Rockford Memorial HospitalDownload PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsJan 16, 1980247 N.L.R.B. 319 (N.L.R.B. 1980) Copy Citation ROCKFORD MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Rockford Memorial Association d/b/a Rockford Me- morial Hospital and Illinois Nurses' Association, Petitioner. Case 33-RC-2381 January 16, 1980 DECISION ON REVIEW AND DIRECTION BY MEMBERS JENKINS, PENEI.LO, AND TRUESDALF. On December 22, 1978, the Regional Director for Region 33 of the National Labor Relations Board issued a Decision and Direction of Election finding that, under the Board's decision in Sierra Vista Hospital, Inc., 225 NLRB 1086 (1976) (hereinafter Sierra Vista ),' Petitioner, Illinois Nurses' Association (INA), is a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, and directing an election in a unit consisting of the Employer's full-time and part-time registered nurses.2 On December 28, 1978, the Employer filed a request for review of the Regional Director's decision contesting Petitioner's status as a labor organization on the ground that it is subject to the influence, domination, or control of supervisors as defined in the Act. In this connection, the Employer also requested reconsideration of Board policy concerning certifica- tion of a bargaining representative in light of the Fourth Circuit's decision in N.L.R.B. v. Annapolis Emergency Hospital Association, Inc., d/b/a Anne Arundel General Hospital,' denying enforcement of the Board's bargaining order in Annapolis Emergency Hospital Association, Inc., d/b/a Anne Arundel Gener- al Hospital.1 The Employer further contended that the Hearing Officer erred in (1) denying enforcement of that portion of its subpena requesting copies of Petitioner's current collective-bargaining agreements, and (2) excluding evidence pertaining to publications of the American Nurses' Association at the hearing in the above-entitled matter. Petitioner also filed a request for review, as well as a brief in opposition to the Employer's request for review. On January 3, 1979, Petitioner moved to withdraw its request for review. By telegraphic order dated ' The Board's subsequent Decision and Order directing the employer therein to bargain with the union is reported at 229 NLRB 232 (1977) (hereinafter Sierra Vistao II. ' The appropriate unit, as found by the Regional Director, included the following employees: All full-time and regular part-time registered nurses, including assistant head nurses. charge nurses. inservice instructors, registered nurses in epidemiology, radiation oncology. perinatal and primary prevention program, high risk onentation program, operating room nurse instructor, coronary care patient instructor, and nurse graduates employed by the Employer at its facility currently located at 2400 N. Rockton Avenue. Rockford, Illinois; but excluding the Director of Nursing, Assistant Directors of Nursing. Head Nurses. Employee Health Service Nurse, 247 NLRB No. 51 January 15, 1979, the Board granted the Employer's request for review in light of the Board's then-pending reconsideration of its decision in Sierra Vista Hospital. Inc., 225 NLRB 1086. The Board also granted Petitioner's motion to withdraw its request for review. On March 30, 1979, the Board issued its decision in Sierra Vista Hospital. Inc.. 241 NLRB 631 (1979) (Member Truesdale dissenting) (hereinafter Sierra Vista III), in which it made substantive rulings affecting the issues raised in the Employer's request for review. On May 18, 1979, the Board, in accor- dance with the principles set forth in Sierra Vista 111, decided that further hearing was required for the sole purpose of adducing evidence as to whether Petitioner is disqualified from serving as the unit employees' statutory representative because the presence among its membership of the Employer's supervisors or the supervisors of third parties might give rise to a conflict of interest in the representation of the Employer's employees. On June 11, 1979, a hearing was held in the above-entitled matter before a hearing officer of the National Labor Relations Board. Following the close of that hearing, the Employer filed a request for enforcement of its second subpoena duces tecum and a brief in support thereof. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Relations Board has delegated its authority in this proceeding to a three-member panel. The issue, as posed above, is whether there is a conflict of interest arising from the presence of supervisors in Petitioner's internal organization. As noted, the Employer argues that Petitioner is influ- enced, dominated, or controlled by supervisors and therefore is disqualified from representing its employ- ees. Petitioner, however, in essence argues that there is no evidence of supervisory influence or domination, and that its capacity to represent properly the Em- ployer's employees is not impaired. We have carefully reviewed the entire record in these proceedings and find no basis for the Employer's assertion that Petitioner, because of the presence of supervisors in its internal organization, is disqualified from representing the appropriate unit of employees.' As we emphasized in Sierra Vista III, supra, the instructors in the School of Nursing, Nurses in the recruiting. utilization, and review departments. Licensed Practical Nurses, all other employees. guards and supervisors as defined in the Act. ' 561 F.2d 524 (4th Cir. 1977). '221 NLRB 305 (1975). We have also reviewed the Hearing Officer's rulings excluding exhibits pertaining to publications of the American Nurses' Association and denying enforcement of those portions of the Employer's subpoenae dures recum requesting a listing of all current members of the INA and copies of the following: (1) All current collective-bargaining agreements; (2) minutes of all meetings of the officers. directors, and membership of INA from January . 1978. to June 11, 1979; and (3) all memoranda, minutes, notes, and documents relating to any aspects of collective bargaining. including orga- nizing, for the period of January . 1978, to June 11, 1979. We find no basis (Continuedl) 319 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD employer has the heavy burden of showing conflict of interest.6 The mere allegation of such conflict is not sufficient to sustain that burden. The employer must adduce probative evidence that supervisory participa- tion in a labor organization's internal affairs "presents a clear and present danger of interference with the bargaining process."' In the instant case, the record evidence fails to demonstrate that the presence of supervisors in Petitioner's organization presents a conflict of interest with Petitioner's capacity to represent the Employer's employees. Beyond its general allegation that Petition- er is dominated or influenced by supervisors, the Employer has not presented evidence demonstrating that its own supervisors or those of third parties directly participate in or influence Petitioner's collec- tive-bargaining process.' Indeed, it appears that Peti- tioner has taken steps to insure that collective bargain- ing at the local level is insulated from supervisory participation or influence. Thus, under the INA's two- tiered structure of state and local level organizations, ultimate responsibility for collective bargaining lies with a local committee whose membership is strictly limited to bargaining unit personnel. All collective- bargaining agreements are negotiated by the local committee without interference by INA's board of directors. This responsibility for collective bargaining extends to the handling of grievances filed pursuant to the contract. While an INA staff member assist and advises the local bargaining unit on matters relating to collective bargaining, that staff member has no veto power over contract proposals or the final substantive content of any negotiated collective-bargaining agree- ment. Nor does the INA's board of directors have any for reversing his rulings and find them free from prejudicial error. The evidence sought to be admitted by the Employer. in our judgment, is not relevant to the issue of whether Petitioner is qualified under a conflict-of- interest approach to represent the unit employees. '241 NLRB 63163 3. ' Id. at 634. authority to pass on contract proposals developed at the local level. As the foregoing demonstrates, the Employer has not shown that Petitioner's collective-bargaining pro- cesses are influenced or dominated by supervisors and therefore has not sustained its burden of showing a clear and present danger of conflict of interest with the representation of the unit employees. Accordingly, we find, in agreement with the Regional Director, that Petitioner is a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act, and that Petitioner is qualified to represent the unit of employees found appropriate by the Regional Director. We shall therefore direct the Regional Director for Region 33 to open and count the ballots cast in the election conducted on January 18, 1979, and to issue the appropriate certification. DIRECTION It is hereby directed that the Regional Director for Region 33 shall open and count the ballots cast in the election conducted on January 18, 1979, and issue the appropriate certification. MEMBER TRUESDALE, concurring: For the reasons set forth in my concurring opinion in Baptist Hospitals, Inc., d/b/a Western Baptist Hospital, 246 NLRB No. 25 (1979), and my dissent in Sierra Vista Hospital, Inc., 241 NLRB 631 (1979), I agree with my colleagues' decision directing the Regional Director to proceed with opening and counting the ballots cast in the January 18, 1979, election herein, and thereafter to issue the appropriate certification. The only evidence introduced by the Employer at the une 11. 1979. hearing was a listing of all officers and directors of INA. including their job classifications, places of employment, and positions (past and present), for the period January 1,. 1978, to June 11, 1979. No attempt was made by the Employer to present evidence on the record of the supervisory status of these individuals. 320 Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation