Neptune Waterbeds, Inc.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsJun 9, 1980249 N.L.R.B. 1122 (N.L.R.B. 1980) Copy Citation 1122 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Neptune Waterbeds, Inc. and Alan Farr. Case 1- CA-14854 June 9, 1980 DECISION AND ORDER BY MEMBERS JENKINS, PENELLO, AND TRUESDALE On January 16, 1980, Administrative Law Judge Peter E. Donnelly issued the attached Decision in this proceeding. Thereafter, the General Counsel and the Charging Party filed exceptions and sup- porting briefs. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the Na- tional Labor Relations Board has delegated its au- thority in this proceeding to a three-member panel. The Board has considered the record and the at- tached Decision in light of the exceptions and briefs and has decided to affirm the rulings, find- ings,' and conclusions 2 of the Administrative Law Judge and to adopt his recommended Order. ORDER Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Re- lations Board adopts as its Order the recommended Order of the Administrative Law Judge and I The General Counsel and the Charging Party have excepted to cer- tain credibility findings made by the Administrative Law Judge. It is the Board's established policy not to overrule an administrative law judge's resolutions with respect to credibility unless the clear preponderance of all of the relevant evidence convinces us that the resolutions are incor- rect. Standard Dry Wall Products. Inc.. 91 NLRB 544 (1950), enfd. 188 F.2d 362 (3d Cir. 1951). We have carefully examined the record and find no basis for reversing his findings. The Charging Party alleges that the Administrative Law Judge's find- ings are the result of hostility or bias against uniotization Upon full con- sideration of the record and the attached Decision, we reject the Charg- ing Party's allegations as unsupported. The Administrative Law Judge stated that Respondent consulted with counsel prior to preparing the letters sent to employees in December 1977. The record, however, does not support such a finding. This appar- ently inadvertent error is insufficient to affect our decision herein. 2 The General Counsel and the Charging Party allege that the Admin- istrative Law Judge failed to consider evidence of disparate treatment of the Charging Party vis-a-vis other employees with poor attendance re- cords. In adopting the Administrative Law Judge's conclusion that the General Counsel has not established that a violation has occurred, our review of the records introduced indicates that, while other employees' work records showed certain deficiencies, no orther employee as to whom evidence was introduced was shown to have had work-related problems in as many areas as the Charging Party. Accordingly. we conclude that the record does not support a finding that the Charging Party \was treat- ed disparately. In adopting the Administrative Law Judge's conclusions, we place no reliance on his comments concerning the Union's loss in a election held in September 1977 and the subsequent lack of organizational actlsily by union agents at the time of the events leading up to the Charging Party's discharge Employees' actions in support of a union do not lose their pro- tected nature merely because the union or other employees are not con- sulted. Ohio Valley Graphic Arts, Inc., 234 NLRB 493 (1978). Neverthe- less, we conclude that the record as a whole does not establish that Farr was discharged for his organizational activities. 249 NLRB No. 168 hereby orders that the complaint be, and it hereby is, dismissed in its entirety. DECISION STATEMENT OF THE CASE PETER E. DONNI:I.I.Y, Administrative Law Judge: The charge herein was filed by Alan Farr, an individual, herein called Charging Party, on August 21, 1978, and the complaint herein issued on October 3, 1978, alleging that Neptune Waterbeds, Inc., herein called the Employ- er or Respondent, violated Section 8(a)(3) and (1) of the Act by discharging Farr because of his union activity. An answer, thereto, was timely filed by Respondent and pursuant to notice, a hearing was held before the Admin- istrative Law Judge at Boston, Massachusetts on March 5-9, 1978. Briefs have been timely filed by the General Counsel, Charging Party, and Respondent, which have been duly considered. FINDINGS OF FACT 1. EMPLOYER'S BUSINESS The Employer is a Massachusetts corporation engaged in the manufacture, sale, and distribution of waterbed frames and related products. The Employer, in the course and conduct of its business, causes large quantities of wood and other materials used in the manufacture of waterbed frames to be purchased and transported in in- terstate commerce from and through various States of the United States other than the Commonwealth of Mas- sachusetts. Respondent's annual gross revenues exceed $500,000. Respondent annually sells goods and materials valued in excess of $50,000 directly to points located out- side the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The complaint alleges, the answer admits, and I find that Respondent is an employer engaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. II. THE l.ABOR ORGANIZATION The complaint alleges, Respondent in its answer admits, and I find that the United Furniture Workers of America, herein called the Union, is a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. III. ALLEGED UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICE A. Facts Respondent is a manufacturer of waterbed frames, em- ploying about 40 people at its plant in Dorchester, Mas- sachusetts. Charging Party Alan Farr was an employee of Respondent from about 1974 until his discharge on March 28, 1978. He was engaged primarily in the assem- bly of headboards. Farr was employed on a piece work basis until the conversion to an hourly wage system in the fall of 1977. Farr was one of the highest paid em- ployees under the piece work wage system. In the summer of 1977, an effort was made by the Union to organize Respondent's production employees. Farr was active in the organizational effort although he did not engage in the solicitation of union authorization -- - -------- --- - ___ __ NEPTUNE WATERBEDS, INC, 1123 cards. An election was conducted on September 7, 1977, which the Union lost, garnering 6 or 7 votes of approxi- mately 40 votes cast. On the day after the election, Farr went on a cross- country vacation with his parents, returning in early Oc- tober. His original return date was extended with the ap- proval of Respondent for about a week because of auto- mobile difficulties. In August 1977, Respondent hired William Drover with the title of plant superintendent. At this time the plant manager was Roy Curry. These individuals shared responsibility for the operation of the plant until Drover assumed full responsibility in about October 1977, when Curry left. Drover was hired as part of an effort to reor- ganize the plant's production and programming. Part of these changes involved the elimination of the piece work wage system and the institution of an entirely hourly wage system. This change was instituted in the assembly area where Farr was employed while he was on vaca- tion. The plantwide change was completed in or about November 1977. Farr was dissatisfied and objected to the new system and the hourly rates. He complained to Drover, and by way of protest, composed and distribut- ed what is captioned "The Union Flier," dated March 20, 1978 (G.C. Exh. No. 9(a)). In the fall of 1978, Respondent had become concerned about what it regarded as a general problem of lateness and absenteeism among the employees. With the advice of counsel, letters were drafted and sent to some 10 em- ployees. The letter to Farr dated December 19, 1977, was signed by Drover and Robert Serino, Farr's supervi- sor. It reads: We, at Neptune are building a team to improve our organization, maintain safety and thus provide a better place to work as well as income and security for our families. Your work attitude toward your supervisor and fellow workers and your repeated latenesses indi- cate that you do not desire to be a part of that team. Unless [sic] you improve your attitude and cor- rect your lateness problem I feel there is no position for you in our organization. Other similar letters to other employees appear in evi- dence as General Counsel's Exhibits 4(a), (b), and (c). The letter to Farr was prompted by complaints made by Serino to Drover, during October and November 1977, concerning Farr's record of latenesses and his un- cooperative work attitude. Drover testified that he had spoken several times to Farr to improve his latenesses during the fall of 1977, but that his attitude did not im- prove. Serino also testified that he was so dissatisfied with Farr's performance that he had several times rec- ommended to Drover that Farr be discharged. Serino's complaints had to do with his efforts at keeping Farr at his work and in Farr's latenesses in coming to work and his latenesses in returning to work after the morning and afternoon breaks.' I Production employees had two breaks, one in the morning from 10:30 to 10:45 and another in the afternoon from 3:30 to 3:45 Farr responded to the December 19 letter by drafting and sending to Drover a letter dated January 2, 1978, reading as follows: In response to the letter of 12/19/77 1 want to make the following statement: the charges against me are obviously spurious and illegitimate and con- sidering the two years of exceptional and loyal ser- vice that I have given to the company your action constitutes an insult of the first order. My lateness is really a problem of your creation and is no worse than others who curiously have received no letter. Never has my being a few minutes late interfered with production; indeed, my production record is second to none. My attitude to my supervisor is ap- propriate and is shared by the overwhelming major- ity of the employees. As for my attitude to my fellow workers the absurdity of your charge re- quires no comment. Consequently I must view your letter as another act of provocation, motivated solely by political considerations, concerning my activity as union or- ganizer. Moreover, as the annual slump approaches the real motive behind the letters becomes transpar- ently clear: to fire instead of lay off. Such despica- ble machinations only elicit the contempt they de- serve and strengthen my resolve to protect my job by all legal means at my disposal. Finally, it should be clear to you that it is your attitude that has ruined the credibility and good faith of your compa- ny, poisoned the work atmosphere and left the em- ployees no choice but to vote out your admininstra- tion at the next union election. Drover spoke to Farr about the letter, but Farr gave him no response to his inquiries. Thereafter, Drover recommended to Neil Vincent, president of Respondent, that Farr be discharged, and drafted, with the assistance of counsel, a letter dated Jan- uary 5, 1978, reading: A review of your record indicates that you have been late or absent from work a total of 62 times in the past 46 working days. Several months ago you were involved in an argument with fellow workers which ended in a fist fight in our building. Your denial of the seriousness of these facts in your letter dated January 2, 1978 is a further indica- tion of your attitude. The company is left with no alternative but to terminate your employment as of this date. However, Vincent decided, also on the advice of counsel, that Farr's letter may have been a "set-up," de- signed to trap Respondent into an unfair labor practice discharge position, and the letter was never sent.2 After this letter, on January 9, 1978, Farr was in- volved in an argument with an employee named George White. At lunchtime on this day, Farr and White en- 2 The reference in this letter to a fist fight refers to an altercation be- tween Farr and employee Clif Walker In about July 1977 in the shipping area oIf the plant NEPTUNE WATERBEDS, INC. 2 1124 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD gaged in a discussion concerning the Union. Farr testi- fied: He [White] was saying that he didn't think the Union would get in. He didn't want the Union to get in. And he said that nothing would make him join, and I said that if the union came in, it would be policy for everybody to join; he would also have to abide by the majority and he said nothing would make him and he included me and inferred that if I threatened him, he would do something to me. At which time he challenged me more or less to a fight, or he seemed to challenge me to a fight and I just took up his challenge. White's testimony varies from this account in certain particulars, especially as to the challenge to fight. White testified that Farr told him that he voted against the Union in the recent election and he better not mess them up the next time, hinting that people could get him on the street on the way home, and finally challenged him to "come out outside." Another employee, Steven Bennet, corroborated White's account to the extent that Farr offered to do physical harm to White. In these cir- cumstances, I credit White's corroborated version.3 As noted earlier, Farr was dissatisfied with the changes in Respondent's operating methods, and appar- ently made a decision to reactivate interest in the Union despite the fact that the Union had lost the prior Septem- ber election. In furtherance of the effort, on or about March 19, 1978, Farr drafted the union pamphlet cap- tioned "The Union Flier" noted above, and put together an antibusiness cartoon leaflet. (G.C. Exh. 9(b)). In order to reproduce these, Farr, on the morning of March 22, 1978, went to Respondent's office area where a xerox copier machine was located, and proceeded to run off copies of the two leaflets. It is undisputed that Farr did iot have permission to use the machine. But he testified that he was not aware of any requirement to obtain per- mission to use it, nor that there was any sign above the nmlichine limiting the unauthorized use of it. However, D)rover credibly testified that, at his direction, a sign ;.,ver the machine prohibiting the unauthorized use of the machine was put up and dated on about August 20, 1977 (G.C. Exh. 16). I credit Drover's testimony that the sign was posted, despite the testimony of ex-employee, Super- visor John Langwig, that he does not recall seeing such a sign.'4 On this same date, March 22, 1978, Farr distributed the leaflets which he had reproduced. The distribution took place mainly on breaktime at the morning break at 10:30. Htowever, as Farr concedes, he was observed by Drover shortly after the buzzer sounded at 10:45 ending the morning break, showing a pamphlet to an employee and asking if he had seen it. Drover also testified that he observed Farr talking as well as distributing pamphlets to employees after breaktime had ended. Drover, that 'Ihe (ielltneral C(ounlsel urge that Iterllet', teSIinIon should h dis- charged it iew If a priot breakinLg and e ttrirlg felon Col i onll again HB nel t Htowever iIl rlly opiion. Helnl's corrohoraled tttilnlinlll does have substantial esidentiary a;lue. I anlgwig wsas asked to resign i June I78 hby I)rover who Itld hiun, "If you can't get with the prograin. get ot "u morning, asked Farr to do this on his own time, and, ac- cording to Drover, Farr did not answer him when con- fronted about the matter. On the following day, March 23, 1978, Farr in his affi- davit (G.C. Exh. 15) states that he was observed by Drover discussing with other employees his experience with the Company. Drover testified that the conversations concerned "bet- terments to the Company or whatever," and continued after the break had ended. Farr concedes that at the afternoon break on May 22, one conversation did go shortly beyond the end of the break. It appears that there did exist a company rule prohibit- ing solicitation. This rule appears as an addendum to Re- spondent's "Personnel Handbook," and is dated January 17, 1978. It reads: Effective immediately, no one is permitted to so- licit Neptune employees for any reason during working hours in the working areas of the plant. This rule does not apply to; [A limited, annual drive for a company charity like United Fund, etc.] "Working Hours" include those hour periods set forth on Page 3 of this handbook, but excludes lunch periods, scheduled breaks and relief periods. "Working Areas" include those areas where pro- duction packaging, shipping and clerical activies [sic] occur. After further consideration, including consultation with counsel, a warning letter from Drover to Farr dated January 25 was drafted and delivered to Farr. This letter read: In view of the statements made in your January 2, 1978 letter, we are compelled to submit the fol- lowing in response thereto. As set forth on page 7 of the Personnel Hand- book, a written "warning notice" is sent to an em- ployee whose performance has generally been unsa- tisfactory or who had manifested an uncooperative attitude. In your case, we point out that your so- called "exceptional and loyal service" to Neptune is marred by numerous instances of unexcused absen- teeism and tardiness. Furthermore, you have dem- onstrated a capacity for physical violence, both actual and threatened, which shows clearly your contempt for Neptune and its employees. We further point out that Neptune does not share your view that the warning notice of December 19, 1977 was sent to you as a result of your activity as a union organizer. On the contrary, Neptune has always maintained a posture that some union activ- ity is expected and is certainly not prohibited, so long as production or employees' rights are not af- fected. However, actual or threatened physical vio- lence or other unwarranted coercive activities by the union or its organizers or any other person for that matter, will not be tolerated. In the main, your attitude is manifestly insubordi- nate and your work performance remains unsatisfac- tory [sic]. We are therefore serving notice that any further instances of misconduct, insubordination or NEPTUNE WATERBEDS, INC 1125 unsatisfactory work performance on your part will result in your immediate discharge. A copy of this letter is being placed in your file. On the morning of March 23, it also appears that Farr went to the National Labor Relations Board office to give an affidavit and thereafter he went to the union hall and obtained some authorization cards from a secretary in the office.5 Upon his return to the plant he distributed the cards to employees at the afternoon break. About a week later, Drover, once again with the advice of counsel, drafted a discharge letter to Farr, dated March 28, 1978, pursuant to which Farr was dis- charged, stating: During the week of March 20, 1978, you were observed by me, William H. Drover and Bruce Markham on two occasions passing out literature and otherwise interfering with the work of other Neptune employees near the "rough mill" area of the plant. Although we do not know how long you actually were engaged in this activity in each in- stance, you were observed for over ten (10) minutes on March 23, 1978. Thereby compelling me to ap- praise you that you were in violation of Neptune's rule which prohibits any kind of solicitation in the working areas of the plant during working hours. When I discussed this matter with you, your atti- tude was somewhat less than civil and, in fact, you refused to discuss the matter at all. You started passing out the literature and initiated conversations with employees in work areas of the plant after the work breaks had ended. In view of this, we consider such activity to con- stitute a flagrant violation of the company rules, as you were acutely aware that you could have passed out literature and conversed with other employees in non-working areas of the plant. We hasten to point out that we have given you repeated warnings, both written and oral, to cease and desist your insubordinate activities and to make a concerted effort to improve your work perfor- mance. As recently as January 25, 1978, we sent you a letter which stated that Neptune would not tolerate any further threats of physical violence to its employees or other violations of company rules. We had received a compaint from one of your fellow employees who stated that you had threat- ened him with physical harm if he did not vote for the union during the next election. We also received a complaint from one of your supervisors who stated that he had also been threatened by you. Al- though we had every right to terminate you at that time, we chose instead to give you one final warn- ing. Since the time that letter was sent to you, you have been absent from work for five (5) days with- out giving us any valid explanation as to why you had been absent, you have been late for work on three (3) days, you saw fit to use the company A It does not appear that the Union was actisely supporting Farr is his organizational efforts xerox machine without authorization, and obvious- ly, you have failed to take any steps to improve what we consider to be unsatisfactory performance. Furthermore, your flagrant violations of company rules compels us to take more stringent measures. Under the circumstances, we have no other alter- native but to terminate your employment effective immediately. We are truly sorry that this alernative is the only one left, but we feel your conduct has forced us to this step. Your final paycheck is enclosed with this letter. B. Analysis and Conclusion The General Counsel takes the position that Farr was discharged for engaging in the organizational activity noted above. Respondent on the other hand contends that Farr's or- ganizational activity was unrelated to his discharge, and that his discharge was motivated by lawful consider- ations, including his poor attendance record, particularly latenesses; his capacity for violence; the unauthorized use by Farr of Respondent's copying machine to make copies of Farr's organizational pamphlets; and the solici- tation of employees on company time. Under these circumstances, it is the burden of the General Counsel to show that the reasons advanced by Respondent for Farr's discharge were not in fact the mo- tivation, but were essentially pretexts designed to cloud the real and unlawful motivation. The General Counsel has not sustained this burden. A review of the record shows that Farr was an active union adherent during the Union's organizational effort culminating in the election loss on September 7, 1977. After this rather convincing loss, Farr returned from va- cation to find that Respondent's manufacturing operation was being modified, to what he felt was his financial det- riment, from the piece rate to an hourly based system. Thereupon, Farr decided to make another effort to or- ganize Respondent, despite the recent election loss, and without union participation or assistance.6 Nevertheless, Farr solicited employees on behalf of the Union and drafted pamphlets to support the solicitation. Having drafted the pamphlets, Farr reproduced them, without Respondent's knowledge or consent, at Respon- dent's expense, on Respondent's copying machine. This was done not only without the knowledge or consent of Respondent, but in violation of a written Employer's rule posted above the machine limiting the use of the ma- chine to authorized individuals, which Farr was not. Farr then proceeded to distribute those pamphlets and to solicit employees. While these solicitations did occur, for the most part on breaktimes, it is undisputed that at least some solicitation occurred on company time, for however short a duration. At or about this same time, Farr, apparently with a view towards promoting another union election, took it upon himself to obtain union authorization cards from a secretary at the union hall, and to distribute them. I nder the Actl. no other election in the unit could he held for a year e. until after September 7 178 NEPTUNE WATERBEDS, NC 1126 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD All these actions occurred in late March 1978, after a warning letter had been issued to Farr on January 25, 1978. With respect to Farr's propensity for violence, it is un- disputed that he had a fist fight with another employee in July 1977. 1 have also concluded that he was the ag- gressor in a confrontation with another employee on Jan- uary 9, 1978. The last of these encounters arose from dif- ferences of opinion concerning the desirability of union representation. With respect to the matter of attendance, it appears that after the change to an hourly wage system in the fall of 1978, attendance, particularly lateness, became a problem. Some of the employees, including Farr, were sent warning letters. His included an admonition about attendance. While the record is insufficient to enable me to make any meaningful comparative evaluation, it does appear that Farr's record, particularly as to lateness in returning from breaks, was poor. There is no contention that issuance of the warning letter constitutes any viola- tion of Section 8(a)(1) of the Act.7 In its totality, this case constitutes a picture of a bitter and disenchanted union adherent; unhappy with the pos- telection changes in Respondent's production operation, and resentful toward his supervisor. All this is apparent from reading Farr's letter to Respondent, dated January 2, 1978. Farr made a decision to begin an organizing effort by himself, without union support or participation, despite the Union's convincing loss in the election on September 7, 1977. This, of course, he was privileged to do, but in order to establish a violation, the General Counsel must show that it was for engaging in such ac- tivity that he was discharged. In this case, the General Counsel has come up short because the reasons set out by Respondent as the cause for discharge are factually supported in this record, and the General Counsel has not shown them to be deceptions to disguise any antiun- ion motivation. I am satisfied that Respondent is an antiunion employ- er. It vigorously and successfully resisted a recent orga- nizational effort by the Union, and in all likelihood was not favorably disposed toward Farr's continued employ- , Indeed, there are no allegations of misconduct at all in the complaint except the 8(a)(3) and (I) contention as to Farr's discharge. ment, but Farr's conduct provided Respondent with a basis for his lawful termination, and Respondent availed itself for this opportunity to rid itself of Farr. The Board has expressed this principal in holding: Moreover, even if we were prepared to find that Respondent was seeking an opportunity to termi- nate Davis because of its annoyance with the way in which he engaged in protected activity, we would not, in this case, find that Respondent discri- minatorily discharged him. The mere fact that an employer may desire to terminate an employee be- cause he engages in unwelcome concerted activities does not, of itself, establish the unlawfulness of a subsequent discharge. If an employee provides an employer with a sufficient cause for his dismissal by engaging in conduct for which he would have been terminated in any event, and the employer dis- charges him for that reason, the circumstance that the employer welcomed the opportunity to dis- charge does not make it discriminatory and there- fore unlawful [footnote omitted]. 8 In these circumstances, I conclude that the record does not establish that Farr was discharged for having engaged in union or protected activity. Accordingly, I shall recommend that the complaint herein be dismissed. CONCLUSION OF LAW Respondent has not engaged in any conduct violative of the Act. Upon the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, I hereby issue the following recommended: ORDER9 The complaint is dismissed in its entirety. Klatre Holt Company, 161 NLRB 1606, 1612 (1966). In the event no exceptions are filed as provided by Sec. 102.46 of the Rules and Regulations of the National Labor Relations Board, the find- ings, conclusions, and recommended Order herein shall, as provided in Sec 102 48 of the Rules and Regulations, be adopted by the Board and become its findings, conclusions, and Order, and all objections thereto shall be deemed waived for all purposes Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation