Pink Moody, Inc.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsJul 20, 1978237 N.L.R.B. 39 (N.L.R.B. 1978) Copy Citation Pink Moody, Inc. and Reynaldo Salinas. Case 7-CA- 13856 July 20, 1978 DECISION AND ORDER BY MEMBERS JENKINS. PENELLO. AND Mt RPHY On August 31, 1977, Administrative Law Judge Herbert Silberman issued the attached Decision in this proceeding. Thereafter, the General Counsel filed exceptions and supporting arguments. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3 (b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the Na- tional Labor Relations Board has delegated its au- thority in this proceeding to a three-member panel. The Board has considered the record and the at- tached Decision in light of the exceptions and sup- porting arguments and has decided to affirm the rul- ings, findings, and conclusions of the Administrative Law Judge, but only to the extent consistent here- with. The complaint alleges that on March 5, 1977, Re- spondent laid off employee Reynaldo Salinas and failed to recall him until March 9, 1977, because Sali- nas complained about the unsafe condition of Re- spondent's trucks and refused to drive a truck which had defective brakes. The basic facts are not in dispute. Respondent is a contract hauler for the U.S. Postal Service in and around the Detroit, Michigan, area. In the course of its operations it employs, among others, four drivers who operate Respondent's "box" trucks, three of whom work days, while Salinas works nights Sunday through Thursday and during the daytime on Satur- day. Respondent has three box trucks, numbered 25, 26, and 27. Salinas could use any of the three trucks, but generally drove truck 25. Starting in November 1976, Salinas began experiencing brake trouble with truck 25. The brakes would work at the start of his run, but after a period of operation, the brake pedal would lock up, leaving the vehicle without brakes. On numerous occasions, as was his custom with any discovered defect, Salinas left notes in the truck call- ing attention to the defective brakes. On one occa- sion when the brake pedal malfunctioned, Salinas was able to drive the truck through his shift by driv- ing very slowly in low gear. On another occasion when the brake pedal locked up, he called Moody. Respondent's president, and asked him what to do. Moody responded that "it was up to you." Salinas left the truck at the postal skip center. For the next several nights Respondent took truck 25 out of ser- vice. In February 1977, the brake pedal again locked PINK MOODY. INC up and, when Salinas telephoned Moody, another driver brought truck 27 to Salinas to complete his shift. During this period of time, Salinas on several occa- sions spoke with his fellow drivers regarding the de- fective brakes. On Thursday, March 3, driver Horn drove truck 25 and experienced the malfunctioning brake. That night, in a phone conversation with Sali- nas. Horn stated that he would not drive truck 25 again. Salinas discussed the situation with Horn. That night, Salinas left a note asking that truck 25 be fixed by Saturday. The next morning (Friday), Re- spondent directed Horn to drive truck 25, and Horn refused. There was no confrontation, however, be- cause truck 27 became available before Horn started his shift. On Saturday, March 5, Salinas took truck 25 out and again experienced the locked brake pedal. He called Moody from one of his stops to tell him that he needed another truck because of faulty brakes. Moody instructed Salinas to drive the truck back to the garage. When Salinas refused, Moody told him he was laid off for a few days. Salinas was recalled on March 9. The Administrative Law Judge found that Salinas was not engaged in concerted activities at the time of this refusal to drive truck 25. Although he acknowl- edged that operating unsafe motor vehicles was a matter of concern to all of Respondent's employees, he distinguished the Board's decision in Alleluia Cushion Co., Inc., 221 NLRB 999 (1975), and Air Sur- rev Corporation, 229 NLRB 1064 (1977). by noting that the discriminatees in those cases had not inter- fered with or interrupted their normal work tasks. The Administrative Law Judge concluded that since it was not clear to Respondent at the time it suspend- ed Salinas that his fellow employees shared his con- cern and interest about the defective brakes, Respon- dent could not be denied its right to discipline Salinas when he individually refused to perform his duties. In Alleluia Cushion, supra, we held that where an employee speaks up and seeks to enforce statutory provisions relating to occupational safety designed for the benefit of all employees, in the absence of any evidence that fellow employees disavow such repre- sentation. we will find implied consent thereto and deem such acitvity to be concerted. In Air Surrey', supra, we found as concerted activity an employee's individual inquiry at his employer's bank as to whether the employer had sufficient funds on deposit to meet the upcoming payroll. because the matter inquired into by the employee was of vital concern to all employees. And in Dawson Cabinet Company, Inc., 228 NLRB 290 (1977), we extended the Alleluia Cushion principle in order to find as concerted activi- 237 NLRB No. 7 39 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD ty a female employee's individual refusal to perform a certain job unless she was paid the same wages as a male employee doing the same job, because the em- ployee was attempting to vindicate the equal pay rights of the female employees.' In the instant case, the facts clearly establish that Salinas' refusal to drive truck 25 on March 5 was concerted activity within the meaning of Alleluia Cushion, Air Surrey, and Dawson Cabinet. Respon- dent acknowledged its own concern over the brakes on truck 25 when it took the truck out of service for a few nights in January after the brakes had malfunc- tioned while Salinas was driving his route. In March, Respondent became aware that other drivers besides Salinas were concerned about the malfunctioning brakes on truck 25. Thus, on March 3 Salinas had a telephone conversation with Horn, who had driven truck 25 that day and had experienced the malfunc- tioning brakes. Horn stated that he (Horn) would not drive truck 25 again. The next day, when directed by Respondent to drive truck 25, Horn refused. Nothing happened, however, because another truck became avialable before Horn started his run. The very next day, Salinas refused to drive truck 25 back to the garage when ordered to do so by Respondent. Thus, at the time Respondent suspended Salinas, it was on notice that on successive days, two of its drivers had refused to drive truck 25 because of the brake prob- lem. In addition, compliance with an order to drive a motor vehicle with malfunctioning brakes would clearly violate traffic regulations,2 and thus any bene- fits resulting from Salinas' refusal to drive such an unsafe vehicle would inure to the benefit of all of Respondent's drivers. In light of these facts, it is clear that Salinas' ac- tions on March 5 were part of a continuing effort by Salinas and at least one other employee to have Re- spondent repair the brakes on truck 25, that Respon- dent was fully aware of such effort as well as the specific problem with the brakes on truck 25, and, thus, that Salinas' activity was concerted. Inasmuch as Respondent suspended Salinas for engaging in protected concerted activities, we find that his sus- pension violated Section 8(a)(l) of the Act. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1. Pink Moody, Inc., is an employer engaged in B Thus, the Administrative Law Judge's conclusion that Salinas' refusal to perform his normal work tasks distinguished this case from the 4lleluia Cushion line of cases is clearly incorrect. 2 An employer's ordering of a commercially licensed driver to violate traffic regulations and ordinances would be a matter of grave concern to all drivers. commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. 2. By suspending Reynaldo Salinas because of his having engaged in protected concerted activities, the Respondent, Pink Moody, Inc., interfered with, re- strained, and coerced its employees in the exercise of rights guaranteed them by Section 7 of the Act, thereby engaging in an unfair labor practice within the meaning of Section 8(a)(1) of the Act. 3. The aforesaid unfair labor practice affects com- merce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. THE REMEDY Having found, contrary to the Administrative Law Judge, that Respondent engaged in an unfair labor practice by suspending an employee because of his having engaged in protected concerted activity, we shall order Respondent to cease and desist therefrom and to take certain affirmative action designed to ef- fectuate the policies of the Act. Having found that Respondent suspended Reynal- do Salinas in violation of Section 8(a)(1) of the Act, we shall order Respondent to make him whole for any loss of pay he may have suffered by reason of the suspension, in accordance with F. W. Woolworth Company, 90 NLRB 289 (1950), and with interest thereon to be computed in the manner prescribed in Florida Steel Corporation, 231 NLRB 651 (1977). 3 ORDER Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Re- lations Board hereby orders that the Respondent, Pink Moody, Inc., Detroit, Michigan, its officers, agents, successors, and assigns, shall: I. Cease and desist from: (a) Suspending employees because of their having engaged in protected concerted activities. (b) In any like or related manner interfering with, restraining, or coercing employees in the exercise of rights guaranteed them by Section 7 of the Act. 2. Take the following affirmative action to effectu- ate the policies of the Act: (a) Make Reynaldo Salinas whole for any loss of pay he may have suffered by reason of his suspension on March 5, 1977, in the manner set forth in the section of this Decision entitled "The Remedy." ' See. generally, Isis Plumbing & Heating Co., 138 NLRB 716 (1962). 40 PINK MOODY, INC. (b) Expunge from its records any disciplinary ac- tion taken against Reynaldo Salinas because of his refusal to drive truck 25 on March 5. 1977. (c) Preserve and, upon request. make available to the Board or its agents, for examination and copsing. all payroll records, social security payment records, timecards, personnel records and reports. and all other records necessary to analyze the amount of backpay due under the terms of this Order. (d) Post at its Detroit. Michigan, facility copies of the attached notice marked "Appendix." 4 Copies of said notice, on forms provided by the Regional Di- rector for Region 7, after being duly signed by Re- spondent's authorized representative, shall be posted by Respondent immediately upon receipt thereof. and be maintained by it for 60 consecutive days thereafter, in conspicuous places, including all places where notices to employees are customarily posted. Reasonable steps shall be taken by Respondent to insure that said notices are not altered, defaced, or covered by any other material. (e) Notify the Regional Director for Region 7, in writing, within 20 days of the date of this Order, what steps Respondent has taken to comply herewith. In the event that this Order is enforced hba judgment of iI United SlaIte Court of Appeals. the words in the notice reading "Posted hs Order of the National Labor Relations Board" shall read "Posted Pursuant to a. Judg- ment of the United States Court of Appeals Enforcing an Order of tlhe National Labor Relations Board" APPENDIX NOTICE To EMPLOYEES POSTED BY ORDER OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD An Agency of the United States Government WE WILL NOT suspend employees because they have engaged in concerted activities protected by the National Labor Relations Act. WE WILL NOT in any like or related manner interfere with, restrain, or coerce our employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed them by Section 7 of the Act. WE WILL make Reynaldo Salinas whole for any loss of pay he may have suffered because of his suspension on May 5, 1977, with interest. WE WILL expunge from our records any disci- plinary action taken against Reynaldo Salinas because of his refusal to drive truck 25 on March 5, 1977. PINK MOODY, INC. DECISION STATEMENT OF THE CASt- HERBERT SILBERMAN. Administrative Law Judge: Reynal- do Salinas, an individual, having filed a charge of unfair labor practices on March 7, 1977, in Case 7-CA 13856 against Pink Moody. Inc.. herein called the Company, a complaint was issued by the Regional Director for Region 7. dated April 21. 1977. alleging that Respondent has en- gaged in unfair labor practices affecting commerce within the meaning of Section 8(a)( I) of the National Labor Rela- tions Act, as amended. In substance, the complaint alleges that Respondent laid off its employee Reynaldo Salinas for the period from March 5 until March 9, 1977. "because of the Charging Party's complaints about the unsafe condi- tion of Respondent's trucks and his refusal to drive a truck which had defective brakes, and because of other activity that is protected by Section 7 of the Act." The Company filed an answer, dated April 29. 1977, generally denying that it has engaged in the alleged unfair labor practices. Pursuant to notice, a hearing in this proceeding was held in Detroit, Michigan. on July 27. 1977, before me. General Counsel and Respondent were represented at the hearing by counsel and Charging Party appeared in person. In ac- cordance with the procedure authorized by Section 102.35(i) of the Rules and Regulations of the National La- bor Relations Board,' the parties at the hearing entered into a stipulation waiving a verbatim transcript of the oral testimony and waiving the right to file with the Board ex- ceptions to the findings of fact which the Administrative Law Judge shall make in this case. A copy of the stipula- tion is attached hereto as Appendix A [Appendix A omit- ted from publication.]. All parties were afforded full oppor- tunity to be heard, to examine and cross-examine witnesses, and to introduce evidence pertinent to the issues. Pursuant to permission granted the parties at the hearing. General Counsel and Respondent filed briefs with me. Upon the entire record in this case,2 I make the follow- ing: FINDINGS OF FACT I THE BUSINESS OF THE COMPANY The Company. a Michigan corporation, under contract with the United States Postal Service hauls mail within the metropolitan area of Detroit, Michigan. During the calen- dar year 1976, which period is representative of Respon- dent's operations. it received payments for the services it rendered in excess of $50,000. The complaint alleges, Re- spondent admits, and I find that the Company is an em- ployer within the meaning of Section 2(2) engaged in com- merce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. See (;eorge W liamsf Sheet Metarl (Co. 201 NLRB 1050 (1973) 2! The pleadings ind the other formal papers were received in evidence as GC. txhs. I(a) Ihrough I(f) No other doecuments were introduced in evi- dence 41 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD 11 ltitl AI.L. (;ED UINFAIR I.ABOR PRA( TICES The Company hauls bulk mail on a contract basis for the United States Postal Service. Reynaldo Salinas, a driver for the Company, was suspended from March 5 to March 9, 1977, when he refused to drive his truck because its brakes were defective. Salinas' suspension in the context of his repeated complaints to the Company and his conversations with other employees about the mechanical and equipment defects in the trucks that he drove is alleged to violate Section 8(a)(1). During the times material hereto, the Company operated three box trucks which are numbered 25, 26, and 27. 3 Sali- nas, who started with the Company in February 1976, drove such a truck. He normally worked nights from Sun- day to Thursday and days on Saturdays. Al Cook, Charles Horn, and Don Mixon were the other operators of the box trucks. For the most part they worked days and none worked at the same times as Salinas. Salinas customarily drove truck 25, which he considered his assigned vehicle, although he was permitted by the Company to drive any of the three box trucks at his discre- tion without obtaining prior permission from his supervis- ors, Foreman Herman Bowery or President Aubrey L. Moody. Because Foreman Bowery and President Moody usually were not at the Company's premises during the hours Salinas worked, it was Salinas' practice, begun early in 1976, whenever he noticed a defect in the truck which he drove to leave a note in the vehicle directed to Bowery or Moody calling attention to the fault.' One night in November 1976 while Salinas was driving truck 25, the brake pedal would not move, so that he was compelled to operate the vehicle for the remaining part of his shift without functioning brakes. He was able to do this by driving slowly in low gear. Salinas left a note in the truck calling attention to the fact that the brakes were de- fective. From that night until March 5, 1977, whenever Sa- linas drove truck 25, which was most of the nights that he worked, he noticed the same defect. He left many notes complaining about the brakes, but effective repairs were never made. Salinas' explanation for driving truck 25 during this en- tire period rather than using truck 26 or 27, which he could have done without obtaining prior permission from his supervisors, is that at the beginning of each shift when he went on duty the brakes on truck 25 operated, and he only began to experience trouble after the truck was on the road for a period of time. He testified that he was reluctant to use truck 26 because he was told once by a Unites States Post Office supervisor at the management sectional center in Royal Oak, referred to herein as the skip center, not to use that truck because its bed was lower than the loading dock so that it was difficult to move cargo in and out of the The Company also used other vehicles. However. Salinas and the other drivers mentioned herein operated onl' the box trucks, 4At different times he left notes calling attention to bald tires on each of the three trucks. He also left notes calling attention to an inoperative seat lock on truck 26 and a hole in the floor and an inoperative windshield wiper on truck 25. vehicle. However, truck 26 was regularly used in the day- time to deliver and receive cargo at the skip center. Salinas testified that he was reluctant to use truck 27 because Charles Horn, a day driver who normally drove truck 27, had indicated that he objected to Salinas driving truck 27.5 One night in the first week of January 1977, Salinas com- plained to drivers from other companies that operating his truck was dangerous because the brake pedal stuck. A sug- gestion was made that he leave the truck or call Moody. Salinas telephoned Moody at 6:30 a.m. and asked Moody what he should do. Moody responded that "it was up to you." Salinas left the truck at the skip center, from which place he had telephoned Moody. For several nights there- after Salinas did not drive truck 25 because when he re- ported for work at the garage a note was in the vehicle stating, "don't drive." When Salinas again began driving truck 25, the problem of an inoperative brake pedal recur- red: nevertheless, he continued using the truck and leaving notes advising that the brakes were defective. Once in February 1977 Salinas telephoned Moody from one of his route stops and informed Moody that he was unable to drive his truck because the brakes were inopera- tive. Another driver brought truck 27 to the stop. Salinas changed vehicles and completed the balance of his shift using truck 27. At various times Salinas complained separately to Cook, Horn, and Mixon about the bad brakes on truck 25.6 The response he received sometimes was that he could drive the truck, and at other times that if he did not drive the truck, the Company would get someone who would drive it. Thus, Horn, in partial corroboration, testified that in Feb- ruary, 1 or 2 weeks before Salinas was suspended, Salinas asked Horn what he should do about the bad brakes on truck 25, and Horn replied that he should drive carefully. On March 3 Horn drove truck 25 and discovered that the brake pedal did not function. That night Horn had a telephone conversation with Salinas, during which Horn informed Salinas that he (Horn) would not drive truck 25 again. Salinas asked Horn what he should do and Horn responded, "Do your own thing." 7 Horn explained that he believed people must solve their own problems in their own way.' On March 3 Salinas left a note in truck 25 asking that the brakes be fixed by Saturday, March 5. On March 5 Salinas drove truck 25. When he arrived at one of his regular route stops, the Warren Post Office, he telephoned Moody and informed Moody that he needed another truck because the brakes on truck 25 were bad. Moody instructed Salinas to drive the truck back to the garage. Salinas refused. Moody then told Salinas that he was laid off for a few days. Salinas was recalled to work on March 9. Thus, Salinas lost the pay he would have earned I Horn was not a supervisor and had no authority to dens Salinas the use of truck 27. There is no evidence that Salinas discussed any other truck defects or other maintenance problems with these drivers. ( Contrari to General Counsel's assertion in her brief. Horn did not say that "nmavbe ISahlinas] shouldn't drive the truck." t fhe next dai, March 4. lHorn was directed to drive truck 25. which he refused to do floweser. no confrontation developed because b' the time Horn was required to leave. the ( ompany's garage truck 27 became avail- able and Horn used that vehicle 42 PINK MOODY. INC. for the balance of his shift on March 5 and for the next three shifts. Salinas and Horn were the only witnesses who were called to testify by General Counsel. Respondent rested its case without calling any witnesses. The testimony given by Salinas and Horn, which is not controverted, is credited in full. There is no evidence that Reynaldo Salinas participated together or in concert with any other employees in a strike or a refusal to work or in an activity related to their terms or conditions of employment or that Salinas had embarked upon a course of action the purpose of which was to enlist the cooperation of other employees with respect to a mat- ter relating to a term or condition of employment.9 Never- theless, General Counsel contends that Salinas was en- gaged in concerted activities for the purpose of mutual aid or protection within the meaning of Section 7 of the Act. In support of this position, General Counsel relies upon .4A/e- luia Cushion Co., Inc., 221 NLRB 999 (19 7 5 ); and cases following Alleluia such as Diagnostic Center Hospital ('orp.. of Texas, 228 NLRB 1215 (19 7 7 ); and Air Surrey Corpora- lion. 229 NLRB 1064 (1977). These cases stand for the proposition that "an individual's actions may be consid- ered to be concerted in nature if they relate to conditions of employment that are matters of mutual concern to all the affected employees." 10 In such instance it is immaterial that the individual had not been designated by other em- ployees to act on their behalf and had not informed any other employee that he was doing so "so long as there is evidence that fellow employees share the acting employee's concern and interest in common complaints." ' It can be assumed that operating unsafe motor vehicles was a matter of concern among the Company's employees. as is reflected by the testimony of Salinas and Horn.I2 However, that alone does not determine the decision in this case. As has been many times observed, the Act must be interpreted to accommodate the tension between the rights granted employees by Section 7 and the right of an em- ployer to conduct his business and maintain discipline over his employees.'3 In the cases upon which General Counsel relies, the activities for which the employees were disci- plined did not interrupt or interfere with their normal work tasks. Thus, in Alleluia the employee filed a complaint with the California OSHA office protesting safety conditions at the respondent's plant;' 4 in Diagnostic Center Hospital the individual who was disciplined wrote a letter to his employer's officials protesting the employer's failure to 9 The phrase. "term or condition of emplosment." is used In Its brrades sense to include ans matter which directl t or Indirectr, mas have an influ- ence upon the welfare of the emplovees 0 Air Surret Corporation. supra Diaagnostic Center Hospital (C rp of exn ,J, ipri at 1217 1 It is not clear from the Board's decisions when a matter of Individual concern to more than one employee becomes "matters of mutual concern Io all the affected emplo'ees" See V.L R.B . Erle Reststor (Cor.. et a/. 373 S 221 228 230( i963) 14 The discharge of an employee who threatened to make safeIs comp- laints to a Government agencs also has been held to iolate Sec 8(a)i I I & P Motor Erpress. In(, 230 NILRB 653 11977) 1 Accord: Ambulamn- Sersues o .Vev Brediford. In . 229 NI RB 1(X6 (1977). A;, (Kit Ueh ec anilal (Contraotor. Ino 27 NILRB 1884 11'977: Re- tad Clerks tEnion. Local 588, 227 NI.RB 7 19h761 grant a wage increase and protesting the emploser's al- leged discriminatory practices,:t and in Air Surrey the indi- vidual inquired at the employer's bank whether the em- ployer had sufficient funds on deposit to meet its upcoming payroll. Unlike the cited cases. here Salinas was disciplined for his refusal to comply with a direct order given to him during his regular working hours relating to his normal work duties. It would play havoc with the conduct of busi- ness if an employer were denied the right to discipline an employee who individually refuses to perform his duties because of a work-related complaint unless at the mini- mum it is clear to the employer that "fellow employees share the acting employee's concern and interest." " The problem is not in any way alleviated if the protection which General Counsel contends employees have to refuse to compls with instructions is limited to instances where the employees complaint is justified. That too would place an intolerable burden on plant operations. In effect, each employee then becomes a self-appointed policeman in the plant to enforce codes not anywhere written or assembled but developed on an ad hoc basis. If this were sanctioned, perhaps in time and after much litigation there might de- velop a body of principles applicable to industrial relations which would be akin to the common law. However, I do not envisage that the Board had anything like this in mind when it decided All/euia and the later cases applying the principle therein stated. I do not believe that the Board intends to extend A.llcluita to reach the facts in this case. ' Furthermore. "[iln order to sustain an 8 (a)( I) discharge finding, it is necessary to establish that at the time of the discharge the employer had knowledge of the concerted nature of the activity for which the employee was dis- charged." 0 When on March 5 Salinas refused to drive truck 25, there was nothing in the incident to alert the Company that Salinas was acting on behalf of his fellow employees as well as himself. it (General (Counsel does not contend that this case is In an? was govierned b, Sec. 502 of the Act or that Sahlinas sas engaged In a strike t Dav, son (ahnet (omrpanl . Inr, 228 NI RB 290 {1977). is to he distin- guished from the instant case because in Dasswn, although the discharged enmplo ee. (iastineau. was icting aIone at the time she engaged In her work stoppaige In protest of a compans praitice of paving men motre than women for doing the same s pe of ork. her work stoppage was part of an ongoing effort which at it, inceptiiin had been discussed with other women emplos- ees who agreed with (Gastineau in principle and which was aimed at Impros- ing the wage,, not onls of (,astneau. but also of the other women as well Alsot the CornpanN knew that there .ias emplosee dissatisfaction with the practice and that a complaint had been lodged with the Wage and Hour Divlsion of the l)epartmenl if Lahbor concerning the matter (iastineau's refusal to do her work v.was concerted aciivits. for her actiIns were -not solels aimed at resioling a per.sonal prhblem I he welfare of other workers was also In mind the requirement of concertedness relates to the end, not the means " I i R B Sen-,rn . /In - 558 F: 2d 433. 434 (( A 8. 1977) Here Salinas' discussions with other emplosees were limited to Slinas' colm- plaints about the brakes In truck 25 Salinas was not directls seeking ani benefit for other employees Although other emplotee vs , wo r snmetimes drive truck 25 would also benefit If the brakes In truck 25 were repaured ii does not appear that ans one other than Salinas regularly operiated that vehicle, so that his complaints about the brakes in Ihat truck cannot he considered as a common emplormntn problem that he ais bringing Io man- agement's attention, and there is nio evidence that concern for other emplo- ees played anS part In Sahnas' refusal to drive truck 25 on March 5. 1977' ix Dianosmt, ( tlter tu11-rliil ( ,r,, o! lT sa, mplra at 1210 43 44 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD I find that General Counsel has not proved that the Re- CONCLUSION OF LAW spondent has engaged in the unfair labor practices alleged in the complaint. Respondent has not engaged in the unfair labor prac- Upon the basis of the above findings of fact, and upon tices alleged in the complaint. the entire record in the case, I make the following: [Recommended Order for dismissal omitted from publi- cation.] Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation