Perry Coal Co.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsDec 30, 1959125 N.L.R.B. 1256 (N.L.R.B. 1959) Copy Citation 1256 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Perry Coal Company, Midwest-Radiant Corporation , and Pea- body Coal Company and Progressive Mine Workers of America, District 1 United Mine Workers of America , its District 12, and its Locals. 1227 and 1229 and Progressive Mine Workers of America,. District 1.' Cases Nos. 14-CA-1687,1 4-CA-1688, and 141-CB-514. December 30, 1959 DECISION AND ORDER On March 23, 1959, Trial Examiner C. W. Whittemore issued his Intermediate Report in the above-entitled proceeding, finding that the Respondents, Peabody and United Mine Workers, had engaged in and were engaging in certain unfair labor practices and recommend ing that they cease and desist therefrom and take certain affirmative action, as set forth in the copy of the Intermediate Report attac.ed hereto. Thereafter, the General Counsel and the Respondents filed exceptions to the Intermediate Report and supporting briefs. On October 6, 1959, the parties participated in oral argument before the Board in Washington, D.C.2 The Board has considered the Intermediate Report, the exceptions, and briefs, the oral argument, and the entire record in these cases, and hereby adopts the findings, conclusions, and recommendations of the Trial Examiner with the following modifications. 1. The Trial Examiner found that the furnishing of a mailing list, of employees by Peabody to UMW was in the nature of employer as- sistance to UMW but not per se unlawful. Without passing on the matter of whether the conduct was per se unlawful, we agree with the Trial Examiner's conclusion, for the record shows, as detailed in the Intermediate Report, that Peabody assisted UMW by _ numerous other acts. In this context we find that furnishing a mailing list to UMW constituted unlawful assistance in violation of Section 8 (a) (2} of the Act.' 2. The Trial Examiner found, and we agree, that the unqualified requirement of UMW membership contained in the 1941 District Agreement between the Illinois Coal Producers Association and UMW, an integral part of UMW's National Bituminous Coal Wage 'The Respondents and the Charging Union are herein respectively called Peabody,. UMW, and Progressive. 'Contrary to the Respondents , we find no reason for disturbing the credibility resolu- tions of the Trial Examiner, who had an opportunity to observe the deportment and demeanor of the witnesses . Friend Lumber Company, 121 NLRB 62, footnote 1. The Board is of the opinion that the Intermediate Report in these cases fairly sets forth all material and pertinent facts necessary to a resolution of the issues . The Trial Examiner's analysis of these facts is impartial , clear, and convincing. 3 Wagner Iron Works, a corporation, 104 NLRB445, 447. 1125 NLRB No. 110. PERRY COAL COMPANY, MIDWEST-RADIANT CORPORATION 1257 Agreement of 1950 as subsequently amended,4 which was extended to Peabody's O'Fallon and Millstadt mines on October 1, 1959, provided for an unlawful closed shop. For the reasons set forth in the Inter- mediate Report, we agree that this provision was unlawful and was not amended, modified, or nullified by the National contract. More- over, we find that the union-security clause in the National contract itself, requiring that "as a condition of employment employees shall be, or become, members of the [UTN1W] to the extent and in the manner permitted by law," also provides for an unlawful closed shop. It is well settled that where, as here, a contract contains an unlawful pro- vision, a general "savings clause" that does not specify to what extent the provision is intended to be limited will not purge such a provision of its illegal character.' Thus, the qualifying language in this pro- vision-"to the extent and in the manner provided by law"-fails to set forth in clear and unambiguous terms limitations on the require- ment of union membership that conform the provision to the union- security standards of Section 8(a) (3) of the Act.' We do not believe that the burden of statutory and judicial interpretation can reasonably be placed upon an employee to be acted upon at his peril. In view of the vague and general savings clause, we conclude that the union- security clause in the National contract provides for an unlawful closed shop. We also find that the contract containing these union-security provisions was illegal because the UMW was not in compliance with Section 9 (f), (g), and (h) of the Act when the contract was executed and maintained. Accordingly, we find that UMW violated Section 8 (b) (2) of the Act by demanding in June and July 1957 that Peabody enter into the National contract containing illegal closed-shop provisions. We also find that the Respondents subsequently violated Section 8(b) (1) (A), 8(b) (2) and 8(a) (1), (2), and (3) by entering into and maintaining said National contract. 3. The Trial Examiner found that UMW's 'letter, dated July 1, 1957, to employees of the O'Fallon and Millstadt mines was coercive within the meaning of Section 8(b) (1) (A) because its "plain intent and reasonable effect" was that employees would be required as a condition of employment to become UMW members. We agree for ' Herein ' called the National contract. 6 Ebasco Services Incorporated , 107 NLRB 617, 618. See also Red Star Express Lines of Auburn, Inc. v. N.L.R.B., 196 F. 2d 78 (C.A. 2) ; N.L.R.B. v. Broderick Wood Products Company, et al., 261 F. 2d 548 (C.A. 10). The Respondents cite Lewis v. Quality Coal Corp ., 270 F. 2d 140, wherein the Circuit Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit held on August 17, 1959, that the union- security clause in the National contract did not violate Section 8 ( a) (3) of the Act. That case arose in the contest of a private litigation between the parties. The court did not have the benefit of the Board ' s* views as to this issue derived from the Board's expertise in passing upon unfair labor practices . The Board, of course, is charged with initial responsibility for the interpretation of various sections of the Act . Accordingly, we do not regard the cited case as a proper precedent in the instant proceeding. 1258 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD the reasons given by the Trial Examiner in the Intermediate Report. We further find that the 8 (b) (1) (A) violation also stemmed from the curtailment of the employees' right to select their own representative,. which is one of the rights guaranteed in Section 7 of the Act. 4. We agree with the Trial Examiner that Peabody violated Section 8(a) (5) by refusing to bargain with Progressive on and since August 4, 1957. Peabody contends there was no support for the Trial Ex- aminer^s unit findings. Peabody having made a timely withdrawal from the Coal Producers Association of Illinois, Millstadt and O'Fal- lon were, we find, removed from the multiemployer bargaining unit. We conclude therefore that each of these mines is a separate entity which comprises a natural and inherently appropriate bargaining unit? 5. The Trial Examiner properly found that by ceasing payments into the Progressive Welfare and Retirement Fund after September 30, 1957, Peabody violated Section 8(a) (2) and (1). The Trial Ex- aminer then found that Peabody alone should reimburse the Progres- sive Fund for all payments withheld since October 1, 1957. The Gen- eral Counsel would also require UM VV to share this responsibility with Peabody. In addition, the General Counsel requests the Board to order both Respondents to make whole the employees for any loss suffered by reason of the discriminatory discontinuance of the Pro- gressive Fund payments. We find that the purposes of the Act will be best effectuated by making both Respondents responsible for any loss to employees resulting from the discriminatory discontinuance of the Progressive Fund payments. ORDER Upon the entire record in these cases and pursuant to Section 10 (c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Relations Board hereby orders that : 1. The Respondent Peabody Coal Company, its officers, agents, suc- cessors, and assigns, shall: a. Cease and desist from : (1) Giving effect to the collective-bargaining agreement entered into on or about October 1, 1957, with United Mine Workers of America, its District 12, and its Locals 1227 and 1229, or to any extension, renewal, or modification thereof, or any other contract or agreement between it and the said labor organizations which may now be in force. (2) Entering into or signing any contract or making an arrange- ment containing unlawful closed-shop provisions with United Mine ? Pepsi-Cola Bottling Company of Kansas City, 55 NLRB 1183, 1187. PERRY COAL COMPANY, MIDWEST-RADIANT CORPORATION 1259' Workers, its District 12, and its Locals 1227 and 1229, or with any other labor organization. (3) Recognizing United Mine Workers of America, its District 12, and its Locals 1227 and 1229, as the representative of any of its employees at the O'Fallon and Millstadt mines for the purposes of dealing with it concerning grievances, labor disputes, wages, rates of pay, hours of employment, or other conditions of employment, unless and until said labor organizations shall have demonstrated their exclusive majority representative status pursuant to a Board- conducted election among the Respondent's employees. (4) Assisting and contributing support to United Mine Workers of America, its District 12, and its Locals 1227 and 1229, or to any other labor organization. (5) Encouraging membership in the above-named labor organiza tions, or in any other labor organization of its employees, by discrimi nating in regard to hire or tenure of employment or any term or con- dition of employment, except to the extent permitted by the proviso to Section 8 (a) (3) of the Act, as modified by the Labor-Management. Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959. (6) Refusing to bargain collectively with Progressive Mine Work- ers of America, District 1, as the exclusive representative of all its employees at its O'Fallon and Millstadt mines, in the above-described. units. (7) In any other manner interfering with, restraining, or coercing employees in the exercise of the right to self-organization, to form labor organizations, to join or assist Progressive Mine Workers of America, District 1, or any other labor organization, to bargain col- lectively through representatives of their own choosing and to engage in concerted activities for the purpose of collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection or to refrain from any or all such activities except to the extent that such rights may be affected by an agreement requiring membership in a labor organization as authorized in Section 8 (a) (3) of the Act, as modified by the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959. b. Take the following affirmative action which the Board finds will effectuate the policies of the Act : (1) Upon request, bargain collectively concerning wages, hours, and conditions of employment with Progressive Mine Workers of America, District 1, as the exclusive representative of all employees in the aforementioned units, and, if understandings are reached, em- body such understandings in signed agreements. (2) Withdraw and withhold all recognition from United Mine Workers of America, its District 12, and its Locals 1227 and 1229, as the representative of any of its employees at the Millstadt and O'Fal- lon mines for the purpose of dealing with it concerning grievances, 1260 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD labor disputes, wages, rates of pay, hours of employment, or other con- ditions of employment, unless and until the said labor organizations shall have demonstrated their exclusive majority representative status pursuant to a Board-conducted election among the said employees. (3) Make whole all employees at its O'Fallon and Millstadt mines for any loss of earnings they may have suffered by reason of the dis- criminatory lockout, as found herein, and in the manner set forth in the section of the Intermediate Report entitled "The Remedy." (4) Preserve and, upon request, make available to the National Labor Relations Board or its agents, for examination and copying, all records necessary for the determination of the amount of backpay due under this Order. (5) Jointly and severally with the Respondent Unions, reimburse all employees for moneys illegally exacted from them in the manner and to the extent set forth in the section of the Intermediate Report entitled "The Remedy." (6) Jointly and severally with the Respondent Unions make whole employees for any loss suffered by reason of the discriminatory dis- continuation of the Progressive Fund payments. (7) Post at its Millstadt and O'Fallon mines copies of the notice attached hereto marked "Appendix A." Copies of said notice, to be furnished by the Regional Director for the Fourteenth Region, shall, after being duly signed by the Respondent's authorized representa- tive, be posted by the Respondent immediately upon receipt thereof, in conspicuous places, including all places where notices to employees are customarily posted, and maintained for a period of 60 consecutive days. Reasonable steps shall be taken to insure that said notices are not altered, defaced, or covered by any other material. (8) Post at the same places and under the same conditions as set forth in (7), above, and as soon as they are forwarded by the Regional Director, copies of the Respondent Unions' notice herein, marked "Appendix B." (9) File with the said Regional Director within 10 days from the date of this Order a report setting forth in detail the steps which it has taken to comply with this Order. 2. The Respondents United Mine Workers of America, its District 12, and its Locals 1227 and 1229, their officers, representatives, agents, successors, and assigns, shall : a. Cease and desist from : (1) Causing or attempting to cause Peabody Coal Company, its officers, agents, successors, or assigns to discriminate against its em- ployees in violation of Section 8 (a) (3) of the Act. (2) Giving effect to the agreement of on or about October 1, 1957, with the Respondent Peabody, or to any extension, renewal, modifica- tion, supplement, or other contract with said Respondent, unless and PERRY COAL COMPANY, MIDWEST-RADIANT CORPORATION 1261 jntil said Respondent labor organizations shall have demonstrated their exclusive majority representative status pursuant to a Board- conducted election among the Respondent Peabody's employees in the two mines. (3) Restraining or coercing the employees of the Respondent Pea- body in the right to engage in, or refrain from engaging in, any or all of the activities guaranteed by Section 7 of the Act, except to the extent that such right may be affected by an agreement executed as authorized by the Act, as modified by the Labor-Management Report- ing and Disclosure Act of 1959. b. Take the following affirmative action, which the Board finds will effectuate the policies of the Act : o (1) Jointly and severally with the Respondent Peabody make whole the employees at Millstadt and O'Fallon mines for all moneys illegally exacted from them in the manner and to the extent set forth in the section of the Intermediate Report entitled "The Remedy." (2) Jointly and severally with the Respondent Peabody make whole employees for any loss suffered by reason of the discriminatory discontinuation of the Progressive Fund payments. (3) Entering into or signing any contract or making any arrange- ment containing unlawful closed-shop provisions with Peabody Coal Company or with any other employer. (4) Post at the business offices of District 12 and Locals 1227 and 1229 copies of the notice attached hereto marked "Appendix B." Copies of said notice, to be furnished by the Regional Director for the Fourteenth Region, shall, after being duly signed by an official representative, be posted immediately upon receipt thereof and be maintained for 60 consecutive days thereafter, in conspicuous places, including all places where notices to members are customarily posted. Reasonable steps shall be taken to insure that said notices are not altered, defaced, or covered by any other material. (5) Mail to the said Regional Director signed copies of the notice attached hereto marked "Appendix B," for posting at the Respondent Peabody's Millstadt and O'Fallon mines. (6) Notify the said Regional Director, in writing, within 10 days from the date of this Order, what steps the Respondent Unions have taken to comply with the Order. APPENDIX A NOTICE TO ALL EMPLOYEES OF OuR O'FALLON AND MILLSTADT MINES Pursuant to a Decision and Order of the National Labor Relations Board, and in order to effectuate the policies of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, we hereby notify you that : 1262 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD WE WILL NOT encourage membership in United Mine Workers of America, its District 12, and its Locals 1227 and 1229, or in any other labor organization of our employees, by discriminating in regard to hire, tenure, or any term or condition of employment, except to the extent authorized by Section 8(a) (3) of the Act, as modified by the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959. WE WILL NOT give effect to any and all agreements and con- tracts, supplements thereto or modifications thereof, or any super- seding contract with the above-mentioned labor organizations. WE WILL NOT enter into or sign any contract or make any arrangement containing unlawful closed-shop provisions with United Mine Workers, its District 12, and its Locals 1227 and 1229, or with any other labor organization. WE WILL NOT contribute financial or other support to the above- named labor organizations. WE WILL withdraw and withhold recognition from the above- named labor organizations, or any successor thereto, unless and until they shall have demonstrated exclusive majority representa- tive status pursuant to a Board-conducted election among our employees at the said mines. WE WILL, upon request, bargain collectively with Progressive Mine Workers of America, District 1, as the exclusive representa- tive of all our employees in the units described herein with respect to rates of pay, hours of employment, or other conditions of employment, and, if understandings are reached, embody such understandings in signed agreements. The bargaining units are : (1) All employee's at the O'Fallon mine covered by the 1952 contract between Progressive and the Coal Producers' Association of Illinois, and (2) All employees at the Millstadt mine covered by the same contract, excluding such categories of employees as required by law. WE WILL NOT give effect to any checkoff cards, heretofore executed by our employees, authorizing deductions from their wages for remittance to United Mine Workers of America, its District 12, and its Locals 1227 and 1229. WE WILL refund to all our employees and former employees from whose wages we have deducted funds, for transmittal to the aforesaid United Mine Workers of America, and said District and Locals, the amounts of such deductions, as provided in the Order, to the end that each employee shall be reimbursed for such moneys Aso deducted. PERRY COAL COMPANY, MIDWEST-RADIANT CORPORATION 1263 WE WILL, jointly and severally with the United Mine Workers ,of America, make whole our employees for any loss suffered by reason of the discontinuance of the payments into the Progressive Welfare and Retirement Fund. WE WILL NOT in any other manner interfere with, restrain, or coerce our employees in the exercise of their statutory rights. All our employees are free to become, remain, or refrain from becoming or remaining members of any labor organization, except to the extent that this right may be affected by agreements in conformity with Section 8 (a) (3) of the National Labor Relations Act, as modified by the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959. PEABODY COAL COMPANY, Employer. Dated---------------- By------------------------------------- (Representative) (Title) This notice must remain posted for 60 days from the date hereof, and must not be altered, defaced, or covered by any other material. APPENDIX B NOTICE TO ALL MEMBERS OF UNITED MINE WORKERS OF AMERICA, ITS DISTRICT 12, AND ITS LOCALS 1227 AND 1229, AND TO ALL EMPLOYEES OF PEABODY COAL COMPANY AT ITS MILLSTADT AND O'FALLON MINES Pursuant to a Decision and Order of the National Labor Relations Board and in order to effectuate the policies of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, we hereby give notice that: WE WILL NOT give effect to our agreements of, on, or about October 1, 1957, or to any other contract with Peabody Coal Company covering employees at the above-named two mines, unless and until we shall have demonstrated our majority repre- sentative status pursuant to a Board-conducted election among employees at the aforesaid mines. WE WILL NOT enter into or sign any contract or make any arrangement containing unlawful closed-shop provisions with Peabody Coal Company or with any other employer. WE WILL refund to the employees and former employees of Peabody Coal Company, employed at its Millstadt and O'Fallon mines, such amounts deducted from their earnings which were paid to us, as provided by the aforesaid Order. WE WILL jointly and severally with Peabody Coal Company make whole employees for any loss suffered by reason of the discriminatory discontinuance of payments into the Progressive Welfare and Retirement Fund. 1264 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD WE WILL NOT restrain or coerce the employees of the said. employer in their right to engage in, or refrain from engaging in,. any or all of the activities guaranteed by Section 7 of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended , except to the extent that such right may be affected by an agreement requiring membership in. a labor organization as a condition of employment , executed in conformity with Section 8(a) (3) of the Act, as modified by the. Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959. UNITED MINE WORKERS OF AMERICA, Labor Organization. Dated---------------- By------------------------------------- (Representative ) ( Title) DISTRICT 12, UNITED MINE WORKERS OF AMERICA, Labor Organization. Dated---------------- By------------------------------------- (Representative ) ( Title) LOCAL 1227, UNITED MINE WORKERS OF AMERICA, Labor Organization. Dated---------------- By------------------------------- (Representative ) ( Title) LOCAL 1229, UNITED MINE WORKERS OF AMERICA, Labor Organization. Dated----------------- By------------------------------------ (Representative ) ( Title) This notice must remain posted for 60 days from the date hereof, and must not be altered, defaced, or covered by any other material. INTERMEDIATE REPORT STATEMENT OF THE CASE Charges and amended charges having been duly filed and served in each of the above -entitled cases , an order consolidating these cases, complaints and a notice of hearing thereon having been issued and served by the General Counsel 1 of the National Labor Relations Board , and answers having been filed by the above- named Respondents , a hearing involving allegations of unfair labor practices in violation of Section 8(a)(1), (2), (3), and ( 5) and 8 (b)(1)(A) and ( 2) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended , 61 Stat . 136, was held in St . Louis, Missouri , on October 21, 22 , 23, 24, 27 , 28, and 29, 1958 , before the duly designated Trial Examiner. At the hearing all parties were represented , were afforded full opportunity to be heard , to examine and cross-examine witnesses , to introduce evidence pertinent to the issues , to argue orally upon the record , and to file briefs and proposed findings of fact and conclusions of law. Argument was waived . Time' for filing briefs 'During the hearing Harry G. Carlson, Chief Law Officer , Fourteenth Region, made special appearances on behalf of General Counsel. PERRY COAL COMPANY, MIDWEST-RADIANT CORPORATION 1265 was extended to January 27, 1959. Briefs from all parties except the Charging Party have been received. At the conclusion of the hearing ruling was reserved upon motions to dismiss .made by the Respondents. Disposition of said motions is made by the following -findings, conclusions, and recommendations. Concurrent with its brief, counsel for the Respondent Union filed with the Trial Examiner a motion for correction of the official transcript as to numerous typo- graphical errors. Showing was made on the covering letter that copies of the motion were served upon each of the other parties. No objection having been received, said motion is hereby granted. The motion and covering letter are made a part of the official record in the case. Upon the entire record in the case, and from his observation of the witnesses, the Trial Examiner makes the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. COMMERCE ACTIVITIES OF THE RESPONDENT COMPANIES At the hearing, the following stipulation was entered into by all parties and is adopted as a finding of fact: 1. Perry Coal Company, a Respondent herein, prior to its dissolution in October 1957, was engaged in the business of mining, processing, and selling coal and annually shipped coal valued in excess of $50,000 from points located within the State of Illinois to points outside the State of Illinois. 2. Midwest-Radiant Corporation, a Respondent herein, prior to its dissolution in October 1957, was engaged in the business of mining, processing, and selling coal and annually shipped coal valued in excess of $50,000 from points located within the State of Illinois to points outside the State of Illinois. 3. Peabody Coal Company, a Respondent herein, is an Illinois corporation. It is a miner, processor, and seller of coal, and annually ships coal valued in excess of $50,000 directly across State lines. 4. The parties hereto admit that Perry Coal Company, Midwest-Radiant Corpo- ration, and Peabody Coal Company, at all times during their existence which are material to these proceedings, were and/or are engaged in interstate commerce within the meaning of the National Labor Relations Act as amended, and at such times were and/or are subject to the jurisdiction of the National Labor Relations Board. IT. THE LABOR ORGANIZATIONS INVOLVED The Respondents, United Mine Workers of America, herein called United, its District 12, and its Locals 1227 and 1229, and the Charging Party, Progressive Mine Workers of America, herein called Progressive, District 1, are labor organiza- tions admitting to membership employees of the Respondent Companies. III. THE UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES A. Setting and issues In introductory summary, it may be said that the relevant facts in this case depict a local and notably peaceable episode in the long-existing and sometimes violent rivalry between the United and Progressive as bargaining representatives for the Nation's mineworkers. Considered now in terms of a legal controversy, the aftermath of this episode finds General Counsel and Progressive on one side and United and Peabody (the Employer) on the other. The nub of the dispute is whether or not in 1957 Peabody (or its two acquired companies) illegally assisted United in its illegal wresting from Progressive the contractual right to represent employees at two mines operated by Peabody. And the real crux of General Counsel's complaint appears to be that by their conduct both the Employer and United deprived the employees themselves of their guaranteed right under the Act to select their own bargaining agent, freely and without coercion on the part of either the Employer or United. First a brief review of the setting. Two mines are involved, both in Illinois: one at Millstadt, with about 70 employees; the other at O'Fallon, with an employee force of about 350. Until about May 1956, the Millstadt mine had been owned and operated by the Respondent Midwest-Radiant Corporation which also owned the capital stock of the Respondent Perry Coal Company, the latter owning and operating the O'Fallon mine. In May 1956, the Midwest Coal Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Respondent Peabody, acquired the capital stock of Midwest-Radiant, and on October 3, 1957, by process of merger and liquidation 1266 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Midwest Coal Corporation passed out of the picture and the Respondent Peabody under its own name assumed ownership and operation of the two mines-which it had, in effect, actually controlled since May 1956. At Millstadt since 1938 or 1939 and at O'Fallon since 1932 Progressive had exclusively represented the employees and had been a party to contractual agree- ments with the respective owners and operators through the Coal Producers Asso- ciation of Illinois , of which employer group both Midwest-Radiant and Perry were participating members. During the period especially material to the issues in this case there were in existence , until September 30, 1957, such contracts, Peabody having assumed these obligations when obtaining control of the mines involved. Also for many years there has been contractual relationship between Peabody, a member of the Illinois Coal Operators Association, and the United. Both are and have been parties to the National Bituminous Coal Wage Agreement of 1950 and subsequent amendments . The apparently latest material amendment , that of 1956, repeats the following pertinent provision which had appeared in earlier amendments: ... this agreement, by and between the coal operators, associations, com- panies and individuals signatory hereto . as parties of the first part, and the International Union, United Mine Workers of America . . . as party of the second part, covering all of the bituminous coal mines owned or operated" by said first parties, amends . . . etc. [Emphasis supplied.] And the 1952 amendment, specifically carried forward and preserved by the 1956 amendment, contains this provision: . . . the Operators signatory hereto agree that this Agreement covers the operation of all of the coal lands owned or held under lease by them or any of them or by any subsidiary or affiliate at the date of this Agreement, or acquired during its term which may hereafter (during the term of this Agree- ment ) but put into production. [Emphasis supplied.] Although as noted above Peabody effectively "acquired," through control, the Millstadt and O'Fallon operations in May 1956, so far as the record shows the Respondent United made no move to claim representation rights at these two mines for about a year. In May or June 1957, President Hugh White, of United's District 12, gave "notice, oral" (according to his own testimony) of his demand that Peabody "comply with the terms of that contract" to William V. Hartman, general mine superintendent for Peabody, and to H. C. McCollum, a vice president of Peabody ,and formerly a vice president of Perry.2 White's testimony makes it clear that his demand was based upon the existing contract, above referred to, and not upon any claim that District 12 had any membership or representation among employees of either mine. . there was never any argument or dispute about the meaning of the contract, that it did apply to all Peabody operations," testified White. He con- tinued, "Hartman and McCollum never did tell me that the matter would have to be referred to counsel. They agreed with the language in the contract." White further testified that Hartman and McCollum, while "they agreed with the language of the contract," did not apply it "automatically" because "there was a termination clause in the other contract (with Progressive) that had to be considered. The contract was still in existence as well as ours." And he also conceded that these two officials assured him "that when the contract with Progressive ran out they would sign a contract with the United . after proper legal procedure was com- plied with." He defined this "proper legal procedure" as "the termination of the contract that was then in existence at that mine and the majority of the employees joining the United Mine Workers and Peabody Coal Company applying this contract at those two mines as they had signed their names to it to do." White's testimony regarding his demand and the position taken by Peabody officials is convincing and credible, in the opinion of the Trial Examiner , and substantially reflects the situation as it existed in May or June 1957.3 2 The finding that such demand was made in May or June rests upon HaTtman's testi- mony. White said he could not recall the dates. s Although, as the record shows, McCollum's testimony of the foregoing point was somewhat less than forthright and candid, the following quoted testimony of Hartman is in substance corroborative of White's account : "I told Mr. White that we couldn't honor the United Mine Workers down there because we had a contract with the Pro- gressive Mine Workers and he didn't represent the nien as the bargaining agent for the mine . . . I may have said that if he was the bargaining agent for the mine we would recognize him, but we couldn 't under the present circumstances." PERRY COAL COMPANY, MIDWEST-RADIANT CORPORATION 1267 Peabody thus found itself in this dilemma, its urgency precipitated if not in nature created by White's demand: as to the two mines it was concurrently a party to two- exclusive-recognition contracts, one with Progressive and the other with United. Apart from the legal concepts of overlapping contracts, appropriate bargaining units, and rights accorded employees by Congress, the Employer was confronted by a prob- lem consisting of at least two factors of a most practical nature: (1) it was operating some 27 other mines in Illinois under a United contract at a time when its two. newly acquired mines were operating under a contract with United's historical rival, the Progressive; and (2) from its own payroll and because of dues checkoffs, it well knew that most if not all of the employees at Millstadt and O'Fallon were members of Progressive and had been for many years. The allegations of the complaint relate to actions and conduct by both United. and Peabody beginning in point of time from the above-described demand by White until the Employer's ultimate submission to it, on or about October 1, 1957. In substance, the complaint claims these issues of fact with respect to the- Employers: (1) In June 1957, furnishing United with names and addresses of employees at the Millstadt and O'Fallon mines. (2) For specified periods in July 1957, keeping these two mines closed, in order to encourage membership in United. (3) In July 1957, through certain named agents threatening employees with, the closing of these two mines unless they joined United. (4) In July 1957, refusing to bargain with Progressive, at a time when that labor organization represented a majority of employees at the two mines in an appropriate unit. (5) Terminating on September 30, 1957, its collective bargaining agreement with Progressive. (6) On the same date discontinuing payments into Progressive's Welfare and. Retirement fund. (7) On or about October 1, 1957, recognizing United as the exclusive rep- resentative of employees at both mines although United did not represent an uncoerced majority of said employees. (8) On the same date entering into a contract with United, said contract con- taining an unlawful union security clause, and thereafter enforcing said contract. In substance, the complaint claims these issues of fact with respect to United: (1) Since June 1957, causing or attempting to cause the employer to dis-- criminate against employees at the two mines in regard to conditions of em- ployment by requiring: a. the employer to shut down the two mines. b. the employer to discontinue payments to Progressive's Welfare and. Retirement Fund. c. the employer to enter into, maintain, and enforce the contract with United above referred to. (2) Informing employees at the two mines that United was requiring the employer to enter into and enforce said contract with it, and to cease recogniz- ing Progressive. (3) Entering into the contract, on or about October 1, 1957, with the em- ployer, said contract containing an unlawful union security clause, at a time when it did not represent an uncoerced majority of the employees, and when it had not received from the Board appropriate notice of compliance with section 9(f), (g), and (h) of the Act. B. List furnishing As to this issue there is small question of fact. Both Hartman and McCollum readily admitted that in May or June they furnished White with the names and addresses of employees at the two mines: Hartman for the Millstadt mine, which. he then supervised as general superintendent for Peabody and vice president of- Midwest-Radiant; and McCollum for the O'Fallon mine, over which he had super- vision as vice president of both Peabody and Perry. Both officials, as witnesses, said they were aware of why White wanted the lists and what would be done with them. McCollum stated: "I knew he was going to attempt to organize these men because he had told me." Although there is no evidence that Progressive made a similar request, since this- labor organization exclusively represented both mines it is reasonable to suppose- 1268 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD that it already possessed such a list . And Hartman 's testimony is unchallenged that there was nothing "secretive" about such lists, and they had previously been given to "equipment manufacturers and manufacturers ' representatives" and other organizations. It appears reasonable to conclude that the furnishing of these lists to White was in the nature of assistance by the Employer to United , since these officials had foreknowledge-or belief-as to their use by United . It appears somewhat short of reasonable , however, in the opinion of the Trial Examiner, to hold , as General Counsel alleges in the complaint and urges in his brief , that such "assistance ," per se, was "unlawful." 4 The Trial Examiner considers that Morganton Full Fashioned Hosiery Company et al. (107 NLRB 1534 ), cited by United in its brief, contains the governing con- clusion . There the Board declined to set aside an election on the ground that a list of employees had been furnished to one labor organization and not to another, under circumstances essentially similar to those existing here. The Board said: In view of the absence of any request by the Union for a mailing list or any valid excuse for the Union's failure to request such list from the Employer, we find no improper assistance to the Petitioner or interference with the election as the result of the incident hereinabove mentioned. The Trial Examiner concludes and finds, therefore , that the furnishing of the above-described lists did not, per se, constitute unlawful assistance to United and interference within the meaning of the Act as alleged by the complaint. The fact of assistance , however, as a detail in the larger picture of events described below, may well have bearing upon other issues. C. United's letter to employees The first overt move, so far as the record shows, by either party to the Peabody- United contract , to bring the employees of these two mines under its provisions, was made by Hugh White on July 1, when he sent to all employees at each mine a long letter, from which the following portions are quoted: 5 The National Bituminous Coal Wage Agreement signed by the United Mine Workers of America and all bituminous coal operators provides that the con- tract applies, or covers, all of the bituminous coal mines owned or operated by the signatories to that Agreement. Recently the United Mine Workers of Amer- ica has served notice on the Peabody Coal Company that they must comply with the provisions in the contract , and all provisions of the contract be applied at the Midwest Radiant Mine #1. [In the other letter "at the St. Ellen Mine."] The United Mine Workers of America is requesting that each and every em- ployee subject to the jurisdiction of the contract become members of the United Mine Workers of America. There will be no initiation fee charged these mem- bers. The dues for working members is $4.25 per month. They will have all rights and privileges the same as any other member of our Organization who has never been a member of the Progressive Mine Workers. The District and International Union of the United Mine Workers of America extend a cordial invitation to all employees of the Midwest Radiant Mine #1 [or, in the other letter , "St. Ellen Mine"] to affiliate with the United Mine Workers and participate in the benefits as outlined in this letter. I am enclosing a membership card which you are requested to sign and return promptly to the District Office in the stamped self-addressed envelope we have enclosed for your convenience. [Emphasis supplied.] It is upon the text of this letter that General Counsel bases his contention, noted as point (2) against the United in section III, A, above, that United "made it known to all employees at the Millstadt and O'Fallon mines that said Respondents were re- quiring Peabody: (a) to enter into, maintain and enforce the collective bargaining 4 Paragraph X of the complaint is devoted solely to an allegation of such list furnish- ing, and paragraphs XXIV and XXV specifically cite paragraph X as setting forth a violation of Section 8(a) (1) and (2) of the Act. The brief reviews a number of items of conduct on the part of the Employer, including the supplying of lists, and then urges : "This, and all of this, was unlawful assistance . . . . 5 For purposes of brevity , certain paragraphs relating to numerous benefits which might be enjoyed by applicants for membership in United are omitted. PERRY COAL COMPANY, MIDWEST-RADIANT CORPORATION 1269 contract ... (b) to cease recognizing Progressive .. ," and that by this action United "restrained and coerced" employees in the exercise of legal rights in viola- tion of Section 8 (b) (1) (A). As to the fact alleged that the employees were notified that United was "requiring" Peabody to honor the Peabody-United contract, by maintenance and enforcement, there appears to be no reasonable doubt that the text quoted above amply establishes it or that any literate employee receiving and reading the letter so understood its plain meaning. The statement is unequivocal: United "has served notice on Peabody Coal Company that they must comply with the provisions of the contract, and all provisions of the contract be applied" at the two mines. Notification to employees having been found, what was its import in terms of the Act? Section 8(b) (1) (A), which General Counsel evokes as having been violated, states that it is an unfair labor practice for a union or its agents "to restrain or coerce . employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed in section 7," and Section 7 states: Employees shall have the right to self-organization , to form, join, or assist labor organizations, to bargain collectively through representatives of their own choosing, and to engage in other concerted activities for the purpose of collec- tive bargaining or other mutual aid or protection, and shall also have the right to refrain from any or all of such activities except to the extent that such right may be affected by an agreement requiring membership in a labor organization as a condition of employment as authorized in section 8(a)(3). At least two rights accorded by Congress appear to be here involved: (1) the right to join or not join a labor organization, and (2) the right to select or "choose" their own bargaining representative. As noted heretofore, at the time they received this letter from United, most if not all employees at both mines were and for many years had been members of Progres- sive, United's rival, and they were working under an exclusive recognition agreement between Progressive and their employer-an agreement which by its terms still had 3 months to run. Having fixed the employees as Progressive members, operating under a Progres- sive contract, and avoiding speculation as to the subjective effect upon individual employees which United's July 1 letter may or may not have had, the Trial Examiner is confronted with the question: Was the text of that letter of a nature which, under the circumstances, may reasonably be found to be "coercive"? First as to the matter of union membership. What, if anything, on this point is contained in the United-Peabody contract: (1) Which United in its letter stated "must" be complied with by the Employer, (2) which would be applicable to "each and every employee subject to the jurisdiction of the contract," and (3), if applied, would deprive employees of rights guaranteed by the Act? The National Bituminous Coal Wage Agreement of 1950, from which other quotations have been made earlier in this report, provides: It is further agreed that as a condition of employment all employees shall be, or become, members of the United Mine Workers of America, to the extent and in the manner permitted by law . . . . [Emphasis supplied.] An integral part of the same printed document that contains the above-quoted Na- tional Agreement is the "Wage Agreement and Working Conditions between the Illinois Coal Operators Association and The International Union, United Mine Workers of America and District No. 12, United Mine Workers of America." This "Wage Agreement and Working Conditions," bearing the effective date of April 1, 1941, contains the prefatory statement , "This is the last District Agreement made" and the following introductory note: This last Illinois District Agreement remains in full force and effect in its pro- visions except where they have been amended, modified and or nullified by the National Bituminous Coal Wage Agreements incorporated in this book. The same agreement contains this provision: It is agreed that, as a condition of employment , all employees shall be mem- bers of the United Mine Workers of America . . . . At another point is this provision: . the Operators will [employ] members of the U. M. W. of A. when available . . . . 535828-60-vol. 125-81 1 1270 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD And at another point is this provision: As rapidly as the requisite corps of competent engineers is provided at the dif- ferent mines, the engineers shall become members of the United Mine Workers of America and thereafter only members thereof shall be employed as hoisting engineers when such members competent to fill the position can be obtained. So far as the Trial Examiner can discover from examination of the master docu- ment and its later amendments, the three provisions quoted immediately above have never been specifically "amended, modified and/or nullified." They are included and printed in a single document obviously published after the National Agreement was executed. Such provisions are an integral part of the basic contractual agreement between United and Peabody, and effectively articulate (whether enforced or not) a "closed shop" which is specifically prohibited by the Act and therefore illegal. The Trial Examiner concludes and finds that the plain intent and reasonable effect of United's notification on July 1, 1957, to all employees at the two mines was that they would be required, as a condition of continued employment, to become members of United, and was therefore coercive within the meaning of Section 8(b)(1)(A).6 D. Failure to reopen the two mines 1. Millstadt White's letter to employees was sent out during the annual vacation period at both mines, this period beginning on June 28 and scheduled to end on July 8. At Millstadt, however, because certain repair work previously planned took longer to complete than expected, this mine was rescheduled to reopen on July 15, a Monday. During the first weekend of such repairs the crew worked overtime, and the work was finally completed on Friday, July 12. Although the repairs were finished the mine in fact did not reopen until Saturday, July 20. Testimony developed a sharp dispute as to the reason for the extended delay of resuming operations at this mine. In substance it is General Counsel's contention that the mine was kept closed to force employees to join United. The Respondent Employers deny such motive and affirmatively claim certain economic reasons. The following events, described in summary, tend to support General Counsel's claim. (1) Shortly before noon on July 12, General Superintendent Hartman telephoned to Mine Superintendent Fred Schroder, and instructed him not to reopen the mine on Monday and to so inform the men. Schroder approached the repair crew, then finishing lunch, and told them there would be no work on Monday. They asked why, since the repairs were that day being completed. Schroder told them that the Company could not operate these 2 mines and have its other 27 mines shut down, and added that Peabody had a standing agreement not to operate a mine unless it was United.? The next day Schroder telephoned to Frank Kreitner, president of Progressive's local at this mine, and told him that work would not resume on Monday as scheduled. Kreitner said he must have some reason to give the men and asked for a conference that afternoon. Kreitner and his pit committee went to the office, where at first Schroder was alone. Kreitner asked him why the mine would not work and Schroder replied that "they couldn't work two Progressive mines and shut down 27." A few minutes later General Superintendent Hartman came in. Kreitner turned to him and said, "I understand the mine isn't going to go unless we go United Mine Workers." Hartman replied, "Frankly, I won't comment on that," and referred the following letter to Kreitner and the committee of employees: O As a witness White admitted that he had this letter printed in local newspapers and a second mailing to employees made in August 1957. Both acts were similarly coercive and violative of the same section of the Act. 7 The findings as to Schroder's statements on this occasion rest upon the credible testimony of repairmen Ross and Girardi. Although Schroder somewhat evasively denied that he was asked why the mine would not reopen, he admitted that he discussed with the repairmen United's organizational drive, and then the following colloquy occurred, on direct examination : Q. On that occasion when you were discussing these matters with the men present there did you say that the company would not operate two mines and shut 29 mines down? A. Yes, sir. PERRY COAL COMPANY, MIDWEST-RADIANT CORPORATION 1271 You are hereby formally advised that the joint Bituminous coal wage contract to which the Peabody Coal Company is signatory is effective at any and all mining operations operated by the signatory company. Full compliance to the terms of the aforesaid agreement is expected from the Peabody Coal Company by the United Mine Workers of America. Very truly yours, (S) HUGH WHITE, President. As Hartman finished he said to the committee, "That's it, boys, United is forcing us to comply." 8 As witnesses both Schroder and Hartman claimed that at this meeting the latter told the committee, according to his testimony, that the reason for the "temporary suspension of work [was] because of our stockpile and these slow orders." Schroder's testimony was more evasive. He declared that Hartman "looked out the window as he said this. I don't remember whether he said that pile or this stockpile or what, but the inference was there that when our stockpile was down we would start the mine back to work." Both Kreitner and McGee denied that this reason was given for the continued shutdown, and these denials are credited by the Trial Examiner as being the more credible. Had such an economic reason actually existed, it is reasonable to believe that Schroder himself would have been informed and would so have told the committee when it first raised the question with him. And Hartman readily admitted that after the committee had been shown the United letter he told them, "Well, we just can't do anything about it, our hands are tied." Furthermore, as noted hereinafter, the evidence adduced by the Respond- ent fails to support a reasonable conclusion that the stockpile or orders were in fact a factor in occasioning the extended shutdown. In further support of the above conclusion that the committee on July 13 was not given a "stockpile" reason for the delay in resumption of operations is the uncontra- dicted testimony of Arnold Talheim, a mine employee. He said that during the week of July 15, after the meeting with the pit committee, he asked his neighbor, Fred Schroder, when the "mine was going back to work" and that Schroder replied "not until the union or [and] the company had got things settled .. . And in substantial support of the above findings that the men were effectively in- formed that the real reason for the shutdown was to provide employer support to United's campaign is the credible testimony of a management representative, Foreman Alvin Pruessing. On Friday, July 19, having heard that the mine would reopen the following day, he telephoned to Superintendent Schroder and offered to come in, although then on his vacation (having had charge of the repair crew), if he could be of any help on that day. Schroder told him he could be of assistance, and advised him to come in. He reported on July 20 and met Hartman, to whom he remarked that "it seems peculiar that you started on time and a half." He then asked Hartman what he knew 'about the "union situation." Hartman replied, "Well, as much as I know there's enough cards in now to make the union [mine] go United Mine Workers." 9 To support its affirmative claim that the Millstadt mine was kept closed for eco- nomic causes, the Respondent's witnesses gave confused and unconvincing testi- mony, which fails to withstand scrutiny. It appears unnecessary here to recite, in detail, all of the relevant testimony. Disposition of but two points is enough, in the opinion of the Trial Examiner, to establish the incredibility of the whole. First, as to Hartman's claim that "I decided that the amount of coal we had in the stock- pile and the past performance on the amount of orders that we had coming in, not orders but trucks coming in for coal that we wouldn't start Monday, we would stay down and get that pile cleaned up." Later in his testimony he said that beginning that Monday he stopped all sales, and issued orders to Schroder "don't load any more coal." Just how Hartman could expect to lower a stockpile by permitting no coal to be removed from it remains an unexplained mystery in the record. As to the second point, and apparently not unaware of the inconsistency of his other testimony, s The findings as to this conference rest upon the credible testimony of Kreitner, corroborated by that of pit committeeman McGee. Schroder said, with reference to, the statement of working 2 Progressive mines and shutting down 27: "I may have made that statement. S don't recall it." U In a sworn statement given by Pruessing to a Board agent In October 1957, which was placed In evidence by General Counsel, Pruessing said that on this occasion "I asked Hartman bow it happened that the mine had started up and he said 'I believe that United got enough cards among the men.' " 1272 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Hartman said "after the 15th we stopped selling" from the stockpile "because of the cost of loading the coal from the stockpile into the trucks." It required, he said, "usually one" employee to load from the "stockpile into the trucks." He agreed that this meant approximately $25 per day for this one employee. Yet on Saturday, July 20, he ordered the mine reopened, at time-and-a-half pay for some 74 em- ployees, and double time for the next day, Sunday. In short, the Trial Examiner finds no merit in the Respondent Employer's claims as to why the Millstadt mine did not reopen as scheduled. It is concluded and found that this operation was kept closed in order to lend assistance to United in its effort to coerce employees to join. Furthermore, and directly coercive in nature, were the above-quoted statements to employees by both Schroder and Hartman to the effect that the mine was being kept closed because the employees were repre- sented by Progressive and not by United. 2. O'Fallon As noted above, the vacation period for both mines ended on July 8. O'Fallon was scheduled to reopen on Tuesday, July 9. On the preceding Saturday or Sunday, June 6 or 7, Mine Manager Joe Cruse telephoned to Stanley Feist, then head of the Progressive local at this mine, and informed him that it would not reopen on Tuesday as scheduled. Feist asked why. Cruse said he did not know, but asked Feist to get word to all the men. On Tuesday Cruse again called Feist and said it would not open the following day, either. Again Feist asked why and Cruse replied that "they" did not tell him, but that the mine would not resume until further notice. On July 10, the Progressive miners held a mass meeting, after which Feist made an unsuccessful effort to reach H. C. McCollum, in St. Louis, previously identified as a Peabody vice president. Finally Feist was able to reach the mine superintendent, Joseph Johnson, and a meeting of management and a mine com- mittee was arranged for July 17. On that date a committee of five employees met with McCollum and Johnson. Although it is undisputed that on that date no notice to this effect was posted at the mine and that never before in Feist's recollection had the mine been closed for this reason, McCollum greeted the committee by saying that he was sorry they had not been notified sooner, but that the "State Mining Inspector at Large had closed the mine down" because of "bad air." McCollum gave no explanation as to why, more than a week after the scheduled reopening, he had suddenly got around to proffer this reason. Feist asked McCollum if the real reason "that the mine was shut down was because of the demand by the United Mine Workers." Upon this question McCollum handed Feist a copy of the letter quoted heretofore, in the section immediately above, and added that "the Peabody Coal Company had 29 mines and it wouldn't run two under Progressive and have the 27 under United shut down." McCollum went on to say that while he would like to go on operating under the existing conditions, the Company had no alternative, and that after the Progressive contract expired on September 30 "there would not be another contract signed by Peabody with Progressive." 10 O'Fallon, like Millstadt, was not reopened until after Peabody had formally sent out notification of its cancellation of its contract with Progressive, which will be described more fully in a later section. O'Fallon was reopened on Monday, July 22. The foregoing findings lead to the reasonable conclusion, in the opinion of the Trial Examiner, that the O'Fallon mine, like Millstadt, was kept closed after its .scheduled reopening date in order to force the employees to join United. The Respondent Peabody, however, by testimony of McCollum, would have it -believed that the only reason this mine was "kept closed beginning with July 9 to July 22" was that the "Department of Mines of the State of Illinois" would not let him open it until the air was improved. "That was the only reason that mine was closed," he insisted. To support his claim, the same Respondent called as a witness Albert H. Morris, an inspector-at-large with the Illinois Department of Mines and Minerals. Although this witness, who admitted that he was not the State inspector who regularly covered this mine but had received a special call from a company 3u The findings as to this July 17 meeting rest upon, and -the quotations are from, the credible testimony of Feist and another committee member, George Schmidt. McCollum's denials as to statements attributed to him are not credited. His extravagant claim that one of the Progressive miners suggested to him that their contract be canceled deprives his entire testimony of credibility, in the opinion of the Trial Examiner. Furthermore, McCollum's denials are in part convincingly refuted by the mine superintendent, Joseph Johnson. PERRY COAL COMPANY, MIDWEST-RADIANT CORPORATION 1273 official to come, gave a great deal of technical. obfuscatory, and inconsistent testi- mony about what he did and did not do and what the air in the mine contained or did not contain, a few points culled from it are sufficient to cast discredit upon McCollum's claim. In the first place, Morris fixed July 8 very definitely as the date he told management not to start the mine. He declared that he made this statement to Joseph Cruse, mine manager, among others. Cruse, however, was not called as a witness, and Feist's testimony, above quoted, stands uncontradicted that Cruse telephoned to him the previous Saturday or Sunday, July 6 or 7, and told him the mine would not reopen on July 9, but did not know the reason. In the second place, it is this inspector's testimony that: (1) He gave orders to keep the mine closed on July 8 because the "air samples were not up to par to comply with the Illinois State Coal Mining Act," and (2) that on July 18 he permitted reopening on the basis of samples taken that same day which also did not "meet the standards." Finally, Morris admitted that the "unusual conditions" of bad air were caused by "flushing the old workings," abandoned. "There was no bad air in the new work- ings," he said. In short, the Trial Examiner finds no merit in McCollum's claim as to why the mine was kept closed. On the contrary, from the credible evidence, and the preponderance of it, the Trial Examiner concludes and finds that the O'Fallon mine, like Millstadt, was closed in order to lend the Employer's substantial support and assistance to United's organizational campaign. McCollum's statements to the mine committee, found above, to the effect that the mine would not operate under Progressive, were coercive and interfered with the rights of the employees under the Act. 3. Conclusions In addition to rendering substantial assistance to United by failing to reopen its two mines as found above, the Respondent Peabody plainly discriminated against its employees, engaged in an effective lockout, and denied such employees their em- ployment for the purpose of encouraging membership in United. This period of illegal discrimination at Millstadt was from July 15 to 20, and at O'Fallon from July 9 to 22. Such discrimination was coercive, and interfered with rights guaranteed employees by Section 7 of the Act. E. The refusal to bargain with Progressive 1. Cancellation of the Progressive contract On July 4 Ray Dupee, president of Progressive's District No. 1, sent the following letter to Perry, Midwest-Radiant, Midwest Coal Corporation, and Peabody.ll Coun- sel for the Respondent Employers conceded receipt of the letter. My attention has been called to an advertisement in the Belleville Daily Advocate under the date of July 3, 1957, over the signature of Hugh White, President of District 12, United Mine Workers of America. In this advertisement is a reprint of a letter from Hugh White to the em- ployees of the Midwest Radiant Coal Corporation and the St. Ellen Mine of the Perry Coal Company, which letter states that the Peabody Coal Company recently purchased. said mines. Said letter further states that the United Mine Workers of America has served notice on the Peabody Coal Company that it must comply with the provisions of a certain contract between said Union and the Peabody Coal Company with regard to the operation of said mines. Said letter further requests that each employee become a member of the United Mine Workers of America. You and each of you are hereby advised that the contract now in existence between the Progressive Mine Workers of America, District No. 1, and the Coal Producers Association of Illinois is a valid and binding contract covering the operation of the Midwest Mine and the St. Ellen Mine, and that we shall expect from you full compliance with said contract and that you will comply with the wishes of your employees as to Union affiliation, and any further contract negotiations. u Dupee credibly testified that he had not received from Peabody notification of the merger , but because of rumors he addressed his letter to all companies concerned. 1274 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD None of the four companies ever replied to Dupee's letter, either in writing or orally. And although Dupee made repeated telephonic efforts to reach some official at Peabody's office in St. Louis, after giving his name a delay would follow, and then he would be told that the parties he sought were "not available." The Trial Examiner finds no substantial or reasonable explanation in the record as to why some employer official did not reply to the head of the labor organization with which contractual relationship had up to this point existed for so many years. Vice President McCollum of Peabody, who admitted receiving the letter, said he did nothing about it except turn it over to the "legal department." Attorney Zempel merely said he didn't want to answer "until we could be fully advised as to which union actually represented the men." Since Peabody was at the time checking off union dues for practically all employees at both mines and turning such money over to Progressive Zempel's explanation of uncertainty seems somewhat short of being candid. Furthermore, it is to be inferred that Zempel well knew that by contract Progressive was, and must remain, the exclusive repre- sentative of all these employees for 3 months after the receipt of the letter from Dupee. Despite Zempel's voiced "uncertainty," the record discloses that on July 13, the day after instructing that Millstadt was not to be reopened, General Superin- tendent Hartman signed the following letter, addressed to the Coal Producers Asso- ciation of Illinois-the employer group through which Peabody was under contract with Progressive: This is to advise that Joe Johnson and I are resigning as members of the Boards of the Coal Producers Association of Illinois. Therefore, will you please accept this letter as Mr. Johnson's resignation from the Executive Board and the Joint State Executive Board and as my resignation from the Executive Board of the Coal Producers Association of Illinois. And again despite the attorney's voiced "uncertainty," it appears that he instructed and advised R. J. Snider, financial vice president of "Peabody and related com- panies," to send the following letters out under date of July 19, the date when both Millstadt and O'Fallon were ordered reopened. The immediately following letter was addressed to the Coal Producers' Association of Illinois: This is to notify you of the withdrawal, effective 12:00 o'clock midnight, September 30, 1957, of Perry Coal Company from membership in the Coal Producers' Association of Illinois and that the labor relations of the company will thereafter no longer be handled through the Association. This letter shall constitute a revocation, effective immediately, of any authority the Association may have to negotiate on behalf of the company any extension of or any changes, additions or amendments to the existing collective bargaining agreement with the Progressive Mine Workers of America, District No. 1 which is terminable on or after September 30, 1957. We trust that you will promptly notify the other member employees of the Association of this withdrawal. We are sending a copy of this letter to Progressive Mine Workers of America, District No. 1 and to the local unions concerned. To the same Association was sent, by Snider, an identical letter except for the name of the company-"Midwest-Radiant Corporation" being substituted for "Perry Coal Company"-and a copy of that letter was also sent to Progressive. Also on July 19 Snider sent the following letter to Ray Dupee, previously identi- fied as head of Progressive's District No. 1 and to Kreitner, previously identified as head of Progressive's Local 167: We are enclosing herewith a copy of a letter sent by Midwest-Radiant Corporation to the Coal Producers' Association of Illinois and in which notice of withdrawal from the Association is given by the company, effective 12:00 o'clock midnight, September 30, 1957. This is to notify you that by virtue of its withdrawal from the Association, Midwest-Radiant Corporation will regard the present collective bargaining agreement dated October 1, 1952, as amended and modified, between the Coal Producers' Association of Illinois and Progressive Mine Workers of America, District No. 1, insofar as the said contract may be applicable to its employees or may be binding upon the company, as being terminated concurrently with the effective date of its withdrawal from the Association. Pursuant to the termination provision of the contract dated October 1, 1952, as amended and modified, between the Coal Producers' Association of Illinois PERRY COAL COMPANY, MIDWEST-RADIANT CORPORATION 1275 and Progressive Mine Workers of America, District No. 1, notice is hereby given to you by Midwest-Radiant Corporation of its election to terminate said contract, effective 12:00 o'clock midnight, September 30, 1957, insofar as said contract may be applicable to its employees or may be binding upon the company. Also on the same date, a similar letter, except by references to "Perry Coal Company" instead of "Midwest-Radiant Corporation," was sent by Snider to Dupee and Feist, the latter previously identified as head of Progressive's Local 75. This summary action was taken by the Respondent Peabody at a time when, as its officials well knew from their payrolls, practically all employees were Progressive members, it had received but ignored Progressive communications, and as Attorney Zempel admitted no notification had been received from "any of the employees that they had revoked their membership in the Progressive." 2. Progressive's request to bargain On August 4 Dupee sent the following letter to all the Respondent companies: As you know, the Progressive Mine Workers of America, District No. 1, has been the duly authorized bargaining agent for many years for the employees of St. Ellen Mine of Perry Coal Company and Mine No. 1 of the Midwest Radiant Corporation. We have received a notice from Perry Coal Company and Midwest Radiant Corporation, under date of July 19, 1957, in which it was contended that the contracts which said companies had with District No. 1, Progressive Mine Workers of America would be terminated on September 30, 1957. It is our contention that the terms of the contracts have not been complied with and that they will not terminate on September 30, 1957. On July 1, 1957, an advertisement appeared in the Belleville Daily Advocate over the signature of one Hugh White, President of District No. 12, United Mine Workers of America, which advertisement contained the statement that the Peabody Coal Company had purchased the Midwest Radiant Corporation's Mine No. 1 and the St. Ellen Mine from Perry Coal Company. We, of course, do not know whether this statement is true. In that advertisement it was also stated that the United Mine Workers had a contract with the Peabody Coal Company, the terms which provided that all of the Peabody Coal Company's operations, including the two mines mentioned above, were to be operated by United Mine Workers of America. If such a contract exists, we do not believe it could be applicable to the two mines in question, and we believe that such a contract does not comply with the applicable law and we are prepared to litigate same, if necessary, at the proper time and place. Our purpose in addressing this letter to you at the present time is to notify you that if you are the owner or operator of said mines that we, as the duly authorized bargaining agent for the employees of the said two mines, namely, St. Ellen Mine and Mine No. 1, Midwest Radiant Corporation, are ready and willing to meet with you or either of you to negotiate a new contract con- cerning terms and conditions of emloyment for the employees at said mines, but without waiving our contention that said contracts do not expire on Sep- tember 30, 1957. We request that the meeting be arranged, as soon as convenient, and suggest a date between now and August 15, 1957. We will have our bargaining committee available and will await word from you as to the time and place of such meeting. If you do not intend to operate these mines or, if, in your knowledge, some other person, firm or corporation is to operate them or either of them, we ask that you notify us by return mail the name of such operator. The Respondent employers made no response to the above request to bargain ,concerning a new contract, either in writing or orally. As a finding of fact, it is here determined that by failing and refusing to reply to Progressive's request to negotiate, at a time when the Respondent Employers well knew that practically all the employees were Progressive members, the Respondents refused to bargain with Progressive. 3. Peabody's recognition of United Having ignored all communications from Progressive regarding negotiations for a new contract, having given the full weight of its economic support, by keeping the mines closed, to United in its effort to get cards signed, and having through its 1276 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD officials effectively informed employees that the mines must go United or remain closed, the Respondent Peabody promptly entered into a contract with United after September 30. It is Attorney Zempel 's testimony that shortly before September 30 and for the first time since United began its campaign he examined a number of cards sub- mitted by it and was satisfied that this organization had enough cards signed to con- stitute a majority. Evidence was placed in the record as to these cards. The Trial Ex- aminer considers it unnecessary to review such evidence since it is, in his opinion, wholly irrelevant to the issues . The nature of the coercion visited by ,the employer and its reasonably inferred result wholly disqualifies any claim that a majority of the employees , of their own free choice , at any time signed cards for United. 4. The pension funds In his complaint General Counsel urges that by discontinuing payments into Progressive's Welfare and Retirement Fund after September 30, 1957, the Respondent Employers further and illegally refused to bargain and thereby violated Section 8(a)(1), (3),and (5) of the Act. The answers of the Respondents Perry and Midwest-Radiant admit the discon- tinuance of such payments; that of Peabody denies the allegation, its denial appar- ently being based upon the claim that "it has never made any payments into Progressive's Welfare and Retirement Fund." The admissions of Perry and Midwest-Radiant effectively admit that such pay- ments were both made and discontinued, other evidence establishes that Peabody has controlled both of these corporations since 1956. Whatever the corporate name under which such payments were made, it is concluded and found that the Respond- ent Peabody, being the controlling concern, is the responsible employer in this matter. Without going into an extensive and detailed description of contractual pro- vision on this point, it appears that for a number of years a portion of the so-called "fringe benefits" accorded to employees under Progressive's contract with Perry and Midwest-Radiant, assumed by Peabody when it took over control in 1956, was in the form of periodic payments into a Welfare and Retirement Fund. Accord- ing to Peabody's General Superintendent Hartman, at the period material to this complaint, and under the contract with Progressive: We paid on the over-all tonnage it would be 20 cents a ton or 40 cents on one- half the tonnage. By terms of the basic Progressive contract, it appears that such contributions went to a fund under the control of "co-trustees." Coincident with its discontinuance of contributions to the Progressive fund, the Respondent Employers began contributing to a similar fund provided for in the United contract. White's testimony makes it clear that recipients of benefits under the Progressive fund were not transferred to the United fund, and that he so informed the employees "sometime during that campaign." 5. Conclusions as to refusal to bargain The complaint alleges as appropriate units: (1) All employees at the O'Fallon mine covered by the 1952 contract between Progressive and the Coal Producers' Association of Illinois; (2) all employees at the Millstadt mine covered by the same contract; and/or all employees at both mines. Dupee's letter to all companies of August 4, 1957, establishes that Progressive was seeking to negotiate a contract for the employees at both mines. Although counsel for the Respondent Peabody argues almost persuasively in his brief that General Counsel has not sustained his burden of proving an appropriate unit, this contention falls short of being convincing. Had the employer entertained any doubt about the appropriateness of the union already recognized for so many years under Progressive, it had recourse to Board procedure, but did not avail itself of that privilege. Furthermore, it is clear that all employees at both mines were embraced without question under the United-Peabody contract upon expiration of the Progressive agreement. The Trial Examiner concludes and finds that all employees at the two mines, together or separately, and with such exclusions as are required by law, constitute a unit or units appropriate for the purposes of collective bargaining. The conclusion rests upon the past history of collective bargaining at both mines, upon the fact that the Respondents at the hearing offered no evidence as to any other unit, and upon the fact that the Respondents have continued to recognize , since early in PERRY COAL COMPANY, MIDWEST-RADIANT CORPORATION 1277 October 1957, United as the bargaining representative for all employees in the same unit or units. As to the majority question, the evidence is substantial and convincing that at all material times Progressive has represented a majority of all employees in the afore- said appropriate unit or units Up to the time of the hearing, so far as evidence shows, none of these employees has revoked membership in or selection of Pro- gressive as his bargaining agent. 12 The Trial Examiner concludes and finds that at all material times Progressive has been and continues to be the exclusive representative of all employees in the afore- said appropriate unit or units for the purposes of collective bargaining. The Trial Examiner further concludes and finds that the Respondent Employers have refused to bargain collectively with Progressive as required in the Act by the following conduct: (1) Beginning on July 9 at O'Fallon and on July 15 locking out employees and through responsible officials informing them that these mines would not operate under Progressive; (2) failing and refusing to reply to Progressive's specific request to bargain on August 4; (3) ignoring and failing to respond to all of Progressive's communications; beginning with that dated July 4, and quoted herein, at a time when their officials were openly coercing employees and assisting United as described herein; (4) informing Progressive in the letter of July 19, quoted above, of cancellation of the Progressive contract and simultaneously of the employers' withdrawal from the Coal Producers' Association of Illinois; (5) ter- minating on September 30 the Progressive contract; and (6) discontinuing payments on September 30 into Progressive's Welfare and Retirement Fund. By thus refusing to bargain with Progressive the Respondent Employers interfered with, restrained, and coerced employees in the exercise of rights guaranteed by the Act. F. Summary of unlawful assistance and support The Trial Examiner concludes and finds that the Respondent Employers gave substantial assistance and support to United by the following specific conduct, described in detail above: (1) Discriminatorily locking out employees at both mines to encourage United membership; (2) threatening employees with continued lockout to encourage United membership; (3) refusing to bargain with Progressive in order to encourage membership in United; (4) terminating the collective-bargaining agree- ment with Progressive in order to encourage membership in United; (5) discon- tinuing payments to Progressive's Welfare and Retirement Fund in order to encourage membership in United; and (6) entering into an exclusive bargaining contract with United at a time when it did not represent an uncoerced majority of their employees in an appropriate unit or units. By such assistance and support of United the Respondent Employers interfered with, restrained, and coerced employees in the exercise of rights guaranteed by the Act. G. Summary of unlawful discrimination The Trial Examiner concludes and finds that the Respondent Employers dis- criminated against their employees at the two mines, in regard to their hire, tenure, terms, and conditions of employment, for the purpose of encouraging membership in United by the following specific conduct, described in detail above: (1) Locking out employees at the two mines for a period in July 1957; (2) discontinuing pay- ments to Progressive's Welfare and Retirement Fund on September 30, 1957; and v The following colloquy occurred after Attorney Zempel testified that just before entering into the contract with United he inspected a number of United application cards : TRIAL EXAMINER: At or about this time or at any time within the preceding two or three months had you received any notification from any of the employees that they had revoked their membership in the Progressive Miners? The WITNESS : No, sir , I took it that this card would revoke this because it desig- nates and selects the United Mine Workers as exclusive representative. TRIAL EXAMINER : It doesn't say anything about revoking membership in any other organization? The WITNESS : No, sir, it doesn't. TRIAL EXAMINER : Did you raise that question with anybody? The WITNESS : No, sir. TRIAL EXAMINER : You knew that those miners were members up to September 30th whose dues were being checked off 2 The WITNESS : Yes, sir. 1.278 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD (3) entering into a contract with United on or about October 1, 1957, which in effect is a closed-shop agreement. By engaging in the above-noted discriminatory conduct the Respondents interfered with, restrained, and coerced employees in the exercise of rights guaranteed by the Act. H. Summary of unlawful conduct by United and its locals On October 1, 1957, the Respondent United installed charters for Locals 1227 and 1229, United Mine Workers of America-the first covering employees at O'Fallon, the second employees at Millstadt. It appears that these two locals, through District 12, are now parties to the Peabody-United contract, entered into early in October 1957.13 The Trial Examiner concludes and finds that the Respondent Unions caused and attempted to cause the Respondent Employers to discriminate against employees in violation of Section 8(a) (3) of the Act by the following specific conduct, described heretofore: Entering into the above-described agreement with the Respondent Em- ployers in October 1957.14 The Trial Examiner further concludes and finds that the Respondent Unions restrained and coerced employees at two mines in the exercise of rights guaranteed by Section 7 of the Act by the following specific conduct, described above: (1) In- forming all employees in July 1957 that United was requiring the Respondent Employers to comply with its contract, and (2) in October 1957 entering into a collective-bargaining agreement with Peabody covering employees at those two mines and containing an unlawful union-security clause and thereafter maintaining and enforcing the said contract under which employees covered thereby have been required to pay to the Respondent Unions dues, fees, and assessments.15 IV. THE EFFECT OF THE UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES UPON COMMERCE The activities of the Respondents set forth in section III, above, occurring in connection with the operations of the Respondent Employers described in section I, above, have a close, intimate, and substantial relation to trade, traffic, and com- merce among the several States, and tend to lead to labor disputes burdening and obstructing commerce and the free flow of commerce. V. THE REMEDY Having found that the Respondents have engaged in certain unfair labor practices,. the Trial Examiner will recommend that they cease and desist therefrom and take affirmative action necessary to effectuate the policies of the Act. It has been found that by the effective lockouts in July 1957, the Respondent Employers discriminated against employees at both mines to encourage membership in United. It will be recommended that the Respondent Employers make whole these employees for any loss of pay they suffered as a result of such discrimination "Counsel for the Respondent Unions conceded at the hearing that "as of on or after October 1st that the two mines in question began operating under the green book (the National Agreement), without the necessity for any execution of new documents." 14 General Counsel alleges in the complaint that the Respondent Unions also caused, Illegal discrimination by (1) requiring the Employers to shut down the two mines, and (2) requiring discontinuance of payments to the Progressive Welfare and Retirement Fund. While it might reasonably be inferred that by insisting, in June, that the Employers comply with the existing United contract, United "caused" extension of the regular shutdown period and discontinuance of such contributions, such inference- being: reached by reasoning that by "requiring" compliance with its contract United made such action by the Employers a necessary means to the demanded end, the Trial Examiner considers it unnecessary to draw that conclusion. There is no direct evidence, which the Trial Examiner can locate, that any United official asked or demanded of any Peabody official that the mines be closed or that contributions be halted. 15 General Counsel urges, as another reason for the illegality of the United-Peabody contract, the fact that United, at the time of entering into it, had not received from the Board notice of compliance with Section 9(f), (g), and (h) of the Act. The Trial Examiner considers it unnecessary to pass upon this point, in view of the fact that the ultimate conclusion rests upon broader and more substantial grounds : illegal assistance and the illegal union-security provisions. Nor does it appear necessary to the Trial Examiner to review here the facts which United adduced to show, in effect, that a previous General Counsel gave tacit approval to certain language in the master agree- ment. The fatal continuing provisions have been pointed out in section III, C, above, PERRY COAL COMPANY, MIDWEST-RADIANT CORPORATION 1279 against them, by payment to each of them of a sum of money equal to that which he normally would have earned as wages during the period of discrimination against him, and in a manner consistent with Board policy set out in F. W. Woolworth Company, 90 NLRB 289, and Crossett Lumber Company, 8 NLRB 440. It will further be recommended that the Respondent Employers, upon reasonable request, make available to the Board and its agents all payroll and other records pertinent to the analysis of the amounts due as backpay. It has been found that the Respondent Employers also discriminated against employees at both mines, to encourage membership in United, by depriving them of certain benefits, through discontinuance of contributions to Progressive's Welfare and Retirement Fund. It will therefore be recommended that the Respondent Employers make whole these employees by reimbursing said fund for all contribu- tions provided for under the Progressive contract and discriminatorily withheld since October 1, 1957, and by continuing such contributions until such time as the Respondent Employers and Progressive, under terms of these recommendations, shall have resumed good-faith bargaining within the meaning of the Act.1e It has been found that the Respondent Employers have illegally assisted and supported,the Respondent Unions, and that said Respondent Employers and Unions have entered into, maintained, and enforced an illegal contract pursuant to which fees and dues have been checked off by the Respondent Employers and paid over to Respondent Unions. It will therefore be recommended that the Respondent Em- ployers and Unions: (1) Cease and desist from giving effect to said contract, entered into on or about October 1, 1957, or to any extension, renewal, or modification thereof, or any other contract or agreement between said Respondents which may now be in force; and (2) jointly and severally reimburse employees at both mines for any dues, fees, assessments, or other moneys that since October 1, 1957, have been unlawfully exacted from them as a condition of obtaining or retaining employ- ment with said Respondent Employers. It will also be recommended that the Respondent Employers withdraw and withhold all recognition from the Respondent Unions as the representative of any of its employees at the Millstadt and O'Fallon mines, for the purposes of dealing with them concerning grievances, labor disputes, wages, rates of pay, hours of employment, or other conditions of employment, unless and until the said labor organizations shall have demonstrated their exclusive majority representative status pursuant to a Board-conducted election among said employees. It will also be recommended that, upon request, the Respondent Peabody bargain collectively with Progressive, in good faith and as required by the Act, as the exclusive representative of its O'Fallon and Millstadt employees in the above-found appropriate unit or units. Finally, it will be recommended that the Respondent Employers and Unions cease and desist from in any other manner restraining or coercing employees in the exer- cise of the right to self-organization, to form labor organizations, to join or assist Progressive or any other labor organization, to bargain collectively through repre- sentatives of their own choosing, and to engage in concerted activities for the pur- pose of collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection, or to refrain from any or all such activities, except to the extent that such right may be effected by an agreement requiring membership in a labor organization as a condition of employ- ment, as authorized in Section 8(a) (3) of the Act. Upon the basis of the foregoing findings of fact, and upon the entire record in the case, the Trial Examiner makes the following: CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1. United Mine Workers of America, its District 12, and its Locals 1227 and 1229, and Progressive Mine Workers of America, District 1, are labor organizations within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. 2. By contributing support to United Mine Workers of America, its District 12, and its Locals 1227 and 1229, the Respondent Employers have engaged in and are engaging in unfair labor practices within the meaning of Section 8(a) (2) of the Act. 161n his brief General Counsel urges that the Trial Examiner recommend "reinstate- ment" of the Progressive contract. The Trial Examiner doubts if the case cited by General Counsel (International Broadcasting Corporation, 99 NLRB 130) may be reason. ably construed as a governing precedent. As found above, although the Respondent Employers illegally refused to bargain with Progressive concerning a new contract, the then existing contract was maintained and, so far -as the record shows, its provisions were complied with until its own expiration date, September 30, 1957. 1280 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD 3. By discriminating in regard to the hire and tenure of employment and other terms and conditions of employment of their employees, thereby encouraging mem- :bership in a labor organization, the Respondent Employers have engaged in and are -engaging in unfair labor practices within the meaning of Section 8(a) (3) of the Act. 4. All employees at the O'Fallon mine covered by the 1952 contract between Progressive and the Coal Producers' Association of Illinois, and all employees at the Millstadt mine covered by the same contract, and/or all employees at both said mines, excluding such categories of employees as required by law, constitute a unit appropriate for the purposes of collective bargaining within the meaning of Section 9 (b) of the Act. 5. Progressive Mine Workers of America, District 1, at all times since August 4, 1957, has been the exclusive representative of all employees in the aforesaid unit or units for the purposes of collective bargaining within the meaning of Section 9(a) of the Act. 6. By refusing on and after August 4, 1957, to bargain collectively with the afore- said labor organization as the exclusive bargaining representative of all employees in the appropriate unit or units, the Respondent Employers have engaged in and are engaging in unfair labor practices within the meaning of Section 8(a) (5) of the Act. 7. By interfering with, restraining, and coercing employees in the exercise of rights guaranteed by Section 7 of the Act, the Respondent Employers have engaged in and are engaging in unfair labor practices within the meaning of Section 8(a)(1) of the Act. 8. By causing and attempting to cause the Respondent Employers to discriminate against employees within the meaning of Section 8(a) (3) of the Act, the Respondent Unions have engaged in and are engaging in unfair labor practices within the mean- ing of Section 8(b) (2) of the Act. 9. By restraining and coercing employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed in Section 7 of the Act, the Respondent Unions have engaged in and are engaging in unfair labor practices within the meaning of Section 8 (b) (1) (A) of the Act. 10. The unfair labor practices found herein are unfair labor practices affecting commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. [Recommendations omitted from publication.] Louis Wentzel d/b/a Automotive Parts Company and Immel Motor Parts Company , and Louis M. Wentzel , Marat Smith, and Helen Elizabeth McHugh d/b/a California Distributors 1 and Office Employees International Union , Local No. 26, AFL-CIO, Petitioner . Case No. 20-RC-3913. December 30, 1959 DECISION AND DIRECTION OF ELECTION Upon a petition duly filed under Section 9 (c) of the National Labor Relations Act, a hearing was held before Albert Schneider, hearing officer. The hearing officer's rulings made at the hearing are free from prejudicial error and are hereby affirmed. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the Act, the Board has delegated its powers in connection with this case to a three- member panel [Chairman Leedom. and Members Bean and Fanning]. Upon the entire record in this case, the Board finds : 1. The Employer is engaged in commerce within the meaning of the Act. 1 The name of the Employer appears as amended at the hearing. 125 NLRB No. 124. Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation