Raymond Buick, Inc.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsDec 17, 1968173 N.L.R.B. 1292 (N.L.R.B. 1968) Copy Citation 1292 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Raymond Buick , Inc., and Local 259, United Auto- mobile , Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America , AFL-CIO , and Amal- gamated Local Union 355 , Party to the Contract Amalgamated Local Union 355 , and Local 259, United Automobile , Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America , AFL-CIO and Raymond Buick , Inc., Party to the Contract Raymond Buick , Inc., and Michael Anzalone.Cases 29-CA-731, 29-CB-259, and 29-CA-773. December 17, 1968 DECISION AND ORDER BY CHAIRMAN MCCULLOCH AND MEMBERS FANNING AND ZAGORIA On March 11, 1968, Trial Examiner Herzel H.E. Plaine issued his Decision in the above-entitled pro- ceeding, finding that the Respondents had engaged in and were engaging in certain unfair labor practices within the meaning of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, and recommending that they cease and desist therefrom and take certain affirmative action, as set forth in the attached Trial Examiner's Decision. The Trial Examiner also found that the Respondents had not engaged in certain other unfair labor practices. Thereafter, Respondent Raymond Buick, Inc., Respondent Amalgamated Local Union 355, Charging Party Local 259, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America, and the General Counsel filed exceptions to the Trial Examiner's Decision and supporting briefs. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Relations Board has delegated its powers in connection with this case to a three- member panel. The Board has reviewed the rulings made by the Trial Examiner at the hearing and finds no prejudicial error was committed The rulings are hereby affirmed. The Board has considered the Trial Examiner's Decision, the exceptions, the briefs, and the entire record in the case, and hereby adopts the findings, conclusions, and recommendations of the Trial Exam- iner, only to the extent that they are consistent herewith. 1. A review of the record leads us to the conclu- sion that a decision by the Board in this proceeding should not be based on the testimony of Michael Anzalone where it is not corroborated by other credited testimony. The record shows that Anzalone's testimony at the hearing was, at best, contradictory and inconsistent, and that he is an unreliable witness. Apart from Anzalone's performance on the record, this conclusion is also supported by the record of his testimony before the New York State Unemployment Insurance Board which contradicts certain testimony given at the Board hearing. On this basis, we do not adopt the Trial Examiner's finding that Tolkow attempted to induce and assist Anzalone to tailor his testimony to be given to the Board as that finding is based in large measure on Anzalone's uncorroborated testimony. 2. We agree with the Trial Examiner's findings, and the rationale underlying those findings, of violations of Section 8(a)(2) by Respondent-Employer and Section 8(b)(1)(A) and (2) by Respondent-Union, and no violation of Section 8(a)(5) in Respondent Employer's refusal to bargain with the Charging Party. We would reach the same conclusions on another ground. The record shows that at about 3 p.m. on September 12, when Union Representative Velez confronted Service Manager Cifelli and demanded recognition for the Charging Party,' both unions had in their possession signed authorization cards from employees Anzalone, Pharo, and Richardson. Thus, neither union, at that time, or anytime thereafter, could show a majority status without reliance on the cards of employees who had signed for both unions.' As these cards may not be considered reliable evidence of the signers' selection of either union as their exclusive bargaining agent, neither the Charging Party nor Respondent-Union ever established their status as majority representatives. THE REMEDY The Trial Examiner recommended that Respond- ent-Union be enjoined from acquiring bargaining rights with respect to employees of any other employer by any means other than a Board supervised election for a period of 5 years. The proposed remedy is based upon the Trial Examiner's findings of violations of Section 8(b)(1)(A) and (2) in the instant case and the Union's past history of similar violations which he characterized as a persistent "course of conduct in violation of the principle of employee self-determination." This history consists of three Board decisions in which the Union was a respondent found guilty of violations of Section 8(b)(1)(A) and (2), and a fourth decision where the Union was not a respondent but was party to a contract found to have been procured through unlawful employer assistance. 1 The Trial Examiner found, and we agree , that at this point no 2 Allied Supermarkets, Inc., 169 NLRB No. 135, J W Mortell contract had been signed between Respondent-Employer and Respond- Company, 168 NLRB No. 80, Bendix- Westinghouse Automotive Air- ent-Union . Brake Co, 161 NLRB 789,1 Posner inc., 133 NLRB 1573 173 NLRB No. 199 RAYMOND BUICK, INC. The latest of these cases was adjudicated in 1963 on events which occurred in 1962. In addition, the Trial Examiner appears to have relied partially upon two other more recent cases where Board orders were entered by consent and were enforced by decrees of the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit. The consent decrees contained non-admission clauses. The Board has held that such settlements do not establish any proclivity on the part of a respondent to engage in conduct violative of the Act.' Accordingly, we do not consider these latter two cases as part of the Union's background history. Under the circumstances of this case, and particu- larly in view of the length of time that has elapsed since the last previous Board adjudication of unlawful conduct, and the number of close factual and legal questions resolved herein, we do not believe the proposed remedy is warranted at this time. We do believe, however, that the Union's past similar con- duct is not so remote that we can ignore its peculiar proclivity to be involved in collusive situations. In order that employees of employers other than the Company here involved may be secure in their rights of self-determination, we shall issue a broad order designed to protect such employees. ORDER Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Relations Board adopts as its Order the Recom- mended Order of the Trial Examiner, and hereby orders that Raymond Buick, Inc., Bayshore, Long Island, New York, and Amalgamated Local Union 355, shall take the action set forth in the Trial Examiner's Recommended Order, as herein modified: 1. Delete paragraph B 1(b) and renumber suc- ceeding paragraphs accordingly. 2. Delete paragraph B 1(d) and renumber suc- ceeding paragraphs accordingly. 3. Delete paragraph C of the Recommended Order and substitute the following: Paragraph 25 of the complaint, alleging a refusal by Respondent-Employer, Raymond Buick, to bargain collectively with UAW Local 259 in violation of Section 8(a)(5) of the Act, and that part of paragraph 26 of the complaint, alleging thaat Respondent- Union, by Bernard Tolkow, its President and agent, offered benefits to employees to induce them to give certain testimony and directed said employees to give 3 Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Helpers and Taxi Cab Drivers, Local No. 327, 160 NLRB 1919, 1920, Local No. 92, International Association of Bridge , Structural and Ornamental Ironworkers, 138 NLRB 428, 429 1293 such testimony to Board agents during the investiga- tion of charges filed by Local 259 in violation of Section 8(b)(1)(A) and (2) of the Act, are hereby dismissed. 4 Delete the second indented paragraph of Appen- dix B. 5. Delete the fifth indented paragraph of Appen- dix B. TRIAL EXAMINER'S DECISION HERZEL H. E. PLAINE, Trial Examiner This is a proceed- ing under a consolidated amended complaint, issued April 13, 1967, that combined three unfair labor practice cases They are, CA-731, based on a charge against the Respondent Employer (Raymond Buick) filed September 19 and amended November 15, 1966, by the Union Charging Party (UAW Local 259), CB-259, based on a charge against the Respondent Union (Amalgamated Local 355) filed September 19, 1966, also by UAW Local 259; and CA-773, based on a charge against Raymond Buick filed October 27, 1966, by the individual Charging Party, Michael Anzalone. The consolidated amended complaint alleged that employer Raymond Buick engaged in unfair labor practices, that violated Section 8(a)(1), (2), (3), and (5) of the National Labor Relations Act (the Act), in rendering illegal assistance to Amalgamated Local 355 by promising benefits to employees to sign and to solicit other employees to sign authorization cards for Amalgamated Local 355, by signing a contract in September 1966 with Amalgamated Local 355 when that union did not represent an uncoerced majority of the employees, by including in the contract a requirement of membership in the union and deduction of dues as conditions of employment and by withholding from employees dues and initiation fees under the requirement, by refusing to recognize and bargain with the charging union UAW Local 259 in September 1966 when it represented a majority of the employees, and by threatening discharge of employees and discharging employee Michael Anzalone for support of UAW Local 259 Raymond Buick' s answer was a general denial, plus an affirmative defense that its employees had designated Amalgamated Local 355 as their bargaining representative in September 1966 after rejecting UAW Local 259 in a Board election 7 months earlier, wherefore Raymond Buick had a good faith doubt with regard to the alleged majority status of UAW Local 259. With respect to Respondent Union, Amalgamated Local 355, the consolidated amended complaint alleged that Local 355 violated Section 8(b)(1)(A) and 8(b)(2) of the Act by entering into and obtaining enforcement of the above describ- ed contract with Raymond Buick when the union did not represent an uncoerced majority of the employees, and by offering benefits to employees to induce them to give certain testimony to Board agents during the investigation of the charges filed by UAW Local 259. The answer of Amalgamated Local 355 was a general denial. The cases were heard on May 22-25 and June 19-22, 1967, at Lake Ronkonkoma, Long Island, New York. Counsel for the General Counsel and for both Respondents have filed briefs 1294 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Upon the entire record of the case' and from my observation of the witnesses, I make the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. JURISDICTION The Respondent Employer, Raymond Buick, is a New York corporation with its place of business in Bayshore, Long Island, New York, where it is engaged in the business of selling and servicing American and foreign made new and used automobiles and related products. During the year prior to filing of the amended complaint, which period was representa- tive of annual operations generally, Raymond Buick derived gross revenues exceeding $500,000 in the conduct of its . business and purchased and caused to be delivered to its place of business directly from points outside New York products valued in excess of $50,000. Respondent Employer is engaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. Respondent Union, Amalgamated Local 355, and the Charging Party UAW Local 259 are labor organizations within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. It. THE UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES A. Background and Issues 1. Regarding representative status of both Unions and validity of the Local 355 contract Raymond Buick, the Respondent Employer, is a Buick and Opel Kadet dealer with a service or repair shop numbering between 18 and 20 employees, including the parts department and body shop people but excluding automobile sales people and office help. On February 1, 1966, in a Board conducted election, the service shop employees rejected by a close margin the bid of Charging Union UAW Local 259 to become their bargaining representative. Thereafter, until September 12, 1966, organiz- ing activities at the service shop by or on behalf of UAW Local 259 appeared to be dormant. September 12 was the day that Mr. Raymond Milligi, president and principal stockholder of Respondent Employer, met by prearrangement with Mr. Bernard Tolkow, business manager of Respondent Union, Amalgamated Local 355, a union that represented employees in other automobile dealer shops in the area , and accorded Local 355 recognition as bargaining agent of the service shop employees, on a showing of 11 signed authorization cards for Local 355, and forthwith entered into a collective bargaining contract with Local 355. Union Business Manager Tolkow and President Milligi had known each other and had talked before, indeed had met early in September before September 12, also by prearrangement, and discussed unrest in the shop and whether it was time for unionization. Tolkow asked President Milligi for recognition of Local 355 then, even though he did not represent any of the employees, but Milligi indicated he would not talk concretely until Tolkow had a majority. 1 While there are some few minor errors in transcription of the testimony , I find no need to order corrections of the transcript other Following this early September meeting with President Milligi , Union Business Manager Tolkow obtained signed authorization cards for Local 355 in a rather unusual set of circumstances. Tolkow said he persuaded a reluctant body shop repairman Boris Blinovs to take some cards to recruit signers . Employee Blinovs turned a large part of the unsigned cards over to Assistant Service Manager Fred Winter, and then did no more for a period of time. Employee Blinovs had discussed with Assistant Service Manager Winter the desirabili- ty of having either Amalgamated Local 355 or UAW Local 259 in the shop and had "figured out" that Winter "would be for 355" and gave Winter the cards even though he, Blinovs, knew it was questionable whether Winter was eligible to participate. Employee Blinovs had specifically discussed Assistant Service Manager Winter with Union Manager Tolkow who told Blinovs that only the service manager was ineligible. Friday afternoon, September 9, Assistant Service Manager Winter turned the packet of blank cards, except two, over to employee Michael Anzalone, a mechanic in the service shop. Employee Anzalone had been enlisted in the previous 2 days by Union Business Manager Tolkow to help organize the shop for Local 355 after Anzalone telephoned him for help in transferring to a job in another shop represented by Local 355, because Anzalone wasn't making enough money at Raymond Buick. Employee Anzalone was already a member of both Local 355 and UAW Local 259, having joined both in connection with previous jobs. He came to work for Raymond Buick early in August 1966, and by early September had told Service Manager John Cifelli that he wasn't making enough money and that he had called his Local 355 to help place him in another job. Manager Cifelli sought to persuade him to stay suggesting that he would make more as he became familiar with the "product" and that things were going to be better. Union Business Manager Tolkow told employee Anzalone he would help him with the job transfer, that he was going to have someone in the Raymond Buick shop contact him and if he helped organize and chose to stay he could obtain a good deal. Assistant Service Manager Winter was the man who got in touch with employee Anzalone and gave him the blank cards while both were road-testing a car, on September 9. Winter told employee Anzalone that if he succeeded in organizing the shop he could improve his weekly earnings . Winter told Anzalone that he, Winter, would take care of organizing the body shop and, in response to Anzalone's question on dealing with resistance, that Anzalone could tell the objectors to look for other jobs. Employee Anzalone obtained four signatures for Local 355 from among a larger number of mechanics and helpers he importuned that same afternoon, September 9, telling at least two of the four to sign if they wanted to keep their jobs. Employee Blinovs, partially aided by Assistant Service Manager Winter and without apprising Anzalone, obtained the signa- tures of the three men of the body shop (himself included), also on Friday, September 9, and obtained a fourth signature of the new car make-ready man Lapple on Saturday, Septem- ber 10. Assistant Service Manager Winter signed one of the jwo blank cards he had retained from the packet for Anzalone, on September 9. On Monday morning, September 12, Winter obtained the signature of the parts department man Moran. than to note that references to employee "Farrow" should be "Pharo," and to employee "Duval " should be "DeVaul," wherever they occur. RAYMOND BUICK, INC. 1295 Employee Blinovs gave the four signed cards he had to Assistant Service Manager Winter, also on Monday morning; and Winter then gave the six signed cards in his possession to employee Anzalone that morning. Including the 4 he already had, employee Anzalone thus came into possession of 10 signed cards for Local 355 at some point before noon of September 12. By telephone arrangement that morning, employee Anzal- one met Union Business Manager Tolkow between 12 noon and 12:40 p.m. and turned over the 10 signed cards plus his own, signed in Tolkow's presence, making a total of 11 authorizations. There was a discussion about money for Anzalone between Tolkow and Anzalone, and Tolkow then went immediately to keep his appointment at President Milligi 's office, previously arranged before Tolkow had the 11 authorization cards in his possession. By approximately 3 p.m. that day President Milligi had both recognized Amalgamated Local 355 as the bargaining agent of his employees and negotiated a contract with the union. Meanwhile, having met resistance from adherents of UAW Local 259 while he was doing business with and for Amalga- mated's Business Manager Tolkow, employee Anzalone had a change of heart about what he had done to help organize the men for Amalgamated Local 355. He got word to UAW Local 259 that the men preferred Local 259 although the employer was negotiating with Amalgamated Local 355. Employee Anzalone met with UAW Representative Fred Velez, who provided him with Local 259 authorization blanks, which Anzalone distributed at the shop at about the time Union Business Manger Tolkow and President Milligi were negotiating the Local 355 contract in the early afternoon of September 12. Employee Anzalone had obtained seven signed cards for UAW Local 259 (including his own and those of two other men who had also signed cards for Local 355) when UAW Representative Velez arrived at the shop at about 3 p.m. UAW Representative Velez took the signed authorization cards and with employee Anzalone and two other employees went to seek President Milligi . They met instead Service Manager Cifelli who had come out of the contract negotiating conference to fetch employee Anzalone at Tolkow's request. Tolkow wanted to show Anzalone, whom he referred to in the meeting as his shop steward, that he had obtained an increase in pay arrangements for the men. UAW Representative Velez would not allow employee Anzalone to join the conference and demanded recognition for his union . Service Manager Cifelli reported back to the conference room that Velez was here seeking recognition for the UAW and would not let Anzalone attend the conference. President Milligi sent Service Manager Cifelli back into the service shop and shortly thereafter followed him. UAW Representative Velez repeated to Milligi his demand for recognition but Milligi ordered him off the premises. The following day, September 13, President Milligi received a written confirmation of the UAW Local 259 demand for recognition and bargaining. Meantime on September 12, at about the time of the interruption of the negotiating conference by UAW Represen- tative Velez, the contract between Raymond Buick and Amalgamated Local 355 was signed and Union Business Manager Tolkow departed. President Milligi had Service Manag- er Cifelli call a meeting of the employees for 4 p.m. and at the meeting Milligi told the employees they now had a union and a contract and described its terms . The contract included a union security clause and a union dues and fees checkoff provision. Following the shop meeting and announcement of the contract, employee Blinovs distributed additional authoriza- tion cards for Amalgamated Local 355 and some of the employees signed then, others signed later in the month. Checkoff of union dues and fees was authorized by each card. Employee Anzalone obtained two additional authorizations for UAW Local 259 late Monday afternoon, September 12, following the announcement of the Local 355 contract. Thereafter, a number of the employees, including Anzalone, met with UAW Representative Velez and UAW lawyer Richard Dorn the following Wednesday night, September 14, at a borrowed office of a lawyer in Bayshore. Lawyer Dorn took affidavits of three of the men. Velez and Anzalone obtained two additional authorization cards for Local 259 from employees Elliott and Sorrentino, who backdated their cards "September 12" at the suggestion of Velez and Anzalone. On the chronology thus far, the major issues are (a) Whether, at the time of recognition of Amalgamated Local 355, Local 355 represented an uncoerced majority of the unit of employees, or whether the recognition and resultant contract was an assisted or collusive arrangement between the employer and union. In this connection, a sub-issue, is whether Assistant Service Manager Winter was a supervisor within the meaning of the Act because of his relationship to (1) the means of organizing and possible taint of the authorization cards, and (2) the size of the unit. (b) If the employer's recognition of, and contract with, Amalgamated Local 355 was invalid, whether UAW Local 259, when it made its demand for recognition, represented an uncoerced majority of the unit of employees entitling Local 259 to recognition and a bargaining order, absent a good faith doubt on the part of the employer that Local 259 represented a majority of the unit. A related question is whether UAW Local 259 was entitled to invoke the theory of a continuing demand. (c) If UAW Local 259 did not represent a majority of the employees, did its demand for recognition nevertheless raise a real question regarding representation under the Midwest Piping principle (63 NLRB 1060), with a resultant breach of neutrality by the employer in contracting with Amalgamated Loca1355. 2. Regarding claimed interference by Local 355 with Board investigation In the period following the announcement of the contract with Amalgamated Local 355 on September 12, 1966, employee Anzalone assumed he was, and acted as, shop steward. When employees Mercer and Blinovs questioned his authority, the men elected Anzalone shop steward on two successive occasions, the second time in an election conducted by an officer of Local 355. On September 19, UAW Local 259 filed with the Board its charges against the Respondent Employer and Respondent Union, and Board investigation followed, with interviews of the principals and employees commencing in October. About a week after the charges were filed, Union Business Manager Tolkow handed employee Anzalone a check for $25 marked "time lost, organization," and said, according to Anzalone, that there would be more. Tolkow testified the $25 check related to the discussion of money on September 12 1296 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD when Anzalone delivered the authorization cards to him. At that time, said Tolkow, Anzalone asked for $500 before he would turn over the authorization cards. Tolkow said he rebuffed the "holdup" and got the cards, and then told Anzalone he would look into the matter of compensating Anzalone for time lost in organizing. Allegedly, Tolkow got authorization from the union officers on September 16 for $25, though not the required executive board approval until 6 weeks later, on October 27. Conversely, Anzalone testified it was Tolkow who on September 12 suggested that Anzalone would do better by staying on at Raymond Buick and that there was a $400-$500 package for organizing that could be drawn upon and worked out later. Anzalone further testified that he did not lose time in organizing and there was no talk about money for time lost, that when the check was handed to him Tolkow said the "time lost, organization" inscription was necessary to cover the check. Anzalone turned the check over to the Board investigator. Sometime after Anzalone received the $25 check, he and Tolkow met again in the latter's car outside the shop, with Service Manager Cifelli's permission. According to Anzalone, Tolkow demanded to know Anzalone's proposed testimony to the Board so that Tolkow could coordinate it with the testimony of Assistant Service Manager Winter, who was to be interviewed by a Board investigator. Anzalone said he refused, even though, he said, Tolkow indicated that it could be worth $1,000 to him According to Tolkow, it was Anzalone who solicited Tolkow for $1,000 to testify the way Tolkow wanted. Both men returned to the shop angry, and Tolkow went to Service Manager Cifelli and told him, without offering any explanation, that he, Tolkow was deposing Anzalone as shop steward and to tell that to President Milligi. The issue is whether Tolkow, the business manager of Amalgamated Local 355, interfered with Board process and the rights of employees by attempting to obtain or alter the testimony of employee Anzalone with an offer of money. 3. Regarding the discharge of employee Anzalone President Mrllrgr discharged employee Anzalone at a meeting of all of the shop employees held on October 19, about a week after Union Business Manager Tolkow deposed Anzalone as shop steward. While there was evidence that Anzalone's making and receiving phone calls on the job had been a minor source of irritation for Service Manager Cifelli for several weeks, Anzalone's troubles with management broke out in the open in the last three days of his employment. On October 17, President Milligi handed employee Anzalone a written warning of disciplinary action for taking time off, with knowledge that Anzalone wanted time off on October 18 allegedly to attend a title closing affecting his new home. On October 18, Mrllrgr was told by a group of the employees that they would stand behind employee Anzalone if he were punished for taking off the time. Milligi told the employees he had no intention of firing Anzalone, but refused to discuss the time problem with Anzalone. Anzalone took off the several hours on October 18 On the morning of October 19, President Milligi handed employee Anzalone a further written warning regarding a customer's alleged complaint of poor work and excessive mileage in road testing his car. Milligi conceded that Anzalone was a good mechanic and that the warning, notwithstanding its broader import, was aimed only at the excess mileage in road testing. At 1 o'clock that same day, at a meeting of all of the employees called by President Milligi, Milligi accused Anzalone of telling some of the employees that Milligi had offered Anzalone $1,000 to keep UAW Local 259 out of the shop. Turning to Anzalone in the presence of his fellow employees, President Milhgi asked Anzalone if he admitted or denied this. Anzalone replied he did not have to answer right then, whereupon Milligi told him he was fired. A strike of the employees commenced the following day, October 20, and lasted until November 23, 1966, when all of the strikers except Anzalone were permitted to return to their jobs. In justifying the discharge of Anzalone and the refusal to reinstate him, President Milligi said he had been motivated solely by the false bribe claim attributed to Anzalone by another employee, Robert Lapple. Employee Lapple reported the statement was made by Anzalone on October 13, at a UAW night meeting of employees who, other than Lapple, were then UAW supporters and were meeting for interviews with the Board agent investigating these cases Lapple allegedly reported this to President Milligi in the late afternoon of October 18 and affirmed it with a written statement to Milligi the next morning. Employee Anzalone testified, and was corroborated, that he had made statements that Union Business Manager Tolkow had offered him money but had not made any such statement about President Milligi. Milligi was apprised by employee Lapple regarding the nature of the October 13 meeting and those who attended and accepted as true Lapple's assertion regarding the alleged libel without making inquiry of anyone other than by the confrontation of Anzalone in the open meeting used to effect his discharge. The issue is whether the employer justifiably discharged employee Anzalone because Anzalone libeled the employer, or because of the employer's honest belief that Anzalone had libeled him, or whether he wrongfully discharged Anzalone because Anzalone supported UAW Local 259. This is a combined 8(a)(3) and (1) question in which the determination of the employer's motive is essential. Also at issue is a separate section 8(a)(1) question, apart from any antiunion motive, namely, if employee Anzalone was engaged in a protected activity of which the employer was aware, was Anzalone discharged for an alleged libel of his employer that he had not in fact uttered, so that under Burnup and Sims (379 U S. 21) not even the employer's honest belief that the employee had been guilty of misconduct would justify the discharge 4. Regarding the credibility of the witnesses Ascertaining the truth in this case has been a most difficult task. Most of the witnesses and particularly the principal witnesses-Milligi, Tolkow, Anzalone, Winter, Bhnovs, Cifelli, Velez, Lapple (the list is not exclusive)-gave not only conflicting testimony but testimony that individually was replete with self-contradictions, gaps, revisions of initial testimony, or substantial variances from statements or testi- mony given elsewhere prior to this hearing, reflecting sadly on the credibility of the several witnesses. I have not attempted to detail these aberrations, but have referred to some where the RAYMOND BUICK, INC. reference assisted a determination Regarding witness Anzal- one, I have noted and taken into account his admission of conviction for petty larceny involving forgery However, in the light of my observation of all of the witnesses and assessment of the whole testimony, I have not rejected or discredited in toto the testimony of Anzalone or of any other witness Rather, I have endeavored to follow and pick out the thread of truth wherever it appeared to show in the testimony of each of the witnesses as supported by other evidence or events 2 B Supervisory Status of Asslstan t Service Manager Winter Frederick J Winter, according to the testimony of Service Manager John Cifelli, has been with Raymond Buick 7 years as assistant service manager of the service or repair shop He had that title all of the time and has been doing the same job for the 7 years The job, according to the testimony of Winter and Crfelli, is to take care of customers as they come to the door, write up repair orders for the customers, hand out work to the repair mechanics and explain it to them as handed out, see that the work is done right, check out the work and road-test cars, and if something is not right give it back to the mechanic and explain it to him If a problem becomes "too deep," or if there is a "consistent" difficulty, Assistant Service Manager Winter consults Service Manager Cifelli The men in the shop agreed with this job description and added or stressed certain facts Employee Al Shea said that Winter is more or less shop foreman and write-up man, that he runs the shop in Cifelli's absence, that he is in charge, that he is "the man to see if you have any problems," and that if Winter feels it is necessary he will check a job when it is done Employee Peter Vath noted that, when his work was checked it was checked principally by Winter, and only in ticklish cases did Service Manager Cifelli also check the work, roughly in about 25 percent of the checked cases Cifelli put the amount of checking he did generally at about 30 percent. Employees Vath, Shea, Moran, Richardson, and Anzalone agreed that Winter wrote up the jobs to be done and handed out the work to the mechanics in the bulk of the cases although Service Manager Cifelli also did some of this work As President Milligi pointed out, employee Al Baglione, who concentrated on helping Manager Cifelli with "internal" work-getting out new and used cars-also helped writing customer repair orders in the early morning rush of customers, but, as Milligi further said, it was Winter who concentrated during the day on this "external labor" involving the repair jobs for customers who came through the service shop door In August 1966, Service Manager Cifelli called a shop meeting of everyone involved with the service shop, including the body shop. Because there seemed to be a disciplinary problem when he was not on hand, such as responding to a request to drop a job and go to another, Manager Cifelli said he told the men that in his absence if Winter or Baglione gave a repair order or had a job to be done the men were to take care of it as if Cifelh had given them the job Employees Shea, Vath, Richardson, and Anzalone testified that Manager Cifelli said, when he is not there Fred Winter is in charge of the 2 There "is no reason for refusing to accept everything that a witness says, because you do not believe all of it, nothing is more common in all kinds of judicial decision than to believe some and not 1297 service shop-as Shea said he put it, "Fred is me." Employees Shea and Vath did not recall Manager Cifelh making the same reference to A] Baglione Winter himself, and employees Richardson and Anzalone, testified that Cifelli mentioned Baglione as well as Winter, but as Richardson put it, "John Cifelh said that, that Fred Winter was in charge if he was out, and that you have the same respect for Fred Winter and A] Baglione as you had for him " Employee Vath noted that Service Manager Cifelli also announced that Assistant Service Manager Winter could recom- mend to Cifelli firing anyone who was "goofing off." Winter testified that he had no authority to hire or fire, that he had authority to recommend both, but he did not recall recom- mendations that resulted in hiring or firing President Milligi testified that he had put Service Manager Cifelh completely in charge of the service shop, responsible to Milligi Milligi did not participate in the day-to-day supervision of the shop and, by his own account, spent little or no time in the shop. When he did it was only to walk through a few times a day. Service Manager Cifelli had a large and busy responsibility, according to the testimony of both President Milligi and himself He was not only ultimately responsible for the repair orders and repair of 150 or more cars that came through the service door each week, but was also responsible to make ready for delivery the new and used cars sold, and to supervise the parts department, which supplied the shop as well as sold to the public The body repair work Cifelli handled directly himself with the body men. He spent time at the service desk writing up repair orders, usually in the morning rush, and at other times when available, he checked and discussed difficult cases brought to him, and road-tested cars 2-2334 hours per day; and he was invariably on the telephone each day Also according, to Assistant Service Manager Winter, Manager Cifelli usually was away from the shop for his lunch, spent 1 or 2 days every 2 months at a Tarrytown, New York service managers meeting, and 2 weeks per year on vacation In short, in addition to the approximately 3 weeks of the year completely away from the shop, Service Manager Cifelli was in-and-out of the shop each day that he was there, and was not available to all of the 18 to 20 men for supervision and direction, and routinely was not available to even some of the men several hours of the day He obviously needed and had an assistant or assistants to keep "things rolling," as Winter said Cifelli put it Moreover it was useful, according to President Milligi, that customers who came to the service desk understand that they were getting attention from the management. Hence, Winter had the title assistant service manager, said Milligi, and occasionally Baglione was called assistant or Cifelli's assistant service manager Baglrone was probably described most accu- rately by employee Anzalone as " assistant to the assistant." President Milligi insisted that both Winter and Baglrone were really writers or service writers who performed routine functions of writing up orders and assigning work to the employees on a pattern laid out for them, though he conceded that they needed independent judgment in deciding upon the kind of repair order to write. However, Manager Cifelli, who ran the shop, found it vital to instruct the mechanics in the all " Learned Hand , J , in N L R B v Universal Camera Corp., 179 F 2d 749, 754 (C A 2, 1950), reversed on other grounds 340 U S 474 1298 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD August meeting that they must take and execute the orders and assignments of the assistant service manager as though the service manager had himself given them In addition, Cifelli's testimony makes clear that there was a variety of abilities and experience among the mechanics, that would make necessary discretionary judgments in assignments Moreover, Assistant Service Manager Winter decided for himself what cases he thought needed discussion with or check by Service Manager Cifelh, and independently Winter could judge the work performance of a mechanic and pass it with or without a check or return the car to the mechanic for further work if he thought it was needed. Using employee Vath as an example, supra, most of his work that was checked ended with the check by Winter and only a fraction of it was taken for further check with Cifelli In sum, there were important discretionary controls over the work assignments, time, and performance of the mechanics vested in Assistant Service Manager Winter. President Milligi and Manager Cifelli sought to downgrade the status of Assistant Service Manager Winter by equating him to assistant to the assistant Baghone. But Baglrone's work was different, and paralleled Winter's function and authority in a much more limited and sporadic way, as in the morning rush hour when he moved over to assist Winter and Cifelli write up the orders Thus, President Milligi indicated, supra, that Baglione's primary job was assisting Manager Cifelli with the "internal work," which meant, according to Milligi and employee Richardson, that Baglione was in charge of getting new and used cars ready to go out when sold Baglrone primarily tested the new and used cars, according to employee Moran. As employee Richardson added, Baglrone was in charge of two men, the used car mechanic Richardson to whom Baglione gave repair orders and then checked the cars Richardson repaired, and the new car make ready man Bobby Lapple (later the successor to Baglione's job when Baglione left) Whenever Baglione moved over to assist Service Manager Cifelli and Assistant Service Manager Winter on the service desk the cumulative evidence suggests that he did not possess or exercise their same powers of direction and assignment of the mechanics The earlier history of the shop also supports this view of the situation. The Regional Director in his Report On Objections And Challenged Ballots in the February 1, 1966, election, a report put into evidence by the Respondent Employer (as RE-7) "to establish whatever facts were found in the case" 29-RC-384, concluded that Baglione was not a supervisor under the Act because, among other things, "Baglione, as a service writer, wrote up service orders which he handed to the service manager [Cifelh] or the assistant service manager [Winter] for assignment to mechanics. Baglione checked completed jobs for compliance with service specifi- cations on the repair orders, and where necessary he makes recommendations to the service manager or his assistant, for 3 The fact that Winter, on the one hand, had limited authority respecting hiring or firing ( compare cases cited in note 16, infra) does not detract from the commitment to him by the employer, on the other hand , of authority to responsibly direct other employees in the interest of the employer , using his independent judgment in the exercise of this authority . Section 2 ( II) of the Act defines the criteria for supervisory status, of which the foregoing are two , in the disjunctive, Jas H Matthews & Co v NLRB , 354 F 2d 432, 434 (C A 8, 1965), cert denied 384 U S 1002, a case with interesting parallels to the situation here There , four " leadmen" were held to be supervisors , with prime reliance upon their authority to assign work in their departments, and further work to be done by the mechanics However, Baglione did not direct the mechanics in the performance of their work nor assign them work " Baglione was a relatively new employee at the time when this report of the Regional Director speaks, February 1, 1966, and Service Manager Cifelli may have intended to confer additional authority on Baglione in the shop meeting on discipline 6 months later in August 1966, covered supra. However, there is no contention by any of the parties that Baglione had become a supervisor in September 1966, indeed they have stipulated to the contrary. The contention of Respondent Employer is that because Baglrone was not a supervisor Winter could not be a supervisor, since he had the same kind of job measured by the title or description "service writer " The contention assumes a false premise and relies on labels Winter and Baglione did not occupy equivalent jobs and Winter was in fact as well as in title or description the assistant service manager whether or not he was occasionally referred to as a writer or service writer The earlier history also adds support to this conclusion and is indicative that the employer regarded Winter as a supervisor. In connection with the February 1966 Board election Presi- dent Milligi, after consultation with his counsel, excluded Assistant Service Manager Winter from the eligibility list of voting employees. He included as eligible Baghone and Moran, the so-called parts "manager," after considering that there might be challenges of all three men as supervisors. He decided, President Milligi testified, to put up a fight for the nonsuper- visory status of Baglione and Moran (and he prevailed as indicated in the report RE-7), but decided not to make a similar contention for Winter because, he said, Winter wore a uniform marked "service manager." Whatever the reasons for treating him then as a supervisor and not a rank-and-file employee, it is not without significance that Assistant Service Manager Winter was doing the same job in September 1966 as he was in February 1966 and earlier, according to Service Manager Cifelli, with his authority as a supervisor reconfirmed if not strengthened by Cifelli's August instructions to the employees In my view, Assistant Service Manager Winter was a supervisor within the meaning of the Act 3 C Size of the Bargaining Unit General Counsel's Exhibit GC-2 is a list of the 19 employees who comprised the bargaining unit on September 12, 1966. The parties stipulated to 18 of the names Respondent Employer and Respondent Union would have added Assistant Service Manager Fred Winter, but I have determined that he was a supervisor within the meaning of the Act, heading B, also upon their representation as supervisors by company officials, their recognition as supervisors by regular employees, and the unlikelihood that the factory foreman alone could provide detailed supervision to 37 employees in a variety of tasks without the assistance of the four supervisors Compare also Sears, Roebuck & Co., 112 NLRB 559, 562 (1955 ), where assistant division managers of a store, that had 40 divisions (each division or a consolidation of 2 with a division manager), were held to be supervisors under the Act based on the fact that they were in charge of the divisions when the division managers were absent The absences occurred 1 full day and 1 morning and 1 evening each week, plus lunch periods and vacation time RAYMOND BUICK, INC. supra, and he was not a member of the bargaining unit on September 12 Respondent Employer also contends that employee Clarence (Sam) Merritt should be excluded from the unit as of September 12, because he had indicated on September 9 his intention to leave and did leave the employment on September 16. Employee Clarence Merritt did not testify. His job was to start and wash used cars, 5'h days per week, according to Service Manager Cifelli. Cifelli gave no indication of how long Merritt had been an employee. Merritt's nephew Raymond Merritt, who had also been an employee (lubrication man) of Raymond Buick in September 1966, testified his uncle Clarence or Sam worked daily from 8 45 or 9 a m till 4 30 p.m , and had told him he had been with Raymond Buick for 5 years Apparently employee Clarence Merritt also worked nights at Central Islip State Hospital and had been accustomed to reporting in at Raymond Buick at about 9 a m in the mornings. Manager Cifelli and employee Raymond Merritt agree that Cifelli asked Clarence in early September to start reporting in at 8 a.m , but that Clarence indicated his night work did not end until 8 a m. and he could not do it. Manager Cifelli testified he spoke again to employee Clarence Merritt on Friday, September 9, about the early start, and Merritt said he could not do it and was going to leave the end of the following week Employees Raymond Merritt and Peter Vath indicate that employee Clarence Merritt understood he was being discharged-that he had "gotten his notice"-and Service Manager Cifelli's testimony that he told employee Clarence Merritt he, Cifelli, would have to look for someone who could get in at 8 a.m would seem to bear out that Merritt's ultimate departure was not voluntary. In any event, employee Clarence Merritt continued to work through Friday, September 16, according to Service Manager Cifelh. At the request of employee Anzalone, Clarence Merritt signed an authorization card for Amalgamated Local 355 on Friday, September 9, at or after 4 30 p.m., and an authoriza- tion card for UAW Local 259 on Monday, September 12, at or after 4.30 p.m , per testimony of employees Raymond Merritt, James Pharo, James Richardson, and Anzalone. There was testimony by employee Vath that earlier in the day on September 12 Clarence Merritt declined to sign a Local 259 card, saying to Anzalone he couldn't see any benefit to anybody in signing, since he had received his notice. Counsel for the Respondent Employer concedes (brief pp 6-7) that employee Clarence Merritt would have been eligible to vote in a Board election if one were held on September 12, but aruges that Merritt should be excluded from the unit in this case because he indicated he no longer had a community of interest with the other employees when he first declined to sign a Local 259 card. Respondent's counsel would have me give more weight to the employee's alleged preliminary discussion some time before signing than to the actual signing itself, which overtly expressed the employee's joinder in obtaining representation for the unit of employees The suggestion is without merit. Moreover, the rule that permits voting in an election by an employee who has given notice of an intention to terminate employment after the election is grounded on the principle that eligibility is determined by the actual employment status 1299 as it exists on the eligibility date and on election day. Sioux City Brewing Company, 85 NLRB 1164, 1 167 ( 1949), Whiting Corporation , 99 NLRB 117, 122 (1952), Personal Products Corp, 114 NLRB 959, 961 ( 1955), Otarion Listener Corp, 124 NLRB 880, 881 ( 1959) There would appear to be no difference in principle when the issue is counting the employee as part of the unit on the day recognition is requested based upon an authorization card showing , or the eligibility of the employee to sign an authorization card on that day Blade- Tribune Publishing Co , 161 NLRB 1512(1966) Clarence Merritt's employment , however it was terminated, continued through September 16, 1966, and he was part of the bargaining unit comprising the 19 employees listed in exhibit GC-2, on September 12 and until September 16 D Early Relationship of Employer's President Milligi and Respondent Union Business Manager Tolkow Amalgamated Local 355 operates in Long Island, Manhat- tan, and part of New Jersey, according to Union Business Manager Bernard Tolkow. It has about 35 to 40 collective- bargaining contracts with auto dealers on Long Island, includ- ing about five in Bayshore, where Raymond Buick is located Tolkow had been business manager for Amalgamated Local 355 about 14 years, a full-time elected position. Raymond Milligi, Jr., is the president and principal stock- holder of Raymond Buick. Milligi testified that he had known Union Business Manager Tolkow for 4 or 5 years having been introduced to him at other dealerships and seen him at restaurants, and always considered "half seriously" that Tolkow was "trying to organize me " Indeed, President Milhgi testified, he heard from Union Business Manager Tolkow two or three times a year, going back several years, prior to September 12, 1966 Tolkow sought recognition of his union on these occasions, according to Milligi, though he gave no indication that he had done any organizing at the shop or that he purported to represent any of the men. Prior to September 12, sometime at the end of August, Union Business Manager Tolkow called President Milligi and arranged for a meeting to discuss recognition They met for lunch at the Peter Pan diner in early September, prior to September 5, according to President Milligi He met Tolkow this time, said President Mrllrgi, because he had spent money in legal fees on the February election, he had gone to the expense of providing the shop with a welfare program which didn't seem to be working out, the shops around him were union and he was having difficulty hiring men "I was . sort of ripe for an approach," testified Mrllrgi, and it didn't matter "which union came to me " Tolkow's was the first union to approach him at that point, he said At this luncheon meeting, which was just prior to Labor Day, September 5, Union Business Manager Tolkow again asked for recognition although he did not purport to represent a majority of the employees or anyone in the shop. Tolkow indicated, said Milhgi, only that he had been talking to one person in the shop, possibly more, that they were unhappy, and Tolkow felt they would like Local 355. Milligi said he told 1300 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Tolkow he would not talk to him until he had a majority in the shop a Piesident Milligi testified that he made no deal with Union Business Manager Tolkow but the events that transpired suggest the contrary E Organization of Shop for Amalgamated Local 355 Accoiding to Union Business Manager Tolkow, he talked on the telephone to employee Michael Anzalone on Wednesday or Thuisday, September 7 or 8, 1966 He reached Anzalone on the telephone located in the working area of the shop All of Tolkow's telephone talks with Anzalone in addition to this first talk were on this telephone during shop hours Employee Anzalone agiees that the first call was completed in the week ending Fiiday, September 9 Employee Anzalone was an automobile mechanic who had worked in a number of shops, principally Chevrolet dealers, before conung to Raymond Buick in early August 1966 He had worked in unionized shops and was a card holding member of Amalgamated Local 355 and of UAW Local 259 His last job was with Walrick Chevrolet, where Amalgamated Local 355 had a collective-bargaining contract Walrick Chevrolet had fired Anzalone because he refused to punch a timeclock on every iepair job he did Service Manager John Cifelli had hired employee Anzalone on August 3, starting August 5, after checking with Walrick Chevrolet and feeling assured he would not have their same problem since Raymond Buick did not use the job timeclock system, said Cifelli Several weeks later , Cifelli testified, employee Anzalone was dissatisfied because he was not making enough money, and told Cifelli he had called his Local 355 to be placed in another job. Manager Cifelli tried to induce Anzalone to stay, telling him he would make more money as he became better acquainted with the shop and the "product " Employee Anzalone had in fact solicited a job at Roberts Chevrolet, an Amalgamated Local 355 shop, but apparently had been told he was having trouble getting union clearance and had called for help to Union Business Agent Tolkow, whom he had not yet met As indicated above, Tolkow returned employee Anzalone' s call on September 7 or 8 and, according to Tolkow, Anzalone told him of the application at Roberts Chevrolet and asked for the Union' s recommendation. Tolkow asked why he wanted to leave Raymond Buick, and Anzalone said because he wasn't making enough money, that he had been used to earning $200 per week or more and thought he could do this at Roberts where the traffic was heavy. At this point the accounts of the two men vary. According to employee Anzalone, Business Manager Tolkow said he would check and call back, and he did in about an hour saying he had cleared Anzalone at Roberts Chevrolet. He also said then or in the earlier conversation, according to Anzalone, that Anzalone might prefer to stay at Raymond Buick because things were going to happen soon, Tolkow was attempting to organize there, that someone in the shop would contact Anzalone and he could strike up a deal, and "if I would do him a favor he would do me a favor." 4 Union Business Manager Tolkow , although conceding he saw and met and had conversations with President Milligi a number of times prior to September 12, 1966, denied or could not remember this specifically arranged luncheon meeting But Tolkow denied or forgot some other important happenings in his dealings with President Milhgi According to Union Business Manager Tolkow, employee Anzalone called to volunteer to help organize the Raymond Buick shop for Local 355 saying he had heard Tolkow was organizing, that he had an application for a job at Roberts Chevrolet and was due to go there on Monday, September 12, but was concerned he might get a bad reference from former employer Walrick Chevrolet, and that if Tolkow would put in a good word for him and get them to hold his application for another week, he, Anzalone, would take the time and make sure the shop was organized for Local 355 Tolkow added that Anzalone said it was not necessary to give him any authoriza- tion cards, that they were floating around the shop, he would pick them up and take over the organization Tolkow said he agreed and "followed through." Even though he did not know Anzalone, or whether he was a good or bad mechanic, Tolkow claimed he called Roberts Chevrolet told them what a good worker Anzalone was, that he would be an asset to them, and to hold the job open for a week He then called Anzalone back to say Roberts would lure him and give hum a week's delay. The surrounding testimony, indicating no activity among the employees with respect to Local 355 and no way that Anzalone could have known that action by Local 355 was contemplated until he talked to Tolkow, makes Tolkow's version improbable. Tolkow testified that previous to talking with Anzalone, he had persuaded employee Boris Blinovs, who worked in the body shop, to take some authorization cards This was 1 or 2 weeks prior to his talk with employee Anzalone Tolkow said, but it was more likely no more than one week prior because employee Blrnovs fixed the time as early September Tolkow claimed Blinovs was pointed out to him in a bar in Bayshore, that Tolkow introduced himself, and talked union. Tolkow said he gave Blinovs 25 or mote authorization cards. Blinovs was unenthusiastic and reluctant, Tolkow testified, and Blinovs testified he didn't want to be involved, that he took the cards anyway, but did not do anything with them until "considerably after" he received them, actually not until Friday, September 9. Tolkow and Blinovs had only this one meeting and conversation prior to September 12, according to both of them However, employee Blinovs, by his own testimony, had had discussions concerning Amalgamated Local 355 with Assistant Service Manager Winter both before ("goes back to August or September" he said) and after he received the cards from Tolkow. Likewise , Assistant Service Manager Winter agrees that he and employee Blinovs had such talks before he received blank cards from Blmovs on Friday, September 9. Winter and Blinovs talked about the union being better for the shop and providing a better welfare program. Preliminarily there was mention between the two of both UAW Local 259 and Amalgamated Local 355, according to employee Blinovs, but, he testified, when Assistant Service Manager Winter "talked the way he talked," "I figured he was for 355." In this connection, employee Blinovs testified (and Union Business Manager Tolkow confirmed) that in his one meeting with Tolkow, they discussed Assistant Service Manager Winter. Blmovs said he raised the question of Winter's eligibility to join the union since he had not voted in the February Board which do not rest wholly on the contrary testimony of Milligi, as appears hereinafter These contradictions coupled with my assessment of Tolkow's entire testimony and demeanor persuade me that Tolkow did not tell the whole truth concerning his relationship with President Milligi RAYMOND BUICK, INC. election, and Tolkow replied this didn't mean anything, they were interested in organizing everybody, and Blinovs could give cards to anybody except Service Manager Cifelli. Employee Blmovs testified that, on Friday, September 9, he gave Assistant Service Manager Winter half, about 18 to 20, of the blank authorization cards that he had in his possession. Assistant Service Manager Winter also testified that he received about 18 blank cards from employee Blrnovs that Friday morning, September 9, and both claim that Blrnovs told Winter to give the cards to employee Anzalone, which Winter did that afternoon. But employee Blinovs did not know about Anzalone's involvement and arrangement with Union Business Manager Tolkow, because Tolkow and Blinovs had not talked since their first meeting, allegedly in early September, whereas employee Anzalone first talked to Union Business Manager Tolkow thereafter on September 7 or 8, 1 day, or 2 days at the most, prior to the distribution of any cards. To explain this gap, employee Blinovs made the incredible claim that he knew that employee Anzalone was involved because 3 or 4 days before Friday, September 9 (which would have been at a time before Anzalone talked to Tolkow), Anzalone allegedly stopped him at the parts counter to tell him that he, Anzalone, was organizing the shop for Local 355 and asked whether Blrnovs wanted to sign a card or had a signed membership card, he wasn't sure which and he didn't answer Anzalone. Blinovs first testified that at that point in time he did not have any blank authorization cards, but changed his answer to say he had the cards but refrained from telling Anzalone that he had them or was going to spread them. Rather he waited several days until Friday, September 9, and then told Assistant Service Manager Winter to give employee Anzalone the cards to distribute. Why9, he was asked, and he replied, "Again, that's what I wasn't sure. I just didn't want to go to Mr. Anzalone. I thought that Mr. Winter be better off if he gives cards to Mr. Anzalone." The exaggeration of the role of the reluctant Mr Blinovs, ascribed to Blrnovs at the hearing by the Respondents, and the predominance of the role of management, through the agency of Assistant Service Manager Winter, begins to show at this point in the actual happenings. The testimony of all of the employee witnesses on the subject of shop activity for Local 355, confirmed by the Winter-Blinovs testimony, makes clear that there was no activity among the employees for Local 355, or even discussions of Local 355 except between Winters and Blrnovs, before Friday, September 9,5 and when the organiza- tional campaign unfolded on September 9, it can be under- stood only in the light of the liaison established between President Milligi and Union Business Manager Tolkow, despite their denials and the denials of Manager Cifelli and Assistant Manager Winter that there was communication among them on the subject 6 Employee Anzalone testified that he came forward on the morning of February 9 and told Service Manager Cifellr that someone was supposed to contact him (Anzalone) concerning Local 355 and asked did Cifelli know what was going on. 5 There was , however , discussion and expression of sentiment among the line mechanics for UAW Local 259 before and after September 9, as appears infra 6 It is also clear that there were no Local 355 cards " floating" around the shop before September 9, as Tolkow suggested Anzalone said, and that , except for Blmovs , no rank-and -file employee including Anzalone had any Local 355 cards before September 9 1301 Because he had already indicated he was going to leave and had had the simultaneous urgings by both Service Manager Cifelli and Union Business Manager Tolkow to stay on because things would improve, employee Anzalone assumed, he testified, that Cifelli was the one who was supposed to hand him the cards. Service Manager Cifelli claimed ignorance, but some hours later after lunchtime, Assistant Service Manager Winter asked employee Anzalone to road test with him a car upon which Anzalone had worked. According to Winter, he drove and stopped at the side of the road and handed employee Anzalone a packet of blank authorization cards for Amalgamated Local 355. Winter testified that employee Blmovs had given him the packet of cards earlier that day, in the area of the service desk, asking him to pass them to employee Anzalone According to Assistant Service Manager Winter, he didn't ask Blinovs why give them to Anzalone because, said Winter, we had discussed Local 355 before and "I wasn't just going to take them cold and hand them to him. I must have known what was going on." Assistant Service Manager Winter testified that when he handed the packet of blank authorization cards to employee Anzalone he, Winter, said only "you know what this is all about," that Anzalone said nothing, and that nothing was said between them on the drive back to the shop. I find incredible the alleged absence of any conversation on this occasion between the fast-talking Mr. Winter and the loquacious Mr. Anzalone, particularly in view of the immediately subsequent occurring organizational events in which each participated along lines that fit employee Anzalone's description of the conversation between them. According to employee Anzalone, Assistant Manager Winter said, while they were in the car, that he was not the man who was supposed to contact Anzalone, that Anzalone should take the cards and sign up the men in the shop at anytime he saw fit and he would be unhampered, but not bother with the body shop or with employees Al Shea or Walter Sorrentino (both line mechanics). Winter said he would take care of the body shop himself and he knew Sorrentino and Shea would argue so he didn't want them involved till the end. Anzalone said to Winter that quite a few of the fellows are not going to go for the cards and if they balk what should he do. Winter replied, if they don't want to sign they will look for another job. Anzalone asked, do you want me to tell them this, and Winter answered, if you have to you have to. According to Anzalone, Winter further told him if he got the cards signed he would be the number one man in the shop-and-could earn his $200 a week.' This was the amount that employee Anzalone had told Union Business Manager Tolkow and Service Manager Cifellr he had been used to making elsewhere and needed for a living (note Tolkow's testimony supra). Anzalone's earnings had not exceeded $153 in any week in his then 5 weeks with Raymond Buick, and his average per week was considerably lower, GC-31. Winter and Anzalone returned to the shop in the car they were supposedly testing, and in the coffee break that followed 7 The testimony of several witnesses including Service Manager Cifelh was that the mechanics were on piecework , by which they earned, at that time, 40 percent of the labor charge to the customer with a minimum weekly guarantee of $100 Consequently , the earnings of the mechanics varied, and the kind of work assigned to a man had a bearing on his earnings. 1302 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD shortly on this afternoon of September 9, and at quitting time, Anzalone testified, he spoke to approximately 10 men about signing cards for Amalgamated Local 355. Most of these men objected to signing Some, like Al Shea, Peter Vath, Manuel Marquez, and Walter Sorrentino, expressed a preference for UAW Local 259. Employee John De Vaul, who testified on the subject, told Anzalone he would not sign for Local 355 until he found out that the rest were signing, and did not sign when he ascertained that employees Shea, Vath, and Marquez preferred UAW Local 259. Nevertheless, employee Anzalone obtained four signed cards for Local 355 on Respondent Employer's prerruses from employees James Richardson, James Pharo, Clarence (Sam) Merritt, and Raymond Merritt at the end of the working day, about 4 30 p.m According to employee Richardson, he told Anzalone he didn't want a union, whereupon Anzalone said if Richardson didn't sign he would have to find another job, and Richardson signed card GC-23. Employee Pharo testified he signed his card for Local 355 on September 9, with employees Ray Merritt and Sam (or Clarence) Merritt present, although it (GC-8) is dated September 12. Anzalone told him, Pharo said, that the union was coming in and he should sign if he wanted to keep his job, and so he signed Employee Raymond Merritt testified he signed the card for Local 355, RE-4, on September 9 A stipulation of counsel indicates that in his affidavit to the Board of October 13, 1966, employee Raymond Merritt said that Mike Anzalone told him to sign but did not tell him he would lose his job if he did net sign. A further stipulation of counsel, respecting employee Clarence (Sam) Merritt who did not testify, indicates that on September 9 Clarence Merritt signed and delivered a card for Local 355 to employee Anzalone who later turned it over to Union Business Manager Tolkow, but that the card is now missing. Employee Anzalone testified, as the combined testimony of employees Pharo and Richardson indicated, that he told them and the two Merritts to sign or look for other jobs. He further testified, he did not tell this to everyone he asked to sign for Local 355 (and employees De Vaul and Vath testified they were not threatened with loss of their jobs), nor did he tell any of his fellows at that time that he was told he could say this, nor did he tell them from whom he had obtained the blank authorization cards. According to employee Pharo, when he asked employee Anzalone where he got his information Anzalone replied only "up front" without elaboration. Meantime, Assistant Service Manager Winter proceeded in the organizing as he told employee Anzalone in the car he would. On his return to the shop, Winter took one of the blank cards he had retained to employee Charles E. (Ed) Moran, the parts man, at the parts department, asking him to sign Moran was busy at the time and laid the card to the side, according to Winter, and on Monday, September 12, brought it signed to Winter at the service desk, GC-12. Employee Moran's testi- mony was in accord. Assistant Service Manager Winter also testified that on Friday afternoon, September 9, he spoke to (assistant to the assistant), Al Baglione about signing a card for Local 355. 8 Baghone confirmed that Anzalone made such a try but that he, Baghone , was busy and didn't have time for the card then, that he may have said (as Anzalone testified ) that he wanted to see Manager John Cifelh before he signed , or he may have said he wanted to see the men in the shop before he signed 91t is strange that the proffered explanation for Assistant Service Manager Winter dealing and continuing to deal with employee Anzalone Baglione signed a card, RU-8, on September 12, dating it himself, according to his own testimony, and gave the card to Assistant Service Manager Winter. There was a question, however, raised by the testimony of Union Business Manager Tolkow, as to whether Baglione signed and returned the card early enough in the day for it to have been among those turned over by Assistant Service Manager Winter to employee Anzalone, and in turn delivered by Anzalone to Tolkow at their noontime meeting Tolkow claimed he had Baglione's card among the batch of signed cards which he obtained from Anzalone and shortly thereafter presented to President Milligi, but the weight of the evidence would appear to establish that Anzalone did not receive and turn over Baghone's card to Tolkow. Baghone testified he signed the card in the afternoon, Winter did not recall that it was among the cards he handed to Anzalone in the morning (though he did identify by name the six cards that he did hand over), President Milligi could not remember by name the cards Tolkow showed him, Blinovs disclaimed knowledge of the signed card, and Anzalone claimed that he tried unsuccessfully to get the signed card from Baglrone before noon at the service desk in Winter's presence. 8 Winter himself signed one of the cards he retained, RU-9, on Friday afternoon, September 9, after his meeting with Anzalone but not in employee Bhnovs' presence, Winter said. Employee Bhnovs did not inquire of Winter whether he had given the blank cards to employee Anzalone or anyone else, according to Blinovs' testimony. On Friday afternoon, Septem- ber 9, about 4 or 4 30 p.m., Blinovs said he obtained the signature to card RU-12 of employee Ray Mercer, who worked with him in the body shop. Mercer did not testify, but Bhnovs testified that Mercer had been present at one of the Winter-Blinovs discussions of Amalgamated Local 355. Blinovs said he signed a card himself, RU-10, September 9, obtained the signature of the third body shop man, William Maas , to card RU-11, also on September 9, and the card of Robert (Bobby) Lapple, the new car make ready man, card RU-7, on Saturday, September 10, at Lapple's home. Employee Blinovs testified he kept the four signed cards over the weekend and was ready to give them to employee Anzalone but did not. Instead, said Blinovs, on Monday morning, September 12, at 10 o'clock, he gave the signed cards to Assistant Service Manager Winter asking him to give them to Anzalone because, testified Blinovs, he did not trust Anzalone (with no explanation of the basis for this distrust), further he figured Winter knew Anzalone better, and to "be truthful with you, I didn't want to be involved at all in this business." Likewise, Assistant Service Manager Winter testified that employee Blinovs gave him signed cards from the body shop on Monday morning, September 12, bringing them to him at the service desk. Blinovs asked him, testified Winter, to give the cards to Anzalone because he didn't know Anzalone "that well" and didn't trust him.9 Assistant Service Manager Winter testified that he gave the signed cards, which he had acquired directly or through help of employee Blinovs, to employee Anzalone later that morning, rests merely upon such requests from employee Blinovs, who not only did not know of Anzalone's arrangement or liaison with the union representative , but also professed to Winter, in making the requests, that he did not trust Anzalone RAYMOND BUICK, INC. Monday, September 12, before lunch, at the service desk area. As identified, they were the six cards of employees Blinovs, Lapple, Maas, Mercer , Moran, and Assistant Service Manager Winter. 10 About 10 a.m. the same morning , September 12, Business Manager Tolkow and employee Anzalone talked on the phone and arranged to meet about noontime for delivery of the cards to Tolkow in front of a "Friendly Frost" appliance store, a short drive from the shop.l 1 Having made this arrangement to meet Anzalone, Union Business Manager Tolkow immediately called President Milligi, and though he did not have any cards in hand Tolkow told Milligi he had a majority of the shop and wanted to meet and negotiate a contract. They agreed to meet at noon in Milligi's office. Union Business Manager Tolkow and employee Anzalone met in front of the Friendly Frost store sometime in the noon hour of September 12.12 They sat in Tolkow's car and transacted business that according to Tolkow lasted between 10 and 15 minutes, covering transfer of the authorization cards to Tolkow, discussion of some of the contract objectives of the men, particularly increase in the split of the labor percentage charge, a suggestion that Anzalone stay on at Raymond Buick at least until organization was complete, and money for Anzalone (discussed infra under heading I). Tolkow asked for and Anzalone signed an authorization card in the car for himself, RU-6, although it is predated September 9 He did not tell Tolkow that he had changed his mind about organizing for Local 355 or that he had agreed with UAW Representative Velez to organize for Local 259 Conclusion Respecting Majority. Employee Anzalone testi- fied he gave Union Business Manager Tolkow nine signed cards for Local 355, including his own '13 whereas Tolkow testified he received twelve cards. 14 Crediting, as I do, the previously noted testimony of Assistant Service Manager Winter that Anzalone also received from Winter cards signed by employees Lapple and Moran, I find that the actual number of cards turned over by Anzalone to Tolkow was 11. If Tolkow had 10 Winter testified he gave all the signed cards he had to employee Anzalone, he thought there were seven or eight of them, but could only identify the above six Employee Baglione's card was not in this group and came to Winter later in the day, as the evidence , above, shows 11 There was a conflict in the testimony as to how the meeting was arranged and when it took place Tolkow claimed that Anzalone called him to say he had 12 signed cards, Tolkow offered to come to the shop at once to get them , Anzalone said he had them at home , they agreed Anzalone would drive home at noon , get the cards and meet Tolkow at 12 05 p in , and they met from 12 05 to about 12 20 p in Anzalone claimed that Tolkow called him, asked how many signed cards did he have and give them to "the guy" who gave them to him in the first place Anzalone replied, he said , that he had the cards at home (which he also said at the hearing was not true ) and couldn 't do this , but would deliver them himself to Tolkow at 12. 30 p.m at the place they then agreed upon , and that they met at 12 40 p.m in front of the Friendly Frost store It is clear from the testimony of both that Tolkow was anxious to get the cards at once and that Anzalone was stalling for a later personal meeting Anzalone testified he was stalling not to meet Tolkow but for time, because as a result of his Friday experience in organizing for Amalgamated Local 355 he had learned that most of the men he talked to wanted UAW Local 259, that his hunger to earn $200 per week had led him to cross the wishes of his fellows , that he could not stay and work with them unless he tried to get Local 259 for them, and he described the steps in that direction instituted that morning, discussed infra under heading G. Respondent suggested that Anzalone wanted to meet Tolkow to "hit him up" for money , as Tolkow claimed Anzalone did , also discussed infra under heading I 1303 employee Baglione's card, the alleged 12th card, as he indicated he did when he met with President Milligi later in the day, the testimony reviewed above established that he could not have received it from employee Anzalone, but had it from Winter directly, or indirectly through another than Anzalone, probably after recognition was accorded Amalgamated Local 355 by President Milligi. In addition to employee Baglione, there were others who signed cards for Local 355 in the afternoon of September 12, particularly after President Milligi announced the signing of the contract, such as employees De Vaul, Marquez (GC-15), Shea_ (GC-20),_ and Vath (GC-24), and still others who signed later in the month, such as Sorrentino (GC-19, September 21), Radico (GC-29, Sep- tember 23), and Elliott (GC-12, undated but testified he signed end of September). Since Assistant Service Manager Winter was a supervisor within the meaning of the Act, his card, of the 11 cards received by Union Business Manager Tolkow on September 12 was of no value as an employee authorization. Of the remaining 10 cards, the evidence above clearly established that the signing of 4 of them was directly procured or influenced by Supervisor Winter. These were the cards of employees Moran, Blinovs, Mercer, and Anzalone, and because of the supervisor's assistance the cards were invalid, Insular Chemical Corporation, 128 NLRB 93, 98 (1960); A.TL Warehouse, Inc., 169 NLRB No. 75 (1968),15 regardless of whether the supervisor acted with authority or knowledge of the employer, International Assn of Machinists v. N.L R B., 311 U.S. 72, 79-80 (1940), H. J. Heinz Company v. N.L R.B., 311 U S. 514, 520-521 (1941); N.L.R.B v. Link-Belt Co, 311 U.S 584,599(1941 ).16 I conclude, that on September 12, of the 11 cards Union Business Manager Tolkow received from employee, Anzalone (and later that day turned over to President Milligi) only 6 were valid authorization cards, and Amalgamated Local 355 was 4 short of an uncoerced majority of the unit of 19 employees. 12 Tolkow said it was at 12 . 05 p.m Anzalone , who testified that he met UAW Representative Fred Velez across the street from the shop at 12 noon, said he met Tolkow at about 12 40 p.m 13 The nine comprised five that Anzalone had produced directly, namely, Pharo , Richardson , Clarence (Sam) Merritt, Raymond Merritt, and Anzalone himself , plus four from Assistant Service Manager Winter, namely , Winter, Blmovs, Maas , and Mercer 14 Tolkow claimed three more in addition to the nine listed by Anzalone namely , the cards of Lapple , Moran , and Baglione 15 General Counsel suggests that even the remaining six cards were indirectly tainted by the influence of supervisor Winter It is true that Winter was responsible for the distribution and collection of most of the cards However , in the case of the four cards obtained by employee Anzalone from employees Pharo , Richardson and the two Merritts, the testimony established that these employees were not told and did not then know that Anzalone had received the blank cards from Winter and was acting on his behalf Also, those who were told by Anzalone they would lose their jobs if they did not sign were not told that Winter or anyone else in management had said or authorized saying this. In the case of the two remaining cards, procured by employee Blinovs from employees Maas and Lapple, there is no evidence that these two employees took part in discussions with Winter favoring Local 355 (as did employees Blinovs and Mercer before they signed) or knew that Blmovs was acting on behalf of Winter 16 In the Machinists and Link-Belt cases cited , the supervisory interference , upon which rested the Section 8(a)(2) violations of the employers , were "the activities of supervisory employees even though they did not have the power to hire or fire " 311 U.S. at 599 1304 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD F. Recognition ofAmalgamated Local 355 and Negotiation of Contract After his meeting in the noon hour with employee Anzalone, Union Business Manager Tolkow went to the shop to keep his appointment with President Millrgr Tolkow was late, testified President Milligi, arriving before 12.30 p.m. although he was going to be there at 12 noon. Tolkow said he arrived betwen 12 15 and 12.30, about 12 20 p.m. Tolkow came in saying "I finally have you" and, after 4 or 5 minutes in an exchange of pleasantries, President Millrgi asked to see the authorization cards and spent another 5 or 10 minutes in examining them, according to Union Business Manager Tolkow. Millrgr testified, he counted 10 or 11 cards, looking at and recognizing the names but not checking the signatures or dates, and when Tolkow said "I think I have got you," Milhgi replied "I suppose you do " Milligi said he thought there were 12 cards and that Tolkow left a duplicate set with him (the cards are of a type that are completed originally in duplicate) Milligi added that he now has about 22 or 23 signed cards, some signed later but did not have a recollection of the names on the cards Tolkow showed him on September 12 Tolkow's testimony indicated that he had only the cards he received from employee Anzalone. Tolkow testified he had received twelve cards but the evidence established there were 11, 5 of which were invalid, see heading E, supra. Tolkow then suggested that they sit down and negotiate a contract. After 5 or 10 minutes of general talk on the subject, Tolkow got out his pretyped or preprinted form contract and the two men went over it paragraph-by-paragraph making changes by strike-out and write-in. As developed, the contract, RU-4, comprised nine marked- up pages and a handwritten appendix (later replaced by a typed page 10) embracing 19 articles and the appendix that dealt with minimum wages for the several categories of employees. Tolkow contended at the hearing that many of the articles of the contract needed little discussion, such as the changes in the holidays article, which he said took about 5 to 10 minutes. Others took longer, the employer's contribution to the welfare fund requiring disucssion of a half hour and the "(a)" paragraph of the minimum wage appendix requiring more than a half hour discussion. In any event, using 12:20 p.m as the starting point of their meeting, Tolkow testified that the contract was signed 2 to 2ih hours later. He was not sure, however, whether this was before or after 3 p.m. President Milligi testified the contract was signed at 2:30 p in. He said in the negotiation Tolkow asked for a 50-50 percentage division of labor charges between the company and line mechanics (they were then dividing 60-40), for the guarantee provided in the UAW contract, and for substantially what other shops had in the Bay Shore area. The percentage increase was the biggest problem for Milligi who preferred he said a gradual rather than an immediate employee increase to 50-50. Milligi called Service Manager Cifellr into the meeting to provide information and advice, after the discussion of the subject had run about 20 minutes, according to Tolkow Service Manager Cifelli came into the discussion and favored the 50-50 percentage division and increased salary minimums, according to Milligi and Cifelli, as a means of helping to hold and recruit good men. This advice persuaded Milligi, and the subject was the last of the terms agreed upon, according to Tolkow. All three participants agreed that Cifelli was present about 15 to 20 minutes. Cifellr said he stayed through the signing of the contract near 2.30 p.m., but Tolkow said he was not sure Cifelli was present at the signing because after they had agreed and were writing, he, Tolkow, said he would like to get employee Anzalone up and tell him the results of the contract and of the provision in which Anzalone was most interested, the increase to 50 percent in the labor percentage division. President Milligi agreed that this was said, and Cifelli went down to the shop immediately to fetch employee Anzalone. While Cifelli was gone, according to Milligi, Tolkow told him Anzalone had worked in another shop and was now with Raymond Buick, that Anzalone had had something to do with organizing the shop and that "he owed him some-he felt that he wanted something to do with him." Millrgr also testified that Tolkow may have mentioned Anzalone as shop steward r 7 Milligi said he knew Anzalone as the "guy with the beard" from a prior discussion of him with Cifellr. Within a few minutes after leaving the negotiating meeting, Service Manager Cifelli returned without bringing back em- ployee Anzalone. Addressing both Tolkow and Milligi, Cifelli told them, he testified, that a Fred Velez of the UAW was downstairs in the shop and when Cifelli told employee Anzalone he wanted to talk to him, Velez allegedly intervened and said "You can't talk to him or anybody else." UAW Representative Velez was in the shop, with a batch of UAW Local 259 signed authorization cards obtained for him that day by Anzalone, and with a delegation of three employees (Anzalone, Shea, and Vath) whom Velez had assembled to seek out President Millrgi. The group had been stopped by Milligi's secretary and, when they saw Service Manager Cifelli, Velez made a demand for recognition of Local 259 upon Cifellr Cifelli acknowledged that the group with Velez as spokesman made the demand for recognition for Local 259 and that he told Velez "I don't recognize you," but claimed the incident occurred after he emerged from the Tolkow-Milligi meeting a second time. However, there was no support for his claim in any testimony of the other participants to this demand, who testified to only one encounter with Cifelli, and I credit the account that UAW Representative Velez made his oral demand before Service Manager Cifelli returned to the Tolkow-Millrgi meeting. In the meeting, when Service Manager Cifelli returned and reported concerning UAW Representative Velez and employee Anzalone, there was a discussion of "what in .... hell was Mr. Velez doing downstairs," as President Milligi put it. President Milligi said he was surprised because he did not know that Velez or anybody was organizing for Local 259, but that Tolkow was not surprised and commented among other things 17 This was, no doubt, in mind when article V of the contract was only a little more than 1 month . It is also noteworthy that Tolkow sent marked at this session to eliminate the requirement that a shop steward for Anzalone and not employee Blinovs , Tolkow's alleged agent in the must have been on the payroll 3 months to be eligible for the office, organizing of the shop . Blinovs had 6 years' service with Raymond RU-4, pp 2-3. At that time, employee Anzalone was on the payroll Buick. RAYMOND BUICK, INC. on "that little s.o.b."18 The discussion ran about 2 to, 4 minutes, according to Milligi (5 minutes said Cifelli) and was interrupted by a call from Milligi's secretary that UAW Representative Velez was demanding to see him Milligi said he sent Cifelh down to his desk and talked further to Tolkow briefly. Tolkow then said, according to Milligi, there was no point in his "hanging around" further and left (through the showroom, said Tolkow) either when or after Milligi went down to the shop to confront UAW Representative Velez. Cifelh thought Milligi came into the shop 5 or 10 minutes after Cifelli's return, and Milligi fixed the time at about 20 minutes before 3 p in Velez and Anzalone fixed the time as after 3 p.m. since they had had a prearrangement to meet at the shop at the 3 p.m coffeebreak The combined testimony and sequence of events suggest that the contract was not complete for signing and was not signed when Service Manager Cifelli first left the conference room to fetch employee Anzalone, but was signed shortly thereafter with Cifelli present, when he returned with word that UAW Representative Velez was on the premises demand- ing recognition for Local 259 and preventing Anzalone from attending the conference. G. Organization and Demand for Recognition for UAW Local 259 Employee Anzalone and UAW Representative Velez had already met earlier that day, September 12, at noon, according to their testimony, at a hotdog stand across the street from the shop, as a result of Anzalone's call in the morning to UAW Local 259's President Meyers. According to Velez, Anzalone informed him that the employees wanted to join UAW Local 259 but had a problem because the employer was negotiating with Amalgamated Local 355 whom the employees did not want. Velez said he informed Anzalone the employees had a right to join any union of their choosing and gave him authorization cards to be signed. They agreed Velez would come to the shop at the 3 p.m. coffeebreak and that Velez would represent the men if a majority had signed, according to Anzalone This first meeting with UAW Representative Velez took about 15 to 20 minutes according to both men, and Anzalone returned to the shop at 12.20 p in He then kept his appointment with Union Business Manager Tolkow, to whom he delivered the signed Amalgamated Local 355 cards he had acquired directly and from Assistant Service Manager Winter (as described under headings E and F, above).' 9 Leaving Tolkow, employee Anzalone testified he came back to the shop and immediately approached the men who had 18 Tolkow testified that Cifelli reported only that employee Anzalone "refused " to come upstairs , that there was no mention of UAW Representative Velez, whom he knew, that Velez had not arrived at the shop , and was not there when he left . These assertions were specifically contradicted by President Milligi and Service Manager Cifelh , and have no basis for support in the surrounding testimony 19 Anzalone testified he told Winter he had to meet Tolkow to give him the cards and that Winter said go ahead . Winter denied this 20 Among other variations , Anzalone initially claimed he had signed cards of employees Anthony Redmond and Pat Radico. It was later stipulated that Redmond did not begin work for Respondent Employer until September 26 or 27, and that Radico was on vacation the week of September 12-16 and no Local 259 card was turned over to the Board for Radico 1305 said they wanted UAW Local 259. He told them if they wanted UAW Local 259 to sign the cards now and he would get them Local 259 that afternoon. There was a good deal of contradiction and confusion, particularly in Anzalone's testimony, as to how many of the employees signed for Local 259 by 3 p.m. that day, when UAW Representative Velez arrived at the shop to claim the cards. Velez testified he received nine cards, employee Anzalone claimed there were more than nine, but his own testimony did not support this 20 I am persuaded by the testimony of the other employees that UAW Representative Velez received seven cards for Local 259 at about 3 p.m on September 12, and had these in his possession when he met shortly thereafter with Service Manager Cifelli and then President Milligi. These were the cards of Peter Vath, GC-25, John De Vaul, GC-10, Al Shea, GC-21, James Pharo, GC-9, James Richardson, GC-22, Manuel Marquez, GC-14, and -Michael Anzalone, GC-4. Later in the day, at or after 4 30 p.m while washing up in the locker room preparatory to leaving, employee Raymond Merritt and his uncle, employee Clarence (or Sam) Merritt, signed and gave to employee Anzalone cards GC-16 and GC-17, respectively. 21 UAW Representative Velez remained in the vicinity of the shop in the late afternoon, according to President Milligi's testimony, and also met with Anzalone and a number of the men that night at the Peter Pan diner, so that he came into possession of the cards of the two Merritts no earlier than the end of the workday, September 12, and not at 3 p.m. Nonetheless, even with nine cards at the end of the day, Velez was still lacking by one a majority of the unit of 19 employees As set out under heading F, supra, UAW Representative Velez upon acquiring the batch of signed cards from employee Anzalone at about 3 p.m., assembled a delegation of employ- ees Anzalone, Shea, and Vath, and sought out President Milligi at his office. They were halted by Milligi's secretary, and, as already recited, UAW Representative Velez made his initial demand for recognition for Local 259 upon Service Manager Cifelli, when he came out of the negotiating conference (between Amalgamated 's Business Manager Tolkow and Presi- dent Milligi) seeking to bring employee Anzalone into the meeting. Cifelli testified he replied to Velez "I don't recognize you." Cifelli returned to the conference without Anzalone, and shortly thereafter reappeared in the shop, followed soon by President Milligi, who came into the shop from his conference with Tolkow while UAW Representative Velez was on the public telephone in the shop, according to Velez and Milligi . Milligi claimed this was before 3 p.m., Velez and Anzalone claimed it was after 3 p in. Milligi came over to Velez 21 Employee Raymond Merritt testified he received the card at 3 p in. from employee Anzalone in the lockerroom , but held it till the end of the workday before he signed and gave it back to Anzalone Raymond Merritt testified that his uncle Clarence Merritt signed immediately after him , at or after 4 30 p.m Testimony of employee Vath, referred to under heading C, supra, would indicate that Clarence (Sam) Merritt was also asked to sign earlier but did not sign on the earlier occasion Employee Richardson 's recollection , that he thought but was uncertain that the two Merritts turned their cards in at a meeting on the night of September 14 at a lawyer 's office, was too vague to contradict Raymond Merritt 1306 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD who requested recognition for his union, but Milligi cut Velez short, said he was not interested, and ordered Velez off the property or he'd call the police Milligi also ordered the delegation of the three employees back to work on pain of being fired, and they complied and Velez left President Milligi also received a written demand for recogni- tion from UAW Local 259 the following day, September 13 in the form of a telegram, GC-3, but made no response to this. It was clear from Milligi's testimony that he knew that the oral demand, when made, was a demand by UAW Local 259 for recognition, and it was his position that he could ignore both the oral and written demands because he had extended recognition to Amalgamated Local 355 and had entered a contract with it He was not concerned about the demands, further testified Milligi , he regarded Local 259 demands as a "bluff," but he did not know or ask what cards Local 259 had on September 12 or 13. On September 13, when President Millrgr received the written demand from UAW Local 259, the union had nine signed authorization cards (adding the cards of Raymond and Clarence Merritt to the seven originally received by Velez), still one card short of a majority of the unit of 19 employees On the night of Wednesday, September 14, a group of the employees, according to the testimony of employees Hugh Elliott, Walter Sorrentino, James Richardson, Michael Anzalone and others, met in a lawyer's office in Bay Shore. It was an office borrowed for the meeting. Among those present were employees Anzalone, Richardson, Shea, Pharo, Marquez, Vath, Elliott, Sorrentino, and UAW Representative Velez and UAW Lawyer Dorn. Lawyer Dorn was engaged in taking affidavits for Local 259 of three of the men, Vath, Shea, and Richardson. Employee Elliott testified he had not been asked to sign a card in the shop on Monday, September 12, and was given a card to sign that night, September 14. UAW Representative Velez and employee Anzalone told him, said Elliott, "it was important that it was signed before then, dated before then, so I dated it 9/12, which is my handwriting," card GC-13. In an affidavit taken by a Board agent from employee Elliott a month later on October 13, 1966, Elliott stated that he signed the card on September 14 in the lawyer's office (though the affidavit says nothing about backdating), RU-2, p. 1. Employ- ee Richardson also testified that Elliott signed at this meeting and that Fred Velez and Mike Anzalone told Elliott to backdate the card to the 12th. Velez and Anzalone denied asking employee Elliott to backdate the card, but I credit Elliott's account In my view the falsification of the date of the authorization card in order to qualify it as antecedent to or contemporaneous with the demands for recognition, makes the card of employee Elliott, GC-13, ineffective for this purpose. At the same meeting at the lawyer's office, the night of September 14, employee Walter Sorrentino turned over to 22 Employee Richardson's testimony does not help in this case He testified that he thought Sorrentino signed a card that night at the lawyer's office but was not sure , and couidnot remember Sorrentino handing anything to Anzalone or Velez at that meeting 23 I do not agree with , or perceive any basis for, the further charge by counsel for the Respondent Employer that employee Anzalone and UAW Representative Velez led employees at the meeting of September 14 to believe that the lawyer who took the affidavits of employees Shea, Richardson , and Vath was an official representative of the NLRB (brief, p 32), and that this alleged representation , that the NLRB was active on behalf of Local 259, coerced the signing and delivery of the cards by employees Elliott and Sorrentino (brief p. 33). Counsel also UAW Representative Velez a card for Local 259 dated September 12, GC-18, according to Sorrentino's testimony. He further testified that he signed the card on Monday afternoon September 12, but kept it and did not turn it in until the meeting at the lawyer's office, two nights later. Employee Anzalone purported to corroborate Sorrentino, testifying that Sorrentino signed on Monday in Anzalone's presence but that because Sorrentino was an older man and was afraid of losing his job insisted on holding the card until he was sure they would get Local 259 in the shop. However, in two affidavits which Sorrentino gave to the Board only a month after the event, on October 13, RE-5, and October 22, RE-6, respectively, he stated that he signed the card for Local 259 in the night or evening meeting at the lawyer's office. Both affidavits also state that he signed on the same day that President Millrgr read off the contract to the men in the shop (which was Monday, September 12), but further state that the meeting in the lawyer's office took place the night of that same day (which, of course, was erroneous as the testimony indicated). Sorrentino claimed at the hearing that he told the Board investigator that he turned the card in at the lawyer's office, not that he signed it there, and that he asked the Board investigator to correct this in the second affidavit. But the second affidavit, RE-6, para. 4, repeats that he overlooked this when he read and signed the second affidavit.22 I find employee Sorrentino' s explanations incredible and believe that the truth is set out in his affidavits, and that he signed card GC-18 in the lawyer's office on September 14 and dated it September 12. Even if I accepted Sorrentino's story that he signed on September 12, which I do not, it is nevertheless uncontroverted that he did not deliver the authorization card until September 14. Hence the card was not in Local 259 's possession , and could not have been effective as an authorization, until the night of September 14, one day after the last of Local 259's demands for recognition was received by the employer While there is no direct evidence, as in employee Elliott's case, of solicitation of employee Sorrentino to backdate his card, I agree with the contention of Respondent Employer that employee Sorrentino backdated his card, as did Elliott, in the same atmosphere and for the same fraudulent purpose of aiding UAW Representative Velez in a showing that he had a sufficient number of authorizations to constitute a majority of the unit when the demands for recognition were made. 23 I therefore find that Sorrentino 's authorization card, GC-18, was an ineffective authorization in relation to the demands for recognition, and that UAW Local 259 had only nine valid authorization cards, or one less than the needed majority of ten, when its final demand for recognition was received by the employer on September 13 Majority status of a union on a request for recognition is normally determined as of the time the request is received by included the cards of the two Merritts in this charge but these were not involved in the meeting at the lawyer 's office, see text and in. 21 , supra. The assertion by counsel (citing Tr. 502) is based solely on the initial confusion of witness employee Shea, who, in testifying , confused UAW Lawyer Dorn , to whom Shea gave an affidavit in this meeting in September, with Board Agent Weiss , to whom Shea gave an affidavit in October In the testimony thereafter came enlightenment on the confusion of the witness, and I suggest there was no warrant for counsel for Respondent Employer to make the charge by taking out of context the initial error of the witness who made no claim of misrepresentation by Anzalone or Velez RAYMOND BUICK, INC. 1307 the employer, NL.R B v. Security Plating Co, 356 F.2d 725, 727 (C.A. 9, 1966). The General Counsel contends, however, that UAW Local 259 has the right to treat its demand, which was peremptorily rejected and ignored, as a continuing demand, and to count the employee authorization cards executed and delivered on the day after the final demand was received to establish that it had a majority of the unit The test of a continuing demand was set out in Local No 152 v. NL.R B, 343 F.2d 307, 310 (C.A D.C 1965), where the Court said The Board was justified in construing the Union's conduct . . as a continuing demand for recognition in circumstances where a formal demand in light of the Company's prior peremptory refusal would have been useless. An employer violates Section 8(a)(5) when . . it rejects a Union's bargaining request, made in the honest but mistaken belief that a majority had been obtained, without questioning the Union's representative status, and the Union does obtain a majority shortly after such request. [Emphasis supplied.] The italics indicate the two elements essential to gen- erate a continuing demand. I agree with the General Coun- sel that the first element was present, that the conduct of the Respondent Employer in dealing with the oral demands by UAW Representative Velez and later ignoring the written demand, was a peremptory rejection of UAW Local 259 regardless of what its representative status might have been See Arkansas Grain Corporation, 163 NLRB No 92 (1966), and cases cited However, I find lacking the second element, namely an honest but mistaken belief on the part of the union representa- tive when making the demand that a majority had been obtained The only authorization cards acquired by the union after its demands were received by the employer were the two from employees- Elliott and Sorrentino, which cards were fraudulently backdated to coincide with the time of the oral demand. The conduct of UAW Representative Velez, in suggesting or joining in the suggestion of backdating these two cards acquired on September 14, hardly comported with an honest belief that he had a majority in hand on September 12 or 13. In this connection, as far as was then known at least one and probably both of the two cards executed on September 14 were needed for Local 259 to demonstrate a majority, depending on whether the unit comprised 18 employees or 19 employees (as turned out to be the case) or 20 employees (as might have been the case). Through its representative, UAW Local 259 shares responsibility for the reprehensible conduct which, in my opinion, would not entitle a union to invoke the equitable doctrine of a continuing demand. Conclusion-No 8(a)(5). I conclude that the demands of UAW Local 259 on September 12 and 13 for recognition as bargaining representative of the employees failed for lack of a majority of effective employee authorizations, and for this reason I will recommend dismissal of the 8(a)(5) refusal to bargain charge against the Respondent Employer.24 H The Contract with Amalgamated Local 3.55-Illegality, Violations Returning to the events in the afternoon of September 12, 1966, following the confrontation at about 3 p.m. between President Milligi and UAW Representative Velez and his delegation of three employees, President Milligi had Service Manager Cifelli assemble all of the shop employees in a meeting at 4 p.m., according to Milligi and Cifelh. President Milligi, holding papers in his hand, according to employees Pharo, Marquez, and Anzalone, announced to the men that they had wanted a union and now had a union (like it or not, according to employee Pharo2 5) and a union contract, and proceeded to read from or explain the papers he held, in particular the pay increase and benefits. As already noted under heading F, supra, the contract with Amalgamated Local 355, RU-4, comprised 19 articles and an appendix, and included a union security clause, article II, requiring employees to maintain, or to acquire within 30 days and maintain, union membership, and a checkoff clause, article IX, under which the employer agreed to deduct from wages and pay over to the union all membership dues and initiation fees of the employees pursuant to their authorization. It was stipulated that there was no mention at this meeting with the men that they had to join the union pursuant to the union security clause However, there was testimony that employee Blinovs went about distributing for signature and collecting Amalgamated Local 355 cards immediately following the meeting. Employees De Vaul, Marquez, Shea, and Vath testified that they signed cards for Local 355 after Milhgl announced the contract 26 The contract, dated September 12, 1966, provided that it should be effective immediately, and President Milligi testified that it was put into effect in all respects from that date onward At the time of the hearing, he said, he had about 22 or 23 authorization cards for Local 355. Each of these cards contains an authorization to the employer for the checkoff of union dues and initiation fees. Conclusions. The facts as recited under headings E and F, above, establish that the Respondent Employer extended recognition to, and executed an agreement with, the Respond- ent Union when the union did not represent an uncoerced majority of the employees. Such recognition of and agreement with a minority union violates Section 8(a)(1) and (2) of the Act on the employer's part, and Section 8(b)(1)(A) on the union's part, and would be violations even if the employer and union had entertained good faith beliefs that the union represented the majority. International Ladies' Garment Workers Union v. NL.R.B. (Bernhard-Altmann Texas Corp.), 366 U S 731, 738-739 (1961). However in this case, as the cumulative facts under headings D through H demonstrate, neither the Respondent Employer nor the Respondent Union acted in good faith but rather in unlawful combination by use of employer assistance in the union's organization of the employees, including direct em- ployer solicitation and promise of benefits, followed by the 24 See A T I Warehouse, Inc, supra, 169 NLRB No 75 (1968), requiring repetition of a demand for recognition when a valid majority was attained and rejecting the union 's reliance upon a demand made before that time 25 Milligi testified he said whether "I" like it or not 26 Employee Vath claimed that he and employee Shea told UAW Representative Velez thereafter that afternoon "to forget the whole thing with 259," but I find this difficult to accept as true in view of the the testimony that, among other things, Vath and Shea attended further meetings with Velez that night , September 12, and again the night of September 14 at the lawyer 's office where each gave statements to Local 259 , and later took part in the strike protesting unfairness to Local 259 1308 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD adoption of contract provisions designed to maintain the assisted representative status. The collusion of Respondent Employer and Respondent Union is evident from, among other things, the precontract liaison between Union Business Manag- er Tolkow and Raymond Buick's President Milligi, the brazen proposal of Tolkow that recognition be given before his union represented any employee, Milligi 's willingness to agree if Tolkow made a showing, and Tolkow's later claim of majority before he had any signed employee authorization in hand; the use of the supervisor, Assistant Service Manager Winter, to distribute the authorization cards and procure employee signatures ; the open solicitation by Winter of employee authorizations in the shop on shop time, including the transaction of union organization business at the manager's service desk; and the speed of both recognition of the union and negotiation of a not overly simple collective bargaining contract in a claimed 2-hour period by an employer who had heretofore successfully opposed unionization of his shop. Further light on the "deal" between the two parties is reflected from their reaction when they learned that the rival union, UAW Local 259, was on the scene. Out of the testimony and sequence of events concerning the signing of the contract, see heading F, above, came the indication that the contract had not yet been signed at the time that the competing union's demand for recognition became known to the negotiators but was signed immediately thereafter. This action combined with President Milligi's contemporaneous ejection of the UAW representative from the premises without allowing him to say what he was prepared to demonstrate, would indicate that Milligi had no bona fide interest in ascertaining the actual state of employee preference. The demand of UAW Local 259 for recognition, backed by authorizations of close to a majority of the employees, some of whom had also signed for Amalgamated Local 355 raised a real question regarding representation of the employees under the Midwest Piping rule, 63 NLRB 1060 (1945) The employ- er's duty to maintain strict neutrality and await Board resolution of the rival claims was breached by according the advantage of a contract to Amalgamated Local 355, constitut- ing additional unlawful support of Local 355 by the employer in violation of Section 8(a)(2), and interference with the self-organizational rights of employees, in violation of Section 8(a)(1) of the Act, N L.R.B v National Container Corp , 211 F.2d 525, 536 (C.A. 2, 1954), Iowa Beef Packers, Inc v. N.L.R.B., 331 F.2d 176 (C.A. 8, 1964), cases in which, as here, a majority had been unlawfully achieved by unfair labor practices While, under the 1-year bar of Section 9(c)(3) of the Act, UAW Local 259 was not in a position to obtain an election on September 12, 1966 (having lost an election on February 1, 1966), it was nevertheless not disabled from achieving recognition on an authorization card showing, Conren, Inc. v. N.L.R.B., 368 F.2d 173 (C.A. 7, 1966) cert. 27 Respondent Employer argues that under Keller Plastics Eastern, Inc., 157 NLRB 583 (1966), it was entitled to a reasonable time after it recognized Amalgamated Local 355 to bargain with that union (even if the union subsequentely lost its majority ), so that UAW Local 259's demand, made after recognition had been accorded to Amalgamated Local 355, came too late to raise the question regarding representation However , the Keller Plastics principle in its enunciation applied to a voluntary recognition "validly granted " to a majority union that lost its majority before execution of the contract , and distinguished the recognition " invalidly granted " in the Bernhard -Altmann case (Interna- denied 386 U.S. 971. UAW Local 259 attempted this on September 12 and 13. That UAW Local 259 was found to be one card short of a majority of the unit (heading G, supra), and therefore not able to lay claim to a bargaining order on its demands of September 12 and 13, does not alter the fact that a real question regarding representation was properly raised by Local 259 and remains unresolved .27 Coupled with the further unlawful assistance of including a union security clause in the contract with Amalgamated Local 355 when it did not represent a majority of the employees, and of maintaining the clause in effect by honoring checkoff authorizations of the employees, see Local 1424 etc Machin- ists v. N.L.R.B. [Bryan Mfg. Co.], 362 U.S. 411, 413-414 (1960), the total conduct of the employer interfered with its employees self-organizational rights in violation of Section 8(a)(1), assisted Amalgamated Local 355 in violation of Section 8(a)(2), and discriminated in regard to the hire of employees and tenure of employment in violation of Section 8(a)(3) of the Act. Correlatively, Amalgamated Local 355, in utilizing the unlawful assistance of the employer, acted in restraint of the self-organizational rights of the employees in violation of Section 8(b)(1)(A), and, in executing and giving effect to the union security agreement, caused the employer to discriminate in regard to hire of employees and tenure of employment in violation of Section 8(b)(2) of the Act N.L.R B. v. Revere Metal Art Co., 280 F.2d 96, 100 (C.A. 2, 1960), cert. denied 364 U S 894, Paul M. ONelll Int'l Detective Agency v. N.L R.B., 280 F.2d 936, 946 (C.A. 3, 1960), Salmirs Oil Company, 139 NLRB 25,26 (1960). 1. Interference of Amalgamated Local 355 with Board Investigation In the testimony of President Milhgi under heading F , supra, respecting his negotiating session with Union Business Manager Tolkow, on the afternoon of September 12, it was noted that Tolkow had referred to employee Anzalone as his shop steward. Based upon the testimony of both Anzalone and Tolkow it appears that notwithstanding Anzalone's seeming change of heart about Amalgamated Local 355 on September 12, he proceeded to act as shop steward and claimed he had been so designated by Tolkow when employees Mercer and Blinovs questioned his right. As a result the employees held an election and employee Anzalone was elected shop steward Employees Mercer and Blinovs disputed the result and Union Business Manager Tolkow sent Charlie Goldstein, a full-time officer of the union, to conduct an election Again, employee Anzalone was elected shop steward. These events occurred in the latter half of September and early October following announcement of the contract on September 12, and in this period Union Business Manager tional Ladies' Garment Workers Union v. N L R. B., 366 US. 731, discussed supra), where recognition was accorded to a minority union, as was the case here . in addition, there are limitations on application of the Keller Plastic 's principle, including its inapplicability where "it does not affirmatively appear . that the Employer extended recognition . in good faith on the basis of a previously demonstrated showing of majority at a time when only that union was actively engaged in organizing the unit employees ." Sound Contractors Association, 162 NLRB No 45 (1966), and see Superior Furniture Mfg Co, 167 NLRB No 40 (1967) RAYMOND BUICK, INC. Tolkow had occasion to talk to employee Anzalone on the telephone several tunes (including discussion, said Anzalone, on keeping Local 259 out of the shop) and to visit the shop at least twice 2 8 One visit took place on or after September 26, when Tolkow said he came to the shop to introduce his fellow officer Charlie Goldstein who, he said, would service the shop, and to make sure there was an official election for shop steward However, according to Tolkow, he introduced Gold- stein only to employee Anzalone at the latter's work station, and, as both Tolkow and Anzalone testified, gave Anzalone a check for $25 in Goldstein's presence. According to Anzalone, Tolkow said there would be more. According to Tolkow, what he said to Anzalone was, here's the check we feel would compensate you for time lost (in organizing). Although Goldstein was present in the hearing room at times, he did not testify. The check, GC-5 (which was not cashed), is a check of Amalgamated Local 355 payable to Anzalone, dated Septem- ber 26, 1966, and bears the inscription "time lost-organiza- tion." According to Anzalone, Tolkow said he had to put that on the check to cover the check Union Business Manager Tolkow's explanation goes back to his first meeting with employee Anzalone on September 12, when Anzalone delivered to Tolkow the signed authorization cards for Local 355 In that meeting, according to Tolkow, Anzalone attempted to withold the cards unless he was paid $500 for organizing. Tolkow said he rebuffed Anzalone who finally surrendered the cards and then asked for $100 to pay for his time lost in organizing Tolkow testified he refused to make any commitment for any sum. While there was no discussion of what cards Anzalone had procured or how much time he had spent or lost in organizing work, Tolkow said he told Anzalone he would discuss the time loss with the union officers and executive board and then talk further with Anzalone. Employee Anzalone's version of the September 12 discus- sion was that Tolkow asked if he still wanted the other job (at Roberts Chevrolet) or preferred to stay at Raymond Buick Anzalone said, if he would make out better he would prefer to stay. Tolkow allegedly replied that Anzalone would make out better at Raymond Buick and that "there was a package in this thing" for him for organizing. Anzalone asked what Tolkow meant by a package and Tolkow reputedly said "there is four or five hundred dollars organizational costs that can be absorbed in this thing." Anzalone said he "didn't see any package," whereupon, according to Anzalone, Tolkow replied that these things would work out later if Anzalone "played ball." Anzalone's testimony agreed with Tolkow's testimony that there was no deal to exchange the cards for $400 or $500 or any sum, but Anzalone denied that loss of time was discussed or that he lost time in organizing Less than 2 hours after this discussion of money between Union Business Manager Tolkow and employee Anzalone, Tolkow in his negotiating conference with President Milligi and Service Manager Cifelli was, by his own admission as well as their testimony (see heading F, supra ), calling for employee Anzalone to come into the conference room and hear the negotiating results, and extolling employee Anzalone to President Milligi as the man he wanted for shop steward. Thus, 28 Tolkow claimed Anzalone had telephoned on September 13 to ask his forgiveness for going over to Local 259, saying he wanted to stay and be the shop steward . Tolkow said he told Anzalone he was not the 1309 the circumstances make clear that, up to this point in the afternoon of September 12, Tolkow did not regard Anzalone as one who had tried to hold him up for money, or whom he could not trust, and lead me to conclude that it was Anzalone and not Tolkow who substantially related the truth of what occurred in the earlier meeting between Tolkow and Anzalone Shortly thereafter, following the bizarre intrusion of the UAW Local 259 demand into the contract negotiations and the awareness that employee Anzalone had associated himself with it, Union Business Manager Tolkow had good reason, from his standpoint, to distrust Anzalone Indeed he claims he told Anzalone so the next day, see note 28 above, and he had a part in the succeeding days in the unsuccessful attempts to vote Anzalone out as shop steward, according to the testimony already noted. Notwithstanding this state of affairs, Union Business Manag- er Tolkow testified that four days later, on September 16, he talked to the officers of the union about compensation for employee Anzalone and that they authorized payment of $25 No officer of the union appeared to testify in support of this assertion Although approval of all expenditures, other than minor items such as postage, had to be approved by the executive board of the union, according to Tolkow, he did not obtain such approval until October 27, 1966, see RU-3 This was 6 weeks later, well after the charge against the Union in CB-259 was filed on September 19, and after the Board investigation of all three cases in this proceeding was largely completed. There had been no prior meeting of the executive board to give approval, said Tolkow. The check for $25 was dated September 26, and Tolkow testified he delivered it to Anzalone after September 26. Anzalone agreed it was the latter part of September. Not long after the delivery of the check, the two men met again, this time in Tolkow's car outside the shop after he came to the shop and took Anzalone out with Manager Cifelli's permission, according to Cifelli Tolkow and Anzalone differ as to which of them asked for the meeting, but there is no question that when the meeting took place it was concerned with Anzalone's testimony to the Board agent who would be investigating the case and taking statements from persons involved. According to Union Business Manager Tolkow, employee Anzalone said a meeting was going to be held with a Board investigator that night or the next night, that he, Anzalone, held "the key to the Board procedure," that he could testify one way or the other, and if Tolkow gave him $1,000 in cash he would testify the way "we wanted him to." Tolkow testified he said to Anzalone, [A] pparently you don't learn but I told you once, I'll tell you again, there is no 1,000 bucks. I have no way to get it I won't give it to you I won't deal with you. I don't trust you. And he said, well, you can always get the 1,000 bucks from Ray Milligi so you don't have to take it out of your pocket. At this point said Tolkow he uttered "words unprintable," ordered Anzalone out of the car, backed the car up to the shop, and ran "steaming mad" into the shop to tell Service Manager Cifelh that Anzalone was finished as shop steward "nght now. I say so as head of the union, and that's it." kind of guy that could be trusted. Anzalone denied that such a conversation took place 1310 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD According to Tolkow, Cifelli offered to talk about it, but Tolkow declined, told Cifelli to tell President Milligi that Anzalone was through as shop steward, and left. Employee Anzalone's version of the meeting was that Union Business Manager Tolkow wanted to know Anzalone's testi- mony so that Tolkow could instruct Assistant Service Manager Winter and avoid conflict between the testimony of Winter and Anzalone Anzalone testified I said I wouldn't do it ... he said he wanted me to do it. And I said no . . He was pretty . . mad and said that this whole situation is going to run hum and Mr. Milligi a few thousand dollars and if he thought that a thousand dollars would get this thing over with, that would be it, to which I answered I didn't see anything Employee Anzalone further testified that he left the car and went back into the shop followed by Tolkow. Anzalone headed for the men's room to cool off, he said, and observed that Tolkow "took a hold of' Service Manager Cifelli. Service Manager Cifelli testified he had given permission one afternoon in the second week in October, around the 12th or 13th, to Union Business Manager Tolkow to take employee Anzalone out of the shop, that they were gone about a half hour when Tolkow returned and told him Anzalone was no longer shop steward. Cifelli said he looked for Anzalone and found hum in the locker room and they discussed Tolkow's pronouncement that Anzalone was removed as shop steward According to Cifelli, Anzalone appeared dejected ("real down") and said, "I can be bought but I ain't going to be pushed around." Cifelli testified he said to Anzalone he did not know what Anzalone was talking about. Anzalone testified that in this conversation Cifelli told him he "was a fool not to go along with 355 and ever start with this 259," to which he replied he had picked a side and was fighting for it In response to questions by counsel for the Respondent Union, employee Anzalone testified that the feeling of indignation which he went to cool in the locker room was stirred by "Mr. Tolkow's attitude, not the money, not even so much what he said. His attitude . [t] hat he was my superior . that he was going to tell me what I'm going to do, and I wasn't going to do it ... [f] or anything." Anzalone was further asked, when Tolkow gave him the $25 check, did he believe Tolkow still thought he was loyal to Amalgamated Local 355. Anzalone replied. "No. I felt he thought he could still buy me," and that when Tolkow said there will be more, it was evident "I was supposed to play ball." The entire circumstances recited suggest that the $25 check to employee Anzalone was intended to sweeten the way for future services and was not compensation for something past, though dressed as such. It would be asking too much to believe that Union Business Manager Tolkow would have lifted a finger after September 12, 1966, solely to recompense with even $25 the man who had tried to undo the organizational achievement Tolkow had engineered. In the later September- October period Tolkow's achievement was under challenge of charges and a Board investigation. Employee Anzalone was someone to be taken into account, he still had the support of and could no doubt influence a majority of the men who refused to unseat him as shop steward, and, as Tolkow apparently concluded, he could be tempted by money. Maybe the $25 down payment or payment in full appeared to Anzalone to be inadequate, or the vague talk of $1,000 undependable, or Tolkow's "superior" attitude overriding of any consideration of money, but for whatever reason Tolkow's demand for service following the $25 check, that Anzalone reveal and help coordinate the testimony he would give the Board agent , was rejected by Anzalone It was this rejection, in my view, and not the alleged moral indignation at being asked to pay, if pay was asked, that sent Tolkow raging to Manager Cifelli that Anzalone was removed as shop steward .2 9 The evidence establishes an unsuccessful attempt by the union representative to obtain and tamper with the testimony of an employee who was to be a Board witness. Counsel for the Respondent suggests that what employee Anzalone told some of his fellow employees concerning his dealing with Union Business Manager Tolkow demonstrates that Anzalone fabricated the alleged offer of money. Employ- ee Anzalone said he told his fellow employees that "I could have earned a thousand dollars." Anzalone did not fix a time but employee Richardson claimed the time was the day the contract was signed, September 12, when, said Richardson, employee Anzalone came to his fellow employees and said he wouldn't go against the men, he didn't want the $1,000, and that he was going to bring Local 259 in. According to Richardson, Anzalone explained his signing the men up for Amalgamated Local 355 as the means to bring in UAW Local 259 because, he said, Local 259 had been voted down in February and it would take a year until Local 259 could come back for another vote unless some other union tried to get in, opening the door for Local 259 also. While Anzalone denied making this explanation, employee Vath testified to a similar explanation from Anzalone on another occasion. Employee Richardson, who later quarreled and broke with Anzalone when they were on strike in the period October 20-November 23, claimed that Anzalone told him during the strike that Tolkow had not offered the $1,000, and that it was a story made up to speed up the Labor Board's actions on the charges filed. Again, Anzalone denied saying this. Richardson's animosity towards Anzalone would make Richardson's uncor- roborated claim suspect, and the reputed reason, that Anzalone said he made up the story (on September 12) to speed up action on charges (that had not yet been filed on September 12), makes it unlikely that Anzalone confided such a repudiation to Richardson around the time the two men broke However, even if Anzalone did not confide in Richard- son, from Anzalone's description of what occurred between him and Tolkow in their September 12 meeting, supra, it was not true that Tolkow had offered or that Anzalone had declined $1,000 on September 12 and Anzalone had obviously stretched the truth of this encounter to impress a fellow employee with his interest in the employee's welfare. After September 12, other employees than Richardson heard Anzalone talk of money offered to him by Tolkow. 29 If Tolkow were to be believed , he showed no lasting sense of second occasion the difference from Tolkow's standpoint appears to be outrage when , as he wanted to be believed, Anzalone previously that he did not get the corporation he probably believed he had paid for attempted on September 12, to hold him up for money for the or begun to pay for and undoubtedly believed he would be entitled to authorization cards Then , Tolkow got his cards , and demonstrated that from a shop steward, and the shop steward was precipitately removed he was quite happy to have Anzalone as his shop steward On this RAYMOND BUICK, INC. 1311 Employees Shea, Elliott, Sorrentino, and again Richardson (allegedly for a second time), said they heard it, the latter three on October 13, when a group of the men met at the Peter Pan diner for interviews with the Board investigator. Shea, who did not attend the October 13 meeting, and Elliott and Sorrentino, who did attend, testified that the reference was to an offer of "money," whereas only Richardson (also present at the October 13 meeting) said the reference was to "$1,00030 Anzalone also testified he did not mention a specific amount at this meeting and that he turned over the $25 check received from Tolkow to the Board investigator in the interview that night. The conversations between Anzalone and his fellow employ- ees are, of course, not evidence that Tolkow offered money to Anzalone for testimony. On the other hand, notwithstanding the argument of counsel for Respondent Union, these conver- sations do not refute the evidence already reviewed that employee Anzalone had been offered money by Union Business Manager Tolkow for testimony, at least $25 with the promise of more and the implication that it would be as much as $ 1,000 Conclusion Even if an offer of money were not involved, it is established that requests by union representatives of employees for their pretrial testimony given or to be given to the Board have inhibitory effects on employee rights under Section 7 and constitute serious interference with Board process, in violation of Section 8(b)(1)(A) of the Act, Farmbest, Inc, 154 NLRB 1421, 1461-62 (1965). Here, the injection of the offer of money by the union representative has made clear and compounded an improper purpose to induce and assist the employee to tailor testimony to be given to the Board, and I find that Respondent Union has violated Section 8(b)(1)(A) of the Act J Discharge of Employee Anzalone Employee Anzalone was hired on August 3, 1966, by Service Manager Cifelli and discharged on October 19, 1966, by President Milligi. Cifelli had informed Anzalone that the shop was nonunion, and Cifelli was apprised that Anzalone was a union member and had worked in union shops but did not object to working in a nonunion shop. Cifelli recalled discussing Amalgamated Local 355 with Anzalone but not UAW Local 259. President Milligi and Service Manager Cifelli conceded that employee Anzalone was a good mechanic. Anzalone's difficulties with management began after the contract with Amalgamated Local 259 was put into effect September 12. There was evidence of some smoldering conflict over excessive phone calls placed and received on the shop phone by Anzalone in the period following September 12, but the eruption occurred after October 12 or 13, following the announcement to Cifelli by Union Business Manager Tolkow that Anzalone had been deposed as shop steward and to tell this to Milligi, see heading I, supra On Friday, October 14, employee Anzalone told Service Manager Cifelli he would need time off to be at a title closing on the following Tuesday, October 18, for a new house he had contracted for in March. Anzalone testified he had already moved into the house on Sunday, October 2, and had told Cifelli so. Cifelli was under the impression that Anzalone had already closed title and said so to Anzalone, but Anzalone replied he had not. Anzalone said he offered to show Cifelli the letter he had on the subject but Cifelli walked off. On Monday morning, October 17, according to Cifelli and President Milligi, Cifelli told Milligi that employee Anzalone had taken time off 4 or 5 days since he'd been there (the stipulated record GC-6, shows five absences totaling 3 days) and was "conning" him for another day for a title closing which he already had. Milligi said he suggested a letter to stop Anzalone, which Cifelli wrote and Milligi signed and handed to Anzalone the same day, October 17, in the presence of Cifelli, Milligi's receptionist, and the cashier The letter, GC-6, was dated October 17, listed five previous absences since August 5 (totaling 3 working days) and told Anzalone that further absenteeism cannot be tolerated and should the situation continue it would be necessary to take disciplinary action against him. After reading the letter, employee Anzalone told President Mrllrgi he had to be at the title closing that next day and asked, if he went, would he be fired. Anzalone testified that Milligi answered to interpret the letter any way he wanted. Milligi testified he did not want to discuss the letter and indeed used a letter because he accepted Cifelh's belief that Anzalone did not need the time for a closing. Milligi conceded that absences by other employees did not draw letters, for the reason, he said, that he knew about and sympathized with the circumstances of those absences. He further testified that Anzalone's previous absences had been approved or excused by Service Manager Cifelli or Assistant Service Manager Winter. On the following day, October 18, according to President Milligi, he was asked by employee Richardson for a meeting, and met with Richardson and four or five men (other than Anzalone) in the shop during lunch hour. Milligr testified that Richardson told him if anything happened to Mike Anzalone the men were going to stand behind him. Milligi said he replied he had nothing planned for Anzalone and no intention of firing him. As the meeting broke up Anzalone came by and asked Mrllrgi again if he "sanctioned" his going to the closing, and again Milligi refused to discuss it, as Milligi and Anzalone both agree That afternoon about 1 30 p.m. Anzalone took off for the closing, showing papers to Assistant Service Manager Winter and saying he was going Crfelli said Winter reported this to him, and employee Sorrentino, who had been one of the conferees earlier with President Milligi, observed Cifellr pull employee Anzalone's timecard. Anzalone came back to the shop in the late afternoon and asked Winter and Cifelli about any work they might have but he was told there was none. The next morning, October 19, employee Anzalone was handed another letter by President Milligi, again in the presence of Service Manager Cifellr and the two women employees This letter, GC-7, dated October 19, addressed by President Milligi to employee Anzalone, was concerned with the alleged complaint of a customer Lorenzen and dealt with "poor and sloppy" work on his car, which had been returned earlier for further work, and putting excess mileage (10 miles) on the car in road testing it the previous day, October 18. The 30 Employee Vath testified that he ascertained from Anzalone before without reference to amount and ascertained that Anzalone did not or after October 13, he was not sure , that the amount was $ 1 , 000, but claim it was from President Milhgt, see discussion under heading J, infra on the night of October 13 discussed with Anzalone an offer of money 1312 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD letter told Anzalone that such performance would not be tolerated. Anzalone denied the correctness of the letter. Service Manager Cifelh claimed that the customer had made the complaint the evening of October 18 at 6 p.m., that on the next morning, October 19, he discussed it with Anzalone, who claimed whatever testing he did was needed, and that he, Cifelli, then discussed the complaint with President Milligi Milligi conceded that giving such a warning letter to one of the mechanics was unusual, and that he had never before given a letter to a mechanic for not doing good work or "messing up" a job The action would be to let the man go, he said. Notwithstanding the language of the letter, Milligi testified that the repair data in the letter was intended merely for identification and not to censure the employee for poor work causing "comebacks," and that the censure was for the alleged excess mileage in road testing. When President Milligi had his discussion with employee Anzalone about the Lorenzen car and handed Anzalone the warning letter that morning, October 19, Milligi, according to his own testimony, made no mention to, or inquiry of, Anzalone regarding the alleged account Milligi claimed he had already received from employee Lapple the previous night, October 18, namely, that Anzalone had told his fellow employees that Milligi had offered him a bribe of $1,000 to keep UAW Local 259 out of the shop. According to President Milligi , employee Robert (Bobby) Lapple came to him with this account, accompanied by employees Blmovs and Mercer of the body shop, at 5 p in. on October 18 Lapple was then the new car make-ready man, who later succeeded Al Baghone in February 1967, as assistant to the assistant service manager As Lapple allegedly recounted it to Milligi, Lapple said he had attended a meeting of a group of employees at the Peter Pan diner on the night of October 13 where those in attendance were to give affidavits to the investigating Board agent Lapple had not been among those invited, he said, but employee Richardson asked him to come along and he did, but he was not interviewed for an affidavit that night The men sat about at a few tables, pulled together, for several hours talking and eating while one-by-one a member of the group would go into the next room for his interview with the investigator and return to send in another man. According to employee Lapple, who said he was at the diner from about 5 30 or 6 p.m. until 9 p.m., when employee Anzalone returned to the tables from his interview he told those present that he had shown the Board investigator a check for $25 from Union Business Manager Tolkow and had told the Board investigator that President Milligi had offered him a bribe of a substantial amount of money Lapple apparently told Milligi that Anzalone said $1,000, but at the hearing Lapple wasn't sure whether it was $500 or $1,000. Lapple said he discussed the statement by Anzalone with employees Blinovs and Mercer, who were among those that had not attended the October 13 meeting. They thought he ought to tell President Milligi, and Lapple did so when the three men came to Milligi on the evening of October 18. Milligi allegedly said to Lapple, this was a pretty serious charge, questioned him closely, and suggested he go home and think about it and, if he was sure, to put what he recalled in writing. Lapple testified he gave Milligi a statement , the next 31 Employee Vath testified that it was he who brought up the bribe subject Employee Anzalone testified that Vath was constantly "on his back " to get him to talk about the offer of a bribe but that he put him morning, October 19, at about 9 30 or 10 a in , RE-8, dated October 19, 1966. The statement reads. On October 13, 1966 at a meeting at Peter Pan diner of the UAW Mike Anzalone made the statement that Mr Milligi offered him (Mike) a bribe of $1,000 to the union out [sic] He said this before Buddy Elliot, Jim Pharo, Pete Vath, Walt Sorrentino, and others I don't remember. He also said he told it to the labor board man who was there that night. Robert Lapple Examination of employee Lapple at the hearing indicated not only that his memory of the incident was weak but that, in the context of the testimony of the others who were present on October 3, he was mistaken Thus, notwithstanding employee Lapple's written statement to President Milligi on October 19, repeated in his affidavit to the Board agent on October 24 (GC-33, ΒΆ3),that Anzalone said Milligi offered him $1,000, Lapple testified he was not sure whether the amount was $500 or $1,000. Again in both statements Lapple said that Peter Vath was present when Anzalone made the alleged bribe claim. Lapple's testimony at the hearing was that Vath had been taken back for his interview with the Board agent and was not present when Anzalone spoke of the babe This is not only contradictory in itself but significant in view of the testimony by and about Vath. Employee Lapple testified that Anzalone made his state- ment within 5 to 15 minutes after his coming out of the interview with the Board agent, and in the presence of a number of employees at the table including Elliott, who sat immediately at Lapple's left, and Richardson and Sorrentino, among others. Employee Elliott who was recalled by the Respondent Employer on this subject did not corroborate Lapple. Elliott testified that late in the evening about an hour or an hour and a half after Anzalone came back from talking to the Board man, somebody, he did not know who, said in the course of general talk at the table that Milligi had offered money to Anzalone There was no amount mentioned, said Elliott, and there was "no response" and "no deal" made over it. Early in the evening, testified Elliott, Anzalone had told him, Elliott, that Union Business Manager Tolkow had offered Anzalone a bribe, and not long thereafter, continued Elliott, employee Vath engaged Anzalone in a conversation about a bribe, Vath saying it could only be one or two people, Millrgr or Tolkow, whereupon Anzalone replied to Vath that he would find out later, in due course Elliott said he could not remember whether Vath narrowed the question down as to whether it was Milligi , but employee Vath, testifying about the incident, said that when Anzalone replied that he would find out later, he asked Anzalone, was it Milligi?, and Anzalone said no. Then Vath asked if it was Tolkow, and Anzalone replied, said Vath, that he would find out in due time. 31 Lapple claimed he did not hear this conversation between Anzalone and Vath, notwithstanding he testified to sitting at the table from about 5:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. except for brief interruptions to go to the lavatory or to get a hamburger. Employees Richardson, Sorrentino , and Marquez were among those who attended the October 13 meeting at the off (as the testimony by Vath and Elliott on this occasion would indicate) RAYMOND BUICK, INC. Peter Pan diner. All three testified that they did not hear employee Anzalone say President Milligi offered Anzalone any money. However, Richardson and Sorrentino testified that Anzalone said Union Business Manager Tolkow offered him "money" (according to Sorrentino), "$1,000" (according to Richardson). In Richardson's case this was a repetition, he testified, of something he had heard Anzalone say for the first time on September 12. Employee Shea testified that while he could not remember the occasion he had heard Anzalone say that Bernie Tolkow offered him money, and that was the only name mentioned Employee Anzalone testified that President Milligi never offered him any money, and denied that he ever mentioned or implicated Milligi in respect of an offer of money. It is apparent from the affidavit Anzalone gave the Board agent on October 13, GC-26 (as well as the subsequent affidavits GC-27, October 21, and GC-28, October 27), that he had not told the Board agent that Milligi offered him a bribe, as Lapple claimed Anzalone had said. President Milligi testified that he did not talk to any of the men named by employee Lapple to check whether they had also heard Anzalone's alleged statement and he avoided talking to any employee on the subject, including Anzalone to whom he talked on the morning of October 19 about the Lorenzen matter, supra Milligi testified that he was "999% convinced" that Anzalone had made the libelous statement because he had gained the impression from his own first interview with the Board investigator on Friday, October 14, that Anzalone had made such a statement about Union Business Manager Tolkow, and he thought it not inconceivable that Anzalone had made the same statement about him.32 He therefore decided, testified Milligi, to confront Anzalone with the charge in a shop meeting of all the employees where if Anzalone had made the statement, he felt Anzalone "could hardly deny it among his cohorts." He also felt, continued Milligi, that this was a most opportune time to "clear the air" and to have "these people realize that they had a good contract." President Milligi called a meeting of the shop for 12 30 and held it at 1 p.m. that day, October 19. He had called his lawyer, checked out what he was going to say, and prepared notes of what he would say. Milligi conceded, on cross-exami- nation, that his notes may have indicated Anzalone was being fired irrespective of which way Anzalone answered, but claimed he never said everything that was in the notes. Milligi also asserted that Anzalone was not "necessarily" going to be discharged irrespective of whether he answered yes or no to the charge of making the libelous statement, but then added he was considering calling Anzalone a liar if he denied making the statement. However, said Milligi, he didn't call Anzalone a liar because at the meeting Anzalone "did not do anything," i.e Anzalone, when confronted with the accusation in the open 32 Interestingly , President Milligi claimed to remember on October 22, only 3 days after talking with employee Lapple , as set out in the excerpt from Milligi's affidavit , RE-9 dated October 22, 1966, that employee Lapple had told him Anzalone said Tolkow as well as Milligi had offered Anzalone $1 ,000, but Lapple 's written statement of October 19 to Milligi and Lapple 's testimony omitted any reference to Tolkow. 1313 meeting, told Milligi that he did not have to answer that now. 3 3 Based upon the combined testimony of President Milligi, Service Manager Cifelli, employee Anzalone, and a number of other employees, the shop meeting appears to have been a dramatic affair. Without attempting to recite its details it is sufficient to observe that President Milligi rose and described to the assembled employees "serious things" or an "unhealthy situation" developing in the shop. He turned to employee Richardson and asked if the employees who had met with him yesterday would stand behind employee Anzalone, right or wrong. Richardson replied, only if Anzalone is right Then stating he wanted to show them the nature of the man they chose to stand behind, President Millrgr said he had proof that employee Anzalone said at a meeting at the Peter Pan diner the other night that Milligi had offered him $1,000 to keep the UAW out of the shop. Stating that he had never offered Anzalone a bribe, Milligi turned to Anzalone and asked, did he admit or deny saying this. Anzalone replied, he did not have to answer that right now, whereupon Milligi said he took the refusal to answer to be an "admission" (but Anzalone testified he said "denial" and Milligi conceded, at one point, that he may have said "denial"), and on the basis of this he was fired Anzalone attempted to address the men, but Milligi told him to get out and off the property or he'd call the police. Anzalone left President Milligi testified that he also referred at the meeting to "comments . that Mr. Anzalone was running the shop," but conceded that he had not confronted Anzalone with such statements before October 19. Significantly, President Millrgr further testified that he would not have discharged Anzalone on October 19 were it not for his discovery of Anzalone's alleged statement of a bribe offer from Milligi. On the following day, October 20, a group of the employees went on strike and set up a picket line carrying signs that Raymond Buick was unfair to members of UAW Local 259. That day UAW Representative Velez and several employees asked President Mlllrgi to reinstate employee Anzalone and let the Board handle the situation but Milligi replied he did not want Anzalone in the shop. According to a stipulation of the parties the strike lasted until November 23, 1966, a period of approximately 5 weeks. According to employee Richardson, who said that on the picket Ime he had been No. 2 man to Anzalone, the two men quarreled and Richardson stopped "walking" before the others did Richardson felt, he said, that the men were walking for Anzalone and not accomplishing anything. Richardson sought a meeting with President Millrgr and discussed return of the men to work According to employee Richardson, President Milligi was amenable to the return of all of the men except Anzalone but insisted he would not bargain with the union. 33 On redirect examination , President Milligi changed his testimony to say that if employee Anzalone had denied making the statement he would not have called Anzalone a liar, and would have had no choice but to investigate the matter further and clear up the doubts he would then have had Taking into account all of the circumstances and events, I am persuaded that President Milligi 's testimony on cross -examination more accurately reflected his frame of mind and purpose 1314 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Thereafter the strike ended and the men, other than Anzalone, returned to work.34 Conclusion. In my view, the evidence is persuasive that employee Anzalone was discharged because he persisted in support of UAW Local 259 and because his presence in the shop threatened the arrangement between Raymond Buick and Amalgamated Local 355. Between September 12, when employee Anzalone backed off from his initial support of Amalgamated Local 355, until approximately October 12 or 13, when Amalgamated's Busi- ness Manager Tolkow left word for President Milligi that Anzalone was through as shop steward, Milligi (and perhaps to a lesser extent Tolkow) was left in an uneasy state of uncertainty as to whether Anzalone would continue to resist or swing back to aid Local 355. By October 14, when President Milligi had not only the word from Union Business Manager Tolkow that he had deposed Anzalone as steward, but also his own interview with the investigating Board agent, Milligi was no longer in doubt that Anzalone was opposing Local 355. By no later than the night of October 18, when employees Lapple, Blinovs, and Mercer came to him, President Milligi knew for sure that employee Anzalone had mobilized a substantial group of the employees, at a UAW meeting as Lapple informed him, to provide testimony in support of charges against the Respondent Union and Respondent Em- ployer. On October 17, employee Anzalone handed President Milligi an opportunity to lay the foundation for claiming a nondis- criminatory cause for discharge when Anzalone asked for time off for a title closing Milligi seized upon the request with a written warning about absences, unusual for the shop, served with a flourish of witnesses, and refused to discuss it with Anzalone, but backed down on October 18, in the face of a protest of the employees, declaring he had no intention of firing Anzalone. In effect, President Milligi either excused or condoned the absence that occurred on October 18, Grand- Central Chrysler, Inc, 155 NLRB 185, 187 (1965). However, President Milligi followed up the next morning with an even more unusual written warning, that charged employee Anzalone with sloppy work and excessive roadtest- Ing of a customer's car, again served with a flourish of witnesses. Milligi admitted at the hearing that the charge of poor work was not true and sought to excuse it as merely identifying matter. The explanation suggests that the entire matter was trumped up. Again, as in the matter of the absence, Milligi did not purport to rely on this alleged cause as the reason for the discharge, either at the time of the discharge or at the hearing Instead, President Milligi fastened upon the alleged libel of himself by employee Anzalone reported by employee Lapple. As President Mrlligi said, he'did not need any convincing of the truth of the charge, he was 999 percent convinced when he heard Lapple. Millrgi carefully avoided any inquiry of anyone, though fully aware of whom he might inquire, and without notice swiftly sprung the accusation and discharge of Anzalone at a meeting of the employees called to witness the proceeding. 34 During the strike , according to a stipulation of the parties and the testimony of employees Richardson and Anzalone and UAW Represen- tative Velez, those who picketed received , commencing November 1, 1966, strike assistance benefits from UAW Local 259 of $30 per week plus lunches Employee Richardson testified he received a lesser total than the others because he quit the line beforehand Employee As Milhgi indicated, Anzalone would have been fired whether he admitted or denied the charge, and as Milhgi said, he wanted this meeting for the purpose of clearing the air and having his employees realize that they had a good contract. Apparently, a large segment of the employees did not accept the truth of the charge by Milligi against Anzalone and regarded the discharge of Anzalone as aimed at his and their continuing support of UAW Local 259. They went on strike with signs saying so. President Milligi's alleged belief that he had been libeled can hardly be described as a belief held in good faith. By at least October 17 he had ostensibly determined to fire Anzalone and shopped for a reason or reasons to support the appearance of a nondiscriminatory discharge, two of which he abandoned in rapid succession. In this context his avoidance of any check on the libel charge suggests that he was all too eager to use it rather than risk finding out that it was not true. The cause for the discharge of, and later failure to reinstate, employee Anzalone was clearly discriminatorily motivated by his support of UAW Local 259. The discharge was in violation of Section 8(a)(3) and (1) of the Act, and was not the result of any good faith belief by President Milligi that he had been libeled Even if President Millrgi had entertained a good faith belief that he had been libeled by employee Anzalone, the discharge was a violation of Section 8(a)(1) whatever the employer's motive. President Milligi knew from his informant, employee Lapple, that at the time the alleged libel was uttered Anzalone and his fellow employees were at a "UAW meeting" and meeting with a Board investigator to whom they supplied testimony in support of the charges in this case. Employee Anzalone was thus engaged in protected activity under the Act, and as the evidence has established, was not guilty of the libel The Supreme Court has held that "Section 8(a)(1) is violated if an employee is discharged for misconduct arising out of a protected activity, despite the employer's good faith, when it is shown that the misconduct never occurred ... A protected activity acquires a precarious status if innocent employees can be discharged while engaging in it, even though the employer acts in good faith " N.L R B. v. Burnup and Sims, 379 U S 21, 23 (1964), applied in, Shattuck Denn Mining Corp. v. N.L.R B., 362 F 2d 466, 471 (C.A. 9, 1966). III THE EFFECT OF THE UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES UPON COMMERCE The activities of both Respondents set forth in section II, above, occurring in connection with the operations of the Respondent Employer described in section I, above, have a close, intimate, and substantial relation to trade, traffic, and commerce among the several States and tend to lead to labor disputes adversely affecting and burdening and obstructing the free flow thereof. IV THE REMEDY Having found that the Respondent Employer has engaged in unfair labor practices in violation of Section 8(a)(1), (2), and Anzalone was among those who received the $30 per week from November 1 to 23 and , following the end of the strike on that day without his being reinstated , received until April 14, 1967, $20 per week from UAW Local 259 for "part time organizational services Anzalone described this as principally picketing RAYMOND BUICK, INC. (3) of the Act, and that the Respondent Union has engaged in unfair labor practices in violation of Section 8(b)(1)(A) and (2) of the Act, I shall recommend that they cease and desist therefrom and take certain affirmative action which will effectuate the policies of the Act Concerning Both Respondents Included are recommenda- tions directed to the Respondent Employer, because of its coercion of employees and unlawful assistance to Respondent Union, for disaffirmance of the contract with Respondent Union, withdrawal and withholding of recognition of Respond- ent Union as collective bargaining representative of the employees unless and until the union shall be certified by the Board, terminating effectiveness of the employee checkoff authorizations, and refraining from giving other assistance to the Respondent Union. Correlatively, the recommendations directed to the Re- spondent Union, because of its utilization of the unlawful acts and assistance, provide for its ceasing to act as collective bargaining representative for Respondent Employer's employ- ees unless and until certified by the Board, and from giving effect to the contract with Respondent Employer. Because of the coercion involved it is recommended that, as a matter of their joint and several responsibility, both Respondents be ordered to reimburse the employees, including former employees, of Respondent Employer for all initiation fees, dues, and other moneys unlawfully collected from them pursuant to the nullified contract and checkoff authorizations NL.R B. v. Revere Metal Art Co, supra, 280 F.2d 96, 100, (C.A 2, 1960). In accordance with the policy of the Board, there shall be an allowance of interest at the rate of 6 percent per annum added to the sum due each employee or former employee, computed on the basis of separate calendar quarters with the interest to begin running as of the last day of the calendar quarter for initiation fees, dues, and other moneys exacted or due in that calendar quarter, until compliance with the reimbursement order is achieved. Salmirs Oil Company, supra, 139 NLRB 25, 27.35 Lastly, there are recommendations for the posting and mailing of notices by both Respondents. Concerning Respondent Employer Specially. Because Re- spondent Employer unlawfully discharged employee Michael Anzalone, it will be recommended that the Respondent Employer offer him immediate and full reinstatement to his former position or to a substantially equivalent position, without prejudice to his seniority or other rights and privileges It will be recommended that the Respondent Employer make him whole for any loss of earnings he may have suffered as a result of the unlawful discharge by payment of a sum of money equal to that which he normally would have earned as wages from October 19, 1966, the date of discharge, to the date of the Respondent Employer's offer of reinstatement, less 35 As in the case of an order for reinstatement and backpay, the determination of the amounts due will be the subject of further administrative action , N.L R B. v Local 776, IATSE [Film Editors], 303 F 2d 513, 521 (C A 9, 1962). 36 In addition , Board orders have been entered by consent, and enforced by decrees of the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, in two other similar cases in which Amalgamated Local 355 was a respondent These are, Richmond Rambler Sales, Inc, and Amalgamated Local Union 355, Cases 29-CA-223 and 29-CB-70, and Command Lincoln Mercury Corp, and Amalgamated Local Union 355, Cases 29-CA-360 and 29-CB-134. In both cases the complaints charged violations of Section 8(a)(1), (2 ), and (3) and 8(b)(1)(A) and 1315 net earnings, if any, during this period. The backpay shall be computed on a quarterly basis as prescribed by the Board in F. W. Woolworth Company, 90 NLRB 289 (1950), approved in NL R.B. v Seven-Up Bottling Company, 344 U.S 344 (1953), and shall include interest at 6 percent per annum as provided by the Board in Isis Plumbing & Heating Co., 138 NLRB 716 (1962), approved in Philip Carey Manufacturing Company v. N.L.R.B., 331 F 2d 720 (C.A. 6, 1964), cert denied 379 U.S. 888, and cases cited. Because the Respondent Employer by its conduct violated fundamental employee rights guaranteed by Section 7 of the Act, and because there appears from the manner of the commission of this conduct a disposition to commit other unfair labor practices, it will be recommended that the Respondent Employer cease and desist from in any manner infringing upon the rights guaranteed employees by Section 7 of the Act N.L R.B. v. Entwistle Mfg. Co., 120 F.2d 532, 536 (C.A. 4, 1941). Concerning Respondent Union Specially. Respondent Union, Amalgamated Local 355, has a history of improper activities, similar to the misconduct here, in utilizing the assistance and coercion of other employers to deprive their employees of their freedom of choice of representatives for collective bargaining The Board's reports indicate like miscon- duct in Fiore Brothers Oil Co., Inc, 137 NLRB 191 (1962), Salmirs Oil Company, 139 NLRB 25 (1962), Malcolm Konner Chevrolet, Inc., 141 NLRB 541 (1963), in each of which cases Amalgamated Local 355 was a respondent found guilty of violations of Section 8(b)(1)(A) and (2), and in Lundy Mfg. Corp., 125 NLRB 1188, 1201 (1959), supplemental decision 136 NLRB 1230 (1962), where Amalgamated Local 355 was not a respondent but party to the contract found to be the assisted union 36 In Salmirs Oil Company, supra, the Board, taking into account the then existing history of Amalgamated Local 355's improper activities issued a broad order against the union designed to protect the employees of other employers, in addition to the employees of the employer involved in that case, against restraint or coercion by Local 355 in the excercise of the employees' rights to self-organization and to form, loin, or assist other labor organizations, 139 NLRB at 26, 29. Based upon the incremental history, I think that, at the very least, a repetition of this broad order is warranted here, and I will so recommend However, the total history indicates that even this broad order, together with the orders before and since, have not had the salutary effect normally to be expected of Board orders. For approximately the past rune years Amalgamated Local 355 has persisted in a course of conduct in violation of the principle of employee self-determination, which is at the heart of the Labor Management Relations Act. As the Board stated (2) of the Act In the Richmond Rambler case the Board's order was issued on December 14, 1965, and the order was enforced by the Second Circuit on January 11, 1966 In the Command Lincoln case the Board 's order was issued on March 7 , 1966, and the order was enforced by the Second Circuit on March 15, 1966 Amalgamated Local 355 has waived all further rights to contest the consent decrees In both cases the Board ordered Amalgamated Local 355 to cease and desist from (1) acting as bargaining representative unless certified by the Board (2) giving effect to its bargaining agreement with the employer ( 3) causing the employer or any other employer to discriminate in employment in violation of Section 8(a)(3) of the Act (4) restraining employees of the employer or any other employer from joining other labor organizations 1316 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD in National Federation of Labor, Inc, 160 NLRB 961, 964 (1966), involving repeated violation of Section 8(b)(1)(A), "the contumacy reflected in its [the union's] repeated and persistent violations of employee rights will not be remedied fully by an order coextensive with that issued in the earlier proceeding . a broader order must be fashioned if the purposes of the Act are to be effectuated." It seems to me that Respondent has been in a position to commit the repeated violations because it has been free, as unions normally are and should be, to obtain employee representation authorizations and employer recognition as bargaining representative without the supervision of a Board election. This is a privilege with which Amalgamated Local 355 apparently cannot be trusted, as the continued abuse by collusive arrangements utilizing coerced majorities would indicate. The privilege exists for the benefit of employees to enable them speedily yet democratically to obtain representa- tion and collective bargaining. It ought not be entrusted to a union that twists the privilege into a means for subverting employee self-determination. I believe that an order which, for a period of time in the future, will limit Amalgamated Local 355 in becoming the collective bargaining representative of the employees of any employer, whom the union does not presently validly repre- sent, to only those cases where the union achieves representa- tive status in a Board supervised election, would have the needed remedial effect of preventing future abuses by this union. The remedy has been included piecemeal for each of the companies involved in the previous Board orders, but I think the time has come to put the temptation as well as the opportunity to achieve additional collusive recognitions be- yond the reach that existing orders still make possible for Local 355. In my view, the recommended remedy should prove to be self-executing, since the union would scarcely find profit in pursuing unsupervised recognitions, and executing contracts, that were null and void ab inltio. As indicated, the purpose of the recommended order is not punishment but prevention of abuse of privilege. The union continues to be a labor organization with the privileges of achieving representative status with employers, whose employ- ees it does not represent, under Section 9(c) of the Act I propose to frame the limitation of the recommended order so that after it has been in effect for five years, Amalgamated Local 355 may apply to the Board for its relaxation upon a showing to the Board's satisfaction of good conduct in the intervening years in observing Board orders and the provisions of the Act that would make the limitation no longer necessary. Precedent for Board orders against unions directed to protecting employees of "any other employer" than the employer directly involved in the case, can be found in such 8(b)(1)(A) and (2) cases as NL.R.B. v. Newspaper and Mail Deliverers' Union, 246 F.2d 62, 64, 66 (C A. 3, 1957), resting upon the Board's "past experience with the Union", N.L.R B v. Local 542, Int'l Union of Operating Engineers, 329 F.2d 512, 515-516 (C.A. 3, 1964), the "broad order" appearing 37 Note also that the Board order , entered by stipulation of the parties in the 8 (b)(10)(A) and (2 ) case, Combined Century Theatres, Inc, v N L R B, 278 F 2d 306 (C A. 2, 1960), which included prohibitions of unlawful conduct directed at employers and unions other than those as to which evidence of violations was introduced in the case, was later enforced by the Second Circuit over objection that the Supreme Court decision , rendered the same day in Communications necessary because of the union's "demonstrated disregard of the Act by a record of similar violations in the past," citing two earlier adjudicated violations involving other employees and employers, and the 8(b)(4)(A) and (B) case Truck Drivers and Helpers Local Union No 728 v. N.L.R.B , 332 F.2d 693, 697 (C.A. 5, 1964), protecting against secondary boycott activity "any other person" engaged in commerce where the Board had other cases against the union that demonstrated " a proclivity to violate the act by secondary boycott activity against persons with whom it develops disputes." And compare the more drastic remedies invoked in the 8(b)(1)(A) case, involving a company-dominated union, National Federation of Labor, Inc., supra, 160 NLRB 961, where "repeated and persistent" violations were deemed to require "a broader order. "3 7 Upon the basis of the foregoing facts and upon the entire record in the case, I make the following. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1 Raymond Buick, the Respondent Employer, is an em- ployer within the meaning of Section 2(2) of the Act and is engaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. Amalgamated Local 355, the Respondent Union, and UAW Local 259, a charging party, are labor organizations within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. 2. By soliciting employee authorizations for Amalgamated Local 355, by giving it exclusive representation rights and a contract when it did not represent an uncoerced majority of the employees, by disregarding the real question regarding representation raised by UAW Local 259 and favoring Amalga- mated Local 355 with a contract, and by including in the contract and maintaining conditions for employee membership in Amalgamated Local 355 and payment of union dues and fees, Raymond Buick has engaged in unfair labor practices in violation of Section 8(a)(1), (2), and (3) of the Act. By utilizing such employer assistance in obtaining recognition and a contract and by including in the contract and maintaining conditions for employee membership in the union and payment of union dues and fees, Amalgamated Local 355 has engaged in unfair labor practices in violation of Section 8(b)(1)(A) and (2) of the Act. 3 By interfering with, restraining, and coercing employees in the exercise of their rights under Section 7 of the Act, by discriminatorily discharging one of the employees in order to encourage membership in Amalgamated Local 355 and dis- courage membership in UAW Local 259, and by unlawfully discharging said employee for an alleged wrong he did not commit but which supposedly occurred at a time when the employer knew the employee was engaged in protected activity, Raymond Buick has further violated Section 8(a)(1) and (3) of the Act 4. By restraining and coercing employees in the exercise of their rights under Section 7 of the Act, and by interfering with Board process, in attempting with an offer of money to obtain Workers v N.L R.B, 362 U S. 479 (1960), outlawed such broad orders when it struck down an order, correcting an 8(b)(1)(A) violation, to protect "any other employer " The Second Circuit pointed out that the Communications Workers opinion did not express "any jurisdictional limitation upon the Board's power," but rather rested upon an absence of evidence to justify the broad order, 46 LRRM 2858, 2859 (C.A 2, 1960) RAYMOND BUICK, INC. and alter testimony of an employee to be given to the Board, Amalgamated Local 355 has further violated Section 8(b)(1 )(A) of the Act. 5. The foregoing unfair labor practices affect commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. 6. The claimed refusal of Raymond Buick to bargain collectively with UAW Local 259 as the representative of the employees in violation of Section 8(a)(5) of the Act, as alleged in paragraph 25 of the complaint, should be dismissed on the ground that, at the time of its demands for recognition and bargaining , UAW Local 259 did not represent a majority of the employees constituting the unit. RECOMMENDED ORDER Upon the basis of the foregoing facts and conclusions of law, and upon the entire record in this proceeding, I recommend that A. Respondent Employer, Raymond Buick, Inc., its offi- cers, agents, successors, and assigns, shall- 1. Cease and desist from (a) Recognizing Respondent Union, Amalgamated Local Union 355, as the representative of any of its employees for the purpose of dealing with Raymond Buick concerning griev- ances, labor disputes, wages, rates of pay, hours of employ- ment, or other terms and conditions of employment. (b) Giving effect to the collective bargaining agreement with Amalgamated Local 355, dated September 12, 1966, or any modification, extension, or renewal thereof; provided, however, that nothing in this decision and order shall require Raymond Buick to vary or abandon any wage or salary, hours, seniority, or other substantive feature of its relations with its employees, which Raymond Buick has established in the performance of the agreement, or to prejudice the assertion by employees of any rights they may have under the agreement. (c) Giving effect to the checkoff provisions of authorization cards executed by its employees in favor of Amalgamated Local 355. (d) Giving any other assistance or support to Amalgamated Local 355. (e) Interfering with, restraining, or coercing its employees in their union activities, or concerted activities for the purpose of collective bargaining, by discharge or other reprisal, or by promise of benefits. (f) In any other manner interfering with, restraining, or coercing employees in,the exercise of their rights to self-organi- zation, to join or assist UAW Local 259 or to form, join, or assist any other labor organization, to bargain collectively through representatives of their own choosing, to engage in concerted activities for the purpose of collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection, or to refrain from engaging in any such activity, except to the extent that such rights may be affected by an agreement requiring membership in a labor organization as a condition of employment, as authorized in Section 8(a)(3) of the Act. 38 In the event that this Recommended Order is adopted by the Board, the words " a Decision and Order " shall be subsituted for the words "The Recommended Order of a Trial Examiner " in the notice In the further event that the Board 's Order is enforced in a United States 1317 2. Take the following affirmative action which is necessary to effectuate the policies of the Act (a) Withdraw and withhold all recognition from Amalga- mated Local 355 as the collective bargaining representative of any of its employees for the purpose of dealing with Raymond Buick concerning grievances, labor disputes, wages, rates of pay, hours of employment, or other terms or conditions of employment, unless and until the Board shall certify Amalga- mated Local 355 as such representative. (b) Reimburse the present and former employees for all initiation fees, dues, and other moneys they have been required to pay Amalgamated Local 355 by reason of Raymond Buick's enforcement of its agreement of September 12, 1966, with Amalgamated Local 355 or of the checkoff authorizations executed by employees and former employees in favor of Amalgamated Local 355. The reimbursement shall be made as provided in the section of this decision entitled "The Remedy," and Raymond Buick shall be jointly and severally liable therefor with Amalgamated Local 355 (c) Offer to employee Michael Anzalone immediate and full reinstatement to his former position or to a substantially equivalent position without prejudice to his seniority or other rights and privileges, and make him whole in the manner set forth in the section of this decision entitled "The Remedy," for any loss of earnings he may have suffered as a result of his unlawful discharge. (d) Notify employee Michael Anzalone, if serving in the Armed Forces of the United States, of his right to full reinstatement upon application in accordance with the Selec- tive Service Act, and the Universal Military Training and Service Act, as amended, after discharge from the Armed Forces (e) Preserve and, upon request, make available to the Board and its agents for examination and copying all records concerning payroll, personnel, social security payments, time- cards, disbursements, and all other records necessary to ascertain the backpay and the reimbursement of union fees and dues owed under the terms of this order. (f) Post in the Raymond Buick service shop at Bayshore, Long Island, New York, copies of the notice attached hereto marked "Appendix A.s38 Immediately upon receipt of the copies of said notice, on forms provided by the Regional Director for Region 29 (Brooklyn, New York), Raymond Buick shall cause the copies to be signed by one of its authorized representatives, to be posted, and to be maintained for a period of 60 consecutive days thereafter in conspicuous places, including all places where notices to employees are customarily posted Reasonable steps shall be taken by Raymond Buick to insure that the posted notices are not altered, defaced, or covered by any other material (g) Mail or deliver forthwith to the Regional Director additional signed copies of the notice Appendix A, on forms provided by the Regional Director and signed on behalf of Raymond Buick as set out in the preceding paragraph A, 2, (f), for posting by Amalgamated Local 355 at its business offices Court of Appeals , the words "a Decree of the United States Court of Appeals enforcing an Order" shall be substituted for the words "a Decision and Order." 1318 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD and meeting halls in conspicuous places, including places where notices to members are customarily posted. (h) Post and maintain at the same place and under the same conditions provided in paragraph A,2,(f) above, as soon as forwarded by the Regional Director, copies of the notice attached hereto marked Appendix B 39 (i) Notify the Regional Director for Region 29, in writing, within 20 days from the date of the receipt of this decision, what steps Raymond Buick has taken to comply therewith 40 B. Respondent Union, Amalgamated Local Union 355, its officers, agents, representatives, successors, and assigns, shall I Cease and desist from (a) Acting as the collective bargaining representative of any of the employees of Respondent Employer, Raymond Buick, unless and until the Board shall certify it as such representa- tive (b) Acting as the collective bargaining representative of any of the employees of any other employer whom it does not presently validly represent, unless and until the Board shall certify it as such representative, provided that Amalgamated Local 355 may apply to the Board for relief from this limitation at any time after it has been in effect for 5 years, upon a showing to the Board's satisfaction by Amalgamated Local 355 of good conduct in the intervening years in observing Board orders and the provisions of the Act that would make the limitation no longer necessary. (c) Giving effect to the collective bargaining agreement with Raymond Buick, dated September 12, 1966, or any modifica- tion, extension, or renewal thereof (d) Restraining or coercing employees in the exercise of their rights under Section 7 of the Act, and interfering with Board process, by attempting, with or without an offer of money, to obtain and alter the testimony of an employee to be given to the Board (e) In any manner restraining or coercing employees or prospective employees of Raymond Buick or any other employer in the exercise of their right to self-organization, to join or assist UAW Local 259 or to form, join, or assist any other labor organization, to bargain collectively through representatives of their own choosing, to engage in concerted activities for the purpose of collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection, or to refrain from engaging in any such activity, except to the extent that such rights may be affected by an agreement requiring membership in a labor organization as a condition of employment, as authorized in Section 8(a)(3) of the Act 2. Take the following affirmative action which is necessary to effectuate the policies of the Act (a) Reimburse the present and former employees of Raymond Buick for all initiation fees, dues and other moneys unlawfully exacted from them by reason of Amalgamated Local 355's agreement with Raymond Buick, dated September 12, 1966, or of the checkoff authorizations executed by employees and former employees in favor of Amalgamated Local 355. The reimbursement shall be made as provided in the section of this decision entitled "The Remedy," and Amalgamated Local 355 shall be jointly and severally liable therefor with Raymond Buick (b) Preserve and, upon request, make available to the Board and its agents, for examination and copying, all records necessary to ascertain what is owed in reimbursement of union fees and dues under the terms of this order. (c) Post in Amalgamated Local 355's business offices and meeting halls copies of the notice attached hereto marked "Appendix B "41 Immediately upon receipt of the copies of said notice, on forms provided by the Regional Director for 29, (Brooklyn, New York), Amalgamated Local 355 shall cause the copies to be signed by one of its authorized representatives, to be posted, and to be maintained for a period of 60 consecutive days thereafter in conspicuous places, including all places where notices to members are customarily posted Reasonable steps shall be taken by Amalgamated Local 355 to insure that said notices are not altered, defaced, or covered by any other material (d) Mail or deliver forthwith to the Regional Director additional signed copies of the notice Appendix B, on forms to be provided by the Regional Director and signed on behalf of Amalgamated Local 355 as set out in the preceding paragraph B 2(c), for posting by Raymond Buick at its service shop in Bayshore, Long Island, New York, in conspicuous places, including all places where notices to employees are customarily posted (e) Post and maintain at the same places and under the same conditions provided in paragraph B 2(c) above, as soon as forwarded by the Regional Director, copies of the notice attached hereto marked Appendix A 42 (f) Notify the Regional Director for Region 29, in writing, within 20 days from the date of the receipt of this decision, what steps Amalgamated Local 355 has taken to comply therewith 4 3 C Paragraph 25 of the complaint, alleging a refusal by Respondent Employer, Raymond Buick, to bargain collective- ly with UAW Local 259 in violation of Section 8(a)(5) of the Act, should be dismissed 39 See f 38, supra 40 In the event that this Recommended Order is adopted by the Board, this provision shall be modified to provide notification to said Regional Director " in writing, within 10 days from the date of this Order, what steps Raymond Buick has taken to comply therewith 41 See f 38, supra 42 See f 38,supra 43 In the event that this Recommended Order is adopted by the Board , this provision shall be modified to provide notification to said Regional Director " in writing, within 10 days from the date of this Order, what steps Amalgamated Local 355 has taken to comply therewith." APPENDIX A NOTICE TO ALL EMPLOYEES AND TO ALL MEMBERS OF AMALGAMATED LOCAL UNION 355 Pursuant to the Recommended Order of a Trial Examiner of the National Labor Relations Board and in order to effectuate the policies of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, we, Raymond Buick, Inc , hereby notify you that. WE WILL withdraw and withhold all recognition from Amalgamated Local Union 355 as collective bargaining representative of any of our employees, unless and until Local 355 is so certified by the National Labor Relations Board WE WILL NOT give effect to the collective bargaining agreement signed with Local 355, dated September 12, 1966, or to any modification, extension, or renewal thereof WE WILL NOT give effect to any checkoff of dues or fees for Local 355. RAYMOND BUICK, INC. WE WILL NOT give any other assistance or support to Local 355. WE WILL reimburse our present and former employees for all initiation fees, dues, and other moneys exacted from them under the agreement of September 12, 1966, with Local 355 or under any checkoff authorizations executed by them in favor of Local 355, plus interest thereon at 6 percent, being jointly and severally liable therefor with Local 355 WE WILL offer to employee Michael Anzalone full reinstatement to his old job, and WE WILL pay him for any loss of earnings that he suffered because we fired him If employee Anzalone is in the Armed Forces of the United States we will notify him of his right to full reinstatement upon application after discharge from the Armed Forces WE WILL NOT discharge you or engage in other repris- als against you because of your support for Local 259, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, AFL-CIO, or any other labor organi- zation, and WE WILL NOT promise you benefits to support any labor organization or to prefer one labor organization over another WE WILL NOT in any other manner interfere with, re- strain, or coerce our employees in the exercise of their rights to self-organization, to join or assist UAW Local 259 or to form, join, or assist any other labor organization, to bargain collectively concerning terms or conditions of employment through representatives of their own choosing, to engage in concerted activities for the purpose of collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection, or to refrain from engaging in any such activity, except as these rights might be affected by a contract validly made under the National Labor Relations Act with a labor organization, whereby membership in the labor organiza- tion is a condition of employment after the 30th day following the date of the contract or the beginning of the individual's employment, whichever is later. All of our employees are free to become or remain, or refrain from becoming or remaining, members in any labor organization RAYMOND BUICK, INC. (Employer) Dated By (Representative) (Title) This notice must remain posted for 60 consecutive days from the date of posting, and must not be altered, defaced, or covered by any other material. If persons have any questions concerning this notice or compliance with its provisions, they may communicate direct- ly with the Board's Regional Office, Fourth Floor, 16 Court Street, Brooklyn, New York 11201, Telephone 596-5386. 1319 we, Amalgamated Local Union No 355, hereby notify you that W E WILL NOT act as the collective bargaining represen- tative of the employees of Raymond Buick, Inc., unless and until we have been certified by the National Labor Relations Board as such representative. WE WILL NOT act as the collective bargaining represen- tative of the employees of any other employer whom we do not now validly represent unless and until we have been certified by the National Labor Relations Board as such representative. This limitation will be in effect for at least five years but may be relaxed by the Board after five years if we demonstrate to the Board's satisfaction good conduct in the intervening years in observing Board orders and the provisions of the National Labor Relations Act that would make the limitation no longer necessary. WE WILL NOT give effect to our collective bargaining agreement with Raymond Buick, dated September 12, 1966, or any modification, extension, or renewal thereof. WE WILL reimburse the present and former employees of Raymond Buick for all initiation fees, dues, and other moneys exacted from them under the agreement of September 12, 1966, with Raymond Buick or under any checkoff authorizations they have executed in our favor, plus interest thereon at 6 percent, being jointly and severally liable therefor with Raymond Buick WE WILL NOT restrain or coerce employees in the exercise of their rights under Section 7 of the National Labor Relations Act, or interfere with the process of the National Labor Relations Board, by attempting, with or without an offer of money, to obtain and alter the testimony of any employee to be given to the Board WE WILL NOT in any other manner restrain or coerce employees of Raymond Buick or of any other employer in the exercise of their rights to self-organization, to join or assist UAW Local 259 or to form, join, or assist any other labor organization, to bargain collectively through represen- tatives of their own choosing, to engage in concerted activities for the purpose of collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection, or to refrain from engaging in any such activity, except as these rights might be affected by a contract validly made under the National Labor Relations Act with a labor organization, whereby membership in the labor organization is a condition of employment after the 30th day following the date of the contract or the beginning of the individual's employment, whichever is later. Dated APPENDIX B NOTICE TO ALL MEMBERS OF AMALGAMATED LOCAL UNION 355 AND TO THE EMPLOYEES OF RAYMOND BUICK, INC Pursuant to the Recommended Order of a Trial Examiner of the National Labor Relations Board and in order to effectuate the policies of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, AMALGAMATED LOCAL UNION 355 (Employer) By (Representative) (Title) This notice must remain posted for 60 consecutive days from the date of posting, and must not be altered, defaced, or covered by any other material. If persons have any questions concerning this notice or compliance with its provisions, they may communicate direct- ly with the Board's Regional Office, Fourth Floor, 16 Court Street, Brooklyn, New York 11201, Telephone 596-5386. Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation