Plumbers Local 129Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsAug 29, 1979244 N.L.R.B. 693 (N.L.R.B. 1979) Copy Citation PLUMBERS I.OCAL 129 Plumbers and Steamfitters, Local 129, AFL-CIO and Gross Plumbing and Heating Co., Inc. Cases 3-CC- 1033 and 3-CP 283 August 29, 1979 DECISION AND ORDER BY MEMBERS JENKINS, MURPHY, AND TRUESDAI.F On May 7, 1979, Administrative Law Judge Julius Cohn issued the attached Decision in this proceeding. Thereafter, Respondent filed exceptions and a sup- porting brief, and the General Counsel filed a brief in support of the Administrative Law Judge's Decision. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the Na- tional Labor Relations Board has delegated its au- thority in this proceeding to a three-member panel. The Board has considered the record and the at- tached Decision in light of the exceptions and briefs and has decided to affirm the rulings, findings,' and conclusions of the Administrative Law Judge and to adopt his recommended Order. We agree with the Administrative Law Judge that Respondent's picketing of the Acme Supermarket jobsite was violative of Sections 8(b)(7)(A) and 8(b)(4)(i), (ii)(B) and (C) because the evidence here shows that an object of this picketing was to force or require Gross Plumbing to recognize Respondent as the representative of its employees. In rejecting Re- spondent's defense that it sought only to engage in so- called ai a standards picketing, we adhere to the standard established in Calumet Contractors .Associ- ation2 and Keith Riggs Phmhing3 by which such a defense may be judged. In Keith Riggs, we stated [137 NLRB at 1126]: Hence, if a union pickets and says to an em- ployer, "We only want you to pay the prevailing wage scale, but don't want to bargain with you or organize your employees," and there is no in- dependent evidence to controvert this statement of objective, the Board cannot find that the pick- eting has organization, recognition, or bargain- ing objectives. I Respondent has excepted to certain credibility findings made bh the Ad- ministrative Law Judge. It is the Board's established policy not to overrule an administrative law judge's resolutions with respect to credibility unless the clear preponderance of all of the relevant evidence convinces us that the resolutions are incorrect. Standard DO' Wall Products, Inc., 91 NLRB 544 (1950), enfd. 188 F.2d 362 (3d Cir. 1951). We have carefully examined the record and find no basis for reversing his findings. 2 International Hod Carriers, Buildings and Common aborers' Union of America, Local No 41, AFL CIO (Calumet Contractors 4ssociarion). 133 NLRB 512 (119611). I Local Union No. 741, United Association of Journemen and .Apprentices ol the Plumbing and Pipe Firing Industry of the United States and Can/da, AFL-CIO (Keith Riggs Plumbing and Heating Contralctor). 137 NLRB 1125 (1962). Using this standard, it is manifest that independent evidence has been presented by the General Counsel which establishes that during the period immediately preceding the picketing Respondent had sought to represent Gross' employees and that this objective had not been repudiated prior to the picketing. While we fully agree with the Administrative Law Judge's analysis of the evidence in this regard, we find it nec- essary, due to the opinion of our dissenting colleague, to delineate those facts which most blatantly reveal that Respondent entertained a purpose to achieve recognition at the time it picketed the Acme jobsite. About the time that Gross began work at this site. Eugene McCarthy, president of the Niagara Building and Construction Trades Council, separately engaged John Gross of Gross Plumbing and Respondent's business manager, Brown, in a series of conversations in which McCarthy explored the possibility of the signing of a contract between Respondent and Gross. During at least one of these conversations. Brown tes- tified he told McCarthy. in reference to the latter's attempt to have the other two sign a contract, that "that is an avenue you can pursue." Additionally. during the course of McCarthy's efforts, both Brown and John Gross were made aware of each other's ten- tative willingness to enter into some form of labor agreement. For reasons not stated in the record. no such agreement was executed. However, at no time thereafter did Brown attempt to disclaim this express effort, via McCarthy. to gain recognition from Gross, and on July 18. 1978. Respondent commenced picket- ing at the jobsite. Our dissenting colleague contends principally that we may not rely on the above evidence because Mc- Carthy has not been shown to be an agent of Brown or to have been authorized to act for Respondent. We note, however, that the Administrative Law Judge. although finding McCarthy to have been authorized to act for Respondent. concluded: Regardless of whether McCarthy was Respon- dent's agent, this credited evidence sheds light on the objective of Respondent and shows that it was, indeed, desirous of obtaining a contract. Having expressed such a recognitional objective which was made known to Gross Plumbing, it thereby was incumbent on Respondent expressly to disclaim its recognitional interest 4 or to risk that any alleged "area standards" picketing of this employer will be found to be in furtherance of this recogni- tional objective. As Respondent has not done so, we agree with the Administrative Law Judge that Re- spondent's picketing was for a prohibited objective. (Cf. Building ind C(on tructlio Triade (l'ouncil of Philadelphla and ic nio, AFL CIO .llemos e ( oniruion (Co ). 222 NRB 12 7 6 ( 1976) 244 NLRB No. 100 693 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD ORDER Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Rela- tions Board adopts as its Order the recommended Or- der of the Administrative Law Judge and hereby or- ders that the Respondent, Plumbers and Steamfitters, Local 129. AFL CIO, its officers, agents, and repre- sentatives, shall take the action set forth in the said recommended Order, except that the attached notice is substituted for that of the Administrative Law Judge. MEMBER MURPHY, dissenting: Contrary to my colleagues and the Admiuistrative Law Judge, I would find that Respondent has not been shown by a preponderance of the record evi- dence to have violated Sections 8(b)(4)(i), (ii)(B) and (C) and 8(b)(7)(A) of the Act by its picketing of the Charging Party. Accordingly, I would dismiss the complaint against Respondent in its entirety. The pertinent facts, as found by the Administrative Law Judge, are briefly as follows: At the time of Respondent's picketing in July and August 1978, the Charging Party, hereinafter referred to as Gross,5 was the plumbing subcontractor on a supermarket construction project site. Gross and Respondent had in the past been parties to a collective-bargaining agreement covering Gross' plumbing employees. However, the parties eventually terminated their contractual relationship and, in Au- gust 1975, Respondent notified Gross by letter that Respondent "is no longer interested in signing you to a collective bargaining agreement. We do, however, fully expect that you will maintain area standards and will pay the prevailing wage rate."6 Meanwhile, in November 1976, Oil, Chemical and Atomic Workers Union, AFL-CIO (OCAW), was certified as the exclusive representative of a unit of all of Gross' "pipefitters, millwrights, laborers, and plumbers" at Gross' Niagara Falls facility. Subse- quently, Gross and OCAW executed a collective bar- gaining agreement to be effective from April 4, 1977, through April 1, 1979, covering "all production and maintenance employees employed by [Gross] at all of its locations," recognizing OCAW as the exclusive representative of those employees. Thereafter, in either August 1977 or February 5 The Charging Party's president is John Gross. He is hereinafter referred to as Mr. Gross to distinguish him from the Charging Party itself. Gross Plumbing and Heating Co., Inc., which is hereafter referred to simply as Gross. * However, Respondent's expectations in this latter regard apparently went unfulfilled. On two occasions subsequent to its August 1975 letter to Gross, Respondent filed complaints alleging Gross' violation of the area wage rate maintenance provisions of the Davis-Bacon Act. On the most recent of these two occasions, in January or February 1977. Respondent also picketed Gross at a jobsite where Gross was performing plumbing work. 19787 (but in any event prior to the time that Gross entered into its plumbing subcontract on the Acme construction project in late March/early April 1978), a meeting was convened by a New York State com- missioner of labor to discuss and, it was hoped, re- solve any potential labor disputes that might arise in the Buffalo-Niagara Falls area, in light of anticipated governmental encouragement of construction in that area. Gross' president, Mr. Gross, OCAW Represent- ative Schiro, Respondent's president, Amendola, and Respondent's business manager, Brown, were in at- tendance at this meeting. In the course of discussion, Brown stated that good men were available.8 OCAW Representative Schiro reminded Brown that OCAW was certified as the representative of Gross' plumbing employees, and had a collective-bargaining agree- ment with Gross covering those employees. However, Schiro did tell Brown that he would not object to Gross also employing Respondent's members, pro- vided that all of the OCAW people were working. Brown told Schiro that Respondent had been unsuc- cessful for 25 years in getting a contract with Gross and then OCAW had come along and organized Gross' employees. In April 1978, having become aware of the upcom- ing supermarket construction project. Brown ar- ranged a meeting with the project owner, with a view towards obtaining the project's plumbing work for Respondent. However, unknown to Brown at the time, the plumbing subcontract had already been let to Gross. Upon being informed by the general con- tractor at the meeting that Gross had obtained the project plumbing subcontract, Brown exclaimed, "What am I doing here, I am leaving, I know what I have to do, I've got to leave." As Brown was prepar- ing to leave the meeting, the project owner asked him what his intentions were. Brown replied that he would do what he had to do. When the project owner pressed him as to his intentions by asking him whether he would picket, Brown replied that that "could be an avenue." During a prejob conference in late May 1978, the Building and Construction Trades Council president, McCarthy, asked Mr. Gross whether Gross would sign a contract with Respondent for the outside con- ' There was conflicting testimony as to the correct date, which the Admin- istrative Law Judge found ultimately unneccessary to resolve. 'This is according to Brown's testimony. which differs somewhat from Mr. Gross's testimony that Brown offered to supply Gross with good men if Mr. Gross would sign a contract with Respondent. Although the Adminis- trative Law Judge expressly discredited Mr. Gross' testimony that Brown solicited a contract, he nevertheless did not expressly resolve the difference in testimony between Mr. Gross and Brown as to whether Brown actually offered to supply Gross with good men. or merely stated that good men were available. In any event. in the "Analysis" portion of his Decision, as dis- cussed more fully infra, the Administrative Law Judge appears ultimately to have relied on Brown's testimony that he stated that good men were avail- able. and not on Mr. Gross' testimony that Brown offered to supply Gross with good men. 694 PIt MBFRS .(X'AI. 129 struction work on the Acme project. Mr. Gross re- plied that he would, provided that such a contract with Respondent would not infringe upon or interfere with Gross' contract with OCAW. McCarthy in turn advised Brown of Mr. Gross' position. Brown told McCarthy that, if a contract were presented by Gross. then Brown would "take Gross' people into the Union in the area of outside construction. not infring- ing upon OCAW."" In any event, no agreement between Respondent and Gross was ever reached. On July 18. 1978, Respondent commenced what it contends was area standards picketing and handbill- ing"' at the supermarket construction site."'' The em- ployees of all the other contractors except Gross re- fused to cross the picket line, and the project was shut down for 3 weeks until the picketing was ultimately enjoined by the district court, pursuant to Section 10(1) of the Act. Based on the above facts, my colleagues have found that Respondent's picketing was for a pro- scribed recognitional or bargaining object. In reach- ing this finding, they rely on the same four factors which the Administrative Law Judge relied on in reaching his ultimate findings and conclusions, and which my colleagues have in turn adopted. I disagree with my colleagues. I find, as discussed below, that these factors in themselves constitute woefully inad- equate evidence on which to base a conclusion that Respondent violated the Act as alleged. Further, to the extent that those factors constitute any evidence of a proscribed recognitional or bargaining object on 'The Administrative Law Judge based his findings as to the foregoing discussion on McCarthy's credited testimony. However, later in his testi- mony about this same conversation with Brown, McCarthy testified that on learning of Mr. Gross' willingness to sign a contract with Respondent: Mr. Brown said nothing in specific, In other words, to proceed or not to proceed, Evidently, the thing was left open that it might not be a bad avenue to pursue: if the two parties could be brought together that way. The Administrative Law Judge gives the impression that these two por- tions of McCarthy's testimony relate to two separate conversations between McCarthy and Brown. However, the record shows that McCarthy was refer- nng to the same conversation in both instances Brown's own testimony about this conversation is more in accord with McCarthy's latter version. According to Brown, when McCarthy asked him what he would do if Mc- Carthy could secure a contract with Gross for Respondent. Brown told Mc- Carthy. "That is an avenue you can pursue." 10 At the time of the events herein, the wage rate provided for plumbers in the Gross-OCAW collective-bargaining agreement was $6.52 per hour, while the wage rate provided for plumbers in Respondent's collective-bargaining agreement with the local contractor's association was $12.65 per hour. "i The wording on the picket signs is out in the Administrative Law Judge's Decision. The wording on the handbills essentially repeats the same message, with the following additional language: There is no attempt or intent to induce or encourage an) employees of any employer to enage in a refusal to work, transport or otherwise handle or work on any goods. materials, etc. No one is requested to cease doing business with an) person. There is no intent to have any particular work assigned to anyone. nor is there any intent to seek rec- ognition or start bargaining. We believe that the people residing In this area should be familiar with what is going on and that is the sole pur- pose of the patrolling. Plumbers and Steamfitters, Local 129 the part of Respondent. they are seriously under- mined by additional record evidence of which the Administrative Judge has tailed to take account. The first factor relied on by my colleagues and the Administrative Judge in finding unlawful ac- tivity on the part of Respondent is Brown's statement made in Mr. Gross' presence in either August 1977 or February 1978 that good men were available. My col- leagues find that, in the context of the meeting at which this statement of availability of good men was made. such a statement (which the Administrative Law Judge somehow characterizes as an "offer" to Mr. Gross) is an indication of the alleged recogni- tional intent of Respondent's picketing in July 1978. I am particularly unpersuaded that the single sim- ple statement of availability of good men made by Respondent should be found to be even partial proof of an unlawful recognitional objective in picketing which occurred, for all we know from the record. a/- most 12 months afier the statement itself was uttered. Any connection between an innocuous statement of availability of good men made in August 1977 (or. for that matter, in February 1978 as General Counsel contends) is simply too tenuous to lend any support to the conclusion of unlawful picketing in July 1978 which my colleagues reach here. I am equally unpersuaded as to the validity of the Administrative Law Judge's characterization of Brown's statement of availability of good men as not only an "offer" but, moreover. an offer which could have applied only to Mr. Gross. It is true that Gross was the only employer present at the meeting in which this statement was made. However, I note par- ticularly, as discussed above, that the Administrative Law Judge has implicitly rejected Mr. Gross' testi- mony that Brown off'red to supply him with good men, which assertion by Mr. Gross was directly linked to his expressly discredited testimony that Brown solicited a contract with Respondent. Rather, I note that the Administrative Law Judge has instead accepted Brown's testimony that he merely stated at some point in the discussion that good men were available. Thus, the Administrative Law Judge's ob- vious unwillingness to rely on Mr. Gross' testimony that Brown offered to supply Gross with good men fatally undermines the Administrative Law Judge's subsequent finding that Brown's statement of avail- ability of good men indeed constituted just such an offer as the Administrative Law Judge was unwilling to accept from Mr. Gross' own testimony. The incon- sistency in these findings of the Administrative Law Judge, however, has apparently escaped my col- leagues. Further, the context of the meeting at which Brown's statement was made does not impart any sig- nificance to Brown's statement concerning the avail- 695 I)6I( ISIONS ()1: NATIONAL. L.ABOR RELATIONS BOARD ability of good men. The meeting was neither initi- ated nor arranged by Respondent, but rather by a New York state commissioner of labor who, as found by the Administrative Judge, "invited John Gross ... and Frederick Brown .. to lunch at a hotel ... because [the Commissioner] was anxious that la- bor disputes not occur in the area as both the Federal and state governments were going to engage in con- struction in the vicinity, and he had been aware of the difficulties between Gross and Respondent." Thus, it logically cannot be argued that Respondent's meeting with Gross was motivated by the former's desire to seek recognition or even that Respondent wanted of its own volition to meet with Gross to discuss any differences or matters of mutual concern. So much for the supposedly telling "context" of the meeting, and so much, therefore, for any reasonable gleaning there- from of any illegal motives on the part of Respon- dent. In sum, I find this first of the four factors relied on by the Administrative Law Judge and my colleagues to be almost totally lacking in probative value, and thus scant support at best for the ultimate conclusion my colleagues reach. The second factor replied on by my colleagues in finding that Respondent picketed Gross with an un- lawful recognitional objective stems from the collo- quy between Brown and OCAW Representative Schiro, at the aforementioned August 1977 or Febru- ary 1978 commissioner's luncheon meeting. Thus, Brown stated to Schiro that Respondent had been unsuccessful for 25 years in trying to get a contract with Gruss, and Schiro indicated that he would be willing to permit Gross to use Respondent's people on outside construction as long as OCAW people were not displaced as a result. My colleagues and the Ad- ministrative Law Judge believe that these remarks provide further support for their finding a recogni- tional object in Respondent's picketing in July 1978. 1 disagree. The occurrence of this conversation as much as I I months prior to the picketing in question, as well as the "context" of the meeting in which this conversa- tion took place, has already been discussed above. I need not belabor their probative frailties. As to the statement of Brown to Schiro that Re- spondent had been unsuccessful for 25 years in trying to get a contract with Gross, the uncontroverted rec- ord evidence is that in fact Respondent and Gross had been parties to a collective-bargaining agreement as recently as 1975, and that Respondent had ex- pressly notified Gross in writing of the Respondent's lack of interest in entering into any future collective- bargaining agreements with Gross. The fact of that past bargaining relationship raises questions about the meaning of Brown's statement and suggests that Brown may have meant that Respondent simply had had no success in dealing with Gross over the years either with or without a contract. This interpretation gains credence when considered in light of Respon- dent's disclaiming interest in representing Gross' em- ployees in its letter terminating the bargaining rela- tionship. Indeed, the disclaimer itself seems to me sufficient to wholly neutralize if not eradicate Brown's statement as an indicia of recognitional intent on the part of Respondent. In addition to that, however, while crediting Schiro's testimony that Brown made the "25 years ... unsuccessful" comment, the Administrative Law Judge nevertheless failed to note in his Decision the very next sentence of Schiro's credited testimony. That is, immediately after stating that Brown made the "25 years ... unsuccessful" comment, and while still in response to the same question that elicited that assertion, Schiro then stated, "He [Brown] said that he was disinterested in organization. " Thus, whatever residue of probative evidence of recognitional intent is left over after examining Brown's "25 years . . . unsuccessful" comment in the light of the actual exis- tence and demise of the parties relatively recent col- lective-bargaining history, it is totally evaporated in the glare of Schiro's further testimony that Brown clearly stated that he was disinterested in organizing. As to Schiro's statement to Brown that Schiro would be willing to permit Gross to use Respondent's people on outside construction as long as OCAW people were not displaced, little need be said. Suffice it to say that I am frankly mystified as to how my colleagues can find that Respondent manifested a rec- ognitional intent against Gross, on the basis of an un- solicited statement made to Respondent by OCA W! In sum, I find this second of the four factors to be no more and perhaps less probative of an unlawful recognitional intent than the first factor, discussed above. The third factor relied on by my colleagues and the Administrative Law Judge as indicia of Respondent's alleged recognitional object is even more elusive to grasp, as the Administrative Law Judge, as noted be- low, himself recognized. As discussed above, Brown, unaware that the plumbing subcontract on the supermarket construc- tion project had already been awarded to Gross, ar- ranged a meeting with the project owner. As he was leaving the meeting, somewhat disgruntled and shaken by the information just given him that Gross had been awarded the plumbing subcontract, Brown was asked by the project owner what he would do, to which Brown replied that he would do whatever he had to do. When pressed by the projected owner as to whether he would picket, Brown replied that that could be an avenue. 696 PLUMBERS LOCAL. 129 The Administrative Law Judge found that "these responses of Brown in and of themselves may be too ambiguous to establish a recognitional object" I wholeheartedly agree. However, the Administrative Law Judge has admonished that these responses of Brown "must be considered as part of the whole pat- tern of conduct and assertions by Respondent." Fair enough. I have done so and nevertheless still find them too ambiguous to establish a recognitional ob- ject, since Brown's earlier conduct and assertions were, as illustrated above, devoid of any significant evidentiary value concerning the legality of Respon- dent's subsequent picketing. Moreover, it seems not to have crossed the minds of my colleagues that Brown's statement concerning the possibility that Re- spondent would picket is subject to being interpreted as a threat solely to publicize the fact that plumbers under the subcontract with Gross would be receiving, as a result of the OCAW-Gross collective-bargaining agreement, an hourly wage which is almost 50 per- cent lower than that provided for plumbers in Re- spondent's contract with the local contractors associ- ation. This would be an area standards object, rather than the recognitional object which my colleagues and the Administrative Law Judge have read into Brown's statements. Sic transit factor three. The fourth and final factor relied on by my col- leagues and the Administrative Law Judge in finding an unlawful recognitional object in Respondent's picketing is Brown's comment to Building and Con- struction Trades Council President McCarthy, on being informed by the latter that Gross would sign a contract with Respondent, that if such a contract were to be offered he would take Gross' plumbers into Respondent in the area of outside construction, and that McCarthy should continue to "pursue that line." The Administrative Law Judge found that these comments by Brown showed Brown's acquies- cence in McCarthy's efforts to bring Gross and Re- spondent together, and further found that McCarthy was thus authorized to act for Respondent towards that objective. The Administrative Law Judge went on to conclude that this evidence "sheds light on the objective of Respondent and shows that it was, in- deed, desirous of obtaining a contract." Again I dis- agree. While the Administrative Law Judge generally credited McCarthy's testimony about his efforts to bring Gross and Respondent together, and about his various conversations with Mr. Gross and Brown in pursuit of this goal, the Administrative Law Judge failed to note McCarthy's further testimony that he expressly advised Brown that "I in no way would be bound by [Brown's] actions or by him telling me to proceed or not to proceed. I proceeded anyway." (Em- phasis supplied). Certainly there could be no more compelling evidence of McCarthy's independent sta- tus in his separate conversations with Mr. Gross and Brown than this statement of McCarthy (the alleged agent) to Brown (his alleged principal). Here is the alleged agent telling the alleged principal, unequivo- cally, that he will not be bound by the alleged princi- pal's instructions, one way or another. This is hardly the basis on which an agent-principal relationship can be premised, much less be found. Indeed, the Admin- istrative Law Judge. understandably. ultimately de- clines to find the agency relationship which the Gen- eral Counsel contends existed between McCarthy and Respondent. Notwithstanding his rejection of an agency finding. the Administrative Law Judge and my colleagues somehow find that McCarthy was "authorized" to act for Respondent. Besides the inherent inconsistency in the two findings, there is no direct evidence of any such "authorization." True. Brown did not specifi- cally ask McCarthy to stop his personal attempts to get Gross to agree to a contract with Respondent. And why should he have, in view of McCarthy's crys- tal clear statement to Brown that no matter what Brown asked him to do---"to proceed or not to pro- ceed"--McCarthy would (and did) proceed "any- way," on his own? What good would it have done, therefore, for Brown to ask? Clearly, a request by Brown to McCarthy to forgo such efforts would have been ignored and therefore futile to make. 2 In these circumstances, I perceive no firm basis for finding that Brown "authorized" McCarthy to do anything on his behalf In any event, assuming that Brown had no objec- tion to McCarthy's pursuing "that line," I still do not see how it establishes a proscribed object for the pick- eting which occurred about 2 months later. While Brown may not have been adverse to McCarthy's plan to explore a basis for a contractual accommoda- tion between Gross and Respondent, an inference is not warranted therefrom that Brown thereby sought recognition for Respondent. At best his "acquies- cence" in McCarthy's plan represented a practical ap- proach: If McCarthy's efforts bore fruit, fine; if they did not, so be it. In other words, Brown was not ac- tively seeking recognition from Gross through Mc- Carthy but he would not reject recognition out of hand if it were presented to him as a consequence of McCarthy's independent efforts; similarly, if Mc- Carthy's efforts were to no avail. Brown would let 11 Respondent's ambivalence towards McCarthy's efforts to induce Gross to sign a contract with Respondent is evidenced b5 McCarthy himself when. in his generall) credited testimony about his conversations with Brown and Mr. Gross in this regard, he states, as seen in fn. 9. supra. that when he told Brown that Mr. Gross indicated that he would sign a contract: Mr. Brown said nothing In specific In other words, to proceed or not proceed. Evident/v. the thing was left open that it might not he a had avenue to pursue; if the two parties could be brought together that wa\. [Emphasis supplied.] 697 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD things between Respondent and Gross stand as they were before McCarthy proceeded on his venture. Thus, I see no causal connection between Brown's failure to protest McCarthy's planned conduct and the area standards picketing which Respondent sub- sequently engaged in against Gross. Consequently, contrary to my colleagues and the Administrative Law Judge, I would not find that Mc- Carthy was in any meaningful way "authorized" to act on behalf of Respondent in attempting to secure a contract with Gross, and I do not, therefore, believe that McCarthy's unilateral efforts in that regard con- stitute evidence of Respondent's object in thereafter picketing Gross at the construction project site. Accordingly, for all the reasons set forth above, I reiterate that I would find that Respondent has not been proven by a preponderance of the evidence to have violated the Act as alleged. Therefore, I would dismiss the complaint against the Union in its en- tirety. APPENDIX NOTICE To MEMBERS POSTED BY ORDER OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD An Agency of the United States Government WE WILL NOT picket, or cause to be picketed, or threaten to picket or cause to be picketed, Gross Plumbing and Heating Co., Inc., at the Acme building site or at any other facility, at a time when we are not currently certified as the representative of Gross' plumbing employees, where an objective is to force or require Gross to recognize or bargain with us as the representa- tive of Gross' plumbing employees, or to force or require the plumbing employees of Gross to ac- cept or select us as their collective-bargaining representative, even though Gross has lawfully recognized in accordance with the National La- bor Relations Act another labor organization, Oil, Chemical, and Atomic Workers Union, and a question concerning representation may not appropriately be raised under the Act. WE WILL NOT engage in, or induce or encour- age any individual employed by Gross and any other persons engaged in commerce or in an in- dustry affecting commerce to engage in, a strike or a refusal in the course of his employment to use, manufacture, process, transport, or other- wise handle or work on any goods, articles, ma- terials, or commodities, or to perform any ser- vices; or threaten, coerce, or restrain Gross and any other person engaged in commerce or in an industry affecting commerce: where in either case an object thereof is to force or require the Company to recognize and bargain with us as the representative of the Company's plumbing employees even though another labor organiza- tion. Oil, Chemical, and Atomic Workers Union, has been certified as the representative of such employees under the Act. WE WILL NOT engage in, or induce or encour- age any individual employed by Gross and any other person engaged in commerce or in a indus- try affecting commerce to engage in, a strike or a refusal in the course of his employment to use, manufacture, process. transport, or otherwise handle or work on any goods. articles, materials, or commodities, or to perform any services; or threaten, coerce, or restrain the Murdock Inter- national and any other person engaged in com- merce or in an industry affecting commerce; where in either case an object thereof is to force or require Murdock and any other persons to cease doing business with Gross; or to force or require Gross to recognize or bargain with us as representative of his employees until we have been certified as the representative of such em- ployees. PLUMBERS AND STEAMFITTERS, LOCAL 129, AFL-CIO DECISION SIAIEFMiNI OF Till; CASE JuLuus Co[IN, Administrative Law Judge: This case was heard in Buflalo, New York. on September 5 and 6, 1978. Upon charges filed by Gross Plumbing and Heating Co., Inc., herein called Gross. on July 20 and served on July 21, 1978, the Regional Director for Region 3 issued an order consolidating cases and the complaint in this proceeding on August 7, 1978. The complaint alleges that Plumbers and Steamfitters. Local 129, AFL-CIO. herein called Respon- dent, violated Sections 8(b)(7)(A) and 8(b)(4)(i) and (ii)(B) and (C) of the Act by picketing at a jobsite upon which Murdock International, Inc., herein called Murdock. was engaged in the construction of an Acme Supermarket, with an object of forcing or requiring Gross to recognize or bar- gain with Respondent as the representative of its plumbing employees even though Respondent is not currently certi- fied as bargaining representative of the employees, and an- other labor organization has been certified as the represent- ative of the employees and a question concerning the representation of the employees may not appropriately be raised under Section 9(c) of the Act. It is alleged as a fur- ther object that Respondent sought to force and require Murdock and other persons to cease doing business with Gross. Respondent has denied that it has violated the Act as alleged. 698 PLUMBERS LOCAL 129 All parties were given full opportunity to participate, to introduce relevant evidence. to examine and cross-examine witnesses, to argue orally and to file briefs. The General Counsel and Respondent have submitted briefs which have been carefully considered. Upon the entire record in the case' and from my observa- tion of the witnesses and their demeanor. I make the follow- ing: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. JURISDIClION Gross. a New York corporation with a principal office and place of business in Niagara Falls. New York, is en- gaged in the business of providing and performing plumb- ing and related services. In the year preceding the issuance of the complaint, Gross, in the course of its business opera- tions, purchased and caused to be delivered to its Niagara Falls facility and jobsites in the State of New York goods and materials valued in excess of $50.000, which goods and materials were shipped from States other than the State of New York. The complaint alleges, the answer admits, and I find that Gross is an employer engaged in commerce within the meaning of Sections 2(6) and (7) and 8(b)(4) of the Act. II. THE LABOR ORGANIZATIONS INVOLVED Respondent. and Oil. Chemical and Atomic Workers Union. herein called OCAW. are labor organizations within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. III. THE AI. EGFI) UNFAIR LABOR PRACTI(CES A. Background Gross is engaged in the business of performing plumbing. heating, and mechanical contracting services. It employs about 100 employees, the bulk of whom are represented by various building trades unions and Teamsters. About 20 to 25 of its employees who are primarily employed in plumb- ing work are represented by OCAW. About 5 years prior to the hearing Gross had a collective- bargaining agreement with Respondent applicable to its plumbing employees. As a result of some difficulties, not here relevant, Respondent and Gross terminated this rela- tionship. Indeed in 1975. Respondent, by its attorney, wrote that it was no longer interested in signing Gross to a collec- tive-bargaining agreement. Respondent did state however that it expected Gross would maintain area standards in paying the prevailing wage rates. Thereafter. Gross' plumbing employees being unorga- nized, OCAW filed a representation petition and pursuant to a Stipulation for Certification Upon Consent Election, an I Both the General Counsel and Respondent respectively moved for cor- rection of the official report of proceedings. Principally the parties request that the word "inevitable" be changed to "an avenue" at three places in the transcript with respect to answers given by Respondent's witness to the ques- tion as to whether he would picket. Respondent's motion is confined to these and the other corrections requested by the General Counsel are minor typo- graphical mistakes. As there is no opposition the Motions are hereb) granted and the record is corrected as set forth therein election was conducted which resulted in certification of OCAW on November 15. 1976. as representative of "all pipefitters, millwrights. laborers. and plumbers employed by the employer at its 2104 Niagara Street. Niagara Falls. New York facility." Subsequently, Gross and OCAWN ex- ecuted a collective-bargaining agreement efiective from April 4. 1977, until April 1,. 1979. which provided for repre- sentation of Gross' plumbing employees involved herein. As of the time of the events which transpired herein, the wage rate provided in that contract for plumbers was $6.52. At the same time the contract rate for journeymen plunib- ers represented by Respondent was $12.65. Subsequent to the disclaimer of interest by Respondent in 1975 of representation of Gross' employees. there contin- ued to be disputes between Respondent and Gross. On at least two occasions Respondent had filed complaints alleg- ing violations of Davis-Bacon provisions for maintenance of area wage rates. The last such incident occurred in Janu- ary or February 1977 and included picketing at a jobsite where Gross was performing plumbing work. owcser. these matters had been settled prior to the eventsi involved in the instant case. Eugene McCarthy. president of the Niagara Building and Construction Trades Council, and himself' a business manager of the Operating Engineers. testified that he was aware of the history of difficulties and differences between Gross and Respondent for a number of years. lie said that there was concern among the trades as to OCAW seeking to represent employees performing construction work which had not been done by it historically. This problem att one point reached national levels when consultation was had with the National Building Construction Trades Council to ascertain whether OCAW's activity constituted a raid on the historical work of the building trades. At the interna- tional level assurance was given that no raiding was in- tended but that this matter should be resolved at the local level. However in view of the certification of OCAW and the existing collective-bargaining agreement. it was deter- mined that nothing could be done at that time, this being in early 1977. B. The Facts A New York State Commissioner of Labor. Louis Cam- bria, invited John Gross. president of Gross, and Frederick Brown, business manager of Respondent, to lunch at a ho- tel in Niagara Falls in either August 1977 or February 1978.2 Cambria called the meeting because he was anxious that labor disputes do not occur in the area as both the Federal and State governments were going to encourage construction in the vicinity, and he had been aware of the 2 The General Counsel's witnesses, John Gross and tlenrD Schiro, interna- tional representative of OCAW who was also invited to alend. inslsl that he meeting occurred in February 197S. Respondent's itnesses. Bro lln and George Amendola. president of Respondent who accompanied Bro n. testl- fied that the meeting occurred In August 1977. Minutes ot an August meet- ing indicate that Brown apprised the executive board of Respondent that a meeting with Cambria had been set up for August 22 The actual dale r timing of the meeting is not material, as both sides agree that this meeting took place and indeed is substantial agreement to what occurred It is also clear that even if the meeting did occur n Fehruar5 197., this was before an) contract had been gisen to (;ross for oirk on the co nslrucllon fI the Acme site 699 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD difficulties between Gross and Respondent. John Gross tes- tified that Brown had offered to supply him with good men if he signed a contract with Respondent. Both Brown and Amendola denied that either of them offered a contract to Gross. On the point of the contract. I credit Brown and Amendola rather than John Gross. Based upon my obser- vation of the demeanor of Brown, I find it implausible that at the outset of such a meeting, Brown would make such an offer. Schiro, who was present, did not refer to it in his testimony. Moreover, John Gross testified that "Brown started the meeting out as to the reason why we were gath- ered. And he offered people to work with me." As it is clear that the meeting was called at the behest of Cambria, I do not find it likely in such circumstances that Brown would have initiated the discussion at the meeting. However, Brown did admit that in the course of the discussion he stated that good men were available. At some point Cambria and John Gross left the room so that the union people could discuss the problem. Schiro had been angered at what he thought was an attempt by Brown to raid his union. He pointed out to Brown that he was the certified union and had a contract with Gross. However, Schiro said that he would not object to Gross employing Brown's people provided all of OCAW people were work- ing. Schiro testified that Brown told him that his union had been trying to get a contract with Gross for 25 years and had been unsuccessful and then OCAW came along and organized Gross' employees. In April 1978, Brown became aware of the contemplated construction of the Acme Supermarket under a contract between Durisio Enterprises, the owners, and Murdock, the builder. Murdock's agent, Arthur Santoro was engaging contractors to perform the work, all of whom were union. Brown arranged through a friend to set up a meeting in late April 1978 at the Kitchen Restaurant in Niagara Falls. At the meeting were Brown, Durisio (also Duggan), and San- toro. Brown introduced himself and said he was interested in talking about the plumbing and heating work for the Acme Supermarket. Duggan advised him that Santoro was going to be letting the contracts. Brown gave them some information concerning the background of his membership, their training, and apprenticeship program. At that Santoro left and returned with an attache case which he opened and said he had a contract with Gross, According to Brown, when he saw this he said "What am I doing here, I am leaving, I know what I have to do, I've got to leave." When he got up to leave, Duggan asked him what his intentions were and Brown said that he would do what he had to do. At that Duggan asked whether he would picket and Brown said that could be an avenue. Santoro demanded a hearing at the Building Trades Council and Brown replied that as he is secretary he could set it up, which he did. This is based on Brown's account of what occurred at the meeting. Santoro testified that Brown, when advised that a con- tract had been given to Gross, said that Gross was non- union and should not have been signed; and that he had friends who were more qualified and more efficient and were union contractors. Santoro attempted to explain that before he made any committment with Gross, he had ascer- tained that Gross' employees were union members. Santoro also testified that when Brown was asked what he would do, Brown did not say what he would do but that his atti- tude was to the effect that he would do something. On cross-examination Santoro embellished this by saying that Brown stated that he would do what he had to do. If neces- sary, put up a picket line, or whatever. As to the picketing. Santoro's testimony on direct examination was that Brown when asked if he would picket, replied that that could be an avenue. This is in agreement with Brown's testimony and I credit it. The council meeting set up by Brown took place on May 2. McCarthy presided. About 10 other business agents. Brown. and his attorney were also present. Meetings of this sort with a contractor present are sometimes held for the purpose of having a prejob conference in which the build- ing trades unions' representatives have an opportunity to talk to the contractor and iron out their problems. Santoro testified that during the meeting Brown said the reason it had been called was that Gross was working as a nonunion contractor and Brown wanted him off the job. Brown also said, according to Santoro., that Gross had no business being on the site and that the union people should stick together or he would pull his people out of the council. Santoro testified that after other discussions Brown stated he would do what he had to do, pull a picket line or what- ever. to disqualify Gross from doing any business at Acme. All of these remarks, attributed to Brown by Santoro, were denied by Brown who stated that he spoke very little at the meeting. Other business managers who attended the meet- ing testified that Brown said nothing or that they could not recall anything that he did say. As to the meeting on May 2 1 credit the version given by McCarthy, who chaired the meeting, and was called to tes- tify by the General Counsel. McCarthy stated that Santoro had been interested in sitting around with the council to discuss business and problems and this was a prejob con- versation as to the construction of the supermarket. McCar- thy testified that he did not recall Brown saying anything directly to Santoro or to the effect that he would picket or that he would withdraw his local from the Council. The construction work began at the Acme jobsite in April and Gross commenced plumbing work toward the latter part of May employing his own employees who were members of OCAW. McCarthy testified that sometime in May he communicated with John Gross and asked whether he would sign contracts with the Sprinkler Fitters Union and the Asbestos Workers Union. John Gross agreed to this and appointments were made, meetings were held, and two contracts were signed. McCarthy testified that in the past he would ask John Gross if he would sign a contract with Respondent and Gross replied that he would, as did Brown if Gross offered to sign. During a prejob conference about the end of May, McCarthy again asked Gross whether he would sign a contract with Respondent for the outside con- struction work, which would not infringe upon OCAW. Gross said he would and McCarthy passed that informa- tion to Brown who replied that if a contract was presented by Gross, he would take Gross' people into the Union in the area of outside construction, not infringing upon OCAW. On one of the occasions that McCarthy was arranging for John Gross to meet one of the trade unions, he told Brown that Gross indicated that he would sign a contract, and Brown stated "that might not be a bad avenue to pursue." 700 PLUMBERS LOCAL 129 When asked the meaning of this testimony, McCarthy an- swered as follows: Q. (By Mrs. Quinn) What do you mean when you say. "to pursue that type of thing"? A. -lo pursue that type of a resolution of the prob- lem. Q. Mr. Brown asked you to do that: is that correct? A. To continue on with my efforts, like I was doing: to pursue that line. That's the message he gave me. McCarthy further testified that during his conversations with Brown on this subject, Brown never indicated he would not sign a contract with Gross. No meeting or agreement materialized and McCarthy was then notified in mid-July that Respondent was going to put area standards pickets at the jobsite. On July 18 Respondent began picketing at the jobsite with three pickets bearing signs which read as follows: Notice to the Public, the work being performed by the contractor, John J. Gross Plumbing and Heating Co.. Inc., is not being done by qualified building trades craftsmen. The prevailing rate of pay and conditions are not being met. This notice is addressed only to the general public and not to the employees or employers on the job. Plumbers & Steamfitters Local 129 The employees of all other contractors on the jobsite re- fused to cross the picket line and the job was shut down for 3 weeks until the picketing was enjoined. except for work being done by Gross. C. Discussion and Analvsis Section 8(b)(7)(A) of the Act prohibits picketing by an uncertified union with an object of forcing or requiring an employer to recognize or bargain with the labor organiza- tion as the representative of his employees, or forcing or requiring the employees of an employer to accept or select the union as their representative, where the employe: has lawfully recognized another labor organization and a ques- tion concerning representation may not appropriately be raised under Section 9(c) of the Act. Section 8(b)(4)(i) and (ii)(C) of the Act prohibits strikes by a union, or a union's inducement or encouragement of employees to strike or to refuse to perform services, or restraint or coercion of an employer by a union, where an object of such conduct is to require an employer to recognize or bargain with one union as the representative of his employees although another union has been certified by the Board as the representative of such employees. See, generally, Dallas Building and Con- struction Trades Council, 164 NLRB 938 (1967), enfd. 396 F.2d 677 (D.C. Cir. 1968): and Sheet Metal Workers Inter- national Association A FL- CIO IBurt Mfg. Co.] v. N. L..R. B., 293 F.2d 141, 146 (D.C. Cir. 1961). However, when a union pickets an employer for the sole purpose of compelling compliance with prevailing area wage and benefit standards, the Board regards this so-called "area standards" picketing as nonrecognitional and outside the above proscriptions of the Act. See, e.g.. Local Union No. 171. Lnited Association ofJournevmnen and p.Iprenlicct f1 the Plumbing and Pipe Fitting Industryn of the United States afnd Canada, 4FL-ClO (Keith Rigg. Plumbing amid Heating Contractor), 137 NLRB 1125 (1962). A union may attempt to ensure that an employer "is required to pay em- ployee costs equivalent to those paid by the organized em- ployer." Retail Clerks International ,4ssociation, Local Union No. 899, e al. (State-Mart, Inc.. d/h/a Giant Food). 166 NLRB 818. 822 824 (1967), enfd. 404 F.2d 855 (9th Cir. 1968). This principle. however, does not allow a union to force, under the guise of "area standards" maintenance, its collective-bargaining agreement, part and parcel, upon employees it does not represent. See, e.g.. Centralia Buil/in,i & Construction Trades Council (Pacfic Sign & Steel Building Co.. Inc.), 155 NLRB 803. 806 (1965). enfd. 363 F.2d 699. 701 (D.C. Cir. 1966). Moreover. the proscriptions of Sec. 8(b)(7)(A) and (b)(4)(i) and (ii) (C) apply as long as one of the union's objects is illegal; it is immaterial that the union may also have other legitimate objects. (See cases cited su- pra. ) In the instant case. Respondent admits that commencing about July 18 it picketed Gross at the Acme Supermarket building site; that it has not been certified b3 the Board as bargaining representative for any of Gross' employees: that OCAW was designated as representative of certain of Gross' employees including plumbers by virtue of a Board's certification dated November 15. 1976: that Gross and OCAW are parties to a collective-bargaining agreement which was effective from April 4. 1977. until April 1. 1979: that at no time material herein did Respondent have a labor dispute with Murdock or with any other person other than Gross: and that at no time material to this proceeding could a question concerning representation of Gross' plumbers he appropriately raised under Section 9(c) of the Act. Respon- dent also admits that Frederick Brown, its business man- ager, was at all times material acting on its behalf and its agent within the meaning of Section 2(13) of the Act. The General Counsel contends that Respondent's picket- ing was for a proscribed recognitional or bargaining object. I find merit to this contention. The General Counsel's case is based on several incidents and meetings. First there was the meeting called by New York State Labor Department official Cambria in February 1978. as alleged by the Gen- eral Counsel, or August 1977 as urged by Respondent. There is agreement generally as to what occurred at that meeting and. as detailed above, it appears that Brown had indicated he was in a position to furnish good men. The General Counsel correctly urges that since Gross was the only employer present at this meeting, such an offer could apply only to Gross. Moreover. the meeting called b Cam- bria, to promote stability, was obviously intended to zero in on the continuing Gross-Respondent dispute, since the, were the only parties invited. I find in the context of the occasion that Brown's statement of availability of good men is an indication of recognitional intent. Schiro also testified that when he talked privately with Brown at the Cambria meeting, Brown stated he had been unsuccessful trying to get a contract with Gross for 25 years. Schiro also indicated to Brown his willingness to per- mit Gross to use Respondent's men on outside construction if OCAW people are not displaced. Brown's testimon on this is vague and he merely denies asking for a contract. I 701 I0IISIONS OF NA'IIONAL LABOR REI.ATIONS BOARD) credit Schiro. therefore, and find this to be additional indi- cia of' recognitional object. The next incident was the meeting in April 1978 set up by Brown himself who used the good offices of a friend to enable him to meet l)uggan. the owner of the Acme Super- market to be constructed. At that meeting was also Santoro. the agent of' Murdock who was involved in letting contracts to the various trades for the actual construction. There is no question that Brown was unaware at the time he went to that meeting that Gross had been awarded the contract for the plumbing work. Consequently, when he was advised by Santoro that the plumbing contract had indeed been given to Gross, he was surprised and somewhat annoyed. How- ever, when Brown got up to leave, he was asked what he would do, and Brown replied he would do whatever he had to do. Duggan pressed him by asking "Would you picket" to which Brown responded "that could be an avenue." While these responses of Brown in and of themselves may be too ambiguous to establish a recognitional object,' they must be considered as part of the whole pattern of conduct and assertions by Respondent. The next incident occurred at a meeting of the Building Trades Council on May 2 to which Santoro requested an invitation. The General Counsel relies on the uncorrobo- rated testimony of' Santoro to the effect that Brown stated at that meeting, attended by McCarthy and perhaps 10 other business managers, that Gross was a nonunion con- tractor which he (Brown) wanted off the job. Santoro also testified that Brown said he would put up a picket line to disqualify Gross from doing business at Acme. According to Santoro, Brown also threatened to withdraw from the council. A number of business agents testified that none of these statements attributed to Brown were made. McCarthy, who I have credited, said that he did not recall Brown saying anything directly to Santoro or any statement to the effect that he, Brown, would picket, nor was there any statement by Brown that he would withdraw his local from the coun- cil. I therefore, do not rely on Santoro's account of what transpired at the May 2 meeting, in my finding that Re- spondent was seeking recognition or an agreement from Gross. Finally, it is alleged that McCarthy is an agent of Re- spondent by virtue of his activities as council head and his contacts with Gross. Although the record reveals that Mc- Carthy was instrumental in connection with the contracts obtained with Gross by the Sprinkler Fitters and Asbestos Workers, it does not appear that he did more than commu- nicate with those parties and arrange meetings. I would not find McCarthy an agent of the unions who are members of the council on the basis of those activities. However, the credited testimony of McCarthy reveals different circum- stances in the Gross-Respondent situation. On one occasion when McCarthy informed Brown that Gross would sign a contract, Brown replied if a contract was presented he would take Gross' people with the Union for outside con- struction. But more important, when McCarthy again re- ported that Gross would sign, Brown told him to continue on with his efforts, and "to pursue that line." This, at the I See Local No. 695, Laborers International Union of North America, AFL (O10, (Maulz & Orer, Inc.), 209 NLRB 410 (1974). least, shows acquiescence by Brown to McCarthy's activi- ties in trying to bring the parties together. For this purpose, I find that McCarthy was authorized to act for Respondent. Regardless of whether McCarthy was Respondent's agent, this credited evidence sheds light on the objective of Respondent and shows that it was, indeed, desirous of ob- taining a contract. Considering all of the credited and ad- mitted evidence as a whole, the expressions of Brown that he would do what he had to do, and that picketing was an avenue, take on additional significance. In sum, I find that Respondent picketed Gross at the Acme building site with an object of' forcing or requiring Gross to recognize and bargain with Respondent as the representative of Gross' plumbing employees, even though Respondent is not cur- rently certified as the representative of such employees, Gross has lawfully recognized OCAW. and a question con- cerning representation may not appropriately be raised un- der Section 9(c) of the Act. Respondent has therefore vio- lated Section 8(b)(7)(A) of' the Act. In addition, I find that Respondent has also violated Section 8(b)(4)(i) and (ii)(C) of the Act. by picketing the site for an object of forcing or requiring Gross to recognize or bargain as the representa- tive of Gross' plumbing employees even though OCAW has been certified as the representative of the employees under Section 9 of the Act. It is also contended that Respondent violated Section 8(a)(4)(i) and (ii)(B) by its conduct described above. Having found that Brown's statements, in total context. reveal a proscribed recognitional object, his responses to Santoro and Duggan that he would do what he had to do, and picketing was an avenue, constitute a threat to picket if' Gross was at the jobsite. Of course such a threat was imple- mented by the picketing which began on July 18. Although Respondent strongly contends that its picketing had the lawful objective of protesting Gross' failure to comply with area standards. I have found, despite the use of picket signs which would comport to area standards picketing, that its true objective was recognitional. In such circumstances, I further find that an objective of Respondent was to seek Gross' removal from the jobsite which would have the ef- fect of causing Murdock and other neutral employers to cease doing business with Gross. In addition, the picketing induced employees of other contractors, all of whom were union members to engage in a strike or a refusal to perform services. I conclude, therefore, that Respondent violated Section 8(b)(4)(i) and (ii)(B) of the Act. IV. TIHE EFFECT OF TILE UNFAIR l.ABOR PRA('I(ES UPON COMMERCE The activities of Respondent set forth in section III, above, occurring in connection with the operations of Gross described in section 1, above, have a close, intimate, and substantial relationship to trade, traffic, and commerce among the several States and tend to lead to labor disputes burdening and obstructing commerce and the free flow of commerce. V. IIE REMEDY Having found that Respondent has engaged in certain unfair labor practices, I shall recommend that it be ordered 702 PI t'MBIRS .(CAl. 129 to ceas a dcsit tlerelrom and io take cerltain aillirliatl e iction dclricd to clecluate the policies of tile Act. ( it N( I It S 01 I .XA I. iross Plulmbing and leating ('o., Inc.. is an employer engaged in commerce within the meaning of' Section 2(6) and (71 of the Act. 2. Respondent Plulibers and Steamfitters, Local 129. Af:l. ('1. is a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. 3. Respondent is not currently certified as the bargaining representative of (;ross' emplo:yees. 4. ()il. (Chemlical and Atomic Workers Union, (O('AW) is a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2(5) and 8(h)(7)(A) of the Act. 5. At all times material. OCAW has been certified bh the Board as the exclusive representative of certain employees of Gross for collective-bargaining purposes. and a question concerning the representation of such employees may not appropriately be raised under Section 9(c) of the Act. 6. Respondent. by its picketing of Gross at the Acme building site, as fLind above, violated Section 8(b)(7)(A). 8(b)(4)(i), (ii)(B) and (C) of the Act. 7. The unfair labor practices found ahove affect com- merce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. Upon the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, and upon the entire record and pursuant to Section 1O(c) of the Act. I hereby issue the following recommended: ORDER' The Respondent. Plumbers and Steamfitters Local 129, AFL-CIO, Niagara Falls, New York, its officers. agents. and assigns. shall: I. Cease and desist from: (a) Picketing, or causing to be picketed, or threatening to picket or causing to he picketed. Gross Plumbing and Heat- ing Co.. Inc., at the Acme building site, or at any other facility, at a time when Respondent is not currently certified as the representative of Gross' plumbing employees. where an object thereof is to force or require Gross to recognize or bargain with Respondent as the representative of Gross' plumbing employees, or to force or require the plumbing employees of Gross to accept or select Respondent as their collective-bargaining representative, even though Gross has lawfully recognized in accordance with the Act another la- bor organization, OCAW. and a question concerning repre- ' In the event no exceptions are filed as provided by Sec. 102.46 of he Rules and Regulations of the National Labor Relations Board. the findings. conclusions, and recommended Order herein shall. as provided in Sec 102.48 of the Rules and Regulations. be adopted by the Board and become its findings, conclusions. and Order. and all objections thereto shall he deemed waived for all purposes sentatliotn natt not appropriatell he raised under Section 9(c o Ithe Actl; lb) JLngaging in inducing, or encouraging an> individual etmlplo\ed b Gross and an! other person engaging in conm- merce or in anll industr\ affecting commlerce to engage in., a strike or a refusal in the course otf his employment to use. manutfacture, process, transport. or otherwise handle or work n an goods. articles, materials. or commodities or to perflorni an) services, or threatening, coercing, or restratil- ing Gross and any other person engaged in commerce or in an idustr5 affecting commerce. swhere in either case an object thereof is to force or require (;ross to recognize and bargain with Respondent as the representative of its plumb- ing employees even though another labor organization. OCAW, has been certified as the representative of such em- plo ees under the provisions of Section 9 of the Act. (c) Engaging in, or inducing. or encouraging any individ- ual emplo ed by Gross Plumbhing and Ileating Co.. Inc.. or by an, other person engaged in commerce or in ans indus- try affecting commerce, to engage in a strike or refusal in the course of his employment. to use, manufacture. process, transport or otherwise handle or work on any goods. arti- cles, materials or commodities, or to refuse to perform ans other services where an object thereof is to force or require Murdock or any other person, to cease using, handling. or otherwise dealing in the products or services of an) other producer. processor, or manufacturinlg, or to cease doing business with Gross. (d) Threatening, coercing. or restraining Murdock or aln other employer or person engaged in commerce or in an industry affecting commerce, where an object thereof is to force or require said employers or persons to cease doing business with Gross. 2. Take the foliowing affirmative action to effectuate the policies of the Act: (a) Post at its business offices and meeting halls copies of the attached notice marked "Appendix."' Copies of the no- tice to be furnished b the Regional Director for Region 3 shall be duly signed and posted by Respondent immediately upon receipt thereof and maintained in conspicuous places including all places where notices to members are custom- arily posted flr a period of 60 consecutive days. Reasonable steps shall be taken to insure that the notices are not al- tered. defaced, or covered by any other material: (b) Mail or deliver to said Regional Director signed cop- ies of said notice for posting b Gross Plumbing and Heat- ing Co.. Inc.. if said employer is willing to do so: (c) Notify said Regional Director, in writing, within 20 days from the date of this Order, what steps have been taken by Respondent to comply herewith. I In the event that this Order is enforced by a Judgment of a United States Court of Appeals, the words in the notice reading "Posted by Order of the National L.abor Relations Board" shall read "Posted Pursuant to a Judgment of the United States Court of ppeals Enforcing an Order of the National Labor Relations Board" 703 Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation