Roper Corp.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsSep 3, 1974213 N.L.R.B. 136 (N.L.R.B. 1974) Copy Citation 136 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Roper Corporation, Williamsburg Division and United Steelworkers of America , AFL-CIO-CLC, Frank Taylor, and James E. Lambdin . Cases 9-CA-7903, 9-RC-10128, 9-CA-7976, and 9-CA-8104 September 3, 1974 DECISION, ORDER, AND CERTIFICATION OF REPRESENTATIVE BY MEMBERS JENKINS, KENNEDY, AND PENELLO On May 30, 1974, Administrative Law Judge Rob- ert E. Mullin issued the attached Decision in this pro- ceeding. Thereafter, Respondent filed exceptions and a supporting brief. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the Na- tional Labor Relations Board has delegated its au- thority in this proceeding to a three-member panel. The Board has considered the record and the at- tached Decision in light of the exceptions and brief and has decided to affirm the rulings, findings, and conclusions of the Administrative Law Judge and to adopt his recommended Order. ORDER Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Rela- tions Board adopts as its Order the recommended Order of the Administrative Law Judge and hereby orders that Respondent, Roper Corporation, Wil- liamsburg Division, Williamsburg, Kentucky, its offi- cers, agents , successors , and assigns , shall take the action set forth in the said recommended Order. CERTIFICATION OF REPRESENTATIVE It is hereby certified that a majority of the valid ballots have been cast for United Steelworkers of America, AFL-CIO-CLC, and that, pursuant to Sec- tion 9(a) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the foregoing labor organization is the ex- clusive representative of all the employees in the fol- lowing appropriate unit for the purposes of collective bargaining with respect to rates of pay, wages, hours of employment, or other conditions of employment: All production and maintenance employees of the Employer at its Williamsburg, Kentucky plant excluding all office clerical employees, pro- fessional employees, guards and supervisors as defined in the Act. DECISION STATEMENT OF THE CASE ROBERT E. MULLIN, Administrative Law Judge: This con- solidated proceeding, with all parties represented, was heard on January 8, 9, and 10 and April 18, 1974, in London, Kentucky. The complaint in Case 9-CA-7903 was issued on November 16, 1973, the complaint in Case 9-CA-7976 on October 31, 1973, and the I complaint in Case 9-CA-8104 on December 18, 1973.2 All of these complaints alleged that the Respondent had engaged in numerous violations of Sec- tion 8(a)(1) and that it had violated Section 8(a)(3) in the terminations of Roger Bird, Frank Taylor, and James E. Lambdin. In answers , duly filed, the Respondent conceded certain facts with respect to the operation of its business, but it denied the commission of any unfair labor practices. In Case 9-RC-10128, upon a representation petition filed by the Union and a stipulation for certification upon con- sent election, an election was held on June 29, 1973, among the production and maintenance employees working at the Employer's plant in Williamsburg, Kentucky. The tally of ballots showed that of approximately 73 eligible voters, 73 cast ballots of which 47 were for the Union and 26 were against . There were no challenged ballots. On July 9, 1973, the Employer timely filed objections to conduct affecting the results of the election. On September 21, 1973, the Re- gional Director, after an investigation, issued a report on objections wherein he recommended that the Board over- rule the Employer's objections in their entirety. On October 9, 1973, the Employer filed timely exceptions with respect to Objections 3 and 5, contending that the election should be set aside or, in the alternative, that a hearing be held. On November 16, 1973, the Board issued an order direct- ing hearing wherein it found that Objection 3 raised materi- al factual issues regarding the preelection conduct of Frank Taylor, identified by the Employer as a warehouse foreman. Accordingly, it ordered that a hearing be held to resolve the issues raised with respect to Objection 3, including the al- leged supervisory status of Frank Taylor, and that a report and recommendations on these issues be prepared on the basis of the record developed at the hearing. On December 18, 1973, the Acting Regional Director for Region 9 issued an order consolidating Case 9-RC-10128 with Cases 9-CA-7903 and 9-CA-7976 for the purpose of hearing , ruling , and decision by an Administrative Law Judge. The original hearing in the above-numbered cases opened on January 8 and continued through January 10, 1974. On the latter date, and after both the General Counsel and the Respondent had rested, the General Counsel moved to a- mend the complaint to allege that even if Frank Taylor was found to be a supervisor, his termination constituted a viola- tion of Section 8(a)(1) of the Act. The Respondent opposed this motion on various grounds. I granted the General Counsel's motion to amend, but allowed the Respondent 15 1 The charge in Case 9-CA-7903 was filed on July 16, 1973, and the charge in Case 9-CA-7976 on August 20, 1973. 2 The original charge in Case 9-CA-8104 was filed on October 29, 1973, and an amended charge was filed on December 3, 1973. ROPER CORPORATION days to present a memorandum on its position, whereupon the hearing was adjourned sine die. On January 25, 1974, the Respondent submitted its mem- orandum, along with a number of proposed exhibits. In the meantime , the Respondent requested the General Counsel of the Board to direct his representatives in the case to withdraw their motion to amend the complaint. In a letter dated February 18, 1974, the General Counsel of the Board denied this request, but joined with the Respondent in a motion to reopen the hearing for the purpose of taking evidence on the issues raised by the amendment of the complaint. Thereafter, on March 19, 1974, I issued an order receiving in evidence the documents enumerated in the Respondent's motion of January 25, 1974, and granting the motion to reopen the hearing for the purpose of taking testimony on the issues raised by the amendment of the complaint as to Frank Taylor. On April 18, 1974, the hear- ing was reopened for the aforesaid purpose. After the par- ties were accorded an opportunity to present all relevant and material evidence, the hearing was closed on that date. On May 20, 1974, the General Counsel and the Respondent submitted able and comprehensive briefs. Motions to dis- miss, made by the Respondent at the close of the hearing and renewed in its brief, are disposed of as appears hereinaf- ter.4 Upon the entire record in these cases , including my obser- vation of the witnesses and their demeanor on the witness stand, I make the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. THE BUSINESS OF THE RESPONDENT The Respondent, a Delaware corporation, is engaged in the manufacture of tractors and shredder baggers at its plant in Williamsburg, Kentucky, the only one of its facili- ties involved herein. At this plant during the 12 months preceding issuance of the complaints, a representative peri- od, the Respondent had a direct outflow of its products valued in excess of $50,000 which it sold and shipped in interstate commerce directly from its place of business in Williamsburg, Kentucky, to customers located outside the State of Kentucky. Upon the foregoing facts, the Respon- dent concedes and the undersigned finds that Roper Corpo- ration, Williamsburg Division, is engaged in commerce within the meaning of the Act. II. THE LABOR ORGANIZATION INVOLVED United Steelworkers of America, AFL-CIO-CLC, herein called the Union, is a labor organization within the meaning of the Act. 3 All documents received in evidence by the order of March 19, 1974, have been added to the exhibit file. In addition, the order itself , designated ALJ Exh. 1, has been appended to the exhibit file. 4 On May 20 , 1974, and simultaneously with the submission of its brief, the Respondent filed a motion to correct the transcript as to the testimony of Lee Fraser . For reasons that appear later in this Decision (sec. IV . infra) this motion is granted. III. THE ALLEGED UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES 137 A. The Alleged Interference, Restraint, and Coercion; Find- ings and Conclusions in Connection Therewith During the course of the period from May through June 1973 5 when the Union was engaged in its organizational drive, the Respondent had its supervisors and foremen keep it informed as to the progress of the campaign. General Manager Lawrence Brobst testified that before the election the management believed that on the basis of the informa- tion and estimates which were secured in this fashion, the Union would not get more than 24 votes. Executive Vice President Jamie Gibson, Industrial Rela- tions Manager Paul Stottsberry, Operations Manager Charles Lee, General Foreman George Miller, Production Manager H. G. Randolph, and General Manager Law- rence Brobst all had a number of conversations with the employees during this period. The General Counsel alleged that certain conduct of the above-named management per- sonnel constituted interference, restraint, and coercion. These allegations are denied by the Respondent in their entirety. The evidence as to the incidents in question will now be considered. Employee Dessie O. Neeley testified that about 3 weeks before the election Industrial Relations Manager Stottsber- ry "asked me if I had heard about the Union and if I had, how I felt about it.... " Neeley told Stottsberry that she thought the Union would come into the plant. About a week before the election and while Neeley was wearing a union badge, Stottsberry stopped to inquire as to what the badge meant. When she characterized the organizational symbol as a "little button that matches my outfit," Stottsberry told her that she knew little about the subject matter of the button. Neeley replied that she was learning more about the subject every day. Neeley was a credible witness and her testimony was not denied or contradicted by Stottsberry when he was on the stand. Employee Ima Jene Harmon testified that about June 21, Stottsberry asked her how she thought the election would turn out and that she replied that she was not sure, but that in any event she was not worried about the outcome. Stotts- berry, however, declared that he was worried and, accord- ing to Harmon asked, "if I could see my way clear he would like for me to be for the company." Harmon's account of this conversation was credible and it was not denied or contradicted by Stottsberry. Employee Robert J. Smith testified that about 2 days before the election Stottsberry spoke to him about the orga- nizational campaign twice and that on the first occasion he told Smith the employees did not need a union and that the next time he declared "We don't need a Union in the Roper Corporation." According to Smith, during the first of these exchanges he told Stottsberry that he was for the Union. Smith's testimony was credible. When on the stand himself, Stottsberry made no reference to Smith's testimony. It was not a violation of the Act for Stottsberry to urge that Harmon support the Company in the election or to tell 5 All dates that appear hereinafter are for the year 1973 unless specifically noted otherwise. 138 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Smith that the employees did not need a union in the Roper plant . His comments of that character were no more than views or opinions which were protected by Section 8(c) of the Act. On the other hand , it was not permissible for Stotts- berry to question employee Neeley as to whether she had heard about the Union and to ask her how she felt about it or to question employee Harmon as to how she thought the election would turn out. This latter conduct constituted a violation of Section 8(a)(1). Tyson and Van, Inc., 176 NLRB 141 (1969); Associated Mills, Inc., 190 NLRB 113 (1971), enfd . 474 F.2d 1351 (C.A. 7, 1973).6 Employee Ima Jene Harmon testified that about a week before the election Executive Vice President Gibson told her that "the Union couldn't do anything for us that the Company couldn 't do. If we would just give the Company a chance." Harmon further testified that during this same week she was in Gibson 's office and that while there he asked her , with reference to the election, "how I thought it was going to go ." According to Harmon, she declined to answer on the ground that she had friends on both sides of the representation controversy. Gibson conceded having had a conversation with Harmon on both occasions, but he denied that in the second discussion he had asked her what she thought would be the outcome of the election . As found earlier, Harmon was a credible witness. Although it is evi- dent that Gibson 's comments to the employees were gener- ally protected expressions of his views , it is my conclusion that in the second conversation he, in effect, questioned Harmon as to whether she thought the Union would win the election. Employee Robert Vanderpool testified that about 2 days before the election Vice President Gibson and General Manager Brobst called him from the paint room where he was at work . According to Vanderpool, Gibson referred to the fact that the employee was wearing a union badge and then said "I see you have a Union button on ... I thought you was a company man and I said , no, and he said I wish you would vote no in the election . I wish you would help us win the election." Gibson acknowledged having had a con- versation with Vanderpool on this occasion and that it cov- ered the subject about which the employee testified. He denied , however , having said that he thought Vanderpool was a "company man ." Brobst also denied having heard Gibson use the characterization that the employee attribut- ed to him . Although Vanderpool was a generally credible witness it is my conclusion that as to this conversation Gib- son was the more credible in denying having used the term in question. Employee Woodrow Moses testified that the day before the election Gibson and Brobst visited him at work . Accord- ing to Moses, they asked him why he was for the Union and then asked whether he would help them during the election. Moses testified that he told them why he felt there should be a union in the plant and Gibson concluded the conversa- 6"... this unjustified questioning of the employees, approximately I week before the scheduled election, constituted unlawful probing into the employees' reasons for supporting the Union which tended to interfere with, restrain, and coerce them in the free exercise of their Section 7 rights." Associated Mills, Inc., supra; see also : Essex Wire Corpiraton, 188 NLRB 397 (1971), enfd . as to this point 496 F.2d 862 (C.A. 6, 1972). tion by asking him to reflect on what he and Brobst had said . Gibson denied having asked Moses why he was for the Union, but testified that he told the employee that he hoped he would vote "No." According to Gibson "I said to Woody we'd certainly appreciate your support in the upcoming election, if you see your way, we'd appreciate it." In this instance, Gibson appeared the more credible and his ver- sion of the conversation with Moses is found to be the more accurate. On the basis of the foregoing findings as to Gibson's discussions with employees shortly before the election it is apparent that his credited remarks to both employees Van- derpool and Moses were attempts at persuading these indi- viduals to the Respondent's point of view, but that, in so doing, Gibson did not exceed the bounds of protected speech. On the other hand, he was not free to question employee Harmon as to whom she thought would win the election and by Gibson's conduct in this regard, the Re- spondent violated Section 8(a)(1). Employee Claude Huddleston, a laborer at the plant, testified that about a week before the election General Man- ager Brobst came to where he was working and asked what he thought about the election. According to Huddleston, "I told him that I knew the Company had sent him and I was sorry . . . he had to be there because I believe[d] the Union was coming in...... Huddleston testified that Brobst then alluded to the fact that Huddleston was one of the older employees at the plant and concluded the conversation with a request that Huddleston talk to his coworkers and ask them to vote against the Union. Brobst acknowledged hav- ing discussed the election with Huddleston during this peri- od, but testified that he only told the employee that the Company would appreciate his support in the forthcoming election. Huddleston was a persuasive witness, throughout both direct and cross-examination. Consequently, it is my conclusion that the conversation with Brobst occurred sub- stantially as the employee described it. The general manager's inquiry as to what Huddleston thought about the election was not protected. In pursuing this line of question- ing with Huddleston, Brobst's action constituted interfer- ence, restraint, and coercion within the meaning of Section 8(a)(1). Engineered Steel Products, 188 NLRB 298 (1971)? Huddleston testified that during the week of the election Operations Manager Miller told him that he was consider- ing Huddleston for a foreman's post on the paint line. Ac- cording to Huddleston, during this conversation Miller referred to the employees on the paint line who were wear- ing union badges and declared "the Company is going to get rid of them...... Huddleston testified that when he asked Miller how the Company could do that, Miller responded with the statement that the Company "could put them in as foremen for 30 days and then fire them." Miller denied that he had made any of these remarks to Huddleston. The latter, however, as noted earlier, was a frank and convincing witness, and it is the conclusion of the undersigned that his testimony accurately reflected a conversation with Miller which occurred substantially as he described it. Miller's 7 "Questioning selected employees about their union sympathies without any legitimate reason therefore and without any assurance against reprisal, by its very nature tends to inhibit employees in the exercise of the right to organize ." Engineered Steel Products, supra. ROPER CORPORATION 139 comments about the Respondent's plans to dismiss those employees wearing union badges were, of course, coercive and are now found to have been violative of Section 8(a)(l).8 Employees Robert J. Smith and William Kerr testified about having attended a union meeting in Corbin, Ken- tucky, on Sunday, June 10, and thereafter having been ques- tioned about it by management personnel. According to Kerr, while at work during the following week, Production Manager Harold Randolph asked where Kerr had been the previous Sunday. Kerr responded by telling him that he had been at what he described only as a "meeting," without giving any further details. Thereafter, according to Kerr, Randolph told him "I knew where you were at, but I just wanted to see if you were lying about it." Kerr was a credi- ble witness and Randolph was not called to deny or contra- dict the employee's account of what occurred. Smith testified that as he was leaving the plant early on the week of June 11, General Foreman Miller stopped him to ask where Smith had been the preceding Sunday. Accord- ing to Smith, when he acknowledged that he had been at a union meeting, Miller then asked "what could a Union do for you?" Miller denied having said anything to Smith about a union. He conceded having questioned Smith as to where he had been that weekend. According to Miller, how- ever, this was in connection with arrangements he had made with Smith to accompany him on the preceding Saturday to the home of a Doctor Brown, a general practitioner in Wil- liamsburg, where he and Smith were to remove comb honey from an apiary maintained by the doctor. Miller described this as a trip to "rob bees." According to Miller, when Smith did not appear at the doctor's home on Saturday he ques- tioned him the following Monday as to where he had been, and that Smith told him that he was at a union meeting. Smith credibly testified that he had made no arrangements with Miller to accompany him on an expedition to "rob bees." Smith knew the doctor who had the apiary, because his own wife worked in Doctor Brown's office. Consequent- ly, it would seem that, if, as Miller testified, Smith had, in fact, committed himself to help Miller on a Saturday project at the doctor's home, Smith would not lightly have aban- doned such a commitment. It was well established that the union meeting in question was held on a Sunday .9 In the light of all the foregoing considerations, it is my conclusion that Smith was the more credible witness and that Miller's interrogation of the employee occurred as Smith described it and without any extenuating background such as Miller sought to interject. The conduct of both Production Manager Randolph and General Foreman Miller in interrogating Kerr and Smith as to their attendance at a union meeting the preceding week- end constituted interference, restraint, and coercion within the meaning of the Act and thereby violated Section 8(a)(1). 8 Ray Gant , manager of a Federal housing project in Williamsburg, credi- bly testified that in December 1973, Miller spoke to him about two residents whom he characterized as prounion employees at the plant , and suggested to Gant that they be moved out of the project. However, this incident was not alleged as a violation of the Act in any of the numerous complaints involved in this consolidated action. 9 Union Representative Huddock corroborated the testimony of Smith and Kerr that the first union meeting was held on Sunday , June 10. Employee Donald Ball testified that about a month be- fore the election Operations Manager Lee engaged him in a conversation about the Union. According to Ball: Lee asked him whether "there was anything I had to do with the Union" and when Ball gave a noncommittal response, Lee told him "be careful and not ... get mixed up in it because ... the personnel manager of the American Greeting Card [plant] were keeping an eye on the union activities [at Rop- er] and that if I got mixed up in it it might cause me and my wife and my nephew's job[s] to be in jeopardy." Ball testified that his wife and his nephew worked at the Ameri- can Greeting Card plant which was located a short distance from the Roper factory. Lee denied that he had questioned Ball about the Union, but he acknowledged having had a conversation with him at the time and place described by the employee. According to Lee, he told Ball that if what he referred to as "this thing" got in the plant it would "look bad on us" and during the course of the discussion he reminded Ball that he had helped Ball's wife, his brother and several other relatives secure employment by giving them good references. He denied that he made any explicit reference to the American Greeting Card plant, but he conceded that all of Ball's relatives to whom he referred were employed at that factory. Even if Lee's version of this conversation is accepted it is evident that Lee made a strong appeal to Ball to help keep "this thing" out of the Roper plant and that in so doing he reminded Ball of past favors which he had done for the Ball family. Based upon the comparative demeanor of these two witnesses , it is the conclusion of the undersigned that Ball's account was the more accurate. Consequently, it is now found that Lee questioned Ball as to whether he had "any- thing . . . to do with the Union," and then warned the employee not to "get mixed up in it" with language that plainly implied that, if Ball did so, his job at Roper's, as well as the jobs of his wife and relatives at a neighboring plant, might be in jeopardy. By this course of conduct, Lee plainly engaged in unlawful interference, restraint, and coercion within the meaning of Section 8(a)(1) of the Act. Employee Robert J. Smith testified that about 2 weeks before the election Operations Manager Lee called him to his office and questioned him about the Union. According to Smith, Lee asked "what brought this on?" and thereafter he told Lee that after working at Roper's for 3 years he had concluded that the Union would "offer us something better than you are giving us." This interrogation of an employee about his union views and sympathies in the office of the operations manager was coercive and constituted a further violation of Section 8(a)(1) by the Respondent. B. The Issues as to Supervisory Status Frank Taylor was classified as foreman of warehouse and shipping, and James E. Lambdin as foreman of mainte- nance . The General Counsel contends that neither was any more than a leadman. This was disputed by the Respon- dent, according to whom both Taylor and Lambdin were supervisors within the meaning of Section 2(11). It was undisputed that in November 1971 the Respondent changed the title of all its leadmen, including Taylor and Lambdin, to foreman. Jamie Gibson, Respondent' s execu- 140 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD tive vice president, testified that prior to taking this action all seven of the leadmen were called to the office of Charles Lee, the operations manager and informed of their promo- tion. According to Gibson, at this time he told them that: (1) they were being given a substantial wage increase to create a differential between them and their subordinates; (2) they would have authority to terminate employees; (3) thereafter they would be more involved in the hiring process and responsible for evaluating new employees during their probationary period as to quality of work, absenteeism, attitude and related matters; (4) they would have authority to transfer and lay off employees; (5) they would have au- thority to let employees off to go to a dentist or doctor; (6) they would be responsible for evaluating the work of em- ployees under the incentive system that was in effect in the plant at that time; and (7) they would have to attend fore- men training sessions. All of those involved thereupon received substantial pay increases . Taylor's wage went from $2.20 and hour to $2.85 and Lambdin's from $2.35 to $3 an hour. In a notice to all employees dated November 15, 1971, and signed by H. G. Randolph, manager of manufacturing, the Company an- nounced that all of the leadmen, including Taylor and Lambdin, were being promoted to the position of foremen. Operations Manager Lee testified that thereafter the Company sponsored a 6-week training program which was given by Somerset College for all foremen and management personnel and that both Lambdin and Taylor took this course. Lee further testified that both Lambdin and Taylor attended the regular weekly meetings for the supervisors which he had in his office every Monday afternoon. He also testified that Lambdin attended the monthly dinner meet- ings to which all supervisory personnel were invited, but that Taylor, for personal reasons, usually asked to be ex- cused from these latter conferences. Taylor corroborated Lee's testimony in this connection. Neither Lambdin nor Taylor voted in the representation elections held in 1971 and 1973. At the time of his discharge in July 1973, Taylor was receiving $3.19 an hour and the employees in his section were getting $2.34. At the time of his termination in June 1973, Lambdin was being paid $3.44 an hour and the employees in his section were getting $2.94. General Manager Brobst estimated that Taylor spent no more than 5 percent of his time on physical labor during the course of each working day. Operations Manager Lee put the estimate somewhat higher and testified that he thought Taylor was engaged in manual labor about 15 percent of the time. Lambdin testified that about 99.9 percent of his time was spent on physical labor. General Manager Brobst, how- ever, testified that the figure was closer to 25 percent. He further testified that Lambdin had a tendency to get on a job and work with the men to a far greater degree than necessary, and that on several occasions he had admonished Lambdin that instead of doing a job himself Lambdin was to rely more on the employees so that he could spend his time supervising them. Neither Taylor nor Lambdin had many men to supervise. There were three regular employees in the warehouse and shipping department besides Taylor. In maintenance there were only two regular employees in addition to Lambdin. However, both departments occasionally had more employ- ees when the workload was heavy. Taylor testified that he could not recall being given any additional responsibilities when his title was changed from leadman to foreman in 1971. He acknowledged that after the change he no longer used a timecard except for overtime and for Saturday work. He testified that Operations Manag- er Lee advised him during this period that if he had trouble with any of the employees in the warehouse Taylor should send them to Lee's office. Although Taylor could not recall having disciplined anyone, Lee testified that on one occa- sion in 1972, Taylor had disciplined one Robert Smith. Not- withstanding the fact that Taylor was called on rebuttal he was not questioned about this incident. Consequently, Lee's testimony was undenied. Employee Jerry Kinder, a witness called by the General Counsel, described Lambdin as a foreman because "That's the title the Company gave" him, 10 As had Taylor, Lambdin testified that he was given no added duties at the time his title was changed. Lambdin also testified that Operations Manager Lee instructed him to bring any problems with employees to Lee's office. According to Lambdin, however, he never had any problems that had to be referred to Lee. Although Lambdin generally denied any supervisory re- sponsibilities he acknowledged that he had the right to re- port a man for improper work, that he could release an employee to another department, and that he could sign purchase orders for maintenance supplies which he secured at local stores. He also testified that although he normally had only two employees working with him, that at times the number of his assistants sometimes ranged as high as four or five. It is relevant to a consideration of the authority of those classified as foremen at the Respondent's plant to consider the testimony of Donald Ball, a witness called by the Gener- al Counsel. Thus, Ball, a foreman in the assembly and weld- ing section, testified that as a foreman he has the authority to send people home, suspend employees, and grant time off. This testimony substantially corroborated that of Respondent's witnesses Gibson, Brobst, and Lee as to the authority of the foremen." Section 2(11) of the Act provides, in relevant part, that: The term "supervisor" means any individual having authority, in the interest of the employer, to hire, trans- fer, suspend, lay off, recall, promote, discharge , assign, reward, or discipline other employees, or responsibly to 10 The quotation is from Kinder's credible testimony. The General Counsel contends that it is equally relevant that, a week after Taylor 's dismissal, Charles Siler became his successor in the warehouse and was told that his job was that of leadman. However, Siler also testified that Lee told him at the time of his appointment that there was no further need for a foreman in the warehouse as a consequence of which Siler was only being given a 10-cent raise to act as leadman. Lee, in turn, testified that when Taylor was the foreman , Frank Gibson , his superior , visited the ware- house only once or twice a day . According to Lee, with Siler in charge, Gibson is required to supervise the warehouse closely and frequently visits it as often as 15 times a day . When Siler was promoted to leadman his 10-cent wage increase brought his rate to $2.44. This was in contrast with the $3.19 an hour that Taylor was paid . It is apparent from this fact, as well as the other findings set forth above , that Taylor's job in the warehouse was substantially downgraded at the time Siler took over. Consequently , I conclude that the facts with respect to the post that Siler held are not relevant to a decision as to the status which Taylor had prior to his termination. ROPER CORPORATION 141 direct them . . . or effectively to recommend such ac- tion... . The courts have long held that the elements of supervision, as enumerated in the foregoing section, must be considered in the disjunctive.12 It is evident from the record in this case that, subsequent to the designation of Taylor and Lambdin as foremen in 1971, both the Respondent' s management and the employees regarded them as members of supervi- sion . Although they had very few employees to supervise and although they obviously did not exercise all the authori- ty which Vice President Gibson, as well as Brobst and Lee, would credit them with having, it is clear that they did have, and exercised, some supervisory authority. Consequently, in view of the broad reach of Section 2(11) and the foregoing findings, it is now found that both Taylor and Lambdin were supervisors within the meaning of the Act. C. The Discharges,- Contentions of the Parties; Findings and Conclusions in Connection Therewith 1. Roger Bird Bird was hired in May 1971 and worked continuously thereafter for the Respondent until his discharge on July 9, 1973. At the time of his termination he was working on the paint line. During the union campaign, Bird signed an au- thorization card, attended organizational meetings, and, for some while prior to the election, wore a union badge while at work in the plant.13 Shortly before the election, Vice President Gibson and General Manager Brobst visited Bird at his work station. According to Bird, during this conversation, the plant offi- cials asked him whether he knew why the employees wanted a union and in response to this question he told them that the cause of most of the antipathy toward the Company was Operations Manager Lee. Bird testified that after explaining why he felt that Lee had been unfair to him in not assigning him to work in the paint room, Gibson and Brobst told him that they had examined his work record "and that I had a good record and they were proud to have me working there at Roper." According to Bird, the vice president and general manager concluded the conversation by telling him that they hoped that he would make "the right decision" when he voted. 14 12 "This section is to be interpreted in the disjunctive , N.L.R.B. v. Edward G. Budd Mfg. Co., 6 Cir., 169 F.2d 571, cert. denied 335 U.S. 908 ... and the possession of any one of the authorities listed in ยง 2(11) places the employee invested with this authority in the supervisory class ." Ohio Power Co. v. N.L.R.B., 176 F.2d 385, 386-387 (C.A. 6, 1949), cert . denied 338 U.S. 899. See also N. L. R. B. v. Leland-Gifford Company, 200 F.2d 620, 624-626 (C.A. 1, 1952). 13 Bird's testimony about wearing the union badge on the job was corrobo- rated by Jeannette Davis, a witness called by the Respondent. 14 The quotations in this paragraph are from Bird 's credible testimony. Both Gibson and Brobst acknowledged that they had a conversation with Bird at the time and place about which he testified . Brobst testified that he did not recall that either of them asked Bird why the employees wanted a union . Gibson testified that during their conversation he sought to assure Bird that the only reason that Bird was not assigned to the paint room was related to the fact that the employee had had serious respiratory problems in the past and the management felt that such an assignment might be hazardous to Bird's health. Bird was dismissed on July 9, according to General Coun- sel, for discriminatory reasons, and according to the Re- spondent because the employee violated a plant rule against smoking. The regular foreman of the paint room and paint line was Bill Jones. On July 9, Jones was not on duty and General Foreman George Miller took his place. Miller testified that shortly after the shift began, he noticed that the paint line had not begun to move and that no employees were in the area. According to Miller, he then went to the restroom for that department where he found employees Bird, Jerry Kinder, Lester Cox, Charles Frazer, and Woodrow Moses. Miller testified that the room was filled with smoke and that after telling the employees to get to work he admonished them with the statement "If I catch you smoking in here again I'm going to have to do something about it." It appears that when the paint line was shut off, employ- ees such as Bird and his coworkers frequently took their breaktime in the restroom. It is also evident that many of the employees, as well as the foreman, Bill Jones, frequently smoked while there.15 Employees Robert Vanderpool and Lester Cox testified that on the morning of July 9 they saw Miller in the paint room several times and that whenever Bird came into the paint room Miller was close behind. Shortly before noon on July 9, Miller entered the paint shop as employee Lester Cox was proceeding toward the restroom. Miller followed Cox up to the door of that room and as Cox opened the door, Miller stood at the entrance. Employees Bird and Kinder were already in the room. According to Cox, at that mo- ment, Kinder was washing his hands and Bird was standing idly before the mirror with both hands in his back pockets. Cox testified that neither Bird nor Kinder was smoking. Miller testified that when Cox entered the restroom, he could see Bird through the crack on the hinge side of the door and that the employee was holding his hands behind his back and in one he had a cigarette. According to Miller, he told Bird and Kinder that they had been warned about smoking at the beginning of the shift and that because of what he had seen , he was taking both of them to the office. Before that was done, however, Operations Manager Lee was summoned to inspect the scene and thereafter both Miller and Lee called on Brobst to make a report about the matter. Both of the employees were then brought to Lee's office where, according to Bird, Lee told him that since he had broken a plant safety rule he was being terminated. Throughout these proceedings Bird maintained, as he did at the present trial, that he had not been smoking at the time Miller entered the restroom. While insisting that Bird had a cigarette in his hand, Miller acknowledged that he had not seen Kinder smoking, although there were cigarette butts on the floor near where Kinder was sitting. In apparent accep- tance of Miller's conclusion, Lee told Kinder that he would not be fired but that he would be written up with a discipli- nary warning for his personnel file. Bird testified that when Lee told him that he was being terminated he, in turn, charged Lee with dismissing him because he had voted for the Union and that Lee made no 15 See, for example, the testimony of employees Woodrow Moses, Robert Vanderpool, Lester Cox, and Jerry Kinder. 142 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD answer. Lee, however, testified that when the employee made this allegation he reminded Bird that Kinder had worn a union button in the same fashion as had Bird, but that Kinder was not being discharged. Throughout his testimony Bird denied that he had been smoking in the restroom at the time Miller came upon the scene. He freely acknowledged that on other occasions he had done so, including the day before his discharge. Kinder also testified that Bird was not smoking at the time Miller entered the restroom on the day in question. The two em- ployees were credible witnesses in this regard. Other than the general admonition about smoking which Miller voiced to all the employees on his first visit to the restroom on the morning of July 9, Bird had never been warned about smoking. The Respondent offered testimony by Miller and Brobst as to the hazards connected with employee smoking in the restroom because of its proximity to the paint mixing area where volatile solvents were used and stored. General Foreman Miller testified that on the cafeteria door that leads into the plant there is a sign which reads "No Smoking beyond this point." This, however, ap- parently was the only such sign throughout the plant. The Respondent offered no evidence of other notices or an- nouncements on the subject. No handbook of plant rules or a similar guide for employees was offered by the Respon- dent to establish the existence of a general prohibition on smoking. As found earlier, there was much credible testimo- ny by the employees that insofar as there was such a rule it was more honored in the breach than in the observance and that not only the employees but the foremen frequently used the paint shop restroom for smoking. Thus, Bird credi- bly testified that on various occasions Bill Jones, foreman of the paint room, came out to the paint line to ask "whose turn is it to go smoke" whereupon the one whose turn it was would be permitted to go to the restroom for a smoking break. According to Bird's credible testimony "practically everybody in that factory that smokes, I've seem them smoke in there." 16 From the record it appears that in the history of the Williamsburg plant Bird was the first employ- ee to be discharged for smoking. Bird had worn a union button at work during the election campaign. Some of the employees whom the Respondent called in connection with its objections to the election testi- fied that they had seen Bird wearing the union insignia. 17 Shortly before the election, as found earlier herein, Vice President Gibson and General Manager Brobst called on Bird and urged that he make "the right decision" when he voted. At the same time it was undenied that they told him that they had examined his record, that it was a good record and "they were proud to have [Bird] working there at Rop- er." This was on about June 28 or 29. The Respondent offered no testimony that anything occurred in the 10 days thereafter which elapsed prior to Bird's discharge that would cause the Respondent to reassess Bird's work record. As found earlier herein, during the week of the election, General Foreman Miller forecast that "the company is going to get rid of" the employees on the paint line "that's 16 The Respondent never called Foreman Jones as a witness to refute the foreoing testimony, which was credible and undenied.17g See, for example, the testimony of employee Jeannette Davis. wearing those Union badges.... " Bird was an employee on the paint line who had worn one of "those Union badges." The Respondent did not establish that it had ever before sought rigid enforcement of a ban on smoking which, until Bird's dismissal had been generally ignored not only by the employees, but by the foremen as well. In view of the Respondent's knowledge of Bird' s union sympathies, his good work record which both Vice President Gibson and General Manager Brobst had acknowledged just before the election, his own credible testimony that on the day in ques- tion he was not smoking, and the abruptness of his dis- charge, viewed in the light of the Respondent's antipathy to the Union and most particularly the antiunion attitude of General Foreman Miller, it is my conclusion that the real motive for Bird's dismissal was not his alleged violation of the plant rule on smoking, but his union activity. In termi- nating him for this reason the Respondent violated Section 8(a)(3) and (1) of the Act." 2. James E. Lambdin Lambdin was discharged by the Respondent on June 7, allegedly for insubordination. The General Counsel con- tends that the termination was based on the Respondent's belief that Lambdin was supporting the Union and, there- fore, a violation of Section 8(a)(3) of the Act. The General Counsel's position was premised on the assumption that Lambdin was a rank-and-file employee. As found earlier, however, Lambdin was a supervisor. For that reason, on the facts present here, he was beyond the protection of Section 8(a)(3) of the Act. N.L.R.B. v. Fullerton Publishing Company d/b/a Daily News Tribune, 283 F.2d 545, 551 (C.A. 9, 1960); N. L. R. B. v. Inter-City Advertising Co. of Charlotte, N. C., et al., 190 F.2d 420, 422 (C.A. 4, 1951), cert. denied 342 U.S. 908; L. A. Young Spring & Wire Corporation v. N.L.R.B., 163 F.2d 905, 906-908 (C.A.D.C., 1947), cert. denied 333 U.S. 837 (1948). Orr Iron, Inc., 207 NLRB 863 (1947); Da- vid-Anna Corporation d/b/a Snyder Bros. Sun-Ray Drug, 208 NLRB 628 (1947); Hecks, Inc., 156 NLRB 760, 763-765 (1966). Consequently, and in view of this conclusion, it is unnecessary to discuss further the allegation in the com- plaint that Lambdin was discriminatorily terminated. 3. Frank Taylor Taylor was an employee at the Respondent's plant almost from the time it opened in 1970. As found earlier he was, at least from November 1971, foreman of the warehouse and shipping department. Early in May 1973, and at the 18 In its brief the Respondent urges that the lack of discriminatory motive in Bird's termination is evident from the fact that other employees on the paint line wore union buttons and were not discharged. There is no merit to this argument ; "a discriminatory motive, otherwise established, is not dis- proved by an employer's proof that it did not weed out all union adherents." Nachman Corp. v. N.L.R.B., 337 F.2d 421, 422 (C.A. 7, 1964). In Rust Engi- neering Company v. N.L.RB., 445 F.2d 172, 174 (C.A. 6, 1971) the court stated : "The punitive layoff of a single dissident may have-and may be intended to have-an in terrorem effect on others, and the Board need not wait until a party commits a gross violation before it may find any violation at all." See also : N.L.R.B. v. Challenge-Cook Brothers of Ohio, Inc., 374 F.2d 147, 152 (C.A. 6, 1967); N.LR.B. v. Puerto Rico Telephone Company, 357 F.2d 919, 920 (C.A. 1, 1966); N.L.R.B. v. W. C. Nabors, d/b/a W. C. Nabors Company, 196 F.2d 272, 276 (C.A. 5. 1952). ROPER CORPORATION 143 outset of the election campaign, Vice President Gibson so- licited Taylor's help in presenting the Respondent's position on the Union to the employees but the latter declined on the ground that he felt that he would have to maintain a com- pletely neutral stance to avoid jeopardizing the reelection of his son, Jerry Taylor, as judge of the county court for White- ly County, the jurisdiction in which the Respondent's plant is located. Both General Manager Brobst and Operations Manager Lee testified that prior to the election they had no reason to believe that Taylor had done anything to support the union cause. On July 5, Taylor was called to the plant office where all the management personnel had been assembled by General Manager Brobst. Vice President Gibson was also present. There, Brobst told the foremen that the Company had grounds to believe that some of the management had helped the Union and, as a result, each one would be asked to take a polygraph test. Gibson testified that, initially, when this proposal was made, all of the foremen in the room, includ- ing Taylor, expressed their assent. Thereafter Gibson and Brobst began interviewing the foremen. During the interim, Taylor telephoned an attorney to seek counsel. When his turn for an interview came, he told Gibson and Brobst that he had once signed an authorization card, but that he would not take a polygraph test, since he had talked with his attor- ney and had been advised that in the State of Kentucky even an accused murderer did not have to submit to a lie detector examination. According to Gibson, he told Taylor, "We want your cooperation in this thing because if you in any way aided the Union, we are certainly entitled to a new election." Taylor, however, refused both then and on the following day to commit himself to taking the test. On July 11, all foremen in the plant with the exception of Taylor took the polygraph test. On July 12, Brobst told Taylor he would have to take the examination, and Taylor told him he would answer any questions they wanted to ask him, but that he would not take the lie detector test. Brobst then asked him to resign and when Taylor refused to do that, Brobst told him he would be terminated for refusing to cooperate in the investigation. Taylor was then dis- charged and given his final paycheck. In the latter part of July, J. L. Finley, a local insurance broker and friend of Frank Taylor, contacted Vice Presi- dent Gibson to ask if there was any way that Taylor could be reinstated to his position with the Company. As a result of this request, on about July 26, Gibson and Stottsberry met at a Holiday Inn in Corbin, Kentucky, with Frank Taylor, his son, Judge Jerry Taylor, and Finley. Gibson testified as follows with respect to the meeting: Finley opened the discussion with a statement that he would like to see Frank Taylor get his job back. Gibson stated that Taylor had been terminated for having failed to cooperate in the company investigation of the election. Taylor then declared that he had signed an authorization card and would be willing to sign a statement to the effect. Gibson acknowledged that he had known about the card signing since July 5, when Taylor first told him, but said that a statement merely to that effect could not be enough because he had information from other employees which indicated that Taylor was much more involved than that in the elec- tion campaign.19 Gibson testified that he assured Taylor that if he made such a disclosure his case would be reconsid- ered. According to Gibson, the conversation then went off on a discussion precipitated by a remark of Judge Taylor's as to why the Company had lost the election. According to Gibson, Judge Taylor told him that many employees had been antagonized because they felt that in order to secure a job at the plant it was necessary to be referred there by one of the local automobile dealers (whom he named). Gib- son testified that he disposed of this aspect of their discus- sion with the statement that, apparently, the Company had unknowingly found itself in the midst of a local political squabble. According to Gibson, the meeting concluded when Frank Taylor made it clear that he would not give a statement "to the extent that I thought was required. " 20 Stottsberry testified briefly as to this meeting and, in general, corroborated Gibson. The witnesses for the General Counsel presented a sub- stantially different account of what transpired. Finley testi- fied that early in the meeting Gibson declared that the Company was "willing to go to any means . . . to get a new election down there, short of shooting a man." According to Finley: Gibson asked Frank Taylor if he would sign a statement to the effect that he had used his influence and the influence of his son, Judge Taylor, to help the Union and to assure a union victory. Gibson, in turn, asked Judge Taylor if he would sign a pledge of support so that the Company could be confident that the Union would not win a second election. According to Finley, Frank Tay- lor asked what assurance he could have that if such state- ments were signed he would be reemployed, and Gibson replied "We will live up to our bargain if you and your son will live up to yours." Finley testified that the Taylors re- fused to execute any such documents. According to Finley, Frank Taylor said that he would not sign any such state- ment because it was not true that he participated in the election campaign. Finley testified that Frank Taylor told Gibson "I will not sign any statement that is not a fact .. . you are asking me to do something that is not true." Accord- ing to Finley, when Frank Taylor continued to insist that he had done nothing for the Union during the representation campaign that would serve as the basis for any such affida- vit as the Company desired, Gibson reassured Taylor with the statement "we don't think you had anything to do with it [the union victory] but . . . with your son being the county judge, and [with] your influence you could overturn the election." 21 Finley's testimony was corroborated by that of Frank Taylor and Judge Taylor. According to the latter, early in the meeting he told Gibson that he felt the Company was using his father as "a guinea pig" and that his father had been discharged "over nothing." Judge Taylor testified that Gibson told his father "Frank, we wouldn't have had any 19 At the reopened hearing , Gibson testified that the information to which he was referring was that secured from the seven employees who testified earlier in Case 9-RC-10128, viz., John Ball, Paul Creekmore , Helen Frazer, Laverne Knight, Sam Moses , Lee Parker, and Lola Smith . The testimony of all those employees is set forth and fully considered in sec. IV, infra. 20 The quotation is from Gibson's testimony. 21 All quotations in the above paragraph are from Finley's testimony. 144 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD reason to get rid of you if you had taken a lie detector test like we asked you to. When you wouldn 't take the lie detec- tor test that gave us the opportunity to get rid of you.... .. Judge Taylor testified that his father then started to tell Gibson about the years of hard work he had given the Company , but that Gibson almost immediately broke into the conversation . According to Judge Taylor , at that point: Gibson raised up out of his seat and he said , damn it, Frank , we didn 't fire you because you were for the Union ; haven't you figured out why you were fired and my dad said , no, I haven 't Jamie [Gibson] . He [Gibson] said we fired you because you were our only hope in getting another vote for the Union . . . . you have a union card and your son being the county judge you can get another vote on the Union if you will sign an affidavit to that effect and he also said , Jerry, if you will sign a statement for another vote , you will help us keep the Union out through your influence and I said, Ja- mie, you can go to hell as far as I am concerned.... .. Finley testified that several days after the meeting Gibson telephoned him at his home to ask if he could do anything with Judge Taylor and his father to get them to go along with the Company in securing a new election . According to Finley, he told Gibson that he had had no success and that the Taylors "wouldn ' t sign anything that wasn't true." 22 The following weekend General Manager Brobst, who had not been present at the conference in the Holiday Inn, telephoned Finley and arranged to visit the latter at his home . Brobst testified that the purpose of the meeting was to ascertain Finley 's reaction to the conference which Gib- son had had with him 2 days earlier . Finley testified that before Brobst arrived , he telephoned Judge Taylor to ask him "if he was going to go along with those fellows and sign those papers ." According to Finley , Judge Taylor told him "Absolutely not." Finley testified that , when Brobst arrived, the company official asked him whether Finley had the necessary papers for the Taylors to sign on the subject that was discussed at the Holiday Inn. According to Finley, after giving a negative response , "I told him there wasn't a chance . They [the Taylors ] weren't going to sign . . . under any circumstances." 3 Finley was a thoroughly credible witness on direct exami- nation . On cross-examination , he was similarly impressive, notwithstanding a searching interrogation by able counsel for the Respondent . He was at all times frank and candid and his answers had the convincing ring of truth. He was corroborated by both of the Taylors who were similarly persuasive witnesses . Insofar as there are conflicts between the testimony of these three witnesses and that of Gibson, Stottsberry , and Brobst , it is the conclusion of the under- signed that the testimony of Finley and the Taylors is the more credible. Although Gibson asserted that, on the basis of the state- ments which had been secured from seven employees, the Respondent had reason to believe that Frank Taylor was deeply involved in the Union 's campaign , as found later 22 Finley's testimony as to this telephone conversation was credible and undenied. herein , the testimony of these same witnesses when given at the present hearing did not produce any credible evidence that Taylor had engaged in prounion activity during the organizational drive. 4 Nevertheless , after the Union won the election , when Taylor declined to take a polygraph test, the Respondent discharged him even though Gibson later acknowledged at his meeting with Finley and the Taylors "we don 't think you had anything to do with" the Union's having secured a majority vote . At the same time and in the same sentence Gibson disclosed the Respondent 's real ob- jective when he added , "but .. . with your son being the county judge , and [with] your influence you could overturn the election ." At the conference held at the motel on July 26, Gibson made it clear that even though Frank Taylor insisted that he had had no part in the union campaign, if he gave a statement to the contrary so that the Respondent could get the results of the first election set aside and if Judge Taylor would pledge to help defeat the Union in any subsequent election, the Respondent would reinstate Frank Taylor. In an effort to assure Frank Taylor that this would mean not merely nominal reinstatement but steady employ- ment, Gibson told him at this meeting "we will live up to our bargain if you will live up to yours." The Taylors, how- ever , refused to join in the "bargain" that would compel Frank Taylor to assert falsely that he had engaged in pre- election activities in order that the Respondent could suc- ceed in having the election set aside. In the original complaint , in Case 9-CA-7976, the Gener- al Counsel alleged that the Respondent 's termination of Taylor constituted a violation of Section 8(a)(3) of the Act. At the conclusion of the original hearing , as noted earlier, the General Counsel amended the complaint to allege, in the alternative , that the Respondent 's dismissal of Taylor and its refusal to reinstate him constituted a violation of Section 8(a)(1). Since it has been found that Taylor was not an employee, but a supervisor within the meaning of the Act, his dismissal could not have been a violation of Section 8(a)(3). N.L.R.B. v. Daily News Tribune, supra, and cases cited . Accordingly, that allegation in the complaint must be dismissed. Whether the Respondent 's conduct as to Taylor constituted a viola- tion of Section 8(a)(1) raises an issue to which we will now turn. It cannot be seriously argued that the discharge of Taylor was intended to maintain the Respondent 's neutrality in the Board 's election process. The Respondent never made any pretense of its opposition to the Union and in May had sought to get Frank Taylor to take an active role in pre- senting its antiunion views to the employees . The Respon- dent was determined to upset the Union's victory in the election and on July 26 Gibson told Finley that to get a new election the Company was "willing to go to any means . . . short of shooting a man ." For Taylor to have joined with the Respondent in its plan for thwarting the employees' union activities would have violated Section 8(a)(1) of the Act. The net effect of the Respondent 's treatment of Frank Taylor when he refused to cooperate with Gibson's design for securing a new election was "to cause nonsupervisory employees reasonably to fear that the Respondent would 23 The quotations in the foregoing paragraph are from Finley 's testimony . 24 See sec . IV, infra. ROPER CORPORATION 145 take similar action against them if they continued to support the Union." Talladega Cotton Factory, Inc., 106 NLRB 295, 296 (1953), enfd. 213 F.2d 208, 215-217 (C.A. 5, 1954). Consequently, I conclude and find that by the Company's conduct with respect to the termination of Frank Taylor and thereafter by its refusal to reinstate him!'the Respon- dent violated Section 8(a)(1) of the Act. Better Monkey Grip Company, 115 NLRB 1170, 1171 (1956), enfd. 243 F.2d 836 (C.A. 5, 1957), cert. denied 355 U.S. 864 (1957); N.L.R.B. v. Talladega Cotton Factory, inc., 213 F.2d 208,215-217; Oil City Brass Works, 147 NLRB 627, 629-630 (1964), enfd. 357 F.2d 466 (C.A. 5, 1966); N.L.R.B. v. Vail Manufacturing Company, 158 F.2d 664,666-667 (C.A. 7, 1947), cert. denied 331 U.S. 835 (1947); and Elder-Beerman Stores Corp., 173 NLRB 566, 567, 577 (1968), enfd. 415 F.2d 1375 (C.A. 6, 1969).25 iv. THE REPRESENTATION PROCEEDING By its order of November 16, 1973, in Case 9-RC-10128, the Board directed that a hearing be held on the Employer's Objection 3. This objection read as follows: "One or more of the Employer's supervisors, without the Employer's knowledge, supported, assisted, and participated in the Petitioner's organizational activities which tainted the elec- tion by interfering with the holding of a fair and impartial election." At the hearing in the instant case the Respondent was accorded an opportunity to present all its witnesses on this issue . They were examined and cross-examined and thereaf- ter the General Counsel and the Charging Party were ac- corded an opportunity to present further testimony. All of this testimony concerned the activities and conduct of Frank Taylor in the preelection period. The Respondent offered testimony as to no other supervisor. My findings and conclusions are set forth below. On May 20, 1974, the Respondent filed a motion to cor- rect the transcript as to the testimony of Lee Parker. Ac- cording to this motion, the typewritten transcript erroneously omitted a portion of Parker's testimony which included statements by Parker that (1) 2 or 3 days before the election Frank Taylor offered to bet Parker $50 that the Union would win the election, and (2) Frank Taylor told him before the election that if Taylor wanted the Union to win the election he and his son, the county judge, could visit people and see that the Union won. In support of this mo- 25 In its brief, the Respondent contends that the meeting of July 26 was for the purpose of negotiating a settlement regarding Taylor's discharge and that all statements made during the meeting should be held inadmissible, citing Local 18, Bricklayers, etc. (Union County Building Contractors Associa- tion), 170 NLRB 8, In. 7 (1968); Brown and Root, inc., et al., 99 NLRB 1031, In. 2 (1952); and T. H. Burns and R. H. Gillespie, d/b/a Burns and Gillespie, 101 NLRB 1181, In. 9 (1952), reversed on other grounds 207 F.2d 434 (C.A. 8, 1953). There is no merit to this contention . The above-cited cases involve situations where a Regional Office of the Board was involved in the settle- ment negotiations which occurred either before, or at, the hearing, and in which representatives of the General Counsel participated. That was not the situation presented here , where no members of the Regional Office or repre- sentatives of the General Counsel were in attendance at the meeting in the Holiday Inn on July 26. In any event that meeting, rather than being an attempt at securing a settlement of the conflicting claims of the parties, was more an occasion where the Respondent sought to secure Taylor 's interfer- ence with the Board 's processes as the quid pro quo for his reemployment. tion the Respondent cites the subsequent rebuttal testimony of Frank Taylor which was offered by the General Counsel and in which Taylor was questioned as to whether he had made such statements, as described above, to Parker. In this latter testimony, Taylor denied that he had made any such comments. The Respondent's motion has merit. In addition to the support provided this motion by the transcript citation as to the General Counsel's rebuttal of Parker's testimony, I have checked the notes which I took during Parker's appearance on the stand and have found that, in substance, they con- firm that Parker did testify as the Respondent, via its mo- tion, now asserts. Consequently, as noted at the outset of this Decision, the motion is granted. A copy of the motion has been marked Administrative Law Judge's Exhibit 2 and has been added to the exhibit file.26 Frank Taylor, found earlier herein to be the warehouse foreman and a supervisor within the meaning of the Act, is a man in his sixties and has lived his entire life in the Williamsburg area . His home is located only a short dis- tance from the Respondent's plant. Employee Bill Kerr testified that about the last week in May he talked with Frank Taylor about signing a union card and that during the discussion Taylor told him that he would sign a card if Foremen Bill Jones and Robert Hill did so. Both Jones and Hill were foremen at the same level in the plant hierarchy as Taylor. Kerr then gave Taylor a card and the latter signed it. Immediately thereafter Kerr talked with Jones and Hill about signing a card and both declined. According to Kerr, the next day he apprised Taylor of his colleagues ' decision and the latter then asked that Kerr tear up the authorization which he had signed. Kerr testified that he complied with this request and shortly thereafter de- stroyed Taylor's card. Kerr was a credible witness . Taylor acknowledged having signed a card and corroborated Kerr's account of how this occurred. He further testified that both before and after this incident he took no part in the union campaign at the plant and that he asked no em- ployee to vote for or against the Union. Vice President Gibson testified that when the Company first learned about the initiation of an organizational cam- paign he spoke to Taylor and asked that he support the Respondent's opposition to a union victory. According to Gibson, Taylor told him that his son, Judge Taylor, was engaged at that time in a campaign for reelection and that in order not to jeopardize his son's prospects he felt that he would have to remain completely neutral throughout the representation drive at the Respondent's plant. Taylor's tes- timony that he maintained that stance during the period in question was supported by the testimony of Charles Lee. The latter, who was the operations manager and personnel director, testified that prior to the election he knew of noth- ing that occurred in the plant which would indicate that Frank Taylor was for the Union. General Manager Brobst gave testimony to the same effect. 26 The official reporter for this case has an excellent reputation for accura- cy. At one point in the hearing , however, the reporter stated that he was having mechanical difficulty with his equipment and a portion of the testimo- ny of Charles Lee had to be repeated . It appears that a somewhat similar situation may have arisen for a brief period during Parker's appearance on the stand and that , inadvertently , the mechanical problem went undetected. 146 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD In support of its Objection 3 the Respondent called eight witnesses?" Their testimony will now be considered. Employee John Ball testified as to an incident which allegedly occurred shortly before the notice of the election was posted at the plant. According to Ball: Taylor told him "they came to me for advice . . . there has been 48 cards signed . . . I got all the cards signed last year . . . . I had 20 cards and Bill Kerr had 20 cards." Ball testified that in this same conversation Taylor referred to two other employ- ees and said that the Company would be surprised to dis- cover that these individuals had signed cards. On cross-examination , Ball conceded that Taylor could have been talking of the union campaign that was conducted at the plant in 1971. Taylor flatly denied having told anyone that he had secured any signatures on cards or that he was participating in the organizational campaign . Ball was not a credible witness. Neither by his glib recitation on direct examination of the alleged conversation , or by his halting and hesitant answers on cross-examination , did he display any candor or persuasion. Taylor's denials were credible. Based upon an appraisal of these witnesses , it is my conclu- sion that the alleged conversation never occurred. Employee Sam Moses testified that about June 1, Frank Taylor asked him whether he had signed a union card and when he replied that the employees did not need the Union, Taylor suggested that if Moses "should take a notion to want a card he had one and if [Moses] knew of anyone that wanted to sign one he had one." Moses further testified that about 3 days before the election, Taylor questioned him as to whether he planned to vote for the Union. According to Moses , he responded by saying that he could not be both- ered with the election and that after he made this statement, Taylor declared that although he would not be allowed to cast a ballot "if he could he would vote for it." 28 Taylor denied having asked Moses whether Moses had signed a union card or whether he would vote for the Union and he denied that he ever told any employee that if permitted to vote he would support the Union. Moses was another wit- ness who by his carriage and bearing while on the witness stand, and most particularly throughout his cross-examina- tion, demonstrated a great lack of candor. He was an un- convincing witness . In view of this conclusion as to his credence, I find that, contrary to Moses, Taylor never made the statements which Moses attributed to him. About the middle of June, General Manager Brobst held a meeting at which he spoke to all the employees about the forthcoming balloting and told them of the Company's op- position to the Union. Employee John Ball testified that as he was leaving the meeting Frank Taylor, who was nearby, pulled a card out of his pocket and said, "Here is my card." Employee Laverne Knight testified that after this meeting and as the employees were leaving the room she heard Frank Taylor say to someone else that he "wondered if the cards that [Brobst] talked about were like the one he had in his pocket.... " 29 Frank Taylor testified that shortly before the meeting about which Ball and Knight testified,30 he saw a number of authorization cards laying on the assembly line, and that he picked one up and had it in his possession at the meeting. According to Taylor, Brobst told the employees during the course of his speech that if over 51 percent of the employees signed cards, the Union could secure bargaining rights with- out an election, depending on the language that appeared on the authorization card. Taylor testified that on leaving the meeting and after hearing Brobst's comments about the manner in which a union could come into the plant without an election, he took the card from his pocket and discussed it with Foreman James Lambdin. Taylor further testified that immediately thereafter he showed the card to Paul Stottsberry, the Respondent's industrial relations manager, to ask him how, in view of the language on the blank card which he had, the Union could secure bargaining rights without an election. According to Taylor, Stottsberry was unable to answer the question and, after taking the card, promised that he would discuss the matter with Brobst to secure an answer to Taylor's question. Taylor was complete- ly credible in his account of what occurred. His testimony was also, in large measure, corroborated by that of employ- ee Knight which appears above. Stottsberry appeared as a witness but was never asked any questions about this inci- dent by the Respondent. Although Ball testified that Taylor said "here is my card," Ball conceded that the card which Taylor held in his hand was unsigned. In view of the fore- going, it is the conclusion of the undersigned that Taylor's only remarks about the card were prompted by Brobst's comments at the meeting and that Taylor did not make the statement which Ball attributed to him. Employee Lola Smith testified that the day before the election one of the employees pinned a paper on Taylor's shirt which read "Vote Yes" and that when Taylor took it off he said "I'd better pull that off before Mr. Quade sees me...... Laverne Quade, the Respondent's purchasing manager, was nearby. Taylor readily acknowledged that this incident had occurred when, after a break period, as he was walking back to work, Pat Connor, one of the employ- ees, surreptitiously taped the sign to his jacket. Taylor testi- fied that as soon as he realized what had occurred he removed the sign and Connor thereupon taped the sign on the back of a fellow employee. This incident, about which there was no dispute as to the facts, was plainly on the level of a harmless shop or factory prank and of no significance with respect to the conduct of the election. Paul Creekmore, a brother-in-law of John Ball, and one who had been promoted to foreman at the time of the hearing, testified as to a conversation he assertedly heard about 2 weeks before the election. According to Creekmore, as he was passing the entrance to the warehouse, he heard Taylor say to employee Charles Siler "if it got in it would help you and me both." Creekmore did not hear any more of the conversation and he readily conceded that he did not 27 That is , the witnesses who were called solely in connection with the 70 Taylor and Ball testified that this meeting occurred about mid-June. representation issue . These were John Ball , Paul Creekmore , Jeannette Da- Knight testified that it was held early in May. It was obvious , however, that vis Helen Frazer, Laverne Knight, Sam Moses , Lee Parker, and Lola Smith . all three were referring to the same meeting . Because of the mutually corrob- The quotations in this paragraph are from Moses' testimony . orative testimony of Taylor and Ball as to the date of the meeting, the 29 The quotation is from Knight's testimony . undersigned concludes that it took place about 2 weeks before the election. ROPER CORPORATION know what Taylor and Siler were talking about. Taylor testified that he could not remember ever having made such a statement. The Respondent never called Siler as a witness to corroborate Creekmore. In view of the fact that Creek- more himself acknowledged that he did not know the sub- ject of the conversation in which Taylor and Siler were engaged, there is nothing in this incident on which the Re- spondent can rely for evidence of irregular preelection con- duct by Taylor. Employees Helen Frazer, Laverne Knight, and Lee Par- ker testified that on several occasions prior to the election they saw Taylor in the company of a number of well-known union adherents. According to Frazer, she frequently saw Taylor talking with employees Bill Kerr, Dessie Neeley, Lucie Marsee, and Pat Collins. Frazer conceded, however, that she never heard what was being said in any of these conversations, that she never heard Taylor mention the or- ganizational campaign and that she did not know whether Taylor was for or against the Union. Lee Parker testified that on a number of occasions before the election he saw Frank Taylor conversing with employees Jerry Kinder, Roger Bird, and Bill Kerr. Parker described the latter as union adherents and testified that he saw Taylor talking with them in a group near the timeclock. However, Parker conceded that he did not know what Taylor was talking about during any of these conversations. He also conceded that Taylor was a very gregarious person who characteristi- cally talked with many people in the plant, that Taylor had done this before the advent of the Union's organizational drive, and that there was no apparent change in his habits after the election campaign began. Laverne Knight testified that about 2 weeks before the election she saw Taylor talk- ing in a group that included Dessie Neeley, Bill Kerr, and Lucie Marsee, and that all of the latter were wearing union buttons.31 She conceded that she was never near enough to hear any of the conversation and that she did not really know what was being discussed. Knight also testified that at this time Taylor did not appear to be making any effort to hide the fact that he was talking with anyone. Finally, Knight acknowledged that whereas she assumed that this group was talking about the Union, this assumption was nothing more than a guess on her part. In view of the fact that neither Frazer, Parker, nor Knight was able to offer any testimony as to what Taylor said on any of those occa- sions about which they testified, and in view of their fur- ther testimony about Taylor's well-known penchant for talking with his coworkers which had been demonstrated throughout his tenure at the plant, it is the conclusion of the undersigned that nothing in the testimony of the three above-named employees tended to support the Respond- ent's contention that Taylor injected himself into the Union's campaign during the preelection period. As noted earlier, Lee Parker also testified that shortly before the election Frank Taylor offered to bet him $50 that the Union would win and that some time before the election Taylor also told Parker that he and his son, the county judge, could influence the vote so that the Union would win. Taylor denied that he made any such remarks and his denial 31 On the other hand, Bill Kerr credibly testified on rebuttal that he never wore a union button at the plant at any time during the preelection period. 147 was credible. The Respondent presented several witnesses who testified about alleged union adherents having been seen at Taylor's home, a residence that was located only a short distance from the plant. Thus, employee John Ball testified that he saw Bill Kerr at Taylor's house before the election. On the other hand, Ball conceded that he had seen Kerr at Taylor's home on several occasions long before the Union ever ap- peared on the scene. Paul Creekmore testified that one evening before the elec- tion he saw Robert M. Huddock, the union representative, in the yard at Taylor's residence. This testimony was thoroughly refuted by Huddock himself. Huddock testified that he has never visited Taylor's home and that at the time of the hearing he still did not know where Taylor lived. According to Huddock, he was in sole charge of conducting all union meetings held prior to the election and that Taylor never attended any of them. He further testified that it was not until about a month after the election that he first met Taylor when the latter spoke to him about having been discharged by the Respondent. Creekmore was not a con- vincing witness , as has been found earlier herein. Huddock's testimony, on the other hand, was completely credible. Consequently, it is now found that, contrary to Creekmore's account, Huddock never visited Taylor's resi- dence prior to the representation election at the plant. Lola Smith testified "time and again I seen . . . people that was for the Union there at Frank's [Taylor' s] house." Smith did not specify when it was that she saw these alleged union adherents at Taylor's residence. She was unconvinc- ing throughout her appearance as a witness . She testified in a manner that was garrulous and flippant and while on the stand displayed deep antipathy for both Taylor and his son, Judge Taylor. Consequently, it is the conclusion of the un- dersigned that her testimony is worthy of no credence in assessing the validity of Respondent's objection to the elec- tion. John Ball testified that on the afternoon of the election and subsequent to the time when the ballots had been counted he drove past Taylor's home and saw several em- ployees in the driveway there with Taylor. The Respondent sought to characterize this event as a "victory celebration" which was being staged at Taylor's residence. Taylor, on the other hand, readily acknowledged that several employees were there that afternoon. He testified that prior to the election he had wagered with employee Merrill Carpenter and that he had bet Carpenter a case of beer that the Union would lose the election. According to Taylor, after the elec- tion tally established that the Union had won, Carpenter arrived at his house to collect the bet and shortly thereafter several other employees came to share in Carpenter's win- nings. Ball also testified that on the same afternoon and immedi- ately after the election results became known, he saw Taylor on the plant parking lot and in the midst of several employ- ees when employee Bill Kerr walked up to Taylor and said "We won." However, Ball acknowledged that he did not hear Taylor say anything on this occasion. Both of the foregoing incidents, having occurred after the election, could not have effected the results of that election. The Respondent urges that they tend to show that Taylor 148 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD was a union adherent throughout the campaign. This con- tention, however, is premised on the assumption that the other evidence offered in support of Objection 3 demon- strates that Taylor actively supported the Union during its organizational drive . It is the conclusion of the undersigned that this contention of the Respondent is not supported by credible testimony. As has been seen from the evidence recited earlier and the findings in connection therewith, the most that the Respondent established was that Taylor, an older member of the Respondent's work force, was well known in the community and among the employees , that he was gregarious by nature , and that he engaged in a great deal of socializing with his coworkers both during working hours and thereafter. On the findings set forth above, it is the conclusion of the undersigned that the Respondent has failed to prove that Taylor, or any other supervisor, assisted, supported, or participated in the Union's organizational activities so as to interfere with the holding of a fair and impartial election. Accordingly, it is now recommended that the Respondent's Objection 3 be overruled.32 CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1. The Respondent is engaged in commerce and the Union is a labor organization , all within the meaning of the Act. 2. By discharging and refusing to reinstate Frank Taylor because he refused to cooperate with an attempt by the Respondent to set aside a representation election , thereby discouraging nonsupervisory employees in the free exercise of their statutory rights guaranteed by Section 7 of the Act, and discouraging membership in and activities on behalf of the Union, the Respondent has engaged , and is engaging, in unfair labor practices within the meaning of Section 8(a)(1) of the Act. 3. By discriminatorily discharging Roger Bird, thereby discouraging protected concerted activity, the Respondent has engaged , and is engaging, in unfair labor practices with- in the meaning of Section 8(a)(3) of the Act. 4. By interfering with , restraining , and coercing its em- ployees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed in Section 7 of the Act, the Respondent has engaged , and is engaging, in unfair labor practices within the meaning of Section 8(a)(1) of the Act. 5. The aforesaid unfair labor practices are unfair labor practices affecting commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. 6. The General Counsel has not proved by a preponder- ance of the evidence that the Respondent interfered with, restrained, or coerced its employees in the exercise of the 32 One other incident should be mentioned : Employee Jeannette Davis testified that about 5 days after the election, she was present near the plant bulletin board when the Employer's objections to the election were posted. According to Davis, she , and several employees, along with Frank Taylor, all of whom were nearby, gathered at the board to read the announcement. Davis testified that at some point she heard employee Dessie Neeley say to Taylor "they contested the election , now what will we do?" She further testified that although Taylor said something in response to the question, it was incomprehensible to her and she could not recall what it was that he said. This episode has no relevance to the current inquiry into the basis for the Employer's objections since (a) it occurred subsequent to the election and (b) no evidence was offered as to what, if anything, Taylor said at the time. rights safeguarded by the Act, except by the specific acts and conduct found herein to have been violative. THE REMEDY Having found that the Respondent has engaged in certain unfair labor practices, it will be recommended that the Re- spondent be ordered to cease and desist therefrom and to take certain affirmative action designed to effectuate the policies of the Act. It has been found that the Respondent's discharge and refusal to reinstate Frank Taylor interfered with , restrained, and coerced nonsupervisory employees in the exercise of their statutory rights. In order to restore to these employees their full freedom to exercise those rights and thus to effec- tuate the policies of the Act, it is recommended that the Respondent be ordered to offer Taylor immediate and full reinstatement to his former, or a substantially equivalent position, and make him whole for any loss of earnings he may have suffered by reason of such discharge by payment to him of a sum of money equal to the amount he would have earned from the date of his discharge to the date of the offer of reinstatement, less earnings during said period, to be computed in accordance with the formula set out in F. W. Woolworth Company, 90 NLRB 289 (1950), together with interest at the rate of 6 percent per annum to be com- puted in the manner set forth in Isis Plumbing & Heating Co., 138 NLRB 716 (1962). Having found that the Respon- dent discriminatorily terminated Roger Bird on July 9, 1973, it is recommended that the Respondent be ordered to offer him immediate and full reinstatement without preju- dice to his seniority or other rights and privileges, and make him whole for any loss of earnings he may have suffered from the time of his discharge to the date of the Respondent's offer of reinstatement. The backpay for Bird shall be computed in accordance with the Woolworth and Isis cases cited supra. It will also be recommended that the Respondent be required to preserve and make available to the Board, or its agents, on request, payroll and other re- cords to facilitate the computation of backpay due. As the unfair labor practices committed by the Respon- dent are of a character striking at the root of employee rights safeguarded by the Act, it will be recommended that the said Respondent be ordered to cease and desist from infringing in any manner upon the rights guaranteed in Section 7 of the Act. N.L.R.B. v. Entwistle Mfg. Co., 120 F.2d 532, 536 (C.A. 4, 1941). Upon the foregoing findings and conclusions and the entire record, and pursuant to Section 10(c) of the Act, there is issued the following recommended: ORDER 33 The Respondent, Roper Corporation, Williamsburg Divi- sion , its officers, agents, successors, and assigns, shall: 33 In the event no exceptions are filed as provided by Section 102.46 of the Rules and Regulations of the National Labor Relations Board, the findings, conclusions , and recommended Order herein shall, as provided in Section 102.48 of the Rules and Regulations , be adopted by the Board and become its findings, conclusions , and Order, and all objections thereto shall be deemed waived for all purposes. ROPER CORPORATION 1. Cease and desist from: (a) Discharging or otherwise discriminating against any employees because of their union or concerted activities. (b) Interfering with, restraining, or coercing nonsupervi- sory employees in the exercise of their statutory rights by discharging and refusing to reinstate supervisory personnel because they refuse to cooperate with the Respondent in thwarting the exercise by employees of their organizational rights. (c) Coercively, or otherwise unlawfully, interrogating its employees as to their union sympathies and activities and threatening employees with the loss of jobs if the Union won the election. (d) In any other manner interfering with, restraining, or coercing its employees in the exercise of their right to self- organization, to form, join, or assist any labor organization, to bargain collectively through representatives of their own choosing, or engage in concerted activities for the purpose of collective bargaining or other mutual aid, or to refrain from any or all such activities. 2. Take the following affirmative action which is neces- sary to effectuate the policies of the Act: (a) Offer Frank Taylor immediate and full reinstatement to his former or substantially equivalent position, without prejudice to his seniority or other rights and privileges, and make him whole in the manner set forth above in the section entitled "The Remedy." (b) Offer Roger Bird immediate and full reinstatement to his former or substantially equivalent position, without prej- udice to his seniority or other rights and privileges and make him whole in the manner set forth above in the section entitled "The Remedy." (c) Preserve and, upon request, make available to the Board, or its agents, for examination and copying, all pay- roll records and reports, and all other records necessary to analyze the amount of backpay due, and the right to rein- statement. (d) Post at its plant in Williamsburg, Kentucky, copies of the attached notice marked "Appendix." 34 Copies of the notice, on forms provided by the Regional Director for Region 9, after being duly signed by an authorized represen- tative of the Respondent, shall be posted immediately upon receipt thereof, and be maintained for 60 consecutive days thereafter, in conspicuous places, including all places where notices to employees are customarily posted. Reasonable steps shall be taken by the Respondent to ensure that said notices are not altered, defaced or covered by any other material. (e) Notify the Regional Director for Region 9, in writing, within 20 days from the date of this Decision, what steps the Respondent has taken to comply herewith. IT IS ALSO ORDERED that the complaint be dismissed insofar as it alleges violations of the Act not specifically found. IT IS RECOMMENDED that Objection 3 filed by the Respon- dent in Case 9-RC-10128 be overruled. 34 In the event the Board's Order is enforced by a Judgment of the United States Court of Appeals, the words in the notice reading "Posted by Order of the National Labor Relations Board" shall be changed to read "Posted Pursuant to a Judgment of the United States Court of Appeals Enforcing an Order of the National Labor Relations Board." APPENDIX NOTICE To EMPLOYEES POSTED BY ORDER OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD An Agency of the United States Government 149 WE WILL NOT coercively, or otherwise unlawfully, in- terrogate our employees as to their union sympathies and activities. WE WILL NOT threaten our employees with loss of jobs if the Union comes in. WE WILL NOT discharge, or otherwise discriminate against any employees because of their union or con- certed activities. WE WILL offer Frank Taylor full and immediate rein- statement to his former job as foreman of warehouse and shipping , or a substantially equivalent position, without prejudice to any seniority or other rights and privileges previously enjoyed , and make him whole for any loss of pay suffered as a result of his discharge. WE WILL offer Roger Bird full and immediate rein- statement to his former , or a substantially equivalent, position , without prejudice to any seniority or other rights and privileges previously enjoyed and make him whole for any loss of pay suffered as a result of his discharge. WE WILL NOT in any other manner interfere with, re- strain , or coerce our employees in the exercise of their right to self-organization , to form, join , or assist United Steelworkers of America, AFL-CIO-CLC, or any other labor organization, to bargain collectively through representatives of their own choosing, or en- gage in concerted activities for the purpose of collective bargaining or other mutual aid, or to refrain from any or all such activities. ROPER CORPORATION, WIL- LIAMSBURG DIVISION (Employer) Dated By (Representative) (Title) This is an official notice and must not be defaced by anyone. This notice must remain posted for 60 consecutive days from the date of posting and must not be altered, defaced, or covered by any other material . Any questions concerning this notice or compliance with its provisions may be direct- ed to the Board's Office, Federal Office Building, Room 3003, 550 Main Street, Cincinnati, Ohio 45202, Telephone 513-684-3625. 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