Phil Rich Mfg. Co., Inc.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsMay 21, 1968171 N.L.R.B. 586 (N.L.R.B. 1968) Copy Citation 586 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Phil Rich Fan Mfg . Co., Inc.; Ventco , Inc.; H. C. Williams Mfg. Co ., Inc. and Sheet Metal Workers' International Association, Local Union No. 54, AFL-CIO. Case 23-CA-2522 May 21, 1968 DECISION AND ORDER BY CHAIRMAN MCCULLOCH AND MEMBERS BROWN AND JENKINS On January 12, 1968, Trial Examiner Harry H. Kuskin issued his Decision in the above-entitled proceeding , finding that Respondent had not en- gaged in certain unfair labor practices alleged in the complaint and recommending that the com- plaint be dismissed , as set forth in the attached Trial Examiner's Decision . Thereafter, the General Counsel filed exceptions to the Trial Examiner's Decision and a supporting brief. Respondent filed an answering brief. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the Na- tional Labor Relations Board has delegated its powers in connection with this case to a three- member panel. The Board has reviewed the rulings of the Trial Examiner made at the hearing , and finds that no prejudicial error was committed. The rulings are hereby affirmed. The Board has considered the Trial Examiner's Decision , the exceptions, the briefs, and the entire record in the case , and hereby adopts the findings, conclusions , and recommenda- tions of the Trial Examiner. ORDER Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Relations Board adopts as its Order the Recom- mended Order of the Trial Examiner, and hereby orders that the complaint herein be, and it hereby is, dismissed in its entirety. TRIAL EXAMINER'S DECISION STATEMENT OF THE CASE HARRY H. KUSKIN, Trial Examiner : This case was heard at Houston, Texas, on August 15 and 16, 1967. A complaint issued herein on June 23, 1967, as the result of a charge filed by Sheet Metal Work- ' The facts that the Regional Director for Region 23 refused to issue a complaint on the basis of charges in Case 23-CA-2387 relating to the above alleged unilateral wage increases of February and June and that such action was sustained on appeal on the ground that " under all the circum- stances it could not be said that these increases were violative of the ers' International Association, Local Union No. 54, AFL-CIO, herein called the Union, alleging that Phil Rich Fan Mfg. Co., Inc.; Ventco, Inc.; and H. C. Williams Mfg. Co., Inc., herein called respec- tively, Rich, Ventco, and Williams and, called col- lectively, Respondent, have violated Section 8(a)(5) and (1) of the Act by refusing to bargain collectively in good faith with the Union, the cer- tified exclusive collective-bargaining representative of Respondent's employees in an appropriate unit of production and maintenance employees, by in- sisting during bargaining on (1) reserving to itself total discretion with respect to awarding merit wage increases to unit employees; (2) excluding the merit wage system from the arbitration process of any resulting collective-bargaining agreement; and (3) precluding the Union contractually from engag- ing in a concerted work stoppage or strike respect- ing the issue of Respondent's merit wage system; and further refusing to bargain in good faith by granting extensive merit wage increases during February, June, and September, 1966 in order to disparage the Union's majority in the appropriate unit and to de?recate the Union as a collective-bar- gaining agent. In addition, there is the question of whether a strike of Respondent's employees which began on May 4, 1966, was caused or prolonged by the aforesaid conduct, thereby making it an unfair labor practice strike. Respondent's answer denies that it engaged in any of the unfair labor practices alleged herein. Upon the entire record, including my observation of the witnesses, and after due consideration of the briefs of the General Counsel and Respondent, I make the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. THE BUSINESS OF RESPONDENT The complaint alleges, and Respondent admits, that Rich, Ventco, and Williams are each Texas corporations with their principal office, place of business, and plant in Houston, Texas; that these corporations are affiliated businesses with common officers, owners, and directors, and constitute a sin- gle business enterprise, engaged in manufacturing circulators and related products and having a com- mon labor policy; and that, during the past year, which is representative of the operations at all times material herein , goods and materials valued in excess of $50,000 were purchased from outside Texas and shipped to the Houston, Texas, plant. I find, upon the foregoing, as Respondent, in ef- fect, admits, that these three corporate entities together constitute a single employer within the meaning of the Act. I also find further, as Respon- Act" does not, contrary to Respondent , require a finding that " this dismis- sal is res Judicata of any claim t in the complaint herein based on new charges ] that these increases were in violation of the Act." See McCloskey and Company, lnc , 116 NLRB 1123,1124 171 NLRB No. 87 PHIL RICH FAN MFG. CO. 587 dent also admits , that Respondent is engaged in commerce within the meaning of the Act. II. THE LABOR ORGANIZATION INVOLVED Respondent admits , and I find, that Sheet Metal Workers' International Association, Local Union No. 54, AFL-CIO, is a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. III. THE ALLEGED UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES A. The Evidence While the findings of fact hereinafter are based, in part , on stipulations of the parties , they rest, in the main , on the testimony of Kenneth Crump, the only witness in this case . Crump was , at all material times, the International organizer of the Union and attended all the negotiation sessions between the parties . I find that Crump was a reliable witness and I credit him. B. Background and Summary of Events On December 28, 1965, the Union was certified as the collective-bargaining representative of Respondent's production and maintenance em- ployees as the result of a Board election conducted by the Regional Director for Region 23. On Janu- ary 14, 1966, bargaining began between Respondent and the Union and, in all, 14 bargaining sessions were held.' The first 12 sessions were held by March 3 1. The remaining two sessions occurred on June 1 and September 29 in the presence of a Federal mediator. Between the fifth and sixth bar- gaining sessions, which took place on January 29 and February 14, respectively, Respondent granted the first merit wage increase in issue to some of its employees in the appropriate unit. On March 22, between the 11th and 12th bargaining sessions there was a union meeting at which, after the status of negotiations was discussed, a strike vote was taken and a strike authorized During April there was handbilling of the plant and of company customers by union adherents. On May 4, a strike began at the plant, which was still in effect at the time of the instant hearing. The second merit wage increase in issue was granted on June 3. This was shortly after the 13th bargaining session on June 1. As to the third merit wage increase in issue, it oc- curred in September in advance of the 14th and last bargaining session of September 29. It is apparent that Respondent has been granting merit wage increases to employees prior to the critical period herein. In this connection, Respon- dent furnished the Union the following information as to such increases commencing in 1964. In that year, increases were granted in February, May, June, and August to 5, 1, 9, and 11 individuals, respectively. These increases were distributed as follows: 2 employees received 5 cents an hour, 12 received 10 cents, 11 received 15 cents, and 1 received 20 cents. In 1965, increases were granted in January, April, and October to 23, 3 1, and 20 in- dividuals, respectively; these increases were dis- tributed as follows. 13 employees received 5 cents an hour, 35 received 10 cents, 22 received 15 cents, 2 received 20 cents, 1 received 25 cents, and I received 35 cents. And in 1966, increases were granted in February, June, and September to 24, 36, and 43 individuals, respectively; these increases were distributed as follows: 18 employees received 5 cents an hour, 46 employees received 10 cents, 26 employees received 15 cents, 5 received 20 cents, 7 received 25 cents, and I received 35 cents. The record furthur shows that during the calendar year 1965,3 Respondent had in its employ in Janu- ary, April, and October 72, 76, and 64 employees, respectively, and that during the calendar year 1966, Respondent had in its employ in January, February, March, April, May, June, and September 65, 72, 77, 89, 88, 96, and 102 employees, respec- tively. It would thus appear that the 74 merit in- creases granted by Respondent in 1965 and the 103 merit increases granted by Respondent in 1966 en- compassed a very large majority of the employee complement during each year.' It would also ap- pear that approximately 82 percent of the em- ployees affected during 1965 and 1966 received a merit increase of 10 cents per hour or better, and that Respondent's entire wage structure consisted of such merit increases. The events subsequent to the last negotiating ses- sion between the parties on September 29 con- sisted, in the main, of the filing by the Union on October 3 of the charge herein ; the filing by Respondent on February 10, 1967, of a representa- tion petition with the Regional Director for Region 23 seeking an election among the employees in the certified unit ; the dismissal of the petition by the Regional Director on May 26, 1967; and the is- suance of the complaint herein on June 23, 1967. C. The Bargaining Sessions and the Accompanying Events Preceding the Strike of May 4, 1966 The first negotiation session took place on t All dates hereinafter are in 1966, unless otherwise indicated ' There is no such data in evidence for the calendar year 1964 ' This is so, despite the fact that , in several instances , some employees received more than one merit increase in a calendar year ' As heretofore indicated, Crump attended all the negotiation sessions in behalf of the Union He was accompanied at all times by a union commit- tee At three of these meetings , i e , on February 21 and 23 and March 31, Donald Fisher, the attorney for the Union, was also present At the Feb- ruary 21 meeting, one Beeler was also present on behalf of the Union On those occasions when Fisher was present, he, rather than Crump, acted as spokesman for the Union The record also shows that , except for the January 28 meeting, Robert S Bambace, Esq , an attorney associated with counsel herein for Respondent, was the spokesman for Respondent in negotiations A Mr Duke of the same firm substituted for Bambace on January 28 Also in attendance at some of these meetings were Herschel Rich , president of Respondent, and/or Mrs Rich, his wife And at the last meeting between the parties on September 29, one Carl Vogt , Esq , also associated with counsel for Respondent , was present 588 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD February 14.6 At that session, the Union submitted a contract proposal which was incomplete in that no economic proposals were included. At the next bargaining session on January 17, the Union completed its contract proposal by submitting its economic demands. There was no mention in the Union's proposal of merit wage increases. The third bargaining session occurred on January 22. At this time, Respondent presented its written counterproposal. Article XVIII, section 4, thereof set forth a proposed system for granting merit in- creases to employees, in the following language: The Union agrees that the Company shall have the right to review each employee at various intervals in order to determine whether or not the employee deserves to receive a merit wage increase . If such wage increase is given to an employee, such increase shall be added to the employee's existing straight-time hourly wage rate. It appears that the counterproposal made no reference to wage rates but that, during the bar- gaining session , Respondent orally proposed a 2- percent across-the-board wage increase and a start- ing rate of $1.30 an hour . Discussion ensued as to the various articles in Respondent 's proposed agreement . With respect to the proposed system of merit wage increases , Respondent advised the Union that "it had been a past practice through the years that Mr. Rich had" and that employees' records were reviewed "from time to time" to determine whether they qualified. It was also made clear that the merit wage increase system would not be subject to the grievance procedure as outlined in Respondent 's counterproposal , but would , as in the past, be at the discretion of Mr. Rich. The Union, however, sought further clarification with respect to how the system would work, such as, what em- ployees would have to do to qualify. Bambace, speaking for Respondent, said that he would seek further information concerning the mechanics thereof from Mr. Rich and would furnish this to the Union. At the fourth negotiation session on January 24, as in all subsequent sessions , the parties discussed all articles in the proposed agreement except those tentatively agreed upon . During this discussion on January 24 the Union was again told that Respon- dent 's proposed merit wage increase system would not be subject to the grievance procedure but would , as in the past, be at the discretion of Mr. Rich . And in response to the Union 's question, as formerly, as to how the system worked, Bambace By that time , the Union had in its possession information furnished by Respondent pursuant to its request ' The pay of regular employees at Rich ranged as follows : in the attic fan department between $1 .45 and $ 1 85 per hour , with one employee receiv- ing $2 25 per hour , in the electric fan department between $ 1 35 and $1 90, in the wire department between $ 1.35 and $ 1 85; in the shipping de- partment between $1 50 and $1. 80; in the repair department between $1 40 and $1 90, in the press department between $1.75 and $1 95, and in advised the union representatives that he would have Mr. Rich explain to the Union how the merit system had operated in the past. At this meeting, Bambace made a package proposal on wages, con- ditioned on full acceptance or it would be withdrawn. It provided for a 5-year term, a starting rate of $1.30 per hour for probationary employees, a 2-1/2-percent across-the-board wage increase an- nually,' 8 paid holidays, time and a half for work on holidays, payment of the 1965 Christmas bonus that had been withheld pending the Union's con- tract proposal and a system of merit wage in- creases. The fifth negotiation session occurred on January 28. Mr. Duke attended in place of Bambace. Mrs. Rich was also present. Either Duke or Mrs. Rich in- formed Crump and the union committee that the 1965 Christmas bonus would be paid. There was no discussion of Respondent's proposed system of merit wage increases. In this connection, the Union presented a "wage counterproposal" to the wage proposal of Respondent made at the prior meeting, adding that, if Respondent agreed to the proposal as presented, Respondent could do whatever it wished with its proposed merit wage increase system . According to Crump, the employees would then have had a "liberal wage." So far as appears, under this counterproposal employees would receive upon the execution of the contract a start- ing rate of 30 cents more an hour, and would receive each month thereafter 5 cents an hour addi- tionally until the base rate was reached, and the spread between starting rate and base rate at Rich would vary from 25 cents to 50 cents per hour, de- pending upon the classification or department in- volved, while the spread at Ventco and Williams between starting rate and base rate as to all em- ployees would be 25 cents per hour. On the following day, the parties met again in their sixth bargaining session. However, there was no progress made on what Crump called the "gut issues," namely wages, dues checkoff, and merit wage increases. The seventh negotiation session took place on February 14. Respondent revised its wage proposal somewhat, offering a 5-year agreement and a merit wage increase system as theretofore but with a starting rate for probationary employees of $1.35 instead of $1.30 an hour and with an across-the- board wage increase annually of 2.75 percent in- stead of 2-1/2 percent. About this time (Crump was not sure of the date), Respondent inquired from the Union the tool-and-die department between $2 .20 and $2.45. There was only one employee in each of the following operations: maintenance , installa- tion , and ,janitor , and they received $2.25, $1.65 , and $1.50 per hour, respectively . It would appear that Ventco and Williams had about a half dozen employees each and the hourly pay of the regular employees in the case of Ventco ranged between $1 .35 and $1. 50, and in the case of Williams between $1 35 and $1 80 PHIL RICH FAN MFG. CO. whether, in the light of the current contract negotiations , there would be any objection to its granting merit wage increases to employees as it had done in the past. The Union agreed to a con- tinuation by Respondent during negotiations of any past practice on the same basis as theretofore, and, in this connection, asked for, and obtained from Respondent, a list of the intended employee recipients of merit wage increases . The Union raised no objection to the grant to the listed em- ployees and suggested the addition of some other employees to the list. Respondent agreed to add three of the suggested names to the list of em- ployees and the awards were thereupon effectuated to them as well as the others. The next negotiation session , the eighth, took place on February 21. Respondent again submitted a revised wage proposal, offering a 5-year agree- ment , a merit wage increase system, and a starting rate for probationary employees of $1.35 an hour, but with an across-the-board wage increase an- nually of 3.2 percent. The meeting was interrupted by a recess for dinner. Upon reconvening, Fisher, acting as spokesman for the Union, indicated to Respondent that if Respondent wanted the merit wage increase system it would have to furnish the Union with standards that could be understood and grant those employees who were aggrived over not receiving a merit wage increase the right to use the grievance and arbitration machinery, in which event, it would propose to the employees the ac- ceptance of a 3-year agreement with across-the- board increases of 10 cents, 12 cents, and 15 cents per hour during the 1st, 2d, and 3d year, respec- tively. Fisher indicated further that, in the alterna- tive, the Union would accept across-the-board in- creases of 12 cents, 13 cents, and 15 cents during the 1st, 2d, and 3d year, respectively; and Respon- dent could do what it pleased about merit wage in- creases ." During this meeting , there was considera- ble discussion about criteria for granting merit wage increases. The ninth negotiation session occurred 2 days later on February 23. Respondent again submitted a revised wage proposal, offering a merit wage in- crease system and a 3.2-percent across-the-board increase annually, as theretofore, but with the guarantee of a 5 cents per hour minumum increase9 and on a 3-year basis, instead of a 5-year basis as before. In respect to the merit wage increase system, Respondent failed to submit any criteria or guidelines for determining a merit wage increase recipient, although Respondent had agreed at a prior meeting to do so. About 10 days later, on March 7, the 10th negotiation session took place. Respondent orally supplied the following guidelines as a basis for ' Each proposal by Fisher contemplated the retention by Respondent of the existing Christmas bonus plan and the profit -sharing plan 9 It would appear that 3.2 percent of the hourly wage paid to some em- ployees would have fallen short of equaling 5 cents 589 awarding merit wage increases: At the end of each month, each supervisor would evaluate his super- visees on 13 factors as either excellent, good, average, poor, and unsatisfactory, with values of 4, 3, 2, 1, and 0, respectively. The 13 factors were listed as (1) production quality, (2) production quantity, (3) skill, (4) ability, (5) attitude, (6) ab- senteeism, (7) tardiness, (8) initiative, (9) physical fitness, (10) knowledge and experience, (11) self improvement, (12) language ability, and (13) at- tendance. Employees would then be reviewed every 90 days or 3 months to determine those who qualified, provided that after receiving such an in- crease an employee would not be considered for another such increase until the next 12-month period. No agreement was reached as to the proposed guidelines or as to the right of an aggrived party to use the grievance and arbitration procedure, which the Union sought, but it was un- derstood that Respondent was to furnish these guidelines to the Union in writing. The 11th negotiation session occurred on March 9, 2 days later. At this time, Respondent submitted in writing its proposed guidelines for awarding merit wage increases." These guidelines differed in that they omitted the factors of initiative, self im- provement, and physical fitness and omitted any reference to the point system for evaluation of all factors. According to Respondent, it omitted a point system because such a system was unworka- ble and it maintained that view throughout. In addi- tion, provision was made for review of a determina- tion concerning a merit wage increase if requested by the Union and/or employee, in which event such review would be by Respondent's president or his duly designated representative, and also, if further requested, the Union and/or the employee was to be entitled to a written statement from Respon- dent's president, and/or his duly designated representative, in explanation of Respondent's deci- sion on such review, specifying which factor or fac- tors require improvement. In connection with the foregoing, any action taken by Respondent was not to be subject to article VIII (the grievance and ar- bitration procedure) of Respondent's proposed agreement and Respondent's decision was to be final and binding on the Union and/or employee in- volved. As already indicated, on March 22, before the 12th negotiation session, which took place on March 31, the Union held a meeting of Respon- dent's employees. Developments in the various bar- gaining sessions discussed above were presented to the employees. During the course of the meeting, a strike vote was taken and the employees present voted unanimously to strike. At the 12th bargaining session, there was no change in Respondent's position as to the recourse 10 This was to be added as new section 3 to article X V III of Respondent's contract proposal 590 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD available to an aggrieved employee or to the Union under the merit wage increase system. Nor was there any movement on wages and dues checkoff, which together with the merit wage increase system was the "gut issues" separating the parties." At this meeting, Respondent did alter its prior position as to barring employees from working for its competi- tors for a certain length of time and an acceptable compromise was reached by the parties. In addi- tion, the issue relating to foremen working was set- tled between the parties. During the months of April and May, there were no negotiation sessions between the parties. How- ever, as heretofore noted, during April, the Union engaged in handbilling of Respondent's premises and of Respondent's customers, and thereafter, on May 4, the strike, which was authorized by the membership of the Union at its March 22 meeting, began. The strike is still in effect. D. The Bargaining Sessions and the Accompanying Events during the Strike By letter dated May 20, Respondent advised the Union that "in view of the obvious impasse now ex- isting in our negotiations and in line with [its] long standing practice and consistent with [its] proposal made to the Union regarding merit wage increases, it is currently reviewing its employees and will finish doing so by May 27 and is contemplating granting some merit wage increases to certain deserving employees, which would be reflected in the pay checks issued on May 27." The letter in- vited the Union to advise Respondent of "any questions or any desire to discuss this matter." By answering letter of May 23, the Union advised Respondent that "any merit wage increases at this time would be inconsistent with the proposal made to the Union on merit wage increases ." This was followed by a letter, in response, from Respondent saying that it "faile[d] to see any inconsistency" between Respondent's present review of employees and the proposal to the Union contained in its revised proposal of March 9. In this connection, the letter quoted that part of this proposal which called for "review at least every three month intervals" of the records of employees eligible for consideration for a merit wage increase.12 Respondent indicated it was anxious to clear up, through discussions with the Union, any misunderstanding the Union may have in the matter, and that it was deferring action on the merit wage increase until June 1, "in the event any questions regarding this matter remain in the minds of the union after receipt of this letter." By letter dated May 27, the Union responded thereto, pointing out that, with respect to Respon- dent's proposal on merit wage increases, "there was at the time a lengthy discussion on the proposal, with many of the procedures for granting such in- creases discussed," and that based on the proposal and the discussions it would be inconsistent with that proposal to grant any such increases now. The letter added that Respondent's proposal was "neither accepted objected or rejected as such" and if Respondent grants these increases it will do so at its peril. On June 1, the parties met with a Federal media- tor. This was the 13th meeting between the parties. The three "gut" issues were still pending, namely, wages, the merit wage increase system, and dues checkoff. Respondent, in response to a query by the mediator, indicated that there was no change in its stand. The Union, however, proposed that all strikers return pending settlement of these issues and offered a modified contract proposal of a 3- year agreement, with a 15-cent-per-hour across- the-board wage increase during the first year and a wage reopener clause during the second and third years, and, if agreed to, Respondent could do what it pleased about merit wage increases. Respondent then inquired whether this would be "without the right to strike in the second and third year if we don't agree on the wages?" Whereupon, the Union indicated that would be acceptable provided Respondent would agree to arbitrate the wages in the second and third years, absent agreement. This Respondent refused and the discussion proved abortive. During the meeting, Bambace advised the mediator of the correspondence concerning Respondent's plan to grant merit increases to deserving employees. Whereupon, Crump said that, while the Union was willing to negotiate on all un- resolved issues, the Union opposed meeting only in order to allow Respondent to change or modify its stand so that it "could grant any type of increases and so forth to the strike breakers" at work in the plant. Thereafter, Respondent advised the Union that it was withdrawing its March 9 offer on merit wage increases and was reverting to its original offer thereon and that it would put the merit wage increase into effect.13 So far as appears nothing further occurred at this meeting. By letter dated June 2, Respondent wrote to the Union concerning Respondent's proposed merit wage increase, saying, in relevant part, that since the Union indicated no real desire to discuss the question of merit increases when it was again raised by the company negotiation committee, such merit increases as were to be granted "would be reflected in the paychecks of Friday, June 3." The letter again offered to discuss any questions concerning these merit wage increases or any other of Respon- dent's contract proposals. The answering letter of the Union was dated June 6. Therein, the Union re- " Crump testified with respect to other issues still dividing the parties that "we always felt they could possibly be resolved or would be resolved " " As already found , such increases had been granted to employees the previous February " Merit wage increases were thereafter granted by Respondent on June 3 See, in this connection , the discussion infra of Bambace's letter to Crump, dated June 2 PHIL RICH FAN MFG. CO. 591 called the March 9 proposal of Respondent on merit wage increases and of Respondent 's agree- ment to draft and present to the Union factors and procedures for such a system, that Respondent made only a verbal response which was short of compliance , and that the writing which it did present was a new section 3 to article XVIII of its contract proposal. It pointed out further that this proposal would give Respondent the right to "uni- laterally bargain with each employee, without the bargaining agent knowing or being informed on what factors or procedure" were operative respect- ing such increases , and additionally that , as of May 4, the day the employees went on strike , these fac- tors or procedures had not been furnished." The Union offered to negotiate on all issues but refused to negotiate just on merit wage increases ; i.e., "the right for the company to negotiate with and give strike breakers better wage increases than were of- fered to their regular employees before the strike commenced ." The last letter in this series was dated June 7 and purported to be the answer of Respondent to the Union's previous letter. Therein, Respondent called the Union 's attention to the list- ing in its March 9 proposal on merit wage increases of factors which Respondent proposed to consider in granting such increases and added that the Union was advised contemporaneously and thereafter of Respondent 's feeling that any grading system or point system on determining eligibles for such in- creases was totally unworkable and unacceptable. Additionally, Respondent took issue with the Union 's charge that at the June I session Respon- dent negotiated only on one item , that of merit wage increases ; that , instead , it negotiated on all items in dispute, whereas the Union displayed its disinterest in conducting fruitful negotiations by in- creasing its prior contract proposal on June 1. The letter also took issue with the Union's assertion that Respondent granted to employees on June 3 better wage increases than were offered to the strikers be- fore the strike began, insisting that the increases "were granted on the same basis and are in the same spirit as has been done in the past." The letter then suggested that , instead of writing any more letters, the parties meet at any time that the Union "feels it has anything constructive to add to the negotiations between the parties." The next and final meeting between the parties was again preceded , as in the case of the prior meeting , by correspondence relating to a contem- plated merit wage increase to some of Respondent's employees . By letter dated September 14 Respon- dent wrote to the Union that it was confirming a prior telephone discussion on September 12 relat- ing to Respondent 's desire to grant merit wage in- creases to certain of its employees , during which discussion the Union indicated that it would not ob- ject thereto, provided that, if the Union had any questions concerning such increases, the parties "would discuss the same at a later date." The letter then advised the Union that, "in view of our un- derstanding," certain employees would receive merit wage increases effective during the payroll period ending September 14. By answering letter of September 27 the Union requested a meeting to discuss the merit wage increases and the conditions for granting same by Respondent; it denied indicat- ing to Respondent that it had no objections to the granting of merit wage increases, and added that, upon being advised that Respondent was going to grant the increases, the Union's response was that it would not prevent such action, but that it did want to meet and discuss the matter if increases were granted. After an intervening telephone conversa- tion, Respondent arranged for a conference room at the local office of the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service for the purpose of discussing the merit wage increases granted earlier that month. Respondent confirmed this by letter dated September 28 to the Union and, by way of answer to the Union's letter dated September 27, rejected as completely without foundation the Union's posi- tion that the Union did not indicate to Respondent that it had no objections to Respondent's granting the September merit wage increases. The aforementioned final meeting , the 14th between the parties, occurred on September 29 in the presence of a Federal mediator. At this meet- ing, the Union inquired as to the names of the em- ployees who had received the merit wage increases, the amount received, the date of their prior merit wage increase, and the date of their hire in relation to May 4 the date the strike began. In addition, the Union requested information as to all merit wage increases granted by Respondent since 1964. In response to a question from the Union at the meet- ing as to the contemplated frequency of merit in- creases, Bambace replied that such increases could be granted at any time Mr. Rich saw fit. There is also evidence that the Union pointed out that the national minimum wage was going to be changed to possibly $1.40 per hour and asked whether Respon- dent's current wage offer of $1.35, which was 10 cents above the existing minimum wage, would cor- respondingly become $1.50. Although Bambace agreed to check this with Mr. Rich and supply the information, nothing has come forth thereon. There have been no further meetings between the parties. The information promised by Respondent at the September 29 meeting was received by the Union on October 19. The correspondence in this connec- tion reveals that Respondent was still insisting that the Union had agreed with it that it could grant merit increases to its employees in September while the Union was disavowing any such agreement as to any merit wage increases at any time. It also reveals expressions by both Respondent and the Union of a " As I have heretofore found , the new section to article XVIII did list 10 factors and a grievance procedure 592 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD willingness to meet at any reasonable time concern- ing merit wage increases and other unresolved is- sues between the parties. E. The Allegations of the Complaint Herein and Conclusions Thereon 1. The appropriate unit The complaint alleges, and Respondent admits, and I find that all production and maintenance em- ployees at its Houston , Texas, plant , including truckdrivers , shipping and receiving clerks, dispatcher (J. P. Parten), plant clericals (Lewis Atlas and Michael Gonzalez), and janitors, and ex- cluding all office clerical employees, professional employees , guards, watchmen , and supervisors as defined in the Act, constitute a unit appropriate for the purposes of collective bargaining within the meaning of Section 9(b) of the Act. 2. The majority status Respondent admits that the Union was certified by the Regional Director for Region 23 on December 28, 1965, after a secret ballot election, as the exclusive bargaining representative of all the employees in the above appropriate unit. As the events herein occurred during the certification year and as the presumption of continuance of majority during the certification year is irrebuttable in the absence of unusual circumstances , not shown here,'s I find that , at all times material herein, the Union represented a majority of the employees in the aforesaid unit. 3. The alleged refusal to bargain in bad faith The General Counsel concedes that , under the authority of N.L.R.B. v. American National In- surance Company, 343 U. S. 395, an employer's in- sistence on a management rights provision is not per se an unfair labor practice , although mandatory subjects of bargaining are involved , and the test is whether the employer observed the good -faith bar- gaining principles of the Act in bargaining concern- ing such subjects . He contends, in effect, that Respondent failed to bargain in good faith in that it not only insisted , to what it mechanistically called an impasse , on the unilateral right to award merit wage increases that would set the prevailing wage pattern in the plant because of the relatively small across-the -board wage increases offered to the Union , but also denied the Union any effective role in the matter of merit wages by rejecting the Union 's request to make the disputes arising out of the operation of the merit wage increase system subject to the grievance procedure which included arbitration, or in the alternative that the Union have the right to strike. Stated more generally, the General Counsel contends that Respondent acted inconsistently with the good-faith bargaining princi- ples of the Act by "approach[ing] the bargaining table with a predetermined resolve not to budge from its initial position of determining merit wage increases unilaterally ." Respondent , in turn , denies that it failed to bargain in good faith concerning merit wage increases. It admits, in effect, that throughout the bargaining it maintained the right to grant merit wage increases . However, it points out, in justification thereof, that it has been observing a practice of granting such increases to employees for many years and further that it was willing to afford an employee or the Union the right to grieve but not to go to arbitration, that it was not required under the Act and applicable law to submit to ar- bitration in such matters, and further that its in- sistence on forteiture of the right to strike as to merit wage increases while refusing an arbitration clause is not under the cases violative of Section 8(a)(5) of the Act. And it contends still further that it did bargain in good faith concerning all mat- ters , making concessions , and changing positions on merit wage increases and on wages. The bargaining obligation which Section 8(d) of the Act imposes mutually upon employers and em- ployee representatives is that they "meet at reasonable times and confer in good faith with respect to wages, hours, and other terms and condi- tions of employment, or the negotiation of an agreement. . . ." It is true, as Respondent contends, that the section further provides that the obligation to bargain "does not compel either party to agree to a proposal or require the making of a conces- sion." However, this does not excuse any party from the requirement therein to bargain in good faith. Good faith or the want of it is concerned es- sentially with a state of mind; i.e., did the parties meet with a serious intent to adjust their differences and reach acceptable ground? And a determination thereof must be based on reasonable inference drawn from the circumstances of the case as to mo- tive or state of mind of the party involved. It is clear from the bargaining developments, set forth in detail in section III, C, and III, D, above, that, at the end of the March 31 negotiations, the 12th meeting between the parties during a period of about 10 weeks, the parties were in disagreement as to wages , merit wage increases , and checkoff, referred to in the record as the "gut" issues. Re- gardless of other concessions, neither party would retreat from his prior position on these issues. On the subject of wages, Respondent was offering a general wage increase of 3.2 percent or a minimum of 5 cents an hour, annually during a 3-year con- tract and insisting on reserving to itself the uni- lateral right to grant merit wage increases ; agreeing, however, to be governed by 10 factors, such as production quality, production quantity, etc., in 11 See Rau Brw)ASv NLRB ,348US 96 PHIL RICH FAN MFG. CO. making such grants and to limit an employee to one merit wage increase a year and to allow employees to grieve about merit wage increases , but without the right of employees to resort to arbitration or, in the alternative , to strike concerning the matter. In regard to Respondent 's position on wages, the General Counsel contends that the general wage in- crease proposed by Respondent was a token in- crease , while its companion proposal of a merit wage increase system was to constitute the actual wage structure of the plant. I note, in this connec- tion, that the 3.2-percent annual general wage in- crease which Respondent was then proposing con- formed to the wage guideposts of the President's Council of Economic Advisers. Furthermore, it would be sheer speculation to assume that by con- tinuing to reserve the right to extend merit wage in- creases the ensuing wage level would be based primarily on merit wage increases , dwarfing into in- significance the across-the-board 3.2-percent general wage increase . Accordingly, I am not per- suaded on this record that the general wage in- crease proposed by Respondent at the time was a token increase . Nor can I draw any inference ad- verse to Respondent because the general wage in- crease which Respondent offered would have netted employees less than what they had received via merit wage increases in the past, when Respon- dent 's entire wage system was based on merit wage increases . For, so far as appears , Respondent did bargain about wages during most of the 12 bargain- ing sessions which spanned a 10-week period, mak- ing several proposals ranging from a 2-percent to a 3.2-percent across-the -board wage increase , albeit it was unable to reach agreement with the Union which was seeking a much larger increase than Respondent was willing to pay. And the fact that they failed to reach common ground on the general increases is, in itself , not controlling on this issue, so long as Respondent was seeking to do so in good faith . In this connection , the Board has held that since "the Act does not require formal agreement or the grant of concessions the parties may reach an impasse which does not reflect on the good faith of the bargaining ."'" "Not capitulation but bona National Maritime Union of America, 78 NLRB 971, 981 NLRB v Maver, 196 F 2d 286 , 290 (C A 5) " See Taft Broadcasting Co , 163 NLRB 475. Prix for and Gamble Mfg Co , 160 NLRB 334, Engineering & Mfg Co. 151 NLRB 1441 , 1446, 1447, and Phillip Carei Manufacturing Co . 140 N LRB 1103. 1104-5 '" See J H Allison & Compans, 70 NLRB 377, enfd 165 F 2d 766 (C A 6), cert . denied 335 U S. 814, where the Board held that merit increases are an integral part of the wage structure and, as such , are the proper sub- ject of collective bargaining This position was thereafter endorsed by the Supreme Court in Benne Katz, dlb/a Williamsburg Steel Products Company, 369 U S 736. "' Respondent was insisting on having a no-strike , no-lockout clause in the contract i' See Atlantic Research Corporation, Desomatic Products Divnion, 144 NLRB 285, holding that . " Specifically , the [employer 's] insistence on reserving to itself as a management prerogative the right to grant individual merit increases was not in derogation of its bargaining obligation " There, 593 fide effort is the criterion ."" Nor is " hard bargain- ing," as such , tantamount to a refusal to bargain." Insofar as the bargaining concerning merit wage increases is concerned, it is not here contended by Respondent that merit wage increases are not a bargainable issue .'9 And it is clear that bargaining did take place on this subject . Thus, as already pointed out , in the course of bargaining , Respon- dent was prepared to agree on the factors to be util- ized in determining recipients of such increases, in the frequency with which they were to occur, and on making available a grievance procedure to any aggrieved employee and the Union. While Respon- dent at first discussed and then refused to agree to a grading or point system for determining recipients , and also refused to agree to allow any grievance respecting merit wage increases to be taken to arbitration , or in the alternative to allow resort to strike action thereon ,'" I perceive no ele- ment of bad faith in its understandable and not un- reasonable desire to be free to reward capable and efficient employees over and above the general wage increase offered the Union on an across-the- board basis . 21 Significant , too, in appraising Respondent's bargaining role is the fact that it was bargaining on merit wage increases in the face of an ambivalent position by the Union thereon. Thus, the Union was demanding a much larger general wage increase than Respondent would offer, and was stating at the same time , in effect, that if Respondent would agree to a large enough in- crease , it would allow Respondent to do what it pleased about merit wage increases ; otherwise, it would insist upon limiting Respondent in granting merit wage increases not only through the factors proposed by Respondent for determining recipients, but also through a point or grading system , and a grievance procedure including ar- bitration or, in the alternative , the right to strike. It is patent that basic to the two alternatives proposed by the Union on merit wage increases was the size of the general wage increase. In consequence, it would appear , and I find , that bargaining foundered on the matter of wages primarily because the parties could not agree on the size of a general as here, the employer had offered an arbitration procedure covering other subjects but refused to extend the arbitration provision to merit wage in- creases While it is true that the employer there did offer to make an excep- tion to its stand on such arbitration , in cases involving discrimination for personal or union reasons , it would appear that the above quoted language would also preclude a finding of bad faith based solely on the insistence by an employer on the broadest ban on arbitration of merit wage increases, and on precluding the right to strike thereon In any event, the employer's above concessions on matters involving discrimination for union connected reasons was minimal in nature, because such discrimination is banned by operation of law And further , since Respondent was urging inclusion in the contract of a no-strike , no-lockout clause and since the Act does not preclude an employer from bargaining for such a clause (see N L R B v American National Insurance Conipanv, supra), Respondent's unwillingness to accept ment wage increases from the general ban on striking, does not, under the circumstances (e g , its willingness to circumscribe the granting of merit wage increases on the basis of prescribed factors, fixed frequency, etc ), establish lack of good faith 594 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD wage increase . I find further that , as of March 31, good-faith bargaining had not resolved the matter of wages, including merit wage increases , and there were no definite plans for further efforts to break the deadlock , and hence an impasse existed on these matters.22 To sum up all the foregoing, I find that (1) Respondent 's position on a general wage increase, apart from its position on merit wa*e increases, is not indicative of bad faith bargaining; (2) the Union took an ambivalent position in respect to merit wage increases making basic to both its proposals on merit wage increases the size of the general wage increase, an issue as to which Respon- dent did not bargain in bad faith; (3) Respondent's insistence that it be free to reward capable and effi- cient employees over and above the general wage increase on an across-the -board basis , is not per se unreasonable ; ( 4) Respondent did bargain about merit wage increases making some concessions, and to the extent that it opposed a point and grading system , and refused to agree that grievances on merit wage increases go to arbitration or, in the al- ternative, that employees may strike concerning this issue , Respondent 's bargaining position is not under the circumstances vulnerable on bad-faith grounds; and (5) it does not appear, nor is it con- tended, that Respondent bargained in bad faith on any other bargaining issues . In these circumstances, and in the absence of any other findings of unfair labor practices herein, I am unable to infer, and find, that Respondent bargained to impasse in bad faith on any aspect of the mandatory subject of wages, including merit wage increases. At most, Respondent's attitude on this issue was one of hard bargaining , which the Act does not forbid. Were this a case in which Respondent had refused to grant any general increase or where the general in- crease offered was a token increase , Respondent's conduct might arguably have been vulnerable.23 Absent such a situation, I know of no authority in Board or court law, and none has been called to my attention, which would warrant finding Respon- dent 's position on merit wage increases in the cir- cumstances of this case vulnerable under Section 8(a)(5) of the Act. There remains for consideration whether Respondent violated Section 8(a)(5) of the Act by its unilateral action in June and September 1966, during the strike , of granting individual merit wage increases to a substantial number of employees.24 With respect to the June increase, the record shows that Respondent notified the Union that it was con- templating giving merit wage increases and was See American Shipbuilding Ca v N L R B, 380 U S 300 See "M" Si stem, /ne , 129 NLRB 527, Duo Fitting, 130 NLRB 653 21 As already indicated , Respondent also granted merit wage increases to employees in February At that time , Respondent discussed the matter with the Union and the latter not only concurred in the grants to the employees selected by Respondent, but also persuaded Respondent to grant such in- creases to additional employees Since the Union concurred in the merit wage increases which Respondent proposed and negotiated such increases ready and willing to negotiate concerning them, and that when the parties met with the Federal mediator on June 1 the Union was unwilling to discuss merit wage increases because of Respon- dent 's statement at the meeting that it was adhering to its prior position on all unsettled issues, including the merit wage increase system. At that time, the Union had made a new proposal of a general wage increase which would have exceeded, during the first year of a 3-year contract period, its general wage increase proposal which was pending at the time of the bargaining impasse. Whereupon, Respondent, inter alia, advised the Union that it would put the contemplated merit wage increases into effect. Since the parties had theretofore bar- gained to a bona fide impasse on wages , including the merit wage increase system , since Respondent had there proposed making such increases at 3- month intervals and was not acting inconsistently with its prior practice in contemplating granting merit wage increases at this time ; and since the Union refused to negotiate thereon , although Respondent urged it to do so , I find that Respon- dent has not, by such grants, refused to accord the Union the bargaining status which the Act vests in the majority representative. With respect to the September merit wage in- creases, the record shows that Respondent commu- nicated by telephone with the Union on September 12 indicating that it was contemplating putting into effect another merit wage increase for the payroll period ending September 14 and that, at the meet- ing with the Federal mediator on September 29, the Union sought information as to the merit wage in- crease action already taken. While Respondent in- troduced into evidence a letter dated September 14 from Bambace, Respondent 's representative, to Crump, the Union's representative, which refers to this telephone conversation and asserts that Crump then acquiesced in such unilateral action , subject only to discussion thereafter , I am unable to find on the basis of this self-serving document that Crump did acquiesce, particularly because of Crump's an- swering letter of September 27 denying such acquiescence.25 However, because of the continu- ing bargaining impasse on wages , including the merit wage increase system; because Respondent was not acting inconsistently with its past practice or its proposal to the Union in contemplating other merit wage increases within 3 months of the prior increase , and also because the Union's un- willingness to discuss the June merit wage increase rendered futile any such overtures by Respondent in connection with the September increase, I find, for other employees , I find that the allegations of the complaint in this respect have not been sustained " I attach no significance adverse to the Union because of the fact that there was almost a 2-week interval between Bambace's letter and Crump's reply It would appear that an answer by return mail would not have altered the situation, as the date of Bambace 's letter coincided with the close of the payroll period during which Respondent contemplated making these in- creases effective PHIL RICH FAN MFG. CO. 595 here too , that Respondent did not , by such grants, refuse to accord the Union the bargaining status which the Act vests in the majority representative. In sum , I conclude , and find , that Respondent did not violate the good -faith bargaining requirements of Section 8(a)(5) and ( 1) of the Act by granting merit wage increases to employees during Febru- ary, June , and September, 1966. 4. The nature of the strike As I have found that Respondent did not refuse to bargain in violation of the Act before the strike, which was called on May 4, 1966 , because of the failure to reach a collective -bargaining agreement, I find that the strike was an economic strike at its in- ception . And since the unilateral merit wage in- crease action taken by Respondent in June and September , during the course of the strike, also did not, as found above, constitute an unfair labor practice , such unilateral action did not effect a con- version of the economic strike into an unfair labor practice strike . 28 Accordingly , I find lacking in merit the General Counsel 's contention that the strike began and/or was prolonged by Respondent's unfair labor practices and was therefore from its in- ception , or thereafter , an unfair labor practice strike. Upon the basis of the entire record, I make the following: together constitute a single employer, engaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. 2. The Union is a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. 3. The following employees of Respondent at its Houston , Texas, plant constitute a unit appropriate for the purposes of collective bargaining within the meaning of Section 9(b) of the Act: All production and maintenance employees, including truckdrivers , shipping and receiving clerks, dispatcher (J. P. Parten), plant clericals (Lewis, Atlas, and Michael Gonzalez), and janitors and excluding all office clerical em- ployees, professional employees, guards, watchmen, and supervisors as defined in the Act. 4. At all times since December 28, 1965, the Union has been, and now is, the exclusive represen- tative of all the employees in the unit described in paragraph 3, above, for the purposes of collective bargaining within the meaning of Section 9(a) of the Act. 5. Respondent has not refused to bargain collec- tively with the Union as the exclusive representa- tive of the employees in the above-appropriate unit in violation of Section 8(a)(5) and (1) of the Act. RECOMMENDED ORDER CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1. Rich , Ventco, and Williams , herein together called Respondent , are each employers, and t° Although there is testimony by Crump that, during the June meeting, he offered to return all the strikers to work, the matter was not fully litigated herein and the ciaimed refusal of Respondent to offer the strikers Upon the basis of the above findings of fact and conclusions of law, and upon the entire record in the case, it is recommended that the complaint herein be dismissed. reinstatement is not alleged to be violative of Section 8(a)(3) and (I) of the Act 353-177 0 - 72 - 39 Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation