Phelps Dodge Corp.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsMar 23, 194560 N.L.R.B. 1431 (N.L.R.B. 1945) Copy Citation In the Matter-of PHELPS DODGE CORPORATION and MILL AND SMELTER WORKERS UNION No. 22893, AFL In the Matter Of PHELPS DODGE CORPORATION and BROTHERHOOD OF RAILWAY CARMEN LODGE No. 432, AFL In the Matter Of PHELPS DODGE CORPORATION and BRICKLAYERS, MASONS, AND PLASTERERS INTERNATIONAL UNION OF AMERICA, LOCAL No. 3, of ARIZONA, AFL In the Matter Of PHELPS DODGE CORPORATION and UNITED ASSOCIATION OF JOURNEYMEN PLUMBERS, AND STEAM FITTERS OF THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA, LOCAL 679, AFL In the Matter Of PHELPS DODGE CORPORATION and INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD OF TEAMSTERS, CHAUFFEURS AND HELPERS OF AMERICA, LOCAL No. 310, AFL In the Matter of PHELPS DODGE CORPORATION and INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD OF BLACKSMITHS, DROP FORGERS AND HELPERS, LOCAL UNION No. 621, AFL In the Matter of. PHELPS DODGE CORPORATION and UNITED BROTHER- HOOD OF CARPENTERS AND JOINERS OF AMERICA, LOCAL UNION No. 221, AFL In the Matter Of PHELPS DODGE CORPORATION and INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF MACHINISTS, LODGE 1132, AFL In the Matter of PHELPS DODGE CORPORATION and INTERNATIONAL UNION OF OPERATING E NGINEERS , LOCAL 428, AFL In the Matter of PHELPS DODGE CORPORATION and INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD OF BOILERMAKERS , IRON SHIP BUILDERS , AND HELPERS OF AMERICA, LOCAL No. 506, AFL - In the Matter Of PHELPS DODGE CORPORATION and MINE, MILL AND SMELTER WORKERS UNION No. 22852, AFL In the Matter Of PHELPS DODGE CORPORATION and INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD OF ELECTRICAL WORKERS, LOCAL UNION No. B-1254, AFL Cases Nos. 01-R-2407 through 21-R-2418 , respectively .Decided March 0,3, 1945 80 N. L . R. B., No. 249. 1431 1432 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Mr. Maurice J. Nicoson, for the Board. Mr. Frank Ryley, of Phoenix,,Ariz., Mr. C. R. Kuzell, of Douglas, Ariz., and Mr. G. C. Davis, of Morenci, Ariz., for the Company. Mr. Arthur Garrett, of Los Angeles, -Calif., Mr. Paul M. Peterson, of Phoenix, Ariz., and Mr. Pablo Avalos, of Miami, Ariz., for the AFL. Mr. E. R. White, of Los Angeles, Calif., for the IAM. Mr. Alfred Shackelford, of Phoenix, Ariz., for the IBEW. Mr. John Murray, of Santa Monica, Calif., for the Carpenters. Mr. W. D. Taylor, of Chicago, Ill., for the Metal Trades Department, American Federation of Labor. Mr. Charles Coffee, of Phoenix, Ariz., for the Arizona State Federa- tion of Labor. . Mr. John C. Fitzgerald, of Los Angeles, Calif., and Mr. W. A. Gray, of Phoenix, Ariz., for the Operating Engineers. Mr. Cotton Murray, of Phoenix, Ariz., for the Boilermakers. Mr. Charles A. Cooper, of Albuquerque, N. Mex., for the Plumbers. Mr. George W. Kuykendall, of Los Angeles, Calif., for the Black- smiths. Mr. Orville Larson, of Globe, Ariz., Mr. Arthur Ashby, of Morenci, Ariz., Mr. Verne Curtis, of Silver City, N. Mex., Mr. Henry K. Holt, of Morenci, Ariz., and Mr. Willard Y. Morris, of Denver, Colo., for the C. I. ,O. Mr. A. Sunwner Lawrence, of counsel to the Board. DECISION DIRECTION OF ELECTIONS AND ORDER STATEMENT OF THE CASE Upon petitions duly filed by Mill and Smelter Workers Union No. 22893, AFL, herein called Federal Union 22893; by Brotherhood of Railway Carmeni Lodge No. 432, AFL, herein called the Carmen; by Bricklayers, Masons and Plasterers International Union of America, Local No. 3, of Arizona, AFL, herein called the Bricklayers; by United Association of Journeymen.Plumbers and Steam Fitters of the United States and Canada, Local 679, AFL, herein called the Plumbers; by International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs and Helpers of America, Local No. 310, AFL, herein called the Teamsters; by In- ternational Brotherhood of Blacksmiths, Drop Forgers and Helpers, Local Union No. 621, AFL, herein called the Blacksmiths; by Interna- tional Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America, Local Union No. 221, AFL, herein called the Carpenters; by International Asso- PHELPS DODGE CORPORATION 1433 ciation of Machinists, Lodge 1132, AFL, herein called the Machinists; by International Union of Operating Engineers, Local 428, AFL, ' herein called the Operating Engineers; by International Brother- hood of Boilermakers, Iron Ship Builders and Helpers of America, Local No., 506, AFL, herein called the Boilermakers; by Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers Union No. 22852, AFL, herein called Federal Union 228529; and by International Brotherhood of. Electrical Work- ers, Local Union No. B-1254, herein called the Electrical Workers, alleging that questions affecting commerce had arisen concerning the representation of employees of Phelps Dodge Corporation, Morenci, Arizona, herein called the Company, the National Labor Relations Board provided for an appropriate consolidated hearing upon due notice before Earl S. Bellman, Trial Examiner. Said hearing was held at Phoenix, Arizona, between October 17 and 28, 1944. The Company, all petitioning unions,' and International Union of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers, Local 616, CIO, herein called the CIO, appeared, participated, and were afforded full opportunity to be heard, to examine and cross-examine witnesses, and t6 introduce evidence bearing on the issues. The Trial Examiner's rulings made at the hearing'are free from prejudicial error and are hereby affirmed. The CIO's motion to dismiss is denied for reasons hereinafter stated. All parties were afforded an opportunity to present oral argument and to file briefs with the Board. Upon the entire record in the case, the Board makes the following : FINDINGS or FACT 1. TILE BUSINESS OF T11E COMPANY Phelps Dodge Corporation is a New York corporation engaged in the ruining, milling, and smelting of copper in Arizona, New Mex- ico, and Mexico. The instant proceeding is concerned solely with the operations of the Company's Morenci branch at Morenci, Arizona, where the Company employs approximately 1,812 employees and is engaged in the business of mining, milling, and smelting copper ore, including the operation of an open pit copper mine, together with a smelter for the reduction of the ore taken therefrom. During the year 1943,' approximately 10,000,000 tons of ore were mined by the Company at the Morenci branch of the `Company, all of which was shipped to points outside the State of Arizona, after going through, a smelting process. ' At the hearing, the Carmen moved to withdraw its petition from the present proceed- ings. We hereby grant the motion and shall, accordingly, direct that the petition be dismissed. 1434 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD The Company admits that, its operations at the Morenci branch; affect commerce within the meaning of the National Labor Relations Act. II. THE ORGANIZATIONS INVOLVED Mill and Smelter Workers Union No.. -92893; Brotherhood of Rail- way Carmen, Lodge No. 432; Bricklayers, Masons and Plasterers In- ternational Union' of America, Local No. 3, of Arizona; International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs and Helpers of America, Lo- cal No. 310, United Association of Journeymen Plumbers and Steam Fitters of the United States and Canada, Local 679; International Brotherhood of Blacksmiths, Drop Forgers and Helpers, Local Union No. 621; United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America, Local Union No. 221; International Association of Machinists, Lodge 1132; International Union of Operating Engineers, Local 428; Inter- national Brotherhood of Boilermakers, Iron Ship Builders, and Help- ers of America, Local No. 506; Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers Union No.'22852; and International Brotherhood of Electrical Work- ers, Local No. B-1254 are labor organizations affiliated with the Amer- ican Federation of Labor, admitting to membership employees of the Company, and are sometimes collectively called herein the AFL unions. International Union of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers Local 616, is a labor organization affiliated with the Congress of Industrial Or- ganizations , admitting to membership employees of the Company. III. THE QUESTION CONCERNING REPRESENTATION -On June 19, 1944, a majority of the AFL unions herein concerned filed petitions for investigation and certification of representatives, claiming crafts units among the Company's employees at its Morenci branch. The Company, which had been negotiating a contract with the CIO following a certification issued by the Board on May 1, 1943, declined to recognize any of the AFL unions in any of the claimed units, pending a determination by the Board. - The CIO contends that the petitions should be dismissed upon the ground that the units sought are inappropriate and also upon the ground that tkree of the peti- tioning unions have not,made any showing of interest in the units. claimed by them to be appropriate.2 However, since the latter con- tention affects only the proceedings-in which such organizations are 2 As ground for its motion to dismiss , the CIO urges the doctrine announced by the Board in Matter of Allis- Chalmers Manufacturing Company, 50 N. L. R B. 306, as a bar to the present proceedings . However, we are of the- opinion that the facts in the instant proceedings are readily distinguishable from those in the Allis - Chalmers case See Matter of Regina Corporation , 57 N. L. R B. 4 , Matter of Great Lakes Carbon Corporation,. 57 N. L. It. B. 17; Matter of American Car t Foundry Company ( Chicago Plant), 60 N. L It. B 735. PHELPS DODGE CORPORATION 1435 petitioners ,3 we find that this circumstance does not constitute a bar to the proceedings as a whole. A statement of -a Field Examiner of the Board , introduced into evi- dence at the hearing, indicates that the Bricklayers , the Teamsters, the Blacksmiths , the Carpenters , the Machinists , the Operating Engi- neers, the Boilermakers, and the Electrical Workers, each represents a substantial number of employees , within the unit each claims to be appropriate.' We find that questions affecting commerce have arisen concerning the representation of employees ' of the Company , within the meaning of Section 9 (c) and Section 2 (6) and ( 7) of the Act. - 11'. THE APPROPRIATE UNIT; THE DETERMINATION OF REPRESENTATIVES - A. Contentions of the parties Each of the AFL unions, with the exception of Federal Local 22893, and Federal Local 22852, seeks a bargaining unit composed of skilled employees throughout the Company's Morenci operations, engaged in occupations bringing them within the craft jurisdiction of such unions., Federal Local 22893 and Federal Local 22852 seek residual mine and smelter units of employees not included in the units sought by the other AFL -unions. The Company proposed the creation of approximately 25 units based partly upon craft distinctions and partly upon the element of common supervision within the Company's de- partmental organization. The CIO, on the other hand, denies the ap- propriateness of the units sought by the Company and the AFL unions 'The right of such organizations to participate in the elections hereinafter directed is considered in Section IV herein 4 The report of the Field Examiner as supplemented by that of the Trial Examiner shows that the Machinists submitted 249 cards , of which 89 bore names found on the pay roll within the claimed appropriate unit containing 251 employees ; that the Operating Engi- neers submitted 544 cards , of which 110 bore names found on the pay roll in the claimed appropriate unit containing 187 employees ; that the Carpenters submitted 72 cards, of which 39 bore names found on the pay roll in the claimed appropriate unit containing 48 employees , that the Blacksmiths submitted 18 cards, of which 12 bore names found on the pay roll in the claimed appropriate unit containing 17 employees ; that the Teamsters submitted 27 cards , of which 15 bore names found on the pay roll in the claimed appro- priate unit containing 87 employees ; that the Bricklayers submitted 13 cards , 9 of which bore names found on the pay roll in the claimed appropriate unit containing 9 employees ; that Federal Union 22893 submitted 291 cards , of which 65 bore names found on the pay roll in the claimed appropriate unit containing 336 employees ; that the Boilermakers sub- mitted 162 cards, of which 40 bore names found on the pay roll in the claimed appropriate unit containing 63 employees ; that the Electrical workers submitted 153 cards , of which 85 bore names found on the pay roll in the claimed appropriate unit containing 117 em- ployees, that the Carmen submitted no cards evidencing representation in the claimed appropriate unit containing 22 employees , that the Plumbers submitted no cards evi- dencing representation in the claimed appropriate unit containing 37 employees ; that Fed- eral Union 22852 ' submitted certain cards of which 7 bore names found on the pay roll in the claimed appropriate unit of 282 employees . The Field Examiner further reported evidence of substantial representation submitted by the CIO with respect to each of the units claimed appropriate by the AFL unions. 1436 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD and insists that an industrial unit is appropriate embracing all pro- duction and maintenance employees throughout the Morenci opera- tions, with certain exceptions. In support of its position, the CIO relies upon an earlier decision of the Board wherein the Board found appropriate a single uiiit covering all Ooduction and maintenance employees with specified exclusions, in the mining, milling, and smelt- ing operations at the Morenci branch herein concerned.5 The precise issue in the present instance is whether,, on the basis of the present record and reappraisal of the Company's bargaining history, the craft units sought by the individual AFL unions may now be found appro- priate for the purposes of collective bargaining. In the prior proceeding involving the Morenci plant, it appeared that the AFL unions, acting through a common representative, the Metal Trades Department of the American Federation of Labor, had entered into a single collective bargaining agreement with the Com- pany covering the entire operations of the Morenci branch. As a result thereof, the Board found in opposition to the claims to separate craft units advanced by the AFL unions, that the contract was entered into upon a plant-wide basis and, as such, in the light of bargaining history was determinative of the type of unit appropriate for the employees involved herein. An examination of the Company's bargaining history as disclosed both in the present record and in prior Board decisions involving operations of the Company similar to those concerned in the present proceedings, reveals that in 1937 the Company was confronted for the first time at its United Verde branch with the problem of dealing with craft labor organizations seeking to bargain collectively. On this oc- casion, the Company opposed the contentions of the craft organiza- tions and contended that there should be two division-wide units embracing all employees at the mine and smelter divisions, respec- tively, of the United Verde branch. Thereafter, notwithstanding a decision of the Board to the contrary,, the Company continued to urge its unit contentions in proceedings brought against the Company by "reason of the latter's refusal to bargain collectively with the craft unions certifiedby the Board as the result of elections held among the Company's employees at the United Verde branch.? Subsequently thereto, the Company, while acceding to the decision of the Board with respect to the appropriateness of craft units, inaugurated a policy, accepted by the craft labor organizations, of bargaining with See Matter of Phelps Dodge Corporation , 48 N. L R. B 489 ° See Matter of Phelps Dodge Corporation , United Verde Branch, 6 N . L. R. B 624 ' See Matter of Phelps Dodge Corporation, United Verde Branch, 15 N. L.-R. B. 732 ; N. L. R B. v . Phelps Dodge Corporation, C C A 2 ( Consent decree enforcing Board Order entered October 24, 1940) PHELPS DODGE CORPORATION 1437 such organizations through a common bargaining representative, i. e., the Metal Trades Council of the AFL .8 Pursuant to such policy, the Company on March 23, 1941, entered into a single uniform agreement with the craft labor organizations certified by the Board for the various craft units at the Company's United Verde branch. During the same year, following the Board's certification of craft unions at the Company's Copper Queen branch, Smelter Division,9 the recognition thus granted to the craft organ- izations at the United Verde branch was extended to the remaining three branches of the Company in this area, including the Morenci branch. On November 11, 1941, the Company and the craft labor organizations jointly with the Metal Trades Department, executed - substantially the same type of agreements 10 at each of the four branches covering all divisions of the Company's mining operations in this area, with one exception." All of the above agreements, other than that negotiated at Morenci, were signed by both the Metal Trades Department and the craft unions; at Morenci the Metal Trades, Department alone signed on behalf of its constituent craft unions. However, this discrepancy in the execution of the Morenci agreement does not warrant an in- ference that the separate interests of the craft organizations were not recognized by the parties to such agreement. Indeed, it would ap- pear that the contrary is clearly indicated, both by the language of the agreement itself and also by the conduct of the parties during the negotiations preceding the execution thereof. So far as the lan- guage of the a ;reement is concerned, the preamble refers specifically to the "Metal Trades Department as representing individually and collectively the craft organizations affiliated with the Metal Trades Department." The preamble further provides that "the following are the organizations which are parties to this agreement and are affiliated with the Morenci Trades Council" (followed by a list of the craft organizations herein concerned). As regards the conduct of While the craft organizations bargained through a common representative , we are of the opinion that no inference may be drawn therefrom , either that the negotiations were conducted upon the basis of a plant -wide unit or upon the basis of craft units , since such bargaining is equally consistent ' with bargaining upon either basis 0 See Matter of Phelps Dodge Corporation , Copper Queen Branch, Smelter Division, 36 N L 'R B 657 10 While the agreements at the United Verde and the Copper Queen branches , unlike the agreements negotiated at Morenci and New Cornelia without benefit of prior Board certifi- cations, describe the units therein with more particularity by reference to the certifications prenously issued by the Board , there is no essential difference between the terms of such agreements, all of which are apparently based upon the Company ' s obvious desire for uniformity in its bargaining relations throughout its operations. "The only portion of the Company ' s operations not covered by the November 11, 1941, agreements was the Mines Division of the Copper Queen branch , which division, however. was later covered by a similar agreement executed on July 17 , 1942 , following certification by the Board of various craft unions for this division of the Copper Queen branch. See Matter of Phelps Dodge Corporation , 42 N. L. R B 288. - 1438 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD the parties during the course of negotiations, the record discloses that, while the Metal Trades Council acted as the common bargaining representative of the AFL unions, such representation was based upon separate letters of authorization signed by local officers of the various craft organizations, authorizing the Metal Trades Council to act as their bargaining representative for the purposes of bargaining col- lectively with the Company, which letters of authorization had been requested by the Company prior to the commencement of negotiations with the Metal Trades Council. Moreover, that the discrepancy above noted warrants little significance becomes more clearly apparent by the fact that in July of 1942, prior to notice of the CIO's claim to representation, an amendment to the Morenci agreement was exe- cuted providing for individual signatures by the local representatives of the various craft organizations 'in addition to the signature of the Metal Trades Department, thus bringing the Morenci agreement into harmony with the remaining three branches of the Company. With respect to the contention of the CIO that agreements of this character of necessity establish an industrial bargaining history, the Board has had occasion to consider this contention in a ease arising subsequent to the Board's decision involving the Morenct branch and concerning employees of the Company's Copper Queen branch, Mines -Division 12 In that case, the issue for determination was the effect upon the interests of the various craft labor organizations. of single uniform agreements executed on November 11, 1942, and October 23, 1943, respectively, and covering under provisions similar to those in the uniform agreements previously mentioned, all the employees in- cluded within the several units claimed by such craft organizations. The Board,-adverting to the contention hereinabove noted, rejected the same in the following language : The UMW offered no evidence in support of its contention for an all-inclusive unit. It appears that the various previously cer- tified AFL unions and the AFL local here involved, annually have entered into a single contract with the Company covering all of the employees included in the several appropriate units. The UMW contends that this fact alone establishes an industrial bargaining history. We cannot agree. The provisions in the contracts and the testimony at the hearing indicate that although the craft unions negotiated jointly when contracts were executed, these contracts carefully preserved the respective interests of the various craft groups and the Company has considered its bar- gaining relations to be multi-craft in character. 12 See Matter of Phelps Dodge Corporation, Copper Queen Branch (Mines Division), 54 NLRB.1293. G PHELPS DODGE CORPORATION 1439 A comparison of the contracts referred to in the decision aforesaid, with the contract negotiated at Morenci reveals no differences which we deem substantial. While, as previously indicated, the Metal Trades Department alone signed the Morenci agreement on behalf of the craft labor organizations prior to the amendment of July 1942, it would appear that under the Morenci agreement the respective interests of the various craft organizations similarly have been pre- served and that the Company has likewise considered its bargaining relations at the Morenci branch to be multi-craft in character.13 The preservation of such craft interests is indicated not only by the lan- guage of the contract itself and the separate letters of authorization hereinabove mentioned, but also by the fact that in the handling of grievances the grievance committee of the Metal Trades Council was customarily attended by a spokesman for the craft union representing the individual employees concerned. Similarly, the recognition by the Company of the multi-craft character of its bargaining relations at the Morenci branch, is disclosed by the fact that the Company cus- tomarily enforced the closed-shop provision in the agreement upon notice from an individual craft union that an employee within its jurisdiction was no longer a member in good standing with such union. While in our previous decision involving the Company's Morenci branch we found that the history of collective bargaining was deter- minative of the type of unit appropriate for the employees herein con- cerned, the record on which we based our decision presented a history of collective bargaining which, because of its incompleteness, was am- biguous in character. Upon the present record and the further facts now before us, we believe that such ambiguity and uncertainty as existed in the former case with respect to the purpose of the parties in adopting the type of bargaining relied upon by the Board as establish- ing an industrial bargaining history, have been resolved. In view of the foregoing evidence indicating that the respective interests of the various craft unions have been maintained, both during the course of negotiations and subsequent thereto by the express provisions of the ;contract and in the administration thereof, we are of the opinion that the fact that the AFL unions entered into a single contract with the ,Company covering all employees in the claimed appropriate units, was not in itself such a derogation from craft lines as to constitute a history of collective bargaining inconsistent with the recognition of craft units 13 No Inference In derogation of the recognized craft Interests may, as urged in the dissenting opinion, be drawn from the fact that in the Morenci agreement the mechanical wage scale is based on company classifications rather than upon the usual craft distinc- tions, since similar mechanical wage scales appear in the agreements at all the other branches of the Company where it is undisputed that collective bargaining has been con- ducted in accordance with craft principles. C 1440 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD as requested by the AFL unions in the prior proceeding.- In express- ing this conclusion, we are not unaware of the different result reached in such prior proceeding. In this regard, it may be noted that the decision was made at a time when the policy of the Board with respect to the appropriateness of craft units in the copper mining industry had not been as clearly developed as it was later to appear in subsequent Board decisions wherein the Board, upon issue raised, invariably rec- ognized the appropriateness of craft units by ordering self -determina- tive elections with respect to the various craft'groups involved.15 In view of the foregoing, we find that the history-of collective bargaining did not, as the Board found in its prior decision, conclusively establish the propriety of a plant-wide unit at the Morenci operations 16 ' and that the craft employees should have been permitted an opportunity to express their representation desires in separate Board elections directed for the various craft groups.17 With respect to the subsequent period marked by the appearance of the CIO among the employees of the Compaiiy at its Morenci branch, it is evident that membership in the AFL unions continued despite the fact that the CIO was certified by the Board as the collective bargain- ing representative of all its production and maintenance employees at the Morenci branch. While the AFL unions have by necessity 14 See footnote 12, supra See also Matter of Shell Chemical Company, 4 N L R. B 259. 16 At the time of the former Morenci decision, the Board's policy with respect to craft units in the copper mining industry was undergoing revision as indicated by the fact that on May 19, 1943, subsequent to the Morenci decision, the Board duected self-determinative elections for craft groups employed in copper mining operations, thereby reversing an earlier decision involving the same Company and substantially the same group of craft unions whose petitions had previously been dismissed as seeking inappropriate units See Matter of Kenneeott Copper Company (Utah Copper Company), 49 N. L. R. B. 901.-'This policy was again reflected by the Board in subsequent decisions involving the copper industry. See Matter of Kennecott Copper Company (Nevada Mines Division), 51 N. L. R B 1140 ; Matter of Castle Dome Copper Co Inc, 52 N L R B 135. 10 The position taken in the dissenting opinion that certain pencil notations made by the Company's representative during the course of negotiations establish an intention to bargain upon a basis inconsistent with the recognition of craft units, is without logical support So far as the notations by the Company's representative are concerned, we are of the opinion that the pencil memorandum which refers to all "production and main- tenance employees," is equally consistent with an intention to define the scope of the proposed bargaining agreement as covering all of the craft groups which, taken as a whole, comprise all of the Company's "production and maintenance employees " 17 In the minority opinion much stress is laid upon the fact that in an earlier proceeding which resulted in this Board directing separate elections in Morenci in two craft units of railroad employees (40 N L. R B 180), both the Company and the A F L opposed the units sought by the Railroad Brotherhoods on the ground that the A F of L contract for the Morenci operations was plant-wide Even assuming that this Board can consider aspects of that case, which, because of differences in parties and issues, would normally be inadmissible under the rules of eiidence, this circumstance is not conclusive of the present issue The Board in that case rejected the contention that the A F. of L contract covered all the operations of the plant, directing elections in separate craft units in accordance with the request of the petitioners. Implicit in this decision, was the view that the A F. of L. contract covered the aggregation of the occupations represented by the constituent crafts of the Metal Trades Council Therefore conceding inconsistency on the pat of the A. F L , it would be equally inconsistent for this Board now to give its contract a scope which in the railroad ease it refused to recognize. PHELPS DODGE CORPORATION 1441 acquiesced in the status of the CIO as the exclusive bargaining repre- sentative following its certification by the Board, the record does not indicate that such acquiescence has destroyed the identity of the AFL unions as labor organizations among the Company's Morenci em- ployees, but on the contrary, demonstrates that the AFL unions remain both active and recognizable craft organizations among the Com- pany's employees. Accordingly, we are of the opinion that the his- tory of collective bargaining at the Morenci branch of the Company subsequent to the appearance of the CIO, is not inconsistent with the recognition of separate craft units as appropriate for the purposes of collective bargaining.18 Our opinion in this respect is further sup- ported by the fact that the evolution of collective bargaining in the copper mining industry has resulted in the recognition of the appro- priateness of craft Iinits, not only at all of the other operations of the Company within the same broad geographical area but at all the open pit operations of any appreciable size within the, copper mining indus- try, which operations differ in substantial respects from underground mining operations.- Absent a determinative history of collective bargaining and depend- ent in part upon the desires of the employees themselves, the Board has customarily held that employees such as these in the groups sought herein by the AFL unions may constitute appropriate bargaining units.L" On the other hand, in the interest of maintaining stability relative to conditions surrounding collective bargaining, the Board has been reluctant to disturb a plant-wide bargaining unit where the history of collective bargaining has demonstrated the effectiveness of such a unit; "1 and it gives great weight to its prior determination of the appropriate unit made after a full hearing in which all interested parties participated. However, having reexamined our prior deci- sion, we are now of the opinion, as indicated above, that the AFL unions have not by their actions, either during the period covered by the uniform agreement with the Company, or the subsequent period in which the CIO has been the exclusive bargaining representative 18 The point urged in the dissenting opinion that the survival of defeated labor organi- zations is _a common phenomenon and does not require new unit determinations by the Board , is irrelevant to the opinion expressed above since such fact is not considered for the pun pose of establishing the need for a new unit determination , but simply as tending to indicate that the prior bargaining history presents no serious obstacle to the estab- lishment of craft units in the present proceeding. 20 See Matter of Kennecott Copper Company ( Nevada Consolidated Mines), 40 N L R. B. 986 ; Matter of Kennecott Copper Company ( Utah Copper Company ), 49 N L. R B 901 ; Matter of Kennecott Copper Company ( Nevada Consolidated Manes ), 51 N. L R. B 1140 20 See Matter of Kennecott Copper Company ( Nevada Consolidated Mines), 40 N L R. B- 986 21 See Matter of American Can Company, 13 N L. R B. 1252 ; Matter of Lima Locomotive Works, Incorporated, 58 N. L. R B . 160; Matter of Doehle Die Casting Company, 58 N. L R B 166 628563-45-vol 60--92 1442 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD of the Company 's Morenci employees, forfeited any right that they may have had to bargain separately for the employees within their respective craft jurisdictions . Furthermore , in view of the evidence in the record covering the nature of the negotiations and contractual relations between the Company, the CIO and the AFL unions, we are not persuaded that the history of collective bargaining has conclu- sively demonstrated that effective bargaining has been achieved and maintained on the basis of a plant -wide unit or that the circumstances in the case are such that our prior unit determination compels the dismissal of the present proceedings.22 From the foregoing , it appears that the employees in the units pro- posed by the craft organizations might properly constitute separate bargaining units or might be merged in the single plant-wide unit urged by the CIO. In this situation , we shall permit the scope of the bargaining unit or units to be determined , in part, by the results of separate elections which we shall hereinafter direct. B. The voting units There remains for consideration the specific composition of the vot- ing units. As previously noted, the various crafts, with the exception of the Operating Engineers, seek craft units coextensive with the Company's Morenci operations. The Operating Engineers, however, seeks two separate units of a semi-industrial type, covering employees of the mine and smelter, respectively. While the character of the units sought by the Operating Engineers is not strictly in accordance with craft principles, we are of the opinion that the type of unit here requested is consistent with that of similar units of engineering em- ployees found appropriate in the copper mining industry.23 On the other hand, we shall combine in one voting group the employees claimed by the Operating Engineers both at the mine and the smelter. As indicated above, the Plumbers have presented no evidence, and Federal Locals 22893 and 22852 have presented but little evidence of interest among the employees whom they claim to represent.' Accord- ingly, pursuant to our usual practice,24 we shall not accord the Plumb- ers a place on the ballot,and shall dismiss the petitions filed by all three labor organizations. However, in view of the substantial rep- resentation shown by the CIO with respect to the groups claimed by such organizations, we shall direct an election in a residual group comprising all employees claimed by the three AFL Unions herein- above mentioned. Since it appears that the Federal locals have some "See Matter of General Electric Company ( Lynn River Works and Everett Plant), 58 N L. R. B. 57; Matter of Davi8 t Farber Machine Company, 59 N. L. R. B 1328. 23 See Matter of Kennecott Copper Corporation, 50 N. L . R. B. 842; 55 N. L. R. B. 929. 24 See Matter of Chicago Flexible Shaft Company , CO N. L R. B. 848. PHELPS DODGE CORPORATION 1443 evidence of representation in such residual group, we shall accord thein a joint place on the ballot in the election hereinafter directed.25 - Upon the basis of the entire record and in accordance with the f ore- going findings of fact, we shall order elections among the employees of the Company at its Morenci branch within each of the groups listed below. There are excluded from each of such voting groups, all cler- ical, technical, and supervisory employees with authority to hire, pro- mote, discharge, discipline, or otherwise effect changes in the status of employees or effectively recommend such action. The respective voting groups shall be as follows : 1. All employees in the Repair Refractory Department, Smelter Division, in the classification of brickmason; 2. All employees throughout the Morenci operations in the classi- fications of truck driver, truck driver A, truck driver B, truck driver C, drilling and blasting supply truck helper, mine supply service man, repair supply truck helper, warehouseman, warehouse receiving clerk, and warehouse laborer; 3. All employees in the Drill Sharpener and Hammer Repairing Department, Open Pit Mining Division, in the classifications of black- smith 1st class, churn drill bit sharpener, churn drill bit repairmen, drill steel converter, air drill bit temperman, hot miller operator, churn drill bit temperman, churn drill bit sharpener helper; employees in the Boiler and Welding Shop Department, Open Pit Mining Division, in the classification of blacksmith 1st class; employees in the Black- smith Work Department of the Mechanical Division, in the classifica- tions of heavy fire blacksmith, blacksmith special, blacksmith or mechanic 1st class, blacksmith or mechanic 2nd class, apprentice black- smith, mechanic helper 1st class, mechanic helper 2nd class, mechanic helper 3rd class; and employees in the Underground Repair Depart- anent, Leaching and Precipitation Division, in the classification of repair mechanic C. 4. All employees in the Woodwork and Painting Operation, Me- chanical Division, in the classifications of mechanic or painter special, mechanic or painter 1st class, mechanic or painter 2nd class, mechanic or carpenter special, mechanic or carpenter 1st class, mechanic or car- penter 2nd class, repair mechanic B, carpenter helper-1st class, car- penter helper 2nd class, carpenter helper 3rd class, carpenter special, carpenter 1st class, carpenter 2nd class, repair carpenter B, and work- ing gang boss. 5. All employees in the Churn Drilling Department, Open Pit Min- ing Division, in the classifications of churn drill repairman, churn drill repair helper A, churn drill repair helper B; employees in the 26 In the event that the Federal locals do not desire to appear on the ballot jointly, we shall entertain a motion by one or both organizations , either to withdraw from the ballot or for leave to appear thereon as separate labor organizations. 1444 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Drill Sharpening and Hammer Repairing Department, Open Pit Mining Division, in the classifications of repair mechanic A, and jack- hammer repairman; employees in the Power Shovel Loading Depart- ment, Open Pit Mining Division, in the classifications of mechanic 1st class, repair mechanic A, repair mechanic B, repair mechanic C, helper 2nd class, helper 3rd class; employees in the Locomotive Re- pairing Department, Open Pit Mining Division, in the classifications of mechanic special, mechanic 1st class, repair mechanic A, repair mechanic B, repair mechanic C, mechanic helper 2nd class, mechanic helper 3rd class; employees in the Truck Repairing Department, Open Pit Mining Division, in the classifications of mechanic special, lubri- cating mechanic 1st class, tire repairman 1st class, mechanic 1st class, mechanic 2nd class, repair mechanic A; repair mechanic B, repair mechanic C, mechanic helper 2nd class, tire repair helper, mechanic helper 3rd class; employees in the Bulldozer Repairing Department, Open Pit Mining Division, in the classifications of mechanic special, mechanic 1st class, mechanic 2nd class, repair mechanic A, repair me- chanic B, repair mechanic C, mechanic helper 2nd class, mechanic helper 3rd class; employees in the Dump Car Repairing Department, Open Pit Mining Division, in the classifications of mechanic special, mechanic 1st class, repair mechanic A, repair mechanic B, repair me- chanic C, mechanic helper 2nd class, mechanic helper 3rd class; employ- ees in the Machine Shop Department, Open Pit Mining Division, in the classifications of mechanic special, mechanic 1st class, repair mechanic A, repair mechanic B, mechanic helper 1st class, mechanic helper 2nd class, mechanic helper 3rd class; employees in Supply Service and Other Departments, Open Pit Mining Division, in the classification of mechanic helper 2nd class; employees in the Crushing Department, Preparation of Ore Operation, Ore Dressing Division, in the classi- fications of repair mechanic A, repair mechanic B, crane operator, mechanic helper 1st class, mechanic helper 2nd class, mechanic helper 3rd class; employees in the Repairs Department, Concentrating Oper- ation, Ore Dressing Division, in the classifications of repair mechanic A, repair mechanic B, mill crane operator, mechanic helper 1st class,. mechanic helper 2nd class, mechanic helper 3rd class; employees in the Maintenance Department, Tailings Disposal Operation, Ore Dress- ing Division, in the classifications of repair mechanic A, repair me- chanic B, repair mechanic C, mechanic helper 1st class, mechanic helper 2nd class, mechanic helper 3rd class; employees in Repair Mechanical Department, Repair of Smelter Equipment Operation, Smelter Divi- sion, in the classifications of repair mechanic A, repair mechanic B, repair Mechanic C, repair helper 1st class, repair helper 2nd class, re- pair helper 3rd class; employees in Machine Work Department, Metal Working Operation, Mechanical Division, in the classifications of me- PHELPS DODGE CORPORATION _ 1445 chanic special , mechanic 1st class , mechanic 2nd class, apprentice ma- chinist, mechanic helper 1st class , mechanic helper 2nd class , mechanic helper 3rd class; employees in the Automobile Work Department, Metal Working Operation , Mechanical Division , in the classifications of mechanic 1st class, mechanic 2nd class, repair mechanic B, appren- tice automobile mechanic, mechanic helper 1st class , mechanic helper 2nd class , mechanic helper 3rd class; employees in Repairs and Miscel- laneous Service Department ; Metal Working Operation , Mechanical Division , in the classifications of mechanic 2nd class , repair mechanic A, repair mechanic B, mechanic helper 1st class, mechanic helper 2nd class, mechanic helper 3rd class ; employees in the Steam Power Plant Department , Production of Power Operation , Mechanical Division, in the classifications of mechanic 1st class , mechanic 2nd class , mechanic helper 1st class , mechanic helper 2nd class ; employees in the Diesel Power Plant Department , Production of Power Operation , Mechani- cal Division , in the classification of Diesel Repairman; and employees in the Precipitation Department , Precipitation Operation , Leaching and Precipitation Division , in the Classification of mechanic helper 2nd class; 6. All employees in the Churn Drilling Department , Open Pit Min- ing Division , in the classifications of churn drill operator , churn drill helper; employees in the Supplies Handling Department , Open Pit Mining Division , in the classification of bit locomotive operator; em- ployees in the Power Shovel Loading Department , Open Pit Mining Division , in the classifications of electric shovel operator , electric shovel oiler, pitman, 11/2 yard shovel operator , 1 yard shovel operator , Diesel shovel oiler ; ,employees in the Bulldozer Department , Open Pit Mining Division , in the classifications of bulldozer operator , and bulldozer helper; employees in the Maintenance of Way Department , Open Pit Mining Division , in the classifications of brown hoist operator, track shifter operator ; employees in the Crushing Department , Ore Dressing Division , in the classifications of crusher operator , tripper car operator, crusher helper ; employees in the Operating Department , Concentrat- ing Operation , Ore Dressing Division , in the classifications of flotation operator , reagent operator , ball mill operator , regrind mill operator, thickener operator , Marcy mill oiler, operator helper; employees in the Handling Concentrates Department, Ore Dressing Division, in the classifications of filter operator , filter helper ; employees in the Supplies and Reagents Department, Ore Dressing Division , in the classification of Lime Plant Operator; employees in the Operating Department, Tailings Disposal Operation , Ore Dressing Division , in the classifica- tion of tailing darn pumpman; employees in the Maintenance Depart- ment, Tailings Disposal Operation , Ore Dressing Division , in the clas- sifications of bulldozer operator , bulldozer helper, 1 yard shovel opera- 1446 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD tor, Diesel shovel- oiler; employees in the Preparation Department, Receiving and Preparing Materials Operations, Smelter Division, in the classifications of crushing plant operator, crusher operator, re- claimer operator; employees in the Reverberatory Department, Pro- duction of Matte Operation, Smelter Division, in the classifications of furnaceman, helper A, helper B, slag motorman, slag switchman; em- ployees in the Converter Department, Smelter Division, in the classi- fications of Traxcavator operator, crane chaser, skimmer, Garr gun operator; employees in the Refining Department, Smelter Division, in the classifications of inspector, craneman, trucker, refiner; employees in the Repairs and Miscellaneous Service Department, Mechanical Di- vision, in the classification of pumpman-Clifton station; employees in the Transportation Department, Mechanical Division, in the classi- fications of moto-crane operator, mechanic helper 1st class; employees in the Steam Power Plant Department, Production of Power Opera- tion, Mechanical Division, in the classifications of P. H. Fireman, blower and compressor man, P. H. pumpman; employees in the Diesel Power Plant Department, Production of Power Operation, Mechanical Division, in the classification of Diesel Power Plant engineer; em- ployees in the Underground Maintenance Department, Leaching and Precipitation Division, in the classification of pump attendant; and employees in the Precipitation Department, Leaching and Precipita- tion Division, in the classification of 1 yard shovel operator; 7. All employees in the Truck Repairing Department, Open Pit Mining Division, in the'classifications of welder 1st class, welder 2nd class; employees-in the Bulldozer Repairing Department, Open Pit Mining Division, in the classification of welder 1st class; employees in the Dump Car Repairing Department, Open Pit Mining Division, in the classifications of welder 1st class, welder special; employees in Boiler and Welder Shop Department, Open Pit Mining Division, in the classifications of boilermaker special, welder special, welder 1st class, boilermaker 1st class, welder 2nd class, boilermaker 2nd class, repair mechanic A, repair mechanic B, repair mechanic C; mechanic helper 2nd class, mechanic helper 3rd class; employees in the Boiler Work Department, Mechanical Division, in the classifications of me- chanic gang boss, layer-out, boilermaker special, boilermaker 1st class or mechanic 1st class, boilermaker 2nd class or mechanic 2nd class; apprentice, mechanic helper 1st class, mechanic helper 2nd class, me- chanic helper 3rd class ; employees in the Sheet Metal Work Depart- ment, Mechanical Division, in the classifications of mechanic gang boss, layer-out, mechanic special, mechanic 1st class or tinsmith 1st class, mechanic 2nd class or tinsmith 2nd class, apprentice, mechanic helper 2nd class, mechanic helper 3rd class; employees in the Welding De- partment, Mechanical Division, in the classifications of mechanic 1st -PHELPS DODGE CORPORATION 1447 class or welder 1st class, mechanic 2nd class or welder 2nd class, ap- prentice welder, mechanic helper 1st class, mechanic helper 2nd class, mechanic helper 3rd class; and employees in the Steam Power Plant Department, Mechanical Division, in the classification of welder 1st class ; 8. All employees in the Converter Department, Smelter Division in the classification of craneman; 26 employees in the Electric Shop De- partment,' Mechanical Division, in the classifications of armature winder, electrician 1st class or mechanic 1st class, electrician helper 1st class, armature winder helper 2nd class, electrician helper 3rd class, and janitor; employees in the Electric Field Department, Mechanical Division, in the classifications of working gang boss, electrician special or mechanic special, electrician 1st class or mechanic 1st class, elec- trician 2nd class or mechanic 2nd" class, electrician helper 1st class, electrician helper 2nd class, electrician helper 3rd class; employees in the Electric Trolley Department, Mechanical Division, in the classifi- cations of working gang boss, electrician or mechanic 1st class, electrician or mechanic 2nd class, repair mechanic B or electric repair- man, electrician helper 1st class; employees in the Electric Line De- partment, Mechanical Division, in the classifications of electrician or mechanic special, electrician or mechanic 1st class„ electrician or me- chanic 2nd class, repair mechanic B or electric repairman, electrician helper 2nd class; employees in the Steam Power Plant, Mechanical' Division, in the classification of second engineer or turbine man; 9. All employees in the Pipe Laying Department, breaking ground operation, Open Pit Mining Division in the classification of pipe- fitter 1st class; all employees in the Pipe Working Department, Me- chanical Division, in the classifications of pipefitter 2nd class or me- chanic 2nd class, apprentice pipefitter, mechanic helper 2nd class, mechanic helper 3rd class; all employees in the Crushing Department, Ore, Dress] ilg'Divi`sion, in the classification of laborer; employees in the Operating Department, Concentrating Operations, Ore Dressing Division, in the classifications of sampler and laborer; employees in the Handling Concentrates Department, Ore Dressing Division, in the classifications of sample bucker, sampler, and laborer; employees in the Supplies and Reagents Department, Ore Dressing Division, in the classification of laborer; employees in the Operating Depart- ment, Tailings Disposal Operation, Ore Dressing Division, in the "While such cranemen operate overhead electric cranes in the converter aisle of the smelter and are of a type which have been found to constitute a sufficiently distinct and homogeneous group to warrant permitting them a choice of separate representation apart from residual production and maintenance employees (See Matter of Phelps Dodge Corp., United Verde Branch, 56 N. L. R B 1560), we are of the opinion that , under the present circumstances , the policy of the Act will be best effectuated by including these operators of electrical equipment within the larger group of electrical employees 1448 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD classifications of dump boss , tailings dam operator , tailings dani helper , and laborer ; employees in the Maintenance Department, Tail- ings Disposal Operation , Ore Dressing Division , in the classifica- tion of laborer; 'employees in the Preparation Department , Smelter Division , in the classifications of sampler operator , tripperman, bed operator or tripperman , and laborer ; employees in the Reverberatory Department , Smelter Division , in the classification of laborer; em- ployees in the Converter Department , Smelter Division , in the clas sifications of drillman , puncher, and laborer ; employees in the Re- fining Department , Smelter Division , in the classifications of trimmer, copper pourer , mouldinan , tongnran, spoonman , and laborer; em- ployees in the Repair Mechanical Department, Smelter Division, in the classification of laborer; employees in the Repair Slurry Depart- ment, Smelter Division, in the classifications of slurry gun operator, mason's helper, slurry helper, and laborer; employees in the Miscel- laneous Department , Smelter Division , in the classifications of flue dust operator , pug mill operator , flue cleaner or tube lancer , mud mill operator , boiler washer, janitor , janitress , laborer , and plant test helper; employees in the Machine Works Department, the Boiler Works Department , and Sheet Metal Works Department , Mechani- cal Division, in the classification of laborer in all grades; employees in the Repairs and Miscellaneous Service Department, Mechanical Division , in the classifications of jackhammer man, powderman, wall builder, change room janitor, and laborer in all grades; employees in House Repair Department , Tailings, Trestles Forms Department, and Reduction Works Shop Department, Mechanical Division, in the classification of laborer D; employees in the Maintenance Department of Industrial Rail Transportation Operation, Mechanical Division, in the classifications of assistant track boss helper, truck burner, track spiker, and track laborer; employees in the Steam Power Plant De- partment , Mechanical Division , in the classifications of janitor and laborer; and employees in the Surface and Miscellaneous Division, in the classifications of Clifton caretaker, laborer, sanitation laborer, repair mechanic B, wall builder , pipeman helper , stableman , janitor, bucking room boss, and sample bucker; all employees in the Churn Drilling Department, Open Pit Mining Division, in the' classifica- tions of churn drill casing straightener, mine shop laborer; all em- ployees in the Air Drilling and Blasting Department, Open Pit Mining Division , in the classifications of powderman , secondary powderman helper, machine drillman , powder housekeeper (field magazine), air drill machine helper, jackhammer man, bull gang helper, and laborer B; employees in the Primary Blasting Depart- ment, Open Pit Mining Division , in the classifications of powder sub- -foreman, powderman , powder housekeeper , primary powderman PHELPS DODGE CORPORATION 1449 .helper; employees in the Pipe Laying Department, Open Pit Mining Division, in the classifications- of mine pipeman, mine pipe helper, and laborer; employees in the Supplies Handling Department, Open Pit Mining Division, in the classifications of trailmaker, laborer; em- ployees in the Drill Sharpening and Hammer Repairing Depart- ment, Open Pit Mining Division, in the classifications of mine shop laborer, and mine shop janitor; employees in the Power Shovel Loading Department, Open Pit Mining Division, in the classifica- tion of bull gang helper; employees in the Maintenance of Way Department, Open Pit Mining Division, in the classifications of track shifter operator, track gang boss helper, assistant track boss helper, bull gang helper, track timekeeper, switch oiler, track burner, laborer, track spikes, and track laborer; employees in the Waste Disposal Department, Open Pit Mining Division, in the classifications of dump boss, waste chnpman, dumpman helper; employees in the Sampling Department, Open Pit Mining Division, in the classifications of head mine sampler, and churn drill sampler; employees in the General Department, Open Pit Mining Division, in the classifications of safety equipment supplyman, safety equipment maintenance man, office and change room janitor; employees in the Locomotive Repairing De- partinent, Open Pit Mining Division, in the classifications of mine shop laborer, mine shop janitor; employees in the Truck Repairing Department, Open Pit Mining Division, in the classifications of mine shop laborer, mine shop janitor, employees in the Bulldozer Repair- ing Department, Open Pit Mining Division, in the classifications of mine shop laborer, mine shop janitor; employees in the Dump Car Repairing Department, Open Pit Mining Division, in the classifica- tions of car repair welder, mine shop laborer; employees in the Ma- chine Shop Department, Open Pit Mining Division, in the classifica- tions of mine shop laborer, mine shop janitor; employees in the Boiler Welding Shop Department, Open Pit Mining Division, in the clas- sifications of mine shop laborer, mine shop janitor; employees in the Supply Service and Other Departments, Open Pit Mining Division, in the classifications of car repair helper, and mine shop laborer. As stated above, there will be no final determination of the-appro- priate unit or units pending the results of the election. The groups that choose the AFL Unions as their bargaining representative will constitute separate and distinct appropriate units. Those groups choosing the CIO will together constitute a single appropriate unit. We shall direct that the employees of the Company eligible to vote in the elections shall be those who were employed during the pay-roll period immediately preceding the date of the Direction of Elections herein, subject to such limitations and additions as are set forth in the Direction. 1450 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD DIRECTION OF ELECTIONS By virtue of and pursuant to the power vested in the National Labor Relations Board by Section 9 (c) of the National Labor Rela- tions Act, and pursuant to Article III, Section 9, of National Labor Relations Board Rules and Regulations-Series 3, as amended, it is hereby - DIRECTED that, as part of the investigation to ascertain representa- tives for he purposes of collective bargaining with Phelps Dodge Corporation, Morenci, Arizona, separate elections by secret ballot shall be conducted as early as possible, but not later than sixty (60) days from the date of this Direction, under the Direction and super- vision of the Regional Director for the Twenty-first Region, acting in this matter as agent for the National Labor Relations Board and subject to Article III, Sections 10 and 11, of said Rules and Regula- tions, among those employees who fall within the groups indicated below and who were employed during the pay-roll period immediately preceding the date of this Direction, including employees who did not work during said pay-roll period because they were ill or on vaca- tion or temporarily laid off, and including employees in the armed forces of the United States who present themselves in person at the polls, but excluding any who have since quit or been discharged for cause and have not been rehired or reinstated prior to the date of the elections : 1. The employees in the first voting group described in Section IV, above, to determine whether they desire to be represented by Brick- layers, Masons, and Plasterers International Union of America, Local No. 3 of Arizona, AFL, or by International Union of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers, Local 616, C. I. 0., for the purposes of collective bargaining, or by neither; 2. The employees in the second voting group described in Section IV, above, to determine whether they desire to be represented by International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America, Local No. 310, AFL, or by International Union of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers, Local 616, C. I. 0., for the purposes of collective bargaining, or by neither; 3. The employees in the third voting group described in Section IV, above, to determine whether they desire to be represented by Inter- national Brotherhood of Blacksmiths, Drop Forgers and. Helpers, Local Union No. 621, AFL, or by International Union of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers, Local 616, C. I. 0., for the purposes of collective bargaining, or by neither; _ 4. The employees in the, fourth voting group described in Section TV, above, to determine whether they desire to be represented by PHELPS DODGE CORPORATION 1451' United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America, Local Union No. 221, AFL, or by International Union of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers, Local 616, C. I. 0., for the purposes-of collective bargaining, or by neither; 5. The employees-in the fifth-voting group described in Section IV, above, to determine whether they desire to be represented by Inter- national Association of Machinists, Lodge 1132, AFL, or by Interna- tional Union of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers, Local 616, C. I. 0., for the purposes of collective bargaining, or by neither; 6. The employees in the sixth voting group described in Section IV, above, to determine whether they desire to be represented by Inter- national Union of Operating Engineers, Local 228, AFL, or by Inter- national Union of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers, Local 616, C. I. 0., for the purposes of collective bargaining, or by neither; 7. The employees in the seventh voting group described in Section IV, above, to determine whether they desire to be represented by In- ternational Brotherhood of Boilermakers, Iron Ship Builders and Helpers of America, Local No. 506, AFL, or by International Union of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers, Local 616, C. I. 0., for the pur- poses of collective bargaining, or by neither; 8. The employees in the eighth voting group described in Section IV, above, to determine whether they desire to be represented by International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local Union No. B-1254, AFL, or by International Union of Mine, Mill and Smelter `Yorkers, Local 616, C. I. O., for the purposes of collective bargaining, or by neither; 9. The employees in the ninth voting group described in Section IV, above, to determine whether they desire to be represented by Mill and Smelter Workers Union No. 22893, and Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers Union No. 22852 AFL, or by International Union of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers, Local 616, C. I. 0., for the purposes of collective bargaining, or by neither. ORDER IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the petitions for investigation and cer- tification of representatives of employees of Phelps Dodge Corpora- tion, Morenci, Arizona, filed herein by Brotherhood of Railway Car- men-Lodge No. 432; by United Association of Journeymen, Plumb- ers and Steam Fitters of the United States and Canada, Local 679, AFL; by Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers Union No. 22852, AFL; and by Mill and Smelter Workers Union No. 22893, AFL, be, and they hereby are, dismissed. 1452 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD CHAIRMAN HARRY A. MILLIS, dissenting : I am unable to concur in the opinion of the majority in this case and think the petitions should be dismissed. The statement of the question here which my colleagues have said is the "precise issue" to^ be decided supports the correctness of the Board's earlier and unani- mous decision involving this company and these Unions.27 In that case we held that a plant-wide unit was appropriate for the Morenci operations of the Company. The opinion of the majority herein now undertakes, "on the basis of the present record and a reappraisal of the Company's bargaining history" to determine whether "the craft units sought by the individual AFL Unions may now be found appro- priate for the purposes of collective bargaining." I am convinced that the evidence in the present record provides a fortiori proof that our earlier decision was correct and therefore should stand. In the 1943 decision we found that the contract which the Company signed with the Metal Trades Department of the AFL as the repre- sentative of the AFL Unions herein was a single collective bargaining agreement covering all employees of the Company at its Morenci opera- tions with specific exclusions not material here. The AFL Unions were not separate signatories; they were not separately recognized as bar-' gaining representatives; nor were their jurisdictional claims deline- ated. When proof of their representative status was requested by the Company, their agent, the Metal Trades Council presented a number of authorizations in a group. These were checked against the pay roll of the Company without reference to the occupational category in which the signer fell and without segregation into such classifica- tions for the purpose of checking with respect to the representation claims of individual AFL unions. Moreover, we found, on the basis of the undisputed testimony of an AFL witness, that "any repre- sentative of the AFL Unions who negotiates or takes up any matter with the Company does not do so as a representative of one of the AFL. Unions but as a representative of the MTC." We also found that, in the November 1941 contract, the AFL Unions and the Company recognized and accepted the appropriateness of a plant-wide unit. The AFL Unions did not change their position to request separate units until the 1943 hearing. Indeed both the AFL Unions and the Com- pany, in an earlier Board case (40 N. L. R. B. 180) heard in February 1942, involving petitions by two Railway Brotherhoods for units of railway employees at the Morenci operations, testified in opposition to the units sought on the ground that the appropriate unit for the Morenci operations was plantwide. Finally, there was no evidence in 27 Matter of Phelps Dodge Corporation and International Union of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers, CIO, 48 N . L. R. B. 489 , decided March 24, 1943. PHELPS DODGE CORPORATION 1453 the record of any separate bargaining by craft groups prior to the 1941 contract. On the contrary, undisputed evidence introduced in the present proceeding clearly establishes that bargaining prior to the advent of the Metal Trades Council in 1941, was conducted by the .Company and the Morenci Association of Copper -Mine Employees on the basis of a plant-wide contract from June 1938 until about August 1941. Upon the record to which I have adverted above, we concluded that the appropriate unit should be plant-wide in scope. Unless sub- stantial and compelling evidence now appears from which we may properly take a different view, there is no sound basis for disturbing the relationship of the parties. My colleagues, however, find such evidence in a number of particulars which I shall discuss below. The opinion of the majority adverts to the request of the Company for "separate authorizations" from the various AFL Unions prior to -the commencement of negotiations with the Metal Trades Council. If this is intended to prove that by such action the subsequent nego- tiations were conducted upon an individual AFL Union basis, it not only fails in that respect but proves the contrary. This evidence strengthens my opinion that the Company sought and the AFL Unions -concurred in the establishment of the Metal Trades Council as the bargaining agent of the various unions. Such action is wholly con- sistent with an intent and purpose to negotiate on a broad, over-all basis, and as later events show, that is precisely what did occur. My conclusion in this regard is convincingly supported by the type of employee authorization presented by the AFL Unions through the Metal Trades Council and accepted and checked by the Company. These were described in our earlier decision and have been alluded to above. No suggestion of separateness appears in this record in regard to either the AFL Unions' claims of representation among the employees or in the Company's treatment of such claims. Indeed the testimony of the manager, Davis, on this point is revealing: Q. Mr. Davis, going back to about August, 1941, after these lists of names had been submitted to you by the A. F. of L. representa- tive, what kind of a check did you make? - A. We checked the list submitted against the payroll-against the names on the payroll. Q. Was any attempt made to check the names on the list against a certain craft or claimed units by the individual A. F. of L. Unions ? A. I don't recall that there was. - My recollections is that the -check was merely taking the list of names and checking the names against the payroll. 1454 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Moreover, the evidence is undisputed that the negotiations which pre- ceded the execution of the contract were carried on by the Company with the AFL Unions as a group and that no records were kept which would establish the separate handling of such discussions on single AFL Union bases. Nor did the Company at any time divide and classify its employees, during the negotiations, according to the craft jurisdictions of the AFL Unions. On the contrary, the plant-wide nature of the unit adopted by the parties is made clear by the fact that the mechanical wage scale set forth in the contract is not based upon craft distinctions, but rather upon varying degrees of skill, as indicated by such classifications as "mechanic first class" and "me- chanic special," both of which contain members of various craft unions represented by the AFL. It is further to-be noted in this connection. that the 1941 contract provided that seniority should be upon a depart- mental and occupational basis. Certain other contracts covering other operations of the Company contain similar wage scales and seniority provisions. While these contracts provide for craft recognition, their existence does not impinge upon the plant-wide nature of the Com- pany's relationship with the Metal Trades Council at Morenci. At its other operations where various craft organizations are recognized contractually, such recognition was predicated upon Board determina- tion that employee organization had developed upon a craft basis and at the United Verde operations in the face of the Company's conten- tion that plant-wide units were appropriate. The inclusion of wage scales and seniority provisions such as I have alluded to in such con- tracts, therefore, is nothing more than an attempt on the part of the Company to preserve a measure of plant-wide administration in its labor relations, while, at the same time, conforming its contractual practices to the Board's certification. Furthermore, and rather con- clusive to my mind, is the penciled memorandum in the present record. This memorandum was made by the Company's Morenci manager while attending the AFL negotiations which resulted in the November 1941 contract. In addition to the names of various AFL representa- tives, it contains the following notation, which discloses the unit basis upon which the Company was proceeding : "To be included All hourly paid employees All production and maintenance employees except : Foremen with the right to employ or discharge." The sum of this evidence seems to me to negative completely any possible inference that the Company recognized and dealt with the AFL Unions upon a separate and individual basis. Allusion is made, however, in the majority opinion to the fact that the contract which the parties executed in 1941 referred to the PHELPS DODGE CORPORATION 1455 Metal Trades Council as "representing individually and collectively the craft organizations affiliated with the metal trades department." But an examination of our earlier decision discloses the identical allusion . Nothing has appeared since to give the term " individually" a different meaning than that attributed to it by us in 1943. Nor does the form of the July 1942 amendment to the November 1941 contract support the conclusion reached by the majority. ' Provision for signature by the individual craft organizations loses significance if the actual administration on a day to day basis of the contract thus executed does not conform to the ostensible intent of the parties. This happened here. In the fall of 1942 when similar provision was made for insertion in the 1942 contract and when blank spaces were set up to contain descriptions of the occupational classifications to be allocated to the various craft organizations , these proposals were not effectuated and no division of employees for recognition or admin- istrative purposes was ever made by the Company and the AFL Unions. Thus , the most that may be said as to the significance of these formal indicia is that they were an attempted amplification of the term "individually " noted above , and, so far as the actual history of collective bargaining is concerned have proved abortive and meaningless. ,The opinion of the majority seeks further support and significance in evidence which it contends is indicative of "preservation of craft interests ." Such "preservation" is found by my colleagues in "the fact that in the handling of grievances the grievance committee of the Metal Trades Council was customarily attended by a spokes- man for the craft union representing the individual employees con- cerned . . . [and ] that the Company customarily enforced the closed shop provision in the agreement upon notice from an indi- vidual craft union that an employee within its jurisdiction was no longer a member in good standing with such union." The evidence upon which these conclusions seem to rest was given by the Company's manager at Morenci who testified in the present proceeding in sub- stance that in negotiating the contract he thought that the Company was dealing with the various unions since the Metal Trades Council was designated as the representative of such unions. He also testified that in the presentation of grievances the spokesman was a member of the union in nihich the complainant held membership. It is highly significant to note, however, that in the proceeding in which the two Railroad Brotherhoods sought separate craft units of railway em- ployees, and which antedated the present proceeding by more than a year, thus occurring , in point of time, shortly after the execution of the 1941 contract , the same manager testified that he understood that the Company did not negotiate with separate AFL unions, but 1456 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD with the Metal Trades Council. He also testified that he could not recollect whether each AFL union was separately represented at the conference preceding the execution of the 1941 contract. Moreover, in the present proceeding the same witness testified that the negoti- ating committee of the Metal Trades Council constituted the griev- ance committee with which the Company dealt and that, in the administration of the contract the Company dealt with the Metal Trades Council. The construction that I place upon this testimony differs from the meaning given it by my colleagues. Aside from its obviously contradictory nature, the aspect most favorable to the majority consists of a recognition by the manager that the Metal Trades Council was the agent for the AFL Unions. To deduce from this that the negotiations were conducted upon an individual craft union basis disregards labor relations realities and ignores completely well-known collective bargaining practices which we have, on numer- ,us occasions, recognized in cases involving determinations of association-wide bargaining units. An agent, who purports to act for a collective principal, represents such a principal collectively. Of no more value to the majority position is the testimony concerning the presence of spokesmen from individual craft unions at grievance meetings. Such a practice amounts to common usage in large indus- trial operations where department stewards constitute the conduit by which a worker's complaint is brought into the grievance pro- cedure for adjustment. That such spokesmen "customarily" attend grievance conferences indicates only that the wheels of collective bargaining are moving and hardly that a particular craft interest is being "carefully preserved." There is in evidence a letter from the manager of the Morenci operation to an employee advising that he must regain good standing in the Boilermakers' Union as a condition of his continued employ- ment under the contract between the Company and the "Union." The manager testified that the Company sent such letters when lack of good standing of employees was called to its attention by the Union and that he never questioned whether the employee concerned was within the jurisdictional classifications claimed by the organization from which notice was received.28 Rather than the careful preservation of craft interests which my colleagues also find in this evidence, I am of the opinion that the looseness of administration implicit in the manager's testimony indicates an unawareness on the part of the 28 This portion of the manager ' s testimony finds corroboration in the fact that at no time were the contours of the units now sought by the AFL Unions delineated . In fact, during the course of this proceeding various of the AFL Unions shifted the boundaries of their units and made overlapping claims , a position hardly consonant with the notion that craft lines were fixed in 1941 . This circumstance is completely glossed over by the majority. PHELPS DODGE CORPORATION 1457 Company of special craft interests and an intent only to abide. by a contractual provision which it had agreed upon with the Metal Trades Council and which it construed was to be. administered without -re- gard for the craft unions. The broad conclusion of the majority that the AFL Unions have acquiesced in the plant-wide bargaining subsequent to the advent of the CIO only by necessity and therefore have not relinquished their status and identities as craft labor organizations seems to me to be wholly inadequate as a reason why the Board must now direct elec- tions in the units desired by.the AFL Unions. This rationale attaches strange importance to the commonplace in industrial relations, since it must be contemplated that affiliated organizations which have been unsuccessful in an election do not ipso facto collapse and become merged with the victor. Such organizations generally retain their structure and in most cases their adherents participate in the bar- gaining which follows. Nor do they participate unwillingly, or ac- cept the fruits of bargaining on their behalf resentfully. It is to be noted in this case that the CIO, after resort to the War Labor Board, obtained a substantial wage increase for the employees here without regard to their union affiliation. At best the retention by the AFL Unions of their formal structure as labor organizations indicates a normal phenomenon;_ it does not require new unit determinations by the Board. I agree that it is highly relevant to know what the custom or prac- tice has been in a particular industry when we are asked .to determine whether a certain class of employees is properly includible in a bar- gaining unit, or where a question involving contractual practices, as for example, the customary term of a contract in the industry, is before us. Where we are called upon to determine the appropriate- ness of bargaining units, such considerations are also material. Since custom or practice may derive from a multiplicity of sources, it is important here to discover what evolutionary process caused the present character of organization in the copper industry to which my colleagues allude as a supporting reason for their opinion. With- out setting out statistical data in the present record, my investigation of this factor has convinced me that in the copper industry as a whole there is no definitive pattern of organization upon which present day collective bargaining is progressing. A diversity of bargaining units exists. In the case relied upon by the majority as indicating that craft organization is not inappropriate in the face of a single con- tract,29 the facts are clearly distinguishable in that there craft units were recognized by the parties to the contract as a result of Board 20 54 N. L . R. B. 1293 ( Copper Queen Branch). 628563-45-vol. 60-93 1458 - DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD determination that organization had developed upon a craft basis. In my opinion, no such development occurred at Morenci, and, as I have noted, the Board in its 1943 decision so found. Reference to other copper industry cases decided by this Board reveals that the various unions have not pursued a consistent policy with respect to the units they have sought. American Federation of Labor unions, and in some cases the Metal Trades Department itself, have sought or agreed to broad plant-wide units.30 Indeed in practically all cases involving the copper industry in this area the guiding principle in the develop- ment of types of unit appropriate for bargaining has been founded upon Board determination in specific factual contexts, with particular emphasis upon the state of employee organization and collective bar= gaining pattern in the operation involved. This is an evolutionary process which indicates a result quite different from that reached by my colleagues. What I have said impels me to conclude that we should be intro- ducing a new and unwarranted precedent into the Board's decisional policy in representation cases were we to disregard completely a his- tory of bargaining on a plant-wide basis which has been successful and which shows every sign of continuing to be so. 80 See, e g. Matter of Consolidated Coppermines Corporation , 48 N. L. R. B. 1274, in which the Metal Trades Department stipulated kith the CIO that a single unit of that company ' s approximately 850 mine employees at Kimberly, Nevada, was approximate ; Matter of Kennecott Copper Coi poration, et al, 46 N . L. R B 208, where the American Federation of Labor, the only organization involved, sought and obtained a unit of the Ray, Arizona, mine and mill employees, numbering over 700, of Nevada Consolidated Copper Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of Kennecott ; Matter of Kennecott Copper Cor- poration, 47 N L. R. B. 732 , establishing a unit of the company's Hayden , Arizona, mill, pursuant to stipulation of the A. F of L and the company ; Matter of American Smelting and Refining Company, 47 N L R. B. 1423, to the same effect involving that company's Hayden, Arizona , smelter For other cases establishing industrial type units, but outside the geographical area here involved, see Matter of Phelps Dodge Refining Corporation, 40 N L. R. B. 1159 ( Long Island smelter , 970 employees ) ; Matter of Phelps Dodge Refin- ing Corporation, 41 N. L. R. B 1016 (El Paso refinery , 420 employees) ; Matter of Ameri- can Smelting and Refining Company , 47 N L. R. B 631 (El Paso smelter, 540 employees) ; Matter of Tennessee Copper Company , 25 N. L R. B 218 ( entire mining and processing operations in the Ducktown Basin, involving about 1300 employees ; unit finding affirmed, 69N L R B 1135) Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation