Ogle Protection Service, Inc.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsJun 22, 1970183 N.L.R.B. 682 (N.L.R.B. 1970) Copy Citation 682 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Ogle Protection Service, Inc., and James L. Ogle, an Individual and International Union , United Plant Guard Workers of America , and its Local 114. Cases 7-CA-4108 and 7-CA-4244 June 22, 1970 SUPPLEMENTAL DECISION AND ORDER BY MEMBERS FANNING, BROWN, AND JENKINS On November 6, 1964, the National Labor Rela- tions Board issued its Decision in the instant case' finding that Respondents Ogle Protection Service, Inc., and James L. Ogle, an Individual, had violated Section 8(a)(3), (5), and (1) of the National Labor Relations Act, as, amended. In its Decision the Board ordered the Respondents to cease and desist from the conduct which it found constituted viola- tions of the Act and to take certain affirmative ac- tion . On May 15, 1967, the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit2 entered its order in this case , enforcing in pertinent part the Board's Decision and Order. On July 10, 1968, the Regional Director for Re- gion 7 issued and served on the parties a backpay specification and notice of hearing.3 On August 9, 1968, the Respondents filed an answer to the backpay specification. On October 11, 1968, the Regional Director issued and served on the parties an amended backpay specification and order rescheduling the hearing. On October 24, 1968, the Respondents filed an answer thereto. Upon ap- propriate further notice, a hearing was held before Trial Examiner Wallace E. Royster for the purpose of determining the issues and amounts of money due under the General Counsel's amended backpay specification. Following the close of the hearing Trial Examiner Royster died, and the Board requested the Chief Trial Examiner to designate another Trial Examiner in place of Mr. Royster. Upon receiving notice from the Chief Trial Ex- aminer , the Respondents requested a hearing de novo before a new Trial Examiner. Thereafter the General Counsel filed an opposition to Respond- ents ' request , as the record at the hearing did not involve any disputed testimony requiring resolu- tions of credibility. On March 28, 1969, the Chief Trial Examiner issued and served on the parties an Order To Show Cause why the General Counsel's opposition, and request for designation of a new Trial Examiner to write a decision, should not be granted. On April 5, 1969, Respondents withdrew their request and consented to the request of the 149 NLRB 545 z 375 F 2d 497, cert denied 389 U S 843 General Counsel. Accordingly, on April 8, 1969, the Chief Trial Examiner designated Trial Examiner Paul E. Weil to prepare and issue a Trial Ex- aminer's Decision. Thereafter, on August 23, 1969, Trial Examiner Weil issued his Supplemental Decision, which is at- tached hereto, in which he found, in accordance with the stipulations of the parties and the record here and in the original proceeding, that certain employees of the Respondents and their successors and alter egos, Ogle Detective Agency, Inc., and Ogle Hospital Security Services, Inc., were entitled to the sums designated in Appendix A attached to his Supplemental Decision. In accordance with the terms of the contract which had been unlawfully repudiated by the Respondents, and the terms of the Board's Order in the original proceeding, the Trial Examiner also found that the Respondents were obligated to pay to the Union the sums specified in his Appendix B, which sums represented dues Respondents had failed to withhold from the wages of employees who had signed checkoff authorizations, and transmit to the Union. As specified by the Board in The Remedy section of its original Decision and Order in these cases, the Trial Examiner computed the sums due the employees on a quarterly basis in accordance with the Woolworth formula,' and offset against the quarterly sums due the employees the amounts the Respondents were obligated to pay to the Union as a remedy for their failure to comply with the checkoff provisions of the contract. Subsequent to the issuance of the Trial Examiner's Supplemental Decision, the Respondents filed exceptions thereto and a supporting brief, and the General Counsel filed an answering brief and cross-exceptions, with a supporting brief. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the Act, the National Labor Relations Board has delegated its powers in connection with these cases to a three-member panel. The Board has reviewed the rulings of the Trial Examiner made at the hearing and finds that no prejudicial error was committed. The rulings are hereby affirmed. The Board has considered the en- tire record in these cases, including the Trial Ex- aminer's Supplemental Decision, the exceptions, cross-exceptions, and briefs, and hereby adopts the findings, conclusions, and recommendations of the Trial Examiner with the additions and modifica- tions set forth below. We agree with the Trial Examiner that com- pliance with the terms of our earlier Order, as well ' This notice was subsequently amended a F W Woolxorth Company,90 NLRB 289 183 NLRB No. 68 OGLE PROTECTION SERVICE, INC. as effectuation of the policies of the Act, neces- sitates that Respondents' reimburse the Union for the dues which Respondents unlawfully failed to withhold and transmit in accordance with the checkoff provision of the contract, limited, of course, to reimbursement only for those employees who had signed dues deduction authorizations. Similarly, we agree with the Trial Examiner that the amounts payable by Respondents to the Union for each individual employee be offset against the sums due that employee for lost wages and benefits. To insure against a windfall to the Union, we shall specify that the Respondents' dues reimbursement obligation, with accompanying right to offset, is not applicable to employees, if any, who voluntarily paid dues to the Union during any or all of the per- tinent period.' Notwithstanding that our original Decision and Order in these cases inadvertently specified that the Woolworth formula should be applied in computing the amounts due employees, it seems obvious and we find that the formula has no application in these cases. The Board's Woolworth formula was designed to prevent injustices to discriminatees who exercised their obligation to obtain interim employ- ment, by providing that their interim earnings be offset against backpay on a quarterly basis only; otherwise, as described in the Woolworth decision itself, there was often a monetary incentive for an employer to delay reinstating an employee who had been discriminatorily discharged, if he had thereafter obtained higher paying interim employ- ment. Other unwanted consequences also ensued. On the other hand, where, as here, the amounts due employees result from Respondents' repudiation and failure to apply the terms of a collective-bar- gaining agreement , a violation of the Act which does not involve cessation of employment status or interim earnings that would in the course of time reduce backpay, a quarterly computation is un- necessary and unwarranted. In fact, application of the Woolworth formula in these circumstances would result in a windfall to some employees, who would now benefit from having their employer remit their accrued dues to the union, without ever having had these amounts deducted from their pay, solely because of the fortuitous circumstance that 5 The parties have stipulated that all the employees named in Appendix A of the Trial Examiner's Supplemental Decision were full-time employees of Ogle Protection Service, Inc , during some or all of the times material herein In view of the Trial Examiner 's findings regarding the relationship between Ogle Protection Service and James L Ogle, and Ogle Detective Agency, Inc , and Ogle Hospital Security Services , Inc , particularly the manner in which these entities were formed, the continuous and systematic interchange of unit employees between the three concerns, and their 683 they happened not to have been entitled to unpaid contractual benefits for a particular quarter. We see no justification for such a result, and did not in- tend it. Accordingly, we shall modify the Trial Ex- aminer 's recommendations as to the amounts of backpay due the employees, and additionally we shall correct certain inadvertent errors in the com- putations contained in Appendixes A and B to the Trial Examiner's Supplemental Decision to bring them into conformity with the stipulations of the parties. ORDER Upon the basis of this Supplemental Decision and the entire record in this case, and pursuant to Sec- tion 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Relations Board hereby orders that Respondents, Ogle Protection Service, Inc.; James L. Ogle, an Individual; Ogle Detective Agency, Inc.; and Ogle Hospital Security Services, Inc.; their officers, agents, successors, and assigns, shall pay to their employees and to Interna- tional Union, United Plant Guard Workers of America, and its Local 114, the amounts specified in Appendixes A and B to the Trial Examiner's Supplemental Decision , with the following modi- fications: 1. Except to the extent specified in the attached Appendix A-l, the amounts payable to the em- ployees named in Appendix A to the Trial Ex- aminer 's Supplemental Decision shall be the sum total of the separate amounts accruing to the em- ployee under the categories of wages, overtime, holidays, vacations, and miscellaneous, less the total of the amount under the category of dues. 2. Appendix A to the Trial Examiner's Supple- mental Decision is hereby modified by striking therefrom the amounts recited for those employees named in the attached Appendix A-1, and sub- stituting therefor the amounts shown in Appendix A-1. 3. Appendix B to the Trial Examiner's Supple- mental Decision is hereby modified by striking therefrom the amount of 120 after the name J. Healey, and substituting therefor the amount of 115. identity of ownership and management, in effect making them alter egos of one another , we shall, to insure full compliance with the terms of our Order, name Ogle Detective Agency, Inc , and Ogle Hospital Security Ser- vices, Inc , as additional Respondents We note that both concerns ap- peared at the backpay hearing, were represented by counsel and their owner, and had full opportunity to participate in the proceeding " Creutz Plating Corp, 172 NLRB No I 684 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD APPENDIX A--1 Gross Dues Offset Net Abrams, William * $ 283.91 $ 0 $ 283.91 Aleshire, Averal * 1001.85 ** 164.00 837.85 Asikainen, Emanuel 1275.24 ** 173.00 1102.24 Aupart, Fred * 5125.40 ** 305.00 4820.40 Bacon, Ernest * 616.03 0 616.03 Barber, John * 850.28 0 850.28 Blackburn, John 1556.14 189.50 *** 1366.64 Bolin, Carl * 454.06 0 454.06 Campbell, Frank 252.50 115.00 *** 137.50 Capitan, Frank * 963.81 0 963.81 Clovers, Carlos 1937.32 179.00 *** 1758.32 Conder, William 50.60 35.00 *** 15.60 Cullen, F. 392.99 223.00 *** 169.99 Cummings, Paul * 206.70 0 206.70 Cunningham, Joseph * 609.95 0 609.95 Dailey,, John 215.82 50.00 *** 165.82 Darby, Albert * 25.87 0 25.87 Dimmuch, Charles 727.63 ** 234.00 493.63 Ellerback, Russell * 1608.47 206.00 *** 1402.47 Froehler, Joseph 93.99 40.00 *** 53.99 Fuller, Ralph * 217.31 0 217.31 Gabbert, John * 1543.88 ** 250.00 *** 1293.88 Green, Nelson * 1224.56 0 1224.56 Grieser, George 48.29 40.00 *** 8.29 Hamilton, Butler * 76.19 25.00 51.19 Hodgson, Frank 55.16 65.00 *** 0 Howie, Herman 1606.46 175.50 *** 1430.96 Johnson, Martin * 400.17 0 400.17 Judd, Walter 86.98 85.00 *** 1.98 Kalinewski, Alfred * 405.33 125.00 *** 280.33 Krantz, Arthur * 23.02 0 23.02 Kryza, Edward * 840.72 234.00 *** 606.72 Kuschell, Allen 672.59 181.00 *** 491.59 Kyle, William * 2335.52 ** 288.50 *** 2047.02 Lampkins, James * 159.43 0 159.43 Lawylar, Clarence * 739.63 272.00 *** 467.63 Lemanski, Leonard * 851.89 0 851.89 * Corrections of gross amounts due employees in accordance with the stipulated record. ** Corrections of dues owed the Union in accordance with the stipulated record. *** Change in net due employees to reflect elimination of Woolworth formula quarterly offsetting. OGLE PROTECTION SERVICE, INC 685 Gross Dues Offset Net MacMichael, Charles * 178.63 0 178.63 Malachesen, Mitchell * 182.62 0 182.62 Mark, Samuel 410.69 125.50 *** 285.19 McAtee, Arnold 57.26 120.50 *** 0 Meek, Avester * 328.27 0 328.27 Menzie, Donald 50.55 64.00 *** 0 Miller, Joseph 740.32 233.50 *** 506.82 Morris, James * 125.76 0 125.76 Mullins, Cecil 267.66 184.50 *** 83.16 Myers, Sam 102.46 50.00 *** 52.46 Naruc, Steve * 172.41 0 172.41 Newton, Osborn * 344.67 0 344.67 O'Donnell, Melvin * $ 43.02 $ 0 $ 43.02 Ogle, Charles E. * 520.64 0 520.64 Osborne, Silas N. * 46.46 0 46.46 Paschall, Benjamin * 1866.43 0 1866.43 Pepper, Harland 149.49 111.00 38.49 Durham, Carl * 488.45 157.00 *** 331.45 Jackson, Paul 115.37 95.00 *** 20.37 Haines, Ralph 25.28 35.00 *** 0 Phillips, Harry 173.47 ** 217.00 0 Piescinski, John * 67.07 0 67.07 Polk, Edward * 681.69 233.50 448.19 Poole, Bernard 1316.83 173.00 *** 1143.83 Portaca, James * 292.36 0 292.36 Rasmussen, Paul * 977.61 0 977.61 Redder, Adolph * 1440.36 277.50 1176.86 Riffle, V., Jr. * 34.08 0 34.08 Rivers, Daniel 1356.31 257.50 *** 1098.81 Robinson, Harry 340.40 112.00 *** 228.40 Rosenkranz, Anthony * 1004.71 305.00 699.71 Roude, Alfred * 1169.24 294.50 874.74 Scott, Charles- * 178.32 0 178.32 Seiler, Arthur 80.17 70.00 *** 10.17 Sensing, Carmack 541.77 100.00 *** 441.77 Sexton, David * 10.95 0 10.95 Simpson, Allen * 366.40 0 209.40 Stout, John * 618.76 0 618.76 TaXlor, James * 99.95 0 99.95 Travis, Robert A. * 408.86 0 408.86 Turcotte, Joseph * 788.84 120.00 668.84 Turner, George D. * 105.18 0 105.18 Wadsworth, Fred 1069.14 ** 200.50 868.64 686 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD TRIAL EXAMINER'S SUPPLEMENTAL DECISION STATEMENT OF THE CASE PAUL E. WEIL, Trial Examiner: On November 6, 1964, the National Labor Relations Board, herein called the Board, issued its Order in the above-enti- tled matter ordering, inter alia , that Respondents sign and give retroactive effect to a certain contract and make whole employees who suffered any losses of earnings by reason of Respondents' refusal to ex- ecute and give effect to the said agreement. On April 7, 1967, the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit entered its decree enforcing the Board Order with regard to the backpay provi- sions. On October 9, 1967, the Supreme Court of the United States denied the Respondents' petition for a writ of certiorari. A controversy having arisen over the amount of backpay due under the terms of the Board Order, as enforced, the Regional Director for Region 7 under authority of the Board issued his backpay specification on July 10, 1968. On August 9, 1968, Respondents filed their answer to the backpay specification; on October 11, 1968, the General Counsel issued a substantial amend- ment to the backpay specification which was in turn answered by Respondents on October 24, 1968. The answers of Respondents admit various allegations and deny others and plead various cir- cumstances in defense. On the issues thus joined a hearing was conducted on December 2, 1968, be- fore Trial Examiner Wallace E. Royster. The General Counsel and Respondents appeared by counsel and all parties were afforded full opportu- nity to call and examine or cross-examine wit- nesses , to introduce evidence, and to argue orally. Oral arguments were waived by the parties and briefs have been filed on behalf of the General Counsel and the Respondents. Subsequent to the close of the hearing and the filing of briefs Trial Examiner Royster died. The Trial Examiner having thus become unavailable to the Agency within the meaning of section 554(b) of the Federal Administrative Procedure Act (5 U.S.C. § 554(b)) Trial Examiner Paul E. Weil was assigned to consider the record and briefs and prepare a decision in accordance therewith. Upon the entire record in this proceeding,' in- cluding the record in the original proceeding and in careful consideration of the briefs, I make the fol- lowing: FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW THE ISSUES The pertinent portion of the Board's Order ' A stipulation dated August 8, 1969, and signed by all parties is hereby received and assigned exhibit number G C 4 A further correction of schedule B of the backpay specifications, received August 18, 1969, to herein provides that Respondents shall upon request of the International Union, United Plant Guard Workers of America and its Local 114 (hereinafter called the Union), execute the agree- ment reached on November 14, 1962, the agree- ment to be effective from that date to at least the next renewal date as provided therein following signature ". . . (and) upon request by the Union that the foregoing agreement be executed" give retroactive effect to the terms of said agreement in- cluding but not limited to the provisions relating to wages and other benefits and make whole em- ployees for any losses suffered by reasons of Respondents' refusal to execute the agreement. The Board further provided that backpay shall be com- puted in accordance with the formula set forth in F. W. Woolworth Company, i.e., on a quarterly basis, and shall bear interest as prescribed in Isis Plumb- ing & Heating Co., 138 NLRB 716. 1 Respondents contend that the Board lacks authority to enforce any provision of the contract, retroactively or otherwise, and accordingly the provisions of the Order requiring Respondents to give retroactive effect to the contract and providing backpay to the employees are ineffectual. 2. The General Counsel contends that the backpay period commences January 1, 1963, the effective date of the contract, which was ultimately executed on October 27, 1967, pursuant to the Board Order enforced by the court decree, on which date it ends. Respondents contend that the backpay period ends on December 31, 1963, the termination date of the contract. 3. The United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit enforced the order as written with ex- ceptions not relevant hereto. The General Counsel in the original backpay specification pleaded that two enterprises, Ogle Detective Agency, Inc., incor- porated February 28, 1963, and Ogle Hospital Security Services, Inc., incorporated November 9, 1964, have at all times material been a single in- tegrated enterprise together with Ogle Protection Service, Inc., constituting a single employer with common and uniform labor relations and personnel policies promulgated and administered centrally and that the two new corporations are continua- tions and extensions of the same employing indus- try and alter egos of the said Ogle Protection Ser- vice, Inc., and thus subject to the collective-bar- gaining agreement and the Board and court orders. General Counsel also contends that the two new corporations are the successors to Ogle Protection Service, Inc., and, as such, subject to the Board Order and court decree. This is controverted by Respondents, which contend that the two new cor- porations are separate industries, that there is no evidence that they are even engaged in the same which no responses have been received, is received in evidence as G C Exh 5 OGLE PROTECTION SERVICE, INC. 687 activities as Ogle Protection Service, Inc., and that the Board Order and court decree do not apply to them. 4. In the October 11, 1968, amendment to the backpay specifications the General Counsel for the first time contended that Respondents operated an office of Ogle Protection Service, Inc., in the city of Grand Rapids, Michigan, in which employees per- formed plant protection duties identical with those performed by Respondents' employees in other areas in the State of Michigan and that the Grand Rapids enterprise "falls within the coverage of the contract between Respondent and the Union." Respondents, while admitting the existence of the Grand Rapids operation, contend that it is completely separate and distinct from the Detroit operation and is not part of the unit covered by the contract. 5. The General Counsel contends that under the terms of the contract Respondents were bound to deduct from the wages of each employee union dues and transmit them to the Union and he con- tends that inasmuch as all members of the unit were members of the Union and all had signed dues deduction authorizations that Respondents should pay to the Union monthly dues for all employees of both the Detroit and Grand Rapids facilities and the facilities of the two new corporations, as set forth in number 1, above, through the term of the presently existing contract. Respondents contend that the presently existing contract expired on December 31, 1963, by its own terms and that in any event dues should not be deducted in view of the fact that the employees had shown a disinterest in the Union and it was furnished with no dues deduction authorizations ef- fective after January 1, 1963. 6. The General Counsel contends that Respond- ents after paying_ the dues for all employees for each month from the period of January 1, 1963, through 1967 should not be permitted to set off the amount of such dues collections against the backpay owing the employees inasmuch as Re- spondents by their actions in repudiating the Union in January 1963 had rendered it impossible for the Union to render services to the employees in exchange for their dues, wherefor in order to reestablish the status quo they should not be required to pay said dues. Respondents in answer contend inter alia that such a provision in a backpay remedy would be punitive rather than remedial and that in any event they were under no duty to pay any dues to the Union on behalf of the employees. 7. The General Counsel sets out at length, as to each employee in the unit during the period between January 1, 1963, and October 27, 1967, the computation of backpay as to each employee together with computation as to vacations, union dues, and so forth. Aside from its contentions as set forth in paragraphs 1 through 5, above, Respond- ents do not controvert the General Counsel's com- putations which are based, generally speaking, on the terms of the contract, the wages paid each in- dividual during the disputed period, and the amount of wages that would have been paid each individual during the disputed period had the con- tract been effectuated by Respondents. As the General Counsel points out, in the absence of con- troversion, I may accept his computations as cor- rect depending of course upon the decision with re- gard to the other issues as set forth above. 8. Finally the Respondents contend that if they are required to make any payment of backpay other than that which they argue is correct, limited to the employees of Ogle Protection Service, Inc., during the calendar year 1963 and with no provi- sion for union dues or offset thereof, that the award of backpay would be excessive and punitive and beyond the power of the Board, having no purpose but to reward the Union and employees and punish the Respondents. Discussion 1. Respondents' first argument in reliance on N.L.R.B. v. Strong, d/b/a Strong Roofing and Insu- lating Co., 386 F.2d 929 (C.A. 9, 1967) must be unavailing. Within 2 weeks of the filing of Respond- ents' brief the Supreme Court of the United States reversed the circuit in that case (393 U.S. 357, 362 (1969) ). The Court noted that the remedy ordered by the Board included a direction to pay the fringe benefits which would have been paid had the em- ployer signed the agreement and thereby recog- nized his legal obligations which had matured dur- ing the collective-bargaining process. This is no more than the Act in cases like Phelps-Dodge plainly authorized. The Court stated: The act of refusing to sign the collective bar- gaining agreement may not have been a breach of contract, but it was an unfair labor practice. Once adjudicated, it could be remedied by a Board order requiring payment of those fringe benefits which would have been paid had the employer signed and acknowledged the con- tract which had been duly negotiated on his behalf. I find, as I am bound to find under the explicit deci- sion of the Supreme Court, that the Board had authority to order the remedy sought in this case. 2. Respondents' argument that the contract ter- minated and the backpay terminated with it on December 31, 1963, finds no support in the record. The Board specifically found that the letter of ter- mination upon which Respondents rely was untime- ly and in fact constituted one of the grounds of the unfair labor practice. It was not in fact a letter ter- minating the contract under its terms but rather the notification to the Union that Respondents would not consider themselves bound by the terms of the contract and in fact withdrew recognition from the 688 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Union. The Board in its Order, as enforced by the courts, specifically provided that the Respondents shall, upon request , sign the agreement which shall be retroactively effective to the date the agreement was reached, i.e., November 14, 1962, and prospectively effective from that date to at least the next renewal date provided therein following signa- ture. The contract is appended to the backpay specifications and bears the date October 25, 1967; it also provides, in article XII, for automatic renewal on a year-to-year basis. Accordingly, the contract is effective at least until December 31, 1967. The General Counsel in his backpay specifi- cations stated that the backpay period continued through October 27, 1967, "when the aforemen- tioned contract was in fact executed." It is irrele- vant whether the contract was opened by action of the parties after signature on October 27, 1967. The backpay specifications compute backpay through that date and no further. I therefore reject Respondents' contention that the backpay period is tolled as of December 31, 1963. This is neither the time nor the place to raise that issue which appears to have been decided by the court of last resort. 3. The General Counsel contends and the Re- spondents deny that two subsidiaries of Respond- ents, Ogle Detective Agency, Inc., and Ogle Hospital Security Services, Inc., are alter egos of Respondents. Respondents stipulated at the hearing that employees whose names appeared on General Counsel's Exhibit 2 were not engaged in performing unit work in the years 1963 and 1964 and not covered by the contract during that period, describ- ing the employees as all employees who appear on the payroll of Ogle Detective Agency, Inc., during the years 1963 and 1964 who received 80 to 100 percent of their total earnings during the same years for work performed for Ogle Detective Agen- cy, Inc., however any work performed by any such employees after January 1, 1965, shall be deemed to be unit work within the meaning of the collec- tive-bargaining agreement, subject to any other defenses Respondents might present. The parties further stipulated that all other em- ployees named in the specifications, except for those deleted during the years 1963 and 1964, were "performing a [sic] unit work in terms of the con- tract description, subject to any other defenses Respondent may present." Finally, the parties stipulated that the employees of Ogle Protection Service, Ogle Detective Agency, and Ogle Hospital Security Services, except for those named in the earlier amendment, were in- terchanged and worked on a regular periodic basis for any one of the three employers named. James L. Ogle and his former wife owned the majority of the stock in all three corporations and James Ogle is the managing agent for all three or- ganizations. Respondents contend that a distinction must be drawn between the derivative liability of Ogle De- tective Service, Inc., and Ogle Hospital Security Services, Inc., which could be found to extend to employees of the other two corporations. However, in view of its stipulation concerning the interchange of employees recited above, such distinction ap- pears to be impossible to make. If all employees were interchangeably engaged in "unit work" as stipulated there appears to be no basis for distinc- tion. Respondents' statement,in the brief that "as far as the record is concerned Ogle Detective Agency, Inc., could be engaged in the business of investigating crimes on Treasure Island" appears to ignore the stipulation Respondents entered into at the hearing since the conduct of investigations on Treasure Island does not appear to be embodied in the unit description in the contract. Carlos Clowers, called by Respondents as a wit- ness in the original proceeding, testified that he was an employee of Ogle Detective Service and was em- ployed on security at Harper Hospital and had worked at Metropolitan, Seaway and Atlas, and Outer Drive Hospitals; all of which were involved at one time or another in the original proceeding. It appears therefore that Ogle Detective Service was even at that time (November 8, 1963) interchang- ing employees with Ogle Protection Service. It ap- pears that Ogle Hospital Security Services, Inc , was not incorporated until November 1964. Apparently it was not in existence at the time of the earlier hearing. However it appears that at the original hearing evidence was adduced that at a meeting of January 7, 1963, Ogle "explained that he was hav- ing difficulty getting higher rates from clients and spoke of dividing his agency into two sections. The reason for this was not mentioned but apparently it had something to do with different rates of pay in each section."2 In consideration of the stipulations mentioned above it appears that Ogle did just what he suggested he would do-split up the Hospital Service portion of his business in an attempt to create a distinction for purposes of bargaining for the wages of the employees concerned. This is of course precisely what is meant by the term "succes- sors and assigns" as found in the Board Order. I find that the employees of Ogle Detective Service and Ogle Hospital Security Services are within the unit and are covered by the terms of the Board Order and the court decree. 4. The General Counsel contends that the em- ployees of Ogle Protection Service in Grand Rapids, Michigan, are part of the unit, even as the employees of the Detective Service and the Hospital Security Services. The General Counsel relies on the terms of the contract which define the unit as including "all of the Company's employees performing plant protection services within the State of Michigan." The Respondents contend that the Grand Rapids employees have never been in- cluded in the unit and that it has never been within This excerpt is from the original Trial Examiner's Decision OGLE PROTECTION SERVICE , INC. 689 the contemplation of the parties that they should be. It appears, from the fact that the Grand Rapids employees were never mentioned in any phase of this proceeding until the amendment to the backpay specifications filed October 11, 1968, that the General Counsel was not aware of their ex- istence prior to that time. In the original hearing the General Counsel introduced into evidence two lists of ,employees showing the employees for whom Respondents paid dues by checkoff for the months of November and December 1962. The list for December 1962 contained 111 employees' names and the General Counsel thereafter stipulated that there were, in December 1962, 111 employees in the unit represented by the Charging Parties. The General Counsel has not asked to be relieved of this stipulation but contends that under the strict terms of the unit description in the contract the em- ployees in the Grand Rapids operation should be included. The record reveals that the Grand Rapids opera- tion is conducted by Ogle under the name of Ogle Protection Service, a fictitious name. Grand Rapids is located some 150 miles from Detroit, where Respondents are located and where its other opera- tions are located. There is no evidence of any in- terchange of employees between the Grand Rapids and the Detroit operations. Under normal Board law the Grand Rapids operation would not form an accretion to the Detroit operation in view of the evidence of the geographical separation and lack of employee or product interchange and the opera- tional autonomy of the Grand Rapids operation.' The fact that it is covered by the contract (ap- parently inadvertently) does not assist the General Counsel in his contention that the Grand Rapids operation is part of the unit. The contract does not necessarily rule under these circumstances.' It is well settled that a group of employees, in existence when the unit was established and historically ex- cluded from contract coverage possessing a suffi- cient separate community of interest to constitute a separate appropriate bargaining unit may not be in- cluded in the unit as an accretion unless the em- ployees had consented, normally through the procedure of the Board election, to be represented by a single bargaining agent in common with the employees of the employer.' There is no evidence that any employee at the Grand Rapids operation at any time has indicated a desire to be represented by the Charging Party. Under all the circumstances I can only agree with Respondents that General Counsel's attempt to in- clude the Grand Rapids employees in the remedy in the instant case would constitute a very considera- ble windfall to the Union and an unjustified puni- tive action against the Respondents. Accordingly, I reject the General Counsel's contention and I find that the Grand Rapids operation is not part of the unit nor is it covered by the terms of the Order herein. 5. The General Counsel contends that Respond- ents must under the terms of the Board's Order pay to the Union the dues which it would have checked off from the employees during the backpay period. General Counsel does not limit his contention to dues for those employees from whom Respondents were holding dues deduction authorizations but contends that in view of the Respondents' rejection of the Union as the collec- tive-bargaining representative and their refusal to accept any correspondence from the Union that they are in no position to contend that the em- ployees would not have filed with it dues deduction authorizations if they could have. The General Counsel points out that all members of the unit prior to January 1, 1963, had filed dues deduction authorizations and it may reasonably be expected that all employees would continue to have done so. Respondents contend that they are liable for no dues whatsoever, citing various cases in which an Order to repay dues was specifically spelled out by the Board, and contend that if the Board wanted dues to be paid to the Union in the instant case it would have spelled it out specifically. In addition, Respondents contend that in the absence of authorizations they cannot and should not pay dues to the Union for employees who had not filed dues deduction authorizations with them. The precise language in the Board's Order requires the Respondents to "give retroactive effect to the terms of said agreement including but not limited to the provisions relating to wages and other benefits and make whole employees for any losses suffered by reason of Respondents' refusal to ex- ecute the agreement...." I believe that it is clearly within the contemplation of the Board Order that Respondents shall make the dues deductions. How- ever, I disagree with the General Counsel that it should be assumed that all employees during the backpay period would have signed the dues deduc- tions. The statute is quite clear that in the absence of dues deduction authorizations an employer may not deduct dues and pay them to the Union. The General Counsel stipulated at the backpay hearing that no dues deduction authorizations have been submitted to Respondents since January 1, 1963. There is no evidence that any dues deduction authorizations have been signed since that time. There were, at the time the unfair labor practice was committed, some 111 employees in the unit. The records of Respondents, reflected by schedule B of the backpay specification which lists each em- ployee during the backpay period, reveal that there are over 1,000 employees with whom we are con- cerned during the backpay period from January 1, ' International PaperCompani, 171 NLRB No 89 a Spartan-Atlantic Department Stores, 169 NLRB 309, International Paper Co . supra ' San Jose Motel d/b/a Hiatt House Motel, 174 NLRB 1009, and cases there cited 690 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD 1963, until October 27, 1967. It is highly conjec- tural to assume that all of the more than 1,000 em- ployees would have signed dues deduction authorizations if they had been furnished them. There is no evidence on the record to indicate that the Union has at any time even attempted to or- ganize the employees as they came and went. To reach the conclusion the General Counsel urges upon me requires a greater leap than I am capable of making; I shall not try. With regard to the employees who had signed dues deduction authorizations prior to January 1, 1963, and who remained in Respondents' employ thereafter it appears to me that the clear terms of the Order require that dues be deducted from any backpay due them and transmitted by Respondents to the Union. The dues deduction authorizations provide on their face that they shall renew them- selves from year to year unless affirmative action is taken by the employee who signed them to cancel them. There is no evidence that any such affirma- tive action was taken by any employee. Ac- cordingly, it appears that each of the employees concerned acquiesced in the continued deduction of dues under the terms of the contract during the backpay period. Accordingly, dues deductions to the extent authorized by dues deduction authoriza- tions in the hands of Respondents on December 31, 1962, shall be implemented and I shall provide therefor in the Order herein.' What General Counsel seeks to have me do is in effect to require of all of the employees that which the statute specifically forbids the Employer or the Union to require of them; namely, to join the Union and to sign dues deduction authorizations. Each of the over 1,000 employees had a right to decide for himself whether to join the Union. Each had 30 days of employment to reach that decision. Even then if and when they had decided to join the Union they had additionally a right to decide whether to sign dues deduction authorizations or to make other arrangements to pay dues and initiation fees. To do what the General Counsel urges sub- stantially sets aside these rights by requiring the Employer to pay the Union the money it might have collected from the pay of employees who might have joined. I see no warrant in the facts herein for such an order and it appears to me that the statute expressly forbids it. 6. The General Counsel argues that the Re- spondents, having paid the dues to the Union pursuant to the dues deduction clause of the con- tract, should not then be permitted to deduct those dues from the backpay due the employees, if any, thus requiring that the dues paid over by Respond- ents shall be out of their own pocket rather than be deducted from employees' pay. " In the absence of other evidence I shall infer that each of the employees for whom dues was deducted during the months of November and December 1962 have signed dues deduction authorizations ' We do not appear to be concerned with initiation fees in the light of the The General Counsel rather ingenuously argues that the Respondents, by their action in refusing to recognize the Union during the backpay period, has rendered it impossible for the Union to perform its services for the employees. Accordingly, these em- ployees should not be required to pay for such ser- vices, although in the General Counsel's view, the contract required that the dues be paid to the Union by the Employer. There is a certain surface justice in the General Counsel's theory but in my opinion it does not hold water. To require the Respondents to pay dues to the Union without reimbursement from the employees would appear to be in direct contravention of Section 302 of the Act which restricts payments to employee repre- sentatives to certain narrowly defined types of pay- ment but aside from that consideration I do not be- lieve that such an order is justifiable under the cir- cumstances herein. If there is any one aspect of backpay that the courts have rendered ultimately clear it is that the employer may not be assessed a "punitive" payment. The General Counsel's argu- ment, in effect, is that to require the Employer to pay the Union without reimbursement from the em- ployees is justifiable because of the Employer's un- fair labor practice which rendered the union ser- vices ineffectual to the employees. This is in fact an argument that the Employer should be punished for its unfair labor practices rather than that the status quo should be so far as possible reconstructed by the backpay proceeding. I am forced to reject the General Counsel's argument. Dues are owed to the Union under the terms of the contract and as I have discussed in section 5, above, I shall so provide. However, I shall also deduct on a quarterly basis from the employees who signed dues deduction authorizations such moneys as are required to be deducted under the terms of their authorizations. A further problem is raised in this regard by the fact that some of the employees from whose backpay dues are to be deducted have less backpay due them from Respondent than the dues which are to be deducted therefrom. This problem may be resolved by an examination of what we are trying to do. According to the Board's Order we are attempt- ing to put the parties into the status which they would have occupied but for the unfair labor prac- tices. In so doing we are bound by the terms of the contract and of the Board's Order. Under the terms of the contract the Employer is required to deduct dues in a certain amount, i.e., $5 per month up to May 1, 1965, after which the deduction is $5.50 per month.' Accordingly, the fact that there are in- sufficient funds in the Employer's hands on a quar- terly basis must be attributable to the Employer's conduct. The contract is silent with regard to the problem of reimbursement of the Employer when fact that dues are to be deducted only from those employees who have signed authorizations prior to 1963 and there as no evidence that their in- itiation fees had not been paid OGLE PROTECTION SERVICE, INC. he lias in effect overpaid the employees. In view of the lack of guidance from the terms of the contract or the Board Order we are left to the remedy for such situations embodied in the contract; i.e., the grievance and arbitration clause . In my opinion the equitable order would require the Employer to pay to the Union the amount of the dues which it should have deducted from those employees signing dues deduction authorizations providing that the Employer may reimburse himself on a quarterly basis to the extent that moneys owed by it to the employees are available. Any further reimburse- ment to which the Employer may be entitled should be adjudicated in the forum selected by the parties or by additional collective bargaining. In ac- cordance with this viewpoint the backpay order which I shall attach hereto will provide in each quarter for those affected employees for the deduc- tion of dues to the extent required to be paid to the Union by the Employer. In the event that in any given quarter the deduction exceeds the amount of backpay due, the employees shall receive nothing for that quarter; in the event that the backpay ex- ceeds the deduction the employee shall receive for that quarter the amount of such excess. 7. While Respondents raised many issues by their answers to the backpay specification and the amendment thereto they have in no instance disputed the computation of the General Counsel with regard to backpay other than to deny generally that backpay was due any employee after the year 1963 or any employee other than employees of Ogle Protection Service, Inc., in the Detroit area. Accordingly, I have adopted the computation of the General Counsel as amended at various times through the hearing and the written provision with regard to dues to conform with my decision above. Because no issue was raised with regard to compu- tation I have not deemed it necessary to set forth the particulars of such computation other than the gross backpay due per quarter and where necessary the union dues to be deducted therefrom. 8. Finally the Respondents argue in their brief that "an honest evaluation of what is fair and what is not fair" should be made. Respondents argue that the Board's Decision and that of the court of ap- peals is not necessarily correct but that if it is cor- rect the unfair labor practice was a simple technical matter of the failure of Respondents to sign a con- tract after verbally agreeing to its terms, that Respondents benefit little if at all from the "prob- able" unfair labor practice and could not afford to pay the backpay, wherefore the backpay con- stitutes a punitive action on behalf of the Board. The Respondents conclude that the remedy is simply not in proportion to the alleged offense because the Respondents "probably committed an act which would under most circumstances probably conflict to some degree with this country's elusive labor relations policies." Accordingly, Respondents appear to suggest that no remedy 691' should be afforded anyone. Perhaps Respondents' conclusion might validly follow from its premises but its premises -are completely erroneous. In the first, place, it is too late now to reargue the correctness of the Decision of the Board - and the court. For purposes of this case that Decision is correct. In the second place, the unfair labor practice found was not a mere technical violation but was a violation that struck to the heart of the Act. The Respondents did not merely decline to sign the contract to which they verbally agreed but they withdrew recognition from the Union which they knew represented the em- ployees and declined in any way to deal with, or even communicate with, their employees' represen- tative, in direct contravention of this nation's per- fectly well understood labor policy. In the third place, unless Respondents are required to reim- burse the employees they can hardly be said to have benefited little from its unfair labor practice; they obviously benefited to the extent that any backpay is found to exist. Respondents at the hear- ing produced their own figures for those employees for whom they would admit that they owed backpay during the 1-year period that they ad- mitted they owed backpay and the total figures therein came to around $25,000. Certainly Re- spondents could not be said not to have benefited at least to that extent. Finally, that Respondents can- not afford to pay the backpay is not within the scope of this Decision. Presumably a reasonable man faced with the possibility of backpay would have set up contingency reserves to cover such backpay just as a reasonable businessman sets up contingency reserves to cover insurance, judg- ments, and the like. Assuming that the Respondent, without benefit of counsel, assumed that he would win his case he must have had some reason to believe he could lose it, at least as early as November 6, 1964, when he received the Board Order herein. There is no doubt that the backpay is a huge sum and I suppose it is possible that no reserves had been set up. The question is who should suffer from Respondents' egregious unfair labor practices-the employees, the Union, or the Respondents. I believe "an honest evaluation of what is fair and what is not fair" such as is called for by Respondents requires the result that Re- spondents should be called upon to pay the backpay to the employees and to the Union as they were contractually bound to do. I shall so order. The Amount of Backpay Due Having resolved the various issues litigated I find that the sums set forth on Appendix A hereto are due the discriminatees and it is hereby ordered that Respondents Ogle Protection Service, Inc., and James L. Ogle, their officers, agents, successors, and assigns, including Ogle Detective Agency, Inc., and Ogle Hospital Security Services, Inc., shall pay 427-258 O-LT - 74 - 45 692 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD the employees listed below the amounts set out names of the employees listed on Appendix B. The after their names, plus interest as prescribed, as sums have been deducted, on a quarterly basis from backpay, making the normal deductions for income the backpay due said employees, to the extent that tax and social security benefits. such backpay equals or exceeds the amount of Further I direct that Respondents shall transmit dues to be paid by Respondents to the Union. to the Union dues in the amounts set forth after the OGLE-PROTECTION SERVICE, INC. 693 APPENDIX A Name Qtr-- Wage R LT Holiday Vac. Misc . Dues Total Abrams, William 66-3 59 . 96 35 .04 95.00 66-4 65.03 10.80 75.83 67-1 6 .76 6.76 67-2 50.66 .56 51.22 67-3 50.55 15.35 65.90 Adams, John 64-1 7.94 64-2 9.63 64-3 17.30 64-4 8.65 65-1 32.02 65-2 23.14 65-3 17.02 Adams, Ned 66-1 90.50 163 .91 23.68 278.09 66-2 50 .33 29.60 79.93 66-3 74.17 18.50 5.92 98.59 66-4 54.78 31.08 11.84 97.70 67-1 44.37 5.92 50.29 67-2 21.74 11.84 - 33.58 67-3 58.60 126.54 13.22 59.20 257.56 67-4 42.44 5.29 47.73 Adams, Ray 66-4 4.27 .37 4.64 67-1 16.11 14.43 30.54 Adkins, Gene 65-2 6.63 5.92 12.55 Adkins, Hasel 66-3 2.74 11.10 13.84 66-4 1.16 1.16 47-1 .48 .48 Adkins, Randolph 67-3 4.98 67-4 10.87 694 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD jaae tr. Wage OJT Holiday Vac. Misc. Dues Total Adkins, Thomas 65-4 7.01 Abu, John 65-1 25.84 6.66 32.50 65-2 18.03 18.03 65-3 26.73 5.92 32.65 65-4 22.80 5.92 28.72 66-1 21.84 21.84 66-2 8.32 8.32 Aldridge, Roosevelt 66-3 4.49 4.49 66-4 56.18 29.60 85.78 67-1 10.32 2.96 13.28 67-2 21.14 21.14 67-3 56.31 2.22 15.09 73.62 67-4 1.80 1.80 Aleshire, Averal 63-1 49.96 24.42 11.84 15.00 ) 63-2 74.82' 146.52 -90.48 15.00 187.08) 63-3 63.97 126.91 15.00 175.88 63-4 54.00 80.29 15.00 119.29 64-1 56.39 116.92 11.84'' -- 15.00 170.15 64-2 51.76 142.08 15.00 178.84 64-3 20.46 5.92 8.88 59.20 15.00 79.46 64-4 4.80 15.00 0 65-1 4.16 15.00 0 65-3 7.19 16.50 0 66-1 8.16 16.50 0 66-2 .96 16.50 0 66-3 1.44 16.50 0 66-4 5.76 16.50 0 67-3 11.31 16.50 0 67-4 2.85 16.50 0 Allen, Jesse 67-3 2.80 67-4 7.67 OGLE PROTECTION SERVICE, INC. 695 Name Qtr. Wages 0 T Holiday Vac. Misc. Dues Total Allen, Harry E. 64-1 3.12 64-2 111.99 64-3 45.76 64-4 6.69 Allie, Carl 66-3 6.70 Anderson , Adrian 67-1 4.17 20.72 24.89 Anderson , Dave 66-2 .48 .48 66-3 41.00 25.53 66.53 Anderson , Jerry 67-3 5.20 67-4 23.92 Anderson , John 66-1 .92 .92 66-2 47.73 17.02 5.55 - 70.30 66-3 75.25 5.92 81.17 66-4 45.53 5.92 51.45 67-1 48.27 5.92 54.19 67-2 35.85 35.85 67-3 24.46 24.46 67-4 29.50 29.50 Anderson , Robert 66-1 6.92 6.92 66-2 129.75 82.88 -5.92 218.55 66-3 111.26 213.49 5.92 330.67 66-4 121.92 123.40 245.32 67-1 87.96 146.71 234.67 67-2 47.40 17.76 65.16 67-3 67.82 373.21 441.03 67-4 .64 .64 696 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Name tr. Wage Q/T Holiday Vac . Misc . Dues Total Andres , Jack G. 65-4 11 . 53 41 . 44 52.97 Andrews, Thomas 66- 2 10.94 66-3 1.04 Andrews, William 65- 2 18.47 18.47 65-3 19 . 75 19.75 65-4 51 .60 51.60 66-1 59 . 25 10 . 36 69.61 66-2 39 .74 39.74 66-3 9.62 9.62 Angelo, Pietro 64-1 16.51 64-2 13.91 64-3 15.87 64-4 61.48 65-1 16.03 65-2 10.39 65-3 12.19 65-4 14.99 66-1 16.82 66-2 15.19 66-3 5.85 66-4 14.99 67-1 16.63 67-2 14.59 67-3 17.83 67-4 10.39 Archer, Ward 65-1 17. 16 5.92 23.•08 65-2 109 . 48 94.72 204.20 65-3 32.42 35.52' 67.94 66-1 53 .72 131.72 185.44 66-2 43.17 133.20 176.37 67-1 6.71 6.71 67-2 36.47 36.47 67-3 42.21 59.20 101.41 OGLE PROTECTION SERVICE, INC. '697 Name tr. Wage Q /T Holiday Vac. Hisc.- Dues Total Armstead , Louis 66-3 3.68 66-4 27.26 Armstrong , Irvin W. 65-3 26.74 6.66 33.40 65-4 77.34 77.34 66-1 62.40 53.28 115.68 67-1 21.32 21.32 67-2 27.29 27.29 67-4 18.13 18.13 Arno, Lambert 65-1 14.56 23.68 38.24 65-2 43.28 53.28 96.56 Arnold, Milford L. 65-4 14.34 14.34 66-1 17.63 29.60 .8.88 56.11 66-4 10.87 10.87 Asikainan, Emanuel 63-1 42.99 15.00 63-2 51.04 -59.20 15.00 4.83) 63-3 53.64 46.99 15.00 85.63 63-4 56.40 60.31 5.92 15.00 107.63 •64-1 52.63 62.16 15.00 99.79 64-2 53.72 41.44 15.00 80.16 64-3 71.58 92.50 15.00 149.08 64-4 58.00 36.63 15.00 79.63 65-1 65.87 78.07 15.00 128.94 65-2 63.31 91.76 5.92 16.00 144.99 65-3 61.09 71.04 11.84 16.50 127.47 65-4 16.34 18.13 5.92 15.50 34.89 66-1 0 66-2 0 66-3 59.20 59.20 698 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Name tr. YS&e 0/'r Holiday Vac. Misc. Dues Total Aupart, Fred 63-1 18.16 122.47 15.00 125.63 63-2 20.20 143.56 15.00 148.76 63-3 21.37 176.49 29.60 15.00 212.46 63-4 16.03 148.37 15.00 149.40 64-1 17.70 160.21 15.00 162.91 64-2 14.29 163.56 15.00 162.85 64-3 14.59 139.12 59.20 15.00 197.91 64-4 5.99 76.96 15.00 67.95 65-1 81.30 202.00 23.68 15.00 291.98 65-2 68.70 171.31 8.88 16.00 232.89 65-3 87.80 239.02 17.70 59.20 16.50 387.22 65-4 78.18 185.00 5.92 16.50 252.60 66-1 87 .57 266.03 20.72 16.50 357.82 66-2 79.70 272.60 10.36 16.50 346.16 66-3 101.96 369.63 20.72 59.20 16.50 535.01 66-4 79.30 269.36 10.36 16.50 342.52 67-1 26.94 233.14 26.64 16.50 270.22 67-2 220.07 6.66 16.50 210.23 67-3 150.94 12.58 59.20 16.50 206.22 67-4 191.84 13.32 5.50 199.66 Bach, Axel 64-1 .72 64-3 1.26 64-4 3.57 65-1 32.20 65-2 53.36 65-3 57.61 65-4 48.54 66-1 47.84 66-2 28.28 66-3 25.29 66-4 24.11 67-1 41.54 67-2 21.68 67-3 19.94 67-4 8.39 OGLE PROTECTION SERVICE, INC. 699 Name -Qtr_ 'aRe qLT Holid<_v Vac. Misc. Dues Total Bacon , Ernest 66 -1 .62 .62 66-2 7.90 74.00 81.90 66-3 88.30 88.06 5.92 182.28 66-4 93.66 71.04 5.92 170.62 67-1 98.61 11.84 110.45 67-2 49.16 5.92 55.08 67-3 59.88 11.84 71.72 67-4 16.62 16.62 Ball, Roy 65-4 22.42 66-1 33.41 66-4 4.12 67-1 7.34 67-2 3.12 67-3 10.40 Bailey, Harmon 65-3 5.11 42.92 48.03 65-4 16.69 6.29 22.98 Baker , Joseph 66-2 5.14 Baldwin, Garrell 66-1 22.53 3.52 26.05 66-4 1.56 1.56 Balog , Joseph 64-2 18.72 64-3 20.08 64-4 24.15 65-1 26.22 65-2 18.40 65-3 12.88 Bank, Joseph 66-2 2 .17 2.17 66-3 25.63 5.18 30.81 67-3 13.59 13.59 67-4 33.73 33.73 700 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Name Qtr- Wapae O /T Holiday Vac. Misc. Dues Total Barber, John 65-1 79.20 79.20 65-2 106.72 106.72 65-3 105.94 105.94 65-4 86.51 86.51 66-1 62.17 5.55 19.98 87.70 66-2 38.37 1 . 48 39.85 66-3 44.80 7.40 59.20 111.40 66-4 38.37 5.92 44.29 67-1 2.01 2.01 67-2 38.37 5.92 44.29 67-3 44.80 59 . 20 104.00 67-4 38.37 38.37 Barber , William 64-4 75.72 65-1 66.56 65-2 77.12 65-3 84.17 65-4 53.34 66-1 53.42 66-2 29.38 66-3 27.82 66-4 24.26 67-1 32.77 67-2 23.42 67-3 29.30 67-4 14.78 Barron , Morley 66-4 5.86 5.86 67-1 75.78 2.96 78.74 57-2 44.92 4.44 10.37 59.73 67-3 35.11 34.35 69.46 67-4 22.54 29.60 52.14 Baskins, Herbert 66-2 3.57 3.57 66-3 46 . 16 46.16 66-4 27.34 27.34 67-1 46.69 8 .14 54.83 67-2 56.71 34.41 5.92 97.04 67.3 58.57 4 .44 2.22 65.23 67-4 24 .39 4.44 28.83 OGLE PROTECTION SERVICE, INC. 701 Name tr. Wake R LT Holiday Vac. Misc. Dues Total Bass, Robert 67-1 6.95 67-2 43.11 67-3 44.56 67-4 13.90 Bates, Robert 67-3 11.20 4.44 15.64 67-4 16.97 16.97 Baumdraher , Charles 66-3 1.90 66-4 2.80 Baxter, John 67-1 5.04 67-2 11.79 Bedford, James 63-1 16.22 15.00 1.22 63-2 17.58 15.00 2.58 63-3 16.56 15.00 1.56 63-4 8.79 15.00 0 64-1 27.72 15.00 12.72 64-2 17.24 15.00 2.24 64-3 14.15 15.00 0 64-4 40.96 15.00 25.96 65-1 30.63 44.40 15.00 60.03 65-2 10.22 66.90 16.00 61.12 65-3 28.84 202.02 7.30 16.50 221.66 65-4 6.21 33.67 5.50 34.38 Beithley , Glenn 66-1 54.80 143.56 198.36 66-2 111.19 387.49 8.88 407.56 66-3 152.89 455.84 8.88 617.61 66-4 131.83 359.16 8.88 499.87 67-1 153.41 26.64 180.05 67-2 79. 70 8.88 88.58 67-3 97.53 8.88 106.41 67-4 80.58 17.76 98.34 702 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Name Qtr. WuEe 2L! !-.a Vac. Misc. Dues Total Bell, Wentford 66-3 60.14 26.64 86.78 66-4 7.77 7.77 67-1 8.45 8.45 67-2 8.27 8.27 67-3 8.59 8.59 67-4 7.91 7.91 Bellerville, Walter 65-1 1.84 65-2 9.89 Benford , Newlyn 65 -4 19.88 66-2 15.98 66-3 17.91 66-4 10.87 Bennett, Elmer 66-1 31.76 11.84 17.76 61.36 66-2 26.98 26.98 66-3 38.48 38.48 66-4 24.96 24.96 67-1 15.42 15.42 67-2 19.83 19.83 67-3 23.66 23.66 67-4 22.38 22.38 Benzenhafer , Charles 65-2 82.02 262.33 8.88 353.23 65-3 119.32 286.01 19.98 425.31 65-4 63.61 222.42 286.03 66-1 255.60 8.88 264.48 66-2 196.00 8.88 204.88 66-3 249.60 8.00 257.60 66-4 190:00 8.88 198.68 67-1 217.50 217.50 67-2 42.40 42.40 67-3 59.20 59.20 Berry, Montie 64-3 15.08 64-4 4.32 67-3 11.51 67-4 28.94 OGLE PROTECTION SERVICE, INC. 703 Name tr. Wade Q /T Holiday Vac. Misc. Dues Total Berry , Robert 64-2 43.74 43.74 64-3 61.53 61.53 64-4 46.92 46.92 66-1 21.97 21.97 66-2 12.95 12.95 66-3 13.43 - 13.43 66-4 10.55 10.55 67-1 25.38 2.59 27.97 67-2 70.01 70.01 Berry, William Sr. 63-1 14.67 15.00 0 63-2 18.23 15.00 3.23 63-3 19.83 15.00 4.83 63-4 18.91 15.00 3.91 64-1 23.50 15.00 8.50 64-2 20.78 15.00 5.78 64-3 5.74 15.00 0 64-4 6.40 15.00 0 65-1 34.69 15.00 19.69 65-2 34.37 16.00 18.37 65-3 34.27 16.50 17.77 65-4 30.93 16.50 14.43 66-1 38.75 16.50 22.25 66-2 28.94 16.50 12.44 66-3 37.71 16.50 21.21 66-4 28.11 16.50 11.61 Bingham, John 67-1 5.33 67-2 13.47 67-3 39.13 67-4 28.54 Binna, Harry 65-1 22.34 28 .68 16 .62 67.64 65-2 69.10 82.14 5.92 24.93 182.09 65-3 87.36 82.88 5.92 24.93 201.09 65-4 73.84 65.12 24.93 • 163.89 66-1 86.71 79.18 5.92 24.93 196.74 66-2 69 .68 65.12 5.92 24.93 165.65 66-3 99.91 71.41 5.92 59.20 24.93 261.37 66-4 30.90 24.93 55.83 67-1 13.39 24.93 38.32 67-2 5.87 24.93 30.80 67-3 90.83 6.29 59.20 24.93 181.25 704 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Name 0tr. W ,s e qLT Ho1idjX Vac. Misc. Dues Total Bishop, David 67-2 26.65 73.82 100.47 67-3 4.36 4.36 67-4 11.33 11.33 Bird, Leo 66-4 12.42 23.68 36.10 Blackburn , John 63-1 65.86 140.60 -6.55 15.00 184.91 63-2 78.24 192.77 15.00 256.01 63-3 73.21 139.12 7.03 15.00 204.36 63-4 60.73 96.94 15.00 142.67 64-1 70.07 109.89 15.00 164.96 64-2 56.43 81.40 15.00 122.83 64-3 62.79 89.91 15.00 137.70 64-4 9.65 15.00 0 '65-1 11.99 15.00 0 65-2 9.95 16.00 0 65-3 7.43 3.33 88.80 16.50 83.06 65-4 11.87 16.50 0 66-1 5.80 5.50 .30 66-2 0 66-3 88.88 88.88 Blackwell, James 65-2 11.97 65-3 27.76 65-4 16.64 Blair, Carl 66-2 17.12 17.12 66-3 4.55 4.55 67-3 9.42 23.31 32.73 67-4 7.36 7.36 Blair, Victor 67-2 .99 67-3 19.05 67-4 4.16 Bland, Donald 63-1 49.50 15.00 34.50 63-2 22.94 5.00 17.94 OGLE PROTECTION SERVICE, INC. 705 Name Qt -r- Warne S)j T Holiday Blevins, Ernest 65-4 .72 66-1 86.01 120.25 11.84 66-2 45.30 79.18 66-3 11.23 91.39 7.40 67-1 7.44 67-3 Blitz, Robert 66-4 4.02 67-1 16.37 67-2 18.81 67-3 16.05 67-4 14.35 Bochensky , John 66-2 1.16 66-3 9.65 'oatman . Jay R. 67-2 1.61 67-3 6 . 08 11.84 67-4 1.76 Bodnar , Anthony 65-2 7.92 65-3 16.07 Boike, Edward 66-1 3.86 66-2 17.62 66-3 9.27 Bolin, Carl 66-3 16.80 66-4 83.72 67-1 67.76 29.97 67-2 35.59 17.76 67-3 35.59 70.30 5.92 2.96 Vac. Misc. Duns Tonal 59.20 .72 218.10 124.48 110.02 7.44 59.20 1.16 15.57 1.61 17.92 1.76 3.86 20.58 9.27 16.80 83.72 97.73 53.35 105.89 Bonnell, Robert 65-3 43.79 43.79 65-4 67.22 82.51 8.14 157.87 66-1 10.93 10.93 706 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Name -qt-r- Wame 0 T Holiday Vac. Misc. Dues Total Booker, Grover 64-1 99.36 99.36 64-2 103.71 103.71 64-3 111.94 111.94 64-4 68.12 68.12 65-1 16.12 11.84 27.96 65-3 59.20 59.20 Booze, Johnnie 67-3 2.19 67-4 14.11 Borieo, George 65-4 4.20 66-1 5.51 66-2 .40 Bouncher, Sylvester 66-3 2.32 .37 2.69 66-4 41.90 28.86 70.76 67-1 29.43 61.26 90.69 67-2 50.74 114.53 5.92 171.19 67-3 57.80 121.73 5.92 185.45 67-4 25.04 53.28 78.32 Bourassaw , Roy 66-3 11.15 11.15 66-4 30.64 1.48 32.12 Bouvy, Ronald E. 65-3 11.77 65-4 14.52 66-1 12.48 Bowen, Tom 64-3 26.01 65-2 34.50 65-4 2.07 66-1 2.88 OGLE PROTECTION SERVICE, INC. 707 Name Qtr. Wage O /T Holiday Vac. Misc. Dues Total Bowles, James 66-1 66.10 98.42 23.68 188.20 66-2, 47.52 5.92 53.44 66-3 63.04 4.44 67.48 66-4 72.15 79.18 11.84 163.17 67-1 74.88 29.60 17.76 122.24 67-2 8.32 8.32 67-3 59.20 59.20 Bowman, Jasper 66-2 63.97 5.92 5.92 75.81 66-3 69.68 5.92 75.60 67-1 12.15 6.29 18.44 67-2 24.94 24.94 67-1 43.49 4.07 47.56 67-4 4.16 4.16 Boyd, Robert 65-1 29.88 65-2 28.99 65-3 14.56 65-4 3.64 Boyd , Roscoe 66-1 4.52 67-1 24.86 6T-2 16.99 67-3 27.70 67-4 12.51 Boyington , Horace 65-1 76.93 4.14 81.07 Bradford , Willie 66-2 8.30 65.86 74.16 66-3 73.29 258.63 12.58 344.50 66-4 59.08 191.66 6.66 257.40 67-1 27.64 54.76 82.40 67-3 9.79 10.36 20.15 Bromder, William 66-4 1.50 1.48 2.98 67-1 6.68 6.68 427-258 O-LT - 74 - 46 708 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Name Qtr. Waite O /T Holiday Vac. usc. Dues Total Brasgalla , Herbert B. 65-3 37.93 Brennan , Milton 65-1 13.45 23.68 37.13 65-2 73.52 76.96 5.92 156.40 65-3 90.98 100.64 191.62 65-4 41.41 60.68 102.09 66-1 54.04 84.84 14.80 153.68 66-2 46.29 71.04 117.33 66-3 53.72 82.88 59.20 195.80 66-4 47.32 82.88 11.84 142.04 67-1 55.00 82.88 17.76 155.64 67-3 59.20 59.20 Brewer, Paul 65-4 9.13 25.16 34.29 Bridges, Samuel 67 -2 29.30 68.08 97.38 67-3 26.78 102.86 129.64 67-4 4.22 4.22 Bronsing , Robert 63-4 .81 .81 64-1 5.42 5.42 64-3 118.96 118.96 64-4 135.04 135.04 65-1 102.90 81.03 183.93 65-2 93.47 178.34 271.81 65-3 46.04 134.68 23.69 59.20 263.61 65-4 14.07 14.07 66-3 59.20 59.20 Brooks, William 67-1 1.82 1.82 67-2 11.15 5.92 17.07 Brookshire , Eara 66-4 2.33 67-1 3.60 Brown, Arthur 65-3 70.57 6.48 77.05 OGLE PROTECTION SERVICE, INC. 709 Name Qtr. Ent O /T Holiday Vac. Misc. Dues Total Brown, Clayton 66-1 6.41 11.13 17.54 66-2 62.40 33.19 95.59 66-3 67.33 24'.98 92.81 66-4 36.18 3.70 39.88 67-1 35.77 1.11 36.88 67-2 15.95 15.95 Brown, Douglas H . 66-1 4.51 6.00 10.51 Brown, Francis 63-1 51.48 -5.60 15.00 30.88 63-2 58.34 15.00 43.34 63-3 54.78 5.92 15.00 45.70 63-4 50.97 15.00 35.97 64-1 58.18 15.00 43.18 64-2 56.09 15.00 41.09 64-3 61.29 59.20 15.00 105.49 64-4 24.52 10.00 14.52 65-3 59.20 59.20 Brown, George 66-3 53.69 137.64 191.33 66-4 38.22 69.56 107.78 Brown, Herman 66-4 7.14 2.96 10.10 67-1 58.85 44.40 103.25 67-2 41.11 34.04 75.15 67-3 12.42 5.92 18.34 Brown, James 67-2 29.76 5.92 35.68 67-3 53.16 66.60 119.76 67-4 33.49 10.36 43.85 Brown, Leonard 67-3 2.05 67-4 26.47 Brown, William H. 65-3 10.97 11.10 22.07 710 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Name tr . Nape Q/T Ho?idw, Vac. Misc . Duea Total Browning , Robert 66 - 1 1.68 1•.68 66-2 37.50 6 . 00 43.50 66-3 136.03 39.00 12.75 187.78 Bryant, Jimmie 65-4 9.48 66-1 9.19 Bryant , John R. 67-3 2.62 Buchanan , Samuel 65 - 2 75.56 8.88 84.44 65-3 118.95 5.92 124.87 65-4 49.16 5.92 55.08 66-1 9.43 71.21 80.64 66-2 97.21 143.19 240.40 66-3 79.41 307 . 10 8.88 395.39 66-4 65.39 244. 22 8.88 318.49 67-1 57.56 198.32 17.76 273.64 67-3 59.20 59.20 67-4 0 Buege , Glenn 65- 1 20.41 11.84 32.25 65-2 11.88 11.88 65-3 59.20 59.20 66-4 3.83 3.83 67-1 2.59 12.58 15.17 67-2 1.47 5.92 7.39 67-3 .91 11.84 12.75 Bueno,,Edemencios 65-1 21.84 35.52 57.36 65-2 63.90 141 . 34 5.92 211.16 65-3 24.14 53.28 77.42 Bunch , Henry 64-3 12.05 64-4 60.90 65-1 2.70 65-2 23.23 65-3 24.49 OGLE PROTECTION SERVICE, INC. 711 Name Qtr. Wage Q/T Holiday Vac. Misc. Dues Total Bunch, Taft 63-1 11.59 15.00 0 63-2 13.59 11.10 15.00 9.69 63-3 12.75 17.76 5.92 15.00 21.43 63-4 13.13 62.72 15.00 60.85 64-1 11.56 15.00 0 64-2 9.34 15.00 0 64-3 13.62 31.08 15.00 29.70 64-4 10.91 15.00 0 65-1 7.15 5.46 15.00 0 65-2 8.52 16.00 0 65-3 9.31 16.50 0 65-4 7.29 16.50 0 66-1 4.28 16.50 0 66-2 .90 .90 Burns, William Sr. 66-4 15.96 52.36 68.32 67-1 44.31 100.09 144.40 67-2 56.60 174 .64 8.88 240.12 67-3 55.66 122.84 178.50 67-4 3.68 3.68 Burns, William Jr. 66-4 7.62 67-1 15.85 67-3 5.76 Bush, Marvin 66-3 10.26 66-4 24.31 67-1 30.03 67-2 29.12 67-3 16.63 67-4 9.36 Bussineau , Henry 64-4 7.73 65-1 35.36 Butterfield, Harrison 66-1 12.21 66-2 1.83 712 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD -Name tr. Wage Q /T Holiday Vac. disc. Dues Total Byczck, Edward 66-2 39.18 42.19 81.36 66-3 59.74 28.12 87.86 66-4 14.04 14.04 67-1 62.27 34.78 97.05 67-2 5.20 5.20 67-3 4.36 4.36 67-4 13.82 13.82 Bye, Pedder 67-4 3.12 Caddell, Willie 66-3 14.63 66-4 2.60 Caffie, Willie 66-1 1.37 1.37 66-2 26.20 - 2.96 29.16 66-3 16.51 2.96 19.47 Caldwell, Julius J. 67-4 1.88 Callacut, Russell 66-1 35.84 35.84 66-2 33.00 9.75 42.75 66-3 27.39 21.00 48.39 66-4 3.94 3.94 Campau, Michael 63-2 10.95 63-3 6.48 Campbell, Frank 63-1 21.50 61.05 15.00 67.55 63-2 24.85 71.04 15.00 80.89 63-3 19.87 5.92 15.00 10.79 63-4 7:41 40.86 15.00 33.27 64-1 15.00 0 64-2 15.00 0 64-3 15.00 0 64-4 10.00 0 OGLE PROTECTION SERVICE, INC. , 713 Name Qtr. Wage OJT Holiday Vac. Misc. Dues Total Capitan, Frank 65-2 67.61 103.58 5.92 177.11 65-3 51.33 52.54 11.84 59.20 174.91 65-4 38.54 38.54 66-1 40.69 10.73 51.62 66-2 50.84 5.92 56.76 66-3 52.24 11.84 59.20 123.28 66-4 49.88 5.92 55.80 67-1 55.64 5.92 61.56 67-2 47.96 5.92 53.88 67-3 59.00 5.92 29.60 94.52 67-4 16.63 16.63 Caputo, Samuel 63-1 19.19 5.92 15.00 0 63-2 22.62 27.01 -29.60 15.00 15.14 63-3 21.76 24.42 29.60 15.00 60.78 63-4 18.83 .74 15.00 4.57 64-1 21.87 15.00 6.87 64-2 27.78 15.00 12.78 64-3 60.77 5.92 29.60 15.00 81.29 Carey, Richard 66-2 7.49 9.44 16.93 66-3 2.84 2.84 Carlisle, Barrnett 67-1 4.37 67-2 .88 Carlson, Harry 65-1 58.80 43.15 101.95 65-2 48.22 48.22 65-3 53.05 53.05 65-4 25.24 25.24 66-1 20.98 8.14 29.12 66-2 17.25 17.25 66-3 20.53 5.18 25.71 66-4 19.14 19.14 67-1 8.52 8.52 Carson, Bulford 67-4 14.01 714 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Name tr. Wage 0 T Holiday Vac. Misc. Dues Total Carter , Fred 67 - 3 1.98 1.98 67-4 1.43 8.14 9.57 Carter , Herman 65-3 1.54 65-4 4.02 Carter, Leon 65-4 22 . 23 22.23 66-1 47.19 47.19 66-2 30 . 13 5.92 36.05 66-3 33.80 2 . 22 36.02 66-4 38 . 68 38.68 67-1 24.05 24.05 67-2 25.09 25.09 67-3 19.95 12.58 32.53 67-4 18.19 18.19 Cassell, John 65-1 59.37 152.40 23 . 68 235.45 65-2 61.32 212.38 5 . 92 279.62 65-3 68.75 192.40 11.84 272.99 65-4 53.76 139.12 192.88 66-1 68.91 217 . 56 19.24 305.71 66-2 25 . 90 91.76 117.66 Caza, Donat 64-3 9.99 9.99 65-2 3.77 3.77 65-3 36 . 14 20.72 56.86 Cecil, Claude 65-3 96.01 96.01 65-4 107 . 32 - 107.32 66-1 92.31 180 . 56 272.87 66-2 78.00 110.26 188.26 66-3 7.02 3.70 10.72 OGLE PROTECTION SERVICE, INC. 715 Name Qtr- Wage Q /T Holiday Vac. Misc. Dues Total Chalk, Ernest 66-4 18.20 6.29 • 24.49 67-1 44.81 .37 45.18 67-2 41.23 41.23 67-3 37.41 37.41 67-4 12.79 12.79 Chapke, William 66-3 11.98 66-4 2.24 Cherry, Rollie 65-4 12.08 66-1 4.29 66-2 2.08 66-4 .78 67-1 31.72 67-2 5.71 67-3 4.48 67-4 1.28 Choice, Ralph 67-3 7.49 2.59 10.08 67-4 40.58 31.45 5.18 77.21 Chrysler , George 63-1• 50.56 15.00 63-2 56.74 -59.20 15.00 18.10) 63-3 59.06 59.20 15.00 103.26 63-4 33.00 15.00 18.00 64-1 59.60 15.00 44.60 64-2 49.20 15.00 34.20 64-3 61.55 15.00 46.55 64-4 27.20 10.00 17.20 65-1 33.31 15.00 18.31 65-2 37.69 16.00 21.69 65-3 17.67 59.20 16.50 60.37 Citchen , Ben 67 -3 9.02 2.96 11.98 67-4 .96 .96 716 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Name Qtr. Wage O /T Holiday Vac. Misc. Dues Total Clark, Louis 66-3 29.74 29.74 66-4 7.39 7.39 67-1 27.28 27.28 67-2 20.14 5.92 26.06 67-3 41.73 115.06 156.79 67-4 40.15 16.28 56.43 Closurdo, Ralph 67-2 155.12 155.12 67-3 22.06 160.42 182.48 67-4 17.19 73.70 90.89 Clowers, Carlos 6s-t 59.59 81.40 15.00 125.99 63-2 77.42 175.01 15.00 237.43 63-3 80.58 140.60 15.00 206.18 63-4 63.03 118.77 15.00 166.80 64-1 73.32 115.07 15.00 173.39 64-2 60.91 99.16 15.00 145.07 64-3 56.64 93.98 59.20 15.00 194.82 64-4 19.49 84.18 10.00 93.67 65-1 91.95 11.84 15.00 88.79 65-2 16.00 0 65-3 59.20 16.50 42.70 65-4 107.30 16.50 90.80 66-1 18.87 12.21 31.08 66-3 88.80 88.80 67-3 88.80 88.80 Glowers, Oscar 64-3 15.84 15.84 64-4 102.12 102.12 65-1 104.88 104.88 65-2 95.68 7.40 103.08 65-3 20.01 20.01 66-1 6.71 5.92 12.63 66-2 11.51 11.84 23.35 OGLE PROTECTION SERVICE, INC. 717 Name Qtr . Wage 9 LT Holiday Vac. Misc. Dues Total Coffman, Calvin 64-4 4.19 65-1 12.12 65-2 12.76 65-3 13.06 65-4 10.17 66-1 7.44 66-2 5.53 66-3 4.75 66-4 3.57 67-1 3.07 67-2 .15 Coleman, Turney 67 -2 20.10 20.10 67-3 44.11 54.39 98.50 67-4 ' 43.80 41.18 84.98 Collier, William 65-1 49.48 49.48 65-2 46.70 46.70 65-3 37.40 37.40 65-4 35.26 35.26 66-1 41.78 15.55 57.33 66-2 25.84 16.47 42.31 66-3 13.50 12.78 4.44 30.72 66-4 27.38 27.38 67-1 3.00 3.00 67-2 30.35 4.44 24.93 59.72 67-3 38.43 24.93 63.36 67-4 15.64 8.31 23.95 Collins, Daniel E. 65-1 4.16 65-2 25.39 65-3 11.36 65-4 9.10 Collins, Louis 65-4 19.76 5.92 25.68 66-1 74.75 42.15 11.10 128.00 66-2 69.57 57.72 8.88 136.17 66-3 21.03 3.70 24.73 66-4 1.75 1.75 67-1 65.51 48.84 114.35 67-2 40.59 19.43 60.02 718 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Name tr . W&Ae O/T Holiday Vac. Misc. Dues Total Comer, Sandy 65-4 23.85 23.85 66-1 51.46 28.86 80.32 66-2 18.38 18.38 66-3 18.81 18.81 Conder, William 63-1 29.54 15.00 14.54 63-2 21.06 15.00 6.06 63-3 5.00 0 Connelly, James 66-1 9.35 Connoly, Joseph 64-4 67.29 67.29 65-3 7.80 7.80 65-4 54.92 54.92 66-1 37.24 9.25 46.49 Conroy, James 67-4 22.54 Conwell, Thomas 65-2 3.96 3.96 65-3 7.88 .37 8.25 Cook, Robert 67-3 .48 67-4 5.60 Coon, Donald 65-1 29.66 Costello, Guido 65-1 50.41 65-2 35.49 65-3 59.20 OGLE PROTECTION SERVICE, INC. 719 Name Qtr,,- - Waue OJT Holiday Vac. Misc . Dues Total Cowpar , Kenneth 65-2 21.82 21.82 65-3 31.24 31.24 65-4 22.69 22.69 66-1 7.20 7.20 66-2 54.25 22.20 76.45 66-3 17.46 17.46 Cowpar, Raymond 66-1 105.86 66-2 55.73` Craighead, Charles 65-3 45.13 45.13 65-4 4.94 22.20 27.14 66-1 78.09 25.90 103.99 66-2 100.43 132.10 232.53 66-3 93.82 147.08 240.90 66-4 67.02 44.77 111.79 67-1 22.53 76.04 98.57 67-2 13.57 235.23 248.80 67-3 38.43 187.23 - 225.66 67-4 12.85 12.85 Crawford , James 65-3 2.52 2.52 65-4 19.24 19.24 66-1 36.10 36.10 66-2 29.18 29.18 66-3 24.64 24.64 66-4 18.65 18.65 67-1 28.02 28.02 67-2 26.32 26.32 67-3 16.24 5.55 21.79 'Crosby, Joseph 63-1 14.51 63-2 7.59 63-3 9.99 63-4 8.31 64-1 15.03 64-2 3.11 Croteau , Patrick-L. 66-4 2.13 Crutchfield , Edward 66 -4 14.44 14.44 67-1 10.53 13.13 23.66 720 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Name Qtr. Wage 2 LT Holiday Vac. Misc. Dues Total Cullen, F. 63-1 14.40 15.00 0 63-2 15.54 15.00 .54 63-3 15.00 15.00 0 63-4 11.73 15.00 0 64-1 13.24 15.00 0 64-2 10.34 15.00 0 64-3 11.66 15.00 0 64-4 8.51 10.00 0 65-1 56.72 11.84 1.5.00 53.56 65-2 54.04 16.00 38.04 65-3 55.00 5.92 16.50 44.42 65-4 46.05 16.50 29.55 66-1 43.32 11.84 16.50 38.66 66-2 4.84 16.50 0 66-3 3.00 11.00, 0 Cummings , Lester 64-4 2.70 2.70 65-1 33.54 33.54 65-2 33.36 33.36 65-3 41.77 41.77 65-4 35.59 35.59 66-2 28.14 28.14 66-3 65.52 1.50 67.02 66-4 49.92 49.92 67-1 52.65 52.65 67-2 59.93 11.10 71.03 67=3 33.38 2.22 35.60 67-4 24.50 24.50 Cummings , Patrick 65-4 22.97 22.97 66-1 90.49 100.64 23.68 214.81 66-2 74.88 71.04 11.84 157.76 66-3 73.84 62.16 23.68 159.68 66-4 77.74 87.32 11.84 176.90 67-1 72.70 76.96 11.84 161.50 67-2 46.45 31.08 77.53 67-3 45.41 11.84 11.84 59.20 128.29 67-4 38.73 3.33 42.06 OGLE PROTECTION SERVICE, INC. 721 Name Qtr,- Waite 01T Holiday Vac. Misc . Dues -Total Cummings , Paul 65-1 8.15 65-2 24.04 65-3 16.28 65-4 18.73 66-1 21.60 66-2 19.39 66-3 22.06 66-4 20.35 67-1 34.93 67-2 1.44 67-3 14.63 Cunningham , Joseph 66-1 43.04 13.62 56.66 66-2 69.88 66 .97 6.29 143.14 66-3 72.13 70.49 11.47 154.09 66-4 75.14 89.54 5.92 170.60 67-1 88.94 89.54 18.13 196.61 67-2 60.96 43.29 104.25 67-3 3.42 3.42 Cureton, Albert 67-3 48.97 10.09 11.10 70.16 67-4 39.75 39.75 Curry, James 66-1 9.65 66-2 7.93 Curtis, Charles 63-1 49.21 20.00 29.21 63-2 57.56 15.00 42.56 63-3 50.58 15.00 35.58 63-4 20.78 15.00 5.78 Cuthbert , William 67-1 24.50 24.50 67-2 25.27 25.27. 67-3 33.40 72.52 105.92 67-4 10.84 10.84 722 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Name Qtr. Wage Q/T Holiday Vac. Misc . Dues - Total Dailey, John 63-1 47. 88 11.84 15.00 44.72 63-2 62 . 92 52.72 15.00 100.64 63-3 30.70 5.92 15.00 21.62 63-4 3.84 5.00 0 Daniels, Emray 64-4 22.27 13.32 35.59 65-1 63.32 11.84 75.16 67-1 8.80 8.80 Daniels, Elmer 66-2 33.21 4.81 38.02 Darby , Albert 66-3 2.01 2.01 66-4 11.65 25 . 52 37.17 Darby, Marvin 66-3 8.61 66-4 .64 Davis, Myrtis 67-3 5.25 67-4 4.40 Davis, Sandy 66-3 3.54 3.54 66-4 13.05 13.05 67-1 11. 83 11.83 67-2 14.07 14.07 67-3 16.75 .37 17.12 67-4 11.35 11.35 Davison, Edgar 66-1 21 . 89 11.84 33.73 Dawson, Henry 65-3 13.21 65-4 48.72 66-1 .56 66-2 .72 67-1 .52 OGLE PROTECTION SERVICE, INC. 723 Name tr. Waxe 2 LT Holiday Vac. Misc. Dues Total Dean, Ronald C . 64-4 16.84 16.84 65-1 28 .26 28.26 65-2 24 .20 5.92 30.12 65-3 21.64 21.64 65-4 14.56 14.56 66-1 15.60 15.60 66-2 13.75 13.75 66-3 6 .11 6.11 Dearmon, Louis 66-4 29 .19 23. 68 52.87 67-1 77.61 27.38 17.76 122.75 67-2 64.48 17.76 82.24 67-3 45.77 15.17 11.84 72.78 67-4 23.19 1.48 24.67 DeForest, Lester 65-2 33.12 Denoyer , Joseph 66-1 9.57 9.57 66-2 41.94 5.00 46.94 66-3 38.94 2.22 41.16 66-4 29.90 29.90 67-1 38.61 38.61 67-2 49.79 49.79 67-3 31.75 31.75 Demeter, Alex 66-3 59.81 23.68 83.49 66-4 98.66 98.66 67-1 21.97 21.97 Demor, John F. 65-3 16.97 35.52 52.49 Denel, Robert 66-1 14.04 57.10 71.14 66-2 10.23 18 .47 28.70 Densmore , Walter 63-1 63.35 71.04 134.39 63-2 39.25 98.42 137.67 427-258 O-LT - 74 - 47 724 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Nane tr. ware Q/T Holiday Vac. Misc. Dues Total DeVere, Maurice 65-2 8.58 DeVorce, John 66-3 55 . 45 39.96 95.41 66-4 81.07 75 . 11 156.18 67-1 55.57 49.58 105.15 67-2 9 . 29 9.29 67-4 12 . 15 12.15 DeVoy, Arthur 65 - 3 10.53 10.36 20.89 Dietz , Frederick 66-4 1.28 67-1 5.75 Dietz, Robert 63-1 29 . 26 2.96 5.92 - 22.94 15.00 .20 63-2 19.19 15.00 4.19 63-3 25.50 23.31 11 . 84 15.00 45.65 63-4 38.92 29 . 23 5.13 15.00 58.33 CharlesDimmuch 63-1- 52.12 15.00 37.12, 63-2 59.48 15.00 44.48 63-3 54.68 15.00 39.68 63-4 50.44 15.00 35.44 64-1 54.50 15.00 39.50 64-2 52.40 15.00 37.40. 64-3 60.49 15.00 45.49 64-4 51.98 10.00 41.98 65-1 61.68 11.84 15.00 58.52 65-2 54.52 5.92 16.00 44.44 65-3 66.15 5.92 16.50 55.57 65-4 21.20 16.50 4.70 66-1 5.11 5.00 .11 66-3 59.20 59.20 CecilDisney 63-1 25.32 2.22 -5.92 15.00 6.62 , 63-2 32.54 1.11 5.92 15.00 24.57 63-3 20.86 15.00 5.86 OGLE PROTECTION SERVICE, INC. 725 Nome Qtr- Wage O/T Hr>liday Vac. Misc. Due 3 Tc*_r.I Dixon, Wallace 67-3 21.65 37.00 58.65 Doctor , Robert 64-3 66.44 64-4 12.42 Dorr, Edward 65-4 2.36 66-1 4.76 Dorr, Tolbert 67-3 17.65 44.96 62.61 67-4 61.12 141.71 202.83 Douglas, Emerson 66-3 91 . 73 11.84 103.57 66-4 92.43 5 . 92 98.35 67-1 99.95 17.76 117.71 67-2 56.00 5.92 61.92 67-3 30.54 5.92 36.46 67-4 11.83 11.83 Downs, Thomas 65-4 60.62 130 . 61 191.23 66-1 37.29 74.74 18.87 130.90 67-1 5 . 03 5.03 67-2 55 . 09 55.09 Doyle, Joseph 65-1 3.68 65-3 1.04 Dredsen, John 63-1 5 . 06 15.00 0 63-2 5.19 15.00 0 63-3 8 . 49 15.00 0 63-4 3.07 15.00 0 64-1 2.66 15.00 0 64-2 1 . 61 15.00 0 64-3 3 . 85 15.00 0 64-4 3 . 71 15.00 0 65-1 1.27 15.00 0 65-2 1.92 16.00 0 65-3 2.25 16.50 0 65-4 .35 5.50 0 726 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Name Qtr. Wage O /T Holiday Vac. Misc. Dues Total Driver, Fred 66-3 5.76 5.76 66-4 45.11 45.11 67-1 71.04 5.92 76.96 67-2 61.23 61.23 67-3 19.91 19.91 Dryden, Marion 65-1 16.83 Drye, Wayne 66-3 32.34 188.40 220.74 Dukes, A. D. 67-3 6.60 Dukes, Callie 65-4 23.80 66-1 1.13 Dumoulin, Vernon 66-1 .52 66-2 5.62 66-3 3.62 Dunn, Curtis 65-2 12.72 Duren, John 66-2 2.04 66-3 10.11 Durham, Carl 63-1 47.54 11.84 15.00 44.38 63-2 55.16 .37 15.00 40.53 63-3 52.72 15.00 37.72 63-4 46.23 9.62 15.00 40.85 65-1 60.09 15.00 45.09 65-2 52.52 16.00 36.52 65-3 60.95 16.50 44.45 65-4 52.86 16.50 36.36 66-1 16.94 5.92 16.50 6.36 66-2 13.57 16.50 0 66-3 1.31 1.31 OGLE PROTECTION SERVICE, INC. 727 Name Qtr- Wage O /T Holiday Vac. Misc. Dues oaT t Eaddy, Henry 67-2 3.37 67-3 6.09 67-4 6.32 Early, Angus 66-3 52.34 61.98 114.32 66-4 .65 .65 Easley, Grover C. 67-2 3.53 Eastlake , Fred W . 65-2 9.00 Eddington , Claude 67-4 9.83 Edward, Clifford 65-2 4.68 65-3 14.24 65-4 2.48 66-1 28.35 66-2 34.16 66-3 29.64 66-4 28.60 67-1 14.82 Edwards , Linor 66-4 19.97 8.88 28.85 67-1 60.15 5.92 66.07 67-2 47.80 19.24 67.04 67=3 68.04 11.84 79.88 67-4 26.30 26.30 Edwards, Linson 67-1 49.44 8. 88 58.32 67-2 19.28 7.40 26.68 67-3 68.04 13.32 81.36 67-4 26.30 26.30 Egan , Alvin 66-3 5.98 728 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Name Qtr. Wage O /T Holiday Vac. Misc. Dues Total Eggleston , Robert 67-2 3.28 116.18 119.46 67-3 60.04 25.16 85.20 67-4 47.08 47.08 Elam, Samuel 65-4 8.21 Ellerbeck, Russell 63-1 16.78 74.74 -59.20 15.00 17.32 63-2 47.35 175.38 15.00 207.73 63-3 21.06 189.40 59.20 15.00 254.66 63-4 16.36 164.65 15.00 166.01 64-1 12.77 51.80 15.00 49.57 64-2 11.85 57.72 15.00 54.57 64-3 13.38 76.96 11.84 15.00 87.18 64-4 7.83 39.96 15.00 32.79 65-1 11.64 108.41 15.00 105.05 65-2 48.78 143.29 16.00 176.07 65-3 70.75 29.60 16.50 83.85 65-4 56.17 5.92 16.50 45.59 66-1 20.59 11.84 16.50 15.93 66-2 2.85 5.50 0 66-3 88.80 88.80 Elliott, Ossie 66-2 6.26 29.60 35.86 66-3 25.93 61.48 87.41 Ellis, Dallis L. 67-2 11.03 21.83 32.86 67-3 50.77 44.03 94.80 67-4 30.06 30.06 Ennest, James 63-1 51.54 6.66 15.00 43.20 63-2 59.16 5.92 15.00 50.08 63-3 29.28 7.40 10.00 26.68 OGLE PROTECTION SERVICE, INC. 729 Name Qtr. Wage O /T Holiday Vac. Misc. Dues Total Erickson , Ruben 65-1 90.11 90.11 65-2 96.03 96.03 65-3 92. 90 8.88 101.78 65-4 82.68 5.92 88.60 66-1 80.60 11.84 92.44 66-3 59.20 59.20 Ernest , Chauncy 63-1 49.56 -5.92 15.00 28.64 63-2 58.20 15.00 43.20 63-3 47.96 5.92 15.00 38.88 63-4 27.82 15.00 12.82 64-1 22.06 5.00 17.06 64-3 59.20 59.20 Evans, Bobby 66-4 3.28 Evans, Horace 65-2 .89 65-3 4.17 65-4 2.70 66-1 .16 Fannin , James 6b-2 11.84 16.10 27.94 Fenn, William 65-4 10.93 6.66 17.59 66-1 39.93 49.05 88.98 66-2 6.03 38.85 44.88 Fettig, M. 63-1 39.01 15.00 24.01 63-2 36.45 15.00 21.45 63-3 10.00 0 Feuling, Herbert 65-1 7.26 65-2 4.85 65-3 15.67 730 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Name tr . Waste Q /T Holiday Vac. Misc. Dues Total Feuling, Herbert 0. 65-3 10.01 Finch, Edgar 65-3 9.91 7.40 17.31 Finger, Norman 65-3 2.16 Finney, James W. 65-3 4.32 Fisher, John M. 64-1 16.20 64-2 56.58 64-3 1.38 66-1 4 94. Fitzgerald, James 65-3 53.11 7.40 60.51 65-4 116.74 7.40 5.92 130.06 66-1 79.24 243.66 322.90 67-1 97.51 97.51 67-3 59.20 59.20 Flath, Charles 66-2 30.47 6.85 37.32 66-3 104.05 12.03 116.08 66-4 82.29 5.92 88.21 67-1 63.78 11. 84 75.62 Flaherty , Thomas 65-4 4.03 66-1 4.68 66-2 29.38 66-4 11.18 67-1 38.58 Fleming, Louis 66-3 16.12 16.12 66-4 11.98 11.98 67-1 13.44 13.44 67-2 26.34 26.34 67-3 46.61 95.83 142.44 67-4 1.76 9.62 11.38 OGLE PROTECTION SERVICE, INC. 731 Name . tr. Waste Q/T Holiday Vac. Misc . Dues Total Flowers, Harry 66-2 14.65 2.96 17.61 67-4 8.29 8.29 Ford, Albert 66-3 15.80 9.07 24.87 66-4 .70 .70 Ford, William 67-1 32.48 55.50 87.98 67-2 33.78 43.66 77.44 67-3 34.05 34.04 68.09 67-4 3.36 3.36 Forsyth, Ron 65-1 21. 81 5.92 27.73 Foster, Carl 66-4 5.44 4.44 9.88 67-1 48.08 30.34 78.42 67-2 32.82 14.80 47.62 67-3 .80 .80 Foster, William E. 65-4 5.20 19.61 24.81 66-1 1.31 1.31 Foulkes , Henry 65-3 21.17 65-4 12.53 732 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Name Qtr. Wage 0/T Holiday Vac. Misc. Dues Total Franklin, Edwin 63-1 50.52 63-2 58.52 63-3 58.96 63-4 42.01 64-1 59.92 64-2 48.20 64-3 34.05 64-4 28.98 65-1 57.98 11.84 65-2 51.32 65-3 60.94 5.92 65-4 45.27 12.58 5.92 66-1 54.74 11.84 66-2 50.92 66-3 59.50 12.21 66-4 45.75 8.51 5.92 67-1 54.96 67-2 5.12 67-3 88.80 50.52 58.52 58.96 42.01 59.92 48.20 34.05 28.98 69.82 51.32 66.86 63.77 66.58 50.92 71.71 60.18 54.96 5.12 88.80 Freeman, Joseph 65-3 5.15 5.15 66-1 63.70 29.60 93.30 66-2 43.26 43.26 66-3 21.97 21.97 66-4 51.83 17.76 69.59 67-1 81.87 44.70 7.40 133.97 67-2 53.40 71.78 125.18 67-3 49.24 51.80 11.84 59.20 172.08 67-4 48.52 89.91 138.43 French, Wilbert 65-3 16.81 65-4 7.92 Friday, Harry A. 66-1 .90 .90 66-2 25.07 4.07 12.58 41.72 66-3 35.17 7.77 42.94 Friday, William 67-2 20.23 25.72 45.95 67-3 36.38 36.38 67-4 14.21 14.21 OGLE PROTECTION SERVICE, INC. 733 Name Qtr. Waite O/T Holiday Vac. Misc. Dues Total Froehler , Joseph 63-1 12.41 15.00 0 63-2 2.16 15.00 0 63-3 28.02 14.43 10.00 32.45 63-4 19.39 17.58 36.97 Fuller, George 64-4 39.22 39.22 66-1 172.83 9.00 181.83 66-2 2.44 2.44 66-3 7. 88 7.88 66-4 1.85 1.85 67-1 31.02 31.02 Fulmer, William 67- 1 12.66 2.96 15.62 Fuller, Ralph 65-1 39.63 65-2 37.77 65-3 45.34 65-4 35.09 Fulton, Hugh 65-2 20.80 11.84 32.64 65-3 115.77 61.42 177.19 65-4 118.29 59.94 178.23 66-1 48.44 5.9c• 54.36 66-2 36.09 7.40 43.49 66-3 48.94 21.47 70.41 66-4 30.67 5.92 36.59 67-1 56.95 35.71 92.66 67-2 26.66 26.66 Funck, Monie J. 67-3 3.75 67-4 12.00 Furlow, William 65-1 53.36 66-4 4.72 734 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Name Q tr. Wage OJT Holida1 Vac. Misc. Dues Total Furman, Rudolph 65-2 17.73 65-3 28.36 65-4 28.41 66-1 9.73 66-2 13.59 66-3 7.61 Gaubert, John 63-1 18.18 120.62 15.00 123.80 63-2 18.53 93.61 15.00 97.14 63-3 17.56 44.40 6.66 15.00 53.62 63-4 15.10 120.62 15.00 120.72 64-1 12.94 46.99 15.00 44.93 64-2 9.33 15.00 0 64-3 12.38 32.17 14. 80 59. 20 15.00 103.55 64-4 6.90 34.41 15.00 26.31 65-1 39.21 2J.46 15.00 45.67 65-2 41.98 36.40 5.92 16.00 68.30 65-3 60.07 109.15 12.58 29.60 16.50 194.90 '65-4 38.44 61.05 16.50 82.99 66-1 38.05 76.96 11.84 16.50 38.15 66-2 3.78 16.50 0 66-3 46.46 3.33, 11.84 29.60 16.50 74.73 66-4 31.98 5.92 16,50 21.40 67-3 5.92 5.92 118.40 130.24 67-4 13.62 13.62 Gaffier, Thomas 65-3 30.69 65-4 13.50 Gaither, Frank 67-1 19.11 67-2 15.93 67-3 1.76 Ga1on, Joseph 63-1 26 . 66 26.64 15 . 00 38.30 63-2 3.36 15.00 0 63-$ 1.92 5.00 0 darner, Jesse 67 - 1 6.61 2.59 9.20 67-2 90 . 82 20.82 67-3 8 . 62 8.62 OGLE PROTECTION SERVICE , INC. 735 Name tr. wage Q /T Ho1idU Vac. Misc. Dues Total Gates, Arthur 64-4 2.88 65-1 2.59 Gardner, Billie 65 - 1 24.85 24.85 65-2 100.19 11.84 112.03 Gay, Clarence 63-1 49.56 -5.92 15.00 28.64 63-2 55.96 15.00 40.96 63-3 55.96 5.92 15.00 46.88 63-4 38.05 15.00 23.05 64-1 58.84 15.00 43.84 64-2 50.20 15.00 35.20 64-3 53.72 5.92 29.60 15.00 74.24 64-4 17.21 10.00 7.21 Gay, Tillman 64-1 65.76 65.76 64-2 71.79 71.79 64-3 104.33 104.33 64-4 74.57 5.92 80.49 65-1 21.91 21.91 65-2 7.03 7.03 65-3 15.43 5.92 59.20 80.55 Geletzka , Carl 65 - 2 29.12 Gendron, George 65-4 14.45 14.45 66-1 1.07 1.07 66-2 14.77 14.77 66-3 20 . 08 20.08 66-4 20.33 49 . 21 69.54 Getts, Robert 65-2 61.37 65-3 71.67 736 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Name Qtr. Wage Q /T Holiday Vac.. Misc. Dues Total Gibson, Robert 66-3 24.94 14.06 39.00 66-4 21.32 5.92 27.24 67-1 37.25 21.46 58.71 67-2 60.65 55.57 116.22 67-3 25.38 47.73 73.11 67-4 1.92 1.92 Giles, Curtis 67-2 2.03 67-3 15.59 67-4 11.07 Gill, Tilman 66-4 21.41 7.40 28.81 67-1 34.93 5.92 90.85 67-2 25.08 25.08 67-3 37.27 37.27 67-4 25.30 25.30 Gillespie, Albert 65-4 .64 66-1 6.19 Gillespie, Lyle 67-3 24.65 Gillespie, Roy 65-4 17.82 66-1 2.67 Glover, Alphonse 66-1 1.92 1.92 66-2 44.71 18.50 63.21 66-3 79.20 92.50 171.70 66-4 53.09 4.44 57.53 67-1 57.00 21.09 78.09 67-2 43.16 22.94 66.10 67-3 30.38 7.03 37.41 67-4 7.39 7.39 Glover, Harry 65-2 2.16 65-3 17.16 OGLE PROTECTION SERVICE, INC. 737 Name Qtr. Waite O /T Holiday Vac. Misc. Dues Total Goggin, Leonard 64-4 15.08 15.08 65-1 37.94 17.76 55.70 Goins, Alvis 65-4 2.16 66-1 15.21 Goldsby, Eugene 65-4 23.32 Goldsmith, Ted 67-1 5.82 5.82 67-2 12.79 29.60 42.39 Golen, Stanley 64-1 16.20 16.20 64-2 32.54 32.54 64-3 84.87 84.87 64-4 30.59 30.59 65-1 71.40 71.40 65-2 84.52 84.52 65-3 101.08 8.88 109.96 65-4 72.10 72.10 66-1 62.66 62.66 66-2 22.98 22.98 Gomoll, Jack 65-3 5.68 5.68 65-4 22.58 22.58 66-1 5.78 5.78 66-2 25.11 27.38 52.49 66-3 30.36 30.36 Gooden, Stanley 65-1 39.27 Goodloe, Morris 66-1 76.93 60.68 137.61 66-2 35.72 12.40 48.12 Goodman, Albert 65-2 36.53 54.02 90.55 65-3 29.21 23.68 52.89 65-4 10.40 10.40 738 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Name Qtr . Wage O/T Holiday Vac. Misc. Dues Total Goodson, Johnny 65-4 14.16 66-1 17.87 66-2 33.21 66-3 38.87 66-4 20.09 67-1 24.96 67-2 18.58 67-3 15.87 67-4 27.73 Gorken, August 65-1 49.66 31.08 80.74 67-1 23.34 5.92 29.26 67-2 47.24 47.24 67-3 6.26 6.26 67-4 17.64 17.64 Granitz, Harold 67-3 15.20 Grant, James 66-2 58.93 81.17 5.92 146.02 66-3 83.76 59.94 143.70 Gray , Ernest 66-3 9.60 Gray, Irving 66-2 1.88 1.88 66-3 52.75 59.20 111.95 66-4 6.40 6.40 67-1 7.83 7.83 Green, Frank 63-1 49.52 15.00 34.52 63-2 55.00 1.48 15.00 41.48 63-3 12.41 5.00 7.41 Green, Leo 66-1 4.44 OGLE PROTECTION SERVICE, INC. 739 Name Qtr. Wade 21T Y.olidav Vac. Misc. Duet Total Green, Nelson 66-3 97.88 124.69 222.57 66-4 68.19 44.77 113.96 67-1 100.89 177.97 23.68 302.54 67-2 68.31 277.50 5.92 351.73 67-3 65.59 185.37 17.76 268.72 67-4 36.34 95.09 131.43 Gregg, Walter 63-1 37.95 37.95 63-2 54.68 54.68 63-3 58.52 5.92 64.44 63-4 50.52 50.52 64-1 .64 .64 64-3 59.20 5-9. 20 Grief, Adam 66-4 3.22 8.88 12.10 67-1 26.36 11.10 37.46 67-2 21.74 5.92 11.84 39.50 67-3 15.35 5.92 21.27 67-4 19.03 19.03 Crider, Raymond 64-3 13.26 66=4 33.22 65-1 25.93 Grieser, George 63-1 23.02 11.84 15.00 19.86 63-2 8.95 15.00 0 63-3 4.48 10.00 0 Griffin, J. D 65-4 40.60 59.20 99.80 66-1 84.25 120.07 5.92 210.24 66-2 92.50 176.12 5.92 274.54 66-3 55.52 136.16 11.84 203.52 66-4 51.56 132.10 5.92 189.58 67-1 61.73 146.89 17.76 226.38 67-2 1.28 1.28 67-3 35.08 7.40 59.20 101.68 67-4 15.19 15.19 427-258 O-LT - 74 - 48 740 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Name Qtr. Wage 0/-L H olidesy Vac. Misc. Dues Total Griffin, Sylvester 66-1 13.86 Griffins , Andrew 66-4 15.32 67-1 16.71 67-2 24.34 67-3 23.22 67-4 7.83 ,riffith, James 65-3 118.02 112.11 230.13 Grossman , Joseph A. 65-2 15.70 23.68 39.38 65-3 101.42 159.84 11.84 273.10 65-4 52.60 116.92 5.92 175.44 66-1 62.99 158 . 36 5.92 227.27 66-2 14.39 14.39 67-3 59.20 59.20 Gruzezynski , Stephen 65-2 3.60 3.60 65-3 43.45 4.07 47.52 65-4 54.24 42 . 18 5.92 102.34 66-1 4.48 4.48 OGLE PROTECTION SERVICE, INC. 741 Name Qtr. • Gdage 0/T Holiday Vac. Misc. Dues Total Haines, Amos 66-4 18.88 61.42 80.30 67-1 72.27 254.56 17.76 344.59 67-2 62.63 224.59 8.88 296.10 67-3 82.94 352.80 11.76 453.50 67-4 8.88 65.25 74.13 'laines, Ralph 63-1 8.53 15.00 0 63-2 15.83 15-00 .83 63-3 .92 5.00 0 Hairston, L. C. 65-3 4.20 4.20 65-4 25.37 25.37 66-1 18.87 11.84 30.71 66-2 17.55 5.92 23.47 66-3 22.52 22.52 66-4 25.81 2.96 28.77 67-1 25.68 25.68 67-2 26.39 26.39 67-3 18.47 18.47 67-4 1.54 1.54 Hale, Fred 63-1 2.80 Hamilton, Butler 63=1 35.97 -59.20 15.00 63-2 33.93 6.29 lo.()() 63-3 59.20 51.19) Hamilton, Russ 65-3 10.75 65-4 28.09 Hammond, James 65-4 3.00 66-1 13.6` 742 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Name tr. Wage 0/T Holiday Vac. Misc. Dues Tota Hannah , Arthur 66-3 4.01 33.60 37.61 66-4 57.91 191.23 249.14 67-1 33.05 66.60 99.65 67-2 42.61 81.40 5.18 129.19 67-3 66.59 202.02 4.44 273.05 67-4 51.26 66.60 11.84 129.70 Hannigan , Martin 63-1 6.40 15. OQ 63-2 4.48 10.00 Hanson , John 66-3 68.46 207.59 276.05 64 4 55.92 155:03 210.95 67-1 54.56 123.46 178.02 67-2 50.84 136. 16 8.88 195.88 67-3 30.06 82.88 112.94 Hardy, Vernell 65-1 10.45 Harp, Thomas 66-3 11.53 4.44 15.97 66-4 31.91 43.66 75.57 Harpe; James 66_4 12.66 12.66 67-1 61.31 15.54 76.85 67-2 35.37 18.50 53.87 67-3 38.93 31.45 70.38 67-4 6.71 6.71 Harper, Lonia 65-2 3.20 3.20 65-3 58.57 58.57 65-4 59.38 58.00 3.14 120.52 66-1 37.61 37.61 66-2 .62 .62 OGLE PROTECTION SERVICE, INC. 743 Name tr. Wage 0/T Holiday Vac . Misc. Dues Total Harper, Titus 66-3 23.49 17.02 40.51 66-4 70.09 37.00 107.09 67-1 27.50 14.80 42.30 67-2 31.66 1.48 33.14 67-3 34.85 34.85 67-4 22.22 22.22 Harris, Barron Jr. 67-1 27 . 90 57.72 85,62 67-2 113.22 113.22 67-3 3.28 33.25 36.553 67-4 1.27 1.27 Harris, Barron Sr . 66-4 17.77 5.92 23.69 67-1 13.70 13.70 67-2 7.99 7.9,9 67-3 16.59 5 . 92 22.51 Harris, Eddie 67-2 8.52 7.40 15.42 67-3 17.79 7.40 25.19 67-4 1. 28 1.28 Harris, Trulen 65 - 1 8.32 8.32 65=2 9.9.47 99.47 65-3 20.93 20.93 Harrison , Bernard 63 - 1 27.32 10.00 17.32 Harrison , Evert 63-1 37.89 15.00 22.89 63-2 25.74 15.00 10.74 63-3 35.72 15.00 20.72 63-4 8.31 5.00 3.31 Hass, Harry 66-4 4. 23 6.66 10.89 67-1 5.40 5.40 744 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Q tr. Wage 0/T Holiday Vac. Misc. Dues Total Haskins, Ernest 65-4 18.89 18.89 66-1 20.88 20.88 Hassen, Ahmed 66-2 6.36 5.92 12.28 66-3 65.83 31 . 08 96.91 66-4 53.69 1.48 55.17 67-1 39.65 39.65 67-2 30.09 30.09 67-3 26.86 32 . 56 59.42 67-4 11.83 11.83 Hathaway , Robert 65 - 3 12.22 12.22 65-4 23.57 29 . 23 52.80 Hawk, Thomas 64-4 10.26 10.26 65-1 22.42 22.42 65-4 11.05 11.05 66-1 .56 .56 Hayden, Walter 66-3 7.73 7.73 66=4 46.22 46.22 67-1 60.75 168 . 72 229.47 67-2 24.94 74.00 98.94 Haynes, Donald 66-4 7.43 2.96 10.39 67-1 10.25 10.25 Haynes, George 66-3 17.16 17.16 66-4 43.70 4 . 44 48.14 67-1 63.83 13 . 32 77.15 67-2 66.49 5.92 72.41 67-3 45.35 6 . 66 52.01 67-4 36.69 36.69 OGLE PROTECTION SERVICE, INC. 745 Name Q tr. Wage 0/T Holiday Vac. Misc. Dues Total Hayes, Chester 66-1 14.56 Healey, Joseph 63-1 8.79 15.00 0 63-2 8.95 15.00 0 63-3 8.95 15.00 0 63-4 7.67 15.00 0 64-1 8.79 15.00 0 64-2 7.67 15.00 0 64-3 8.95 15.00 0 64-4 3.84 5.00 0 65-1 3.48 5.00 0 Heath, John W. 65-4 9.36 66-1 .44 Hefeski, Peter 67-1 1.28 67-2 16.99 Heimer, David 66-3 1.98 Hein, John 64-4 18.87 5.92 24.79 Heintz, Donald 66 - 1 5.24 2.96 8.20 66-2 10.05 11 . 10 21.15 Henderson , Alexander 66-2 30.66 24 . 93 1/ 55.59 66-3 68.91 .37 24.93.1/ 94.21 66-4 23.86 24 .93.1/ 48.79 67-1 7.28 33 . 75 24.93.1/ 65.96 67-2 4.03 4.03 Hendricks , Roy Lee 66 -4 11.21 .37 11.58 67-1 47.24 47.24 67-2 38.09 27.01 65.10 67-3 40.05 43.39 83.44 67-4 29.74 29.74 1/ Hospitalization 746 DECISIQNS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Name Q tr. Wage 0/T Holiday Vac. Misc. Dues Total Helm, Joseph Henry, Stanford Herb, Paul 66-4 20.11 4.44 24.55 67-1 12.85 6.29 19.14 67-2 27.86 10.73 38.59 67-3 9.11 9.11 67-4 4.42 4.42 65-1 18.63 65-2 9.36 65-3 13.52 65-4 3.12 64-3 17.34 64-4 50.78 65-1 74.10 314.14 15.91 65-2 78 .32 361.40 9.25 65-3 66.96 179.46 11.47 65-4 11.91 66-1 3.88 66-3 6.00 66-4 31.51 67-1 6.75 67-2 1.31 67-3 1.10 59.20 59.20 17.34 50.78 404.15 448.97 257.89 11.91 3.88 65.20 31.51 6.75 1.31 60.30 Herring, Bernard 66-1 15.33 15.33 66-2 28.67 20.72 49.39 Hetry, John 66-4 8.31 8.31 67-1 40.17 11.10 51.27 67-2 29.34 29.34 OGLE PROTECTION SERVICE, INC. 747 Name Q tr . Wage 0/T Holiday Vac. Misc. Dues Total Hicks, Edward 63-3 37.53 37.53 63-4 108.85 108.85 64-1 135.70 135.70 64-2 123.51 123.51 64-3 171.04 171.04 64-4 126.29 126.29 65-1 180.12 180.12 65-2 93.40 93.40 65-3 71.01 71.01 65-4 46.68 46.68 66-1 48.11 48.11 66-2 46.23 5.92 52.15 66-3 68.78 59.20 127.98 66-4 52.11 5.74 57.85 67-1 64.64 16.28 80.92 67-2 56.84 56.84 67-3 68.78 5.92 59.20 133.90 67-4 20.30 20.30 Hicks, Harold 67-2 5.49 12.95 18.44 67-3 44.97 16.28 7.40 68.65 67-4 11.59 11.59 Hicks, John 67-4 11.20 Higgins, T. Branch 67-3 2.70 67=4 4.60 Hill, Charles 67-4 6.60 Hill, James 66-4 3.52 3.52 67-1 10.31 1.85 12.16 Hill , Paige 66-4 33.90 101.76 135.66 67-1 3.78 114.33 118.11 67-2 46.03 70.84 116.87 67-3 51.43 103.05 154.48 67-4 53.16 65.86 119.02 748 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Name Q tr. Wage 0/T Holiday Vac. Misc. Dues Total, Hill, Wm. E. 64-4 4.00 4.00 65-1 33.26 5.92 39.18 Hill, Willie Jr. 67-3 8.19 .8.19 67-4 31.38 1.11 32.49 Hines , Haywood 66 -3 29.15 .74 29.89 Hodges , Dewey 66-1 41.31 41.31 66-2 28.81 10.36 39.17 66-3 1.88 1.88 Hodgson, Frank 63-1 14.71 15.00 0 63-2 20.46 15.00 5.46 63-3 14.23 15.00 0 63-4 4.48 15.00 0 64-1 1.28 5.00 0 Hoffman , Charles 66-2 4.97 10.36 15.33 66-3 1.55 1.55 Hoinski, Leo 65-2 19.23 19.23 65-3 65.86 65.86 65-4 63.48 63.48 66-1 21.08 17.05 38.13 Hollis, R. E. 66-4 .15 15.54 15.69 67-1 42.48 55.13 97.61 67-2 45.41 66.60 112.01 67-3 14.27 12.58 26.85 Hollis , Samuel 66 -3 6.72 6.72 66-4 49.36 8. 88 9.62 67.86 67-1 56.72 30.71 87.43 67-2 39.30 13.32 52.62 Holloway , Clarence 67-1 10.09 11.10 21.19 ' OGLE PROTECTION SERVICE, INC. 749 Name Qtr. Wage 0/T Holiday Vac. Misc. Dues Total Holmes, Orville 63-1 64.59 107.30 15.00 156.89 63-2 74.62 148.74 15.00 208.36 63-3 78.90 133.20 15.00 197.10 63-4 64.63 133.20 15.00 182.83 64-1 76.02 158.36 15.00 219.38 64-2 68.15 136.16 15.00 189.31 64-3 75.70 155.40 15.00 216.10 64-4 67.19 90.28 10.00 147.47 65-1 75.70 155.40 15.00 216.10 65-2 58.20 111.00 10.50 158.70 Holstein, Albert 63-1 50.52 -29.60 15.00 5.92 63-2 58.51 15.00 43.51 63-3 28.28 29.60 10.00 47.88 Hopper, Ray 66-1 12.20 12.20 66-2 26 . 82 12.58 39.40 66-3 33.39 12.58 45.97 66-4 103.01 103.01 67-1 136.13 18.87 155.00 67-2 59.61 59.61 67-3 66.26 66.26 Hoppins, Thomas 65-2 12.41 12.41 65-3 60.84 60.84 65=4 57.76 57.76 66-1 56.36 8.70 65.06 66-2 45.78 5.18 50.96 66-3 40.31 1.48 41.79 66-4 6.87 .56 7.43 67-3 12.03 12.03 67-4 8.43 8.43 Hornsby, Delbert 66-3 3.48 20.02 23.50 66-4 40.77 111.00 141.77 67-1 47.36 70.30 6.66 124.32 67-2 .76 .76 67-4 17.39 6.29 23.68 750 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Name Qtr. Wage 0/T Holiday Vac. Misc. Dues Total Horton , Eddie 67 - 1 13.11 2.59 15.70 Horton, George 67-4 1.28 Horton, Willie 67-4 22.10 Hoshall, Zeolo 67-3 14.35 67-4 16.45 Howard , Arnold 67-1 1.71 67-2 54.26 67-3. 36.12 67-4 166.10 Howard, David 65-3 11.82 65-4 11.35 Howell, Clifford 63-1 16.53 10.00 6.53 Howell, James 65-3 8.29 65-4 8.25 Howie, Herman 63-1 1.20 15.00 0 63-2 11.71 15.00 0 63-3 11.23 15.00 0 63-4 1.52 15.00 0 65-1 61.47 61.47 65-2 78.00 78.00 65-3 71.76 5.92 77.68 65-4 66.98 66.98 66-1 86.32 82.88 16.50 152.70 66-2 82.90 122.00 11.84 16.50 200.24 66-3 99.84 130.24 23.68 16.50 237.26 66-4 78.00 88.80 11.84 16.50 162.14 67-1 85.52 98.79 17.76 16.50 185.57 67-2 52.28 128.76 16.50 164.54 67-3 .68 88.62 5.92 16.50 78.72 Hudgins, Welford 67-4 8.27 OGLE PROTECTION SERVICE , INC. 751 Name Q tr . Wage 0/T Holiday Vac. Misc. Dues Total Hudson , Fraizer 65-4 16.36 58.83 75.19 66-1 10 . 76 10.76 66-2 17.81 17.81 66-3 30 . 03 30.03 66-4 25 .74 25.74 Hudson , Wilie 66-3 6.23 Hugabook , Elwood 66-4 14.19 10. 73 24.92 67-1 67.12 6.29 17.76 91.17 67-2 38.58 38.58 67-3 46.37 14. 80 5.92 67.09 67-4 38.41 .37 38.78 Hughey, Wm. 66-4 12 . 31 22 .39 34.70 67-1 27.05 10.36 37.41 67-2 2 . 80 2.80 5.60 Hunter, Theodore 66-3 38.92 12.58 51.50 66-4 44.51 47.36 91.87 67-1 16. 00 16.00 67-2 7.03 7.03 67-3 3 . 03 3.03 Hurd, Calvin 64-3 6 . 66 6.66 64-4 43.93 43.93 65-4 17.02 5. 92 22.94 66-1 3 . 68 3.68 Hurt, Bill 66-1 15.90 66-2 12.95 67-1 .49 Irving, Fred 65-4 3 . 12 3.12 66-1 15.41 8.14 23.55 752 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD 'Name Qtr. Wage 0/T Holiday Vac. Misc. Dues Total Irving, Joseph L. 67-3 27.54 67-4 .48 Irwin, Clinton E. 65-4 6.37 6.37 66-1 16.51 8.14 24.65 Iski, George 66-3 .68 66-4 8.62 Ivers, John 64-3 17.82 64-4 44.39 65-1 .69 Jackson, Aaron 66-2 5.07 5.07 66-3 43.20 4.44 47.64 66-4 33.18 33.18 67-1 52.65 2.96 55.61 67-2 38.86 38.86 67-3 32.30 32.30 67-4 2.32 2.32 Jackson, Carl 65-3 6.76 65-4 5.76 Jackson, Leroy 66-3 5.73 5.73 66-4 42.48 25.16 67.64 67-1 31.09 31.09 67-2 28.18 28.18 67-3 25.54 25.54 Jackson , Paul 63-1 49.40 1.58 15.00 35.98 63-2 10.27 15.00 0 63-3 6.44 15.00 0 63-4 12.15 15.00 0 64-1 8.31 5.55 15.00 0 64-2 10.47 15.00 0 64-3 4.36 '4.36 64-4 6.24 6.24 65-2 .60 5.00 0 OGLE PROTECTION SERVICE, INC. 753 Name Q tr. Wage 0/T Holiday Vac. Misc. Dues Total Jackson, Redus 67-2 17.43 5.55 22.98 67-3 27.66 4.26 31.92 Jackson , Reed 67-2 .24 67-3 .48 Jackson, Rufus 66-4 .96 67-1 2.47 Jackson, Thomas H. 67-1 7.55 7.55 67-2 67.71 34.04 8.88 110.63 67-3 55.95 55.95 James, Arnold 66-2 45.55 21.46 67.01 66-3 71.71 14.35 86.06 66-4 34.72 18.50 53.22 67-1 62.74 62.74 67-2 52.84 52.84 67-3 28.09 28.09 67-4 2.96 2.96 James , Bennie 67 -4 14.27 James , John M. 64-4 4.68 65-1 26.56 65-2 54.39 65-3 74.67 65-4 52.92 66-1 1.56 66-2 .91 James , Samuel 67-1 9.23 Jamison, Marshall 66-4 2.59 Jaworski, Zyamunt 65 -3 46.97 103.23 150.20 65-4 46.54 87.32 1.T3.86 Jeffres , Joseph 67-1 7.09 67-2 5.80 754 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Name Q tr. Wage 0/T Holiday Vac. Misc. Dues Total Jennings , Wallace 65-3 9.28 65-4 6.76 Jewel, Russell 64-2 50.68 50.68 64-3 84.78 84.78 65-1 40.32 40.32 65-2 73.36 73.36 65-3 109.42 5.92 115.34 Johnson, Harry 66-2 9.51 5.55 15.06 Johnson, James Jr. 67-4 17.63 Johnson, Kenneth 65-1 15.04 65-2 12.64 65-3 17.33 65-4 14.48 66-1 1.35 Johnson, Lawrence 67-2 6.08 67-3 8.95 Johnson, Lewis 66-1 18.75 7.40 26.15 66-2 75.86 91.76 167.62 66-3 44.59 223.11 267.70 66-4 92.24 169.81 262.07 67-1 97.37 167.61 21.46 286.44 67-2 17.88 23.68 41.56 Johnson, Martin 65-1 71.93 71.93 65-2 98.61 98.61 65-3 26.67 26.67 66-1 72.62 5.92 78.54 66-2 111.90 21.65 133.55 66-4 30.36 .74 31.10 67-1 18.36 8.88 27.24 67-2 6.66 6.66 67-3 .23 .23 OGLE PROTECTION SERVICE, INC. 755 Name Q tr- Wage 0/T Holiday Vac. Misc. Dues Total Johnson, Richard Jr. 65-2 3.70 3.70 65-3 63.26 7.77 71.03 65-4 49.39 49.39 66-1 22.99 8.14 31.13 Johnson, Willie 67-4 1.35 3.70 5.05 Joiner, Booker 65-4 11.09 11.09 66-1 55.39 30.90 86.29 Jones, Booker 66-2 19.80 4.81 24.61 66-3 57.88 63.27 121.15 66-4 55.96 70.67 126.63 67-1 16.39 2.96 5.92 25.27 67-2 1.75 1.75 67-3 76.05 5.92 81.97 Jones, Carl 63-1 48.34 15.00 33.34 63-2 57.14 15.00 42.14 63-3 57.56 15.00 42.56 63-4 49.24 15.00 34.24 64-1 58.84 15.00 43.84 64-2 49.42 15.00 34.42 64-3 7.99 59.20 15.00 52.19 64-4 6.30 5.00 1.30 65-3 59.20 59.20 Jones, Earl 65-3 5.00 5.00 65-4 29.71 29.71 66-1 7.00 7.00 66-2 4.74 8.88 13.62 Jones, John 67-3 21.82 54.02 75.84 67-4 38.85 98.42 137.27 Jones, Patrick 67-1 35.70 58.46 94.16 67-2 50.08 118.77 2.66 17'1.51 67-3 4.08 4.08 427-258 O-LT - 74 - 49 756 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Name Q tr. Wage 0/T Holiday Vac. Misc. Dues Total Jones, Paul 65-4 84.57 173.90 258.47 66-1 85.35 95.09 11.84 192.28 66-2 38.37 38.37 66-3 41.57 41.57 66-4 21.10 21.10 67-2 19.19 19.19 67-3 16.99 59.20 76.19 Jones , Perry 65-4 2.56 Jones, Wm. 65-2 39.31 52.54 91.85 Jordon, Josephus 67-1 13.19 67-2 24.38 67-3 1.88 Judd, Carl M. 65-3 22.23 37.72 59.95 65-4 50.20 109.52 5.92 165.64 66-1 60.51 145.78 11.84 218.13 66-2 48.26 80.48 5.92 134.66 66-3 54.16 86.95 11.84 152.95 66-4 46.86 78.63 5.92 131.41 67-1 52.78 80.12 5.92 138.82 67-2 19.53 32.75 52.28 67-3 59.20 59.20 Judd, Walter 63-1 29.42 15.00 14.42 63-2 16.99 15.00 1.99 63-3 11.99 15.00 0 63-4 10.87 15.00 0 64-1 11.31 15.00 0 64-2 6.40 10.00 0 Kaczor , Richard 65-1 41.12 Kalinewski , Alfred 63-1 42.86 -5.92 15.00 21.94 63-2 59.12 15.00 44.12 63-3 57.56 5.92 15.00 48.48 63-4 50.73 15.00 35.73 64-1 57.56 15.00 42.56 64-2 49.88 15.00 34.88 64-3 53.84 5.92 5.92 15.00 50.68 64-4 51.94 5.00 46.94 65-1 15.00 0 OGLE PROTECTION SERVICE, INC. - - 757 Name Qtr. Wage 0/T Holiday Vac. Misc. Dues Total Kane, Albert 64-3 23.31 23.31 64-4 23.69 23.69 65-1 75.33 75.33 65-2 54.00 54.00 65-3 97.04 5.92 102.96 65-4 59.83 59.83 66-1 23.78 10.36 34.14 66-2 22.26 3.70 25.96 66-3 12.59 12.59 66-4 11.71 11.71 67-1 19.83 19.83 67-2 22.22 22.22 67-3 19.23 19.23 67-4 4.48 4.48 Karpenski, Theodore 66-1 3.20 3.20 66-2 7.04 11.84 18.88 Keener, Aaron 66-3 6.84 Keener, Joseph 66-3 8.06 6.66 14.72 Kennedy, Earl 63-1 38.01 15.00 23.01 63-2 41.89 15.00 26.89 63-3 12.35 5.92 10.00 8.27 Kennedy, Thomas 65-1 85.87 81.03 5.92 172.82 65=2 80.81 102.12 182.93 65-3 53.72 82.88 5.92 142.52 65-4 45.09 82.88 5.92 133.89 66-1 45.65 76.22 121.87 66-2 45.73 45.12 90.85 66-3 54.39 71.04 125.43 66-4 43.81 65.12 108.93 67-1 15.67 23.68 39.35 67-3 59.20 59.20 Kent, Robert 65-4 6.86 6.86 66-1 4.80 15.00 19.80 758 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Name tr. Wage 0/T Holiday Vac. Misc . Dues Total Kesler, Robert 65-3 15 .49 5.18 20.67 65-4 73.83 27.75 101.58 66-1 47 . 42 2.59 50.01 66-2 47.19 47.19 66-3 57.01 43.66 100.67 66-4 46.54 46.54 67-1 47.19 47.19 67-2 24.96 24.96 Key, Trinity 67-1 .48 67-2 11.53 67-3 4.20 67-4 9.28 Kiley, Wm. 66-1 19.44 11.10 30.54 66-2 12.75 8.88 21.63 66-3 17.25 23.68 40.93 66-4 14.51 14.51 67-1 14.21 2.96 17.17 Killian, Chester 65-3 21.85 Kimnach, Theodore 63-1 55.70 25.53 15.00 66.23 63-2 60.00 13.69 15.00 58.69 63-3 54.12 1.48 15.00 40.60 63.4 50.52 15.00 35.52 64-1 59.40 11.88 15.00 56.28 64-2 54.68 41.44 15.00 81.12 64-3 74 .33 162.62 15.00 221.95 64-4 75 .94 95.46 5.00 166.40 65-1 79.16 187.59 13.32 15.00 265.07 65-2 73.23 213.12 8.88 16.00 279.23 65-3 65.73 198 .51 4.44 16.50 252.18 King, John E. 66-3 22.72 66-4 10.87 67-1 5.72 67-3 1.00 OGLE PROTECTION SERVICE, INC. 759 Name Qtr. Wage 0/T Hoilday Vac. Misc. Dues Total King, Lawrence 65-3 7.02 65-4 5.53 66-] 5.36 66-3 3.77 66-4 9.85 67-1 4.42 67-2 1.11 King , Lester J. 67-2 20.40 67-3 3.60 King, Robert G. 65-4 2.16 66-1 1.12 King, Walter W. 66-4 23.10 32.82 55.92 67-1 4.08 4.08 67-2 18.17 18.17 King, Wm. F. 65-1 71.45 65-2 18.36 65-3 25.49 65-4 22.46 King, Willie 65-1 67.68 65-2 18.36 65-3 25.49 65-4 22.46 67-4 4.48 Kircheim, Wm. 64-3 56.32 64-4 114.36 65-1 86.70 Kirnan, John 66-2 1.92 1.92 66-3 58.91 58.91 66-4 26.39 2.57 2.8.96 760 DECISIONS OF" NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Name Q tr. Wage 0/T Holiday Vac. - Misc. Dues Total Kirwan, George 66-1 64.64 84.55 149.19 66-2 37.44 42.56 80.00 66-3 20.12 24.42 44.54 Kisilla, John 66-4 12.96 Kling, Norman 63-1 17.84 7.03 24.87 63-2 57.60 57.6o- 63-3 55.36 55.36 63-4 16.65 16.65 64-1 1.28 1.28 64-2 34.89 34.89 64-3 59.78 59.78 Kloza, Victor 65-3 7.50 Knivila, Arnold 65-1 98.96 65-2 68.87 Kosek, John 63-1 49.10 49.10 63-2 42.88 42.88 63-3 27.24 2.96 30.20 63-4 18.53 18.53 64-1 27.28 27.28 64-2 18.85 18.85 64-3 26.02 5.92 31.94 Kovan, Carl 65-2 22.00 65-3 11.25 Koviak, Thomas 65-3 46.40 65-4 25.24 Koyle, Richard 64-4 99.27 99.27 65-1 194.32 204.06 398.38 Kramer , Daniel 65-3 6.48 65-4 9.23 OGLE PROTECTION SERVICE, INC. 761 Name Qtr. Wage 0/T Holiday Vac. Misc. Dues Total Krantz , Arthur 65-1 65-3 23.02 59.20 23.02 59.20 Kryza, Edward 63-1 49.56 15.00 34.56 63-2 57.56 15.00 42.56 63-3 58.52 5.92 59.20 15.00 108.64 63-4 49.80 15.00 34.80 64-1 58.84 15.00 43.84 64-2 50.20 15.00 35.20 64-3 59.51 15.00 44.51 64-4 24.94 10.00 14.94 65-1 58.20 15.00 43.20 65-2 51.16 16.00 35.16 65-3 58.20 16.50 41.70 65-4 50.20 16.50 33.70 67-1 57.94 16.50 41.44 67-2 50.20 16.50 33.70 67-3 4.48 16.50 0 67-4 42.21 5.50 36.71 66-3 59.20 59.20 Kufner, Wm. 65.-3 20.32 11.84 32.16 65-4 70.50 70.50 66-1 43.23 43.23 Kuschelj., Allen 63-1 50.76 -65.12 15.00 0 63-2 48.28 5.92 15.00 9.84 63-3 57.21 5.92 59.20 15.00 107.33 63-4 49.73 15.00 34.73 64-1 57.56 15.00 42.56 64-2 50.12 15.00 35.12 64-3 38.09 15.00 23.09 64-4 46.45 1.48 10.00 37.93 65-1 44.53 5.92 11.84 15.00 47.29. 65-2 21.42 16.00 5.42 65-3 55.40 5.92 59.20 16.50 104.02 65-4 50.44 5.92 13.00 43.36 66-3 6.40 5.50 .90 C 762 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Name Qtr. Wage 0/T Holiday Vac. Misc. Dues Total Kyle, Wm. 63-1 56.76 44.40 -59.20 15.00 26.96 63-2 50.84 124.32 15.00 160.16 63-3 70.19 66.60 8.88 59.20 15.00 189.87 63-4 60.99 99.90 15.00 145.89 64-1 36.13 44.40 15.00 65.53 64-2 2.88 15.00 0 64-3 70.99 118.40 15.00 174.39 64-4 28.84 44.40 15.00 58.24 65-1 70.67 136.16 11.84 15.00 203.67 65-2 66.39 149.85 8.88 16.00 209.12 65-3 75.94 139.12 17.76 16.50 216.32 65-4 67.79 162.80 5.92 16.50 220.01 66-1 49.24 28.49 5.92 16.50 67.15 66-2 45.88 5.92 11.84 16.50 47.14 66-3 46.96 11.84 59.20 16.50 101.50 66-4 41.33 5.92 16.50 30.75 67-1 44.53 17.76 16.50 45.79 67-2 40.37 .37 16.50 24.24 67-3 12.79 5.92 59.20 1,000 5.50 1,072.41 LaBeau, John 66-2 2.75 66-3 4.21 66-4 4.66 Lacey, Edward 65-4 2.04 2.04 66-4 8.47 2.96 11.43 Lamana, Archie 66-1 2.08 67-1 62.59 Lampkins, James 66-3 83.20 88.80 172.00 66-4 56.92 23. 68 82.60 67-1 58.60 .37 58.97 67-2 59.28 59.28 67-3 15.39 15.39 Lasecki, Anthony 65-1 25.55 65-2 9.60 OGLE PROTECTION SERVICE, INC. 763 Name Q tr. Wage 0/T Holiday Vac. Misc. Dues Total Lavallis , Clyde 65-1 1.16 65-2 38.59 65-3 16.38 Lawyler, Clarence 63-1 28.96 15.00 13.96 63-2 53.12 15.00 38.12 63-3 48.41 5.92 15.00 39.33 63-4 49.29 15.00 34.29 64-1 50.84 15.54 15.00 51.38 64-2 41.56 15.00 26.56 64-3 62.51 59.20 15.00 106.71 64-4 49.65 15.00 34.65 65-1 51.58 15.00 36.58 65-2 43.21 16.00 27.21 65-3 47.91 16.50 31.41 65-4 44.93 16.50 28.43 66-1 16.73 16.50 .23 66-2 10.66 16.50 0 66-3 15.55 16.50 0 66-4 9.75 16.50 0 67-1 16.50 16.50 0 67-2 7.44 .37 5.50 2.31 Leach, Erwin 65-1 91.22 11.84 103.06 65-2 100.83 100.83 65-3 86.42 4.44 90.86 65-4 86.79 5.92 92.71 66-1 106.86 1.4C 17.76 126.10 66-2 107.92\ 1.48 1.48 110.88 66-3 113.25 5.92 2.96 122.13 66-4 102.83 5.92 108.75 67-1 105.19 105.19 67-2 80.22 80.22 67-3 52.60 5.92 7.40 65.92 67-4 40.27 40.27 Lee, Airvers 65-3 18.03 764 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Name Q tr. Wage 0/T Holiday Vac. Misc. Dues Total Lee, Brown 66-1 18.97 66-2 17.61 66-3 16.19 66-4 4.16 67-1 26.36 67-2 15.60 67-3 12.79 67-4 8.95 Lee, John B. 67-2 1.93 67-3 22.13 Lee, Sammie 67-1 7.63 7.63 67-2 47.06 5 . 92 52.98 G 67-3 65.95 53 . 28 11 . 84 131.07 67-4 11.51 11.51 Leeth, Harold 63-1 29.74 15.00 14.74 63-2 34.53 10.00 24.53 Leitch, Clarence 64-2 15.93 15.93 64-3 26 . 56 26.56 65-2 15.84 5.92 21.76 66-1 13 . 52 13.52 66.2 38 . 42 38.42 Leland, Edward 64-4 9.36 65-1 36.01 65-2 17.28 65-3 25.93 66-1 7.28 66-2 6.31 Lemanski , Leonard 63-4 13.52 13.52 64-1 89.30 89.30 65-3 59.20 59.20 66-1 33.23 54.76 87.99 66-2 156.00 156.00 66-3 132.38 59.20 191.58 66-4 153.00 153.00 67-1 126.11 126.11 67-2 143.68 5.92 149.60 67-3 225.56 5.92 29.60 261.08 67-4 81 . 95 11.84 93.79 OGLE PROTECTION SERVICE, INC. 765 Name Q tr. Wage 0/T Holiday Vac. Misc. Dues Total Lewis, Charles 67-3 8.75 29.60 - 38.35 67-4 28.14 100.64 128.78 Lewis, Jasper 64-4 46.66 46.66 65-1 111.69 111.69 65-2 91.26 91.26 65-3 88.34 59.20 147.54 65-4 58.04 58.04 66-1 17.93 17.93 Lewis, Samuel 67-1 11.04 67-2 4.48 Lewis, Thomas 63-1 49.26 15.00 34.26 63-2 44.13 23.68 10.00 ,57.81 Linton, Howard 67-3 .61 .61 67-4 2.71 13.32 16.03 Litzan, Edward 63-2 23.66 23.66 63-3 48.77 48.77 63-4 45.18 45.18 64-1 50.77 50.77 64-2 33.45 33.45 64-3 57.28 57.28 64-4 52.30 52.30 65-1 58.00 11.84 69.84 65-2 57.46 57.46 65-3 64.53 3.70 68.23 65-4 65.58 65.58 66-1 11.43 17.76 29.19 66-2 45.60 5.92 51.52 66-3 171.32 13.32 184.64 67-2 .64 .64 67-3 24.64 5.92 30.56 Lomax, Frederick 67-2 7.92 Love, Roosevelt 67-3 11.62 67-4 3.96 •766 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Name Qtr. Wage 0/T Holiday Vac. Misc. Dues Total Lowery, John 67-4 15.63 Lukas, John 65-1 148.26 148.26 65-2 161.46 13.32 174.78 65-3 181.95 6.66 188.61 65-4 162.84 162.84 66-1 98.66 37.74 136.40 66-2 68.08 68.08 66-3 82.80 82.80 66-4 26.68 26.68 Luke, Stanley 63-1 45.63 15.00 30.63 63-2 51.43 15.00 36.43 Lutz, Oliver 65-1 32.15 2.96 35.11 65-2 64.84 64.84 65-3 27.24 27.24 66-1 35.49 18.50 53.99 66-2 83.97 118.03 5.92 207.92 66-3 40.04 44.40 84.44 67-1 40.08 16.28 56.36 67-2 81.99 81.99 67-3 7.35 17.76 25.11 Machuta, John 65-2 1.43 65-3 102.35 65-4 58.79 66-1 51.07 66-2 41.37 66-3 47.60 66-4 39.97 67-1 33.56 -MacLeod , Donald 63-1 10.91 15.00 0 63-2 12.35 15.00 0 MacMichael, Charles 65-3 13.26 13.26 65-4 20.41 20.41 66-1 33.84 5.92 39.76 66-2 50.98 30.34 81.32 66-3 40.70 11.84 52.54 66-4 13.52 11.84 25.3.6 OGLE PROTECTION SERVICE, INC. 767 Name Qtr. Wage 0/T Holiday Vac. Misc. Dues Total MacNeil, James 65-2 23.46 23.46 65-3 97.07 97.07 65-4 83.50 83.50 66-1 78.73 5.92 84.65 66-2 72.70 26.46 99.16 66-3 68.59 6.29 74.88 66-4 81.60 81.60 67-1 95.12 12.21 107.33 6i-2 62.33 5.18 67.51 67-3 55.18 55.18 67-4 12.98 12.98 Maddox , Edward 67-1 5.88 Malachesen , Michell 65-1 14.40 14.40 65-2 75.91 6.29 82.20 65-3 49.71 12.21 61.92 65-4 13.91 13.91 66-1 10.19 22.57 33.76 Mallory, Charlie 66-2 6.66 6.66 66-3 56.49 56.49 66-4 35.57 63.55 5.92 105.04 67-1 55.62 10.73 2.96 69.31 67-2 48.69 5.92 54.61 67^-3 50.41 5.92 11.84 68.17 67-4 13.95 13.95 Malone , Walter 66 -3 15.76 6.66 22.42 66-4 23.54 23.54 67-1 25. 86 12.68 38.54 67-2 36.27 36.27 67-3 39.12 39.12 67-4 11.67 11.67 Mandeville, Owen 65 -1 77.86 37.37 11.84 127.07 65-2 19.48 19.48 Manson, Monroe 67 -3 13.55 67-4 53.14 768 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Name Q tr. Wage 0/T Holiday Vac. Misc. Dues Total Mardjetko , Steve 65-2 1.84 65-3 86.06 Mark, Samuel 63-1 30.10 33.67 15.00 48.77 63-2 37.14 50.32 15.00 72.46 63-3 47.98 74.19 10.36 15.00 117.53 63-4 27.68 53.28 15.00 65.96 64-1 4.16 15.00 0 64-2 2.24 15.00 0 64-3 3.48 15.00 0 64-4 4.52 4.52 65-1 23.89 15.00 8.89 65-2 7.68 5.50 2.18 Martin, Jessie 67-1 4.62 8.70 13.32 67-2 31.46 9.99 41.45 67-3 33.72 33.72 Martin, Paul 65-1 35.76 Martin, Willie 67-1 11.87 67•-2 23.64 67-3 13.17 67-4 9.36 Masuch , Cal 63-1 48.77 15.00 33.77 63-2 18.28 5.00 13.28 Mate, Steve 66-3 7.19 7.19 66-4 30 .68 30.68 67-1 8.91 8.91 67-2 25.28 25.28 67-3 38.96 1.30 40.26 67-4 9.38 9.38 Mathis, Farris 67-1 2. 89 .74 3.63 67-3 .72 .72 67-4 .64 4.44 5.08 OGLE PROTECTION SERVICE, INC. 769 Name Qtr. Wage 0/T Holiday Vac. Misc. Dues Total Matthews, August 63-1 77.30 77.30 63-2 34.49 34.49 64-1 25.66 25.66 64-2 36.10 36.10 64-3 48.72 48.72 64-4 41.73 41.73 65-1 51.63 51.63 65-2 44.20 44.20 65-3 24.24 24.24 65-4 44.36 44.36 66-1 86.88 57.58 144.46 66-2 46.63 46.63 66-3 24.81 24.81 66-4 12.96 12.96 67-1 49.15 49.15 67-2 31.15 31.15 67-3 13.07 13.07 67-4 5.12 5.12 Matthews, Elmer 67-3 7.68 124.45 132.13 67-4 30.46 30.46 Matthews, Raymond 63-2 7.67 7.67 63-3 60.18 60.18 63-4 48.09 48.09 64-1 62.93 62.93 64-2 45.91 45.91 64-3 60.72 60.72 64-4 67.38 67.38 65-1 79.80 79.80 65-2 89.19 89.19 65-3 90.25 59.20 149.45 65-4 90.66 11.84 102.50 66-1 103.89 17.76 121.65 66-2 102.45 8.88 111.33 66-3 120.12 14.80 59.20 194.12 66-4 97.73 8.88 106.61 67-1 118.29 5.92 17.76 141.97 67-2 105.33 7.40 112.73 67-3 61.79 14.80 59.20 135.79 67-4 19.03 19.03 Matthis, Farris 67-1 14.07 14.07 67-2 20.98 20.98 67-3 20.16 7.29 27.45 67-4 8.31 8.31 770 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Name Q tr . Wage 0/T Holiday Vac. Misc. Dues Total Mattson, John 65-1 11.15 11.15 65-2 58.96 58.96 65-3 63.73 2.41 66.14 65-4 66.11 66.11 66-1 46.39 34.04 80.43 66-2 35.20 9.62 44.82 66-3 5.25 5.25 McAtee, Arnold 63-1 .48 15.00 0 63-2 8.31 15.00 0 63-3 4.64 15.00 0 63-4 3.60 5.00 0 64-1 5.20 15.00 0 64-2 4.16 15.00 0 64-3 3.20 15.00 0 64-4 3.44 3.44 65-1 13.36 15.00 0 65-2 10.87 10.50 .37 McCain, Dyett 67-3 25.82 44.77 70.59 McCarthy, Richard 63-1 13.70 13.70 63-2 10.87 10.87 63-3 6.40 6.40 63-4 7.67 7.67 64-1 10.27 10.27 64'-2 9.43 9.43 64-3 12.79 20.72 33.51 64-4 5.70 5.70 McCloud, James 67-2 7.63 67-3 2.18 McCoy, Richard 65-4 5.20 66-1 2.57 McCrady, Zenus 65-3 4.12 OGLE PROTECTION SERVICE, INC. 771 Name Qtr. Wage 0/T Holiday Vac. Misc. Dues Total McCrea , Glenn 63-1 13.17 13.17 63-2 29.78 29.78 63-3 26.18 .37 26.55 63-4 21.72 .19 21.91 64-1 8.27 8.27 64-2 22.50 22.50 64-3 39.05 39.05 64-4 L4.29 14.29 65-1 4.02 4.02 65-2 10.03 10.03 65-3 10.05 10.05 McElroy, Wm. 66-2 23.14 66-3 39.24 66-4 44.85 McGee, Samuel 67-4 13.19 McGhee, Roger 67-3 6.73 67-4 28.76 McGill, Albert 65-1 14.08 65-2 23.76 65-3 26.05 66-1 5.07 McGraw, Arthur 66-4 3.97 McKenna , Lester 63 -1 46.53 4.44 15.00 35.97 63-2 56.46 12.21 15,00 53.67 63-3 76.92 121.36 15,00 141.05 63-4 61.33 94.72 15 ,00 182.28 64-1 60.45 19.61 15.00 65.06 64-2 52.16 15,00 37.16 64-3 42.21 59.20 15,09 86.41 427-258 O-LT - 74 - 50 772 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Name Q tr. Wage 0/T Holiday Vac. Misc. Dues Total McKenster, Wm. 63-2 31.64 31.64 63-3 56.90 6.29 63.19 63-4 48.25 48.25 64-1 53.04 53.04 64-2 46.43 46.43 64-3 56.20 8.14 64.34 64-4 50.34 50.34 65-1 61.84 61.84 65-2 55.58 55.58 65-3 64.86 59.20 124.06 65-4 58.60 58.60 66-1 68.67 68.67 66-2 56.89 56.89 66-3 65.61 65.61 6b-4 56.50 56.50 67-1 55.40 55.40 67-2 60.50 60.50 67-3 24.41 16.28 59.20 99.89 McLean, Jack 63-1 35.67 15.00 20.67 63-2 41.89 15.00 26.89 McQuisten, Roy 65-3 30.24 47.28 77.52 65-4 77.09 83.62 5.92 166.63 66-1 26.00 11.84 37.84 66-3 2.08 2.08 66-4 12.59 18.13 30.72 67-1 49.48 61.37 110.85 67-2 44.29 60.68 5.92 110.89 67-3 37.71 53.28 90.99 67-4 51.16 65.12 5.92 122.20 McWilliams, Chas. D. 67-2 11.12 20.72 31.84 67-3 14.31 54.02 68.33 McWilliams, David 67-1 3.78 67-2 25.92 67-3 26.42 67-4 26.54 OGLE PROTECTION SERVICE, INC. 773 Name Q tr. Wage - 0/T Holiday Vac. . Misc. Dues Total Meek , Avester 66-2 18.67 15.17 33.84 66-3 66.61 165.76 232.37 66-4 14.39 14.39 67-3 16.95 38.48 55.43 67-4 57.40 103.60 161.00 Meeks , Albert 67-3 44.85 67-4 6.76 Mensey , Jesse 67-3 6.00 Menzie, Donald 63 -1 9.67 15.00 0 63-2 4.08 15.00 0 63-3 6.64 15.00 0 63-4 15.51 .74 4.00 12.25 64-1 13.91 15.00 0 Metcalf, Thomas E. 67-4 18.48 Metcalf, Wm . 67-3 14.06 67-4 17.76 Meyer,,George 66 -3 4.47 11.60 16.07 Meyer, Gus 63-1 49.87 15.00 34.87 63-2. 58.52 15.00 43.52 63-3 57.72 53.28 15.00 96.00 63-4 49.24 15 .00 34.24 64-1 57.30 15.00 42.30 64-2 50.20 15 .00 35.20 64-3 55.40 15 .00 40.40 64-4 50.70 15 .00 35.70 65-1 57.44 15.00 42.44 65-2 50.15 16.00 34.15 65-3. 54.82 5.92 59.20 16.50 103.44 65-4 50.68 5.92 16.50 40.10 66-1 57.82 16.50 41.32 66-2 50.34 16.50 33.84 66-3 48.60 59.20 16.50 91.30 66-4 50.68 16.50 34.18 67-1 55.58 16.50 39.08 67-2 50.60 16.50 34.10 67-3 53.90 16.50 37.40 67-4 50.52 5.50 45.02 774 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Name Q tr. Wage 0/T Holiday Vac. Misc. Dues Total Meyers, Edward 64-4 24.37 65-1 59.45 65-2 44.73 Michellad, Frank 64-4 20.51 20.51 65-1 104.42 160.84 265.26 65-2 97.73 301.55 399.28 Miller, Clyde 66-1 10.15 66-2 9.99 Miller, Donald 65-3 7.48 1.85 9.33 66-2 5.20 5.20 66-3 37.51 37.51 66-4 39.00 39.00 67-1 24.73 24.73 67-2 21.34 21.34 67-3 25.98 25.98 67-4 16.31 16.31 Miller, Dwight 63-1 33.30 15.00 18.30 63-2 58.42 15.00 43.42 63-3 57.04 15.00 42.04 63-4 50.76 15.00 35.76 64-1 58.73 15.00 43.73 64-2 49.98 15.00 34.98 64-3 58.87 15.00 43.87 64-4 51.03 15.00 36.03 65-1 60.73 12.58 15.00 58.31 65-2 55.15 .56 16.00 39.71 65-3 46.79 16.50 30.29 Miller, Elling 67 - 2 3.03 3.03 67-3 32.18 66.97 99.15 67-4 1.28 1.28 OGLE PROTECTION SERVICE, INC. 775 Name Q tr. Wage O/T Holiday Vac. Misc. Dues Total Miller, Joseph '63-1 52.63 15.00 37.63 63-2 59.57 15.00 44.57 63-3 53.93 14.80 15.00 53.73 63-4 50.81 15.00 35.81 64-1 49.99 15.00 34.99 64-2 39.99 15.00 24.99 64-3 45.59 15.00 30.59 64-4 49.63 15.00 34.63 65-1 47.60 15.00 32.60 65-2 47.60 16.00 31.60 65-3 52.02 16.50 35.52 65-4 48.53 16.50 32.03 66-1 22.25 16.50 5.75 66-2 17.06 11.84 16.50 12.40 66-3 16.50 0 66-4 9.51 9.51 Miller , Paul 63 -1 17.58 15.00 2.58 63-2 19.18 15.00 4.18 63-3 20.54 15.00 5.54 63-4 16.63 15 .00 1.63 64-1 19.83 15.00 4.83 64-2 16.87 15.00 1.87 64-3 22.54 15.00 7.54 64-4 23.34 15.00 8.34 65-1 22.22 15.00 7.22 65-2 16.31 16.00 .31 65-3 18.87 16.50 2.37 65-4 18.15 16.50 1.65 66-1 18.15 11.00 7.15 Mills, Robert 67-3 16.24 Minion, Samuel 67-4 6.48 Minors, John 65-2 6.24 Mitton, Wm . J. 67-4 9.35 Mitten, John 67-2 1.28 67-3 5.76 776 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Name tr. Wage 0/T Holiday Vac. Misc. Dues Total Moore , Clarence 66-1 7.54 Moore , Elridge B . 67-4 12.87 Moosie , John 65-1 15.75 15.75 65-2 22.74 22.74 65-3 18.59 18.59 65-4 18.27 18.27 66-1 23.98 23.98 66-2 27.54 27.54 66-3 27.57 27.57 66-4 7.32 7.32 67-1 37.37 37.37 67-2 21.42 21.42 67-3 39.90 8.51 48.41 67-4 12.93 .37 13.30 Moriarty, John 65-3 15.34 Morris, Guy 65-3 56.79 56.79 65-4 37.76 4.81 42.57 66-1 33.49 7.77 41.26 66-2 30.84 30.84 Morris, James 65=1 49.90 65-2 49.04 65-3 17.47 65-4 9.36 Mosley, Clyde 67-3 4.55 1.48 - 6.03 67-4 30.22 30.22 Mosley, Mannie 65-3 7.12 2.22 9.34 Moss, Samuel 66-2 44.27 11.10 5.5.37 66-3 88.56 10.73 14.80 114.09 66-4 47.87 52.54 100.41 67-1 35.92 8.88 44.80 OGLE PROTECTION SERVICE, INC. 777 Name Qtr . Wage 0/T Holiday Vac. Misc. Dues Total Mulla, Gerald 63 -1 16.58 63-2 20.16 Mullins, Cecil 63-1 31.90 1.48 15.00 18.38 63-2 32.62 15.00 17.62 63-3 24.22 2.96 15.00 12.18 63-4 10.15 15.00 0 64-1 6.48 15.00 0 64-2 18.37 15.00 3.37 64-3 24.31 15.00 9.31 64-4 51.81 10.00 41.81 65-1 18.72 15.00 -3.72 65-2 11.52 16.00 0 65-3 14.40 16.50 0 65-4 10.08 11.00 0 66-1 8.64 11.00 0 Mullins, Dennis 64-2 90.20 65-2 14.40 65-3 23.14 65-4 6.18 66-1 3.71 Mullins, John 63-1 13.83 15,00 0 63-2 1.92 5.00 0 Murphy, Dennis 66-3 16.23 16.23 66-4 31.37 31.37 67-1 34.07 16.84 50.91 67-2 22.08 61.91 83.99 67-3 .72 .72 Murphy, Thomas 65-3 42.83 42.83 65-4 31.20 31.20 66-1 47.18 47.18 66-2 33.13 33.13 66-3 71.33 23.31 94.64 66-4 36.01 36.01 67-1 39.56 39.56 67-2 28.49 28.49 67-3 45.70 5.92 51.62 67-4 112.22 112.22 778 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Name Qtr. Wage 0/T Holiday Vac. Misc. Dues Total Murray, Thomas 66-1 102.71 66-2 145.43 66-3 21.01 Murray, Wm. 65-3 61.29 17.76 79.05 65-4 49.34 49.34 66-1 46.78 6.29 53.07 66-2 45.31 11.84 57.15 66-3 60.19 6.13 66.32 Muse, James H. 65-1 18.77 65-2 62.99 Muszynaki , Paul 67-2 9.83 3.70 Myers, Sam 13.53 63-1 51.16 15.00 36.16 63-2 18.55 5 . 92 15 . 00 9.47 63-3 15.00 0 64-1 26 . 83 5.00 21.83 Naruc, Steve 66-2 1 .47 1.47 66-3 38 .07 4.07 42.14 66-4 34.13 1.48 35.61 67-1 34.53 34.53 67-2 29.02 29.02 67-3 28.38 28.38 Neal, John Neal, Hudie 67-3 21.54 23.68 45.22 67-4 28.04 28.04 65-1 69.68 11.84 65-2 68.64 65-3 72.80 65-4 67.60 66-1 48 . 60 8.14 66-2 49.52 1.48 66-3 45.45 66-4 39.89 67-1 1.12 59.20 81.52 68.64 72.80 67.60 56.74 51.00 104.65 39.89 1.12 OGLE PROTECTION SERVICE , INC. 779 Name Qtr. Wage 0/T Holiday Vac. Misc. Dues Total Nedd, Bishop 66-4 33.14 45. 88 79.02 67-1 3.04 3.04 67-3 35.58 35.58 67-4 10.47 10.47 Newels, Alvin 67-1 2.36 67-2 4.60 67-3 2.80 Nevils, Ralph 67-1 11.84 67-2 .28 Newsome, Edgar 63 - 2 39.24 Newton, James 65-3 2.08 65-4 9.68 Newton , Osborn 67-1 51.92 77. 33 18.61 147.86 67-2 44.10 55.02 7.03 106.15 67-3 52.58 110.72 11.84 59 . 20 234.34 67-4 37.55 5.92 43.47 66-1 7 .41 11 .84 19.25 66-2 42.96 59.20 102.16 66-3 48.68 65.12 113.80 66-4 41.96 59.20 101.16 Niblet, Jr . Willie 65-1 8.51 64-4 3.96 Nical, Win. 65-2 3.25 65-3 23.25 66-1 32.41 66-2 31.60 66-3 44.65 66-4 33.13 67-1 43.21 67-2 15.84 Nichols, Clifford 67-3 4.27 67-4 18.12 780 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Name Q tr. Wage 0/T Holiday Vac. Misc. Dues Total Nicholson, Cyril 66-3 64.67 19.92 84.59 66-4 53.44 4.44 57.88 '67-1 60.02 2.96 62.98 67-2 62.40 62.40 67-3 42.97 42.97 67-4 11.27 11.27 Niedbolla, Emil 63-2 51.16 63-3 58.84 63-4 50.20 64-1 58.84 64-2 50.20 64-3 62.51 64-4 51.64 65-1 55.32 65-2 48.92 65-3 22.70 Norwood, Daniel W. 65-4 20.49 47.36 67.85 66-1 81.51 49.58 131.09 66-2 55.35 37.74 93.09 66-3 43.89 13.12 57.01 66-4 42.49 38.11 80.60 67-1 47.50 80.66 11.84 140.00 67-2 7.95 73.26 81.21 67-3 42.13 47.90 59.20 149.23 Nowicki, Harry 63-1 47.56 15.00 32.56 63-2 63.71 15.00 48.71 63-3 60.79 .37 15.00 46.16 63-4 52.42 15.00 37.42 64-1 59.74 15.00 44.74 64-2 51.34 15.00 36.34 64-3 43.97 8.14 10.00 42.11 Nunnally, Herman 66-4 22.91 Obadin, Nicholas 67-3 35.57 5.92 41.49 67-4 17.89 17.89 OGLE PROTECTION SERVICE, INC. 781 Name Qtr. Wage 0/T Holiday Vac. Misc. Dues Total O'Donnell , Melvin 65-2 24.38 24.38 65-4 18.64 18.64 66-2 23.66 5.92 29.58 O'Donovan , Patrick 63-3 9.20 O'Dowd, John 65-2 8.45 8.45 65-3 98.34 6.11 104.45 65-4 95.66 9.07 104.73 66-1 61.61 12.21 73.82 66-2 53.26 5.92 59.18 66-3 53.77 11.84 65.61 66-4 41.95 5.92 47.87 67-1 42.41 5.92 48.33 67-2 3.20 3.20 67-3 59.20 59.20 Ogle , Charles 66-2 6.47 23.68 30.15 66-3 61.39 153.92 215.31 66-4 46.25 114.33 160.58 67-1 9.28 99.66 108.94 67-2 217.09 217.09 67-3 1.44 80.50 81.94 Oguro, Charles 65-2 12.94 65-3 45.19 65-4 45.27 O'Keefe, Lawrence 66-2 48.18 159.84 208.02 66-3 75.27 148.74 224.01 66-4 37.53 11.89 49.42 Oleniki, Stanley 64-4 28.73 28.49 57.22 65-1 145.30 182.78 11.84 339.92 65-2 130.99 183.15 6.29 320.43 65-3 149.44 199.80 12.58 361.82 65-4 111.74 153.92 7.40 273.06 66-1 88.47 2.96 91.43 66-2 32.08 32.08 66-3 59.20 59.20 782 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Name Qtr. Wage 0/T Holiday Vac. Misc . Dues Total Orr, Richard 65-1 8.10 65-2 1.44 Orr, Seymour 63-2 3.84 3.84 63-3 13.15 4.81 17.96 63-4 7.23 7.23 64-1 7.66 7.66 64-2 8.31 8.31 64-3 4.72 4.72 Osborne, Comer E. 65-3 19.85 19.85 65-4 42.95 5.92 48.87 66-1 .64 .64 Osborne, Silas N. 65-2 5.20 5.20 65-4 34.78 34.78 66-1 6.48 .75 7.23 Overbey, Morris 65-1 95.03 107.30 5.92 208.25 Palmer, Peter 63-4 5.59 64-1 32.10 64-2 18.01 Palmer, Ralph 67-3 10.70 Pantone, Fred 64-4 29.41 5.92 35.33 65-1 60.47 51.06 5.92 117.45 Paradela , Sebastian 64-4 65.75 65.75 65-1 118.85 79.55 11.84 210.24 65-2 79.12 100.64 5.92 185.68 65-3 56.72 110.63 11.84 179.19 65-4 4.48 4.48 OGLE PROTECTION SERVICE, INC. 783 Name Qtr. Wage 0/T Holiday Vac. Misc. Dues Total Parker, Arthur 65-2 48.36 48.36 65-3 82 .81 6.29 89.10 65-4 78.98 6.29 85.27 66-1 80.28 66.23 146.51 66-2 74.04 66.23 140.27 66-3 61.59 67.60 129.19 66-4 .68 23.68 24.36 Parrish, Ralph 66-3 36 .91 35.52 . 72.43 Parski, Joseph 63-1 39.01 15.00 24.01 63-2 44.77 15.00 29.77 63-3 44.69 15.00 29.69 63-4 38.44 15.00 23.44 64-1 46.37 15.00 31.37 64-2 38.65 15.00 23.65 64-3 45.90 5.18 48.84 15.00 84.92 64-4 33.26 5.00 28.26 65-1 44.77 15.00 29.77 65-2 38.37 16.00 22.37 65-3 44.77 11.84 118.40 16.50 158.51 65-4 39.45 16.50 22.95 66-1 45.41 5.92 16.50 34.83 66-2 39.33 16.50 22.83 66-3 45.09 59.20 16.50 87.79 66-4 37.09 16.50 20.59 67-1 44.77 11.84 16.50 40.11 67-2 29.22 118.40 1,000 11 1,136.62 Partain, Jerry 66-1 5.40 4.07 9.47 66-2 80.89 121.92 202.81 66-3 88.14 82.33 170.47 66-4 47.41 31.45 78.86 67-1 66.36 31.45 17.76 115.57 67-2 37.75 36.45 74.20 67-3 54.48 93.52 148.00 67-4 154.17 60.13 3.33 217.63 784 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Name Q tr. Wage 0/T Holiday Vac. Misc. Dues Total Paschall , Benjamin 65-2 5.20 5.20 65-3 7.20 7.20 65-4 65.59 65.59 66-1 66.07 197.21 263.28 66-2 66.07 155.40 221.47 66-3 25.63 217.56 243.19 66-4 23.55 171.05 194.60 67-1 26.17 410.33 8.88 445.38 67-2 21.66 334.11 355.77 67-3 26.51 431 .92 8.88 59.20 526.51 67-4 43.29 236.17 279.46 Patrick, Oscar , 67-3 106.75 67-4 114.33 Patterson , Frank M. 67-3 28.35 49.05 77.40 Payne , Kenney 65-4 .32 66-2 5.01 Peacock, Edwin 67-2 28.72 67-3 15.94 Peacock, Joseph 67-1 8.95 People, Charles 67-4 10.55 Pepper , Floyd 67-2 8.25 Pepper , Harland 63-1 22.66 15.00 7.66 63-2 27.18 15.00 12.18 63-3 17.33, 15.00 2.33 63-4 13.45 15.00 0 64-1 9.57 15.00 0 64-2 15.35 15.00 .35 64-3 18.45 10.00 8.45 64-4 12.03 12.03 65-1 10.91 10.00 .91 65-2 2.56 2.56 OGLE PROTECTION SERVICE, INC. 785 Name Qtr. Wage 0/T Holiday Vac. Misc. Dues Total Perehea, Leonard 65-3 68.27 68.27 65-4 73.23 5.92 79.15 66-1 65.40 10.36 75.76 66-2 55.19 5.92 61.11 66-3 57.75 57.75 66-4 19.28 5.92 25.20 67-1 23.76 11.84 35.60 67-2 21.23 21.23 67-3 24.66 37.37 62.03 67-4 9.08 17.76 26.84 Perez, Enrique 67-1 3.42 3.42 67-2 29.42 29.42 67-3 21.38 21.09 42.47 Perry, Myron 66-4 22.03 59.20 81.23 67-1 22.98 14.80 37.78 Peterson , Frederick 66-3 9.76 4.81 14.57 Phillips, Harry 63-1 11.91 15.00 0 63-2 13.03 15.00 0 63-3 13.91 15.00 0 63-4 11.28 15.00 0 64-1 13.75 15.00 0 64-2 10.55 15.00 0 64-3 12.31 15.00 0 64-4 11.27 15.00 0 65-1 14.64 15.00 0 65-2 11.51 16.00 0 65-3 12.31 16.50 0 65-4 10.55 16.50 0 66-1 12.39 16.50 0 66-2 9.67, 16.50 0 66-3 4.39 16.50 0 Phillips, John 65-1 .65 65-2 5.79 Pickard, Dudley 67-1 78.96 67-2 25.60 786 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Name Q tr. Wage 0/T Holiday Vac. Misc. Dues Total Pierce, Ivies 65-3 27.56 65-4 36.44 66-1 4.62 Piescinski , John 66-1 27. 66 66 .97 94.63 66-2 35.33 77.70 113.03 66-3 4.08 8 .14 12.22 Pillsbury , Leecil 67-1 11.07 11.07 67-2 16.35 16.35 67-3 18.26 36.63 54.89 67-4 22.90 22.90 Pluis, Walter 63-1 28.82 15.00 13.82 63-2 30.82 .74 15.00 16.56 63-3 31.82 15.00 16.82 63-4 23.25 15.00 8.25 64-1 30.50 15.00 15.50 64-2 22 .10 15.00 7.10 64-3 30.48 15.00 15.48 64-4 25.82 15.00 10.82 65-1 24.70 15.00 9.70 65-2 21.30 16.00 5.30 Poindexter , L. V. 67-3 5.60 67-4 6.71 14.80 21.51 Polk, Edward 63-1 51.05 -5.92 15.00 30.13 63-2 58.52 15.00 43.52 63-3 57.64 5.92 15.00 48.56 63-4 51.18 15.00 36.18 64-1 58 .20 2.96 15.00 46.16 64-2 49.50 15.00 34.50 64-3 59.62 15.00 44.62 64-4 51.34 15.00 36.34 65-1 59.44 15.00 44.44 65-2 49.24 16.00 33.24 65-3 54.68 16.50 38.18 65-4 50.20 16.50 33.70 66-1 80.22 16.50 63.72 66-2 51.28 16.50 34.78 66-3 52.76 59.20 16.50 95.46 OGLE PROTECTION SERVICE, INC. 787 Name Qtr. Wage 0/T Holiday Vac. Misc. Dues Total Ponton, Anton 67-1 1.56 8.14 9.70 67-2 23,45 65.68 89.13 67-3 35.13 25.16 60.29 67-4 8.89 8.89 Ponton, Manson 67-3 22.70 Poole, Bernard 63-1 53.27 15.00 ) 63-2 63.63 23.68 -65.12 15.00 45.46) 63-3 65.63 68.82 5.92 59.20 15.00 184.57 63-4 60.35 62.53 15.00 107.88 64-1 53.91 10.36 15.00 49.27 64-2 63.95 14.80 15.00 63.75 64-3 65.95 71.04 15.00 121.99 64-4 60.67 34.41 29.60 15.00 109.68 65-1 68.23 116.55 11.84 15.00 181.62 65-2 66.63 122.47 5.92 16.00 179.02 65-3 53.56 31.08 7.07 29.60 16.50 104.81 65-4 1.28 5.50 0 Portaca, James 65-1 46.81 50.00 96.81 65-2 48.24 48.24 65-3 50.40 50.40 (5-4 41.14 41.14 66-1 16.60 29.97 46.57 66-3 59.20 59.20 Post, Colonel 66-2 28.05 6.66 34.71 66-3 1.04 1.04 Power, Lorne 64-3 86.28 86.28 65-2 55.90 85.86 141.76 65-3 105.30 208.68 8.88 322.86 65-4 82.04 169.46 8.88 260.38 66-1 56.55 175.38 321.93 66-2 10.31 11.84 22.15 427-258 O-LT - 74 - 51 788 Name DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Q tr. Wage 0/T Holiday Vac. Misc. Dues Total Powers, J.R. 67-4 24.82 Presnell, James M . 67-1 6.12 67-2 15.66 Preston, Harvey 67-1 4.56 4.56 67-2 22.60 54.76 77.36 67-3 32.58 98.79 131.37 67-4 33.69 81.03 114.72 Price, William 67-1 25.04 67-2 31.90 67-3 29.26 Pruitt, Edward 67 -2 9.01 11.84 20.85 67-3 59.75 3.89 63.64 Pryor, Green 66 -2 1.62 1.62 66-3 43.82 46.62 90.44 66-4 36.69 36.69 67-1 31.65 31.65 67-2 20.87 20.87 67-3- 16.70 16.70 67-4 2.24 2.24 OGLE PROTECTION SERVICE, INC. 789 Name Qtr. Wage O /T Holiday Vac. Misc. Dues Total Querbey, Morris 64-4 23.53 Rager, John 67-3 9.12 47.73 56.85 Ragsdale , James 66-2 23.42 32.56 55.Q8 3 54.93 30.34 85.27 4 57.07 15.73 72.80 67-1 68.11 68.11 2 74.03 6.66 5.92 86.61 3 52.20 11.84 64.04 4 14.53 14.53 Rahaman, Isamaddin 67-2 9.71 1.48 11.19 3 22.63 21.47 44.10 Rasmussen, Paul 64-3 8.90 8.90 4 71.26 71.26 65-1 78.64 70.49 149.13 2 73.96 71.04 11.84 156.84 3 85.15 70.30 11.84 167.29 4 43.29 48.10' 5.92 97.31 66-1 89.44 100.64 190.08 2 84.71 112.57 197.28 3` 47.00 65.00 5.92 117.Q2 4 6.71 6.71 67-1 5.75 5.75 2 7.00 7.00 3 3.72 59.20 62.92 4 17.43 17.43 790 \ DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Name tr. Wage 0/T Holiday Vac. Misc . Dues Total Rawkar , Matthew 64-4 79.92 79.92 65-1 127.94 127.94 2 75.67 75.67 3 78.72 78.72 66-1 145.70 170.57 316.27 2 108.81 41.81 150.62 3 88.47 11.84 5.92 59.20 165.43 4 41.27 45.88 87.15 67-1 7.94 7.94 3 59.20 59.20 Ray, Robert 66-2 19.75 2.22 21.97 3 61.77 48.85 110.62 4 2.60 2.60 Redder, Adolph 63-1 59.29 93.61 15.00 137.90 2 64.23 55.13 15.00 104.16 3 73.78 114.80 15.00 173.67 4 62.18 110.46 15.00 157.64 64-1 53.57 17.21 15.00 55.78 2 65.32 21.46 15.00 71.78 3 75.60 41.44 15.00 102.04 4 79.28 38.48 15.00 102.76 65-1 92.71 41.44 15.00 119.15 2 120.49 33.09 16.00 146.58 3 29.60 11.00 18.60 66-3 29.60 16.50 14.10 67-3 58.00 16.50 41.50 Reed, Charles 67-4 8.88 OGLE PROTECTION SERVICE, INC. 791 Name Qtr. Wade 0 /T Holiday Vac. Misc. Dues Total Reeres, Milton 66-3 74.88 44.40 26.64 145.92 66-4 71.37 51.06 13.32 135.75 67-1 81.90 51.80 133.70 67-2 70.50 43.66 114.16 67-3 35.97 33.30 69.27 67-4 26.54 26.54 Renaud , Norman J. 65-2 5.20 65-3 7.61 Reynolds , Robert 66-2 4.24 9.62 13.86 Rhodman, Earl 67-4 5.18 .74 5.92 Rhoton, Willie 66-1 5.32 Richards , William 66-4 15.70 15.70 67-1 46.79 46.79 67-2 40.51 40.51 67-3 45.97 14.80 60.77 67-4 3.20 3.20 Richardson , Henry 67-3 2.84 67-4 27.66 Riffle , Vincent 66-1 1.96 66-2 1.98 66-3 1.60 67-1 .64 Riffle, V ., Jr. 65-1 1.71 65-2 22.33 65-3 4.32 65-4 5.76 792 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Name Qtr. Wage 2LT Holiday , Vac. Misc. Dues Total Riley, Kelton 65-1 17.13 65-2 10.04 Rioux, Charles 65-3 2.26 2.26 65-4 25.29 25.29 66-1 27.98 27.98 66-2 17.91 17.91 66-3 44.52 18.50 5.92•; 68.94 66-4 8.23 8.23 Riser , William 64-4 2.86 2.86 65-1 111.76 11.84 123.60 65-2 125.55 125.55 65-3 109.77 12.58 122.35 65-4 112.82 112.82 66-1 41.40 41.40 66-2 26.64 - 26.64 Rivak, Michael 63-2 19.03 19.03 63-3 56.00 5.92 61.92 63-4 30.54 4.07 5.92 40.53 64-1 32.11 32.11 64-2 31.80 31.80 64-3 51.11 51.11 64-4 52.98 52.98 65-1 49.54 49.54 65-2 39.41 39.41 65-3 35.31 35.31 65-4 7.92 7.92 66-1 50.36 2.96 44.40 97.72 66-2 43.97 43.97, 66-3 44.05 44.05 Rivera , Vincente 65-1 106.92 72.52 179.44 65-2 99.39 59.20 158.59 65-3 119.91 108.04 11.84 239.79 65-4 5.76 5.76 OGLE PROTECTION SERVICE, INC. 793 Name tr. Wage O/T Holiday Vac. Misc. Dues Total Rivers, Daniel 63-1 53.08 22.68 -1.51 15.00 59.25 63-2 64.07 51.43 15.00 100.50 63-3 68.75 69.92 1.51 15.00 125.18 63-4 55.48 48.84 15.00 89.32 64-1 68.27 87.32 15.00 140.59 64-2 56.92 65.12 5.92 15.00' 112.96 64-3 71.15 82.88 15.00 139.03 64-4 52.88 32.93 15.00 70.81 65-1 •47.36 13.32 11.84 15.00 57.52 65-2 70.28 9.07 16.00 63.35 65-3 66.06 59.,20 16.50 108.76 65-4 3.14 5.50 0 66-3 88.80 5.50 $3.30 67-3 29.60 16.50 13.10 Robar, Robert 64-2 10.44 64-3 3.91 Roberts, Wilburn 63-1 117.07 2.59 119.66 63-4 13.84 13.84 Robertson , Clarence 66-2 22.92 33.47 . 56.39 66-3 80.83 121.73 202.56 67-1 44.64 63.64 15.17 123.45 67-2 12.47 17.76 30.23 Robertson, James F. 64-4 58.63 65-1 52.44 65-2 26.38 65-3 20.08 66-1 26.91 66-2 21.06 66-3 25.74 66-4 1.93 67-1 13.52 67-2 21.71 67-3 3.28 Robinson , Brian 64-3 43.84 794 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Name tr . Wage 2 LT Holiday Vac. Misc. Dues Total Robinson , Harry 63-1 48.76 -59.20 15.00 63-3 33.74 59.20 15.00 52.501 63-4 43.41 10.00 33.41 64-1 42.51 15.00 27.51 64-2 11.41 15.00 0 65-1 19.43 15.00 4.43 65-2 13.84 16.00 0 65-3 8.90 59.20 11.00 57.10 64-3 59.20 59.20 Robinson , James C. 67 -1 5.12 5.12 67-2 16.71 6.66 23.37 67-3 41.83 55.24 97.07 67-4 48.76 55.50 104.26 Robinson , Jerome 65-4 16.17 5.76 21.93 Robinson , John 64-4 17.02 17.02 65-1 13.19 18.79 31.98 65-2 87.28 8. 88 96.16 65-3 96.48 5.92 102.40 65-4 55.38 55.38 66-1 65.52 1.48 67.00 66-2 56.44 1.48 57.92 66-3 56.09 56.09 66-4 60.84 4.44 65.28 67-1 58.30 58.30 67-2 33.57 33.57 Robinson , Lewis 67-1 10.87 8.14 19.01 67-2 56.40 166.87 223.27 67-3 59.60 150.96 210.56 67-4 26.90 6.29 33.19 Robinson , Lonnie 67-2 .24 67-3 18.90 67-4 3.84 Robinson , Wilmer 67 -2 18.20 11.47 29.67 67-3 53.30 25.90 79.20 67-4 35.73 35.73 OGLE PROTECTION SERVICE, INC. 795 Name Q tr. Wage O/T Holiday Vac. Misc. Dues Total Rode, Frank 64-4 7.06 65-1 16.90 65-2 15.60 65-3 9.21 65-4 16.73 66-1 18.39 66-2 15.31 66-3 12.90 67-3 59.20 Roden , Marvin 66-3 .46 66-4 4.59 Rodgers , Billy 66-1 23.55 14.43 37.98 66-2 68.05 50.11 118.16 66-3 53.04 53.04 66-4 33.6: 33.67 67-1 33.67 33.67 Rodgers , William 65-1 5.24 5.24 67-1 19.90 11.84 31.74 67-2 11.79 11.79 Rodriguez , Edward 67-2 19.53 44.59 64.12 67-3 20.47 35.52 55.99 Roebuck, J. E. 67-3 5.02 67-4 .60 Rogers , Albert Jr. 67-3 5.44 2.22 7.66 Rogers , Eddie Jr. 67-2 14.75 14.75 67-3 38.65 2.59 41.24 67-4 46.86 46.86 Rogers, Louis A. 66-1 14.56 66-2 10.40 66-3 3.12 Romanski , John 67-3 15.65 I DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD796 Name tr. Wage O /T Holiday Vac. Misc. Dues Total Rosenblum , Robert 65-3 13.28 65-4 14.71 66-1 .70 Rosenkranz , Anthony 63-1 51.78 -11.84 15.00 24.94 63-2 58.52 15.00 43.52 63-3 57.56 11.84 15.00 54.40 63-4 51.12 15.00 36.12 64-1 58.84 15.00 43.84 64-2 50.38 15.00 35.38 64-3 59.26 5.92 15.00 50.18 64-4 46.47 15.00 31.47 65-I 51.24 15.00 36.24 65-2 49.88 16.00 33.88 65-3 49. 88 5.92 16.50 39.30 65-4 38.69 16.50 22.19 66-1 46.68 16.50 30.18 66-2 54.04 16.50 37.54 66-3 47.64 16.50 31.14 66-4 41.89 16.50 25.39 67-1 43.57 16.50 27.07 67-2 42.21 16.50 25.71 67-3 43.17 5.92 16.50 32.59 67-4 44.13 5.50 38.63 Ross , Napoleon 67-1 .72 67-3 1.31 Rota, Joseph 65-1 98 .81 17.18 115.99 65-2 74.90 18.39 93.29 65-3 68.43 52.21 120.64 65-4 24.07 23.87 47.94 OGLE PROTECTION SERVICE, INC: 797 Name tr Wage Q Holiday Vac. Misc. Dues Total Roude, Alfred 63-1 47.98 24.93 15.00 55.46 -2.45 63-2 55.86 24.93 15.00 65.79 63-3 55.66 4.44 24.93 15.00 70.03 63-4 47.41 24.93 15.00 57.34 64-1 41.67 24.93 15.00 51.60 64-2 11.13 / 24.93 15.00 21.06 64-3 29.24 '21.09 24.93 15.00 60.26 64-4 47.98 24.93 10.00 62.91 65-1 63.99 24.93 15.00 73.92 65-2 62.88 7.40 6.29 24.93 16.00 85.50 65-3 62.74 6.29 24.93 16.50 77.46 65-4 62.50 24.93 16.50 70.93 66-1 76.39 24.93 16.50 84.82 66-2 69.67 24.93 16.50 78.10 66-3 72.10 59.20 24.93 16.50 139.73 66-4 64.71 24.93 16.50 73.14 67-1 71.06 19.98 24.93 16.50 99.47 67-2 33.69 16.28 7.40 24.93 16.50 65.80 67-3 36.67 5.18 4.81 8.31 16.50 38.47 Rouse, John W. 65-2 100.11 5.92 106.03 &5-3 41.50 41.50 65-4 52.37 49.95 102.32 66-1 3.56 3.56 Ruff, George J. 65-1 45.76 45.76 65-2 27.50 27.50 65-3 33.87 33.87 65-4 39.00 39.00 66-1 50.51 - 50.51 66-2 30.16 30.16 66-3 42.06 42.06 66-4 25.48 7.03 _ 32.51 Ruff, John Jay 66-1 7.73 30.71 38.44 66-2 4.42 4.42 66-3 6.82 6.82 66-4 1.11 1.11 67-1 4.87 4.87 Ruger, Carl 64-1 8.36 8.36 64-2 52.74 52.74 64-3 102.99 102.99 64-4 92.61 92.61 65-1 35.20 2.96 38.16 798 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Name tr Wane 2 LT Holiday Vac. Misc . Dues Total Rule, David 63-2 40.61 -5.92 34.69 63-3 56.78 5.92 62.70 63-4 50.20 50.20 64-1 57.88 57.88 64-2 48.92 48.92 64-3 58.48 58.48 64-4 44.93 44.93 65-1 60.81 11.84 72.65 65-2 50.36 50.36 65-3 53.08 5.92 59.00 65-4 51.18 5.92 57.10 66-1 40.51 40.51 66-2 13.55 13.69 27.24 66-3 59.20 59.20 Rushing, Elbert 65-3 8.58 65-4 88.32 66-1 78.50 66-2 57.44 66-3 68.35 66-4 63.02 67-1 67.52 67-2 30.79 Russell, Frederick 63-1 49.55 15.00 34.55 63-2 .24 5.00 Russell, Raymond 63-1 38.69 15.00 5.00 18.69 Russell, Ronald 63-1 10.50 10.00 .50 Rydelek, Thomas 67-1 26.54 4.07 30.61 67-2 25.82 Sackrider , Leonard 64-4 .26 .26 65-1 26.99 26.9c 65-4 2.00 2.00 66-1 2.30 2.30 66-2 14.88 14.88 66-3 10.93 10.93 66-4 5.74 2.96 8.70 67-1 9.49 2.22 11.71 OGLE PROTECTION SERVICE, INC. 799 Name -Qtr . Wage O /T Holiday Vac. Misc . Dues Total Sadler, Bill 66-4 7.45 21.83 29.28 67-1 21.20 21.20 67-2 39.53 60.31 99.84 67-3 47.17 42.55 89.72 67-4 14.87 11.84 26.71 Saltis , Stephen 63-1 52.76 20.72 15.00 58.48 63-2 59.16 5.92 15.00 50.08 63-3 50.28 2.96 4.44 15.00 42.68 63-4 40.21 8.14 5.92 15.00 39.27 64-1 45.73 15.00 30.73 64-2 38.37 15.00 23.37 64-3 41.89 15.00 26.89 64-4 19.19 15.00 4.19 65-1 12.72 1.5.00 0 65-2 35.17 16.00 19.17 65-3 45.73 5.92 16.50 35.15 Samuel, Henry 65-4 13.59 9.99 23.58 66-1 1.36 1.36 Sanders , Frank 66-2 37.91 41.44 79.35 66-3 1.15 1.15 Sanders , George 66-4 43.68 74.00 117.68 67-1 19.32 19.32 67-2 17.36 17.36 67-3 35.41 17.02 52.43 67-4 15.35 11.84 27.19 Sanders, Solomon 66-1 41.52 53.28 94.80 66-2 75.60 74.37 149.97 66-3 51.35 90.28 141.63 66-4 46.72 118.77 165.49 67-1 53.16 95.46 148.62 67-2 40.81 22.57 63.38 67-3 46.88 114.33 59.20 220.41 67-4 43.79 31.45 75.24 Sanders , Willie J. 67-3 8.21 11.10 19.31 800 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Name tr . Wage 0 T Holiday Vac . Misc . Dues Total Sanderson , Harold 65-2 3.92 .74 4.66 65-3 27.54 27.54 65-4 40.43 40.43 66-1 60 .21 5.92 66.13 66-2 8 . 06 8.06 Sanderson , Orville 65-2 60.32 130.24 190.56 65-3 57. 07 88 .06 145.13 65-4 65.33 81.03 146.36 66-1 52.81 73.24 126.05 66-2 62.18 61.42 123.60 66-3 31.20 41.44 72.64 66-4 67.74 57.72 125.46 67-1 62.34 30.34 92.68 67-2 40.50 43.29 83.79 67-3 32.18 24.76 56.94 67-4 43.25 3.70 5.92 52.87 Saunders , Thomas 65-4 4.68 4.68 66-1 105.10 180.56 285.66 66-2 55.96 165.76 221.72 66-3 59.51 148.00 207.51 66-4 48.00 89.17 137.17 67-1 58.33 37.00 17.76 113.09 67-2 50.28 118.40 5.92 174.60 67-3 68.78 225.70 5.92 300.40 Savelli, Stephen 63-2 33.59 33.59 63-3 59.02 6.29 65.31 63-4 50.39 6.29 56.68 64-1 57.88 57.88 64-2 50.36 50.36 64-3 60.31 60.31 64-4 25.79 25.i9 65-1 62 . 89 12.58 75.47 65-2 54.32 54.32 65-3 41.65 41.65 67-3 59.20 59.20 Scarberry , John S. 64-3 9.18 9.18 65-2 3.12 3.12 65-3 14.04 11.84 25.88 66-3 1.04 1.04 OGLE PROTECTION SERVICE, INC. 801 Name tr . Wage !21T Holiday Vac. Misc. Dues Total Schimmel , Walter 66-4 15.80 11.47 27.27 67-1 15.38 14.80 30.18 67-2 6.66 6.66 67-3 41.52 19.61 5.92 67.05 67-4 65.19 65.19 Schlaick, Donald 66-4 37.14 104.34 141.48 67-1 53 .68 53.68 67-2 37.53 17.76 55.29 67-3 8.75 8.75 Schlenkert , William 64-4 42.32 5.92 48.24 65-1 42.25 11.84 54.09 Schmus , Russell 67-1 .64 .64 67-2 8.38 5.18 13.56 67-3 1.56 1.56 Schoenbeck, Henry 65-1 34.65 65-2 24.21 65-4 15.54 66-1 1.20 66-4 .26 Scholie, Joseph 64-2 12.91 64-3 120.44 64-4 118.93 65-1 114.19 65-2 124.28 65-3 137.28 65-4 55.66 66-1 32.18 Schuler, William 66-3 3.84 3.84 66-4 20.80 20.80 67-1 52.65 52.65 67-2 44.37 5.92 50.29 67-3 56.86 56.86 67-4 23.46 9.62 33.08 Schultz, Walter P. 66-3 1.95 66-4 12.33 802 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Name tr Wage O/T Holiday Vac, Misc . Dues Total Schutte, Walter 67-3 3.82, 3.82 67-4 6.72 2.22 8.94 Schweitzer , Harry 63-1 2.23 63-2 52.94 63-3 59.04 5.92 5.92 63-4 49.88 5.92 64-1 59.35 4.81 64-2 50.08 64-3 53. 96 8.88 64-4 29.84 46.99 65-1 59.60 7.03 11.84 65-2 51.28 5.92 65-3 58.20 5.92 65-4 50.20 5.92 66-1 59.08 66-2 50.32 66-3 53.72 66-4 50.20 67-1 58.64 17.76 67-2 49.58 5.92 67-3 52.12 67-4 50.70 5.92 Scott, Abron 65-3 58.46 13.32 Scott, Areathus 66-4 .72 67-1 16.99 67-2 .48 67-4 3.76 Scott, Burton 67-1 2.60 67-3 10.08 4.44 Scott, Charles 65-4 7.04 66-1 48.21 66-2 8.73 20.35 66-3 53.40 88.80 Scott, Willie 66-3 27.71 17.02 66-4 31.23 2.23 52.94 70.88 55.80 64.16 50.08 62.84 76,83 78.47 57.20 64.12 56.12 59.08 50.32 53.72 50.20 76.40 55.50 52.12 56.62 71.78 2.60 14.52 7.04 48.21 29.08 142.20 44.73 31.23 OGLE PROTECTION SERVICE, INC. 803 Name tr . Wage Q Holiday Vac. Misc. Dues Total Seall, Jesse 65-1 45.21 65-2 45.28 65-3 54.58 65-4 63.19 66-1 11.89 66-2 17.03 66-3 16.38 66-4 16.38 67-1 19.31 67-2 17.16 67-3 8.95 67-4 .96 Sealts, Jesse 65-1 45.21 65-2 45.28 65-3 54.58 65-4 63.59 66-1 6.66 Seaton, Donald 65-2 5.38 65-3 49.88 65-4 35.49 66-1 6.76 Selley , Clifford 67-2 19.35 4.44 23.79 67-3 45.01 92.50 137.51 67-4 12.23 12.23 Seiler, Arthur 63-1 8.95 15.00 0 63-2 8.55 15.00 0 63-3 5.76 17.76 15.00 8.52 63-4 12.47 15.00 0 64-3 17.94 10.00 7.94 64-4 8.74 8.74 Sensing, Carmack 63-1 57.88 85.84 15.00 128.72 63-2 74.50 148.00 15.00 207.50 63-3 51.42 94.72 15.00 131.14 63-4 7.03 15.00 0 64-1 9.59 15.00 0 64-2 8.31 15.00 0 64-3 4.48 10.00 0 427-258 O -LT - 74 - 52 804 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Name Sexton . David 67-3 10.95 67-4 2.72 Shabazz, Abdullah 65-3 2. 88 2.88 65-4 85.09 140.23 225.32 66-1 6.24 6.24 Sharble, Thomas 66-2 20.21 47.36 67.57 66-3 53.76 83.25 137.01 66-4 41.77 46. 99 88.76 67-1 38.85 11.84 50.69 67-2 44.63 5.92 50.55 Sharp, William 65-2 38 .16 63.27 101.43 65-3 8.75 5.92 14.67 Sharpe , William 65-1 28.50 65-2 20.02 Shelton, Harry 65-1 .92 65-2 5.08 65-3 .31 Shelton, Raymond 67-3 1.89 67-4 19.03 Shepp , Alfred 63-1 40.29 15.00 25.29 63-2 44.13 15.00 29.13 63-3 44.77 11.84 15.00 41.61 63-4 38.37 5.92 15.00 29.29 64-1 45.07 15.00 30.07 64-2 38.37 5.92 15.00 29.29 64-3 35.49 15.00 20.49 64-4 38.87 15.00 23.87 65-1 24.62 10.00 14.62 Sheppard , Jamie 65-1 16.69 16.69 65-2 67.54 67.54 65-3 81. 68 21.83 11.47 114.98 65-4 7.28 7.28 tr . Wage O/ T Holiday Vac. Misc . Dues Total OGLE PROTECTION SERVICE, INC. 805 Name tr . WY#Se Q Holiday Vac. Misc . Dues Total.. Sheppard , Sam 65-4 22.63 8.24 30.87 66-1 17.10 17.10 Shy, Norman 65-1 1.14 65-2 1.97 65-3 11.56 65-4 5.25 67-3 1.17 Sidlack, Donald 66-2 3.12 5.92 9.04 66-3 3.37 3.37 Simon , Jacob 67-2 .48 .48 67-3 29.12 .37 29.49 67-4 10.23 10.23 Simpson , Allen. 63-1 36.76 15.00 21.76 63-2 42.55 15.00 27.55 63-3 30.06 59.20 15.00 74.26 63-4 17.03 3.15 15.00 5.18 64-1 30.51 15.00 15.51 64-2 40.83 15.00 25.83 64-3 48.67 59.20 15.00 92.87 64-4 40.56 10.00 30.56 65-1 38.46 15.00 23.46 65-2 22.00 16.00 6.00 65-3 9.35 88.80 11.00 87.15 66-1 6.47 6.47 Simpson, Dwight 67-2 6.29 Simpson, Gary 65-1 7.62 65-2 11.34 65-3 20.02 65-4 4.46 66-1 .25 Sinclair, James 65-2 9.26 65-3 82.91 65-4 18.04 66-1 3.68 806 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Name tr Wage O/T Holiday Vac. Misc . Dues Total Smith, Ben 64-4 5.17 65-1 8.42 65-2 40.63 65-3 26.65 65-4 31.59 Smith, Donald 66-3 2.40 7.40 9.80 Smith , Edward 64-4 13.57 65-1 8.34 65-2 12.53 65-4 1.49 Smith, Floyd 65-2 27.81 21.83 49.64 65-3 86.84 146.89 11.84 245.57 65-4 9.83 25.90 35.73 Smith, George 67-3 50.52 67-4 54.06 Smith , Howard 67-2 1.42 32.56 33.98 67-3 25.26 23.68 48.94 67-4 15.35 15.35 Smith, Howard 65-4 13.45 13.45 67-1 12.49 12.49 67-2 41.33 2.96 44.29 67-3 26.10 1.48 27.58 67-4 30.98 11.84 42.82 Smith , James 64-4 29.55 65-1 9.44 65-2 3.38 67-1 1.76 OGLE PROTECTION SERVICE, INC. 807 Name tr . Wage 01T Holiday Vac. Misc. Dues Total Smith , James A. 63-1 22.94 1.85 15.00 9.79 63-2 14.47 15.00 0 63-3 8.51 15.00 0 63-4 15.99 10.00 5.99 64-1 5.11 10.00 0 65-1 83.01 .74 15.00 68.75 65-2 14.12 5.00 9.12 65-3 9.96 9.96 65-4 9.33 9.33 Smith , Jimmie 67-1 2.20 67-2 6.95 67-3 6.71 Smith, Nathan 66-1 79.04 162.80 241.84 66-2 22.75 11.84 34.59 66-3 15.86 30.34 46.20 Smith, Paul 63-1 31.50 5.92 37.42 65-1 16.44 16.44 65-2 44.79 5.92 50.71 65-3 86.45 131.72 218.17 65-4 35.95 44.40 80.35 66-2 9.59 29.60 39.19 67-1 15.67 5.92 21.59 67-2 5.28 5.28 67-3 30.23 22.56 52.79 67-4 3.48 3.48 Smith , Raymond 67-3 23.78 67-4 3.02 Smith , Raymond 67-3 7.36 26.64 34.01 67-4 62.00 118.40 180.40 Smoot, Fleming 67-2 8.96 8.96 67-3 23 .93 1.85 25.78 67-4 40.97 17.76 5.92 64.65 808 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Smothers , Walters 66-2 36.61 .74 37.35 66-3 33.09 2.59 35.68 66-4 19.63 .74 20.37 67-1 10.60 10.60 67-2 22.35 22.35 67-3 34.03 34.0' 67-4 16.69 16.69 Sneed, Early 66-4 2.28 17.44 19.72 Snell, John R. 65-4 74.01 100.64 174.65 66-1 3.19 7.77 10.96 66-2 9.55 65.49 75.04 66-3 32.73 32.73 66-4 10.40 10.40 67-2 16.83 16.83 67-3 40.44 1.85 42.29 67-4 30.26 30.26 Sonerant , Earl 63-1 .33 .33 63-2 42.52 42.52 63-3 58.52 5.92 64.44 63-4 50.70 50.70 64-1 56.92 56.92 64-2 47.12 1.48 48.60 64-3 60.75 60.75 64-4 26.54 5.92 32.46 65-1 58.39 58.39 65-2 49.88 49.88 65-3 35.49 35.49 Sopfe, Earl 63-1 16.67 15.00 1.67 63-2 19.25 15.00 4.25 63-3 17.91 15.00 2.91 63-4 12.79 15.00 0 64-1 15.35 15.00 .35 64-2 14.71 15.00 0 64-3 18.39 15.00 3.39 64-4 17.06 15.00 2.06 65-1 17.11 15.00 2.11 65-2 18.93 16.00 2.93 65-3 31.54 16.00 15.04 65-4 27.22 16.50 10.72 66-1 21.74 16.50 5.24 66-2 41.95 16.50 25.45 66-3 41.60 16.50 25.10 Name tr . Wage R LT Holiday Vac, Misc . Dues - Total OGLE PROTECTION SERVICE, INC. 809 Name tr. Wane O /T Holiday Vac.- Misc . Dues Total Sowders , Edward 64-4 51.92 65-1 114.52 Sparrow, Dale 66-1 14.79 66-2 1.72 Spaulding, Bruce 63-1 45.73 41.44 17.76 15.00 89.93 63-2 55.00 65.12 5.92 15.00 111.04 63-3 1.28 1.28 Speight, Benjamin 66-4 2.84 2.84 67-1 7.57 4.81 12.38 Stagner. Donald 65-4 22.46 66-1 13.95 Stamper, Bernard 67-4 5.92 6.00 11.92 Stanley , Robert 63-4 46.67 Statun, Carl 66-2 13.56 St. Coix, Daniel 63-2 41.89 5.92 -11.84 35.97 63-3 58.52 5.92 64.44 63-4 50.52 50.52 64-1 58.84 58.84 64-2 50.20 50.20 64-3 53.00 53.00 64-4 37.21 37.21 65-1 10.03 10.03 65-2 54.52 54.52 65-3 57.76 57.76 65-4 12.27 12.27 66-1 32.22 32.22 66-2 .64 .64 Steakly, James 63-1 3.64 64-1 12.99 810 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Name Qtr. Wage 0 T Holiday Vac. Misc . Dues Total Steiff , William 65-3 11.62 65-4 2.00 St-einacker , Orvile 63-1 .79 -5.92 63-2 42.21 5.92 43.00) 63-3 58.52 58.52 63-4 48.29 48.29 64-1 58.84 58.84 64-2 43.77 43.77 64-3 22 39 22 39 64-4 . 12.57 11.84 . 24.41 65-1 23.40 23.40 65-2 3.17 3.17 Steincamp , Paul 65-3 56.92 5.92 62.84 65-4 45.53 125.43 170.96 66-1 65.23 189.44 254.67 66-2 33.57 103.60 137.17 Stencel, John 63-1 49.40 -11.84 15.00 22.56 63-2 58.52 5.92 15.00 49.44 63-3 57 .68 5.92 15.00 48.60 63-4 50.52 15.00 35.52 64-1 60.43 8. 88 15 .00 54.31 64-2 50.72 15.00 35.72 64-3 57.56 15.00 42.56 64-4 52.12 15.00 37.12 65-1 56.60 15.00 41.60 65-2 50.20 16.00 34.20 65-3 54.06 16.50 37.56 65-4 50.23 16.50 33.73 66-1 25.90 16.50 9.40 66-3 15.05 5.92 16.50 4.47 66-4 38.06 5.50 32.56 67-1 44.15 11.84 16.50 39.49 67-2 23.42 11.00 12.42 Stephens , Felton 65-4 34.49 34.49 66-1 52.41 56.06 108.47 66-2 17.26 39.96 57.22 Stephens , William 67-3 37.41 67-4 7.03 OGLE PROTECTION SERVICE, INC. 811 Name Otr. Wage O /T Holiday Vac. Misc. Dues . Total Stevens , Eugene 64-3 16.56 65-1 18.82 Stevenson, Willie 67-4 16.23 Steward, Paul 63-2 39.07 5.92 -5.92 39.07 63-3 53.72 5.92 59.64 63-4 49.56 49.56 64-1 57.44 6.66 64.10 64-2 49.28 18.50 67.78 64-3 62.51 53.28 115.79 64-4 21.90 13.32 35.22 Stewart, James 66-2 7.62 7.62 66-3 32.25 7.40 39.65 66-4 92.90 92.90 67-1 51.74 51.74 67-2 42.78 42.78 67-3 28.82 24.79 53.61 67-4 13.43 13.43 Stewart, Orlando 66-2 10.29 10.29 66-3 86.19 133.20 219.39 66-4 69.41 54.76 124.17 67-1 39.13 3.89 43.02 Stewart, Ralph 66-2 3.00 3.00 66-3 3.00 3.00 67-1 .96 3.00 3.96 67-2 .88 2.78 3.66 Stillman , Bruce 66-4 10.71 Stobierski, Edmund 63-1 32.69 .37 15.00 18.06 Stone, Thomas L. 67-3 28.90 42.92 71.82 67-4 2.44 2.44 812 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Name tr . WaRe _2LT Holiday Vac. Misc . Dues Total Stout, James 66-2 4.56 67-3 4.60 67-4 5.12 Stout, John 65-1 82.24 82.24 65-2 83.00 83.00 66-1 74.44 46.81 121.25 66-2 63.07 12.95 76.02 66-3 6.89 21.28 28.17 67-1 80.90 21.28 102.18 67-2 61.34 26.64 87.98 67-3 59.20 59.20 Stracher, Earnest 67-3 2.89 Strauss , William 65-1 77.57 77.57 65-2 74.69 74.69 65-3 2.16 2.16 65-4 6.37 6.37 66-1 42.36 42.36 66-2 29.10 3.00 32.10 66-3 3.02 3.02 66-4 11.43 11.43 67-1 31.36 31.36 67-2 30.62 30.62, 67-3 6.08 6.08 Sullivan , Maurice 63-1 47.56 -5.92 15.00 26.64 63-2 58.81 5.92 15.00 49.73 63-3 27.30 24.42 5.00 46.72 Sullivan, William 65-1 66.53 72.15 138.68 65-2 115.77 120.62 5.92 242.31 65-3 96.76 133.20 11.84 241.80 65-4 13.47 35.89 49.36 OGLE PROTECTION SERVICE, INC. 813 Name tr . WWage O /T Holiday Vac. Misc. Dues Total Sutton, John 65-4 43.11 66-1 36.07 66-2 25.75 66-3 24.34 66-4 18.75 67-1 47.71 67-2 35.80 67-3 26.90 67-4 16.95 Sutton, Willie 67-4 54.12 46.62 100.74 Swiercz, Daniel 67-3 4.68 67-4 33.26 Szewczyk, Joseph 64-4 6.37 65-1 21.88 Szukala, Walter 63-1 58.52 62.16 15.00 105.68 63-2 16.63 20.72 15.00 22.35 63-3 41.13 77.89 15.00 104.02 63-4 6.39 6.39 64-1 16.03 15.00 1.03 64-2 29.66 15.00 14.66 64-3 62.65 15.00 47.65 64-4 44.20 117.66 15.00 146.86 65-1 36.20 297.48 12.58 346.26 65-2 31.01 267.88 5.92 304.81 65-3 30.20 250.12 11.84 - 292.16 65-4 5.04 5.04 66-1 24.77 199.65 224.42 66-2 10.63 66.06 76.69 Tailey, Ralph 66-4 35.75 17.76 53.51 67-1 36.66 16.28 52.94 Tartt, Evans Jr. 67-3 .72 67-4 .72 Taylor , James 67-1 17.29 33.30 50.59 67-2 37.65 8.51 46.16 67-3 3.20 3.20 67-4 42.25 89.75 132.00 814 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Name tr . Wage Q /T Holiday Vac. Misc . Dues Total Teamer , George 67-3 4.79 4.79 67-4 38.33 7.40 45.73 Teagarden , James 65-1 9.59 Teauge , Carl 67-2 .64 67-4 5.20 Tennent, Edward 66-3 19.20 71.78 90.98 66-4 11.51 47.36 58.87 Tewell , George 66-1 50.48 79.96 130.44 66-2 51.11 118.40 169.51 66-3 20.92 82.14 103.06 66-4 5.49 10.36 15.85 67-1 15.93 15.93 67-2 13.98 13.98 67-3 .48 59.20 59.68 Thero, Samuel 65-3 3.32 3.32 65-4 8.02 10.55 18.57 66-1 37.27 9.44 46.71 66-2 38.84 11.66 50.50 Therrien, Arthur 64-1 .72 .72 64-2 60.80 60.80 64-3 87.72 87.72 64-4 37.99 37.99 65-1 72.92 72.92 65-2 72.20 72.20 65-3 5.94 5.94 65-4 59.43 2.22 61.65 66-1 56.85 56.85 66-2 59.20 59.20 66-3 38.81 38.81 66-4 51.87 51.87 67-1 12.81 12.81 Thomas , Frederick 64-3 58.95 58.95 64-4 70.88 70.88 65-1 71.63 2.59 74.22 65-2 5.69 5.69 OGLE PROTECTION SERVICE, INC. 815 Name tr . Waae Q Holiday Vac. Misc . Dues Total Thomas , George 66-3 .58 66-4 1.30 67-1 15.39 67-2 17.35 67-3 17.67 67-4 16.10 Thomas , James 66-1 .28 .28 66-2 50.05 23.68 73.73 Thomas , Luicious 67-4 8.42 Thompson , Arthur 63-1 26.04 .37 -11.84 15.00 0 63-2 44.55 .37 5.92 15.00 35.41 63-3 53.40 5.92 15.00 44.32 63-4 50.52 15.00 35.52 64-1 48.08 15.00 33.08 64-2 40.35 15.00 25.35 64-3 54.34 8.88 15.00 48.22 64-4 45.73 15.00 30.73 55-1 23.98 13.32 15.00 22.30 65-3 59.20 59.20 Thompson , John 66-4 3.92 19.24 23.16 67-1 13.11 31.82 44.93 67-3 19.19 29.60 48.79 67-4 9.10 11.84 20.94 Thompson, Robert 66-1 27.91 11.84 39.75 66-2 64.48 17.76 82.24 66-3 62.40 25.16 87.56 66-4 62.40 5.92 68.32 67-1 74.19 22.94 97.13 67-2 8.31 8.31 67-3 43.45 91.02 134.47 67-4 38.65 7.03 45.68 Tidwell, Willie 67-4 19.97 816 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Name tr . Waste O/T Holiday Vac. Misc . Dues Total Tite, Andrew 65-1 93.42 5.92 99.34 65-2 51.27 4.81 56.08 65-3 63.49 14.80 78.29 65-4 50.97 5.92 56.89 66-1 34.93 17.76 52.69 66-2 20.70 12.94 33.64 Tolbert, Charles 66-1 13.57 13.57 66-2 52.28 11.10 63.38 66-3 67.21 48.10 115.31 67-1 14.82 14.82 67-2 44.76 20.72 65.48 67-3 34.63 5.55 40.18 67-4 11.19 11.19 Toler, Richard 67-2 15.24 1.48 16.72 67-3 43.45 53.65 97.10 67-4 40.04 28.86 68.90 Topps, Samuel 67-3 38.54 112.48 151.02 67-4 31.50 14.43 45.93 Townsel , Timothy 67-3 5.76 Townsend , Paul 67-3 10.54 11.84 22.38 67-4 34.33 14.43 48.76 Traico , Thomas 66-4 11.36 11.36 67-1 39.28 39.28 67-2 39.52 39.52 67-3 55.04 .37 5.92 61.33 67-4 5.75 5.75 Travis, Martin R. 65-3 55.10 142.11 11.84 209.05 65-4 82.94 122.84 11.84 217.62 66-1 100.10 167.24 267.34 66-2 82.81 116.88 199.69 66-3 99.97 154.66 12.58 267.21 66-4 72.28 74.00 146.28 67-1 23.68 23.68 67-3 59.20 59.20 OGLE PROTECTION SERVICE, INC. 8.17 Name L. Waste 2 LT Holiday Vac. Misc . Dues Total Travis , Paul 66-1 5.12 5.92 11.04 Travis , Robert A. 66-2 7.28 17.39 24.67 66-3 60.46 13.69 74.15 66-4 55.38 152.44 207.82 67-1 56.38 25.16 81.54 67-2 11.02 11.02 67-3 20.08 20.08 67-4 8.0R 8.08 Travis, Robert R. 66-3 23.82 23.82 66-4 6.00 12.58 18.58 67-1 26.14 4.44 30.58 67-2 37.69 2.59 40.28 67-3 44.45 29.23 73.68 67-4 45.87 75.85 121.72 Travis , Walter M. 65-4 71.52 99.90 171.42 66-1 102.32 167.90 270.22 66-2 55.85 105.46 161.31 66-3 23.86 33.67 57.53 Trenney, Allen 64-4 32.16 65-1 18.86 65-2 10.12 Tucker, Carl 67-2 4.28 67-3 13.31 67-4 29.42 Tucker, Leonard 65-3 4.76 65-4 30.84 66-1 28.68 66-2 5.98 Tucker , Richard L. 65-1 3.44 65-2 84.53 65-3 79.04 65-4 44.97 66-1 1.85 81 8 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Name tr . Wage O/T Holiday Vac. Misc. Dues Total Tucker, Willie 66-4 12 . 76 12.76 67-1 14 . 92 14.92 67-2 11 . 35 11.35 67-3 28 . 17 1.48 29.65 67-4 5.42 5.42 Turcotte , Joseph 63-1 35.01 -5.92 15 . 00 14.09 63-2 57.52 5.92 15.00 48.44 63-3 18.55 15.00 3.55 63-4 39.25 15.00 24.25 64-1 57.56 15.00 42.56 64-2 50.16 15.00 35.16 64-3 55.92 15.00 40.92 64-4 52.30 15.00 37.30 65-1 57.16 57.16 65-2 40.61 40.61 Turner, Charles 66-4 7.83 38.48 46.31 67-1 5.02 - 5.02 Turner, George D. 65-4 57 . 33 40 . 70 98.03 66-1 7 . 15 2.22 9.37 Turner , Henry 6S 49.55 65-4 23.72 66-1 1.01 Turner , Matthew 67-1 12.83 3.33 16.16 67-2 31.73 14.80 46.53 67-3 11.63 2 . 96 14.59 Turner , Rupert 66-1 181.20 42 . 55 223.75 66-2 70.80 3.70 74.50 OGLE PROTECTION SERVICE, INC. 819 Name tr . Wage 0 T Holiday Vac. Misc. Dues Total Tyson, Thomas 64-4 70.38 5.92 76.30 65-1 147.03 11.84 158.87 65-2 131.35 131.35 65-3 103.50 103.50 65-4 81.04 11.84 92.88 66-1 59.87 11.66 23.68 95.21 66-3 59.20 59.20 67-3 59.20 59.20 Ufford, Lawrence 65-1 41.05 65-2 32.68 65-3 38.39 65-4 29.48 66-1 15.01 66-4 20.28 67-1 27.95 67-2 6.24 Utsler, Max 65-3 82.03 126.54 11.84 220.41 65-4 49.88 106.56 5.92 162.36 66-1 63.87 158.36 222.23 66-2 47.16 177.60 224.76 66-4 227.63 227.63 67-3 59.20 59.20 Vaughn , Robert 64-4 47.61 47.61 65-1 60 .88 71.04 131.92 65-2 74. 93 86 .21 5.92 167.06 65-3- 4.16 4.16 Vercruysse , Raymond 63-1 50.84 -10.36 15.00 25.48 63-2 66.48 70 .18 5.92 15.00 127.58 63-3 50.00 29.60 4.44 15.00 69.04 63-4 54.12 15.00 39.12 64-1 59.16 15.00 44.16 64-2 49.88 15.00 34.88 64-3• 44.77 15.00 29.77 64-4 49.08 15.00 34.08 65-3 59.20 59.20 427-258 O-LT - 74 - 53 820 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Name Qtr , Wage O /T Holiday Vac. Misc . Dues Total Vermett , Ernest 65-1 65.05 7.03 72.08 65-2 60.35 60.35 65-3 61.58 61.58 65-4 61.42 61.42 66-1 70.92 70.92 66-2 57.33 57.33 66-3 39.00 39.00 66-4 39.20 39.20 67-1 47.77 47.77 67-2 39.13 39.13 67-3 23.64 23.64 67-4 6.91 6.91 Wadsworth, Fred 63-1 7.00 15.00 63-2 13.75 5.92 5.92 15.00- 63-3 32.38 20.72 11.84 -17.76 15.00 42.77) 63-4 49.08 159.66 15.00 193.74 64-1 18.55 53.28 17.76 5.00 84.59 65-1 208.54 15.00 193.54 65-2 136.31 16.00 120.31 65-3 53.04 16.50 36.54 65-4 46.80 16.50 30.30 66-1 68 .64 16.50 52.14 66-2 67.60 16.50 51.10 66-3 57.20 16.50 40.70 66-4 52.39 16.50 35.89 67-1 .52 5.50 0 Waldrop, Yatus 66-1 24.02 66-2 19.84 Walker, James 67-4 31.16 3.70 34.86 Walker, Wesley 65-3 45.31 28.49 73.80 65-4 26.00 47.36 73.36 Ward , Robert L . 67-1 6.34 67-2 17.03 67-3 8.39 OGLE PROTECTION SERVICE, INC. 821 Name tr . Wake O /T Holiday Vac. Misc. Dues Total Warfield, Ernest 64-3 31.68 64-4 6.44 65-1 3.45 Warren , Marion 67-1 10.51 35.52 46.03 67-2 66.39 192.40 5.92 264.71 67-3 84.99 273. 52 8.88 367.39 67-4 74.93 138.20 5.92 219.05 Washington, Eddie 67-2 15.38 8.88 24.26 67-3 12.13 12.13 Watson , Charles 67-4 12.67 Wawrzynski, Ted 65-3 67.77 86.58 5.92 160.27 65-4 75.73 87.69 5.92 169.34 66-1 16.38 10.36 26.74 Wayrynen, John. 63-1 51.10 7.40 -11.84 15.00 31.66 63-2 58.52 5.92 15.00 49.44 63-3 56.28 5.92 15.00 47.20 63-4 50.52 15.00 35.52 64-1 58.90 15.00 43.90 64-2 50.32 15.00 35.32 64-3 58.60 118.40 15.00 162.00 64-4 52.36 15.00 37.36 65-1 59.86 15.00 44.86 65-2 50.00 16.00 34.00 65-3 54.74 59.20 16.50 97.44 65-4 50.20 16.50 33.70 66-1 5.50 0 67-1 33.99 .74 5.92 16.50 24.15 67-2 40.05 16.50 23.55 76-3 6.99 59.20 66.19 67-4 1.28 1.28 Welser, James 63-1 53.51 23.89 -4.81 15.00 57.59 63-2 44.47 4.81 15.00 34.28 63-3 7.67 15-.00 0 63-4 1.28 15.00 0 Weng , Herman W. 64-3 11.44 822 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Name tr . Wage OJT Holiday Vac. Misc. Dues Total Westbrook, Robert 67-4 47.42 8.88 5.18 61.48 Westburg, August 65-1 3.12 65-2 18.73 Westcott, Donald F. 64-4 2.08 2.08 65-1 32.59 17.76 50.35 Whear, Thomas 64-4 5.40 -5.40 0 65-1 123.80 3.33 127.13 65-2 95.11 95.11 65-3 113.28 113.28 65-4 91.90 5.92 97.82 66-1 123.76 3.33 127.09 66-2 98.67 9.62 108.29 66-3 93.26 14.06 107.32 66-4 74.45 15.17 89.62 67-1 47.01 2.59 49.60 67-2 36.07 2.96 39.03 67-3 29.74 29.74 67-4 35.33 35.33 Whitaker, Van B. 67-3 4.68 67-4 1.44 White, John 66-2 1.90 66-3 22.98 66-4 5.04 White, Larkin 67-1 1.42 1.42 67-2 .36 .36 67-3 40.81 75.88 116.69 67-4 13.61 13.61 Whitt, Washington 66-2 12.74 66-3 9.28 OGLE PROTECTION SERVICE, INC. 823 Name tr . W#le Q Holiday Vac. Misc. Dues Total Wilhelm, Stephen 63-1 52.14 -35.52 15.00 1.62 63-2 58.94 5.92 15.00 49.86 63-3 53.88 59.20 15.00 98.08 63-4 39.73 18.50 15.00 43.23 64-1 45.87 17.76 15.00 48.63 54-3 59.20 59.20 Wilkerson, Donald 64-3 36.87 64-4 61.59 65-1 43.31 Williams, Albert 66-2 29.84 42.74 72.58 66-3 55.83 53.29 109.12 66-4 5.20 5.20 Williams, Alphonso 67-3 33.86 67-4 1.28 Williams, Frederick 66-3 7.87 2.96 10.83 Williams, George 64-1 18.24 64-2 2.88 21.123 Williams, Harry 67-1 41.89 2.96 44.85 67-2 23.73 8.30 32.03 67-3 13.59 13.59 67-4 .72 .72 Williams, Harvel 65-3 27.30 20.72 48.02 65-4 72.92 99.72 172.64 66-1 72.74 16.65 89.39 66-2 77.35 85.10 162.45 66-3 25.43 22.20 47.63 66-4 60.48 60.48 67-1 39.42 39.42 67-2 36.26 20.72 56.98 67-3 42.13 76.22 5.92 59.20 183.47 67-4 41.89 23.68 65.57 Williams, Leo 67-3 24.98 20.72 45.70 Williams, Lonnie 67-3 32.83 24.61 57.44 67-4 11.51 11.51 824 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Name QLL. .Mega QLS Holiday Vac- Misc. Rues Total Williams , Mack 65-2 22.92 22.92 65-3 35.65 35.65 65-4 33.28 33.28 66-2 7.93 7.93 66-3 40.72 40.72 66-4 36.14 36.14 67-1 39.07 39.07 67-2 36.27 36.27 67-3 29.78 8.88 38.66 67-4 7.03 7.03 Williams, Meredith 67-4 17.50 29.60 47.10 Williams, Merida 66-1 29.62 12.21 41.83 Williams, Patrick 63-1 39.33 10.00 29.33 Williams, Raymond 64-4 23.05 23.05 65-1 81.09 3.33 84.42 65-2 56.36 56.36 65-3 76.23 76.23 65-4 62.05 62.05 66-1 53.17 53.17 66-2 39.52 39.52 66-3 42.12 2.96 45.08 66-4 24.98 24.98 67-1 21.12 21.12 67-2 15.97 15.97 67-3 47.64 35.52 8.88 92.04 67-4 23.94 11.84 35.78 Williams, Ross 63-2 42.46 5.92 63-3 58.52 5.92 63-4 50.52 64-1 58.84 64-2 50.09 64-3 57.72 64-4 33.81 65-1 56.24 65-2 50.00 65-3 62.35 65-4 53.14 66-1 47.04 66-3 59.20 -11.84 36.54 64.44 50.52 58.84 50.09 57.72 33.81 56.24 50.00 62.35 53.14 47.04 59.20 OGLE PROTECTION SERVICE, INC. 825 Name tr. Wage O/T Holiday Vac. Misc. Dues Total Williamson, Fred 66-1 9.14 5.72 14.86 66-2 67.80 63.27 131.07 66-3 79.17 77.70 11.84 168.71 Williamson, Grahan 65-4 30.71 66-1 53.56 66-2 38.68 66-3 16.12 Willis, Hudson 67-3 30.59 26.83 57.42 67-4 11.19 11.19 Willis, Charles 67-4 9.18 Winkelman, Verner 63-1 49.11 -5.92 15.00 28.19 63-2 54.62 5.92 15.00 45.54 63-3 49.25 15.00 34.25 63-4 51.35 15.00 36.35 64-1 50.98 15.00 35.98 64-2 39.57 15.00 24.57 64-3 64.43 29.60 15.00 79.03 64-4 27.70 15.00 12.70 65-1 57.17 9.25. 16.28 5.00 77.70 65-2 55.76 16.00 39.76 65-3 65.31 26.64 16.50 75.45 65-4 56.41 16.50 39.91 66-1 64.30 5.55 16.50 53.35 66-2 8.32 92.13 5.92 16.50 89.87 66-3 75.96 77.70 5.92 29.60 16.50 172.68 66-4 58.59 35.52 5.92 16.50 83.53 67-1 65.21 14.06 16.50 62.77 67-2 52.78 23.68 5.92 16.50 65.88 67-3 59.40 5.92 29.60 16.50 78.42 Winn, Raymond 67-1 28.52 69.96 98.48 Wichtman, George 63-1 9.33 15.00 0 63-2 17.47 15.00 2.47 63-3 24.76 3.70 15.00 13.46 63-4 5.48 10.00 0 64-1 14.39 15.00 0 64-2 3.96 5.00 0 826 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Name tr . Wage O /T Holiday Vac. Misc. Dues Total Witsoe, Guy 66-3 4.66 1.48 6.14 66-4 .72 .72 Wolfram , Frank 63-1 3.63 -11.84 63-2 56.12 10.36 5.92 64.19) 63-3 58.84 17.76 5.92 82.52 63-4 51.92 5.92 57.84 64-1 64.19 70.30 134.49 64-2 50.32 11.84 62.16 64-3 70.94 99.90 170.84 64-4 32.38 68.82 101.20 66-1 18.11 18.11 65-3 59.20 59.20 Wolski, John 63-1 49.86 -10.31 15.00 24.55 63-2 59.36 6.29 15.00 50.65 63-3 62.09 4.07 15.00 51.16 63-4 50.32 2.22 15.00 37.54 64-1 62.63 34.78 15.00 82.41 64-2 51.82 15.17 15.00 51.99 64-3 57.80 59.20 15.00 102.00 64-4 54.04 32.19 15.00 71.23 65-1 58.89 16.28 15.00 60.17 65-2 60.43 91.76 5.92 16.00 142.11 65-3 28.80 128.02 12.21 29.60 16.50 182.13 65-4 .41 230.16 10.36 16.50 224.43 66-1 188.20 16.50 171.70 66-2 16.50 0 66-3 70.24 29.60 16.50 83.34 66-4 100.35 16.50 83.85 67-1 190.80 16.50 174.30 67-2 158.44 6.66 16.50 148.60 67-3 274.76 13.69 59.20 16.50 331.15 67-4 290.29 5.50 284.79 Woock, Frank G. 67-2 19.23 22.67 41.90 67-3 47.21 34.41 5.92 87.54 67-4 22.74 22.74 Woodward, McQueen 66-3 32.49 65.12 97.61 66-4 73.06 79.37 152.43 67-1 83.20 5.92 89.12 OGLE PROTECTION SERVICE, INC. 827 Name. tr. Wa&e 2 LT Holiday Vac. Misc. Dues Total Woodward, Curtis 65-3 43.20 43.20 65-4 23.11 23.11 66-1 35.51 7.40 42.91 66-2 48.04 48.04 66-3 32.18 32.18 66-4 2.11 2.11 Woody, Roy 66-1 6.40 66-2 7.51 66-3 12.91 66-4 10.39 67-1 3.64 Wootton, Joseph 63-1 14.95 14.95 63-2 5.44 5.44 63-3 20.14 20.14 63-4 18.23 18.23 64-1 17.90 17.90 64-2 15.99 15.99 64-3 41.57 41.57 64-4 7.83 7.83 65-1 16.63 16.63 65-2 15.47 15.47 65-3 23.62 10.36 33.98 65-4 15.99 15.99 66-1 23.26 25.90 49.16 66-2 13.83 13.83 66-3 2.23 2.23 67-2 3.52 3.52 67-3 22.7-1 22.75 Wright, Jedie 66-3 28.43 14.80 43.23 66-4 17.94 13.32 31.26 Zablaski, Eugene 65-1 23.92 65-2 19.76 Zalenski, Leonard 65-2 56.28 56.28 65-3 54.22 5.92 60.14 65-4 6.00 6.00 66-1 67.31 51.00 118.31 828 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Name Qtr. Wage Q /T Holiday Vac. Misc. Dues Total Zamara , Eugene 65-4 8.35 66-1 23.20 66-2 17.95 66-3 9.71 66-4 .40 Zielinski, Anthony 65-1 148.72 61.03 209.75 65-3 59.20 59.20 Zimmer , Ronnie 63-1 14.39 15.00 0 63-2 8.95 10.00 0 Ziolkowski, Casimir 64-4 1.04 65-1 51.67 65-2 41.40 OGLE PROTECTION SERVICE, INC. APPENDIX B Aleshire 164.00 Asikainen 173.00 Aupart 305.00 Bedford, J. 173.00 Berry, Wm. Sr. 230.00 Blackburn, John 189.50 Bland, Donald 20.00 Brown, F. 115.00 Bunch, Taff 200.50 Cullen, F. 223.00 Campbell, Frank 115.00 Caputo, S. 105.00 Chrysler, G. 162.50 Clowers, C. 179.00 Conder, W. 35.00 Curtis, Chas. 65.00 Dailey, J. 50.00 Dietz, R. 60.00 Dimmick, C. 234.00 Disney, C. 45.00 Dresden, J. 173.00 Durham, C. 157.00 Ellerbach, R. 206.00 Ennest, J. 40.00 Ernest, C. 65.00 Fettig, M. 40.00 Froechler, J. 40.00 Gabbert, J. 250.00 Galan, J. 35.00 Gay, C. 115.00 Green, F. 35.00 Grieser, G. 40.00 Hamilton, B. 25.00 Hannigan, M. 25.00 Harrison, B. 10.00 Harrison, E. 50.00 Healey, J. 120.00 Haines, R. 35.00 Hodgson, F. 65.00 Holstein, A. 40.00 Holmes, 0. 140.50 Howell, C. 10.00 Howie, H. 175.50 829 830 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Jackson , F. 95.00 Jones , C. 110.00 Judd, W. 85.00 Kalinowski, A. 125.00 Kennedy, E. 40.00 Kimnach, T. 157.50 Kryza, E. 234.00 Kuschell, A, 181.00 Kyle, W. 288.50 Lawyler, C. 272.00 Leeth, H. 25.00 Lewis, T. 25.00 Luke, S. 30.00 Mark, S. 125.50 Masuch, C. 20.00 MacLeod 30.00 McAtee, A. 120.50 McKenna , L. 105.00 McLean , J. 30.00 Menzie, D. 64.00 Meyer, G. 305.00 Miller, Dwight 167.50 Miller, J. 233.50 Miller, P. 195.00 Mullins, C. 184.50 Mullins, J. 20.00 Myers, S. 50.00 Nowicki, H. 100.00 Parski, J. 267.50 Pepper, H. 110.00 Phillips, H. 217.00 Flues, W. 151.00 Polk, E. 233.50 Poole 173.00 Redder, A. 277.50 Rivers , D. 267.50 Robinson , H. 112.00 Rosenkranz , A. 305.00 Roude , A. 294.50 Russell , F. 20.00 Russell , Ray 20.00 Russell , Ron 10.00 Saltis , S. 167.50 OGLE PROTECTION SERVICE, INC. Seiler, A. 70.00 Sensing, C. 100.00 Shepp, A. 130.00 Simpson, A. 157.00 Smith, James A. 85.00 Sopfe, E. 233.50 Spaulding, B. 30.00 Stencel, J. 250.00 Stroblerski, E. 15.00 Sullivan, M. 35.00 Szukala, W. 105.00 Thompson, A. 135.00 Turcotte, J. 120.00 Vercruysse, R. 120.00 Wadsworth, F. 200.50 Wayrynen, J. 222.50 Weiser, J. 60.00 Wichtman, G. 75.00 Wilhelm, S. 75.00 Williams, P. 10.00 Winkleman, V. 289.50 Wolski, J. 305.00 Zimmer, R. 25.00 139628.0- 831 Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation