Ona Corp.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsApr 3, 1978235 N.L.R.B. 595 (N.L.R.B. 1978) Copy Citation ONA CORPORATION Ona Corporation and United Rubber, Cork, Linoleum & Plastic Workers of America, AFL-CIO, Peti- tioner. Case 10-RC-10958 April 3, 1978 DECISION ON REVIEW AND DIRECTION OF SECOND ELECTION BY CHAIRMAN FANNING AND MEMBERS JENKINS AND MURPHY On July 15, 1977, the Regional Director for Region 10 issued a Supplemental Decision and Certification of Representative in which he found that the Em- ployer's objections to the election held on May 19, 1977, pursuant to a Decision and Direction of Election,' were without merit. Thereafter, in accor- dance with Section 102.67 of the National Labor Relations Board Rules and Regulations, Series 8, as amended, the Employer filed a timely request for review of the Regional Director's decision on the grounds that, in reaching his conclusions, he depart- ed from established Board precedent. The National Labor Relations Board, by telegraph- ic order dated September 7, 1977, granted the request for review with respect to the Employer's Objections 4 and 5 only,2 and stayed the certification pending disposition of said objections. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Relations Board has delegated its authority in this proceeding to a three-member panel. The Board has considered the entire record in this case with respect to the issues under review, includ- ing the Employer's request for review and the brief in support thereof, and makes the following findings. Contrary to the Regional Director, we find merit in the Employer's Objections 4 and 5. The Employer's Objections 4 and 5 allege in substance that the Union distributed excerpted cop- ies of a complaint and notice of hearing in Case 10- CA-12676 alleging that the Employer violated Sec- tion 8(a)(1) of the Act and that the official Board document had been altered by leaving out selected portions and by including partisan statements, all in such a fashion as to make the alteration appear to be an exact replica of an official Board document, thus giving the impression that the Board had already determined the Employer's guilt and/or favored the Petitioner in the election. I The tally of ballots showed that, of approximately 377 eligible voters, 196 cast ballots for and 173 against the Petitioner. There were no challenged or void ballots cast. 2 The Employer's motion for reconsideration with respect to the remaining objections, the exceptions to which were not included in the grant The Regional Director found that those portions of the official complaint and notice of hearing that were deleted were merely jurisdictional or conclusory and that the distributed document contained a statement that the Company had denied all of the allegations of unfair labor practices. He then concluded that the alteration did not constitute a misstatement of the facts, nor a misrepresentation as to the Board's neutrality. A comparison of the alteration with the actual complaint and notice of hearing issued by the Regional Director shows, however, that in addition to the initial six numbered paragraphs, the alteration, up to the Regional Director's signature, also deletes the final two paragraphs which set the time and place for the hearing as well as the Employer's right to answer the allegations. It is significant to note that the final deleted paragraph also advises that if the preceding allegations are not answered the Board may find them to be true. The Regional Director's signature then appears directly below the unfair labor practice allegations excerpted from the official complaint, giving the appearance that the document was complete as reproduced above the signature. We find, in disagreement with the Regional Direc- tor, that the addition of a statement by the Petitioner at the bottom of the altered document and below the Regional Director's signature that a hearing had been set and that the Company had denied all of the unfair labor practice allegations does not sufficiently cure the defect in the alteration, inasmuch as the altered document gives the appearance that the Board had concluded that the Employer had com- mitted the unfair labor practices listed above the Regional Director's signature. We therefore find under these circumstances that the Petitioner's repro- duction of a Board document which was altered for campaign purposes constitutes a misuse of our processes in that such reproduction was reasonably calculated to mislead employees into believing that the Board had judged the Employer to have violated Federal law, whereas such was not the case. See Mallory Capacitor Co., a Division of P. R. Mallory & Co., Inc., 161 NLRB 1510 (1966). Accordingly, Objections 4 and 5 are hereby sustained, and we shall set aside the election and direct that a second election be conducted. [Direction of Second Election and Excelsior foot- note omitted from publication.] of review, is hereby denied in light of our conclusion that a second election be ordered based on Objections 4 and 5. The Employer's request for oral argument is also denied, as the exceptions and bnef adequately present the issues and positions of the parties. 235 NLRB No. 85 595 Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation