R-W Service System, Inc.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsAug 8, 1979243 N.L.R.B. 1202 (N.L.R.B. 1979) Copy Citation DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD R-W Service System, Inc. and Hiram S. Grossman, Esq. Case 7-CA 14483 August 8, 1979 SUPPLEMENTAL DECISION AND ORDER BY MEMBERS PENEI..O, MURPHY. AND TRUESDAI. On October 24, 1978, Administrative Law Judge Lowell Goerlich issued the attached Supplemental Decision in this proceeding.' Thereafter, the General Counsel filed exceptions and a supporting brief, and Respondent filed an answering brief. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the Na- tional Labor Relations Board has delegated its au- thority in this proceeding to a three-member panel. The Board has considered the record and the at- tached Decision in light of the exceptions and briefs and has decided to affirm the rulings, findings.2 and conclusions of the Administrative Law Judge only to the extent consistent herewith and to adopt his rec- ommended Order. The General Counsel contends that Respondent violated Section 8(a)(l ) of the Act by discharging An- thony Williams on July 22, 1977. 3 It is the General Counsel's position that Respondent hired Williams with the knowledge that he had participated in an unprotected strike while working for his previous em- ployer, thus condoning that action, but nevertheless subsequently terminated him for having engaged in such activity. We agree with the Administrative Law Judge that Respondent did not violate the law by dis- charging Williams but only for the reasons stated herein. Williams was employed as a truckdriver by Auto- mobile Carriers, Inc., until July 25, 1976, when he was discharged for participating in a strike in breach of the governing collective-bargaining agreement. Donald Sears and George Schweigert, also truckdriv- I On June I. 1978 the Administrative Law Judge issued his original Deci- sion and Order recommending that the complaint be dismissed. Thereafter. finding ment in exceptions filed by tile General Counsel. on September 29, 1978, the Board issued a Decision and Order remanding proceeding to the Administrative Law Judge in which the Board directed the Administrative Law Judge to prepare and issue a Supplemental Decision "setting forth the resolution of material credibility issues, and findings and conclusions with respect to the unfair labor practices alleged in the complaint." 2 The General Counsel has excepted to certain credibility findings made by the Administrative Law Judge. It is the Board's established policy not to overrule an administrative law judge's resolutions with respect to credibility unless the clear preponderance of all of the relevant evidence convinces us that the resolutions are incorrect. Standard DrY Wall Products, nc.. 91 NLRB 544 (1950), enfd. 188 F.2d 362 (3d Cir. 1951). We have carefully examined the record and find no basis for reversing his findings. All dates hereinafter are in 1977 unless otherwise indicated. ers, were likewise dismissed for engaging in the same unauthorized strike.4 According to his testimony, Sears had an employ- ment interview for a job as a truckdriver with Rich- ard Davis, Respondent's Saginaw, Michigan, termi- nal manager, in May or June. Concerning the work stoppage which had caused his discharge, Sears in- formed Davis that the strikers contended that the strike was protected, but that the struck employers took the position that t was unprotected. He also said that he told Davis that the strike was "against the union and not against the company." Davis. however, stated at the hearing that Sears told him only that he had been terminated for "union activities" by Auto- mobile Carriers, and did not say that he had lost his job of taking part in an unprotected strike of any sort.5 Shortly thereafter, having learned from Sears of the opportunity, Schweigert also interviewed with Davis for a job. Schweigert testified that he told Davisthat the strike which cost him his job grew out of em- ployee dissatisfaction with the union rather than with the employers. Specifically, Schweigert said that he told Davis "we was unhappy with the new contract and it had been voted down by the employees with a large percentage but higher officials in the union still put it into effect." Finally, Schweigert said that Davis stated that his participation in the strike would not make any difference in considering his employment application.6 Davis, however, stated that he did not discuss Schweigert's participation in the work stop- page with him.7 Having been referred by Schweigert, Williams also had an interview with Davis for a job as a truckdriver on June 29. Williams' testimony was that he told Da- vis the strike at Automobile Carriers stemmed from employee unhappiness with the terms of a contract negotiated by the union, and that the employers had sought to force the men back to work by attempting to secure a court injunction. Williams added that Da- vis told him that participation in the strike would not affect his employment with Respondent as long as he kept his driving record clean and obeyed its rules and regulations. On his written application for employ- ment Williams entered "union activity" as the reason for his discharge from his previous job, and Davis made the notation "OK ROD" (the last three letters are his initials) next to this answer. In response to a 4Sears was also discharged by Automobile Carriers, but Schweigert was fired from his job at F. J. Boutell Driveway Company, another of the three employers whose employees participated in the wildcat work stoppage I Sears was hired, but Respondent discharged him a few months later for mechanical abuse of company equipment. ISchweigert stated on his application that he had been discharged for "union activit\" 'Schweigert was not employed by Respondent 243 NLRB No. 171 1202 R-W SERVICE SYSI M, INC(' question on the application regarding whether he had ever been arrested, Williams wrote "carrying a fire- arm while intoxicated." Davis marked "7 or 8 yrs ago ROD" next to this statement. Davis denied discussing with Williams the reason for his discharge from Auto- mobile Carriers. As terminal manager Davis did not have the au- thority to hire Williams. It was therefore arranged for Williams to have an interview that next day with Jose Richard Coppens, Respondent's personnel manager. in Taylor, Michigan. According to Williams, Coppens inquired about his statement on the application that he had been discharged for "union activity." Wil- liams said that he told Coppens that the strike was directed against the union specifically "because of the contract that was up for negotiation" rather than against the company, that he was looked upon as a leader in the strike, and that there were pending Fed- eral court suits concerning the strike. Williams con- ceded, both at the hearing and in an affidavit given to a Board agent before the hearing, that he did not tell either Davis or Coppens that he had been discharged for engaging in wildcat or unprotected activity. Wil- liams stated that Coppens assured him that his having engaged in the strike at Automobile Carriers would not affect his employment with Respondent. Coppens testified that he did not ask Williams about the indi- cation on his application that he had been terminated for "union activity" but questioned him only about his statement that he had been arrested for carrying a firearm while intoxicated. Williams began work for Respondent on July 1. According to Coppens, Respondent hires employees for a 30-day probationary period, as prescribed in the applicable collective-bargaining agreement, pending investigation of their driving and past employment records. On July I Respondent mailed a routine ques- tionnaire to Automobile Carriers seeking information concerning Williams' employment with that com- pany. One question asked why the applicant had left the company's employ, and Automobile Carriers noted in response that Williams had been discharged "for his particpation in wildcat strike." The employ- ment reference from Automobile Carriers regarding Williams was brought to the attention of Joseph Far- hat, Respondent's vice president and general man- ager. Farhat testified that he had been concerned about Williams' statements on his application that he had been discharged for "union activity" and arrested for carrying a firearm while intoxicated, but that he decided "not to pursue anything until we further in- vestigated." Upon receiving information that Wil- liams had been discharged for wildcat activity by his previous employer, Farhat consulted his attorney and decided to ask Automobile Carriers for confirmation of that statement. Consequently. on July 14. Respon- dent wrote a followup letter to that company. refer- ring to the reason it had given tbr Williams' discharge on the employment questionnaire and inquiring whether Williams had been discharged for union ac- tivities as he had indicated on his application. Auto- mobile Carriers replied on Jul 16 that Williams had been dismissed for engaging in a wildcat strike. Far- hat said that he decided that Williams should be ter- minated because of his involvement in wildcat ac- tivity and because of his "propensity toward carrying a firearm." Williams was discharged on July 22. 8 das beftore the end of his probationary period. It is not disputed that Williams engaged in a strike in violation of the governing collective-bargaining agreement while employed at Automobile Carriers, that such strike was unprotected. and that Williams was lawfully discharged bh that company for his par- ticipation in the strike. Yet our dissenting colleague challenges the equally self-evident corollary of this conclusion-that Respondent was entitled to refuse to hire Williams for having engaged in an unprotect- ed strike. Her position represents a major departure from traditional labor law principles and thus must not be allowed to pass without reply. It has long been settled that. "The Act does not interfere with the normal exercise of the right of the employer to select its employees or to discharge them." Of course, "[t]he employer may not, under cover of that right, intimidate or coerce its employees with respect to their self-organization and representa- tion, and, on the other hand, the Board is not entitled to make its authority a pretext for interference with the right of discharge when that right is exercised for other reasons than such intimidation and coercion. "' A few years later this precept was reaffirmed in Phelps Dodge Corporation v. i.L. R.B. , where, al- though deciding that it was an unfair labor practice to decline to hire an individual because of his union activity, the Court pointedly declared that an em- ployer "is as free to hire as he is to discharge employ- ees." and that the statute "is directed solely against the abuse of that right by interfering with the coun- tervailing right of self-organization." More recently it has commonly been said in words which apply as well to hiring decisions that "a company may discharge an employee for a good reason, a bad reason or indeed for no reason at all" unless union or protected con- certed activity motivates the discharge.'0 N.L.R.B. v Jones & Laughlin Steel Corp., 301 lS I. 45-46 (1937) Accord: Associated Press v. N.L.R 8. 301 U.S. 103, 132 (1937) ("The act does not compel the petitioner to emplo) anyone . . 9 313 U.S. 177. 186- 187 (1941). 1 . L R B . UL'ted Parcel Seri-c., Inc. 317 F.2d 912.914 Ist (Cr. 1965) Accord: NL R B v. T A4 McGahev. S,. e al. 233 F2d 406. 413 (5th Cir 1956) 1203 I)E( ISIONS ()F NA IONAL ABOR RE.AI()ONS BOARI) These cases remind us that the Board was not char- tered by Congress to right every perceived industrial wrong or to sit in judgment upon an employer's usual exercise of basic management perogatives to hire and fire. Rather, only where a company trenches upon rights safeguarded by Section 7 of the Act is the Board empowered to reverse an employer's personnel actions. Thus, we need not address our dissenting col- leagues' accusation that we "see nothing unjust" in the failure of many employers to hire Williams be- cause of his background as a wildcat striker. The is- sue is not whether a refusal to hire is equitable but whether it is lawful. We turn to that. Anthony Williams and his coworkers at Automo- bile Carriers struck Automobile Carriers in 1976 in defiance of their contractual agreement not to do so. The dissent admits that Williams was discharged for cause and that Automobile Carriers did not have any legal obligation to rehire Williams yet concludes that the statute compels a subsequent employer to hire an employee who has been discharged by another com- pany for good cause and who is ineligible for future service with that company. Our dissenting colleague asserts that Respondent must "view" Williams' participation in a wildcat strike as protected and may not "use the unautho- rized character of the strike" to refuse to hire Wil- liams. But this reasoning rests on the incorrect as- sumption that there is general right to strike which exists independently of, and is separable from, the circumstances in which it is exercised: no strike is automatically protected or unprotected apart from the context in which it occurs. Some strikes are pro- tected by the Act, others are not. The strike engaged in by Williams was unprotected ab initio, because it was in breach of contract. It is not germane to say, as our dissenting colleagues does, that "in other circum- stances" it would have been protected. The point is that Williams and his fellow wildcatters had abso- lutely no right to strike at the time yet they did so. Contrary to the dissent, Respondent did not seek to avail itself of the no-strike clause negotiated by Auto- mobile Carriers in its contract. Respondent had a no- strike provision in its own collective-bargaining agreement. Respondent simply decided that it did not want to employ an individual who had shown no re- spect for the obligations imposed by such a clause in the past. As Joseph Farhat, Respondent's vice pres- ident and general manager, explained: A trucking company is a very service oriented operation. If we do not provide service we have a good chance of losing an account .... We are very concerned about the employee that might disrupt this service because it could involve our losing accounts .... If I think that a person's application indicates that he would cause a disruption in our company I don't want to hire him. I would not sa that he is qualified to be employed by us. We have a very well defined grievance proce- dure and the only way we can operate the com- pany [ - j we have over five hundred drivers [ ] ... is for an orderly disciplined group of people to follow the union contract. If a man decides to take matters into his own hands and go off in every direction it could cause a real problem. It is very difficult to control five hundred men. So you obviously put in rules and expect the men to obey the rules and the union contract just like any other organization . .. there has to be a cer- tain amount of' discipline. Where that breaks down we have a definite problem. . . I just thought Mr. Williams might be the type that might make a problem for us. In Bechtel Corporation" the employer refused to hire an applicant, Ojala, because he had incited a wildcat strike among its employees when he had been turned down for a job there a few weeks earlier. The Board ruled that, "Respondent had the right to refuse employment to Ojala if he had instigated a strike in violation of a no-strike clause: such conduct is not protected concerted activity. As the Respondent's as- serted reason for refusing to hire Ojala was this un- protected concerted activity. it was the General Counsel's burden to establish either that the activity was protected or that Ojala did not in fact engage therein."' 2 As the General Counsel had not met this burden, the Board dismissed the complaint alleging that the refusal to hire violated the Act. The Bechtel holding directly controls the instant facts on this point: there is nothing in Bechtel to suggest a different result should be reached where the unprotected con- certed activity took place at another employer. Re- spondent thus had the right not to hire Williams be- cause of his involvement in a wildcat strike. However, the General Counsel asserts, as indicated at the outset, that Respondent hired Williams with full knowledge that Williams had been terminated by Automobile Carriers for engaging in unprotected ac- tivity, had thereby condoned it, and thus violated the 11 170 NLRB 1128 (1968). 12 Id. at 1129. Behlel also answers our dissenting colleague's inapposite citation of The .4. S Abell Company. 234 NLRB 802 (1978). enforcement denied 598 F.2d 876 (4th Cir. 1979). The Board there decided that an em- ployer could not lawfully refuse to hire individuals who had participated in a strike marked bh violence where there was no evidence hat the applicants themselves had engaged in such unprotected conduct during the course ot the strike. 1204 R W S RVICE SYSTEM. IN(' Act by discharging him later for that reason. The Board, in cases in which an employer permits em- ployees to return to work after they have engaged in unprotected activity, has found subsequent discipline or discharge of those employers for their unprotected conduct to be unlawful on the ground that the em- ployer "condoned" their participation in the activit' by reinstating them." The General Counsel argues here that this theory of condonation should he ap- plied to situations in which an employer knowingly hires an individual who has taken part in unprotected conduct while employed at a previous employer but nonetheless later fires the employees for having en- gaged in the unprotected activity. However, we are not called on to decide that question in the instant case because the record shows clearly that Respon- dent was not apprised of Williams' participation in an unprotected strike at Automobile Carriers at the time it hired him on a probationary basis. Respondent therefore did not commit an unfair labor practice b discharging Williams upon learning of his past unpro- tected conduct. In other words, the General ('ounsel's legal theory need not be considered inasmuch as it lacks the proper factual predicate. To begin with, Respondent hired Williams only as a 30-day probationary employee, pending further in- vestigation of his employment application, and he therefore never attained regular employee status at the Company. In any event, Williams admitted at the hearing as well as in a prehearing affidavit that he did not disclose to either Davis or Coppens that he had been dismissed by Automobile Carriers for engaging in a wildcat or unprotected strike. On his employment application Williams stated only that he had been dis- charged for "union activity." By his account, Wil- liams told Davis that the strike at Automobile Carri- ers resulted from employee dissatisfaction with the terms of a contract negotiated by the union, and that the employers had sought a court injunction to get the strikers back to work. Williams said that he told Coppens the strike was against the union, not the company, and resulted from the contract being "up for negotiations." None of these statements indicates that the strikes was in breach of a no-strike clause which the employees were bound to observe. Specifi- cally, the fact that the strike was against the union and stemmed from employee unhappiness with con- tract negotiations and the company sought an inJunc- tion to force the strikers back to work does not neces- sarily mean that the strike was, or had been found to be, unprotected, as a violation of a governing collec- tive-bargaining agreement. ' Se, e.g., Alabaima Marble Compan, 83 NlRB 1047 (1949). enfd. 185 F.2d 1022 (Sth Cir. 1951): Branth, Helicopter Corporation. 135 NLRB 1412 (1962): Poloron Products of Indianau. Inc, 177 NI.RB 435 11969) Neither do the statements concerning the strike made to Davis hb Sears and Sch. cligcrt rescal that it was unprotected. The most Sears testified to as that he informed Davis that the strikers took the position that the strike was protected. hile the struck em- ployers contended that i; was not protected. Neither this remark nor Sears' alleged statement to I )ax is that the strike Uwas against the union rather than the cm- palny is eidence that the strike ,bas. or had heen found to be. unprote.:ed as being in hbreach of con- tract. Schweigert testified similarly. cexept that he said he told Davis that the strike was caused b'x ultionm officials putting into effect a contract ,which did not please the rank and tile. Even this. hoAcxeli doe. not mean that at the time of the strike a coiltract contain- ing a clause prohibiting the strike usas in force. Furthermore, Respondent's conduct ollowing the hiring oft Williams as a temporar, emplo, ee is consis- tent with lack of awareness that Williams had en- gaged in unprotected activit\y hile eplo\cl at Au- tomobile Carriers. Respondent matile its r umtinte employment questionnaire to Automobile ('arricr-e on July I the same day Williams started ork. When Respondent received the completed form conitUiiing the intformation that Williams had been discharged for engaging in wildcat activit, it did not accept it at face value. Instead. Respondent wrote Automobile Carriers immediately and sought confir;mation that Williams had actually been discharged tr uil ldcat as opposed to "union activity." Onl wshen Respondent was assured bh Automobile Carriers of the reason for Williams' discharge did it terminate Williams. In this regard Respondent separated Williams from its ser- vice well within his probationar\ period and did so promptly upon receiving the second commutnication from his previous employer. To sum up, it is not too much to sas that the record contains not a shred of evidence to support the (jen- eral Counsel's contention that Respondent was tfulls aware of Williams' participation in unprotected ac- tivitv at Automobile Carriers when it hired him on a tentative basis. Indeed. the record quite conclusivel demonstrates that Respondent had no knou ledge that Williams had engaged in an unprotected strike when it employed him pending further investigation of his employment application. he complaint must therefore be dismissed. ORDER Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National I ahor Relations Act, as amended. the National l.abor Rela- tions Board adopts as its Order the recommended Or- der of the Administrative Law Judge and hereb or- ders that the complaint be, and it herebh is. dismissed in its entiret!. 1 20S CI).(ISIONS ()F NAIIONAI. L.ABOR REI.ATIONS B()OAR) M I t111 R MURI'IiY, concurring in part, dissenting in part: I strongly disagree with my colleagues' assertion that Respondent was lawfully entitled to refuse to hire Williams for having taken part in a wildcat strike, and had the case been litigated on the theory that Respondent was not so entitled I would have found Respondent's termination of Williams violative of Section 8(a)( I ) of the Act. However, I concur with my colleagues' conclusion that Respondent did not violate Section 8(a)( I) of the Act by discharging Anthony Williams upon learning of his participation in an unauthorized strike against his previous employer but only because the case was litigated solely on the theory that Respondent con- doned Williams' conduct, and no such condonation was proven. On June 8, 1976, Williams participated in a strike in violation of the no-strike clause in the agreement between Williams' collective-bargaining representa- tive and his employer. Williams was lawfully dis- charged for this activity. Respondent is the 13th em- ployer in the course of I year to refuse Williams employment upon learning that he had engaged in a wildcat strike. My colleagues see nothing unjust in this chain of refusals. In their view, employers now and in the future may eternally deny Williams em- ployment because he once participated in a strike in violation of a no-strike cause. This result is com- pelled, they say, because Williams' activity was un- protected, and thus employers' refusals to hire him do not interfere with the exercise of a protected right. This position contravenes the fundamental policies of the Act by allowing an employee to be forever barred from employment on the basis of' an act which, al- though normally protected by statute, was unprotect- ed in the instant case solely because of a no-strike clause. Indeed, my colleagues grant more to the single act of participation in a wildcat strike than the law grants to the past crimes of a convicted felon. 4 I can- not share their narrow and mechanical view of the Act. The right to strike has long been included among the rights guaranteed by Section 7 of the Act.' 5 This right is specifically acknowledged in Section 13 of the Act which states: " Thus, the Federal Rules of Evidence allow. for the purpose of impeach- ment, admission of evidence that the witness has been convicted of a crime only if the cnme is punishable by death or imprisonment in excess of I year or involves dishonesty or a false statement regardless of the punishment. See Federal Rules of Evidence 609(a). Further, such evidence is not normally admissible if a period of more than 10 years has elapsed since the date of conviction or the release of the witness from confinement imposed for the conviction whichever date is later. See Fed. R. Evid. Rule 609(b). "'See. for example, N.L.RB. v. Erie Resistor Corp.. et al., 373 U.S. 221 (1963). Nothing in this Act, except as specificall y pro- vided for herein, shall be construed so as either to interfere with or impede or diminish in any way the right to strike, or to affect limitations or qualifications on that right. Thus, in other circumstances the activity engaged in by Williams would clearly have been protected.16 Here, however, the union and Williams' former em- ployer entered into an agreement containing a no- strike clause which constituted a contractual waiver of the statutory right to strike. It is undisputed that this waiver took Williams' participation in the strike outside of the protection of the Act. Further, it is undisputed that the struck employer had the right to terminate and to refuse to rehire Williams for the rea- sons set forth below. The issue in dispute is whether a nonstruck employer. not a party to the contract con- taining the no-strike clause, may use the employees' violation of the clause as a lawful ground for refusing to hire the employee. I find that the Act prohibits a nonstruck employer from so doing. It is well settled that the statutory right to strike may be waived by contractual agreement.'7 However, it is equally well settled that such waivers are not be readily inferred and must be shown by "clear and unmistakable language."' 8 In applying these princi- ples the Board has repeatedly construed no-strike clauses very narrowly. In Keller-Crescent Cornmpan, a Division of Moler,19 the Board was presented with the issue of whether a sympathy strike was prohibited by the no-strike clause in the contract between the International Ty- pographical Union (ITU), and Keller-Cresent. While the contract contained a general no-strike clause, it also contained a provision in section 12 that no em- ployee covered by the contract would be required to cross a picket line established by any other subordi- nate union of ITU. The strike at issue in the case was in sympathy with a union which was not a subordi- nate of ITU. The Administrative Law Judge found that section 12 implied a waiver of the right to honor a picket line established by any union other than the ITU, and that the strike was, therefore, in violation of the contract. The Board rejected this analysis on the ground that section 12 contained no express waiver of the right to honor other unions' picket lines, and that if any inference were to be drawn from the section it " 5 Cf. Suburban Transit Corp, 218 NLRB 1228 (1975). m Mastro Plastics Corp, et al. and French-American Reeds Mfg. Co., Inc.] v. N. LR.B., 350 U.S. 270 (1956):; NL.R B. v. Rockasuy News Supply Com- pany, Inc., 345 U.S. 71 (1953). 18 Gary-Hobart Water Corporation. 210 NLRB 742 (1974), enfd. 511 F.2d 284 (71h Cir. 1975). Montana-Dakota Utilities Co., 189 NLRB 879. (1971) enforcement denied 455 F.2d 1088 (8th Cir 1972)., Kellogg Company. 189 NLRB 948 (11971), enfd. 457 F.2d 519 (6th Cir. 1972). '9217 NLRB 685 (1975). 1206 R-W SERVICE SYSTEM, INC. should be an intent to "memorialize in the contract the statutory right, not to limit it."20 Similarly, the Board has narrowed the application of no-strike contract provisions to only those disputes concerning subjects covered by the grievance-arbitra- tion procedure.2 In Garn-Hobart, supra, the Board found that a sympathy strike was not prohibited by the no-strike clause in the contract between Gary- Hobart and the union because the strike was for the purpose of providing mutual aid and protection to employees involved in a dispute which was not cov- ered by the Gary-Hobart contract. In so finding the Board referred to the following statement by the United States Supreme Court regarding the scope of an arbitration provision:22 No obligation to arbitrate a labor dispute arises solely by operation of law. The law com- pels a party to submit his grievance to arbitra- tion only if he has contracted to do so. Further, the Board and the Court have insisted upon a narrow construction of a no-strike provision where the strike in dispute was against the unfair la- bor practices of the employer. Thus, in Mastro Plas- tics, supra, the Court refused to find an unfair labor practice strike to be in violation of a contract provi- sion which stated: "The Union further agrees to re- frain from engaging in any strike or work stoppage during the term of this agreement."23 While the Court conceded that the clause, standing alone, could be read to include strikes of all kinds, the Court empha- sized that the clause must be viewed in the context of the full contract and the Act's policy of fostering the collective-bargaining process. The Court determined that, so viewed, the clause could not be interpreted to waive the right to strike against unlawful practices destructive of the collective-bargaining process. In so holding the Court stated: We believe that the contract, taken as a whole, deals solely with the economic relationship be- tween the employers and their employees.... Its strike and lockout clauses are natural adjuncts of an operating policy aimed at avoiding interrup- tions of production prompted by efforts to change existing economic relationships. [350 U.S. at 281-282]. As demonstrated by the foregoing, the Board and the Court's approach to no-strike clauses is the result of an accommodation of two major policies of the Id at 688. I1 Gary-Hobart Water Corporation, supra. Montana-Dakota Utilities Co. surpa; Kellogg Company, supra 22 Gateway Coal Co v. United Mineworkers ofAmerica, etr al., 410 U.S. 953. fn. 13 (1973). D Mastro Plastics Corp., supra, 350 U.S. at 281 Act. i.e., to guarantee the right of employees to take concerted action and to replace economic wartare with collective-bargaining. Indeed. tile ('Court has re- ferred to the no-strike clause itself as an accomoda- tion of these policies. It has stated that the union mayr "waive the right to strike during the time of the agree- ment as the quid pro quo for the employer's accept- ance of the grievance and arbitration procedure."2 4 Expressed another way, the ability to strike is consid- ered to be such a fundamental statutorily protected right that a party will not be found to have waived it without having extracted a comparable important waiver from the employer, e.g.. a waiver of the em- ployer's right to discharge an employee summaril' without cause. These principles apply with equal tforce to the in- stant case. Here Williams engaged in a strike which. standing alone, in unquestionably protected h the Act. His activity is not comparable to picket line io- lence. insubordination, or other types of conduct which never enjoy statutory protection. Rather. the original protection afforded Williams' activity was waived by his collective-bargaining representative as a quid pro quo for the employer's acceptance of the grievance-arbitration procedure.25 The activity lost the benefit of the Act's protection solely because of a contractual agreement between two parties. Accord- ingly. the waiver of the statutory right to strike is effective only between the parties ho struck the agreement containing the waiver. 2 6 An employer not a party to such agreement cannot claim the waiver as 24 LR.B. v. tagnavov C'ompan of Tennessee. 415 U.S 322 (I1974 21 Ironically. Williams might have fared better with mv colleagues i he had participated in a violent strike rather than a peaceful wildcat strike In A S. Abell Compan,y. supra. a Board panel of Chairman Fanning and Menm- hers Jenkins and Penello adopted without comment the Administratlie I.sa Judge's conclusion that respondent violated Sec. 8(a}(3) of the Act hb retuI- ing to hire members of a striking local union because unidentified meimber, of the local engaged in violence and property damage at another emplher', facility. The Administrative Law Judge found that respondent' desire to avoid possible misconduct at its facility was an insufficient ground lor the refusal to hire; instead, respondent had the burden of establishing a good- faith belief that the refused employees had participated in. authorized. or ratified the misconduct. See also The Newark Morning Ledger (' dha Newark Star Ledger. 232 NLRB 581 1977). Thus, my colleagues will not permit an employer to refuse to hire an employee on the ground ithat he participated in a strike marked hb violence against a different emploser. et they will permit an employer to refuse an employee because he participated in a peaceful strike which would hase been lawful but for a no-strike lause contained In a contract with a different employer. 26 In this regard the Board's decision n Bechtel Corporation, 171 Nl RB 1128 11968). is not controlling. despite the majority's assertin to the con- trary) There the Board found that the employer lawfulls refused to hire an employee because the employee had instigated a strike in iolation .. thie n.- strike clause in the agreement between the emploser and the union In con- trast to the instant case, the employer in Bechtel relied on the iolation ot its own no-strike clause rather than that of another employer as the ground lor its refusal to hire Thus, there is nothing in Bechtel to suggest that . ditterenll result should not be reached where the unprotected concerted a.llctil took place at another employer My colleagues on the majorits apparentlI are unable to comprehend the difference between contralctual henefits to th contracting parties thenmseles and the attempt hb a third parts t) LwsiLrp sut111 benefits for itself 1207 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR REL.ATIONS BOARD a lawful ground for refusing to hire an employee who participated in a strike. The stanger employer has given up nothing in exchange for the benefit of being free from strikes; it has made no bargain which justi- fies the waiver of a statutory right. Just as a no-strike clause may not be applied to disputes foreign to the economic relationship between the contracting par- ties, so such a clause may not be relied on by an employer foreign to the relationship from which the clause arose. Contrary to the majority's assertion, this conclu- sion does not rest on an assumption that there is a general right to strike which exists independently of the circumstances in which it is exercised. Rather, it rests on the particular circumstances of this case, i.e.., the presence of a contractual waiver of the statutory right to strike which is relied on by an employer not a party to the agreement containing the waiver. The majority simply fails altogether to address this point and instead falls back on broad statements regarding the general rights of employers. Further, my position in this case, far from being a "major departure from traditional labor law princi- ples" as the majority contends, is clearly supported by the policies embodied in the Act. As discussed above, the employees' right to engage in concerted activity is fundamental to the Act; any waiver of a right of such magnitude must be unmistakably expressed and nar- rowly construed. It is therefore unthinkable that the exercise of a fundamental statutory right in violation of a limited contractual waiver of the right may for- ever bar an employee from employment. Nor can such a bar from employment be justified as furthering the Act's policy of deterring economic warfare through collective bargaining. The stranger employer is always free to bargain for its own waiver of the right to strike and thereby gain the ability to lawfully discharge any employee who acts contrary to the waiver. Indeed, as the majority points out, Re- spondent has its own no-strike clause and could easily have discharged Williams if he had participated in a strike in violation of Respondent's clause. For these reasons I would find that the contractual waiver of the right to strike is operative only within the economic relationship which gave rise to the con- tract containing the waiver. Thus, only the contract- ing employer may view the employee's activity as un- protected. Noncontracting employers, not enjoying the benefits of a no-strike clause, must view the em- ployee's action merely as an exercise of the right to strike and may not use the unauthorized character of the strike as a ground for refusal to hire the employee. In addition, I am constrained to note that as a re- sult of the majority holding in this case employers will be free to interrogate applicants for employment about whether they ever participated in an unprotect- ed strike at any time in the past, and blacklisting of persons who ever did engage in such unprotected ac- tivity will be legalized. SUPPLEMENTAL DECISION Lowll GoaRI i(t. Administrative Law Judge: The within case was remanded to me by the National Labor Relations Board (238 NLRB 1016). In the remand it was related that I had not complied with either Section 102.45(a) of the Board's Rules and Regulations. Series 8. as amended, or Section 557(c) of the Administrative Proce- dure Act. As noted in my Decision, the General C('ounsel conceded that Anthony M. Williams' participation in a "wildcat" strike' against a former employer would have been a lawful excuse for Respondent's refusal to hire him and also a circumstance upon which Respondent could have legally relied as a basis for his discharge. While I do not necessarily agree with the General Counsel's concept of the law in this respect, since the General Counsel seemingly has established a list somewhat in the nature of a "black list," which can bar an employee from future employment firever with any employer who does not want to employ an employee who has engaged in a "wildcat" strike, neverthe- less, I considered myself bound by the General Counsel's concession and his interpretation of the scope of his com- plaint.2 Thus Respondent, having hired a person it could have legally refused to hire and having discharged a person it could have legally discharged for the reason assigned. the General Counsel sought to save the employee's job by claiming that the Employer had condoned the offense by hiring the person with knowledge of his "wildcat" unpro- tected activity. Hence, the issue is one principally of knowl- edge. On this issue the burden was with the General Coun- sel to prove a condonation by a preponderance of the evidence and a wrongful discharge by a preponderance of all the evidence. As the trier of fact. it devolved upon me to weigh the General Counsel's material evidence against the material evidence offered by Respondent. This I did, and I found that the General Counsel had not sustained the bur- den cast upon him, which meant, of course, that he had not proved knowledge. Because of such finding of fact I dis- missed the complaint, all of which seems to satisfy the stat- ute's directive: "If upon the preponderance of the testi- mony taken the Board shall not be of the opinion that the person named in the complaint has engaged in or is engag- ing in any such unfair labor practice, then the Board shall state its findings of fact and shall issue an order dismissing the said complaint" (Sec. 10(c) of the Act). The Board has ordered me to "prepare and serve on the parties a Supplemental Decision, setting forth the resolu- I On June 25. 1976, Williams' employment with Automobile Carriers. Inc.. was terminated because of his participation in an unauthorized work stop- page In all. 21 men were fired by three companies as a result of a strike against the union. Unfair labor practice charges filed were dismissed with the finding that the concerted activity was unauthorized and, thus, unprotected by the National Labor Relations Act. 2 In Pseeki ir,-rafi Corporation, 123 NLRB 348. 366 (1959). it was slated "It is the G(eneral Counsel who determines the scope of the complaint . . . 1208 R-W SERVICE SYSTEM. INC. tion of material credibility issues, and findings and conclu- sions with respect to the unfair labor practices alleged in the complaint." Resolution of Material Credibility Issues and Findings and Conclusions With Respect to Unfair Labor Practices Alleged in the Complaint On Anthony M. Williams' original application for em- ployment with Respondent. dated June 29, 1977. appear the words "Union Activity" followed by "OK R O D." The words "Union Activity" were in explanation as to whN Wil- liams had been discharged by a former employer. The ini- tials "R O D" again appeared under "reason for leaving" where Williams had recorded the name of Automobile Car- riers. Inc., on the application under the section captioned "Work Record."3 The initials "R O D" stand for and were placed on the application by Richard O. Davis, the Employer's terminal manager at Saginaw, Michigan. Davis, prior to the hiring of Williams. had been in search of truckdrivers to staff the Saginaw terminal. In this pursuit, he had given Donald Sears several applica- tions. Sears was I of the 21 strikers mentioned in the above footnote. At the time Sears was driving a truck for T. R. Moen, in which truck Davis had an interest. Sears had told Davis that he had been fired by Auto Carriers for strike activity. He said. "We was on strike against the union and not against the company but the only way we could make our presence known is to withhold our services from the company. I told him that we was contending that it was a protected activity, and the company and the union was con- tending that it was unprotected activity." Sears also men- tioned that the matter was pending before the Board and the courts.' Upon the suggestion of Davis. Sears gave the job applica- tions mentioned above to some of the 21 strikers whom Davis seemed anxious to solicit. Among those solicited by Sears was George Schweigert, whom Sears brought to Da- vis and introduced as one of the strikers. Schweigert told Davis that he was "discharged in a labor dispute," that the "strike was not against the employer but it was against the union." He asked Davis whether the discharge would "make any difference" and Davis answered "it wouldn't make any difference." Schweigert lodged an application with the information on it that he had been discharged in connection with union activity. Schweigert also informed Davis that the employees were "unhappy with the new con- tract and it had been voted down by the employees with a large percentage but higher officials in the union still put it into effect." Thereafter. Davis called Schweigert for em- ployment. However. Schweigert suggested that he send Wil- 3 Williams and 20 other employees had been discharged h their arious employers for engaging in a stnke which was aimed at dissatisfaction with the union but which was allegedl in violation of the contract. About 600 strikers were involved. The General Counsel concedes that Williams by striking against his employer. Automobile Carriers. Inc. engaged In unpro- tected action. 'Davis testified that Sears said that "'hey had been discharged for union activity and they had gotten the shaft from the union. Theo were er? very bitter toward the union." liams to him instead. Williams appeared for employment on June 29. 1977. Davis furnished him with an application for employment which he completed. While filling out the application. Williams related to Davis what his participa- tion was in the strike and the facts surrounding his dis- charge from Automobile Carriers. Inc., which information was substantially the saem as had been related hb Sears and Schweigert. Davis placed his initials on the application in the space provided for stating the reason for leas ing Auto- mobile Carriers. Inc.. explaining to Williams, "leave that portion blank because he fully understood what had tran- spired and there was no need for IWilliams] to put dis- charge there. He would take care of it." In addition. Davis entered on the application "OK R O D" after "union ac- tivit," 7 or 8 years ago R O D" after the reason br an arrest "carrying a firearm while intoxicated." and "[)river thinks both has been over 5 years. R O D" after certain entries under motor vehicle violations. Charles Thomas l.ampley. who owned the tractor to which Williams was later assigned, was present.' Both [.ample and Davis ap- peared anxious to process Williams' application. In any event, it was arranged for Williams and Lampley to appear the next morning at the Talor terminal with the applica- tion. On the morning of June 30. 1977. Williams went to Tay- lor and asked for Jose Richard Coppens. Respondent's per- sonnel manager. Williams was handed certain tests which he completed and returned to the "girl in the window." After attending an orientation meeting Williams was inter- viewed by Coppens. Coppens asked him why he had put union activity on his application. Williams explained what had occurred: that the strike was directed against the union, rather than the compan., and that the company looked upon him as a leader in the strike. Williams also explained his arrest for carry ing a weapon while intoxi- cated. which Coppens considered a satisfactory explana- tion. The next da! Williams was given a physical examina- tion and on Jul I was put to work b Coppens. In the meantime, according to Coppens, he carried Wil- liams' application together with eight others to Joseph Far- Lampleys, affida it reseals that he overheard Wiliams sa! "a group of them had gone out on strike against the Utnion and the ssouldn't be going back to work until thev went (to court to decide who was right and who v as wrong." The following appears in Williams' affidas it He asked me what had happened. wh I was discharged and I said that there was a demonstration against the tnion. that eversone particl- pated in it, and that out of all the employees they selected 21 to) dis- charge and I was one of them. I did not tell anyone at R-W that the strike at Auto Carriers was a violation of the contract because I didn't think it had been I did not tell anyone that it had been an unprotected strike or had found to be such and no one gave [me anal ndication that thes understood that that was the case. Coppens testified that he noted the words "t nlon acti' i in the applica- iion but avoided the subject. "He?. I don't want to) knots nothing a.i,ut it because it doesn't affect us" he allegedls said I[ \ iliams (oppen, was oI the opinion that an applicant's "union activitl" could n he considered n hiring Presliousl,. Respondent, Coppens in particular. hd been charged with refusing to hire an ind, idual because a,1 his prior union actit its The testimonles of hboth Williams and (Coppens seem, reasonable to me under the circumstances However. having weighed the matter caretlull I am unable to resolse ans difference, in tesllmlniles based upon demeanor 1209 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD hat, vice president and general manager, and mentioned the "union activity" and "intoxication with firearms." He re- ported to Farhat that he was "satisfied with the firearms bit," and that he had put Williams "on temporary basis." Farhat said that when he reviewed the application that he was concerned about Williams' carrying a firearm while in- toxicated and about his union activities, but he "chose at that time not to pursue anything until we further investi- gated." About 8 or 10 days after Williams' employment, Coppens received a reference check from Automobile Carriers, Inc., which noted that Williams had been "discharged for his] participation in a wildcat strike." Coppens carried the refer- ence check to Farhat observing that this was not "the type of individual we wanted within the company." Upon the advice of an attorney, Farhat wrote to Automobile Carri- ers, Inc., for additional information. The reply, dated July 16, 1977, indicated that Williams "was discharged for his participation in a Wildcat Strike at Automobile Carriers, Inc." On July 22, 1977, Farhat sent a memorandum to Cop- pens directing him to discharge Williams for "falsification of application" in that Williams had not revealed on the application that he was discharged for participating in a wildcat strike. Carrying firearms while intoxicated was re- considered "in a new light." Williams was discharged. My conclusion is that the General Counsel has not proved condonation by a preponderance of the evidence and has not proved Williams' discharge to have been un- lawful by a preponderance of all the evidence in that the General Counsel has not proved by preponderance of the evidence that, at the time of Williams' hiring, Respondent had knowledge of Williams' conceded unprotected "wild- cat" activities. 7 Accordingly, it is recommended that the Board issue the following: ORDERs It is hereby ordered that the complaint be, and it hereby is, dismissed in its entirety. I Had the General Counsel not made the concession above noted, I would have found for the General Counsel since it is my opinion that it is "discrimi- nation in regard to hire or tenure of employment" and inherently discour- ages and chills membership in a labor organization (see Sec. 8(aX3) of the Act) for a stranger employer to refuse to hire (blacklist) a wildcat striker who participated in a strike against the union rather than the employer. While "wildcatting" between an employer and his employees may partake of spe- cial significance since the Act seeks to "eliminate the causes of certain ob- structions to free flow of commerce," and preserve industrial peace, it is of less concern to a stranger employer. This "less concern" or "business justifi- cation" does not outweigh the right of employees to work free of the coercive effect on their participation in union activities by the refusal to hire or the discharge of a "wildcat" striker by a stranger employer. In fact, many em- ployers return their own wildcat strikers to employment. Indeed, this was done at Automobile Carriers, Inc., for only 21 out of around 600 strikers were dismissed. As to these 21, they well could have been the beneficiaries of the Board's decision in Precision Castings Company, Division of Aurora Cor- poration, a wholly owned subsidiary of Allied Products Corporation, 233 NLRB 183 (1977). s In the event no exceptions are filed as provided by Sec. 102.46 of the Rules and Regulations of the National Labor Relations Board, the findings, conclusions, and recommended Order herein shall, as provided in Sec. 102.48 of the Rules and Regulations, be adopted by the Board and become its findings, conclusions, and Order, and all objections thereto shall be deemed waived for all purposes. 1210 Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation