R. D. Cortina Co., Inc.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsApr 11, 1968170 N.L.R.B. 1285 (N.L.R.B. 1968) Copy Citation R. D. CORTINA CO., INC. 1285 R. D. Cortina Co., Inc. and District 65 , Retail , TRIAL EXAMINER'S DECISION Wholesale and Department Store Union, AFL-CIO. Case 2-CA-11167 April 11, 1968 DECISION AND ORDER BY MEMBERS FANNING, JENKINS, AND ZAGORIA On October 27, 1967, Trial Examiner Gordon J. Myatt issued his Decision in the above-entitled proceeding, finding that the Respondent had en- gaged in and was engaging in certain unfair labor practices and recommending that it cease and de- sist therefrom and take certain affirmative action, as set forth in the attached Trial Examiner's Deci- sion. He also found that the Respondent had not engaged in certain other unfair labor practices al- leged in the complaint., Thereafter, the Respondent filed exceptions to the Trial Examiner's Decision and a supporting brief. The General Counsel filed a brief in support of the Trial Examiner's Decision. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the Na- tional Labor Relations Board has delegated its powers in connection with this case to a three- member panel. The Board has reviewed the rulings of the Trial Examiner, and finds that no prejudicial error was committed. The rulings are hereby affirmed. The Board has considered the Trial Examiner's Deci- sion, the exceptions and briefs, and the entire record in this case, and hereby adopts the findings,' conclusions, and recommendations of the Trial Ex- aminer. ORDER Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Relations Board adopts as its Order the Recom- mended Order of the Trial Examiner and hereby orders that the Respondent, R. D. Cortina Co., Inc., New York, New York, and its officers, agents, suc- cessors, and assigns, shall take the action set forth in the Trial Examiner's Recommended Order. ' We agree with the Trial Examiner's finding that the granting of wage raises to mailroom employees on January 1, 1967, constituted separate violations of 8(a)(1) and (5) of the Act However, contrary to any implica- tion in the Trial Examiner's Decision, we do not find significant the timing of these raises The record indicates that the granting of raises around the end of the year did not deviate from Respondent's past practice Rather, we view the amount of the increases as the crucial determinant in relation to the independent 8(a)(I) finding In all instances, the increases granted were greater than those given to the same employees in previous years, and, for some employees, they were four times as great STATEMENT OF THE CASE GORDON J. MYATT, Trial Examiner: Upon a charge filed December 2, 1966,1 and upon an amended charge filed March 21, 1967, by District 65, Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union, AFL-CIO (hereinafter referred to as the Union), a complaint and notice of hearing was issued on March 31, 1967, against R. D. Cortina Co., Inc. (hereinafter called the Respondent). The complaint alleges that the Respondent violated Section 8(a)(1), (3), and (5) of the Act by interrogating employees concerning their membership in and ac- tivities on behalf of the Union; by threatening em- ployees with discharge or reprisals if they became or remained members of the Union; by promising and granting employees benefits in order to induce them from becoming or remaining members of the Union; by discharging employees because of their activities on behalf of the Union; and by refusing to bargain with the Union as the majority representa- tive of the employees in an appropriate bargaining unit. The Respondent's answer admits certain al- legations of the complaint, denies others, and specifically denies the commission of any unfair labor practices. This case was heard by me on May 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, and 18, 1966, in New York, New York. All parties were afforded full op- portunity to be heard and to introduce relevant evidence in support of their respective positions. The briefs submitted by the General Counsel and the Respondent and the Respondent's reply brief have been duly considered by me in arriving at my decision in this matter. Upon the entire record in this case, including my evaluation of the witnesses, based on my observa- tion of their demeanor, and upon all of the relevant evidence contained in the record, I make the fol- lowing: FINDINGS OF FACT I. JURISDICTIONAL FINDINGS The Respondent is engaged in the business of producing, selling, and distributing, on a wholesale and retail basis, language textbooks, phonograph records, tapes, and related language study materi- als. The Respondent's principal office and place of business is located at 136 West 52d Street, New York, New York.' ' Unless otherwise indicated, all dates herein refer to 1966 2 Although the Respondent compiles and edits the material contained in the language study courses , the actual publication does not take place at the Respondent 's premises in New York City. This work is contracted out to various publishing concerns In a similar manner, the Respondent makes the master tapes and records at its New York City premises and the actual manufacture of this materiiFis performed by outside concerns on a con- tract basis or under a lease arrangement. 170 NLRB No. 146 1286 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD During the past calendar year , the Respondent shipped language study materials valued in excess of $50,000 from its place of business in New York City directly to customers located in States other than the State of New York. Accordingly, I find that the Respondent is, and has been at all times material herein, an employer engaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. II. THE LABOR ORGANIZATION INVOLVED District 65, Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union, AFL-CIO, is a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. III. THE ALLEGED UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES A. The Union 's Demand On May 23, James Hicks, employed as a press- man by the Respondent, contacted Peter Van Delft, an organizer for the Union. Hicks told Van Delft that he wanted the Union to organize the Respond- ent's establishment and was given authorization cards to be signed by the employees.' Hicks signed a card himself and succeeded in getting four other employees to sign cards for the Union.' On June 14, Van Delft, accompanied by another organizer for the Union, Cavanaugh, came to the Respondent's premises to make a demand for recognition and to request bargaining. According to Hicks, he met the union representatives on the side- walk in front of the building in- order to introduce them to,R. E.'Livesey, Respondent's vice president. Hicks testified that Livesey walked up as they stood on the sidewalk and he made the necessary in- troductions. Hicks further testified that he accom- panied the union representatives and Livesey into the latter's office where he heard Van Delft say that the Union had a majority of the employees signed up and would like to discuss the matter "in good faith." According to Hicks, Livesey replied that he would be glad to discuss the situation and would call his attorney. Hicks stated that he thereupon left the office. Van Delft gave a different version of this meeting. He testified that he and Cavanaugh met Hicks outside the Respondent's premises, and they were introduced to Livesey by Hicks on the side- walk. Then, according to Van Delft, he and Cavanaugh went into the reception area and Livesey went directly to - his office. Van Delft testified that he gave the receptionist his, card and asked to see Livesey. The receptionist spoke on the telephone and nodded her head in the direction of the door leading to the offices. Van Delft stated that he and Cavanaugh went into Livesey's office and were told by Livesey to wait outside in the reception area as he was busy. Shortly thereafter Livesey came out into the reception area and spoke to them. Livesey gave another account of the events lead- ing up to the meeting on June 14. He testified that he received a call from the receptionist while in his office and he left the office and came into the reception area. Livesey stated that he met Van Delft and Cavanaugh for the first time in the recep- tion area.' These differing versions of the events leading up to the Union's demand for recognifion and bargain- ing are set forth here in detail solely to indicate the numerous conflicts in testimony-concerning cru- cial events as well as inconsequential matters- which permeated this entire hearing. It is my obser- vation that witnesses for both the General Counsel and the Respondent displayed a tendency to en- large, vary, and in some instances even distort the most simple facts in order to serve the cause for which they were testifying. While I am mindful that the passage of time causes certain events to become obscure or to be recalled in a manner which differs from the true event, I nonetheless find this ten- dency too pronounced in this hearing to ignore. Not only does it obstruct the search for truth in an area dealing with involved human relationships, but it is also a factor which must be considered in determining the reliability of the testimony ad- vanced concerning crucial matters. There is no question but that on the morning of June 14, Van Delft and his companions spoke with Livesey in the reception area concerning recogni- tion of the Union. There are conflicting versions, however, as to what was said and what took place during this conversation. Van Delft testified that he claimed recognition on behalf of the Union as the bargaining representative of the Respondent's em- ployees. When Livesey questioned which em- ployees Van Delft claimed to represent, he stated that he meant the "production people in back."' According to Van Delft, Livesey stated that the 3 Hicks had been a member of the Union several years before, but was dropped from the membership rolls in 1963 because of nonpayment of dues ' These employees were Percides "Pat" Vila , Leo Huff, Joseph Dawson, and Witty Lloyds. Although Hicks testified Lloyds signed a card on May 23 and that Vila and Huff signed cards the following day, examination of the cards (G C. Exh. 3A-E) shows the reverse to be true This variance between the dates on the cards and the testimony is not material however, as there is no serious contention that these employees did not in fact sign the cards authorizing the Union to represent them s The receptionist , Campaigne , testified that the union representatives remained in the reception area until Livesey came out to meet them Kam- bos, Respondent 's assistant editor, testified that it -was necessary to pass through her office from the reception room in order to get to Livesey's of- fice She stated that on the morning in question the union representatives did not come through her office while she was there. - 'Van-Delft was making a distinction between the office employees located immediately behind the receptionist and the employees located in an area described as the "mailroom "This area is separated from the office by a wall R. D. CORTINA CO., INC. 1287 Respondent would not have a union because he had an experience with a union, and that "the place wasn't situated for a union." Van Delft testified that he handed Livesey the signed cards which he had in his possession and told him that employee Costa was also a member of the Union. Van Delft stated that Livesey thumbed through the cards mumbling the names as he read each one. Van Delft also testified that he told Livesey that Hicks was the shop representative for the Union and he cautioned Livesey not to interfere or coerce any of the employees and to maintain the status quo. Van Delft recalls that Livesey replied that the Union couldn't tell him how to run his business. The meet- ing ended with Livesey agreeing to contact his lawyer. Livesey's version of the meeting differed in cer- tain material respects. Livesey stated that Van Delft claimed to 'represent production employees described as the "people in the back." Livesey stated that he did not make such a distinction between the employees as the Respondent's opera- tion was small and all employees performed similar duties. Livesey testified that Van Delft held up some cards but did not give them to him for inspec- tion. He also testified that there was no mention of the names of the employees who signed the -cards. On cross-examination, however, Livesey changed this testimony somewhat to state that Van Delft "might have mentioned" the names of employees, but he emphatically denied that Hicks was men- tioned as the shop representative. Livesey agreed to contact the Union after he got in touch with his at- torney. After the meeting Van Delft contacted Livesey on several occasions by telephone to determine if he had discussed the matter with his attorney. Dur- ing these conversations Van Delft again cautioned Livesey to maintain the status quo, and Livesey continued to insist that he had the right to run his business as he thought best. Several days after June 14, the Union filed a representation petition. B. The Unit Question The Union contends that the Respondent's work is divided between office clerical employees and production employees. The Respondent maintains that no such distinction exists and that all em- ployees, regardless of their location in the premises, perform similar and often times overlapping duties. A diagram of the Respondent's premises is in evidence as General Counsel's Exhibit 2. Because it is relevant to the unit question, a copy of this ex- hibit is attached hereto as Appendix A [omitted from publication]. The Respondent's premises are basically divided into two major working areas. The office area which contains a number of standard office desks occupied by six female employees ' and a recep- tionist . This section is separated from the reception room by a wall containing a sliding glass panel in front of the receptionist . All of the office em- ployees are under the immediate supervision of Gertrude Siefert , the Respondent 's executive secre- tary, and the overall supervision of the Respon- dent's president , A. S. Livesey. Leading from the office area is an enclosed office occupied by A. S. Livesey. The other major working area is beyond a wall at the rear of the office area, and is referred to as the mailroom . There are two doors leading from the of- fice to the mailroom . This area contains the shipping and receiving section, the multilith press, addressograph and graphotype machines, suspended storage shelves containing stock, printed material and records , and files. At, one end of the mailroom there is a 5 -foot petition topped by a 3- foot glass panel , behind which two desks are located . One desk is that of Frank Corless, the Respondent 's purchasing - agent and supervisor in charge of the mailroom activities . The other desk is occupied by Caroline Leto, a part-time employee who acts as secretary to Corless . Behind the desks are two enclosed offices; one is the office of R. E. Livesey and the other is - used as the editorial production room. The duties in the mailroom area were performed by four male and five female employees . On June 14 these employees were: James Hicks: This employee was the printer at the Respondent 's establishment . He ran the mul- tilith offset press, the papercutter , the paper folder, and a speedomat addressograph machine. Hicks was the only employee performing these duties. Leo Huff: Huff was the shipping and receiving clerk. Huff was also responsible for taking the physical inventory of the stock . In addition to these duties Huff on occasion operated the Pitney-Bowes metering machine and assisted in heat -sealing recordings which were a part of the language courses. Joseph B . Dawson: Dawson - was a regular part- time employee who assisted Huff in all of his duties. Witty H. Lloyds: This individual was the Re- spondent 's mail clerk and regularly operated the metering machine. Percides "Pat" Vila: This employee operated the graphotype and addressograph machines . Her du- ties included cutting metal stencils from purchase orders received from the office section and making changes on existing stencils. Vila filed stencils and removed outdated cards and records from the files. In addition , she also followed up on inquiries con- cerning orders. On occasion she was required to type purchase orders for Corless, however, this work was normally performed by Corless' secreta- ry, Leto. ' These employees are Greazvnsk,, Guzman, Morse, Riese, Santander, and Daly 1288 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Bernadine Plihcik: Plihcik also operated the graphotype and -the addressograph machines. In ad- dition, she was responsible for assisting Vila in fil- ing stencils and keeping the daily count of the responses to advertising inquiries. When Vila and Plihcik were not operating the machines, they nor- mally worked on flat table top surfaces as con- trasted to the desks which were located in the of- fice area. Angelita Costa: Costa's duties were similar to those of Plihcik and Vila. In addition to operating the machines, Costa also worked on installment ac- counts. This consisted of making a stencil and printing the name of the customer on a ledger card and statement. These items were then turned over to the office employees who made the necessary entries thereon. Costa also assisted in inserting material for mailing and helped to collate courses by putting together books and records and tapes. On a few occasions, Costa had been used to moni- tor and edit master tapes and audition records. Genevieve Evans: Evans inserted material into envelopes for mailing and assisted in assembling and heat-sealing records used in the courses. She also operated the addressograph machines and filed stencils , and collated exercise books and courses. In addition to these duties, Evans sorted the morning mail. Caroline Leto: Leto occupied a standard office desk next to Frank Corless. She typed purchase or- ders, took dictation from Corless, sent out form let- ters, and in general worked as Corless' secretary. R. E. Livesey and Corless testified at length con- cerning the duties of the employees in order to show that all of the employees performed related work and similar duties, and that there was no distinction between the employees in the office area and the employees in the mailroom. To further support this contention, the Respondent placed in evidence the transcript of the hearing in the representation proceeding and several documents setting forth the various functions of the employees in the mail fulfillment operation (Resp. Exhs. 4 and 5). Livesey, who professed to have an intimate knowledge of the Respondent's operation, testified in a very positive fashion as to the accuracy of the list of duties set forth in Respondent's Exhibit 5, and endeavored to show that office employees and mailroom employees performed the same jobs. On cross-examination , however, Livesey admitted that some of the employees listed on that document did not perform the duties indicated thereon and that other employees, who should have been listed as performing certain functions, were omitted. When pressed for more detail on the daily duties of the employees4 Livesey disclaimed knowledge of these matters and stated that Corless, who compiled the list, had this .information. L_ivesey's testimony con- cerning the duties of the employees also varied from the job titles contained on the Respondent's payroll records. When questioned about this fact, Livesey stated that the payroll-records were inaccu- rate in this respect.' Corless testified in much the same vein as Livesey concerning the similarity of duties of all of the employees. Corless admitted, however, that the employees in the mailroom performed different functions than the employees in the office. For ex- ample, the Respondent's Exhibit 5 indicates that employees Daly, Costa, and Evans work on install- ment payments. Corless' testimony indicates that Costa and Evans merely make the stencils and ad- dress the ledger cards and statements, and that this material is given to Daly who records the payments and charges on the cards and types the information on the statements. Again, the Respondent's Exhibit 5 shows that employees Daly and Dawson,process returned merchandise. Subsequent testimony establishes, however, that the material is given to Daly, who turns it over to Dawson for inspection and itemization in the shipping section. After the inspection, Dawson's findings are reported to Daly, who then makes a claim with the Post Office or makes the appropriate notation on the customer's account. I do not credit the testimony of Livesey or Cor- less concerning the performance of similar duties by the employees. Their willingness to testify in support of a document of questionable value and the vacillation of Livesey's testimony in particular cause me to conclude that these individuals were not being forthright or candid in their testimony. Nor do I attach any probative value to Respon- dent's Exhibit 5, which admittedly contains a number of discrepencies. It is evident from this record that all employees were working toward the same goal , i.e., the ulti- mate fulfillment of mail orders for the-Respondent's language courses. It is equally evident, however, that there was a distinct division of duties among the employees, depending upon whether they worked in the mailroom or in the office area. The office and mailroom employees worked under separate supervision and there was no interchange between the two groups. With - the exception of Greazynski, the office employees received a higher hourly rate of pay.' Mailroom employees were not required to handle customer inquiries or to have in- person customer contact. Consequently,- these em- ployees worked from 8:30 a.m. to, 5:30 p.m., with a 45-minute lunch period beginning at 12:30 p.m. Of- fice employees, on the other hand, worked from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. and staggered their lunch hours in order to be available for customer inquiries. In ad- 'The timecards also made a distinction between office and mailroom employees The office employees' cards were marked with the letter "0," and the mailroom employees were marked with the letter " M." According to Livesey, this was merely for the convenience of the bookkeeper. ' Hicks, of course, because of his skill as a pressman , was paid more per hour than all of the other employees in the mailroom or the office section R. D. CORTINA CO., INC. dition, office employees were required to dress in a more stylish manner because of their contact with the public. Moreover, the Respondent's payroll records show that the office employees were pot docked for lateness, but that the mailroom em- ployees were penalized .01 percent of an hour's wages for every 6 minutes that they were late. For the above reasons, I find that although a unit of office and mailroom employees might be con- sidered appropriate, it is not the only appropriate unit and does not preclude a finding that the unit requested by the Union is appropriate for purposes of collective bargaining. The fact that there is some overlapping of duties, among the employees in the office and the mailroom, such as filing, is not suffi- cient to cancel out the strong community of interest and the homogeneity of the mailroom employees. Having determined that the mailroom employees constitute a unit appropriate for collective bargain- ing, it becomes necessary to decide the unit place- ment of certain employees: Nora Greazynski: This employee sits at a desk in the office area. She is a part-time employee who maintains records concerning changes of address, payments, sales statistics, and the like. This infor- mation is placed on-3 by 5 cards which are filed both in the office area and in the mailroom. In the course of her work Greazynski has occasion to go to the files located in the mailroom to check, remove, or change certain records. On June 14, Greazynski was the only employee in the office area who earned less than $2 per hour; she received $1.75 per hour. Despite the fact that Greazynski's work required her to go into the mailroom to use the files on occa- sion, I find that her functions were more closely al- lied to the clerical work of the office employees. She not only had a strong community of interests with these employees, but she was also under the same, supervision. Accordingly, I find that Greazyn- ski is excluded from the unit of mailroom em- ployees. Odie Rodgers'0: Rodgers was a part-time main- tenance man. He was responsible for cleaning up the entire premises. He earned $1.75 per hour. In my judgment, Rodgers' interests were aligned with the interests of the mailroom employees and for that reason he is included in the bargaining unit. Caroline Leto: This employee worked part time, performing secretarial duties for Corless. Her desk was next to the desk of Corless behind the partition in the mailroom area. Leto typed purchase orders, correspondence, memos, and handled general secretarial work for Corless. She did not operate " At the time of the Union's demand for recognition , no claim was made to represent Rodgers. However, at the representation hearing and in this proceeding, the Union sought to include him in the unit " At the time of the Union's demand all of the employees, except Hicks, were paid every 2 weeks Hicks had a private arrangement with the 1289 any of the machines in the mailroom nor did she in- terchange with or perform any of the duties of the other employees in the mailroom. Leto earned $2.15 per hour, and, as in the case of other office employees, she was not penalized for lateness. Leto's• community of interest is decidedly dif- ferent from the other employees in the mailroom even though she was responsible to the same super- visor. Her duties and rate of pay were comparable to those of the office employees. For this reason, I find that Leto should be excluded from the unit of mailroom employees. Ruth Berland: There is a dispute concerning whether this employee was terminated or on a leave of absence at the time of the Union's demand. The Respondent contends that it was Berland's practice to take a leave of absence during the slack season in the summer months. Corless testified that in April 1966 Berland asked to have her employment record indicate that she had been terminated and he so instructed the bookkeeper, Because the Respondent's witnesses have consistently attempted to disavow or explain away statements contained on the Respondent's own personnel records, I find it difficult to accept this explanation. Consequently I must rely upon the records themselves. Moreover, examination of the Respondent's records discloses that when another employee (Harry Jules) took a leave of absence, a notation to this effect was en- tered on his personnel record. Accordingly, I find that Berland was terminated on April 11, 1966, and was rehired by the Respondent on September 7, 1966. Therefore, I find that Berland was not an em- ployee at the time of the Union's demand. On the basis of the above, I find that on June 14 there were nine employees in the mailroom unit. These employees were: Vila, Costa, Plihcik, Evans, Hicks, Huff, Dawson, Lloyds, and Rodgers. C. The Alleged Interrogation , Promises and Granting of Benefits Hicks testified that the day after the Union made its demand , Corless approached him and stated that the employees "couldn 't win " with a union, and that Hicks was "sticking his neck out." Corless asked Hicks what were the employees ' specific gripes. Hicks testified that he told Corless that the employees wanted more money and that they wanted to be paid every week .' 1 According to Hicks, Corless replied that the employees would probably get an increase in pay but that Hicks would not because he never came to work on time. 12 Respondent whereby he received an advance on his salary during the weeks that he was not scheduled to receive a paycheck 32 The above conversation between Hicks and Corless was not denied by Corless although he testified in this proceeding as one of the Respondent's chief witnesses 1290 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Employee Vila testified that sometime after she signed a card for the Union, she was called into A. S. Livesey's office. Livesey wanted to know why she had signed a card and why she had not spoken to him about the employees' problems. According to Vila, Livesey stated that the Respondent could not give the mailroom employees a raise until the union matter was settled but that the employees would get them at Christmas, in any event. Huff testified that on the day that the Union made its demand, Corless came into the shipping department and asked him "what was the business about the Union?" According to Huff, Corless stated that the Respondent would not let a union in the shop. When Corless asked Huff what the em- ployees' grievances were, Huff replied that the em- ployees wanted to be paid weekly, they wanted to work fewer hours, they wanted better working con- ditions, and they wanted union representation. Several days after the Union's demand, A. S. Livesey called Huff into his office and told him that the Union was a farce and that the Respondent of- fered the employees more security. Huff stated that Livesey asked him to speak to the employees who had signed union cards and to make an effort to persuade them to drop the Union. Huff stated that he spoke to the employees and returned to Livesey informing him that the employees refused his request. Huff testified that during the subsequent weeks Livesey continued to call him into his office and ask if the employees had changed their minds about the Union. Huff further testified that several weeks after the Union's demand, Corless came up to him and asked if a $10-a-week raise would keep him out of the Union. On July 1, the Respondent discontinued its prac- tice of paying the employees every 2 weeks and began paying them weekly. Corless testified that he convinced the Liveseys to make this change because it was a point of grievance with the em- ployees. Corless stated that the employees were continually seeking to make loans from petty cash during the weeks that they were not scheduled to receive a paycheck and it placed a burden on the bookkeeper. R. E. Livesey testified that the Respondent made it a practice to give employees a week's salary as a iJ The increases were limited to employees working in the mailroom Although the record shows that several of the office employees were given wage increases after the Union's demand but prior to December, Livesey disclaimed any responsibility for this He testified that he and Corless determined the salaries of employees in the mailroom and A S Livesey determined the salaries of the office employees " The pay increases given these employees in 1965 and 1966 were as fol- lows 1966 1965 Costa $3.50 $2.50 bonus at Christmastime, and, in addition, that the Respondent generally granted raises to employees in June and December. Livesey stated that because of the pending matter with the Union and because the employees were becoming "restless" over the matter of wages, he contacted the Board agent han- dling the cases in the Regional Office and sought his advice. Livesey testified that he was advised not to treat the employees any differently than he had prior to the advent of the Union. Livesey stated that as a result of this information, a decision was made in December 1966, to grant pay increases to the mailroom employees. The increases became ef- fective January 1, 1967.13 On January 1, 1967, the mailroom employees received raises in the following amounts: Costa, $4 per week; Vila, $4 per week; Plihcik, $8 per week; Evans, $8 per week; and Berland, $2 per week for a 20-hour week.14 D. The Discharge of Hicks James Hicks was hired as a printer by the Respondent in 1965. By his own admission, Hicks rarely, if ever, reported to work -on time. The record indicates that Hicks was generally an hour late each morning15 Hicks' failure to report to work on time was a matter of great concern to the Respondent. On October 14, 1965, Corless directed a memorandum to both of the Liveseys suggesting that the work in the printing department be contracted out rather than replacing the printer (Hicks), who was described therein as being unqualified. The memo went on to state that Hicks was "incorrigible along the lines of punctuality," and that Corless had tried every means possible to get him to come in on time . In December 1965, the Respondent attempted to hire a replacement for Hicks, but this effort proved -unsuccessful as the replacement could not perform the work. Corless testified that Hicks' lack of punctuality presented such a problem that he offered to change Hicks' hours in order to accomodate him. This arrange- ment likewise failed. Hicks acknowledged that Cor- less constantly approached him on the subject of punctuality and that he often left notes on Hicks' machine concerning his failure to report to work on time. 1966 1965 Vila (Not employed due 2.00 to pregnancy.) Plihcik 2.00 (Not employed until June 1965) Evans 2 .00 2.50 15 When questioned on this point, Hicks stated, "I made an attempt to come in to do my work but I didn't make no rush. I didn't leave my house like it was on fire to get to work " R. D. CORTINA CO., INC. 1291 Corless testified that this matter came to a head on June 10, when Hicks reported to work at 11 a.m. Corless indicated that he was furious and would have fired Hicks on the spot, but for the fact that he was not certain whether some special material being printed for R. E. Livesey's class re- union had been completed.16 Corless further testi- fied that because of his anger with Hicks, he sent a handwritten note to the bookkeeper stating that if Hicks came in late on Wednesday (June 15), the Respondent would have little choice but to fire him. The note directed the bookkeeper to draw two checks for Hicks to be given to him on Friday (June 17). On June 14, according to Corless, Hicks was wandering around the shop away from his machines talking with other employees and he (Coxless) became furious and ordered him back to his depart- ment . Corless stated that Hicks knew at this point that he was "canned" because of the manner in which he was ordered back to work. Corless did not fire Hicks at this time however, because it was his policy not to fire employees "on the spot," but to wait until the end of the workweek." Corless testified that he consulted with R. E. Livesey con- cerning Hicks during the week of June 13, and was informed that no further material had to be produced for the Princeton reunion, and that he should use his own judgment concerning Hicks. On June 17, he discharged Hicks at the end of the day, and attempted to give him the two paychecks."' Hicks refused to accept them and, according to Corless, accused the Respondent of engaging in a plot against him because of his union activities. Hicks testified that Corless stressed the fact that R. E. Livesey had nothing to do with the matter, and that he was being discharged because of his re- peated €ailure to come to- work on time. Corless pointed out that Hicks continued to report to work late in spite of the posted notice making continuous lateness a cause for dismissal."9 The following Monday, June 20, Hicks appeared at Respondent's premises accompanied by Van Delft and Cavanaugh of the Union. Van Delft at- tempted to 'persuade Corless to rehire Hicks but his suggestion was rejected. Hicks, Cavanaugh, and Van Delft 'then waited outside the Respondent's premises to speak with R. E. Livesey. When Livesey approached, Van Delft stopped him and proceeded to discuss the matter of reinstating Hicks. Livesey told Van Delft that the quality of Hicks' work was poor and that Hicks failed to keep the area around the machines clean and that he was repeatedly late' for work. Livesey refused to rein- state Hicks. E. The Discharge of Leo Huff Huff was first employed by the Respondent in 1962. In December 1964, Huff left the Respond- ent's employment for personal reasons. In March 1966 , Corless contacted Huff and rehired him as the Respondent 's shipping clerk . According to Huff, after the Union 's demand for recognition he was given extra duties to perform . Huff stated that he was required to clean light fixtures and empty trash drums , and to perform other menial jobs. Huff testified that this work had not been a part of his duties in the past . Huff also testified that Corless began to constantly criticize the performance of his work , and was especially critical of mistakes in the inventory figures. Huff stated that , prior to the ad- vent of the Union , inaccuracies in the inventory figures were not criticized. In August , Huff and the other male employees began to become concerned over the failure of the Union's demand to bring results. Huff called the union headquarters and made an appointment to see Van Delft. He, Lloyds, and Dawson decided to go to the union headquarters on August 15, instead of reporting to work . Lloyds and Dawson did not show up at the union headquarters , and Huff waited until noon to see Van Delft . Huff never saw Van Delft because of an apparent mixup on the arrange- ments, and he returned home. Huff admitted that he did not call in or notify the Respondent that he would be absent from work . When Huff reported to work the following day he was discharged by Cor- less for failing to call in concerning his absence. Corless testified that he had been on vacation im- mediately prior to August 15, and when he returned to work that day no one was available to handle the shipments . He stated that Huff had failed to come to work on a few occasions in the past , but had always called in by noon . Because he received no word from any of the absent em- ployees, Corless pulled their timecards and told the bookkeeper that they were fired. The following morning Huff, Lloyds, and Dawson appeared at work and were told by Corless that they were fired for failing to call in .20 According to Corless , the em- ployees appeared to have engaged in a "personal strike for action," and he was not aware of their ap- pointment at the union headquarters. Concluding Findings As noted previously, the testimony in this case presents a number of conflicts, both on the basic is- sues and on matters of lesser importance. Because of the manner in which certain key witnesses for i0 R E Livesey was an alumnus of Princeton University, and he was using his facilities to print and mail out material in connection with a class reunion The timecards show that Hicks reported to work at 10 55 a in on June 13, 10 26 a in on June 14; 9 13 a in on June 15, and 9 04 a in on June 16. 18 The Respondent's pay period ended on Thursday Thus it was necessa- ry to issue a separate check to Hicks for Friday's work "Although Hicks and Huff testified that the notice setting forth the shop rules on lateness and absence was not posted until after the Union's de- mand, the credited evidence discloses that the notice had been posted above the timeclock for at least 2 years 20 Corless also testified that Huff's work had become poor and that he had been drinking on the job and had frequent arguments with the female employees 1292 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD the General Counsel and the Respondent testified, the task of recapitulating the true state of facts is extremely difficult. Comfort can be taken, however, in the words of Judge Learned Hand in the Univer- sal Camera case wherein he stated: " It is no reason for refusing to accept everything that a witness says, because you do not believe all of it; nothing is more common in all kinds of judicial decisions than to believe some and not all."" In my judgment, these words are especially appropriate here. It is undisputed that certain employees signed cards for the Union and that on June 14, represen- tatives of the Union met with R. E. Livesey. In determining how and where they met and what was said, I am convinced that the accurate account of the meeting is not contained in the testimony of Livesey or Hicks. Livesey, whom I discredit generally, did not impress me as a reliable witness. His demeanor while testifying left much to be desired. He had a penchant for volunteering self- serving statements unsolicited by a question. Livesey made very positive assertions concerning his intimate knowledge of the Respondent's opera- tions and the duties of all of the employees, but on cross-examination he became very evasive concern- ing these same matters. In addition his repeated at- tempts to discount or explain away matters con- tained in the Respondent's own records compel the conclusion that little if any credence can be given to most of his testimony. Hicks likewise left an unfavorable impression as a witness. After observing this witness while testify- ing, I am, persuaded that he deliberately enlarged upon certain events in order to present his cause in a more favorable light. Consequently, there are portions of Hicks' testimony which I reject and por- tions which I credit. N.L.R.B. v. United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America, Local 517, AFL (Gil Wyner Construction Co.), 230 F.2d 256, 259 (C.A. 1); Universal Metal Finishing, 156 NLRB 138, 139. Van Delft testified in a convincing and straightforward manner and I am persuaded that his statements are the most accurate. Even in the case of this witness, however, there is testimony con- cerning a minor occurrence-leaving the reception area and going into Livesey's office-which seems to fly in the face of credited testimony to the con- trary. Nevertheless, the variance in this aspect of Van Delft's testimony does not cause me to disbe- lieve the balance of his testimony. Accordingly, I find that on June 14, Hicks in- troduced the union representatives to Livesey in front of the Respondent's premises, and that the de- mand for recognition and bargaining was made sub- sequently in the reception area-outside of Hick's 11 N L R B. v Universal Camera Corporation , 179 F 2d 749,754 (C A 2). 11 Hicks ' testimony concerning his conversation with Carless is unrefuted in the record presence. I further find that Livesey inspected the signed cards and was told that Costa was already a member of the Union and that Hicks was the shop representative. I credit Van Delft's statement that Livesey said he did not want a union in the shop and that his business was unsuited for a union. I further find that at no time during this conversation did Livesey claim that there was no distinction between the office and, mailroom employees because they performed the same duties. On the basis of the above, I find and conclude that the Union had been designated by a majority of the mailroom employees as their collective-bar- gaining representative and that on June 14, the union representatives demanded recognition and bargaining from the Respondent. I further find that the Respondent expressed no doubts at the time of the demand as to the Union's representative capaci- ty or as to the appropriateness of the unit requested by the Union, but agreed to contact his attorney be- fore acting upon the Union's request. The record clearly shows that the Respondent's officials began interrogating employees concerning the Union almost immediately after the demand was made. Corless asked Hicks what his specific gripes were and why he was "sticking his neck out" for the Union. When informed that the employees wanted to be paid weekly and wanted more money, Corless indicated that the employees would probably get a raise but that Hicks would not as he never reported to work on time.22 Corless also questioned Huff concerning employee grievances, and on one occasion asked him if a $10-a-week raise would be sufficient to keep him out of the Union.23 A. S. Livesey also spoke to Huff concern- ing the reasons why the employees would want a union. During this conversation Livesey told Huff that the Respondent would close down before it would allow a union to come in,24 and asked Huff to attempt to persuade the employees to withdraw from the Union. A. S. Livesey also questioned em- ployee Vila concerning employee grievances, and promised pay raises when the union matter was set- tled, or at Christmas in any event. The record shows that after ascertaining that the biweekly pay period was a major source of complaint among the employees, the Respondent began paying the em- ployees weekly on July 1., I find that the record clearly supports the conclu- sion that the interrogation of the employees by A. S. Livesey and Corless was for the express purpose of interfering with and restraining the, employees in the exercise of their right to be represented by the Union. Grand-Central Chrysler, Inc., 155 NLRB 185, 186; Heinrich Motors, Inc., 153 NLRB 1575, 1576. Further, that the change in pay periods, in zs The above is also undisputed in the record. 24 1 do not credit A S, Livesey's denial of the statement that he would close down before allowing a union to come in. The balance of Huff's testimony concerning his conversation with A. S. Livesey is undenied. R. D. CORTINA CO., INC. 1293 order to eliminate a major employee complaint, was for the purpose of undermining employee sup- port of the Union. Such conduct violates Section 8(a)(1) of the Act. N.L.R.B. v. Albuquerque Phoenix Express, 368 F.2d 451 (C.A. 10). The Respondent's opposition to the unionization of its employees also manifested itself in the treat- ment of the employees who were considered to be the chief union adherents. The first of these was Hicks. Without a doubt Hicks left much to be desired as an employee. He seldom, if ever, re- ported to work at the regularly scheduled time, even though he constantly received oral and written warnings from Corless. Indeed, in December 1965, the Respondent sought unsuccessfully to find a replacement for Hicks. Although Hicks gave the Respondent ample cause to discharge him,25 almost from the very inception of his employment, it is sig- nificant to note that the Respondent did not deem it necessary to do so until 3 days after the Union's demand, and after the Respondent learned of Hicks' role in organizing the employees. The mere fact that a cause for discharge exists, however, is no defense if an employer was motivated partly by a desire to rid himself of an employee because of union activities. N.L.R.B. v. Great Eastern Color Lithographic Corp., 309 F.2d 352, 355 (C.A. 2). On the basis of the evidence in this case, I find that the discharge of Hicks was in part motivated by a desire of the Respondent to rid itself of the in- dividual who was responsible for bringing in the Union. The Respondent condoned Hicks' conduct for more than a year, and did not take action against him until after his union activities became known. In addition, there are documents in evidence which cast serious doubts upon the Respondent's claim that Hicks was discharged for cause. Corless testified that because Hicks was later than usual on Friday (June 10), he directed a note to the bookkeeper informing her that if Hicks were late on Wednesday of the following week, he was to be fired and that she should prepare two checks for him. There is no convincing testimony as to the reason why Corless selected Wednesday of the fol- lowing week when it was almost certain that Hicks would, also be late on the preceding Monday and Tuesday. Furthermore, examination of the docu- ment discloses that the date affixed thereto con- tains an erasure, and that the original date appears to be June 14; the day of the Union's demand. Similarly, R. E. Livesey testified that Hicks failed to keep the pressroom clean, and that he had directed a note concerning this matter to Corless on June 7. When cross-examined concerning this document, Livesey acknowledged that he may have placed the date on this document within the 30 days preceding the trial of this case. In these circumstances, I am persuaded that Hicks was discharged partly for cause and partly because of his activities on behalf of the Union. It follows, therefore, that such a discharge is dis- criminatory and tends to discourage membership in the Union in violation of Section 8(a)(3) and (1) of the Act. N.L.R.B. v. Associated Naval Architects, Inc., 355 F.2d 788, 792 (C.A. 4); Great Eastern Color Lithographic Corp., supra; Maryland Specialty Wire, Inc., 163 NLRB 916. The discharge of Huff presents a somewhat closer situation in my judgment. The record dis- closes that Huff was considered to be a loyal and satisfactory employee until the Union began or- ganizing the mailroom employees. After the Union's demand Huff was unlawfully interrogated by A. S. Livesey and Corless, and each of these in- dividuals attempted to cause Huff to abandon the Union and to cause other employees to do likewise. Because of the delay in getting the Respondent to bargain with the Union and because he felt that the Respondent was unnecessarily harassing and impos- ing additional duties upon him,26 Huff, along with Lloyds and Dawson, decided to stay off from work on August 15, and present his complaints to the Union. None of these employees called the shop to advise the Respondent that they would be absent from work. All three were discharged when they re- ported to work the following day because they had failed to call in and advise the Respondent of their intended absence. There is no doubt on this record that Huff -vio- lated the Respondent's shop rules against failing to notify his supervisor when he was going to be ab- sent from the job, and that failure was cause for discharge. In the circumstances of this case, how- ever, I am convinced that Huff's strong stand on be- half of the Union was also a motivating factor in his discharge. This employee had resisted the efforts of A. S. Livesey and Corless to persuade him to aban- don the Union and to cause other employees to do the same. He also became subjected to petty harassment by Corless because of his support of the Union. Moreover, while the reason advanced for Huff's discharge was his failure to call in on August 15, Corless went to considerable lengths to establish that Huff had now became an undesirable employee who drank on the job and quarreled with his coworkers. Weighing all of these factors against the Respondent's unquestioned right to discharge an employee for good or bad reasons, I am not con- vinced that Huff was discharged solely because he violated the rule about calling in when absent. 2' In addition to discharging Hicks for chronic lateness , the Respondent put on evidence to show that Hicks was also insubordinate and that he failed to clean up his work area. zs The complaint alleges that Huff was required to perform more arduous and less agreeable tasks because of his activities on behalf of the Union. I do not find that the evidence supports this view. Huff was required to empty the trash drums because the maintenance man was on vacation and the other tasks that he complained of were duties which were required of all the male employees prior to the advent of the Union I do find, however, that after the Union 's demand Corless began to criticize the performance of Huff's work 1294 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Rather I find, as in the case of Hicks, that Huff's discharge was in part motivated by a desire of the Respondent to rid itself of a strong union adherent. I find this conduct to be a 'violation of Section 8(a)(1) and (3) of the Act. Great Eastern Corp., supra; N.L.R.B. v. Associated Naval Architects, Inc., supra. I find and conclude that the Respondent's failure to bargain with the Union as the majority represent- ative of its mailroom employees and the Respond- ent's entire course of conduct following the Union's demand demonstrate a complete rejection of the collective-bargaining principle and compel the conclusion that the Respondent engaged in this unlawful conduct in order to gain time to un- dermine the Union's majority status. Such conduct violates Section 8(a)(1) and (5) of the Act. Joy Silk Mills, Inc., 85 NLRB 1263, enfd. 185 F.2d 732 -(C.A.D.C.), cert. denied 341 U.S. 914. It follows from the above that by changing the pay period from biweekly to weekly in July and by granting employees pay increases27 at a time when the Union was entitled to exclusive recognition as the bargaining representative of the employees, the Respondent also violated Section 8(a)(5) and (1) of the Act. N.L.R.B. v. Katz, 369 U.S. 736, 744; N.L.R.B. v. Elliott-Williams Co., Inc., 345 F.2d 460 (C.A. 7). CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1. The Respondent is an employer within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. 2. District 65, Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union, AFL-CIO, is a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. 3. All mailroom and maintenance employees employed by the Respondent excluding office cleri- cals, editorial staff employees, guards, and super- visors as defined in the Act, constitute a unit ap- propriate for purposes of collective bargaining. 4. By interrogating employees concerning their union sympathies and desires, the Respondent vio- lated Section 8(a)(1) of the Act. 5. By informing employees that the Respondent would close its shop before allowing a union to represent the employees and by asking employees to persuade other employees to abandon the Union, the Respondent violated Section 8(a)(1) of the Act. 6. By discharging employees James Hicks and Leo Huff for the reason that they engaged in activi- ties on behalf of the Union and in order to discourage membership in the Union, the Respond- ent violated Section 8(a)(3) and (1) of the Act. 7. By changing its pay period from biweekly to weekly and by granting employees wage increases for the purposes of encouraging said employees to discourage membership in the Union, the Respond- ent violated Section 8(a)(3) and (1) of the Act. the exercise of rights guaranteed them by Section 7 of the Act, and thereby violated Section 8(a)(1) of the Act. 8. By failing and refusing on June 14, 1966, and at all times thereafter, to recognize and bargain with the Union as the collective-bargaining representative of the employees in the aforesaid unit and by changing the employees' pay period and by granting employees wage increases without notice to or consultation with the Union, the Respondent has engaged in and is engaging in un- fair labor practices proscribed by Section 8(a)(5) and (1) of the Act. 9. The aforesaid unfair labor practices affect commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. THE REMEDY Having found that the Respondent engaged in unfair labor practices proscribed by Section 8(a)(1), (3), and (5) of the Act, I shall recommend the issuance of an order that it cease and desist therefrom, and that it take certain affirmative ac- tion designed to effectuate the policies of the Act. In view of the nature of the unfair labor practices found herein, which in my judgment go to the very heart of the Act, I shall further recommend that the Respondent be required from infringing in any manner upon the exercise of the employee rights protected by Section 7 of the Act. N.L.R.B. v. Entwistle Mfg. Co., 120 F.2d 532 (C.A. 4);_Califor- nia Lingerie, Inc., 129 NLRB 912, 915. Having also found that the Respondent has refused to bargain collectively with the Union as the exclusive bargaining representative designated by a majority of the employees in the unit found ap- propriate, I shall recommend further that the Respondent cease and desist from refusing to bar- gain and that upon request the Respondent bargain in good faith with the Union as such representative and, if an understanding is reached, embody such understanding in a signed agreement. Having further found that the Respondent unlaw- fully discharged James Hicks and Leo Huff, I shall recommend that it offer these employees im- mediate and full reinstatement to their former or substantially equivalent positions, without prejudice to their seniority, or other rights and privileges, and make them whole for any loss of earnings suffered by reason of the discrimination against them in a manner consistent with the Board policy set forth in 2' Although the Respondent urges that the pay increases were granted only after a conversation with a Board agent in the Regional Office, I find that this is not a defense to a violation of the statutory duty to bargain In- deed, on the basis of my analysis of Livesey's testimony throughout this proceeding, I am not persuaded that this was the information actually given R. D CORTINA CO., INC. F. W. Woolworth Company, 90 NLRB 289, with in- terest at 6 percent per annum as prescribed in Isis Plumbing & Heating Co., 138 NLRB 716. Accordingly, upon- the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, and upon the entire record in this case, I recommend, pursuant to Section 10(c) of the Act, the following: RECOMMENDED ORDER Respondent , R. D. Cortina Co., Inc., its officers, agents, successors , and assigns , shall: 1. Cease and desist from: (a) Discouraging membership in District 65, Retail , Wholesale and Department Store Union, AFL-CIO, or any other labor organization, by discharging or in any other manner discriminating against employees with regard to their hire or tenure of employment or any term or condition of employment , except as authorized by the proviso in Section 8(a)(3) of the Act. (b) Interrogating employees about their union sentiments and desires in a manner constituting in- terference , restraint , or coercion within the mean- ing of the Act. (c) Seeking to get employees to withdraw their support of the Union by offering employees an in- crease in their wages, and informing employees that the Respondent will close down before allowing the Union to become the collective -bargaining representative of the employees. (d) Refusing to recognize and bargain collective- ly in good faith with the above -named Union as the exclusive representative of its employees concern- ing wages , rates of pay, hours , and other terms and conditions of employment in the following ap- propriate unit: All mailroom and maintenance employees em- ployed by the Respondent excluding office cleri- cals, editorial staff employees , guards and super- visors as defined in the Act. (e) Changing employees' pay periods and grant- ing employees wage increases without notifying or consulting the above -named Union as the exclusive collective -bargaining representative of the em- ployees in the above -stated unit. (f) In any other manner interfering with, restraining , or coercing employees in the exercise of their rights guaranteed in Section 7 of the Act. 2. Take the following affirmative action which I find will effectuate the policies of the Act: (a) Offer to James Hicks and Leo Huff im- mediate and full reinstatement to their former or substantially equivalent positions without prejudice to seniority or other rights and privileges previously enjoyed by them and make them whole for any loss of pay suffered by reason of their discriminatory discharges in the manner set forth in the section of this Decision entitled "The Remedy." (b) Upon request , bargain collectively with the 1295 above-named Union as the exclusive representative of all of its employees in the unit found appropriate herein and embody in a written signed agreement all understandings reached. (c) Post at its New York City establishment co- pies of the attached notice marked "Appendix B. "28 Copies of said notice, on forms provided by the Re- gional Director for Region 2, after being duly signed by the official representative of Respondent, shall be posted by the Respondent immediately upon receipt thereof, and be maintained by it for 60 consecutive days thereafter, in conspicuous places, including all places where notices to em- ployees are customarily posted. Reasonable steps shall be taken by Respondent to insure that said notices are not altered, defaced, or covered by any other material. (d) Notify the Regional Director for Region 2, in writing, within 20 days from the date of this Recommended Order, what steps the Respondent has taken to comply herewith.29 IT IS FURTHER RECOMMENDED that the allega- tions of the complaint alleging conduct to be un- lawful which has not been found specifically to be unlawful herein be dismissed. 29 In the event that this Recommended Order is adopted by the Board, the words "a Decision and Order" shall be substituted for the words "the Recommended Order of a Trial Examiner" in the notice In the further event that the Board's Order is enforced by a decree of a United States Court of Appeals, the words "a Decree of the United States Court of Ap- peals Enforcing an Order" shall be substituted for the words "a Decision and Order " 29 In the event that this Recommended Order is adopted by the Board, this provision shall be modified to read. "Notify said Regional Director, in writing, within 10 days from the date of this Order, what steps Respondent has taken to comply herewith " APPENDIX B NOTICE TO ALL EMPLOYEES Pursuant to the Recommended Order of a Trial Examiner of the National Labor Relations Board, and in order to effectuate the policies of the Na- tional Labor Relations Act, as amended, we hereby notify our employees that: WE WILL NOT discourage membership in or activities on behalf of District 65, Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union, AFL-CIO, or any other labor organization of our employees by discharging or otherwise dis- criminating in regard to hire and tenure of em- ployment or any term or condition of employ- ment of our employees, except to the extent that membership in a labor organization is required as a condition of employment as authorized in Section 8(a)(3) of the National Labor Relations Act. WE WILL NOT refuse to bargain collectively 1296 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL with the above-named Union as the exclusive representative of all our employees in the ap- propriate bargaining unit with respect to rates of pay, wages, hours of employment, and other terms and conditions of employment. WE WILL NOT interfere with, restrain, or coerce our employees by interrogating them concerning the reasons why they support the above-named Union, or by promising them benefits and pay increases in order to induce them to refrain from engaging in activities on behalf of or support of the above-named Union. WE WILL NOT change our employees' pay periods or change any other term or condition of employment, or grant our employees wage increases without first notifying and consulting with the above-named Union as the exclusive representative of all of our employees in the appropriate bargaining unit. WE WILL NOT in any other manner inter- fere with, restrain, or coerce our employees in the exercise of their rights guaranteed in Section 7 of the Act, to form, gain collectively through representatives of their own choosing, or to engage in concerted activities for their mutual aid or protection, or to refrain from any and all such activities. WE WILL offer James Hicks and Leo Huff immediate and full reinstatement to their former or substantially equivalent positions, without prejudice to their seniority or other rights and privileges, and, if these individuals are presently serving in the Armed Forces of the United States of America, we will notify them of their right to full reinstatement upon application in accordance with the Selective Service Act and the Military Training and Ser- vice Act, as amended, after their discharge from the Armed Forces. WE WILL make whole James Hicks and Leo LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Huff for any loss of earnings suffered by reason of our discrimination against them. WE WILL bargain collectively , upon request, with District 65, Retail, Wholesale and Depart- ment Store Union , AFL-CIO, as the exclusive bargaining representative of all our employees in the appropriate unit described below and, if an agreement is reached , embody such un- derstanding in a signed contract . The ap- propriate unit is: All mailroom and maintenance employees excluding office clericals, editorial staff employees , guards and supervisors as defined in the Act. All our employees are free to become or remain, or to refrain from becoming or remaining , members of the above -named Union or any other labor or- ganization , except as such rights may be affected by an agreement requiring membership in a labor or- ganization as a condition of employment as authorized by Section 8(a)(3) of the Act, as amended. R. D. CORTINA CO., INC. (Employer) Dated By (Representative ) (Title) This is an official notice and must not be defaced by anyone. This notice must remain posted for 60 consecu- tive days from the date of posting and must not be altered, defaced, or covered by any other material. Any questions concerning this notice or com- pliance with its provisions may be directed to the Board's Office, Fifth Floor, Squibb Building, 745 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10022, Telephone 751-5500. Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation