Pollack Electric Co., Inc.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsJan 31, 1979240 N.L.R.B. 476 (N.L.R.B. 1979) Copy Citation 476 46DECISIONS OF NATIONAI. ILABOR RELATIONS BOARD Pollack Electric ('onmpany, Inc. and local Union No. 3, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, AFI-CIO. ('ase 29 CA 3788 .lanuar% 31, 1979 SUJPP.EM I.NI'AI. DI[('ISION ANI) ORI)ER BY MI M1RS P INl I I() M Rl't. ANt) IRt S\l 1 On December 14, 1978, Administrative l.aw Judge Robert . Mullin issued the attached Supplemental Decision in this proceeding. hereafter. Respondent filed exceptions and a supporting brief. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(h) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the Na- tional Labor Relations Board has delegated its au- thority in this proceeding to a three-member panel. The Board has considered the record and the at- tached Supplemental I)ecision in light of the excep- tions and brief and has decided to affirm the rulings. findings, and conclusions of the Administrative I.aw Judge and to adopt his recommended Order.' ORI)ER Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National ILabor Relations Act, as amended, the National I.ahor Re- lations Board adopts as its Supplemental O()rlder the recommended Supplemental Order of the Adminis- trative aw Judge and hereby orders that the Re- spondent. Pollack Electric ('ompany, Inc.. Brookln,. New York, its officers, agents. successors, and as- signs, shall take the action set forth in said Supple- mental Order Resppondcrln ha, exeptetd 1ii tIhe 'dlllriiii I hIs iC .1 .Jud[i2s Cl'1111nCII dail Ihat l hc Rcponl dc ni. Poll.ck Itl-c1clt ('l,,ai) 1inl\. Inc. lid 'il ,II ccr,. ifcIIti. %Utccc\,,t. nd -sIgnl'" ihol.di be irdccl t IIIC I hk t is ctrilillIIlltcs ul,l. ,lltendilllg Ihalt onrll Rcpol ltlclll c1l[ lI.lt l ill l d 11 1 thc tdIIctiilual .ageClii. fficCr. ndI c L s hu h ilci h ltilt f h,i kp.,I \\'ilc c a igree that t t' Ii Cl iid IIf , ,ic II h biI I Ic I ii hiC I I II ic Ill lJiI I Lip;Cl II f.ir the .I I (i lt l t, of lmictL pai\. 1ihe c nl TiC\ liclc- /Itt ii 11trlt 1 iffIC Il t. L rclill S I( [ Ilf c, f.al I o Citl ', ml til i]I t 1 tII s tI Ill Stiil ICllCllli I)ccilml iin d rtd lr Auarrw,,iA I . 11 I I (,1() (I p .s X iii h, ' Ilt\l flts Illtd .lhlt[l/ *of RptlnlldCni 10.lJl llhl il Cc /P hi'1 1 Pi/ ( rZ/t? r ,it t i,. It 4 NI R i 1 i 68 11,7). cull u/' itll ic,/ . 1 , il. s /'c/; , I" I Io dl0i (.mpm 'I '% / R ti lg8 'd 44 1m-lh1 ( I I mo SU I PIL. I MNIA L [)L( IS[I(N SIAII Mi NI W I)l ( SI A I I 1 1 1 I 111 N I RoHl KI I Ml m Il Adminrlllistratie 1.ax Jude: ()n ,I- gust 25, 1975. the Board issued its D)ecision ad ()rder ill this matter., directing the Respondent. Pollaick FLlectric 21'i N R 1217 24(0 NI.RIB No. 71 Company, Inc. (herein Pollack or Employer), inter alia, to offer immediate and full reinstatement to George Handri- nos. Steve Krellenstein. Gus Moustogiannis. Eugene Mor- etti, homas Nastos, and Albert Rescigno and make them whole for any losses resulting from Respondent's unfair labor practices in violation of Section 8(a I 1) and (3) of the National Labor Relations Act. On October 13. 1976. the Utnited States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit is- sued its decree, enforcing in full all provisions of the afore- said Order of the Board. I'he parties being unable to agree on the amount of backpay due under the terms of the Board's Order, on November 30, 1977. the Regional Direc- tor for Region 29 issued a backpay specification. Respon- dent duly filed an answer thereto. Thereafter, on April 26, 1978, the General Counsel filed a Motion for Sumrnar 5 Judgment with the Board. On August 18, 1978. the Board denied this motion and remanded the case for a hearing that would be limited to a determination of interim earn- ings and net backpay due to the discriminatees in the un- derlsing matter. Pursuant to this Order, the Regional Di- rector issued a notice of hearing on August 29, 1978. On November 20. 1978. pursuant to the aforesaid notice, a hearing in this case was held in Brooklyn, New York. At the outset of of the hearing the parties requested time for a conference to narrow the issues. Thereafter, the General ('ounsel moved a minor amendment to the backpay spec- ification. There being no objection, this motion was grant- ed. Respondent thereupon moved for permission to with- draw its answer. This motion was also granted. The parties then having nothing further to offer, the undersigned stat- ed that in view of Respondent's withdrawal of its answer. the backpay specification of the General C('ounsel as amended at the hearing, stood undenied and that thereaf- ter a decision would be served upon the parties. The hear- ing was then closed, all attorneys for the parties having waived their right to file briefs. Upon the entire record, the Administrative Law Judge makes the following: IlINDIN(iS )I iA( I In its Decision the Board found, inter allial, that on De- cember I, 1973. Respondent discriminatorily laid off Han- drinos. Krellenstein, Moretti Moustogiannis. Nasto, and Rescigno all in violation of Section 8(a)(3) and ( I) of the Act. The Board entered the conventional order requiring that Respondent offer immediate reinstatement to the aforenamled individuals and make them whole for all losses resulting from the illegal discrimination against them. As noted earlier, the Board's Order was enforced by a decree of thie I nited States (' urt of Appeals for the Second (Cir- CUll. As Respondent has wsithdrawn its alns.er to the backpa sp,,ification, the prox isions set forth in that document are deellied admitted. The backpa period foir each of the claimlants begins on l)ecemlber 1973. the (date of the dlisLriminator) laNoff. and terminates on r about No\enmhcr 1976. the date o thei placenlent o a preferential hiring list. POLLACK FL.El'T'RICCO., INC 477 I'he data set forth in the General ('ounsel's hackpax specification. as amended. are now adopted as the findings and conclusions of the undersigned. I'he document itself appears hereinafter as an Addendum attached hereto. ('oncl Usions The finding of the Board that an employee was discrimi- natorily discharged is presumptive proof that some back- pay' is owed. N'.I. .B. v. Matro Pla.tics Corp., 354 F.2d 170., 178 2d Cir. 1965), cert. denied 384 U.S. 972 (1966). In the backpa proceedings, the General Counsel's burden is "to show the gross hack-pay due each claimant." J. II. Rutter Rex Manufacturing Compan y. Inc. v. N.L.R. B., 473 F.2d 223, 230 (5th Cir. 1973), cert. denied 414 U.S. 822 (1973). The General Counsel has met his burden in this case. The backpay period and the weekly pay that the dis- criminatees would have received but for the unfair labor practices has been established as set forth in the Adden- dum to this Decision. The General Counsel's backpay specification calculates the Gross gackpay, allowable ex- penses. and interim earnings in conformity with the Board's order. Once the General Counsel established the gross backpa) due under the Board's order. the burden was on Respon- dent to set forth any affirmadie defenses that would miti- gate its liahility, such as unavailability of work because of nondiscriminatory factors, willful loss of earnings. and in- terim earnings to he deducted from the hackpav award. N...R.B. v. Brown & Root. Inc., etc., 311 F.2d 447. 454 (8th Cir. 1963): N.L.R.B. v. Mooney Aircraft. inc., 36( F.2d 809. 812 813 (5th Cir. 1966). Insofar as there are uncertainties or ambiguities, the Board has held "the backpay claimant should receive the benefit of any doubt rather than the Respondent. the wrongdoer responsible for the existence of any uncertainty and against whom any uncertainty must be resolved." ULnited Aircraft (Crporatlion, 204 NLRB 1068 (1973). In conformity with these guidelines, and in the light of the findings reached by the adoption of the backpay speci- fications, it is now found that the General Counsel has established the backpay due Htandrinos. Krellenstein, Mor- etti, Moustogiannis. Nasto, and Rescigno. Further, in the present state of the record, no evidence has been offered to mitigate Respondent's backpay liability or to diminish the amount set forth as due. It is now found that the hackpa specification, attached hereto in relevant part as the Ad- dendum to this Decision. correctly states the amount due each of the aforesaid discriminatees. Reconm mendations ()n the hb;sls of the foregoinLg findings of factl. concll - sions of law,. and the entire record in this procceding, and pursuant to Section 10(c) of the Act. there is issued the foll ou i recom mended: ()RI)Il Iollack Ilectric (oniepali;. . Inc.. its officers. agcents. slic- cessors. iand aSSigulls. shll I paIX to each of ilhe ndrliiduals named below the amounts set forth opposite their names:' George Handrinos Steven Krellenstein Eugene Moretti Gus Moustogiannis Thomas Nastos Albert Rescigno $3,281 1,984 7.864 2'.578 5,.531 5,803 ADD NI)UM RE: Pollack El'ctriw ('ompatir. Ic. Case No. 29 ('A 3788 1. THE B(ACKPA PERIOD The backpay period for each of the claimants begins on D)ecember . 1973, the date of their discriminators laoff. and terminates on or about November I. 1976. the date of their placement on a preferential hiring list. Employees Handrinos, Moustogiannis, and Nastos were recalled to work for I day on December 7, 1973 and were discriminatorily discharged on that date. Their earnings for that date have been credited as interim earnings for the 4th quarter of 1973. Employees Rescigno and Krellenstein were recalled on December 7. 1973. and thereafter orked through on or aboul Januar I I. 1974. hese earnings have been credited to interim earnings for the 4th quarter of 1973 and the first quarter of 1974. as applicable. II. (CO.IPUT'7.4 ON OF GROSS B.4 ('AP,l ' (a) An appropriate measure of the gross backppal which each claimant would have earned during his hackpil pe- riod, is his prediscrimination weeklS salar, times the num- her of weeks it is determined he would have worked using the method described below. computed on a calendar quarterl basis. (b) The prediscrimination weekl, salaries of the claim- ants were as follows: Thomas Nastos George Handrinos Albert Rescigno Gus Moustogiannis Eugene Moretti Steven K rellensltem $120 12() I () I (X) I () . .X) I() ffective January I. 1975. the i:air l.ahor Standards Act was amnended hb increasing the miinium wage from I l111" ic .t*ll t rin .\ictt 'nb. .1H tJc .1I "l",tIIi I h ?, 1ll 46 i I r1 , Rliie.lr illnd Kc .sullw A)( 111 \,1Hlla .ll r Bl lilll I T 1 Hli I 11 I Ild 1lt h. ..... I iI I, Jrij d l,, lll ll. lliItI d SI 11 [I )c IIl1iI ( idIr Il 'l'll \,ie ,' nIk'\ I , I t cd In Se, 112 48 {of Ih, Rtjlc, .111i R1'/u.tttlmx bt ,i i ed has,11, L [h,,t1 ,Ieiq i E THIC 1Irf. Idr l lll"Ie J01 i1n I l n. II, IIC 1 (>Il ,I , l iI ll, loe ll e 1I1r1jr c 1lei 1 t ll ll C I, fl llI' ltll i .h 11.1 11 1 () .4 0 I }3. h l i111 l .tl i .- .,, i, (rd, &lh /~, 11 '/1.mt .x- 1A1, ,11-,n ( I ;s x Ri fe I , 'I I tl'lh': ,adt /,i I, * .,,.l',,,t 2 l R l ,~ I K B I Il hcc 11,[ ! t *]il[C , I" ,Lkk POLLACK El ECIRIC CO.. INC 477~' 478 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD $2.00 to $2.10 per hour. Krellenstein's salary was equiva- lent to $2.00 per hour. Accordingly, his weekly rate of pay was required to be increased to $84.00 per week. (d) Effective January I, 1976, the Fair Labor Standards Act was amended by increasing the minimum wage from $2.10 per hour to $2.30 per hour. Accordingly, Krellenstein's weekly salary was required to be increased to $92.00 per week. (e) The Administrative Law Judge in his Decision, which was affirmed by the Board and the Court of Appeals. found that the Employer herein, "followed the deliberate policy of reducing the amount of new or added business .... " Based on the above finding and in view of the fact that Respondent Employer continued to operate at a re- duced level of activity without rehiring any of the discrimi- natees herein during the period since December 1973, an appropriate measure of the volume of employment which would have been available to the claimants, absent the dis- crimination against them, is I week's work for each claim- ant in every week that both the employer, Ralph Pollack, and the foreman, John Amorgianos, appear on the payroll. (f) Therefore, the gross backpay has been computed by multiplying the weekly rates of pay listed above by the number of weeks, determined as described above, on a cal- endar quarterly basis, as set f(-rth in Appendices A through F. [Omitted from publication.] Ill. INTERIM EARNINGS The interim earnings of the claimants during the back- pay period, as presently known or estimated, are reported in Appendices A through F. IV. NET BACKPA Y Net backpay is gross backpay less interim earnings, com- puted on a calendar quarterly basis. Computation of net backpay is set forth in Appendices A through F. [Omitted from publication.] V. SUMMARY Summarizing the facts herein and the computations set forth above and in the Appendices, the obligation of Re- spondent to make the discriminatees whole pursuant to the Board's Order will be discharged by payment to the dis- criminatees named below of the amounts set opposite their names, plus interest accrued to the date of such payment, minus the tax withholdings required by Federal and state laws: Thomas Nastos George Handrinos Albert Rescigno Gus Moustogiannis Eugene Moretti Steven Krellenstein $5,531 3,281 5,803 2,578 7,864 1,984 I Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation