NAPA New York Warehouse, Inc.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsFeb 6, 194875 N.L.R.B. 1269 (N.L.R.B. 1948) Copy Citation In the Matter of NAPA NEw YORK WAREHOUSE, INC., EMPLOYER and LOCAL 1146,. RETAIL CLERKS INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION, AFL, PETITIONER Case No. I-R-7880.Decided February G, 1948 Kaye, Sch,oler, Fierman and Hays by Mr. Beryl H. Levy, of New York City , for the Employer. Mr. Hiram G. Shields , of New York City , for the Petitioner. DECISION AND DIRECTION Upon a petition duly filed, the National Labor Relations Board on June 9, 1947, conducted a prehearing election among the employees of the Employer in the alleged appropriate unit, to determine whether or not they desired to be represented by the Petitioner for the purposes of collective bargaining. At the close of the election, a Tally of Ballots was furnished the parties. The Tally shows that there are approximately 89 eligible voters and that 82 ballots were case, of which 43 were for the Peti- tioner, 35 were against the Petitioner, and 4 were challenged. Thereafter, hearings were held at New York City on July 18, August 4 and 5, 1947, before Daniel Baker, hearing officer. The hear- ing officer's rulings made at the hearings are free from prejudicial error and are hereby affirmed. - - At the hearing the Employer moved to dismiss the petition on the ground that the Petitioner's jurisdiction does not extend to any of the lines of work in which the Employer is presently engaged. In the absence of evidence that the Petitioner will not accord, adequate repre- sentation to all employees within the union hereinafter found ap- propriate, we see no reason to dismiss the petition.' Accordingly the motion to dismiss is hereby denied. Upon the entire record in the case, the National Labor Relations Board makes the following.: 1 See Matter of Federation Publications , Inc, et al , 74 N. L R. B. 1054 and cases cited ,therein 75 N. L. R. B., No. 154. 1269 1270 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD FINDINGS OF FACT 1. THE BUSINESS OF THE EMPLOYER NAPA New York Warehouse, Inc., a New York corporation with its principal office and only place of business at New York City, is'engaged in the purchase and distribution of automotive parts. The Employer annually purchases automotive parts valued in excess of $500,000, of which 85 percent is obtained from points outside the State of New York. The Employer's annual sales of these parts exceed $500,000 in value, of which 35 percent is-shipped to points outside the State. The Employer admits, and we find, that it. is engaged in commerce within the meaning of the National Labor Relations Act. II. THE ORGANIZATION INVOLVED The Petitioner is a labor organization affiliated with the American Federation of Labor, claiming to represent employees of the Employer .2 III. THE QUESTION CONCERNING REPRESENTATION The Employer refuses to recognize the Petitioner as the exclusive bargaining representative of employees of the Employer until the Petitioner has been certified by the Board in an appropriate unit. We find that a question affecting commerce exists concerning the representation of employees of the Employer, within the meaning of Section 9 (c) (1) and Section 2 (6) and ( 7) of the Act. IV. THE APPROPRIATE UNIT Nye find, substantially in accordance with the agreement of the parties, that all employees of the Employer's warehouse located at 109 West 64th Street, New York City, but excluding confidential secre- taries, outside salesmen, foremen, foreladies, assistant foremen, assist- ant foreladies, and all other supervisors, constitute a unit appropriate for the purposes of collective bargaining,within the meaningFof Sec- tion 9 (b) of the Act. V. THE DETERMINATION OF REPRESENTATIVES The Employer objects to the conduct of the election and seeks to have it set aside on the grounds (1) that a prehearing election held prior to the effective date of the amendments to the Act, in a then pending representation proceeding, is. invalid under the Act as amended; (2) that the Petitioner employed coercive and intimidating 2 Although the Employer contends that the Petitioner is not a bona fide labor organization because (1) it has collected no initiation tees from its members and, (2) it has asked the Emploi er to pay these fees, no evidence was presented to support this contention The Petitioner is unquestionably a labor organization as defined by Section 2 (5) of the Act, as amended. NAPA NEW TORK WAREHOUSE, INC. 1271 tactics which exceeded the permissible area of union campaign activ- ity; (3) that a group of employees sought unsuccessfully to repudiate the Petitioner's claim to representation by appealing to the New York State Labor Relations Board to conduct an election; and (4) that the Board's agent was derelict in failing to challenge or segregate the bal- lots of certain individuals who had been discharged before the date of the election, but who voted as a special exception under the terms of a settlement agreement and who were later found to be ineligible to vote in the election. (1) The validity of the prehearing election In a supplement'to its brief dated October 20, 1947, the Employer refers to Section 9 (c) (1) and 9 (c) (4) of the Act, as amended, from which it argues that the Board practice of conducting an election before hearing is no longer valid with respect to prehearing elections held before the effective date of the amendment. There is no merit in this contention. The Board has recently- held that the validity of a prehearing election conducted before the effective date of the amendments to the Act is not affected thereby.3 The objection is accordingly overruled. (2) The propriety of the Petitioner's pre-election activities The Employer contends that the pre-election campaign activity of the Petitioner was improper and urges that the election be voided oil the ground that its employees were coerced and intimidated by union sympathizers. We do not agree. The Board has declared that where coercion is charged it must be shown that an employee was prevented from exercising a free choice at the polls by conduct which was both "coercive in character and so related to the election in time or otherwise as to have had a probable effect upon the em- ployee's action at the poll." 4 More recently, the Board has held that remarks uttered a week or more before an election were made at a date too remote from the time of the election to have any coercive effect thereon.5 In the present instance, the alleged coercive and intimidat- ing remarks of the Petitioner were uttered about 3 to 4 weeks before the date of the election, and indeed, even before an election was agreed upon by the parties .6 Furthermore, even if these remarks could be 3 Matter of Lehigh Mills, 75 N L R B 280. Matter of Farmers Feed Co, et at, 75 N L R B 617 . We note that the election heiem was held before the enactment of the amendments to the Act , and not merely before the effective date thereof 4 See Matter of Maywood Ifostery Mills, 64 N L R B. 146. 5 Matter of Kroder-Roubel Company , Inc . 72 N L R B 240 6It further appears that it slight amount of violence accompanied the alleged coercion, but it , also, was too remote in time to have affected the results of the election. 1272 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD found to have been made at a time not too remote from the date of the election, it is clear that they could not be construed as coercive in the sense required for invalidating the election. In this connection, the record reveals that union adherents told non-striking employees, in substance, that if the union should will the election, those who did not join the union would lose their jobs. We have held that such state- ments are in the nature of legitimate campaign propaganda and do not preclude employees from exercising a free choice at the polls.' Accordingly, we find this objection to be without merit and it is hereby overruled. ( 3) The effect of the alleged revocation by certain employees of the Petitioner 's authority to represent them The Employer offered to prove that on or about April 28, 1947, a group of the employees herein concerned , appeared at the New York State Labor Relations Board for the purposes of revoking the Petitioner 's authority to represent them 8 and petitioning the State Board to conduct an election ; and that the State Board, after declining to accept their petition on the ground that it lacked jurisdiction, neglected to advise the group that recourse should be sought through the National Labor Relations Board . The hearing officer rejected the offer of proof on the grounds that is was irrelevant and immaterial to any issue in this proceeding . The hearing officer further ruled that these employees merely sought an opportunity to vote for or against the petitioning union; and that, as a chance to vote on this question was afforded the members of this group in a Board -conducted election, they were not deprived of any of their rights guaranteed by Section 7 of the Act , as amended . The Petitioner took exception to this ruling. This Board has repeatedly declared that a prima facie showing of -interest is not open to collateral attack by an opposing party, and that an issue concerning representation can best be resolved by an election.9 Accordingly , the hearing officer's rulings cited above were proper and the exception thereto is hereby overruled. (4) The alleged error of the Board agent in failing to challenge or segregate the ballots of "employees " whose eligibility was in doubt The record discloses that on May 27, 1947 , an agreement in settle- ment of a strike begun on April 28,1947 , was executed by the Employer ' Matter of Southeastern Clay Company , 73 N L. R B. 614. These employees had previously signed membership cards with the petitioning union. 9 Matter of Yellow Transit Company, 72 N. L. R. B . 401; Matter of Falcon Manufacturing Company, 73 N. L. R B 467, see Matter of Potosi Tie t Lumber Company , 73 N. L. R. B. 590. NAPA NEW YORK WAREHOUSE, INC. 1273 and the Petitioner. The settlement agreement provided inter alia that a consent election should be held by the Regional Director 1° in a unit consisting of warehouse and clerical employees on the Employer's pay roll for the period ending April 28, 1947; that the Employer would not challenge the ballots of six "employees" 11 allegedly dis- charged for union activity on April 9, 1947; that, in the event the Petitioner should win the election, the parties should submit to arbitra- tion the question whether these employees were properly discharged; that, however, in the event it should lose the election there would be no arbitration and the Petitioner would not bring any unfair labor prac- tice charge against the Employer; and that upon the termination of the strike the Employer would rehire, as its need required, all employees who were on the pay roll as of April 28, 1947. As a result of this agreement, the petition herein was filed on May 28, 1947. The Employer urges that the election be set aside on the ground that the six discharged persons who voted without challenge"were not employees of the Employer on the agreed eligibility date of April 28, 1947, since they were found later, in accordance with the conditions set forth in the settlement agreement, to have been properly discharged on April 9, 1947.12 The Employer argues that, in view of the uncertainty which existed before the election regarding the eligibility of these voters and the Board agent's knowledge thereof, it was incumbent upon the latter to have challenged or to have segregated their ballots pend- ing a final determination of their status, and that failure to do so nullifies the election.13 The Employer's position, in effect, amounts to a plea that the election be set aside because the Board agent failed to do what the Employer had agreed not to do. In entering into the agreement not to challenge these voters and in adhering to such agree- ment, the Employer waived any right it might have thereafter to attack their status as eligible voters.14 Clearly, it is in no position to question the conduct of the Board agent in failing to challenge their ballots. However, under the particular circumstances here present, we shall nevertheless consider the objection raised by the Employer. In support of its objection the Employer relies on the Board's de- cisions in the Wayne Hale and Beggs & Cobb cases,15 which are excep- 10 This agreement was not implemented because the Regional Director disapproved of the unit contemplated by the stipulation. However, he scheduled a pre-hearing election for June 9, 1947 11 Although the, Employer believed that these employees were lawfully discharged, to effectuate a settlement , it agreed not to challenge their ballots. 12 The arbitration award dated July 15, 1947, declared that the individuals in issue were properly severed flour the Employer's employ on April 9, 1947. 13 N. L R. B., v. A. J. Tower Company, 329 U. S 324 affirming Matter o f A. J. Tower Company, 60 N. L. R. B 1414; of Matter of Beggs t Cobb , Inc., 62 N. L. R. B. 193; Matter of Wayne Hale, 62 N L R. B. 1393. 14 See Matter of Crucible Steel Company of America, 71 N. L. R. B . 1480, 1490. ' See footnote 13, supra. 1274 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD tions to the doctrine announced in the A. J. Tower case.16 In the latter proceeding, the Board declared that it would not accept post-election challenges respecting the eligibility of voters." However, under the exception to the rule of the A. J. Tower case the Board has held that where the ineligibility of a voter is known to the Board's agent before the election and he fails to challenge the ballot of such voter, it will, in such instance, sustain an objection to the election provided it appears that the ballot in issue necessarily affects the results thereof 18 In the present case it is clear from the undisputed testimony that the Board agent did not know these voters were ineligible. On the other hand, he did have reasonable grounds to doubt their eligibility. Under the circumstances, we are of the opinion that their ballots should have been segregated, thereby making it possible for us to rule on their validity at a later date in accordance with our usual practice.19 Because this was not done, the ballots cast by these persons, whom we now find to be ineligible, were commingled with those of the eligible voters and hence can not be identified. We disagree with the Employer's contention that the inclusion of the ballots of the six ineligible voters necessarily renders.the election invalid. However, since it is now impossible to determine which of these ballots were cast for and which were cast against the Petitioner, we shall not certify the Petitioner unless, after deducting the six in- valid votes from the total number of ballots cast for the Petitioner, it appears that the latter has received a majority of all valid votes cast.2O As the Petitioner's majority status may be affected, after the deduc- tion of these ballots, by a consideration of the four challenged ballots, the challenges to which have since been withdrawn,2' we shall direct that these ballots, which we now find to have been cast by eligible voters, be opened and counted. If, upon the counting of the challenged ballots, the Tally shows that two or more of such ballots were validly cast for the Petitioner, the latter will have received it majority of the valid votes cast in the election, in which event we shall certify the Petitioner as the bargaining representative. If, on the other hand, it appears that less than two of the challenged ballots were validly cast for the Petitioner, the resulting vote will not conclusively indi- 36 See footnote 1 3, sups a 11 The Employer 's objection is directed against a patent defect in the election pi ocedure which existed before the election itself , and is , therefore , not in the nature of a post-election challenge 18 See Matter of Knox Metal Products, Inc , 75 N L R B 277 19 See Matter of Knape and Vogt Manufacturing Co., 65 N L R. B 200 ; Mattes of Pohs- Ring-Green, Inc , 68 N. L R B. 37. m See Matter of Cooperseille Cooperative Elevator Company , 73 N. L R B. 480 ^ All challenges were by the Petitioner , which withdrew its challenges at the hearing. NAPA NEW YORK WAREHOUSE, INC. 1275 cate that the Petitioner has received a majority of the valid ballots cast. In that event, we shall set aside the election as invalid, and thereafter direct that a new election be conducted by the Regional Di rector. DIRECTION As part of the investigation to ascertain representatives for the purposes of collective bargaining with NAPA New York Warehouse, Inc., New York City, the Regional Director for the Second Region shall, pursuant to the Rules and Regulations of the Board, within ten (10) days from the date of this Direction, open and count the ballots of Harry Lunsford, Joseph McCully, Dayrel Giel, and James H. Schmidt, and thereafter prepare and cause to be served upon the parties to this proceeding a Supplemental Tally of Ballots and an Election Report, embodying therein his findings and recommenda- tions as to the result of the ballot. 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