Port Drum Co.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsMar 20, 1968170 N.L.R.B. 555 (N.L.R.B. 1968) Copy Citation PORT DRUM COMPANY Port Drum Company and Charles A. Carver Oil, Chemical & Atomic Workers International Union , AFL-CIO, Local No . 4-23 and Charles A. Carver. Cases 23-CA-2493 and 23-CB-712 March 20, 1968 DECISION AND ORDER On June 26, 1967, Trial Examiner Stanley N. Ohibaum issued his Decision in the above-entitled proceeding, finding that the Respondent Union had engaged in and was engaging in certain unfair labor practices within the meaning of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, and recommending the Respondent Union cease and desist therefrom and take certain affirmative action, as set forth in the attached Trial Examiner's Decision. The Trial Ex- aminer further found that the Respondent Em- ployer had not engaged in certain unfair labor prac- tices alleged in the complaint and dismissed the complaint as to it. Thereafter exceptions to the Decision and supporting briefs were filed by the General Counsel and the Respondent Union. The Board has reviewed the rulings of the Trial Examiner made at the hearing and finds that no prejudicial error was committed. The rulings are hereby affirmed. The Board has considered the Trial- Examiner's Decision, the exceptions and briefs, and the entire record in the case, and hereby adopts the findings, conclusions, and recommenda- tions of the Trial Examiner as modified below. The facts, set out more fully in the Trial Ex- aminer's Decision, are briefly these: The Charging Party, Charles A. Carver, after being a member of a predecessor to Respondent Union for many years, withdrew from the Union in 1963 after a disagree- ment arising from the merging of the two locals which make up the present Respondent Union. As the result of an argument over his paycheck on July 27, 1966, Carver was discharged for "creating an unwarranted disturbance in the offices of the Em- ployer." He immediately sought relief from Jack Antilley, chairman of the Port Drum Group Work- men's Committee of Respondent Union.' After hearing nothing for several days, on August 8, Carver told Port Drum Group Chairman Leroy Thomas what had happened. Thomas called a spe- cial membership meeting for August 9. Before the meeting, International Union representative Harry Burk told Carver that he had reservations about ar- bitrating for a nonmember of the Union and that if The Respondent Union was divided into various "groups," with each group generally representing the employees of one employer. The "Work- men's Committee," as described in the parties' collective-bargaining agree- 555 Carver had been in the Union he could have done more for him. According to testimony credited by the Trial Examiner, at the meeting Antilley got up and stated that "he could not see why the Group wanted to have a meeting and vote to arbitrate Car- ver's case because Carver was not a member of the Union." Nothing conclusive was accomplished at this meeting, but another meeting was scheduled for August 16. At the August-16 Group meeting, Antil- ley again told the Group "he couldn't see how a union man could go along and vote for arbitration in a case like that `and that Carver' was a nonu- nion man and he couldn't see how they could do it." Antilley also said that he and the rest of the Workmen's Committee had met with Burk prior to the meeting and had decided to recommend that Carver's case not be arbitrated. Notwithstanding, the membership of the Port Drum Group voted 28-6 that Carver's case be taken to arbitration. The day after the meeting, Burk informed Carver that "the Committee had tried to have the case not arbitrated." A meeting of Respondent Union's Ex- ecutive Board was held on August 22 for the pur- pose of releasing funds for the arbitration. Contrary to precedent, the Executive Board overruled the Group's decision to arbitrate. There was undisputed testimony that a Group vote authorizing arbitration of the grievances of a Group member had in the past been regarded as final and not subject to over- ruling by the local Executive Board. On August 23, the day after he learned of the Ex- ecutive Board's action, Carver dispatched a letter to Respondent Employer, notifying it of his "inten- tion" to arbitrate. Carver never received a written response from Respondent Employer. After the testimony at the hearing, the Trial Ex- aminer asked the Employer if it wished to settle the matter. The Employer stated that it was in no posi- tion to arbitrate the matter unless ordered to do so. 1. The Board adopts the finding of the Trial Ex- aminer that the Union's action in refusing to proceed to arbitration on Carver's grievance was motivated by Carver's lack of membership in the Union, and therefore in violation of Section 8(b)(1)(A).2 - Respondent Union contends that it cannot be found to have acted unlawfully as the record does not clearly indicate what took place at the final meeting of the Executive Board, at which it was de- cided not to arbitrate Carver's case. We find no merit in this contention for, as previously indicated, ment, consists of four members elected from among the permanent em- ployees to represent them in grievances with the Company 2 See , e.g , M Esken and Son, 135 NLRB 666, 670, enfd in pertinent part 312 F.2d 108 (C A. 2) 170 NLRB No. 51 556 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Jake Antilley was chairman of the Port Drum Group Workmen's Committee of Respondent Union, and, as such, was responsible for investigat- ing the grievances of Group members and reporting on them to the Group. The record reveals that the Executive Board depended on Antilley's report of the facts of the case in making its decision to over- rule the Group's vote. The record also reveals that no one else from the Union made an independent investigation of what had taken place; International Representative Burk admitted that neither Office Manager Storms nor office employee Boundreaux, the people most closely involved in the incident, was questioned. In view of Antilley's repeated state- ments that Carver's case should not be arbitrated because of Carver's lack of union membership;' the fact that the Executive Board took the unusual ac- tion of refusing to arbitrate a grievance after the Group membership had overwhelmingly voted to do so, accepting Antilley's story without question in a situation where close scrutiny would normally have taken place; the fact that it was Antilley who made the presentation of the matter to the Execu- tive Board; and also taking into consideration the arguably minor nature of Carver's misfeasance after 16 years of service, we infer that were it not for Carver's lack of membership in the Union, the dispute would have been arbitrated. We conclude, therefore, as indicated, that Respondent Union vio- lated Section 8(b)(1)(A).' 2. In view of our finding that the Union's con- duct with regard to Carver's grievance consituted an 8(b)(1)(A) violation, the majority of the Board finds it unnecessary to decide whether this conduct also violated 8(b)(2), and we therefore do not adopt the Trial Examiner's finding in this regard.' 3. The Board adopts the Trial Examiner's finding that Respondent Employer's actions with regard to the arbitration of Carver's grievance were not viola- tive of Section 8(a)(1). THE REMEDY As we have found that the Respondent Union violated Section 8(b)(1)(A) in refusing to take Carver's grievance to arbitration, we adopt the 9 The record contains direct testimony in several instances of statements to that effect made by Antilley In addition, Carver testified that on two oc- casions Group Chairman Thomas told him of certain statements that Antil- ley had made to Thomas ("I am surprised at you, Leroy, to try to go call a special group meeting to arbitrate a case for a person who does not belong to the Union," and that "Antilley couldn't see why the Group would ar- bitrate this case when Carver wasn't a member of the Union and hadn't paid any dues "), which further substantiated Antilley's animus toward Carver The Respondent Union claims that such testimony is double hear- say and should not have been admitted in evidence We find that there is sufficient other evidence to sustain a finding of animus by Antilley, even though, the above statements might properly be used as evidence under the admission exception to the hearsay rule See, e g , Drisco Industrial Cor- recommended remedy of the Trial Examiner in- sofar as it requires the Respondent Union to take Carver's case to arbitration.' We do not, however, adopt the Trial Examiner's recommendation that Jake Antilley and Harry Burk be disqualified from taking part in the arbitration proceeding, for there is no indication at this point that Respondent Union or its officers and representative will fail to carry out our mandate that they take Carver's grievance to arbitration and cease discriminating in their representation of him because of his lack of union membership. On the other hand, we are mindful of the Union's prior conduct in this matter and of the possibility that Carver may have suffered irrepara- ble damages because of the Union's unlawful con- duct. Rather than adopt Section 8 of the Trial Ex- aminer's Recommended Order and attempt at this point to anticipate what damages, if any, Carver may suffer or has suffered by virtue of the Union's failure to arbitrate his case, we shall retain jurisdic- tion in this matter and, may, upon timely motion of the General Counsel or Charging Party, reopen this proceeding for a determination of this question. As we have affirmed the Trial Examiner's finding that the Respondent Employer did not violate Sec- tion 8(a)(1), we do not find it appropriate to ac- cept the recommendation of the Trial Examiner that the Respondent Employer be ordered to ar- bitrate with the Respondent Union, even though the Employer is a party to this proceeding. It is not clear what the course of the ordered arbitration will be, what the Employer's response will be, and what remedy may be necessary and appropriate to cure the alleged injury to Carver and the violation of the law in this case. We shall, therefore, as indicated, retain jurisdiction over the entire case pending compliance with our order, including the comple- tion of the arbitration that has been ordered. ORDER Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Relations Board hereby orders that the Respondent Union, Oil, Chemical and Atomic Workers Interna- poration, 115 NLRB 931, 932 See also Hardware Engineering Company, Inc, 117 NLRB 896,906 "The Board does not deem it necessary to pass upon the Trial Ex- aminer's discussion of the Miranda principle (Miranda Fuel Co , Inc , 140 NLRB 181, enforcement denied 326 F 2d 172 (C A 2)) in view of its find- ing, supra, that the discrimination against Carver was based on his non- membership in the Union ' Member Jenkins would find that the Respondent Union additionally violated Section 8(b)(2) and would also, contrary to the majority , find that Respondent Employer violated Section 8(a)(1) "See, e g , Local Union No 12, United Rubber Workers ( The Business League ofGadsden), 150 NLRB 312, 322, enfd in this respect 368 F 2d 12 (C A 5) PORT DRUM COMPANY tional Union, AFL-CIO, Local No. 4-23, its of- ficers, agents, and representatives, shall: 1. Cease and desist from: a. Refusing or failing to proceed promptly to ar- bitration over the propriety of the discharge of Charles A. Carver on or about July 28, 1966, from his employment by Port Drum Company. b. Discriminating in its representation of Charles A. Carver, or any other employee, because of his lack,of membership in Respondent Union. c. In any like or related manner, restraining or coercing employees in the exercise of Section 7 rights guaranteed by the National Labor Relations Act, as amended., 2. Take the following affirmative action which we find necessary to effectuate the policies of the Act: a. Proceed promptly to arbitration over the propriety of the discharge of Charles A. Carver on or about July 28, 1966, from his employment by Port Drum Company. b. Post at its offices, meeting halls, and bulletin boards copies of the attached notice marked "Ap- pendix." Copies of said notice, on forms provided by the Regional Director for Region 23, after being duly signed by the Union's authorized representa- tive, shall be posted by it immediately upon receipt thereof,,and be maintained by it for 60 consecutive days thereafter, in conspicuous places, including all places where notices to members are customarily posted. Reasonable steps shall be taken-by Respon- dent to insure that said notices are not altered, defaced, or covered by any other material. c. Mail signed copies of the notice to the Re- gional Director for Region 23, for posting by Port Drum Company, said Employer being willing, at all locations where notices to ' its employees are customarily posted. d. Respondent Union shall notify the Regional Director for Regional Director 23, in writing, within' 10 days from the date of this Decision and Order, -what steps have been taken- to comply herewith. Jurisdiction is hereby retained for the purposes indicated in that portion of our Decision and Order herein entitled "The Remedy." Insofar as it alleges unfair labor practices on the part of Respondent Port Drum Company, the con- solidated complaint is hereby dismissed. 557 APPENDIX NOTICE TO ALL MEMBERS OF OIL, CHEMICAL & ATOMIC WORKERS INTERNATIONAL UNION, AFL-CIO, LOCAL No. 4-23, INCLUDING ALL MEMBERS OF PORT DRUM COMPANY GROUP Pursuant to a Decision and Order of the National Labor Relations Board and in order to effectuate the policies of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, we hereby notify you that: WE WILL NOT fail or refuse to proceed to, ar- bitration over the propriety of the discharge of Charles A. Carver on or about July 28, 1966, from his employment with Port Drum Com- pany- WE WILL NOT discriminate in our representa- tion of Charles A. Carver, or any other em- ployee, because of his lack of membership in this Union. WE WILL NOT in any like or related manner restrain or coerce any employee in the exercise of Section 7 rights guaranteed him by the Na- tional Labor Relations Act, as amended. WE WILL proceed promptly to arbitration over the propriety of the discharge of Charles A. Carver from the employment with Port Drum Company on July 28, 1966. All employees in any bargaining unit represented by this Union are by law entitled, to and will receive from this Union nondiscriminatory representation, in the processing of their grievances and otherwise without regard to whether or not they are members of this Union. OIL, CHEMICAL & ATOMIC WORKERS INTERNATIONAL UNION, AFL-CIO, LOCAL No. 4-23 (Labor Organization) Dated By (Representative ) (Title) This notice must remain posted for 60 consecu- tive days from the date of posting and must not be altered , defaced , or covered by any other material. If employees have any question concerning this notice or, compliance with its provisions , they -may communicate directly with the Board's Regional Office, 6617. Federal Office Building, 515 Rusk Avenue, Houston , Texas 77042, Telephone 228-0611. i 558 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD TRIAL EXAMINER'S DECISION I. PRELIMINARY STATEMENT STANLEY N. OHLBAUM, Trial Examiner: This con- solidated case' was heard before me in Port Arthur, Texas, on February 7-8, 1967, with all parties par- ticipating throughout; the Charging Party, Charles A. Carver, in person; and Respondents Port Drum Company ("Employer") and Union through their respective counsel, who also, as well as General Counsel, subsequently submitted briefs and proposed findings and conclusions, which, together with the evidence, have been carefully considered. II. ISSUES The case involves alleged violations by Employer and Union of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, 29 U.S.C. Sec. 151 et seq. ("Act"). The specific issues tendered by the pleadings are: (1; as to Respondent Employer) That, in violation of Sec- tion 8(a)(1) of the Act, Respondent Employer has failed and refused "to adjust [i.e., process a grievance] and/or arbitrate" the discharge of its employee Charles A. Carver (Charging Party herein), under a subsisting collective agreement with Respondent Union; (2; as to. Respondent Union) That, in violation of Section 8(b)(1)(A) and 8(b)(2) of the Act, Respondent Union has failed and refused under its subsisting collective agreement with Respondent Employer to arbitrate Respondent Employer's discharge of Carver, because of Carver's nonmembership in Respondent Union or because of "arbitrary, irrelevant or invidi- ous considerations." It is neither alleged nor con- tended that Respondent Employer's discharge of Carver was for any reason unlawful under the Act. Upon the entire record' and my observation of the witnesses; I make the following: FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS III. JURISDICTION At all material times Respondent Employer has been and is a Texas corporation with principal of- fice and place of business in Port Arthur, Texas, ' Original charge filed in each case September 2, 1966; amended charge in case 23-CA-2493 filed October 11, 1966; consolidated complaint with order consolidating cases issued November 2, 1966 by Board's Regional Director for Region 23 Unless otherwise specified, all dates are 1966 Y Transcript hereby ordered corrected in respect to obvious and typo- graphical errors set forth in attached "Appendix B " [Omitted from publi- cation ] 3 Based largely upon essentially uncontroverted and credited testimony of General Counsel witness Carver ' It was explained at the hearing that this numerical designation arises from a numbering system in which the "4" signifies the parent union dis- trict number and the "23" identifies the local union. In turn, the member- ship of Local 4-23 is said to encompass six separate semiautonomous "Groups," each located in a different plant in the Port Arthur, Texas, where it is engaged in the business of buying, selling, reconditioning,, and converting steel drums. During the 12-month representative period im- mediately preceding issuance of the consolidated complaint, in the course and conduct of its said business, Respondent Employer reconditioned, converted, sold, and shipped products valued -in ex- cess of $50,000 from its said, facilities - in Port Arthur, Texas, `to places outside of Texas, directly in interstate commerce, and also received there in Texas directly in interstate commerce from' places outside of Texas goods valued in excess of $50,000. I find that at all material times Respondent Em- ployer has been and is an employer engaged in in- terstate commerce within the meaning of Section 2(2), (6), and (7) of the.Act. I find that at all material times Respondent Union has been and is a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. I find that assertion of jurisdiction herein is proper. IV. ALLEGED UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES A. Background' The Charging Party, Charles A. Carver, worked steadily for Respondent Employer as a laborer since 1950, over 16 years. In 1952 he joined the Port Drum Group of Respondent Union. Until 1963, the membership of Respondent Local 4-234 was exclusively white, whereas that of former Local 4-2545 was exclusively colored; and. until 1963, both Locals represented the employee "Group" at Respondent Employer's ' facility: During his union membership in Local 4-254, commencing-in 1952, Carver served, on and-off, for about 9 years, as-pre- sident of Local 4-254,,as welas for-about 6 years as chairman of its workmen's committee (i..e., com- mittee for grievances, negotiations, etc.), both elec- tive offices. Around 1963, Locals 4-23 (white) and 4-254 (colored) were merged. At that time each Local had its own separate strike fund. According to undisputed testimony of Carver, while the merger was being effectuated, Local 4-23 (white) was permitted in effect to declare a "dividend" and distribute. its strike funds among its members, whereas the, strike funds of Local 4-254 (colored) area Each such, "Group" has its own chairman, who apparently becomes such (as well as a member of Local 4-23 "Executive Board") automati- cally, under the Local's constitution and bylaws (art. III ; secs I and 6), by virtue of his election as a vice president of Local 4-23 (one vice presi- dent being elected for each plant group) It is not clear whether election of the vice president -of each group is limited to the membership of that particular group or whether it, is by the membership-at-large of Local 4-23 Local 4-23 constitution and bylaws (art V1, sec 2) expressly provides that each group shall elect its own Workmen's Committee. The constitution and bylaws of Respondent Local 4-23 indicates that as of February 1962 Local 4-23 encompassed 14 separategroups, including the Port Drum Company Group ' Local 4-254 is said to have encompassed five or six separate plant groups including Respondent Employer's plant PORT DRUM COMPANY were kept intact and transferred to the merged lo- cal, which was known as Local 4-23 (white and colored). Because of Carver's dissatisfaction over this situation, in October 1963 he withdrew from and has since remained out of the merged (i.e., present) Union, Respondent herein. B. Carver's Discharge6 On July 28, 1966, Carver was discharged from his 16-year employment, following an incident which had occurred on the previous day involving an error or errors in his paycheck. On July 27, when he received his paycheck at the office window, Carver called attention to the fact that it was incorrect in amount. He-was referred by payclerk Yvonne Boudreaux to Office Manager William F. Storms. In the office Storms, conceding Carver's check was 50 cents short, offered to make up the difference to Carver in his next paycheck or to give him an extra check for 50 cents. Pointing out an additional error or imprecision in his name as typed on the check which he feared, upon the basis of similar past experiences, would make it troublesome for him to cash it, Carver asked Storms to draw a new check for the correct amount with his name properly spelled. Storms refused 7 while concededly inviting Carver to kiss a certain portion of his anatomy. While the anatomical part referred to by Storms is not in dispute, the word used by Storms to designate it is in dispute. Ap- parently Storms' invitation provoked Carver to tender a counterinvitation to Storms to further the matter out-of-doors. After more nonviolent discus- sion outside, Storms and Carver returned to the of- fice.' At or around noon of the following day, after having worked all morning as usual, Carver was summarily discharged for "creating an unwarranted disturbance in the offices" of his employer on the previous day. At the same time Carver was presented with a document for his signature pur- porting to relinquish "all , . , seniority rights" and, upon receipt of moneys accumulated to his credit, to release his "interest or participation" in his ac- crued "pension", ("Profit Sharing Plan") rights aris- ing out of his 16 years of employment. There is' here no contention that Carver's discharge was, unlawful under the Act. R Based upon a composite of testimony of General Counsel witness Carver and Respondent Union's witnesses Storms, Boudreaux , and Antil- ley, to the extent credited ' At the hearing , Storms indicated issuance of a new check in the correct amount would have , required undue bookkeeping repair ' Testimony by Storms indicates that later in the afternoon , in traffic on a highway outside of the plant , Carver, from his automobile , hurled a chal- lenge at Storms in his automobile to fight it out, which Storms declined or ignored Carver's denial of this alleged episode is supported to a degree by testimony not only of Vinson Millender, but of Mrs Carver-highly im- pressive witnesses- tending to establish that Carver was with Mrs Carver elsewhere at the time It is to be noted that Respondent Employer's dismis- sal notification to Carver makes no mention of this alleged incident (which is now said to have loomed so large in his discharge and in Respondent Union 's action to be described ), stating merely that Carver 's discharge was for "creating an unwarranted disturbance m the offices " of the Company After carefully weighing the conflicting evidence, including the testimony 559 C. Carver's Attempts to Redress His Discharge Aggrieved at what he considered to be his precipitate and, unjustified discharge under these circumstances after 16 years of uninterrupted and satisfactory employment, Carver immediately sought relief from "Jake" Antilley, his white suc- cessor as Chairman of the Port Drum Group Work- men's Committee of Respondent-Union.9 Accord- ing to testimony of Carver, which I credit, when he told Antilley of his discharge and requested that the Workmen's Committee (headed by Antilley) process a grievance to arbitration thereon, Antilley, who had witnessed at least part of the previous day's incident in the office, referred Carver to Job Steward Albert Lott. Carver did -this, resulting in Job Steward Lott's filing a written grievance com- plaint with Carver's immediate supervisor on or about August 2 "in protest of" Carver's discharge. Lott informed Carver that Plant Superintendent Jones in effect told him that since he could add nothing to the discharge letter (quoted above) which had been given to Carver, Lott "would have to go and talk to the big people up in the front of- fice because they were the ones that discharged [Carver]." Carver asked Lott to pass this informa- tion on to Workmen's Committee Chairman Antil- ley, since it was Antilley who had instructed Carver he would have to "go through the job steward [Lott] first." However, since Carver heard nothing from Antilley, on August 8 he (Carver) approached Port Drum Group Chairman Leroy Thomas- and told him what had happened, and asked him if his discharge was "going to be arbitrated by the Union, if he could call a group meeting and find out." Thomas indicated a special, meeting of the member- ship of the Port Drum Group would be called. Further according to testimony of Carver which I credit: He [Port Drum Group Chairman Leroy Thomas] also said that Jake Antilley, which is the chairman of the Workmen Committee, after finding out that he was going to call a special group meeting, told him, he said, "I am surprised at you, Leroy, to try to go call a spe- cial group meeting to arbitrate a case for a per- son who do not belong, who does not belong to the Union." And Leroy told him that he's not of Carver , Storms, Millender , and Mrs Carver , and the posthearing af- fidavit of Alvin Arnold ( hereby incorporated into the record as Respon- dent Union 's Exh 3A, covering letter of February 13, 1967, to Trial Ex- aminer from counsel for Respondent Union , added as Respondent Union's Exh 3B ) and a stipulation of the parties pertaining thereto ( hearing trans- cript , pp 305-307 ), and appraising and comparing testimonial demeanor, upon the record as a whole I am unpersuaded that this alleged episode as described by Storms occurred and I credit Carver 's denial that it occurred ' Antilley testified that he has served as chairman of the Port Drum Group Workmen's Committee "almost continuously " for 19 years. From this it would seem that while Carver was Chairman of the Local 4-254 (colored ) Workmen's Committee at Port Drum, Antilley was Chairman of the Local 4-23 (white ) Workmen 's Committee there, until those two Lo- cals merged into Local 4-23 in 1963, under circumstances described above, at which time Antilley became Chairman of the new Local 4-23 (white and colored) Port Drum Group Workmen's Committee 560 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD only doing that, he would take money out of his pocket, out of his pocket, his, Leroy's pocket, to help arbitrate the case. Since Leroy Thomas was not called to testify nor his failure to do -so in any way explained, the foregoing statement credibly ascribed to him by Carver stands unchallenged by Thomas; although, to be sure, Antilley, whose testimonial demeanor I observed closely and whom I do not credit-in this regard, denied saying it to Thomas. - At the union hall just prior to the Port Drum Group membership meeting called by Port Drum Group ' Chairman Leroy Thomas . for August 9, Carver met with Thomas and International Union Representative Harry Burk, so that-according to what Thomas told -story. Carver-Burk could "hear [Car- ver's] side-of-the " Vinson Millender, Carver's step-father-in-law and likewise employed for many years at Port Drum Company, was also there. Stat- ing he had "already heard the Company's side of the story," Burk asked Carver to give his side, which he did. Burk then stated,10 "Carver, I had heard some bad things about you," but did not- 'ex-plain other than that he [Burk] asked Carver whether he had said that "if the group go on 'strike that I '[Carver] -would cross their picket line." When Carver denied saying this, Burk: asked me why did'I [Carver] leave the Union. I told him [Burk] what, the statement I have made in connection with the merger '[of Locals 4-254 and 4-23]. He then said that was water under the bridge. He also stated that he has some reservations to'arbitrate a case for a per- son whoFdoesn't belong to the union. He also said that' if I was in the Union that he could have done more for me, he would feel proper in arbitrating the case for me. I then mentioned to him that if it was a matter of the funds in- volved- that -I was willing for the Union to ar- bitrate-the case and I would be willing to pay the expense, and if there wouldn't be anybody to be selected as an arbitrator for me that I would be willing to get an attorney to arbitrate the case for me. Mr. Burk in reply said, "No," 'he -said, "we are not going to have that." He says; "If your case is being arbitrated it is going to be -arbitrated by myself or someone selected from the Union,"" and that the Union would Credited testimony of Carver, disputed in part by Burk, and totally un- denied by Thomas, who without explanation was not called to testify Upon the record as a whole, including testimonial demeanor comparisons, I credit Carver's account of this meeting in preference to'that of Burk " General Counsel rebuttal witness Vmson'Millender testified that when Carver offered to defraythe expense of the arbitration since he then had "a little money in the bank ," International Union Representative Burk said, "No, no , I don't want no part of that I will arbitrate your case, or' either I will have somebody in the Union to do it I don't want no outsider come in " Burk's testimony is consistent with Carver's position that Burk did not tell, indicate , or encourage him to attempt to arbitrate his own case, in- deed, Burk conceded that he at no time advised Carver that he could proceed to arbitration himself and name an arbitrator. 12 Burk explained that in making this statement to Carver he was refer- ring both to the membership at large as well as to members of the Work- pay the expense. I told him :it was in agreement with me. I only _ brought that up because I didn't want him to feel that,I was anti-union or trying to use the Union. Denying that he ever indicated reservations to Carver about arbitrating a case for a nonmember of the Union, International Union Representative Burk conceded that "there had been some,talk of his [i.e., Carver's] nonmembership"' and that: I [Burk] did say to Mr. Carver, I 'said, "Now, the fact that you do not'belong to the Union is causing certain emotions to run rather high in this group. There will probably be some, that will be strongly in favor of your case; and there will probably be some that are prejudiced against your case by -the fact that you do -not belong to the Union .... 1112 Burk nevertheless, according to his testimony, reas- sured Carver that if his case had "-merit," the Union would "carry it all the way through" and that "if the case had enough merit to go to arbitration and was appealed to arbitration, that I [Burk] would be the one to probably represent him at the arbitration hearing. Carver's credited testimony further establishes that Burk also told Carver on this occasion that whether or not Carver's case would -be-arbitrated was "up to the group, if the group decided. The group had the final say" and that "if the group voted that the case be arbitrated that the Union was obligated to arbitrate the case." Burk further in- dicated that no group meeting was necessary that night-(August 9)'since no response'tb the grievance had' been received from the Employer. Burk addi- tionally stated that "there would be ,another meet- ing called as soon as they-hear from the-Company, and the group would-'have the 'final say as to whether the case would . be arbitrated or not. Nevertheless, a group meeting was held that night (August 9), which Carver was told 'h6 could,, not-at- tend because he was "not a member of the''Union." Carver learned from, Vinson Millender (his step- father-in-law, a union member), who was present at this Group meeting 'on August 9, that: - Jake [Antilley] got `up in the meeting and stated that he couldn't -see why_ the group wanted to have a meeting and vote to arbitrate my case because I [Carver,] was not a,member men's Committee On cross-examination , Burk expatiated on the foregoing somewhat Whenever you have, Mr. Trial Examiner, a union and the union is built on the principle that one for all and all for one, and you have any type of organization built on this principle, andyou have people who do not join in for this purpose, there is always the possibility that there could be some prejudice or resentment 'agamst a person of this type, re- gardless of whether it was a union or protective association , or what- ever the case may be'. . I would have to be truthful, Mr Trial Ex- aminer, and say that I- would much prefer that any man, if a union represents the majority of the people, that he participate in that union, but I will not and cannot truthfully say here that I was prejudiced to the point that Mr Carver did not get a fair'shake completely in the han- dling of this grievance PORT DRUM COMPANY of the Union ... and that he, Jake, had talked to the Company prior to the meeting, telling the Company that he did not think that the Union was going to arbitrate the case.13 Testifying on this subject, Antilley denied that Car- ver's nonmembership in the Union was so much as "mentioned" at this meeting. However, General Counsel produced as a rebuttal witness Vinson Mil- lender, who was present at the meeting and who testified not only that International Union Representative Burk had stated before the meeting that he (Burk) "would do more for a union man than he would for an un-union man," but that An- tilley said "all the way through" the ensuing group meeting that night that Carver's case should not be arbitrated because he was not a union member, stating: Jake Antilley said he was against it, you know, in other words, he didn't have nothing to do with it, period, because he was paying union dues while Carver was riding. He [Antilley] had three hundred and some dollars that he was out of, he said he didn't want to make his children hungry .... He said he didn't want to make his children hungry for a non- union man. He had paid three hundred and some dollars on, you know, like paying dues; for to take up for this amount of time. Poorl-y impressed with Antilley's testimonial demeanor, I am unable to credit his denial that Car- ver's nonmembership in the Union was so much as "mentioned" at the August 9 meeting. 14 Antilley's testimony in this regard also appears to be at vari- ance with that of his fellow witness, International Union Representative Burk, who conceded that at this 'meeting "There was discussion that was had that dealt around the fact that he [i.e., Carver] was not 'a member. . . . " Furthermore, I reacted ex- tremely favorably to the testimonial demeanor of Millender, whose simple directness made an im- print upon me as that of a truthful person whose testimony merits beliefs; and the same may be said of Carver. According to credited testimony of Carver, un- disputed by Port Drum Group Chairman Leroy Thomas, the latter favored arbitration of Carver's case. On August 16, Carver was told by Burk that in connection with a "special group meeting" called for that night, Burk wished to see Carver again be- fore the meeting in order to procure a written state- ment from him. Carver accordingly met privately It is observed that the Company's written notification to the Union (i e , Antilley) rejecting Carver's grievance is dated August 9. 14 While insisting Carver's nonmembership in the Union was "not even mentioned" at the August 9 meeting, Antilley later- in response to a question by union counsel as to whether Carver's nonmembership was "ever" mentioned at "any" meeting-testified that "we let everybody know that, everybody we talked to, the fact that he was not a union mem- ber had no bearing whatsoever in regards to how far we went with his case " In view of the record as a whole, I am unable to accept from this witness a portrayal suggestive of such fastidious fairness. 561 with Burk at the union hall that evening, When Carver presented to Burk a written statement which Carver had himself prepared, Burk stated, "`There is one thing that is not here on the statement.' And I [Carver] asked him what it was. And he told me that the Company accused me of threatening one Mr. William Storms, followed him and threatening him after I left the plant." Carver denied such an accusation.15 A special meeting of the Port Drum Group of Respondent Union was held on August 16, follow- ing International Union Representative Burk's con- ference with Carver. According to testimony of Carver, which I credit, Port Drum Group Chairman Leroy Thomas-who, it is reiterated, was unac- countedly not called to testify to dispute this-who was present at the meeting, told Carver that Work- men's Committee Chairman Antilley said at the meeting or to him personally that "he [Antilley] thought that the case shouldn't be arbitrated" and that: Antilley made the statement that he couldn't see why the group would want to arbitrate this case when I was not a member of the Union and was taking my money and saving it and his children was at home, he had to pay about three hundred dollars or some more since I have been out of the Union, and his children suffered as a result of he paying Union dues, and I was out of the Union and wasn't paying any, and he couldn't see why that they should vote to arbitrate this case. Corroborating the foregoing, General Counsel rebuttal witness Vinson Millender-as already ob- served, a highly credible witness-testified that after Antilley reported to the group meeting that he had heard from the Company that it had declined to arbitrate Carver's case, Antilley: said he [Antilley] couldn't see how a union man could go along and vote for arbitration in a case like that, he couldn't see it ... he said he [i.e., Carver] was a non-union man, and he couldn't see how they could do it, why they would do it .... According to Antilley, he and the three other members of the Workmen's Committee had met with International Union Representative Burk prior to the August 16 Group meeting and decided to "make a recommendation" to the Group, at the up- coming meeting that Carver's case not be ar- 1" fhe substance of this accusation is described supra, fn 8, wherein, it will be recalled, a finding has been made, upon the basis of the substantial credible evidence adduced, that the alleged incident did not occur At the hearing, International Union Representative Burk, who insisted he made a "full investigation" of the matter, conceded he never questioned Storms or Mrs Carver or any other potential witness regarding this alleged episode which apparently loomed so large in Burk's determination not to have Car- ver's discharge arbitrated 350-999 0 - 71 - 37 562 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD bitrated. Antilley stated that he voted against ar- bitrating Carver's discharge because: I felt it was justified .... I felt it didn't have enough merit to proceed to arbitration . . . this was the most deplorable situation that I ever encountered, and I am sure that if this case would have went to arbitration' that I would have been serving on the Arbitration Board, and I couldn't have found a justifiable reason to de- fend this guy without swearing to a lie on the witness stand because in my opinion I thought that this was absolutely unnecessary, uncalled for, and un -unionism for a guy to handle this thing in the manner in which Mr. Carver han- dled it. [Emphasis supplied.] According to International Union Representative Harry Burk, like Antilley tesifying as Respondent Union's witness , he met with the Port Drum Work- men's Committee (headed by Antilley), whose "job is to process and handle grievances at the local level, plant level," and when "on the first contact that was made to me by the Chairman [Antilley] of the Workmen's Committee regarding this case, the point was made, or the issue was made, or it was made mention of, that Carver did not belong to the Union, and it was my position to the Chairman [Antilley] of the Workmen's Committee that under the law that we have to process anybody's com- plaint as long as we represent a majority of the peo- ple in that bargaining unit." Thereafter, "this com- mittee along with myself, after investigating the case and determining the merits of the case, made a recommendation that it not be appealed [to arbitra- tion]." Burk had no "vote" on the Workmen's Committee, consisting of three union members elected by the Port Drum Group. After Burk testified that the "conclusion" of the Committee- i.e., its "recommendation" to the Group against ar- bitration-was "based on the evidence in the case and the facts of the case ," the following colloquy ensued: TRIAL EXAMINER: When you say the evidence in the case did anyone testify under oath before you? THE WITNESS [i.e., International Union Representative Burk]: No. TRIAL EXAMINER: Who did the investigating? THE WITNESS: The Workmen's Committee along with myself, after meeting with the Com- pany and after myself meeting with Mr. Carver. In grievance-type investigations, you conduct one that is rather informal and loose. You try to ascertain all the facts that you can assemble. And then based on my professional judgment, if I may refer to it as that, having quite a bit of experience in arbitration of cases and processing of grievances, and after looking at all the facts that I could ascertain , it was my opinion that this case did not have merit to go to arbitration. TRIAL EXAMINER : Did-you believe Carver's story? THE WITNESS : I would say that after talking to Mr . Carver I did not, believe his story completely , after the full investigation. I be- lieved some aspects of it, but I didn 't, after making a full investigation with the Company, and Mr . Carver 's original statement and story to me was so contradicted in some parts with the Company 's position that I had reason to doubt Mr . Carver 's story . [ Emphasis supplied.] Notwithstanding the foregoing testimony and his "doubt" of Carver's story, Burk conceded that in his "full investigation " of the matter in accordance with his "professional judgment" based on his al- leged, undescribed extensive experience in such matters , he did not even speak to Office Manager Storms or office girl Boudreaux about the incident in question . Pressed on cross -examination by counsel for General Counsel to particularize the "con- tradictions" which he allegedly ascertained in Car- ver's story and which prompted him (Burk) to recommend against arbitrating Carver 's discharge, Burk replied that "The contradiction occurred in that Mr . Carver made no mention of the fact, no reference to the fact of having had any discussion or encounter of any type with the office manager [Storms] after leaving ' the plant ^ premises on the day of the incident . 1116 However , as to this alleged episode-which , it will be recalled , Carver denied ever occurred and it has here been found upon the substantial credible evidence did not occur-Burk again conceded that "I [Burk] have never talked to the office manager [Storms ] about this."17 (Empha- sis supplied .) According to Burk , however, although Carver denied the incident altogether, and Burk never spoke to Storms , the only other alleged participant therein , Burk nevertheless " know that it had happened by virtue of the fact that the , Chair- man [Antilley ] of the Workmen 's Committee re- ported to me that it had happened," conceding also that Antilley had not been there . Burk explained this feat of prestidigitation by him as "part of the imposition of my judgment on this, on the merits of this case ," acknowledging that it was a "material criterion " in his judgment against arbitrating Car- ver's precipitate discharge after 16 years of satisfac- tory steady employment. Expatiating somewhat further on his methods and techniques for determining the credibility of ag- grieved employees requiring assistance from the Union in the- vindication of their job rights, and his related trial strategies , Burk explained that it is only sometimes that an "employee [is ] given an oppor- " As to this, see fn 8, supra " Nor, as established by uncontradicted credited testimony of General Counsel rebuttal witness, Mrs Carver, did Burk (or anybody else other than counsel for General Counsel) speak to Mrs Carver, who had knowledge bearing on Carver's whereabouts at the time of the alleged after worktime incident involving Carver PORT DRUM COMPANY 563 tunity to testify or to give his side of the story," de- pending in part on the decision ... of the union representative [i.e., Burk] of whether a person will crumble under the pressure, so to speak, when he is put under the interrogation of the bosses .... if you have a discharge case .:.. and you had a guy that was extremely nervous and you thought by bringing him in for interrogation with the Company possibly before you got to arbitration'he would incriminate himself more than the Company has already alleged that he has done, that it might be well to hold him until you get to the arbitration procedure rather than taking him in in that interrogation process with the Company. Burk added that in Carver's case there was a, I would say, preponderance of evidence here against Carver's credibility on the way that he conducted -himself in the of- fice, and this was witnessed by the chairman [Antilley] of the Workmen's Committee .... Notwithstanding Port Drum Workmen's Commit- tee Chairman Antilley's quoted statements to the Group-and his recommendations that Carver's case not be carried to arbitration, it is conceded that the membership of the Port Drum Group voted 28-6 that Carver's case be taken to arbitration. The day after this meeting (i.e., August 17), Burk informed Carver that "the Committee and I tried to have the case not arbitrated. 'We recommended the case be not arbitrated. But, the group voted that the case be arbitrated." Burk further informed Carver that "the Executive' Board would meet August 22, and that they would have to decide on releasing of the funds."18 Subsequent to the meeting of Respondent Union's Executive Board, Carver was informally told on the telephone by Port Drum Group Chair- man Leroy Thomas that the Executive Board had overruled the membership of the Group and had "voted non-concurrence with the group's decision of the 16th" of August to carry Carver's discharge to arbitration, and that therefore his case would not be arbitrated. When Carver asked Thomas the reason or basis for this action overruling the mem- bership, Thomas declined to answer.19 At no, time has Carver received, nor is it claimed that he was given, any written notification of or pertaining to the action of the Executive Board in overruling the group membership. At no time since his discharge did Carver receive any kind of notice that there would be a meeting or any opportunity to express [Car- ver's] point of view or testify, or anything like that ... before a group, giving [Carver's] side of the story. On August 23, the day after he learned of the Ex- ecutive Board's action overruling the Port Drum Group membership with regard to taking his case to arbitration, Carver dispatched' a letter to Respon- dent Employer notifying it of his "intention to ar- bitrate the discharge action of the company" and returning the form (dated July 28) which the Com- pany had given him for signature at the time of his discharge withdrawing his "pension" (i.e., "profit sharing") funds "which I have sign under protest." It is conceded that Respondent Employer received these documents on or about August 24. Although Carver never received a written response from Respondent Employer, on September 1 he received a telephone call from its Office Manager Storms ad- vising him that "my [i.e., Carver's] profit-sharing money was in the office, the check was in the of- fice, and that I should come and get it." Carver 1X Carver (who, it will be recalled, was the leader of the former Port Drum colored Local 4-254 for many years before his resignation at the time of its merger with or subsumption into Respondent Local 4-23 under circumstances described above) testified that in his long union experience, a group vote authorizing arbitration of the grievance of a group member had always been regarded as final and not subject to overruling by the Local Executive Board or Committee- It is observed that the only person on the Local Executive Board possessing a degree of direct familiarity with Carver's case was Leroy Thomas International Union Representative Burk as a member of the International Union staff was not a member of Respon- dent Union Local's Executive Board Burk testified on cross-examination that the "Groups govern their own affairs and their own business. to the degree that they do not have to appropriate money from the Local's treasu- ry to conduct their business Whenever they have to, or need funds, to ap- propriate funds, to conduct their business it must then go through the procedure of approval of the Executive Board and the general member- ship," stating that "the constitution would probably show it." To be sure, the union consititution (art. IV, sec 3) restricts the incurring of financial obligations on behalf of the Local Union (i.e., Local Union 4-23) itself "without authority from the by-laws or from the Union " However, this provision is not inconsistent with the practice credibly established by the testimony of Carver, who-unlike Burk, only in this area for a year, accord- ing to his own testimony-through long years of actual on4he-scene ex- perience in the administration of union affairs is in a position to know, and whose testimony in this regard was undisputed by Burk Furthermore, there was no showing or contention that resort to funds of the Local, as distin- guished from funds of the Group itself, was necessary to defray the cost of arbitrating Carver's discharge grievance. Nor was it established that ar- bitration of Carver's discharge could not have gone forward without the necessity of expenditure of funds by any element of the Union , for exam- ple, in farina paupers or through counsel or arbitrators serving without pay (as it is well known they sometimes do, when circumstances justify) It will further be recalled in this connection that Carver explicitly offered, at the time he was financially able to do so , to defray the cost of arbitration in order to eliminate this as a possible stumbling block ; but that his offer was rebuffed or declined 11 According to testimony of Antilley, he (Antilley ) informed the Execu- tive Board at its meeting that the Workmen 's Committee had recom- mended against arbitration "due to the merits in the case" as described to the Executive Board by Antilley, who told them "what happened" since he had been present " in the office on the evening of this when this thing hap- pened . . I [Antilley] told the Executive Board what happened And the Executive Board made up their decision , made their decision, and they voted not to concur with the group 's recommendation ." International Union Representative Burk testified that he was not present personally dur- ing the Executive Board meeting and was "not sure" whether Antilley was; that he (Burk ) "didn't have any personal consultations with board mem- bers or the board per se over my evaluation ." Recording Secretary Harold A Uzee of Respondent Local , testifying as Respondent Union's witness, stated that he was at the Executive Board meeting on August 22 when Port Drum Workmen 's Committee Chairman Antilley , appeared and discussed the Carver case and his (Antilley's) disagreement with the Port Drum Group 's membership vote to carry that case to arbitration, and that based upon Antilley's statements he voted to override the decision of the mem- bership of the Port Drum Group that Carver 's discharge be arbitrated 564 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD thereupon called Respondent Employer's office, receiving and receipting for his accumulated "pen- sion funds"" on September 1. At no time has Respondent Employer otherwise in any way re- sponded or reacted to Carver's indication that he desired to arbitrate his discharge; nor has Carver carried the matter further, other than on September 2 to file the charges, here for decision, against the Union and Employer. D. Discussion and Resolution 1. Respondent Union's position and contentions As is evident from the foregoing recital, in es- sence this case involves an employer's precipitate discharge of a satisfactory employee of 16 years' standing, for reasons which, while not violative of the National Labor Relations Act, are nevertheless otherwise subject not alone to factual dispute, but, perhaps more importantly, grave doubt as to whether they would warrant the extreme penalty of discharge of so senior an employee, at any rate in the eyes of the informal arbitration forum to which the Employer had elected under its subsisting col- lective agreement, applicable to the employee, to subject itself on matters of this nature.21 Carver was a satisfactory employee22 in Respondent Employer's service for 16 years and had accumulated substan- tial pension and other economically valuable rights. There is credible evidence that apparently far more serious incidents involving other employees-in- cluding actual violence (with even stabbing)-than the mere exchange of words between Storms and Carver arising out of Storms' conceded errors and resulting in Carver's discharge, had not eventuated in any such penalty. It is at least reasonably argu- able that under the circumstances detailed, even as- suming arguendo the version of the July 27 office incident as supplied by Storms to be fully accu- rate, the penalty of precipitate absolute discharge of a satisfactory employee of 16 years' standing was unduly drastic; and that an impartial arbitration would so decide and require reinstatement (includ- ing backpay and related restitution) with a lesser or no penalty-notwithstanding International Union Representative Burk's alleged "professional judgment" to the contrary following his described "full investigation." Upon careful evaluation of the entire record, I find it highly probable that an im- partial arbitration would so decide; and, further, that since it cannot be held on the facts here ad- duced that arbitration of Carver's discharge was without reasonable prospect of success, the Union's refusal to take Carver's case to arbitration was im- provident, unreasonable, unjustified, improper, and not in good faith. The Union urges, however, that it should not be "second guessed" by the Trial Ex- aminer or Board, nor presumably by any court, as to whether it acted properly in declining to carry Carver's case to arbitration. This is the kind of ar- gument that has only superficial appeal. It is clear that within a viable system of law in society, a party cannot be allowed to be the ultimate judge of its own good faith nor of the propriety and legality of its own actions. If a party cannot insulate itself from responsibility for its actions by relying on legal ad- vice of its counsel with which a court disagrees,23 it would not seem that the party itself should be in a safer position when it exercises its own unaided poor judgment in predicting the outcome of a legal proceeding involving fairly arguable meritorious is- sues. I accordingly reject the Union's contention that the bona fides and propriety of its actions in refusing to carry Carvers discharge to arbitration are not open to consideration. 24 Reaching, then, as I do, the issue of Respondent Union's good faith and motives in refusing to carry Carver's case to arbitration, and the propriety of that action under the Act, at the outset it is essen- tial to resolve, to the extent not already done, testimonial conflicts involving alleged expressions and actions of Port Drum Workmen's Committee Chairman Antilley and International Union Representative Burk bearing upon their and Respondent Union's true reason for declining to take the necessary steps to have Carver's discharge arbitrated. The circumstances of the withdrawal of Carver, himself formerly for many years a union leader, from Respondent Union at the time of his 10 These amounted to $1072.79 covering his 16 years of continuous em- ployment with Respondent Employer, to "the end of the last fiscal year " Carver's testimony establishes that following his discharge he had to use this money to support his wife and nine children and to pay bills Carver's application for unemployment insurance was disallowed by the Texas Em- ployment Commission 21 The subsisting collective agreement provides (art X11, seq 3) If a discharged or suspended employee is, pursuant to a decision reached under the grievance and arbitration provisions of this Agree- ment, found to have been unjustly discharged or suspended , it shall be within the authority of the Board of Arbitration to reinstate such em- ployee to his former job and/or make him whole for all time lost, less any amounts earned on other Jobs during the time off 22 From the hearing transcript, testimony of Respondent Employer's Of- fice Manager Storms TRIAL EXAMINER Prior to this episode of July 27 which resulted in Carver's discharge, had you ever had any arguments or cross words or difficulties with Carver) THE WITNESS [Storms] Never 21 Cf International Union of Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers, Local 613 v NLRB , 328 F 2d 723, 727 (C A 3), N L R B v Clearfield Cheese Co, Inc, 322 F 2d 89, 93 (C A 3), Taylor Forge & Pipe Works v N L R B , 234 F 2d 227, 231 (C A 7), cert denied 352 U S 942, Old King Cole, Inc v NLRB , 260 F 2d 530, 532 (C A 6), N L R B v Industrial Cotton Mills, 208 F 2d 87, 91 (C A 4), cert denied 347 U S 935 24 N L R B v Miranda Fuel Co, Inc, 326 F 2d 172 (C A 2), and Ford Motor Co v Huffman, 345 U S 330, cited by Respondent Union, are inap- posite in this connection In Miranda , unlike here , the Union's action was taken in honest belief on its part In Huffman, the Supreme Court expressly conditioned the "wide range of reasonableness " allowable to unions in the fulfillment of their representative functions to actions taken by the Union in "complete good faith and honesty of purpose " 345 U S at 338 Neither was present here PORT DRUM COMPANY 565 former Group's recent merger with or subsumption into Antilley's present Group, have been detailed. Ensuing events were spawned in this matrix. When Carver withdrew from. membership in this Union, he did not relinquish his right to representation by the Union, which, as statutory exclusive bargaining representative of all unit employees, nonunion as well as union, was charged by the Act with the duty to fully, fairly, and impartially represent all unit em- ployees without distinction based upon union mem- bership or nonmembership L5 Fulfillment of such du- ties is perhaps never easy when the party charged with such a trust finds himself inevitably drawn in opposing directions, even though he is confident that he is able to emplace and maintain himself upon a perch of judgmental eminence from which, while himself interested, he nevertheless can be impervious to the crosswinds of conflicting calls. In such situa- tions, the ethical and legal requirements are those of uberrima fides - the "most perfect good faith." The Union can hardly be considered to have satisfied such requirements here. To begin with, in a cocoon of hostility by Antilley toward Carver, Antilley con- tinued openly to campaign at union meetings that union members should, because of Carver's non- membership in the Union,26 reject Carver's request for arbitration of his discharge-clearly unlawful action under the Act;''' and, notwithstanding the action of the membership in resoundingly rejecting his recommendation and instead voting to carry Car- ver's case to arbitration. Antilley nevertheless per- sisted in his viewpoint and brought about what is in- dicated may have been unparalleled action by Respondent Union's Executive Board overruling this group membership, thereby thwarting the will of Antilley's own group membership and stymieing Carver's normal access to arbitration of his discharge grievance. Furthermore, International Union Representative Burk, who I am convinced entertained sentiments similar to those of Antilley hostile to Carver's desire for arbitration only by reason of Carver's nonmembership in the -Union, failed properly to investigate or attempt to ascer- tain the facts reasonably necessary for informed fair judgment as to whether Carver's case could reasonably be expected to succeed in arbitration, but nevertheless proceeded to take action, in derogation of Carver's rights,- to preclude such ar- bitration. I find that Respondent Union through the described actions and omissions of its agents, Antil- ley and Burk, ratified and approved by Respondent Union's officials, failed and refused to carry Car- ver's prima facie meritorious discharge grievance forward to arbitration as required; and, that such ac- tions and omissions were not in good faith,2S but because of Carver's nonmembership in -the Union, and were and are in violation of Section 8(b)(1)(A) and 8(b)(2) of the Act.21 It remains, so far asthe Union is concerned, to consider its contention that it would not be averse to Carver's personally proceeding to arbitration on his own behalf at his own expense, which it con- cedes he had and has the right to do. The short an- swers to this are that International Union Represen= tative Burk in effect indicated - the contrary to Carver, as shown above; 30 and that the Act 31 obligates the Union to do so on Carver's behalf not- withstanding his nonmembership in the Union, and that Carver is not obligated to attempt to conduct a personal arbitration on his own behalf at his own expense, without the .benefit of the same financial, legal and other support that the Union would pro- vide for its members and which the Act contem- plates and requires.32 It seems clear that nondis- criminatory administration of an exclusive bargain- ing representative's statutory and contractual responsibilities is not fulfilled by requiring a bar- gaining unit employee to resort to self-help at his own expense to enforce his right to his job under a collective agreement-perhaps at -a time when he needs the Union most.3 "The Act, Sec. 8(b)(1)(A) and 8(b)(2), Vaca v Sipes, 386 U.S. 171, Humphrey v Moore, 375 U.S 335, 349-350, Ford Motor Co v. Huffman, 345 U.S 330,337-339 2' Upon the basis of the entire record, including testimonial demeanor comparisons, I credit the testimony of General Counsel's witnesses to this effect, in preference to the denials of Respondent Union's witnesses 27 "It is conceded in view of the Hughes Tool case 147 NLRB 1573 (1964) 56 LRAM 1289 that inaction of the Union being the duly designated bargaining representative for an employee can constitute an un- fair labor practice if such inaction is based on arbitrary or irrelevant reasons " Respondent Union's posthearing brief to Trial Examiner, p 5 Respondent Union further concedes that "the Union owes Carver and other employeesa duty to represent them fairly-"Id., p 6- ' These union actions and omissions contrast sharply with those of the union in Vaca v Sipes, 386 U S. 171, where, as emphasized by the Court, the union in good faith did everything in its power within reason to attempt to vindicate the aggrieved employee's rights vis-a-vis the employer 2N A union's duty of fair representation of bargaining unit employees (whether or not members of the union) is enforceable through unfair labor practice proceedings before the Board. Vaca v Sipes, 386 U S 171, Local Union No 12, United Rubber, etc. Workers, 150 NLRB 312, enfd, 368 F.2d 12 (C A 5); Miranda Fuel Co, Inc, 140 NLRB 181, enforcement denied 326 F 2d 172 (C.A 2), on grounds not herein germane (employee a union member, alleged discrimination against him was on racial grounds, court recognized union discrimination based upon nonmembership in union would constitute violation of Act); Local 453, Intl. Union, United Automo- bile, etc. Workers ( Mareniont Corp ), 149 NLRB 482, Local 1367, ILA (Galveston Maritime Assn., Inc ), 148 NLRB 897, enfd. 368 F 2d 1010 (C A 5); Independent Metal Workers Union, Local No I and Local No 2 (Hughes Tool Company), 147 NLRB 1573. 30 The collective agreement here (art. X11I) expressly vests in the Union the designation of arbitrator as well as control of implementing machinery for the arbitration "The Act, Secs. 9(a), 8(b)( I )(A ), and 8(b)(2). 32 Vaca v Sipes, supra , in. 28, cases cited supra, fn 29. 'R. W Fleming, Chancellor of the Madison campus of the University of Wisconsin and President of, the National Academy of Arbitrators, has pointed out in his recent study, The Labor Arbitration Process (Urbana, Ill., University of Illinois Press, 1966), that by 1966 the cost of the average 1- day arbitration had reached $640 for the union alone (i.e., $200 represent- ing one half of average arbitrator's fee of $400 per day, $125 representing one half of cost of reporter, and $315 for average attorney's fee), exclusive of loss of pay and time, and of disbursements such as for travel and sub- sistence. 566 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD 2. Respondent Employer's position and contentions Alleged violation of the Act by Respondent Em- ployer is predicated by the complaint upon the theory that it failed, under its subsisting collective agreement with Respondent Union, "to adjust' [i.e., process a grievance] and/or arbitrate" Carver's discharge. As already stated, there is no allegation or contention that Carver's discharge was itself un- lawful under the Act. No evidence has been ad- duced to'establish that Respondent Employer con- spired or knowingly participated with Respondent Union to cause the Union to deny to Carver his right to fair representation by the Union, including his right to have his discharge grievance arbitrated, because of Carver's nonmembership in the Union or for other reasons violative of the Act. It is clear that Respondent Employer did in fact "process" Carver's 'discharge grievance when ten- dered on his behalf by the Union. Respondent Em- ployer$ was under no obligation to "adjust" that grievance; in accordance with its legal right, it re- jected it. Respondent Employer has raised and litigated in this proceeding five principal defenses and conten- tions in justification of its failure to proceed to ar- bitration: (1) That Respondent Union acted lawfully and properly in refusing to carry Carver's case to ar- bitration. In view of the exposition and findings al- ready made rejecting the Union's contentions in this regard,- further discussion of this point is here unnecessary. (2) That Respondent Employer was not required to arbitrate Carver's discharge in absence of a union demand to arbitrate. Insofar as this contention relates to the Em- ployer's duty to arbitrate with the Union, it appears to be sound, inasmuch as it is undisputed that the Union has never requested the Employer to ar- bitrate Carver's discharge grievance. There was no affirmative requirement on the Employer to ar- bitrate with the Union in absence of a request to do so. It was not an unfair labor practice for the Em- ployer to fail to do what the Act does not require it to do. The foregoing is not, however, the complete answer to this contention of the Employer, since it assumes that the Employer was also not required to arbitrate with Carver because the Union never requested arbitration. As has been shown, the Union's refusal to proceed to arbitration on Car- ver's behalf was wrongful and unlawful. Under these circumstances, -there arose a duty-on the part of Respondent Employer to arbitrate on Carver's demand, under the collective , agreement, based upon the Union's- unlawful failure to carry out its statutory duty of fair representation by not taking the employee's case to arbitration. It now, at length,3 'appears that an employee has the right to compel arbitration of a meritorious grievance af- fecting his substantial interests, under an applicable collective agreement, if the union in violation' of its duty of fair representation fails or refuses to do, so. Cf. Vaca v. Sipes, 386 U.S. 171.35-It will be recalled that upon becoming apprised of the action of the Local Union Executive Board refusing to carry his case to arbitration, Carver promptly, on August 23, wrote to Respondent' Employer placing,'it on notice of his "intention to arbitrate the discharge action of the company." This was a sufficient indication' by Carver to ' the Employer (which the' evidence establishes knew of the Union's refusal to proceed to arbitration on Carver's behalf) ^ that -Carver wished to arbitrate his discharge. There arose thereupon a duty upon the part of the Employer to arbitrate with Carver. The Employer took no action to arbitrate, nor did it refuse to do so or'in so many words indicate its nonrecognition of Carver's right to do so. The Employer did not respond to Carver's August 23 letter in any way, w other , than to call Carver in and pay him off his "profit-sharing" or "pension" accumulations on deposit, thereby seek- ing to solidify its discharge action. It "neither acknowledged Carver's letter nor did it 'designate an arbitrator nor take any other action to ' bring about an arbitration nor in 'any way to recognize any right on Carver's ' part to do -so: Its ', action thereafter in attempting to liquidate Carver's "pen- sion" rights without in any way recognizing his right to arbitrate his discharge grievance is, in the totality of the record, susceptible to the interpretation of nonconcurrence ("constructive refusal," if one prefers that expression) on its part in Carver's ex- pressed "intention to arbitrate." Supporting such an interpretation is the Employer's response, when asked at the hearing whether it was now willing to proceed to arbitration with Carver, that it was not; in so responding, relying in part on the Union's failure to demand arbitration (here found to have been unlawful) and in further part,on its own (i.e., S' No useful purpose would be served by rehashing the many widely divergent judicial expressions and commentators' views-among them Black-Clawson Co., Inc v. Machinists, 313 F.2d 179 (C.A. 2), relied upon by Respondent Employer-antedating Vaca v. Sipes, supra. Those so inclined will encounter them in the articles listed infra, in. 42. ss This is not to say that every failure of a union to take an aggrieved em- ployee's case to arbitration is actionable ; the test is one of good faith and reasonableness on the union 's part. Cf. Vaca v. Sipes, supra, 386 U.S. 171 at 191-195; Humphrey v. Moore, 375 U.S. 335, 349-350; Ford Motor Co. v. Huffman, 345 U.S. 330, 337-339. It is to be noted that Republic Steel Corp. v. Maddox, 379 U.S. 650, sometimes cited as supporting the proposition that an employee may not himself resort to action (such as compelling ar- bitration) upon the collective agreement , merely held that an aggrieved employee may not initially take direct action against his employer under the collective agreement but must first "attempt use of the contract grievance procedure ageed upon by employer and union" ( emphasis is the Court's) and "afford the union the opportunity to act on his behalf". (emphasis supplied), since "it cannot be said, in the normal situation, that contract grievance procedures are inadequate to protect the interests of an aggrieved employee until the employee has'attempted to implement the procedures and found them so." 379 U.S. at 652-653. PORT DRUM COMPANY Employer's) action in liquidating Carver's accumu- lated "profit-sharing" funds (over his protest, ex- pressed in his August 23 letter) which in its view canceled out Carver's August 23 request to ar- bitrate.36 Although I reject Respondent Employer's con- tention that it was, and is, not required to arbitrate with Carver individually under the circumstances, and to the contrary find and hold that it was, I nevertheless cannot overlook the absence of requisite evidentiary basis to support a finding that the Employer possessed knowledge of the dis- criminatory, unlawful basis for the Union's action in refusing to proceed to arbitration of Carver's grievance, or knowledge that this was the basis for Carver's August 23 notification of intention to ar- bitrate. Nor can'I be heedless of the fact that-even weighing against the Employer its apparent failure to make reasonable inquiry-it is through this proceeding and my findings and decision here that the basis for the Union's actions is brought home, for the first time for aught that appears, to the Em- ployer as stamped with illegality, thereby placing the Employer on clear notice of the consequent propriety of Carver's individual notice of intention to arbitrate. Under these circumstances, faulting Respondent Employer under the Act would appear to be of doubtful propriety or fairness. However, in view of Respondent Employer's outspoken continu- ing expression of intention not to arbitrate-either upon any demand which the Union might make, or upon the demand which Carver has already made- specifically so announced by Respondent Employer toward the conclusion of the- hearing, when all parties were invited under the Administrative Procedure Act to adjust the proceeding, my proposed remedial order will require Respondent Employer as well as the Union to proceed to ar- bitration, so as to provide a meaningful remedy, avoid imminent danger of grave injustice through procedural proliferation, and to effectuate the poli- cies of the Act. This aspect is further discussed in "The Remedy" portion hereof, infra. (3) That prior to this proceeding, Respondent Employer was willing to and would have arbitrated with Carver individually had Carver himself made proper and effective demand directly upon Respon- 's A finding to the effect that Respondent Employer ( 1) with knowledge or notice of or ( 2) with culpable association or participation in, the Union's unlawful refusal to proceed to arbitration of Carver 's discharge grievance, has failed or refused to honor Carver's individual demand upon the Em- ployer to arbitrate , would presumably support a conclusion of violation of Section 8 ( a)(1) by the Employer, upon the theory that the Employer would thereby have inhibited Carver's ( and other unit employees') freedom under Section 7 to refrain from union membership , as well as in- terfered with, restrained , and coerced Carver ( and others ) in their pro- tected concerted enjoyment of rights and remedies under the subsisting collective agreement. Respondent Employer's statements at the hearing that it has no intention of arbitrating herein could also warrant conforming the complaint to the proof at the hearing in this regard, justifying a finding of violation of Sec- tion 8 ( a)(1) based thereon , if essential to support inclusion of the Em- ployer in the recommended remedial order Cf. National Licorice Co. v. N.L.R B., 309 U S 350, 368-369. 567 dent Employer to do so. In this connection it is to be observed that (a) I have already found that Car- ver's August 23 letter to Respondent Employer constituted a sufficient demand; (b) at no time dur- ing the events described, nor prior to the hearing herein, did Respondent Employer indicate to Carver or otherwise that it was willing to arbitrate with Carver personally; (c) Respondent Employer's actions, including its requirment that under its "release" from (over Carver's protest) Carver withdraw all his accumulated "profit-sharing" funds and release his "pension" rights after receiving Car- ver's August 23 letter expressing his desire to ar- bitrate, are difficult to reconcile with its present professions (advanced at the hearing for the first time) of past sub silentio willingness to arbitrate with Carver individually; (d) Respondent Em- ployer's contention is subject to further suspicion because of its simultaneous insistence at the hear- ing that-now having broken its silence about being willing to arbitrate with Carver personally-it is now no longer willing to arbitrate with Carver per- sonally, nor even with the Union.37 Since it has not been established by substantial credible evidence, as required, that Respondent Employer was willing to and would have arbitrated with Carver per- sonally prior to the hearing herein, I find that Respondent Employer was not in fact willing to do so and at no time intended to do so. (4) That Carver "waived," "abandoned," or is "estopped" to assert his right to arbitation by not having proceeded therewith in accordance with the letter he sent to Respondent Employer on August 23, the day after Port Drum Group Chairman Leroy Thomas informed him that the Union Execu- tive Board had overruled the group membership and refused to carry his discharge grievance to ar- bitration. As to this contention, it is to be noted at once that at no time has Respondent Employer acquiesced in, or given any indication that it did or intended to acquiesce in, Carver's attempted exer- cise of that right. In the letter in question, Carver expressed the "intention" to arbitrate and, even- tually, to select an arbitrator. Although it would ap- pear that under the collective agreement the Em- ployer should-but in any event certainly may-be the first to designate an arbitrator'38 the Employer "I If Respondent Employer had really been willing all along, as it now in- sists, to arbitrate with Carver, it would have been a simple matter for it to have written or told him so in response to his August 23 letter instead of in- sisting, in effect, that with a stroke of the pen he agree to eliminate his 16- year pension and other employment rights. And if it really, as d currently insists, was willing all along to arbitrate with Carver, no convincing reason precludes it from doing so now, since Carver's acceptance of payment of his accumulated "pension" credits following his discharge could be waived or repaired; or, if essential, the effect (if any) thereof weighed and deter- mined in an impartial arbitration proceeding (instead of summarily by Respondent Employer itself) - :11 Art XIII, second paragraph. It is further to be noted that there appears to be no time limitation under the collective agreement for either party's designation of arbitrator, as conceded by Respondent Employer at the hearing (Hearing Transcript, pp 211-213) 568 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD never did so. Indeed, the only reaction the letter evoked from the Employer was under its "release" form to pay Carver off his accumulated "profit- sharing" or "pension" moneys. Notwithstanding the fact that on brief (p.12) Respondent Employer now says of Carver's letter that it "is not to be accepted or conceded by Respondent [Employer] in any way" as a "request for arbitration," Respondent Employer nevertheless appears to contend that Carver's letter in some way frees it of the obligation to arbitrate since Carver never took additional steps (such as naming an arbitrator) to implement his "intention." Although there is no evidence of waiver or abandonment on Carver's part of his "in- tention to arbitrate"-indeed, entirely the contra- ry-it is to be observed that the collective agree- ment contains no time limitation for the appoint- ment of an arbitrator. Finally, it is noted that Car- ver's explanation for his failure to proceed per- sonally to name an arbitrator-namely, lack of funds-is eminently credible, and in no event frees Respondent Union of its continuing obligation to proceed with arbitration-on Carver's behalf.39 (5) That Respondent Employer is freed from any obligation to arbitrate Carver's discharge, on demand of either Carver or the Union, because of Carver's acceptance, in connection with his discharge, of payment of the accumulated moneys credited to his account in the Employer's "profit- sharing" or "pension" fund. In considering this contention, it may be observed at the outset, that at no time has Carver conceded the propriety of his discharge-all of his actions bespeak the contrary. Credited evidence establishes that upon the occa- sion of his discharge on July 28, when Carver was presented by his Employer with a form to sign "relinquish[ing] all his seniority rights" and "acknowledg[ing] that he has no futher interest or participation" in the Profit Sharing Plan upon receipt of his accruals therein, he demurred at sig- ning the form and did not do so; that when, on Au- gust 23, he returned the signed form as an enclo- sure to his letter of that date to his Employer, he expressly did so "under protest" and with the further explicit "notice of my intention to arbitrate the discharge action of the company"; that his signature on the letter of August 26 (Respondent Employer's Exh. 2) presented to him by his Em- ployer in its office, when he was paid off was under similar circumstances and was in effect no more than a receipt for those funds; and that, as the head of a family with nine children, thrown into unem- ployment by his Employer's precipitate discharge without notice after 16 years of steady employ- ment, he was in dire need of those funds to support his family. Moreover, there is no evidence that withdrawal of such funds cannot be made even by an employee remaining in Respondent Employer's " A similar argument of waiver and abandoment, based upon the same facts advanced by the Union on brief, appears to border on the frivolous employ without forfeiting his right to present grievances and have the Union carry them to`- ar- bitration. Furthermore, there is no reason to as- sume that such a fund may be maintained on deposit by a discharged employee; nor that main- tenance of such a fund on deposit is a necessary precondition to reemployment or reinstatement, nor that, if it is, this cannot or would not be done by Carver. Finally, it would seem that appropriate provision could be made in an arbitration,proceed- ing-as in an unfair labor practice proceeding- with regard to the incidental repair of the con- sequences of an improper-discharge, such as by repayment by Carver to regain his former "pen- sion" Status, or for alternatives failing such reim- bursement. Under the circumstances . shown, Respondent Employer's contention that Carver's acceptance of its liquidation to him, of his ",pen- sion" contributions constituted, as matter of law, a release, abondonment, or waiver of, or estoppel to assert and pursue, his rights and remedies-includ- ing even his right to redress from, or a remedial order in the public interest by,- the Board40-is hardly more than self-serving, since it sets up the very action complained of as its own legal justifica- tion. For the foregoing reasons, this contention of Respondent is likewise rejected. Upon the foregoing findings and the entire record, I state the following: V. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1. At all material times, Respondent Port Drum Company has been and is an employer engaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(2), (6), and (7),ofthe Act. 2. At all material times, Respondent Oil, Chemi- cal & Atomic Workers International Union, AFL-CIO, Local No. 4-23 has been and is a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. 3. Assertion of jurisdiction in this consolidated case is proper. 4. By the conduct alleged in the complaint, as set forth in section IV and here found to have con- stituted unfair labor practices, Respondent Oil, Chemical & Atomic Workers International Union, AFL-CIO, Local No. 4-23 has violated and is en- gaged in a continuing violation of Section 8(b)(1)(A) and 8(b)(2), thereby coercing em- ployees in the exercise of rights guaranteed in Sec- tion 7 and causing, or attempting to cause, an em- ployer to discriminate against an employee in viola- tion of Section 8(a)(3),of the Act. 5. The substantial credible evidence , fails to establish that Respondent Port Drum Company has committed unfair labor practices as alleged in the 40 Public interest, not merely reparation of individual wrong, is the Board's primary concern in administration of the Act. Cf Phelps Dodge Corp v NLRB., 313 U.S. 117,192-194 PORT DRUM COMPANY consolidated complaint. Nevertheless, the record at this hearing establishes that Respondent Port Drum Company now refuses, and intends to continue to refuse (in violation of Section 8(a)(1) of the Act), to arbitrate, with either Respondent Union on be- half of Charles A. Carver or with Charles A. Carver individually, the grievance of Charles A. Carver based upon his, discharge from the employment of Respondent Port Drum Company on or about July 28, 1966. 6. The aforesaid unfair labor practices affect commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. VI. THE REMEDY Having found that the Act has been violated in the manner described, I shall recommend an ap- propriate cease-and-desist order and that ap- propriate affirmative action be taken to erase the effects of the unlawful acts in order to enable the employee subjected to the unlawful discriminatory treatement to test the propriety of his discharge in arbitration as provided by the parties' collective agreement, so as to effectuate the policies of the Act. It is apparent from the facts described that mere- ly to require the Union at this time to proceed to arbitration of Carver's discharge grievance would be ineffectual as a remedy, for two basic reasons: (1) the Union, which has already demonstrated persistent discriminatory hostility toward Carver, could readily defeat such a remedy in various way: e.g., (a) by sleeping on diligent prosecution thereof, (b) by failing to pursue it with appropriate vigor in the event of the Employer resistance which may be expected, (c) by carrying out its declared intention of appointing Antilley or Burk as the arbitrator on Carver's behalf, (d) by less than zealous, if not deliberately poor, protection of Carver's rights and remedies in and connected with any arbitration 91 If violations of the Act may be predicated upon participation in the violative acts of others ( see, e g ., N.L.R B v Seine and Line Fishermen's Union of San Pedro, 347 F 2d 974, 976 (C.A 9, 1967), NLRB v Acme Mattress Co, 192 F 2d 524 (C A 7), no reason appears why remedies in ef- fectuation of the policies of the Act may not be Cf. Vaca v Sipes, supra, 386 U S. at 178 and 201-203, National Licorice Co. v N L R B., 309 U S 350, 362-367, 368-369 This is particularly true where , as here, the issues are, on notice to the party (Employer) involved, fully litigated As has been indicated , Respondent Employer has explicitly voiced its determination not to go to arbitration with either the Union or Carver Recalcitrant reliance upon an unlawful position may mottle the rubric of innocence Cf Miranda Fuel Co , Inc , 140 NLRB 181, 185-186; and fn. 36, supra 42 Problems in this area have continued to attract the merest of legal commentators Among the many informative discussions are Aaron, Some Aspects of the Union's Duty of Fair Respresen'tation, 22 Ohio St L. J 39 (1961), A.B.A. Sec of Labor Law, 1965 Proceedings, 257 ff, , Blumrosen, Legal Protection for Critical Job Interests: Union-Management Authority Versus Employee Autonomy, 13 utgers L Rev. 631 (1959), Blumrosen, The Worker and Three Phases of Unionism • Administrative and Judicial Control of the Worker- Union Relationship , 61 Mich L Rev 1435 (1963), Cox, In- dividual Enforcement of Collective Bargaining Agreements, 8 Lab L J. 850 (1957), Cox, Rights under a Labor Agreement, 69 Harv L Rev 601 (1956), Cox, The Duty of Fair Representation , 2 Vill L Rev 151 (1957); Dunau, Fleming & Levitt, Individual Rights in Grievance-Arbitration Procedure , 56 LRRM 46 (1964), Hanslowe , Individual Rights in Collective 569 proceeding, calculated to lose rather than win the case, and (e) by continuing to fail or refuse to pro- vide any funds which may be required to defray the expense thereof; and (2) no arbitration would be possible without the Employer as a party thereto, and, unless otherwise ordered, the Employer could and undoubtedly would resist and indefinitely delay, if not totally thwart, such a proceeding in various ways, such as through dilatory applications in local Texas State courts, and the Federal district court, to stay arbitration (or opposing any applica- tion to compel arbitration-which the Union as well as the Employer would welcome being denied) upon all manner of alleged grounds, including the Union's failure to demand arbitration (which has herein been found to have been' unlawful) and the employee's absence of right to pursue arbitration (which right has here been upheld)-thereby in ef- fect interposing for adjudication by such local court (rather than in the conventional manner, in ac- cordance with the statutory mandate, at the United States Court of Appeals level herein) the very is- sues here decided. For these reasons, I shall recom- mend that both Respondents be required to ar- bitrate this matter, under certain safeguards.41 Some of the substantive and adjective problems encountered in situations of this type have recently been pointed out in Vaca v. Sipes, 386 U.S. 171,42 by the Supreme Court, which had earlier in effect in- vited the Board to tailor meaningful remedies in its cases. See Fibreboard Corp. v. N.L.R.B., 379 U.S. 203, 215-217; N.L.R.B. v. Erie Resistor Corp., 373 U.S. 221, 236; N.L.R.B. v. Seven-Up Bottling Co., 344 U.S. 344, 346-349; Virginia Electric & Power Co. v. N.L.R.B., 319 U.S. 533, 539-540: Phelps Dodge Corp. v. N.L.R.B., 313 U.S. 177, 188, 194, 198. Indeed, the Board has regularly been re- minded of or upheld in its exercise of its responsi- bility in this regard under the statutory design.43 It would be highly anomalous to leave Respondent Employer free to continue to assert as a bar to ar- Labor Relations, 45 Cornell L Q 25 (1959), Murphy. The Duty of Fair Representation under Taft-Hartley, 30 Mo L Rev. 373 (1965); Rosen, The Individual Worker in Grievance Arbitration Still Another Look at the Problem, 24 Md L Rev 233 (1964), Silver, Rights oflndividual Employees in the Arbitral Process, 12 N Y U Conf Lab 53 (1959), Severn, Race Dis- crimination and the National Labor Relations Act The Brave New World of Miranda, 16 N Y U Conf Lab 3 (1963 ), Sovern, Section 301 and the Pri- mary Jurisdiction of the NLRB, 76 Harv L Rev. 529 (1963), Summers, In- dividual Rights in Collective Agreements and Arbitration , 37 N Y U L Rev 362 (1962), Wellington , Union Democracy and Fair Representation. Federal Responsibility in a Federal System, 67 Yale L J 1327 ( 1958), Comment, Discrimination and the NLRB , 32 U. Chi L Rev 124 (1964); Comment, Federal Protection of Idividual Rights under Labor Contracts, 73 Yale L. J 1215 (1964 ), Comment, Racial Discrimination and the Duty of Fair Representation , 65 Colum. L. Rev 273 (1965), Note, Administra- tive Enforcement of the Right to Fair Representation , 112 U Pa L Rev 711(1964) 43 Cf., e g , N L .R B v. Seine and Line Fishermen's Union, etc , 374 F 2d 974 (C A 9, 1967), NLRB v Delight Bakery, Inc, 353 F 2d 344, 346-347 (C A 6), Aztec Ceramics Co v. N.L R B , 320 F.2d 757, 760-761 (CA D.C.); NLRB. v A. P. W Products Co , 316 F.2d 899, 904-906 (C A 2), Piasecki Aircraft Corporation v N LRB., 280 F 2d 575 (C A 3), cert. denied 364 U S 933, Summit Mining Corp v N L R B, 260 F 2d894, 900 (C.A 3); N.L R B v Caldarera , 209 F 2d 265, 268-269 (C A 8) 570 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD bitration the very failure of the Union here held to have been unlawful and which it is the central pur- pose of this proceeding to erase and redress. Only through simple, speedy restoration of all parties to the status quo ante and directing that what should have been done shall now be done without further delay-namely, arbitrating-can the effects of the Union's unlawful acts be undone. The alternative is a costly, peripatetic, many-act extravaganza involv- ing a juridical roundelay in competing forms and forums-reminiscent of ancient battles of writs, with wrongs unredressed for wealth of remedies- and the impecunious discharged wage earner view- ing the bizarre spectacle with mounting dismay. The Recommended Order would provide a simple, speedy solution tailored to the situational needs. "The Act does not require the Board to play hide- and-seek with those guilty of unfair labor prac- tices." N.L.R.B. v. Mexia Textile Mills, Inc., 339 U.S. 563, 568. Under the Recommended Order, the Employer would have the right to raise in the arbitration proceeding defenses other than those which it has here litigated, including its defense here based upon the Union's unlawful refusal to demand arbitration and its defense that Carver failed properly to de- mand and pursue arbitration. The Recommended Order further provides that in the event arbitration of Carver's case is now barred or precluded because of the Union's unlawful refusal to proceed with arbitration, the Union shall respond to Carver in damages by way of backpay and other losses which he may establish in a proceeding supplemen- tal hereto. Jurisdiction is retained for the purpose of assessing such damages. Various other provisions ancillary to the objective of erasing the effects of the Union's unlawfully discriminatory acts against Carver have been included in the Recommended Order, so as to effectuate the policies of the Act. To avoid burdening this Decision with a separated discussion at this point, as a service to convenience elucidative marginalia have been subjoined to the specific provisions themselves, in the Recom- mended Order, where appropriate. [Recommended Order omitted from publica- tion. ] Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation