Regal Tube CompanyDownload PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsSep 28, 1979245 N.L.R.B. 968 (N.L.R.B. 1979) Copy Citation DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Regal Tube Company and Warehouse, Mail Order, Office, Technical and Professional Employees Union, Local 743, International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America. Cases 13-CA- 17236 and 13-RC 14607 September 28, 1979 DECISION, ORDER, AND DIRECTION OF SECOND ELECTION BY MEMBERS JENKINS, MURPHY, AND TRUESDALE On June 20, 1979, Administrative Law Judge Her- zel H. E. Plaine issued the attached Decision in this proceeding. Thereafter, Respondent filed exceptions and a supporting brief, the General Counsel filed cross-exceptions and a supporting brief, and Respon- dent filed an answering brief to the General Counsel's cross-exceptions. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the Na- tional Labor Relations Board has delegated its au- thority in this proceeding to a three-member panel. The Board has considered the record and the at- tached Decision in light of the exceptions and briefs and has decided to affirm the rulings, findings,' and conclusions of the Administrative Law Judge and to adopt his recommended Order, as modified herein.2 ORDER Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Rela- tions Board adopts as its Order the recommended Or- der of the Administrative Law Judge, as modified be- low, and hereby orders that the Respondent, Regal Tube Company, Chicago, Illinois, its officers, agents, successors, and assigns, shall take the action set forth in the said recommended Order, as so modified: 1. Substitute the following for paragraph I(c): I Respondent has excepted to certain credibility findings made by the Ad- ministrative Law Judge. It is the Board's established policy not to overrule an administrative law judge's resolutions with respect to credibility unless the clear preponderance of all of the relevant evidence convinces us that the resolutions are incorrect. Standard Dry Wall Products, Inc., 91 NLRB 544 (1950), enfd. 188 F.2d 362 (3d Cir. 1951). We have carefully examined the record and find no basis for reversing his findings. 2 The Administrative Law Judge provided in his recommended Order that Respondent shall cease and desist from "liln any other manner" infringing upon employee rights guaranteed in Sec. 7 of the Act. However, we have considered this case in light of the standards set forth in Hickmort Foods, Inc., 242 NLRB 1357 (1979), and have concluded that a broad remedial order is inappropriate inasmuch as it has not been shown that Respondent has a proclivity to violate the Act or has engaged in such egregious or wide- spread misconduct as to demonstrate a general disregard for the employees' fundamental statutory rights. Accordingly, we will modify the recommended Order and notice by substituting the narrow injunctive language "in any like or related manner." "(c) In any like or related manner interfering with, restraining, or coercing employees in the exercise of their rights guaranteed in Section 7 of the Act." 2. Substitute the attached notice for that of the Administrative Law Judge. [Direction of Second Election and Excelsior foot- note omitted from publication.] APPENDIX NOTICE To EMPLOYEES POSTED BY ORDER OF THE NATIONAI. LABOR REI.ATIONS BOARD An Agency of the United States Government The National Labor Relations Board having found, after a hearing, that we violated the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, has ordered us to post this notice. We intend to abide by the following: WE WILL NOT coercively interrogate our em- ployees as to their views concerning the Union, or whether they feel the Union is needed and if so why, or whether they will vote in favor of the Union or against the Union, or why they may switch from support of the company position op- posing the Union to support of the Union. WE WILl. NOT direct employees to stop wear- ing union buttons or insignia, or otherwise inter- fere with their wearing union buttons or insignia, whether on company issued uniforms or other apparel. WE WILL NOT in any like or related manner interfere with, restrain, or coerce employees in the exercise of rights guaranteed in Section 7 of the Act. REGAL TUBE COMPANY DECISION HERZEL H. E. PAINE. Administrative Law Judge: Re- spondent is a manufacturer of steel products. The Charging Party (Union), sought to become bargaining representative of Respondent's employees in a Board-conducted election on January 18, 1978. Thereafter, following total resolution of challenged ballots and partial resolution of objections to the conduct of the election in actions taken by both the Regional Director and the Board, it appeared that the vote for and against union representation was a tie. 86 to 86. Unresolved and to be determined here were residual union objections to the conduct of the election, followed by charge and complaint.' The complaint alleged that Respon- I The unresolved union objections mere numbers 5. 6, and 7, see report of the Regional Director of March 7, 1978 (G.C. Exh. Ik): the complaint was issued on February 24, 1978. on a charge filed by the Union on January 25, 1978; and consolidation of the hearing of unresolved objections and the like allegations of the complaint was ordered on July 3. 1978. following the Board's decision and direction of May 31, 1978 (G.C. Exh. (l)). 245 NLRB No. 124 o68 REGAL TUBE COMPANY dent engaged in acts of coercive interrogation of its employ- ees concerning their interest in and activities for the Union. created the impression of surveillance of the Union and of the protected concerted activities of the employees, and in- terfered with the wearing of union buttons by its employees. General Counsel and the Union contend that Respon- dent's actions constituted unfair labor practices in violation of Section 8(a)(1) of the National Labor Relations Act (the Act), and interfered with the fairness of the election, requir- ing that the results of the election be set aside and a new election ordered. Respondent contends that it engaged in no unlawful con- duct, and that the results of the election (the tie vote repre- senting a rejection of the Union) should be certified. The consolidated cases were heard in Chicago, Illinois, on July 26-27, 1978. General Counsel gave an oral argu- ment, but filed no brief. Respondent has filed a brief. Upon the entire record2 of the cases, including my obser- vation of the witnesses and consideration of the oral argu- ment and brief, I make the following: FINDINGS OF FACT I. JURISDICTION Respondent is an Illinois corporation engaged in the manufacture of steel products at its plant and place of busi- ness in Chicago, Illinois. In 1977, a representative period, Respondent bought and received at its plant goods valued in excess of $50,000 di- rectly from points located outside the State of Illinois. As the parties admit, Respondent is an employer within the meaning of Section 2(2), (6), and (7) of the Act. As the parties also admit, the Union is a labor organiza- tion within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. II. THE UNFAIR L.ABOR PRACTICES A. Respondent's Business Operations Respondent is a wholly owned subsidiary of Copperweld Corporation, according to Manufacturing Manager Steven Perkins. Using steel, Respondent manufactures two lines of products. One is a structural line of steel squares or rectan- gles in various sizes and thicknesses. the other is a drawn- over-mandril (DOM) product, involving the making and use of welded rounded shells of steel tubing and with heat treatment and drawing the shells over mandrils reducing and finishing the tubing into appropriate sizes for produc- ing hydraulic and other cylinders used in machinery, such as lifting devices. For its manufacturing purposes Respondent has a plant in a number of buildings comprising 400,000 square feet. In December 1977 and January 1978, said Manufacturing Manager Perkins, Respondent had about 173 or 174 em- 2 General Counsel moved for the making of corrections of the transcript of the testimony. Respondent expressed no view. I have examined the proposed corrections. They appear to be in the nature of minor typographical errors that are obvious to a reader of the transcript without interfering with his understanding of the sense of the text. Accordingly, I see no need for for- mally making the corrections and den) the motion. ployees spread over two full shifts and a partial third shift, with hours 7 a.m. to 3 p.m., 3 p.m. to II p.m.. and I p.m. to 7 a.m. Under and responsible to Manufacturing Manager Per- kins were department superintendents. such as DOM Su- perintendent Charles (Chuck) Mindell, with five foremen and 45 hourly employees; Superintendent of Warehouse and Cutting Departments Stanley Zwyczyk, with three foremen and 50 hourly employees; and Superintendent of Weld Mills Dennis Cowen, with four foremen and an un- identified number of hourly employees. Also in the Decem- ber 1977-January 1978 period, the storeroom superinten- dent was Joseph (Joe) Conrad, who supervised 4 employees in a caged in area and ordered materials and supplies. In the same time period, among the foremen who testi- fied were Ron Larsen (or Larson), a processing foreman on the first shift of DOM department who supervised 7 em- ployees; Doralee (Gene) Walker, a first-shift foreman in the warehouse and cutting departments who supervised 26 em- ployees: Steven (Steve) Prim, a DOM department finishing foreman who supervised II employees; Paul Simpek, a weld mill second-shift foreman who supervised 12 employ- ees: and Ray Burnell, a weld mill first-shift foreman.3 All of the persons named above as manufacturing man- ager, superintendents, and foremen were conceded by Re- spondent to be supervisors within the meaning of the Act. B. Union Organizing., Respondent's Countermeasures Respondent's employees were not represented by a union. According to Respondent's Manufacturing Manager Perkins, the Union had tried unsuccessfully to achieve rep- resentative status in 1976 and lost in a December 1976 elec- tion. The Union campaigned again starting in late 1977, filed a representation petition with the Board on November 18, 1977, and obtained approval on December 2, 1977 for a Stipulation for Certification Upon Consent Election, under which the election was held on January 18, 1978. In cam- paigning the Union used an organizing committee of em- ployees, held meetings away from Respondent's premises, and distributed union literature to employees and union buttons worn by the employees who chose to openly indi- cate their support. The buttons either identified Local 743 Teamsters or indicated vote yes. A blue button identified the wearer as being on the organizing committee. Respondent was opposed to the Union becoming the rep- resentative of its employees, and beginning in December 1977 set up an in-plant countercampaign against the Union, using the supervisors as the means to convey its opposition by word of mouth and by printed literature dis- tributed daily by the supervisors on each of the three shifts. Respondent also distributed buttons stating "Regal Tube. Vote No" worn by employees who chose to openly indicate their opposition to the Union. In addition. the complaint and testimony identified Rich Hespen and Glen Neal as foremen. Par. vie) of the complaint, which identified Glen Neal as the involved foreman, was withdrawn by General Counsel. Carl Skanberg. also identified in the complaint as a foreman, was referred to in testimony concerning par. Via) of the complaint. 969 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD DOM Superintendent Mindell testified that daily at the start of each of the three shifts the respective foremen and other supervisors of the shift would assemble for a 20-min- ute meeting with Manufacturing Manager Steven Perkins and Industrial Relations Manager Bill Reinholz, where the supervisors would receive a batch of letters or literature for the day. They were given 10 minutes to read the literature and another 10 minutes in which to ask any questions they had of Perkins or Reinholz. The supervisors were then in- structed to distribute the literature to the employees on the shift and to ascertain if the employees responded in any way. If questions were asked by the employees, said Min- dell, the supervisors were told they were to give answers or if they could not give answers to get answers for the em- ployees. Mindell testified that he obtained answers he needed from Perkins or Reinholz. Superintendent Mindell further testified that although the supervisors were instructed in the daily meetings to as- certain how the employees responded in connection with the daily distribution of the company literature, and al- though he personally received an indication from at least one employee on how the employee was leaning, he (Min- dell) did not report this to management. I find this incredi- ble in light of the instruction and Mindell's further testi- mony that the supervisors talked freely and often among themselves on how the campaign was going. C. Coercive Interrogation Six employees of the warehouse and cutting departments testified to being questioned by their Superintendent Stan- ley Zwyczyk in connection with or following the distribu- tion of company literature by Zwyczyk or their immediate foreman, Gene Walker. Crane Operator Ronald Pond, a 6-year employee, testi- fied to a conversation 2 or 3 days before the election with Superintendent Zwyczyk after Zwyczyk had distributed the company literature that day. Pond said that he had not asked any question about the literature although he was asked if he had any questions; nevertheless, Zwyczyk came back to talk to him, alone on the job. According to employee Pond, Superintendent Zwyczyk asked Pond what he thought of the Union and if the Union was really needed at Respondent's plant. When Pond an- swered that it was needed Zwyczyk asked why, and Pond replied because of working conditions. Zwyczyk told Pond that Respondent did not need the Union and had not needed the Union all these past years. Pond testified that he told a number of his fellow employees of the interrogation by Zwyczyk, among them employee Harry Pote, who con- firmed this in his testimony. Superintendent Zwyczyk admitted the conversation with employee Pond, including asking why he thought the Union was needed, in the context of telling him that there was no need for the Union at Regal Tube Company. In- deed, Zwyczyk testified that this was a pattern of approach he took with just about every hourly employee in the two departments he supervised; that in the 2 weeks before the election, by talking individually to three or four of the em- ployees a day, he reached almost everyone under his super- vision and asked all of them the same thing. Employee Chester Terry Kowalski, a bandsaw operator for 7 years, testified to what Zwyczyk himself described as tpyical of his individual talks with the employees. Kowalski testified that about I week or 2 before the election of Janu- ary 18, 1978, on a day when Foreman Gene Walker had made the daily handout of company literature, Zwyczyk came by Kowalski's work station at no. 2 saw, asked him how he was, and asked how was business. Kowalski in- quired what business, and Zwyczyk said the Union, what do you think of the Union. Kowalski answered what about the Union. Whereupon Zwyczyk asked do you think we need the Union. Kowalski replied yes we need the Union. Zwyczyk asked him why, and Kowalski replied for better benefits. Zwyczyk retorted that only the Company could give Kowalski better benefits, the Union could not help him, and a union was not needed at Regal Tube Company. Both employee Kowalski and Superintendent Zwyczyk testified that leadman Chester Sadzewicz was present dur- ing the foregoing conversation, checking a link on the saw. Sadzewicz, a 13-year employee, testified that he overheard their conversation, and that thereafter Zwyczyk took him aside and asked what he thought of the Union. Sadzewicz answered that sometimes it can do good, to which Zwyczyk replied that we do not need the Union, we never had one, and the Company does not want one. Employee Harry Pote, a crane operator in the warehouse department, testified as to Superintendent Zwyczyk's con- versation with him in his work area, bay 7, 1 week or 2 before the election. Zwyczyk asked Pote how he was doing, how he felt about the Union and election, and if he thought the Union was needed. Pote replied that wages and benefits were good, but that there were communication problems between workers and management, such as he experienced on the safety committee, where there was a lot of talk about bad working conditions but nothing actually done to cor- rect them. Zwyczyk told him that the Union was not needed, and that the problems could be worked out without involving a third party. Employee Dennis Morris, also a crane operator in the warehouse, testified to his conversation with Superinten- dent Zwyczyk prior to the election. Zwyczyk asked Morris how he felt about the Union and the election coming up. Morris evaded a direct reply by saying that he thought it was funny that the Company was making such a big deal out of it with paper distributions in the mornings and the conversations by supervisors. Zwyczyk told him that a union was not needed at Regal Tube Company. Employee John Bartosch, employed in the cutting de- partment for over 7 years, testified that 3 or 4 days before the election Superintendent Zwyczyk came to him in his work area and asked if he had any questions about the Union, if he had made up his mind about the Union, and was he for or against it. Bartosch replied that he was not sure. Two days later, which was I day or 2 before the election, said Bartosch, the inquiry was followed by an inquiry from his immediate foreman, Gene Walker, asking Bartosch if he had any questions about the Union and had he made up his mind on the way he would vote. Again Bartosch replied that he was not sure. 970 REGAL TUBE COMPANY Both Superintendent Zwyczyk and Foreman Walker de- nied that they had questioned employee Bartosch on whether he had made up his mind about the Union and whether he would vote for or against it. I do not credit these denials in view of the instructions to the supervisors from top management to ascertain how the employees were re- sponding to the daily antiunion campaign and Zwyczyk's self-contradicting admission that he was doing that in the cases of the employees in his two departments. Turning to other departments, employee James Kelly was the operator of the amalog (electronic device for detect- ing defects in steel) in the DOM department, second shift. His department head was Charles (Chuck) Mindell; his im- mediate foreman when Respondent's distribution of anti- union literature began and for several weeks thereafter was Steven (Steve) Prim, followed by Foreman Glen Neal just before the election. Employee Kelly testified that Foreman Prim distributed the company literature each day of Respondent's counter- campaign, instructed him to take time out from his work and read it, and if he had any questions Prim would try to answer them when he came back. On the early occasions when Prim came back, said Kelly, Prim would ask a general question and then something specific from the literature of the day. On one occasion several weeks before the election, said employee Kelly, he told Foreman Prim that he had not read the literature, and he was not interested in it. Accord- ing to Kelly, Prim told him that he had been instructed to read it and was required to read it and to discuss his view- point with Prim; Prim asked him do we need a Union, if so why, and what did Kelly think the Union would do for him. Kelly replied that he thought the employees could use union representation but did not answer as to what he thought the Union could do for him. Kelly further testified that on one occasion when he was expecting to be ques- tioned by his supervisor he put on a company issued button which read "Regal Tube. Vote No," and that he was not questioned that time. Foreman Prim, who had I I employees under his supervi- sion, testified that he handed the company literature to each of the employees daily, told each to take time on the job and read the literature, and that he would be back for ques- tions.4 He also testified that he then spoke individually to each employee because he felt that the individual employee would voice opinions more freely by himself and "volun- teer" if he was "pro or con" the Union. In fact, said Prim, some employees did volunteer opinions for or against the Union, and he reported these to management, although he claimed that no one in management had asked him for what he had been told. In Employee Kelly's case, said Foreman Prim on direct examination, he never ordered Kelly to read the literature In contrast to this company sanctioned use of worktime for antiunion purposes, Foreman Larsen, also of the DOM department, warned employee Raymond Escobedo not to engage in union talk with fellow employees on worktime. This occurred on an occasion when Ecobedo was at his work station talking to fellow employee Dennis Gelecke, who had come to Esco- bedo about moving some tubes from the DOM transfer car (as both men testified) and, admittedly, Foreman Larsen did not know what the two men were diussing. or express an opinion or viewpoint on the literature or the Union. However, on cross-examination Prim conceded that at a time or times several weeks before the election when Kelly told him not to waste his time that he was for the Company Prim nevertheless continued to hand him the lit- erature, told him to read it, that he would find it interesting, and continued to come back and talk with Kelly. Prim claimed that there was no discussion among the foremen and other supervisors concerning the letters or the effect of Respondent's campaign, whereas the superintendent of his department. Mindell, admitted that the foremen and other supervisors talked freely and often about how the campaign was going. Viewed in totality, Foreman Prim's testimony provides support for employee Kelly's testimony concerning coercive interrogation by Prim. Employee Kelly also told of two or three conversations with DOM Superintendent Mindell beginning about 3 weeks before the election. Kelly, who worked the second shift, testified that on these occasions Mindell had stopped by where Kelly was working around 5 p.m. or 5:30 p.m. and asked him what he thought of the day's letter or a particular item in the letter, such as as alleged default by the Union in payment of pension funds, how did he feel about the Union, and would it benefit him or any employee at Regal Tube Company, at the same time pointing out that the employees did not need the Union because of the fore- ward strides the Company had made on their behalf. Kelly said that he was evasive in his answers to Mindell. Superintendent Mindell admitted talking to employee Kelly but claimed it was only to advise him that he ought to read the company literature, that he would find it useful to help make up his mind on how to vote. As already indi- cated, in view of the instruction to foremen and oter super- visors to ascertain the responses of the employees to Re- spondent's campaign (to which Mindell testified), it is not likely that Mindell limited himself in his discussion with Kelly, and I credit Kelley's testimony. Employee Raymond Escobedo was a crane operator, also in the DOM department, who worked the first shift. His immediate supervisor was Foreman Ron Larsen. Escobedo testified to being the recipient of company literature from Larsen and to discussion with Larsen about the literature and the Union. Employee Escobedo testified to an occasion several weeks before the election when he came into the foremen's office to check some papers. Foreman Larsen conceded that Escobedo was properly there in the normal course of busi- ness. Escobedo testified that both Foremen Larsen and Rich Hespen were there, and Larsen asked him why he felt he needed the Union. Escobedo answered that he might need help if something happened to him at Regal Tube. Foreman Larsen admitted that he and Foreman Hespen were in the room but claimed that it was not he was ques- tioned employee Escobedo but rather another employee, Al Bonecki, who also came into the foremen's office and asked Escobedo how come he was so much in favor of the Union. Neither employee Bonecki, who was still employed by Re- spondent at the time of hearing, nor Supervisor Hespen testified, and it may be inferred that if called their testi- 971 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD mony would not support Larsen's claim. I credit Escobe- do's testimony. Mike Cook was a 7-year employee who worked as a mill operator in the mill department, headed by Superintendent Dennis Cowen. During the union campaign employee Cook changed mills, so that in the early stages of the campaign his foreman was Paul Simpek and in the later stages Fore- man Ray Burnell. In the prior election (December 1976), employee Cook had apparently been a supporter of the Company against the Union and had served as an observer for Respondent. According to Manuafacturing Manager Steven Perkins, he had been considering appointing Cook again as a company observer for the January 18, 1978, election. However, a few days before the January 18 election em- ployee Cook put on a number of union buttons identifying himself as supporting Teamsters Local 743. According to Cook, Manager Perkins and Foremen Burnell and Simpek separately asked him why he had switched to the Union, and he replied for personal reasons. All three supervisors denied that they had asked em- ployee Cook why he switched. Manager Perkins claimed that when he saw Cook wearing the union buttons he merely told him why he was not selected as election ob- server for the Company. Foremen Burnell and Simpek, who conceded awareness of Cook's former service as company observer and support for the Company, claimed that they merely smiled or laughed when they saw Cook wearing the many buttons. I do not accept as true the denials of ques- tioning him on the switch of support, because of think it is clear from other testimony, including Cook's, that the su- pervisors had regarded him as a supporter of the Company against the Union, and being surprised at his 11th-hour change in support spontaneously questioned him about it.' Conclusion The foregoing evidence describes a mass campaign ex- ecuted by Respondent's supervisors in the context of a daily barrage of company literature and talk that the employees did not need and the Company did not want the Union, questioning the employees individually at their work sta- tions or in the course of performing work on what the em- ployee's views concerning the Union were, whether he felt that the Union was needed and if so why, whether he would vote in favor of the Union or in favor of the Company position opposing the Union, and why (as in employee Cook's case), he switched from support of the company position opposing the Union to support of the Union. The Board had occasion recently to review this type of interrogation in Paceco, a Division of Fruehauf Corporation, 237 NLRB 399 (1978), and held that interrogation of an employee's union sympathies or his reasons for supporting ' In this connection employee Cook conceded that previously he had been voluntarily talking to the supervisors, including Manager Perkins and Super- intendent Cowen, during the earlier course of the campaign on how he thought the election would come out, and that it would be very close. In this context and time do not regard as a violation of the Act the allegation that Foreman Burnell asked Cook how he thought the election would go, which General Counsel described as the act of interrogation meant by par. V(g) of the complaint (see Tr. 295-296). Accordingly, I would dismiss par. V(g). a union need not be uttered in the context of threats of promises in order to be coercive; that the probing of such views, even addressed to employees who have openly de- clared their prounion sympathies, reasonably tends to inter- fere with the free exercise of employee rights under the Act and consequently is coercive; that the employee's re- sponses, indicating his subjective state of mind, is not pro- bative evidence of employer restraint and coercion; and that inquiry into an employee's views toward a union or unionization in general, even ostensibly questioned "out of curiosity," reasonably tends to interfere with the free exer- cise of an employee's Section 7 rights, regardless of his sub- jective state of mind. (237 NLRB at 340-341.) Without a doubt, Respondent's interrogations of its em- ployees were coercive and constituted unfair labor practices in violation of Section 8(a)( ) of the Act. The acts of coer- cive interrogation were also encompassed by the Union's objections to the conduct of the election, and since the acts occurred during the critical period preceding the election such acts interfered with the employees' free and untram- meled choice in that election. See Dal-Tex Optical Com- pany, Inc., 137 NLRB 1782, 1786 (1962). D. Interference With Wearing of Union Buttons The allegation on this score was by 9-year employee Gus Montealegre, a leadman in the mill department, of which department Dennis Cowen was the superintendent. (Mon- tealegre's immediate supervisor was Foreman Burnell.) Employee Montealegre testified that on an occasion at the end of December 1977 he had a conversation with Su- perintendent Cowen in bay 7. At the time, said Monteale- gre, he was wearing some union buttons including the one identifying himself as a member of the union organizing committee. According to employee Montealegre, Superintendent Cowen approached him, stopped, fingered the large orga- nizing committee button on Montealegre's uniform, and said that he should not be wearing the union buttons on his uniform because it was a company uniform. Montealegre replied that so long as he was wearing a uniform with his name on it he could wear what he wanted on it. Superintendent Cowen testified that he saw employee Montealegre frequently each day, maybe four times a day, that he recalled him wearing several union buttons, includ- ing the organizing committee button, and that Montea- legre's uniform had his name "Gus" on it. However, Cowen denied having told Montealegre not to wear the union but- tons and claimed that he never said anything to Monteale- gre about his wearing the union organizing committee but- ton. While this was a question of one man's word against another, I am impressed that Respondent was concerned with reducing the outward display of union sentiment in the plant in the course of trying to win the mind and will of a majority of the employees by its in-plant campaign, which, as already indicated under heading C, overstepped the bounds of legality. This concern was manifested by Re- spondent's issuance of company "vote no" buttons and en- couraging employees to wear them and an edginess or deri- sion on the part of supervisors in dealing with employees who wore the union buttons, aimed at discouraging them 972 REGAL TUBE COMPANY being worn. Note for example the combined conduct, de- scribed under heading C. above, of supervisors Perkins. Burnell, and Simpek in dealing with employee Cook, the former company supporter who put on union buttons. Ad- ditionally, employee Escobedo testified to a comment ad- dressed to him by Foreman Larsen, who on one occasion tapped the union buttons Escobedo was wearing and asked if there was a contest on buttons; and to comment by Stores Supervisor Joe Conrad, who asked Escobedo what he would do with the buttons if the Union did not win: and to the action of Manager Steven Perkins in physically tapping the union organizing button that Escobedo wore. While in none of these examples was there an order or request that the employee remove the union buttons, the combined su- pervisory reactions provide background for giving credence to employee Montealegre's testimony that Superintendent Cowen sought to discourage him from wearing the union buttons. I credit Montealegre's testimony. The direction to employee Montealegre to cease wearing the union buttons was n infringement of his Section 7 rights in violation of Section 8(a)(X) of the Act. Compare Plea- surecraft Marine Engine Company, 234 NLRB !216 (1978), where the Board found a Section 8(a)(1) violation when a supervisor forbade an employee to wear union insignia on his shirt because the masking tape on which the union slo- gan was written belonged to the company. The Act of interference with the right of employees to wear union insignia was also encompassed by the Union's objections to the conduct of the election, and since the act occurred during the critical period preceding the election such act interfered with the employees' free and untram- meled choice in that election. E. Alleged Surveillance The complaint, at paragraph V(a), alleged that in the preelection period Foreman Ron Larsen had created the impression that Respondent had kept the Union or the pro- tected activities of the employees under surveillance. In support of the allegation employee Raymond Escobe- do, who was a first shift DOM department employee super- vised by Larsen, testified that he attended the union meet- ings held at a Holiday Inn I mile from the plant regularly every other week. He also testified that he usually stopped in the foreman's office at the end of his shift to let whoever was in charge know that he was leaving for the day. On one such occasion, according to Escobedo, when Foreman Lar- sen and Foreman Carl Skanberg, of the third shift, were in the foremen's room as Escobedo was leaving, Larsen told him to hurry up or he would be late for the union meeting. While I am not impressed by Foreman Larsen's denial that he said this, I am impressed by testimony from Man- ager Perkins that the holding of the outside union meetings was a matter of common knowledge from union flyers dis- tributed around the plant and by employee Escobedo's own testimony that every time a union meeting was to be held he heard other employees talking about it in the plant. Ad- ditionally, Foreman Larsen testified that employees some- times asked to be excused from overtime to attend a union meeting and frequently joked about the union meetings, asking him if he was going to attend. Bearing in mind that the times and place of the union meetings were well advertised about the plant and consider- ing the total evidence concerning the talk about meetings, it would appear that Larsen's comment to Escobedo was in the nature of a bantering remark and could not have rea- sonably conveyed the sinister impression that Respondent was spying on its employees' union meetings or their at- tendance at such meetings. Paragraph V(a) of the complaint should be dismissed for lack of proof. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW I. By coercively interrogating its employees as to their views concerning the Union, whether they felt that the Union was needed and if so why, whether they would vote in favor of the Union or in favor of the company position opposing the Union, and why (in at least one case) the employee switched from support of the company position opposing the Union to support of the Union, and by direct- ing an employee not to wear union insignia, allegedly be- cause it was worn on a company uniform, Respondent en- gaged in unfair labor practices within the meaning of Section 8(a)(1) of the Act. The unfair labor practices affect commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. 2. The allegation of Section V(a) of the complaint charg- ing Foreman Larsen with creating the impression that Re- spondent had kept the Union and the protected activities of the employees under surveillance and the allegation of Sec- tion V(g) of the complaint that Foreman Burnell interro- gated employee Cook on how the election would go are dismissed for lack of proof. 3. Respondent's acts of coercive interrogation and inter- ference with the wearing of union insignia were also encom- passed by the Union's objections to the conduct of the rep- resentation election of January 18, 1978, and since the acts occurred during the critical period preceding the election such acts interfered with the employees' free and untram- meled choice in that election, necessitating the setting aside of the election and the holding of a second election. THE REMEDY It will be recommended that Respondent: (1) cease and desist from its unfair labor practices; (2) post the notice provided for herein; and because Respondent violated fundamental employee rights guaranteed by Section 7 of the Act and because there appears from the manner of the commission of this conduct an attitude of opposition to the purposes of the Act and a proclivity to commit other unfair labor practices, it will be further recommended that Respondent. (3) cease and desist from in any manner infringing upon the rights guaranteed by Section 7 of the Act. See N. L. RB. v. Entwistle Mfg. Co., 120 F.2d 532, 536 (4th Cir. 1941): P. R. Mallorv & Co., Inc. v. N.L.R.B., 400 F.2d 956, 959- 950 (7th Cir. 1968), cert. denied 394 U.S. 918 (1969); N.L.R.B. v. The Bama Co., 353 F.2d 320. 323-324 (5th Cir. 1965). Regarding the consolidated representation case, it will be recommended that the representation case be returned to 973 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD the Regional Director with the direction to set aside the election of January 18, 1978, and to provide for the holding of another election at a time and under circumstances likely to assure a free and fair election. Upon the foregoing findings of fact, conclusions of law, and the entire record and pursuant to Section 10(c) of the Act there is hereby issued the following recommended: ORDER 6 The Respondent, Regal Tube Company, Chicago, Illi- nois, its officers, agents, successors, and assigns shall: I. Cease and desist from: (a) Coercively interrogating employees as to their views concerning the Union, whether they feel that the Union is needed and if so why, whether they will vote in favor of the Union or against the Union, or why they may switch from support of the company position opposing the Union to support of the Union. (b) Directing employees not to wear the union buttons or insignia or otherwise interfering with the wearing of union buttons or insignia by employees, whether on company is- sued uniforms or on other apparel. 6 In the event no exceptions are filed as provided by Sec. 102.46 of the Rules and Regulations of the National Labor Relations Board, the findings. conclusions, and recommended Order herein shall, as provided in Sec. 102.48 of the Rules and Regulations, be adopted by the Board and become its findings, conclusions, and Order, and all objections thereto shall be deemed waived for all purposes. (c) In any other manner interfering with, restraining, or coercing employees in the exercise of their rights guaran- teed in Section 7 of the Act. 2. Take the following affirmative action which is neces- sary to effectuate the policies of the Act: (a) Post in the plant at Chicago, Illinois, copies of the attached notice marked "Appendix."' Immediately upon recept of said notice, on forms to be provided by the Re- gional Director for Region 13 (Chicago, Illinois), Respon- dent shall cause the copies to be signed by one of its autho- rized representatives and be posted, the posted copies to be maintained for a period of 60 consecutive days thereafter in conspicuous places, including all places where notices to employees are customarily posted. Reasonable steps shall be taken by Respondent to insure that said notices are not altered, defaced, or covered by any other material. (b) Notify the Regional Director for Region 13, in writ- ing, within 20 days from the date of this Order, what steps Respondent has taken to comply herewith. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED THAT the representation case, 13- RC-14607, shall be returned to the Regional Director for Region 13 with a direction to set aside the election of Janu- ary 18, 1978, and to provide for the holding of another election at a time and under circumstances likely to assure a free and fair election. Dated June 20, 1979, Washington, D.C. In the event that this Order is enforced by a Judgment of a United States Court of Appeals, the words in the notice reading "Posted by Order of the National Labor Relations Board" shall read "Posted Pursuant to a Judgment of the United States Court of Appeals Enforcing an Order of the National Labor Relations Board. 974 Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation