He testified that a 5-pound variation without adjustment of the lap scales would make the lap weight incorrect by approximately 10 percent. ROXBORO COTTON MILLS 1369 testified that Paylor during this period threatened several times to let him go if he didn't keep the scales right. Although Paylor spe- cifically denied this and testified that he told Yarboro only once that he "would have to do something about it" if the scales weren't set properly, when asked to place the occasion on which he warned Yar- boro, Paylor was unable to do so at all, even to the extent of saying it was 1 week before he discharged him or 2 weeks before. He testified that he never told Yarboro he'd have to discharge him "the next time" they were off, or if it happened "two more times." Assuming that Paylor did not set the scales wrong on occasion during this period-as Yarboro had some reason to suspect-it is obvious that the picker overhauling furnished a splendid opportunity for close scrutiny of and probable objection to the work of an em- ployee whose union activities were well known and whose brother had already been vigorously warned against union activities. But the de- viations of which the Respondent complains and for which it specif- ically discharged Yarboro, do not-on Paylor's testimony-impress us as sufficiently serious to have motivated the discharge. On the contrary they impress us as inconsequential, particularly when we note important testimony of Respondent's witness Tuck-evidence not mentioned by the Trial Examiner-that he "never caught [Yar- boro's] scales wrong" during all the months of Yarboro's work in the picker room.24 We think it apparent that, in making his finding that Arthur Yarboro's discharge was not discriminatory within the meaning of the Act, the Trial Examiner not only misconceived the nature of the duty to keep the scales and indicator in adjustment, and hence attached unwarranted significance to alleged instances of deviation cited by Paylor, but placed undue reliance upon certain additional instances of alleged neglect of duty not mentional by the Respondent at the time of discharge. These were : Mismarking laps,25 spending time 24 Tuck, a fixer on the first shift , testified that he spent a considerable part of his time in the picker room and that it was part of his job to observe whether the lap scales were properly adjusted and the laps weighed. The Trial Examiner referred only to Tuck's testimony concerning an instance when Yarboro failed to weigh a lap at all , and credited him in that respect. Testimony of James, the head overhauler , that Yarboro failed to weigh laps several times during the period just before Yarboro's discharge was also credited by the Trial Examiner . However, as both Tuck and James testified that they merely cautioned Yarboro but did not report to Paylor , we conclude that Yarboro 's failure to weigh a lap or laps on occasion , not only was not specified as a reason for his discharge, but could have played no part in the decision to discharge him. 26 This was a single occurrence of mismarking , admitted by Yarboro , although he testified that he placed the mismarking laps on the "right" pile and hence the mismarking could have caused no harm. Paylor himself testified that this incident played no part in the discharge ; Superintendent W. W. Morrell testified that he had heard nothing of it until a week before the hearing ; and employee Marston-who, at Paylor's request, counted the mismarked laps-that he himself couldn 't tell whether a lap was mismarked or not. None of this testimony was mentioned by the Trial Examiner. 1370 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD away from his job talking,26 and displaying "a belligerent and abusive attitude towards his employer" 27-contentions which, as developed in this record, we consider too belated for consideration in determin- ing whether Yarboro was the object of discrimination on June 14,1950. We think that the real reason for J. Arthur Yarboro's discharge on that date was not his failure to keep the lap scales adjusted, which was a mere pretext, nor the additional reasons urged at the hearing, which were obvious afterthoughts, but his well-known union affilia- tion and activity. Hence, we find that the Respondent discriminated in regard to the hire and tenure of Arthur Yarboro's employment in violation of Section 8 (a) (3) of the Act, thereby violating Section 8 (a) (1) of the Act. - The Remedy Having found that the Respondent has engaged in the unfair labor practices set forth above, we shall order that it cease and -desist there- from and that it take certain affirmative action designed to effectuate the policies of the Act. 2e Paylor 's account of Yarboro ' s absences in the card room talking , when his machines had "knocked off" and needed attention , was general in terms. He finally said that this occurred on "more than one occasion ," and that "on one occasion" he spoke to Yarboro about staying away from his work Although Paylor referred to keeping notes of serious infractions and testified that he considered failure to keep the machines running without Interruption serious, he admitted that he made no specific note of any of these Instances , which, again, he Identified as occurring during the 2- to 3 -week period before Yarboro ' s discharge . Later he testified that no memoranda were made before Yarboro 's discharge. Apparently the drinking fountain , if not located In the card room, was nearby , and one employee admitted that at that season of the year he 'turned to the drinking fountain about twice an hour . That Yarboro would make frequent trips there is understandable. We do not believe that the corroborative testimony of several witnesses that Yarboro did do some talking In the card room during the period , and that overhauler James found his machines knocked off on one occasion which he did not report to Paylor-testimony emphasized by the Trial Examiner-sustain the Respondent 's contention that the conduct complained of was a causal factor in the discharge. 27 Paylor and Tuck both testified that Yarboro , when corrected about his work simply said "all right", and Paylor went so far as to say that It "appeared to" him that Yarboro wanted to do his work "right". Apparently neither had any complaint to make of his attitude toward management . James' testimony about an instance of cautioning Yarboro not to let the pickers stand Idle and Yarboro 's angry rejoinder about not caring whether he was fired- credited by the Trial Examiner-was the only instance James recalled and he testified that he had not mentioned it to Paylor up to the time of the hearing , but only to Tuck . In fact there is no evidence that any objectionable attitude on Yarboro 's part was communicated to Paylor , who, incidentally , claimed to have discharged Yarboro without consulting Lester Morrell, his immediate superior. The other two instances of Yarboro 's boasting that he didn 't care whether he was fired- to John Dunn and Frank Guill as detailed by the Trial Examiner-are understandable in a period when Yarboro was so acutely aware that his work and activities were subject to abnormal scrutiny . Inasmuch as Paylor apparently had no knowledge of these Instances when he discharged Yarboro and made no complaint in connection with the discharge that Yarboro's attitude was in any way disruptive of discipline ( Paylor specifically testified that "disorderly conduct . . . played no part In the discharge"), we find that Yarboro's chance remarks were not a motivating factor in the discharge but were seized upon as an afterthought by the Respondent to bolster its case. Inasmuch as we have not relied upon the statements attributed to a union organizer at a union meeting to the effect that employees should get themselves fired, to which the Geneial Counsel objected as hearsay , nor upon the General Counsel's rebuttal testimony, we do not pass upon his exceptions In this regard. ROXBORO COTTON MILLS 1371 We shall order that employees William Raynor and J. Arthur Yar- boro, as to whom it has been found that the Respondent discriminated with regard to the hire and tenure of their employment, be offered immediate and full reinstatement to their former or substantially equivalent positions,28 without prejudice to their seniority or other rights and privileges, and that the Respondent make each of them whole for any loss of pay suffered by reason of the discrimination against him, by payment to each of them of a sum of money equivalent to that which he would have earned as wages since the date of his discharge to the date when the offer of reinstatement is made, less his net earnings.29 In accordance with our usual practice the period from the date of the Intermediate Report herein to the date of this Decision and Order will be excluded in computing the amount of back pay due J. Arthur Yarboro, as the Trial Examiner did not recommend reinstatement or an award of back pay as to him. We shall order that employee Newton Yarboro, as to whom it has been found that the Respondent discriminated with regard to the hire and tenure and terms and conditions of his employment, be offered immediate and lull reinstatement to a position suitable to his physical condition, without prejudice to his seniority or other rights and privileges, and that the Respondent make him whole for any loss of pay suffered by -reason of the discrimination against him, -30 by payment to him of a sum of money equivalent to that which he would have earned as wages since the date of the discrimination against him to the date when the offer of reinstatement is made, less his net earnings.31 Back pay shall be computed on a quarterly basis in the manner established by the Board in the case of F. W. Woolworth Co., 90 NLRB 289. Earnings in one particular quarter shall have no effect upon the back-pay liabil- ity for any other such period. We shall also order that Respondent make available to the Board upon request payroll and other records in order to facilitate the checking of the amount of back pay due. Due to the character and scope of the Respondent's unfair labor practices as revealed herein, it appears likely that these and other similar practices may be continued in the future. Therefore we shall order that the Respondent cease and desist from in any manner interfering with, restraining, or coercing its employees in the exercise .of the rights guaranteed them in Section 7 of the Act. 2s The Chase National Bank of The City of New York, San Juan, Puerto Rico, Branch, ,65 NLRB 827. 29 Crossett Lumber Co., 8 NLRB 440. 80 Apparently Newton Yarboro, while on the "roving" assignment, continued to draw his previous higher pay as a fixer. However, it does not appear from this record whether he suffered any loss of pay for the days he was forced to be off during the assignment because of pain in his side Crossett Lumber Co., footnote 29, above. 1372 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD CONCLUSIONS OF LAW We adopt the Trial Examiner's conclusions of law numbers 1, 2, and 5, amend his conclusion number 3, and reject his conclusion number 4. In lieu of his conclusions numbers 3 and 4, we reach the following conclusions of law : 3. By discriminating in regard to the hire and tenure of employ- ment of William Raynor and J. Arthur Yarboro, thereby discouraging membership in Textile Workers Union of America, CIO, the Respond- ent has engaged in and is engaging in unfair labor practices within the meaning of Section 8 (a) (3) of the Act, and has, by this same conduct, interfered with, restrained, and coerced its employees in the exercise of rights guaranteed in Section 7 of the Act, thereby engaging in unfair labor practices within the meaning of Section 8 (a) (1) of the Act. 4. By discriminating in regard to the hire and tenure and terms and conditions of employment of Newton Yarboro, thereby discouraging membership in Textile Workers Union of America, CIO, the Re- spondent has engaged in and is engaging in unfair labor practices within the meaning of Section 8 (a) (3) of the Act, and has, by this same conduct, interfered with, restrained, and coerced its employees in the exercise of rights guaranteed in Section 7 of the Act, thereby engaging in unfair labor practices within the meaning of Section 8 (a) (1) of the Act. Order Upon the entire record in this case, and pursuant to Section 10 (c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Relations Board hereby orders that the Respondent Roxboro Cotton Mills, its officers, agents, successors, and assigns, shall: 1. Cease and desist from : (a) Interrogating its employees concerning their interest in or adherence to Textile Workers of America, CIO, or any other labor organization; or threatening its employees with economic reprisal for such adherence; or promising its employees benefits for refraining from such adherence; or engaging in surveillance or fostering the impression of engaging in surveillance of any union activities of its employees. (b) Discouraging membership of its employees in Textile Workers Union of America, CIO, or any other labor organization, by discrimi- nating in regard to their hire or tenure of employment or any term or condition of employment in any manner whatsoever. (c) In any other manner interfering with, restraining, or coercing its employees in the exercise of the right to self-organization, to form ROXBORO COTTON MILLS 1373 labor organizations, to join or assist Textile Workers of America, CIO, or any other labor organization, to bargain collectively through representatives of their own choosing, and to engage in other con- certed activities for the purpose of collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection, as guaranteed in Section 7 of the Act, and to refrain from any or all of such activities, except to the extent that such right may be affected by an agreement requiring membership in a labor organization as a condition of employment as authorized in Section 8 (a) (3) of the Act, 2. Take the following affirmative action which the Board finds will ,effectuate the policies of the Act : (a) Offer to William Raynor and J. Arthur Yarboro immediate and full reinstatement to their former or substantially equivalent posi- tions, without prejudice to their seniority or other rights and privi- leges, and make them whole in the manner set forth -in the section entitled "The Remedy" for any loss of pay they may have suffered by reason of the Respondent's discrimination against them. (b) Offer to Newton Yarboro immediate and full reinstatement to a position suitable to his physical condition, without prejudice to his seniority or other rights and privileges, and make him whole in the manner set forth in the section entitled "The Remedy" for any loss of pay he may have suffered by reason of the Respondent's discrimina- tion against him. (c) Upon request, make available to the Board or its agents, for examination and copying, all payroll records, social security payment records, time cards, personnel records and reports, and all other records necessary to analyze the amounts of back pay due and the right of reinstatement under the terms of this Order. (d) Post in conspicuous places in the Respondent's Longhurst, North Carolina, plant copies of the notice attached hereto, marked "Ap- pendix A." 32 Copies of said notice, to be furnished by the Regional Director for the Fifth Region, shall, after being duly signed by the Respondent's representative, be posted by the Respondent immediately upon receipt thereof and be maintained by it for at least sixty (60) consecutive days thereafter in conspicuous places, including all places where notices to employees are customarily posted. Reasonable steps shall be taken by the Respondent to insure that said notices are not altered, defaced, or covered by any other material. (e) Notify the Regional Director for the Fifth Region, in writing, within ten (10) days from the date of this Order, what steps the Re- spondent has taken to comply herewith. 82 In the event that this Order is enforced by decree of a United States Court of Appeals, there shall be substituted for the words : "A Decision and Order," the words : "A Decree of the United States Court of Appeals Enforcing an Order." 1374 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD CHAIRMAN IiERzoG took no part in the consideration of the above Decision and Order. Appendix A NOTICE TO ALL EMPLOYEES Pursuant to a Decision and Order of the National Labor Relations Board, and in order to effectuate the policies of the National Labor Relations Act, we hereby notify our employees that: WE WILL NOT question our employees concerning their member- ship in and activities on behalf of TEXTILE WORKERS UNION OF AMERICA, CIO, or any other labor organization. WE WILL NOT threaten our employees with loss of employment or assignment to more difficult work, nor threaten to close the Longhurst plant, if they become or remain members of the TEXTILE WORKERS UNION OF AMERICA, CIO, or any other labor organization, or engage in concerted activity. WE WILL NOT interfere with, restrain, or coerce our employees by promising not to assign difficult work if they resign or refrain from becoming members of TEXTILE WORKERS OF AMERICA, CIO, or any other labor organization, or engage in concerted activity, and we will not keep under surveillance, or foster the impression that we are keeping under surveillance, the concerted activity of our employees. WE WILL NOT in any other manner interfere with, restrain, or coerce our employees in the exercise of their right to self-organi- zation, to form labor organizations, to join or assist TEXTILE WORKERS OF AMERICA, CIO, or any other labor organization, to bargain collectively through representatives of their own choos- ing, and to engage in other concerted activities for the purpose of collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection, or to refrain from any or all of such activities, except to the extent that such right may be affected by an agreement requiring membership in a labor organization as a condition of employment, as authorized in Section 8 (a) (3) of the National Labor Relations Act. WE WILL OFFER to William Raynor and J. Arthur Yarboro im- mediate and full reinstatement to their former or substantially equivalent positions, and to Newton Yarboro immediate and full reinstatement to a position suitable to his physical condition, without prejudice to any seniority or other rights and privileges previously enjoyed, and make them whole for any loss of pay suffered as a result of our unlawful conduct. All our employees are free to become or remain members of TEX- TILE WORKERS UNION OFi AMERICA, CIO, or any other labor organiza- ROXBORO COTTON MILLS 1375 tion, or to refrain from so doing, except to the extent that this right may be affected by an agreement in conformity with Section 8 (a) (3) of the amended Act. We will not discriminate in regard to hire or tenure of employment or any term or condition of employment against any employee because of membership in or activity on behalf of any such labor organization. RoxBoRo COTTON MILLS, Employer. By ---------------------------- (Representative ) (Title) Dated -------------------- This notice must remain posted for 60 days from the date hereof, and must not be altered, defaced, or covered by any other material. Intermediate Report STATEMENT OF THE CASE By reason of a charge filed on June 6, 1950, a first amended charge filed on July 6, 1950, a second amended charge filed on August 11, 1950, and a third amended charge filed on March 19, 1951 , by Textile Workers Union of America, CIO, herein called the Union, the General Counsel of the National Labor Rela- tions Board by the Regional Director for the Fifth Region ( Baltimore, Maryland) issued a complaint dated April 12, 1951, against Roxboro Cotton Mills, herein called the Respondent,' in which it was alleged that the Respondent engaged in and is engaging in unfair labor practices affecting commerce within the meaning of Sections 8 (a) (1) and ( 3) and 2 ( 6) and ( 7) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, 61 Stat. 136 , herein called the Act. With respect to the unfair labor practices , the complaint and a bill of particu- lars furnished by the General Counsel alleges in substance that ( 1) the Respond- ent during the months of May and June 1950 , and continuously thereafter, interfered with, restrained , and coerced its employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed in Section 7 of the Act by interrogation , surveillance , and threats of economic reprisal or force or promise of benefit concerning their concerted activi- ties on behalf of the Union; and (2 ) the Respondent did on June 8, 1950, June 14, 1950, and August 4, 1950, respectively , discriminatorily discharge its employees, William Raynor, J, Arthur Yarboro, and Newton Yarboro because of their mem- bership in and concerted activities on behalf of the Union for the purposes of collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection. The Respondent filed an answer admitting that it was engaged in commerce within the meaning of the Act, and that the Textile Workers Union of America, CIO, is a labor organization within the meaning of the Act , but denied all allega- tions that it has at any time engaged in unfair labor practices. Pursuant to notice to all parties, a hearing was conducted at Roxboro, North Carolina , on April 30 , May 1 and 2, 1951 , before the undersigned Trial Examiner duly designated by the Chief Trial ' Examiner . The General Counsel and the Re- spondent were represented by counsel and a representative of the Union was also present at the hearing . All parties were afforded full opportunity to be heard, ' Sometimes called the Company. 1376 • DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD to examine and cross-examine witnesses, and to introduce evidence pertinent to the issues involved. At the hearing the Respondent made an oral motion to dismiss the complaint upon the ground that the Union had failed to comply with the requirements of Section 9 (h) of the Act in that the officers of the CIO had not filed non-Communist affidavits. Taking judicial notice of the Board's records and administrative determination that the filing requirements of Section 9 (h) had been complied with prior to the filing of charges and the complaint in this case, the motion was denied. A motion by the Respondent to dismiss paragraph VI of the complaint for vagueness and ambiguity was also denied. Paragraph VI reads as follows: Respondent, by its officers, agents and supervisory employees, while en- gaged in the operations described above in paragraphs I, II and III, did dis- charge the employees, and each of them, whose names are listed below, on or about the date appearing opposite their respective names, and has at all times since on or about said dates failed or refused to reinstate said em- ployees, and each of them, to their former or substantially equivalent posi- tions because of their real or suspected sympathy with, membership in or assistance to the Union or because they or others engaged in, or were sus- pected of having engaged in, concerted activity with other employees of the Respondent for the purposes of collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection : William Raynor, June 8, 1950. J. Arthur Yarboro, June 14, 1950. Newton Yarboro, August 4, 1950. A motion to conform the pleadings to the proof was granted without objection. Oral argument by counsel for all parties was waived. The parties were ad- vised of their right to hile written briefs and proposed findings of fact and con- clusions of law. No written briefs have been filed by either party. Based upon the entire record and observation of the witnesses in the case, I make the following : FINDINGS OF FACT 1. THE BUSINESS OF RESPONDENT Roxboro Cotton Mills is a North Carolina corporation , having its principal office and place of business at Roxboio , North Carolina . It operates a cotton mill at Roxboro and one at Longhurst , North Carolina , and is engaged in the manufacture of cotton yarns. Only the Longhurst plant is involved in this case. During the year immediately preceding April 15, 1951, the Respondent purchased raw materials valued in excess of $100,000, more than 50 percent of which was purchased , shipped, and received from points outside the State of North Carolina. In the same period the Respondent sold finished products valued in excess of $100,000, and shipped more than 50 percent of these products outside the State of North Carolina . The Respondent admits, and I find therefore , that it is en- gaged in commerce within the meaning of the Act. II. THE LABOR ORGANIZATION INVOLVED Textile Workers Union of America, CIO, is a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2 (5) of the Act, admitting to membership employees of the Respondent. ROXBORO COTTON MILLS III. THE UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES A. Introductory information 1377 There are four principal issues in this case, viz: (1) Did the Respondent by the acts and Conduct of its officials and super- visors interfere with , restrain , and coerce its employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed in Section 7 of the Act? (2) Did the Respondent discriminate in regard to the hire or tenure of em- ployment of William Raynor to encourage or discourage membership in the Union? (3) Did the Respondent discriminate in regard to the hire or tenure of em- ployment of Newton Yarboro to encourage or discourage membership in the Union? (4) Did the Respondent discriminate in regard to the hire or tenure of em- ployment of J. Arthur Yarboro to encourage or discourage membership in the Union? Having denied all allegations of unfair labor practices in the complaint, the Respondent contends that the acts and conduct of its supervisors did not con- stitute interference , restraint , or coercion of employees in the exercise of rights guaranteed by Section 7 of the Act . It contends that William Raynor was dis- charged for willful violation of a company rule in that he left his place of em- ployment without permission and smoked a cigarette outside the building. It further contends that Newton Yarboro was not discharged , but that he volun- tarily quit his employment . It also contends that J. Arthur Yarboro was dis- charged for cause in that lie deliberately disobeyed the instructions of his su- periors and was guilty of insubordination , inefficiency , and neglect of duty in his employment. B. Interference , restraint , and coercion 1. The concerted activities In March 1950 , Newton Yarboro, Ballard Puryear , and an employee named Grover went to Henderson, North Carolina , seeking information concerning the Union . The union representative was absent from his office but they arranged for him to be apprised of their mission. Thereafter Newton Yarboro received a letter from the Union calling for an interview in Durham , North Carolina. In company with three other employees , Newton went to Durham and conferred with union representatives with -respect to initiating an organizational cam- paign at Longhurst . The efforts of the employees to form a labor organization progressed throughout the month of April , and in the early part of May became obvious to officials and supervisors of the Respondent . Organizational meetings were held at the homes of Arthur Yarboro, Ballard Puryear , Paul Grover, and others. Union organizers frequented the store of William Raynor, about 100 yards outside the gate of the Longhurst cotton mills, soliciting and receiving ap- plications for membership in the Union . Raynor permitted his store to be used for the distribution of union literature and cooperated with the organizers in solicit- ing and accepting applications for membership . Newton Yarboro and Arthur Yarboro distributed leaflets, arranged for meetings , went around the village with the union organizers , and solicited support 'for and membership in the Union. The organizational campaign culminated in a visit to the union hall in Durham, North Carolina , on May 20 , 1950 , by a group of eight employees , for the purpose of perfecting an organization and obtaining necessary books and supplies. 1378 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Employees attending that meeting were Newton Yarboro, J. Arthur Yarboro, Ballard Puryear, Buck Harris, Ralph Harris, Nathan Redmond, Lillie Martin, and Annie Bell Yarboro. 2. Surveillance by the Respondent Preparatory for departure to Durham, on Saturday morning, May 20, 1950, the aforesaid group of employees assembled in front of the company store at Longhurst. There they were observed by George Gilliam, night superintendent of the Respondent, and Baxter Dunn, yard overseer and deputy sheriff. Baxter Dunn approached Arthur Yarboro and inquired where he was going. Arthur evaded the query by saying that he might go to a ball game. A few minutes later Dunn again inquired where he was going, and Arthur replied that he might go to the Durham ball game or to the Longhurst game, and then walked away. Then for the third time, Dunn inquired which ball game he was going to. George Gilliam was standing nearby when these inquiries were made' That same afternoon after visiting the union hall in Durham, the group was returning to Longhurst in two separate automobiles. George Gilliam and Lester Morrell (assistant superintendent) passed them on the road going in the same direction. On the following Monday in a captive interview, hereinafter discussed, Lester Morrell told Newton Yarboro that he saw all of them leaving the union hall in Durham. 3. Interrogation of employees a. By Lester E. Morrell , assistant superintendent On Monday, May 22, 1950, Lester E. Morrell instructed Reuben R. Yarboro (overseer) to send Newton Yarboro to his office at 1: 30 p. m. Upon his arrival, Morrell latched the door and remonstrated with him for more than 2 hours. Newton was interrogated concerning his grievances against officials of the Respondent and union activity. In the course of the interview, Morrell re- hearsed their boyhood days together, expressed his opposition to the Union, stated that the mill would be closed down if a union came in , produced a written list of supposedly union adherents and threatened to fire all of them if it took 3 years to do it. He mentioned some of the harder jobs in the mill and promised that Newton would not be required to perform those jobs if he aban- doned the Union. Morrell recounted that Newton had been preferentially favored with a four-room house by the Company on account of his family, and he also enumerated some of the things that might be cause for Newton's discharge. He asked Newton if they were going to have a union why they didn't get a good one like the AFL instead of the CIO. He also told Newton that his best friends had squealed on him . While the interview was in progress , the 3 o'clock shift in the mill ended, and a large number of employees passed to and fro along the street immediately outside and clearly visible from the office windows. At the conclusion of the interview, Newton Yarboro told Mr. Morrell that be would pray over the matter and give him an answer ; but he never did. With respect to the purpose and subject matter of the interview, the testimony of Lester Morrell was to some extent corroborative of Newton Yarboro, but he denied possession of the list of names and threats to fire anyone. He also denied having said that Newton's best friends had squealed on him. While on the witness stand Morrell became quite confused in his testimony with respect to the facts and dates about procuring the company house for Newton Yarboro. When 2 Neither Baxter Dunn nor George Gilliam appeared as a witness to deny the foregoing testimony of Arthur Yarboro. ROXBORO COTTON MILLS 1379 it became apparent that some of his testimony did not fit into the pattern of other established dates and circumstances , he found it necessary to materially change and correct some of his prior statements. Lester Morrell also interrogated other employees concerning the Union. Charlie Snow (a sweeper ) credibly testified that Morrell spoke to him when he came out of the cottonhouse beside the railroad and inquired how the Union was get- ting along. About 1 week later he asked Snow who was getting up the Union. When Snow denied any knowledge of it, Morrell inquired whether he thought a union was needed at the mill. Then he informed Snow that Newton Yarboro and his wife and some veterans were getting it up. Morrell also inquired of Nat Paul (a frame runner) whether he had heard anything about a union going around here, and told him he was old enough to make up his own mind. On another occasion, Morrell spoke to Ralph Harris (a spare hand) near the elevator and inquired whether he knew anything about the Union, and whether he though it a good thing to have. Morrell also told Arthur Yarboro that people up at Danville were perishing on account of the Union, and that the people here would go hungry if the Union came in. b. By Reuben R. Yarboro (overseer).' When Newton Yarboro left the office of the assistant superintendent on the afternoon of May 22, 1950, his overseer uncle (Reuben R. Yarboro) endeavored also to persuade him to abandon the Union. The overseer told him that a union was not needed, that he was losing friends on account of it, that his best friends had squealed on him, and that it would be the best thing he could do to give it up. George Anderson (an oiler) credibly testified that Reuben R. Yarboro called him back to his office on one occasion and inquired what he knew about the Union. When he denied knowing much about it, the overseer said "Well, I thought me and you were better friends than that-you would not do anything like that." c. By J. Beacham O'Bryant (foreman) Marion Ogle ( a fixer ) credibly testified that on more than one occasion J. Beacham O 'Bryant questioned him about the Union . At one time he was ap- proached at the water fountain and asked whether anyone had solicited him to become a member. At another time O'Bryant inquired whether he knew who it was that went to Durham about the Union. On another occasion a non- supervisory employee (Jennings Wilbur) inquired, in the presence of O'Bryant, what union book his name was on. Thereupon the foreman began inquiring as to what he knew about the Union, and said he would be laid off if he did not take care of his job as a fixer. James Paul ( a spare hand ) credibly testified that Foreman O 'Bryant spoke to him about the Union two or three times ; said it would not do us any good, and might make it harder on us. He also volunteered information that there was going to be a union meeting at Marion Ogle 's house. C. The discriminatory discharges 1. Discrimination against William Raynor Prior to his discharge on June 8, 1950 , William Raynor was employed by the Respondent at the Longhurst mill for approximately 9 years. He previously 3 Both Newton Yarboro and J . Arthur Yarboro are nephews of Reuben R. Yarboro. 1380 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR. RELATIONS BOARD worked for the same people at the Orange cotton mills practically all of his life: His duties at Longhurst included the oiling and greasing of machinery on the third -shift. When off duty he operated a small store near the mill gate, where the' aforesaid union activities were carried on. He joined the Union on June 6, 1950, and within 2 days thereafter was discharged by the Respondent for alleged viola- tion of a company rule. At that time the Respondent had no written rules for the guidance of employees, but relied upon verbal instructions by its supervisors to promote safety, discipline, and efficiency among the employees. Employees were instructed not to leave their work without permission, and smoking was prohib- ited inside the mill because of the fire hazard. Smoking on the outside was not prohibited, provided employees did not leave their work without permission to smoke. During waiting periods the doffers and others went outside to smoke, and no objection was ever raised by the management in such circumstances. William Raynor was familiar with the verbal instructions of his supervisors, and customarily obtained permission to leave the building for any purpose. His fore- man readily granted permission for him to perform errands in connection with his job. On June 8, 1950, Raynor found that his grease bucket was leaking, and started to the trash pile immediately outside the gate to procure a replacement. He did _ not recall whether he first spoke to his foreman (Jim Grover) about it' When Raynor stepped off the outside platform into the mill yard, he lighted a ciga- rette, and was spied by Lester E. Morrell, the assistant superintendent. Raynor was carrying the leaky grease bucket in his hand, and explained his mission to get another bucket from the trash pile. Morrell reproached him for smoking and instructed him to report to the overseer, Reuben R Yarboro. Raynor obeyed the instructions and explained to the overseer what had happened s Based upon Raynor's version of the incident and without investigation into the gravity of his offense, Reuben R. Yarboro discharged him forthwith. Later that afternoon when Morrell inquired of Reuben R. Yarboro as to what action was taken in the case, the overseer informed him that the man had been discharged. Reuben R. Yarboro credibly testified that he had no complaints against Raynor but inasmuch as he had been previously warned, the discharge was made effective solely because he walked into the office and told him that Mr. Morrell caught him smoking on the outside. The overseer gave no consideration to the fact that Raynor was engaged in an errand to facilitate the performance of his work, and has admitted that if Raynor had permission to go outside the building that smok- ing alone would not be a violation of the company rule. In November following Raynor's discharge, Lester E Morrell instructed the supervisor of the mill village (C D. Miller) to offer Raynor employment as a carpenter, but Raynor declined to accept that job. 2. Discrimination against Newton Yarboro Prior to the termination of his employment on August 4, 1950, Newton Tarboro had worked for the Respondent more than 20 years, having been first employed at the age of 14 years. He performed such jobs as sweeper, spooler, doffer, and also worked in the dye house. For approximately 10 years he worked as a fixer, and at termination was classified as a spare hand. In the course of his employment he incurred an injury which required an-operation for hernia. Thereafter, he was not able to perform heavy duty, but the Respondent retained him in its employ and provided work that he was capable of performing. When * Grover did not appear as a witness to affirm or deny that he granted permission. 5 Morrell testified that he made no report whatever to the overseer. ROXBORO COTTON MILLS 1381 called for an interview concerning his union activities by Lester E. Morrell on May 22, 1950, Newton Yarboro was engaged in overhauling machinery , cleaning heads, rollers , pulleys, fans , motor bearings , etc. The duration of that job was 3 or 4 months , and continued approximately 1 month , following the inter- view. Immediately after the interview , Reuben R. Yarboro ( overseer ) warned Newton Yarboro that it would be the best thing for him to do to give up the Union. On July 13, 1950, the overseer transferred Newton Yarboro to a job known as "rovin." That job required him to reach above his head and place filled bobbins on fast moving spinning frames more than 6 feet above the floor. He found difficulty in keeping up with the work , and the continuous operation caused pain in his side. By reason thereof he frequently stayed away from work, and informed the overseer and foreman of his inability to satisfactorily perform that job. He requested other duties. Having procured a physician 's certificate describing his limitations , he presented it to Reuben R . Yarboro. The overseer promised to find other work for him (if possible ), but failed to do so. Arguments arose, and the overseer threatened to fire him for failure to keep the spinning frames supplied with bobbins . Finally on August 4, 1950 , Newton Yarboro stopped work and refused to perform the "rovin" job any longer . His foreman reported the incident to the overseer , and Newton Yarboro was informed that no other job was available for him. Thereupon the overseer inquired whether be wanted to quit work . Following a remonstrance, the overseer called him to the office and paid him off. Thereby , Newton Yarboro's employment with the Respondent was terminated . Upon inquiry whether he could retain the company house in which he was residing , the overseer said he would find out about that later . Upon further inquiry whether his wife would be retained in the employment of the Respondent , the overseer said "I am going to put her to work just like I did you." Reuben R. Yarboro testified that he had no doubt of his nephew ' s sincerity about his physical condition , but there was just nothing he could do about it because he did not have any other work for him to do. D. The discharge of J. Arthur Yarboro At the time of his discharge on June 14 , 1950, J. Arthur Yarboro had worked for the Respondent at intervals over a period of approximately 25 years. He performed a variety of jobs such as sweeping , spooling , rovin, doffing, etc. He was presently classified as a spare hand and was employed in the picker room of the Longhurst mill in the operation of five cotton lapper machines. The function of the picker room was to process loose cotton into laps prepara- tory to carding and spinning . From the opening room the loose cotton was car- ried to the picker machines by means of an exhaust fan. Both short staple and long staple cotton is utilized by the Respondent in the fabrication of yarn. When short staple cotton is being run through the picker machines , the fixer customarily hoists a yellow flag at the machines and thereupon it is the duty of the operator to mark the cotton laps with yellow chalk . When long staple cot- ton is being run, a green flag is raised and the operator marks the laps with green chalk From the markings by the operator the difference in staple length is determined when the laps are carried into the carding room for further processing . The operator was also required to accurately weigh each lap as it came off the picker machine. Humidity materially affects the weight of cotton, and for that reason the Respondent provided scales equipped with a moisture register or indicator . It was the duty of the operator to keep his scales set exactly with the indicator at all times, and thereby allowance would be made for the moisture content of the cotton laps when weighed. 986209-52-vol. 97--88 1382 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD During the month of May 1950, J. Arthur Yarboro marked some of the cotton laps with the wrong colored chalk, and thereby confused long staple cotton with the short staple. His overseer (E. E. Paylor) warned him that such a mistake might cause serious trouble and instructed him to be more careful in the future. During the same month Paylor reprimanded J. Arthur Yarboro for leaving his work to talk with other employees in the carding room. Machinery was being overhauled in the picker room during the first 2 weeks in June 1950, and Overseer Paylor spent considerable time in supervision of the work. He frequently visited the picker room and made a practice of checking the scales and indicator for accuracy. Two or three times each week he found the scales not properly adjusted with the indictor, and complained to J. Arthur Yarboro that he was not weighing the cotton laps properly and failing to keep the scales and indicator together. He warned Yarboro that if he failed to keep the scales and indicator adjusted he would lose his job. On June 14, 1950, the overseer twice in the same day found the scales and indicator out of adjustment. Thereupon, he called J. Arthur Yarboro to his office and discharged him. Because of the persistent checking of the indicator and scales by the overseer and other complaints and remarks made by him, Yarboro was convinced that he was being treated unjustly because of his union activities, and suspected that a trap was being set to bring about his discharge. J. Arthur Yarboro testified that at the time of his discharge "I told him if he wanted to work for a crooked com- pany just work for a s. o. b. like him and he would be working for one." He used the words "son of a bitch." It was noticeable to other employees that J. Arthur Yarboro was spending some time away from his work and talking to other employees in the carding room. J. A. Marston (a spare hand) observed him there each day talking with other employees at work. Willie J. Walker (a card grinder) complained to the assistant superintendent that J. Arthur Yarboro bothered him at his work. John Rufus Dunn testified that J. Arthur Yarboro said he didn't care if he did get fired, because he would get $700 or $800 out of it. On one occasion the chief overhauler (Johnny William James) observed four of the picker machines stand- ing idle. When he spoke to J. Arthur Yarboro about it, Yarboro replied : "I don't give a goddam if they do fire me." He also observed that Yarboro was not weigh- ing his laps. J. H. Tuck (the fixer) observed on one occasion that Yarboro failed to weigh a cotton lap when it came off the picker machine, and spoke to him about it. Frank Edward Guill (a card grinder) told J. Arthur Yarboro at another time in the carding room "If he didn't be particular he was going to get fired, or keep his mouth shut he would get fired." J. Arthur Yarboro replied to the effect that he did not care because he would make the Company pay for it anyhow. While in the employment of the Respondent, J. Arthur Yarboro borrowed money and bought coal on credit from the general superintendent (W. W. Morrell), for which he is still indebted. After his discharge , W. W. Morrell assisted him in getting another job with George W. Kane, a contractor in Roxboro, North Carolina. In December 1950, J. Arthur Yarboro filed written applications with the Re- spondent for reemployment, and in each instance stated in substance over his signature and partly in his own handwriting that the reason for previous dis- charge was his failure to keep the scales and indicator together. Concluding Findings It is clearly established by uncontradicted testimony that on May 20, 1950, supervisiors of the Respondent observed a group of employees assembling in ROXBORO COTTON MILLS 1383 front of the company store at Longhurst. One of them (Baxter Dunn) persist- ently inquired of J. Arthur Yarboro where he was going. It having been disclosed that they might go to Durham, the other supervisor (George Gilliam) in com- pany with the assistant superintendent, passed the group in an automobile on the road that afternoon while returning from a meeting at the union hall in Durham. On the following Monday, the assistant superintendent extensively interrogated Newton Yarboro and told him that he observed the group leaving the union hall in Durham on Saturday. From a preponderance of the evidence, I am convinced and find that the Respondent through its agents engaged in an unfair labor practice by unlawful surveillance of the concerted activities of its 'employees on May 20, 1950 .6 Statements by a supervisor to an employee that he observed employees engaging in protected concerted activities is an inter- ference with the exercise of the rights guaranteed by Section 7 of the Act° From a preponderance of the evidence, I find that on May 22, 1950, Lester, E. Morrell, assistant superintendent of the Respondent, subjected Newton Yarboro to an involuntary and coercive interview concerning his'union activities. He discouraged self-organization by interrogation, appeals to friendship, threats of economic reprisal and discriminatory discharges, and promises of reward if Newton would abandon the Union. Lester E. Morrell interrogated other em- ployees, Charlie Snow, Nat Paul, and Ralph Harris, concerning their knowledge ,of and sympathies for the concerted activities of its employees. He coercively remonstrated with J. Arthur Yarboro about his union activities and stated that people up at Danville were perishing on account_of the Union and that the people here would go hungry if the Union came in. By the foregoing conduct of its assistant superintendent, the Respondent engaged in an unfair labor practice by interfering with, restraining, and coercing its employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed in Section 7 of the Act. Because of its inherently restraining effect, it is unlawful for an employer to interrogate his employees concerning any aspects of their union activities, sympathies, or affiliations! From uncontradicted testimony, I find that Reuben R. Yarboro, overseer of the spinning department, interrogated George Anderson (an oiler) concerning his knowledge of union activities among the employees, and thereby interfered with their rights to self-organization. ,From uncontradicted testimony, I also find that J. Beacham O'Bryant (a fore- man in the carding department) interrogated Marion Ogle (a fixer) by inquiring whether he had been solicited to become a member of the Union, and whether he knew who went to the meeting in Durham.' On several occasions O'Bryant con- versed with James Paul (a spare hand) and told him that the Union would not do any good, and might make it harder on the employees. The foregoing acts and conduct of Reuben R. Yarboro and J. Beacham O'Bry- ant, supervisors of the Respondent, contained veiled threats of economic reprisal and was an interference with, restraint, and coercion of employees in the exer- cise of the rights guaranteed by Section 7 of the Act 1° With respect to the discharge of William Raynor, it seems incredible that Overseer Reuben R. Yarboro would fire him without a complaint and investiga- tion into the gravity of his offense based merely upon the employee's own version of an incident. It was admitted that smoking alone was not a violation of the 0 Macon Textiles, Inc., 80 NLRB 1521. 1 Tennessee Egg Co., 93 NLRB 846; Hilltop Baking Co , 93 NLRB 694. 8 Standard-Coosa-Thatcher Co., 85 NLRB 1358; Meier & Prank Co., Inc., 89 NLRB 1016. ° Victor Chemical Works, 93 NLRB 1012. 10 The record contains additional evidence of isolated instances of interrogation by super- visors of the Respondent not deemed sufficient to support a finding of unfair labor practices. 1384 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS. BOARD Company's rule, and the question of leaving his work without permission was not in issue at that time. His immediate superior, Foreman Grover, made no complaint and failed to testify in the case. In the absence of positive testimony to the contrary, it may be implied that William Raynor had permission to secure another bucket with which to perform his duties for the Respondent. At most, failure to request permission in such instance would be an extremely technical violation of a company rule designed to prevent neglect of duty. Therefore, I cannot find from the evidence that William Raynor was discharged for violation of a company rule. The alleged cause of "outside smoking" was merely a pretext to get rid of an undesirable member and worker for the Union. The Respondent thereby engaged in an unfair labor practice in discriminating against him in regard to his hire or tenure of employment. The contention of the Respondent that Newton Yarboro voluntarily quit his employment cannot be sustained. With full knowledge of his physical limita- tions, the Respondent provided suitable employment over a period of years, and then arbitrarily required that he perform specific work beyond his capabilities, or quit. The past forebearance of the Respondent indicates that suitable em- ployment was available had the Respondent cared to provide it. Coupled with previous interrogation and coercion by Lester E. Morrell and Reuben R. Yarboro, the conclusion is inevitable that the Respondent terminated the employment of Newton Yarboro because of his sympathy, affiliation, and activities on behalf of the Union. Termination of employment under such con- ditions amounted to a constructive discharge, and thereby the Respondent dis- criminated in regard to his hire or tenure of employment to discourage member- ship in a labor organization 11 The contention of J. Arthur Yarboro that fraud was practiced upon him by E D. Paylor (overseer) cannot be sustained by a preponderance of the evi- dence. Having credited the testimony of E. D. Paylor, J. A. Marston, Willie J. Walker, John Rufus Dunn, Johnny William James, J. H. Tuck, and Frank Edward Guill, I am constrained to find that for a period of approximately 3 weeks prior to discharge J. Arthur Yarboro assumed a belligerent and abusive attitude towards his employer, violated the lawful instructions of his superiors, and was negligent and careless in the performance of his duties to such an extent that just cause for his dismissal existed. Even though engaged in concerted activities which are protected by the Act, an employee cannot with impunity ignore the duty which he owes to his employer. From a preponderance of the evidence, I cannot find that the Respondent discriminated against J. Arthur Yarboro in his hire or tenure of employment to encourage or discourage mem- bership in a labor organization. It will be recommended therefore that the complaint with respect to the discharge of J. Arthur Yarboro be dismissed.12 IV. THE EFFECT OF THE UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES UPON COMMEECE The activities of the Respondent described in Section III, above, occurring in connection with the Respondent's operations described in Section I, above, have a close, intimate, and substantial relation to trade, traffic, and commerce among the several States, and such of them as have been found to constitute unfair labor practices tend to lead to labor disputes burdening and obstructing com- merce and the free flow of commerce. 11 The Stilley Plywood Co., Inc., 94 NLRB 932. 12 See Midland Broadcasting Co., 93 NLRB 455. ROXBORO COTTON MILLS V. THE REMEDY 1385 Having found that the Respondent has engaged in certain unfair labor prac- tices, I shall recommend that it cease and desist therefrom and take certain affirmative action in order to effectuate the policies of the Act. By reason of discrimination in the tenure of employment of William Raynor and Newton Yarboro, it will be recommended that the Respondent, after due consideration of their qualifications and limitations, o1er to each of said employees immediate and full reinstatement to their former or substantially equivalent positions,'3 without prejudice to their seniority or other rights and privileges, and that the Respondent make each of them whole for any loss of pay suffered by reason of the discrimination against them, by payment to each of them of a sum of money equivalent to that which he would have earned as wages since the date of his discharge to the date when the offer of reinstatement is made, less his net earnings;' to be computed on a quarterly basis in the manner estab- lished by the Board in the case of F. W. Woolworth Co., 90 NLRB 289. Earnings in one particular quarter shall have no effect upon the back-pay liability for any other such period. It will also be recommended that the Respondent make avail- able to the Board upon request payroll and other records to facilitate the checking of the amount of back pay due.18 Further finding from past conduct of the Respondent and the nature of the unfair labor practices herein revealed, a likelihood that such practices may be continued in the future, it will be recommended that the Respondent cease and desist from in any manner interfering with, restraining, or coercing its employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed in Section 7 of the Act. Upon the basis of the above findings of fact, and upon the entire record in the case, I make the following : CONCLUSIONS OF LAw 1. Textile Workers Union of America, CIO, is a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2 (5) of the Act, admitting to membership employees of the Respondent. 2. By interfering with, restraining, and coercing its employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed in Section 7 of the Act, the Respondent has engaged in and is engaging in unfair labor practices within the meaning of Section 8 (a) (1) of the Act. 3. By discriminating in regard to the hire or tenure of employment of William Raynor and Newton Yarboro to discourage membership in a labor organization, thereby discouraging membership in Textile Workers Union of America, CIO, the Respondent has engaged in and is engaging in unfair labor practices within the meaning and in violation of Section 8 (a) (1) and Section 8 (a) (3) of the Act. 4. The Respondent did not engage in an unfair labor practice within the mean- ing of the Act by discharging J. Arthur Yarboro under the circumstances found in this case. 5. The aforesaid unfair labor practices are unfair labor practices affecting commerce within the meaning of Section 2 (6) and (7) of the Act. [Recommended Order omitted from publication in this volume.] 11 The Chase National Bank of the City of Pew York, an Juan, Puerto Rico, Branch, 65 NLRB 827. ' Crossett Lumber Co., 8 NLRB 440. 15 F. W. Woolworth Co., 90 NLRB 289. Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation