R. W. Little, Inc.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsJan 26, 1973201 N.L.R.B. 454 (N.L.R.B. 1973) Copy Citation 454 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD R. W. Little, Inc. and Donald R. Hightower and Robert J . Robinette . Cases 21-CA-10189 and 21-CA-10292 January 26, 1973 DECISION AND ORDER BY CHAIRMAN MILLER AND MEMBERS FANNING AND PENELLO On August 22, 1972, Administrative Law Judge* George Christensen issued the attached Decision in this proceeding. Thereafter, Respondent filed excep- tions and a supporting brief, and the General Counsel filed an answering brief. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Relations Board has delegated its authority in this proceeding to a three-member panel. The Board has considered the record and the attached Decision in light of the exceptions and briefs and has decided to affirm the rulings, findings,' and conclusions of the Administrative Law Judge and to adopt his recommended Order. ORDER Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Relations Board adopts as its Order the recommend- ed Order of the Administrative Law Judge and hereby orders that Respondent, R. W. Little, Inc., San Diego, California, its officers , agents, successors, and assigns , shall take the action set forth in the said recommended Order. * The title of "Trial Examiner" was changed to "Administrative Law Judge" effective August 19, 1972 i Respondent excepts to minor discrepancies between the Administrative Law Judge 's findings and the record which we find to be immaterial to our conclusions herein TRIAL EXAMINER'S DECISION STATEMENT OF THE CASE GEORGE CHRISTENSEN , Trial Examiner: On December 14, 15, 16, and 17, 1971,' and January 13, 1972, the Trial Examiner presided over a hearing at San Diego , California, to try issues raised by a consolidated complaint issued on October 15,2 alleging that R. W. Little, Inc.,3 violated Section 8(a)(3) and (1) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended (hereafter the Act), by discharging and subsequently failing or refusing to recall Robert J. Robinette because he made demands that the Company comply with the terms of a collective-bargaining agreement between the Company and Local 89, Laborers Internation- i Read 1971 after all subsequent date references omitting the year Y The charge in Case 21-CA-10189 was filed by Hightower on August 5 and duly served on the Company. The charge in Case 21-CA-10292 was filed by Robinette on September 16 and duly served on the Company. •4 Hereafter called the Company al Union of North America, AFL-CIO (hereafter Labor- ers), and by discharging and subsequently failing or refusing to recall Donald R. Hightower because of his conduct as a steward and grievant vis-a -vis enforcement of the Company-Laborers agreement . The complaint also alleged that the Company committed an independent violation of Section 8(axl) of the Act by its interrogation of Hightower concerning the identity of employees complaining of company violations of the Company- Laborers agreement and the substance of their grievances, and by directing Hightower to bring such grievances to the Company rather than to the Laborers. The Company denied the material allegations of the complaint and the commission of any unfair labor practices . The Company also denied that Robert L. Reynolds was a supervisor and agent at times material to the case .4 The issues joined by the parties and litigated at the hearing were : ( 1) whether Reynolds was a supervisor and agent of the Company acting on its behalf at times pertinent to this proceeding ; (2) the substance of the remarks made by Little in the course of his allegedly intimidating conversation with Hightower ; (3) whether the remarks made violated Section 8(a)(1) of the Act; (4) whether Robinette was discharged by the Company and never subsequently offered reemployment and, if so, whether a reason therefor was his demands that the Company comply with the Company-Laborers agreement or for cause ; (5) whether Hightower was discharged by the Company and never subsequently offered reemployment and, if so, whether a reason therefor was his activities as the Laborers job steward and his grievance activity or for cause ; and (6), if (4) and (5) are answered affirmatively, whether by such conduct the Company violated Section 8(a)(3) and (1) of the Act. The parties appeared by counsel at the hearing and were afforded full opportunity to adduce evidence , examine and cross-examine witnesses, argue , and file briefs . Briefs had been received from the General Counsel and the Compa- ny. Based on his review of the entire record ,5 observation of the witnesses , perusal of the briefs and research , the Trial Examiner enters the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. JURISDICTION AND LABOR ORGANIZATION The complaint alleges , the answer admits, and I find that the Company at all times material was an employer engaged in commerce in a business affecting commerce and the Laborers was a labor organization as those terms are defined in Section 2(2), (5), (6), and (7) of the Act. a The Company conceded that R W . Little was the Company's president and its supervisor and agent acting on its behalf at all times pertinent 5 The record is corrected as follows : p 65. 1 4-change "seven" to "eight", p 124. 1 4-change "sandblasters" to "laborers " 201 NLRB No. 71 R. W. LITTLE, INC. 455 II. THE ALLEGED UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES A. Background The Company is a contractor engaged in sandblasting and painting operations , primarily in the San Diego area, where it maintains its headquarters and shop facilities. In times previous most of its work was limited to sandblasting and was performed on highways, overpasses, bridges, commercial buildings, private homes, and for small items at its shop, with a small fraction performed in shipyards. As time has gone on, it has steadily increased its shipyard work to the point where such work now constitutes a major portion of its business . It has also increased the amount of painting it does. During the calendar years 1970-71, the Company had collective-bargaining agreements with the Laborers, Painters, Carpenters, Machinists, and Operating Engineers.6 The Company's contracts with three of the organiza- tions-the Laborers, Painters, and Carpenters-cover sandblasting work. In the early years of its operations, when the Company primarily was engaged in sandblasting "uptown ," it had contractual relations solely with the Laborers. As time went on and the Company expanded both its sandblasting and its painting operations "uptown," it signed a contract with the Painters . Since both the Painters and Laborers contracts covered sandblasting work, a jurisdictional dispute arose. This was resolved by an agreement to a composite crew, with the Company attempting to observe a ratio of approximately one laborer to three painters. As it expanded into shipyard work, the Company encountered jurisdictional difficulties with the Carpenters. The Carpenters asserted jurisdiction over all sandblasting work in the shipyards as well as certain painting work (hulls, below the water line). Insofar as sandblasting in the shipyards was concerned, the Company resolved the dispute by securing agreement by the Painters and Carpenters that all sandblasting involving the use of fixed equipment would be performed by company employees covered by the Carpenters contract (hereafter called waysmen), and all sandblasting involving the use of portable equipment would be performed by company employees covered by the Painters contract (hereafter called the painters). As a practical matter this meant the cession of practically all sandblasting work in the shipyard to the painters, inasmuch as practically all the sandblasting work performed by the Company within the shipyards involves the use of portable equipment. The painting dispute was resolved along the lines of the Carpenters claim. 6 The Company was signatory to both "shipyard" and "uptown" (non- shipyard) agreements with the Painters ; a "shipyard" agreement only with the Carpenters and Machinists; and an "uptown" agreement only with the Laborers. The Laborers traditionally did not have work jurisdiction in the shipyards and did not contest their exclusion therefrom . Little testified that John Felix, the Laborers business manager , acknowledged the lack of any Laborers work jurisdiction within the shipyards. 8 Hightower , Robinette , other employees, the Company's shipyard foreman (Richard Allds), Little, Reynolds, and Painters Business Repre- sentative Palm all confirmed that laborers , painters, and waysmen all work Despite the claims of the Painters and Carpenters (and Laborers acquiescence thereto),7 to exclusive jurisdiction over sandblasting work in the shipyards and agreement between those two unions and the Company to the division thereof, throughout the period the Company has conduct- ed shipyard operations the Carpenters and Painters have tolerated the performance at the shipyards of sandblasting work by laborers employed by the Company and covered by the Laborers contract.8 Thus by mid-1970 the Company was conducting sand- blasting operations at the shipyards, "uptown," and at its shop utilizing laborers , waysmen , and painters in all three areas for its performance with pay therefor determined by the respective contracts .9 B. The Supervisor-Agent Issue Little testified that at times pertinent to this proceeding Reynolds was the Company's plant superintendent, had authority to purchase supplies, bid on prospective jobs, hire and fire employees, and assign them to jobs. Reynolds corroborated Little's testimony and described specific instances in which he hired employees, laid off employees, recalled employees, decided employee work schedules, assigned employees to jobs, bid on jobs, and processed employee grievances. On the basis of that testimony, the Trial Examiner finds and concludes that Reynolds at all times pertinent was a supervisor and agent of the Company acting upon its behalf, as those terms are defined in the Act. C. The Alleged 8(a)(1) and 8(a)(3) Violations 1. Hightower & Robinette's work history Robinette was hired by the Company in May 1969 as a laborer-sandblaster and became a member of the Laborers in July 1969. His employment terminated on March 29. Hightower was hired by the Company in October 1968 as a laborer-sandblaster and became a member of the Laborers in December 1968. Hightower was appointed by the Laborers as its shop steward at the Company in August 1970 and remained in that capacity until his employment terminated on April 19. During the last 6 months of his employment, Robinette spent 75 to 80 percent of his time sandblasting, 5 percent of his time pot-tending,10 and 12 percent in general labor. During the last 6 months of Hightower's employment, he spent 75 percent of his time sandblasting, 15 percent pot- tending and 10 percent at general labor. Both Robinette and Hightower worked within the shipyards, "uptown" and in the shop. Robinette spent most side by side performing all aspects of sandblasting work at the shipyards. Allds testified he tried to observe reasonable ratios between the painters, waysmen , and laborers doing sandblasting and painting at the shipyards, i.e . three painters, two waysmen , one laborer 9 Little testified without contradiction that painters were paid $8 03, laborers, $5 63 and waysmen, $4 52 per hour (including certain fringes) for sandblasting work at times pertinent to this proceeding. 10 Pot-tending consists of filling up the pots with sand , dragging lines behind the nozzleman. and generally assisting the nozzleman in the performance of the sandblasting, or filling the painter 's pots with paint and assisting them with lines. etc 456 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD of his time with the Company working in the shop sandblasting small items . ii Hightower spent most of his 3 years with the Company working as a nozzleman or pot- tender at the shipyards, particularly in the latter part of his employment. 2. The first Hightower complaint While the number of painters and waysmen employed by the Company steadily expanded with the increase in the Company's shipyard work, the number of laborers em- ployed by the Company remained relatively constant. At first , the Company only employed waysmen in the shipyards 12 but as time went on it increased its use of waysmen both at the shop and in "uptown" work.13 The increasing use of waysmen for sandblasting and corresponding decrease in laborers' assignment thereto did not escape the notice of the laborers' steward , Hightower. In approximately October 1970, Hightower complained to John Felix, business manager of the Laborers, that the Company was hiring "nonunion" 14 employees for sand- blasting while laborers were short on workweeks . Hightow- er identified the "nonunion" employees as those perform- ing sandblasting of a ship at the 32nd Street Naval Station in San Diego. Felix called Little for an explanation. Little replied that he was not using nonunion men, he was using waysmen supplied by the Carpenters. Little stated that the job was a National Steel Co. job which National Steel could not perform because it was on strike , and that he had received permission from Business Representative Parker of the Carpenters to do the job provided the Carpenters waysmen inactivated by the strike (other crafts were striking) were assigned to perform it. Felix stated he understood the situation and the Laborers couldn't do anything in any event, since the Laborers did not have work jurisdiction within shipyards. Shortly after the Little-Felix conversation, Reynolds asked Hightower at the jobsite if he had filed a grievance. Hightower replied that he had. Reynolds then stated that he knew that Hightower had filed a grievance because he had just received a call from Little advising him. Reynolds closed the conversation with the remark that "if you don't like what is going on, you can quit." 3. The second Hightower and the first Robinette complaint In that same month , Hightower asked Reynolds if the laborers were supposed to be paid double time for Sunday work.15 Reynolds replied that he would look it up. 11 Robinette spent his first year in the shop and was taught to sandblast by the Company He also spent the last 3 or 4 months prior to his termination working at the shop The interim period, approximately 3 months, he worked both at the shipyards and "uptown." 12 The Company was not signatory to the Carpenters "uptown" agreement 13 A ready explanation appears when one notes the waysmen are paid substantially less than painters or laborers for sandblasting work. 14 Waysmen IS Hightower testified the laborers had been grumbling over receiving only 1-1 /2 time for Sunday work. 16 The Company-Laborers contract calls for the payment of double time for Sunday work , pay at the rate of the highest classification worked for each workday (Nozzlemen scale is $5.28 , pot-tender $5.02 , and general On approximately November 2, 1970, Robinette ap- proached Little in Reynolds' office. Robinette asked Little why the laborers were not receiving double time for Sunday work . He also asked why they were not receiving the rate of the highest classification in which they worked each workday , and minimum call-in pay.16 Robinette also asked whether he might have a week off. Little granted Robinette 's request for a week off, said he didn 't know the answer to the various questions raised by Robinette, but stated that he would have answers upon Robinette's return from his vacation . Little at no time subsequent provided Robinette with an answer to his questions. Later in November 1970, Hightower and Robinette were called by Reynolds into his office. Reynolds stated that in the future the Company intended to go by the book and it would not be necessary for Robinette and Hightower to take anything to the Union . Hightower asked if this meant the laborers would receive double time for Sunday work and pay for a full day at the rate of the highest classification in which worked on any workday. Reynolds replied in the affirmative. Commencing November 22, 1970, the laborers were paid double time for Sunday work. No retroactive payments were made.17 4. The Robinette layoff On March 29, the Company laid off three laborers-Bac- quial , Ortiz, and Robinette .i$ At that time the Company employed nine laborers . The nine laborers were Bacquial, Belt, Bendixen , Hightower, Ludwig, Nelson , Ortiz, Robi- nette , and Vandenberg. Vandenberg was the most senior laborer with a hiring date of July 1965. Ludwig and Nelson were next each with hiring dates of February 1966. Bendixen followed with a hiring date of September 1966. Then came Belt with a hiring date of December 1967, Ortiz with a hiring date of July 1968, Hightower with a hiring date of October 1968, Robinette with a hiring date of May 1969, and finally Bacquial with a hiring date of January 1970. Hightower was passed over for layoff at the time Bacquial , Ortiz, and Robinette were laid off, even though he was the third junior laborer, because the laborers' contract required that the laborers be notified in advance in writing before a steward was subject to layoff as a junior employee and the Company failed to comply with this notice condition until April 2. 5. The second Robinette complaint On March 29, immediately after receiving word of his laborer $4.83), 4 hours minimum pay if report for work and work less than 4 hours, 8 hours minimum pay if work more than 4 but less than 8 hours and 2 hours pay if an employee shows up at the starting time set by the Company and no work is provided (See art. IV. D; art XI I , H,3 and 7. art. XIII, A,2, art . XVI, C, and E .3; and G .C. Exh 2-A.) 17 Reynolds testified without contradiction that subsequently the Company reached an agreement with the Laborers wherein the Laborers waived payment of double time for Sunday work and agreed to the payment of time and a half for Sunday work. 19 Reynolds and Little planned to lay off Hightower at the same time but were precluded from doing so by the necessity to give prior written notice to the Laborers because of Hightower's status as a steward , which they had neglected to furnish. R. W. LITTLE, INC. layoff by telephone from Reynolds, Robinette telephoned Hightower . He asked Hightower to file a grievance on his behalf, alleging that the Company was retaining a nonunion laborer (Vandenberg) 19 and junior waysmen to do laborer work at the time of his layoff. Hightower agreed to see what he could do. On March 31, Hightower talked to Reynolds regarding Robinette's grievance. Reynolds denied that Vandenberg was nonunion and that employees with more recent hiring dates than Robinette's were doing laborers' work. 6. The third Robinette and third Hightower complaint On April 1, Hightower and Robinette visited the Laborer office. Hightower asked Business Representative Bill Uslano to check Vandenberg 's union status and informed Uslano of Robinette's complaint. He also spoke of filing a grievance on Robinette's behalf and his own for pay prior to November 22, 1970, for work performed on Sundays, for work performed which was paid at lower rates even though sometimes during the workdays they worked at higher rated classifications, for showup pay and for not working the steward in the manner specified by the contract.20 Uslano stated that he could and would investigate the allegation that Vandenberg was performing laborers' work without holding a membership card but stated that the other questions raised by the two would have to be discussed with John Felix, the Laborers business manager. Hightower and Robinette waited for a period but were unable to make contact with Felix. 7. The alleged intimidating interrogation of Hightower The next day, April 2, Little called Hightower into his office. No one else was present. Little asked Hightower why he was running to the Union. Hightower stated that he had gone there to file a grievance. Little said he could not believe any of the laborers were unhappy. Hightower stated that Little would be surprised. Little asked who the grievants were. Hightower responded that it would not do Little much good to know. Little then stated that the Laborers were tired of Hightower coming in with griev- ances, to which Hightower responded that he would continue to take grievances as long as he had any to take. Little closed the conversation with the comment that Hightower could come to him with grievances anytime instead of running to the Union.21 19 Vandenberg had dropped his laborers membership and held off reinstatement in expectation of membership in and coverage by the Painters. 20 Art . 1, sec. B , subset . 6, provides that the steward shall remain on the job so long as there is work in a classification which he performs capably. From time to time Hightower had had short layoffs (a day or two) while other laborers were retained to perform work he could have handled 21 Little denied any conversation with Hightower on April 2 . He stated the last conversation he held with Hightower occurred in mid -March; that he called Hightower to his office (with no one else present) told Hightower that he had heard some of the laborers were unhappy about the shipyard work , that he didn 't know what the problem was, and would like to get to 457 8. The Hightower layoff Hightower worked in the shop on both April 1 and 2. He left early on April 2 pleading illness . Despite the fact he sent a letter to the Laborers on April 2 advising the Laborers of his intent to lay off Hightower , on April 4, 5, 6, and 7 Reynolds telephoned Hightower to dispatch him to job assignments . On each of those dates , Hightower informed Reynolds he was still ill and unable to work. On the latter date, Reynolds instructed Hightower to tele- phone him when he was recovered and ready to return to work. On April 19, Hightower called Reynolds and informed Reynolds he was recovered and ready to work. Reynolds replied that he could not use Hightower any longer. Hightower asked him why and was informed that work was slack, Reynolds did not have any work for Hightower but he would call him if business picked up and work became available. 9. The processing of the third Robinette- Hightower grievances In the interim, between April 2 and 19, Robinette and Hightower spoke to the Laborers president, Solomon Johnson, at the Laborers office, and provided him with check stubs and work summaries and a claim for wages allegedly due under the contract. Both Little and Reynolds were made aware of the pending grievances of Hightower and Robinette by Jerry Nierengarten , a Laborers business representative. In approximately mid-April, Nierengarten furnished Reynolds and Little with the papers setting out Hightower's and Robinette 's claims . Reynolds in turn gave these papers to the Company's secretary-bookkeeper, Sharon Pence , for comparison and validation with compa- ny records. 10. The April 27 Reynolds-Hightower conversation On April 27, Reynolds telephoned Hightower and asked him what he was doing. Hightower stated he was going to the hospital, his daughter had been operated on. Reynolds said he was sorry to hear it, that he had a claim for disability involving Hightower and wanted to know what it was about. Hightower replied that he had been off 2 weeks sick and had applied for disability pay from the State. (Hightower received disability pay from the State of California for the period April 4-18). Reynolds then stated to Hightower as follows: You know, you and Robinette would still be working down here if you had not filed these grievances against the bottom of it. Little stated that Hightower replied the laborers felt they were not getting a fair share of shipyard work , that he responded with the comment that the laborers were luck) to be in the shipyard at all, since the Laborers did not have any jurisdiction in shipyards . Little stated he also asked Hightower whether there was anything else, to which Hightower responded that he had other things he would like to discuss, but only in private. to which Little rejoined he was available to meet with Hightower anytime to go over any problems . Both the testimony of Little and the testimony of Hightower is credited; the Trial Examiner finds that two conversations took place-one in mid -March and another on April 2, during which the foregoing statements were made (Hightower was sure of the April 2 date because that was his last day of employment.) 458 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD us. I don't understand you guys. Of the amount of money you filed for, you'll be lucky to get $500. They would like to kill you. I would still like to be your friend. Hightower replied fine, no hard feelings.22 11. The recalls and new hires after the layoff Both Bacquial, the junior laborer, and Ortiz, the third most junior laborer, were recalled by the Company on April 5. A new laborer, Cabazuela, was hired by the Company in May. On June 21, the Company hired Beckett ; on July 14 it hired Frank; and on October 6 it hired Mamede; all three were classified as waysmen. On October 28, the Company hired Gallas; on November 1 I it hired Dibella; these two were classified as laborers. All eight men just named worked continuously for the Company from the date of their recall or hire through the balance of the year, performing work of the types regularly performed by Hightower and Robinette prior to their layoff. In addition, a number of nonunion employees were hired for short periods of time between April 19 and December 31 to perform work Hightower and Robinette had performed prior to their layoff. A number of employees hired subsequent to the original hiring dates of Hightower and Robinette and classified as waysmen or painters but assigned primarily to sandblasting, pot-tend- idg, and general labor duties worked continuously for the Company over this same time period. Neither Robinette nor Hightower was recalled by the Company at any time subsequent to their layoff. It is clear that following Robinette and Hightower's layoff the Company expanded its work force, including an expansion of its laborer work force from 9 to 10 (with the recall or hire of 5 laborers junior to Hightower and 4 laborers junior to Robinette), without at any time carrying out Reynolds' April 19 promise of recall to Hightower or the promise expressed in his April 2 letter to the Laborers that the laidoff laborers would be recalled when work expanded. 12. The Company's justifications The Company attempted tojustify its layoff of Robinette and Hightower and failure at any time subsequent to offer them recall with testimony that Hightower was a "fair" sandblaster who had ruined several pieces of work immediately prior to his last day at work at the shop and testimony that Robinette also was only a "fair" sandblaster who gave minimum performance. Shop Foreman Maggert testified that on April 1 and 2 Hightower worked in the shop; that the Company had to reduce the labor charge on a boat because the time spent blasting by Hightower exceeded the time it should have taken (the customer was charged for 45 minutes work but the actual time Hightower spent on the job was 5 hours); Maggert also testified that dunng the April 1-2 time period, Hightower did a poor job on blasting a wooden sign , some rattan furniture and broke a pane of glass, all of which required restitution to customers . Maggert further testified that he asked Reynolds to assign Hightower to outside sandblasting rather than at the shop. Hightower testified he was never reprimanded or criticized about that work or any preceding work; that he had worked mostly outside the shop and done little shopwork . Robert Brennan , a painter-sandblaster , testified that he at one time blasted the wrong house, but received no reprimand; that he had done the same thing with the wrong boat and had received no reprimand. Donald Bendixen , a laborer-sandblaster, testified that he and Vandenberg, another laborer-sandblaster, caused several thousands of dollars in damages when they broke a substantial number of windows while blasting a building. He stated neither was reprimanded . Bendixen also testified that he damaged a radiator while blasting in the shop, but was not reprimanded. Maggert was unable to testify concerning Robinette's shop work (where Robinette worked most of his time in the Company's employ) because he never supervised Robi- nette's work (he became shop supervisor about the time Robinette was laid off). No other witnesses were produced to state there was any defect in Robinette's work performance other than general and nonspecific statements by Little and Reynolds that Robinette did not strain himself working. The testimony of Maggert, Reynolds, and Little concern- ing the work shortcomings of Hightower and Robinette is not only self-serving, it cannot be reconciled with Rey- nolds' efforts to dispatch Hightower to company jobs outside the shop subsequent to his April 1 and 2 shopwork, the failure of Maggert, Reynolds, or Little to criticize Hightower for his April 1 and 2 work performance. Reynolds' advice to Hightower that he was laid off for lack of work, and the Company's acceptance of more serious work deficiencies by other employees. The record is completely devoid of any evidence that any company official ever criticized Robinette's work and he was also told that his layoff was for lack of work (and to file for unemployment compensation). With respect to a second company contention, that the change in the proportions of its work from a preponder- ance of "uptown" work to a preponderance of shipyard work necessitated a reduction in the size of its laborer workforce, this is refuted by the Company's expansion of that work force following the March 29-April 19 layoff, it does not explain why five laborers junior to Hightower and four laborers junior to Robinette were retained or hired,23 22 Reynolds stated that he telephoned Hightower on April 27, but that he only told Hightower his check for his wage claim grievance was ready, and denied that he made the quoted statement Reynolds denial is discredited While checks are dated April 27, the receipts Hightower and Robinette signed for them when they were turned over to them at the Laborers office are dated April 29, and Johnson testified the latter date is the date the checks were given to them, which supports a finding that it was on April 29, in another telephone conversation with Hightower , Reynolds informed Hightower that his and Robinette 's checks were ready ( Robinette testified Hightower telephoned him on April 29 to inform him Reynolds had advised him their checks were ready , that the two first went to the Company's office, where Hightower endorsed a check made out to him over to Little to satisfy his indebtedness to Little, after which he and Hightower went to the Laborers office and received one check each , after signing a receipt for same) 23 In the Company's April 2 letter to the Laborers it indicated R. W. LITTLE, INC. 459 and is negated by unrefuted evidence that laborers were continuously employed at the shipyards and uptown on the Company's work in an agreed ratio (as well as at the shop), and evidence that on past occasions several of its laborers transferred with apparent ease to Painters membership and contract coverage24 and the Company 's ability to place its new hires under whatever contract it desired.25 D. Analysis and Conclusions 1. The alleged independent 8(a)(1) violation The Trial Examiner therefore finds and concludes that while Little did seek to ascertain the identity of the grievants, the substance of their grievances and did suggest that Hightower bring such grievances to him, Little was doing no more than the contract permitted and sound labor relations encourages; i.e., expeditious processing and settlement of grievance disputes. The Trial Examiner therefore shall recommend that those allegations of the complaint setting forth an alleged independent violation of Section 8(a)(1) of the Act be dismissed. The Trial Examiner has entered findings that in mid- March Little and Hightower had a conversation wherein they discussed the fact that some of the laborers were, unhappy over the Company's assignment of what High- tower felt to be a disproportionate share of sandblasting, pot-tending, and general labor work in the shipyards to nonlaborers and Little indicated the laborers should be grateful to get any work at all in the shipyards, Little ending the conversation with an invitation to meet with him anytime to go over any problems. The Trial Examiner has also entered findings that on April 2 another conversation occurred between Hightower and Little, wherein Little questioned Hightower over his reasons for going to the Laborers, sought to ascertain which of the laborers were aggrieved, advised Hightower that the Laborers were not happy with his grievances, and concluded with the suggestion that Hightower come to him and seek to adjust grievances before going to the Laborers with them. While article 1, section B, subsection 6, subsubsection B of the Laborers contract directs the steward to notify a union representative of a grievance and provides the latter will take it up with the employer, article 5, section A, subsection 1 of the same contract provides that either the craft steward or the union representative on receiving grievances may take up a grievance with the employer. Little's remarks appear no more than friendly advice that Hightower might accomplish more by bringing grievances to Little before going to the Laborers. It is normal for an employer to be interested in what his employees are aggrieved about and to suggest that their grievances might be more expeditiously resolved by the steward bringing them to him for attempted resolution. Nothing in Little's remarks carry the implication that Hightower had better bring grievances to Little instead of to the Laborers; rather, the message conveyed was that such grievances might be satisfactorily resolved by a Hightower-Little discussion of them; such a suggestion clearly would not preclude Hightower from carrying a grievance to the Laborers if he was not satisfied by Little's response thereto. Hightower's layoff was necessitated by its application of the principle of layoffs based on inverse seniority status and assured the Union it would recall all laid-off laborers when work increased 24 Reynolds testified to his transfer from laborer to painter membership and Painter contract coverage prior to becoming a supervisor with no change in his work performance (primarily sandblasting). 25 Little testified to his placement of employees hired for sandblasting. pot-tending, and general labor as waysmen under the Carpenters contract 26 An obligation which the Company relieved itself of by securing a waiver from the Laborers following the termination of Robinette and Hightower 2. The alleged discriminatory discharges The Trial Examiner finds and concludes that both the layoff of Robinette and Hightower and the Company's subsequent failure to recall them were motivated in major part by Robinette's pressing for company adherence to various provisions of the Company-Laborers' contract and by Hightower's grievance activity both as a grievant and a steward. While the laborers grumbled over the Company's failure to comply with several of the pay provisions of the contract, only Hightower and Robinette carved those complaints to responsible company officials-Reynolds and Little. In October 1970 Hightower questioned Reynolds about the Company's failure to pay the laborers double time for Sunday work, as provided in the contract. On November 2, 1970, Robinette questioned Little on the same subject, as well as the Company's failure to pay the rate of the highest classification in which the laborers worked for each full workday and its failure to pay minimum call-in pay. It was after these conversations (on November 22, 1970) that the Company commenced to pay the laborers double time for Sunday work 26 The Company made no effort to resolve the balance of Robinette's complaints, however.27 Aware of the laborers continued dissatisfaction28 and recognizing Robinette and Hightower as their most militant spokes- men, the Company attempted to put the matter off by laying off the two militants,29 thereby removing Hightower as a steward (no steward was named in his stead), giving the balance of the laborers a view of what happens to militants, and sure of no objection from the Laborers 30 Even the remote possibility Robinette and Hightower might have been recalled when the Company figured their ardor was dampened and Hightower 's status as a steward destroyed disappeared when the Company learned the two had the temerity to force their reluctant Union (see fn. 30) to process a costly grievance against the Company. Their temerity closed all company doors to them-as 27 Little neither answered Robinette's November 1970 questions con- cerning daily pay at the rate of the highest classification worked and call-in pay nor made any adjustments thereof 28 Witness Little 's questioning of Hightower both in mid-March and April 2. 29 This purpose is demonstrated by the quick recall of the other two laid- off laborers out of seniority order and the hire of subsequent replacements for both Hightower and Robinette, without offering them recall. 30 Felix told Hightower and Robinette their grievance activity was a bad thing since it might cost the Laborers their representative status among the Company's employees 460 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Reynolds stated on April 27, had they not filed their grievance, they might still be working for the Company. The lesson was not lost on the remaining laborers-no other laborer sought to collect the contract benefits Hightower and Robinette received as the result of their grievances, at the cost of their jobs and creation of union hostility. Based on the foregoing , the Trial Examiner finds and concludes that Robinette and Hightower were laid off and never subsequently recalled because of their grievance activity and that, by such layoff and failure to recall, the Company violated Section 8(a)(3) and (1) of the Act. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1. The Company at all pertinent times was an employer engaged in commerce in a business affecting commerce and the Laborers is a labor organization as those terms are defined in Section 2(2), (5), (6), and (7) of the Act. 2. Little and Reynolds at all pertinent times were supervisors and agents of the Company acting on its behalf as those terms are defined in the Act. 3. The Company laid off Robinette on March 29, 1971, laid off Hightower on April 19, 1971, and failed or refused to recall them subsequently because of their grievance activity and thereby violated Section 8(aX3) and (1) of the Act. 4. The Company did not otherwise violate the Act. 5. The unfair labor practices herein specified affect commerce as defined in the Act. THE REMEDY In order to effectuate the policies of the Act, the Company shall be ordered to cease and desist from the unfair labor practices found and from commission of like or related invasions of its employees ' Section 7 rights, and to take certain affirmative action. The Company having discriminatorily discharged High- tower and Robinette, the Company shall be ordered to offer them full reinstatement and restoration of all rights, with backpay computed on a quarterly basis, plus interest at 6 percent per annum, as prescribed in F. W. Woolworth Company, 90 NLRB 289, and Isis Plumbing & Heating Co., 138 NLRB 716, from the date of their layoff to the date reinstatement is offered to them. Upon the foregoing findings of fact, conclusions of law, and the entire record , and pursuant to Section 10(c) of the Act, the Trial Examiner issues the following recommend- ed:3i ORDER R. W. Little , Inc., its officers , agents , successors, and assigns , shall: 1. Cease and desist from discharging or otherwise discriminating against any employee for filing complaints with Local 89, Laborers International Union of North America, AFL-CIO, or any other labor organization over violations of the contract between the Company and Laborers Local 89 or any other labor organization, or in any other like or related manner interfering with, restrain- ing, or coercing employees in the exercise of their rights under Section 7 of the Act. 2. Take the following affirmative action designed to effectuate the policies of the Act: (a) Offer Donald R. Hightower and Robert J. Robinette immediate and full reinstatement to their former jobs or, if those jobs no longer exist , to substantially equivalent positions , without prejudice to their seniority or other rights and privileges , and make them whole for their lost earnings in the manner set forth in this Decision in the section entitled "Remedy." (b) Notify immediately the above-named individuals, if presently serving in the Armed Forces of the United States, of their right to full reinstatement , upon application, after discharge from the Armed Forces , in accordance with the Selective Service Act and the Universal Military Training and Service Act. (c) Preserve and, upon request , make available to the Board or its agents , for examination and copying, all payroll records, social security payment records, timecards, personnel records and reports, and all records necessary to analyze the amount of backpay due under the terms of this recommended Order. (d) Post at its shop in San Diego, California, copies of the attached notice marked "Appendix."32 Copies of the notice, on forms provided by the Regional Director for Region 21, shall be signed by an authorized representative of the Company and posted immediately upon receipt thereof and maintained for 60 consecutive days thereafter, in conspicuous places , including all places at all locations where notices to employees are customarily posted. Reasonable steps shall be taken by the company to insure that the notices are not altered, defaced, or covered by any other material. (e) Notify the Regional Director for Region 21, in writing, within 20 days from the date of receipt of this Order, what steps the Company has taken to comply herewith 33 3' In the event no exceptions are filed as provided by Sec. 102.46 of the Rules and Regulations of the National Labor Relations Board, the findings, conclusions , and recommended Order herein shall, as provided in Sec. 102 48 of the Rules and Regulations, be adopted by the Board and become its findings , conclusions , and Order, and all objections thereto shall be deemed waived for all purposes 32 In the event that the Board's Order is enforced by a Judgment of the United States Court of Appeals, the words in the notice reading "Posted by Order of the National Labor Relations Board " shall read "Posted Pursuant to a Judgment of the United States Court of Appeals Enforcing an Order of the National Labor Relations Board " 33 In the event that this recommended Order is adopted by the Board after exceptions have been filed , this provision shall be modified to read: "Notify the Regional Director for Region 21. in writing , within 20 days from the date of this Order, what steps Respondent has taken to comply herewith " APPENDIX NOTICE TO EMPLOYEES POSTED BY ORDER OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD An Agency of the United States Government The National Labor Relations Board having found, after a trial, that we violated Federal Law by laying off and failing R. W. LITTLE, INC. or refusing to recall Donald R. Hightower and Robert J. Robinette because they engaged in grievance activity in order to make us pay double time for Sunday work, daily pay at the rate of the highest classification worked, showup time and minimum pay, all as set out in our contract with Local 89, Laborers International Union of North America, AFL-CIO: WE WILL offer full reinstatement to Donald R. Hightower and Robert J. Robinette, with backpay, plus 6-percent interest. WE WILL NOT layoff, discharge, or otherwise discrim- inate against Donald R. Hightower and Robert J. Robinette, or any other employee, for engaging in grievance activity for the purpose of securing rights, privileges, or benefits to which they are entitled under a contract or contracts between their collective-bargain- ing representative and us, or otherwise discriminate against our employees for engaging in union or concerted activities protected by Section 7 of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended. R. W. LITTLE, INC. (Employer) Dated By 461 (Representative) (Title) We will notify immediately the above-named individuals, if presently serving in the Armed Forces of the United States, of the right to full reinstatement , upon application after discharge from the Armed Forces, in accordance with the Selective Service Act and the Universal Military Training and Service Act. This is an official notice and must not be defaced by anyone. This notice must remain posted for 60 consecutive days from the date of posting and must not be altered , defaced, or covered by any other material. Any questions concern- ing this notice or compliance with its provisions may be directed to the Board's Office, Eastern Columbia Building, 849 South Broadway, Los Angeles, California, 90014, Telephone 303-837-3551. Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation