Pepeekeo Sugar Co.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsJan 12, 194559 N.L.R.B. 1532 (N.L.R.B. 1945) Copy Citation In the Matter Of PEPEEKEO SUGAR COMPANY and INTERNATIONAL LONGSHOREMEN'S & WAREHOUSEMEN'S UNION, LOCAL 142, UNIT 1, C. I. O. In the Vatter Of OLAA SUGAR COMPANY, LIMITED and INTERNATIONAL LONGSHOREMEN'S & W`''AREHOUSEMEN'S UNION, LOCAL 142, UNIT 3, C.I.O. A In the Matter Of HAWAIIAN AGRICULTURAL COMPANY and INTERNA- TIONAL LONGSHOREMEN'S & WAREHOUSEMEN'S UNION, LOCAL 141, UNIT 1, C. I. O. In the Matter of HAMAKUA MILL COMPANY and INTERNATIONAL LONGSHOREMEN'S & WAREHOUSEMEN'S UNION, LOCAL 143, UNIT 1, C. 1. 0. In the Matter of KAIWIKI SUGAR COMPANY, LIMITED and INTERNA- TIONAL LONGSITOREDTEN'S & WAREHOUSMEN'S UNION,. LOCAL 143, UNIT 2, C. 1. 0. In the Matter Of HUTCIIINSON SUGAR PLANTATION COMPANY and INTERNATIONAL LONGSHOREMEN'S & WAREHOUSEMEN'S UNION, LOCAL 141, UNIT 2, C. I. O. In the Matter of ONOMEA SUGAR COMPANY and INTERNATIONAL LONG- SHOREMEN'S & WAREHOUSEMEN'S UNION, LOCAL 142, UNIT 4, C. I. O. In the Matter of HILO SUGAR COMPANY and INTERNATIONAL LONG- SHOREMEN'S & WAREHOUSEMEN'S UNION, LOCAL 142, UNIT 2, C. I. O. In the Matter Of PAAUHAU SUGAR PLANTATION COMPANY and INTER- NATIONAL LONGSHOREMEN'S & WAREHOUSEMEN'S UNION, LOCAL 143, UNIT 3, C. I. O. In the Matter of KOHALA SUGAR COMPANY and INTERNATIONAL LONGSHOREMEN'S & WAREHOUSEMEN'S UNION, C. I. O. In the Matter of HONOKAA SUGAR COMPANY and INTERNATIONAL LONG- SHOREMEN 'S & WAREHOUSEMEN'S UNION, LOCAL 143, UNIT 4, C. I. O. Cases Nos . 23-R-14, 23-R-16, 23-R-17, 23-R-19, P3-R-,23, 23-R-27, 23-R-28 , and 23-R-2 to 23-R-35.-Decided January 1 1,2, 1945 Mr. Ryburn Hackler, for the Board. Mr. C. W. Carlsmith, of Hilo, Hawaii, Mr. Montgomery E. Winn, of Honolulu , Hawaii, Vesey , Wheeler , Poole & Prince , by Messrs. Rufus G. Poole , and George F. Hirmon, of Washington , D. C., for the Companies. 59 N. L . R. B., No. 282. 1532 PEPEEKEO SUGAR COMPANY 1533 Messrs. Jack W. Hall, Bert H. Nakano, and Yasuki Arakaki, of Hilo, Hawaii, Mr. Martin Raphael and Miss Harriet Bouslog, of Washing- ton, D. C., for the CIO. Mr. John A. Owens, of Honolulu, Hawaii, for the AFL. Mr. Bernard Goldberg, of counsel to the Board. DECISION AND DIRECTION OF ELECTION STATEMENT OF THE CASE Upon separate petitions duly filed by various locals of International Longshoremen's & Warehousemen's Union, C. I. 0., herein called the CIO, alleging that questions affecting commerce had arisen concern- ing the representation of employees of Pepeekeo Sugar Company, Olaa Sugar Company, Limited, Hawaiian Agricultural Company, Hamakua, Mill Company, Kaiwiki Sugar Company, Limited, Hutchinson Sugar Plantation Company, Onomea Sugar Company, Hilo Sugar Company, Paauhau Sugar Plantation Company, Kohala Sugar Company, and Honokaa Sugar Company, all of Hawaii, Territory of Hawaii, herein collectively called the Companies, the National Labor Relations Board consolidated the cases and provided for an appropriate hearing upon due notice before Peter F. Ward, Trial Examiner. Said hearing was held at Hilo and Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii, on August 29, 31, September 12, 14, 20, 21, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, October 5, and 9, 1944. The Companies, the CIO, and the Sugar Workers Union, Local 23712, A. F. L., herein called the AFL, appeared and participated. All parties were afforded full opportunity to be heard, to examine and cross-examine witnesses, and to introduce evidence bearing on the issues. The Trial Examiner's rulings made at the hearing are free from prejudicial error and are hereby affirmed. All parties were afforded an opportunity to file briefs with the Board. Oral argu- ment before the Board in Washington, D. C., was heard on December 19, 1944. The motion made by the Companies subsequent to the oral argument that its "Analysis of Record" be incorporated in the record is hereby granted. Such "Analysis" is received not as evidence, how- ever, but as in the nature of a supplemental brief. Upon the entire record in the case, the Board makes the following : FINDINGS OF FACT I. THE BUSINESS OF THE COMPANIES Each of the Companies involved in this proceeding is a corporation engaged in the growing and processing of sugar cane. The following 1534 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD table shows for each of the Companies, the place of incorporation, the amount and value of raw sugar and molasses produced during the 1943 fiscal year, and the value of supplies and machinery purchased during the same period. Name of company Place of incorpora -tion Tons of raw sugar produced Approxi- mate value Tons of molasses produced Approxi- mate value Approxi- mate alue of purchases PepeekeoSugar Company ---- Hawaii ------------ 13,182 $973 , 715 4,563 $49,229 $253,891 Olaa Sugar Company , Lim - _ 40,292 3, 258,318 14,828 181 , 986 982,415 ited. Hawaiian Agricultural Com- _ 646 2, 005,132 9, 626 80, 460 553,245 pang. HamakuaMillCompany _-___ _____ do___--__-_-__ 0, 825 1 , 705,536 7,100 59,509 605,435 Kaiwiki Sugar Company, ----- do------------ 13, 236 1 , 299,530 4,798 53,290 355,565 Limited. Hutchinson Sugar Plantation California--------- 13,564 967, 454 3, 661 22,894 308,384 Company. Onomea Sugar Company ----- Hawaii------------ 22,,073 1,875,530 7, 355 79,837 380,117 Hilo Sugar Company --------- ----- do------------ 22, 415 1 , 866,974 8,619 97, 202 319,307 Paauhau Sugar Plantation California--------- 13,472 1 , 149, 010 4, 275 38, 315 254,983 Company. Honokaa Sugar Company... Hawaii - ----------- 15,416 1,079, 120 4 , 500 50, 521 386,223 KohalaSugar Company ------ ----- do ------------ 40, 319 3,077,249 8 , 141 81 , 411 848,500 Substantially all of the raw sugar and molasses produced was shipped to the mainland of the United States for refining. Part of the supplies purchased by the Companies was bought in the United States or other places outside the Territory of Hawaii and transported to the Territory of Hawaii. We find that the Companies are engaged in commerce within the meaning of the National Labor Relations Act. II. THE ORGANIZATIONS INVOLVED Locals 141, 142, and 143, International Longshoremen's & Ware- housemen's Union, affiliated with the Congress of Industrial Organiza- tions, are labor organizations admitting to membership employees of the Companies. Sugar Workers Union, Local 23712, affiliated with the American Federation of Labor, is a labor organization admitting to member- ship employees of the Companies. III. THE QUESTIONS CONCERNING REPRESENTATION The Companies have refused to recognize either the CIO or the AFL as the bargaining representative of their employees, claiming that all of their employees are agricultural laborers within the mean- ing of Section 2 (3) of the Act and therefore exempt from its coverage. A statement of the Regional Director, introduced into evidence at PEPEEKEO SUGAR COMPANY 1535 the hearing, indicates that the CIO represents substantial numbers of employees in the units claimed by the CIO to be appropriate.' We find that questions affecting commerce have arisen concerning the representation of employees of the Companies, within the mean- ing of Section 9 (c) and Section 2 (6) and (7) of the Act. IV. THE EMPLOYEES WITHIN THE MEANING OF SECTION 2 (3) OF THE ACT Each of the plantations involved in this proceeding is owned by a heavily capitalized corporation, comprises thousands of acres of land, employs hundreds of persons, and has total annual purchases and sales aggregating more than $1,000,000. Sugar plantations in Hawaii are complex, highly mechanized, carefully organized and operated large scale business enterprises. The diversity of operations and the closely integrated character of the plantation system is most clearly mani- fested by the wide range of activities performed on the typical sugar plantation. For purposes of convenience, these activities may be .grouped under the following headings : (a) Activities admittedly agricultural. These include the prepara- tion of the land for planting, planting, cultivating, fertilizing, irri- gating, and harvesting of sugar cane. (b) Transportation. Harvested cane is transported from the fields to the processing mill by (1) permanent railroads which run from the edge of the cane fields to the processing mill yard, (2) permanent flumes through which swiftly flowing water floats the cane to the proc- essing plant, (3) motor trucks used to haul the cut cane directly to the processing mill, to the main railroad lines, or to the main flume. Port- able flumes and portable tracks laid in the fields during harvest time are in some cases employed to haul the cane from the fields to the main railroad or flume. The following is a tubular summary of the CIO's showing of interest in each of the cases as reported by the Regional Director in his "Report on Investigation of Interest of Contending Labor Organizations ." All proof of representation was made in the form of application for membership cards. Name of company Case No. Numberin unit Number of desig- Date of designations nations Pepeekeo Sugar Company _____________ 23-R-14 101 55 Feb. to Aug. 1944. Olaa Sugar Company , Limited --------- 23-R-16 490 394 Feb. to Sept. 1944, Hawaiian Agricultural Company ____-_ 23-R-17 230 212 Feb. to Sept. 1944. Hamakna Mill Company ------------- 23-R-19 14e 60 Mar. to Apr. 1944. Raiwik! Sugar Comnanv Limited_____ 23-R-23 •102 66 May to Sept. 1944. Hutchinson Sugar Plantation Company_ 23-R-27 198 154 June to Sept. 1941. Onomea Sugar Company ____-___-_-___ 23-R-28 200 141, Marto Sept. 1944. Hilo Sugar Company __________________ 23-R-32 149 82 Jan. to Sept. 1944. Paauhau Sugar Plantation Company.- 23-R-33 128 99 Feb. to Sept. 1944. Kohala Sugar Company ------ __-_-__- 23-R-34 379 230 May to Sept. 1944. Honokaa Sugar Company -------------- 23-R-35 206 123 Aug. to Sept. 1914. The Regional Director further reported that the AFL submitted an undated petition containing the names of 95 persons in Case No. 23-R-35, Matter of Honokaa Sugar Company. 618683-45-vol. 59-98 1536 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD (c) Processing mill. The cut cane is transported to the processing plant yard where it is unloaded, weighed when necessary, and then carried on mechanical conveyors to a large barn-like building where take place the various steps in the conversion of sugar cane. into raw sugar. As the cane is carried along the mechanical conveyor it passes under a series of flailing, knives which chop the stalks into a coarse shredded mass which then passes through a crusher and a series of rollers to press the juice from the cane. This juice is clarified by mixing it with a solution of milk of lime and heating it to the boiling point to arrest fermentation; it is then piped to settling tanks where clear juice is drawn off. Excess water is driven off by boiling, and the syrup obtained is then further boiled under high vacuum until a product called "massecuite," which consists of crystallized sugar and molasses is secured. After more boiling, the "massecuite" is run into centrifugal machines where the molasses is flung off, leaving hard, dry, sugar crystals-raw sugar, which is then conveyed to bins and there bagged, weighed and transported to a warehouse for ultimate loading onto trucks or railroad cars. (d) Repair, maintenance, and new construction. Each plantation has extensive repair facilities for keeping in condition buildings, agri- cultural and other machinery, transportation equipment, and roads. Crews are also engaged either full or part time in constructing new roads, buildings, equipment, and facilities throughout the plantation.' On each plantation there is a steam generating plant to supply energy to drive plant machinery, to turn electric generators, and to furnish heat for boiling and evaporating cane juice. (e) Miscellaneous facilities. The typical plantation has a general office where a staff of office employees keeps the accounts, makes up the pay rolls, and handles general administrative work; a personnel de- partment; company stores where general merchandise is sold; and a medical department employing a full or part-time doctor and one or more nurses. The Companies also maintain camps where their em- ployees live. To keep these camps in condition, they employ camp o-cleaners who cut and mow lawns, collect and dispose of garbage, trap rodents and in general attend to the appearance and sanitation of the camps. Two of the plantations also have small dairy ranches from -which they sell dairy products and meat to their employees. Board- ing houses, cafeterias, and coffee shops are operated by the plantations in some cases.' 2 At the present time about the only new construction carried out is in connection with road building. 3 The job titles of some of the employees engaged - in transportation , processing , repair, maintenance and construction activities include the following : locomotive engineer, coh- ductor , brakeman , locomotive fireman, yard engineer, yard brakeman , truck driver, strainer tender, mill tender , engine tender, engine oiler, fireman, ashman , centrifugal tender, sugar loader , night watchman, machinist, mechanic , welder, bricklayer , blacksmith , painter, car- PEPEEKEO SUGAR COMPANY 1537 Section 2 (3) of the Act provides that the term "employee" shall not include any individual employed as an "agricultural laborer." The Companies contend, in effect, that they are engaged in agricul- tural enterprises and that, therefore, all their employees, those en- gaged in transportation, in the processing mill, in repair, maintenance and construction activities, as well as those engaged in planting, cul- tivating and harvesting are agricultural laborers and hence exempted from coverage of the Act. The CIO, on the other hand, maintains that the term "agricultural laborer" covers only those employees en- gaged in field work, including those who load the harvested cane onto the initial means of transporting the cane from the fields to the proc- essing mill. All other employees, it asserts, are covered by and en- titled to the protection of the Act. Although the term "agricultural laborer" is not defined in the Act, its meaning is not obscure. The guidepost is the ordinary meaning of the phrase, that stemming from common usage and common under- standing.4 The term "agricultural laborer," as commonly under- stood, refers to a person employed on a farm in the cultivation of the soil, including the harvesting of crops and the rearing and manage- ment of livestock. Only confusion results. from an extension of the meaning of the phrase "agricultural laborer" beyond its customary sense. If the Companies' argument were accepted, some anomalous conclusions would result : e. g., locomotive engineers, conductors, brakemen, engine oilers, machinists, welders, bricklayers, service sta- tion attendants, toolroom attendants, and stockroom clerks employed by the Companies would perforce become agricultural laborers. There is nothing in the Act itself or in the congressional reports and debates preceding its enactment to indicate that Congress in excluding agri- ,cultural laborers from coverage of the Act intended so broad an inter- pretation. The exclusions listed in Section 2 (3) of the Act are occu- pational exclusions, determined by the nature of the work performed by the employee on a farm.5 The test is not whether the various activi- ties are considered part of a single enterprise and controlled by the same management, or whether the employee is engaged in handling products grown on a farm, but the essential character of the work performed by the individual employee. Thus, the Board has held that employees engaged in sorting and packing fresh fruits and vege- tables whether in the packing shed of a dealer, a cooperative marketing penter, service station attendant, battery man, tire man, stockroom clerk, toolroom attend- ant, garbage truck driver, rat catcher, sales clerk, road construction man, power shovel operator, and dump truck driver. 4 North Whittier Heights Citrus Association v. N. L. R. B., 109 F. (2d) 76, 80 (C. C. A. 9) enf'g Matter of North Whittier Heights Citrus Association, 10 N. L. R. B. 1269. 5Matter of Saticoy Lemon Association, 41 N. L. R. B. 243; Matter of Stark Brothers .Nurseries and Orchards Company, 40 N. L. R. B. 1243. 1538 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD association, or of the grower himself; 6 machine shop employees on a hop ranch, engaged in repairing various types of agricultural and ranching equipment and in constructing hop picking machines; 7 em- ployees in the processing plant of a company engaged in growing, purchasing, processing, and selling plant seeds; 8 bottlers in the dairy of a large dairy ranch ; 9 sorters employed by dealers to sort potatoes in the dealers' warehouses and in the cellars of growers notwithstand- ing the fact that the farmer grower reimbursed the dealer for the wages paid the sorters,10 are not agricultural laborers. And in two proceedings involving a corporation engaged in the cultivation of sugar cane , the transportation thereof to processing mills, the milling of sugar cane, the refining of raw sugar, and the processing of various byproducts, the Board found appropriate a production and mainte- nance unit at one of its processing plants including sugar boilers, ground and yard employees, employees on a narrow gauge railroad used in the harvest season to transport cane from the Company's fields to the processing mill, electric truck operators, longshoremen, etc. but excluding agricultural employees, among others. 11 All of the foregoing employees, though working on a farm or in close connec- tion with farming operations and performing tasks which in a simpler state of agricultural economy were performed by the farmer himself or his hired hand, the Board found, had by the process of specializa- tion lost their character as agricultural laborers and had become primarily industrial workers.12 We are not unmindful of the fact that a somewhat broader defini- tion of the term "agricultural laborer" than here indicated has some- times been given by the courts and administrative agencies in construing other statutes. But as pointed out by the court in the North Whittier case, such other definitions "have grown out of special statutory phraseology or out of judicial effort to conform to legislative intent." 13 On the other hand, in a series of cases requiring the inter- pretation of the exemption granted to employees "employed in agri- culture" under the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 (29 U. S. C. § 213), the Circuit Court of Appeals for the First Circuit has held 0 Matter of North Whittier Heights Citrus Association, supra ; Matter of John W. Campbell , Inc., 58 N. L. R. B . 1153 : Matter of Antonio Tomasello, 46 N. L . R. B. 375 ; Matter of Grower-Shipper Vegetable Association of Central California , 43 N. L . R. B. 1389; Matter of Jameson Company , 25 N. L. R. B. 64 ; Matter of George G. Averill , et al.. 13 N. L. R. B. 411 ; Matter of American Fruit Growers, Inc., 10 N. L. R. B. 316. 7 Matter of F. Clement Horst Compa ny, 23 N. L. R. B. 1193. N Matter of Newday Seeds, Inc., 55 N. L. R. B. 1049. 9 Matter of Hind-Clarke Dairy, 58 N. L. R. B. 99. 10 Matter of Idaho Potato Growers, Inc., 48 N. L. R. B . 1084 . enf'd Idaho Potato Growers, Inc. v. N. L. R. B., 144 F. (2d) 295 (C. C. A. 9) cert. denied 65 S. Ct. 122 ; Matter of J. H. Simplot , et al., 55 N . L. R. B. 1228. 11 Matter of Godchaux Sugars, Inc., 26 N . L. R. B. 33 and 36 N. L . R. B. 926. 12 Idaho Potato Growers, Inc., v. N . L. R. B., supra. 11 North Whittier Heights Citrus Association v. N. L. R. B., 109 F . ( 2d) 76, 79 (C. C. A. 9). PEPEEKEO SUGAR COMPANY 1539 that employees on sugar plantations in Puerto Rico engaged in the sugar processing mills, in the operation of transportation facilities, and ill the repair and maintenance of transportation and mill equip- ment were not "employed in agriculture"; only those employees en gaged in planting, cultivating, and harvesting of sugar cane were held to be exempt under that Act.14 In Calaf v. Gonzalez,'-' the Court used very pertinent language in disposing of contentions similar to those raised in the instant proceeding : "The mere fact that in this case the owners of the farms are also the owners of the mills and the transportation facilities does not make transportation an incident to farming. The issue, therefore, is not whether the same owners man- age and control the mill, the farms, and the transportation system, but rather whether transportation is incident to farming or incident to milling, an operation specifically within the purview of the Act." It should be noted that the Court arrived at this conclusion despite the extremely broad definition of "agriculture" contained in the Fair Labor Standards Act.16 We find that only the employees of the Companies engaged in the following operations are agricultural laborers within the meaning of Section 2 (3) of the Act: (1) Preparation of the land for planting, planting, cultivating, fertilizing, irrigating, harvesting, including the loading by hand or by crane of the cut cane onto the initial means of transporting the cane from the fields, and the care of animals.'7 (2) On the diary ranch of the Hutchinson Sugar Plantation : milkers, cowboys, man in charge of calving cows, calves and bulls, but not the milk room attendant, or milk delivery man.18 (3) On the dairy ranch of the Hawaiian Agricultural Company: milkers, cowboys, horse breaker, pig lean, lantana man, but not the delivery boy or the bottle We find that all other employees of. the Companies including field scalers, pump tenders, shoeing blacksmiths, employees engaged in the operation of transportation facilities including railroads, trucks, flumes, sleds , portable tracks and portable flumes, employees engaged ". Bowie v. Gonzalez, 117 F. (2d) 11, 19; Gonzalez v. Bowie, 123 F . (2d) 387; Calaf V. Gonzalez , 127 F. ( 2d) 934. 15 Footnote 14, supra, at p. 937. 16 Section 203 defines that term to include farming in all its branches including "any practices . . . performed by a farmer or on a farm as an incident to or in conjunction with such farming operations, including preparation for market, delivery to storage or to market or to carriers for transportation to market." 14 This classification corresponds generally with the different methods of compensating field workers and other employees used by the Companies. The former are paid on a short-term contract or long-term contract basis with the amount of their earnings deter- wined either by the volume of work performed or the yield of cane from the fields on which they work ; for other employees hourly, daily, or monthly payment systems are Used. 38 Matter of Hind - Clarke Dairy, 58 N. L. It. B. 99. 19 See footnote 18, supra. 1540 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD in repair, maintenance and new construction including road construe- tion and repair, employees engaged in and about the processing mills, camp cleaners, store employees, general office employees, medical de- partment and personnel department employees perform non-agricul- tural duties, and hence are covered by the Act. The evidence indicates that some of the employees divide their time. between strictly agricultural pursuits and those that are not agri- cultural. For example, the railroad section gang on one plantation- spend two-thirds of their time repairing and maintaining the rail- road lines, and the other one-third in harvesting work. In another case, employees on a dairy ranch spend half of their time in the plan- tation slaughter house assisting the butcher foreman, and the other half as cowboys or farm hands on the ranch. The Companies in their supplemental brief have raised the question as to the proper classifi- cation of such employees. Insofar as an employee is engaged in opera- tions which have been defined herein as agricultural, he is an "agricultural laborer" and hence excluded from operation of the Act.. However, when such an employee works at non-agricultural employ- ment, he is an "employee" within the meaning of the At and therefore entitled to its benefits. As an "agricultural laborer" he is, of course,, excluded from any unit herein found appropriate, but as an ordinary employee performing non-agricultural duties he is included in such unit and may be represented by a union with respect to that part of his work which is not agricultural in character. Accordingly, all em- ployees dividing their time between agricultural and non-agricultural employment are deemed to be included within the appropriate units and either union, if successful, is authorized to bargain for such employees with respect to that part of their activities which are not agricultural in character.20 V. TIIE APPROPRIATE UNIT The CIO urges that in each case a single uht' comprising all non- agricultural employees, excluding executive, administrative, office, cler- ical, accounting, personnel, and medical employees, timekeepers, sur- veyors, the supervisory employees listed in Appendix A and attached hereto, and any other supervisory employees be found appropriate. In the alternative, the CIO suggests the establishment of two separate bargaining units : (1) all employees engaged in processing, transporta- tion, repair, maintenance and construction work, excluding the same employees omitted in the preferred unit; (2) those employees working in and about the camps where the employees live such as the camp cleaners, store employes, butcher shop employees, milk room attendants, 20 Matter of Newday Seeds, Inc., 55 N. L. It. B. 1049-; Matter of H. J. Heinz Company, 49 N. L. R. B. 573. PEPEEKEO SUGAR COMPANY 1541 milk delivery men, milk bottlers, boarding house and cafeteria employees, and any other personal service employees, excluding supervisory personnel listed in Appendix A. At the hearing, the Companies took no definite position with respect to either the appro- priateness of any unit or the specific composition thereof. The sole dis- agreement between the parties pertained to the supervisory status of certain employees discussed hereinafter. In their supplemental brief, however, the Companies contend (1) that the evidence in the record is inadequate and the units sought by the CIO so poorly defined as to be incapable of definition; (2) that the unit or units sought by the CIO -are inappropriate. We do not agree that the record is so deficient or the units sought so vague as to require either the dismissal of the petitions or the reopening of the record for the admission of additional evidence. While the single unit sought by the CIO is inappropriate because of the inclusion of store and similar employees in a production and maintenance unit,21 the alternative units suggested follow well established bargaining precedents. Unit (1) is the ordinary produc- tion and maintenance unit frequently found appropriate by the Board'22 and unit '(2) is the type of residual unit covering employees not immediately connected with the production processes often found appropriate as a supplement to a more homogeneously defined unit.23 We are of the opinion that the two alternative units sought by the CIO are appropriate for the purposes of collective bargaining. in their supplemental brief, the Companies itemize a large number of individual cases in which they claim that the record is defective. Most of the instances cited relate to employees who divide their time between agricultural and non-agricultural activities and whose status was discussed in Section IV, supra, and to employees who allegedly may be supervisory employees. Concerning the latter contention, it is sufficient to point out that the parties in each case stipulated as to the categories of employees who are supervisory employees within the Board's definition, and as to those employees whose supervisory status is disputed. The status of the latter is' discussed hereinafter. Disputed categories of supervisory employees at Olaa Sugar'Compaigl, Limited Garage bookkeeper. This employee is in charge of the garage office and has four other employees acting under his orders ; they are an assistant bookkeeper, a timekeeper, and two stock clerks. He is in charge of inventories, the making of reports for the head office, the 21 Matter of Potlatch Forests, Inc ., 52 N. L. It, B. 1377. 22 See Matter of Potlatch Forests, Inc., 52 N. L. R . B. 1377.; Matter of Godchaux Sugars, Inc., 26 N. L. R. B. 33, and 36 N. L. R. B. 926. 23 Matter of General Electric Company , 54 N. L. R. B. 1299. 1542 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD ordering and issuance of parts needed for repairs, the maintenance of records of supplies, etc. The garage bookkeeper's position is one of considerable responsibility for which he is remunerated at the rate of $130 per month; the highest salary of any of his subordinates is $75 per month. Although there has been little occasion for the exercise of supervisory functions during his tenure, we are satisfied, on the basis of the record, that the garage bookkeeper has the power to make effective recommendations respecting the status of his subordinates, and accordingly, find him to be a supervisory employee within the Board's customary definition. We shall exclude him from the unit. head blaclsmith. The principal difference in the duties of the so- called head blacksmith and other blacksmiths is that the former is assigned to more difficult, blacksmithing work. The evidence does not show that he exercises the authority of a supervisory employee. We find that the head blacksmith is not a supervisory employee and we shall include him in the unit. Head warehouseman. This employee works in the -mill warehouse where repair parts for mill machinery and -some building material are stored. He is assisted by two subordinates who act as stock clerks. It does not appear that he exercises the customary attributes of super- visory power with respect to his assistants, and we shall, therefore, include him in the unit. Cane carrier leanas.24 These employees are in charge of crews of seven men engaged in transferring the cane from the cane cars to the cane carriers. They substitute for their men during the absence of any of the latter, operate strainers, and make machinery repairs or ad- justments when necessary. Their compensation is at the rate of $2.40 per day, while the members of their gangs receive $2.24 per day. Al- though it is contended that the cane carrier lunas have supervisory authority, the record is clear that the lunas have never been apprised of such authority by the management and.that they have not in fact exercised any such authority. We find that the cane carrier lunas are not supervisory employees within the Board's customary definition thereof and we shall include them in the unit. . Sugar room Tunas. These employees are in charge of crews of about eight men working in the sugar room. They receive $2.48 per day, while their subordinates receive either $2.24, or $2.40 per day. The powers of the sugar room lunas with respect to their subordinates are analagous to those of the cane carrier lunas, whom we have included in the unit. We find that the sugar room lunas are not supervisory employees and shall include them in the unit. 24 "Luna" is a Hawaiian word used to describe a person having authority. The nearest English equivalent is "boss" or "strawboss." PEPEEKEO SUGAR COMPANY 1543 Disputed categories of supervisory employees at other plantations The parties stipulated that sugar room lunas at Onomea Sugar Company, and flume switch foremen at Hilo Sugar Company, have the same authority as the sugar room lunas and cane carriers lunas,. respectively, at Olaa Sugar Company. In accordance with the stipu- lation of the parties, we find that the sugar room lunas at Onomea_ Sugar Company and the flume switch foremen at Hilo Sugar Com- pany are not supervisory employees ; we shall include them in the unit. The CIO generally requests the exclusion of office, clerical, and accounting employees from the units. In accordance with our usual- practice, we shall exclude only those clerical and accounting em- ployees working in the general offices ; we shall include, however,. plant clerical employees, i. e., clerical employees working along with. and under the same supervision as non-clerical employees, in the same- unit with such non-clerical employees .2-1 We find that in the case of each company the following units, ex- cluding all supervisory employees with authority to hire, promote,, discharge, discipline, or otherwise effect changes in the status of employees or effectively recommend such action, are appropriate for the purposes of collective bargaining, within the meaning of Section- 9 (b) of the Act: (1) All production and maintenance employees, including: (a) all employees engaged in transportation, including portable flume and. portable track men, flume watchmen, cane and other truck drivers and. their helpers, railroad employees, sled drivers, and cane unloaders and. loaders at the transfer points; (b) all employees engaged in and about the processing mill and mill yard, including such operations as scaling,. loading, unloading, washing, handling, cleaning, grinding, heating,. liming, clarification, filtration, evaporation graining, drying, bagging,, sewing, shipping, warehousing and delivery, molasses handling, and chemical control, and including all employees engaged in steam and power production, cane carrier lunas,26 sugar room lunas,27 flume switch foremen,28 yardmen, watchmen, boiling house oilers, utility men, and flume switchmen; (c) all employees engaged in repair, maintenance and new construction, including machinists, mechanics, welders, bricklayers, masons, carpenters of all kinds, blacksmiths, head blacksmith,29 shoeing blacksmiths, tinsmiths, oilers, electricians, 22 Matter of Chicago Rawhide Manufacturin g Company, 59 N. L. It. B. 1234 ; Matter of Goodman Manufacturing Company , 58 N. L. It. B. 531 ; Matter of Servel, Inc., 58 N. L. It. B . 5 ; Matter of Proximity Manufacturing Company , 56 N. L. It. B. 264. 20 At Olaa Sugar Company, Limited. 27 At Olaa Sugar Company, Limited , and Onomea Sugar Company. 28 At Hilo Sugar Company. 20 At Olaa Sugar Company , Limited. 1544 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD sweepers, watchmen, utility men, painters, plumbers, service station attendants, battery men, tire men, field lubricators, sawmill attendants, railroad section gangs, road maintenance cantoneers, road construc- tion gangs, quarry gangs, power shovel operators, and scraper opera- tors; (d) field scalers, plant clerical employees, warehouse employees, head warehouseman,30 pump tenders, and hydroelectric plant em- ployees; but excluding all agricultural employees as defined in Section IV, above, garage bookkeeper,3' executives, general office clerical em- ployees, accounting department employees, personnel department em- ployees, medical department employees, timekeepers, surveyors, engineers, employees engaged in research work, draftsmen, employees of the macadamian nut factory,32 all employees listed in Appendix A attached hereto and all employees included in unit (2) described below. (2) All camp cleaners, including yardmen, garbage truck drivers and their helpers, cart drivers, rat catchers, and wood cutters; all store and butcher shop employees, including sales clerks, store office clerks, store bookkeepers, store warehouse clerks and store delivery men; cafeteria, boarding house and coffee shop employees; milk room attendant, bottle washer and milk delivery men on dairy ranches ; but excluding agricultural employees as defined in Section IV, above, all employees listed in Appendix A attached hereto, general office clerical employees, accounting department employees, personnel de- partment employees, medical department employees, and all employees included in unit (1) above." VI. THE DETERMINATION OF REPRESENTATIVES We shall direct that the questions concerning representation which have arisen be resolved by elections by secret ballot among the em- ployees in the appropriate units who were employed during the pay- roll period immediately preceding the date of the Direction of Elec- tions herein, subject to the limitations and additions set forth in the Direction. As indicated in Section IV, above, some of the employees divide, their time between agricultural and non-agricultural pursuits. While all of such employees may be represented by the successful union in respect to that part of their employment which is not agricultural, only those employees who spend 50 percent or more of their time in such non-agricultural employment have a sufficiently substantial in- 3° At Olaa Sugar Company, Limited. 31 At Olaa Sugar Compa.n.y, Limited. 11 At Honokaa Sugar Company. 33 The units here prescribed are more detailed than is required in any one particular case, and sufficiently comprehensive to cover the employee situation in all cases. This procedure has been adopted to avoid the necessity of prescribing 22 separate units which, except in minor details, are essentially the same. PEPEEKEO SUGAR COMPANY 1545 terest in the terms and conditions of employment to entitle them to vote in the election. Accordingly, only those employees who spend at least 50 percent of their time at non - agricultural employment within .one of the units previously found appropriate shall be eligible to -vote in the election to select a bargaining representative . for that unit.34 DIRECTION OF ELECTIONS By virtue of and pursuant to the power vested in the National Labor Relations Board by Section 9 (c) of the National Labor Relations, Act, and pursuant to Article III, Section 9, of National Labor Rela- tions Board Rules and Regulations-Series 3, as amended, it is hereby DIRECTED that, as part of the investigation to ascertain representa- tives for the purposes of collective bargaining with Pepeekeo Sugar Company, Olaa Sugar Company, Limited, Hawaiian Agricultural Company, Hamakua Mill Company, Kaiwiki Sugar Company, Lim- ited, Hutchinson Sugar Plantation Company, Onomea Sugar Coin- pany, Hilo Sugar Company, Paauhau Sugar Plantation Company, Kohala Sugar Company, and Honokaa Sugar Company, all of Hawaii, Territory of Hawaii , separate elections by secret ballot shall be con- ducted as early as possible , but not later than sixty ( 60) days from the date of this Direction, under the direction and supervision of the Regional Director for the Twenty-third Region, acting in this matter as agent for the National Labor Relations Board, and subject to Article III, Sections 10 and 11, of said Rules and Regulations ; among the em- ployees of each of the Companies in the units found appropriate in Section V, above, who were employed during the pay-roll period im- mediately preceding the date of this Direction, including employees who did not work during said pay-roll period because they were ill or on vacation or temporarily laid off , and including employees in the armed forces of the United States who present themselves in person :at the polls, but excluding any who have since quit or been discharged for cause and have not been rehired or reinstated prior to the date of the elections , to determine in Case No . 23-R-35, Matter of Honokaa Sugar Company, whether they desire to be represented by Interna- tional Longshoremen 's & Warehousemen 's Union, Local 143, Unit 4; C. I. 0., or by Sugar Workers Union, Local 23712, A. F. L., or by neither; and to determine in the other cases hereinafter designated whether or not they desire to be represented by the following unions for the purposes of collective bargaining: (1) In Case No. 23-R-14, Matter of Pepeekeo Sugar Company, by International Longshoremen's & Warehousemen 's Union, Local 142, Unit 1, C. I. 0.; $4 Matter of Swift and Company , 58 N. L. R. B. 657 ; Matter of Wadh a-m's Division of Socony -Vacuum Oil Company , 54 N. L. It. B. 1165. 1546 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD (2) In Case No. 23-R-16, Matter of Olaa Sugar Company, Limited, by International Longshoremen's & Warehousemen's Union, Local 142, Unit 3, C. 1 ' .0 . ; (3) In Case No. 23-R-17, Matter of Hawaiian Agricultural Vom- pany, by International Longshoremen's & Warehousemen's Union, Lo- cal 141, Unit 1, C. I. 0.; (4) In Case No. 23-R-19, Matter of Hamakua Mill Company, by International Longshoremen's & Warehousemen's Union, Local 143,. Unit 1, C. 1 .0 . ; (5) In Case No. 23-R-23, Matter of Kaiwiki Sugar Company, Lim- ited, by International Longshoremen's. & Warehousemen's Union, Lo- cal 143, Unit 2, C. I. 0.; (6) In Case No. 23-R-27, Matter of Hutchinson Sugar Plantation Company, by International Longshoremen's & Warehousemen's Union., Local 141, Unit 2, C. I. 0.; (7) In Case No. 23-R-28, Matter of Onomea Sugar Company, by International Longshoremen's & Warehousemen's Union, Local 142, Unit 4, C. 1 .0 . ; (8) In Case No. 23-R-32, Matter of Hilo Sugar Company, by International Longshoremen's & Warehousemen's Union, Local 142,. Unit 2, C. I. 0.; (9) In Case No. 23-R-33, Matter of Paauhau Sugar Plantation Company, by International Longshoremen's & Warehousemen's Un- ion, Local 143,. Unit 3, C. I. 0.; (10) In Case No. 23-R-34, Matter of Kokala Sugar Company, by International Longshoremen's & Warehousemen's Union. C. I. O. APPENDIX A OLAA SUGAR COMPANY, LIMITED Manager Assistant manager Garage superintendent Transportation superintendent Head field blacksmith Flume lunas Road lunas Assistant garage superintendent Train dispatcher (assistant trans- portation superintendent) Section gang foremen Flume carpenter foremen Plant superintendent Chief engineer Head sugar boiler Shift chemist Chief electricians Assistant plant engineer Car carpenter foreman Shift engineers Assistant shift engineers Shift sugar boilers Store manager Branch store manager Store accountant Carpenter foreman Civil engineer PEPEEKEO SUGAR COMPANY 1547 Manager Head overseer Field mechanical overseer Garage foreman Assistant garage foreman Flume cane lunas Flume carpenter lunas Head warehouseman Plant superintendent Assistant engineer Read sugar boiler Manager .Head overseer 'Garage superintendent Transportation foreman Road luna Assistant garage superintendent Flume carpenter foreman Chief engineer Head sugar boiler Manager Assistant manager Transportation superintendent Garage overseer Flume Tunas Head carpenter (house) Head carpenter (flume) Chief engineer ONOMEA SUGAR COMPANY Assistant sugar boiler Chief electrician Assistant electrician Shift foremen Erection foreman Machine shop foreman Store manager Assistant store manager Carpenter foreman Mason foreman Painter foreman HILO SUGAR COMPANY Shift chemist Chief electrician Assistant mill engineers Shift foremen Head warehouseman Sugar boiler foreman Carpenter foreman Machine shop foreman Painter shop foreman PEPEEKEO SUGAR COMPANY Sugar boiler Shift engineers Shift sugar boilers Chief electrician Store manager Assistant garage superintendent Plant repair foreman HUTCHINSON SUGAR PLANTATION COMPANY Manager Head luna Truck luna dispatcher ,Flume carpenter and boss Flume luna Road gang luna fire-break Plant superintendent Shift foreman Laboratory luna Machine shop' foreman Electrician foreman Welder shop foreman Cane cleaning plant luna 1548 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Boiler room lung Garage shop superintendent Head carpenter Assistant head carpenter Painter foreman Purchasing agent Civil engineer Store manager Store bookkeeper Honuapo branch store manager Butcher foreman Dairy foreman KAIwIKI SUGAR COMPANY, LIMITED Manager Head overseer Truck and tractor foreman Garage supervisor Assistant garage supervisor Chief engineer Assistant engineer Engineer's shift foreman Chief chemist and sugar boiler . Assistant chemist and sugar boiler Carpenter and painter foreman Road construction foreman Camp service supervisor Store manager Machine shop foreman Chief electrician HONOIcAA SUGAR COMPANY Manager Assistant manager Head overseer Garage superintendent Garage foreman Mechanical harvesting overseer Railroad transportation foreman Carpenter foreman Flume carpenter foreman Plant engineer Assistant engineer Head electrician Shift foreman Foreman, mechanical repairs Machine shop foreman Head sugar boiler-chemist Shift sugar boilers Store superintendent Head store bookkeeper Plikuihaele branch store manager Warehouse foreman Construction superintendent Road gang lung KOHALA SUGAR COMPANY Manager Truck foreman Cane truck foreman Railroad dispatcher Railroad maintenance foreman Sugar truck foreman General mechanical superintend- ent Assistant plant superintendent in charge of production Chemist and sugar boiler Shift sugar boilers Laboratory clerk and foreman Shift foremen Fire room foreman Machine shop foreman Assistant machine shop foreman Garage foreman Assistant garage foreman Outside repair foreman Roundhouse foreman Electricity and pump foreman PEPEEKEO SUGAR COMPANY Electric line and wiring. foreman Blacksmith shop foreman Warehouse superintendent Camp overseers. Civil engineer Construction overseer Construction superintendent Carpenter shop foreman Outside carpenter foreman 1549 Painter foreman Assistant camp repair foreman General merchandise and store manager Hawi store manager Halaula store and coffee shop manager Store bookkeeper and cashier HAMAKUA MILL COMPANY Plantation manager Assistant plantation manager Truck and tractor foreman Garage superintendent Garage foreman Plant superintendent Head sugar boiler Night sugar boiler Night engineer Head machinist Warehouse foreman Store manager Branch store manager Road superintendent Grade foreman Quarry foreman Camp overseer and assistant per- sonnel director PAAUHAU SUGAR PLANTATION COMPANY Manager Head overseer Garage superintendent Garage foreman Trucks, tractor luna Head carpenter foreman Plant superintendent Chief engineer Night engineer Boiling house night luna Boiling house day shift luna Laboratory clerk and secretary Machine shop foreman Head electrician Purchasing agent Store manager Store bookkeeper Construction foreman HAWAIIAN AGRICULTURAL COMPANY Manager Assistant manager Garage superintendent Flume lunas Plant superintendent Assistant engineer Head shift sugar boiler Shift sugar boilers Chemist Head electrician Carpenter foreman Road luna Cane truck foreman Sugar truck foreman Laboratory clerk and foreman Fireroom foreman Machine shop foreman Civil engineer Head warehouseman Dairy foreman Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation