Nabisco Brands, Inc.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsDec 4, 1987286 N.L.R.B. 1402 (N.L.R.B. 1987) Copy Citation 1402 DECISIONS OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Nabisco Brands , Inc. and Norberto Arsenio and International Brotherhood of Firemen and Oilers, Local No. 3, AFL-CIO. Cases 1-CA- 23953, 1-CA-23966, and 1-CA-24152 4 December 1987 DECISION AND ORDER By CHAIRMAN DOTSON AND MEMBERS JOHANSEN AND STEPHENS On 25 June 1987 Administrative Law Judge Frank H. Itkin issued the attached decision. The Respondent filed exceptions and a supporting brief. The General Counsel filed a brief in support of the judge. The National Labor Relations Board has delegat- ed its authority in this proceeding to a three- member panel. The Board has considered the decision and the record in light of the exceptions and briefs and has decided to affirm the judge's rulings, findings,' and conclusions, to modify the remedy, 2 and to adopt the recommended Order. ORDER The National Labor Relations Board adopts the recommended Order of the administrative law judge and orders that the Respondent, Nabisco Brands, Inc., Cambridge, Massachusetts, its offi- cers, agents, successors, and assigns, shall take the action set forth in the Order. 1 The Respondent has excepted to some of the judge 's credibility find- ings The Board's established policy is not to overrule an administrative law judge's credibility resolutions unless the clear preponderance of all the relevant evidence convinces us that they are incorrect . Standard Dry Wall Products, 91 NLRB 544 (1950), enfd 188 F 2d 362 (3d Cir 1951). We have carefully examined the record and find no basis for reversing the findings We also find no merit in the Respondent 's allegations of bias and prejudice on the part of the judge. Thus, we perceive no evidence that the judge prejudged the case , made prejudicial rulings, or demon- strated a bias against the Respondent in his analysis or discussion of the evidence. Similarly , there is no basis for finding that bias and prejudice exist merely because the judge resolved important factual conflicts in favor of the General Counsel's witnesses . NLRB v. Pittsburgh Steamship Co, 337 U S. 656, 659 (1949). In fn. 2 of his decision, the judge found that employee Arsenio's 10 May 1985 disciplinary writeup referred to a 13 May 1985 incident Our review of the record, however, indicates that the writeup referred to an alleged incident that occurred on 10 May 1985; that the writeup was signed on 10 May 1985 by Supervisor Rigby, and that a 1-day suspension was to be served on 13 May 1985 . This correction does not affect our agreement with the judge's ultimate conclusions 2 In accordance with our decision in New Horizons for the Retarded, 283 NLRB 1173 (1987), interest on and after 1 January 1987 shall be computed at the "short -term Federal rate" for the underpayment of taxes as set out in the 1986 amendment to 26 U.S.C. § 6621 . Interest on amounts accrued prior to 1 January 1987 (the effective date of the 1986 amendment to 26 U.S C. § 6621) shall be computed in accoidance with Florida Steel Corp, 231 NLRB 651 (1977) Thomas J. Morrison, Esq., for the General Counsel. Barbara Ann Sellinger, Esq., for the Employer. Thomas Brassil, Esq., for the Union. 286 NLRB No. 136 DECISION STATEMENT OF THE CASE FRANK H. ITKIN, Administrative Law Judge. Unfair labor practice charges were filed in the above cases on June 13 and 18, July 29, August 20, and September 19, 1986. An amended consolidated complaint issued on Oc- tober 9, 1986. The General Counsel alleged that Re- spondent had violated Section 8(a)(1) and (3) of the Na- tional Labor Relations Act by asking an employee how many employees had signed union authorization cards; by telling an employee that employees should have gone to their supervisor and asked for a raise and should not have filed for the Union; by telling an employee that he had lost his job and his supervisor would lie about an in- cident involving the employee; by telling an employee that if the Union won a Board-conducted representation election, the Employer would not give the Union and the employees what they wanted, the employees would go on strike, and the Employer would replace them; by threatening to shorten employee breaks and lunch peri- ods and to give employees additional chores if the Union won the representation election; by telling employees that the Employer had a very good lawyer and will never allow the Union to come into its facility; and by discriminatorily suspending employee Norberto Arsenio on June 12 and firing him on June 19, 1986. The Em- ployer denied violating the Act as alleged. Hearings were held on the issues raised in Boston, Massachusetts, on January 14 and 15, 1987. On the entire record, including my observation of the demeanor of the witnesses, and after due consideration of the briefs filed by counsel, I make the following FINDINGS OF FACT Respondent Employer is admittedly an employer en- gaged in commerce as alleged . Charging Party Union is admittedly a labor organization as alleged. Thomas Bras- sil, as he testified, is the business agent for the Union, which represents a unit of some 12 plant maintenance employees at the Employer's facility in Cambridge, Mas- sachusetts. The remaining 200 to 300 employees working at the Cambridge facility are not represented by a labor organization. Brassil is assisted by steward Jim Cooper and assistant steward Joe Arruda. Cooper previously had apprised Brassil "that there may be some people" at the Employer's Cambridge facility "who are interested in or- ganizing." In April 1986, Arruda notified Brassil that "these guys [the porters and janitors] wanted to meet" with Brassil. On May 10, 1986, Brassil , as he further testified, met with assistant steward Arruda and employee Norberto Arsenio. Arsenio was a porter or janitor at the Employ- er's Cambridge plant. Arsenio then explained to Brassil that "he had been talking with the employees and they . .. were interested in getting into [the] Union."; Ar- senio "had a list of people who . . . definitely wanted the Union."; Arsenio's list contained some 12 names; and the proposed unit of porters or janitors at the Cambridge plant consisted of about 21 persons. Later, on May 12, Brassil furnished Arruda with union membership cards. NABISCO BRANDS The cards were given to Arsenio who solicited the signa- tures of his fellow employees. The signed cards were re- turned to Brassil shortly thereafter. Brassil explained that there were no "other employees involved in getting sig- natures" on the authorization cards. On May 23, 1986, the Union filed a representation pe- tition with the Board seeking to represent a unit of some 21 porters or janitors at the Employer's Cambridge plant. (See G.C. Exh. 2.) A representation hearing was later conducted on June 19, 1986. Norberto Arsenio testified that he was hired by the Employer as a porter or cleaning , person in May 1980; that his hours of work were from 9:30 p.m. until 6:30 a.m; that he was born in Portugal and has only been in the United States for about 9 years; and that he works with approximately 20 to 22 other janitors at the Cam- bridge plant. Arsenio recalled that about February 1986, he spoke to Company Supervisor Robert Rigby on behalf of coworker Fernando Nunes. "We asked for the raise .. .." Rigby then informed Arsenio that "he couldn't give it to us . . . if [the employees] wanted to continue working at the same rate [they] could . . . if [they] didn't want to . . . the door was there . . . or to look for a Union." Arsenio discussed joining a union with his coworkers. He later met with union agent Brassil , obtained union au- thorization cards, and solicited the signatures of his co- workers. Arsenio signed his union card on May 13, 1986. (See G.C. Exh. 3.) Arsenio recalled the following con- versation with employee Antonio de Chavez: I [Arsenio] told him I had a paper . . . with the names of the people who had signed up, so that we could know how many people they [the Union] have, enough to go ahead with the necessary papers for the Union. He [Chavez] said, he wasn't interest- ed in the Union, but he would sign if all the others had signed. Arsenio also recalled the following conversation with employee Jose Morer: I [Arsenio] asked if he would read and sign the paper . . . and he said he would sign. He made a cross and I signed my name in front. . . . A few weeks later he came to me, he didn't want his name on there because he could see that it was creating problems. The bosses had called to him and brought to his attention the problems with the Union and he didn't want to lose his job because he was old and he had children, and rent to pay, which was expen- sive. And for the best to remove his name from the list. I told him he was free, he could sign or not and I took his name off. Arsenio, as discussed below, was summarily suspended on June 12 and fired on June 19, 1986. Arsenio testified that, "before I was fired," on or about June 9, Company Supervisor Antonio Sousa "called some of the employees to have a meeting" in the "conference room" at the plant. Arsenio recalled: 1403 He [Sousa] said he wanted to speak with us regard- ing a letter the Company had received regarding the Union. . . . I said I knew what was happening. He said, if you want to hear me sit down, if you do not want to hear me leave and return to work .. . . He said that he knew very well a few years back . . . companies had closed their doors because of the unions and there were certain problems re- garding the contract, the Company sometimes did not accept, people would go into striking, and many lost their jobs. If there are gentlemen with a certain age . . . older men, if they entered the Union with the Company, if the personnel went on strike, the Company would not stop, would continue on, that the employees on the second shift would stop to clean up. Sousa also "spoke of salary increases." Sousa suggested that "possibly the personnel would get an increase in salary" if they had met with the Employer "before the Union." Arsenio then spoke up: "I said it was too late because we had aready asked before the Union and they [the Employer] didn't do anything." Other employee complaints about their conditions of employment were then cited to Sousa. Sousa warned: "if the Union entered into the Company . . . the breaks and the time they [the employees] took longer than what was allowed . . . would all be cut out."i Arsenio then described the events of June 12, 1986, culminating in his suspension. Arsenio had reported for work as scheduled that day. "Sousa was at the stairway waiting for" Arsenio and immediately took Arsenio to the personnel office. There, Bob Rigby gave me [Arsenio] some papers, that is called pink slips, which state certain things that have happened in the past and others that I have never seen in Portuguese and English. And then he asked me if I would agree to sign these papers. I said I didn't agree, I didn't think that I was guilty in any of those things. He asked if I had a paper I would like to write regarding those problems and I did write a letter, not agreeing with those state- ments. Then they gave me the checks and they told me to go home, that they were investigating my sit- uation, that later on I would receive a notice. (See G.C. Exhs. 5, 6, 7, 8(a), 8(b) and Tr. 62-68.) The so-called pink slips, which were cited to Arsenio on June 12, 1986, at his suspension meeting with Rigby and Sousa, included the following: General Counsel's Exhibit 4, dated August 16, 1984, is a disciplinary write- up purportedly given to Arsenio "for locking another employee inside the compactor shed." Arsenio was alleg- edly "warned not to repeat this serious safety violation." ' Arsenio noted that, before this organizational effort, he had discussed unions in general with Sousa Sousa is Arsenio's brother-in-law and Ar- senio resides in Sousa's home Arsenio explained We spoke in his house regarding the union the best that the per- sonnel could do was to get into a union because the Company wasn't paying a good salary for the work the employees were doing, but, himself [Sousa], he could not say anything 1404 DECISIONS OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD General Counsel's Exhibit 5, dated January 11, 1985, is a disciplinary writeup purportedly given to Arsenio "for failure to wear a necessary face shield." Arsenio was al- legedly "reprimanded" for this conduct. General Coun- sel's Exhibit 6, dated May 10, 1985, is a disciplinary writeup purportedly given to Arsenio "for refusing to do work assigned." Arsenio was given "a one-day suspen- sion" for this alleged conduct.2 General Counsel's Exhib- it 7, dated May 13, 1985, is a "three-day suspension" given to Arsenio for allegedly "refusing to leave the building" while he was on his earlier 1-day suspension. Arsenio explained that he had not in fact locked an- other employee in the compactor room during 1984; however, the employee involved repeatedly had com- plained about this incident and Arsenio went to Supervi- sor Rigby and acknowledged responsibility in order to end the matter. As Arsenio recalled: I told him that I had done it, but I didn't do it. I just said it because he [the employee] was always insisting that I had done it. Bob Rigby took the paper . . . and told me to forget about the incident. Arsenio next explained his writeup for failing to wear a "face shield" in early 1985: "On that day I forgot the mask" and Rigby stated that "in the future I should not forget it." Arsenio added: "With that he [Rigby] left and never spoke of it again." Arsenio next explained his suspension in May 1985. General Counsel's Exhibits 6 and 7 concern the same transaction. Arsenio explained that he had received the 1-day suspension because he had complained to Supervi- sor Sousa that he "needed someone to help" him while cleaning "two tanks on the fifth floor" of the plant; the water pressure was insufficient-"the water wouldn't go up to the fifth floor"; and Arsenio "called for some help." According to Arsenio, Sousa then "treated me badly and I answered him back." On the following day, Rigby gave Arsenio the 1-day suspension because he "had treated the boss badly." However, as Arsenio fur- ther testified: On that day I had an appointment at the clinic within the Company . . . I was climbing the stairs of the Company. Bob Rigby saw me, said I had been suspended for one day, I could not go into the Company. I said I had things to take care of for myself on the third floor . . . I was going to the nurse. Arsenio was then given a 3-day suspension. Supervisor Rigby, at the June 12, 1986 suspension interview, cited General Counsel's Exhibits 4, 5, 6, and 7 to Arsenio. See General Counsel's Exhibit 8, the writeup given to Arsenio by Supervisor Rigby on June 12, sum- marizing the above-cited conduct. Supervisor Rigby also recited in General Counsel's Exhibit 8 the following: 2 Supervisor Rigby signed this writeup on May 10, the wnteup refers to a May 13, 1985 incident ; and the writeup was witnessed on May 14, 1985. Recently several employees have complained that you've threatened, intimidated and harassed them. In addition, the third shift guard advised us that you have been abusive refusing to follow his direc- tions and using the office lobby telephones as well as going through unauthorized areas against his orders. Supervisor Rigby concluded General Counsel 's Exhibit 8 with the following statement: Previously, I clearly warned you that any further violations would result in your being fired. As a result, you are indefinitely suspended pending fur- ther investigation. Arsenio denied the above and related cited acts of mis- conduct. (See G.C. Exh. 9, Tr. 65-68.) On June 19, 1986, the day of the scheduled representa- tion hearing, the Employer notified Arsenio by letter that its "investigation confirmed that you did commit se- rious violations of Company policies." This letter also accused Arsenio of "threatening a supervisor." Arsenio was fired. Arsenio denied threatening any supervisor. He testified that he in fact had spoken with Supervisor Sousa "on the day I received the letter." Arsenio ex- plained: I [Arsenio] told him [Sousa] . . . that I had also re- ceived a letter from the Company that I had at- tacked a supervisor and that I was suspended from work. He [Sousa] started to laugh and he said he didn't know about anything, but when the day came . .. for him to say that I had attacked [him] . . . if it were ncessary he would bring his wife as a wit- ness. [He, Sousa,] had to defend himself and he didn't want to lose his work and I had already lost mine. Fernando Nunes is employed by the Company as a janitor on the night shift. Arsenio requested Nunes to sign a union authorization card. (See G.C. Exh. 11.) Ar- senio and Nunes then "arranged another sheet of paper and gathered names [of] people interested in the Union." Nunes recalled that earlier Arsenio had spoken to Super- visor Rigby "about getting an increase in salary." Rigby then informed Arsenio: "We should look for our own rights or go into the Union or the door was right there." Nunes also recalled similar conversations with supervisor Sousa: One time we were playing dominos right in his [Sousa's] house and we were speaking as friends, and at that time he is the one who led us to believe to join the Union would be to our benefit, we would earn more money . . . that would be the best thing for us to do but not to mention that he sug- gested it. After Nunes had signed his union authorization card, Sousa spoke with Nunes at work about the Union. Nunes recalled: NABISCO BRANDS 1405 He [Sousa] said he had a lot of workers there that were his friends, and no one had mentioned anything and no one had spoken about the Union, and he didn't have to go to New Jersey because of the problems of the Union." He asked me how many men had signed the paper. I told him 13, 14. He said that if we had gone and speak with him before that, it was possible they could have gotten a raise. In addition , Nunes attended a meeting in the con- ference room at the plant where Sousa made the following statements: The Union would bring various problems. The factory would not stop working even if they did go to the Union. If we had gone on strike the factory would not stop, it would continue to work because the second shift was prepared to do the cleaning, and if we thought we were going to make a lot of money the Company would not agree to what we wanted even if the Union did come in. Nunes went on vacation and visited Portugal between mid-June and mid-July 1986. After Nunes had returned, Sousa had the following conversation with Nunes while "sitting on the benches in front of the house": Norberto had already been fired, but he [Sousa] wasn't going to lose his job because of him [Ar- senio] . There was some lies and it was necessary to lie, he was even able to say that he [Arsenio] had attacked him at home, because he had worked in that Company for 20 years and he wasn't about to lose . . . his job. Nunes lives one house away from Sousa's home.4 Robert Skoff, labor relations manager for the Employ- er, is stationed at the Employer's headquarters in New Jersey. Skoff was "involved" in the decision to suspend and discharge employee Arsenio. As Skoff put it, "this was far from a routine discharge." The Cambridge plant management-Cambridge Plant Manager George Murray, Section Supervisor Rigby, and Supervisor 8 As discussed below, Sousa was referring to a trip that he and other company officials had to take to the Employer's headquarters in New Jersey during the Union 's organizational campaign 4 Nunes also recalled that Sousa had stated " . the Company would not stop . the Union would never come in the Company had good attorneys " Nunes further recalled that Sousa had warned: If the Union came in the breaks would only be 10 minutes and lunch would only be a half an hour. Nunes explained : "Presently , it [the breaks] have been 10, 15 minutes Previous to that , sometimes it was an hour . [B]efore [the union campaign] they [the bosses] never said anything , only after this started." Sousa-"came to [Skoff] in New Jersey" and "indicated they wanted to discharge Arsenio for threats . . ." Skoff placed this visit "some time in late May." Later, Skoff explained: Let me back up. There may have been more than one meeting . There were meetings after the petition was filed to discuss that aspect and then I believe it was later in June after the threats were made we had this subsequent meeting dealing with the discus- sion of discipline. Skoff initially opposed the "discharge" of Arsenio-"we were considering a discipline something short of dis- charge." Skoff was "very aware and extremely sensitive to the fact that we were in a pre-election mode . . . and we had reason to believe that [Arsenio] was one of the organizers." Skoff related the "events," assertedly called to his at- tention between June 12 and 19, that "caused" him "to go along with the decision" made at Cambridge to fire Arsenio: The disclosure that other threatening and special violence had been inflicted on other employees prior, years ago, months ago. The threats made by Arsenio to Sousa on or about June 18. Skoff, during the June 12-19 investigative period, made no attempt to "contact Mr. Arsenio . . . to get his ver- sion of the events." And, Skoff admittedly learned of the alleged threats to Sousa on June 19, "the day of the dis- charge" and the day of the scheduled representation hearing. Skoff generally denied that Arsenio's union activities were a reason for his suspension and discharge. Skoff claimed "that the discharge letter was the same date as the representation hearing was a coincidence." "We weighed that and I would say in spite of the Union orga- nizing attempt we had no other recourse but to discharge the employee." Skoff thereafter "advised Mr. Sousa that he should tell the employees that Arsenio was not dis- charged for his Union activity and that he was dis- charged for making threats." Further, although the Em- ployer has collective-bargaining relationships with vari- ous labor organizations , Skoff noted that only 12 of the Employer's some 300 employees at the Cambridge plant are unionized; these 12 employees are represented by the Charging Party Union; and "there were some problems" in the recent contract negotiations between the Employ- er and the Union. Antonio Sousa, supervisor of the Employer's third- shift cleaning department at the Cambridge plant, testi- fied that he conducted meetings of his 22 shift employees during "early June" "after the petition for an election was filed." During these meetings, according to Sousa, "I told them that I knew or had been informed that some of them had signed their names to go Union " and "I had the right to tell them that the Union [did not] always [give] them what they promised." Sousa claimed that the 1406 DECISIONS OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD employees, during these meetings, asked about being re- placed while on strike and not being paid while on strike. Sousa also apprised the assembled employees that "if anybody . . . wanted . . . conversation . . . I would be there . . . all night"-"if they had any questions to ask [or] things like that." Sousa then testified that employee Fernando Nunes "voluntarily" came to him and informed him "they had gotten 14 signatures ." Sousa insisted : "I didn 't ask him and I wasn't interested in knowing how many had signed cards." Sousa next testified that employee Jose Frietas also voluntarily informed him: that he [Frietas] had signed his name for the Union but he was not interested, but since there had been fights and threats . . . he didn't want to be different from the others . . . and that is why he signed his name .. . Frietas, according to Sousa, revealed to Sousa that Nor- berto Arsenio "had told [employee] Antonio de Chavez that he was a drunkard" and "deserved . . . a couple of kicks" and he, Arsenio, "would split his head open and if necessary would split the heads of the bosses open"; that Arsenio had called employee Morer "a queer"; and that Arsenio "had already had a fight with employee Juan Correia."6 Sousa further testified that, after employee Frietas "told me these things," Sousa went to the floor where employees de Chavez and Correia were working. Sousa "called the two of them" to "his private" room or office and "I [Sousa] asked them what was going on between them and Norberto Arsenio . . . . Sousa claimed that, inter alia, both de Chavez and Correia then "confirmed" what Frietas had said. Sousa also asserted: "Jose Correia and Antonio de Chavez had told me that there had been other abuses." Sousa insisted that "I did not know about" "these fights" before this evening's conversation with both de Chavez and Correia. Sousa then "told my superiors to do an investigation . . . to put him [Arsenio] out on the street permanently if possible." Sousa wanted Arsenio "fired" because, assertedly, "we had warned Arsenio many times personally and we had four [writeups] against him"; because of the misconduct related to Sousa following his evening meetings with the employees; and because Arsenio told me on the steps to my house that he didn't care any more about his job, that he only wanted to see [Rigby and Sousa] in a lot of problems, and that he was going to say at the Labor Board that we helped him organize the Union. Sousa claimed that Arsenio previously had been warned "that the next time something happened . . . he would be fired." As explained later, this asserted warning was 5 Frietas and Morer, employed by the Company, did not testify in this proceeding Counsel for the Employer asserted (Tr. 188-190) that "these people were petrified" and would not testify Although counsel was af- forded an opportunity to subpoena these witnesses , she declined to do so. Further, Sousa claimed that another employee , Oscar Barona , also dis- closed to him that Arsenio gave Barona "a couple of socks on his chest " Barona did not testify never reduced to writing or incorporated in Arsenio's earlier "write-ups ." (Cf. G.C. Exhs . 4, 5, 6, and 7 with G.C. Exh. 8(a).) Sousa was asked by Employer's counsel , would he recommend that the Company "rehire" Arsenio. Sousa replied "no," because of the actions he [Arsenio ] did in the past and for the things he continued to do even after the written warnings and the personal warnings, .. . and I can see that now the people are all working like friends and before they were nervous and afraid to go to work. Sousa insisted that Arsenio, in effect, had "attacked me with words." Sousa denied, inter alia, various statements and conduct attributed to him by Arsenio and Nunes. On cross-examination , Sousa acknowledged that, ,.when the Company received a letter from the Union I had a suspicion that Norberto was the one in charge of the organizing"-"I knew [Arsenio gave employees union cards to sign] after the employees came to me and told me who had given them the cards." Sousa's pre- hearing affidavit states: Upon information and belief Norberto Arsenio was the in-plant Union organizer . . . he was the repre - sentative of the Union . . . all communications be- tween the Union and the employees was relayed solely through Norberto Arsenio . . . Norberto Ar- senio is the Union's agent and gave employees Union cards to sign. Sousa further acknowledged that he and Rigby flew from the Employer's Cambridge plant to the New Jersey headquarters where "we had a meeting during the day"-"it was almost all day, one meeting ." Sousa insist- ed that the Employer did not "discuss" the union cam- paign: The reason for the meeting was that Bob Rigby took with him papers about many things that hap- pened with various employees at the Company in Cambridge, including papers written against Nor- berto. Rigby brought with him the personnel records of Ar- senio and of "various employees." The Employer "wanted to investigate all of the records of the people in Cambridge." Robert Rigby, a supervisor of the Employer's Cam- bridge plant sanitation department, denied, inter alia, var- ious statements and conduct attributed to him by em- ployee Arsenio. He reviewed his earlier disciplinary wri- teups given to Arsenio (G.C. Exhs. 4, 5, 6, and 7). Rigby claimed that he had warned Arsenio: "it wouldn't be al- lowed any further and he [Arsenio] could be fired if it continued." Rigby acknowledged, however, that he had never "memorialized" this warning of discharge. And, although Rigby generally observed that writeups do not last forever, he further testified: NABISCO BRANDS 1407 There is nothing written on that, but obviously something that would occur years and years past, no. Yes there is some consideration on the length of time [of the writeup], some. Rigby identified G.C. Exhs. 8(a) and (b) as the docu- ments presented and read to Arsenio on June 12, 1986, the date of Arsenio's suspension. Rigby acknowledged: "Tony [Sousa] held discussions with all employees and at that point that is when this information carne to light on the threats." Rigby was "not present during any of those discussions" with employees. Sousa told Rigby about this alleged misconduct. Elsewhere, Rigby claimed that counsel for the Employer "told" him about the alleged "threats." Finally, Rigby claimed that he "came to the New Jersey" headquarters on June 4, 19815. There were no discussions at this meeting "about discharging or sus- pending" Arsenio. The "first meeting" Rigby had with "Company officials from New Jersey regarding the sus- pension or discharge" of Arsenio "was the following week after Tony [Sousa] held meetings [in the] depart- ment." John Copera, employed by the Company at its New Jersey headquarters, advises and counsels the Cambridge plant personnel manager. Copera recalled meeting with Cambridge plant supervisors Sousa and Rigby on June 4, 1986, at the New Jersey headquarters. The Employer's labor relations attorney joined the meeting. The four then "spent time reviewing personnel files of the sanita- tion department" workers. Copera noted that previously, on May 30, he had been advised that the Employer "had then received a petition for the organization of the Com- pany." Copera denied discussing ,at this meeting "poten- tially suspending or discharging Norberto Arsenio." Copera admittedly reviewed on June 4 "write-ups" and "warnings" contained in the personnel files of the sanita- tion department. Copera claimed: Well, as far as write-ups and warnings, [his concern was] to look for consistency, to look at how disci- pline and warnings were administered in the plant and how they were handled. Elsewhere, Copera acknowledged that "there was no one specific that [he was] concerned about at that time"-"we were looking at the total department of 21 or 22 people." Seven days later, on June 11, Copera again met with Sousa and Rigby "regarding the suspen- sion of Mr. Arsenio." Copera claimed: The meeting [of June 11] was called between the meeting of the 4th in New Jersey or after the meet- ing of the 4th, it became known to us that employ- ees in the plant had been threatened by an individ- ual in the plant, an employee, and we wanted to look into the matter further. Ronald Stadnicki, production manager at the Cam- bridge plant, testified that he was "involved in reviewing the discipline" of employee Arsenio. Stadnicki claimed that Arsenio was "fired for threatening Company em- ployees." Stadnicki was then asked if he was "aware of other examples where the Company discharged employ- ees for threats or fights." Stadnicki could recall "two" such instances. In one case , an employee had illegally parked his car in the parking lot, his car was towed, and the employee then threatened a company director that "before the day was over . . . he was going to get him." In the other case, an employee had been told not to show up for work "since he might be under the influence of alcohol" after having been observed "drinking an al- coholic beverage in his car efore his starting time," and later came into the plant and repeatedly made threaten- ing statements and gestures to management. Stadnicki elsewhere testified that "security guard Green" had reported to him on or about June 11 a "bomb threat." Green assertedly told Stadnicki that he "was having a problem" with employee Arsenio at the time because Arsenio "was cutting through unauthorized areas and using phones in the offices unauthorized." Counsel for the Employer acknowledged that "security guard Green" was not "going to be called as a witness" (Tr. 285). And, Stadnicki acknowledged that he "couldn't tell" whether Arsenio was involved in any "bomb threat"; no one has made "such an accusation"; he had "no knowledge of this until June 11"; and he had never confronted Arsenio with this claim. John Correia, employed by the Company at its Cam- bridge plant, was asked if he could "recall any argu- ments between Norberto Arsenio and Antonio de Chavez." Correia replied: "Arsenio arrived [at work] and said to Antonio de Chavez that he was ordered around by the women and that he was a drunkard- and that what he deserved was a good kick." Correia added: "They were arguing." Employee Correia was next asked if he "ever had a fight with Mr. Arsenio." Correia replied: I went to get the water cart, I went to look for it, and I found it on the fifth floor, and I got the cart and started pulling it to leave, and when he [Ar- senio] saw that I was pulling the cart, he came run- ning and started holding it back, and I continued pulling it, and he closed his hand and put his fist on my head like this, and I went back. This incident was "about three years ago" and he did not tell management about the incident. Employee Correia was next asked if he was "aware of any argument between Arsenio and Antonio Morer." Correia replied: "Once again, we were changing our clothes at night, they had a discussion and he [Arsenio] pushed him against a closet, but I don't know what the bad blood was." This incident "was more than a year ago." Employee Correia was next asked whether he was "aware of any argument between Norberto Arsenio and Jose Frietas." Correia replied: They were eating at the cafeteria and started to fight. I don't know why. And Arsenio promised that he would wait for him outside so that they could resolve themselves, and when he got outside he went out on the street and called him out to the street, and as the other one came around . . . the 1408 DECISIONS OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD other one . . . jumped back on the sidewalk and continued walking. Correia added: "This was some time ago also More or less a year."e Finally, Correia recalled that Supervisor Sousa "came to me and he said that Norberto had gone home on pun- ishment because of problems that he had . . . . Well, the things that he was doing there that had nothing to do with the Union." Correia insisted that Supervisor Sousa has never spoken with employees about "the limiting of break times." Correia, during his 8 years of employment with the Company, has been a janitor. His only other employment in the United States was in a shoe factory for about 6 months. He insisted that his 20 to 22 cowork- ers never had "arguments." Antonio de Chavez, employed by the Company, was asked if he had an "argument with Mr. Arsenio" "in June." He replied: "It was at night when we were changing our clothes. He started to fight with me, [that] my wife told me what to do, that I was always drunk, and that he would kick me in the ass." Antonio de Chavez was next asked if he had seen Ar- senio "fight with any other employees." He testified: "With Tony Morer . .. . They were arguing. I don't know what the words were and then he grabbed him like this and put him against the closets." He added: "This was about two years ago." He explained: "I didn't tell anybody anything." Supervisor Sousa "somehow . .. found out about it and then he came to ask me to verify it." Supervisor Sousa, assertedly, "told me [de Chavez] that Arsenio had been fired because of the com- plaints the Company had against him . . . . Those papers that they write, those notes about us." Antonio de Chavez has worked for the Employer for 11 years. His only other employment in the United States was for 2 months in a bakery.' I credit the testimony of Brassil, Arsenio, and Nunes as detailed above. They impressed me as reliable and trustworthy witnesses. Their testimony was in significant part mutually corroborative and was also substantiated in part by admissions of the Employer's witnesses. Their testimony withstood cross-examination. I am therefore persuaded on this entire record that the testimony of Brassil , Arsenio, and Nunes reflects a complete, reasona- ble, and trustworthy account of the pertinent sequence of events. 6 Correia also claimed that he once heard Arsenio say to employee John Sousa "I locked you up once and I will lock you up again," refer- ring to the alleged incident in the compactor room in 1984 7 Renato Cabral, also employed in the Cambridge plant sanitation de- partment as Sousa 's assistant or leadman, recalled that Supervisor Sousa faulted employee Nunes for not being at his job and because his machines were not cleaned Cabral insisted that Sousa "never spoke in my presence to any employee regarding the Union " Arsenio was recalled on rebuttal. Arsenio admitted that he had had a fight with employee Frietas about 1 or 2 years ago Arsenio explained that this fight with Frietas did not take place at work Arsenio admitted that he had had an argument with employee de Chavez At the time, de Chavez "was under the influence of liquor " Arsenio denied that he had threatened de Chavez Arsenio also admitted to pushing employee Morer against a closet in the locker room Arsenio explained that they were "fooling around" and Morer was intoxicated at the time . Finally, Arsenio denied having had arguments with Correia As Arsenio explained "As I remember sincerely I have never had any arguments with him " On the other hand, I find the testimony of Sousa, Skoff, Rigby, Copera, Stadnicki, and Cabral to be at times incomplete, contradictory, vague, evasive, and un- clear. They did not impress me as reliable or trustworthy witnesses. In particular, I find incredible here Sousa's claim that the janitor-porters involved asked Sousa at his June meeting about strikes and strike replacements; that Nunes "voluntarily" came to Sousa and revealed that the Union "had gotten 14 signatures"; that Sousa "wasn't in- terested in knowing how many had signed cards"; that Frietas and others also voluntarily informed Sousa about "threats" and "fights" involving Arsenio; and that Ar- senio had "threatened" or "attacked" Sousa. I find equal- ly incredible the assertions of Sousa and Rigby to the effect that Arsenio had been given a final warning of dis- charge long before the Union's campaign. The "write- ups" and related documentary evidence of record con- tain no such final warning. In addition, I find incredible the assertions of Rigby and Copera that, although management reviewed "write- ups" and "warnings" given to the unit janitors at the meeting of June 4, management did not discuss disciplin- ing Arsenio at the time. Skoff, at one point in his testi- mony, characterized the meeting as one in which man- agement "indicated they wanted to discharge Arsenio for threats." Indeed, it is undisputed that management was aware of Arsenio's role in the Union's campaign from the outset. And, Sousa acknowledged that the one meet- ing that he attended at the Employer's corporate head- quarters in New Jersey involved disciplining Arsenio. In short, I reject as pretextual management's belated, shifting, contradictory, and unsubstantiated reasons as- serted for the sudden suspension and firing of Arsenio during the Union's campaign. I find instead, as discussed below, that the real and only reason for the Employer's suspension and firing of Arsenio was to punish and get rid of Arsenio, the sole union protagonist, and thereby discourage the remainmg porters and janitors from sup- porting the Union.8 Discussion Respondent Company has a plant in Cambridge, Mas- sachusetts , where it employs about 300 persons . Charg- ing Party Union represents 12 maintenance employees at the plant; the remaining employees are not represented by any labor organization. Charging Party Norberto Ar- senio has been employed at the Cambridge plant as a jan- itor or porter since 1980. On May 10, 1986, Arsenio went to the Union and requested its assistance in organiz- ing the 21 or 22 janitor-porters at the plant. The Union agreed. Arsenio was given membership cards and he alone solicited and obtained the signatures of his cowork- ers on the cards. On May 23, the Union filed a represen- 8 Insofar as the testimony of de Chavez and Correia conflicts with the testimony of Arsenio and Nunes, I credit the testimony of Arsenio and Nunes as more trustworthy I am persuaded that de Chavez and Cor- reia-having been sought out by Supervisor Sousa in an attempt to find a reason to fire Arsenio-were attempting to accommodate Sousa and keep their jobs For, as employee Morer had explained earlier to Arsenio, "the bosses had called to [Morer] and brought to his attention the problems with the Union and he didn 't want to lose his fob " NABISCO BRANDS 1409 tation petition with the Board's Regional Director. On May 30, the Employer received a copy of the petition at its New Jersey headquarters. Management was aware at the outset that employee Arsenio was the chief union protagonist. Company Su- pervisor Antonio Sousa admittedly had been "informed" that employees "had signed their names to go Union"; he "had a suspicion that [Arsenio] was the one in charge of the organizing"; and he "knew" that Arsenio gave the employees the union cards "after the employees came to [Sousa] and told" him. 9 And, the Employer's labor rela- tions manager, Robert Skoff, similarly acknowledged that "we had reason to believe that [Arsenio] was one of the organizers." Then, on June 4, following receipt of the Union's peti- tion, Cambridge Plant Manager George Murray, Super- visor Robert Rigby, and Night-Shift Supervisor Antonio Sousa were summoned to the Employer's headquarters in New Jersey. What was discussed at the June 4 meeting is not entirely clear on this record and there are, as recited, conflicts in testimony. Thus, Labor Relations Manager Robert Skoff acknowledged that the Cambridge plant management "indicated that they wanted to discharge Arsenio." Skoff elsewhere claimed that Arsenio's disci- pline was discussed at "a subsequent meeting." Skoff, however, initially had opposed the discharge of Ar- senio-he wanted "something short of discharge" be- cause "we were in a pre-election mode." Supervisor Sousa, on the other hand, recalled attending "one meet- ing" in New Jersey where they discussed employee "write-ups" involving Arsenio and "various employees." Supervisor Rigby, in his testimony, insisted that there was no discussion at the June 4 meeting "about discharg- ing or suspending" Arsenio-that happened, we are told, "the following week after Tony [Sousa] held meetings" of the 21 and 22 janitors and porters. And, Company Representative John Copera claimed that management, at the June 4 meeting, "spent time reviewing the person- nel files" of the janitors and porters including "write- ups" and "warnings." Copera insisted that "there was no one specific that he was concerned with at that time"- "we were looking at the total department of 21 or 22 people." According to Copera, it was 7 or 8 days later, June 11 or 12, when the Employer decided to suspend Arsenio. And, it was 7 or 8 days later, June 19, when management decided to discharge Arsenio, on the day of the scheduled Board representation hearing. Following the June 4 meeting at the Employer's New Jersey headquarters, Supervisor Sousa confronted em- ployee Fernando Nunes at work about "the problems of the Union." Sousa questioned Nunes, "how many men had signed the paper." Nunes replied, 13 or 14. Sousa commented, if the employees had spoken "with him before that it was possible they could have gotten a raise." In addition, Sousa also addressed groups of em- ployees at the plant during the night shift. Sousa warned the employees that the Union "would bring various problems"; he referred to strikes, closings, lost jobs, and replacements; and he observed "the Company would not agree to what we wanted even if the Union did come in." As employee Arsenio credibly recalled, Sousa "spoke of salary increases" to the assembled employees. Arsenio spoke up and "said it was too late because we had already asked and [the Employer] didn't do any- thing." Sousa then admonished the assembled employees: "If the Union entered into the Company . .. the breaks and the time [the employees] took longer than what was allowed . . . would all be cut out." 10 Company Supervisor Sousa claimed that, following his meetings at work with the employees, various employees voluntarily revealed to Sousa that employee Arsenio had threatened and assaulted coworkers. Sousa claimed, inter alia, that employee Jose Frietas had disclosed this infor- mation to him. Frietas, however, did not testify. Other employees who assertedly also had disclosed this infor- mation to Sousa (Morer and Barona) did not testify. Em- ployees John Correia and Antonio de Chavez, as shown above, testified that they had disclosed to Sousa, after he had questioned them, arguments and disputes with Ar- senio that had taken place for the most part in prior months and years. Sousa thereupon related the results of his inquiries to Section Supervisor Rigby. Rigby admit- tedly made no attempt to interview any employees re- garding alleged acts of misconduct on the part of Ar- senio . In fact, Rigby, at one point in his testimony, ac- knowledged that counsel for the Employer had "told" him about Arsenio's alleged "threats." On June 12, Arsenio reported for work as scheduled. Sousa "was at the stairway waiting"for Arsenio. Sousa took Arsenio to Rigby's office. There, Rigby reviewed "write-ups" and "warnings" that Arsenio had received in 1984 and 1985. Rigby then added that "recently, several employees have complained that you've threatened, in- timidated and harassed them." Rigby further added that the "third shift guard advised us that you have been abu- sive refusing to follow his direction, and using the office lobby telephones as well as going through unauthorized areas ."11 Rigby also added, "Previously, I [Rigby] warned you that any further violations would result in you're being fired." Arsenio credibly denied any prior warning of discharge and the various cited acts of mis- conduct. In fact, the earlier 1984-1985 "write-ups" to Arsenio contain no such final warning of discharge. Ar- senio was "suspended pending further investigation." (See G.C. Exhs. 8(a) and 8(b).) Seven days later, on June 19, Arsenio was notified in a letter that he was discharged. Arsenio was apprised that the Employer's "investigation confirmed that you did commit serious violations of Company policies." In addi- tion, Arsenio was also accused in this letter of "threaten- ing a supervisor." Arsenio credibly denied this miscon- duct. Arsenio credibly recalled that he had visited Sousa "on the day I received the letter." Sousa then made clear to Arsenio that Sousa was prepared to lie if necessary and state that Arsenio had "attacked" him-Sousa 9 As noted, Arsenio is Sousa's brother-in-law and lives in Sousa's home. The two previously had discussed the advantages of union repre- sentation 10 Employee Nunes also credibly recalled that Sousa had stated- "The Union would never come in the Company had good attor- neys. " i i The "third shift guard " did not testify 1410 DECISIONS OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD "didn't want to lose his work and [Arsenio] had already lost" his job. Employee Nunes also credibly recalled how Sousa, in like vein, had explained to Nunes that Sousa would lie if necessary "because he had worked for the Company for 20 years and he wasn't about to lose ... his job." Labor Relations Manager Skoff acknowledged that "this was far from a routine discharge." Skoff initially had opposed the discharge of Arsenio. Skoff assertedly changed his mind on or about June 19, with the "disclo- sure that other threatening and special violence had been inflicted on other employees prior, years ago, months ago," and the "threats made by Arsenio to Sousa on or about June 18." Skoff admittedly first learned of the al- leged threat to Sousa on June 19-the date of discharge and date of the representation hearing. Skoff never at- tempted to "contact Mr. Arsenio" during the June 12-19 investigative period "to get his version of the events." And Sousa, in his testimony, incredibly insisted that Ar- senio had "attacked me with words" on June 18 "on the steps to my house." 2 On the credible evidence of record, as recited above, I find that management suspended and discharged employ- ee Arsenio in an attempt to discourage employee union activities. Arsenio was chiefly responsible for the Union's attempt to organize the Company's 21 or 22 janitors and porters. Management became aware of Arsenio's role in the unionization effort at the outset. Management imme- diately embarked on a campaign to find reasons to justify ridding itself of Arsenio. Management reviewed Arsen- io's 1984-1985 "write-ups." Arsenio, however, had not been given any final warning during 1984 or 1985, and had not engaged in any current infractions of rules. Company Supervisor Sousa then repeatedly questioned Arsenio's coworkers about threats or arguments with Ar- senio . The credible evidence of record shows that the questioned employees, at most, revealed to Sousa argu- ments or confrontations with Arsenio and coworkers that had for the most part taken place months and years earlier. Sousa nevertheless seized on these incidents as further reasons to fire Arsenio. Management then at- tempted to find more recent misconduct on the part of Arsenio such as, for example, walking through unauthor- ized areas or improper use of telephones. No attempt was made to substantiate these asserted claims. Manage- ment, as noted, even made reference to a "bomb threat" and Arsenio's suspected involvement. No attempt was made to substantiate this suggestion. Finally, Sousa then attempted to claim that Arsenio had threatened him on June 18. The credible evidence of record does not sup- port this assertion. In sum, I reject as pretextual the Employer's belated, shifting, unsubstantiated , and incredible reasons assigned for the sudden suspension and firing of Arsenio during the organizational effort. Management was attempting to find reasons that would justify the unlawful and discrimi- natory suspension and firing of Arsenio. And, it is quite clear that Arsenio would not have been suspended and discharged if he had not led the Union's organizational effort at the Cambridge plant. Respondent thereby vio- lated Section 8(a)(1) and (3) of the Act. The General Counsel also alleges that Respondent, in opposing the Union's campaign, interfered with, re- strained, and coerced employees in the exercise of their Section 7 rights, in violation of Section 8(a)(1) of the Act. Thus, employee Nunes credibly recalled that Super- visor Sousa spoke to him at work about the "problems of the Union"; questioned him about "how many men had signed the paper"; and stated that if the employees "had [spoken] with [Sousa] before . . . was possible they could have gotten a raise." Nunes also credibly recalled that Sousa had stated: "The Company would not agree to what we wanted even if the Union did come in"; "the Company would not stop . . . the Union would never come in . . . the Company had good attorneys . . . "; "if the Union came in the breaks would only be 10 minutes and the lunch would only be a half an hour" unlike in the past when management "never said anything"; and he, Sousa, would lie if necessary and say Arsenio "had attacked him" to save "his job." And, employee Arsenio credibly recalled, inter alia, that Sousa had spoken "of salary increases"; threatened to shorten breaks; and made clear that he, Sousa, would lie to save his job. Such statements and conduct, assessed in the context of this record, clearly tended to impinge on employee Section 7 protected activities. Respondent thereby coercively inter- rogated and threatened employees; impliedly promised employees increased benefits if they would abandon the Union; and made clear to the employees the futility of choosing union representation, in violation of Section 8(a)(1) of the Act.ta CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1. Respondent is an employer engaged in commerce as alleged. 2. The Union is a labor organization as alleged. 3. Employer violated Section 8(a)(3) and (1) of the Act by discriminatorily suspending and discharging employee Norberto Arsenio. 4. Respondent violated Section 8(a)(1) of the Act by coercively interrogating and threatening employees; by impliedly promising employees increased benefits if they abandoned the Union; and by making clear to employees that it would be futile for them to chose union represen- tation . Respondent has not committed other 8 (a)(1) viola- tions alleged. 5. The unfair labor practices found above affect com- merce as alleged. 12 Cambridge Plant Production Manager Ronald Stadnicki cited two instances of firings at the Cambridge plant because of threats I regard the cited instances of employee misconduct as plainly inapposite to any- thing proven here Stadnicki , in his testimony, also referred to a "bomb threat" and the suspicions of a security guard that Arsenio might be in- volved The security guard , however, never testified Stadnicki agreed that no one is now accusing Arsenio of any "bomb threat " 13 The General Counsel also cites Sousa 's reference to strikes , closed doors, lost jobs, replacements, and related consequences as coercive here In my view, the record is not sufficiently clear to find these additional statements by Sousa to be unlawful. The General Counsel 's request for a visitatorial provision in the Order is also demed as inappropriate here. NABISCO BRANDS 1411 THE REMEDY To remedy the unfair labor practices found above, Re- spondent will be directed to cease and desist from engag- ing in such unlawful conduct or like and related conduct and to post the attached notice. The notice will be posted in both English and Portuguese. Respondent will also be directed to offer employee Arsenio immediate and full reinstatement to his former job or, in the event such job no longer exists, to a substantially equivalent job without prejudice to his seniority or other rights and privileges and make him whole for any loss of earnings he may have suffered by reason of his unlawful suspen- sion and discharge, by making payment to him of a sum of money equal to that which he normally would have earned from the date of Respondent's discrimination to the date of its offer of reinstatement, less net earnings during such period, with backpay and interest to be com- puted as prescribed in F. W. Woolworth Co., 90 NLRB 651 (1977), with interest as provided in New Horizons for the Retarded, 283 NLRB 1173 (1987). See generally Isis Plumbing Co., 138 NLRB 716 (1'962). In addition, Re- spondent will be directed to preserve and make available to the Board, on request, all payroll records and reports and all other records necessary to determine backpay and reinstatement under the terms of this Decision and Order. Further, Respondent Employer will be directed to expunge from its files any reference to the disciplinary actions and discharge found unlawful herein in accord- ance with Sterling Sugars, 261 NLRB 472 (1982). On these findings of fact and conclusions of law and on the entire record, I issue the following recommend- ed14 ORDER The Respondent, Nabisco Brands , Inc., Cambridge, Massachusetts, its officers, agents , successors, and as- signs, shall 1. Cease and desist from (a) Discouraging membership in the International Brotherhood of Firemen and Oilers, Local No. 3, AFL- CIO, or any other labor organization, by discriminatorily suspending and discharging its employees. (b) Coercively interrogating employees about their union activities; threatening employees with loss of breaks and other reprisals if they support the Union; im- pliedly promising employees increased benefits if they abandon their support of the Union; and telling employ- ees that it would be futile for them to choose union rep- resentation. (c) In any like or related manner interfering with, re- straining, or coercing employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed them by Section 7 of the Act. 2. Take the following affirmative action necessary to effectuate the policies of the Act. (a) Offer employee Norberto Arsenio immediate and full reinstatement to his former job or, if that job no 14 If no exceptions are filed as provided by Sec . 102.46 of the Board's Rules and Regulations , the findings, conclusions, and recommended Order shall , as provided in Sec. 102 48 of the Rules, be adopted by the Board and all objections to them shall be deemed waived for all pur- poses longer exists, to a substantially equivalent position, with- out prejudice to his seniority or any other rights or privi- leges previously enjoyed and make him whole for any loss of earnings and other benefits suffered as a result of the discrimination against him, in the manner set forth in the remedy section. (b) Preserve and, on request, make available to the Board or its agents for examination and copying, all pay- roll records, social security payment records, timecards, personnel records and reports, and all other records nec- essary to analyze the amount of backpay due under the terms of this Order. (c) Remove from its files any reference to the unlawful discharge and notify the employee in writing that this has been done and that the discharge will not be used against him in any way. (d) Post at its Cambridge, Massachusetts facility copies of the attached notice marked "Appendix." 15 Copies of the notice, on forms provided by the Regional Director for Region 1, after being signed by the Respondent's au- thorized representative, shall be posted by the Respond- ent immediately on receipt and maintained for 60 consec- utive days in conspicuous places including all places where notices to employees are customarily posted. The notices will be printed in English and Portuguese. Rea- sonable steps shall be taken by the Respondent to ensure that the notices are not altered, defaced, or covered by any other material. (e) Notify the Regional Director in writing within 20 days from the date of this Order what steps the Re- spondent has taken to comply. IT IS FURTHER RECOMMENDED that the remaining alle- gations of the complaint be dismissed. 15 If this Order is enforced by a judgment of a United States court of appeals, the words in the notice reading "Posted by Order of the Nation- al Labor Relations Board" shall read "Posted Pursuant to a Judgment of the United States Court of Appeals Enforcing an Order of the National Labor Relations Board " APPENDIX NOTICE To EMPLOYEES POSTED BY ORDER OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD An Agency of the United States Government The National Labor Relations Board has found that we violated the National Labor Relations Act and has or- dered us to post and abide by this notice. WE WILL NOT discourage membership in the Interna- tional Brotherhood of Firemen and Oilers , Local No. 3, AFL-CIO , or any other labor organization , by discri- minatorily suspending and discharging our employees. WE WILL NOT coercively interrogate our employees about their protected union activities; threaten our em- ployees with loss of breaks or other reprisals if they sup- port the Union; impliedly promise our employees in- creased benefits if they abandon their support of the Union; or tell our employees that, in effect, it would be 1412 DECISIONS OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD futile for them to support the Union or choose union representation. WE WILL NOT in any like or related manner interfere with, restrain , or coerce you in the exercise of the rights guaranteed you by Section 7 of the Act. WE WILL offer employee Norberto Arsenio immediate and full reinstatement to his former job or, in the event his former job no longer exists , to a substantially equiva- lent job, without prejudice to his seniority or other rights and privileges, and make him whole for any loss of earn- ings he may have sustained by reason of our unlawful conduct, with interest. WE WILL remove from our files any references to the discriminatory suspension and discharge of Arsenio, and WE WILL notify him that this has been done and evi- dence of his unlawful suspension and discharge will not be used as a basis for future personnel action against him. NABISCO BRANDS, INC. Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation