Robert Cummings, Complainant,v.Lawrence J. Delaney, Acting Secretary, Department of the Air Force, Agency.

Equal Employment Opportunity CommissionMar 16, 2001
05990328 (E.E.O.C. Mar. 16, 2001)



Robert Cummings, Complainant, v. Lawrence J. Delaney, Acting Secretary, Department of the Air Force, Agency.

Robert Cummings v. United States Air Force


March 16, 2001


Robert Cummings,



Lawrence J. Delaney,

Acting Secretary,

Department of the Air Force,


Request No. 05990328

Appeal No. 01972343

Agency No. RXOF94024

Hearing No. 110-96-8079


The agency initiated a request to the Equal Employment Opportunity

Commission (EEOC or Commission) to reconsider the decision in Robert

Cummings v. United States Air Force, EEOC Appeal No. 01972343 (December

15, 1998). EEOC Regulations provide that the Commission may, in

its discretion, reconsider any previous Commission decision where the

requesting party demonstrates that: (1) the appellate decision involved

a clearly erroneous interpretation of material fact or law; or (2)

the appellate decision will have a substantial impact on the policies,

practices, or operations of the agency. See 29 C.F.R. � 1614.405(b).

The complainant alleged that he was discriminated on the bases of

national origin (American Indian) and reprisal (prior EEO activity)

when he was performing at the GS-12 level since October, 1987, without

benefit of pay at that level. Following an investigation, complainant

requested a hearing which was conducted over a period of three days.

Following the hearing, an administrative judge (AJ) issued a recommended

decision finding discrimination. The agency rejected the AJ's recommended

findings and issued a decision finding no discrimination. Complainant

appealed to the Commission which reversed the Final Agency Decision

(FAD) and affirmed the AJ's finding of discrimination. The agency now

asks the Commission to reconsider its previous decision.<1>

After a review of the entire record and consideration of the agency's

request for reconsideration, the Commission does not find that the

agency met its burden in establishing that the appellate decision

involved a clearly erroneous interpretation of material fact or law.

Without addressing each argument raised on reconsideration, we note that

the agency largely reiterates arguments previously raised on appeal.

The agency also argues, inter alia, that the Commission made the faulty

determination that complainant had been performing GS-12 duties for

several years. The agency argues that complainant based his entire

claim of discrimination on the results of the classification audit

which indicated that he was doing a significant amount of GS-12 work.

We disagree with the agency's assessment. The record shows that he was

currently doing GS-12 level work as of the time of the audit. The audit

determined that complainant shared approximately one-third of the work

of the three employees in the unit and such work was randomly divided

up among the employees. There was no evidence in the record that such

method of dividing work assignments was new to the unit. Accordingly,

it is reasonable to find that complainant had been working under these

conditions for some time.

In addition, there was action taken by various management officials which

seemingly attempted to thwart complainant's promotion opportunities

without explanation. For example, despite having a good performance

record, various individuals characterized complainant's work as inferior.

There is also evidence in the record that various supervisors attempted to

delay or prevent complainant's request for a classification audit, without

explanation. Despite good performance reviews, complainant's second-line

supervisor attempted to rewrite the complainant's performance review

drafted by the first-line supervisor without sufficient justification.

Contrary to the agency, the record shows that complainant had been

qualified for promotion to a GS-12 position for years and despite

evidence in the record that complainant was doing a satisfactory job in

his position, his supervisors never took steps to promote complainant to

a GS-12 position, despite several openings over the years and promises

to do so. In fact, they seemingly went out of their way to keep him

at the GS-11 level without sufficient explanation. The AJ found the

evidence above, among other evidence, to indicate animosity toward

complainant. These factors, in addition to others, establish a basis

for finding that complainant was performing GS-12 work for years prior

to the classification audit. On reconsideration, the agency has not

shown this analysis to be erroneous.

The agency also argues, inter alia, that the Commission erroneously

agreed with the AJ in finding that complainant's co-workers' testimony was

tainted by the fact that they both worked for complainant's supervisors.

The agency argues that the AJ and Commission solely (and improperly)

relied on the fact that these witnesses worked for the responsible

management officials as a basis to discredit their testimony. We find

that the commission affirmed the AJ's assessment of the witnesses based

upon the totality of the evidence.<2> One co-worker strongly disliked

complainant. The other co-worker was allegedly the type to do almost

anything to avoid conflicts.<3> These factors, considered with other

aspects of the record (showing attempts by various management officials

to thwart complainant's opportunities for what seemed to be an easy

promotion based upon complainant's qualifications, performance reviews

and number of years at the GS-11 level), is sufficient to support the

conclusion that complainant's co-workers' testimony was tainted.

The agency also argues that the Commission failed to justify its failure

in relying upon complainant's former supervisor's testimony which stated

that complainant rarely worked on GS-12 level work without assistance

from his co-workers during the years he was complainant's supervisor.

As we noted above, the totality of the record indicates that complainant's

opportunities for promotion appeared thwarted in numerous ways over

the years, accordingly, the Commission and AJ were not erroneous in

disregarding a statement from complainant's former supervisor whose

recollection of past events appeared slightly diminished.

While the agency may have a different interpretation of the evidence

of record, we find the record sufficient to support the findings of

the Commission's previous decision, as well as the AJ's decision.

Based upon review of the entire record, we find that it was reasonable

for Commission and AJ to conclude that the agency's explanation on

multiple issues appeared illegitimate. Accordingly, various credibility

determinations were rendered in favor of the complainant.

After a review of the agency's request for reconsideration, the

previous decision, and the entire record, the Commission finds that the

request fails to meet the criteria of 29 C.F.R. � 1614.405(b), and it

is the decision of the Commission to deny the request. The decision

in EEOC Appeal No. 01972343 remains the Commission's final decision.

There is no further right of administrative appeal on the decision of

the Commission on this request for reconsideration.

ORDER (D0900)

The agency is ordered to take the following remedial action:

1. Within thirty (30) calendar days of the date this decision becomes

final, the agency is directed to promote appellant to the position of

Materiels Engineer GS-0806-12, or a substantially similar position. Such

promotion shall be retroactive to March 1, 1993 (two years prior to

appellant's March 1, 1995 initial contact with the EEO Counselor).

2. The agency shall determine the appropriate amount of back

pay, interest and other benefits due appellant, pursuant to 29

C.F.R. �1614.501, no later than sixty (60) calendar days after the date

this decision becomes final. If appellant declines to accept a promotion

with the agency, the back pay period shall end on the date he declines the

offer of promotion. Appellant shall cooperate in the agency's efforts

to compute the amount of back pay and benefits due, and shall provide

all relevant information requested by the agency. If there is a dispute

regarding the exact amount of back pay and/or benefits, the agency shall

issue a check to the appellant for the undisputed amount within sixty (60)

calendar days of the date the agency determines the amount it believes

to be due. Appellant may petition for enforcement or clarification of

the amount in dispute. The petition for clarification or enforcement

must be filed with the Compliance Officer, at the address referenced in

the statement entitled "Implementation of the Commission's Decision."

3. Appellant shall be awarded attorneys fees as set forth below.

4. The agency shall take corrective, curative and preventive action to

ensure that national origin or reprisal discrimination does not recur,

including but not limited to providing training to the responsible

official(s) at the United States Air Force, Structures Technology Branch,

Materiels Analysis Team, Robins Air Force Base, Georgia facility in the

law against employment discrimination. Within thirty (30) calendar days

of the date the training is completed, the agency shall submit to the

compliance officer appropriate documentation evidencing completion of

such training.

5. The agency is further directed to submit a report of compliance, as

provided in the statement entitled "Implementation of the Commission's

Decision." The report shall include supporting documentation of the

agency's calculation of backpay and other benefits due complainant,

including evidence that the corrective action has been implemented.


The agency is ordered to post at its Structures Technology Branch,

Materiels Analysis Team, Robins Air Force Base, Georgia facility copies

of the attached notice. Copies of the notice, after being signed by the

agency's duly authorized representative, shall be posted by the agency

within thirty (30) calendar days of the date this decision becomes final,

and shall remain posted for sixty (60) consecutive days, in conspicuous

places, including all places where notices to employees are customarily

posted. The agency shall take reasonable steps to ensure that said

notices are not altered, defaced, or covered by any other material.

The original signed notice is to be submitted to the Compliance Officer

at the address cited in the paragraph entitled "Implementation of the

Commission's Decision," within ten (10) calendar days of the expiration

of the posting period.


If complainant has been represented by an attorney (as defined by

29 C.F.R. � 1614.501(e)(1)(iii)), he/she is entitled to an award of

reasonable attorney's fees incurred in the processing of the complaint.

29 C.F.R. � 1614.501(e). The award of attorney's fees shall be paid

by the agency. The attorney shall submit a verified statement of fees

to the agency -- not to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission,

Office of Federal Operations -- within thirty (30) calendar days of this

decision becoming final. The agency shall then process the claim for

attorney's fees in accordance with 29 C.F.R. � 1614.501.


Compliance with the Commission's corrective action is mandatory.

The agency shall submit its compliance report within thirty (30)

calendar days of the completion of all ordered corrective action. The

report shall be submitted to the Compliance Officer, Office of Federal

Operations, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, P.O. Box 19848,

Washington, D.C. 20036. The agency's report must contain supporting

documentation, and the agency must send a copy of all submissions to

the complainant. If the agency does not comply with the Commission's

order, the complainant may petition the Commission for enforcement of

the order. 29 C.F.R. � 1614.503(a). The complainant also has the right

to file a civil action to enforce compliance with the Commission's order

prior to or following an administrative petition for enforcement. See 29

C.F.R. �� 1614.407, 1614.408, and 29 C.F.R. � 1614.503(g). Alternatively,

the complainant has the right to file a civil action on the underlying

complaint in accordance with the paragraph below entitled "Right to File

A Civil Action." 29 C.F.R. �� 1614.407 and 1614.408. A civil action

for enforcement or a civil action on the underlying complaint is subject

to the deadline stated in 42 U.S.C. � 2000e-16(c)(Supp. V 1993). If the

complainant files a civil action, the administrative processing of the

complaint, including any petition for enforcement, will be terminated.

See 29 C.F.R. � 1614.409.



This is a decision requiring the agency to continue its administrative

processing of your complaint. However, if you wish to file a civil

action, you have the right to file such action in an appropriate United

States District Court within ninety (90) calendar days from the date

that you receive this decision. In the alternative, you may file a

civil action after one hundred and eighty (180) calendar days of the date

you filed your complaint with the agency, or filed your appeal with the

Commission. If you file a civil action, you must name as the defendant in

the complaint the person who is the official agency head or department

head, identifying that person by his or her full name and official title.

Failure to do so may result in the dismissal of your case in court.

"Agency" or "department" means the national organization, and not the

local office, facility or department in which you work. Filing a civil

action will terminate the administrative processing of your complaint.


If you decide to file a civil action, and if you do not have or cannot

afford the services of an attorney, you may request that the Court appoint

an attorney to represent you and that the Court permit you to file the

action without payment of fees, costs, or other security. See Title VII

of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, 42 U.S.C. � 2000e et seq.;

the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, 29 U.S.C. �� 791, 794(c).

The grant or denial of the request is within the sole discretion of

the Court. Filing a request for an attorney does not extend your time

in which to file a civil action. Both the request and the civil action

must be filed within the time limits as stated in the paragraph above

("Right to File A Civil Action").


March 16, 2001


Carlton M. Hadden, Director

Office of Federal Operations




Washington, D.C. 20507




An Agency of the United States Government

This Notice is posted pursuant to an Order by the United States Equal

Employment Opportunity Commission dated which found that

a violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended,

42 U.S.C. �2000e et seq. has occurred at this facility.

Federal law requires that there be no discrimination against any

employee or applicant for employment because of the person's RACE,


DISABILITY with respect to hiring, firing, promotion, compensation,

or other terms, conditions or privileges of employment.

The Department of the Air Force, Structures Technology Branch, Materiels

Analysis Team, Robins Air Force Base, Georgia, (hereinafter �USAF�),

supports and will comply with such Federal law and will not take action

against individuals because they have exercised their rights under law.

The USAF has been found to have discriminated on the bases of National

Origin and reprisal for prior EEO activity when an American Indian

GS-0806-11 Materiels Engineer was performing GS12 level work and

denied the opportunity of promotion to GS-0806-12 Materiels Engineer.

The USAF has been ordered to: (1) retroactively promote the complainant

to GS-0806-12 to March 1, 1993; (2) issue an appropriate award of back

pay; (3) award reasonable attorneys fees; and (4) take corrective action

in the form of training for the responsible official(s). The USAF

will ensure that officials responsible for personnel decisions and

terms and conditions of employment will abide by the requirements of

all federal equal employment opportunity laws and will not retaliate

against employees who file EEO complaints.

The USAF will not in any manner restrain, interfere, coerce, or

retaliate against any individual who exercises his or her right to

oppose practices made unlawful by, or who participates in proceedings

pursuant to, federal equal employment opportunity law.

Date Posted: _____________________

Posting Expires: _________________

1Multiple substantive decisions have been issued in this matter by the

agency, AJ and Commission. Accordingly, we shall refrain from providing

another lengthy restatement of the pertinent facts and issues herein.

See Cummings v. United States Air Force, EEOC Appeal No. 01972343

(December 15, 1998) for a recitation of the factual background of this


2 We note that the Commission reviews the AJ decision based upon a

substantial evidence standard. See EEOC Management Directive 110,

pp. 9-14, 9-15 (November 9, 1999).

3 In fact he asked to be transferred out of the unit due to animosity

between his two co-workers.