Precision Carpet, Inc.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsMar 25, 1976223 N.L.R.B. 329 (N.L.R.B. 1976) Copy Citation PRECISION CARPET, INC. La-Ron Corporation d/b/a Precision Carpet , Inc. and Arthur Andrew Lane, George Neville, and Car- pet and Linoleum Layers Local Union No. 484, In- ternational Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America , AFL-CIO, and Associated Trades and Crafts, Local No. 3, Party of Interest Precision Carpet, Inc. and Arthur Andrew Lane, George Neville, and Carpet and Linoleum Layers Local Union No. 484, International Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America , AFL-CIO. Cases 8-CA-9097-1, 8-CA-9097-2, 8-CA-9094, 8-CA-9098-1, 8-CA-9098-2, and 8-CA-9072 March 25, 1976 DECISION AND ORDER BY MEMBERS JENKINS, PENELLO, AND WALTHER On November 24, 1975, Administrative Law Judge Nancy M. Sherman issued the attached Decision in this proceeding. Thereafter, Respondent filed excep- tions. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the Na- tional Labor Relations Board has delegated its au- thority in this proceeding to a three-member panel. The Board has considered the record and the at- tached Decision in light of the exceptions and has decided to affirm the rulings, findings,' and conclu- sions 2 of the Administrative Law Judge and to adopt her recommended Order. ORDER Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Re- lations Board adopts as its Order the recommended Order of the Administrative Law Judge and hereby orders that the Respondent, La-Ron Corporation, Akron, Ohio, its officers, agents, successors, and as- signs, shall take the action set forth in the said rec- ommended Order. The Respondent has excepted to certain credibility findings made by the Administrative Law Judge . It is the Board's established policy not to over- rule an Administrative Law Judge's resolutions with respect to credibility unless the clear preponderance of all of the relevant evidence convinces us that the resolutions are incorrect . Standard Dry Wall Products, Inc., 91 NLRB 544 (1950), enfd. 188 F.2d 362 (C.A. 3, 1951). We have carefully examined the record and find no basis for reversing her findings. 2 In adopting the Decision of the Administrative Law Judge, Member Walther finds it unnecessary to consider or to rely on Midwest Piping and Supply Co., Inc., 63 NLRB 1060 (1945). DECISION STATEMENT OF THE CASE 329 NANCY M. SHERMAN , Administrative Law Judge: This proceeding was heard at Akron, Ohio, on July 21-23, 1975, pursuant to the following charges and complaints: 1. A charge filed on April 7, 1975, and amended on April 15, 1975, by Carpet and Linoleum Layers Local No. 484, International Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners, AFL=CIO (the Carpet Layers), against Precision Carpet, Inc. d/b/a La-Ron, Inc. (Case 8-CA-9072).' 2. Charges filed on April 14, 1975, by Arthur Andrew Lane (Case 8-CA-9097-1) and George Neville (Case 8- CA-9097-2) against La-Ron, d/b/a Precision Carpet, Inc. 3. Charges filed on April 14, 1975, by Arthur Andrew Lane (Case 8-CA-9098-1) and George Neville (Case 8- CA-9098-2) against Precision Carpet, Inc. 4. A charge filed on April 15, 1975, by the Carpet Layers against La-Ron Corp., d/b/a Precision Carpet, Inc. (Case 8-CA-9094). 5. An order consolidating Cases 8-CA-9097-1, 8-CA- 9097-2, 8-CA-9098-1, and 8-CA-9098-2, dated May 14, 1975, and a consolidated complaint in such cases, dated May 14, 1975, and amended on July 18, 1975. 6. An order consolidating such cases with Cases 8-CA- 9072 and 9-CA-9094, and a consolidated complaint in all the captioned cases , both dated July 1, 1975. The questions presented , inter alia, are whether Section 8(a)(1) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended (the Act), was violated by threats of economic reprisal to certain alleged employees if they did not join Associated Trades and Crafts, Local No. 3 (the ATC); whether Sec- tion 8(a)(2) and (1) of the Act was violated by urging and soliciting employees to sign ATC authorization cards or join ATC, and by executing and maintaining a contract with ATC; and whether Section 8(a)(3) and (1) of the Act was violated by the alleged termination of Arthur Andrew Lane and George Neville because they would not join the ATC. Upon the entire record, including my observation of the witnesses , and after due consideration of the brief filed by counsel for the General Counsel (the General Counsel), the brief filed by counsel for La-Ron Corporation and Preci- sion Carpet, Inc., and the brief filed by counsel for the ATC, I make the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. JURISDICTION La-Ron Corporation is an Ohio corporation with its principal office and place of business at 2268 East Avenue, Akron, Ohio, herein sometimes called the East Avenue ad- dress. Lawrence West, the president of and sole stockhold- er in La-Ron Corporation, testified that between its August 1974 incorporation and mid-January 1975, La-Ron Corpo- ration was engaged in a real estate and stock operation. Lawrence West further testified that beginning about Janu- 1 The amended charge names "Precision Carpet, Inc." 223 NLRB No. 63 330 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD ary 15, 1975, and continuing until the July 1975 hearing, La-Ron Corporation has been engaged in the sale and in- stallation of carpeting , 95 percent of its business being in- dustrial-commercial and the rest residential . Between Feb- ruary and July 1975, inclusive, La-Ron Corporation received carpeting from outside Ohio valued at $5,000 per month . The alleged unfair labor practices began in January 1975, and the hearing was held in July 1975. La-Ron Cor- poration and Precision Carpet, Inc., contend, in effect, that whether to assert jurisdiction over La-Ron Corporation should be determined on the basis of its operations alone. For reasons set forth infra, I agree . I find that La-Ron Corporation has at material times been engaged in com- merce within the meaning of the Act, and that to assert jurisdiction over its operations will effectuate the policies of the Act. Gradwohl House, Inc., 146 NLRB 977 (1964); United Slate, Tile and Composition Roofers, Damp and Wa- terproof Workers Association, AFL-CIO, Local Union No. 7 (Atlas Roofing Co.), 131 NLRB 1267 (1961)2 Precision Carpet , Inc., is an Ohio corporation which was incorporated in October or November 1972. A number of the formal papers in this proceeding were mailed to Preci- sion Carpet, Inc., at the East Avenue address . Counsel for Precision Carpet , Inc., stated on the record that he was not challenging the validity of the service of these documents. Precision Carpet, Inc., contends that it did no business in 1973, 1974, or 1975. At the July 1975 hearing, the General Counsel contended that Precision Carpet , Inc., had been continuously engaged in business from its incorporation through the date of the hearing. In this connection, the General Counsel initially contended that Precision Carpet, Inc., occupies single-employer status with La-Ron Corpo- ration or, in the alternative , that La-Ron Corporation is a successor to Precision Carpet, Inc. Later in the hearing and in the General Counsel 's posthearing brief and his concom- itant "Motion to Conform the Pleadings to the Proof," he made the further alternative contentions that Precision Carpet, Inc., is the alter ego of Precision Carpet Installation (not referred to by that name in the original pleadings); that La-Ron Corporation is the alter ego of Precision Car- pet Installation ; that La-Ron Corporation is the successor to Precision Carpet Installation ; and that La-Ron Corpo- ration , Precision Carpet, Inc., and Precision Carpet Instal- lation constitute a single employer . The issues so raised will be disposed of hereafter. The ATC and the Carpet Layers are both labor organi- zations within the meaning of the Act. If. THE ALLEGED UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES A. Background 1. The 1970 bargaining agreement About 1970, Leo Petri, who was then a business agent for the Carpet Layers, met with William West and his son Lawrence West. They agreed to join the Carpet Layers, to sign an agreement , and to hire some members of that 2 Decision on remand , 134 NLRB 367. Union. William West's fully executed copy of this contract, which expired by its terms no earlier than June 1973, bears the following entry on the signature page, written by Wil- liam West, "Precision Carpet Inst. [By] Wm. West, 2268 East Ave., Akron, Ohio 44314." When this document was signed, William West told Petri that Lawrence West was a "partner" and that "the only reason he was not in full con- trol was that Mr. Bill West had the funds to run the compa- ny and Larry West was the Vice President of the compa- ny" The 1970 bargaining agreement contains a union-shop clause . In June 1972, Arthur Andrew Lane applied to Law- rence West for a job. Lawrence West said that if Lane wanted to work for him, Lane would have to join the Car- pet Layers. Lane had previously tried to join the Carpet Layers, but had been told that he could not get in unless he had a job in a union shop. After this conversation with Lawrence West, Lane requested and received membership in the Carpet Layers. Thereafter, Lawrence West hired Lane. 2. The incorporation of Precision Carpet, Inc. In October or November 1972, Precision Carpet, Inc., was incorporated by William West, his wife Helen (Law- rence West's stepmother), and Rex Sager (infra, fn. 3). At all relevant times thereafter , William West has been the president of Precision Carpet, Inc., and, with Helen West, has owned virtually all its stock.' 3. Payments made after execution of the 1970 contract In early 1973, the employees and the Carpet Layers had considerable problems with checks which were returned to them because of insufficient funds. William West told Petri that the checking account was "screwed up," that the bank was going to close the checking account, and that thereaf- ter he would write checks on an account maintained by LeNest Corporation, which he said was another corpora- tion which he owned and which had some apartments.4 7 The only other stockholder is Rex Sager, who was secretary of Precision Carpet, Inc. Sager is a member of the law firm which represented Precision Carpet, Inc., La-Ron Corporation , and ATC at the hearing. He set up La- Ron Corporation , and is named in La-Ron Corporation's articles of incor- poration as the agent upon whom process, tax notices, or demands may be served. I infer that his stock ownership in Precision Carpet, Inc., is nominal only. Lawrence West testified that from August 1974 until January 15, 1975, LeNest was a holding company which occupied the East Avenue premises and engaged in the business of real estate , stocks and bonds, and carpet (sales and "somewhat , sometimes" installation). He further testified that when he acquired the carpet business in which La- Ron Corporation is now engaged William West owned LeNest , and that at some time which Law- rence West did not recall , Helen West owned an interest in LeNest. Law- rence West testified , in effect, that he had never owned any interest in LeNest. Neville credibly testified without contradiction that at one time not fixed in the record, William West told him that LeNest "was a corporation between Bill West and Helen West;" and that at another time not fixed in the record, William West told him that Lawrence West owned half of Le- Nest . Lawrence West testified at one point that he worked for LeNest be- tween August and December 1974, and he further testified that during this period LeNest was located at 2268 East Avenue . Fourteen checks written by William West on LeNest's account in October and November 1974 bear the printed address , "105 Mayfield Ave., Akron, Ohio," which is the home ad- dress of William and Helen West . I conclude that in 1973 and 1974, LeNest PRECISION CARPET, INC. 331 The first subsequent paychecks on that account did not have deduction statements . After Petri complained about this to William West, he immediately started stapling to the paychecks an itemized list of deductions. Among the de- ductions so made were vacation savings (see infra) and union dues, the deduction of both items having been called for by the 1970 and 1973 contracts. This practice continued through December 1974.5 4. The 1973 contract and subsequent dealings with the Carpet Layers In 1973, with the expiration of the first contract signed by Petri and William West, William and Lawrence West entered into negotiations with Petri for a new contract. During this period, William West repeatedly told Petri that William West was "president" of "Precision Carpet," and that Lawrence West was a "partner" in "Precision Carpet." The contract eventually executed, on July 19, 1973, was a printed form contract to expire by its terms no earlier than June 1976. Petri testified that the same parties entered into both the 1970 and 1973 agreements. However, when Re- spondents' counsel then suggested that the employer party to the 1970 contract was "obviously Precision Carpet In- stallation," Petri credibly testified, "I don't really know what company I was dealing with because they were con- tinually changing checks and changing all their statuses completely." In William West's presence, Petri inserted "Precision Carpet" in the blank for the employer' s name in the preamble in the 1973 contract .6 William West inserted on the signature page, under the language "For the Em- ployer," the words, "Wm. A. West, Pres. . . . 2268 East Ave. . . . Akron, Ohio, 44314." Above this signature is the notation, "Employers IRS No. 34-1111186." The 1973 agreement, like the 1970 agreement, contains a union-shop clause . When carpetlayer Neville started to work at the East Avenue shop in July 1973, he joined the Carpet Layers because Lawrence West said he "had to be a member in order to work in the shop because it was a Union shop." The 1973 agreement contains clauses requiring the Em- ployer to contribute to a health and welfare and a pension fund a specified sum for each hour worked by a unit em- ployee. The received exhibits include the Carpet Layers carbon copies of certain forms sent to an unspecified bank for the months of January through October 1974 and head- ed "Monthly Combined Report form to be used in report- ing employees working under Carpenters and Joiners Agreements." These forms each contain an entry in the square labeled "Remittance." Of these 10 forms, 7 bear the IRS identification number recited in the 1973 contract, 2 bear no IRS identification number, and 1 (for August 1974) bears a different IRS identification number. The employer's name on the first of these documents is "Preci- sion Carpet, Inc." The remaining documents give its name as "Precision Carpet Installation," except that two of them (for the months of April and June) give the name "Preci- sion Carpet." All of these documents give the employer's address as the East Avenue address. All of them bear, in similar handwriting, the purported signature of Mark Gun- derson, whom Petri identified as the bookkeeper for Preci- sion Carpet Installation, except that the last two are signed by William West I and the report for February bears the signature "H. A. West"; as previously noted, one of the major stockholders of Precision Carpet, Inc., is Helen West. A "vacation savings" provision in the 1973 contract requires the Employer to forward to an agreed-upon "de- pository" a specified sum for each hour worked by a unit employee. The received exhibits include the Carpet Layers carbon copies of certain forms, all but the first of which bear a "Received" stamp from the First National Bank of Akron, which are headed "Local No. 484 Vacation-Holi- day Fund" and which specify the amounts allegedly owed for the months of January to October 1974, inclusive. All of these forms state the employer's address as the East Av- enue address. The last two of these forms give the employer's name as "Precision Carpet, Inc." and bear the signature of "Wm. West Pres." B All but one (for March) of the remaining forms bear Mark Gunderson's purported signature in handwriting similar to his purported signatures on the "Combined Reports" forms. Of these eight remain- ing forms, two name the employer as "Precision Carpet Installation," four as "Precision Carpet," and two as "Pre- cision Inc." With the exception noted below,9 the employee names and their respective working hours set forth on the "vacation savings" form for each month are the same as those on the "welfare and pension" form for that month. On September 26, 1973, Petri sent by certified mail a letter alleging violations of the 1973 contract between the Carpet Layers and "Precision Carpet," to "Mr. William West, President, Precision Carpet, 105 Mayfield Rd., Ak- ron, Ohio." The letter stated that if the matter was not resolved before October 5, 1973, then the letter was to be considered as a grievance, three named persons were to be the union representatives of the arbitration board, and Pe- tri should be advised of the designated arbitrators for ..your company." Petri never received a reply to this letter, which, according to a subsequent letter from William West, he did not receive until October 10, 1973. On October 8, 1973, Petri sent a letter addressed to "Bill West, President, Precision Carpet," at the East Avenue address. The letter alleged that "your company has not complied with the con- tract by naming its three arbitrators," and requested the Employer to appoint an arbitrator in accordance with the next step of the contractual grievance procedure. The letter was sent by certified mail, and the receipt was signed by Lawrence West, as agent for Bill West. A letter to Petri r I find these signatures to be authentic on the basis of comparison with admittedly authentic signatures on other exhibits. 8 See supra, fn. 7. 9 Arthur Lane's name and alleged working hours are listed on the "Monthly Combined Report Form" for May through July 1974. Similar was in effect owned by William and/or Helen West . entries on the "Vacation-Holiday Fund" reports for those months are s However , vacation fund contributions were not forwarded after October crossed out, and his crossed -out hours are subtracted from the "Total Regu- 1974. lar Hours" with the notation "pd. to Lane." Lane testified that he worked 6 The record fails to disclose the corresponding entry, if any, in the 1970 for "Precision Carpet" beginning in June. His name and hours are listed on contract . both sets of forms beginning in August 1974. 332 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD from William West, dated October 12, 1973, tacitly con- ceded the existence of contractual obligations which had not been fully met but would assertedly be complied with shortly. The printed letterhead on this letter reads, "Preci- sion Carpet Installation / 2268 East Avenue, Akron, Ohio 44314/ Bus. 836-6111, Res. 836-9369." 5. Alleged 1968-74 functioning of Precision Carpet Installation and Precision Carpet, Inc. Lawrence West initially testified that from August 1974 until January 15, 1975, he worked for LeNest Corporation at the East Avenue address. Two days later, he testified that for a 6-year period which included December 1974, he was employed by Precision Carpet Installation as a manag- er, under the immediate supervision of his father, William West. Lawrence West further testified that throughout this 6-year period, he did all the hiring and all the firing.10 In addition, Lawrence West testified that other duties in man- aging the shop were divided between himself, his father William West, his stepmother Helen West, and Ronald Taylor, one of La-Ron's original incorporators.) I Attorney John A. Daily (who represented ATC at the hearing but who filed certain prehearing pleadings as counsel for Re- spondents and whose partner represented Respondents at the hearing in July 1975), stated on the record: ... our search was that . . . in talking to the attorney who does the tax returns, he said that Precision Carpet Inc. did not do business in the years 1973, '74 or '75. However, he did deduct-I should say there was a trade style known as William West d.b.a. Precision Carpet Installation on his individual returns when his Schedule C was filed for the year 1974, and that is the extent of our knowledge. This representation that the tax attorney had made these statements to Daily was accepted by the General Coun- sel.12 Counsel for Precision Carpet, Inc., contended on the rec- ord that this corporation had done no business in 1973 or 1974. Counsel for this corporation further stated on the record that its president in 1974 was William West. A no- tarized affidavit signed by William West on February 7, 1974,13 states that Precision Carpet, Inc., "is an Ohio cor- 10 When hiring Neville in July 1973, and rehiring Lane in May 1974, Lawrence West said that they were working for "Precision Carpet" "Lawrence West testified that he and his father had decided to hire Taylor. Lawrence West further testified that Taylor did work for Precision Carpet Installation , but that Lawrence West did not know "whether he was an employee of Precision Carpet Installation or LeNest [supra, In. 4]. 1 don't know who he was paid by." 12 The transcript is hereby corrected. 13 Attorney Daily, who signed certain prehearing pleadings on behalf of Respondents, but who appeared at the hearing as counsel for the ATC, notarized William West's signature . Daily testified that he knew William West and that as a matter of practice , Daily would not have signed, as notary , a document bearing the purported signature of William West if it in fact had not been signed by William West. See also rule 902(8 ) of the Feder- al Rules of Evidence . Daily's subscription gives February 7 as the date but omits the year . I infer that the year was 1974 in view of the February 13, 1974, date of the NLRB receipt stamp on the document and the fact that the document describes various alleged events occurring on or prior to January 7, 1974. poration engaged in the selling and installation of carpet .... Annually in the course and conduct of its business, it received goods in the value of $50,000 from points located outside the State of Ohio." I adhere to my determination at the hearing that this affidavit is admissible to prove the truth of the foregoing matters asserted therein. See rule 801(d)(2)(D) of the Federal Rules of Evidence. B. Lawrence West's Alleged Acquisition of a Carpet Business at the East Avenue Address La-Ron Corporation was incorporated in April 1974 by Ronald Taylor (its first president), Lawrence West, and Rex Sager (supra, fn. 3). Between August 1974 and January 15, 1975, La-Ron Corporation was engaged in a stocks and real estate operation. At some time during this period, Lawrence West bought out the other shareholders and be- came the sole shareholder in La-Ron Corporation. Counsel for Respondents stated at the outset of the hear- ing, "We plan to show ... that early in 1975 La-Ron Cor- poration and Larry West, its president, bought out all of the assets and accounts from Precision Carpet, Inc... . Further, . . . we will state that Precision Carpet, Inc., through our knowledge did not do any business in 1974 ... and 1975." Lawrence West initially testified that in mid-January 1975 he bought out LeNest (supra, fn. 4). Two days later, Lawrence West testified as follows: Q. [By the General Counsel] . . . You say you are now the owner of what? A. La-Ron Corporation d.b.a. Precision Carpet In- stallation. Q. La-Ron d.b.a. Precision Carpet Installation? A. Correct. That's what I bought, Precision Carpet Installation. Q. How much did you pay for Precision Carpet In- stallation? A. A total of $101,000. Q. Did you buy Precision Carpet Installation or did you buy LeNest? A. No, I did not buy LeNest. Q. You did not? A. No, I did not. Q. It is your testimony here today that you bought Precision Carpet, Incorporated? A. Correct. JUDGE SHERMAN: No. Installation. MR. HILL: I mean, Installation. Precision Carpet Installation. THE WITNESS: Correct. JUDGE .SHERMAN: Who did you buy it from? THE WITNESS: William A. West, of LeNest. I bought Precision Carpet Installation from LeNest, Incorpo- rated. William A. West d.b.a. Precision Carpet Instal- lation, that is who I bought Precision Carpet from. Q. (By Mr. Hill) Let's go over that slowly again. You bought what? A. I bought Precision Carpet Installation from Wil- liam A. West d.b.a. Precision Carpet Installation and LeNest. PRECISION CARPET, INC. 333 Q. Are you saying that William A. West owned Precision Carpet and LeNest? A. Correct. Q. And you bought Precision Carpet Installation from him? A. As far as I can remember, yes. JUDGE SHERMAN : You bought it from him and from LeNest? THE WITNESS : Yes. Of this $101,000 payment, $20,000 was in cash and the rest in notes. Lawrence West testified that for this sum he received "the good will of the company, actually, their name," inventories, materials, supplies, trucks, a towmotor, and all of its carpeting (valued at $25,000 to $30,000). He further testified that he assumed the lease on the building for 5 years, that he received some payables, and that he received no accounts receivable or shares of stock. When asked whether Precision Carpet Installation, when he pur- chased it, was a proprietorship, a partnership, or a corpora- tion, Lawrence West replied that he did not know, "All I know is [I am] working under William A. West d.b.a. Preci- sion Carpet Installation, but we put it under La-Ron d.b.a. Precision Carpet Installation." He also testified that he did not know how Precision Carpet Installation differed from Precision Carpet, Inc. After January 1, Neville and Lane, who continued to work at the East Avenue address, began receiving checks signed by Lawrence West with the printed heading, "La- Ron Corp., 406 W. Exchange St., Akron, Ohio 44302." When Neville asked Lawrence West about this, he replied that he and Ronald Taylor had ordered these checks 4 or 5 months ago, but "before [La-Ron] ever got started .. . [they] had a disagreement, and La-Ron . . . dissolved and he was going to use these new checks" until regular payroll checks came in.14 Lawrence West directed the carpetlayers both before and after La-Ron Corporation took over the business in January 1975. All four of the carpetlayers who were on La-Ron Corporation's payroll in January and February 1975 were included among the four or five who had worked as such under Lawrence West's direction in December 1974. The sign "Precision Carpet" appeared on the front of the East Avenue building from at least July 1973 through at least February 1975, and there is no evi- dence that it was ever changed. During this same period, all mail was addressed to "Precision Carpet Company," at the East Avenue address, and the secretary answered the phone "Precision Carpet." A letter written to Petri by Wil- liam West in October 1973 appears on the same stationery as a letter written to a Carpet Layers attorney by Lawrence West dated March 7, 1975. The letterhead reads, "Preci- sion Carpet Installation, 2268 East Avenue, Akron, Ohio 44314, Bus. 836-6111, Res. 836-9369"; and at the July 1975 hearing, Lawrence West testified, "That is our com- pany stationery." The March 1975 letter was signed by Lawrence West under the typewritten signature, "Precision 14 No deductions for taxes or union dues were made from their 1975 checks. Carpet, Inc." and over the typewritten signature, "Law- rence M. West, President."15 On April 19, 1975, Lawrence West signed a receipt bearing the name "Precision Carpet" for the amended charge and accompanying letter in Case 8-CA-9072, naming as Respondent "Precision Carpet, Inc." 16 The receipt of a number of other formal papers served between April and July 1975 by registered mail in the instant proceeding (heard in July 1975) was acknowl- edged by the purported signature of Peggy Ann West, who is Lawrence West's sister and William West's daughter and whom Lawrence West identified as a secretary work- ing for La-Ron Corporation.17 As previously noted, Re- spondents do not question the sufficiency of the service of these documents, all of them mailed to the East Avenue address. After the beginning of 1975, Lawrence West caused to be printed a supply of folded business cards. The outside contains the printed name, with a picture of a yardstick, "Precision Carpet Installation," the first word being in larger and different style type from the rest. When the card is opened, it states, inter alia, "Larry M. West, Owner, 2268 East Avenue, Akron, Ohio 44313 (216) 836-6111," the busi- ness telephone number appearing on the 1973 and 1975 stationery. He testified that he caused these cards to be printed "Because I am now the owner of La-Ron Corpora- tion d/b/a Precision Carpet Installation, but I haven't changed all the book works or my contracts in making them La-Ron. I am still going under the name of Precision Carpet Installation." About May 22, 1975, Precision Carpet, Inc., filed a "Mo- tion and Answer" whose caption bears the name of Preci- sion Carpet, Inc., but does not bear the name of La-Ron Corporation. This document, which was drafted as an an- swer to a complaint referring to Precision Carpet, Inc., as "Precision" and not naming Precision Installation Compa- ny as such, states, in connection with an allegation that Neville and Lane were unlawfully discharged, "upon re- ceipt of business by Precision, Neville and Lane will be able to bid on same as subcontractors." Carpetlayer Neville testified that William West retired the first of January, and that the next check received by Neville was from La-Ron Corporation.18 Lawrence West testified at the July 1975 hearing that his father had recent- ly retired "from his business," which Lawrence West de- scribed as "LeNest, Incorporated" (supra, fn. 4). There is no evidence that William West ever played any part in the operations of La-Ron Corporation. 15 Lawrence West attributed the signature's phrasing to the nomenclature used in the letter to which West's letter was a response. When asked whether he was president of Precision Carpet, Inc., as of March 7, 1975, he replied "Just by the letterhead, to answer [Carpet Layers' attorney] Gore' s letter, just to stall for time." 16 1 find his signature on this document to be authentic by comparing it with admittedly authentic signatures on other exhibits. 17 Peggy Ann West's purported signatures appear on two receipts as agent for "La-Ron" and two as agent for "Precision Carpet." The quoted material appears to be in the same handwriting as the signatures. All four receipts were signed less than 3 weeks before the hearing. Is The earliest such check in the record is dated January 31, 1975. The latest prior check signed by William West is dated December 5, 1974. 334 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD C. The Events Culminating in Recognition of the A TC 1. Lawrence West's opinion of the Carpet Layers and the ATC Carpet Layers representative Petri credibly testified to a belief that Lawrence and William West continuously vio- lated the bargaining agreement , refused to go to arbitra- tion, and discharged an employee because he had testified to that effect before the Board . 19 In late 1974, Petri ap- proached Lawrence West and said that Petri wished West would "pay the people according to the agreement and abide by the agreement that we had signed ." West called Petri a "bastard" and a "son of a bitch ," and told him to "get the hell out of there," whereupon Petri slapped him. West thereafter filed but later dropped assault charges against Petri. In November 1974, Petri and other representatives of the Carpet Layers got into a discussion with Lawrence West about alleged breaches of the 1973 contract . West "blew up," said that he "wasn 't going to put up with this type of aggravation and he was going to quit [the Carpet Layers] and join ATC, where they would go to bat for him. They would hire an attorney and fight [the Carpet Layers] if necessary." On two occasions in January 1975, Petri telephoned Lawrence West to ask him "what his intentions were with regard to abiding by the contract that the company had signed." The record fails to show West 's reply. 2. Alleged interference , restraint , and coercion In January 1975, Lawrence West told carpetlayer Lane that "they was thinking about changing the union , going to Associated Trades and Crafts Union," and asked Lane what he thought of it . Lane, who was a member of the Carpet Layers, said that he "didn't think it would be such a good idea." Later in January, in the presence of carpet- layer Neville, Lawrence West told Lane that if he did not join the ATC "with them," Lane would no longer work for West . Lane replied that he would not join.20 Still later in January , Lawrence West gave Lane a copy of the ATC contract, said he thought the contract was a good idea, and told Lane to read it and to tell West what Lane thought about it . At or about the same time, Lawrence West asked Lane and Neville to attend a meeting at the shop at 7:30 that evening with an ATC representative . Lane and Neville went down to the shop and waited until 8:15 or later, but no one else showed up. On the following day, they asked Lawrence West what happened to the meeting. He said that he had gone out of town and could not make it back or get to a phone.21 19 A charge based on this alleged incident was settled by payment of partial backpay. m West was not asked about this conversation . Accordingly , I credit Lane's version, although Neville was not asked about it either. 21 Lawrence West testified that sometime after January 1975, La-Ron Corporation's officers-President Lawrence West, Vice President Sue Ann D'Amico , and comptroller William Chapman-called a "company meet- ing," not attended by ATC representative Eddie Beam , to decide what union to affiliate with. West further testified that the employees present, In early February, Lawrence West and La-Ron comp- troller William Chapman asked Lane to join the ATC. West said that he thought it would be a better union, the benefits were better, and "we" would work more often. Lane replied that he would not join the ATC and he did not think it was a good idea for West and Chapman to join either. 2 Also in early February 1975, ATC business agent Eddie Beam received a report that Lawrence West was having trouble with the Carpet Layers business agent, who had punched him, and might be glad to talk to Beam . There- upon Beam called Lawrence West, identified himself, and asked whether he would be interested in talking to Beam. West said, "Yes, I would ... I am glad you called." 3. The ATC meeting in Lawrence West's office On February 17, at or about 6:30 p.m., Lawrence West telephoned Neville that there was a meeting at the shop at 7 that evening and "For your own good, you better be there." Neville replied that he was not coming because he had other plans and the notice was too short. West did not relate the purpose of the meeting to Neville, who testified that he "had a good idea, but . . . wasn't positive" as to its purpose . Lane was never informed of this meeting. The names of four, and only four, nonclerical employees appear on La-Ron Corporation's payroll records between mid-January and the end of February 1975-namely, Wil- liam Ringer , Louie Sloey, George Neville, and Arthur An- drew Lane. I find that until the end of February 1975, these four comprised the bargaining unit for which the ATC was recognized as the bargaining representative on February 19.23 About 7 p.m. on February 17, ATC representative Beam met in Lawrence West's office with Lawrence West, William Chapman (La-Ron Corporation's comptroller), and employees Ringer and Sloey. Neville and Lane were not present. Also present were Terrence Pearson, Jerry Hershberger, and (perhaps) someone named "Angelo." Hershberger's name does not appear on any of La-Ron Corporation's payroll records through June 13, which were supplied in response to a subpena issued at the General Counsel's instance, and seeking all such records through May 30, 197524 Nor does Pearson's name appear on any of whom he identified as William Ringer , John Percocco , Harry Dean, and Carroll Haywood , "all collectively," said they wanted to be represented by the ATC. I do not believe Lawrence West 's wholly uncorroborated testimo- ny in this respect . Because he testified that "we didn ' t have a union" at this time, any such meeting must have been held before February 19, 1975, when Lawrence West signed a contract with the ATC. However, Dean's name first appears on the payroll for the week ending April 1. 1975, Haywood 's first appears on the payroll for the week ending May 9, 1975, and Percocco 's does not appear on any of the payroll records through June 13, 1975. u Lane testified at the hearing that he said this because he had heard that the ATC had trouble getting on big commercial jobs. 23 For reasons set forth infra, I find that Neville and Lane were employees rather than independent contractors , and that they were terminated on Feb- ruary 18 in violation of Section 8(a)(3) and (1) of the Act. Accordingly, they are included in the unit at all times, including the period after their dis- charge . Independent Sprinkler & Fire Protection Co., 220 NLRB No. 140 (1975); Old King Cole, Inc. v. N.L.R.B., 260 F.2d 530 (C.A. 6, 1958). 24 The dated ATC documents signed by Hershberger are all dated May 30, 1975, or later. PRECISION CARPET, INC. 335 these records 25 The only "Angelo" on such records is An- gelo Sabaro , whose name first appears on the payroll rec- ord for the week ending March 7, 1975. Beam told the group about the benefits called for by the ATC contracts, all of which are identical, and about the ATC dues and assessments . Ringer , Sloey , Pearson , Hershberger, and (perhaps) Chapman and "Angelo" said they wanted to join , but Beam had mislaid his blank ATC authorization cards.26 Lawrence West was present throughout this con- ference , but said nothing. 4. The alleged discriminatory discharges At 10 p.m. that evening, February 17, Lawrence West telephoned Neville and said, "Precision Carpet is now an ATC union shop; and if you intend to work there any more, you have to join the union with us." Immediately thereafter , Lawrence West telephoned Lane and said "that they had just joined Associated Trades and Crafts Union and if [Lane] didn't intend . . . to join, that [he] shouldn't bother showing up for work the next day." In a telephone conversation immediately thereafter, Neville and Lane agreed to go to work the next day as if nothing had hap- pened.27 On the following day, February 18, Neville and Lane came to the shop about 8 a.m. Lawrence West was not there. La-Ron Corporation's comptroller, Chapman, said that West had told him that the shop had become an ATC shop the night before and if they did not intend to join the ATC, then they were not going to work there. Chapman said that if they did not intend to join the ATC, they might as well go home, there would not be any work for them. At this point Lane became "sort of aggravated" and walked away. Chapman then told Neville, "We have guys that did join with us and we have to give them the work first ... . If we had a lot of work, . . . I would be glad to give it to you guys." After waiting around for a few more minutes, Lane and Neville went home. They never again reported for work there, and were never directed to report for work 28 35 Lane testified that "Terry," whose last name Lane did not know, was the "shop man" who delivered cut carpeting to the installation site . Howev- er, "Terry" performed this function at least partly before Lawrence West bought the business in January 1975, whereas Lawrence West testified in July 1975 that Terrence Pearson was hired, apparently to cut carpeting, after the first of 1975, without giving any further particulars about the date. Pearson's February 19, 1975 , checkoff card describes him as a warehouse manager, a classification not shown to exist in La -Ron Corporation 's shop, and none of the ATC documents signed by him indicates that he was cur- rently employed by La-Ron Corporation , Precision Carpet Installation, or Precision Carpet, Inc. 26 1 do not accept West 's testimony that the La -Ron personnel filled out the ATC forms at this meeting . This testimony is inconsistent with the ATC's records and was not corroborated by Beam. 27 The Carpet Layers had previously suggested this course of action should the problem arise. 28 My findings as to the February 18 events are based on the mutually corroborative testimony of Neville and Lane . Chapman did not testify, nor was his absence explained . While Neville and Lane are listed on the payroll through the week ending February 28, the record establishes that they were frequently paid late (see infra, part II,13,1). I do not credit the testimony of Lawrence West, who was a singularly unimpressive witness (see infra, parts II,B, II,D,4), that at an employee meeting after February 19 he gave Neville and Lane the choice of working as employee members of the Carpet Layers or as employee members of the ATC, and they replied that they did not 5. The execution of a contract with the ATC On February 19, La-Ron President Lawrence West, La- Ron comptroller Chapman, employee Ringer, and Pearson went down to the ATC hall. West signed a membership pledge, an authorization card, and a checkoff card, and then called in one of the others. Thereafter, each person who signed called in another as he left. Chapman, Ringer, and Pearson all signed membership pledge cards that day; Pearson and (perhaps) Ringer filled out applications for membership that day;29 and Chapman and Pearson filled out authorization and checkoff cards that day.30 At some time prior to the end of the meeting, Lawrence West and ATC business representative Phil Williams executed a col- lective-bargaining agreement with the ATC effective from March 1, 1975, to March 1, 1978, and covering, inter alia, wages , hours; an apprenticeship program, and a grievance- arbitration procedure. On the signatory page of this docu- ment, Lawrence West wrote, in the blank under the type- written work "Employer," "Lawrence M. West d.b.a. Pre- cision Carpet Inc." Similarly, in the blank for the name of the "Employer" on the first page of this document, he wrote, "Lawrence M. West DBA Precision Carpet Inc." Thereafter, West advised Beam by telephone, "Ed, you have to get out here. There is a couple of guys who want to join. You have to get out here and sign them up." West and Beam agreed that Beam would come to the shop on Febru- ary 28, a day when the employees would come in for their pay. When Beam arrived, he took a seat by the desk where West was paying off the employees. Lawrence West was not asked about the February 28 events . As a witness for the General Counsel, Beam testi- fied that he left "booklets" with Sloey and Sloey's "part- ner," whom Beam did not identify by name but did identi- fy as an employee who had attended the February 17 conference but not the February 19 meeting .31 Beam went on to testify that West said he would mail the filled-out "booklets" to the ATC's main office along with the em- ployees' payments. Although Sloey remained on La-Ron Corporation's payroll until the end of March, the ATC's records fail to show that Sloey ever applied for member- ship, nor did they disclose any applications on or shortly want to be associated with the ATC. Moreover , La-Ron Corporation was not bound by any union-security contract with the Carpet Layers (infra, part II,D,3) and does not rely on the ATC union-shop clause. Accordingly, the conversation as testified to by Lawrence West would establish an unlaw- ful termination . See cases cited infra II,D,5a (text). 29 Ringer 's application is dated February 16, but there is no credible evi- dence that prior to February 17 he had any contact with the ATC. Ringer's authorization and checkoff cards are dated May 1, 1975. After the inquiry on the application , "Who referred you to us?" Ringer wrote, "Persion [sic] Caet Co." Because West is a shop owner and he and Chapman do not work with the tools, they were admitted as nonvoting associate members. 31 Before March 1975, Sloey's usual partner was Ringer, who was present on both February 17 and 19 and had already signed a pledge card and (perhaps) a membership application (see supra, In. 29). Beam did not cor- roborate Lawrence West's testimony that "Angelo" attended the February 17 conference , Angelo Sabaro's name does not appear on La-Ron Corporation 's payroll until the week ending March 7, and the ATC has no record of any papers signed by him . La-Ron Corporation 's payroll for the week ending February 28 lists Ringer , Sloey, Neville , and Lane. 336 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD after February 28 from anyone on La-Ron Corporation's payroll 32 Neville also came to the shop that evening to pick up a check for sums held back for 5 weeks. Lawrence West asked him whether he had made up his mind yet to join the ATC, and Neville replied no. West introduced Neville to Beam as a "good man . . . a good installer. . . . So right now we are going to forget all of those differences . . . and any question that he asks you, would you be good enough to answer it?" Beam explained the benefits called for by the ATC agreement, told Neville the number of ATC members and unemployed members, described the qualifi- cations and the dues payments required , and discussed the ATC's policy regarding employee grievances. Beam said that he was not going to beg anyone to join the ATC, said Neville could join or not as he pleased, and said, "What do you want to do? Think it over." Beam wrote his name and telephone number on the back of a copy of the ATC agree- ment, gave this copy to Neville in West's presence , and left the shop . West was present throughout this conversation. After Beam had left, West told Neville to take the agree- ment home , read it, and think it over.33 Beam testified that he believed Neville to be "interested enough that he would come with us . . . . Apparently I was wrong." The ATC contract, like the Carpet Layers 1970 and 1973 contracts , contained a checkoff provision and a union-se- curity provision with a grace period of 8 days rather than the 30 days called for by the proviso to Section 8(a)(3). None of the parties has taken a definitive position as to whether these clauses were rendered lawful by Section 8(f) of the Act, which permits a 7-day grace period where inter alia, the employer is engaged "primarily in the building and construction industry." 34 Without finding whether or not Respondents were or are so engaged, I note that the burden of proof as to this issue rests upon Respondents and the ATC.35 Respondents conceded at the hearing that the propriety of Neville's and Lane's alleged discharge was to be determined without regard to the union -security pro- visions in the ATC contract. Moreover , ATC representa- tive Beam stated that he would have no objection to their continuing to work for the Company but remaining Carpet Layers members rather than joining the ATC. 32 The next application shown by the ATC's records is from Harry Dean on March 29 , 1975. His name does not appear on the payroll until the week ending April 1, 1975. 33 Beam testified that the ATC contracts are so administered that certain payments are made by the employees, even though the contracts on their face provide that the payments are to be made by the employer . In addition. ATC counsel stated on the record that although the ATC contract calls for payment by the hour, the ATC has no objections to payment by the piece if the employee thereby receives the minimum contractual hourly rate. Many of the grievances pressed by the Carpet Layers under the 1970 and 1973 agreements , which also called for hourly rates, were based on alleged piece- work payments. 34 Cf. Carpet, Linoleum and Soft Tile Local Union No. 1247 of the Brother- hood of Painters, Decorators and Paper Hangers of America, AFL-CIO (Indio Paint and Rug Center), 156 N LRB 951 (1966); United Brotherhood of Carpen- ters and Joiners of America, AFL-CIO, Local 1839 (Kroeter Construction Co.?, 160 NLRB 1, 3 (1966). 3 Carpet, Local Union No. 1247 (Indio Paint), supra. In. 1. D. Analysis and Conclusions 1. The status of Neville and Lane Respondents contend that Neville and Lane were at all times independent contractors rather than employees and, further, that if they were employees, before La-Ron Corpo- ration took over the carpeting business in mid-January 1975 they were employees of LeNest. For the purposes of convenience, these contentions, whose relevance will ap- pear infra, will be discussed at this point. a. Whether they were employees I conclude that Neville and Lane were at all times em- ployees rather than independent contractors. It is undis- puted that carpetlayers Ringer and Sloey were employees during the latter part of 1974 and in 1975. All four carpet- layers were provided the same personal tools; all four were provided without charge with the same company supplies and equipment, including precut carpeting to be installed; all four performed the same kind of work and (before La- Ron Corporation's takeover) sometimes worked together on the same job; all four received their instructions from William (before La-Ron's takeover) and Lawrence West about when to report for work, whether to report at the shop or at a particular job, how many square yards of car- pet to install, the color of the carpet, and what was sup- posed to be done first; and all four were paid partly by the square yard (at a rate unilaterally set by Lawrence West) and partly by the hour before La-Ron's takeover, and by the square yard thereafter.36 Lane always gave an advance explanation, such as sickness, before taking a whole day off. The record is silent as to Neville's practice in this re- spect. Lane and Neville were permitted to leave a job early, without pay, if they were finished on the job or there was a hold up on the job. On a few occasions, Lane took an unpaid hour or two off in the afternoon for personal rea- sons without notifying his employer.37 In filing his income tax return for 1974, Neville filed the W-2 form used by employees. 38 Both Neville and Lane were required to join the Carpet Layers when they first began to work at the East Avenue shop (in 1972 and 1973, respectively), Carpet Layers dues and vacation savings payments were deducted from their 1974 paychecks, and payments to the Carpet Layers health and welfare and pension funds were made in 1974 on their behalf, all as required by the Carpet Layers bargaining agreements . Also during 1974, income and social security taxes were deducted from their checks. In 1973 and 1974, both Neville and Lane made repeated complaints to the Carpet Layers that they were being paid by the piece rather than, as required by the bargaining agreement, on an hour- ly basis, and the Carpet Layers brought some of these com- plaints to the attention of William West and asked him to 36 See supra, In. 33 . After the takeover , employees were paid by the hour when repairing damage effected by others . There is no evidence that Neville or Lane ever received such an assignment. 17 When he did call the shop during the day, most of the time nobody was there. 38 There is no evidence regarding Lane's income tax return. PRECISION CARPET, INC. 337 remedy such grievances . Neither Lane nor Neville ever took jobs with another company while working in the East Avenue shop,39 or hired anyone else to work with him, or entered into any contractual agreement with La-Ron Cor- poration or Precision Carpet, Inc. Neville never bid on any jobs, and there is no evidence that Lane did (see supra, fn. 39). Neville was never told that he was an independent contractor, and there is no evidence that any such state- ment was ever made to Lane, who usually worked with Neville. As previously found, Lawrence West told Neville to attend a meeting at which the ATC urged La-Ron Corporation's employees to join, and told both Neville and Lane to attend an abortive meeting where such ATC exhortations were anticipated. In contending that Neville and Lane were independent contractors, Respondents seem to rely largely on the evi- dence that after 1974 no tax deductions were made from their pay, and beginning in October 1974 they repeatedly endorsed checks made out to "Neville Carpet Service" and "Lane Carpet Service" respectively. However, Lawrence West's explanation to Lane for the absence of deductions was "we didn't make enough money to deduct anything";' when asked by Lane why "Lane Carpet Service" was named on the checks, Lawrence West never gave a definite answer ; and Neville and Lane credibly testified, respective- ly, that there is no such company as "Neville Carpet Ser- vice" or "Lane Carpet Service," that they had never used this nomenclature , and that they cashed these checks 41 be- cause such checks were for badly needed payments already long overdue and Neville and Lane had sometimes re- ceived checks from the East Avenue shop which were re- turned because of insufficient funds.42 Respondents also rely on a 1974 incident where Neville was required to pay for a third of the carpet damaged on the job; but Sloey and Ringer, undisputedly employees, each also had to pay for a third of the carpet, which Ringer damaged on a job where all three were working. Further, Respondents point to Wil- liam West's 1974 action in withholding for 5 weeks Lane's and Neville's payment for two jobs where West thought, erroneously, that they had laid the wrong carpet. However, it is uncontradicted that West was not acting pursuant to any agreement with Neville and Lane, and that they promptly complained about his action to the Carpet Lay- ers, which took the position that employees should not be charged for damaged carpeting but could be discharged for repeatedly doing bad work. Moreover, similar 1973-74 at- 79 The 1973 contract provides , "nor will any Union employee do outside work on his off hours." 40 Neville never asked about the absence of deductions. 41 Lane and Neville each signed his own name on each of these checks. Some are also endorsed "Lane Carpet Service" or "Neville Carpet Service." Lane and Neville explained these respective endorsements on the ground that this was the only way they could get the checks cashed. 42 Two February checks to "Neville Carpet Service," and two February checks (including one for $124 . 89) to "Lane Carpet Service," all from La- Ron Corporation and signed by Lawrence West, are. stamped "Insufficient Funds." Lane eventually cashed a La-Ron check for $124.89 dated March 7, 1975, more than 2 weeks after the terminations . Neville likewise cashed a check bearing that date . As previously noted, the employees and the Carpet Layers had had like difficulties in 1973. Lane resigned in 1973 because of such problems , and did not return to work at the East Avenue shop until mid-1974. tempts to compel Neville to pay for allegedly damaged car- peting were unavailing. In short, the evidence shows that the Employer retained the right to control the manner and means by which Neville's and Lane's carpeting installation work was to be accomplished. Accordingly, I conclude that Neville and Lane were at all times employees rather than independent contractors. Local No. 2265, United Brotherhood of Carpen- ters (Carpet Center, Inc.), 170 NLRB 633 (1968); Carpet, Linoleum and Soft Tile Layers, Local No. 1238 (Arnold's Carpet), 175 NLRB 332 (1969). b. Identity of their 1974 employer The evidence fails to support Respondents' further con- tention that assuming Lane and Neville were employees at any time, prior to 1975 they were employees of LeNest. The use of LeNest paychecks after early 1973 was ex- plained to Carpet Layers representative Petri by William West as arising from the bank's cancellation of the account on which paychecks had previously been drawn. While Lawrence West (Lane's and Neville's immediate supervisor at all times) initially testified that he worked for LeNest between August and December 1974, I do not credit such testimony. Rather, I credit his subsequent testimony that for a 6-year period which included December 1974, he was employed by Precision Carpet Installation. In so finding, I note his testimony that as shop manager for Precision Car- pet Installation, he inspected work on the Federal Building performed by Precision Carpet Installation from late No- vember 1974 to early January 1975.43 I further note the absence of any evidence of any de facto change prior to 1975 in the duties, responsibilities, or on-the-job relation- ships of the carpetlayers or Lawrence West. The following evidence further militates against the con- tention that prior to 1975 Lane and Neville were employees of LeNest: When hiring Neville in July 1973 and rehiring Lane in May 1974, Lawrence West said they were working for "Precision Carpet"; and there is no evidence that either was ever told that he was working for LeNest. Prior to 1974, both were paid on paychecks bearing the name of "Precision Carpet." Both were treated by the Carpet Lay- ers and their employer as part of the bargaining unit cov- ered by the 1970 and 1973 "Precision Carpet" contracts. Both were listed as employees on the health and welfare pension forms and "vacation savings" forms submitted be- tween January and October 1974 by "Precision Carpet, Inc.," "Precision Carpet Installation," "Precision Inc.," or "Precision Carpet." Moreover, both of them worked on jobs which Lawrence West identified as jobs performed by Precision Carpet Installation.44 43 He initially so testified at three different points. On the basis of his demeanor, I do not believe his subsequent testimony that he did not know whether this was true. See also infra, In. 44. 44 More specifically, both of them worked on the Mayflower job between June and October 1974; on the Fairhill Towers job in 1974 ; and on the Federal Building job in November and December 1974. Moreover , Neville worked on the Forest City Dillon job in October and November 1974. Lawrence West initially testified that as Precision Carpet Installation shop manager, he inspected "Forest City Dillon in Barberton, Ohio. That was a subcontract from City Floors and Tile." He later testified, Continued 338 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD 2. The relationship between Precision Carpet, Inc., and Precision Carpet Installation I agree with the General Counsel's contention that Preci- sion Carpet Installation is an alter ego of Precision Carpet, Inc. Thus, 1974 forms submitted in connection with the health-welfare-pension and "vacation savings" clauses in the 1973 agreement (executed by William West, "Pres.," on behalf of "Precision Carpet") variously designate the em- ployer as "Precision Carpet, Inc.," "Precision Carpet In- stallation," "Precision Carpet," and "Precision Inc." That the 1973 agreement and all these forms involved the same employer is demonstrated by the use of the same IRS iden- tification number on practically all of these documents; by the fact that contemporaneous forms name the same em- ployees and consecutive forms repeat many of the same employee names; and by the appearance on all of them of the same East Avenue address. Moreover, William West, the president of Precision Carpet, Inc., executed an affida- vit stating that this corporation did business in 1973 and early 1974, but filed only an individual tax return for 1974 setting forth a "trade style known as William West d.b.a. Precision Carpet Installation." Furthermore, admittedly valid service on Precision Carpet, Inc., in 1975 was effected at the same East Avenue address set forth in the 1970 bar- gaining agreement signed "Precision Carpet Inst." This same address is printed on stationery bearing the letter- head "Precision Carpet Installation" used by the president of Precision Carpet, Inc., William West, in correspondence regarding the 1973 agreement, which named the employer as "Precision Carpet" and was signed on its behalf by "Wm. A. West, Pres." with the same East Avenue address. Also, the abbreviated name "Precision Carpet" was used not only in the 1973 agreement and on 1974 forms used to administer that agreement, but on admittedly valid ac- knowledgements of service on "Precision Carpet, Inc." at the East Avenue address displaying at all times the sign "Precision Carpet," in correspondence accepted by Wil- liam West (through Lawrence West, admittedly employed by Precision Carpet Installation) about this agreement ad- dressed to "President, Precision Carpet" at the East Ave- nue address, on mail accepted at the East Avenue address, in acknowledgements of telephone calls to the East Ave- nue address, and in Lawrence West's 1973 statement to Neville and 1974 statement to Lane about whom they worked for. This indiscriminate use of "Precision Carpet" in situations clearly involving Precision Carpet Installation (at the very least) and in situations clearly involving Preci- sion Carpet, Inc. (at the very least) provides further sup- port for my conclusion that both constitute the same enti- ty. Such alter ego status is further indicated by the statement of Precision Carpet, Inc.'s counsel that La-Ron Corporation "bought out all of the assets and accounts from Precision Carpet, Inc.," when that statement is taken with Lawrence West's testimony that he bought Precision Carpet Installation 45 "We subcontracted that job off of City Floors and Tile ." Still later, he testified that he did not know whether Precision Carpet Installation per- formed any work in 1974 for Forest City Dillon . I accept his initial testimo- ny in this respect. 3. The relationship between La-Ron Corporation and Precision Carpet Installation/Precision Carpet, Inc. As previously found, after taking over the business from the entity variously known as Precision Carpet Installation and Precision Carpet, Inc., La-Ron Corporation continued to engage in the same kind of business at the same location under the same trade name "Precision Carpet Installa- tion," with the same shop manager, the same equipment, and substantially the same work force. Further, La-Ron Corporation acquired the seller's "good will," inventories, supplies, trucks, and towmotor, and all of its carpeting. 46 This evidence persuades me, and I find, that La-Ron Cor- poration occupies successorship status with respect to Pre- cision Carpet, Inc./Precision Carpet Installation 47 However, I do not agree with the General Counsel's con- tention that La-Ron Corporation occupies alter ego or sin- gle-employer status with Precision Carpet, Inc./Precision Carpet Installation. I so conclude because Lawrence West is the sole stockholder in La-Ron Corporation and there is no substantial evidence that he ever had a financial interest in Precision Carpet, Inc./Precision Carpet Installation. In urging alter ego or single-employer status, the General Counsel relies primarily on the fact that more than 80 per- cent of the amount which Lawrence West paid for the bus- iness consists of notes made payable, at least as a practical matter, to William West 48 However, there is no evidence that William West participated in any way in operating the business after he sold it to Lawrence West. While it is true that William West's creditor interest in the business might afford him the incentive and the power to resume opera- tion of the business if his son defaulted on the notes, there is no evidence that such a default occurred or was immi- nent, and the record indicates that William West sold the business because he wanted to retire. See Eberhard Foods Inc., 173 NLRB 5 (1968)." 4. The complaint allegations against Precision Carpet, Inc. The unfair labor practice allegations set forth in the in- stant complaints are limited to periods after La-Ron Cor- 45 See Steve Aloi Ford, 179 NLRB 229, 230 (1968). 1 do not accept Law- rence West's sporadic and uncorroborated testimony, inconsistent with the representations of La-Ron Corporation's counsel, that LeNest was some- how involved in the transaction as a seller. 46 Moreover, G.C. Exh. 15(f) indicates that La-Ron Corporation paid Ne- ville and Lane wages which William West withheld from them before the takeover in the mistaken belief that they had laid the wrong carpet. 47 N. L.R.B. v. William J. Burns, Burns International Security Services, 406 U.S. 272 (1972); Continental Inn, 186 NLRB 248 (1970); enfd. in material part 453 F.2d 269 (C.A. 6,); N.L.R.B. v. Wayne Convalescent Center, Inc. 465 F.2d 1039 (C.A. 6, 1972). 48 The record fails to show the interest rate, if any, called for by these notes: nor whether the payee named therein is William West or a firm in which he has an interest. Although suggesting that William West may no longer hold these notes, the General Counsel tendered no evidence to this effect. 49 Cf. J. Howard Jenks, d/b/a Glendora Plumbing, et al, 172 NLRB 1700 (1968), enfd. 72 LRRM 2768, 61 LC Para. 10,488 (C.A. 5, 1969), cited by the General Counsel, where the prior owner remained in control of the subse- quently established firm. PRECISION CARPET, INC. 339 poration acquired the business. Accordingly, my finding that La-Ron Corporation does not occupy single-employer or alter ego status with respect to Precision Carpet, Inc., requires the dismissal of the complaint allegations against the latter. However, because reviewing authority may disagree with my finding in connection with the alter ego and single- employer contention, I find as follows with respect to the commerce of Precision Carpet, Inc.: My finding that this corporation is the alter ego of Precision Carpet Installation means that the General Counsel's unsuccessful attempts to obtain by subpena the commerce facts regarding Precision Carpet Installation constituted unsuccessful attempts to obtain such facts regarding Precision Carpet, Inc. These attempts are summarized below. As previously noted, prior to the hearing John Daily was counsel for Precision Carpet, Inc., and La-Ron Corpora- tion. When asked whether he had ever mentioned "William West d.b.a. Precision Carpet Installation" to any Board investigator during the investigation of this case, Daily tes- tified, "I don't recall." At the hearing, Lawrence West testi- fied that he had been employed by Precision Carpet Instal- lation for several years before La-Ron Corporation went into the carpet business. In addition, on the last day of the hearing, Lawrence West initially testified that he had given his attorney certain Precision Carpet Installation records relating to its commerce (including a contract for work in Sharon, Pennsylvania), inferentially in compliance with a subpena served on Lawrence West prior to the hearing. Attorney Enright, who represented Precision Carpet, Inc., and La-Ron Corporation at the hearing, stated that he had no such documents in the files he had been working with throughout the case. Following Lawrence West's initial tes- timony about the location of these Precision Carpet Instal- lation documents, Enright's partner John Daily, who ap- peared on ATC's behalf at the hearing, declined to state whether the material referred to by Lawrence West was in Daily's file. Thereupon, the General Counsel served a sub- poena duces tecum on Daily, seeking documents regarding Precision Carpet Installation's commerce. Daily stated that he would not turn over any such records in his file, initially on the ground that they were privileged because of an at- torney-client relationship between Daily and William West d/b/a Precision Carpet Installation, and then on the ground that they were privileged because of such a rela- tionship between Daily and Lawrence West. When I asked Daily whether he received these materials in Daily's capac- ity as William West's attorney, Daily replied, "I don't re- call, to be honest with you . . . I have seen the documents. I am not even going to say from that standpoint, who and where I got them. Any documents that are in my file hav- ing to do with a person who is not a party, who my firm represents, will not be provided in this court." I declined on the record to infer from Daily's statement in this respect and from Lawrence West's testimony up to this point that Lawrence West supplied these materials to Daily because of an attorney-client relationship between him and William West, and stated on the record that Daily seemed to be taking the position that the appropriate per- son to subpena for these records was the client (Lawrence West) rather than counsel5° At this point, the General Counsel subpenaed Lawrence West for these documents. Lawrence West thereupon testified that he had given some documents in an envelope to an attorney in the hearing room, but did not know what they were and did not know whether they concerned Precision Carpet Installation, and then that he had supplied an attorney with some records from Precision Carpet Installation, but did not know their present location. While I did not and do not credit his belated professions of ignorance, on the strength of such representations I granted his motion to quash the subpena. - Later, when asked whether he had received any documents that day from Lawrence West purporting to show Precision Carpet Installation's 1975 business, Daily objected to the question on the ground of attorney-client privilege, and I sustained the objection.51 . I agree with the General Counsel that in view of the foregoing sequence of events, Precision Carpet, Inc., meets the Board's jurisdictional standards on a showing that the Board has statutory jurisdiction. 52 Such a showing of statu- tory jurisdiction in 1974 is made by Lawrence West's testi- mony that in 1974 Precision Carpet Installation performed work in Sharon, Pennsylvania, and by the February 1974 affidavit by William West, the president of Precision Car- pet, ,Inc., that "Precision Carpet, Inc. is an Ohio corpora- tion engaged in the selling and handling of carpet ... . Annually in the course and conduct of its business, it re- ceived goods in the value of $50,000.00 directly from points located outside the State of Ohio." However, my finding that the entity known as Precision Carpet Installation or Precision Carpet, Inc., is not the alter ego of La-Ron Cor- poration and does not occupy single-employer status with it means that there is no evidence that the former entity 50 Any such position by Daily would appear to be erroneous . 58 Am. Jur., Witnesses, §501, p. 281 (1956). Daily never formally moved to quash the subjena directed to him. 5 This ruling may well have been erroneous . Any such documents would not be privileged if, as seems likely, they were prepared independently of the existence of the attorney-client relationship. In re Ruppert, 309 F.2d 97 (C.A. 6, 1962); Radiant Burners, Inc. v . American Gas Association, 320 F .2d 314, 324 (C.A. 7), cert. denied 375 U.S. 929; 58 Am. Jur., Witnesses, Sec. 501, p. 281 (1956). Moreover, on that day Lawrence West was not Daily 's client in connection with the instant proceedings, and there is no evidence or claim that any delivery of documents to him by Lawrence West was attributable to any attorney-client relationship between Daily and William West or Pre- cision Carpet Installation. 52 Tropicana Products, Inc., 122 NLRB 121 (1958); Supreme, Victory and DeLuxe Cab Companies, 160 NLRB 140, 146 (1966); Seaboard Warehouse Terminals Inc., 123 NLRB 378, 380-383 (1959); City and County Electric Sanitary Sewer Service, Inc., 191 NLRB 167 (1971), enfd. 467 F.2d 209 (C.A. 8, 1972); Quality Motels, 194 NLRB 1035, 1935-36 (1972). These cases indi- cate that it is immaterial whether at the time of the hearing Lawrence West knew the location of and had access to these documents. In any event, on the basis of his demeanor and the sequence of events at the hearing, I find that he had given them to Daily and that Daily had them in his possession. However , even assuming arguendo that the Akron Federal building hous- es Federal agencies involved with the national defense , I would not find that by laying carpet in this building, Precision Carpet, Inc./Precision Carpet Installation engaged in activity having a "substantial impact" on national defense within the meaning of the Board 's jurisdictional standards. Standard Liquid Gas Co., 165 NLRB 756 (1967); Kwik Kafe of Idaho, 186 NLRB 830 (1970). Further, I reject the General Counsel's request that I take judicial notice that there are no carpet mills in Ohio . I do not regard this alleged circumstance as being "generally known" in either Ohio or in the United States generally, nor have I been referred to any source for making such a determination. See Rule 201(b), (d), Federal Rules of Evidence. 340 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD engaged in business operations after La-Ron acquired the business about January 15, 1975.53 5. The complaint allegations against La-Ron Corporation a. The alleged unfair labor practices directed against Lane and Neville I have previously rejected the contention that Lane and Neville were independent contractors , and have found in- stead that they were employees . It follows that La-Ron Corporation violated Section 8(a)(l) of the Act when Law- rence West told them in January and February 1975, that they would be discharged unless they joined the ATC. It also follows that La-Ron Corporation discharged them in violation of Section 8(aX3) and (1) of the Act, when comp- troller Chapman told them on February 18, 1975, that Lawrence West had said that they were not going to work there if they did not intend to join the ATC, and that if they did not join the ATC they might as well go home, there would not be any work for them. Gilbert v . Robinson, Inc., 193 NLRB 279, 281-282 (1971), enfd. 471 F.2d 656 (C.A. 8, 1972); Lifetime Shingle Co., 203 NLRB 688, 688, 693 (1973); N.L.R.B. v. Almeida Bus Lines, Inc., 333 F.2d 725, 727-729 (C.A. 1, 1964).54 b. The alleged support of the A TC I agree with the General Counsel that La-Ron Corpora- tion violated Section 8(aX2) and (1) of the Act by soliciting employees to sign up for the ATC. I find that such viola- tions occurred when Lawrence West , La-Ron Corporation's president and sole stockholder, and La- Ron's comptroller Chapman asked Lane to join the ATC in early February 1975; when Lawrence West directed La- Ron's employees to attend a February 17, 1975 , meeting in his office to listen to ATC representative Beam 's exhorta- tions to .join the ATC in the presence of Lawrence West himself and La-Ron comptroller Chapman ; when on Feb- ruary 19, 1975, Lawrence West and Chapman accompa- nied employees to the ATC hall to sign up for the ATC, Lawrence West signed up first and then called in one of the others to sign , and Chapman signed as well; and when, later in February , West successfully urged an ATC repre- sentative to come to the shop to sign up employees and himself joined in such organizing activity.55 I further agree with the General Counsel that La-Ron Corporation violated Section 8(aX2) and (1) of the Act by executing a collective-bargaining agreement with the ATC on February 19, 1975, and maintaining it on and after March 1 , 1975, when as of February 19, 1975, the ATC did 531 note , however, Precision Carpet, Inc. 's representations in late May 1975 that "upon receipt of business by [itj, Neville and Lane will be able to bid on same as subcontractors." 5t Respondent's brief alludes to testimony by Neville that after January 1. 1975, unacceptable jobs were brought to his attention by Lawrence West. This testimony does not render Neville 's termination lawful , because there is no evidence that it was motivated by the quality of his work . W. T. Grant Company, 210 NLRB 622, 624 (1974); Wonder State Manufacturing Co. v. N.LR.B., 331 F.2d 737, 738 (C.A. 6, 1964). Indeed , after Neville was dis- charged , Lawrence West described him as a "good man " and a "good in- staller." 55 Howard Creations, Inc., 212 NLRB 179, 181 (1974 ), and cases cited. not represent an uncoerced majority of the unit employees. Particularly in view of Lawrence West's November 1974 predetermination to deal with ATC,56 the pressure unlaw- fully exerted on the employees to sign up for the ATC tainted the ATC's purported authorizations and rendered all of them ineffective . Florida Automatic Sprinkler Con- tractors Association, 199 NLRB 1151 , 1158 (1972). Such recognition would be unprotected by Section 8(f), for it was preceded by La-Ron Corporation's unlawful threats to Neville and Lane that they would be discharged if they did not join ATC, by their unlawful discharge for this reason, and by La-Ron Corporation 's unlawful solicitation for the ATC. 7 In any event , La-Ron Corporation 's execution and maintenance of a contract with the ATC were unlawful under the principles generated by Midwest Piping & Supply Co., Inc., 63 NLRB 1060, 1069-71 ( 1945). The Carpet Lay- ers current contract with La-Ron Corporation's predeces- sor afforded that organization a presumption of continued majority.58 Moreover , all of the employees in the ATC con- tract unit had been in the unit represented by the Carpet Layers while La-Ron Corporation 's predecessor had been running the business ; on the very day preceding the Febru- ary 1975 execution of the ATC contract, two members of the Carpet Layers (comprising half the contract unit) had been discharged for refusing to join the ATC; and in Janu- ary 1975 a representative of the Carpet Layers had twice called Lawrence West to find out whether he intended to abide by the Carpet Layers contract with La-Ron Corporation's predecessor . These considerations establish that when La-Ron Corporation contracted with the ATC, the Carpet Layers was actively pressing a supportable claim to representation rights . Accordingly , and assuming arguendo that the ATC too was actively pressing a support- able claim, La-Ron Corporation was obligated to afford both of them substantially equal treatment , and violated Section 8(a)(2) and ( 1) by contracting with the ATC and thereby giving it "a marked advantage over [the Carpet Layers] in securing the adherence of employees" (Airmatics Systems Division of the Mosler Safe Co., 209 NLRB 71, 77 (1973) ). McKees Rock Foodland, 216 NLRB 968; Riviera Manor Nursing Home, Inc., 220 NLRB No. 23 (1975); Downtown Bakery Corp., 139 NLRB 1352, 1368 (1962), enfd. in this respect 330 F.2d 921 , 927-928 (C.A. 6, 1964); N.L.R.B. v. Western Commercial Transport, Inc., 487 F.2d 332 (C.A. 5, 1973). Thus to contract with the ATC in the face of the Carpet Layers claim was unlawful whether or not La-Ron Corporation was engaged in the construction 56 Carlton Paper Corp., 173 NLRB 153 , 163 (1968). 57 Bear Creek Construction Co., 135 NLRB 1285 (1962 ); Schurr & Finlay, Inc., 149 NLRB 272, 273, In. I, 276-277 (1964); Disney Roofing & Material Co., 145 NLRB 88.96-97 (1963); N. L. R. B. v. Sturgeon Electric Co., Inc., 419 F.2d 51 , 55-56 (C.A. 10, 1969). 58 Makela Welding, Inc. v . N. L_ R. B., 387 F .2d 40, 45-46 (C.A. 6, 1967); Valleydale Packers, Inc., of Bristol, 162 NLRB 1486,1490--91 , enfd . 402 F.2d 768 (C .A. 5, 1968 ), cert. denied 396 U.S. 825 (1969). Because the 1973 con- tract was the predecessor's second contract with the Carpet Layers and was honored by the parties thereto , and because employees represented by the Carpet Layers were continuously on the predecessor 's payroll , the presump- tion of majority existed assuming that the predecessor was a construction industry employer within the meaning of Section 8(f). See Peter Kiewit Sons' Co., 206 NLRB 562, 568-569 (1975 ), remanded 518 F.2d 1040 C.A.D.C., 1975). PRECISION CARPET, INC. 341 industry. Couch Electric Co., 143 NLRB 662, 669 (1963); Barney Wilkerson Construction Co., 145 NLRB 704, 705- 706 (1963) 59 However, I do not agree with the General Counsel that La-Ron Corporation's execution of the ATC contract was rendered unlawful by the Carpet Layers' 1973-76 bargain- ing agreement . The General Counsel's brief seems to con- cede that this contention is meritorious only if the Carpet Layers contract bound La-Ron Corporation and, there- fore, would have barred an ATC petition 60 Although La- Ron Corporation is the successor to the employer party to that contract, La-Ron does not occupy alter ego or single- employer status with respect to such predecessor employer. Accordingly, that contract does not bind La-Ron Corpora- tion (see court cases cited supra fn. 47), and would not bar a rival petition 61 CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1. La-Ron Corporation is an employer which is engaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act, and whose operations meet the Board's jurisdic- tional standards. 2. Precision Carpet, Inc., occupies alter ego status with respect to Precision Carpet Installation. 3. The entity described in Conclusion of Law 2 was en- gaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act and engaged in operations which met the Board's jurisdictional standards, prior to mid-January 1975. 4. La-Ron Corporation does not occupy single-employ- er to alter ego status with respect to the entity described in Conclusion of Law 2. 5. The entity described in Conclusion of Law 2 has not been engaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act since mid-January 1975. 6. The entity described in Conclusion of Law 2 has not engaged in any unfair labor practices. 7. Associated Trades and Crafts, Local No. 3, and Car- pet and Linoleum Layers Local Union No. 484, Interna- tional Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America, AFL-CIO, are labor organizations within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. 8. At all material times herein, George Neville and Ar- thur Andrew Lane have been employees within the mean- ing of Section 2(3) of the Act. 9. La-Ron Corporation violated Section 8(a)(1) of the 59 In view of my findings in this paragraph , I find it unnecessary to de- termine whether the fact that half the unit employees did not want the ATC rendered its recognition unlawful. Apart from 8(f) considerations , this lack of majority status would in itself establish an unfair labor practice in the execution of the contract . International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union AFL-CIO [Bernhard-Altmann Texas Corp.] v. N.L.R.B., 366 U.S. 731 (1961). Cf. Edwards & Webb Construction Co., 207 NLRB 614, 619, In. 22 (1973). 60 See Jackson Sportswear Corporation, 211 NLRB 891, 906, fn. 3 (1974). But see Michaud Bus Lines, Inc., 171 NLRB 193 (1968). 61 Southern Moldings, Inc., 219 NLRB No. 25 (1975); Trans-American Video, Inc., 198 NLRB 1247 (1972). Accordingly, I need not and do not decide whether a possibly unlawful 8 -day grace period in the Carpet Layers contract would in effect privilege the execution of the ATC contract, which contained a like union-security provision. Act by telling Neville and Lane that they would be dis- charged unless they joined the ATC. 10. La-Ron Corporation violated Section 8(a)(3) and (1) of the Act by discharging Neville and Lane because they would not join the ATC. 11. La-Ron Corporation violated Section 8(a)(2) and (1) of the Act by urging and soliciting employees to sign ATC authorization cards or join the ATC, and by executing and maintaining a contract with the ATC. 12. The unfair labor practices set forth in Conclusions of Law 9 through 11 affect commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. THE REMEDY Having found that La-Ron Corporation has violated the Act in certain respects, I shall recommend that it be re- quired to cease and desist therefrom. Because La-Ron Corporation's unfair labor practices include the discrimi- natory discharge of two members of the Carpet Layers for refusing to join the ATC, an unfair labor practice which "goes to the very heart of the Act" (N.L.R.B. v. United Mineral & Chemical Corp., 391 F.2d 829, 837-838 (C.A. 2, 1968)) and unlawful assistance to and recognition of the ATC for the purpose of ridding the shop of the Carpet Layers, La-Ron Corporation's unlawful conduct leads me to anticipate that unless restrained, La-Ron Corporation will engage in "continuing and varying efforts to attain the same end in the future" (N.L.R.B. v. Express Publishing Co., 312 U.S. 426, 437-439 (1941) ). Accordingly, I shall recommend that La-Ron Corporation be required to cease and desist from infringing on employee rights in any other manner. Pan American Exterminating Co., Inc., 206 NLRB 298 (1973); N.L.R.B. v. Southern Transport, Inc., 343 F.2d 558, 560-561 (C.A. 8, 1965). I shall also recommend that La-Ron Corporation be re- quired to offer Neville and Lane immediate reinstatement to the jobs of which they were unlawfully deprived, or, in the event such jobs no longer exist, to substantially equiva- lent jobs, and make them whole for any loss of earnings by reason of the d'is'crimination against them, by payment to each of them of a sum of money equal to that which he would have earned, but for the discrimination against him, from February 18, 1975, to the date of a valid offer of reinstatement, less his net earnings during this period, to be computed in the manner described in F. W. Woolworth Co., 90 NLRB 289 (1950), with interest as described in Isis Plumbing & Heating Co., 138 NLRB 716 (1962). In addition, I shall recommend that La-Ron Corpora- tion be required to withdraw and withhold all recognition from the ATC, which was unlawfully recognized, and to cease giving effect to the 1975 agreement, which was un- lawfully executed, or to any renewal, modification, or ex- tension thereof, until such time as the ATC shall have been certified by the Board as the. exclusive representative of the employees in question. Further, because on February 17, 19, and 28, 1975, La-Ron Corporation unlawfully solicited employees to join the ATC, and because the contract en- tered into on February 19, 1975 (effective March 1, 1975), was unlawfully entered into with an assisted Union and contained union-shop and checkoff clauses, I shall recom- 342 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD mend that La-Ron Corporation be required to reimburse all employees who joined the ATC on or after February 17, 1975, for all initiation fees, dues , and other moneys paid by them to the ATC, or checked off from their pay, with inter- est as described in Isis Plumbing, supra. It is true that ATC representative Beam testified at the hearing that members of other Unions were free to work in ATC shops without joining the ATC. However, there is no credible evidence that La-Ron Corporation employees were ever told this,62 nor is there evidence that this policy applied to employees who were members of no Union whatever. Moreover, La- Ron Corporation , which is the only Respondent against which the order is directed , specifically and repeatedly told two members of the Carpet Layers that they had to join the ATC to work for La-Ron Corporation. Furthermore, the employees would likely conclude from the union -security clause alone that it meant what it said, and that if they did not join the ATC they would lose their jobs. Also, I shall recommend that La-Ron Corporation be required to post appropriate notices. The General Counsel's posthearing "Motion to Conform the Pleadings to the Proof' requests that the name of Re- spondent "La-Ron Corporation d/b/a Precision Carpet, Inc." be amended to read "La-Ron Corporation d/b/a Precision Carpet Installation ." The General Counsel alleg- es in support of this motion, and Respondents deny in op- posing it, thus regarding this issue as determinative of the motion's validity, the General Counsel seems to be assum- ing that an order would otherwise issue against an entity consisting of Precision Carpet, Inc. and La -Ron Corpora- tion, and these corporations seem to be attempting to ex- clude Precision Carpet Installation from the coverage of any such order. If I am correct in thus viewing the real issue between the parties , my dismissal of the complaint as to Precision Carpet, Inc., which I have found to be the same entity as Precision Carpet Installation , in effect moots the General Counsel 's motion. Absent the motion , the order herein might perhaps issue against "La-Ron Corporation d/b/a Precision Carpet, Inc.," the style used in the General Counsel's pleadings. The General Counsel's motion may constitute an effort to cause the issuance , instead, of an order against "La-Ron Corporation d/b/a Precision Carpet Installation." I regard any such proposed change as inappropriate . While it is true that La-Ron Corporation has to a substantial extent held himself out as "Precision Carpet Installation," La-Ron Corporation has also to some extent held itself out as "Pre- cision Carpet, Inc." Manifestly, La-Ron Corporation should not be permitted by merely changing its trade name to relieve itself from the obligations imposed by the order. However, to make the proposed change in the General Counsel's pleadings might suggest that action taken by La- Ron Corporation under the trade name "Precision Carpet, Inc." would not be covered by the order . In view of these considerations , I shall deny the General Counsel's motion to issue the order against La-Ron Corporation , the style used in Respondent's pleadings. This order will bind La- Ron Corporation regardless of any trade name which it may choose to employ. Upon the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law and upon the entire record, and pursuant to Section 10(c) of the Act, I hereby issue the following recommend- ed: ORDER 63 Respondent La-Ron Corporation, its officers, agents, successors, and assigns , shall: 1. Cease and desist from: (a) Encouraging membership in Associated Trades and Crafts, Local No. 3, by discharging employees, or other- wise discriminating in any manner in respect to their hire and tenure of employment or any term or condition of employment. (b) Threatening to discharge employees if they refuse to join Associated Trades and Crafts, Local No. 3. (c) Assisting or contributing support to the Associated Trades and Crafts, Local No. 3, by soliciting employees to join or sign authorization cards for that organization; by entering into a collective-bargaining agreement with that organization where it does not represent an uncoerced ma- jority of the unit employees and has been maintained or assisted by an unfair labor practice under Section 8(a), or where another labor organization is actively pressing a sup- portable claim to representation rights; or by maintaining such an agreement. (d) Giving effect to or enforcing the collective-bargain- ing agreement executed with Associated Trades and Crafts, Local No. 3, on February 19, 1975, or to any modification, extension, renewal , or supplement thereof , unless and until that organization has been certified by the National Labor Relations Board as the exclusive bargaining representative of such employees; provided, however, that nothing herein shall require La-Ron Corporation to vary or abandon any existing term or condition of employment. (e) In any other manner interfering with, restraining, or coercing employees in the exercise of their rights under Section 7 of the Act. 2. Take the following affirmative action necessary to ef- fectuate the policies of the Act: (a) Withdraw and withhold all recognition from the As- sociated Trades and Crafts, Local No. 3, as a representa- tive of its employees for the purpose of collective bargain- ing, unless and until said labor organization has been duly certified by the National Labor Relations Board as the ex- clusive representative of such employees. (b) Reimburse all present and former employees for all initiation fees, dues, and other moneys, if any, paid by or withheld from them in the manner provided in "The Rem- edy" section of this Decision. (c) Offer George Neville and Arthur Andrew Lane im- 63 In the event no exceptions are filed as provided by Sec. 102.46 of the Rules and Regulations of the National Labor Relations Board, the findings, 63 See supra. In. 28. On the basis of the witnesses ' demeanor, I credit conclusions, recommendations and recommended Order herein shall, as Beam 's testimony that he never spoke about this "split shop" policy with provided in Sec. 102.48 of the Rules and Regulations, be adopted by the Lawrence West, and discredit the latter's testimony that Beam told him the Board and become its findings, conclusions, and Order, and all objections ATC did not care if West worked a split shop. thereto shall be deemed waived for all purposes. PRECISION CARPET, INC. 343 mediate reinstatement to their former jobs or, if their for- mer jobs no longer exist , to substantially equivalent jobs, and make them whole for any loss of pay they may have suffered by reason of the discrimination against them, in the manner set forth in the section of this Decision entitled "The Remedy." (d) Preserve and, upon request, make available to the Board or its agents, for examination and copying, all pay- roll records, social security payment records, timecards, personnel records and reports , and all other records neces- sary or useful to an analysis of the amount of backpay due under the terms of this Order. (e) Post at its place of business in Akron, Ohio, copies of the attached notice marked "Appendix." 64 Copies of said notice, on forms provided by the Regional Director for Region 8, after being duly signed by La-Ron Corporation's representatives, shall be posted by it immediately upon re- ceipt thereof, and be maintained by it in conspicuous places , including all places where notices to employees are customarily posted. Reasonable steps shall be taken by La- Ron Corporation to insure that the said notices are not altered, defaced, or covered by any other material. (f) Notify the Regional Director for Region 8, in writ- ing, within 20 days from the date of this Order, what steps La-Ron Corporation has taken to comply herewith. The complaints against Precision Carpet, Inc., are dis- missed. 64 In the event that the Board 's Order is enforced by a Judgment of a United States Court of Appeals , the words in the notice reading "Posted by Order of the National Labor Relations Board" shall read "Posted Pursuant to a Judgment of the United States Court of Appeals Enforcing an Order of the National Labor Relations Board." APPENDIX NOTICE To EMPLOYEES POSTED BY ORDER OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD An Agency of the United States Government After a hearing in which all parties had the chance to present their evidence , it has been decided that we violated the law and we have been ordered to post this notice. We intend to carry out the order of the Board and abide by the following: WE WILL NOT discharge or otherwise discriminate against any employee to encourage membership in As- sociated Trades and Crafts, Local No. 3. WE WILL NOT threaten to discharge employees if they refuse to join the ATC. WE WILL NOT assist or contribute support to the ATC by soliciting employees to join or sign authorization cards for the ATC, or by contracting with the ATC where it does not represent an uncoerced majority of employees and has been maintained or assisted by an employer labor practice, or where another union is ac- tively pressing a supportable claim to representation rights. WE WILL NOT give effect to our agreement (effective March 1, 1975) with the ATC, or to any renewal, ex- tension, modification, or supplement thereof, unless and until the ATC has been certified by the National Labor Relations Board, but we are not required to vary or abandon any existing term or condition of em- ployment. WE WILL offer George Neville and Arthur Andrew Lane immediate reinstatement to their old jobs or, if these jobs no longer exist, to substantially equivalent jobs, and make them whole, with interest, for loss of pay resulting from their discharge. WE WILL withdraw and withhold all recognition from the ATC as the collective-bargaining representa- tive of our employees unless and until it has been cer- tified by the National Labor Relations Board. WE WILL reimburse all present and former employ- ees who joined the ATC on or after February 17, 1975, for any initiation fees, dues, or other moneys paid or checked off to the ATC. The National Labor Relations Act gives employees the following rights: To engage in self-organization To form, join, or assist any union To bargain collectively through representatives of their own choosing To engage in activities together for the purpose of collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protec- tion and To refrain from any such activities. Our employees are free to exercise any or all these rights. Our employees are also free to refrain from any or all such activities, including membership in the ATC, except to the extent that union membership may be required by a collec- tive-bargaining agreement as a condition of employment in accordance with the appropriate provisions of the Act. WE WILL NOT in any manner interfere with, restrain, or coerce employees in the exercise of these rights. LA-RON CORPORATION Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation