Native TextilesDownload PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsOct 24, 1979246 N.L.R.B. 228 (N.L.R.B. 1979) Copy Citation DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Native Textiles and Communications Workers of America, Local 1127. Case 3-CA 8442 October 24, 1979 DECISION AND ORDER By CHAIRMAN FANNING ANI) MI;MBIRS JENKINS ANI) TRUES)AI.L On November 24, 1978, Administrative Law Judge Thomas A. Ricci issued the attached Decision in this proceeding. Thereafter, the General Counsel filed ex- ceptions and a supporting brief. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the Na- tional Labor Relations Board has delegated its au- thority in this proceeding to a three-member panel. The Board has considered the record and the at- tached Decision in light of the exceptions and brief and has decided to affirm the rulings, findings, and conclusions of the Administrative Law Judge only to the extent consistent herewith. The Administrative Law Judge found that whether or not Respondent refused to bargain with the Union in violation of Section 8(a)(5) and (I) of the Act by refusing to meet and bargain with Florence Fontaine as a designated representative of the Union should be deferred to the parties' agreed-upon arbitration pro- cedures pursuant to the Board's decisions in Collyer Insulated Wire, A Gulf and Western Systems Co., 192 NLRB 837 (1971), and Roy Robinson, Inc. d/b/a Roy Robinson Chevrolet, 228 NLRB 828 (1977). We dis- agree. Florence Fontaine served as the Union's "area rep- resentative" in Respondent's dry finishing depart- ment, where she was employed from the fall of 1976 through March 13, 1978, when she was discharged, allegedly for altering production records to increase her pay. There is evidence that an area representative was responsible for appointing stewards, supervising the handling of grievances in her area through the first two steps, and serving as one of the four mem- bers of the Union's committee at the third step of the grievance procedure. An exchange of correspondence between Respondent and the Union, described below, followed Fontaine's discharge. On March 15, the Union notified Respondent that Fontaine would be on its committee for a third-step grievance conference scheduled for March 20. Addi- tionally, the Union advised Respondent that Fon- taine would remain as area representative pending the final outcome of the grievance concerning her dis- charge, and Respondent should continue to contact Fontaine to set up second-step grievance reviews. Re- spondent agreed to permit Fontaine to attend the March 20 grievance conference pending its final de- termination of the matter. Subsquently, on March 22, Respondent advised the Union that Fontaine was no longer an employee, and, therefore, according to arti- cle 25.01' of the parties' collective-bargaining agree- ment, Fontaine could not act as an area representa- tive or carry out the duties of an area representative. On March 27, Union President H. D. Rhodes wrote Respondent that the Union's executive board had appointed Fontaine "special assistant" to the union president and that this assignment was in addi- tion to her being an area representative. Rhodes fur- ther advised Respondent that he had assigned Fon- taine to handle "complaints and grievances" in the finishing department and he expected Respondent, in accordance with articles 1, 23,2 and 25 of the parties' agreement, to allow Fontaine reasonable access to the premises, and to "deal with her on grievance matters and other appropriate Union-management relations within the scope of her assigned jurisdiction." (Em- phasis supplied.) On April 6, Respondent replied that it would "decline to deal with Ms. Fontaine in the capacity outlined in [the Union's] letter" on the grounds that Fontaine could not continue as area rep- resentative since she was no longer an employee and the assignment given Fontaine was an attempt to cir- cumvent the parties' agreement. On April 10, the Union requested that a third-step grievance meeting, scheduled for April 17, be held at a location off Respondent's premises if Respondent would refuse to allow Fontaine access to the premises as a member of the Union's grievance committee. In the event Respondent would not meet with a union committee including Fontaine, the Union advised it would meet with Respondent "under protest." Re- spondent replied on April 17 that it would not agree to the inclusion of Fontaine on the Union's grievance committee for meetings on or off Respondent's prem- ises. Since Respondent has refused to meet with Fon- taine, the Union has processed grievances in her area without an area representative, but Fontaine has con- Art. 25 in the parties' collective-bargaining agreement contains the fol- lowing provisions: 25.01 Employees of the Company constituting the Executive Board shall include a Vice-President Textiles and three (3) textile section area representatives. Stewards, not to exceed one (1) in any department for any working shift, shall he appointed by the area representatives and notice of such appointment shall be provided to the Company. 25.02 Properly accredited officials of the Union shall have access, at all reasonable times and upon notice, to the premises of the Company provided subject access does not interfere with the normal flow of busi- ness. 25.03 The Company agrees to pay for earnings lost as a result of negotiations for those employees who are members of the Union Bar- gaining Committee not to exceed six (6). Art. I contains a recognition clause and a description of the bargaining unit. Art. 23 contains the grievance procedure and is set forth in the Admin- istrative .aw Judge's Decision attached hereto. 246 NLRB No. 38 228 NATIVE TEXTILES tinued to write the grievance appeals for that area. At the time of the hearing herein, a grievance concerning Fontaine's discharge was before an aribtrator and the parties were selecting a date for an arbitration hear- ing on another grievance concerning Respondent's "refusal to allow Fontaine access to Company prem- ises and its refusal to meet with Fontaine for griev- ance reviews." The only specified duty of an area representative in the parties' agreement is found in article 25.01 which provides in part that stewards shall be appointed by area representatives. However, we are not concerned here with appointments of stewards. In view of the parties' correspondence, we are concerned here with the Union's designation of Fontaine as its representa- tive for processing grievances in the finishing depart- ment and Respondent's refusal to meet and bargain with Fontaine for that purpose. This is aptly revealed by Respondent's letter to the Union on May 4 which stated in part: We do not however, agree to meet with Ms. Fontaine, either on or off Company premises/lbr the adjudication of Native Textile employees' grievances. [Emphasis supplied.] Significantly, article 25 does not specify the repre- sentatives which the Union must use in processing grievances under article 23. Additionally, article 23 provides that the first-step grievance conference will include not more than "two (2) Union representa- tives" and the third-step grievance conference will in- clude not more than "four representatives from each side," but again it does not specify the representatives the Union must select nor does it require that any of said representatives must be employees of Respon- dent. The right of employees to designate and to be rep- resented by representatives of their own choosing is a basic statutory policy set forth in Section 7 of the Act and a fundamental right guaranteed employees by Section 7 of the Act. When it is alleged, as here, that an employer is refusing to recognize a designated rep- resentative of its employees, especially for a matter of such obvious importance to employees as processing grievances, it is not simply a matter of contract inter- pretation but rather an alleged interference with a basic statutory right of employees that this Board is entrusted with protecting. Accordingly, it is not a matter to be deferred to arbitration, but rather one which requires the Board to invoke its jurisdiction and exercise its expertise.3 We find, therefore, that the Administrative Law Judge erred in recommending the issues here be deferred to arbitration and the com- AMF Incorporated-Union Machinen Division. 219 NRB 903. 912 (1975); cf. Sr Joseph's Hospital(Our Lady of Proidence tIni), 233 NI.RB 53 (1977). plaint be dismissed. We turn now to the merits of the issues. While Respondent may arguably contend that arti- cle 25.01, if enforceable,4 sanctions its refusal to rec- ognize an area representative who was no longer an employee, articles 23 and 25 do not amount to a clear and unmistakable waiver of the Union's right to des- ignate whomever it desires as its representatives for processing grievances. The contract does not specify which representatives the Union had to use in pro- cessing grievances. In practice, the Union's represent- ative had included not only employees designated as area representatives but also the Union's president and secretary, neither of whom was employed by Re- spondent. We conclude that the Union's past practice of utilizing employee area representatives in the pro- cessing provided no defense for Respondent's refusal to recognize Fontaine, as past practice conferred on Respondent no "prescriptive" right to require that practice to continue. Harley Davidson Motor Co., Inc., AMF, 214 NLRB 433, 439 (1974). We likewise find no merit in Respondent's conten- tion that the alleged circumstances of Fontaine's ter- mination justified its refusal to recognize and meet with Fontaine in processing grievances. There is no persuasive evidence that Fontaine's presence would have resulted in such "ill will, usually personal, or conflict of interest, as to make good faith bargaining impractical."' To the contrary, Respondent agreed to Fontaine's presence at the March 20 grievance con- ference following her termination and offered no evi- dence that her presence caused any interference with that conference. Furthermore, in its correspondence with the Union, Respondent never stated that it was refusing to meet with Fontaine because her presence would make good-faith bargaining impractical, but rather Respondent repeatedly based its refusal simply on the ground that Fontaine was no longer an em- ployee. No evidence of possible disruption has been offered. 6 For the foregoing reasons, we find Respondent's defenses without merit and that its refusal on and after March 22, 1978, to meet and bargain with Flor- ence Fontaine as the Union's designated representa- tive for processing grievances was violative of Section 8(a)(5) and (1) of the Act. ' Inasmuch as we find that art. 25.01 does not amount to a clear and unmistakable waiver of the Union's nght to designate its representatives for processing grievances. we deem it unnecessary to decide whether or not such a clause would be repugnant to the purposes of the Act and. therefore. unenforceable (Contrary to the Administrative Law Judge. we do not find that the General (Counsel's contention on this matter "broadens the scope of the complaint allegation so as to change the entire nature of the case," but rather we view it as an alternative contention which is unnecessary to decide for the reasons stated herein. 'See General Electric Compuarun N . R.B.. 412 F2d 512. 517 (2d Cir. 1969) ' KDEt'N Broadcastrng Compan, a wholly owned subsidian f ,'Vorrh A meri- can Broadcasting ('onpam,. 225 NLRB 25. 35 (1976) 229 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD CON(CLUSIONS OF LAW 1. Respondent is an employer engaged in com- merce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. 2. The Union is a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. 3. By refusing on or about March 22, 1978, and continuing to date, to meet and bargain with Flor- ence Fontaine as the Union's designated representa- tive for processing grievances, Respondent has vio- lated Section 8(a)(5) and (1) of the Act. 4. The appropriate bargaining unit is: All full-time and regular part-time production and maintenance employees, including truck drivers, employed by the Respondent at its Glen Falls plant, excluding officers, office and plant clerical employees, sales and time study employ- ees, watchmen, professional employees, execu- tives, foremen and all other supervisory employ- ees as defined in the Act. 5. The aforesaid unfair labor practices are unfair labor practices affecting commerce within the mean- ing of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. THE REMEDY Having found that Respondent has engaged in and is engaging in certain unfair labor practices, we shall order it to cease and desist therefrom and to take certain affirmative action designed to effectuate the policies of the Act. ORDER Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Rela- tions Board hereby orders that the Respondent, Na- tive Textiles, Glen Falls, New York, its officers, agents, successors, and assigns, shall: i. Cease and desist from: (a) Refusing to bargain with Communications Workers of America, Local 1127, by refusing to meet and bargain with the Union's designated representa- tives, including Florence Fontaine, for processing grievances. (b) In any like or related manner interfering with, restraining, or coercing employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed them in Section 7 of the Act. 2. Take the following affirmative action which is necessary to effectuate the policies of the Act: (a) Meet and bargain, upon request of the above- named Union, with the Union's designated represen- tatives, including Florence Fontaine, for processing grievances. (b) Post at its Glen Falls, New York, premises cop- ies of the attached notice marked "Appendix." 7 Cop- ies of said notice, on forms provided by the Regional Director for Region 3, after being duly signed by a representative of Respondent, shall be posted by Re- spondent immediately upon receipt thereof, and shall be maintained by Respondent for 60 days thereafter in conspicuous places, including all places where no- tices to employees are customarily posted. Reason- able steps shall be taken by Respondent to insure that said notices are not altered, defaced, or covered by any other material. I In the event that this Order is enforced by a Judgment of a United States Court of Appeals, the words in the notice reading "Posted by Order of the National Labor Relations Board" shall read "Posted Pursuant to a Judgment of the United States Court of Appeals Enforcing an Order of the National Labor Relations Board." APPENDIX NOTICE To EMPLOYEES POSTED BY ORDER OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD) An Agency of the United States Government WE WILL NOT refuse to bargain collectively with Communications Workers of America, Lo- cal 1127, by refusing to meet and bargain with the Union's designated representatives, including Florence Fontaine, fbr processing grievances in the appropriate collective-bargaining unit set forth below. The appropriate unit is: All full-time and regular part-time production and maintenance employees, including truck drivers, employed by the Employer at its Glen Falls plant, excluding officers, office and plant clerical employees, sales and time study em- ployees, watchmen, professional employees, executives, foremen and all other supervisory employees as defined in the Act. WE WILL NOT in any like or related manner interfere with, restrain, or coerce employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed them in Sec- tion 7 of the Act. WE WILL meet and bargain, upon request, with the Union's designated representatives, in- cluding Florence Fontaine, for processing griev- ances. NATIVE TEXTILES DECISION SlATEMEN-I OF IHE CASE THOMAS A. Ricci, Administrative Law Judge: A hearing in this proceeding was held on October 4, 1978, in Albany, New York, on complaint of the General Counsel against Native Textiles, herein called Respondent or the Company. 230 NATIVE TEXrlLES The complaint issued on May 25, 1978, on a charge filed on April 11. 1978, by Communications Workers of America. Local 1127. herein called the Union. The sole issue pre- sented is whether Respondent violated Section 8(a)(5) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, because it refused to deal with one particular individual-Florence Fontaine--as representative of the Union. Briefs were filed by the General Counsel and Respondent. Upon the entire record and from my observation of the witnesses, I make the following: FINDIN(iS ()F FA( I 1. TilE: RtSINUSS OF REISPONI)tNT Native Textiles, a New York State corporation, in its plant at Glens Falls, New York, is engaged in the manufac- ture, sale, and distribution of textile products. During the past year at this location it manufactured, sold, and distrib- uted products valued in excess of $50,000, of which prod- ucts valued in excess of $50,000 were shipped from that location directly to out-of-state locations. I find that Re- spondent is engaged in commerce within the meaning of the Act. Foreman within forty-eight (48) hours after the confer- ence has been held. Step 2--If the grievance is unresolved after Step I, it will be reduced to writing and, within five (5) days after receiving the Foreman's Step I reply, shall be presented to the Industrial Relations Manager. The written grievance shall include the Article of the Con- tract allegedly violated. A conference will be held within five (5) days of the presentation of the grievance to the Industrial Relations Manager within five (5) days after the Step 2 conference. Step 3--lf the grievance is unresolved after Step 2, the Union may, within seven (7) days after the Step 2 answer, request a conference with the Plant Manager. Such conference is to be held within five (5) days. Such conference will include no more than for representa- tives for each side. The grievance will be answered by the Plant Manager within five 5) days after the Step 3 conference. Step 4 If the grievance is unresolved after Step 3. the matter will be referred to a representative of the International Union. If within sixty (60) days following the Plant Manager's disposition the matter is unre- solved the grievance may be submitted for arbitration. * * II. THE LABOR ORGANIZATION INV()IVlVED I find that Communications Workers of America, Local 1127, is a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. III. THE ALLEGED) UNFAIR LABOR PRA(CI(I A. Motion To Defer All the relevant facts are simple and undisputed: indeed. the record consists almost entirely of agreed-upon docu- ments received as exhibits and stipulated statements of what happened. For some years, under successive collec- tive-bargaining agreements, the Union has represented Re- spondent's employees who work in three departments (also called areas):-knitting, dyeing and finishing, and finishing and cutting. The last contract, negotiated by the parties during fall 1976 and still in effect in spring 1978, contains the following provisions: 23. GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE AND ARBITRATION 23.01-Should any difference or grievance arise be- tween the COMPANY and the UNION or any em- ployee in regard to wages, hours, working conditions. discipline or other matters in connection with enforce- ment of the AGREEMENT or its interpretation, any one or all of the following procedures shall be resorted to by the parties as a means of adjusting the dispute: Step I Within thirty (30) days following the al- leged violation of this AGREEMENT the Union will request a conference with the appropriate Foreman. Such conference is to be held within twenty-four (24) hours and will include not more than two (2) Union representatives. The grievance will be answered by the * 23.02 (b) The arbitrator's findings, decisions. and awards shall be final, binding, and conclusive on both of the parties hereto; however, the arbitrator shall have no power to add to, subtract from, alter, or modify the terms of this agreement. (d) Employees will not suffer loss of pay for rea- sonable time spent in processing of grievances as outlined herein. . * 25.01 Employees of the Company constituting the Executive Board shall include a Vice-President--Tex- tiles and three (3) textile section area representatives. Stewards, not to exceed one () in any department for any working shift, shall be appointed by the area rep- resentatives and notice of such appointment shall be provided to the Company. During February 1978 and thereafter Florence Fontaine, an employee in the finishing and cutting department, was the regularly selected area representative in her area, and as such she carried on the duties normally attached to her office appointed stewards, looked after the drafting of grievances, handled them in the first two steps inside the plant, and sat in as one of several union representatives in the third stage. She was discharged on March 13 on the ground, as asserted by the Company, that she had falsely altered certain production documents. Although no longer an employee Fontaine continued to contact the employees in her department and to assist them in preparing and filing grievances. Two days after her discharge the Union wrote to the Company. saying that she would remain area repre- 231 DECISIONS OF NATIONAl. LABOR RELATIONS BOARD sentative and continue to sit in on the grievance meetings with the Company at all steps. On March 22 the Company responded, saying that as Fontaine was not an employee she could not, as provided by the contract, meet with the Employer on that basis, and that Respondent would refuse to deal with her. Upon receipt of this letter Fontaine was appointed "special assistant" to the president of the Local. and again on March 27 the Union informed the Company of this new step and demanded that she be permitted to act on its behalf in the processing of grievances as she had done before, for the finishing and cleaning department. Again Respondent refused to deal with Fontaine in that capacity, calling the demarche "an attempt to circumvent the provi- sion of our labor agreement." There followed other corre- spondence between the parties in like vein, each side hold- ing firm to its respective position set out above. While all this was going on a grievance was filed over her discharge: it went to arbitration under the contract, and that matter was still pending at the time of the hearing in this case. B. The Issue Presented The complaint is ambiguously phrased, but it does speak of Respondent's refusal to meet with Fontaine, chosen by the Union as one of its agents, being a violation of Section 8(a)(5) refusal to bargain as required by the statute. I think that, and only that, is all this case is about. Respon- dent advances two distinct defense contentions. One is that it had a right to refuse to permit Fontaine to act as area representative and union spokesman in grievances because the contract as provided. The Union having asked for para- graph 25 in the collective-bargaining agreement making employee status a requisite for eligibility to area represent- ative status, the Employer having agreed to that procedure for amicable and peaceful implementation of the contract - in fact having even agreed to pay the employees who might be chosen to that union role, how could the Union com- plain-the argument goes-if the Employer asks it to live up to its own contract?' The second position is that this entire proceeding before the Board should be deferred to agreed-upon contract arbitration procedures, pursuant to the principle established by the Board in Collyer Insulation Wire, 192 NLRB 837 (1971). I think that Respondent is correct on both grounds. I shall therefore recommend dismissal of the complaint on the basis of Collyer, supra. See also, for supporting material, William E. Arnold Co. v. Carpenters District Council of Jacksonville and Vicinity, 417 U.S. 12 (1974). C. Analysis That the "dispute" which "arose" "between the Com- pany and the Union," turns upon "interpretation" of their contract could not be clearer. The words in quotation are all from the contract. The contract speaks of area represen- tatives as being employees. Fontaine was not an employee I Respondent's manager of industrial relations testified without contradic- tion that the entire concept of area representatives participating in the griev- ance procedure was the Union's, and that the language now appearing in par. 25 of the contract "was the Union's language." after her discharge. The functions the Union wanted her to carry out even after changing her title to special assist- ant -remained exactly those of the finishing department area representative.2 When the contract says "employees of the Company . . . shall [be] . . . area area representatives," does it mean one who is not an employee may not hold that position? If it does mean that the representative must be an employee. is a discharged employee whose resultant griev- ance pursuant to the contract has not yet been resolved with finality deemed an "employee" for purposes of para- graph 25 until such time as the Company succeeds in win- ning the arbitration?' The arguing that continued in the successive letters that were exchanged later between the parties phrases the dispute differently, but it never really changed. Deferral here is dictated by the Board's recent decision in Roy Robinson, Inc. d/b/a Roy Robinson Chevrolet, 228 NLRB 828 (1977), where the Board deferred to arbitration after the employer had discontinued its body shop opera- tion without first discussing its decision with the established union. Had there been no contract arrangement in exis- tence the act would have been a prima facie unfair labor practice. The dispute between the parties there became whether the contract could be read as permitting such uni- lateral action. There, as here, the contract expressly pro- vided that all matters involving "interpretation" of the con- tract would go to binding arbitration. And there, as here, the dispute in fact involved such interpretation. The fact that the conduct under examination, in the absence of any collective-bargaining agreement, could conceivably consti- tute an unfair labor practice was deemed no reason for de- parting from the Collyer rule. Repeatedly the Board and the courts have held the fact that an act "arguably, may contra- vene both the collective agreement and our statute," does not require that the Board proceed with its case and ignore the parties' arrangement to settle their dispute by arbitra- tion. In his written opposition to the deferral motion, and in his post-hearing brief, the General Counsel broadens the scope of the complaint allegation so as to change the entire nature of the case. Now he argued that Respondent's of- fense was to have insisted or agreed?-that only employ- ees could represent the Union on the executive board, that is, be area representative like Fontaine. That an employer may not, under the statute, limit the union's or its employ- ees' right to choose a spokesman without regard to the em- ployer's ideas is a principle of law that hardly needs cita- tion. But this is not what the complaint says. And it is not what the Union complained of in its charge. In fact, it is hardly what the Union would claim, what with paragraph 2The Union's first demand, the letter dated March 15, could not be clearer: "Please be advised that Ms. F. Fontaine remains as Area Represent- ative." And after her title was changed, the Union's March 27 letter said that she would be "handling complaints and grievances in the Finishing Depart- ment." These are precisely the contract arrangement duties of the employee who is chosen as area representative. Respondent won vindication of the discharge in two trinbunals. On April 20, 1978, the Board's Regional Director refused to issue a complaint on the Union's charge that Fontaine's dismissal was a violation of Sec. 8(aX3); the Union's appeal from this decision to the General Counsel in Washington was denied. (Case 3 CA 8403.) On April 21 Fountaine filed a complaint with the New York State Division of Human Rights, claiming that she had been discharged because she is a lady. Respondent won that one too. 232 NATIVE TEXTILES 25 of the agreement being an arrangement it gave birth to and successfully sold to Respondent. I view this belated argument by the General Counsel as but an attempt to eliminate from consideration the matter of contract interpretation, and thereby avoid the entire Collyer principle. In fact. in his belated insistence that the contract in itself proves the unfair labor practice, the Gen- eral Counsel traps himself into the very area where the Board has held that arbitration is appropriate. He says that the Union did not waive its right to choose area representa- tives who are not employees "in clear and unmistakable language," and cites cases totally unrelated to this one. But when the Board speaks of situations where "interpretation" of the contract is at issue and therefore lead to proper arbi- tration, all it is recognizing is that the contract is not written in clear and unmistakable language. This is the very heart of Coliver. The real meaning of the General Counsel's posi- tion now is that the contract clause requiring area represen- tatives to be employees is an unfair labor practice in itself. quite like a closed-shop provision might be. I suppose, un- der the Board's accepted procedures, the General Counsel could issue such a complaint even on the basis of the very limited charge as filed. But this is not what was disputed or litigated at the hearing. Certainl\ it is not what Respondent was at any time given to understand it would have to de- tend against. If I have misconceived the true issue. or if I am right on the record as made and the General Counsel wishes to expand the complaint to add the broader unfair labor practice allegation, he may move to reopen the record and to resume the hearing so that the added question may be fairly litigated. In that event the General Counsel, I ex- pect, would logically request that paragraph 25, or other contract references to area representative employees. be struck from the written agreement of the parties. A respon- dent charged with more wrongdoing than he is told of at hearing is entitled to full opportunity to defend against the broader allegation. In this case, of course, the Union too would want to know in advance that the aim of the case is to remove from its contract that grievance procedure it so painstakingly won from Respondent. [Recommended Order for dismissal omitted from publi- cation.] 233 Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation