Orkin Exterminating Co., Inc.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsMar 8, 1968170 N.L.R.B. 158 (N.L.R.B. 1968) Copy Citation 158 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Orkin Exterminating Company, Inc. and Joe Allen, Donald Brooks, Ronald C. Carter, Dennis F. Craft and Joseph N. Tarpley. Cases 9-CA-4196-1, -2, -3, -6 and 9-CA-4273 March 8, 1968 DECISION AND ORDER BY MEMBERS BROWN, JENKINS, AND ZAGORIA hereby is, dismissed insofar as it alleges violations of the Act not specifically found herein." ' The Trial Examiner's Recommended Order is ambiguous in that para- graph 2 thereof provides for reinstatement and backpay for four dis- cnmmatees whereas the last paragraph provides that the complaint be "dismissed insofar as it alleges a violation of Section 8(a)(3) of the Act " It is apparent that the quoted portion refers to the Trial Examiner's finding, which we affirm, of insufficient evidence to prove violations of Section 8(a)(3) with respect to the wage increases Respondent gave to Craft and Tarpley on February 17, 1967 Accordingly, we shall modify the Recommended Order to remove such ambiguity On November 16, 1967, Trial Examiner Thomas A. Ricci issued his Decision in the above-entitled consolidated proceeding, finding that the Respond- ent had engaged in and was engaging in certain unfair labor practices and recommending that it cease and desist therefrom and take certain affir- mative action, as set forth in the attached Trial Ex- aminer's Decision. He also found that the Respond- ent had not engaged in other unfair labor prac- tices alleged in the consolidated complaint and recommended dismissal of those allegations. Thereafter, the General Counsel filed limited ex- ceptions to the Trial Examiner's Decision and a supporting brief, and Respondent filed an answer- ing brief. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the Na- tional Labor Relations Board has delegated its powers in connection with these cases to a three- member panel. The Board has reviewed the rulings of the Trial Examiner made at the hearing and finds that no prejudicial error was committed. The rulings are hereby affirmed. The Board has considered the Trial Examiner's Decision, the exceptions, and briefs, and the entire record in these cases, and hereby adopts the findings, conclusions, and recom- mendations' of the Trial Examiner, as modified. ORDER Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Relations Board adopts as its Order the Recom- mended Order of the Trial Examiner as modified below and hereby orders that the Respondent, Orkin Exterminating Company, Inc., Huntington, West Virginia, its officers , agents , successors, and assigns, shall take the action set forth in the Trial Examiner's Recommended Order, as modified herein. Delete the last paragraph of the Trial Examiner's Recommended Order and substitute therefor "IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that ' the complaint be, and it TRIAL EXAMINER'S DECISION STATEMENT OF THE CASE THOMAS A. Ricci, Trial Examiner: A hearing in the above-entitled proceedings was held before me on July 11 and 12 and August 1 and 28, 1967, at Huntington, West Virginia, on complaints issued by the General Counsel against Orkin Exterminating Company, Inc., herein called the Respondent, or the Company. Charges in Cases 9-CA-4196-1, -2, and -3 were filed on February 21, 1967, and in Case 9-CA-4196-6 on February 23; the complaint based on these four charges was issued on April 21. In Case 9-CA-4273 the charge was filed on May 12, 1967, and the complaint issued on June 16; the two complaints were consolidated for purpose of hearing. The issues litigated are whether the Respondent unlawfully discharged five of its em- ployees in violation of Section 8(a)(3) of the Act. Briefs were filed after the close of the hearing by the Respondent and the General Counsel. Upon the entire record, and from my observation of the witnesses, I make the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. THE BUSINESS OF THE RESPONDENT Orkin Exterminating Company, Inc., a Delaware corporation, is engaged in the business of pest ex- termination and termite control, has its central of- fice in Atlanta, Georgia, and operates in several States. During the past year, a representative period, the Company received materials and goods valued in excess of $50,000 at its locations in dif- ferent States, which originated in States other than those where it was received, and which came to its destinations directly, across State lines. One of the local operations where such 'out-of--State shipments were received is Huntington, West Virginia, the only location involved in this proceeding. During the same period, the Respondent performed ser- vices in the several States valued in excess. of $500,000 for its customers.- I find that the Respon- dent is engaged in interstate commerce within the meaning of the Act, and that it will effectuate the policies of the Act to exercise jurisdiction herein. 170 NLRB No. 24 ORKIN EXTERMINATING COMPANY, INC. 159 H. THE LABOR ORGANIZATION INVOLVED Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union, AFL-CIO, herein called the Union, is a labor or- ganization within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. III. THE UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES In the beginning of the year 1967 the Respon- dent's Huntington office used two separate groups of operating employees, one servicing route customers as pest control men in touring company cars, and another doing like route work as termite control servicemen. There were also a few salesmen and several office clerks. In charge of the office was William Scales, manager; beneath him the only other supervisors were Thomas Reining, over the pest control men, and Donald Schoolcraft, over the termite control servicemen. In early January em- ployees began discussing the possibility of joining some union, and in late January or early February five men-Joe Allen, Donald Brooks, Ronald Carter, Dennis Craft, and Joseph Tarpley, all pest control men, met at a dairy bar four or five blocks from the company office and agreed to take posi- tive steps towards forming a union . On Monday morning, February 13, two of them-Brooks and Carter-went to the local office of the Steelworkers Union, parked their Orkin cars nearby, and spoke to an official there, who advised them to commu- nicate with another union officer at Charleston. Two days later, before they had time to take the next step, both of them, together with Allen, were discharged by Scales without any prior warning that they were in danger of dismissal for any reason. Called as an adverse witness at the start of the hear- ing, Scales testified he released Carter "because of his reluctance to accept any change in company policy regarding' any policy without argument and creating dissension among fellow employees," Brooks because he "had expressed a desire to go to the fire department," and Allen because of "his ex- cessive drinking :.. his social night life was inter- fering with both, the quality and quantity of his work." Scales also said he made the decision to disdharge'these three men that very day. 'Of the 0 men then doing pest control work, all but 1 were junior to these 3. Etter was hired in 1952. Allen had worked 10 years, and both Brooks and Carter 8years. For the rest, four men had been 3 years on the job, three men-Staton, Tarpley, and Triplett-5 months, and Craft only 3, months. The theory of the complaint is that Scales knew, or must have known by Wednesday, February 15, just who the prounion employees were and quickly released Allen, Brooks, , and Carter because they were among, the agitators. The proposed conclusion of both knowledge of union activity and illegal motivation is said to rest upon the- following facts: (1) it was a small group of employees, and talk of union activities-as well as identity of those who favored it-was bound to come to the Company's attention; (2) Manager Scales regularly patrols the streets checking on the men, with their Orkin sign trucks prominently singling them out; two of the men-Brooks and Carter-were parked outside the union hall on the 13th; (3) the -action of mass dismissal of the 15th was unprecedented, unan- nounced, and virtually wiped out the core of the pest control group, hitting at the most experienced and long satisfactory men; (4) the asserted reasons advanced in defense of, the discharges are unper- suasive and unsupported by objective evidence, particularly in view of the timing of the dismissals- immediately upon the heels of the union activity; (5) the manager discussed the union campaign with Supervisor Reining only 4 days before the discharges (denied, but not credibly, by Scales) and attempted to ascertain from the supervisor the identity of the unioneers; and (6) the antiunion pol- icy of this Company has been established in a series of past Board decisions.' Craft was discharged on March 13. He was called to the office that day, where he found not only Manager Scales, but also Cecil Taylor, district training supervisor from Louisville, and Frank Hackett, troubleshooter from the Respondent's central office in Atlanta. Hackett asked had he ever held out money from the daily collections-. Craft re- called he once had, from a Saturday to the follow- ing Tuesday, when he had turned it in. With this, Scales discharged the man. On May 4 Scales, while patrolling the city, found Tarpley's car parked on the street unlocked and with the ignition keys in the dashboard lock. He waited until Tarpley returned from servicing a customer and took him straight to the office for discharge. Scales 'had learned, 2 weeks before at an unemployment compensation hearing, that Tarpley was among those who-favored the Union, and both these men had been given raises on the same day, February 17. Again the complaint alleges that Craft and Tarpley were not released for proper cause, but instead also suffered illegal discrimination because of their union activi- ty, in violation of Section 8(a)(3) of the Act. The defense-to all of this was spoken by Scales at the hearing . He said he knew nothing about union organization before receiving a letter ` from the Board's Regional Office on February 28 advising him that Allen, Brooks, and Carter had filed unfair labor practice charges. He also testified that in each of the five instances the men had been released in the regular course of business, that the business had ' Orkin Exterminating Company of Florida , Inc, 152 NLRB 83, enfd 379 F 2d 542 (C A 5), Orkin Exterminating Company of Kansas, Inc, 136 NLRB 630; Orkin Exterminating Company of Florida, Inc, 136 NLRB 399 160 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD deteriorated in- consequence of poor per- formance-with the first three men as the more delinquent workmen, and that the last two persons were released for violating company rules against withholding cash receipts and leaving cars un- locked. Every employee witness who testified referred to Thomas Reining as the supervisor of the pest con- trol group. Originally a salesman, he came to Huntington in September 1965 as a route salesman on pest work. In August 1966 Scales promoted him to supervisor, and the prior supervisor changed jobs to become a salesman. Reining testified, without contradiction, that he supervised the pest control routes, worked on collections, followed up customer- complaints, approved the men's daily time report sheets, verified the hours they worked each day, discussed their mistakes and discrepan- cies with them and authorized overtime work. He recommended the discharge of two men and they were released. In January, while the manager was in the hospital, he was in complete charge of the of- fice. There is also uncontradicted testimony that when Reining became supervisor Scales announced the promotion at a meeting of all employees. I find, as alleged in the complaint, that at the time of the events and up to the time Reining was , discharged on March 3, he was a supervisor as defined in the Act. The answer denies this complaint allegation, and at the-hearing counsel for the Respondent disputed the General Counsel's continuing assertion. Aside from the fact.the Company's position in this respect is completely untenable in the light of the un- disputed facts of record, insistence that Reining was but a rank-and-file employee -casts a beginning doubt upon the manager's entire testimony. He said that he went to Reining's home one Saturday even- ing just a few days before the three discharges, ",to discuss the evaluation, of the operation, get his views on it, see if he had any ideas or thoughts as to the way-,that we could improve; evaluation of the men were-,discussed." But if Scales is to be be- lieved, this is precisely the kind of talk that takes place between the overall chief and his immediate supervisors in the regular course of business ,opera- tions. Thus Scales placed-himself in conflict with his own words, Reining's testimony is different. According to him,,Scales, accompanied by 'Supervisor School- craft who.was in charge of the termite control sec- -tion,of,the office, drove to-his house and,called him out to the car,-where the three talked in private in- side Scales' automobile. In Reining's words: "And Mr. Scales asked me if I knew my boys were or- 2 In its brief the Respondent argues that Reining should not be believed on this record because of the testimony of a serviceman named Jim Webb, who testified that a week after February 15 Reining said he, himself, favored the Union but wanted no one to know about it Of all the witnesses who were called, Webb was the least credible. All five of the discharged employees named in the complaint testified Reining never spoke of the ganizing, were going to organize. And my next reaction was organize what. It was a shock to me. And he commenced to tell me that he had had a phone call, that he wouldn't identify the person who called him, an informant that, told him they were going to organize a union, sign pledge cards to join a union. And I still was at disbelief at what I had tried to do for the boys. I couldn't believe that they would do it against me.... So we talked it over and we discussed who was behind it. We tossed names back and forth. We named Mr. Carter, Mr. Allen. ... We had suggestions from each other. And we talked about Mr. Tarpley. And I doubted it. And we talked about Mr. Craft., And I didn't know too much about Dennis[Craft]. And I thought of other boys in the out-of-town areas who might be involved; how they were notified. I knew nothing about, -the men had been at work. I'd never had a day off to talk to them. So that was the extent of it. I was told not to talk about it, which I, didn't on Monday morning when I came to work." The following Monday morning,,still according to Reining, Scales called him into the, office and told him to "watch the boys. If there was any irregular . to watch any irregularities ... and-Mr. Scales had scribbled a few names down that we thought might be behind it. But we never used it or anything else. It was just who we thought might be involved in it. Mr. Carter, Mr. Allen, and Mr. Brooks names were on it. And again I doubted Mr. Tarpley or Mr. Craft. And that was the extent of it. I left the office and I never said a word about it and went on about the business that day." Reining,was disturbed -by the sudden discharge of three men the following Wednesday, and asked Scales why he was going to do this, and the manager simply answered "he had a reason why." Scales did not contradict Reining as to either of these last two exchanges. The Respondent did not call Supervisor School- craft to support the manager's testimony. Scales had never before been to Reining's'home, and there is no ' plausible explanation- of why he should, , go, to the supervisor's home on Saturday evening-, to discuss what would have been routine questions of operational matters the day before' or the following Monday in the office. With this, with due con- sideration of Scales' vague generalities on other aspects of his testimony, and in- the light' of the demeanor, at the hearing of both the witnesses, I credit Reining'2 --Allen- testified that on Wednesday Scales' told him he was discharged because his drinking and night life interfered with-the quality and quantity of his work. Testifying later for the Respondent Scales expanded upon his reasons,and that ,story _ will be 'Union to, them during their employment Webb's story, discussed below, and intended to prove Allen was habitually late for work and used to work privately for customers who should have paid the Company instead, is so self-contradictory, inconsistent,-and implausible as to make -the witness completely unworthy of belief. , ORKIN EXTERMINATING COMPANY, INC. 161 discussed below. Brooks said that the stated reason given him on Wednesday was "that I was undecided whether I was going to take a job with the fire de- partment or not. And then I told him that I had turned this job down approximately six months be- fore that. And he said he heard say about two weeks before that that I might go take the test again . "3 Scales did not contradict this testimony as to the discharge conversation, and again, testifying later in defense, added a number of further reasons, never mentioned before, to explain his decision to terminate . Carter's testimony is that at the time of discharge Scales told him it was because- he was "unable to get along with employees." His testimony too, about what- Scales told him then, stands undenied, while in his following story Scales said Carter's performance was bad "all the way around," and specified it was a matter of the em- ployee resisting changes in company policy-"He would influence had cause dissension among his fel- low employees through these oppositions and op- posements." It is clear that throughout this critical period- from about February 15 through early March- there were central office officials in the Huntington area taking an active part in what was going on. Craft testified, again,without contradiction, that a few days after February 15 there was a meeting of employees in the office, where Scales, speaking of the discharge of the three men, found occasion to say "that we was a growing company and we was getting along pretty good. That if we'd keep our noses clean that we. could be right along with the company." Gardner, the district manager, was also present. He said, as Carter testified, "he agreed with Mr. Scales that we, was having a little problem down there. And that if we'd stick with them they was about to get it straightened out. And he agreed that if we kept our noses clean that we could be right along with them also." Gardner did not testify and Scales did not deny having used these words. Tarpley was also present at the office meeting; he said Taylor, the district supervisor, was also there. Tarpley quoted Scales as saying "we was, had had a little problem: That he was going to get it solved and just to bear with them." Scales then told the men his -reasons for so many discharges-Brooks because' he "wanted .:. to get a job with the- fire department," Carter because he "couldn't ^ get along with the' men," and Allen because "night life and drinking was involving with his work." Scales then went on to' say, still according-to the uncon- tradicted testimony of Tarpley, "if we was worried about our jobs to forget it. Just to keep our noses clean,and do our job." There is also, uncontradicted and credited testimony by Reining, the supervisor, that late Wednesday, after the three men had been discharged, with Scales in the office there were Gardner, Doran, Pierce, and Cecil Taylor, and that Gardner said to him "maybe it [the discharges-] was to the good," and when Reining suggested the Company should first have talked to the men, Gardner added "we can't do that. Because that's not, it's against the law." A few days later, on Saturday, Hackett; the troubleshooter, invited Reining to his hotel room in town and asked what was his opinion of the circum- stances of the office, they "had checked around, they could find nothing else wrong as far as this trouble ." Reining questioned the validity of the reasons given the men, and Hackett replied it was the Company's privilege to discharge anyone, even the vice president. What is most significant about all of this talk, at the time of the events, about "a little problem down there," "sticking" with the Company, "to bear with them," "found nothing else wrong , as far this trou- ble," and, repeatedly, that the employees should "keep their noses clean," is what was not said, by any of the company agents, either to the three men discharged or to those who remained. The entire burden of Scales' testimony-he was the only com- pany representative who testified in defense-is that progressive loss of business, poor performance by the entire pest service group, and impossible deterioration of everybody's work, demanded im- mediate action, else he would have been compelled to resign his 26-year job. He was very detailed, at the hearing, as to the precise failings that had to be corrected-reduced cash collections, cancellation of accounts for which the servicemen were respon- sible, fall off in their individual sales, etc., but he did not give any of these reasons to the men whom he released then without warning. More important, and this is where his entire defense assertion fails, neither he, nor the other officials who- converged upon Huntington to do something about the alleged neglect of duty and lackadaisical attitude of the work force as a whole, told those who were kept on what was required and what they had to do to avoid the ax which had fallen upon the others. Not one word then about better service to the customers, drumming up new business, collecting money more promptly, etc. -Instead, they spoke ambiguously of problems, sticking with the Company, and keeping noses clean . With management concerned only" a few days earlier with the surprise union organiza- tional campaign, with their manager turning to Reining, who was closer to the employees, in his search for the identity of the persons responsible for the activity, with the names of the -particular persons discharged -in the-mouth of the manager while investigating the- union campaign, and' with the bosses saying , nothing about' production problems and economic' matters now urged in 8 Brooks also testified that 4 or 5 months before his discharge he had told corroborated his testimony, and added that he had reported we fact to Supervisor ,Reining of his final decision not to change employment . Reining Scales at that time 350-999 O - 71 - 12 162 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD defense, the meaning of the equivocal terms is plain. What the employees were being told was to guard against becoming identified with the Union if they wished to avoid the fate of those who were al- ready gone. And this was not the first time this Company has resorted to such techniques to ferret out the union proponents in its employ. These facts convincingly indicate a pervasive and extreme determination to strike at the employees' attempt to bring a union into their affairs. Such sudden discharge of three very experienced men with many years with the Company, while retaining others who had worked only a matter of months, not only weakens any assertion of an intent to im- prove the performance of the whole group, but shows Scales had decided to stop at nothing to achieve an illegal objective. Craft and Tarpley, who were discharged later on March 13 and May 4, and who were also discussed as suspected prounion men during the manager's questioning of Supervisor Reining , must be considered as falling in the same group with Allen, Brooks, and Carter, so far as the Company's attitude towards them is concerned. A different reason is assigned by the Respondent to explain their-, discharge, but the same question is presented as to them. Were the reasons stated to Craft and Tarpley-withholding collections and leaving a car unlocked-and the explanations given at the hearing by Scales to justify the first three discharges , only pretexts to cover antiunion animus? ', Unless the affirmative defense suffices to establish affirmatively that economic cause was in fact the basis of discharge, and the only basis, it fol- lows that dismissal of all five men constituted separate violations of Section 8(a)(3) of the Act, as alleged in the complaint. Allen, Brooks, and Carter The manager's testimony concerning the declin- ing picture of the Huntington office, and of the relative position of these three servicemen in terms of work performance, when compared to the rest of the pest control crew, was given entirely in general terms, statements of personal opinion, and unsup- ported conclusionary phrases. There were no docu- mentary records or reports of the Company offered to give credence to -his oral testimony. He started by saying that as far back as November 1966 the Huntington office fell to the bottom, "profitwise," of all, the company offices in the two-State district including Kentucky and West Virginia; He said the company records showed his `office had received the - "booby prize", for 2, consecutive months- January and February. It would have been a simple thing,; to produce such reports. ' He 'also testified a new system of payment was instituted on October 1, 1966, and that therefore March 1 was, the time when periodic appraisal of the individual work per- formance of the employees would normally be made. But he also repeated that the Company has a policy of evaluating each workman every 90 days. There is no way of reconciling this 90-day period concept with the 5 months between October I and March 1. From here, Scales continued that he reviewed the- records of each employee among the 12 and learned, from the written -records, that these 3 men were the poorest, either individually or col- lectively, as a subsegment of the whole. He spoke in great detail of exactly how the records as main- tained helped him see all this-records of cancella- tions, outstanding balances, sales, delinquent ac- counts, and such things. Scales explained all these figures appear on reports which reflect the work of each man and are prepared in his office, each month and sent to the Louisville main office. He produced none of them. - He was an unconvincing witness. He' added to the vagaries of his whole testimony in this respect by saying that in reviewing the records, and thus evaluating the relative merits of each man, he also considered as a factor the years of service and ex- perience of the individuals, and thereby added an opinion element to the formula of what he believed to be the production capacity of the men. Here he removed all objective tests from his testimony. It was then brought out on cross-examination that-the two-State district issues a monthly report listing the names of the 10 top servicemen and that this is posted in the local offices. Scales -was asked was it not true that for November, January, and February the names of Allen, Brooks, and Carter appeared -on this list regularly. He answered: "My answer is that they were on there probably one month and they may have been on there even' more than once. But I can't say that they were on there -.for three." But these were the very months in which, according to Scales, the Huntington office floundered, with these particular men as the culprits. Absent sup- porting documentary and objective proof, in these circumstances 'the` manager simply cannot be, be- lieved. There are too many weaknesses in his total testimony. At the start of the hearing, he spoke-only of a "general letdown" in work by Brooks which led him "to believe he would be better-off with the fire, department." After Brooks had testified in sup- port of the complaint, Scales added how the man's "balances .went up every- month; counting October through February." In a continuing attempt to por- tray the men as undersirable workmen; Scales went on to add further failings on their part,-and he indi- cated, although not always plainly, that these were further considerations which caused him,, to get -,rid of them. He shifted grounds concerning Carter, first saying it was a matter of the man causing dissension among fellow employees, and later blanketing him with the others as among the pooresf performers in their route service work. In the 'end ',Scales even added that, when examining Carter's worksheets before the discharge, "'there were several' accounts where money showed irregularity where money was held out for a several days period from the time he ORKIN EXTERMINATING COMPANY, INC. 163 collected until he turned it in." Three weeks later Scales discharged Craft ostensibly for withholding receipts, but he never said a word to Carter about this, resting only on the statement-denied by the employee in his face-that the man wanted to transfer to the fire department. Reasons for discharge that appear clearly as af- terthoughts were also advanced as to Allen. Scales' first answer was that this man neglected his work because of his "drinking and night life," and Super- visor Reining did testify he had spoken to Allen to .'slow down" lest his social excesses interfere with his work. Reining , who intimately supervised these men, also said, however, that Allen's outside activi- ties had not impaired his performance, or caused him to report late for duty. One of the first defense witnesses called was Webb, a serviceman . Asked to comment on Allen's record of lateness, he started by saying, "Well, right before he was discharged he came in maybe nine , ten; just any time he got ready." As he continued it developed that while his records are kept at the Huntington office Webb lives and works in Kentucky, that he covers other county territories, and that he only visits Hunting- ton "for service meetings," or when he runs out of supplies "around the last part of the month ... once a month." He added he had gone to Allen's home to call him twice, but that this was when Allen was late for service meetings, on Saturdays, when the men normally do not work. On direct ex- amination the Respondent drew from Webb testimony that he had one Saturday worked with Allen and Reining on a private extermination job, with Orkin equipment. The witness then added that this had happened "a month before" Allen was discharged, and that he had reported the incident to Manager Scales "right after we did it." He then reversed himself completely, and said he first spoke of it to Scales "after they was discharged," that it was in connection with a subsequent investigation by the manager, when it was first discovered the Company did,, not have an account, to service the particular, building where he and Allen had worked that Saturday. I do not credit Webb at all. Scales, following Webb to the witness stand, said Reining had once told him (Reining) thought Allen might be doing side work for a competitor but was not sure. Scales' admitted he heard nothing about the Saturday work performed by Webb and Allen until after Allen had been released. With the Respondent having no knowledge of such work by Allen before February 15, injection of this matter at the hearing in further justification of the discharge serves only to indicate the affirmative defense of discharge for cause is no more than an afterthought.' I find the evidence in its totality insufficient to prove the Respondent's contention that Allen, Brooks, and Carter were dismissed for economic reasons, and I therefore conclude that they were discharged for the purpose of discouraging union activities among the employees generally and in violation of Section 8(a)(3). Dennis Craft Craft was hired as a regular route serviceman in November 1966. He signed a union card and it will be recalled his name was mentioned with others as possible union minded when the manager discussed the campaign with Reining. He was present at the employee meeting on or about February 17, after the three men had been released, when the com- pany officials told him to keep his nose clean and stick with the Company. Towards the close of the meeting , District Manager Gardner told him his pay was being increased from $350 per month to $435. He was told he would have to service more ac- counts than in the past, but Craft testified this never came about and that he-was not worth "'that much" of a raise. When he reported for duty -on March 13 he found Hackett, the troubleshooter from Atlanta, and District Supervisor Taylor waiting for him on the parking lot. They went into Scales' office where Hackett asked had he ever held out company money from one month to another. Craft said no, and then recalled, and admitted, he once had withheld a receipt from a Saturday to the following Tuesday before turning it in . Craft then asked Scales when was it he had withheld money, but the manager said nothing. At this point Hackett told Scales : "well, there it is. You-all can take it from here," and with this Taylor left the room. Scales thereupon discharged Craft. It is a rule of the Company, of course, that money the- men collect on the route each day be turned in that evening with the daily reports. Craft conceded he did withhold a receipt at least once for a few days , and it seems clear he did it more than once . "Well, if, I did they didn't take it- out of my paycheck. I don't guess I did." With this, the paper record introduced by the Respondent to prove 'After the Respondent had rested, the General Counsel subpenaed cer- tain of its records relating to the work reports of the employees, and in rebuttal placed selected portions into evidence. I am unable to discern record support, in these exhibits, for the conclusionary testimony of Scales that Allen; Brooks, and' Carter compared unfavorably to the other ser- vicemen in respect to the quality and quantity of their work , and the Respondent in its brief, does-not point to any A significant entry shows the monthly change in collectable accounts in effect for the pest. control groups For the 7-month period September 1966 to March 1967 inclusive the successive change figures are plus $171, plus $124 ; minus $21, plus $105; plus $103, plus $145; and minus $448 5 The fact that two other employees were discharged the same day lends no support to the contention that the pest control group had become gross- ly incompetent John Bolin had worked briefly, with the local office errone- ously under the impression his clearance investigation in Atlanta was satisfactory It was then discovered he had a police record , and the record shows he was released for this reason Awon McComas was a termite con- trol serviceman , and Scales testified he was discharged because "we just didn't have the business to maintain extra personnel." 164 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD three instances of such temporary withholding by Craft add little to the persuasiveness of the affirma- tive defense of discharge for cause . Determination of the question whether the Respondent in fact released Craft for this reason , however , requires consideration of all the record evidence bearing upon the defense. There is indication that Scales , assisted by the visiting officials from higher offices , did not in- vestigate all three instances proved at the hearing until after the discharge of the man on the morning of March 13 , and therefore could not have had them in mind when dismissing Craft. It appears that on January 27, 1967, Craft held out $5 and turned it in on February 3. An entry by Hackett, showing his check into the matter, is dated March 14, the day after Craft left. Another daily report of Craft shows an item of $5.85 collected on January 29, and also turned in on February 3, and again Hackett's, notation is dated March 13. Craft col- lected $7 on February 27, and withheld it. Taylor signed this file on March 10. It would appear that it was while Craft was holding this last $7 that he was called on the carpet, and that the other two cases were dredged out of the past to make a better record in defense at the hearing in this complaint. A serviceman was discharged in 1966 for withholding over $100 in collections. The record otherwise shows that incidents like those belatedly brought out concerning Craft were not uncommon among the servicemen and that Scales was in no real sense disturbed about them. At one point he himself qualified the stringency of the rule: "All money, is to be turned in as soon after collecting it as possible. Primarily the same day." He said he had had reason to suspect Allen, Brooks, and Carter also of withholding receipts. These matters came to light when customers, billed for payment, complained that they had already paid the ser- viceman on the call. Asked why he had not taken disciplinary action against the other three, Scales answered: "It was, all monies were accounted for. Let's put it that way,," I take this to mean that when he did check the records of the other three men, if he did, he found that with time they had turned in the, cash, and that therefore all was as it should be to Scales., He even added that of the three, men, as well as with all the rest, "We get them [complaints by customers that they had already paid the ser- viceman] right along ." How long had such com- plaints been- received against Allen , .Brooks, and Carter? "Well, you could almost say that you could go back for a year or two years or three years." Scales then - attempted to distinguish Craft's withholding of $7 from all the other situations. ".. . there is a big difference here. The difference is there is still some money which is still out' on Mr. Craft." But Craft was discharged summarily, before having an opportunity to turn in the last $7, and Scales refused to tell him on the 13th which ac- count he had in mind. And when Craft sued for-cer- tain money due him, the Company did not attempt to offset the $7, strong indication that it, too, had been turned in in short order. In any event, that Scales was not really concerned with this matter is shown conclusively by his further admission that,"I had gotten them [complaints about Craft withhold- ing] in January. I had gotten them in February; had got them in March." If he could give, Craft an $85 per month raise on February 17, and make it effec- tive March 1, with such knowledge that Craft had long been doing what 13 days later Scales said was intolerable behavior , I cannot credit his statement that he discharged the man for such reason. I find on the entire record that this matter of withholding small amounts of receipts for a few days was not the real reason -for Craft's discharge, and that he was released because the Respondent believed-him to favor the Union, in violation of Section 8(a)(3) of the Act. - = Joseph Tarpley Tarpley started with the Company in November 1966 as a utility man; he was assigned to Brooks' regular route on February 15, when the latter was discharged. A few days later, he left his vehicle un- locked on the street while working, 'the fact was noticed, by Cecil Taylor, the touring -supervisor, who happened to pass, and Taylor told him to keep the automobile locked. It is a rule of the Company, set out in its manual, that Orkin vehicles must be completely locked at all times while the men are in buildings at work ; the reason is not only' to insure the car against theft , but also to'guard 'against chil- dren meddling with dangerous chemicals used and stored in the vehicles. -- - On May 4 Tarpley left his vehicle on the street in front of a customer's premises, the doors unlocked and the key in the ignition lock. It' was his misfor- tune that Manager Scales chanced-to pass by and stopped to look at it. Scales said even the: windows of the doors were down, but this is of little moment, for 'there is no question-the car :could have been driven away by anyone. Scales waited until Tarpley returned from the particular job, rode to the office with him and forthwith discharged him. Tarpley had complained that the door locks' were defective and the office - had, delayed repairing them. He was not discharged the first time Taylor found the doors unlocked. And the Respondent had reason to believe he favored the Union. I do not be- lieve these facts warrant an inference of illegal motivation in this instance ; even an employer deter- mined, to choke off a union campaign must be privileged to-operate its business with due regard to established normal safety rules. Tarpley's name had been mentioned in the manager's talk with-'Reining before -February 15, and yet the Company raised his pay a few days later; and did not discipline- him the first-time his, vehicle was- found unlocked. To avoid the reasonable inference arising from the ORKIN EXTERMINATING COMPANY, INC. raise , that the Respondent was indifferent to Tarpley's attitude toward the Union, the General Counsel now argues , and alleges in the complaint, that the raise was given instead as a bribe to buy him out of the Union, and was therefore illegal dis- crimination- in employment and a violation of Sec- tion 8 (a)(3) of the Act. But there is no persuasive evidentiary reason for viewing the raise one way in- stead of the other. And the same is true of the warning for the first offense; Taylor could as well have discharged Tarpley then, but did not. Anyway, leaving a commercial vehicle like this with a key in the lock is quite a different chatter than unlocked doors. Inquiry into the inner motivation for any discharge demands consideration of all pertinent factors; here some point one way and some the other. On balance, I conclude it cannot be said a preponderance of the substantial evidence on the record as a whole supports the complaint allegation as to Tarpley, and I shall therefore recommend dismissal of the complaint as to him. I also find the total evidence insufficient to prove violations of Section 8(a)(3) of the Act in the raises the Respondent gave to Craft and Tarpley on February 17, 1967. IV. THE EFFECT OF THE UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES UPON COMMERCE The activities of the Respondent set forth in sec- tion III, above, occurring in connection with the, Respondent's operations described in section 1, above, have a close, intimate, and substantial rela- tionship to trade, traffic, and commerce among the several States and tend to lead to labor disputes burdening and obstructing commerce and the free flow of commerce. V. THE REMEDY Having found that the Respondent has engaged in unfair labor practices, I shall recommend that it be ordered to cease and desist therefrom and' take certain affirmative action designed to effectuate the policies of the Act. The Respondent having' unlaw- fully discharged Joe Allen, Donald Brooks, Ronald Carter, and Dennis Craft, it must be ordered to reinstate them to their former employment and to -make them whole for any loss of earnings they may have suffered in consequence of the illegal dis- crimination against them. Backpay shall be based upon the earnings which the terminated employees would normally have received during the applicable period, less any net interim earnings, and shall be computed on a quarterly basis in the manner set forth in F. W. Woolworth Company, 90 NLRB 289, with interest thereon, Isis Plumbing & Heating Co., 138 NLRB 716. The extent of the Respondent's past unfair labor practices justify and require an all inclusive injunctive order that it not hereafter vio- late the statute in any other manner. 165 CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1. The Respondent is engaged in commerce and the Union is a labor organization, all within the meaning of the Act. 2. By discharging the aforementioned four em- ployees the Respondent has engaged in and is en- gaging in unfair labor practices within the meaning of Section 8(a)(3) and (1) of the Act. 3. The aforesaid unfair labor practices are unfair labor practices affecting commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7)'of the Act. RECOMMENDED ORDER Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, it is hereby recom- mended that Orkin Exterminating Company, Inc., Huntington, West Virginia, its officers, agents, suc- cessors, and assigns, shall: 1. Cease and desist from: (a) Discouraging membership in Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union, AFL-CIO, or any other labor organization of its employees, by discharging or in any other manner discriminating against them in regard to their hire or tenure of employment or any terms Or conditions of employment. (b) In any other manner interfering with, restraining, or coercing its employees in the exer- cise of the right to self-organization, to form labor organizations, to bargain collectively through representatives of their own choosing, and to en- gage in any other concerted activity for the purpose of collective bargaining or other mutual aid or pro- tection, or to refrain from any or all such activities, except as authorized in Section 8(a)(3) of the Act. 2. Take the following affirmative action which I find will effectuate the policies of the Act: (a) Offer Joe Allen, Donald Brooks, Ronald Carter, and Dennis Craft reinstatement to their former or substantially equivalent positions without prejudice to the rights and privileges previously en- joyed. (b) Make whole the above-named employees for any loss of pay suffered by reason of the discrimina- tion against them, in the manner set forth above under the section entitled "The Remedy." (c) Preserve and, upon request, make available to the Board or its agents, for examination and copying, all payroll records, social security payment records, timecards, personnel records and reports, and all other records necessary to analyze the amount of backpay due under the terms of this Recommended Order. (d) Notify the above-named employees, if presently serving in the Armed Forces of the United States of their right to full reinstatement upon application in accordance with the Selective Service Act and the Universal Military Training and Service Act, as amended, after discharge from the Armed Forces. 166 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL (e) Post at its office in Huntington, West Vir- ginia, cobpies of the attached notice marked "Ap- pendix." Copies of said notice, on forms provided by the Regional Director for Region 9, after being duly signed by the Respondent's representative, shall be posted by it immediately upon receipt thereof, and be maintained by it for 60 consecutive days thereafter, in conspicuous places, including all places where notices to employees are customarily posted. Reasonable steps shall be taken by Respond- ent to insure that said notices are not altered, defaced, or covered by any other material. (f) Notify the Regional Director for Region 9, in writing, within 20 days from the receipt of this Decision, what steps have been taken to comply herewith.' IT IS HEREBY FURTHER ORDERED that the com- plaint be, and it hereby is dismissed, insofar as it al- leges a violation of the statute with respect to the discharge of Joseph Tarpley and insofar as it alleges a violation of Section 8(a)(3) of the Act. 6 In the event that this Recommended Order is adopted by the Board, the words "a Decision and Order" shall be substituted for the words "the Recommended Order of 'a Trial Examiner" in the notice. In the further event that the Board's Order is enforced by a decree of a United States Court of Appeals, the words "a Decree of the United States Court of Ap- peals Enforcing an Order" shall be substituted for the words "a Decision and Order " ' In the event that this Recommended Order is adopted by the Board, this provision shall be modified to read. "Notify the Regional Director for Region 9 , in writing, within 10 days from the date of this Order, what steps Respondent has taken to comply herewith " APPENDIX NOTICE TO ALL EMPLOYEES Pursuant to the Recommended Order of a Trial Examiner of the National Labor Relations Board and in order to effectuate the policies of the Na- tional Labor Relations Act, as amended , we hereby notify our employees that: - WE WILL NOT discourage membership in Retail , Wholesale and Department Store Union , AFL-CIO, or in any other labor or- ganization of our employees , by discharging or otherwise discriminating against them in regard to their hire or tenure of employment. LABOR RELATIONS BOARD WE WILL NOT in any other manner interfere with, restrain, or coerce our employees in the exercise of the right to self-organization, to form labor organizations, to join or assist the above-named Union, or any other labor or- ganization, to bargain collectively through representatives of their own choosing, and to engage in other concerted activities for the purpose of collective bargaining or other mu- tual aid or protection, as guaranteed in Section 7 of the Act, or to refrain from any and all such activities, except as authorized in Section 8(a)(3) of the Act. WE WILL offer Joe Allen, Donald Brooks, Ronald Carter, and Dennis Craft reinstatement to their former or substantially equivalent posi- tions, without prejudice to their rights and privileges previously enjoyed, and WE WILL make each of them whole for any loss of pay they may have suffered by reason of the dis- crimination against them, in the manner set forth in the section entitled "The Remedy" in the Trial Examiner's Decision. - All our employees are free to become members of or to refrain from becoming members of any labor organization. ORKIN EXTERMINATING COMPANY, INC. (Employer) Dated By (Representative ) (Title) Note: We will notify the above-named em- ployees if presently serving in the Armed Forces of the United States of their right to full reinstatement upon application in accordance with the Selective Service Act and the Universal Military Training and Service, Act, as amended, after discharge from the Armed Forces. This notice must remain posted for 60 consecu- tive. days from the date of posting and must not be altered, defaced, or covered by any other material. If employees have any question concerning this notice or compliance with its provisions, they may communicate directly with the Board's Regional Office, Room 2407, Federal Office- Building, 550 Main Street, Cincinnati, Ohio 45202, Telephone 684-3663. Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation