Ray's Liquor StoreDownload PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsJan 31, 1977227 N.L.R.B. 1800 (N.L.R.B. 1977) Copy Citation 1800 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Henry Marx and Saul Greenburg , d/b/a Ray's Liquor Store and Retail Clerks Union , Local 1222, Retail Clerks International Association , AFL-CIO. Case 21-CA-14307 January 31, 1977 DECISION AND ORDER BY CHAIRMAN MURPHY AND MEMBERS JENKINS AND WALTHER On September 21, 1976, Administrative Law Judge David G. Heilbrun issued the attached Decision in this proceeding. Thereafter, the Charging Party filed exceptions and a supporting brief and Respondent filed an answering brief to the Charging Party's exceptions. The Charging Party also has filed a motion to take official notice of another proceeding pending between the parties. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Relations Board has delegated its authority in this proceeding to a three-member panel. The Board has considered the record and the attached Decision in light of the exceptions and briefs and has decided to affirm the rulings, findings, and conclusions of the Administrative Law Judge as further explained herein and to adopt his recom- mended Order. The complaint alleged that Respondent violated Section 8(a)(1) and (3) of the Act by discharging Alfred Gorney and Robert Parades on or about January 10, 1976. In addition, the complaint alleged that Respondent violated Section 8(a)(1) and (4) of the Act by discharging Gorney because he gave testimony in an earlier proceeding before the Board. The Administrative Law Judge recommended dis- missal of the complaint in its entirety. The Charging Party has excepted to the findings of the Administra- tive Law Judge. While we agree with the Administra- tive Law Judge's conclusion that Respondent did not violate Section 8(a)(l), (3), and (4) of the Act in its discharge of Gorney and Parades, we do so for the additional reasons set forth below. Respondent, Ray's Liquor Store, purchased in 1971 by Mr. and Mrs. Saul Greenburg and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Marx, is a partnership engaged in the opera- tion of a liquor and grocery store in San Diego, California. The store maintains and advertises its regular hours as 7 a.m. to midnight. Gorney and Parades, 9- and 14-year employees, respectively, were working on the night of January 9, 1976. On that evening, at approximately 11:40-11:50 p.m., Green- burg drove to the store with his wife and found that it had been closed. The lights had been turned off and only the lights customarily left on overnight were visible. Greenburg drove around the block and returned to the parking lot. When he arrived in the parking lot, a customer was unsuccessfully attempt- ing to enter the store . Parades and Gorney were in the store stocking milk in the deli counter and checking the cash register . Greenburg and his wife entered the store and Greenburg asked why the store was locked. Parades did not respond. Gorney said the store was locked because it was not a good idea to remain open "right on the dot" in view of the possibility that a robbery might occur. Gorney told Greenburg that it was "sneaky" to check to see what time they closed. Greenburg told the employees to leave. The next day Gorney and Parades were discharged. Greenburg testified without contradiction that he has received approximately 10 customer complaints about the store closing early during December 1975. A friend, whom Greenburg did not name , also told him around November or December 1975 that the store was locked ahead of time. Marx also testified without contradiction that he had heard customer complaints about closing early. Further, Dorothy E. Smith, a patron of the store, also testified without contradiction that several weeks before Gorney and Parades were discharged, she went to the store around 11:30 p.m. and found it closed. However, she did not report the incident until the day after the discharges. Greenburg testified that he discussed the complaints about closing early with Parades on two occasions and the Administrative Law Judge credited Greenburg's testimony as to these discussions. The record therefore stands clear that Respondent had received customer complaints about the store's closing early prior to the discharges. In its exceptions, the Charging Party asserts that Respondent's union animus is demonstrated by a prior arbitration award against Respondent, which involved its paying moneys to Parades, and a prior unfair labor practice finding against Respondent. The Charging Party also argues that the discharges were Respondent's attempt to rid itself of the Union, as the two employees were the only two employees in the bargaining unit. We agree with the Administrative Law Judge, however, that neither the prior arbitra- tion award, occurring almost 2 years before the instant discharges, nor the prior unfair labor practice proceeding finding, bottomed on contract principles, establishes requisite union animus here.' Nor does the fact that the two discharged employees consti- tuted the entire unit, standing alone, warrant a I We have also taken into account Marx 's statement , as testified to by Gorney and as set out at fn 2 of the Administrative Law Judge 's Decision, in our consideration that union animus has not been demonstrated here 227 NLRB No. 262 RAY'S LIQUOR STORE 1801 finding in the circumstances of this case that Respon- dent wished to rid itself of the Union.2 In sum, a finding of illegal motivation in these discharges requires an affirmative conclusion that one of the reasons for the discharges was the employees' union activity, or in Gorney's case his testimony under the Act. That conclusion cannot be reached here as the evidence falls far short of establishing a union-related or statutory-related rea- son for the discharges.3 Accordingly, we affirm the Administrative Law Judge's findings on these dis- charges and dismiss the complaint herein. ORDER Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Relations Board adopts as its Order the recommend- ed Order of the Administrative Law Judge and hereby orders that the complaint be, and it hereby is, dismissed in its entirety. 2 In its motion to the Board to take official notice of a subsequent proceeding involving the parties, the Charging Party indicates that a complaint has issued in Case 21-CA-15122, alleging that Respondent has violated Sec 8(aX5) of the Act by failing to bargain with the Union since July 28, 1976 Notice of a complaint, however, does not yield a conclusion that a violation is contained therein, or that a violation, if found, would automata cally establish animus here Accordingly, we do not rely on any elements involved in Case 2I-CA-15122 in the instant proceeding, and the motion is denied 3 As to Gorney, his testimony, as indicated at fn. 2 of the Administrative Law Judge's Decision, occurred I month pnor to the discharges. However, mere timing and the seventy of the disciplinary action do not necessarily lead to the conclusion that his discharge was discriminatory Campbell & McLean, Inc, 118 NLRB 967, 969 (1957) DECISION STATEMENT OF THE CASE' DAVID G . HEILBRUN , Administrative Law Judge: This cas, was heard at San Diego , California, on August 10 based on a charge filed January 16 and complaint issued May 26 alleging that Henry Marx and Saul Greenburg, d/b/a/ Ray's Liquor Store , herein called Respondent, violated Section 8(a)(1), (3), and (4) of the Act by discharging Alfred Gorney and Robert Parades because they engaged in union or other protected concerted activities for the purposes of collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection , and because Gorney gave testimony under the Act.2 i All dates and named months are in 1976, unless indicated otherwise 2 On December 10, 1975 Gorney was a witness for General Counsel in litigation now issued in 224 NLRB 26 (1976). This proceeding originated as Case 21-CA-13879 (in which Local 1222 , herein called the Union, was (as here) Charging Party and which I find to be a labor organization within the meaning of Sec 2(5) of the Act . The case involved alleged violation of Sec. 8(a)(5) through refusal to execute an assertedly reached agreement. The Board adopted findings that this allegation was proven, with certain monetary and other relief warranted . Pertinent explication traced the course of bargaining in terms of fundamental contract law principles, concluding that an outstanding , unrevoked offer was timely accepted within Sec 8(d)'s meaning Respecting the factual issue of whether a certain conversation Upon the entire record, my observation of the witnesses, and consideration of oral argument by counsel for each party, I make the following: FINDINGS OF FACT AND RESULTANT CONCLUSION OF LAW The store's regular closing time is midnight 3 Gorney and Parades were working together as sales personnel the night of January 9. At 11:50 p.m. Gorney felt ill and told Parades to lock up. This was done, and the two engaged respectively in milk case stocking and cash handling during the several minutes left. Soon Saul Greenburg and his wife appeared at the locked front door and entered. Greenburg made agitated inquiry of the two employees why the store closed early. Parades testified he declined to comment while Gomey referred to risk of robbery at such late hour. Gomey also characterized the appearance of Greenburg as "sneaky." The latter told both employees to leave moments later. Greenburg testified that a series of customer complaints had reached him respecting claimed early closing of the store over an appreciable span of time pnor to January 9. On that evening he drove to the store with the matter in mind accompanied by his wife. They arrived at 11:40 p.m., saw the store dark, circled the block, parked and then entered as Parades simultaneously turned the door key from inside. Greenburg recalled that Parades pointed to indicate early closing was at Gurney's behest. Next morning Parades went into the store to cash another's check and learned from Greenburg that Gomey's discharge was being contemplated. At noontime Greenburg made his decision to terminate both, telephoning Gorney to state, "Al-forget what was said last night, but you are fired." Parades had no further contact until his own 5 p.m. appearance for work, at which time Greenburg discharged him without comment. Gorney and Parades were employed at the store approxi- mately 14 and 8-1/2 years, respectively, have been mem- bers of the Umon since at least 1961, and were covered by a series of applicable collective-bargaining agreements from before acquisition by present partners in 1971. In the course of these contracts arbitration of several consolidated issues was heard in 1973 and decided May 6, 1974. Among the awards made was one to Parades of $800 in back wages? General Counsel theorizes that union animus motivated Respondent to administer penalties "disproportionate" to this incident and retaliatory toward Gorney because of his "damaging" testimony in the prior case. The Union's parallel contention is that pretext has been advanced to occurred on November 10, 1975, Gorney had testified that Henry Marx told him, "it doesn't matter what they [the Board ] decide The government can't make me sign anything." 3 Respondent , a partnership, operates a liquor and grocery store in San Diego, California, annually deriving gross revenue in excess of $500,000 while purchasing and receiving goods valued in excess of $5,000 which originate outside California. Consistent with prior treatment ofjunsdiction, I find that Respondent is an employer engaged in commerce within the meaning of Sec. 2(6) and (7) of the Act. 4 This sum was paid with a series of checks drawn by Henry Marx over a span of time around late 1974 and delivered to the Union for transmittal to Parades 1802 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD attempt cost-saving discharge of unit employees in con- scious effort to avoid future collective bargaining dealings. A prima facie case is lacking. Both employees functioned routinely in a neighborhood retail operation, without the formalistic trappings of a closely administered collective- bargaining relationship. There was no appointed steward, nor ready awareness of contract terms nor typical grievance usages . Demonstrable hostility to institutional unionism has not been presented , nor is it fair to say that the remote arbitration matter or even the underlying unfair labor practice case tends to show such a proclivity. Contrarily, arbitration is an ordinary labor relations mechanism which is favored under national labor policy, and an 8(aX5) violation premised on the theory of "refusal to sign" is essentially a dispute resolved under contract law without necessary implication of animus. While I naturally accept the "government can't make me [etc .]" remark of Marx as res judicata, this is primarily personal causticity and, indeed, not truly germane to the issue involved.5 Thus at the threshold, this complaint fails because of insufficient evidence . The violations alleged here are only speculative and lack supporting proof. Each avenue of approach, singly or collectively, allows no legitimate basis to make the crucial inferences . Vague grousing about employees, union-related problems or wage expenditures are within ordinary behavior patterns of employers .6 S Gorney elaborated on this conversational episode of November 1975 by now credibly adding that Marx voiced chagrin over paying perhaps $7 an hour for a swept parking lot when others would gladly do it for $150. Even noting that Gorney was summoned to hear Marx 's views, the total circumstances of these utterances show vexed dismay, but hardly animus as that term is known and applied in Board parlance The conjecture sought to be coaxed from these statements is squelched by the significance found in several consecutive years of Respondent 's amateurish acquiescence to the Union's presence 9 1 reject Parades' testimony that Respondent "pressured" him to kickback the 1974 arbitration award , since he failed to convincingly specify any form of such conduct 7 I refer here to Greenburg's portentous delay in his decisions on January 10, summary termination of two long-service , trusted employees and insensitivity to immediate circumstances of this singularly detected early closing These characteristics reflect value judgments which are, absent persuasive contrary evidence , exempt from reversal upon application of Board expertise to dynamics of employment " The factual issue of whether Ronald Marx or one of the dischargees may have been responsible for the instance testified to by Dorothy Smith (of the store being once "definitely" closed at 1 130 p in in early January) Neither, in themselves, can inconsistency, harshness, nor ingratitude supply the requisite component.? Related to this is the probability that young Ronald Marx closed the store early at a prior time , an event suggesting the compulsive unfairness of Respondent's action but not elevating it to an unfair labor practice activity.8 While the Smith complaint had not arisen, it is established that Greenburg wondered whether early closing was occurring . Finding it so in at least one instance was compounded by the jarring accusation that such vigilance was "sneaky." It was clearly in a mood of anger which carried into the following day that Greenburg resolved to discharge these employees. What is not shown is that any other reason motivated him to so act.9 In sum, the contention that discriminatory action affected Gorney and Parades because of matters generally associated to the Union or because Gorney testified (and Parades was observed at the place of trial) in Case 21-CA-13879 rises only to the level of speculation. Accordingly, I render a conclusion of law that Respon- dent has not violated Section 8(a)(1), (3), or (4) as alleged and issue the following recommended: ORDER 10 The complaint is dismissed in its entirety. remains inconclusive from the evidence . Precise work schedules (credibly described as fluctuating occasionally in ordinary times and particularly so during a vacation of Henry Marx which commenced January 3) are not known but composite evidence on the point permits the possibility that Ronald Marx worked with Gurney on Parades ' day off of Monday, January 5 B I find it unnecessary to resolve the disparate testimony of whether customers could not enter the store on January 9 by 11.40 p.m. as opposed to 1150 p.m . The difference could well be different accuracies of timepieces. In any event, a 10-minute early closing is reasonably significant to sales and goodwill of a retail operation . Respecting prior cautioning on the point, I credit Greenburg 's testimony that he did (which Parades denied) previously confront the latter and receive assurances it had or would not happen[ed]. This finding further tempers Greenburg 's resolve io In the event no exceptions are filed as provided by Sec 102.46 of the Rules and Regulations of the National Labor Relations Board , the findings, conclusions, and recommended Order herein shall, as provided in Sec. 102.48 of the Rules and Regulations, be adopted by the Board and become its findings, conclusions , and Order, and all objections thereto shall be deemed waived for all purposes. Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation