Oil Workers, Local 6-578Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsSep 29, 1978238 N.L.R.B. 1227 (N.L.R.B. 1978) Copy Citation OIL WORKERS, LOCAl 6 578 Oil, Chemical and Atomic Workers International Union, Local 6-578, AFL-CIO and Gordy's, Inc. Case 18 CB-853 2 September 29, 1978 DECISION AND ORDER BY CHAIRMAN FANNING AND MEMBERS PE NEI.I1 AND TRI ESDAI. I On July 25, 1978, Administrative Law Judge Ber- nard Ries issued the attached Decision in this pro- ceeding. Thereafter, the Respondent filed exceptions and a supporting brief. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the Na- tional Labor Relations Board has delegated its au- thority in this proceeding to a three-member panel. The Board has considered the record and the at- tached Decision in light of the exceptions and brief and has decided to affirm the rulings, findings, and conclusions of the Administrative Law Judge and to adopt his recommended Order. ORDER Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Rela- tions Board adopts as its Order the recommended Or- der of the Administrative Law Judge and hereby or- ders that the Respondent, Oil, Chemical and Atomic Workers International Union, Local 6-578. AFL- CIO, Austin, Minnesota, its officers, agents, and rep- resentatives, shall take the action set forth in said rec- ommended Order. DECISION BERNARD RIES. Administrative Law Judge: This case was heard in Austin, Minnesota, on April 12 and 13, 1978. At issue is the propriety, under Section 8(b)( I )(A) of the Act, of conduct by Respondent against six employees who ten- dered resignations and crossed a picket line sanctioned by Respondent. A brief was received from General Counsel on May 12, 1978; Respondent has not filed a brief. On the basis of the record,' the brief. and my observation of the witnesses, I make the following findings of fact and Conclusions of Law. I. JURISDICTION Gordy's, Inc.. the Charging Party, is a Minnesota corpo- ration engaged in the operation of retail grocery store in Minnesota and Iowa, including a store located in Austin. Fk rrors in the Iranscript have been noted and corrected Minnesota. During the representative 12-month period end- ing October 31. 1977, Gordy's had total retail sales in excess of $1 million, including more than $500,000 in sales at its Austin store, and purchased goods in excess of $500,000, of which more than $50,000 was purchased from suppliers outside of Minnesota and received by Gordy's in that State. The answer to the complaint admits, and I find, that GCordy's is an employer engaged in commerce within the meaning of the Act. I. IHFI StArutS OF IiHI L.ABOR OR(GANIZAIION Respondent is, as the answer states, a labor organization within the meaning of the Act. III. rte Rii lANIl FA( rs On October 4, 1977, Amalgamated Meat Cutters Local P 9 struck Gordy's in a contract dispute at several stores, including the one at Austin, Minnesota, involved in the pre- sent case. The employees of Gordy's represented by Re- spondent, also engaged in negotiations with Gordy's at the time, honored the Meat ('utters' picket line. During the course of the strike, after submitting resignations from union membership to Respondent, six employees returned to work. The complaint charges that, in reacting to that conduct by the employees. Respondent violated Section 8(hb)(l)(A). The allegedly coerced employees named in the complaint are Kirk Handahl. George Kuth. Kathv Weber. Jeffre, Nauman. Rodney Walker. and Randall Hillson. Counsel for the General Counsel stated at the hearing that the tbllowing incident is not alleged to constitute a separate violation of the Act, but rather is "background material and going to the issue of the present [sic]." Em- ployees and union members David Nordby and Jeffrey Nauman, who honored the picket line on the first day of the strike. testified that early in the morning of October 4 they spoke to Respondent's business manager. Betty Thomas, outside the store, with Nordby saying something about "withdrawing from the Union because I needed the money." Thomas told the employees to see her later in her office. A few hours thereafter, Nordby, Nauman, and employee- union member Loren Day went to see Thomas, with pre- pared letters of resignation. When they offered the letters and "asked if we could resign," Thomas said she "wasn't accepting any withdrawals at the time." Thomas went on to say that "in years before for crossing a picket line there had been fines up to a hundred dollars and nowadays it could be up to five hundred dollars." Loren Day gave Thomas his resignation and left. Thomas then told Nordby and Nau- man "to think it over for awhile and let things clear in our mind and then give her an answer later if we were going to withdraw or not." They left the office. Nordby never sub- mitted his written resignation and does not appear in the complaint; Nauman, who is named in the complaint, did. Although Day, as noted, resigned, he is not alleged to have been coerced. I credit the above synthesized testimony of Nauman and Nordby on this point. In her testimony, Thomas initially described the employees' question to her as "what could be 238 NLRB No. 172 1227 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD the possible consequence if they were to resign from the Union," but then corrected that question to "what would happen if they crossed the picket line . . . and went to work." Her claimed answer was that charges could possibly be filed against them and that fines and expulsion might result. The thrust of Thomas' testimony seemed to be that no reference to resignation occurred, but I do not believe that Nordby and Nauman, both impressive witnesses, fabri- cated this context. Thus, it appears that after the employees indicated an intention to resign, Thomas first told them that she would not accept their resignations and further stated that if they did attempt to resign and cross the picket line, they could be fined as much as $500. While it could be argued that since Thomas initially told the employees that she "wasn't accepting withdrawals at the time," her subsequent refer- ences to fines necessarily posited a hypothetical appraisal of what might result if nonresigned members crossed the picket line. But in view of her subsequent suggestion to the employees to "think it over" and then "give her an answer later if we were going to withdraw or not," the conversation as a whole clearly constituted a declaration by Thomas of the consequences which would ensue if indeed they decided to "withdraw" and then crossed the line.' There was testimony that Nordby repeated portions of this conversation to other employees, but it is not shown that he told them that fines could be visited upon former members who had resigned, as well as, or as opposed to, members who had not. Thus, Nordby said that at some unknown date, while he and employee George Kuth (named in the complaint) were picketing at another estab- lishment, he "told him that Betty had told us that in years before fines were like a hundred dollars and nowadays it could be up to five hundred dollars." Nordby made equally equivocal statements to Kirk Handahl and Randall Hillson, also named in the complaint.' Hillson testified that about a week after the strike began, he heard Thomas talk to "some employees" on the picket line "about the possibility of what they could do to Loren Day"--"that she would try and fine Loren Day." There is no evidence that either Hillson or the employees who were told this had also become aware that Loren Day had re- signed.4 Employee Rodney Walker testified, without contradic- tion, that at a union meeting which must have occurred on 2 Respondent's constitution makes provision for the issuance of a "with- drawal card," when "a member leaves the jurisdiction of the International Union." It is inconceivable that either Thomas or the grocery clerks, who made clear to her their desire to return to work, understood one another to be speaking of this kind of withdrawal. I Similarly, Kuth and Handahl only testified that Nordby spoke generally of the fines which could be imposed for crossing the line and did not indicate that Nordby, reporting Thomas' statement, had said that the sanctions could be imposed against members who had resigned. Hillson did not testify on this subject. 4 Although Day, who was not called, did not testify that he had in fact resigned, Thomas said that at the end of the meeting on October 4, Day "threw his resignation on my desk." The record does not show that any charges were thereafter filed against Day by the Respondent for crossing the picket line, although, as we shall see, other resigners were so charged. The probability, as discussed infra, is that Day had already breached the picket line before he resigned. Day is not named in the complaint as having been coerced and restrained. October 11,5 with "a lot of employees" present, Thomas "stated that Loren Day and Kathy Weber crossed the picket line and charges were being filed and they could be fined." The evidence does not indicate that the employees present at the meeting knew, or were told. that Weber and Day had submitted resignations before crossing the line. The record shows that six employees (apart from Day) resigned from the Respondent during the strike. On Octo- ber 10, Kathy Weber sent a certified letter to the Respon- dent, declaring that she was resigning on that date. On Oc- tober I, Weber returned to work. On the same day, Thomas sent Weber the following communication: Dear Kathy: You are herewith charged with violation of the In- ternational Constitution by crossing a legal picket line at Gordy's Super Value on October 11, 1977. Pursuant to Article 12 Section 2 of the Constitution, a copy of these charges are [sic] being filed with the president of Local 6 578. You will be advised when these charges will be pre- sented to the membership of Local 6-578 so that you may have an opportunity to appear. Weber testified, however, that on October 12, before she received this letter, she called upon Thomas, "told her that I wasn't going to do it again and so she let me back into the union and said everything would be dropped ... and to just disregard the letter that I was receiving." When Weber sub- sequently received the letter, she "didn't read it" but simply "threw it away."6 Early in the morning of October 17, a letter containing the immediate resignations of Nauman, Walker, and Hill- son was dispatched at the post office in Austin, and the three employees crossed the picket line later that same day. Although Respondent made no issue at the hearing as to its timely receipt of resignation letters from Handahl, Kuth, and Weber, it did assert, through Thomas, that the resigna- tions of Nauman, Walker, and Hillson were not received. The credible testimony of these three employees was that on Sunday evening, October 16, they together wrote out letters of resignation. dated October 17. At 8 a.m. on Octo- ber 17, Hillson and Jerry Osmonson, his store manager, mailed a letter containing the resignations to Betty Thomas, by certified mail sent special delivery.' The Postal Service clerk who handled the letter "addressed to Betty Thomas at I arrive at this date because the remarks hereafter attributed to Thomas refer to the fact that Kathy Weber crossed the picket line. Weber did so on October I 11, but she rejoined the Union, and was told by Thomas that her strikebreaking would be forgiven, on October 12. 6 At the hearing, Weber could not identify the letter, not having read it, but Respondent stipulated to the authenticity of a copy from its files. I Respondent repeatedly attempted to interject into the hearing the issue of the role played by Osmonson and Gordy's attorney in encouraging em- ployees to resign from Respondent. I attempted to preclude such matenal, although a fair amount of it came in 'The question whether the Charging Party improperly attempted to influence the resignations could be no defense to the complaint in this case, which alleges the commission by Respondent of unlawful conduct after the resignations Internauional Longhoremen's and Warehousemen's Union, 79 NLRB 1487, 1492, fn 6 (1948). I do not believe that Respondent would go so far as to argue that coercion by Gordy's ren- dered the resignations null and void. If Respondent wished to challenge the role played by Osmonson, it should have filed charges with the Board; it is clear from the record that Respondent was aware of Osmonson's activities prior to expiration of the 10(b) period. 1228 OIL WORKERS. LOCAL 6 578 the local labor center" recalled it because a certified special delivery letter was an unusual item, and he further recalled giving the letter to the collection and delivery' foreman. The latter remembered receiving the letter, addressed to Thomas, and catching up to and handing it to the special delivery' messenger, who was just leaving on his rounds. The special delivery messenger. Mickelsen. recollected receiving the letter from the foreman just before he left on his route and testified that he handed the letter at the union hall to a man to whom he customarily delivers the mail at that ad- dress. Ordinarily, this individual "pays for all my postage due and if I have a signature, he signs for it." lie did not. however. on this occasion have the man sign a receipt, since this letter had been handled out of the ordinary course of mail, as described above; the messenger had not himself signed for it as a certified letter, as he customarily would: and he did not notice that the letter was certified as he handed it over. The record shows that Respondent's offfices are located in a building occupied by two other unions. Local P 9 of the Amalgamated Meat Cutters and United Automobile Workers Local 867. The offices of Local P 9 are at the front of the building. Raymond Kubicek, financial secretary of Local P 9, testified that for some 5 years. letter carriers have presented him with all the mail for the three unions and that it has been his custom to deliver it: "He throws the mail in on my desk and as a courtesy to him, I distribute it to the rest of the offices around there." He also said that occasionally the janitor, two employees of Local P 9, or Betty Thomas, seeing the mail on his desk. may themselves distribute it. Kubicek testified that he had been on vacation the week preceding Monday, October 17 and did not come into the hall until the carrier had made his rounds that morning. He said that he "never got any such mail that I recall, at all." While Kubicek gave every appearance of being an honest man, his uncertainty about when he had been on vacation leads me to believe that he may not have accurately remem- bered receiving the item from Mickelsen, the special deliv- ery messenger. I am inclined to conclude from the testi- mony of Mickelsen, an impressive winess. although not willing to commit himself completely ("There was a gentle- man in the front office there. I don't know the man's name. I have dealings with him everyday .... I am almost certain that it was him [that I handed the letter to] . .. ell, I should back up a hair there. I said in the office, but I handed it to him in the hallway and then he went into the office or whatever it is."). that Kubicek was the person to whom the letter was handed., Betty Thomas testified that she never received the letter. Whether this is true or not (and, in view of my misgivings about Thomas' unduly restricted version of the October 4 conversation, I am somewhat hesitant about relying on Thomas' testimony in general. although nothing in her de- meanor itself caused me to disbelieve her). I think General Counsel convincingly argues that delivery of the letter to Kubicek constituted effective delivery to the Respondent. Thomas testified that she was fully aware of the practice of I Respondent offered to stipulate at the end of the hearing, and General Counsel readils agreed, that the individual to whom Mickelsen had been referring as the regular recipient of the mail was Kubicek delivering Respondent's mail to Local P-9 and "we never changed it." Had she objected, the Postal Service would have made delivery directly to Respondent's offices. Having received no objection, it would appear that the Service was justified in assuming that delivery to Local P-9 was proper delivery to the remainder of the offices. Thus, it does not seem unfair to Respondent to conclude that delivery of the resignations to Kubicek constituted ef- fective delivery to Respondent. Whatever happened to the letter thereafter, whether "it may have been inadvertently overlooked or lost or it may have been ignored or destroyed deliberately," does not affect the legal conclusion which fol- lows--that the resignations were "thereupon effective." Communications Workers of America. Local 2108, AFL- ('10 (The Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Compoav of1 aan'land Inc.)., 186 NLRB 1008, 1018 (1970). Thomas testified that, as in the case of all the resigning employees here involved, she received word from various members that Nauman, Walker, and Hillson were seen re- turning to work across the picket line on the day they sent their resignations. On October 18, the day after they re- turned to work, Thomas sent to the three employees letters worded in precisely the same manner as that sent to Weber, set out above. Finally, George Kuth and Kirk Handahl together sent resignations to Respondent by certified mail in the early morning of October 25. They crossed the picket line and returned to work on October 26. The strike ended 2 days later. Thomas mailed letters to both employees dated Octo- ber 31. phrased identically to the letters previously sent to the other resigned employees. Respondent raised no issue at the hearing that it did not receive the letters from Kuth and Handahl in due course. IV. ANAI.YSIS AND (CON()t SI()NS There appears to be in this case a threshold issue not alluded to at the hearing, not referred to in General Coun- sel's brief, and as to which, because Respondent has failed to submit a brief, it is unclear whether or not Respondent relies upon as a defense. The complaint alleges that certain actions by Respondent against employees who "had resigned their membership" violated Section 8(b)(1)(A). A provision of the constitution of Respondent's parent, contained in the exhibits file, taken together with testimony by six employees, indicates that, under the union constitution, the resignations were not ef- fective. More specifically, article I, section 6, states: Any member may resign his or her membership pro- viding all indebtedness is satisfied and no charges are pending against such member and further provided that notice of such resignation is submitted in writing by such member to the President of the Local Union of which he or she is a member within ten days preceding any anniversary of the date such member obtained membership. The provision thus requires that, to be effective, a resig- nation must be filed within a narrow escape period of 10 days preceding each member's individual anniversary date of membership. Had no evidence been presented regarding the dates upon which the six employees joined the Respon- 1229 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD dent, I could have indulged the presumption, however un- likely, that the resignations of all six employees were in conformity with the constitutional time requirements. On direct examination, however, it was brought out that all six employees joined the Respondent at times which indicate that their October 1977 resignations did not fall within the 10-day period preceding their membership anniversaries (Nauman, hired in "August of '74," joined "[slhortly after I went to work"; Hillson joined in "August of '73": Walker joined in "August '76"; Kuth in "January 1977": Handahl "in early January of 1977"; and Weber in "June of '77"). It might be argued that Respondent's failure to assert in an affirmative manner at the hearing the constitutional in- adequacy of the resignations implies that it intends no such defense. But in view of the given evidence-the constitu- tional provision, the admitted membership anniversary dates, the dates of the letters of resignation, the fact that Respondent continued to treat the resigners as members,9 and the pleadings'°-it appears that the issue of the validity of the resignations must be regarded as in controversy. The question of whether a constitutional provision may limit the right of union members to resign in order to cross a picket line was expressly reserved by the Supreme Court in N.L.R.B. v. Granite State Joint Board, Textile Workers Union of America, Local 1029, AFL CIO, [International Paper Bo.x Machine Co.], 409 U.S. 213, 218 (1972) ("We do not now decide to what extent the contractual relationship between union and member may curtail the freedom to re- sign"), and again in Booster Lodge No. 405, International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers. AFL CIO [Boeing Co.] v. N.L. R,B., 412 U.S. 84, 88 (1973). The Board has spoken on the subject, however. Its recent explo- ration of the area has resulted in a line of decisions perti- nent to the question left unanswered by the Supreme Court. See International Union, United Automobile. Aero.vspace & Agricultural Implement Workers, U'A W: and its Local No. 647 (General Electric Company). 197 NLRB 608, 609 (1972): Local 1384. United A utomobile. A erospace, and Agri- cultural Implement Workers, UA W (Ex-Cell-O Corporation), 219 NLRB 729, 730, fn. 4 (1975); and a Supplemental De- cision and Order in the latter case, 227 NLRB 1045 (1977). It seems clear from the Board's most detailed articulation of principles, the Supplemental Decision and Order in Ex- Cell-O Corporation, that whatever kinds of constitutional resignation provisions might ultimately be thought to pass muster, the present one, which bars resignations during nonstrike periods as well as in strike situations, which af- fords no flexibility for hardship exceptions, and which might involve a waiting period for resignation of as much as I Even after the charge was filed with the Board on October 18 Respon- dent continued to process internal charges against the employees, as seen by letters to them of December 7, and as late as February 1978. was notifying some of them of dues arrearages for months following October. 10 The original complaint, naming only Handahl, Kuth, and Weber, evoked an answer from Respondent that it "laidmits Kirk Handahl, Jerry [sic] Kuth and Kathy Weber are members of the Union and admits that on October 31. 1977, letters were mailed to these individually named members ." and that Respondent further denied "all other allegations contained in said paragraph," which necessarily included an allegation that "each of said em- ployees had resigned their membership from the Respondent prior to cross- ing the picket line" (emphasis supplied). Respondent's answer to the amended complaint reaffirmed "all admissions, denials, and allegations" contained in its original answer a year (less 10 days), does not provide the sort of "reason- able accommodation" between the conflicting interests which the Board conceives of as minimally required. 227 NLRB at 1051. In addition, the Board's ruling in the Ex-Cell-O Supple- mental Decision and Order, relying on Booster Lodge No. 405, supra, held that union members are free to resign at will where "there is no evidence that the employees . . . either knew of or had consented to any limitation on their right to resign." Ex-Cell-O I1, 227 NLRB at 1048. The bur- dens of production and persuasion on this issue were as- signed by the Board to the party claiming the ineffective- ness of the resignations, 227 NLRB at 1049, fn. 21. Here, Respondent has failed to meet those burdens. The record is silent on the method employed by Respondent to take in new members (227 NLRB at 1048), the employees testified that they were never notified of any restriction on their right to resign, and the evidence shows that copies of Re- spondent's constitution were not distributed to new mem- bers. Compare International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, District No. 71. Local 778 (Whitaker Cable Corporation), 224 NLRB 580, 581 (1976), holding flatly that "a constitutional provision is not a substitute for proper notice." A question relating to the theory of the complaint arises next. The initial complaint, referring only to the letters sent by Respondent to Handahl, Kuth. and Weber. had alleged that Respondent violated the Act "by charging the individ- uals named below with violation of the Constitution of Re- spondent's International Union," notwithstanding their prior resignations. The complaint was thereafter amended to refer also to the letters sent to Nauman, Walker, and Hillson. Subsequently, however, a second amendment was issued which deleted the substantive paragraph quoted above and substituted therefor an allegation that, as to the six employees, Respondent had acted unlawfully "by charg- ing the individuals named below with violation of the Con- stitution of Respondent's International Union and by threatening to fine employees for crossing a picket line," notwithstanding their resignations. At the hearing, counsel for General Counsel did not elu- cidate whether or not the amended complaint contemplated the finding of independent violations, one based upon the filing of internal charges and the other grounded in "threat- ening to fine employees." In an opening statement, counsel simply said, inter alia, "Respondent violated Section 8(b)(l)(A) by initiating internal union charges and threaten- ing the employees with fines for crossing the picket line." General Counsel's brief, however, in stating the issues pre- sented, makes no separate assertion that the letters in and of themselves constituted violative conduct; it states, in- stead, as the legal issue presented: "Whether the Respon- dent violated Section 8(b)(1)(A) of the Act by its threats to fine employees who resigned and subsequently' crossed the picket line." The thrust of the legal argument thereafter made does not address the issue of whether merely sending the letters to the employees would constitute a violation. Thus, after reviewing the evidence relating to Thomas' statements regarding fines to Nordby, Nauman, and Day on October 4, Thomas' subsequent reference to the possibil- ity of the imposition of fines on Weber and Day at the later 1230 OIL WORKERS I.OCAI 6 578 union meeting, and the dissemination of Thomas' October 4 remarks to other employees named in the complaint by Nordby, General Counsel begins his argument by relying not only on the charging letters, but also on the various statements made by Thomas and their circulation among the employees, stating as the governing principle of law. "The fact that fines have not been levied does not absolve the Respondent. because it is sufficient to show a violation of Section 8(b)(1)(A) that charges have been filed. that the underlying proceedings resolving the charges carrs the po- tential for fines, and that the potentiality of fines is con- veyed to individuals who have effectively resigned from the Union prior to crossing a picket line [citing cases]." The brief then goes on to argue, on the basis of the facts out- lined above, that "each of the aforementioned elements" of the proposition has been satisfied here. Nowhere does General Counsel expressly contend that the filing or notification of charges was, standing alone. vio- lative of the Act. It can therefore be argued that General Counsel has deliberately chosen to refrain from complain- ing that the filing of charges, and notification thereof to the charged employees, constituted violative acts. To so find, however, would require a conclusion that General Counsel has rejected a long line of cases basing violations on such facts. Although one of the cases cited by General Counsel. Lo- cal Union No. 1233, United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of.4 merica (Polk Construction Co.Co. Inc.) 231 NLRB 756, 760 (1977). does appear to suggest that a finding is required, as expressed by General Counsel. that "the poten- tiality of fines is conveyed to individuals who have effec- tively resigned." a solid body of precedent, including the other case cited by General Counsel, Local Union 2131, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, .4 FL ('IC (Rucker Electronics), 217 NLRB 46, 47. 48, 50 (1975). stands for the rule that simply filing "written charges." or even threatening to file charges, constitutes "restraint" and "coercion" within the meaning of Section 8(b)(1 ), without requiring a showing that the nature of the potential penalty was explicitly brought to the attention of the charged em- ployee. Communications Wtorkers of America. AFI. CIO (Rochester Telephone Corporation), 194 NLRB 872, 873 (1972) ("written charges" filed against a nonmember). Ac- cord, Penzel Construction Company, Inc., 185 NLRB 544, 545 (1970): International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers. Local Union No. 34, A FI. (10 (Protection .4A lar., Inc.), 208 NLRB 639 (1974); Local Union No. 13, an .4filiate of the United Association of Journeynien and A4pprenticces of the Plumbing and Pipe Filtting Industrn of the United States and Canada (Mechanical Contractors Association of Rochester, Inc.), 212 NLRB 477, 479. 480 (1974): United Steelworkers of America, AFL CIO CLC, Local Union 5550 (Redfield Company), 223 NLRB 854 (1976); Internatlional Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (RKO General, Inc.) 223 NLRB 959, 960 (1976): Communications Workers of Amer- ica, Local 1122 (New York Telephone Company), 226 NLRB 97, 98-99 (1976). These cases, arising under Section 8(b)(l)(A), clearly' rest on the premise that fines are implicit when disciplinary proceedings are initiated or threatened without an express limitation as to the range of sanctions available; this is most obviously true in the case of resigned members, who ipso facto cannot be simply expelled.' TIhe complaint alleges that Respondent violated the Act by "charging the individuals named": all the conceivable evidence relating to that issue has been adduced in the rec- ord: and General Counsel has, as noted above, cited in his brief one of the many cases standing for the principle that the filing of such charges amounts to Section 8(b) restraint and coercion. In these circumstances, it seems appropriate to find violations based on the sending of the letters alone. without regard to whether the resigned members were ex- pressly warned that a fine might result from the charges (and despite General Counsel's emphasis on that factor in his brief, which may be due simply to an excess of caution). Rochester Cadet Cleaners, Inc.. 205 NL.RB 773 (1973). Were I to confine analysis to the framework outlined by General Counsel, I would still find a violation. but only one. Addressing the summarizing contentions made by Gen- eral Counsel on brief, I agree that "[t]he individuals named in the complaint effectively resigned from the Respondent prior to crossing the picket line," that "[clharges were brought against each for crossing the picket line,."' and that "[olne of the potential consequences of the proceedings in which the charge would be considered is fines."" However, I am not in complete accord with General Counsel's final and specific contention that "the threat of tines was effec- tively conveyed to the individuals named in the complaint by Respondent's Business Representative. Betty Thomas, by her statements and conduct throughout October 1977." Weber, first of all, is a special case. She testified that after resigning on October 10 and returning to work on October I 1, she had a change of heart which she communicated to Thomas on October 12, before she received the notice of charge. Thomas told her that "everything would be dropped . . . and to just disregard the letter." She did so, without reading it. Accordingly, since the charge was effec- tively rescinded before Weber even received the letter, since she did not read the letter, and since there is no evidence that she was ever warned of the "potentiality of fines." ei- ther by Thomas or by any other employee. I perceive no basis for concluding that Respondent engaged in the sort of conduct vis-a-vis Weber which General Counsel's argument would require for a finding of violation. Futhermore. it would not suffice to argue broadly. as General Counsel does, taht the remarks made by Thomas on October 4 or thereafter necessarily had an intimidating effect on the remaining five employees; a more precise con- sideration of the relationship of the threats to both the named employees and to their postresignation strikebreak- ing would be in order. '' For similar cases under Sec. 8(bH K(B), see San Francisro-Oakland Mail- rs L.nion No. 8. International Typographical Unmon fNorthwest Publications, Inc.), 172 NL RB 2173 (1968); Nesi Metleo DiLtrict Caounil of (Carpenters and Joiners of lmerica (A S Horner, Inc.). 176 NL RB 797, 798 (1969): San Francisco 7pographical LUnion No. '1. International Tvpographical Union, A'4L CIO (California Nedspapers. Inc.), 192 NLRB 523 (1973:. Lnited Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joinerst O .4mirica. lcal Lnion 751/ .4FL CIO (Paul J Ortega and Melvin T ,4zesedo, db'ha Imperial Cahinet Shop), 204 NLRB 1102 (1973). 12 With one exception. considered below. " Art XII, sec 1, of the union constitution so pros ides 1231 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD General Counsel argues, referring to the meeting of Octo- ber 4, that the "circumstances of that meeting and discus- sion during it clearly indicate that Thomas' remarks con- templated conduct postdating both Nauman's and other resignations that might later occur." I agree. As fbund above, Thomas' statements to Nauman, Nordby, and Day related to the possibility of imposition of fines "of up to $500" in a conversational context clearly referring to the expressed desires of the employees to resign from Respon- dent and return to work. Accordingly, I would find, apply- ing the theory advanced by General Counsel, that the refer- ence to that possibility, coupled with the effect of the subsequent letter of charges to Nauman after he had validly resigned, would have tended to coerce Nauman and vio- lated Section 8(b)(I)(A).'4 There would be no like basis for making a similar finding as to the remaining four employees. The testimony of Nord- by that he repeated a portion of this conversation to Kuth, Handahl, and Hillson. even if relevant,' discloses only that he told them Thomas had spoken of the possibility of fines for crossing a picket line, without any showing that the remarks related to employees who first submitted resigna- tions. General Counsel's brief acknowledges the need for "distinguishing between the preresignation and postresigna- tion conduct," and in Local Union No. 1233, United Broth- erhood of Carpenters and Joiners of ,4 merica (Polk Construc- tion Co,, Inc.), supra, 231 at 760, fn. 7. Administrative lIaw Judge Boyce noted: Touchstone also raised the possibility of fines during the July 3 meeting in which the strike was announced. There is neither contention nor evidence, however, that Ortega or Ward had resigned by then, nor that Touch- stone's remarks contemplated conduct postdating such resignations as might later occur. It therefore is con- cluded that nothing said at the July 3 meeting was an 8(b)(1)(A) threat or tainted the later disciplinary pro- ceedings. Since the proviso to Sec. 8(b)(1)(A), as con- stituted, preserves the right of a union to impose fines for conduct while a member, it is both lawful and salu- tary that members be forewarned of the possibility. The foregoing reasoning would apply as well to the testi- mony of Hillson that about a week after the strike began, he heard Thomas speak to some employees on the picket line "about the possibility of what they could do to Loren Day"-"that she would try and fine Loren Day." I would first note that the record contains no evidence that Loren Day resigned before he returned to work, and the fact that he is not named in the complaint strongly suggests that the contrary is true. Thus, for both that reason and in the ab- sence of any evidence that Hillson or the other employees were told or were aware that Day had resigned before he returned to work, there would be no foundation for believ- ing that they would have understood the remark as any- 4 Neither Day nor Nordby is named in the complaint as an object of restraint or coercion. I1 It is arguable whether the foreseeable dissemination of Thomas' remarks to other employees could be relied upon as an element in finding a post hoc violation, even on General Counsel's theory, as to such other employees who subsequently resign and receive a letter of charges. thing but a lawful prediction of the potential consequences to a member from strikebreaking. Finally, Rodney Walker testified that at a union meeting which, I have found, was held on October I 1, Thomas told the employees that "Loren Day and Kathy Weber crossed the picket line and charges were being filed and they could be fined." Again, the record is devoid of evidence that Walker or any employees in attendance and named in the complaints were aware that Day and Weber had resigned before crossing the line (if in fact Day had); that is an evi- dentiary connection which I would not be willing to as- sume.7 In sum, if I were to apply only the narrow theory dis- cussed, I would conclude that the letter of charges sent to Jeffrey Nauman by Respondent on October 18, 1977, taken in the light of the remarks made to him on October 4 by Thomas, unlawfully threatened Nauman with the imposi- tion of a fine for having crossed the picket line.'" As to the other employees named in the complaint, I would find the evidence insufficient to establish, either directly or secon- darily, on the theory pressed by General Counsel, that the specific factual underpinning urged that the potential of fines for post-resignation strikebreaking was imparted to the named employees has been made out.1? As previously discussed, however, the cases hold that the filing of charges and notification thereof itself has a re- straining and coercive effect, despite the absence of commu- nication to the charged employees of the specific conse- quences which may attach; the complaint adequately alleges such a violation: and the matter has been fully liti- gated. Accordingly, I find that by charging and sending notification of the charges and future proceedings to Han- duhl. Kuth, Nauman, Walker, and Hillson.?o Respondent, through Betty Thomas, its agent, violated Section 8(b)( I)(A). CON(CI t.SIONS () LA W 1. Gordy's, Inc., is an employer engaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. 2. Respondent is a labor organization within the mean- ing of Section 2(5) of the Act. 3. By filing charges against nonmembers and notifying such nonmembers of the charges and of further proceedings to be held upon the charges, Respondent, in October 1977. violated Section 8(b)(1)(A) of the Act. 1' Nordby testified that he was present and heard Thomas say that "charges had been filed and were being sent to the executive board" but could recall no mention of fines. Nordb) is not named in the complaint. not is this statement separately alleged as a violation. " Indeed, since Weber had only resigned on October 10. and rescinded her resignation on October 12. it seems unlikely that this short-lived withdrawal would have been broadcast to the employee communit. iB It will be recalled that at the hearing counsel for General Counsel ex- pressly stated that the October 4 remarks were not alleged to be a separate violation. 19 Ihe foregoing conclusions would, of course, be based upon the state of the evidence as of the time of the Apnl hearing If further action on the charges were to be undertaken by Respondent, resulting in the imposition of fines against these resigned employees for their postresignation conduct, then further proceedings would be in order. Booster Lodge 'No 405, International Association of Machinists and Aerospace )4orkers, AFL (I10 (The Boeing Compnav), 185 NLRB 380, 381 (1970) 2o I exclude Weber for the reasons set out above. 1232 OIL WORKERS. LOCAL 6-578 THE REMEDY Having found that the Respondent has engaged in unfair labor practices in violation of Section 8(b)(I )(A) of the Act. I will recommend that Respondent be ordered to cease and desist therefrom and take certain affirmative action de- signed to effectuate the policies of the Act, as set forth be- low. On the basis of the above findings of fact, conclusions of law, and the entire record, and pursuant to Section 10(c) of the Act. I issue the following recommended: ORDER2 Oil, Chemical and Atomic Workers International Union, Local 6 578. AFL-CIO, Austin. Minnesota. its officers, agents, and representatives, shall: 1. Cease and desist from: (a) Restraining or coercing employees who are not mem- bers of Respondent in the exercise of their rights guaran- teed by the Act by bringing charges against such nonmem- bers, notifying such nonmembers of such charges, and notifying them of further proceedings to be held on such charges, because they crossed a picket line. (b) In any like or related manner restraining or coercing employees in the exercise of rights guaranteed by Section 7 of the Act. 2. Take the following affirmative action which, it is found, will effectuate the policies of the Act: (a) Cancel, withdraw, and rescind the charges which have been filed against Kirk Handahl, George Kuth, Jeffrey Nauman, Rodney Walker, and Randall Hillson, expunge from its files and records any reference thereto, and imme- diately notify such employees by letter that such action has been taken. (b) Post at its business offices and meeting halls copies of the attached notice marked "Appendix."2" Copies of said 21 In the event no exceptions are filed as provided by Sec. 102.46 of the Rules and Regulations of the National Labor Relations Board, the findings, conclusions, and recommended Order herein shall, as provided in Sec. 102.48 of the Rules and Regulations, be adopted by the Board and become its findings, conclusions, and Order, and all objections thereto shall be deemed waived for all purposes. 12 In the event that this Order is enforced by ajudgment of a United States Court of Appeals, the words in the notice reading "Posted by Order of the notice, on forms provided by the Regional Director for Re- gion 18, after being duly signed by Respondent's represent- ative, shall he posted by it immediately upon receipt thereof and be maintained by it for 60 days thereafter, in conspicu- ous places, including all places where notices to members of Respondent are customarily posted. Reasonable steps shall be taken by Respondent to insure that said notices are not altered, defaced, or covered by other material. (c) Furnish the Regional Director for Region 18 signed copies of the aforesaid notice, in the number designated bh the Regional Director, for posting by Gordx's. Inc.. it it is willing, at places where it customarily posts notices to em- ployees. (d) Notify the Regional Director for Region 18, in writ- ing, within 20 days from the date of this Order. what steps have been taken to comply herewith. National Labor Relations Board" shall read "Posted Pursuant to a Judgment of the United States Court of Appeals Enforcing an Order of the National Labor Relations Board." APPENDIX NOrICE To EMPLOYEES AND MEIMBIRS POSTED BY ORDER OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD An Agency of the United States Government WE wit.l NOT file or process internal union charges against former members who have validly resigned and crossed a picket line in order to return to work during a strike. WI'. wVt.l NOI in any like or related manner restrain or coerce employees in the exercise of their rights un- der Section 7 of Act. WE WILL cancel, rescind, and withdraw the charges filed in October 1977 against Kirk Handahl. George Kuth, Jeffrey Nauman, Rodney Walker, and Randall Hillson: BE W wILI remove all references to such charges from our records; and WE WiLl notify those employees by letter that we have done so. OIL, CHEMICAIl AND ATOMI( WORKERS INIERNA- IIONAi UNION, LOCAL 6 578, AFI.-CIO 1233 Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation