Qualitex, Inc.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsAug 25, 1978237 N.L.R.B. 1341 (N.L.R.B. 1978) Copy Citation Qualitex, Inc. and Warren J. McGrath. Case I CA- 13787 August 25, 1978 DECISION AND ORDER BY CHAIRMAN FANNING AND MEMBERS JENKINS AND PENELLO On May 5, 1978, Administrative Law Judge George F. McInerny issued the attached Decision in this proceeding. Thereafter, the General Counsel filed exceptions and a brief in support thereof. Re- spondent filed an opposition to the General Coun- sel's exceptions. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the Na- tional Labor Relations Board has delegated its au- thority in this proceeding to a three-member panel. The Board has considered the record and the at- tached Decision in light of the exceptions and brief and has decided to affirm the rulings, findings, and conclusions of the Administrative Law Judge and to adopt his recommended Order. QUALITEX, INC. briefs submitted by Respondent and the General Counsel, I make the following: FINDINGS OF FACT I THE BUSINESS OF RESPONDENT Respondent is a Rhode Island corporation engaged in the manufacture, sale, and distribution of extruded rubber thread at its Johnston, Rhode Island, location. During the past calendar year, Respondent sold and shipped products valued in excess of $50,000 directly to customers located outside the State of Rhode Island, and in the same period, purchased and received goods valued in excess of $50,000 directly from sources located outside the State of Rhode Island. The complaint alleges, Respondent has admitted, and I find that it is an employer within the meaning of Section 2(2) of the Act, and is engaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. II THE LABOR ORGANIZATION INVOLVED The complaint alleges, Respondent admits, and I find that the Union is a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. III THE ALLEGED UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES A. Background ORDER Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Re- lations Board adopts as its Order the recommended Order of the Administrative Law Judge and hereby orders that the complaint be, and it hereby is, dis- missed in its entirety. DECISION STATEMENT OF THE CASE GEORGE F. MCINERNY. Administrative Law Judge: This case was heard on March 6 and 7, 1978, based on a charge filed by Warren J. McGrath, an individual, on October 24, 1977,' and a complaint issued by the Regional Director for Region I of the National Labor Relations Board on De- cember 5, 1977. The complaint alleges that Qualitex, Inc., herein referred to as Respondent, violated Section 8(a)(l) and (3) of the Act by discharging Warren J. McGrath from its employment because of his activities on behalf of United Rubber, Cork, Linoleum and Plastic Workers of America, District No. 2, AFL-CIO-CLC, herein referred to as the Union, and by such discharge, interfered with, restrained, and coerced its employees in violation of their statutory rights. Upon the entire record in this case, including my obser- vation of the witnesses, and after due consideration of the Unless otherwise indicated. all dates herein refer to 1977. 1. Organization and management of respondent Respondent is a wholly owned subsidiary of a company called Fillattice, 2 located near Milan, Italy. The principal shareholder of Fillattice, and the manager of its operations, is one Angelo Menegatto. Together with his chief adminis- trator, Delle Piane, Menegatto closely and personally es- tablishes and directs not only the long-term general poli- cies of Respondent but also day-to-day operations, including hiring and firing of employees at all levels, as well as the placement and functional use of managerial, technical, fiscal, and clerical employees. This unorthodox type of corporate management quite naturally produced feelings of frustration and helplessness in Respondent's lo- cal officials, including President and Technical Director Richard D. Teale. From the very beginning of his employment as president of Respondent in February 1976, under a 5-year contract, Teale found his recommendations unheeded and his sug- gestions rejected, sometimes summarily and curtly. For ex- ample, shortly after Teale was hired, Respondent's comp- troller resigned. Teale felt that someone from the United States should be hired, but he found that the Fillattice management had determined that they wanted a person from Italy for the job. Teale's protests were firmly rejected. A second instance involved the hiring of a salesman ear- ly in the fall of 1976. Again Teale had taken steps through While it is described as privately held, the record does not reflect wheth- er Fillattice is a corporation, a sole proprietorship, or some other form of business organization. but this is not material to a determination of the issues herein 237 NLRB No. 217 1341 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD the help of friends and newspaper advertisements to obtain candidates, had conducted interviews, and was ready to make a decision as to hiring, when he found that the Fillat- tice management had decided to hire someone they had selected without Teale's knowledge. Relations between Teale and Respondent's local offi- cials and Menegatto and his Fillattice associates were fur- ther exacerbated by a general business slump during 1976 and early 1977, as well as the seeming inability of the Rhode Island operation to attain the standards of produc- tivity and quality or to keep costs down to the levels con- sidered acceptable by Fillattice. Communications between Fillattice and Respondent were maintained through Teale's monthly formal reports, by telegraph messages, and by telephone conversations be- tween Rhode Island and Italy at least weekly. These con- tacts were supplemented by personal visits to Respondent's plant by Italian management and trips to Italy by Teale and others. However, despite. or maybe because of, these constant and close personal contacts, things were not working out to Menegatto's satisfaction. By the end of the summer of 1976, Teale admitted that Menegatto had actively assumed the day-to-day management of the plant. At the same time, by letter dated August 26, 1976, Menegatto transmitted to Teale a set of specific instructions designed to bring Re- spondent's production up to standards of profitability. The letter makes it clear, and Teale testified that he understood, that Respondent's operations would be very carefully and critically studied in the ensuing 6-month period. Apparently the improvements were not satisfactory, be- cause in the early part of March. Delle Piane, while on a visit to Rhode Island and in a conversation with Teale, handed him a letter from Menegatto which expressed the latter's continuing displeasure and directed Teale to dis- charge Production Manager Richard Moran. Teale was upset with this and called Menegatto on the telephone to remonstrate with him. Menegatto's response was short and to the point. Teale's notes quote Menegatto as saying "quality is no good; last chance for Qualitex." Later, after a trip he made to Italy in April 1977, Teale himself was relieved of his administrative duties as presi- dent of Respondent. Those functions thenceforward would be handled by a "troika" of lower level administrators: Cadoret, Moran's successor as production Manager: Primo in finance: and Sullivan in sales. These three would at- tempt to work out the Company's problems among them- selves with, of course, Menegatto as overall director of op- erations and final arbiter of all differences. 2. Respondent's production problems The Rhode Island plant was built in 1973 and 1974 and commenced production early in 1975. Teale, whose back- ground was in chemical engineering, was brought in early in 1976 in the hope that his technical insights could help in the solution of production and financial problems which at that time plagued Respondent's operations. While the Company's financial problems were treated only superficially in the record of this case, it is clear that these problems were the result of continual and serious difficulties in the production process. To begin with, the machinery used to equip the Com- pans's two production lines, designed for a continuous process of production of extruded rubber threads of vari- ous gauges, was not new, and had the additional disad- vantages of European manufacture. with delays in obtain- ing spare parts and difficulties in fitting even American-made nuts and bolts into metric locations. Further, the efficient operation of the production pro- cess depends upon a smooth, continuous operation. The record. however. shows that this process suffered from con- stant and serious interruptions. These were due primarily to human error on the part of production workers, but in some measure from mechanical failure and changes in pro- duction requirements due to priority orders. The loss of production due to these factors may be ex- pressed in two ways, first by comparing the capacity of the plant with the amounts of thread actually produced, or by measuring damaged or unacceptable products which are classified as "scrap." There is evidence in this case that the amount and percentage of scrap relative to total produc- tion was constantly and carefully measured by the Compa- ny, and there is an intimation by the General Counsel, borne out in part by the testimony of Teale, that the al- leged high percentage of scrap was advanced by the Com- pany as one of the reasons for the discharge of Warren J. McGrath. The company records submitted in this matter certainly show that the 2-1/2 percent scrap level set by Fillattice as a standard for the trade was not met very often at Respondent's plant. From January 1977 to the time of McGrath's discharge, the records show that only during 3 weeks did scrap levels fall below the 2-1/2 percent stan- dards. However, the records show also that Respondent's rec- ord did not appreciably improve in the months that fol- lowed, and scrap levels continued to run as high as 10 or 15 percent until September 1977 after which, with a few ex- ceptions, the amount of scrap produced seemed to level off at or below the 2-1/2 percent standard. B. The Maintenance Position McGrath was hired by Respondent on September 29, 1975, to be in charge of maintenance on a 24-hour basis. It was stipulated by the parties that McGrath's starting rate was $5.50 an hour. This was raised on January 12, 1976, to $5.75; on May 1, 1976, to $6.10; and on December 20, 1976, to $6.70 an hour. At first he worked alone, but from mid-1976 he was assigned a helper. McGrath was super- vised directly by the production manager. From early in 1976 until March 1977, this was Richard Moran, and after Moran was discharged, Bucky Cadoret. The maintenance shop itself was a small, enclosed area measuring about 8 by 10 feet in which were kept small parts and tools. Maintenance projects of any size had to be performed outside of the shop itself where there was a workbench, a mechanical saw, grinders, and other equip- ment. This area also contained pieces of equipment in vari- ous states of repair. There had been discussions between Moran and McGrath as to enlargement of the shop. It was not clear who instigated these discussions. In any event, 1342 QUALITEX, INC. nothing was done about it. This condition, where repair work in various stages was laying about in the area around the shop, lent an untidy appearance to the maintenance area. At the time he was in charge of maintenance, McGrath was on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Prior to Febru- ary or March 1977 the plant operated on a 5- or 5-1/2-day week and McGrath was required to perform what was termed preventive maintenance on Saturdays and Sundays. This involved some necessary overtime since McGrath worked a regular 40-hour week. In addition McGrath was on call in case of breakdowns in machinery or equipment at any time. C. McGrath's Union Activity In April 1976 McGrath, together with employees Tom Kennedy and Jim Weber, went to see the president of the Union, Anton Campos, at the Union's offices in Warwick, Rhode Island.3 Authorization cards and union literature were obtained, and McGrath participated in passing out the cards and in discussions concerning unions with em- ployees who were, at that time, somewhat dissatisfied with pay schedules and other working conditions. Between April and October the Company made some efforts to respond to the employees' dissatisfaction. These efforts were not enough, and in October McGrath again spoke to Campos and obtained new union authorization cards. Returning to the plant, McGrath gave the cards to two foremen 4 who in turn obtained signatures from 97 percent of the people in the plant. After the cards were executed, McGrath returned them to the Union. Sometime after that Teale called McGrath into the office and stated that he understood that union cards were being signed. Apparently without waiting for an answer, Teale continued that he couldn't discuss it with McGrath at that time because it could be "jeopardizing the company's position." McGrath then proceeded to discuss the Union on a number of occasions both during and after work. He was under the impression that everyone was in favor of the Union and the better wages and working conditions which would follow the Union's victory. In fact, as the parties stipulated, the Union lost the election in December 1976 by a 17 to 2 vote.' McGrath acted as the Union's observer in the election. D. McGrath's Concerted Activities Following the election McGrath, in late December 1976 organized a grievance committee 6 among the foremen and 3 The record is not clear as to the extent of McGrath's involvement in this early organizational attempt. His testimony indicates that the took a leading role, but later testimony by Richard Moran refers to this incident as "the one with Mr. Kennedy." Kennedy left the Respondent's employ in the sum- mer of 1976 under circumstances which this record does not explain. 'These foremen are not further identified (one of them may be one Vin- cent Zonfrilli) and no evidence was presented on their supervisory status. 5General Counsel admitted that no objections were filed. An unfair labor prtctice charge was filed in November but withdrawn on December 7, 1976. Teale testified that the idea of an employee grievance committee was workers.7 The idea was agreed to by management and the committee was formed. The committee consisted of a rep- resentative of each shift and each department, including maintenance, and was chaired by McGrath with Produc- tion Manager Moran acting as an "overseer." Weekly meetings began to be held and were held regularly until March, after which they were held less often until meetings apparently ceased sometime in April 1977. s There is no evidence that these meetings were conducted in any way other than in an orderly and productive man- ner. Further, there is no evidence that further discussions involving McGrath and Teale were acrimonious or tinged with hostility. Indeed there is no evidence of what, if any- thing, was accomplished through these discussions. Mc- Grath did testify that when Respondent began the 7-day work schedule, he said it was too bad they couldn't get the union cards again. He could not recall whether Moran was present at that meeting, and there is no evidence that any- one in management was aware that the statement was made. E. Respondent's Knowledge of McGrath's Union and Concerted Activities The General Counsel attempted to show that Respon- dent had been made aware of McGrath's activities on be- half of the Union and his major share in that enterprise through statements which were made at an unemployment compensation hearing early in February 1977, held on ac- count of a claim by Vincent Zonfrilli, a former employee of Respondent. Teale had attended the hearing for Respon- dent but testified that he did not believe Zonfrilli's state- ment that the union cards were obtained from McGrath. Indeed, he testified that at that point, he didn't know who was telling the truth about involvement with the Union and who was not. However, it is unnecessary to resolve the question through this testimony. McGrath's own undenied and credible testimony shows that he was not at all shy about his involvement in concerted and union activities. As noted above, he first proposed to Teale the formation of an em- ployee association as early as February or March 1976. He went to Teale, along with Kennedy, in April 1976 in con- nection with the first union effort in the plant. He was called to Teale's office again in October on behalf of the Union. He acted as the Union's observer at the December election. He participated as chairman of, if he was not the moving force behind, the grievance committee which was formed in December 1976 or January 1977. As chairman of the grievance committee he met frequently with Teale and Moran concerning matters of interest to the employees. There is, therefore, no question but that Respondent was raised by employees during meetings which were held under company aus- pices during the campaign. He stated that he agreed with the idea at the time. This testimony is not necessarily inconsistent with Mc Grath's claim that he was the prime mover behind the grievance committee. 7Prior to the first union contact in April 1976, McGrath testified that he had attempted to organize some kind of employees' association and that he had gone to see Teale about it. Teale said he would get back to him and did not. Nothing more was done about that association. This may be related to Muran's discharge in March. There is no evi- dence that his successor. Cadoret. ever participated in these meetings. 1343 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD aware of McGrath's activist tendencies and had been so aware since February or March 1976. F. Respondent's Campaign Against the Union Apparently, very little was done by Respondent in con- nection with the Union's first attempt to organize the plant. Teale's request to Kennedy and McGrath that they hold off was agreed to and the matter was dropped. With the second attempt, the Company did take actions which involved a series of meetings with employees in the plant and letters to employees' homes expressing the Com- pany's strong opposition to the Union. 9 The curious feature of this activity by Respondent is that the matter of conducting the campaign against the union- ization of the plant was left entirely in the hands of Teale. In the light of the control exercised by Fillattice over most of the details of day-to-day management of Respondent, including even placement and assignments of office cleri- cal employees, it is difficult to believe that Menegatto and his associates would have entrusted the entire responsibil- ity for this most important and delicate operation to local management. Yet I must rely on Teale's statement as cor- roborated by the credible and forthright testimony of Rich- ard Moran to the effect that this is precisely what was done. Teale notified Menegatto of the advent of the Union and may or may not have informed him of McGrath's par- ticipation as the Union's observer at the election, but the conduct of the campaign was left entirely in Teale's hands. On the record in this case it appears to me that Respon- dent's campaign was well within proper legal grounds. Cer- tainly the evidence reveals the fact that Respondent vigor- ously opposed the unionization of its employees. It had every right to do this. What the evidence does not show is any discriminatory intent or sufficient antiunion animus to taint the discharge of McGrath, over 4 months after the election, with illegality. N.L.R.B. v. Fibers International Corp., 439 F.2d 1311 (C.A. 1, 1971); N.L.R.B. v. Circle Bindery, Inc., 536 F.2d 447 (C.A. 1, 1976). G. The Discharge of McGrath On May 3 or 4, 1977, Mauro Primo, Respondent's comp- troller, received a telephone call from Mr. Delle Piane of Fillattice stating that in line with earlier decisions which had been made in restructuring the Company and because of a new process which was being introduced '° it was their decision that the "maintenance area had not been handled satisfactorily in the past, and they wanted Mr. McGrath discharged." Primo notified Teale of this development. Teale, for his part, was unhappy with this decision." He I1 draw no inferences from the fact that the Union did not file objections to the election. 01 This apparently has reference to a change in one step of Respondent's process in which the rubber threads are coated in order to prevent their sticking together. The old method was to pass the threads through a box of talc, coating each thread as it passed through. The new way was more comnplex, having the threads pass through a silicon solution and then through ovens to dry off the moisture The machinery and equipment to perform this operation was to be shipped from Italy and assembled at the plant. called Menegatto, who was visting a textile show in New Jersey. However, he was unable to make contact. Menegat- to called back later, spoke to Primo, and told him that he didn't want to discuss the matter. The decision had been made, he said; go ahead and do it. On May 5, McGrath was called in by Teale and, in the presence of Primo and Cadoret, was handed his letter of dismissal. If this were all the evidence regarding the discharge and the reasons for it, the question would be relatively simple of resolution. However, the matter is not at all clear. What is clear is the fact, which I find to be a fact, that Angelo Menegatto made the decision and conveyed that decision to Respondent's local officers. I find further that this ac- tion, precipitous as it was, and with no advance warning to McGrath, was characteristic of, and fully consistent with, Menegatto's way of doing business. He had in the past hired people with no advance consultation and contrary to the considered advice of Rhode Island people. In March 1977 he ordered that Moran be fired, again apparently without advance warning. Later he downgraded Teale from his position of executive responsibility. Finally, Men- egatto may be seen to have interested himself in the most trivial details of Respondent's operations. All of the foregoing follows along in a fairly logical pro- gression. However, General Counsel advances the argu- ment that the reasons advanced by agents of Respondent at the hearing are shifting and inconsistent, showing that the real reason, or at least a contributing factor to the deci- sion to fire McGrath, was his union and concerted activi- ties. There seems to be some substance in this argument. Teale, for example, testified in very general terms about continual breakdowns, excessive costs, and problems in the maintenance department. I do not credit his testimony that McGrath's discharge was discussed with Moran as an al- ternative in the maintenance situation. I rather credit Moran's denial that discharge was ever mentioned in dis- cussions with Teale concerning maintenance. Mauro Primo, the Respondent's comptroller, who had been supplied from Italy over Teale's objections, testified credibly that after the telephone call from Delle Piane was received early in May he, Primo, and Teale sat down and reviewed the past months in an attempt to figure out the reason for this action. More significantly, however, Primo testified that he himself had reported directly to people at Fillattice outlining his own impression of the problems Re- spondent was encountering. There is no evidence that these reports, both verbal and oral, some of which were critical of the maintenance operation, were made known to Teale. In addition to these local reports other comments on maintenance at Respondent's plant were submitted by Ital- ian technicians assigned to Rhode Island on a temporary basis. Luigi Corbetta,t2 a technical production supervisor, was at the plant for 8 months during 1976. Corbetta testi- I1 leale testified at one point that it was his decision to fire McGrath but added that the decision was not 'a free will one." He also testified that he had been unhappy with McGrath's work, had spoken to him about it, and. in conversations with Moran, had discussed discharge as an alternative in dealing with McGrath Both Moran and McGrath deny these statements and I credit the denials 1 ( Corbetta and Luciano Bin testified through an Italian-speaking inter- preter 1344 QUALITEX. INC. flied, credibly, that he had commented on maintenance problems to Moran, but, again more significantly, he made verbal reports directly to Menegatto concerning McGrath's excessive time spent in the plant cafeteria and his "lack of will" in working. Luciano Bin, a technical production supervisor on the same level as Corbetta, had supervised the installation of the plant's machinery in 1974 and 1975. He returned to the United States in March 1977, a few days before Moran left, in order to instruct the new production manager. While there he was faced with a number of problems in regard to mechanical failures and quality of production. All of these problems were considered in a lengthy report which Bin prepared under the date of April 5. 1977. Bin returned to Italy in April and discussed this report. which was hand- written in Italian, with Menegatto and [)elle Piane. This report criticized McGrath's work and the condition of the maintenance area in the harshest and most graphic terms. Bin then returned to the United States on May 8, with two Italian maintenance men, to install and set up the new silicon treatments It is evident to me from the entire record of this case that the discharge of McGrath was directly caused by the re- port submitted by Bin, both orally and in writing, to Mene- gatto and Delle Pilane early in April 1977. To be sure, a number of other reports had been received from other peo- ple. Menegatto's methods of administration, having a num- ber of different people reporting on the same events inde- pendently of each other, may be inefficient and even whimsical, but such methods have a long history in the affairs of humankind. The apparent inconsistency in the reasons advanced by by different officials of Respondent may be reconciled by noting that all of those reports went to Menegatto. Teale, the Respondent's president. was left to muse, as he had so often before, on the nature and the cause of the sudden decision he was required to implement. Then, in an attempt to rationalize an event for which no rational explanation had been furnished him, he ascribed the discharge to the Company's continuous reorganization (of which, despite his 5-year contract, he was another casu- alty). General Counsel argues from Respondent's strong oppo- sition to the Union as expressed in letters to employees' homes and in meetings with employees, and in particular from Teale's reference to the Company's own view of its response to the campaign as a "combat," that such "dem- onstrated hostility" colors and taints the discharge of Mc- Grath. However, the meetings apparently were, as de- scribed in Teale's undenied testimony, merely vehicles for exchange of views. McGrath did not testify at all about these meetings. The letters which are alleged to demon- strate Respondent's hostility were not introduced into evi- dence. I cannot in these circumstances find in the election campaign any evidence of the kind of antiunion feeling which could furnish the basis for an inference that the Re- spondent's aversion to the unionization of its employees 1 I do not find that Bin's affidavit given to the Regional Office in connec- tion with the investigation of this case is in any wa) inconsistent with this testimony, which I credit in its entiret) If there is ans Inconsistencs it reflects omission rather than inclusion of contradictor) materials reflected on the discharge of McGrath. Chrysler .lirrernp South Carolina. Inc., 224 NLRB 427 (1976). I am also asked to infer antiunion animus on the ground that the emploser's stated reasons for the discharge were false. 14 [his is true, but if one reviews this Company's methods of operation, as I have done in this Decision and as Counsel have done in their briefs, the fact is that Teale and Primo, the local officials who responded to the Divi- sion of Employment Security of the State of Rhode Island and the Regional Office during the investigation of this matter, did not themselves know what the real reason was for McGrath's discharge. Whatever Teale and Primo said ma) be ascribed to their disagreement with the action or to attempts to help McGrath to collect unemployment com- pensation and to obtain another job. There is no evidence that Menegatto gave shifting or conflicting reasons for the discharge. He gave no reasons at all, and this is totally consistent with his other actions noted in the record of this case. Menegatto. however, did not testify in this proceeding. As the chief protagonist in the events culminating in the discharge of McGrath. and in view of the evidence con- cerning the operations of Respondent, I could draw the inference that, if he had testified, his testimony would have been adverse to Respondent's case. I decline to draw such an inference for the following reasons. First. it was not shown that Menegatto was in the United States at the time of this hearing or that he was otherwise available to testify. Second, I have credited the testimony of Luciano Bin concerning his conclusions as to the work deficiencies in McGrath's department, his April 1977 report to Menegatto, and I have drawn from that testimony and its relation to the discharge what I consider the real reason for this discharge. Third, I have found. based on the unbiased and candid testimony of Moran. that Menegatto left the entire management of Respon- dent's campaign against the Union in the hands of Teale, thus showing an uncharacteristic but actual lack of interest in the U nion; and fourth, there exists the absence, as noted above, of antiunion animus or any conduct violative of Section 8(a)(1) of the Act. 5 N.L.R.B. v. Agawam Food Mart. Inc.. 424 F.2d 1045 (C.A. I. 1970); GyrodVne Compa- nv of America, Inc., 185 NLRB 934 (1970). Thus, I find that the General Counsel has not submitted a preponderance of evidence, based on the record as a whole, which would allow me to find that McGrath's dis- charge was in any way based on his union or concerted activities. Upon the foregoing findings of fact and upon the entire record in this case. I make the following: 14L I1 (jrant (;inpaln \ 1 R B. 337 F 2d 447 ((' A 7. 1964), and G 1' Mlurphl Indirrit, Irn . 179 NlRB 134 11969). are ited in support of this issue. I find Ihese asues are clearli distiiguishable factuall; from the instant case and are Inlpposite to this proceeding ( General Counsel urges on me two alleged incidents of 8(a\i I ) conduct hb leale which. while barred hb Sec. IO(b) from consideration as violations of law in this case. constitute hackground showing unlawful mori\atlin in the discharge I do nol so find In neither instance was there an, hint of coercion or threat these mais he leced a;s Lsolated incidents and not part of an overall pattern of 8(a)( I conduct as i Pilos Fre, ilgh ( arrieri. In., 221 NL RB 1026 (t197). and (,;rrh,' Sulper Walrke t. Inc . 17 NI RB I I {19691 1345 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1. Respondent Qualitex, Inc., is an employer engaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. 2. Respondent Qualitex, Inc., has not engaged in any violations of Section 8(a)(1) and (3) of the Act. Upon the foregoing findings of fact, conclusions of law, and the entire record in this case, and pursuant to Section 10(c) of the Act, I hereby issue the following recom- mended: The complaint is dismissed in its entirety. Ie In the event no exceptions are filed as provided by Sec. 102.46 of the Rules and Regulations of the National Labor Relations Board, the findings. conclusions, and reconmmended Order herein shall, as provided in Sec. 102.48 of the Rules and Regulations, be adopted b) the Board and become ils findings, conclusions. and Order. and all objections thereto shall be deemed saised for all purposes. 1346 ORDER 16 Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation