Operating Engineers Local 18Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsAug 27, 1973205 N.L.R.B. 901 (N.L.R.B. 1973) Copy Citation OPERATING ENGINEERS LOCAL 18 International Union of Operating Engineers , Local 18, AFL-CIO (C. F. Braun Company) and Walter Shimman and Glenn W. Oberle. Cases 8-CB-1816 and 8-CB-1868 August 27, 1973 DECISION AND ORDER BY CHAIRMAN MILLER AND MEMBERS JENKINS AND KENNEDY On March 30, 1973, Administrative Law Judge Frank H. Itkin issued the attached Decision in this proceeding. Thereafter, Respondent filed exceptions and a supporting brief. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the Na- tional Labor Relations Board has delegated its au- thority in this proceeding to a three-member panel. The Board has considered the record and the at- tached Decision in light of the exceptions and brief and has decided to affirm the rulings, findings,' and conclusions of the Administrative Law Judge and to adopt his recommended Order. ORDER Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Rela- tions Board adopts as its Order the recommended Order of the Administrative Law Judge and hereby orders that Respondent , International Union of Oper- ating Engineers , Local 18 , AFL-CIO, Cleveland, Ohio , its officers , agents , and representatives, shall take the action set forth in the said recommended Order. ' The Respondent has excepted to certain credibility findings made by the Administrative Law Judge . It is the Board's established policy not to overrule an Administrative Law Judge's resolutions with respect to credibility unless the clear preponderance of all of the relevant evidence convinces us that the resolutions are incorrect . Standard Dry Wall Products, Inc., 91 NLRB 544, enfd. 188 F.2d 362 (C.A. 3). We have carefully examined the record and find no basis for reversing his findings. 901 The complaint in Case 8-CB-1816 alleges that Respon- dent Local 18 violated Section 8(b)(1)(A) and 8(b)(2) of the National Labor Relations Act by discriminatorily removing Walter Shimman's name from his proper position on Re- spondent Local 18's referral roster and placing Shimman's name at the bottom of the list about July 22, 1971, because of Shimman's activities on behalf of certain opposition can- didates in an internal union election; by thereafter threaten- ing members of Respondent Local 18 during August 1971 with loss of employment and other reprisals for supporting opposition candidates during an internal union election; by threatening members of Respondent Local 18 during Au- gust 1971 with expulsion, loss of membership, and financial losses because they opposed incumbent officers during an internal union election; and by threatening members of Respondent Local 18 during August 1971 with loss of em- ployment and starvation because they opposed incumbent officers during an internal union election. The complaint in Case 8-CB-1868, as amended, alleges that Respondent Lo- cal 18 further violated Section 8(b)(1)(A) and 8(b)(2) of the Act by discriminatorily failing and refusing to refer Glenn W. Oberle for hire by the C. F. Braun Company as a master mechanic about October 8, 1971, and by discriminatorily failing and refusing to refer Oberle for hire by the C. F. Braun Company as a machine operator about November 23, 1971, because Oberle supported opposition candidates during an internal union election; by threatening members of Respondent Local 18 during October 1971 with loss of employment and other reprisals for supporting opposition candidates during an internal union election; by threaten- ing Oberle and other members of Respondent Local 18 about October 11, 1971, with expulsion, loss of membership, and other financial losses because they assisted opposition candidates during an internal union election; by threaten- ing Oberle and other members of Respondent Local 18 during October 1971 with loss of employment and starva- tion because they opposed incumbent officers during an internal union election ; and by threatening Oberle about December 13, 1971, with loss of employment and starvation because of Oberle's efforts against incumbent officers in an internal union election.' Upon the entire record, including my observation of the witnesses, and after due consideration of the briefs filed by counsel for General Counsel and counsel for Respondent Local 18, I make the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. JURISDICTION DECISION FRANK H. ITKIN, Administrative Law Judge: These cases were tried before me at Toledo, Ohio, on July 10, 11, 12 and 13, 1972. The unfair labor practice charge in Case 8- CB-1816 was filed on January 13 and the complaint issued on March 16, 1972. The unfair labor practice charge in Case 8-CB-1868 was filed on April 4 and the complaint issued on May 10, as amended on May 16, 1972. The two cases were ordered consolidated for the purpose of hearing on May 10, 1972. The complaints in both cases allege, the answers admit, and I find and conclude that at all times material Respon- dent Local 18 was a local union affiliated with the Interna- ' Counsel for General Counsel was permitted at the hearing to amend the complaint in Case 8-CB-1868 to allege, in sum, that Respondent further violated Sec . 8(b)(1)(A) of the Act on July 10, 1972, while this hearing was in progress , in that it "did threaten , restrain , and coerce its members by holding them out for public scorn and loss of respect among brother mem- bers for utilizing the processes of the National Labor Relations Board and further inferring that [Oberle] engaged in a course of conduct disloyal and detrimental to the Union and its members ...:. 205 NLRB No. 146 902 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD tional Union of Operating Engineers, AFL-CIO, with its principal office in Cleveland, Ohio, where it has been en- gaged in the representation of its members for the purpose of collective bargaining with various employers in the States of Ohio and Kentucky who are members of Associated Contractors of Ohio, Inc., and The Associated General Contractors of America, Inc., with respect to wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment for the em- ployees who are employed by employer members of the two associations; that the above two associations represent em- ployers who annually receive materials at their respective plants in the State of Ohio in excess of $50,000, which materials are shipped directly from suppliers located out- side of the State of Ohio; that Respondent Local 18 annual- ly collects dues in the State of Ohio in excess of $200,000, a portion of which is remitted to its International organiza- tion headquarters located in Washington, D.C.; and that the two employer associations are organizations which exist, inter alia, for the purpose of negotiating and administering collective-bargaining agreements executed on behalf of their member employers with Respondent Local 18 and other labor organizations, by reason of which the members of the two associations constitute a single employer for the purpose of collective bargaining and jurisdictional purposes within the meaning of the Act. The complaints in both cases allege, the answers admit, and I find and conclude that at all times material the members of both employer associa- tions are employers engaged in commerce within the mean- ing of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act and/or, individually and collectively, engaged in an industry affecting commerce within the meaning of the Act. The complaints in both cases allege, the answers admit, and I find and conclude that at all times material Respon- dent Local 18 is and has been a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. II THE UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES A. Introduction Respondent Local 18 and the two employer associations are parties to a collective-bargaining agreement in effect from June 1, 1970, through April 30, 1972, under which agreement Respondent Local 18 represents the employee engineers of all employers who are members of the two associations . The agreement provides (see G.C. Exh. 2, pp. 9-16) that the employer members of the associations will obtain all employees employed as engineers, except in emer- gency situations, from Respondent Local 18's hiring hall, individual referrals being subject to nonarbitrary rejection by the employers. The complaints allege, the answers admit, and I find and conclude that pursuant to the collective- bargaining agreement, arrangement, and practice with the two associations, Respondent Local 18 maintains in effect an exclusive referral system, referring individuals to pro- spective employers by means of a referral register or roster. In brief, Respondent Local 18 maintains a register or roster of available applicants and referrals are to be made to em- ployers in accordance with a system of priority depending on length of employment and experience in the States of Ohio and Kentucky. The agreement also provides, inter alia: An applicant for employment may not refuse referral to employment except for good cause, but, in any event, such refusals shall be limited to two (2) consecu- tive refusals. If the applicant refuses a job referral for the second consecutive time, he shall lose his position on the register and he shall go to the bottom of the list for his group. Further, the agreement provides: Employers may hire through this referral policy, by name , former employees who have resided for at least one (1) year in the State of Ohio or within the counties of Boone, Campbell, Kenton and Pendleton in Ken- tucky and who have lived in the State of Ohio or in any counties contiguous thereto or in the aforesaid Ken- tucky counties or in any counties contiguous thereto, and have been employed by the Employer making the request during the past twelve (12) months within the jurisdiction of this Agreement. The Employer must make the request to the appropriate Union District office and the employee requested must be registered on the District referral list and be available for employ- ment. It is agreed an Employer may hire through the referral policy any registrant by name, notwithstanding his position on the referral register, provided the registrant falls within the Group A classification, is available for work and has been registered with the Union District office for at least ten (10) days prior to the request by name by the Employer. The request by name must be con- firmed later in writing on the letterhead of the Employ- er and signed by either the Employer or the superintendent of the project. [Emphasis supplied.] The jurisdiction of Respondent Local 18 covers most of the State of Ohio and the northern portion of the State of Kentucky. Administration of Local 18 is divided into six districts, with district offices in Cleveland, Toledo, Colum- bus, Dayton, Cincinnati, and Akron. Each district office is staffed by, inter alia, business agents and clericals and main- tains a separate hiring hall from which construction equip- ment operators are referred to employers. John Possehl is business manager for Respondent Local 18 and vice presi- dent of the International organization. He is , as he testified, the chief executive officer for Local 18. John Frank is the district representative for the Toledo area, district 2, and vice president of Local 18.1 The events recited herein principally concern Walter Shimman and Glenn W. Oberle, longstanding members of Local 18 in the Toledo district, and their opposition to Respondent's incumbent leadership. As counsel for Re- spondent stated in his postheanng brief (p. 3): 2 The complaints allege, the answers admit, and I find and conclude that John Frank at all times material is and has been an agent of Respondent within the meaning of Sec 2(13) of the Act As for John Possehl, I find and conclude , as he credibly testified, that he is "primarily the executive officer of the Local", that his "responsibilities cover the entire ... operation" including "the right to hire land] fire"; and that the "agents are directly under [his] control and report .. " I find and conclude that John Possehl at all times material is and has been an agent of the Respondent Local within the meaning of Sec 2 (13) of the Act. OPERATING ENGINEERS LOCAL 18 All political organizations contain an opposition fac- tion and Respondent is no exception. For many years the leadership of the "anti-incumbents" in Local 18 has been in the hands of the Shimman brothers, their friends and associates, most of whom reside in the Toledo area. One or more of the Shimman brothers has run for a major union office in all intra-union elections dating back before 1960. . . . Walter Shimman, Jr., one of the alleged discriminatees, was the only brother who had never run for office. . . . Glenn Oberle, their cohort-and the other alleged discriminatee-has like- wise run repeatedly. All of the events involved herein took place at Respondent's Toledo district office, and related primarily to the intra-union election of August 1971....3 Of course, as discussed infra, the principal issue before me is whether Respondent Local 18-in resisting the efforts of various members of the Shimman family and Oberle to oust the incumbent leadership-resorted to conduct proscribed by Section 8(b)(1)(A) and 8(b)(2) of the Act .4 B. The Evidence Pertaining to Respondent's Treatment of Walter Shimman Ervin Shimman, brother of Charging Party Walter Shim- man,' testified that he has been a member of Local 18 for some 26 years and that he is presently serving on Respondent's advisory board for district 2 and executive board for Local 1:8. Ervin Shimman recalled that during June 1971 District Representative Frank asked Ervin "if he would consider running for [Respondent's] advisory board with the present people . . . in office" and Ervin refused. According to Ervin, Frank then warned Ervin: "The job you are working on now for the McDowell Company, I received no letter from them [requesting Ervin], and if I don't get a letter from them, I will pull you off that job." Ervin Shimman, as he testified, had been working on that job for 1 or more weeks.6 Ervin Shimman testified that he attended the August 1971 union meeting. At the meeting, according to Ervin, Frank announced that three members, including his brother Walter Shimman, "were put to the bottom of the [referral] deck" because they allegedly "had refused two jobs." There- after, during October 1971, Frank telephoned Ervin to ap- 3 In his opening statement , counsel for Respondent stated The Charging Parties and their friends and relatives have been what I hate to call losers They have been fighting incumbents of Local 18 for years and years, and each time they have run, they have lost. This is really a never ending process for these people. They try every three years, and the pattern has been they have lost every three years. That is what happened last year ° The findings recited in this section are based upon the admissions of the parties as contained in the pleadings and the credited testimony of Jeffrey Belkin and John Possehl summarized above. 5 There are four Shimman brothers Walter, Ervin, John, and William. 6 Earlier, at the March 1971 union meeting , Ervin recalled that his brother Walter questioned Frank about a particular job and Frank responded. "Your whole God damn family ain't no good." 903 prise Ervin that he too had been "thrown to the bottom of the deck" because he had assertedly refused two jobs. Ervin, according to his testimony, explained to Frank that he was on picket duty for Local 18 during his last refusal and had so informed the union's dispatcher when he refused the referral. Frank insisted that Ervin's refusal was not excused for this reason and then told Ervin: I [Frank] will hold you 10 days in the deck. You don't work for nobody. I don't care who asks for you- whether it is Braun Company or any other company. You will not work for 10 days. You are frozen in the deck. According to Ervin, Frank added, inter alia: I [Frank] am the hatchet man from Cleveland. I come in here to chop heads, and you are one of the heads I am going to chop . . . . [Ervin] wasn't going to go to the Braun Company, that financially [Frank] was going to starve [Ervin] out. The next day, October 15, as Ervin Shimman testified, he met with Respondent Business Manager John Possehl. Er- vin testified that he related his complaint to Possehl; 7 that Possehl agreed that Frank's conduct was not fair; and that Possehl stated that "there is no such thing as a 10-day freeze ...." Possehl also apprised Ervin that "there is no reason why [Ervin] shouldn't go out [on the Braun Company job] if they requested [Ervin] by letter." The following day, as Ervin testified, Frank spoke with Ervin at the Union's Tole- do hall. According to Ervin, Frank apprised Ervin that Pos- sehl "told [Frank] that if [Ervin] was requested for the C. F. Braun Company, [he] could go to work for them and there wouldn't be no such thing as a 10-day freeze, holding a member in the deck and not letting him go to work for nobody." Ervin testified that Frank then faulted Ervin for having "finked on" Frank by going to Possehl; Frank warned Ervin: " . . . I will get you, and when you get off that Braun job, I will really get you if you go to work there." 8 Walter Shimman, the Charging Party, testified that he had been a member of Local 18 for some 26 years; that commencing June 1971 he campaigned on behalf of his brother William Shimman and Oberle who were running against Respondent's incumbent officers; 9 and that the in- traunion election was held in August 1971. Walter recalled 3 Ervin testified. ". I told him [Possehl] why John Frank told me I was throwed [to the bottom of the deck or roster] and that I would remain there 10 days on a freeze and work for nobody. . . s Ervin Shimman testified that he attended a union advisory board meeting in November 1971, that Frank said at the meeting "that the Braun lob is now known as the Shimman job", that Frank accused Ervin of being a "scab"; and that Frank stated that Ervin "went out there illegal to the Braun Compa- ny and that he [Frank] will get me [Ervin] . . . before this is over." Ervin also testified that later , at a union meeting in February 1972, Frank said: . Shimman had never run this umon.. I pledge myself to this, they will be destroyed Because Walter Shimman filed a Labor Board case, I [Frank] lost an agent in the field I [Frank] had to go to Cleveland all day over this case being filed. 9 Oberle was running against Frank and William Shimman was running against Possehl. 904 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD that at a union meeting during July 1971, Frank stated: ... that the fellows that were running against them [the incumbents] would be starved out of the Union and there are ways to get them out, and they have no right in this . . . they are no good . . . they are all liars and they are all trying to take over this Local. Walter Shimman recalled that Frank made like and related statements "at several meetings" before and after the elec- tion . Walter further testified that at a union meeting during February or March 1971 he questioned Frank about a par- ticular job in the area. According to Walter, Frank then accused Walter of being a "liar" ; Frank warned: " . . . your family are liars. I will throw you out of this meeting." Walter Shimman testified that the Toledo district had adopted a 50-mile rule during 1970. Under this rule, accord- ing to Walter, if a referral was to a site " . . . over 50 miles away it would not be held against [the registrant or member] for turning the job down." Walter explained that during July 1971, he had refused a referral by Local 18 to a job in Lima, Ohio, which is some 70-75 miles distant from Tole- do. 10 Thereafter, at the August 1971 union meeting, accord- ing to Walter, District Representative Frank announced to the membership present that three members (including Walter Shimman) had been dropped to the bottom of the deck or roster because they had two consecutive refusals. Walter testified that at this same meeting members asked about the 50-mile rule and he, Walter, also spoke up and said to Frank: " . . . Lima is more than 50 miles away and you counted it against me." Frank responded: "You are one of the wise ones . . . you are at the bottom." Walter Shim- man explained that prior to this meeting he had never heard Frank read names of members dropped to the bottom of the roster for two refusals. Further, Walter Shimman testified that the membership in fact voted at the August 1971 meet- ing to retain the 50-mile rule. Walter Shimman testified that during October 1971 he spoke with Business Manager Possehl about being dropped to the bottom of the roster. According to Walter, Possehl stated: "Under the 50-mile [rule] you have in this district I don't know how John Frank had put you down." Possehl also told Walter that he should file a grievance. Walter advised Possehl that he had filed a grievance, but Possehl assertedly had not seen the grievance." 10 On cross -examination, Walter Shimman acknowledged that he did not refuse the Lima job referral because of distance . Walter explained that, as he informed the dispatcher, the fumes and pollutants at that particular job would irritate an existing eye and skin condition. 11 Walter Shimman 's written grievance , addressed to Respondent 's board of review and dated August 13, 1971, states in part: At the District 2 meeting of August 9, 1971, 1 was notified by the chairman , Brother John Frank, that my slip in the A group of the referral system was removed from its proper position and placed at the bottom of the group. This was the first time that I was notified about this. The first job , 7/12/71, was in Napoleon , Ohio. I had personal reasons for turning it down. My second job, 7/22/7 1, was at Lima, Ohio, working for a roofing company on a hoist . I told the dispatcher that tar and creosote fumes would bother me. Working around tar and creosote, my skin breaks out and my eyes get fire red and bum . I have had both eyes operated on in hospitals. This is why I turned the second job down. In the last two and a half years, I have worked only 2 weeks in the Toledo area , the other jobs were more Walter Shimman further testified that during September 1971, following the intraunion election, Frank stated to the membership: "Losers are losers and my people will run the union and will work and the rest of you can get out of here." Walter recalled that later, at the February 1972 meeting, Frank said to Walter: "You might get a couple of thousand dollars out of this case, but what about the unemployment that you drew? You may have to pay all that money back." Matilda Kirchner testified that she was employed by Re- spondent Local 18 during 1971 as dispatcher in the Toledo district office. Kirchner explained that as part of her duties she "followed the referral system" in dispatching the em- ployees to work.12 Kirchner testified that during "the earlier years" of her employment, there was nothing done about a refusal to accept a referral to a job over 50 miles away from Toledo; that she "just marked a refusal on the back of the [employee's] card"; and that "the card was placed back in the deck." However, according to Kirchner, during the last 6 months of 1971, there were assertedly "complaints" by employees that various individuals were refusing referrals in order to avoid undesirable jobs. Kirchner testified that Walter Shimman, Al Beach, and James McMahon were dropped to the bottom of the referral register about July 1971 because of two refusals. However, as Kirchner explained, Al Beach later explained to the dis- trict representatives that he had refused his second referral because he "had an asthmatic condition . . . and he could not work in dirt ... " and Beach's refusal was excused for this reason.13 Kirchner, who was employed by Respondent Local 18 for some 6 years up to October or November 1971, could recall no other employees who were dropped to the bottom of the deck or roster. She claimed that the cards of Walter Shimman, Al Beach, and James McMahon were dropped about June when the Respondent's modified "re- fusal policy" took effect. On cross-examination, Kirchner acknowledged that prior to May or June 1971 "when an operator refused a job for any reason the refusal was never counted against [him]"; that this policy existed prior to May or June 1971 "[n]ot- withstanding what may have been in the contract ... " about consecutive refusals; and that Respondent's failure to count the refusals "was sort of an understanding among the operators in the district." Kirchner claimed that about June 1971 many "Group A" engineers were out of work and there were "complaints as to how the referral system was being run." Consequently, as Kirchner explained, following the than 70 miles from Toledo. I will go any place in the district for work. My union work records show this. Please advise me of the time and place The Board of Review and Arbitration will hear this grievance , so that I may be present to present additional information. In response, Frank, by letter dated August 19, 1971, cited to Walter Shimman Respondent's rule concerning two consecutive refusals (supra, sec. A) and informed the member , inter alia: " ... we find your grievance without merit and that your position in the referral is proper as it stands." 12 Kirchner testified : " ... I followed the referral system , which was registration cards that were filled out by the men. They were grouped accord- ing to their years of experience, which was Group A, Group B, Group C and Group D." Kirchner recalled that both Walter Shimman and Oberle , Charg- ing Parties here, were classified in the top group, group A, at all times material. 13 Kirchner testified that if an employee "reported that he was ill, we marked a hold on the card . . . we would not count it as a refusal." OPERATING ENGINEERS LOCAL 18 union 's June 1971 meeting, Frank instructed her "to put the men down on the bottom of the deck" after their second refusal. Kirchner claimed that Frank told her that "everything should be counted as a refusal regardless of whether it was distan[t], unless they [the operators] would have a good reason such as illness." However, as Kirchner also testified, Walter Shimman's last refusal to accept a referral to Lima was counted against him even though Walter told Kirchner that "he had an eye problem and that with the dust and the dirt he just wouldn't take a job of that type." Kirchner asserted that she "told [Walter] all the jobs have dust and dirt-all the road jobs-and [she] would have to refer him over to Mr. Frank." Elsewhere in her testimony, Kirchner acknowledged that "the only people [excluded] under this 50-mile rule were those who had good reasons for not going more than 50 miles; . . . other than those people, if some- one received a job outside the 50 miles, he was subject to a refusal ...." 14 Further, Kirchner acknowledged that prior to the incident involving Walter Shimman during July 1971, "no man had ever been dropped to the bottom of the list for refusing a job 50 miles away from Toledo" and that except for the Shimman incident she knows of no person "put to the bottom of the list ... who refused jobs further than 50 miles from Toledo ...." 15 David Zoll, a member of Local 18, testified that he at- tended the union meeting in June 1971 and that at the meeting Frank said: "he could starve out any of the dissi- dents-those that opposed the incumbents . . . he could starve them out." On cross-examination, Zoll acknowledged that he is running and has run against the incumbents in district 2. Marcus Nasset, a member of Local 18, testified that he attended the union meeting during August 1971; that he heard Frank state to the membership at the meeting: " .. . Walt Shimman and his entire family were no good, they are a bunch of losers"; and that Frank also said: "Walt Shim- man, you get the bottom of the deck for refusing two jobs." 16 Prior to that occasion, Nasset had never heard Frank tell members that they were "being put to the bottom of the deck." Nasset explained that it has been the practice in the Toledo district that an employee was not required to take a referral to a job beyond a 50-mile radius if the em- ployee did not want to take the job." Further, Nasset ex- plained that at the August meeting, "It was decided to still honor the 50-mile radius" rule and Frank agreed to do so.18 John Zemenski, a member of Local 18 for some 25 years, testified that prior to the union meeting during August 1971, he was passing out literature on behalf of William Shimman 14 Kirchner recalled that during her telephone conversation with Walter Shimman concerning his second refusal, she transferred Walter Shimman's call to Frank and Frank thereafter instructed her to put Walter on the bottom of the deck 15 Kirchner claimed that "such refusals have been counted," although not resulting in the loss of position on the register 16 Nasset testified that he heard Frank say at this meeting "I am in charge of the district I am running it as I see fit If anyone doesn't like the way I run it, let him get the hell out" 17 Nasset added that prior to 1971 the second refusal rule was not enforced in the district. is On cross-examination , Nasset acknowledged that he "openly supported the candidacy of anti-incumbent members of district 2 " 905 in front of the Toledo hall. Zemenski testified: `just before the meeting started Mr. Frank came out . . . and said, `How is it going?' and I said, `Well, workwise it's not too good for me' . . . His [Frank's] remarks were: `I will try to keep it that way.' " Zemenski explained that shortly prior Walter Shimman had gone into the hall and was "passing out litera- ture in there." 19 Glenn W. Oberle testified that he has been a member of Local 18 for over 26 years. He recalled that at the June 1971 meeting, following his nomination to run against Frank, Frank said to the membership: ... we [the opposition candidates] were the enemies of the Union and communists . . . trying to get our hands into the money and the power of the Union. [Frank] said we were going to be forced out of the Union .. . he [Frank] was going to use the referral system to starve us out of the organization and he was going to have unity if he had to force it.20 At the July 1971 meeting, according to Oberle, Frank said that "anybody who ran for office or supported them [the opposition] would be starved out of the organization." Ob- erle testified that at that or the next meeting,21 "it was decid- ed that they would keep" the 50-mile radius rule; that Walter Shimman said, " ... Lima is more than 50 miles away"; and that Frank responded to Walter: "You are a wise c- s- and you are going to the bottom." 22 Oberle testified that the union election was held in August 1971; that he came within 23 votes in Toledo distnct 2 of incumbent John Frank although he lost the election by a substantial margin; and that, while the votes were being counted in Cleveland, Frank said to him: "he [Frank] was going to pound salt up [Oberle's] ass . . . . if those guys think they had it tough, wait until I [Frank] get back to Toledo." Oberle also testified that following the election Frank said to the membership: "we are going to have forced unity and [the] people who didn't agree were going to be forced out of the organization and that we would have unity one way or another." Oberle recalled that Frank also re- ferred to the opposition as the "enemies of the Union..." and on occasion warned that "anybody who ran or support- ed them would be starved out of the Local... . William Shimman testified that he has been a union member for 30 years; that at the September 1971 meeting Frank said: "We are going to starve out the so-called reb- els." William recalled that Frank called the opposition 19 Zemenski also testified that at the July or August meeting Frank an- nounced that Walter Shimman "was being placed to the bottom of the deck"; that Frank "said [that] nojob would be counted as a refusal if it was 50 miles or more [away]", and that Walter Shimman spoke up and said that his refused job was "over 50 miles " Zemenski also attended the September 1971 meeting where Frank assert- edly said "If you are not for us, you are against us and if you don't like the Union, get the hell out" 20 Oberle recalled that he had attended a meeting earlier during April or May 1971 where Frank said "that Walter [ Shimman] was a troublemaker. . the whole family were troublemakers and he [Frank] wasn't going to be in when Walter called. He wasn't going to service [Walter Shimman] ... . 21 Oberle placed the meeting about July 1971 22 Oberle recalled that at a later meeting, which he placed in September 1971, a vote was taken by the membership to retain the 50-mile rule 906 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD "communists"; Frank said: " ... he wanted no opposition on the ballot and they would starve out insurgents." William attended a meeting when Walter, his brother, was put to the bottom of the deck 23 James McMahon, a business agent for Local 18, testified as a witness for Respondent that he attended a union meet- ing about June 1971 and that "Mr. Frank said at that time that, because of the people unemployed, the second consec- utive refusal men would be put to the bottom of the deck." McMahon recalled that at the August 1971 meeting Walter Shimman, Al Beach, and he were dropped to the bottom of the register because of two refusals. According to McMa- hon, Walter Shimman "said [that his refused referral] was over the 50 mile radius, and Mr. Frank said this was not the reason he refused the job"; "District Representative John Frank said he looked at [Walter's] card. It wasn't because of the 50-mile radius but because of an allergy ...." Mc- Mahon testified that Frank asked for unity at this meeting. McMahon denied, inter alia, hearing Frank say that the opposition would be starved out or expelled from the union, physical harm would come to the opposition, or there would be like or related reprisals against the opposition. McMa- hon recalled that at the September 1971 meeting, Frank said "that anyone who didn't want to join the organization, that wouldn't accept the results [of the election], could get the hell out or he would help them...." McMahon generally denied hearing Frank threaten reprisals against the opposi- tion , or state that anyone would be expelled or starved out or would suffer a financial loss because of opposition to the incumbents.24 On cross-examination , McMahon ackowledged that dur- ing 1971 there was a discussion at the union hall and the members agreed to retain the 50-mile rule; 25 that Frank told Walter Shimman "in a meeting that [his] refusal wasn't for 50 miles but for an allergy or something"; and that when he, McMahon, was "put to the bottom of the list. . . " both of his refused referrals were within 50 miles of Toledo. Local 18 's Business Manager Possehl testified as a witness for Respondent. Possehl recalled that during October 1971 he attended an executive board meeting in Toledo. At that meeting , according to Possehl, Ervin Shimman complained to Possehl that he "had been mistreated by being placed to the bottom of the list ... because of two refusals . . . he [Ervin] was being told he would have to wait 10 days before he could return to work and he already had waited some period of time...." Possehl assertedly "felt that this time should apply to the waiting time," and Possehl told Ervin that he would "check" on his complaint and "refer back to him." 26 Possehl testified that he spoke to Charging Party Walter 23 William acknowledged that he lost in the last election by some 3,000 votes, that he has opposed the incumbents for years ; and that he is presently running against the incumbents 24 McMahon testified that Frank "mentioned Yablonski of the Mine Workers-how some things happened in some other Locals that would not happen here and that he would never affect the livelihood of any other man-but he never mentioned starving out anyone " 25 McMahon could not "pin that date down " 26 Possehl explained " I told him there was a difference of opinion as to whether there would be another 10 days but that I didn't feel that way and I felt that after I talked to John [Frank], I could get it corrected " Shimman that same day. According to Possehl , " . . . He [Walter] too was complaining about being dropped in the register . . . one refusal that he felt was not proper was .. . to a job that entailed fumes . . . he was allergic to fumes." Possehl claimed that nothing else was said to Walter Shim- man. On cross-examination, Possehl acknowledged that, in Er- vin Shimman's case , District Representative Frank took the "wrong position" and "he was corrected." In addition, Pos- sehl claimed that he knows nothing about district 2's 50- mile rule. Possehl acknowledged that an employee' s illness "at times" has been considered good cause under the second refusal provision in the contract. Possehl claimed that he first heard of Walter Shimman's illness at the October 1971 advisory board meeting, that he never saw Walter' s griev- ance (see supra, fn. 11) and that "to the best of [his] recollec- tion [he did] not know anything about a grievance." District Representative John Frank testified that prior to May or June 1971, "we had not been enforcing the two refusals regulation"; that the "50-mile radius rule is not part of the referral system"; that he assertedly had received com- plaints that members were refusing jobs in the hope of get- ting better referrals; and that, as a result, about May or June 1971: " ... We announced that two refusals would be strictly enforced as it was written and that we were going on record with the membership as of that date so they would know ...." 27 Frank testified that about July 1971 dis- patcher Kirchner informed him that Walter Shimman "had made his second refusal and was objecting to it being con- sidered a refusal"; that Frank spoke with Walter and ap- prised Walter that it "was a refusal and would be considered a refusal ... "; and that Walter did claim that "he was allergic to [tar] fumes . . .." Frank testified that at the August 1971 meeting he an- nounced that Beach, Walter Shimman, James McMahon, and another person were dropped to the bottom of the referral register. According to Frank, Walter Shimman claimed that his refused job was beyond 50 miles and Frank responded, "that this was not involved in this case and he was dropped to the bottom of the deck anyway." 28 Frank testified that the intraunion election was held in August 1971; that at the September 1971 meeting he asked the members to "unite, coming together as members, work- ing against our common enemies . . . " and that: " . . . I added further that anyone who didn't believe that they could do this was welcome to get out and that I would help them to get out." Thereafter during October 1971, Frank testified that he telephoned Ervin Shimman "to ask him [Ervin] if he had just cause why he should not be placed to the bottom of the deck.,, 29 Frank claimed that Ervin Shim- man "offered no valid reason why he should not ... " be dropped to the bottom of the register.30 Frank acknowl- 27 When asked when this occurred, Frank testified. "This was in June- 21 or June-somewhere in that time of 1971 "Ma 2 Frank recalled that earlier that day he saw Zemenski passing out election literature According to Frank, he only said to Zemenskr "John are things that bad that you have to be peddling papers?" Frank denied other state- ments attributed to him by Zemenski. 29 Frank noted that the "referral system does not require that I notify someone when he is placed at the bottom of the deck but I felt I should notify him . " 30 Frank asserted that even though Ervin was picketing for the union OPERATING ENGINEERS LOCAL 18 907 edged that Possehl "felt that [his interpretation of the 10- day requirement in the case of Ervin Shimman] was not a reasonable position . . . and [Frank] honored it." 31 On cross-examination, Frank acknowledged that Walter Shimman had explained to Frank that "he had surgery a couple of times" on his eyes; and that ordinarily a refusal to accept a referral because an employee "has the flu .. . is not counted against him," but in Walter Shimman's case a refusal based on "surgery . . . bothered by working condi- tions . . . would be counted ...." Frank acknowledged that when he put Walter Shimman to the bottom of the register he knew that his second refusal was to a job about 65-75 miles distant from Toledo. However, Frank had claimed in his affidavit given to a Board agent: " ... Both jobs involved in the case of Walter Shimman were in the 50-mile radius...." Frank testified that he had since "re- searched the matter and found out otherwise." Frank ac- knowledged that district 2 still has the 50-mile rule.32 On this record (and see sec. C, infra), I credit the testimo- ny summarized above of Walter Shimman, William Shim- man, Ervin Shimman, David Zoll, Marcus Nasset, John Zemenski, and Glenn Oberle. Their testimony as stated above is in large part mutually corroborative. Moreover, I note that the testimony of Matilda Kirchner, John Frank, John Possehl, and James McMahon substantiates in large part the testimony of the foregoing witnesses. And, relying upon demeanor, I find and conclude that the foregoing testimony of Walter Shimman, Ervin Shimman, William Shimman, David Zoll, Marcus Nasset, John Zemenski, and Glenn Oberle is a reasonable, complete and truthful ac- count of the particular events stated above. Further, insofar as the testimony of Matilda Kirchner, John Frank, John Possehl, and James McMahon conflicts with the above, I am persuaded that their testimony is untrustworthy and unreliable. Frank asked: "Was I [Berryessa] aware we have been hav- ing a problem at the job site?" Berryessa replied: "I [Ber- ryessa] told him [Frank] I was aware of it but not the specifics of it, and I repeated my request for Mr. Oberle." Berryessa testified that Frank then said: " . . . we couldn't have Mr. Oberle, but any other operator off the referral list 33 On cross-examination, Berryessa claimed that he never followed up his telephonic request for Oberle by sending a letter to the Union because, "when [Frank] refused, I [Ber- ryessa] said don't send anybody else until I get back with you . . . . When I relayed the information to my superin- tendent, they [Braun Company] decided not to man the piece of equipment but to go ahead and use the subcontrac- tor...... The circumstances attending Oberle's candidacy against Frank for union office during 1971 are discussed in sec. B, supra. Oberle further testified that about October 5, 1971, he was interviewed by George Sageman, general superinten- dent for Braun Company, for the job of master mechanic at the Braun site in the area. According to Oberle , Sageman said: "he [Sageman] would need a master mechanic as the first man on the job. He said if he could get someone, he could go ahead and have a machine shop built to [the master mechanic's] specifications and get the thing set up the way he wanted it...." Oberle further testified that a few days following the above interview with Sageman, ... Sageman called me [Oberle] and he said that John Frank had called him to see if he had made up his mind, whom he wanted for master mechanic... . When [Sageman] said [to Frank] he had picked Oberle, John Frank became outraged and said some very terri- ble things to [Sageman]. . . . He [Sageman] said [to Oberle] he had never been talked to that way in his life, and he was going to get hold of his labor people ... . C. The Evidence Pertaining to Respondent's Treatment of Glenn W. Oberle Patrick Berryessa testified that he is employed by C. F. Braun Company as office manager; that about November 23 or 25, 1971, he telephoned the dispatcher of Respondent Local 18 and "told her that he would like to have Mr. Oberle as an operator for a Galion crane" or cherrypicker at their site in the Toledo area; and that the dispatcher asked Ber- ryessa "to wait a minute" and then transferred the call to District Representative Frank. According to Berryessa, dunng his second refusal, he could have left the picket line for the referral 31 Frank generally denied the threats and related statements attributed to him by the witnesses for General Counsel as stated above and the pertinent allegations of the complaints , however, Frank acknowledged saying in the presence of Marcus Nasset "that whichever side won the election would throw the other side out and get down to running the Union " When asked. "Throw them out of what"" Frank claimed "Out of power," although he did not use that "terminology " 32 Frank claimed that a refusal is not counted when the employee states that he does not want to go beyond 50 miles In Frank's affidavit to a Board agent, he stated "My understanding with the membership in District 2, job offers around a 50-mile radius may be refused without constituting a refusal " Frank also claimed that several employees were put to the bottom of the register for refusing jobs beyond 50 miles, no union records were adduced to substantiate this assertion According to Oberle, he asked Sageman to call Possehl to "clear this up"; Sageman declined. Oberle then asked Sage- man to make a written request for Oberle; Sageman replied: "I cannot do that either." Oberle testified that about one month later, during No- vember 1971, Oberle told Frank at a union executive board meeting that he wanted the Braun master mechanic's job and that Frank refused. Frank warned that "Erv Shimman and [Oberle] were going to oblivion." Oberle testified that he spoke to Possehl that same day. According to Oberle, he related his complaint to Possehl and Possehl agreed that Oberle "should have been sent on that job." 34 33 Berryessa explained that under the operative collective-bargaining agreement (supra, sec. A), the employer could request Oberle who was a class "A" operator; that prior to this occasion Berryessa was never told that he could not request an operator by name, and that ordinarily when Berryessa called Local 18 to request an operator, he spoke only with the dispatcher, however, on and after the above incident in November Berryessa was "direct- ed to Mr. Frank" by the operator or dispatcher who received his call. 34 Oberle testified that after October 1971, Local 18 called Oberle for work quite often and "each time [Oberle] told the dispatcher that [he] would appreciate if she didn't call [him] because [he] was waiting to see about the Braun job " On one such occasion, Frank warned Oberle , " ... you are going to the bottom of the list" Oberle was placed to the bottom of the register And, during January 1972, Frank warned Oberle " ... if this [the Continued 908 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Oberle testified that during November 1971, Sageman called Oberle at his home and apprised Oberle that the employer had an available cherrypicker's job at the site; Sageman said: ". . . he would call the Union and he would request [Oberle] for that position." According to Oberle, Sageman called Oberle shortly thereafter and said: "I'm terribly sorry but the Union will not honor a request for you." Oberle recalled that, subsequently, at the union meet- ing during December 1971, Frank said in the presence of the membership: "he [Frank] would not send [Oberle] on the cherry picker for the simple reason they [Braun Company] would make [him] the master mechanic and [he] would re- quest all of [his] friends ...." Oberle testified that he later spoke with Frank about his pending grievance filed with Respondent Local 18. Frank informed Oberle, as Oberle testified: " ... [Oberle] would not go to the Braun Company as a master mechanic ... . [Oberle's] grievance was no good because they had 40 or 60 cases before the Labor Board and have never lost one be- cause they could not get a superintendent to testify . . . and he [Frank] said he had sent [Oberle] a letter which had dissolved [his] grievance anyway...." 35 Frank added: . . by running against him, [Oberle] had upset or un- sprung his apple cart." Frank criticized Oberle for being "tangled up" with the Shimman brothers. In addition, Frank told Oberle that "George Sageman has been told to keep his God damn nose out of Union business... . [Frank] had taken it to high authority ..." in Braun Com- pany. Oberle testified that during the past few weeks (preceding this hearing on the pending complaints) Braun Company sent Oberle a letter requesting him as master mechanic for job at Braun] doesn't come through, you will go down at the bottom of the list again and you won't help anybody " Oberle replied that he was "still waiting to see what Cleveland would do about that Braun Job." 35 By letter dated November 26, 1971, Oberle notified Frank, in part, as follows Attached please find Grievance, in letter form , which I am submitting under Article III "Referral System " of the Ohio State Building Con- struction Agreement with effective date of June 1, 1970 through April 30, 1972. I did not complete Form # 10 as it is an obsolete form Please forward the proper copy to each of the following Board of Review and Arbitration , Union Headquarters, the employer and retain the District Office copy I have, of course , kept the original for my records Kindly notify me of the time and place of the hearing by the Board of Review and Arbitration covering this Grievance so that I may be in attendance with counsel and witnesses to present additional infor- mation The enclosed grievance, dated November 26, 1971 , and addressed to the board of review , recited inter alia I On or about August 27, 1971, 1 registered in the District #2 Local # 18 Office in the group A category 2 I assert that the provisions of the referral agreement , as applied to my case, were not followed because After I had been registered, the required ten (10) days, on two different occasions telephone requests have been made by the C F Braun and Company (Job Site-Sun Oil Co, Toledo, Ohio) for my services with the understanding the required letter of request would be mailed to the District #2 Office On both occasions the Union Officials refused to honor the request even though provisions for "requests" are provided for in Subdivision 29, paragraph I of the aforementioned Referral System 3 1 continue to be so registered and available for employment By letter dated December 8, 1971, Frank notified Oberle that he failed to "complete form 10" and enclosed the "appropriate forms on which [Oberlel may file [his] charges properly " the Toledo job. Oberle, as he testified, telephoned Frank about this. Frank assertedly told Oberle: ... He [Frank] said that he had been notified by the attorneys that he could not stop me in any way from going into that job as a master mechanic. . . . He said the master mechanic was not covered by the referral .... He said I could withdraw my case. . . . He said if I went through with this hearing, it would open [up] all this stuff and they would find out that . . . any [person] could go out and be a master mechanic... . On cross-examination, Oberle as noted above acknowl- edged his strong hostility and opposition toward Frank and the incumbent leadership of Local 18. Oberle, at the time he testified, was working as master mechanic for Braun Com- pany. Oberle explained that a master mechanic is the "chief operating engineer on a job" similar to a "carpenter's fore- man" or "electrician's foreman"; that he has "authority over the other operating engineers on the job"; that he directs the work of the operating engineers and can send them home if they do not satisfy his standards; that he can lay off and discipline operating engineers; and that "the master mechanic is responsible to management." 36 The evidence pertaining to Respondent's treatment of Walter Shimman is summarized supra, sec. B . Walter Shim- man also testified that he attended a union meeting during the fall of 1971 and heard Frank tell the members: "The Braun Company called me [Frank] and asked for Glenn Oberle as master mechanic, and as long as I [Frank] am here, he [Oberle] will never get sent over to that Company." Walter Shimman also attended the union meeting of July 10, 1972, and heard Frank fault Oberle for assertedly having been hired "off the bank" by Braun Company. John Zemenski, whose testimony is summarized above, also related that at the November 1971 meeting, Frank called Braun Company "a Union busting" employer and said: " ... Bud Oberle, so long as I am head of this district, you will never be sent out to the Braun Co. as a master mechanic...." Zemenski also heard Frank inform the membership on July 10, 1972, that "Bud Oberle was not dispatched out of this hall to Braun Company. He hired off the bank." 37 Ervin Shimman testified (and see supra, sec. B) that at the October 1971 meeting Frank stated that Braun Company 36 Oberle also testified that at the union meeting of July 10, 1972, while this hearing was in recess for the evening, Frank asked Oberle to explain why he had "hired off the bank" and thus "made a fool out of [him]" because he could not answer, under instructions from counsel According to Oberle, Frank told the membership that Oberle had "hired off the bank" and thus evaded the union's referral system. Frank, at the same time , accused Braun Company of being "Union busters " Further, Oberle explained that had waited over 5 months to file the pend- ing unfair labor practice charge because he assertedly was required to wait under the union's constitution and bylaws 37 Marcus Nasset, whose testimony is discussed above, recalled that he heard Frank say at the November 1971 meeting that Frank would not send Oberle to the Braun Company Job Raymond Rojek testified that he heard Frank say at or about the December 1971 meeting that he "was not going to refer Glenn Oberle to this Company . " And, according to Rojek, at the July 10, 1972, meeting, Frank said Oberle "was not put on the Braun Job by the Union he hired off the bank. . " OPERATING ENGINEERS LOCAL 18 909 had "requested Bud Oberle for a master mechanic ... " and " ... I [Frank] told [the representative of Braun Com- pany] f- y-. You will never get Oberle and you will get nothing but s-." 38 George Sageman, superintendent for Braun Company, testified as a witness for Respondent. Sageman testified that interviews were conducted by him for a master mechanic at Braun's Toledo site about the first week of October 1971. Sageman claimed, however, that his employer did not need a master mechanic on that job at the time.39 Sageman ex- plained his purpose in conducting interviews for a master mechanic during October 1971, as follows: ... Well, I knew eventually I would have to have a master mechanic; so, I was interested in finding people with the qualifications. If they had them and were able to operate the equip- ment, I would hire them with the Union's agreement and put them on the job as operators, and when the time came for a master mechanic, I would elevate them 40 Sageman testified that during October 1971 his employer "could have used a cherry picker operator [like Oberle], but [he] chose to hire a crane operator and an oiler ... " instead41 On cross-examination, Sageman explained that Respon- dent Local 18 sent three employees to him for interviews as master mechanic; that Sageman apprised business agent Bowes that he wanted to interview more men; that Bowes asked Sageman if he was "hunting for someone" in particu- lar; and that Sageman then named three persons including Oberle. Thereafter, according to Sageman, Al Beach, Bud Oberle, and Frank Frantz were interviewed by Sageman. Following the interviews, Sageman informed Frank that Oberle "was the most qualified one of the applicants for the position of master mechanic." Sageman testified that Frank then became "very angry." Frank assertedly "said he didn't think he would give me Mr. Oberle" and that if Sageman "continued to ask for Mr. Oberle . .. [he] would get .. . the dirty end of the stick." According to Sageman, "I con- cluded that I would never get Oberle." Sageman testified on cross-examination that subsequent- ly, about November 1971, "we felt we could use a cherry picker operator" and therefore he instructed Berryessa to request Oberle from Local 18. Berryessa later reported back to Sageman that "he couldn't get" Oberle for cherrypicker operator. Sageman further testified that "shortly after we 38 Ervin Shimman also recalled that at the December 1971 meeting Frank stated that the "grievances [involved herein] were filed" and that Oberle "was a no good son of a bitch " 39 Sageman testified that Respondent's business agent Robert Bowes "called [Sageman] earlier to ask when [Braun Co was] going to hire people and [Sageman] told him that we would like to interview someone of a master mechanic quality we would probably hire an operator or two shortly" 40 Sageman testified that the first time he used a master mechanic on the particular job was within the last 3 weeks prior to this hearing 41 Sageman explained that he "could have done part of the work with a cherry picker operator " like Oberle, but not all of it and assertedly he "chose cranes because they are more reasonable." Sageman claimed that he later needed a cherrypicker operator during early February 1972. were down here in the courtroom several weeks ago ... " 42 he first "found out" that he did not have to hire a master mechanic from the union hall and on the next day wrote Oberle a letter requesting Oberle for the master mechanic's position 43 Jack Frantz, a member of Local 18, testified as a witness for Respondent that he was interviewed by Sageman during early October 1971 for a master mechanic's job; that Sage- man said "that the job wasn't available right at the present time, but as soon as there were enough operators to call a master mechanic, he would let us know"; and that no specif- ic date for hiring a master mechanic was discussed at the interview.44 James McMahon, whose testimony is summarized in part above, testified for Respondent that at the October 1971 union meeting Frank said "that he would not recommend Bud Oberle or any man to that job [as master mechanic] under the Iron Worker referral." 45 McMahon, as noted above, denied hearing Frank threaten members at meetings. McMahon noted that paragraph 83, p. 32, of the collective- bargaining agreement provides, inter alia: " . . . if a con- tractor has eight or more operating engineers ... employed by him on any one job, he shall employ a master mechanic on that job ... " who "shall be answerable to the employer and must be a member of" the Respondent. John Possehl, whose testimony is discussed above, stated that during the October 1971 meeting Oberle related his grievance to Possehl. Possehl assertedly told Oberle that he "would check into his." Possehl denied telling Oberle that Frank was wrong or that "he could go to that job without a referral from Mr. Frank." However, Possehl acknowl- 42 This case was set for hearing some 3 weeks earlier, about June 13, and continued to a new date 43 Sageman added, in part "Well the thing is you try to get along with people . you normally go to the Union hall anyway " Sageman acknowl- edged that he "would have tried" to promote Oberle to master mechanic from cherrypicker operator. Sageman recalled that about October 1971, he "was instructed [by his home office] not to write a letter [to the Union] asking for people by name " Sageman claimed that his employer did not need a master mechanic until recently, he also acknowledged in his affidavit to a Board agent on June 9, 1972 At the present time, I have a position of master mechanic available I would like to have Glenn Oberle for the job. However, I do not have the authority to request him at the present time My California office called me some time ago and instructed me to cease requesting operators by name because it irritated the Union Sageman also claimed that his employer cannot pay for a master mechanic under the collective-bargaining agreement until there are eight operators on the job and this event did not occur prior to his hiring of Oberle as master mechanic in June 1972. Sageman also testified that he hired Oberle "some time in June [he] might have hired [Oberle] a week earlier but [the employer] held off and slowed the job down slightly until this thing was more or less settled " Sageman acknowledged, however, that he "had one of [his] own people substituting for a while" as master mechanic about October 1971. 44 Daniel Shoemaker, a member of Local 18, testified for Respondent that at the July 10, 1972, meeting, ". . it came up in the progress report on the jobs in the area . that there was a master mechanic now at the Braun job hired by the Braun Co ", Frank noted that Oberle was present and invited him to "comment", Oberle declined because of this hearing, and Frank warned the members "to watch Braun " During the meeting, Oberle was accused of having "hired off the bank" by Ken Delaney, a member of the executive board for Local 18 45 McMahon explained that "the man wouldn't come off the top of the deck" under the "Iron Worker referral" system 910 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD edged that the position of "master mechanic is without the referral" system, although the union "tr[ies] to get the em- ployer to call the hall for the men." Possehl acknowledged that usually Respondent recommends a master mechanic to an employer at the prejob conference and the employer ordinarily accepts the recommendation. Possehl testified: . . We like a fellow to be placed [on the job] not as a master mechanic because we have an 8-man requirement, but we like to suggest that he be hired in some capacity .... He is then on the payroll and can be switched." Possehl acknowledged that Frank told him that "Oberle had been requested or would be requested as a master mechanic when [Braun Co.] needed one." Further, Possehl explained the seriousness of accusing a member of "hiring off the bank" (or evading the referral system) by acknowledging that if a member of Local 18 under the referral system hires off the bank, "the Union will probably take some action against him." 46 John Frank's testimony is summarized above. Frank also testified that there had been a prejob conference at the Braun Company Toledo site during September 1971; that interviews for a master mechanic were conducted during October 1971; that Frank thereafter told the membership that it appeared that Oberle would be Braun's "choice" for master mechanic; and that Frank also told the membership that he "would not send Mr. Oberle or any of those that were interviewed . . . under the terms of the Iron Worker referral system." Frank acknowledged that during October 1971 he telephoned the labor relations representative of Braun Company and asked him "not to use his option of request in employing people because it was causing jealousy and dissension and unfairness...." Frank acknowledged that earlier that month he spoke on the telephone with Sageman. Sageman assertedly indicated to Frank that Ob- erle was the employer's preference for master mechanic and Frank strongly objected, using profanity. Frank generally denied the threats and related statements attributed to him by the witnesses as stated above and alleged in the com- plaints. Frank also recalled that Berryessa had asked him in November 1971, "would it be possible to have Bud Oberle" as a cherrypicker operator. According to Frank, he "sug- gest[ed] that [Berryessa] check back with [his] higher author- ities before placing an order for this man." Frank, however, denied saying that he would not send Oberle. Further, Frank acknowledged that he placed Oberle's name to the bottom of the referral roster for two refusals during 1972. Frank also acknowledged that he invited Oberle to com- ment at the meeting of July 10, 1972, to having been "hired directly" by the Braun Company 47 Frank claimed that Berryessa's statement to him during November 1971 that "he [Berryessa] had a need for a cherry picker for two days and could he have Bud Oberle" is not 46 Ray Frankhouse ; business agent for Local 18, testified that he spoke to Oberle during April 1972 about "a terrible mistake" Oberle was making or might make . Frankhouse tried to get Oberle "to reconsider something. . ." but Oberle refused in order "to teach John Frank a lesson." Frankhouse claimed that he was unaware that Oberle had filed an unfair labor practice charge against the Union prior to his conversation with Oberle. 47 Frank testified that there are now about 17 operating engineers at the Braun job and that the employer did not employ 8 operators prior to June 1972. a sufficient "request" for an employee under the referral system. Frank claimed that if Oberle "had been properly requested, he would have been sent" to Braun Company in October or November 1971. Frank acknowledged that a "request" may be oral; no letter is necessary. Frank ac- knowledged that Sageman expressed his preference for Ob- erle as master mechanic following the interviews; that Frank had recommended another Local 18 member; and that, as Frank testified, " . . . I objected to Mr. Sageman's preference for selecting people by name ...." Frank ad- mittedly said to Sageman, after Sageman named Oberle as his preference, "f- y-." Frank agreed that "most people who are upgraded [by employers] to master mechanic are people who are initially referred" by him. I credit the testimony summarized above of Patrick Ber- ryessa, Glenn Oberle, Walter and Ervin Shimman, Marcus Nasset, and Raymond Rojek. Their testimony is in part mutually corroborative and substantiated by the testimony of George Sageman , Jack Frantz, Daniel Shoemaker, John Possehl, Frankhouse and John Frank. In addition, relying upon demeanor, I find and conclude that the testimony of Berryessa, Oberle, Walter and Ervin Shimman, Nasset, and Rojek is a reliable and trustworthy account of the events related by them and stated above. Insofar as the testimony of Sageman , Frantz, Frankhouse, Shoemaker, Possehl, and Frank conflicts with the testimony of Berryessa, Oberle, Walter and Ervin Shimman, Marcus Nasset, and Raymond Rojek, I find that the testimony of the former witnesses is unreliable and untrustworthy. III. DISCUSSION "It is settled law that a labor organization which under- takes to operate a hiring hall pursuant to contract or other arrangement with employers as the exclusive source of re- cruitment of employees is obligated to refer job applicants without regard to their union . . . loyalty or lack of it...." International Union of Operating Engineers, Local 406, 189 NLRB 225 (and cases cited). It is also settled that "the activities of employees . . . to oust the incumbent union leadership and elect new union officers in a forthcoming union election are concerted activities protected by Section 7 of the Act. . . ." Local Union No. 18, International Union of Operating Engineers, 141 NLRB 512, 518-521 (and cases cited), enfd. C.A. 6, 1965 (not published). And see Rust Engineering Co. v. N.L.R.B., 445 F.2d 172 (C.A. 6, 1971). Accordingly, a union violates Section 8(b)(2) and 8(b)(1)(A) by refusing to refer or otherwise causing an employer to discriminate against an employee because he has engaged in the foregoing protected activities.48 And, Section 8(b)(1)(A) makes it an unfair labor practice for a union to restrain or coerce an employee in the exercise of his Section 7 rights (Ibid.) 48 Of course, an express demand by a union that an employer discriminate against an employee is not required in order to find a violation of Sec. 8(b)(2). Conduct of union representatives which is "tantamount to a request to dis- criminate with respect to the terms of" an individual's employment and "reasonably calculated to bring about that result" violates the Act. N.L.R.B. v. Miami Valley Carpenters District Council, 297 F.2d 920,921 (C.A. 6, 1962). OPERATING ENGINEERS LOCAL 18 911 A. Respondent's Discriminatory Treatment of Walter Shimman As Respondent acknowledges, "For many years the lead- ership of the `anti-incumbents' in Local 18 has been in the hands of the Shimman brothers. . . ;' And, as found supra, sec. II,B, District Representative John Frank urged Ervin Shimman during June 1971 to run for the Union's advisory board with the "present people . . . in office." However, Ervin Shimman refused and Frank threatened to pull Ervin Shimman off of his present job. Ervin Shimman credibly testified that Frank subsequently dropped him to the bot- tom of the referral register because he had assertedly re- fused two referrals and, at the same time, threatened "to starve [Ervin Shimman] out" by "holding [him] in the deck and not letting him go to work for nobody." However, Ervin Shimman complained about Frank's conduct to Business Manager John Possehl and Frank's action "was corrected." Thereafter, Frank faulted Ervin Shimman for having com- plained to Possehl and again threatened Ervin Shimman: . . I will get you . . . I will really get you if you go to work there," referring to the Braun Company construction site 49 Walter Shimman, the Charging Party herein, encountered similar resistance from Frank. Thus, as the credited testimo- ny shows (supra, sec. II ,B), Frank repeatedly warned the union membership during and after July 1971 "that the fellows that were running against [the incumbents] would be starved out of the Union ...." 50 Union member David Zoll credibly testified that Frank threatened at the June 1971 union meeting that "he could starve out any of the dissidents-those that opposed the incumbents ... . Union member Marcus Nasset also heard Frank openly fault Walter Shimman's "entire family [as] no good..." And union member Glenn Oberle credibly testified that after he had been nominated to run against incumbent Pos- sehl, Frank told the membership that the opposition candi- dates were "the enemies of the Union" and "communists" and he, Frank, "was going to use the referral system to starve [them] out of the organization . . . ." And, during August 1971, while the votes in the union election were being counted, Frank warned Oberle that the "people who didn't agree" with him were going to be "forced out of the organization"-"anybody who ran or supported them would be starved out of the Local ...." As found supra, Walter Shimman refused a referral to a job in Lima, Ohio, during July 1971 because the particular job required working around tar fumes. He explained to Respondent's representatives that he had an allergy to these pollutants which seriously irritated his eyes and skin and, previously, he had had eye surgery. Frank, although in- formed of the reasons for Walter Shimman's refusal, direct- ed dispatcher Kirchner to count the refusal as a second 49 Ervin Shimman credibly testified that he subsequently attended an advi- sory board meeting where Frank said "that the Braun job is now known as the Shimman job"; that Ervin Shimman went to that job illegally; and that Frank "will get [Ervin] ... before this is over." Ervin Shimman credibly testified that as late as February 1972, Frank. stated at a union meeting; . I pledge myself to this, they [the Shimmans ] will be destroyed," re- ferring also to Walter Shimman 's unfair labor practice charge filed with the Board. 50 Walter's brother, William , was then running against incumbent Possehl. Walter actively campaigned on behalf of William. refusal and drop Walter Shimman to the bottom of the register. In the past, district 2 had been lax in enforcing the "second consecutive refusal" provision contained in its col- lective-bargaining agreement. And, medical excuses for re- fusing referrals had been and were accepted by district representatives." Moreover, district 2 also had a 50-mile radius rule which permitted a member to refuse a referral more than 50 miles away from Toledo. The particular job to which Walter Shimman had been referred in Lima was some 65-75 miles away from Toledo. Nevertheless, at the August 1971 meeting, Frank read off, inter alia, the name of Walter Shimman as being dropped to the bottom of the register because of a second refusal. The membership agreed to retain the 50-mile radius rule and Walter cited this rule to Frank at the meeting as an additional reason for excusing his second refusal. Frank ignored this rule, cursing at Walter Shimman. As Frank testified: " . . . he [Walter Shimman] was dropped to the bottom of the deck anyway." Union dispatcher Kirchner could recall no other union member dropped to the bottom of the register for refusing a job more than 50 miles away. And, although counsel for Respondent argues in his brief that "others had refusals counted against them on jobs lo- cated more than 50 miles away from their homes," the credi- ble testimony or evidence of record does not support this assertion. On this record, I find and conclude that Respondent Local 18 dropped Walter Shimman from his proper place in the referral register on July 22, 1971, to the bottom of the register in retaliation against Walter Shimman, and his fam- ily, for opposing the incumbent union leadership during the 1971 intraunion election. Respondent argues that Walter Shimman was dropped in the register because he refused "to accept a valid job referral" and his "refusal was for other reasons than distance." However, I find and conclude that Respondent's asserted reasons for its unusual treatment of Walter Shimman are pretextual and that, instead, Respondent's real reason for dropping Walter Shimman in the register was, as stated above, his opposition to the in- cumbent union leadership. I find and conclude that Re- spondent thereby violated Section 8(b)(2) and 8(b)(1)(A) of the Act. B. Respondent's Discriminatory Treatment of Glenn Oberle As found supra, sec. II ,B and C, Glenn Oberle ran against John Frank during the August 1971 intraunion election. Frank warned the membership, inter alia, that "the fellows that were running against them . . . would be starved out of the Union"; "there are ways to get them out ... "; "he could starve out any of the dissidents-those that opposed the incumbents ... "; the opposition candidates "were the enemies of the union and communists. . . "; "he was going to use the referral system to starve [the opposition] out of the organization . . . "; and "anybody who ran for office or supported them [the opposition] would be starved out of the organization." During August, while the votes were 51 Thus, for example , Al Beach's asthmatic condition was accepted as a sufficient excuse for his second refusal. "Flu" was also regarded as an accept- able excuse. 912 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD being tallied in Cleveland, Frank admonished Oberle: "he [Frank] was going to pound salt up [Oberle' s] ass, . . . if those guys think they had it tough, wait until I [Frank] get back to Toledo." Frank also threatened: " .. . the people who didn't agree were going to be forced out of the organi- zation . . . . Frank's treatment of Walter Shimman during July and August and his treatment of Ervin Shimman during October 1971 is discussed above. Frank similarly retaliated against Glenn Oberle. Thus, as found supra, sec. II,C, Patrick Ber- ryessa, office manager for Braun Company, called Respondent's dispatcher about November 23, 1971, and requested the referral of Oberle as a cherrypicker operator on the employer's Toledo job. Berryessa credibly testified that Frank got on the telephone and told Berryessa that he "couldn't have Mr. Oberle... " however, Local 18 would send "any other operator off the referral list ...." As a result, Braun Company "decided not to man the piece of equipment but [instead] to go ahead and use the subcontrac- tor ...." And, as Oberle credibly testified, Frank in- formed the Union membership: "he [Frank] would not send [Oberle] on the cherry picker for the simple reason they [Braun Company] would make [Oberle] the master mechan- ic and [Oberle] would request all of [his] friends 52 Frank thereafter repeatedly told the membership that he was not going to refer Oberle to the Braun job. Under these circumstances, I find and conclude that Frank refused to refer Oberle to the Braun Company job on November 23, 1971, in retaliation against Oberle for having run against Frank in the recent intraunion election. I do not credit and reject as pretextual Frank's assertion that he would have referred Oberle as a cherrypicker operator dur- ing November 1971 if a sufficient "request" for Oberle had been made. I find and conclude that Respondent's refusal to refer Oberle on November 23, 1971, was discriminatonly motivated in violation of Section 8(b)(2) and 8(b)(1)(A) of the Act. The complaint further alleges that Respondent also vio- lated Section 8(b)(2) and 8(b)(1)(A) of the Act by refusing to refer Oberle to Braun Company as a master mechanic about October 8, 1971. The credited evidence of record shows that Frank-in refusing to refer Oberle to the Braun Company site as a machine operator-was concerned that Oberle would be promoted by the employer from machine operator to the position of master mechanic. Thus, as found supra, during early October 1971 Braun Company Superin- tendent George Sageman interviewed a number of appli- cants for the position of master mechanic. The applicants had been sent to Sageman by Respondent. Sageman ex- plained: " . . . I knew eventually I would have to have a master mechanic; so, I was interested in finding people with the qualifications. If they had them and were able to operate the equipment, I would hire them with the Union's agree- 52 About this same time, Frank communicated directly with the labor relations representative of Braun, urging him "not to use his option of request in employing people " as provided in the collective- bargaining agree- ment Braun Company thereafter instructed its superintendent , Sageman, "to cease requesting operators by name " Sageman testified that about November 1971 "we felt we could use a cherry picker operator" and request- ed Oberle, however, Berryessa reported to Sageman that he "couldn't get" Oberle for cherrypicker operator ment and put them on the job as operators, and when the time came for a master mechanic I would elevate them." 53 Following these interviews during early October, Sageman informed Frank that Oberle "was the most qualified one of the applicants for the position of master mechanic." In re- sponse, Frank became angry, cursed at Sageman and threat- ened Sageman with the "dirty end of the stick" if Sageman "continued to ask" for Oberle. As a consequence, Sageman notified Oberle that Frank had "become outraged and said some very terrible things" to Sageman after he, Sageman, told Frank that "he had picked Oberle ... . And, Walter Shimman credibly testified that Frank, dur- ing the fall of 1971, told the union membership: "The Braun Company called me [Frank] and asked for Oberle as master mechanic, and as long as I [Frank] am here, he [Oberle] will never get sent over to that Company." Members Zemenski, Nasset, and Rojek heard similar and related statements from Frank during November and December 1971. Ervin Shimman credibly testified that he heard Frank state to the membership: " ... I [Frank] told [the representative of Braun] f- y-. You will never get Oberle and you will get nothing but s-." Business Manager Possehl acknowledged in his testimony that he had been told by Frank that "Oberle had been requested or would be requested as a master mechanic ..." by Braun; that, although the position of "master mechanic is without the referral" system in his view, the union never- theless tries "to get the employer to call the hall for the men"; and that "we like a fellow to be placed [on the job], not as a master mechanic because [of an] eight-man require- ment, but we like to suggest that he be hired in some capaci- ty. . . . He is then on the payroll and can be switched." Possehl also acknowledged that usually Respondent recom- mends to an employer an operator as master mechanic at the prejob conference and the employer generally accepts the recommendation. District Representative Frank testi- fied that the prejob conference at the Braun job was in September 1971; the interviews for master mechanic were in October 1971; it appeared to Frank that Oberle was Braun's "choice"; and he, Frank, informed the membership that he would not send Oberle. On this record, I find and conclude that Respondent refused to refer Oberle to Braun Company on October 8, 1971, because Oberle had opposed the incumbent union leadership. Counsel for Respondent, in his posthearing brief, argues, inter aka, that "the position of master mechan- ic is not encompassed by the referral system"; that Sageman in fact "was not interested in hiring a master mechanic in October 1971" and the collective-bargaining agreement does not require a master mechanic until eight engineers are on the job which assertedly was not the case during October 1971; and that the position of master mechanic is superviso- ry within the meaning of Section 2(11) of the Act and there- fore beyond the protection of Section 8(b)(2) and 8(b)(1)(A) of the Act. I reject these contentions. I find and conclude that on October 8, 1971, Sageman wanted to hire Oberle on the 53 Under the existing contract, Braun would be required to hire a master mechanic when it employed eight operators on the job Sageman testified that he could not pay for a master mechanic until he had eight operators on the job OPERATING ENGINEERS LOCAL 18 Toledo job. Oberle would be employed as a machine opera- tor and, as soon as possible, promoted to master mechanic. Indeed, Sageman acknowledged in effect that he could have used a cherrypicker operator during October 1971 and Ob- erle was his choice for master mechanic. Consequently- wholly apart from the questions of whether a master me- chanic is a supervisory position and excluded from the referral system-Frank persistently refused to refer Oberle to the Braun job commencing October 8, 1971, as an em- ployee operator in order to block Oberle's promotion to master mechanic because Oberle had engaged in protected activities. Accordingly, Respondent discriminated against Oberle in violation of Section 8(b)(2) and 8(b)(1)(A) of the Act. In any event, it is clear that Respondent, by practice, referred operators as master mechanics to employers and encouraged employers to comply with the referral system for master mechanics as well as employee operating engi- neers. Sageman regarded the referral system as controlling master mechanics until about June 1972, when this case was earlier scheduled for hearing. Other operators were referred to employers as master mechanics by Local 18. And, as noted, Respondent and employers generally regarded the referral system as including the position of master mechan- ic. Thus, although I find and conclude that the master mechanic's job at the Braun job is in fact a supervisory position within the meaning of Section 2(11) of the Act, 4 nevertheless, I also find and conclude that Respondent's refusal to refer Oberle violates Section 8(b)(1)(A). As the Board recently stated in International Photographers of the Motion Picture Industries, etc., 197 NLRB 1187: Moreover, even if Colman and Lapenieks were supervi- sors, we would still find the action directed against them by Respondent to be unlawful because of its im- pact on employees. The record shows that "Daily Var- iety," a publication distributed principally to employees in the motion picture industry in Los Ange- les County, contained articles relating to Respondent's refusal to permit the hiring of Colman and Lapenieks. Furthermore, the action taken against Colman and La- penieks was brought to the attention of union members who were admittedly employees and who were on the Union's executive board when the action was dis- cussed. In addition, the charges in this case were read to members at regular meetings. It can reasonably be concluded that the discrimination thus directed by Re- spondent Union created an impact on other employees, the natural consequence of which was to restrain and coerce them with respect to their Section 7 rights, in violation of Section 8(b)(1)(A) of the Act. And see Krebs and King Toyota, Inc, 197 NLRB 462. Here, too, District Representative Frank repeatedly made clear to the membership that he would not refer Oberle to Braun Company as an operator or a master mechanic because of 54 Oberle credibly testified and I find and conclude that the master me- chanic at the Braun job had authority over the work of the other operating engineers , directed their work, could send them home, could lay them off and discipline them; and was and is generally "responsible to management " 913 Oberle's opposition to the union membership. I therefore find and conclude that "the discrimination thus directed by Respondent Union created an impact on other employees, the natural consequence of which was to restrain and coerce them with respect to their Section 7 rights, in violation of Section 8(b)(1)(A) of the Act." ss In sum, I find and conclude that Respondent's refusal to refer Oberle on October 8 and November 23, 1971, is viola- tive of Section 8(b)(2) and 8(b)(1)(A) of the Act. C. Respondent's Other Coercive Conduct The credited evidence of record also makes clear and I find and conclude that Respondent engaged in independent acts of restraint and coercion in violation of Section 8(b)(1)(A) of the Act. Thus, as found supra, sec. II,B and C, District Representative Frank-in resisting the opposition of the Shimmans and Oberle-threatened Ervin Simman: "I [Frank] am the hatchet man from Cleveland . . ." and will "starve out" Ervin Shimman. Frank also threatened Ervin Shimman: ". .. I will get you, and when you get off the Braun job, I will really get you if you go to work there ...." Frank similarly warned that the Shimmans "will be destroyed," while referring at the same time to the unfair labor practice charge filed by Walter Shimman in this case. Frank threatened that "the fellows that were running against [the incumbents] would be starved out of the Union and there are ways to get them out...." Frank warned members of the opposition at a union meeting: "Losers are losers and my people will run the union and will work and the rest of you can get out of here." Frank warned members that "he could starve out any of the dissidents...." Frank told the membership: " ... I am running [the union] as I see fit . . . if anyone doesn't like the way I run it, let him get the hell out." Frank in effect apprised John Zemenski while Zemenski was passing out antiincumbent literature that Frank "will try to keep" him unemployed. Frank told the membership: "If you are not for us, you are against us and if you don't like the Union get the hell out." Frank told members that the opposition candidates "were the enemies of the union and communists . . . he was going to use the referral system to starve [them] out of the organization .... Frank warned the members that the "people who didn't agree were going to be forced out of the organization I find and conclude that the foregoing and related state- ments made by Frank to the employees and members of Local 18, accompanied by Frank's discriminatory treat- ment of Walter Shimman and Oberle, tended to coerce and restrain employees in the exercise of their Section 7 rights. Further, in this context, I find and conclude that Frank 55 Although Sageman claimed that he did not actually need a master mechanic on the Toledo job until about June 1972 when he in fact hired Oberle, I do not credit this assertion I am not persuaded that Sageman conducted interviews for a master mechanic in October 1971 without some reasonable expectation that he would need a master mechanic long before June 1972 In fact, Sageman acknowledged in part that there was a need for a master mechanic on thejob long before June 1972 1 find that Braun in fact delayed hiring the master mechanic because of Respondent' s unlawful con- duct and strong opposition The record is unclear as to an exact date when Braun would have hired a master mechanic Since this is pertinent to backpay issues , such a determination can be made in compliance proceedings 914 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD coerced and restrained Oberle at the July 10, 1972, meeting, while this hearing was in recess , by openly accusing Oberle of evading the Union's referral system and humiliating him, because Oberle was utilizing the processes of the National Labor Relations Act.56 CONCLUSIONS OF LAW Upon the basis of the foregoing findings of fact and upon the entire record in the case, I make the following conclu- sions of law: 1. The employer associations involved in this case-As- sociated Contractors of Ohio, Inc., and The Associated General Contractors of America, Inc.,-and C. F. Braun Company are employers engaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. 2. The Respondent is a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. 3. Respondent violated Section 8(b)(2) and 8(b)(I)(A) of the Act by discriminatorily removing Walter Shimman's name from its proper position on Respondent's referral reg- ister and placing his name at the bottom of the register on July 22, 1971, because Walter Shimman supported antiin- cumbent candidates during an intraunion election. 4. Respondent violated Section 8(b)(2) and 8(b)(1)(A) of the Act by discriminatorily refusing to refer Glenn Oberle for hire by the C. F. Braun Company on and after October 8 and November 23, 1971, as a master mechanic and cher- rypicker operator because Oberle opposed the incumbent union leadership during an intraunion election. 5. Respondent violated Section 8(b)(1)(A) of the Act by threatening members and employees with loss of employ- ment opportunities and related reprisals because they op- posed the incumbent union leadership. Respondent further violated Section 8(b)(1)(A) by humiliating, ridiculing, and embarrassing Oberle at the July 10, 1972, meeting because he had invoked the processes of the Act. 6. The aforesaid unfair labor practices affect commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. THE REMEDY In order to effectuate the policies of the Act, it is found necessary that Respondent cease and desist from the unfair labor practices found and from-in view of the nature and extent of these unfair labor practices-any other invasions of the employees' Section 7 rights; take certain affirmative 56 Counsel for General Counsel cites in his brief other assertedly coercive conduct by Respondent However, this conduct was not alleged as violative of the Act, these matters were not fully litigated before me, and, in view of the extensive violations found herein, the additional conduct cited to me would not materially affect my conclusions or order Further, at the hearings counsel for Respondent moved to prohibit some eight of General Counsel 's witnesses from testifying because they assertedly had been given "a verbatim account of these proceedings" by Mrs William Shimman , in violation of the sequestration arrangement 1 took the motion under advisement Walter Shimman credibly denied this assertion and Mrs William Shimman credibly denied this assertion Respondent 's witnesses did not substantiate counsel's contention and, insofar as the testimony of Bowes conflicts with the testimony of Mrs William Shimman, I am persuaded that she is a more truthful and honest witness of the events involved Accordingly, I reject this motion action, including making whole Walter Shimman and Glenn W. Oberle with backpay computed on a quarterly basis, plus interest at 6 percent per annum, as precribed in F. W. Woolworth Company, 90 NLRB 289, and Isis Plumb- ing & Heating Co, 138 NLRB 716; to mail to all members of Respondent Local 18 in the Toledo district and post at the Toledo district hiring hall appropriate notices; and to mail a copy of said notice to C. F. Braun Company. To facilitate the computation of backpay and to assure Walter Shimman and Glenn Oberle equal referral treat- ment, the Respondent shall maintain and make available to the Board or its agents, upon request, job registration rec- ords, and any other documents or records showing job re- ferrals and the basis for such work assignments of employ- ees, members, applicants, and registrants. Respondent shall further notify Walter Shimman and Glenn W. Oberle that use of the hiring hall facilities will be available to them on an equal basis with other registratns with respect to job referrals.57 ORDER58 Respondent International Union of Operating Engineers, Local 18, AFL-CIO, its officers, agents, and representa- tives, shall: 1. Cease and desist from: (a) Refusing to grant referrals from its exclusive hiring hall facilities, which are operated pursuant to contract or other arrangements with employers, to Walter Shinunan and Glenn W. Oberle or any other member, employee, job applicant, or registrant, on an equal and nondiscriminatory basis, in reprisal for their having opposed the incumbent union leadership and having otherwise engaged in protected internal union activities and from otherwise causing or at- tempting to cause employers to discriminate against mem- bers, employees, job applicants, or registrants, in violation of Section 8(a)(3) of the National Labor Relations Act. (b) Threatening members, employees, job applicants, or registrants with loss of employment opportunities, loss of membership and expulsion from the union, financial losses and starvation, or any other reprisals if they engage in activ- ities which are critical of the conduct of or in opposition to the incumbent union officers and officials. (c) Humiliating, ridiculing, or embarrassing union mem- bers at union meetings or accusing them of disloyal conduct because they have invoked the processes of the National Labor Relations Act. (d) In any other manner restraining or coercing employ- ees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed them in Section 7 of the Act. 57 Counsel for General Counsel, in his posthearing brief, requests that the order recommended herein provide, inter a/a, that the notice be printed in the union 's newsletter Since the notice is to be mailed to all members in the hiring hall district involved, under all the circumstances involved printing same in the union's newsletter to be circulated beyond the district is unneces- sar and inappropriate In the event no exceptions are filed as provided by Section 102 46 of the Rules and Regulations of the National Labor Relations Board, the findings, conclusions, recommendations, and recommended Order herein shall, as provided in Section 102 48 of the Rules and Regulations, be adopted by the Board and become its findings, conclusions, and order and all objections thereto shall be deemed waived for all purposes OPERATING ENGINEERS LOCAL 18 2. Take the following affirmative action which is neces- sary to effectuate the policies of the Act: (a) Make whole Walter Shimman and Glenn W. Oberle for any loss of earnings they may have suffered by reason of the discrimination against them, in the manner set forth in this Decision. (b) Notify in writing Walter Shimman and Glenn W. Oberle that the Union's exclusive hiring hall facilities and job opportunities will be available to them on an equal and nondiscriminatory basis with other members, employees, job applicants and registrants. (c) Maintain and, upon request, make available to the Board or its agents, for examination and copying, job reg- istration and referral records and any other documents or records showing job referrals and work assignments, and the basis for making such referrals and assignments, of members, employees, job applicants, and registrants, which are necessary to compute and analyze the amount of back- pay due to Walter Shimman and Glenn W. Oberle and their right to referral to jobs under the terms of this Order. (d) Post at its business offices, hiring hall, and meeting places in Toledo, Ohio, and mail to all members in the Toledo, Ohio, district, copies of the attached notice marked "Appendix." 59 Copies of said notice, on forms provided by the Regional Director for Region 8, after being duly signed by the Respondent's authorized representative, shall be posted by the Respondent immediately upon receipt there- of, and be maintained by it for 60 consecutive days thereaf- ter, in conspicuous places, including all places where notices to members are customarily posted. Reasonable steps shall be taken by the Respondent to insure that said notices are not altered, defaced, or covered by any other material. A copy of said notice shall also be mailed to C. F. Braun Company. (e) Notify the Regional Director for Region 8, in writing, within 20 days from the receipt of this Decision, what steps have been taken to comply herewith. 59 In the event that the Board's Order is enforced by a Judgment of a United States Court of Appeals, the words in the notice reading "Posted by Order of the National Labor Relations Board" shall be changed to read "Posted Pursuant to a Judgment of the United States Court of Appeals Enforcing an Order of the National Labor Relations Board " APPENDIX NOTICE To MEMBERS POSTED BY ORDER OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD An Agency of the United States Government To Members, Employees, Registrants And All Other Job 915 Applicants, Union or Nonunion, Using Our Exclusive Hir- ing Hall Facilities: WE WILL NOT refuse to grant job referrals from our exclusive hiring hall facilities to Walter Shimman or Glenn W. Oberle or any other member, employee, job applicant, or registrant on an equal and nondiscrimina- tory basis, in reprisal for their having opposed the in- cumbent union leadership and having otherwise engaged in protected internal union activities. WE WILL NOT otherwise cause or attempt to cause em- ployers to discriminate against members, employees, job applicants, or registrants in violation of Section 8(a)(3) of the Act. WE WILL NOT threaten members, employees, job appli- cants, or registrants with loss of employment opportu- nities, loss of membership and expulsion from the Union, financial losses and starvation, or any other reprisals if they engage in activities which are critical of the conduct of or in opposition to the incumbent union officers and officials. WE WILL NOT humiliate, ridicule, or embarrass mem- bers at union meetings or accuse them of disloyalty because they have invoked the processes of the Nation- al Labor Relations Act. WE WILL NOT in any other manner restrain or coerce employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed them in Section 7 of the Act. WE WILL make whole Walter Shimman and Glenn W. Oberle for any loss of earnings they may have suffered by reason of the discrimination practiced against them. WE WILL notify, in writing, Walter Shimman and Glenn W. Oberle that the Union's exclusive hiring hall facilities and job opportunities will be available to them on an equal and nondiscriminatory basis with other members, employees, job applicants and registrants. Dated By INTERNATIONAL UNION OF OP- ERATING ENGINEERS , LOCAL 18, AFL-CIO (Labor Organization) (Representative) (Title) This is an official notice and must not be defaced by anyone. This notice must remain posted for 60 consecutive days from the date of posting and must not be altered, defaced, or covered by any other material. Any questions concerning this notice or compliance with its provisions may be direct- ed to the Board's Office, 1695 Federal Office Building, 1240 E. 9th Street, Cleveland, Ohio 44199, Telephone 216-522- 3715. Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation