Reinhard Brothers Co.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsMay 16, 1957117 N.L.R.B. 1630 (N.L.R.B. 1957) Copy Citation 1630 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD the multiemployer contract with the Intervenor as covering these categories. From this it is evident that the omission of the powerhouse and maintenance employees from article 10 was not inadvertent, as contended. For the foregoing reasons, in addition to the fact that the evidence adduced at the hearing to negate these conclusions was in- sufficient, in our opinion, to overcome the clear implications of the con- tract itself and the documentary evidence, we find that the powerhouse and maintenance employees are not covered by the bargaining agree- ment asserted as a bar. Accordingly, we find the contract no bar to a current determination of representatives. 4. The Petitioner seeks to represent a unit of powerhouse and main- tenance employees. The Intervenor contends that the unit sought is inappropriate. As we have concluded, for the reasons already stated, that these employees are not covered by the contract, we find that they constitute a unit of maintenance employees such as the Board considers appropriate for bargaining purposes. Moreover, under the circumstances of this case, these employees as the only unrepresented employees constitute in any event an appropriate residual unit. Ac- cordingly, we shall direct an election among the following employees : All powerhouse and maintenance employees at the Employer's Youngstown, Ohio, dairy, excluding all other employees, office clerical employees, guards, and supervisors as defined in the Act. If a majority of the employees in the voting group vote for the Petitioner, they will have indicated their desire to constitute a separate appropriate unit, and the Regional Director is instructed to issue a certification of representatives to the Petitioner for such unit, which the Board under the circumstances finds appropriate for the purposes of collective bargaining. If a majority of the employees in the voting group vote for the Intervenor they will be taken to have expressed their desire to become part of the Intervenor's present unit, and the Intervenor may bargain for them as part of such unit. If a majority of the employees in the group vote for neither, they will be deemed to have expressed their desire to remain unrepresented. [Text of Direction of Election ' omitted from publication.] Reinhard Brothers Company and Office Employees International Union, Local No. 12, AFL-CIO, Petitioner. Case No. 18-RC- 3093. May 16, 1957 DECISION, DIRECTION, AND ORDER On February 5, 1957, pursuant to a stipulation for certification upon consent election, an election by secret ballot was held under the direc- tion and supervision of the Regional Director for the Eighteenth 117 NLRB No. 208. REINHARD BROTHERS COMPANY 1631 Region among employees in the stipulated unit. Following the elec- tion, a tally of ballots was furnished the parties. The tally shows that of approximately 103 eligible voters, 104 ballots were cast, of which 44 were for the Petitioner, 43 against the Petitioner, and 17 were challenged. As the challenges were sufficient in number to affect the results of the election, the Regional Director investigated the challenges and, on March 8, 1957, issued and duly served on the parties a report and recommendation on challenged ballots in which he made certain rec- ommendations. The Employer filed exceptions to the Regional Director's report. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3 (b) of the National Labor Relations Act, the Board has delegated its powers in connection with this case to a three-member panel [Members Murdock, Rodgers, and Bean]. The Board has considered the stipulation, the report and recom- mendation of the Regional Director, the Employer's exceptions, and the entire record in this case, and hereby makes the following findings : 1. The Employer is engaged in commerce within the meaning of the Act. 2. The labor organization involved claims to represent certain employees of the Employer. 3. A question affecting commerce exists concerning the representa- tion of certain employees of the Employer within the meaning of Section 9 (c) (1) and Section 2 (6) and (7) of the Act. 4. The following employees of the Employer, as stipulated, consti- tute a unit appropriate for the purposes of collective bargaining within the meaning of Section 9 (b) of the Act: All office clerical employees and inside sales department employees employed at the Employer's wholesale establishment located at 4301 Highway 7, Minneapolis, Minnesota, excluding professional employ- ees, guards, and supervisors as defined in the Act. 5. The ballots of Carroll Jackley, Leslie Peterson, Kerry Willette, Frank Vaughn, John Scherf, John Carlson, F. J. Hillstrom, Ervin Johnson, Wallace Langley, Pearley Kane, Elizabeth Carlson, William Bowton, Charles Foxx, and Clarysse Ness were challenged by the Petitioner on the ground that they are supervisors and the ballot of Esther Wyman on the ground that she is a confidential employee. The Employer challenged the ballots of Jim Stocke and Dick Betzold on the ground that they were not on the eligibility list nor in the agreed unit. The Regional Director found that Carroll Jackley, Leslie Peterson, Kerry Willette, Frank Vaughn, John Scherf, John Carlson, F. J. 1632 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Hillstrom , Ervin Johnson , and Wallace Langley are supervisors and recommended that these challenges be sustained . Both the Peti- tioner and the Employer agree that these individuals are supervisors. The Regional Director recommended that the challenges be sustained as to the ballots of Jim Stocke, Dick Betzold, and Pearley Kane, finding that these employees are in a bargaining unit now under contract between the Employer and another Union. No exception was taken to the Regional Director's recommendation as to the challenges with respect to these 12 employees, and the Board adopts his recom- mendation and sustains the challenges to their ballots. The Regional Director recommended that the challenges to the ballots of Elizabeth Carlson, William Bowton, Ch rysse Ness. and Esther Wyman be overruled. No exception was taken to this recom- mendation. However, the Employer does not concur in all the find- ings of fact upon which the Regional Director relied. In view of the fact that no exception is made to the Regional Director 's recommen- dation, we accept the recommendation without passing on the duties of these particular employees . Suffice to say that were all the facts conceded that the Employer urges, these employees would be included in the unit as found by the Regional Director. The challenges to their ballots are overruled. The Regional Director recommended that the challenge to the ballot of Charles Foxx be sustained on the ground that he possessed supervisory authority. To this finding, recommendation, and con- elusion, the Employer excepts. The facts concerning Foxx's status as represented by the Employer are contradictory to the facts reported by the Regional Director. In view of this conflict and the fact that the counting of the ballots, the challenges to which are over- ruled may determine the results of the election , we shall not pass on the status of Charles Foxx at this time. We shall direct the opening and counting of those ballots as to which we have herein overruled challenges ; and we shall further direct that the Regional Director shall thereafter issue a revised tally of ballots . In the event it then appears that Foxx's ballot cannot affect the election 's results, and if it also appears that the Petitioner has received a majority of the valid votes cast in the election, the Regional Director is instructed to issue a certification of representa- tives to the Petitioner for the unit heretofore found appropriate. If, on the other hand, the revised tally shows that the Petitioner has not received a majority of the valid votes cast, and if it also appears that Foxx's ballot cannot affect the election's results, the Regional Director is instructed to issue a certification of results of election. If the revised tally indicates that Foxx's ballot may be determinative of the results of the election, the Board will, upon being so advised by CABOT CARBON COMPANY 1633 the Regional Director, give further consideration to the disposition of the challenge to Foxx's ballot. [The Board directed that, the Regional Director for the Eighteenth Region shall, within ten (10) days from the date of this decision, open and count the ballots of employees Elizabeth Carlson, William Bowton, Clarysse Ness, and Esther Wyman, and serve upon the par- ties a revised tally of ballots. If the ballot of Charles Foxx does not affect the results of the election, the Regional Director shall issue a certification of representatives if the Petitioner has received a majority of the valid votes cast, or shall issue a certification of results of election if the Petitioner has not received a majority of votes cast. If Foxx's ballot does affect the results of the election, the regional Director is directed to advise the Board so that appropriate action may be taken.] [The Board ordered the above-entitled matter referred to the Regional Director for the Eighteenth Region for disposition.] Cabot Carbon Company and Cabot Shops , Inc. and Interested Parties : Central Committee , Southwestern Division, Employee Committee, Canal Plant, Employee Committee , Dixon Plant, Employee Committee, Kermit Plant , Employee Committee, Pampa Plant, Employee Committee , Schafer A Plant, Em- ployee Committee , Schafer B Plant, Employee Committee, Ville Platte Plant , Employee Committee , Nlills R & D Plant, Em- ployee Committee , Cabot Shops, Employee Committee, Ord- nance Plant , Employee Committee , Estes Plant , Employee Committee , Keystone Plant, Employee Committee, Pampa Office, Employee Committee , Schafer Laboratory , Employee Committee , Pampa Warehouse , Employee Committee , Walton Plant and International Chemical Workers Union , AFL-CIO. Case No. 15-CA-777. May 17,1957 DECISION AND ORDER On December 4, 1956, Trial Examiner Lee J. Best, issued his Intermediate Report in the above-entitled proceeding, finding that the Respondents had engaged in and were engaging in certain unfair labor practices, and recommending that they cease and desist there- from and take certain affirmative action, as set forth in the copy of the Intermediate Report attached hereto. Thereafter, the Respond- ents filed exceptions to the Intermediate Report and a supporting brief, and the General Counsel filed a brief. 117 NLRB No. 211. 12 3 7 81-5 7--vol 117-104 Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation