Ozark refining & CastingDownload PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsJan 31, 1979240 N.L.R.B. 475 (N.L.R.B. 1979) Copy Citation OZARK RFINING & (AS ING 475 Ozark Refining & (asting, Inc. and Inliernational Molder% & Allied 'Workers l'nion, AFl-'Cl()-('I(' Petitioner. (ase 17 R(' 8529 240 NI.RB No. 67 Ia nlar\ 31. 1979 D)KF'ISION ANI) (FR l'FIF('A'IlION ()OF: RK PRI SI N AI' IVl B Ml MI RS .11 \K INS I Mt Rl'I. \Ni) I R I l) I Pursuant to authority granted it bh the National Labor Relations Board under Section 3(b) of the Na- tional Labor Relations Act, as amended. a three- member panel has considered tile Employer's objec- tions to an election held on July 14. 1978.' and the Hearing Officer's Report on Objections recoin- mending disposition of same. The Board has re- viewed the record in light of the exceptions and brief and hereby adopts the Hlearing Officer's findings and conclusions' ('FR' I'I('A I'ION O1 REIPRESEN IA I I: It is hereby certified that a majority of the valid ballots have been cast for Internaltional Nolders & Ilhe tIctl ,lln ui lnldicu'id p rll [tit l I Plr 1.1p k lll'll l l ( CI c [lIl.lll l I p n ('ioncni t lcti n t he l ,s 21 fr iId 4 dI.ItIsi Ilc 'ctilt'lllct Ih cre cre ti,, chldlengcd hi l nut iiiilfltltIlil llilt'ihcr lh Iffcl thic I hc [:nplocr conltends thlt the Ilc rili ()tfficrr', nllcrprcl.lntiil l ilc ;ilenic and his credlbiili Indiing 'hu I hiln , aid I prcl l. K .Igi ll rI I 111i suppori of hi cnteninll. the lipIoer inl pr t, illie, th t "tlec IcAIrIt officer ('llr ,\ ('r ll] , i lt' hi'o C NI RH nient ho hd cLbeen A l led 1o Irielile t til t oh clle ion i l nd in iitsi c a.tte iiol l, ilticr, otllide tlhc hearilne if thce l e llon"n' r.,uli li II lltc " cinc daliner 1 .il he u;ls Ill and could not hrc been .ornipls lc I ni ,ptiml i 1lc [Ils il]nli.ql .ii 1cis unclear hclhcr Ic;lrlne ()lftcer ',kills I [r I Il\scc l'iled the o lerclions, 240) NI.RB No. o A\llied Workes ini , AI:, (' I() ( I(' and t hatI, pulrsuIltlll to Scction ')(a) of tlhe .ct. tile foreoiilt, labor oani/ation Is t he exlsi representative all the ecmtplolccs ll iln tc follo ll' l, approprilate unlit or i1he purpose of collccti e Iarain;inin htith respect to rates of [pa';1., wa,.s, Ihotl.s f elllplo mlletIl alnd other terms and conditions of ellplo, nllenl: I\]l produtltioll alld allln.tenallnce ellipllo\cc 1Iland working foremen emplo:,ed at tile lllplxoe!r'' f;acilit att ('ratlle ('reek Road. ('r;l raneC issoutri hut excludincl office clerical emplo\cses, prof)cs- sional emIplo'Ces. stper'isors. patilern makers., \atlliin. ad utards ias definedll i tle Act. ,uc flIlh d ha i c, l i h C ifld ic I l inic\l i, , 1 Ititl t I , 1 ,r 'I , li l 1 ; hl I li iiii(l (I lr - t, I Ctl c It II I' I, r 11t 1.t I.tI\i ll pi1, . t1 . i1' n I 1 I J'h l ril ol nir i Irt ,'i ei 111nt LII tiIll t . ' c, tl l t l t , h lt l l ti 111 1C ai d i ll hjch },.kl lil .t l.ftll t'klllill l l kl! fit Iflii lrn, ()fltCr' ic 'fi l rm til. C llC rcil, ,c h e iti rlc fclli ii i .t itc I illp tlcl ' m lto lli ll of Ipl , picjtd1, Ct Is l[hmll tiltit I he I TiiplCr h [Ill irit ci f ticll 1 N C i . r lil itC.dllll i tcolili lt thC Illarng ()fflcer I It , .t i \I' lhlblhslh' 1] p ht\ 1d It B lu nl , 1 ,1 .lir B dl- .1 ii C.mlII ()l fttic t tichlli 0 lilt i11IIt'. i ll s S C.! tin Iti t'tl ' . he Hll~lll ~ CCC',11 t. 11t( C 1 1 . 1111A11 111 1.'11 '.1 I 1' (,,~ i /f-( ni n ,'J ,I N ltt ni ( nt ijmtmp l , ! %.i Ni nl , 1 I R S 4 St i]tl, s.i'rI/ Ii /t '.. I1 N I RHB II 9 tlitl i) SI \I I ,e i11 td II ,itt lt i., - fil dlwlLmlblll the tr'dlhlh p. It'xt11 V-lil O[/ III [], L,,,eL I- Baid r t rll i-s lcd it d , i -lI Il ,~ 1t .'/ . o,r , 239 NRB 619 I i971i. orrihnig its irtirhr e deciinn mp SlhriS Atrr /I ,,,l1 tla ,.. I,,, '8 N RB 1 litI 1 ' i L and rtter ir t ti hie I.lln d .I r ltc . for i[tl..d Illrcprts'll lt l-'l[tl..d 11 /,I// , i ( C a I~UL (*mpani, I, 14 NRB 221 1( 62) Applinv hi standard I ihce t11,I herein. Mcmhcrhr Jcnkils mid I rtidlc frid 'Iulh rel (h I1 hIceitn' I I tihal the tmiiplon cr friled t, de.il llitMi C th l L it dilet dln ittlicd hi lit Pelilln incr in nripll i Cnc, ilplrlon, it (tllit ] pC nt1 1. 1 -tnls ll .l tilt llli.l' llst;llenl"iill' I rt!.cl-J rll 1 ll;lt[,lll [,t[I ~lrr ll llg ,Clt' ll n m I d. IlC, ciectiii hlctihci 'llrph ,hl , itdlhccs t ll' \it e i \, c \pCe-sc i ht' '1 uirrln O lrl [rpin in SlhinntL At. iJ-p[{n, minltnd dmp1 iic }Ititr, ()tcl is rcJlntc 'irl Ihal detiiio tllt fildll V i ln c I lphicirs r I n11 I cil WtlilW ctJl 11ic c tIIICIITS iOf Ti Iclir i hLc' ith tl l [ilah ll t Se ICel I nt'r11 itl (,l 1ni, Anl 'Up "sf/ XX}| OZARK EFINING & ASTING Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation